carlyxonbeat · 5 years
@littledrummergirl: If the weekend is over, I’m at least getting one more good cover in. Reminder to my fans, I’ll be playing at Redline on Friday night. Details to come. Hope to see you there.
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carlyxonbeat · 5 years
Are you trying to tell me that your fame is not because I show up randomly in your videos to play drums and duet with you? In the ineffable words of my childhood hero Stephanie Tanner, how rude. 
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So, you know, my sister being Supergirl is totally awesome and she’s famous and all that but I have almost 4 million followers on TikTok now because my niece and I are the cutest people ever.
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carlyxonbeat · 5 years
We’re not very scary people…at least you aren’t. I’m a full-on bear, I definitely look scary, if anything. I prefer not to fight, but I will if I need to…which is why we live here, and not back in Texas. 
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No dad jokes yet, but they’ll hopefully come some day - if I ever become a father. That serves as your warning, so don’t expect one in a few years when I start. 
Karofsky’s aren’t meant to be scary people. You may look like you could throw someone through a wall with a glance but you’re mostly a teddy bear. Yes, I don’t think Texas was right for us. I’m glad we’re here. 
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Well I expect dad jokes when you actually procreate so I’m good with that. You’d be an awesome dad too. Probably decorate the room with sea life and stuff. And i’ll be the cool aunt that will sneak your kid out and get them beer drunk for the first time. 
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carlyxonbeat · 5 years
Unless you’re taking me somewhere it’s socially acceptable to grind on other men, then we’ll stick with one drink. I don’t need a repeat of that time back home when I had to knock a homophobe out and run like a little bitch. 
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Hey…I don’t take offense to that. If I was half the man dad is, I would be lucky. I just gotta look out for you, so you don’t end up dead in a ditch somewhere. I’d miss your attitude. McDonalds it is, I’m always down for a milkshake and fries. 
I would literally never take you back to a place like that. Ever. I can’t stand ignorant people like that and I’d hate to have to go all rapid wolverine on some unsuspecting a-hole. Nobody messes with my brother when i’m around. Even if I do have to run like a little bitch afterwards too. 
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You’re such a dork but I love you. Dad’s a really cool dude, i’ll give him that, even if I do have to share an eye roll or two at his extremely corny dad jokes. Are you about to pull out some dad jokes too? I’ll need to prepare myself before that happens, just fyi. 
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carlyxonbeat · 5 years
I am…your only big brother, stop kissing ass. Though, next time we go out, you’re buying me a drink. You owe me.
I’ll be there, and then you’re staying with me until dinner. I don’t want mom and dad freaking out, they’re staying in my extra bedroom, by the way.
Which just means you didn’t have a lot of competition but you’re still my favorite. Yes! I’ll totally buy you a drink. I need to see you get your dance on again. It’s been too long. Especially somewhere they don’t boot, scoot’n boogie. 
Okay dad. It’s not like i’m going to disappear but fine. I left some stuff there last time I stayed so I’ll change when we get there. Ohhh, I didn’t know they were staying with you. Can we grab some McDonald’s on the way back? I’m starving. 
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carlyxonbeat · 5 years
You are the most wild, irresponsible person I’ve ever met, in my entire life, and I am so glad you’re my sister because life would surely be boring if you weren’t in it. I’ll tell them you’re working but you gotta keep up with the lies, they’re going to ask for details and I’m going to have to make it up as I go. I’ll write you a cheat sheet or something.
How long til you’re back and where are we going for supper? Your choice, dad said. No more wild adventures this weekend? Or at the very least, none that wind up with you not in the city? I’m a buzzkill today, I know, just deal with it.
Thank you! I try to bring nothing but utter joy and frustrating delight to the people I care about most in the world and that just happens to be you. You are literally a life saver, big brother. Have I told you you’re my favorite big brother ever? I’ll keep up with whatever you say, promise. 
Actually... that’s kind of something I need to ask you about. Apparently the guys are only going as far as Long Beach. Can you pick me up there? I know it’s like, what, 45 minutes away? We should be there in about an hour. Pretty please with sugar on top. 
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carlyxonbeat · 5 years
You had one job, Carly, what the fuck? What am I supposed to tell them? I took off work for this, fuck…okay so I’ll tell them you got caught up or something, I don’t know….
Please don’t hitch a ride with any strangers? Just, let me know if you need me to come pick you up.
I didn’t mean to, Dave. I ran into Kyle and Joey and we got together for a couple of drinks and it just happened. You know that cuervo is a bad influence friend that makes me do stupid things. I’m sorry, okay? Just tell them that I got called into work... at the imaginary job I don’t have. The coffee shop! Tell them I’m still at the coffee shop and someone called out and I had to come in but I’ll meet you guys for dinner. 
I...  may be in the back of a truck with chickens. It’s an adventure and i’m totally okay. I have my taser if I need it but these people seem nice. I promise I’ll be fine, don’t worry so much. Just focus on mom and dad. They’re only here for the weekend. I’ll be back as soon as I can.
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carlyxonbeat · 5 years
Oh my God, Aaron! Who would actually hook up in one of those private rooms? Not I, that’s for sure. Mm-mm, nope. 
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You know, something they don’t tell you when you become a stripper is how many people will want to fuck in the private rooms. Like not just a blowjob or a handjob for some extra money, full on hooking up. It’s almost concerning how many people are fine with hooking up in a dirty strip club private room.
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carlyxonbeat · 5 years
Closed Starter || @dave-thefish-guy​
Dearest darlingest big brother of mine whom I love so very much. Can you do be the biggest of favors and let mom and dad know that I’m not going to make brunch today? I know we all had plans but I may have unexpectedly woken up in Tijuana and likely won’t be home by then. I’m trying to sort out a ride. Please, please, please. 
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carlyxonbeat · 5 years
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@itscarlykarofsky: Look what two idiots I ran into on the beach! Impromptu hang out with the old band (except Robbie, he’s the worst 🖕). New year, looking for a new band... after I soak up this sun #band #music #littledrummergirl 
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carlyxonbeat · 5 years
About Carly Karofsky
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Carly was, for all intents and purposes, the “surprise baby” of her family, though her mother would claim she was their little “unexpected blessing.” She was a handful from the moment she came screaming into the world, greeted by the distinct floral pattern of her father’s shirt, a flushed but happy woman, and the older brother that she would love more than anyone else. 
As a little girl, Carly was always disturbing the peace. She didn’t like things to be quiet and had a healthy curiosity that often got her into trouble. When she wanted to see if she could touch the sky, she’d climb the tallest tree in the park until the branch broke and she snapped her arm. When she was a pre-teen and she wanted to see her friend but didn’t want to walk, she tried driving the family car and crashed it into a neighbor’s fence. She was also not one to curb her mouth so even when the teacher told her it wasn’t time for questions, she’s insist that she needed to know. 
When it came to school, Carly was very apt to distractions and she was eventually diagnosed with ADHD. Luckily, instead of pushing her onto medication, her parents helped her find something that would assist in her focusing. She tried many different things but the only activity that helped her came by accident. She’d gone to her first concert and was enamored, not with the leader singer like everyone else, but the drummer. As soon as she got home, she asked for her very own set. 
From the moment her father soundproofed the basement for her, Carly was in love. She never was going to be the best student but she excelled at music. She joined a band in senior year of high school and they grew in popularity. Their crowds started to grow and they received attention from record companies. Before they signed their recording contract, her lead singer decided to go solo and dumped the band. 
Now Carly is focused on playing, recording through her Youtube channel “Little Drummer Girl” and living up her life with the LA party scene (and of course annoying her brother as often as humanly possible).
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carlyxonbeat · 5 years
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carlyxonbeat · 5 years
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Kai being a precious Cinnamon Roll~
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