#the parish boy’s progress
tybaltsjuliet · 4 months
charles dickens’s large casts of characters and sprawling narratives make his books great opportunities to groan heavily and go “this fucking guy” whenever a This Fucking Guy shows up again
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forthegothicheroine · 5 months
Book Fagin: You're going to have an honest apprenticeship, we're only pretending to steal handkerchiefs as a game.
Book Oliver: Oh boy!
Musical Fagin: Hey kid, wanna steal shit?
Musical Oliver: Fuck yeah.
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susandsnell · 5 months
Moms in Wattpad One Direction RPF:
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quotation--marks · 1 year
The doctor seemed especially troubled by the fact of the robbery having been unexpected, and attempted in the night-time; as if it were the established custom of gentlemen in the housebreaking way to transact business at noon, and to make an appointment, by the twopenny post, a day or two previous. 
Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist; or, The Parish Boy's Progress
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septembersghost · 1 year
How do you think the order of the JM story goes now, if there is one?
i know some people very much don't like this conversation, which is okay, but i do think there's a lot of insight about her and her experiences and her writing that exists within it. i won't go too in depth into that, but the story and progression has significance in my mind, so:
i think there definitely is an order, though only taylor herself knows or could wholly explain that. i want to also preface this with the memory of what a big deal john was at that time, because sometimes i think people either don't remember or don't know, since he's not at that stature now, but room for squares, his debut album, came out in 2001. by 2009, he was working on his fourth album (battle studies, on which taylor featured) and had seven grammys. he positioned himself as this soulful, sensitive, misunderstood guy who was so passionate and lovelorn and dedicated to his music. the friend who introduced me to him was starry-eyed about him, the idea that he had a bad boy streak only added to the appeal. slow dancing in a burning room was on all the swoony playlists (though i was partial to 3x5 and stop this train, and then we got war of my life and edge of desire...). due to his status as a musician, and the specific compliments he gave her (ie: stevie nicks to his tom petty, "this girl is going to be around for a long time") i get why taylor looked up to him and felt that infatuated thrall. (his infamous playboy interview had not happened yet btw). he lived in a duplex in gramercy park that was converted from a church parish house, it still has stained glass windows (stained glass windows in my mind, i regret you all the time). remembering that context is an aspect of the story here. anyway, this is very subjective and my own interpretation, but, to me, they'd go like this:
superman (because it's innocent and sweet and hero-worshipping. "he's not all bad like his reputation") -> i can see you (trying to keep it professional, but developing a situation) -> electric touch (some are attributing this to JG, but i really don't see it because it's very closely aligned with treacherous, and this is the first date, and she's already so nervous and fatalistic. i also have some feelings about the subject here, the duet, and half of my heart. electric touch in and of itself sounds like it could be a JM title. patrick's verse is extremely john-coded. as is, "and you won't need space or string me along..." when connected to his own writing) -> ours (the situation is now serious feelings from her. "they'll judge it like they know about me and you...the stakes are high, the water's rough, but this love is ours.") -> treacherous (parallels back to the idea of hiding away, sleepless nights, an edge of danger. "your name has echoed through my mind and i just think you should know that nothing safe is worth the drive..." the two headlights also appear both here and in electric touch) -> foolish one (she's in love and realizing he isn't feeling the same, and she's already questioning herself and some of the manipulation she's experiencing. "you give me just enough attention to keep my hopes too high.") -> haunted ("don't leave me like this, i thought i had you figured out, something's gone terribly wrong, you're all i wanted") -> dear john (it all falls apart, and she is deeply hurt and scrambling for solid ground, and reassuring herself that she got out in time. "you are an expert at sorry and keeping lines blurry, never impressed by me acing your tests") -> the story of us (he acts as though everything that happened wasn't even a big deal, where to her it was defining. this and dear john could maybe be reversed? but i feel like that breaking point of devastation already happened and she's trying to get her bearings in the story of us. "this is looking like a contest of who can act like they care less, but i liked it better when you were on my side, the battle's in your hands now, but i would lay my armor down if you said you'd rather love than fight") -> i knew you were trouble (basically a reiteration of "i should've known," "and the saddest fear comes creepin' in, that you never loved me, or her, or anyone, or anything..." again hearkening back to "half of my heart is a part of a man who's never truly loved anything") -> would've could've should've (she's grown up, she has all the power of hindsight, maturity, and experience, and she realizes the full extent of damage that was done and that she carries with her. she didn't emerge as unscathed as she'd originally tried to convince herself. she's still haunted and battling the memories. "i damn sure never would've danced with the devil at 19, and the god's honest truth is that the pain was heaven, and now that i'm grown, i'm scared of ghosts, memories feel like weapons, and now that i'm grown, i wish you'd left me wondering." every single one of the previous songs speaks directly to those lyrics. "living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts, give me back my girlhood, it was mine first").
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Shyan Shipping Society Fic Promo - February 2023 to April 2023
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hey everyone! a long overdue post, but i’m happy to bring you all the fics written in the shyan shipping society from february to april! there’s a lot, so strap in and get ready to read some incredible fic!
Haunting Hometowns by ÉcrivainFantôme | E, 45K, complete
“Just keep reading,” she says. Her face is undecipherable, so he continues. As soon as he reaches his band’s name drop in the article, his eyes shoot back up to hers. There’s a certain sparkle in her eye. “You haven’t gotten to the best part yet.”
“Did he – Did he call me Dave Grohl and then immediately shit on my music? I think I have emotional whiplash from this. I have so many questions.”
Ryan is the frontman of the popular band ‘Ryan and the Phantoms’.
'Hunters and Gatherers’ is Shane’s one-man indie band from Illinois.
Their paths cross while out on tour.
The key to your heart by tasty_littl_snack | T, 2K, complete
Shane arrives to the office at his usual time but sees that his seat is already taken.
There’s someone there, who is similar to him, who’s wearing identical clothes as him, and looks up from the screen when Shane enters.
What the hell?
Ryan is the one who comes in right after and looks at both of them.
“Yes, Ryan. It seems like I’ve been cloned.” Says the one sitting in his chair, and both Shanes’ look at each other.
Lead Us Not Into Temptation by ÉcrivainFantôme | E, 25K, complete
Fr. Ryan Bergara lives a simple life as leader of his parish, involved in his community as an upstanding member. He's a believer through and through. Shane Madej is a recent transplant to his neighborhood, and despite being a skeptic atheist, they strike up an unlikely friendship.
But -
Can a man walk on hot coals without his feet being scorched? Proverbs 6:28
Stim Boys Drabble Collection by Gilded_Quill | T, 20K, on-going
A collection of one-shots and drabbles based on a list of Autism-Centric Writing Prompts.
Featuring Stimming, Special Interests, Hyperfixations, Meltdowns, and two boys navigating the highs and lows of neurodiversity. Each chapter will be a stand-alone, and their relationship status won’t be consistent throughout. Nor will the timeline be.
All the Stars and Planets Aligned by ÉcrivainFantôme | E, 19K, complete
“Do you trust me?” Ryan asks after a moment. “Yeah,” Shane answers, without hesitation. “I mean, of course I do. I have no survival instincts.”
Every now and again, all of the planets and the stars feel like they’ve aligned so that certain things can occur. It can make you feel like you've won the lottery. Especially when you have, in Ryan and Shane's case, literally won the lottery.
Hell and High Water by ouijaboy | T, 9K, on-going
“I’m telling you, there’s something evil downstairs.”
“And I’m telling you that there’s something disgustingly holy upstairs,” Shane retorts, “but what else is new? It’s been years, Ryan. I really do think they’ve forgotten about us.”
When Steven Lim moves his restaurant into a strange industrial block, all manner of prophecies and switcheroos start creeping into the forefront. Luckily, Steven’s managed to team up with an angel and demon duo… And they might even be halfway capable at saving the world. (Hopefully without bickering each other to death.)
A Good Omens AU. In progress.
The Call of the Forest by ÉcrivainFantôme | E, 25K, complete
If you’d have asked Shane five years ago what his five-year plan was, he’d have had a very different answer to the one he's living now. Today, Shane starts his first summer as a fire lookout in California. He's miles and miles away from civilization, and the closest person to his lookout tower is a strange man who keeps asking him questions about Bigfoot.
But, like The Rolling Stones say, "You can't always get what you want", but Shane sure hopes he'll get what he needs.
Third time's the charm by tasty_littl_snack | G, 400, complete
They're at the Winchester again and Shane wonders if it's the last time (but knowing Ryan probably not).
The Young and the Hopeless by mccxxvi | E, 54K, complete
He lifted the towel to wipe his small mirror, when he saw it. There was writing on the mirror, a single word wiped into the condensation, written with a finger, a set of tidy, straight letters.
Ryan almost screamed. The ghost wanted Ryan to find his murderer and bring him to the light. Alexander must have been whoever murdered him. Ryan sighed, resigned to be the detective responsible for it.
“Fine, I’ll find this Alexander you want. But I don’t know what to do afterwards,” he said to his empty room.
A 1960s Professor!Shane/PhDstudent!Ryan gothic novel flavored AU fic, because i know a market gap when i see one.
A mystery by tasty_littl_snack | G, 400, complete
You’re looking at Ryan’s face and you know that you love him. You know that you’re ready to spend many more years next to him in empty houses where nothing happens.
Dance With Me, Dancing King by TallNeckClimber27 | E, 11K, complete
I'm kinda faded but I feel alright Thinking about making my move tonight I can't pretend that you're only my friend When you're holding my body tight - Faded - SoulDecision
The Priest and The Gardener by TallNeckClimber27 | M, 48K, complete
A priest and the church gardener are friends. One is devout and the other hates to enter the church. Nightmares and rough weather bring them even closer, but for the priest there's always that line the Church has drawn and the vows he has taken. How far is he willing to go to be happy?
What’s all the buzz? by Luxra | NR, 9K, complete
Fresh out of college, Ryan Bergara finds the prospects of working in an office uninspiring. He sets out to find a place for himself and on his way he meets someone, what does Ryan’s life have in store?
courtship for dummies by icantturnthisthingoff | E, 18K, complete
“I have a question to ask, how well do you know Lord Shane Madej?” Steven asks.
Ryan has a think. “Not very well truthfully, we have only really met in passing. Why do you ask?”
“Because he has announced his intention to court you.” Steven reveals.
an a/b/o nobility au that nobody asked for.
6H0ST Air by ÉcrivainFantôme | E, 79K, complete
The year is 1993 and Ryan Bergara runs a semi-popular underground radio show for "6H0ST Air" under the pseudonym 'The Revenant'. Each week, he regales his listeners with unsolved crime stories and supernatural disturbances, asking them for their own theories and stories that they can post on his forum.
Soon, another poster starts populating his forum - a person by the name of $K3PT1C who enjoys poking holes in everyone's theories.
The show will be forever changed when the two decide to team up to discuss and research, using a more... hands-on approach.
I'm the weird you're the wonderful by tasty_littl_snack | G, 500, complete
This show back then felt like something they can do beyond ghost hunting and telling each other stories. Maybe something stable to do in the future, just him showing Ryan the weird of the world (because Ryan himself embodies the wonderful part).
Lighthouse Dreams by TallNeckClimber27 | E, 9K, complete
Shane wants to be Ryan's daddy.
it's all the brain chemicals (something called love) by Cancer | G, 3K, complete
"The ‘I have been living eating your liver’ also does not sit well with Shane. So, he starts asking questions. “Alright, mister liver eater, what do you want with little old me? How can I help you find your way back home?” The creature slithers through the inside of his body, and it’s one of the strangest sensations Shane’s ever experienced. He realizes later that it’s almost like the alien is laughing. «There is no going back home, Shane. We came to stay. You are my home now.» Shane blushes, sue him, it may be the most romantic thing he’s ever heard, nevermind been told."
the venom au that turned out to be more comfort talking about food than anything else. oops.
dust in the wind by idkspookystuff | E, 3K, complete
Shane’s relentlessly horny, and apparently he’s horny for Ryan.
He wasn’t this horny last night, as far as Ryan knows. In fact, he’s never seen Shane like this. What about being in a creepy, dusty park made Ryan suddenly irresistible?
Dusty? Ryan gasps. “The baby making dust!”
on a ghost files shoot, shane and ryan get cursed by sex pollen
if you want to read some more fics, you can always check out our ao3 collection! see you soon! ♡
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scotianostra · 7 months
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On December 10th 1616 the Scottish Privy Council mandated the establishment of publicly funded, Church-supervised schools in every parish of Scotland.
With the good came the bad, he same document commended the abolition of Gaelic, they wrote “That the vulgar Inglish toung be universallie plantit and the Irische language which is one of the cheif and principall causis of the continewance of barbaritie and incivilitie amangis the inhabitantis of the Ilis and heylandis may be abolisheit and removit.” basicallly they said that Gaelic caused "barbarity and incivility amongst the inhabitants of the Isles and Highlands" , but in truth the reformation was in full swing, and while most of Scotland embraced the teachings of the new church, the gaelic speaking majorities in the Highlands and Islands were staunch Catholics.
Don't get me wrong, the law helped set Scotland on the way to becoming one of the most literate nations in Europe in the 18th century and probably paved the way for the Enlightenment, but at what cost? Thankfully the destruction of Gaelic was never carried out to any great extent.
Indeed, the Act itself was fatally flawed, because although its intention was to educate the population from a young age, it did not say exactly how this was going to be done. Nevertheless, it is the starting point of modern Scottish education and should be seen as such.
Before the Reformation, the Roman Catholic Church was in charge of education in Scotland. From the early 12th century, there had been schools for the education of priests, monks and choristers – the choir school of Glasgow Cathedral was founded in 1124 and its modern descendant is the High School of Glasgow.
As Scotland progressed through the Middle Ages, most schools were connected to church establishments – cathedrals, monasteries, abbeys and major churches in the bigger towns. These schools in time became known as grammar schools from the teaching of their main subjects – reading and writing.
It was a haphazard system, with only the teaching of Latin and church dogma standardised. Every school had its own curriculum, usually set by the man in charge of the church establishment who was nearly always intent on preparing boys for church service – there were a few nunneries and they did try to educate girls in subjects such as sewing and embroidery, though a few, a very few, girls did receive more formal education.
Directed by King James IV, who was passionate about education and the arts, the Scottish Parliament passed the Education Act of 1496 which made it compulsory for nobles, property owners, the landed gentry and merchants to send at least their eldest sons to grammar schools from the age of eight.
The king’s idea, backed by the likes of Bishop Elphinstone, founder of Aberdeen University, was that Scotland would have an educated elite able to converse with anyone across Europe which in turn would boost trade, secure better relations across the church, and help maintain political, diplomatic and military links with allies like France. The ordinary folk, the peasants, the poor, remained uneducated.
Come the Reformation and Scotland saw a change in the delivery of formal education. John Knox gets a lot of the credit and no doubt he felt he deserved it. In 1560, Knox's 'First Book of Discipline' outlined a national system for providing a “virtuous education and godly upbringing of the youth of this Realm”. The mechanism was the establishment of parish primary schools, burgh grammar schools, high schools, and new universities; Edinburgh, which was established in 1582 and Marischal College, Aberdeen, in 1593.
The Kirk wanted to ensure that everyone could read the Bible, but its heart was in the right place when it added, “For the poor, if need be, education may be given free.” The result was the setting up of schools in various towns and parishes, but it was no means widespread. Subjects taught were as proposed by Knox and his cronies, namely the Catechism, grammar, classical literature, French, and Latin “if the town be of any reputation.” In the high schools, such as were provided, was taught in addition “the Arts, at least Logic and Rhetoric.”
Fifty-six years after Knox's book and one hundred and twenty years after James IV's act, James VI's Privy Council passed the School Establishment Act of 1616, which mandated that a school be established in every parish. According to the section on the 'Acts of the Parliament and of the Privy Council of Scotland, relative to the establishing and maintaining of Schools' published in 1840, in the 'Miscellany of the Maitland Club', “Thairfoir the Kingis Majestie with advise of the Lordis of his secreit Counsall hes thocht it necessar and expedient that in everie parroche of this Kingdome whair convenient meanes may be had for interteyning a scoole That a scoole salbe establisheit and a fitt persone appointit to teach the same upoun the expensis of the parrochinneris.”
This Privy Council act was neither the first nor the last attempt to sort out the descendants of the Picts, and the Gaels.
It took three more acts of Parliament, in 1633, 1646 and 1696, before a solid foundation was established and schools became sufficiently widespread to be classed as nationwide. At first, success proved elusive, because of Scotland’s relative poverty and the prevailing political and religious circumstances. The 1633 act was introduced to levy a tax on local landowners; to ensure that money was available. The 1696 Scottish Parliament act for 'Setting Schools’ ensured that every parish not already equipped with a school was required to establish a schoolhouse and to provide for a Dominie. By the end of the 18th Century, most parishes in Scotland had at least one school. No accident then, that from the 18th Century onwards, Scotland had one of the highest standards of literacy of any nation in Europe.
The second pic is of a carving of a seventeenth-century classroom with a dominie and his ten scholars, from George Heriot's School, Edinburgh.
Thereis some more info on Scottish education on the University of Edinburgh's web pages here https://www.ed.ac.uk/education/about-us/maps-estates-history/history/part-one
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riverdamien · 19 days
The River Runs Through It
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Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time!
Soon to be (Saint) Carlo Aucutis
Saints Damien of Molokai; Francis, and Teresa of the Little Flower!
June 9, 2024
Same Energy
Luke 6:1-11
6 One Sabbath[a] while Jesus[b] was going through some grain fields, his disciples plucked some heads of grain, rubbed them in their hands, and ate them. 2 But some of the Pharisees said, “Why are you doing what is not lawful[c] on the Sabbath?” 3 Jesus answered, “Have you not read what David did when he and his companions were hungry? 4 How he entered the house of God and took and ate the bread of the Presence, which it is not lawful for any but the priests to eat, and gave some to his companions?” 5 Then he said to them, “The Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath.”
A River Runs Through It!
Rereading "A River Runs Through It" during the summer feels like a spiritual retreat. Reading becomes a meditative practice, allowing me to pause and absorb the wisdom in Maclean's words. The experiences of these characters with universal loss reflect universal truths about human existence. 
Reading this book reminds me of the importance of patience, acceptance, and the beauty of life's impermanence. The river's flow teaches me to relinquish my need for control and trust in life's natural progression.
People often ask personal questions seeking to understand why I live, and do my ministry; as I was once told, "You will be standing in the middle of railroad track with twenty trains coming at you,"  (in the last year it has felt like a hundred, running me down!), and being asked personal questions, I simply rebel, because despite the thoughts my life is an open book to everyone it is not, and especially out of curiosity. My cousin being a scientist, and researching family history has asked questions that I have never wanted to talk about, and I snap, and so it goes. And I feel lousy, really lousy, for my purpose is to let the past be the past. I care about the present moment! In many ways, I am a very private person, especially since my public life is on display for judgment all the time.
Usually, I do not want to be questioned where there is no reason, for life is impermanent. And most of the time there are no black-and-white answers, in fact, in my life there are none.
Several aspects of life have shaped and molded me; At 15, I made a girl pregnant, she was moved out of town quietly until after the birth and adoption, and no one knew; my father had I am told multiple affairs, resulting from one was a young boy of color, whom when his mom died, my mother and I took him in when I was in seminary, one rainy night in a car accident with me, he died; moving to a new parish three years later, the very day, the man who was called the "town bully" was murdered in public, and no one saw one thing, no minister would have the funeral and I was warned it would very likely ruin my ministry in the community, I could do no other, my call is being a pastor regardless of who, which resulted in two and a half years of hell; and finally the whole process of coming out.
These events have been the catalyst of my trust in God.  As Francis Thompson says in
The Hound of Heaven:
"I fled him down the nights and the days.
I fled him down the arches of the years.
all which thy child's mistake. Thou savest me."
I do not believe in God, for beliefs change but in, the God I KNOW, who never lets anyone go. I believe in the God who in Jesus walks among the poor, the disenfranchised, and all rejected by society without judgment, and loves, loves, and loves! And when God loves us, we can do no other but love without judgment!
Easy to love--ha!ha!ha!--let me tell you a little secret not one of us is easy to love, no not one!
And so I close with this poem by Drew Jackson, one that expresses with every fiber of my being my commitment to God, to life, and to ministry:
Put me in jail, then. Throw me behind your religious bars since you have dubbed me a breaker of your law. I live my days in the courtroom of your criticism. I move unbothered under the gaze of your gavel. I have no interest in defending myself before your bench. Go on, clench your fists, raise your voice to make your point. Type the rebuke that you must make on my page. Who asked you to come through anyway? Is this rage your duty? We operate under a different set of obligations and get worked up to frustration for different reasons, even though we both claim fidelity to God. If you were interested, which I doubt, here is where my passion lies: feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick, defend the rights of the orphan, plead the widow’s cause, and woe to you who unjustly enforce God’s Law. Why spend your energy policing me when that same energy could be used to love, fiercely? Justice, mercy, and humility. Go learn what this means. Drew Jackson
Deo Gratias! Thanks be to God!
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"For LGBTQ+ young people, having an affirming community makes all the difference. Your participation and fundraising efforts help The Trevor Project continue to provide free, secure 24/7 suicide prevention and crisis services. This effort will also support Trevor’s ongoing public education, advocacy, and research initiatives, all in hopes of building a world where LGBTQ+ young people are safe and free to be themselves.
I am sacrificing a meal a day to donate! Join Me!
This is separate from your donation to Temenos, if you would like to pledge toward my $200.00 goal please do so, I have collected $70.00 so far!
Dr. River Damien Sims, sfw, D.Min., D.S.T.
Post Office Box 642656
San Francisco, CA 94164
415-305-2124Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counseling Certificate
Certificate in Spiritual Direction
Certificate In Religious Trauma
(30th Anniversary Celebration!)
October 5, 2024
5:00 p.m.
Victor's Pizza
(Where Bought Youth First Pizza!)
Prayer of St. Brendan!
"Help me to journey beyond the familiar
and into the unknown.
Give me the faith to leave old ways and break fresh ground with You. Christ of the mysteries I trust in You to be stronger than each storm within me.
I will trust in the darkness and know that my times, even now, are in Your hands.
Tune my spirit to the music of heaven,
and somehow, make my obedience count for You"
(Temenos and Dr. River seek to remain accessible to everyone. We do not endorse particular causes, political parties, or candidates, or take part in public controversies, whether religious, political or social--Our pastoral ministry is to everyone!
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mckoysnews-blog · 27 days
Another Alleged Teenage Lottery Scammer Held in Westmoreland
The Westmoreland police continue to make progress in their efforts against lottery scamming, reporting that they have arrested and charged another teenage boy believed to be a significant player in the illicit activity. The 16-year-old suspect was taken into custody on Wednesday in the Frome community of the parish. Reports indicate that around 7:00 a.m., a team of officers was conducting an…
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secretsquirrelblog · 4 months
Jan 13th 2024. A group of “boy racers” decided to have yet another car meet, they’ve been doing it for a while. They’ve nearly caused accidents with innocent people before, this time it wasn’t a nearly. One car collided with another, the driver died at the scene, I’m sorry for his family but it’s one less crazy driver off the road! The car he hit had 3 passengers in, they are all still recovering some absolutely horrific life changing injuries!
I’m in touch with the daughter of the family as I’m a local parish councillor, the council are supporting her and we all agree this has to stop. We villagers said nothing would be done until a fatality, sadly we were right, action is being taken it’s slow progress but it’s in the right direction. My stepson and his GF walk that road, my wife and I use it too, we don’t want anyone else to become a statistic.
I’ve spoken to police, I’ve met with them on site, we’ve driven the roads, they know the car meets are an issue and there’s illegal activity when they occur. If anyone lives in Kenilworth, Coventry or surrounding areas and uses the A45/46 this may interest you, especially if you use the bridge by JLR or firefly road and/or down towards leaf lane, then this should matter to you too. Please, sign it and share it. https://www.change.org/p/halt-dangerous-street-racing-and-car-meets-on-firefly-rd-jlr-bridge
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fmp2024 · 5 months
Oliver Twist - Research
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The Parish Boy's Progress, mainly known as Oliver Twist was published as a serial between 1937-39 as a three volume book in 1938, made by Charles Dickens.
The book follows a young orphan, who after he grew up in a workhouse, escapes to London and meets a gang of pickpockets led by the elderly criminal named Fagin, later on he discovers the secrets of his parentage and reconnects with the rest of his family.
The book is meant to truly portray the lives of criminals and also the harsh lives orphaned children are forced to live in the warehouses of London in the mid-19th century London.
I plan to use the examples and descriptions of Charles Dicken's Oliver Twist to truly bring the streets of Victorian London to live and also hopefully improve my pixel-art skills when creating characters, opponents and maps related to a set part of time.
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tybaltsjuliet · 6 months
on the first day of the parish boy’s progress, i wanted to share the victorian web with everyone joining in. it’s a really great resource, whether you’re new or new-ish to victorian lit and want a better understanding of the big picture for some of the issues charlie d. is tackling, or whether you’re familiar but want to *really* get in the weeds on the poor laws or london’s criminal underworld.
(also, fun fact, if you want to get nitpicky and pedantic, oliver twist is *technically* only a victorian novel once we hit chapter 9! the first eight chapters were published squarely in the reign of william iv, but *he* doesn't have an Era. so.)
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forthegothicheroine · 2 months
You can play a straightforward Shylock as sympathetic (though I wouldn't bother) and I would love to see an actual Jewish portrayal of that charming murderer Israel Rank. You can't do that with Fagin as written, because of the constant physical descriptions of him as monstrous and fanged and cackling. To humanize him, you have to create a totally new character, as the musical and Disney did- which I don't mind, that's a great character! If you just take out the Judaism, you get a horror movie monster in a realist work.
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susandsnell · 2 months
Unfortunately with sympathetic Fagin portrayals, there's also the tendency to overcorrect with less-than-positive results. It's one thing to actually go the full extra mile in circumventing Dickens' antisemitism by presenting Fagin as being a victim of it in-universe as part of the broader societal rot the story aims to tackle, it is...quite another to do what the 2009 West End revival with Rowan Atkinson did (I don't know if the '90s London Palladium production the 2009 one was based on did this), and have Burn Gorman Bill Sikes straight out call Fagin the k-slur as an audience silencing shock moment.
...mostly because the musical is an adaptation specifically aimed at children to get them interested in theatre, and I really don't think they need to be learning that word.
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spokenrealms · 7 months
Oliver Twist
This is Charles Dickens’s second novel and regarded as one of his best. It was originally published as a serial from 1837 to 1839, and titled; Oliver Twist, or; A Parish Boys Progress. As a book, it first appeared in 1838 in three volumes. The story follows the title character Oliver Twist, who, being born and raised in a workhouse for the first ten years of his life, runs away to nearby London.…
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fnovelso · 9 months
📘𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐅𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑📘: Sunday – October 18, 2016 – Oliver Twist
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