#the other post is linked if ur curious
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quackity1999 · 6 days ago
What's on for today big guy
ughhh. 6am, revenue time. checking overnight casino profits; i've already noted an unusually high jackpot payout flagged at 4:37 am. sam's texted me three times about payroll errors.
i've got a call at like, 7:30 with the state gambling board, regarding an upcoming licensing renewal. probably gunna lie about “enhanced security protocols” that don’t exist yet. lol.
um. what else. oh! staff meeting at 9. staff misconduct reports, customer complaints, and new training schedules. aaaand yet another call with a radio station arranging an interview for tourism promotion. that's a win.
around 11, i think i'm gunna do a walk of the hotel, maybe check in with slot floor supervisors at the casino, go over revenue analytics; there's no meetings with investors today so i'll prooobably stop by and ask about fundy's tech proposal for streamlining casino security systems. i dunno. i'm intrigued by the automation benefits. he's got some level of intelligence when it comes to shit like that.
it'll be around 2:30 by then. unless fundy keeps me until 3, and i wanna escape that, so— off to chat with the toll gate personnel to review border entry logs and note down anything unauthorised or suspicious.
more boring shit like that (minus like, 2 visits out of LN) until 6pm, then it's cocktail hour with high rollers. bet your ass i'll feign interest in a businessman’s vacation photos while sipping an overpriced daiquiri that i don't have to pay for, watch some drunken tourists gamble for PR appearances, pretend to root for a blackjack player while texting laverna about cutting cocktail budgets.
by 11, i'll probably be back to the office to skim pending documents, consider canceling everything i have on the next day, lock the fuck up and tell security to switch shifts, aaand go to bed. nighty noos.
aaaand also deal with you fuckass pop-ups throughout the entire thing. big day. haha.
. . god, this sucks.
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the-moon-files · 1 month ago
Not sure if anyone has asked this before I think it’d be funny for the Links to get flustered if reader asked them to touch their ears (out of curiosity) (I’m totally not curious myself)
Like are they sensitive? Just some thoughts to ponder...
Again, just going thru old asks, so if i don't apologize in the ask, I promise its a given 😭
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Moon: presumed male reader, but no he/him, only "you" used, so gender neutral really ig ("you")
Orbit: SFW, Headcanons-ish, SHORT
Stars: vaguely the classic chain of links
Comets & Meteors: CWs: mildly suggestive, mild discussion about ear piercings/cartilage mention, & TWs: ear piercing disussion (vague, no talk of needles).
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
I actually sorta touched on this in an old ask, I’ll leave the link here in case u wanna see it, (when i find it…)
so ig I’ll expand on some short headcanons here!
so i mentioned last time i talked abt this being like a cultural hylian thing to only touch the ears of someone you love dearly, so like obviously parent/child, maybe older/younger siblings, etc. but i like to think generally,
esp as hylians grow up and become adults, their ears are like a thing only lovers/spouses touch/take care of
including piercings a lot of the time, so like a parent or sibling or lover will learn to properly pierce ears (tho i imagine they only really pierce non-cartilage piercings commonly)
so on the subject of piercings, i definitely think they see any multiple piercings/cartilage piercings on your ears as badass/def a show of good pain tolerance regardless of what you acc can withstand lol
(bro and if you have non-ear piercings?? Wind/Wild is Fascinated, and Leg/Hyrule/Sky/Wars jaws def dropped, even Time’s eye widened)
ok switching lanes back to the intimacy aspect
ok so we’re continuing off that situation in teh last post where you touch Four’s ears and are told what that means, and then half jokingly respond that they are very dear to your heart
(but obv if they’re uncomfortable you’ll def not do it)
bro the effect this has on them is actually irreversible lol
Wind was def the first to outright ask you to like check his ears after swimming or if they get nicked or even to ask you to pierce them once!
(if ur squeamish u said “no Wind, ask ur grandma” lol - but if ur not, like me when i was drunk once, u go for it after making super sure they’re symmetrical and sterile and whatnot, theyre just his firsts, as in the earlobe basic, and lend him a pair of your own earrings to keep in the meantime until healed, which is faster than humans. he is so happy he looks more like a pirate lol)
and the others def followed suit after Wind gave them the courage ironically (both being the youngest and also they literally all fought evil lol)
Wild politely asked if you could make him/help make him some earmuffs, Hyrule shyly asked if you would change his earrings, Four nearly went as red a tomato giving you a pair of earrings before suddenly but slowly all of them (except Wind?) gave you earrings some way or another (made or bought)
When one of the waitresses at an inn you guys stayed at giggled at seeing Sky give you a pair of carved pretty wooden feather earrings, before quickly running off, then congratulated you,
u asked what for, only to have her giddly explain it was a courting gift of course!!
nahhhh, all the Links gave you a pair of earrings, they were just being sweet and welcoming you into their culture probably!
or showing that you were dear to them to, since it was an “ear culture” thing!!
…you see the waitress sigh pitifully at the blonde men at your table later that night.
thanks for the ask!!
peace out,
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sleepingdayaway · 6 months ago
just read your majoras mask post and i wish i could hug young link so bad😭 I then thought of what would happen if its LU and reader stumbles upon Time, who hasn't seen them since Majoras Mask. The reunion would either be devastating or really cute since hes old and seeing a parental(ish) figure again😭🩷
making a big strong leader be sad and cry for his parental figure fuels me with so much joy
It's a quiet night for the Chain as they all chatted amongst each other while setting up camp for the night. Wild is preparing a a fire, so he could make plans for dinner with Warriors helping him by going through the recipes that he saved on his slate. Wind, Legend and Hyrule are sitting together and speaking about their homes; Wind mostly talking about how he misses his younger sister and his grandma.
Twilight has left to keep an survey the surrounding area. Separate from the group so he could transform into his wolf form without the others knowing. Sky and Four are besides the cook and captain as they had a soft conversation about Sky's sword during his time in the Knight Academy, and when he was forging the Goddess Blade/Master Sword.
Meanwhile Time is sitting a bit farther away; not too far that he couldn't hear them but he's able to have his own space. He’s been feeling heavy these days as it takes a mental toll on him. Attempting to be the voice of reason isn’t easy even though he is in a body that now matches his mind.
Time doesn’t understand the heaviness that he has been feeling as their journey continues; the years long exhaustion seeping into his bones as he watches the rest interact with each other. A small nagging in his skull refuses to allow him a moment of relief. Urging him to get up and not stay idle which causes the older man to let out a sigh.
Which turned out to be a good idea when two sets of footsteps could be heard approaching the camp. Time turned to look at where the noise was approaching which in turned caused the rest of the hero’s to tense up slightly.
If old man Time notices something first, the others will follow suit. Instead of the noise of monsters which most of them can recognize; it was instead the voice of Twilight with a familiar one in tow. Everyone relaxed when they realized it was the Rancher, but were curious on who was he bringing. It was unusual for him to bring a civilian into their camp.
Except as soon as they were in view it made sense. The civilian was roughed up and had scratches and scrapes all over their body as if they had been running away from something. Although they acted as if they were fine, smiling and making exaggerated gestures for Twilight. A slight distraction one as would a parent would to distract a child from something
It seemed to work as Twilight was fully engaged in conversation and only broke out of it when Hyrule reacted first and approached them. They smile at Hyrule and began introducing themselves as the boy checks up on the civilian, upon seeing the injuries on them.
That voice. Time’s ear gave a slight twitch upon hearing them speak, as a sudden coldness enveloped his body. He knows that voice. Holy shit, Time fucking recognized who is speaking to Hyrule and Twilight.
Time needs to step away; as he felt his own body began to tremble at the memories of his past adventures with them. He can’t show weakness in front of the others. If he starts acting up then everyone will become suspicious of them even though they have done no wrong.
Quickly he gets up before approaching Warriors and muttered some excuse about him needing to take a walk. Warriors, who understands that Time had a lot on his plate recently, agreed and reassured that he and Twilight will keep watch over everyone.
In an instant, Time is walking away from the group as he felt someone’s gaze on his back.
The sun is gone by the time he returns to the camp.
Time curses himself for leaving for so long. He wasn’t supposed to be gone for a long time; he merely needed time to recollect his thoughts and get his act together before approaching them again.
The scarred man lets out as sigh once he catches sight of the campfire. His body slowly begins to relax once he spots the rolled out bedrolls that are occupied by the rest of the group.
As he nears closer he counts the ones who a sleeping, noticing that the only one that isn’t asleep is Wild. Said man is by the fire and already staring at the older hero and quietly goes up to him, “Time, you’re back.” He states softly, trying not the wake the others from their sleep.
Time nods and scans the younger man for anything that could be bothering him, “Yes, sorry for being gone until nightfall, it wasn’t my intention I just-“
“Needed to clear your head?” Wild interrupts with a small smile of understanding. In which Time lets out a small sigh before humming in agreement.
“Is everything alright? How was….the civilian that the Ranch hand brought?” He asked.
As if barely remembering about them Wild slightly shuffled on his feet, “They’re fine! It’s just that……”
The Hero of Time raises a brow at him, “Did something happened while I was gone?” He questioned as he placed his hands on his hips.
“No! Nothing bad happened it’s just, they were determined to repay us by keeping watch and letting us all rest,” Wild responds before turning away and looks behind him; Time follows his gaze. Sitting away from them on a log near the edge of camp is them; staring out into the woods and appears to be keeping watch as Wild says.
”Huh….. I would’ve assumed that one of you would be weary of letting a stranger be in charge of your safety.” Wild lets out a slight wince at his words, and a hand comes up behind his neck as he remembers what happened a few hours prior.
“You’re not wrong, in fact the Veteran was the first one to express his distaste at the idea who was then backed up by Wars.”
Wild explains how after the two voiced their opinions and how they’re greatful at the thought, but they didn’t trust them. The civilian nodded in understanding before they began interacting with the rest. Somehow as the sun was begun to set and everyone ate their meals; did they all began to grow tired as their journey from today hit them unusually hard.
Warriors pulled Wild to the side and explained how Time was still out there and how they might need to go search from him, but that was when the Civilian spoke up. Saying how they’re sure that he’ll arrive soon and to soothe their worries they’ll stay up to wait for his return.
Reluctantly, Warriors agreed as his exhaustion doubled before crawling into his bedroll and promptly passing out. Leaving Wild and them awake as Wild fights off sleep; keeping them company as they waited for Time to return.
“I know it’s ridiculous for a group of hero’s to lower their guard to someone unfamiliar, but for some reason…. I feel as if……”
“As if you know them from somewhere?” Said Time gently, now understanding where he was coming from. Wild nodded as he looked down, finally realizing how tired he was.
Time put his hands on Wild’s shoulders and gave them a comforting squeeze, “I’m here now, go rest.” He says softly with a slight tone of appreciation, “Thank you, for waiting Wild.”
The young man nodded before walking limply to his own bedroll and collapsing as well.
He watched Wild fall asleep completely as an attempt to delay the inevitable, but Time knew it was futile and he knew that they would still be waiting. After a few moments passed did he begin to walk over to the edge of camp where they sat.
He sat down next to them without thinking twice, but didn’t look at their face. He had a feeling that string holding himself together would snap if he looked at them.
But it would be broken anyway since they made the first move.
“I’m sorry for leaving without goodbye.”
Time tenses before dropping his face into his hands, letting out a silent sob, in an attempt to hide himself from view.
A gentle hand lands in his hair as it begins to comb through it, and once more he’s pulled back into his memories during his journey through Termina. Of the same hand running through his hair in the aftermath of a battle that took a toll on him.
Losing all strength that is holding himself together; Time collapses on himself and curls up to them. Losing all rationality and just wants to be held by them again as he clings on their clothes.
“It’s okay, I’m here now Link.”
Their voice calls out to Time as their other arm wraps around his back to hold him closer. As he cries to himself as the memories of Termina returns full force, the amount of times he failed the people of the town. The moments where he messed up and had to start over again-
He failed to save that girl’s father.
He failed to reunite Kafei and Anju.
He failed to protect Romani from those monsters.
He failed-
Humming interrupts his train of thought as he opens his eyes in shock. The feeling of a hand rubbing his back and another in his hair brings him back to them, as he leans his head on their chest.
Relaxing into their hold as he listens to their heartbeat and to their humming of a familiar song.
Someone else sings for his sorrows to heal.
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torushawty · 2 years ago
YOU CRYiN’ . . . ?
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reblogs + interactions always appreciated :)
all works owned by kazushawty. song recs are for you to listen to while reading for extra immersion !!
| key: [ ★ ] = fan fav | 18+ | f! reader | in chronological order |
| key: [ 🔞 ] = smut [ 💢 ] = angst [ 🌀 ] = fluff
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# — ONESHOTS / FICS . . !
[ ★ ] PSYCHOLOG-SPOT + approx. wc = 5.1k / estimated reading time / 25 minutes / college au! / ex-bf! gojo / tutor! gojo / switch! gojo / 🔞 /
SUMMARY: perhaps maybe having your ex-boyfriend satoru as your “tutor” wasn’t the best idea.
SONG REC: freaky deaky
[ ★ ] WWW.PIXELATED.STARBOY + approx. wc = 5.1k / estimated reading time / 25 minutes / cam! au / roommate gojo / camboy! gojo / switch gojo & switch reader / 🔞 /
SUMMARY: you wanted to surprise your roommate on his birthday but end up getting surprised yourself and find out he’s a popular camboy streamer.
SONG REC: need to know
SUNSETZ + approx. wc = 5.1k / estimated reading time / 25+ minutes / exes to lovers trope / ex-husband! gojo / angst ending / 🔞 / 💢 /
SUMMARY: maybe next time you should trust your gut instead of seeing your ex-husband in the middle of the night. save yourself the sheer heartbreak.
SONG REC: sunsetz
[ ★ ] DOUBLE-STUFFED: OREO STYLE + approx. wc = 4.6k estimated reading time / 19 mins 33 secs / college! au / roomate gojo! & roomate! getō / modern! au / crack / 🔞 /
SUMMARY: adult films are always so boring and overly dramatic. eye roll after eye roll when the woman “climaxes.” yet what happens when all three of you grow curious?
SONG REC: like that
[ ★ ] PUSSYCAT-PRIMADONNA + approx. wc = 6k estimated reading time / 22.67 minutes / modern! au / stripper! reader / best friend trope / crack / 🔞 /
SUMMARY: gojo visits his local strip club out of boredom. yet it’s his surprise to see the top paying girl is no one other than his pretty best friend, you.
SONG REC: buttons
SEVEN-DAY-SLUT + approx. wc = 4.9k estimated reading time / (?) / college! au + modern / ex! bf trope / crack / 🔞 / 💢 /
SUMMARY: you and your ex decide to spend halloween together for old times sake. yet a single watch of a videotape leads to an eerie phone call that says you both have seven days to live. might as well fuck each other for the last time, right?
SONG REC: turn off the light
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# — THIRSTS / ASKS . . !
gojo with a low patience and a sassy gf [🔞]
king gojo + queen reader on wedding night [🔞]
spin the bottle feat. toji [🔞]
s!x deprived reader x gojo [🔞]
gojo with a spit kink [🔞]
stripper!gojo [🔞]
what karma thinks gojo’s loads are like [🔞]
stripper!gojo [🔞]
handsy make out sesh [suggestive]
what karma thinks gojo smells like
ridin gojo after he comes back from a workout [🔞] — ★
whiney gojo trying full nelson for the first time [🔞] — ★
turning satoru into a mess by telling him how good he feels [🔞]
this is your weak spot, right? [🔞] — ★
gojo makes a bet to make u squirt for the first time [🔞]
vampire gojo imagine [🔞]
what’s gojo tinder account
rockstars gojo & geto [🔞]
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# — DRABBLES . . !
🐱drunk gojo who can’t help but touch himself [🔞]
gojo and how much of a moaner he is [🔞] — ★
gojo + mating press [🔞] — ★
gojo + prone bone [🔞] — ★
riding gojo while he whimpers [🔞] — ★
needy gojo [🔞] — ★
thigh riding gojo after he comes home from work [🔞]
sneaky link gojo with breed!ng kink [🔞] — ★
gojo squirting kink [🔞] — ★
gojo rubbing ur 🐱 aggressively [🔞] — ★
gojo eating u out [🔞] — ★
gojo fucking u dumb [🔞] — ★
gojo favorite positions [🔞]
fuckin u hard after callin him “honored one” [🔞] — ★
hate fucking w gojo [🔞]
gojo being horny + filling u up with his c*m [🔞] — ★
reducing strongest sorcerer 2 a whiney mess [🔞] — ★
prone bone w gojo + arm around your neck [🔞] — ★
gojo comes home to reader doing yoga [🔞] — ★
safe word with gojo [🌀]
gojo helps reader find g*spot [🔞] — ★
gojo manhandling 5’0 gf [🔞] — ★
post battle s*x [🔞]
gojo fucking you with his blindfold on you [🔞] — ★
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fyodior · 1 year ago
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༄ pairing: merman!fyodor x afab reader
༄ cw: sfw (for now), non-gory descriptions of and treatment of stab wounds to fyodor, very brief mentions of blood. not intended to be medically accurate, treat ur stab wounds as you wish
༄ notes: hello :) welcome to my first multi-chapter fic! this has been a work in progress for some time, and im quite nervous abt posting this first part so be nice pls <3 just as a note, fyodor is referred to exclusively as he/him until reader names him next chapter (he can't speak human language yet) enjoy!
༄ wc: 4k
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Since moving to a beachside village after spending your whole life in a landlocked town, your mother had outlined ample, strict rules regarding the sea.
Rule 1: No venturing out past sundown.
This was the rule you broke on an almost nightly basis. Your mother was quite the early riser, meaning she often was out cold before the fireflies had even begun flashing yellow and green. It was far too easy to slip out the back door with a flashlight, barefoot to keep your footsteps silent as possible. There was no feeling more serene than dawdling down the shore, mushy sand between your toes and waves lapping at your ankles as the salty breeze curled around you. It was pitch black save for the bioluminescent creatures that washed up on the shore and the pale glow emanating from your flashlight, and it was comforting. While many feared darkness, you found solace in its embrace.
Rule 2: No swimming past the sandbar.
Also a frequently broken rule. You found it to be far too restrictive, as the sandbar was only a dozen meters from the shore. No fish could be found that shallow, and it was much easier for crabs to nip at you when you were that close to the sandy floor. Being out deeper, where the gentle waves tousled and hugged you, was where you felt the most at home.
Rule 3: No fraternizing with sea beings.
That’s the name that had been put in place for entities that straddled the line of human and creature. Some believed they were even the missing link. Very little was known about sea beings, mostly due to the universal fear of them. They often had unsettling, bone-chilling appearances and never appeared to be overly friendly to humans, so a firm boundary was set. You must never approach a sea being.
All three of these rules were broken the night you met him.
Well, you assumed it was a “him”. He had a flat chest and sharp, masculine features, but he wasn’t human. His human-esque appearance terminated at his hips, where pale, nearly translucent skin tapered into onyx black scales, flowing into a sleek, obscenely long tail. His fluke, also inky black, was reminiscent of a betta fish’s frail fins, flowy with spindly edges, yet fanned strong against the current.
That was all you were able to see of him, at first. You had swam out well past the sandbar one night, flashlight in hand as you dove past the waves, your beam suddenly illuminating his form. He remained very still, head tilting as you made eye contact, as if he was observing you. And he was – he had heard the unmistakable sound of a human swimming, a somewhat ungraceful, clumsy affair, and followed it. Typically, when he sensed humans in the water, he would jet in the other direction – humans didn’t treat him kindly, and he had the scars to prove it. But there was something… different about you. A sweeter scent and a gentler aura. And he was curious - so instead of making a beeline towards his cove when he sensed your presence in the water, he swam closer.
He was immediately enamored by you. You were much softer and merciful, and he didn’t sense a single bad intention. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t uneasy. The only interactions he’d ever had with humans were traumatic, and other than appearances, he had no way of knowing you were any different. Claws bared, fangs ready, and tail already swishing, he was prepared for fight or flight – though he remained, just watching you. And you the same. It was drilled into your head, the second you spotted a sea being, swim as fast as possible towards the shore and never look back. There were a handful of reports of villagers being attacked by sea beings and barely making it out alive, and one case of a child who didn’t. Their presence was not to be taken lightly.
Yet, for some reason, both of you just… watched.
Watched and waited for the other to make a move - to attack. He thought it was surely any second until you unveiled a spear from behind your back to impale him, and you were just waiting to be torn to shreds by those claws. But nothing ever happened. You held his gaze and he held yours, studying the other.
Just as fascinated as you were by him, he was utterly fascinated by you. He had never gotten this close to a human before, not by his own volition anyway, and he had never truly seen one this plainly. It was easy to tell that you looked similar to him from the top up, but the bottom down was a completely different story. Where he was used to fish tails, scales, and fins, you wore two fleshy, stick-like protrusions that only bent in two places. No wonder humans were so terrible at swimming. He briefly wondered if there was anything between them. 
It wasn’t long before you ran out of air and had to break the surface, but when you dove back down, he was gone. You felt a slight sense of relief that he hadn’t been staking you out as prey, but also a pang of sorrow as you realized you’d likely never see him again. What you didn’t know is that he hadn’t gone far, just hid behind a formation of rocks as he watched you dejectedly swim back to the shore. It was a foreign experience – he’d never seen a human… disappointed about escaping from him.
As you snuck back into bed and drifted off that night, you found yourself gilled and fanged, finding home amongst the waves.
You didn’t see him for a while after that. Despite you returning to the same spot from that fateful night every day, marked by an especially large horseshoe crab shell, he was never there. It became part of your daily routine to venture to that spot, a backpack full of books, snacks, and water, and lay out on a towel as the sun drifted through the sky.
It was never quite clear to you what you were waiting for, though. What would you even do if he reappeared? You couldn’t converse, neither of you could go to the other’s homes, what was to be gained from seeing him again? You never quite answered that question – all you knew was that you just had to see him again. At least one more time.
Things started to look bleak as days turned into weeks. Your mother wasn’t happy with you spending nearly every waking second on the beach. She could never find out why either, as she’d likely ban you from stepping foot on the sand ever again. And you even had started to think that maybe you had dreamt it – no way you just happened to run into a breathtakingly beautiful merman-type sea being who didn’t try to attack you. That just didn’t happen.
This… creature, you just couldn’t get him out of your head. He had found his way onto almost every page of your sketchbook, finding new life in graphite, pastels, and watercolors. The inky black tail swirled long and curled on itself on the page, as you occasionally took creative liberties on his appearance. 
Stories of him and your sure-to-happen future rendezvouses began popping up in your diary too - and not just him as a sea creature. You waxed poetic about what he might look like as a full-fledged human, with legs and without fangs. He’d surely be kind and gentlemanly, charming and funny with a deep voice and proper human language. He’d be well spoken and smart, and everything you’d ever dreamed of. 
If he ever showed up again. And it wasn’t looking like he would. Until he did.
On a night where you hadn’t even been on the lookout for him, were just dragging your feet through wet sand and shells when you spotted a dark form curled up on the shore. The moon was but a sliver barely cutting through dense clouds, compromising your vision, but something convinced you to jog that way anyway.
And it was him. The tide that lapped at the sand jostled his barely conscious body, threatening to pull him back out towards the darkness. You gasped as you ran and fell to your knees next to him, immediately recognizing the onyx tail with the delicate fins and opalescent skin. Except this time his back was riddled with what appeared to be stab wounds – they were likely a few hours old, no longer gushing blood, but still deep, unhealed gashes that needed to be treated.
“Are- are you okay?” you stupidly asked – as if he was conscious or human enough to answer that question.
When he didn’t respond, you shifted to sit with your legs crossed and pulled his head into your lap, brushing his salt-crusted hair out of his eyes. His large eyes fluttered open at the stimulus, a glowing violet gaze shifting to meet yours.
“Hi,” you whispered, laughing lightly. “I had wanted us to meet again, but not like this.” You had assumed he didn’t understand human language, but the way he only stared at you blankly confirmed this belief.
Anxiety and panic started to bubble up inside you as you absorbed the situation but did your best to ignore it. Swift, calm action needed to be taken if he was to be saved. You shifted your gaze to better assess his injuries and counted five different gashes where he had clearly been stabbed with some sort of weapon – it certainly wasn’t something that had happened naturally. The shape of the wounds was reminiscent of those a fishing harpoon would create, and your face fell as you pieced together what likely happened. Existing in his own territory, he probably swam too close to a fishing boat and spooked the fishermen, prompting them to overreact and attack the harmless creature.
You brought a careful finger to trace along the edges of the wounds, making him jump and hiss, thrashing in your hold as he groaned.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” you gasped, your hands immediately flying away. “I’m gonna, um…” you thought for a second. You knew you had medicine and gauze back home, but he was just going to have to go right back in the water, right? It surely was better than nothing…
You slowly started to wiggle out of his grip. “I’m gonna be right back, okay? I need to get supplies to make you better,” you explained slowly, gesturing towards his wounds. He only cocked his head and furrowed his brows. Fuck. He wasn’t going to understand a word you said.
With a grimace, you gently held his head in your hands as you scooted away, slowly laying it back down on the sand. You stood to head back to your house, but the creature suddenly began groaning and crying out, reaching a shaky arm towards you. He was clearly distressed over you abandoning him.
“Hey, hey! I’ll be right back, I swear,” you soothed, crouching down next to him, and gripping his hand. It killed you to have to leave him like this, terrified you might return to either find him dead or washed back out to sea, but you couldn’t just do nothing at all.
You wracked your brain trying to think of a way to communicate to him that you’d be back when words weren’t an option. Grabbing your backpack, you anxiously rummaged through it for some semblance of an idea, all the while he moaned and groaned in pain. Some sort of keepsake you could somehow communicate had value, almost like collateral. Something to say, this is special, proof I’ll be back. As fate would have it, you had decided to do a deep clean of your bag that morning, so you were coming up pretty dry.
The only thing you could think of was an old copy of your favorite book you always carried on you, Crime and Punishment. Mother always teased you for a depressing, old Russian novel being your comfort book, but you never let it phase you. Pulling it out of your backpack, you stared at the old, tattered cover with the faded title, and hoped to god he could make sense of it – that you were trusting him with something that meant a lot to you. There wasn’t much else you could do.
You tucked it under his arm splayed out on the sand, making sure he noticed what you were doing. Petting his hair, you looked him deep in the eyes as you enunciated one more time: I’ll be right back.
Panic coursed through your veins as you clambered to your feet and ran back to your house. The light of your flashlight was nearly useless as you trembled with fear, tripping over shells and driftwood to the point where your feet were probably going to need some treatment too.
The next hurdle in your way as you reached your house was remaining quiet enough so as not to wake your mother – there was no way to explain your way out of frantically searching for medical supplies to run back out with in the middle of the night. When you weren’t even supposed to be out in the first place.
To minimize the amount of time you even had to be away, you just threw anything you could find in the cabinets into your bag, hoping it would be sufficient enough. Though you stopped in front of the mirror as you passed it, staring at your sweaty and distressed appearance, and took a second to wonder what the hell you were doing. Going out of your way to save a potentially homicidal sea being? Those stabbings may have been damn well deserved. He could somehow be manipulating your kindness for… something. You couldn’t even think of what.
You decided it wasn’t even worth fretting about – you had to get your book back anyway.
The trip back to your anxiously awaiting patient felt a million times longer than the trip home, with every step of your bloody feet reminding you that there may be no one – nothing – to come back to. The sea was a place of peace, but cruel and unforgiving. Your prayers were answered as your flashlight once again illuminated his crumpled body, barely conscious but still clinging on to your (soaking wet and likely ruined) book.
A relieved smile illuminated your face as you fell to his side once again, partially burying the flashlight into the sand so it stood upright to act as a lamp.
“You’re – still here,” you smiled, taking a deep breath. You almost said you’re okay, but that wasn’t quite true, yet.
His clawed hand trembled as it reached out for you, the stretch of his fingers revealing the black webbing in between them. You grasped it back tightly and intertwined your fingers together, squeezing. “I’m here, okay?” He offered you the tiniest smile, but immediately dropped it, the miniscule energy it required taking a toll on his wasting body.
The first thing you did was unfurl a massive, striped beach towel you found shoved in the back of a linen closet onto the sand before hooking your elbows under his underarms and dragging him onto it. It was nearly impossible, his entire body essentially dead weight at that point, but you wanted to get him off the dirty sand – and this was the closest thing you could get to a sterile field.
Dumping the contents of your bag onto the towel next to him, you parsed through it trying to figure out some sort of plan of action. You tried to keep the panic at bay as the thought that none of this was sufficient for anything worse than a superficial cut nagged at you. It was this or nothing.
The first thing mother always told you to do for wounds: clean it. A wave of dread washed over you as you pulled out the bottle of rubbing alcohol, your eyes flitting from it to the gaping wounds in his back. The way he looked at you with terrified, leaky eyes, aware that his entire life was in your hands right then, shattered your heart. You almost wished he was unconscious.
Grabbing a washcloth, he watched as you soaked it with rubbing alcohol, his nose scrunching at the offensive smell. Touching his cheek, you tried to smile as he met your eyes. “This is gonna hurt really – really – bad,” you grimaced. He just stared at you, emotionless, until the rag touched the first wound.
As soon as the liquid came into contact with the broken skin, he let out a horrific, inhuman screech that had you dropping the washcloth to cover your ears. His claws tore ragged holes in the towel as he gripped it, panting and writhing in pain. You couldn’t help but cry too. “I’m so, so sorry,” you continually repeated, abandoning the cloth to lay down next to him. Tears streamed down his face and soaked the towel underneath him, barely even acknowledging the way you wiped them away with trembling fingers.
Despite how much you preferred to just lie with him under the glow of the moon and the melody of the waves, you knew what had to be done. Death was worse than temporary pain – there had to be part of him somewhere that understood that. You hoped it would be better now that he was expecting it.
Slowly sitting back up, you grabbed the rag once more and wrung it out to reduce it to only the minimum amount of antiseptic required, and tried to ignore the way he quivered and shook his head. I’m sorry felt like a shitty spell as you chanted it over and over again, though the screeches became easier to tune out as they rang on. You were surprised his vocal cords didn’t fry.
After what felt like an eternity for both of you, you had finally managed to clean out the wounds and remove some of the dried blood that clung to his skin. The towel was torn to shreds and the veins in his eyes were blown with how much he had been thrashing and sobbing. But the worst of it was over now.
“We’re almost done,” you soothed as you gently applied the triple-antibiotic cream you knew was only meant for minor cuts to the gaping stab wounds. Once they were packed with gauze, you sat back with a huff to survey your handiwork. Sloppy and a bit haphazard but… better than nothing. And having the wounds covered seemed to have helped him calm down a little bit. One last thing crossed your mind though – how could you potentially make the dressings waterproof?
Your eyes flitted over to a slew of seaweed on the shore that reflected the moonlight and figured you might as well try. With some gentle and minorly excruciating maneuvering, you managed to wrap a few thick strands of seaweed around his torso to maybe keep the dressings in place, and protect them from water immediately seeping in.
Falling back onto the towel that was mostly just threads at that point, you sighed. Thoughts of what the fuck am I doing? carved their way into every square inch of your skull. Why am I playing doctor for… whatever he- it is? Why do I care?
The sun began to peak up over the horizon, signaling that it was likely around 5 AM at that point. A groan left your lips as you realized you were going to have to leave soon if you wanted to make it home before Mother awoke, but then remembered you had company. Turning your head, you inspected his body. This was your first time seeing him on land in the approaching daylight.
He only watched you as you observed him. He was… mesmerizing. Flowing from the nape of his neck to both of his wrists, swirls of smoky black pigmentation decorated his skin, while both of his hands and claws were solid black. His – admittedly stunning – face was mostly human-like, save for his slightly larger, glowing violet eyes with slits for pupils. And you had found out he had fangs when he kept hissing in pain. His hair was jet black and flowed just past his shoulders, flecked with salt and sand, that obscured the dark gills on either side of his neck. With only the pitiful light of dawn, you couldn’t make out much of his inky tail, only that it was quite long, and lined with multiple flowing side fins that resembled the fluke.
The waterproof digital watch on your wrist began to beep erratically, making the poor creature jump in fear. Shit. The morning alarm your mother had punched into it.
“I have to leave, I’m so sorry.”
Seemingly starting to recognize the sounds of leave and sorry, his already sad expression wilted even more.
“I’ll be back, okay?” you nodded, enunciating each word clearly. “And you probably need to get back in the water, so you don’t dry out.”
The elongated amount of time outside of the water seemed to have made his tail shrivel slightly, the pointed scales more prominent than they were before. Or maybe that was just the sun rising. Either way, you were at least somewhat certain he needed to be rehydrated.
Standing up on your feet, you dusted off some of the sand that now clung to every inch of you and crossed your arms. The tip of your tongue poked out of your lips slightly as you tried to conjure up a plan of how to get him back in the water. Considering the fact that he wasn’t just pure dead weight anymore, it couldn’t be too bad. But the fresh stab wounds were the main barrier here.
“Alright. We’re getting you back in,” you announced, as if you had some position of authority. He just cocked his head and flared his gills.
With time running out, you decided the best bet was just to use the towel to drag his body the couple of meters back towards the water, and rely on the tide to hopefully aid in easing him back in. It was a deliberate choice to ignore his snarls and light thrashing, clearly not thrilled with the idea.
“Stop fighting me, dumbass,” you grunted. Finally, the tide rose high enough to envelop him, allowing him to indignantly flick his tail at you before swimming away.
The trip back to your house was spent fuming as you wondered why the stupid creature was being so damn ungrateful. As if you hadn’t spent hours saving his life. Whatever. Maybe you could give him a piece of your mind when you went to check up on him later that day. What you didn’t understand was that his unwillingness to allow you to leave stemmed from the fact that he couldn’t quite grasp why you were leaving him. What you were leaving him for. And it hurt. He had always been a loner, even amongst his own kind, and you were the only being to ever show him pure kindness. Why would you leave? And would you ever be back?
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sweagen · 2 years ago
God wouldn't have made Gay People if being Gay was a sin. Therefore, being Gay is not a sin. edit : nvm being gay is a sin but mainly in the same way that human nature is often sinful... but also men having s*x with each other is sin and s*x outside of marriage is still sin prob........ need more research sorry for anyone who was misled. also stop worry so much about being gay tho cuz the New Testament is more focused on gay s*x/gay behaviour as notably sinful rather than 'being gay'!!!! and tbh the gay behaviour thing was more culture-bound than anything else... it's ok to be a lil effeminate in 2023... (which Paul cautioned against as a minor sin in the year 53 AD...) more if ur interested (this link popped up when I googled it and seems like a good read ) Also I'm kind of like a fake gay but I will fight for your rights and acceptance with all of my heart!!!!!!! Thank u for participating in this Blazed post and thank you to @escapecolorado and everyone else for discussing it with me!!!!
edit 2: souls might have gender so it might not be gay if it's a male soul with a female soul even if they have gay biology but im still developing this theory but just adding it in here for anyone curious
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2isted-chocol8-art · 3 days ago
question about time buddies cus im curious: 1) are they dating in the comics you make? they kiss and cuddle and be cute, but like are they together together? and 2) how did they get together, if so? like how did they confess? or did it just happen? basically im asking what are ur headcannons for how they start smooching? i lovelovelove all the time buds art youve made and the thought just came up that, well, theyve gotta start kissing somehow yknow?
Ohhh this is gonna be a very fun ask to answer where I'll pour a bunch of headcanons, so buckle up!!
I haven't yet settled on how I picture hearthian relationships, but I know that I want to make them kinda fluid. That is, relationships aren't strictly divided in platonic and romantic, it's normal and accepted to have crushes in friends, or to make out and sleep with people without romantic feelings involved. Each hearthian has their own preferences too, and since their population is quite small, there isn't a set standard. Some people choose to be exclusive, others don't. Some have many romantic experiences, others have none. For some, romance and sex are linked, while for others it is not. And since everyone is different in this regard there are not societal expectations on this, you can kinda go and try whatever works for you.
For hatchy, they are still figuring themself out and they were experimenting before the loop. They don't fully distinguish between romantic and platonic affection, the line is kinda blurred for them. Meanwhile, while Gabbro does make that distinction and they've have a few previous crushes, they're pretty open to making out with friends without the need for romantic feelings. Gabbro usually puts the focus on the other person's preferences, in that sense.
And so, are they dating? Honestly you can interpret them as you like, and I encourage people to see them as dating if they want, or not if they don't want to. You can even see them as strictly friends in some drawings and as dating in others, I don't really want you guys to follow my 'canon', in that sense.
For me personally though, I think that since they're in a time loop, they don't really bother with defining their relationship. They're the only conscious ones in the loop, they like to spend time together, they sometimes make out, but they arent technically dating, that label doesn't really make sense in the loop, right? From outside, I'd say it's close to a friends with benefits situation.
I also like to think that, in my post-loop comics, this relationship would start to get more defined with time, mostly because they're living back into a society and it kinda forces them to think about what they want regarding each other. I haven't thought much about the details, but I feel that although their dinamic doesn't change much compared to what they had in the loops, they do start having some 'dating' dynamics (they set limits regarding phisical affection with others, manage jelaousy situations, expect to spend more time together, etc,).
And in regards to your second question, how did they get together? I think that they become friends only after the loops starts (they never really hung out before) and they gradually become closer. Then, after the touch starvation and isolation starts becoming unbearable, they start smooching and making out mostly as a consequence of that absence, an attempt to search for that connection. This obviously makes it all the more intense and they end up kind of attached to the hip for a time (codependency my beloved). But again it's all kinda casual and very gradual, there is not a set moment where everything starts and they don't bother defining it either. It's mostly a matter of 'hey, this feels nice, let's keep doing it".
If I'm being honest I picture this starting as in "Next Time" or "Got Weird", thise fics perfectly capture the essence of how I think anything would start between these two in-loop sksksk.
And I think that's all? Thank you so much for this ask, it was a blast talking about all of this! I have a lot of headcanons for these two, and although I encourage you all to interpret my drawings as you like, I love talking about all of this!
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crowroboros · 5 months ago
ur the person i know who's good at understanding abstract concepts and weird timelines and shit. can you explain what's fucking going on with Echo and Arches??
Alright sure.
This Post Will Contain Spoilers for Echo and Arches
Right so first thing to establish is that with Echo, no route is more canon than the others. There isn't a "true ending". In fact, that's actually a big part needed to understand certain aspects of Echo and Arches: There isn't one single timeline, but many branching timelines covering many different possibilities.
The most apparent example of this are the various routes: Carl's Route; Leo's Route; Jenna's Route; TJ's Route; and Flynn's Route. But the Good and Bad endings that some routes have are also examples of this.
Each route in Echo corresponds to a route in Route 65 as well. Jenna in her Echo route mentions that Chase first came out to her before anyone else, but Flynn says the same in his route. Other little details—such as who Chase considers his best friend—also vary between routes but do line up with what happens between Chase and that specific character in Route 65. Specifically, whoever Chase first confides in about his sexuality and the situation he finds himself in at the beginning of Route 65 will be the same character he goes after during the prologue of Echo after the big fight that kicks off the story.
So what we have with the Echo Universe is something akin to a tree: Several "branches" splitting off from each other linking back to the "trunk". This applies to Arches as well.
We of course have the Arches VN, but Cameron and Devon both appear in the epilogue of several routes in Echo: Flynn's and TJ's where they take center stage, and Leo where they're mentioned (as a "bear and coyote") when Chase visits Leo two years after the Hysteria, but not named.
It can be assumed that Cameron and Devon make their way to Echo in the other timelines as well, but what must be noted is that Arches VN and the routes we play through in Echo are in different timelines. Details in every route contradict what happens in and before Arches VN. Things like: Cameron and Devon meeting up with Chase to give a tour of Echo; Duke being killed during the Hysteria; Brian being killed during the Hysteria, the Hysteria in TJ's route happening in 2017; Cameron and Devon visiting Echo in 2017 in Leo's Route all contradict the events of Arches VN, but a version of Arches VN still takes place in each of those timelines.
Going further, as you know there isn't any choices that the player makes during Arches that changes what happens. That's because the timeline split in Arches is written into the story. At the end of Arches when Cameron, Devon, and Brian are in the mines together, Brian has a shotgun pointed at Cameron's head. Two timelines branch off from this point: One where Brain shoots and kills Cameron, who then possesses Devon and leads to the events of the short story Vessels four years later; and the timeline we play the rest of Arches through, where Cameron (who just saw a vision of the other timeline) pushes the shotgun away mere moments before Brian can pull the trigger and narrowly misses being killed.
So all in all, the timeline looks like this:
Tumblr media
(I apologize for how this looks. I had to do it on my phone rather than my laptop so it isn't as good looking as my Zelda timelines, which you can check out here if you're curious)
The Echo short stories that take place from January 2010 through October 2014 happen the same in each one of these timelines from what we can tell. There's no evidence to suggest that the short story Runaway in the Flynn Route Timeline is any different from the Runaway in the Leo Route Timeline for example. Same goes for Benefits.
To end things off, these timelines aren't completely separate. As briefly mentioned earlier, it is possible to peer into one timeline from another if someone has any psychic or supernatural abilities. Cameron Wilson is one such person. During the epilogue of Arches, he peers into the timeline in which he died several times, even briefly communicating with that version of Devon and Cameron (who, again, is possessing Devon). In Vessels we get the other side of this: Devon and Cameron—who are reliving their college memories in a psychic/dream plane within Devon's psyche—are confronted by Cameron from the timeline in which Cameron survives. Though this seems to only be a mental thing, as Cameron isn't physically there but his mind and consciousness is.
The Socket Man is another example of someone not bound to one specific timeline. Despite only being created in the Flynn Route Timeline, The Socket Man appears throughout the VN: He kills Duke in Leo's Route; he appears several times in Jenna's Route; he appears in Arches just to stare at Arturo; and even appears before the route split and in timelines that we never play through otherwise.
So...that's pretty much all there is to it. I hope this cleared up how Echo and Arches and the Echoverse timeline as a whole operates. Or at least, I hope you have a better understanding of it.
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zeestarfishalien · 11 months ago
My Graveyard Song Ch. 14
(Totally got distracted and forgot to post this to tumblr. It's been up on ao3 for a few days now)
Jason looked at the two empty bowls and one empty plate of food Danny had polished off and promptly decides to take him to Rosa Lee’s Diner. They always serve extra large portions of food that stands up to even Alfred’s high standards.
As he urges Spooky into one of the jackets left by his siblings, he shoots a text off to Cass.
[BCC plz 4 Spooky u wel 2 IOU 1 🏠🍝 ur chc]
By the time Cass gets there, Danny is starting on his third plate. Mind you, she got here in under half an hour and Danny is not in fact a speedster, but at the rate Danny is going, Bruce is certainly going to think someone fed a speedster.
Jason is really not sure where all this food is going. By all rights, his spooky friend should be on the verge of exploding from eating more than his body weight in food.
Even the waitstaff are watching this little meta-looking kid down pounds and pounds of food.
Cass passes Jason an unmarked black credit card and sits next to him in order to better watch Danny scarf down his waffles.
Five minutes later when their waiter swings by, Jason orders a platter of beignets and Danny orders Rosa Lee’s own personal special, a breakfast that comes with four slices of ham, a mountain of cheesy scrambled eggs, two pancakes, four breakfast sausage links, two biscuits, and an apple turnover.
At this point, the waiter doesn’t even blink, just asks if he’d like anything to add or substitute.
He asks for 3 extra pancakes.
By the time he's halfway through his stack of pancakes -the last thing left of his Rosa Lee Special- it dawns on Jason, that maybe Danny shouldn't be eating this much when he hasn't eaten regular human food in a long time.
But then again, what does he know? The world is a great big mysterious place and you cannot treat every humanoid looking being by the limitations of humans.
Danny is watching him now, an openly curious look on his face. There's a question in the air between them, even Cass picks up on it.
Carefully slow, Danny sets down his fork and finishes chewing the bite in his mouth.
"You're worried," he croaks, tapping his index finger on the table to emphasize his words.
He pauses, distracted, and looks down at his hand, repeating the motion of tapping his finger on the table while studying it closely. Jason almost breaks into laughter when Danny’s head tilts in an oddly animal like fashion.
If he needed any other proof that Spooky the dog is Danny the spirit sitting before him, this would do it.
His glowing eyes flick back up to Jason.
"Amused," he rasps out barely above a whisper. There's still that unspoken question in the air.
It finally clicks. The emotions Danny is naming are Jason’s. The question he wants to know is 'why'.
"I wasn't sure if you could get sick from overeating. Humans need to ease back into eating normal amounts but you're not human so I don't know what standard to hold you to."
Danny nods absently, his finger tap tap tapping away on the table.
"Hard to say," he says finally. His voice still sounds like gravel, not unlike Cass' own voice.
"Ecto fills in gaps. A temporary fix. Rebuilding with the right stuff now." He gestures vaguely to the empty plates stacked on their table. "Ecto is fast. I'm probably fine."
"Sorry," Jason half mumbles. "I just worry."
All movement from Danny freezes, like someone pressed pause on the TV. His eyes go wide in realization and alarm.
Jason blinks and then it hits him with the speed and force of a freight train.
"Oh shit! Jazz!" He scrambles for his phone. "Do you remember anything else about her that might help?!"
Bill would like everyone to know that he works very hard to be a good hench person.
He's not dumb. Now he may not be book smart like half the big baddies in Gotham, but he's not dumb.
He would have died long ago if that were the case. He's worked for the Red Hood for a couple years now —it's one of the best decisions he's ever made; the guy knows how to treat his hench people. What more can Bill say?— and he's avoided asking questions just like with all his hench jobs before this.
But he'd really like to ask one now that he's stuck watching years worth of security footage...
What even constitutes suspicious activity in a cemetery?
Now most people would automatically say, graverobbing, but Big Red is a Gotham native. In Gotham, no one is buried with their valuables, not unless your grave is in a super secret spot. Gothamites can smell money and anytime there's a possibility of it, people will dig up the grave in question.
Hell, the cops don't even stop for it anymore, they just keep on rollin' even if it's happening right before their eyes.
Point is, graverobbing can't be the suspicious behavior he's supposed to look for, but Bill really isn't sure what exactly does quantify as suspicious behavior to Big Red.
Everything here has been run of the mill, graverobbing, teen/young adult vandalism, or drug deals.
Yes, he considers goth teens/young adults having sex in a cemetery as vandalism too. Vandalism on his eyes, if nothing else.
He hits pause on a big white van and rubs his eyes tiredly. Perhaps it's time to call it a night. He's losing focus, getting caught up in his own thoughts.
His hand hovers over the mouse about to drag it over to close out of the program when his brain catches up to what his eyes are seeing.
The van, big, white, armored...
Now that IS unusual. Black or gray vans are the favored colors in Gotham and anyone, who knows anything about Gotham, knows that you NEVER armor up a suspicious color and type of vehicle. Not if you don't want the cops and vigilantes breaking down your door.
He can just make out two people in bright colors inside the van. They're grainy but not grainy enough for Bill to doubt the color of their outfits.
It's too bright for any regular gothamite. The only people in this city who dress like that are the big shot villains and their cronies.
The two disappear into the cemetery, out of sight of the camera with tools in hand. He scans forward a few hours (less time than he expected honestly) and slows back to normal speed just in time to watch them unload what seems to be some sort of coffin, except it's metal with glowing lines and patterns on it.
He pauses the video again and with elbows resting upon the desk he presses clasped hands against his mouth to muffle his sigh.
Well, if that doesn't constitute suspicious activity then Bill will hand in a letter of resignation and go flip burgers.
Well...time to let the boss know.
Yall thought I made up the part where Bill the Henchman comes in, but I definitely, absolutely had this planned from the beginning. [Lying]
Okay, gonna be honest, I may have had a plan for Bill, but it either was lost in the shuffle or there never actually was a plan for scenes with Bill. Considering I can only sometimes keep my dream memories from mixing with my awake memories, any hope of recovering any potential memories is nigh on impossible.
I can always make new plans. AND I HAVE! So yes, we have Bill now and I'm going to pretend like this was planned all along.
Oh yeah! So Jason’s text at the beginning says: Black credit card please, for Spooky. You are welcome too. I owe you one homemade meal, your choice.
Also can you imagine being a vigilante? Bc you have at least 10 very important things you have to juggle on just an average Tuesday. This is not including sudden family disasters like a family member getting trapped in a burning building and having to go save them, plus more wild revelations about your funky supernatural roomie. So like, cut a guy some slack, I know I'd be floundering some days. Attempting to prioritize must really be a bitch some days. Just...oof...
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psilliguykai · 6 days ago
i admit i havent listened to much of will wood other than a handful of songs, but im still curious abt ur wwww au:3 here r some questions!!
so like are they all kinda the embodiment of different albums? or is this kind of cccc but with ww covers instead?
and do the 4 have songs that are entirely "theirs"/their pov/embody them kinda like the heart acoustic for heart or be born for mind(if that makes sense)? plus what songs would they be i need to listen to more will wood and ponder cccc lmao
also is there a juno incident equivalent??:0 and are they still stuck in a loop?
Yayayayayay !! Thank you for asking :D this got Way Too Long so answers are under the cut :,))
To the first question: both! They’re still 3 guys trying to kind of. operate/Be one guy [William!] and this is basically CCCC but with Will Wood’s songs But each member of HMSW is also Sorta the embodiment of their respective albums. Like they still do the things original HMSW do but their personalities and actions are also based on their albums. I hope this makes sense but lemme know if more clarification would help !!
“Will they get songs that are entirely “theirs”?” yes!! I’d say they’ll probably end up having Roughly the same number of shared and solo songs. Possibly even more exclusively from each member’s perspective? Details are gonna be somewhat worked out as I go along but short answer is Yes :3
short answer to“what songs would they be” is also kind of Yes sorry 😭 there will be at least 27 [probably more??? Depends on how long my motivation lasts :,]] tracks. TNA, ICIMI, EIAL and SELF-iSH will each get at least 3 [almost certainly more] songs featured in the album since each character gets a sorta “solo” like in CCCC, and each character primarily sings from their respective album :)) I also wanna include some “bonus” tracks using unreleased/unofficial songs, poems, etc. so if you’re asking what to listen to uhhh all of it? I’m so sorry 😭 I Will be including a link to the YT version of each song as written covers are posted though so realistically you really don’t have to worry about it until each part of the au comes out. If you want particular WW song recommendations though feel free to shoot me a dm! I’ve got uhhh a couple [<- understatement]
“Is there a Juno incident equivalent?” I’ve been thinking it this a lot but also not enough lmao- this answer might become outdated as I add a little more depth/details to the story but at the moment: probably and I wish I could tell you about it so bad but I haven’t fleshed it out well enough yet :,)
uhhh here as an apology for being an utter Fool extra lore drop !! Cotard has a halo with the like . “Cut here” pattern from the SELF-iSH album cover and can pull the scissors out from it as an equivalent to the OG Soul’s trident . They’re magical. Sorta. This will be better illustrated in the ref sheets lol-
And as for the last question: yes! I think some details are outlined in the master doc but this is the 2012th loop [William splits and recombines fairly regularly and quickly. Or he used to - his split periods have gotten longer over time and the loop WWWW takes place over is longer than any of his past ones] . [3/3/25 edit: that previous part is now outdated!! The loop number and lengths are now ambiguous as the whole “2012th loop” thing just never really sat right with me sorryyyy] Soul remembers everything [or as much as his brain will naturally retain]. H/M get “reset” every time they combine and split again but physical changes stay and they sometimes get memories in dreams or senses of Deja vu etc. Whole doesn’t really. Experience the loops [the literal time loop is sorta contained within Marybell so only HMS experience it as an actual Loop] but he does experience mental health cycles based on HMS’s repeated actions.
Sorry this got so long but tysm for asking about this!!! I super appreciate it :DD and hey to everyone else. My ask box is still open if you. Wanna ask about the AU. You know you want to ooohhh you wanna ask about wwww soooo bad … [/silly . But I mean if you are interested-]
Anyways uhh yeah thank you Jaggy !! ^^
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nothorses · 8 months ago
(anon u linked all those videos for) thank you so much! ill definitely check kut those videos but just reading ur posts and personal opinions/analysis on it has helped me feel a lot better. i just saw a dem politician on fox news (my dad watches it) saying basically the same thing, that hes happy he stepped down and they have a chance now. im glad to know that the stuff that ppl are sharing that has scared me are probably just blackpilled "trump is inevitable at this point" ppl ive been trying to get off my dash every time they pop up. again thank you so much for patiently explaining things so well and all the videos!!! hope u find a dollar in ur pocket today 🙂
That's awesome, I'm glad to hear I could be a little encouraging!
I would hesitate to say that everyone who's afraid about it is "blackpilled" mostly because I think a lot of folks just aren't very aware of why he chose to step down, and draw the pretty reasonable conclusion that stepping down this late in the game will mean a scramble to replace him and shift voter support to a new candidate- which could jeopardize the election for Democrats.
And I do think that's a reasonable conclusion to draw, because it's what I saw people saying about the possibility of Trump being disqualified over the criminal charges he's been facing, like, a year ago: that the best possible outcome of that would have been that he'd be disqualified too close to the election for Republicans to get any energy behind a new candidate.
The difference in context is that most of the support for Biden in this race was just support for the Democratic party; or in a lot of cases, support for anyone but Trump. The support for Trump, on the other hand, is support for Trump specifically. Trump brings a lot of voters in who wouldn't otherwise vote at all, which is, to my understanding, why so many Republicans who disagree with him still throw support behind him as a candidate.
If Trump dropped out (or was disqualified somehow), Republicans lose a lot of voters who were only showing up to elect Their Guy. Biden dropping out means that the voters who were only gonna vote for Biden because he was the Democratic nominee (which was where most of his support was coming from) will vote for whoever the next nominee is anyway, and Dems now have a chance to pick someone who will draw in more voters who weren't feeling motivated to vote for Biden, but who would be willing to vote for a Democrat that inspires a little more confidence (and there are several candidates to choose from that fit this bill!)
Which is just to say that I think it's understandable that folks just are not aware of this context, and are just using the information they do have to make what would otherwise be pretty reasonable guesses. I'm definitely surprised by how common that seems to be, just because I guess I don't notice the water I'm swimming in, but I really hope the narrative will shift as more folks get curious about what this means and start to learn/educate each other.
I hope you find five dollars!!
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starstruckodysseys · 6 days ago
Who has your OC made cry?
Who would your OC say is their best friend? (this is purely self indulgent😇 🫶)
Is there anyone who your OC would die for?
Which canon character annoys your OC?
How does your OC feel about everyone at the video store (this is an excuse for u to ramble. tell me all of it)
who has made your oc cry?
honestly? i think jenna (her sister. shoutout to the woodward sibling lore that i DO in fact have in my brain), mostly because there’s a whole pre-canon argument they get into and i don’t think lanie cries in front of her but i do think she does at some point afterwards. i feel like she definitely has at some point other than that — there’s a whole bit in ep9 where she goes on a mini breakdown (i have it mostly written in my head. i am so normal) but i don’t know if she really. cries. and also that’s more about like the concept of her friends abandoning her more than anyone actually making her cry. yknow?
FUCK WAIT i forgot about the tricycle conversation at lord’s. technically she does that to herself actually on account of getting blackout drunk but also it’s bc of the craps game/kiss bet/whatever the fuck else but ALSO it’s bc of the conversation with russell so? idk i wrote a full fic about it (or at least including it) though if ur curious lmao
who would your oc say is their best friend?
wow eli i wonder who it could possibly be. racking my brain. (love u love cassie <3)
is there anyone your oc would die for?
hey remember time loop au. yeah.
which canon character annoys your oc?
if we’re talking real world lanie has never listened to a word dave has said ever. if we’re talking in the movie it’s haldwell (one day ill write the ep7 insert fic where lanie gets arrested with liv + usha bc it Does exist in my brain. sort of) and possibly g13 but only for the brief moment he actually exists and really she’s more worried abt usha than anything
i promise im going to make the lanie relationship chart Eventually but putting it here would be a whole thing so i’ll just link it here when im done LMAO (it’s going to be a Very long post if i get into it. which i will. this is a threat)
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stuck-in-the-ghost-zone · 5 months ago
Hiiii im here to ask about nhw Tide :D!
I saw with ur post about Tides powers and such that he had a dad moment during the leviathan fight when the pd arrived and started to help (dad coded Tide my beloved-). Which got me thinking of so many lil questions about his interactions with the pd and the others so here’s a couple of them :D!
Does Tide work with the pd much? I also remember u guys saying the the pd have trainers and such but is Tide their Mentor :O? I’m so curious about the fishy man :]
(I also only know worm stuff from y’all & a couple of others who are reading it and the urge to read it to understand what’s going on more is getting stronger-)
OOOOOO YOU WANT TO READ WORM.... YOU WANT TO READ WORM SOOOO BAD OOOOOOOOO here's a link to worm to make it even easierrrrr
ANYWAY. tide's role is... not as official as it is in canon. he doesn't really have any official responsibility for the wards, he only really helps them out because he wants to. the way the wards program works in worm is that there is a checks and balances system where parahumans cannot be in charge of other parahumans. the prt (parahuman response team) is VERY paranoid about the idea of people with powers banding together to take over the world and treating unpowered people as... lesser? so every wards team has what's called a "handler" who either is or answers directly to the director, both of which are unpowered regular people. (roswell can probably explain this better than I can so if u are still confused I would go to them but I THINK this is the basics?)
the handlers have the authority to do things like set their patrol schedules and administer punishments for not following direct orders, stuff like that. they're basically like... the wards' shitty boss. tide to them is like that one older coworker that really wants you to succeed so he helps you out whenever he can but also he gets really busy sometimes because he's VERY good at his job and is needed elsewhere a lot. there's an INCREDIBLE character in worm named Hero (yeah.) who is. ouuavhgh I love Hero so much. he literally only exists in like one chapter toward the end of the book but. points at this man. that's Tide to the nhw::::
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I made a point in my last post abt the elementals that the wards remind tide of shockwave, and I think thats a huge reason why he is initially soft on them, but i think as he worked with them and got to know them and things he realized like ohhhh i love these boys like they're my own kids and we live in such a horrible world where terrible things happen to capes every day and this system we work for is so corrupt I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure they get as much of a childhood out of it as they possibly can, they're so young (he only. partially succeeds at this. ofc horrible terrible traumatizingly bad stuff still happens. but it's important that he tried. there are so few adults in the world that want the best for them and by GOD tide is one of them)
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ainulindaelynn · 27 days ago
Rules: Shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 songs, then tag 10 friends to do the same.
Tagged by the wonderful @friendly-wizard-bibliothecary :)
I always love to hear new music, so no pressure tagging @ur-friendly-nbhd-cardassian @ithinkthiswasabadidea @brasideios @leofrith @findusinaweek @whereforartthoumisthios @aeide (recent ask aside.. I'm always curious!) @vikingnerd793 @apocketfullofhobbits (hello from the main blog!) and @semperintrepida
I'm trying to lean toward youtube more lately, so have video links!
My 4yo is in a phase of asking me what songs 'mean' lately and I sort of boil them down, summarize the metaphors, etc. This one was a, "Well, kid... [insert 30 minute ramble]." Also that line, I'll weather your storms for the stillness in you, breaks my brain every time.
Mollymauk has a firm hold of my mind at present and likely for the foreseeable future. Taliesin Jaffe and his uncanny ability to create characters I have no initial interest in and am fully, wonderfully unhinged about by the end...
Spaces between the happiness and the hardness is a concept I'm working on atm. And always.
This may be a lot of Taliesin's Molly playlist. We'll see. *awkward cough*
I told you there was a lot of Molly in here. You were warned.
Love. Just love. I have a lot of 'end of Vox Machina' feelings about it too. Pulled from one of their playlists and it's the background track for the entire last episode in my mind.
Gifted this gem to a friend the other day. Can't recommend it enough.
George Ezra reminds me of time and a person I will forever miss <3
Deeply, deeply internalized lmao. Noah Kahan always kills it as far as I'm concerned.
An OC song that always makes me smile :)
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romanceyourdemons · 1 month ago
hello apologies for the random question but i was curious abt ur opinion: do you consider deleted scenes a part of the main film? (options: yes / no / yes only if i liked the scene / other)
no, i don’t. i consider them paratextual materials just like concept art or an interview with the artist about the work. they can inform you about the context and original direction of the work, they can provide key information and be crucial to your interpretation, but in the end what’s in the can is in the can, and what isn’t isn’t. similarly i consider reduxes and director’s cuts and british vs american release endings to be not add-ons to the film but linked but fully separate works of art to be considered in their own right. call it death of the author if you want, but i believe that if a work can’t stand on its own without the inclusion of cherry picked deleted scenes and other post ex facto paratextual materials, then it is a failed work of art. a failed work with potential, perhaps, maybe even potential that was stolen from it by a meddling studio or other factors, but a failed work nonetheless
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crushedsweets · 11 months ago
YOUR CREEPYPASTA AU IS SO COOL!! Everytime I think about it my stomach starts hurting in a good way I love it so much, im thinking about trying to make a comic based around the idea of it I love it so much, I was just wondering if I had to ask permission first if I was too :3 Also I was curious, how old are each of the creeps in ur au? (When they died/ran away and an idea of how old they would be now years after would be fun :3)
omg ok wait cuz my stomach hurts when i think about creepypasta (also in a good way). it makes me so happy
anyway, you're totally free to do that! all of my work is inspiration of others(as the CRP fandom is) but i'd looove if you kept me updated on what you make!!!
THIS link has all their ages/birthdays! under the cut is a CROPPED version of my timeline with ages they die/ran away/etc, since i cant fully post it in good quality
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feel free to private message me if you need better clarification! if youre 18+, you can ask for my discord too and we can chat about it, cuz im REALLY interested to see how you comic-ify this story HAHA tysm for asking!
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