#the ore snatcher
cattimeswithjellie · 20 days
The Ore Snatcher: Redstone Genius?
(I put this whole thing on Reddit first because I am trying to learn how to use Reddit, but it turns out I am about as good at Reddit as I am at Twitter, which is to say, I don't even know if it successfully posted or not. At least I know Tumblr gets me.)
So I've been working on a stream recapping project lately, trying to watch a bunch of streams and write recaps for posterity and for people who don't have time to keep up with every stream (or who want to know timestamps for certain parts.) That means I've been closely watching a lot of streams, and I just realized that there's a huge flaw in Doc's narrative about the many crimes of the Ore Snatcher.
According to Doc, the most heinous crime of the Ore Snatcher involves the second stolen diamond ore block, which was taken out from under a powered line of redstone. When the block was taken, Doc tells us, it must have triggered the machine in such a way as to cause a malfunction. He knows this because when Doc discovered the missing block, he also found a deployed armor stand and disarray in the works of the machine. It's a good theory, but it's completely wrong. Doc actually missed the second deepslate block for an entire day, and it didn't cause any damage.
Take a look at Doc's stream from June 8, last Saturday. He goes to the armor trim shop and shows Chat the first missing block, the decorative block from the top layer of the machine. At 44:47, he swings the camera momentarily into the guts of the machine and we get a clear view of the second missing block. There is no armor stand deployed and the machine seems functionally fine. The Ore Snatcher has struck again, but they did not break the machine.
Several hours later, Ren is livestreaming and Scar is hanging out with him. They fly over to the armor trim shop so Ren can recount the sordid tale of ore-snatching and pig-murder he has been watching unfold. The machine appears to be unchanged since Doc's visit. Ren shows off the missing block. Scar laughs, saying that is the worst spot to steal a block from and that it would be one thing if it was down in like the- He trails off at 2:17:06 into the stream, having just noticed the second missing block. (The timing is really, really good, even from a guy with excellent comedic timing and a good eye for block detail, but that's another line of speculation entirely.)
The pair continue to hang around the machine, talking about Doc's troubles and all manner of other things. They also continue to look around the machine itself. At 2:21:50 , Ren touches the note block for the "Wild" armor trim and it triggers. The machine goes into action and dispenses a helmet on an armor stand. Ren and Scar are both nervous about this, but nothing else happens and Ren decides that the worst thing that probably happened is that he just accidentally bought an armor trim. Ren and Scar hang around the machine for another half hour or so, but they are mostly talking about pets and swapping YouTube videos and I did not see them interact with the machine again.
The next thing we hear about the Ore Snatcher is several hours after the end of Ren's stream, when Doc takes to Twitter to yell that he found another missing block. There's a screencap of the same missing block that Ren and Scar found, the same block he didn't notice during his morning stream. Only now, surprise surprise, there is a loose armor stand that Doc has no explanation for and some messed up inventory in the machine!
Based on all this evidence I contend that the Ore Snatcher is, in fact, very good at what they are doing, good enough to snatch a diamond ore block out from under a powered redstone line without triggering the machine (or good enough to fix it if the machine did trigger.) They have now touched Doc's redstone at least four times, but the only damage was from Ren touching the unfinished machine and dropping an armor stand well after the block was gone. That means that all the wilder theories Doc has been floating about the Ore Snatcher (most notably that the Ore Snatcher is two people, one who is good at redstone and one who is not) are based on faulty data. He needs to go back to the basics and try again.
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convexicalcrow · 3 days
lmao joe has sent cub his outline of his defence of the ore snatcher in case doc decides to go after him for it one day XD
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tyxaar · 8 days
THE ABSOLUTE GALL I’M…. I’m in shock this is just such a power move oh you-
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theredch3rry · 11 days
Doc would be the type of person to wage war on half of a Minecraft server bc his diamonds went missing to then be the one who’s taking the diamonds bc he didn’t have enough to by materials
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mbohjeezart · 8 days
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[ WIP ]
Bring a goat to a courthouse...
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lootandscoot · 7 days
all of a sudden suspicious that the oresnatcher is welsknight only getting online in the dead of night when no one is around. for some reason I feel like cub wouldn't fuck with redstone and I'm so suspicious of wels right now (this is copium because I miss him and like to imagine he's still playing)
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llyxi · 13 days
Ore snatcher hypothesis!!!! (Following June 23th streams)
What if, what if it was Doc's wife who connected on the server with Doc's account to take revenge mentally because her HUSBAND (Doc) also has a HUSBAND (Ren) ???
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ghostyclay · 1 day
Hermitcraft season 10 is hermitcraft season 10 bc the lore is 10 times more insane than the other seasons were
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discoveryerror303 · 8 days
Honestly i think its cub, but like i also think it could be etho,, i dont have like evidence but 🙏🙏🙏
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automaticdata · 2 days
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So one of the hermits (Scar, maybe?) mentioned on stream that fanartists should do one of those corkboards with the lines etc. connecting the clues for the whole Ore Snatcher thing and I wanted to try doing that. Problem was, I needed do draw all the suspects out so I could do the actual corkboard. XD Anyway, I don't know if I'll ever get to the corkboard itself, but I wanted to start doing mugshots of all the suspects. This is the first one I've completed(-ish). Also my first time drawing Cub!
If anyone wants to use this for their own corkboard thing, I'm fine with it, just credit me and tag me (automaticdata if it's on tumblr, Automatic_Data on twitter (though I hardly use that so I have no idea if I'll see it), automaticdata on bluesky, u/Theokorra on reddit) so I can see it and be proud that I created something people wanted to use in their own projects.
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convexicalcrow · 11 days
what i'd love for the hermits to do once scar gets his search warrant from bdubs is for them all to have deepslate diamond ore in their storage rooms that they consequently all claim they bought from big ron's, bc this would fuck with both doc AND scar (AND mumbo), and i think that would be very funny.
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I can already tell this Scar VOD is one I'm going to treasure for years
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ask-docm77 · 7 days
Yoink! Got your deepslate diamond ore!
<Docm77> What! No!! Ore snatcher! Get back here!
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vexcraft · 11 days
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i think the funniest possible outcome for the ore snatcher mystery would be cub finishing his diamond mining method testing saga with mining doc's diamonds being the worst method
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monfixation · 9 days
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catch the ore snatcher!!
so many suspects I didn’t know who to include anymore lmao
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