#the only thing powerful enough to stop the golden witch is two middle aged women tearing each other to shreds
pochapal · 1 year
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the servants freaking out because eva and natsuhi are one vicious remark away from ruining the entire elaborate beatrice witch murder setup
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darkestdesired · 4 years
Mates In Hell
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Heidi,Jane,Esme x reader (Romantic)
Alec x reader (platonic)
Cullens x reader (platonic)
Tags: @rexburn12
Part 1
An:Since this is a romantic pairing i aged Alec and jane up to 18 so their of legal age.
Also Idk why but i imagined the reader having a Russian accent while writing this XD it was strange but anyways I'm so sorry this took so long,i hope you like it!
Esme stuck close to my side ever since we met,though i didn't mind one bit.After years of solitude i had finally met my beautiful mate,i was content.
At least...i should be..
No matter what i did i still felt this empty hole in my chest,and though Esme helped to fill it i still felt empty.I felt selfish in a way,i didn't want Esme to feel like she wasn't enough.So i tried to brush it off and continued on living with the cullens.
Easier said then done.
I jumped into attack mode when the sound of glass shattering caught my attention,Esme followed after me as i ran downstairs to the first floor of our cottage,flames about to ignite from deep within.A sigh of relief flew out as i saw that it was only alice,who had merely dropped a vase of flowers she was bringing over,"Is everything alright little one?" I asked,helping her keep steady.
"How..Riley biers..he's still alive...and he's coming with a new army of newborns." She muttered. Apparently he was bad if Esmes terrified expression was anything to go off of,"Who is this..Riley Biers?"
Esme took Alice's hand,leading her into the living room as i followed.Mentally preparing herself before explaining everything.
"He tried to kill you all? Lost and has the audacity to try and fight you again?Does he have no honor?" Alice nodded before looking to her mother who was currently pacing infront of the fireplace,"when will they be here by?" I asked. "Before sundown tomorrow.In the same field from last time." Alice looked down,trying to recall every detail of her vision.
"What do we do? We can't risk him getting to Renesmee." Esme said as i stood up and pulled her into my arms.Kissing the top of her head i stared deep into her golden eyes,"I won't let them get her,i promise to protect all of you. Because if they want you they'll have to go through me first,and I'll unleash hells wrath on them." I stated cupping her cheeks protectively.
With that settled we called the others for a family meeting and went to the cullens house,quickly filling them in.
"But the Volturi are coming to check on Renesmee tomorrow." Bella stated hugging her daughter close,"We'll have to deal with them after...i should have finished Riley off myself but i didn't realize we never burned his body." Edward stated rubbing his wifes shoulder.
"Theres no use dwelling on that now.But Edwards right,one problem at a time.Riley was a follower,merely the face of the army before,he had no real control.But he's had a while to prepare,we'll be outnumbered." Jasper added,the major peeking out a bit in his tone.
"Yes but you've never had a Hellhound fighting beside you." I said with a smirk,"I've fought worse enemies then a few puny newborns.My fire and strength will deal with them quickly." Esme giggled when i flexed my arm muscle before wrapping one around her shoulders,surrounding her in my warm embrace.
While the others discussed battle tactics she watched my profile,She knew her family would be safe with me around.But she couldn't hide the pinch inside of her,I had been so off,as if there was a chunk of myself that wasn't satisfied.She hoped it was nothing,since i had been alone for so long she assumed i was just getting antsy.She just hoped the battle will satisfy me enough.
Heidi froze suddenly causing the twins to look at her in confusion,"Heidi what is it?" Alec asked seeing her dazed expression. "Don't you smell that? It's calming like lavender and as intoxicating as blood."
Jane sniffed the air,suddenly sharing Heidis expression."I do...where is that coming from..?"
Alec looked between the two with worry and confusion,"What are you guys talking about? I don't smell anything like that at all." Before he could even finish the two were already speeding off deeper into the forest,he huffed before following.
When the three guards finally stopped they realized they had stepped into the middle of a battle,newborns were being torn apart left and right by the cullens,the wolf pack and..a (P/n) on fire?
"Aro never mentioned another newborn army..where did they come from?" Alec asked watching as a newborn was ripped to shreds by one of the wolves.
As the two women watched they realized the person on fire was the source of the intoxicating smell.
They had to get closer.
Standing over Riley Biers i watched as he cowered down at my intimidating appearance,right as i was about to go for the kill the wind picked up.Sniffing the air my pupils dilated.
This familiar scent...where had i smelt it before?
Ahh that's right..the same scent that had flooded my senses when i first met Esme.
Turning around i saw two beautiful women and a confused man watching me,the womens red eyes widened slightly with parted lips.
As if under Zafrina's power their world suddenly changed around them.
Aro sat with his usual melicious grin, an evil glint in his eyes at the presence of the incoming figure.
"Is everything ready?" Aro asked raising a brow.
"Yes Master,training has gone wonderfully,their ready for the real thing." The ravenhaired king clasped his hands together.
"Wonderful,I'm counting on you...Riley."
Said man nodded,"But master,didn't you send the witch twins and Heidi to check on the hybrid?"
Aro tilted his head,clasping his hands together,"I trust that you'll dispose of them for me,If you succeed then you'll be replacing them." He said with a bastardly grin and an echoing chuckle.
That was the last thing they heard as the world returned to the present.
The three glanced at eachother with the same hurt expression,"He truly didn't care? Was he so ready to get rid of us?" Jane growled now glaring at Riley tempted to use her gift.
Heidi crossed her arms,"I should have seen this coming,no wonder he was so eager to send us on this mission..He wanted to kill us." Alec looked down,"He had planned this all along, and we played right into his trap.."
Esme watched them sadly,knowing immediately who they were talking about. But a sudden movement caught her attention,she gasped and yelled to her distracted mate.
"(Y/N)! LOOK OUT!"
Right as i turned back to Riley a newborn had tackled me off,As we rolled and tossled for dominance trying to find a leverage over the other Riley stood up glaring with a smirk at the Volturi guards."I'd say i pity you and apologize, but i really don't care." The three got into a fighting stance but Esme was quick to speed over and push the three behind her,"Stay away from them Riley." She hissed,he chuckled and walked closer"Or what? You're just the weak mother of the cullens right? You can't hurt me." She glanced past him for a moment,before looking at him with a smile.
"You're right,I might not be able to....but i know who can." Right as he went to attack a clawed hand ripped through his chest.The fire burned his marble skin causing him to scream in agony.
I roared as i tore him in half,throwing his upper half away from his lower half.My flames from hell were quick to turn him to ash,the wind blew his ashes away,proving he wasn't going to hurt anyone ever again.
"Are you all alright?" Esme asked quickly running to my side as i fell to my knees,my fire dispersing."I am alright my love,merely overwhelmed with my emotions." I huffed looking over at the two woman behind her.
Jane and Heidis red eyes were enchanting,a small smile rested on their lips,"You two,you are my mates?"
Esmes eyes widened,"What? I..I didn't realize you could have more than one? How is this possible?" I chuckled as she helped me up,"I am a hellhound,i stopped questioning why and how a long time ago." Walking over to them with a wide grin i held out my arms,chuckling when they ran into them.
"This is it Esme,All three of you together is what filled the whole in my heart!" She watched us for a moment before smiling,walking into the hug.
"I always thought I'd be destined to never find my mate,my gift never made anyones feelings for me anything more than lust." Heidi said burying her beautiful face in my neck. Jane rubbed her cheek into my chest,finally relishing in the touch of someone other than her brother.He was the only one to ever hug her.
"I suppose we'll need a bigger cottage now to fit all four of us." Esme said with a smile.
Janes head shot up,"Wait,what about my brother." She turned back to Alec who had a sad smile on his face,"It is alright sister,you have waited so long to find la tua anima gemella(your soulmate).I will be fine."
She looked up at me sadly,With a sigh i nodded,"I wouldn't dream of splitting siblings apart,he may live with us as well." She smiled and nearly toppled me over in a hug,laughing i lifted her and heidi up,esme brought alec over with a motherly smile.
She should feel jealous,but as she watched us,seeing the happy smiles on all of our faces made her realize something.
After years of waiting to finally find her mate,she finally found me,and now we were building a family of our own.
And so long as she was 'alive',nothing was going to tear us apart,she knew I'd make sure of it.
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barbika1508 · 4 years
Hiwaga (Vampire! Jeongguk x Reader)
Part 1
Words: 11,1 k
Genre: Soulmate AU, Reincarnation AU, Enemies to Lovers, Action, Romance, Smut
Pairing: Vampire! Jeongguk x Reader
Warnings: Brief mentions of smut, Cursing
Summary: Life was good, playing out better than it has been ever before. My future was bright and full of promises and wishes coming to realization. All up until she showed up. She stormed though the front doors ruining everything along the way by her mere presence derailing my goals and purpose in life. A puny mortal, a child, a complete nuisance, and yet…The key to an unimaginable life, to the truth all along.
Author's note: Hiwaga – mystery; full of wonder Words in italics are dialogues or thoughts that Jeongguk reads from others. So I’ve done research with this fic, and used certain words that need explanation…given that there can be A LOT I’ve put a dictionary just below the fic if anyone is interested :3
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Jeongguk’s POV:
‘’Stop it.’’
I barely flinch at the hiss the presence that settles on my left expected, to which my glare remains unfaltering ‘’She’s just…infuriating.’’ I sigh quietly, trying to relax my clenched jaw but just settle right back into pressing my teeth tight together while my fingers curl into fists, annoyance brewing.
‘’Why is that?’’ the question has me rolling my eyes inside my head, as I shift onto my right foot and away from the broad-shouldered vampire, keeping my composure in case of anyone looking towards us.
‘’I don’t know, I just really, really don’t like her.’’ I grumble glaring at the girl that’s grinning widely showing of her blunt teeth advertising to everyone that she’s not like us. She’s literally making herself a bait, even though Yoongi hyung made sure she was doused in his scent not even an hour ago.
She’s chatting away with a middle-aged guy, his wife looking interested as she eyes the regular girl up and down her thoughts not promising anything good. Right now, I’m cursed having the abilities that I have, easily reading through the crowd of people that’s surrounding us. I hate big gatherings, or any gatherings for that matter. Its bothersome to keep my concentration up at all times, to prevent all the voices from flooding my mind. Well except for hers. Not hearing her thoughts, is one of the most infuriating things.
‘’We know that Jeongguk-ah. It’s been a well-known fact since the moment she stepped a foot past the front doors.’’ Jin hyung chuckles clearly amused by my brooding and misery, as I recall not even a month ago how she loudly shrieked a greeting, and then just ran up to Yoongi hyung. He offered her a SMILE! HE SMILED AT HER AND LET HER HUG HIM!!!
The scene as I remember it is still bizarre and sort of unrealistic. How easily everyone accepted her, even though she isn’t of our kin. We’ve turned away, orphaned fairies, witches and even shapeshifting dragons which could have given us great amounts in the power dynamic. And yet there’s Y/N. Ugh even her name has me rolling my shoulder back, as my nose briefly scrunches, Jin hyungs hand landing on my shoulder reminds me that I need to keep a calmer attitude. Glancing over to him he’s completely amused as he looks at me.
‘’You are stewing in your anger without a real purpose youngling.’’ He teases the nickname a pain in the ass ‘’Relax, Jeonggukie.’’ He leans in closer still smirking but looks me directly in the eyes hovering up close There’s plenty of girls here. Some with royal statues or skills you can only ever imagine of. he wiggles his eyebrows at me suggestively. This time around I do roll my eyes for him to see, shaking my shoulders and him off as he ends up giggling not taking offense in my behaviour.
In a regular setting or just a regular gathering as this one is, I wouldn’t miss any single opportunity to tease him, or make fun of him blatantly but given the new guests I’m not in the mood whatso ever.
I do look at the wives, girlfriends, mistresses of our guests that fill our spacious ballroom besides the variation of men, that had me tune out their thoughts the moment the first 5 arrived. And granted they are all gorgeous, youthful, pale complexion mostly with vibrant eyes full of life, and deadly fangs poking from their lips proudly. My jaw unclenches, while I raise my chin up in interest once a blonde girl, walks past us quite a distance but I don’t miss how she flutters her eyes towards me, keeping on a shy smile which is a pretence but the visual has my attention. Her long blonde hair is cascading down over her exposed shoulder the ends curled up meticulously. Her front is a bit on the flatter side, figure smooth and flawless as the red wine dress that’s running and falling down her body like an endless seem of water while a thin vail that covers it, sparkles in the lights at times making her look more out of this world.
I raise an eyebrow in curiosity ready to start this game of chase. Watching intently, she offers a wider smirk steps slowing down, when suddenly she disappears from my view thanks to the group of chattering vampires ahead of us. Looking left and right she doesn’t pop up. Interesting.
‘’That’s it Jeongguk-ah. Our fearless maknae on the prowl.’’ Jin pats me over my back smirking his words making me smile but from half embarrassment and half amusement ‘’You know I’ve picked up on certain gossip that’s been floating around.’’ The implication has me turning to my older hyung fully in curiosity.
‘’Do spill thou secrets, dearest hyung.’’ another voice replies, Taehyung joining the two of us smirking knowingly. He probably knows where this is going, being the coven’s expert gossiper and a professional drama queen so to speak. He knows the ins and outs of the vampire world, dipping his toes into the werewolf pack’s and mere-folk communities as of lately. I simply slide my hands into the pockets of the black suit creased trousers I have on. I paired my outfit with a black long-sleeved saint Laurens shirt, and over it I’ve gone with a white suit jacket with golden detailing on it.
Jin hyung has gone more with a professional (regal) look, wearing a midnight black 5-piece suit, with the difference in the dress shirt which is a darker purple colour. The tie he has one, is more visibly purple adorned in small golden accessories that state which clan he belongs to by the logo being pined near the knot. He’s not only displaying regal colours but also the wealth, the rank and honour that was given to him, when he reached a milestone in his old age which not many vampires do anymore. The status and extra titles are appointed according to age and actions and Jin hyung has made it pretty high on both of those simple to-do lists as I’d like to call them.
Taehyung on the other hand is like me dressed in all black, going with a matching 2-piece suit lacking the suit jacket which leaves him in a more of a blouse type of dress shirt that has white squares doted randomly across. He has tucked the shirt into the slightly high waisted trousers, which makes shapes up his figure to the tens.
He quirks an eyebrow as he smiles mischievous standing on Jin hyungs left, giving me a knowing look.
‘’Rumour has it, amongst our lovely ladies mainly but in a wider circle nonetheless…’’
‘’Meaning everyone, yes hyung.’’ Taehyung pips in encouragingly licking his lips as he points his stare at the elder. I quickly shush him smirking as I glance between the two Taehyung grinning while Jin shakes his head but remains humoured.
‘’…it is said, that after a night with our Jeonggukie here, even as a vampire you’ll be having problems walking the next day.’’ His eyes are fixated on me gauging my reaction while I meet Taehyung’s gaze just knowing exactly what he normally would say. I don’t even have to read his mind to know.
But he loudly snorts instead ‘’You’ve left out the juicy part of the rumours hyung.’’ I lift my chin up again but look away from the two trying to see and detect if anyone is listening into our conversation. There’s a group of vampires that is standing close to us. Some have picked up on our talk but they are occupied discussing something else that has their complete attention, two women snickering to themselves quietly ‘’Our Jeonggukie even though is the cutest and the most innocent looking as a cherub doesn’t cuddle. Or kiss after he’s done fucking your brains out. How about that?’’
Turning back to the two, the elder gives me a disapproving look meanwhile Taehyung is strictly mirthful clearly finding this amusing ‘’I’m not looking for love. It’s simply an exchange of pleasantries and then it’s back to regularities.’’ I shrug turning away as the dark-haired vampire coos, chuckling while Jin hyung who has dyed his hair into a faint purple colour tsks.
‘’Oiii we didn’t raise you like that young man.’’ He chides while my eyes finding the blonde once more. Her gaze is already on me, clearly taking me in up and down shamelessly ogling me. To keep this interesting I refrain from reading into her mind, and offer a smirk back, taking her in as well. She’s joined into a conversation which she barely participates once our gazes interlock ‘’Yahhhh don’t ignore us! Don’t prove those rumours right!!!’’
‘’Let him be hyung.’’ Taehyung defends me, chuckling ‘’He’ll learn eventually, after getting punched into the balls enough times.’’
That has me quirking both eyebrows in question as I turn to the black haired male, his hair having grown out making him look all the more attractive in the period of a few months since he let it grow ‘’Have you learned that from experience hyung?’’ now I’m the one amused at the implication. But the mischief simply rolls of him.
‘’it’s a possibility.’’ He challenges back ‘’But it’s also well known what a gentleman I am first and foremost.’’ he wiggles his eyebrows, right hand rising up fingers wiggling, the suggestion obvious which has Jin let out a dry laugh.
‘’You younglings are just so cocky.’’ The elder condemns crossing his arms.
‘’Ah hyung I’m sure you were the same as we were at one point in your long and richly filled life.’’ Taehyung half sings stepping closer to the taller male, that simply smirks, his gaze now trained forward onto someone ignoring the antics of the younger vampire who cuddles up to him. I mimic our hyung turning forward in search of the blonde again, that once more has disappeared. Damn.
‘’I’m not telling you animals anything. You’d only take it as a challenge. And then I’ll just have more work to do cleaning after you.’’ Jin ends up grumbling the bickering going on put to the back of my mind.
With the wine-red colour in mind, I scan the growing crowd finding 4 more girls with a similar dress offering gleeful smiles, and even winks in return. Even though they look nice, I can’t help but to want to find the blonde. She had this quirky smile to her, and the fact that she put on an innocent face has me guessing she’s into something kinkier than she’d led onto.
Just as I’m about to head forward and find her by myself my intentions gets stopped.
‘’Oh, waw would you look at that.’’ Only now I notice that my two brothers have fallen silent, and are both staring ahead at something at the same time. Glancing at the two, Jin is amused while Tae’s expression is sort of blank. I follow their line of sight, finding an odd pair near middle of the room conversing. My blood runs cold at the sight. The 4 men that surround them are obviously body guards, the notion simply a sign of his power whilst is completely useless.
I sigh through my nose as other’s thoughts fill my mind, the curiosity and excitement and want for bloodshed rising in each and every vampire in the room.
The vampire that’s in the middle of the 4 man is Wangseja. Nobody actually knows his real name, as far as I know and have been told it’s been centuries so everyone just addresses him by his title. He is a descendant of the royal family, and has been meant to inherit the throne in his human life time. But obviously as he’s still here, breathing and undead something must have happened for him to have has to stray away from the human world and path of life.
He is not the only vampire that’s considered being one of the oldest here. There are a few more in this very room, one being our Yoongi hyung, and Jin following just close behind, after 3 others.
The 8 gifted with the title ‘elders’ are considered being in charge, with everything that’s regarding our vampire community and largely covens as they’ve tried to portray it as if we’re families. Which we aren’t. Coven wars still happen most often than some would like, and not enough to others.
Back to the former crown prince, he’s wearing a Gonryongpo which translates to Dragon Robe. He has the famous yellow dragon woven over his back which simply makes me assume that even though he puts on a friendly face and demander he’s a cocky asshole. He must be. Those clothes are generalized as robes that government officials and royalty wore but it’s well known that they were mainly emperors clothing. A bit pompous if you ask me.
Of course, the other 8 elders are dressed similarly to him, but in comparison they are dressed in downgraded versions.
His colours are the ones of red and to my misfortune of not being able to make fun of him later he isn’t wearing the traditional hat along his attire. He is however strapped with a Samjeongdo at his side. Again, it's all telling me he's a prick. I don’t even have to peek into his mind to see him as a sheep in wolfs clothing. A dangerous sheep with incredible power nonetheless. My nose scrunches up as his laughter can be heard all the way here, the ballroom having gotten quieter, everyone’s attention and ears focused in on the conversation at hand, the odd pair presenting curiosity amidst my kin. I bet the next gossip is going to revolve solemnly onto what’s happening right now. Ugh, great.
The girl that’s standing before him sports a bright smile unbothered by the many eyes that are fixated on her, taking in every error that’s marked over her skin, every imperfection that lies over her features and hair that even though has been styled looks messy to me.
She stands out from everyone else, simply by the colour choice of her dress which happens to be a soft lilac that edges on white, and grey. Ridiculous!
The ladies in the room, are for the most part dressed in designer clothing, with jewels, glitters, and modern sewing, styled to perfection which is an overused word, but that’s just what vampires tend to do. Dress to impress, every detail smoothened and detailed 100%.
Her dress is draped from her waist down pooling shily around her feet, her neckline all but shy as the V-neck is deep showing of her collarbones and extra skin, the odd scar littered here and there ruining her darker completion, pale not being in her vocabulary. Her fingers are adorned with golden rings, same goes for her ears where golden earrings dangle in the bright lighting of the chandeliers. More gold has ben simply strewn over the mess of her hair, the style which is supposed to be elegant has had my head shaking even before.
The cuff on her bicep even though displays her prominent muscular and athletic figure highlighting her arms is unnecessary, as is the leaf belt around her waist that makes her hips look wider. I’m sure there’s plenty of men lusting after her plump figure alone. I bet her flesh is soft, and easy to hold onto, the covered-up skin probably littered with more scars that seem to litter her every inch of her body. Unlike most people she shamelessly displays them.
What irks me, and leaves me in complete puzzlement is the sword that’s strapped to her hip. I’ve been told she’s a swordswoman, and that she has had the training of it as I’ve stumbled upon her and Yoongi hyung sparing one day randomly in the gym. The space is big and can have a boxing ring in it if we wish to, other activities such as practicing martial arts, and archery enabled by its spaciousness.
The already what looks like an exaggerated grin grows wider her animated looking speech bothersome. Her right hand is the one to move around fingers twitching, constantly touching the handle of her sword, awkwardly almost while her left hand is preoccupied with holding a glass that contains alcohol in it the content unknown to me. She’s the only one with a drink in hand making her even more obvious that she doesn’t belong here. She doesn’t belong with us.
And yet the prince seems to eat her right up with his eyes alone. He’s completely entranced by her. I don’t understand one bit as to why - she’s full of imperfections like I’ve said, the fact that she’s a foreigner isn’t the issue, but the word she chooses to say are at times very disrespectful as she doesn’t know better clearly her Korean obviously lacking while her mannerism are those of a child.
Still irked I tilt my head tongue darting over my teeth and cheek as I focus my gaze onto the man, the sound of my inner voice fading back, as the haze behind my eyes and fogginess that surround me starts to lift up. It would be way easier to close my eyes, but that would make it obvious that I’m trying to do something that I shouldn’t be doing.
As I blink a few times, I find myself in the prince’s shoes which are uncomfortable but he’s keeping that at the back of his mind. He notes how she’s so small and fragile looking compared to him, easily to take, steal away if it were the older times. Okay old man.
She’s just like a child! So excited and clumsy, its adorable. That sword on her hips must be a mere toy. Something to add sparkle and value to her in a sense. But the display of it does raise questions; Why did Min Yoongi let her wear that? And the style of it, very much so foreign to our own Geom’s and sword styles in Korea.
He probably dressed her up himself, given that she’s absolutely drenched in his bitter scent. Ugh mint. I’ve grown to absolutely hate it as it’s a reminder of him whenever the scent hits my nose. If it weren’t for him, I’d be king, and all these fools and idiots would have already been kissing my feet.
So why is he displaying her off like this? He has staked his claim, but hasn’t marked her. It must be a bribery? No Min wouldn’t stop so low he’s too prideful for that.
Look at her go, rising chuckles from my chest with almost ease which is sort of unusual how her humour seems to be in tune with my own. Even though she’s more than meets the eye, she’d be fun to play around with. Tie her down, or simply hold her as she’s useless against my strength...then use all her holes us, and drain her…fuck what would I give for a taste of her blood. Even though the mint covers her up, her own sweetness has started to seep through. She smells like the freshest batch of strawberries, mint ruining it into acidness. I want to ruin her…
A backhanded hit over the back of my head, brings me accidentally to another place in the Prince’s mind, seeing the image of the human girl being tied up inhumanely, and him fucking her. The scene has my stomach churning and if I was still human, I’d be throwing up right here and now. If my blood was ice cold before it quickly warms up, as that’s no way to threat any woman or man for the matter human or no. As I blink rapidly coming back to my own stiff body, I offer a glare towards the Prince one last time before turning to a fuming Seokjin hyung that’s glaring at me hand still holding onto the back of my neck, with an underlaying treat resting heavily between us.
‘’Are you fucking crazy?!’’ he hisses pupils starting to glow more prominently red as his anger rises. Only now I notice Yoongi hyung on my left, that’s neutrally staring at me clearly disappointed but there’s this sort of glimmer in his eye that I can’t exactly read ‘’Out of all the things we’ve told you not to do and you go straight ahead and spit in our faces?!?’’ his anger is basically radiating in waves from him, as he leans in closer to me to my neck, hand tightening forcing me to hold my head still.
Taehyung was quick to move and stand in line of sight trying to block out anyone from seeing what’s going on where we are near the balcony that has remained unusually unoccupied this evening.
‘’It was me.’’ Yoongi replies neutrally. It’s that sort of neutral that’s plainly terrifying as you cannot know what direction his emotions are swinging at. Even though he is my creator, my saviour and the one I’m closest to in our coven, he is after all a very old creature that with only a stare can make anyone cry and flee ‘’My order.’’ He adds eyes finding my own, voice easily filling my mind.
Is there anything you’d like to share with me? his face remains the same, whilst Seokjin lets go off me and steps away, angrily mumbling under his breath. With a glance towards Yoongi and a barely there nod Taehyung is scurrying away after Jin, meanwhile Hoseok hyung is quick to join us out of thin air it seems, settling himself on Yoongi’s right keeping an eye out.
Readjusting my clothes and posture I offer a glance towards the Prince and Y/N that’s down’s her glass and makes a goofy expression looking like she’s having the time of her life. Ignorant fool.
He wants to steal her. Literally. turning to the platinum blonde vampire he sighs heavily through his nose looking forward with his eyes narrowed.
What else?’
My lips tighten into thin lines the blonde woman from before coming into my line of sight. Shit. Cursing further I turn to the pair in the middle of the room again, watching as the prince daringly leans closer, the girl to my surprise dodging his touches, his hand now and then reaching out seemingly casual Her sword. I admit trying hard to push down the image of the two of them, and the way he wants to torture her for his own pleasure He hates your scent. But hers is starting to come out more which has him all the more curious and wanting.
Frowning as disgust raises again, I keep my eyes on the elder on my right, not missing the way his lips tug downwards. He looks displeased.
‘’Hoseok-ah.’’ With a single word and a look, Hoseok rushes away, disappearing as if he wasn’t even here in the first place. As I turn forward to look across the room ready to observe thoughts of certain vampires the blonde catches my eyes again. She’s standing much closer now but has been roped into another group of females that are clearly gossiping way to loud for their own good. Her eyebrows furrow as she looks at me as of saying ‘Help.’.
‘’Your punishment will be decided on tomorrow.’’ Yoongi speaks monotone getting my attention. I quickly lower my head down in understanding, hands pulling behind my back as I take a step behind him ‘’Even though you’ve earned a pass, your actions have earned Jin hyungs anger.’’ He spares me a glance but I don’t lift my head and gaze from my shoes, the leather polished so that it reflects the closes chandelier to us in them ‘’Taehyung-ah will take care of your position while you join Namjoon and Jimin.’’
Instantly I grind my teeth together, wanting to retort back a denial but know better than to go against him especially where anyone can hear and see us in a crowd like this.
‘’So much for waiting for tomorrow.’’ I grumble squaring my shoulders, picking up on soft patting of feet the person I want to burn in hell approaching us. Hyung doesn’t reply, just keeps looking ahead instead even though I know I rubbed him the wrong way with my comment. But he also knows how I detest her. It really is a cruel punishment as he’s putting her safety onto my shoulders. I hate this so much, ugh why me?!
I was supposed to be Yoongi’s hyung backup. I was supposed to start learning to be his left-hand man, as Hoseok is always there when he needs him. But no, she had to fuck it all up didn’t see? Just by coming here she fucked up years of progress I’ve made. Years of hard work to be the best, in all categories that hyung needs me to excel at.
‘’Hello gentlemen.’’ She cheers gleefully completely unaware of what’s happening. Looking up she spares a wide grin and proceeds to drink more of her newly refiled glass, a waiter following her around since the start.
‘’Aren’t you being a bit careless with the amount of alcohol intake?’’ Yoongi asks sounding soft and affectionate, as she smacks her lips which are coloured into a nice pinker shade, that complement the soft pastel tones of her makeup. So annoyingly human.
‘’Me careless never.’’ She snorts giggling ‘’I’d offer a toast but given your current lack of beverage, I’ll keep on trooping on for the both of us.’’
‘’How courageous of you.’’
Another puzzling matter is the amount of alcohol intake. I know humans drink, but isn’t this too much? It’s getting to a lethal point for her livers at this point ‘’Continuing on my legacy firmly.’’
My frown deepens as Yoongi chuckles half amused ‘’Did you enjoy your chat with your newest admirer?’’
At this I spare him a glance. His expression hardens but he isn’t giving anything off his expression and posture relaxed and well masking his real emotions while she on the other hand muses and obviously turns back toward the Prince, that’s already staring towards us, offering a smirk. She hums and turns back crossing her right arm over her front while she bends her left holding the glass up near her face the posture making her look ridiculous as she fake toasts, the Prince mimicking the gesture right back.
‘’Very much so, he’s quite charming.’’ She confirms her eyebrows jumping expression seemingly too happy for her to actually be normal. How can she be so cheerful and easy going? Again, with the animal references but she’s a lamb set right now in a den of lions, ready to be devoured. She’s acting so oblivious, she is oblivious idiotically so, her attitude and the way she’s acting want me to tear out my hair.
‘’Did he ask you about your heritage?’’ at this question I furrow my brows as I look at hyung in confusion. Why is he asking her that? For sure he has paid attention to every word they’ve exchanged like everyone else so why the unnecessarily of talking about this out loud??
‘’Yes.’’ She taps the handle of her sword visibly ‘’But he didn’t get the memo quite yet. He did compare me to a princess nonetheless. I should add that to my resume.’’ Her voice that’s this dreamy aspect to it. Another sip of the bubbly liquid she tilts her head to the side smirking at hyung. The next word she speaks I cannot even phantom to pronounce or repeat - it sounds almost like she is making a sound, which for a moment I assume she just burped or something, but Yoongi hyung nods curtly. Did she just speak in another language?
‘’Oh!’’ she states in wonder turning around as music starts to play louder now the hired coven that acts as a smaller performing orchestra coming to life with a lively tune. Couples are quick to line up in the middle of the room, ready to dance ‘’How wonderful.’’ she mumbles to herself continuing to sip on her drink. With her back to me, I’m drawn by the expanse of her back the dip of her dress reaching just where her kidneys are. Harsher looking scars litter her skin, which are confusing by all means. They are long and overlapping. That must have taken a long time to heal. It almost makes me flinch.
Yoongi’s silence gets my attention and a desperate wish to peek into his mind, to see what storm is brewing there.
‘’Remember that one time, when you asked me to dance on your own free will??’’ the girl wonders sounding reminiscent while the vampire moves to stand in front of her. I feel as if I’m intruding the moment, so given my new position I walk over to the side, to a giant column that’s keeping the heavy roof intact above us. I’m close enough to them to intercept anyone, and far enough to stop any danger. But instead of focusing on my surroundings I listening in onto the two.
‘’…you’re not getting that. Even if you drag me.’’ hyung finishes amused, standing closer to her. Way too close that’s necessarily, the proximity bothering me. She’s going to give him a bad rep and he’s just letting her. I am surprised I have to admit, about the lightness of their conversation having fully expected them to start talking between one another in the foreign tongue that nobody knows about, which they usually converse in.
‘’Aigo Yoongi-yaah! Stubborn as ever!’’ I close my eyes for a moment just breathing in an out, my mood sour-ing all the more. Even though I’ve told her myself many times, that when addressing your elders, you need to call them appropriately she still goes against it acting dumb and continues to call hyung in a belittling way.
I don’t understand why he doesn’t correct her! Why is he letting her act like that? If it were any of us, we’d be dismembered, missing a limb for a few years. (Not us necessary I’ve seen him cause pain to lesser vampires that were causing too much chaos in the human world)
‘’It’s just one dance.’’ She tries hand sneaking around his waist the contrast between her brighter colour and his darker blue shaded Gonryongpo is a huge contrast furthering on her difference from us.
‘’It’s been centuries since I’ve danced this waltz. Can’t even remember certain steps.’’ he entertains her further. Ever since she came, I’ve seen him smile more times than I have ever before I feel like. Whenever she’s around him, there’s always a somewhat smile on his face.
‘’I’ll lead, it’s not like I’d be the first time.’’ she whispers as they both chuckles.
‘’Running an imaginary headache there Jeongguk-ah?’’ I glance up towards Namjoon hyung who smiles at me clearly loving my suffering.
‘’You could say that.’’ Looking at the girl, she’s basically nuzzling into Yoongi’s side not minding the many curious looks others are giving her in passing. Or plainly staring at the pair. I try to relax my features understanding Namjoon’s subtle words, in correcting myself my concentration having gotten the better of me.
‘’It can’t be that bad.’’ He pats me over the back reassuringly, eyes darting towards our hyung and the girl that finishes her drink once more.
‘’How can she drink so much?’’ I find myself asking silently not wanting her to hear me ‘’She’s practically killing herself as we speak.’’ Looking up at Namjoon his eyebrows are furrowed as he silently nods. He’s the one that’s most fascinated with humans out of all of us, and has studied human medicine for a lifetime a decade ago. So, he must know better than me, that her eating and drinking habits are unhealthy ‘’Ugh.’’ I groan as she slips and starts conversing in another language, Yoongi seemingly easy to follow along a concentrated expression drawing itself on his face.
‘’Pretentious.’’ I grumble, while Namjoon looks absolutely fascinated ‘’Don’t.’’ I warn as he looks between them and me, gaze fleeting for a moment as he smiles.
‘’This must be…’’ he counts on his fingers but ends up pointing a 5 in his mind ‘’…language that she seems to be fluent in. That’s utterly fascinating.’’ I can see how the wheels are spinning in his mind, picking up on She must be a linguist, that’s why Yoongi called her for this gathering.
His thoughts sort of do make sense. My gut feeling tells me otherwise, doubt quick in questioning Namjoon’s logic for I think the first time in my life. Her being human doesn’t make any sense, for her to still be here.
‘’I’m sure you’d be a better choice for that.’’ I point out ‘’Or me for the matter.’’
He immediately tsks crossing his arms as he stands more on my side, looking at me incredulously ‘’Jeon Jeongguk are you jealous?’’ he asks my gaze getting captured by the blonde woman again, having reached only a few steps away, waving at me a moment later getting roped in chatting with a girl similar to her. Both of them glance towards me and end up giggling.
‘’Never of her.’’ my reply is instant as I turn to glare at hyung in anger, his demander sort of knowing and confident.
‘’Hm sure. Whatever you say maknae.’’ He teases but straightens up once Yoongi approaches us, glancing after Y/N that has sat on the couch behind us. She frowns once she’s down, but accepts another refill the waiter dutifully doing his job.
‘’The meeting is going to start soon.’’ Hyung starts which has us both straightening up, and at attention ‘’I want you with me, I still need to go greet the Jeju coven and given that they’ve taken a liking to you…’’ he trails off smirking both of them exchanging looks. I expect the seriousness that settles over hyungs features once he turns to me, his dark red eyes fixating on me the feeling of him reading into my soul present for a brief moment ‘’Keep an eye on her. And be nice.’’ the last part is a warning because he doesn’t even spare me another glance. He’s moving away with Namjoon hyung that’s getting his head in the game mind elsewhere. I’m sure he’ll come and talk to me later in the morning after all this ordeal is done. I can’t really chase the feeling away of being unwanted for a moment.
‘’Many thanks, truly but I will have to continue with politely declining your requests.’’ Her voice is easy to pick up on as I’m left almost alone with my brothers mingling everywhere around the room and nowhere in my sight.
Taking in a deep breath I turn around spotting at least 3 men offering their hands over to the human, that has a rosiness to her cheeks at their advances.
‘’Just one quick dance, m’lady.’’ One tries persistently making me scowl and approach them. They do look at me, one straightening up immediately while the two others scoff.
‘’The lady already politely declined you already. Don’t turn yourselves into gossip for others by getting rejected thrice more, gentlemen.’’ I point out standing on her left, making sure I’m acting as a shield. The men eye me one insinuating that he’s going to do something more in his mind. But he does take a step back nodding, the two following as they offer their greetings and start to walk away. As I watch them give me the stink eye, I don’t miss the blonde that keeps appearing in my eyesight. Again, she has that innocent expression on, but this time she tilts her head to the side a clear invitation to move elsewhere more private.
‘’Thank you for that.’’ Her more croaky voice pips up. I spare her a glance, as she slumps against the couch again, her sword laid improperly over the couch and her lap ‘’Yoongi-ah told me to be nice so…’’ she trails off quietly for the first time this evening looking exasperated. But only for a moment as her lips quirk up, as a pair passes us bowing down offering a greeting going along and away.
‘’Don’t mention it.’’ I mumble slipping my hands into my trousers again the itch on following the blonde kind of present, but I’ve fucked up enough this evening to keep still and do as I was told.
‘’So, are you having any fun?’’ again she addresses me, and I don’t really see the point in this small talk. Because it’s coming from her mainly. It sounds unfair and mean but I’m getting really tired of her.
‘’Sure.’’ I find myself replying stoically as I look around, returning a smile or nod here and there, spotting some of my friends that are strewn around in the crowd.
‘’You know…’’ she starts and pauses. For a moment I get an image that she’s choking silently which has me turning sideways to look at her. But she’s just sitting there a bit un-lady like her legs spread instead of folded which she does after my brief thought ‘’…if you want to go chase after the blonde you can. I’ll be fine on my own.’’ At this I raise an eyebrow in question startled that she actually noticed that ‘’She seemed nice. Even asked about you.’’ At this new information my eyes raise to the crowd, spotting her wine-red dress near the entrance of the balcony on my sharp right.
‘’You’ve talked to her?’’ I frown turning back to the human, her lipstick that has gotten smudged all the more irks me immediately. Must have rubbed of the glass too much. She should stop drinking.
‘’Uh huh.’’ she replies licking over her lips, my eyes darting onto her own finding her staring straight at me. They look so…normal. Her eyes. So plain so, boring. It’s the first time that I’m actually standing so close to her, and yes, I’ve once been a human myself this shouldn’t surprise me as much as it does – it intrigues me more – but her eyes seem beautifully normal. ‘’She approached me initially having figured I’m with you only after Hoseok addressed me casually.’’ To her boring explanation I offer her a curt nod and turn to the crowd while she takes another sip of her drink ‘’So you can go to her, I’m sure Jiminie or someone else will be here to replace you instantly. Yoongi-ah worries too much, he always has a plan B, C, D, E and so on in mind.’’
I faintly smile at the statement for the first time agreeing with her. Hyung is very organized and ready for anything, partially thanks to Namjoon, but I bet his experience shaped him into who he is today. As for her I’m not so sure. She’s acting way to reckless right now even more than she does when it’s just us. She almost broke one of Bernini statues that Yoongi hyung is very proud of, that’s located in his study. How she did that exactly as it weights tons don’t ask me, the screaming match they’ve gotten into has left us all wondering in confusion as to how and why.
Again, breaking limbs isn’t uncommon to teach younglings lessons, but his way of dealing with her was to after the screaming match as over - rolled his eyes at her and pushed her out taking her to get ice cream. ICE CREAM!!! A child is what she is!!! Even if her mortal age is above twenties, she acts as if she’s 9. Even children of 5 are more respectful than she is.
‘’Are you trying to get rid of me?’’ I find myself asking as she shifts behind me, nails tapping over the metal. I can hear how her heart beat is slightly rushed thanks to the alcohol, her breathing remaining steady.
‘’Hm, not at all.’’ she replies quietly. I can feel her eyes on me, and I refuse to look back at her keeping my eyesight ahead. The Prince comes in sight as he finishes the dance with one of the many mistresses her has, or concubine I’m not sure what title to use with anyone anymore ‘’You’re the realest one tonight to be honest.’’ I can hear her whisper to herself clearly taking another sip after. Glancing back, she picks herself up not faltering as I’d assume, she would. She steps forward standing next to me expression serious and for a moment calculating as she scans the room. Thanks to the high heels she has on, she actually stands taller next to me. Even without them she stands tall, at a sort of an average length – it isn’t enough to tease her for her height.
The heels add an edge to her ‘’Ugh I’m too sober for this.’’ She complains silently at the Prince that starts approaching us. Luckily enough he gets distracted by another lady that literally steps in front of him. Glancing at the human girl her smile falters, eyes meeting my own ‘’If it were up to me right now I’d be upstairs, settled in that gods-sent fluffy bed and would have a controller in my hand, just annihilating one person after another either in Overwatch or I don’t know. Maybe replay Last of us.’’ At this revelation I look her up and down whilst she greets the waiter with a grin who hands her a new glass instead.
So, she plays games huh. Wouldn’t peg her to be the type but what do I care. I’m sure I’d beat her with ease, she has nothing on me.
‘’And what would you do, if I was there right next to you?’’ comes a flirty remark from an orange haired Jimin hyung that offers Y/N a golden tube of lipstick that probably matches the one on her lips. Only now I notice upon taking a closer look how her lips despite the fade-ness in the middle, how plump they actually look. Bite-able.
‘’That depends.’’ Y/N remarks back accepting the lipstick and small mirror handing him her glass, which he takes a sniff of ‘’Where would you exactly be? Next to me? Behind me?’’
I roll my eyes at her poor attempt of flirtation scrunching my nose up ‘’Why under you of course.’’ Ghhhhhhh.
She simply muses for a moment in silence, probably giving him a flirtatious smirk or something, which is a grimace I bet. With the corner of my eye I half watch as she opens up the lipstick ‘’Hm interesting proposition. Unrealistic but courageous in attempt. You think you could handle me?’’
I want to facepalm so hard it’s not even funny. Jimin the bastard he is giggles like a little girl almost, watching her intently, whilst I spot the blonde again talking with another guy, that’s clearly showing interest into her. Fuck.
‘’Oh, little mortal there’s not that much to handle from what I can see. I think I’ll take my chances without a second thought.’’ He shamelessly ogles her.
‘’Are you willing to bet on that then, Jiminie? Stick to your words?’’ she dares back. I spare him a glance surprised at seeing him faltering. Her head is angled in a way where I can’t see her expression, but I can see that she isn’t necessarily smiling. Huh.
He visibly gulps ‘’You’re trying to raise the stakes, aren’t you?’’ he muses confidence having faltered, so he settles for a cute approach smiling exaggeratively for a moment ‘’All or nothing, huh darling?’’ he’s putting out all his cards, posses, smiles, and the looks he gives her. And yet I know for sure somehow that she has him hocked around her finger. All done with a single look nonetheless. Not a lot of creatures let alone humans can get to him and here she just did. He is a touch but to crack so to speak.
‘’All or nothing.’’ she repeats recapping the lipstick and is quick to hand both items back to the pink haired man, accepting her drink back ‘’From what I just saw I’ll choose the latter, kitten.’’ The remark has me rising an eyebrow power balance shifting. Knowing very well that Jimin is a switch and that it sometimes takes him only a word or a motion to render him putty this is highly amusing and interesting indeed. And I think judging by the silence, she broke him sort of. Glancing towards him yeah if he was human, he’d be blushing all over, the puppy eyes telling me everything I need to know.
‘’Let’s get this show on the road boys.’’ she comments off handed. I miss completely as people start to gather around the middle and end up clapping, the orchestra being thanked for the wonderful tunes, a speech from the Prince ensuing. All the while I stare as Y/N down’s her drink, and gulps it like its water. Getting a whiff, I’m seriously questioning her will for life. That’s the scent of strong clean, vodka with a hint of peach in it.
She smacks her lips again and turns to me ‘’Do I look okay?’’ she asks the question completely flabbergasting me. But I do automatically take her in, head to toe. Her dress is still in place not even wrinkled. And this close up, I can see more scars which don’t deter me away anymore. The gold on her fingers, the rings add elegance to the look more completing it, and the earrings are a cheery on top not glinting much under the lighting up close. Her hairstyle the messiness I understand it, and same goes for the gentle touch on her makeup.
Looking at her lips they look perfectly drawn and arched. I dumbly nod instead, taking a glance at her sword. The blade being a kopis, has the handle curved the detailing on the grip is shaped as a pouncing lion the underside of the guard has a winged horse on each side the wings sort of creating the handle . This is the heritage they’ve talked about as the blade is traditionally Greek. She’s turning away faster than I can assess her weapon further more. I watch as she puts on a smile, letting out a heavy breath and hands of her glass to the waiter that’s ready to refill her glass.
She offers him a silent thank you, and then steps forward. It takes me a nudge from Jimin to register that I should follow after her. So, keeping up a distance but remain relatively close I mingle into the crowd keeping her at the corner of my eye at all times noticing the way the draping of her dress elegantly seems to float behind her.
I join in the clapping as we come to a stop reaching the middle of the room. I’m surprised to see Yoongi her and remain standing in the back watching as the human steps right over to his side, bowing respectfully to the elder coming from Jeju that’s the closest one next to her.
The murmurs that raise, confirm my hunch – nobody is protesting her position in their lines but they are all questioning it. Out of the gathered mass my friend Yugyeom makes and appearance across us trying lowkey to keep a surveillance of the room, but he ends up looking straight at me. Crossing my arms, I shake my head amused at his fresh blood so to speak. I know he has been put in charge of protecting, their coven’s linguist Jackson. He simply smirks in return and disappears into the crowd. The other linguist or advisors’ steps next to their elders same as Y/N did while the Prince continues on telling a war story, probably meant to inspire everyone and instead I bet it has everyone wanting to stab him or someone else to end his miserable tale.
‘’…for the future!’’ he ends his speech soon after but not soon enough. The claps arise once more, while the elders start moving towards the end of the room, where a door will lead them into another room which happens to be our grand library, expanding up into the second floor as well.
One by one they make their way inside, the Prince getting distracted by his own advisor standing near the back. But I think for the most part everyone’s attention is situated on the only being that’s not of our kin in the room. The human accepts Yoongi’s offered arm, wrapping her own around his as they follow everyone else ignoring the rumours and different expressions offered towards them.
If I had a heart, I think it would be beating out of my chest by now. My body doesn’t necessarily lack all human traits but the stillness keeps emotions hidden luckily more times than not – I feel the heaviness settle in my stomach like a boulder invading my senses. For some reason I get a bad, bad feeling about this. My anger returns as this just crosses all the lines doesn’t it. And by some snarls once the two of them pass the doors lets me know I’m not feeling this alone.
My friend’s presence next to me, stops me from reacting too strongly like some vampires do hisses and protests rising. We both watch in silence and with frowns as the party mood turns tense. Some of the more mature meaning older vampires start to protest loudly, some going towards the doors where Taehyung has settled himself, along with mainly Prince’s extra guards. There’s an official speaker that’s been left outside trying to calm and charm the defiant bunch. Hoseok and Jimin hyung aren’t far away trying to get the party started once more doing a way better job than the assigned guy. Jin and Namjoon entered the meeting as well, leaving the responsibility onto us; mine being mainly security and basically manhandling if someone turns out to act too unruly.
‘’Interesting developments.’’ Yugyeom comments quietly. Glancing over at him, the turtleneck he has on wants me to make fun of him, but this situation prevents me from doing so. Dressed all in black and with freshly dyed black hair, he looks aged somewhat. The fluorescent yellow hair he had not even a month ago made him look younger.
‘’Uh huh.’’ I simply hum tearing my eyes away from the doors and crowd ‘’I’m surprised you’re still here.’’
Sparing him a glance my friend doesn’t seem phased at my question, just snorting in response at first keeping an eye out as I do too ‘’Gotta earn my place in due time.’’ I tilt my head to the side briefly rising my head up as I smirk knowing those words all too well myself ‘’So what’s this whole infuriation thing going on with the flesh bag?’’ he asks, motioning for me to start walking. The nickname he uses for the human strikes a weird chord deep withing me. I keep silent at first, as we make our way towards the other side of the room, and the balcony that’s closest to the library. No guards are settled here, which makes it seem as a lack of good strategy having been put in place. Anyone can jump through the windows to get the elders attention – this is getting strange and not in a good way.
The terrace is illuminated by the outdoor lights, as well as the half of the moon that’s glowing above us. The chilliness of the air is welcomed, even though I literally can’t differentiate temperatures as much as I did when I was a human in a sense of them bothering me.
‘’Rumours are already spreading.’’ The vampire next to me says keeping his tone down, as he leans against the railing, offering me a cocky smirk. I frown at him, turning my back to the gardens while I glance towards the library. The wall has been built in a way that you can barely see inside. And right now, the curtains have been drawn close. So, I glance inside at the calmed down vampires, spotting newcomers. It’s easy to detect their fastened heart beats, excitement rising. The main course of the night has arrived.
‘’Oh, do tell.’’ I grunt again spotting the blonde that seems to be haunting me this whole evening. She’s dancing with a human male, that’s almost literally slobbering over her.
‘’Where to start.’’ Yugyeom chuckles clearly amused ‘’Some say, she’s just a new pet Yoongi hyung found. Some have the impression of her being his concubine seeing her skin so battered. Others speculate that the scars are from fighting, as in some being former fighting and even sword wounds. The huge scaring on her back someone said is from whipping which isn’t it kinky ey?’’ he wiggles his eyebrows snapping his fingers, acting ridiculous.
My brows furrow at new gossip, and his words and implications. Fighting wounds? Whips. I know how whips feel, how whipping…how…
With some difficulty I swallow the lump in my throat. I can’t find myself imagining her being whipped, it just doesn’t make sense. She’s to chirp and loud and, full of life to have been put through something traumatic such as whipping. The rock in my gut just seems to have been set on fire, as nerves settle more prominently.
‘’Hah yeah.’’ I fake a smile which he does buy into it and continues on.
‘’Some are into the aspect of fucking her.’’ my lips go into a thin line as he says that cheerfully ‘’I think as a fetish more or less or something I’m not sure.’’ He pauses for a moment ‘’Do you think I can have a go at her too?? If hyung is willing to share her that is. Price and all included.’’ legitimately he looks eager and suddenly hungry pupils dilating slightly.
I simply glare at him the growl grumbling in my throat unexpected and has me freezing. But he gets the hint and raises his hands up a bright grin settling over his features ‘’No harm done bro! Understood loud and clear.’’ He even winks at me raising up a finger gun acting as bad as she does ‘’Man why do all exciting things happen to you and none to me?! It’s pretty boring sometimes. You should visit sometimes.’’ He’s quick to switch the conversation tension that has risen between us deflating halfway. But it’s still present.
I love Yugyeom I really do; we grew up together when we were humans so he’s more like a real brother to me. But right now, I’m finding myself disliking him, and the way he was led to think about Y/N. I’m the first person wishing for her to just leave us alone, but I would not want her to fall into the hands of these fuckers here. Everyone that attends these sorts of gatherings hold themselves way to fucking high up, as if they are royalty. In reality we all, came from dirt – and the ones that have not are pretentious pricks that have been handed things on golden platters unfortunately.  There’s no in between in our society.
Screams raise up from the inside, fright loud and clear in the air as the invited humans try to run away. Its soon after that moans replace the terror the flip quicker than the usual. Our guests were hungrier than they led on.
‘’When all of this excitement goes down I will.’’ I promise smiling feeling my shoulders relax as the scent of blood reaches my nose. It has my friend straightening up as well shifting from one foot to another ‘’We’ve got a bet to settle, don’t we?’’
He wiggles his eyebrows chuckling, pushing himself away from the railing ‘’Wanna end it now?’’ he challenges. The bet is ridiculous and downright douche-y. I won’t go into details right now, as the nerves of the mere thought of trying at it, does the opposite of exciting me.
I shake my head at him waving my hand in dismissiveness ‘’Next time. I’ve had my fill earlier today.’’ I lie smoothly. He must be really hungry because he nods and is backing away instead of trying to wrestle me inside.
‘’Your loss bunny boy.’’ I roll my eyes as he reaches the doors ‘’More for me!’’ and with that he’s out of sight easily catching a fleeting girl twirling her around. Not wanting to see what follows, I spare a glance at a man that has another one pressed against a column, draining him hands roaming all over the human’s body who looks like he’s in pure bliss.
Another pair has settled on the ground shamelessly grinding against one another. With a bitter taste in my mouth I turn my back to all of them, and lean onto the stone railing, looking across the garden. Even though there’s so much going on behind me, I do pick up on pitter-pattering of creatures ahead of us. There’s a forest not far away from our estate, the back gardens connected to it. So many creatures do have access and roam freely around it by daylight mainly, sensing us as we sense them.
The smell of blood, and heaviness of sex whisks past me, the mixed smells raising the all too familiar itch to start scratching at my throat insistently so. Even with years of self-discipline and learning control the hard way, by being chained up most times than not it’s hard to ignore my instincts. I do want to just run in, and sink my teeth into some girl, or guy to drink them dry. This is the only time where we can do it, as usually our food comes from donors these days.
What I don’t understand is why for the first time something is holding me back. The blood doesn’t smell right, its either to sweetened or bland. Same as the noises and screams; nothing in particular arouses me, not even my own thoughts of the blonde. Her red wine dress, tugged up legs spread wide open beneath me, as I take her right where I’m standing here it’s just…I bet she’d moan nicely and beg to be fuck hard to the point before breaking. Her eyes would glow nicely wouldn’t they…
But the glow feels wrong. Her flawless skin would match my own under my palms, it wouldn’t be heated up, or fleshy to grope. Same as her melodic tone, it wouldn’t be raspy like I want it to be. Her scent is probably all wrong too, I bet she smells nothing like strawb…
‘’There you are.’’ as if I’ve called her or have pulled her straight out of my mind she’s right there at the doors. Turning around I raise an eyebrow upon seeing her, dragging another human girl that’s panting and has a leash around her neck. She visibly shivers at the change of temperature but the blonde pays her no mind ‘’You’re a hard man to catch.’’
Smirking I straighten up half turning around watching as she licks a bold stripe up the human girl’s neck making a show of it ‘’Hard to believe that. I wasn’t hiding or running away from you.’’
She muses pursing her lips, as she stands on the humans left side groping her whilst her eyes are hungrily taking me in ‘’Duty before pleasure I presume.’’
‘’Afraid so.’’ I nod in return, as the blonde whispers something in the girl’s ears. She moans hungrily eyeing the blonde that pushes her against the wall and shushes her down promising to do filthy things to her. It doesn’t take much for the human to comply, her hands flying under the skirt of her dress eyes shutting closed. My attention remains on the blonde instead as she turns around and approaches me still musing.
‘’Politics are such a bore.’’ She states standing next to me, looking across the garden ‘’Like life sometimes.’’ Looking at her she looks up at me curiously ‘’But I bet you can’t say the same.’’
‘’Hmm define the word boring.’’ I tease back her lips quirking into a smirk.
‘’Ah you know the usual. Feed, seduce, feed more and so on so on.’’ she replies stepping closer to me ‘’Now you’re turn.’’ Her hands are quick to rank up my suit jacket, nails a contrast that doesn’t go together with my outfit.
‘’Not much difference. Feed, train, feed more and train a bit more.’’ I almost neutrally reply, holding in my breath as he hands reach just beneath my collarbones abandoning my suit jacket in favour of testing out how firm my chest is.
‘’Hard to believe there’s nothing more, exciting to fill up your schedule.’’ Her eyes meet my own. And same as in my day dream, they glint briefly brightly red. She is laying all her cards on the table. And I’ve waited all night for this to happen. Granted I wanted to chase her down, like a gentleman but she’s here either way in my grasp.
Straightening up, I place my hands over her hips keeping silent for a moment further as I slide them shamelessly to grip her ass, the action having her breathing hitch. It doesn’t feel all that nice. Leaning down, I hover inches away from her thin lips shaded into a matching colour to her dress.
‘’There’s a possibility I like keeping that part of it to myself.’’ at this she arches an eyebrow showing of her sharp teeth as she smiles. As I intake a breath her scent fills my senses completely. She smells like roses, and butterscotch the combination wanting to be sweet and yet – I don’t find it nice.
It lacks that real tender sweetness, and fruitiness.
‘’Do you reveal it to only a handful of people then perhaps?’’ she breathes out eyes glowing brightly red, as I tug her left thigh upwards pressing her to myself shifting so that she can’t exactly feel me against her. I’m not hard at all. Not even semi-hard. Okay maybe a tiny bit but it’s worrisome that I’m not feeling any attraction to her anymore.
I take a look at her up and close trying to get my body to react, or convince myself to at least think that’s she’s attractive. Her blonde hair seems fake up close, features way too symmetrical and off putting for whatever reason. Her makeup is heavily put on, lines not visible. Glancing down at her body and how she’s pressed against me…the hold I have on her…it’s lacking. She’s very plain. The perfection I praised not long ago, is now just dull and uninteresting.
‘’We can share.’’ She adds probably detecting my hesitance ‘’Kitten won’t mind it once bit.’’ the nickname she uses throws me off further. Even though I do look at the human girl that’s shamelessly uncovered her lower part and is rubbing herself for us to see, moans filling the night air – it’s not convincing enough. I’d rather take the human girl for myself instead of sharing.
Grunting I let go of the blonde’s leg realizing in the back of my mind that I don’t even know her name. She looks at me with furrowed brows, as I take half a step away distancing myself.
‘’Found you!’’ a voice sings cheerfully from the doors. Both of us look towards the orange haired male, that grins widely, his mouth smeared in red ‘’Oh what do we have here.’’ He’s quick to skip over to the human, taking her in ‘’Yah Jeongguk-ah you are so selfish.’’ He pouts, running his hands over the trembling girl’s side.
‘’Jimin-ssi when I told you to beat it, I meant it. With all due respect.’’ Blondie pips up crossing her arms and looks annoyed while my hyung remains playfully touching the human girl, that’s panting louder.
‘’C c c Dahyun-ah. That’s so mean coming from such a sweet girl like yourself.’’ He pouts crowding behind the girls back. He hocks his chin over her shoulder as he gives us puppy eyes. I smirk at his antics thanking him quickly in my mind, that he was so quick to answer my call not even 2 minutes ago. Given by the silence of the blonde – or apparently Dahyun he has her hocked.
‘’Why don’t you teach her some manners hyung?’’ I propose crossing my arms as I lean back against the railing. She turns to look at me stunned mouth opening to say something, but Jimin in a bat of an eye is right there crowding into her space blocking her view away from me.
‘’I really should, shouldn’t I?’’ he growls lowly hand reaching under her chin to keep her focus on him ‘’You think you can handle it baby doll?’’
I frown instantaneous turning away eyes trailing off to the library, mind switching to the image of Y/N. Those are almost the same words that she used to tease him. Turning back to the two, they have ended making out – plain and simple. But once he opens his eyes and grins, she continues licking at him like an animal trying to get every trace of blood from his chin and cheek.
Jimin doesn’t say anything just sends me a wink and a I owe you one Jeonggukkie dragging both Dahyun and the human girl back inside in mere moments. He even closes the balcony door. A gentleman indeed.
My shoulders just sag, as I sit myself on the railing climbing over it, letting my legs hang over the edge as I stare at the moon at first watching as it lowers down slowly, orbiting around us.
What a stupid and weird night. I run my hands over my face trying to gather my thoughts that are in disarray. So much has happened, and still is happening. There are so many mysteries too, more than I thought there would be resolving one simple human. She should have stayed hidden upstairs away from everyone’s greedy gazes and thoughts, far away from the centre of anyone else’s attention. Rephrase that she should be here in the first place.
Saying she’s hyungs long term friend is stupid. I’ve known hyung over 190 years given that he was the one who saved and turned me. I’ve never seen her before; he never even mentioned her name or anything.
Even if he does have meetings in the city, there’s no way they could have hung out. Either of us would smell her on him, even if he did change clothes before coming home. Which we know he’s too lazy to go through that much trouble. He’s not hiding her away right now, meaning he didn’t give her a second thought then either.
There are so many questions to answer some completely illogical on their own.
Looking towards the library, nothing has changed. Not even the boulder in my stomach that weights me down. Something is about to happen. Changes are coming. She’s the initiator of it all. I just hope it’s not something of a downfall for us. It sure feels like it.
Part 1 / Part 2
Copyright 2020© by barbika1508. All rights reserved.
Dictionary: Wangseja - Crown prince, the son of the king who appointed as heir to the throne. Gonryongpo – Dragon Robe/ were the everyday dress of the emperors or kings of China, Korea Vietnam and the Ryukyu Kingdom. Samjeongdo - the sword given to newly promoted Korean military generals each year by the Ministry of National Defence. Kopis - a heavy knife with a forward-curving blade / the Ancient Greeks often used single-edged blades in warfare, as attested to by art and literature.
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go-go-devil · 4 years
The White Eye of Emeritus
Alright motherfuckers, it’s been too damn long since I last posted any Ghost headcanons, so here’s my own lore about the white eye we’ve come to know and love, specifically how it first came to be as well as the dubious origins of how the Emeritus “family” was created!
Since this is over 1,000 words I’m gonna submit this as part of Emeritober this year, since I quite like this one. Also available to read on AO3!
Strap in folks, this is basically gonna be a Demon Pope history lesson!
TW: Mentions of sexism and body horror
Of all the traits that each of the abbey’s unholy popes possessed, there are none as unifying and diabolical as that of The White Eye. Always on the left eye, always as pale as the full moon, it is the ultimate symbol for which one reveals their unyielding devotion to Lucifer and all the Great Demons that serve under Them, and it is through this property that each Papa is granted the ability to perform black magic in our mortal realm.
It was a gift first earned by The Original Papa Emeritus Nihil back during the Middle Ages, after the sacking of their original abbey in Florence. Even after the surviving Siblings of Sin were left without a home or leader (their first elected pope having been captured and subsequently burned at the stake), his devotion to the art of black magic and natural leadership skills played a significant role in helping the survivors make their exodus to the north. Upon settling in Linköping he found himself powerful enough to attempt a direct contact with The Olde One, asking for Them to grant him the magic of Hell itself as a means of assuring his people’s prosperity in this new land.
His request was granted. He used his magic given to him by The Eye to summon the first ghouls into our Earthly plane, and with their superior strength and elemental powers they helped construct the Unholy Abbey of Linköping for the Siblings of Sin to reside and worship in. With the further aid of these ghouls alongside the skills of many witches, he then weaved a dark mist to shield the abbey from discovery by those who fought for God, granting access only to those who wished to serve the Will of Satan. Those Christians back in Florence had mockingly named their previous pope “Papa Emeritus” after his forced retirement, so Nihil chose to keep the name to show how even death cannot stop one so devoted to the devil, and thus the unholy title of all future Papas had been born!
Now as to how The Eye can be earned, well… this is where things get complicated.
For a long time, there were no consistent guidelines for electing someone as the next Papa. Some were able to perform either the same or similar contact rituals that the original Emeritus 0 was able to do, those of which were always incredibly dangerous and could violently kill the seeker attempting spiritual communication with Hell. There were even others that had arrived  already possessing this white eye by some chance supernatural event, having instinctively searched out the Unholy Abbey through supernatural guidance, although these cases are significantly rarer.
As for gaining The Eye via rituals, the only criteria they had back in the olden days were that the person needed to have lived and studied in the abbey for at least 10 years and completed seminary, be highly skilled in the art of black magic, and needed to possess a penis (The Serpent with Which They Could Use to Deceive). Unfortunately, sexism in regards to leadership roles affected even the protofemenist teachings of the Satanic Church for the longest time, and nowadays the abbey is sure to teach of the multiple women & trans men of the clergy who most likely did possess the abilities needed to become Papa but were not allowed to.
Well to be fair, there were two Papas elected that were not cis men: an intersex person and a woman, those being The Original Papa Emeritus Secondo and Terzo respectively. Emeritus II was "traditionally masculine" enough to be allowed an attempt at the contact, while Emeritus III had come to them already possessing The Eye, and thus they could not ignore her rightful title (although they did still refer to her through he/him pronouns, stubborn bastards....).
And that's how it was for much of the abbey's history. Emeritus was merely a title to denote whichever random person was lucky enough to achieve it, nothing more. However, everything changed during the early 1800’s when a single idea dawned on the current Papa of the time. The previous two Papas before him had both happened to be his father and grandfather, so if that were the case, would that mean that the power of The Eye could be inherited?
Testing his Lamarckist hypothesis, he waited until both his sons had come of age and then forcibly subjected them to the contact ritual under the implication that their bloodline would automatically grant them access to this magic, which caused one to die horribly and the other to successfully be gifted with the coveted white eye. Through the combination of this “successful discovery” alongside a desperation to reclaim the earthly magic that was starting to disappear as well as the backing of an upper clergy becoming more and more corrupted with each passing decade, the title Emeritus had been officially morphed into a dynasty.
Perhaps there was some truth in the inheritable properties of magic, since more Papas were made from that starting lineage. Yet when put into perspective, the costs of this practice were truly far too great to justify the means.
Dozens upon dozens of teenage boys were subjected to these premature contact rituals and suffered disgusting, needless deaths at the hands of their fathers, all in the hopes of finding the one “worthy” heir to the Papacy. Harems, which were once simply a source of pleasure for a Papa, became a mandatory method of producing enough sons. These women were impregnated so often that many ended up dying from birth complications, and those who were able to successfully give birth either had to raise their daughters all on their own or risk seeing their sons bodies be twisted and shredded beyond recognition after an unsuccessful ritual.
Our current day Nihil had four brothers before him; three whom he never knew, and one he was forced to forget. They did prove to be failures after all, so why memorialize them? It truly was nothing short of a miracle that he was able to survive the ritual at such a young age. Once he got The Eye and all the magic it provided him, along with the aid of one Sister of Sin allied to his cause, he wasted no time in usurping his wicked father. To further emphasize his separation from his father's legacy, he reset his title back to Emeritus 0 as a symbol of how he was going to lead the Satanic Church into a new Golden Age, one where he would never subject his heirs to such needless destruction.
Ironic how he ended up accidentally achieving what his own father always dreamed of: three sons that proved themselves apt enough to survive the ritual and earn The Eye. Granted, he did forbid his children from attempting the contact until they had fully developed their knowledge of black magic and had completed seminary, but it is quite intriguing how he managed to produce this many heirs to the Papacy in such a short span of time.
Could an outside force had helped him in some way, possibly enhancing the heritability of his magic with supernatural means for the sake of their achieving their own ends?
Of course not! Who could possibly do something like that?
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missingartist · 5 years
Fated Destiny
anonymous asked:
Hi can i request geralt x reader soulmate unwilling to find each other, you can do whatever you want for the story. I know this sentence mean a lot in the tv show ''people linked by destiny will always find each other''
Rating Mature- You have been warned
People linked by destiny will always find each other
The words etched into your skin since your birth. It burnt at first, even after a lifetime you could still remember the searing, the burning, the begging for it to end. The priestess had told you that it meant your bond was strong, the strongest they had ever seen. That had not been very comforting in your heats, with no lover or soulmate to pull you through; those times were harrowing and hard. Still, the priestess had been proud of a Valkyrie to have a soulmate, the stuff of dreams you were told. It made you almost laugh; you were never a romantic, a realist if anything, the scowled you received at the hands of the High Priestess herself were legendary. So few Valkryie receive such an honour and those who kept them after were few and far between. The High Priestess would repeat time and time again that destiny would prevail. Even now, you could clearly recall the sound of her voice as she bared down at you from her throne in the temple. When you ascended from Swan Maiden to Valkyrie, she had been destroyed that you chose to stay at the temple as advisor and teacher.
Staying in Valhalla was practical, there were so few of them remaining that they need sturdy teachers, who else could teach the old ways, then who would carry the slaughtered through to the next world, guard the weak and vulnerable, help the unfortunate. There were times you regretted it; you were not above the idea of love and a family, only a soul bond could grant that for a Valkyrie to free of her duties and allow the gods to grant fertility. Yet, sacrifices had to be made, and you would never had made a good soulmate, too much of a reader, too bookish, too dull. Those were the taunts that were whispered behind your back, the jeers and isolation who received at the hand of your so-called friends in arms, the other swan-maidens. So you remained in the temple bound to your duty, honouring the dying and the fallen.
But in saying that, sometimes you would fantasise. He would be a fierce warrior, skilled in his craft, bathed in blood and at the same time kind with a loving smile and warm arms that would encircle you. Your dreams kept you company in the lonely nights in the library, and that was enough because you knew, no matter what the books said about soulmate, it was romanticised, no one could love another like that, not even your parents, too afraid of her daughters mark to keep her, so instead offer her to the Temple of the Valkyrie.
‘Y/N…’ A voice called you back into the present as your friend, and mentor Edda entered the vast library, gliding across the marble in her white silk dress. Elegant and poised as ever, she had ascended when she was nearing 40, but she was easily one of the most beautiful maidens in the temple, graceful and slim bodied.
‘We have been called to the throne room; it’s the High Priestess, she has called an emergency meeting.’
‘Ahhhh Edda and Y/N so glad you could finally honour us with your presence.’ The High Priestess chirped, standing in the middle of the throne room.
Including you, 27 Valkyrie’s stood silently around the edge of the circular hall, some in temple dress of white silk and bright gold metal, hair twisted in place immaculately. Others, in armour, battle dress, plated metal and hardened leather, adorned with the finest steel swords and bows, glittered shield strapped to there backs. Both sides of the Valkyrie were so different. Light and dark. Life and death. Contrasting, but the different sides of the same coin.
‘My children…I fear our age is coming to an end. We have become less and less, humans kill us, haunt us when all we have done is serve them. Till we are the few that remain, if we perish then the Valkyrie is no more. I cannot allow this to happen. The humans have turned, just as they did with the Elfs. Kings mad with power deem themselves beyond us. Some have outlawed magic altogether, train witch hunters to track and kill all things magic. Our temple can stand no longer silent when our brother and sisters are tortured and burnt at the stake. Tissaia de Vries, Rectoress of Aretuza, has pleaded for our help and we can no longer linger at the side of the battlefield. We are Valkyries, shield maidens, defenders, and we do not hide. WE WILL fight. If any of you do not agree, go forth from my halls, I will hold no ill will. But daughters, I beseech you. Fight with me.’
Your eyes did not move from her, her golden hair shining in the light, creating a hallow around her as she moved. No one moved, no one breath till the High Priestess has a sharp nod and ascended the throne.
‘Men have forgotten what it is to be afraid. We will bring fear. Shall we begin?’ The voice of the High Priestess run out deadly across the room as you received your orders.
With that you found yourself posted to the mortal lands, you still found yourself standing in awe as you past some wonder or another. Skellige had a savage beauty to it, dark greens and blues, mix with the earthy tones of browns and greys. The people for all their ferocious talk and gruff nature were warm and welcoming; few knew your true visage, but that didn’t seem to matter. They welcomed your help with open arms, clothed and feed you.
Your Pegasus, a pure white mare, its wings tucked secretly away at her side as she trotted merrily through the worn path. You had picked her personally from a litter, the runt; you had nursed it yourself, fed it day and night for weeks, will it was strong enough to train and since then you were inseparable. You had flown into battle with her, sprinted through meadows, guarded Kings with your faithful Pegasus at your side.
You had been travelling for days, across Skellige to reach here, the gates of Crach an Craite’s castle, Kaer Tolde. It stood tall and imposing above the sea and waves broke violently against the cliff wall. The stone was a dark grey, but vibrant green ivy climbed the stone, giving it an almost picturesque quality. You hated to admit it but coming to earth had made you realise how much you hate the pristine halls and celestial keeps, you like the imperfect, the grim and the grotesque. Nothing had to be perfect to be beautiful.
A tall, powerful man in traditional garb stood in the middle of the keep, a band of gold surrounded his head, making him almost King-like, a powerful Jarl to be sure.
‘Hail Virtuous Valkyrie, my home is yours for as long as you need.’ The Jarl stepped forward bowing nearly in respect.
‘I thank you, noble Jarl, but just Y/N is fine. My High Priestess thanks you for you tributes. I am at your service.’ You grinned as you stepped forward, clunch his forearm in a Northan handshake.
‘Ahhhhh you with your pretty words. Come I have had the maids prepare a room for you. There is someone I think you have been waiting a long time to meat ’ The jarl laughed as he gestured you into the castle.
The room was comfy, autumn colours warmed the room, while a fire softly roared by the hearth. It was not as grand as the rooms at the Temple, but in its rustic charms, it felt more homely than any rooms you had ever slept it. You made your way, thought the larges corridors to the feasting hall, it wasn’t hard to figure out where you were going, just follow the noise of roaring cheers that reverberated across the castle. The hall was full of merry people, laughing and cheering, songs rude enough to make a sailor blush. It was outrageous, and you loved it. Weiving you way through the crowd you pitched a flagon from a pasting steward toward your host, who stood in conversation with a group of white-haired men and a woman.
‘Ahhhh Geralt, Vesemir, Ciri this is Y/N, the Valkyrie I have the honour of hosting’ Crach beamed as he hoisted his horn aloft draining the vessel in one gulp, droplets of mead, gathering in his beard.
‘Greetings fair warrior maiden, humble Witchers are ever given such an honour’ the oldest man, bowed, revealing two swords strapped to his back, ever ready it would seem.
‘I have never met a Valkyrie before, is it true you ride a flying horse?’ The women Ciri grinned across at you, amused.
A laugh formed in your belly and escaped from your lip before you could fight it back, ‘It is, mine is called Slugger, he often has to roll with the punches, if you want you could come on a ride. She loves to show off. But the honour is mine; Witcher’s are famed throughout the hall of the temple they are very coveted, I believe many of my sisters have a favourite Witcher they protect and guard against harm.’ You teased, taking a sip of the honeyed mead, savouring the taste on your tongue.
‘Hmmm,’ the last Witcher hummed but remained silent, looking boredly at the floor.
‘I never realised you all had different coloured irises.’ You beamed before turned your attention to the silent man's eyes; they were a stunning amber, flecks of gold run through them, along with burnt oranges and saffrons.’ You smiled ‘Your eyes are beautiful.’
The group smiles vanished, replaced by shocked stares. You blinked quickly, eyes snapping from Witcher to Witcher. You had never meant a Witcher before; it had never occurred to you that they may have some kind of etiquette to them. From the tales that spread across the temple, they fought hard and played harder, any coined they earnt was spent on wine and women, they didn’t seem the kind of people easily offended.
Pursuing your lips in a quick apology they stopped as the Witcher’s lips twitched into something resembling a strained smile, it looked neither happy or unhappy just impassive.
‘People linked by destiny will always find each other.’ The man grunted, his bulky form vibrating at the sound.
A shiver through her body and to her core at the sound of his gruff tone. Immediately, your hand flew to cover your forearm, where your mark was held, just above the artery to her heart, in fear that your gauntlet had come off. The gauntlet that had covered your arm the last 50 years, shielding the mark from the world and you. The man's eyes didn’t leave yours as your thoughts raced a thousand miles a minute. The feeling you felt were conflicted, guilt for not find him sooner, for finding him and shattering what he had already made of his life. Happiness at not being alone, soulmates were meant to compliment the other physically and mentally, to meld into one to create the most potent force, unstoppable. A magnetism pulled you to him, powerful and commanding.
‘By the gods…. I never thought you would hear your word Geralt. You have no idea how much shit I used to give him about those words. Beautiful eyes….huh this grumpy bastard.’ The drunken Jarl boomed.
The other Witchers laughed and raised their drink; however, the ashen haired women observed you curiously, through light green eyes, cat-like, only distracted when behind you a couple of warriors began to brawl causing a chain reaction. Within seconds the whole room erupted in chaos, beer and mead splashed against the walls, teeth spilt out across the floor and the sound of flesh against flesh cracked across the room. Blade where unsheathed and the clash of metal pierced the air. By the time Ciri’s eyes came back to find you, you were gone.
The roar of the fight had long ago since died down and the roar of laughed was once again back. Your feet aimlessly wandered the castle for the last hour; you weren’t really sure where or what you were doing, the only thing you could hear was his voice repeating your words over and over, like honeyed silk in your head. You never thought he would be this attractive, tanned marble skin paired with white hair pinned back revealing chiselled features. His body was 6ft5 of honed muscle, and in his armour, he was more than impressive, no wonder he was a favourite among the Valkyrie’s.
‘You know I’m not going to let you leave. Not till you let me ride Slugger. I don’t think Geralt would either, but I think he has a rather different idea of riding.’ Ciri’s voice cut through the chilly night air.
The young women sat cross-legged on a bench at the end of the hall. You stood hesitantly lingering in the middle of the hall observing her; she was expressive and kind, her face told everything. It was a gorgeous face, but her eyes were the main feature, framed in thick charcoal, with a smoky eye effect.
‘I never believed it when Crach said a Valkyrie had Geralt words. Apparently, your High Priestess is important to get you bonded.  Had to see it myself, never thought you would be so cool. Is that really a G'valchir sword- I heard they penetrated anything.’
‘It is, and it does. I'll let you practice with it later…perhaps we can spare tomorrow morning.’ You smiled tightly, coming closer.
‘I don’t think Geralt going to be letting you leave that room anytime soon. Don’t worry Crach removed everyone from this wing. I don’t think he wanted a raging Witcher roaming the halls. It's going to fun having you to hang around with.’ Ciri giggled, hopping off the bench and out the window.
The world had lost all normality. This morning you where a wandering Valkyrie, burden with aiding an uneven war and now you were confused. It couldn't be real, just some surreal daydream, fueled by a bad reaction to mead, you just need to sleep and tomorrow would back to normal. Soulbond forgotten. Pushing your way into your room, you fell against the back of the door and let out a puff of breath, as you removed your breastplate and threw it onto the bed, rolling your neck, groaning as you felt the stratifying clicks and began to unbuttoning your undershirt. Only stopping when you saw a mans armour on the dresser.
‘I thought you were going to run away, though I was going to have to track you down….I am a little disappointed not to have a hunt. I think that would start my rut off.’
Geralt of Rivia was lounging on a bearskin rug in front of a roaring fire, shirt half-open, chest hair teasingly peaking out from a rock hard chest, just as tanned as his face. Why was he in your room?
‘What…What are you doing here? These are my rooms.’
‘Hmmm,’ The Witcher grunted.
You stood in silence for several more minutes, his eyes hungrily devouring you, his predator eyes taking in every inch of you, his head tilted to the side, giving you a beautiful view of his neck. Perfect to bite, to suck, to mark. You could feel a familiar tingle travel through her body; wetness pooled between your thighs as gazed down at him. You wanted to say something, anything, but every time you opened your mouth, no words would form.
Swallowing hard, you spoke. ‘What are you doing in my room.’
‘Our rooms. Crach had my things moved in while we were at the feast. Think he thought it was more…. convenient.’ The Witcher smirked as he raised himself up on one arm.
‘What are you doing here?’
‘I stopped running. You can’t outrun destiny just because you’re terrified of it. I was coming for you. I have always been coming for you.’ Geralt purred, standing elegantly, his full height was impressive and intimidating, he crossed the room in two long strides.
You scrabbled across the bed and darted across to the fireplace. Now the light was to the back of you; his features were more prominent, highlighted by the flickering flames, that licked up the fireplace. Geralt’s shirt was now fully open, revealing the sheer power of his chest, perfectly toned by battles and training, the odd scar decorated his body. No wonder he was so converted, your sisters were going to be green with envy when they found out he was yours.
‘I…. We…You’
Before you mouth could catch up with your mind, you found yourself pin to the furs that laid across the floor in front of the blazing fire. The Witcher hovered over you, eyes searching your face, his large hands gripping your hips as the rest of his length held your body in place. Without hesitation, you curled your legs across his thighs and twisted, switching your position, your knees stretched to pin his hips to the floor, it was an easy advantage, from here you could place pressure on his weak point and for a brief moment escape. As you moved back, though the flimsiness of your riding pants you could fill his hardness pressing against your wet core. You had never felt anything close to this pleasure  from the briefest contact. You had tried to bring your self through the heats, the touches where only enough to stave off the pain for a short while, necessary but not pleasurable.
Biting your soft plush lip, you attempted to hold back a groan, as you moved again. Your grip loosened as you caught yourself gentle grinding against the Witcher. His hands slowly travelled up your thighs to rest on your round bottom, pushing his chest up and once against resting above her. You stared nervously up at him, all thoughts lost, he smelt like mint and spice, it overwhelms your senses. Geralt pulled back, peeling off his black undershirt and tossing it clear across the room. Your eyes following the masterpiece of his muscles as they moved. Tentatively, you let your hands brush across his skin with feathered touches, feeling his muscles tighten and relax under your fingertips.
‘I have never been with a man.’ Y/N gasped.
What sounded like a growl feel from his lips, as he kissed his way down your body ‘You are mine’ Kiss. ‘You are only ever gonna be mine’ Kiss. ‘ To kiss, to make love to, to fuck, suck,’ Kiss ‘to finger and touch’ Kiss ‘to tease and bring to the brink of ruination.’Kiss ‘Just like I am yours.’
The sight of the golden skin man between your legs was too much as sight to believe, his amber eyes pinned you to the plush fur as his rough fingers tore into the weak fabric of your cotton trousers. The sounds of ripping fabric were deafening and you couldn’t help but let a bright red blush as he caressed your features. No mortal man had ever seen you this bare, the only thing that covered you modestly was a pare of heeled riding boot and a half-opened shirt. Geralt made quick work of the boots, sliding them off your calf letting his fingers massage them and he removed them one by one, throwing them over his shoulder.
The Witcher shifted slowly pulling himself up your body; his eyes were dark with desire, he looked prima. The intensity of his look made you shift away, backwards, into the mound of pillows, the ashen haired man did not climb all the way up to you; instead his torso pinned your hips to the mattress, his strong hands shooting out to encircle your forearms pushing the down onto the bed, totally disabling any chance you had of escaping him. Geralt amber irises completely consumed black with lust eyes turned away from her a began to mouth any piece of skin he could, his hot tongue gliding across her flesh, teeth nipping and gnarling as he went. It was so gentle yet possessive; he groaned as he sucked the plump flesh of her stomach. Geralt nuzzled at you stomach before looking at her, directly into your eyes. You held his gaze, staring into the depths, of the emotion swirling in his honeyed orbs. Angry. Passion. Fear…Love. The outburst of raw emotion was unexpected; it made him look…vulnerable. Something you neer thought a Witcher to be.
Your lump pink lips parted to speak but instead he pulled hoarse cry from your throat instead. His free hand found your most sensitive area, your clit, swirling in the wetness that had already pooled between her legs. It was slow and playful as the tip of your finger mischievously teased your opening. It was a curious feeling, the need for something, anything was unfamiliar and terrifying, to yearn for something this badly. His middle finger sank down into your core. Bliss. It was a totally new sensation; a moan escaped your lips as his mouth suckling on your breast as his thumb teased your clit. Breathy moans escaped your mouth as he withdraw his finger almost entirely before plunging it back in, it was frantic, you felt raw with the to sensation it has made you slick and pliant to him, something he took complete advantage of. After a few more thrusts another finger curled within you, almost hitting the spot within you, the spot you knew he could feel. The stretch felt strange at; first; his fingers were large and thick, almost too much but still, you wanted more, something to build the burning arch that roared inside you. He shifted a little so he was on his side, still pinning you down with his body, angling his hand for better thrusts, his other hand still gripping your forearm, as your hand searched for anything to hold, something to ground you from the feeling bubbling under your skin. Finally, after what seemed like an age, her slender fingers found his muscly shoulders, she could feel his muscles flex beneath her fingertips as they dug into him.
‘Geralt!’ The tension in your stomach was close to breaking; you could feel it splintering at the force of his actions.
The Witcher rose on his knees taking in your flustered form, a panting mess beneath him. He shed his leather pants so quickly your eyes could not follow his movements. Now he was bare, a true warrior, all muscles and scars. You wanted to spend day upon days worships his body in the old ways, to guide him to the peak of divine pleasure but now his body caged you to the floor, as his black orbs swirled with lust.
His hard member rested heavily against you, thick and throbbing, he said nothing but slowly sank it deep into you with a swift and strong thrust. A feral groaned grunted through clenched teeth as his eyes fell closed, basking in the tight warmth that surrounded him. The pain was pierced through you; he was so thick you though he had split you in half, instinctively you tried to move away, to shift away from the dull pain but his hips kept you in place.
‘Breath…’ Geralt gritted out through clenched teeth. ‘Tell me to stop and I will’ The rough voice of the Witcher broke out in heavy puff, as he rested his forehead against you.
The pain subsided quickly to an ache, a need for you to move. Raising your hips, you felt Geralt shift, pulling back slightly and pushing back in, shallow thrusts hitting the sweetest spots. Wanton moans spurred Geralt, his hips picking up pace and force, withdrawing fully before slamming into you again.
A thin sheen of sweat covered your bodies, moans and grunts filled the room as the fire illuminated them, glancing down you watched with fascination as his cock pushed its way into her tight walls, it was the single most erotic thing you had ever seen. Geralt's thrusts became stronger and stronger, more iritic and with each movement inched you closer and closer to your release.
‘Geralt….’ Your eyes found his as you pleaded.
The Witcher shifted his weight on his elbow as he sank close, his cock grinding against your sweet spot, his free hand moving between your bodies to frantically play with your clit. His pace increased, desperate and needy as he chased their release. Your moans turned into screams as you felt the warmth fizzle in your stomach.
‘Yesssss, Gods, please….Geralt’ Your voice released a hoarse scream as your orgasm rolled through you. Above you, you felt his hips stutter into you, as his teeth bite down into you shoulder and his cock slammed into you once last time as he poured his seed into you.
You awoke sometime later to find Geralt tracing the word on your arm, lazily. Contented eyes smiled up at you; his hair ruffled up in pleasant bed head.
‘Mmmmm this is nice’ you hummed and snuggled into him. ‘Things are going to get complicated now aren’t they.’ You sighed tucking you head onto his chest.
‘Hmmmmm’ Geralt grunted wrapping his arms around you, tightly.
Requests are open!
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rubiesintherough · 3 years
​ @emeraude-nobrega
Aedus was absolutely, repeatedly  accused of being the devil, himself, during the Middle Ages all the way up through to the American Civil War… which tends to happen when you have unusually colored eyes, a charming demeanor… and the habit of catching on fire. During the European witch hunts, he was even accused of being a warlock, having sold his soul. So, they tried burning him at the stake. That worked about as well as you’d expect. He didn’t want to harm anyone, as many of those in the crowd were innocent women and children caught up in this hysteria, so Aedus    ( then, going by the name Aurav )   simply waited until the flames burned through the ropes, freeing him, and he casually strolled away from the terrified and screaming onlookers. Stark naked. And positively miffed that they’d burned one of his favorite shirts.
And that wasn’t the only time. Throughout his years of traveling, Aedus has found that most mortals generally don’t take very well to seeing a man who can ignite himself at will… or who’s most GRIEVOUS wounds heal in a matter of days. During the reign of Bloody Mary, he was, again, burned at the stake. This time, not because he was believed to be a witch, but because he was branded a heretic, spreading wild stories about a history that didn’t align with the current church’s beliefs. That, also, went about as well as you’d expect. Again, he walked away, bemoaning the loss of his clothes and terrifying everyone who attended the execution.
On the other end, people attempted to drown him for witchcraft in Salem. Aedus made the mistake of stopping there just toward the tail end of the trials. Already, the townsfolk were in a panic and treated him with suspicion when he arrived. And, then, some man he got into an argument with accused Aedus of CURSING him and the Phoenix was dragged into the courtroom. Four other people he’d never even laid eyes on testified against him, claiming he’d come to them in dreams and used magic to make them behave strangely. Aedus, of course, denied it. So, he was dragged to the river, bound to rocks, and thrown in to either prove or dismiss their accusations. Well, since he doesn’t need to breathe, the Phoenix remained under there far longer than anyone could hold their breath — almost an hour, before he was dragged back up. Still alive. Of course, this didn’t go over well with the Puritans. Even less so when Aedus had, understandably, had  ENOUGH  and ignited every inch of skin, MELTING the ropes and evaporating every drop of water off of him. The heat got so bad, those who hadn’t already retreated screaming prayers were forced to. They called him the devil. And Aedus, essentially, had to go into hiding for a few years as word of him spread past Salem. But, the story did die out fairly quickly after the trails ended and the town magistrate tried to brush everything under the rug, so to speak.
Throughout his time with Samuel during the Revolutionary War, Aedus did try very hard to hide what he was from the population. It worked, up until Samuel’s death during a particularly brutal battle… then, the Phoenix sought out the man who’d fired that killing shot and burned him to ASH. That  unnatural death  frightened the community, who claimed it was magic. They weren’t entirely wrong.
With the passing of the Land Act in 1804, Aedus moved  West  with a SMALL caravan ( only three wagons ), hoping to find solace after Samuel’s death. Halfway through the journey, a terrible winter storm struck. The wagons sought shelter in a grove of trees along the trail, but that wasn’t enough to keep the cold from taking its toll. Hypothermia, frostbite…. The oxen were in danger of dying, winds whipping through reaching a chill FAR below freezing… so the Phoenix made the decision to reveal what he was. To one of his friends, first, a young woman. She was scared, of course, Confused. But, she understood that he could save them and get them safely through this weather to Oregon. She’s the one who broke the news to the others, and, even though many of them were extremely frightened of him, in their desperation, they accepted his help. He kept them warm. Helped them cook their food. Offered light in the way of flames sprouting from his fingertips whenever needed to help conserve their supply of candles… being unaffected by the cold, himself, he offered all of his clothing to the others, save enough to preserve modesty, for them to layer. He went out hunting and gathering food. For two weeks, he kept them alive, warm, fed, and safe… everyone revered him as something of a guardian angel. Less of the MONSTER  they’d first thought when they’d found out, and more of a miracle from God. They reached their new home, all of them swearing to keep his secret safe as they set up their new lives.
so since aedus is active right now, too, i would like to take this moment to say… if your muse ever needs a place to stay, or someone to look out for them, especially if they’re a lost or scared kid, throw them at this soft-hearted, ancient firebird.   he will 10000% make sure they have food in their belly, a warm and safe place to sleep, will have their back and protect them.   just aedus, y’all.  he’ll open his home to anyone who needs it.  he’ll make them tea or hot cocoa, give them freshly tumbled blankets so they’re warm and cozy.    listen, the amount of kids he’s essential;ly adopted, helped raise, looked out for, cheered for, over the centuries??   i mean for someone who’s scared of being a dad bc of PHOENIX FAMILY DRAMA ™, he sure as hell has that powerful paternal instinct.  will 1000/10  adopt your muse    all you gotta do is throw ‘em his way and he will take them right under his fiery wing    
ME:  considering how much losing people he loves screws him up, could it be another few centuries and this phoenix could possibly snap and grow colder, and begin to distance himself from humanity, just to spare himself from that pain?? ALSO ME: he’s legitimately too soft-hearted and too attached for them for that, so despite the pain, he will continue to integrate himself into humanity and continue to watch those he loves fade and die, mourning them, subjecting himself to that pain willingly… because the alternative is isolation and he already tried that once after samuel died and he wound up on a wagon train west, making new friends, watching them pass, and new friends out on the coast… and watching them fade, too, before he finally moved back. Because even when he actively tries to distance himself he physically can’t, ‘cause he needs that companionship. and not only that, but he recognizes that being around humanity keeps him grounded and helps him be better, improving himself as they improve… and without them, he would truly be lost and stagnant
also, some of aedus’s physical traits, because appearance and tactile senses do play a big part in interactions. especially first meetings ( i.e. things i am totally okay with your muse noticing about him right from the get-go tbh )
GOLDEN EYES:  his irises look a LOT like fire… they’re a lighter gold at the top and darken to almost an ORANGE near the bottom. TEMPERATURE: his skin does feel incredibly warm to the touch, as though he’s constantly suffering from a high fever… this heat can even be felt simply radiating off of him when the fires inside of him flare hotter, such as when he’s angry or upset. ATTIRE:  Aedus is always impeccably dressed. Considering how rich he is from all the money he’s stored away throughout his life  ( a big chunk of it coming from selling items after they’ve become antiques and VERY valuable to collectors. Authentic coins from the Roman Empire, first edition books dating all the way back to the early 19th century, random household items from the homes he kept throughout the Middle Ages, clear up to the American Civil War )    he can definitely afford the BEST tailors his current place of residence has to offer. Not to mention, he does have quite a discerning taste when it comes to fashion. I mean, he worked hard making this body look just how he wanted it… of course he’s going to wear clothes that accentuate it. VOICE: his voice holds traces of accents from all over the world. It’s a little difficult to pinpoint just one… but, I’d say the more prominent ones, most simple to pick out, would be Irish and British. He has a very LOW voice. Keeps his tone very soft and steady for the most part.
random reminder that samuel’s watch is aedus’s most valued possession. it’s the one he usually keeps on his person  ( unless he’s planning on picking a fight with someone, in which case it sits securely in his bedside table’s drawer )    and it’s something he would risk his safety to get back if lost or stolen. it’s the very last shred of samuel that remains… the last physical reminder of the man he loved more than anything in this world, trusted more than anyone else, would readily have married if they’d been granted the chance. aedus will be extremely hesitant to let anyone else touch it, no matter who they are…
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lynelovespopculture · 5 years
From the very first moment he appears on the screen, Father Faustus Blackwood, High Priest of the Greendale’s witches coven and Headmaster of the Academy of the Unseen Arts is set up to be the show’s big bad. But is he truly evil? How did we get this way? Can he ever defeat the Spellmans? Using what the show’s two seasons has already given us and little guesswork, I’ll try my best to answer these questions. Before I get started, I like to state that the ideas discussed in this are 100% mine. The next season could prove me right or wrong, I don’t know. You, of course, could agree or disagree. I would love to see a debate here but, as this blog is a safe place, I must ask everyone to please keep things friendly.  Now, let’s begin:
As a feminist, I want to address Blackwood’s extreme sexism. There is nothing good to defend here. Since this wasn’t even an issue until the middle in season 2, some viewers have blamed lazy writing and I don’t disagree but it is in the show so I’ll talk about it. I’m fairly sure that little boys aren’t born thinking that they’re better than little girls.  They need to be thaught that shit. Which leads  me to my 1st   guesswork. We know nothing of Faustus’s childhood, but given his disgust for ‘half- breeds’, I felt safe saying that the Blackwood family are all pure-bloods. I imagine that Faustus’s father is an ancient warlock who had a weak, submissive witch wife and possibly both believe that ‘witches must serve warlocks’ jazz. As for Faustus’s boyhood, I am 2 minds; he could be a golden child-a only child or maybe an only son, favored above his sisters because he was a boy. Or if he had many brothers, he might have been a black sheep; overlooked, teased for preferring books to more manly pursuits.
Whatever lays in his childhood, at age 16, Faustus Blackwood signed his name in the book of the beast and enrolled in the Academy of  Unseen Arts. He must have done well there. After all, he was popular enough to win the election of top boy (unless he cheated) and he’s a powerful warlock so he must have studied hard. Of course, he becomes a teacher and while teaching at the academy, Faustus meets the family that changes his life forever; the spellmans.
There is   a lot to unpack here so I decided to discuss Blackwood relationships have broken down Spellman by  Spellman:
EDWARD: Faustus was Edward’s mentor. It’s possible that, in the beginning, given Edward’s power as a warlock and the fact he was the top  boy himself, Faustus could see himself in Edward. As a teacher/mentor and student, Faustus and Edward were close, possibly even friends. However, the clash between them had to happen. Why? Faustus Blackwood is an extreme traditionist, Edward Spellman, the extreme reformist. It’s the old vs new, Blackwood vs Spellman. The fact that Edward was made high priest, a student put in a position of power ahead of him, must have rubbed Blackwood the wrong way. It’s not only over ideas these men clash it’s also over love. The scene where Faustus tells Zelda that he once confided in Edward that he was going ask for Zelda’s hand in marriage. What’s so interesting here it’s not what’s be said, it’s the faces. Zelda has a look of surprise, this is brand new information to her and she’s not sure what to do with it. But look at Blackwood’s face when he said Edward rebuked him. The man looks in physical pain. Okay, it’s likely that Edward knew about Faustus’s way with women and didn’t want his sister near that mess. Yet, I would like to know what the hell Edward said to Faustus about marrying Zelda that even now, 16 years after Edward’s death and Faustus still looks like a sad puppy just by recalling this memory. It’s also worth noting that Zelda also taught at the academy while Edward was alive. Talk on the show suggests the brother and sister were close and as he was Edward’s mentor it is not that far a stretch to imagine that after he began high priest and headmaster, Edward would make Faustus and Zelda his top advisers. If this is the case, Edward might have unknowingly set the groundwork for Faustus Blackwood’s resentment of him.  Think about it; Faustus started out as Edward’s mentor NOW he’s Edward’s employee at school, Faustus is a devout man but Edward is high priest so he must obey but disagrees with all his polities add to all this that Faustus is working closely with Zelda-a woman he’s clearly in love/in lust with  but had been forbidden to marry. At this point,  Blackwood tries to find comfort by having meaningless sex with women who mean nothing to him. Things come to a head when one of these women (Prudence’s mother) becomes pregnant with his child. Sometimes after giving birth to Prudence, a  female child, the mother begs Faustus to marry her but Faustus, perhaps still entertaining hopes of making Zelda his wife, flatly refuses to marry the mother of his child so the poor woman drowns herself out of shame. Blackwood didn’t feel guilty about his lover’s suicide on the surface, but it was guilt, shame or pity that makes Faustus take his motherless infant to be fostered at the academy, where Blackwood can keep an eye on Prudence but isn’t forced to actually forced to claim her as his own. I had already said that Faustus and Edward don’t agree on many ideas but a prime example of this is their conflicting views are on mortals. Faustus has no needs for mortals, it’s against witch law for a witch/warlock to marry a mortal and Edward did just that by marrying the human Diana. Now Edward is not just changing the rules, he just breaking them. Edward fell in love with Diana-a full human who knew nothing of witch ways, the church or path of the night yet Edward married her and only punishment he received was to sign his child’s name in the book of the beast, something he was expected to do anyway. Yet Faustus was in love with Zelda-a full witch of their world and devout to the path of night, the ideal partner, yet he was forbidden to marry her. Blackwood did eventually, marry a witch named Constance, but from what I’ve seen there’s nothing of love or lust between them. So, why her? I personally believe that Faustus was forced to marry Constance, possibly even by Edward himself. Let me explain. At some point, Zelda, maybe even before Prudence’s birth, must of left teaching to focus on her training as a  midwife, maybe she even left the country, going to England to study with Hilda.  Yet Edward knew his sisters would not be gone forever. If he knew the sad story about Prudence’s mother, Edward would have kept a  close eye on Faustus and was dismayed when Blackwood showed no signs of interest in settling down with a woman that wasn’t Edward’s sister. When Constance showed interest in becoming Lady Blackwood, Edward took matters in his own hands. Playing on Blackwood’s love of power, as headmaster, Edward offers  Faustus a  big job promotion,   but ONLY if he marries Constance, Faustus grumpily agreed. As high priest, Edward perhaps married them himself, killing Faustus’s last, lingering hope of marrying Zelda, well, at least, for a while…
I’d saved the million-dollar question for last: did Faustus Blackwood kill Edward and Diana Spellman? The 1st time I saw the show I thought of course he did but as  I reviewed the evidence in mind,  I honestly don’t know. True, as a warlock, Blackwood could cause a plane to go down without being near it and Edward’s ghost directly Sabrina that it was Blackwood that killed him. Case closed? Not really. Edward is one DUMB ghost.  Right after he tells his daughter that Blackwood bought his plane down, he also tells Sabrina that if Blackwood marries Zelda, he will kill her too but we know that this never happens. I really do get the need to reach out to his child,  but for all her determination and well-intentions, Sabrina is still only 16, a child and not the best pick to stop the wedding.  My question is if Edward wants to truly stop the wedding, what didn’t he just go talk to the bride, Zelda himself? Zelda even has this question herself. But let’s get back to the main question, did Blackwood kill Edward? On the morning of the wedding, Sabrina tells Nick about Hamlet.  For those of not in the know,  Hamlet’s uncle murdered his brother but the guilt only shows itself after Hamlet gets actors to reenact the murder in a play presented to his uncle. Sabrina does not this effect. Sure, when  ‘Edward and Diana’ crash the wedding, Blackwood sees right through it, he knows it’s just the kids using a glamour spell. But in explaining he knows it’s them, he oddly pays Edward a  complement, says that Edward would disrespect their ways by interrupting a sacred rite like a marriage service. Afterward, Faustus still shows no guilt, he simply goes on with his day, throwing Ambrose in a cell and marries Zelda privately. Is Blackwood’s hatred of Edward so deep that he simply feels no guilt over the murder or did he not commit the crime? If it is Blackwood’s master plan to destroy the Spellmans, why kill Edward and then wait 16 years to make his next move? The show doesn't give us enough evidence, either way, to show him as proven guilty or innocent.
 Okay, guys, this went on way longer than I thought but I have a lot more to say so I'll break this into parts. Meanwhile, I want to hear from you! Do you like this? Do you agree or disagree? Did I miss something? A like is nice but I LIVE FOR COMMENTS AND I LOVE TO TALK TO PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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crewhonk · 6 years
turmoil (i)
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might be a series if it gets well recieved? it’s an established relationship type thing, and it’s very much about YN and Steve dealing with their morals and their relationship. 
words: 3,900
an: this is a pretty slow chapter, mainly setting out the mood for the rest of it i guess? yn is an elementalw healing abilities
warnings: angst, swearing, death (civilian death)
When you walked into the kitchen in your shorts and one of Steve’s hoodies, you only expected to see a clean French press and a hot mug with your name on it. You didn’t expect to see the Secretary of Defence leaning against your counter in a three-piece Tom Ford Suit making small talk with Tony Stark. You froze in the doorway, and when Tony looked over at you and snorted at your appearance, you ducked around the corner to avoid the gaze of the Secretary.
You were running down the hall towards your and Steve’s bedroom when you almost ran into Vision using a door to walk towards the kitchen. You hit the Aliens chest as you failed to stop yourself in time and sacked your nose on his hard collarbone, making you bleed almost instantly.
“Oh my, I’m very sorry Miss Y/N. I would have stopped if I had heard you coming, but I was a bit preoccupied with conversation.” He explained, hovering slightly off of the ground and producing a handkerchief for you to staunch the flowing blood.
“Shit, It’s okay, Vis. You know— you should do some research on some classic Sarkovian foods— I’m sure Wanda would appreciate the effort.” You smiled up at him deviously and raised your eyebrows when he pointedly avoided eye contact with you. “I may not be psychic like one Scarlette Witch but I’m not oblivious.” You winked and handed him back the bloody cloth as your nose clicked itself into place and the blood stopped.
You poked your head into Wanda’s room and saw Steve in there with his arm wrapped tightly around Wanda’s shaking figure. She had always been the most nervous Avenger, and you knew that since the ‘Age of Ultron” (Tony liked to title their conquests) all she wanted to do was to right her wrongs. Her shaking (you assumed) was from the recent event in Lagos. It had been her first large mission, and she had been a part of a borderline 9/11 attack in the foreign city. You didn’t blame her, nor did you blame any of the Avengers, there was no way to avoid the deaths, but to have something like this take place on her first mission was near-traumatic.
“Hey.” You crooned softly, walking in and kneeling in front of the girl. She was only a few years younger than you, and you often found yourself curled up beside her while Steve was away and watching some dumb Netflix cartoon. She looked down at you from her place on Steve’s shoulder and shot a weak smile at you. “If it makes you feel better, I just ran into Mr. Seceratary in this,” you gestured to your outfit and she blew out an amused breath from her nose. “And I ran into Vision as he was leaving— literally broke my nose on his chest.” You laughed, reaching up to wipe a tear from her cheekbone.
“We all make mistakes— it’s how we learn from them that makes us who we are. For example, I’ll be more careful around hallways Vision may be near and I’ll change before I leave my bedroom.” You whispered. You felt the warmth of Steve’s gaze on your face and you patted his knee softly before getting up and leaving to change into something more comfortable.
This was going to be a shit show.
“Five years ago, I had a heart attack.” The Secretary began. He raised his hands behind his head as if he was golfing and looked up at everyone sitting around the dining room table. You were playing with the water in your glass subtly enough that he wouldn’t notice, but by the disapproving glares you were getting from Steve you assumed it was distracting him and stopped. “I dropped right int he middle of my backswing.” He brought his hands down. “Turns out it was the best round of my life because after thirteen hours of surgery and a triple bypass I found something that forty years in the army never taught me.” His gaze flicked quickly toward Wanda and you straightened up to attempt to block his vision of her. “Perspective.”
“The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt. You have fought for us, protected us and risked your lives. And while many call you heroes, there are some who would prefer to use the word, vigilantes.” He sighed. You saw the weight that was resting on his shoulders and you rolled your eyes. Vigilantes. Sure.
“And what word would you use to describe us, Mr. Secretary?” Natasha asked as she leaned back in her chair and shot him an easy grin. His eyes flashed open at her question and he looked at her.
“How about dangerous. What would you call a group of US-based Enhanced individuals who routinely ignore sovereign borders and inflict their will wherever they choose and who, frankly, seem unconcerned with that they leave behind.” You and Wanda flinched at the way he said ‘Enhanced’— as if it were a swear word and you ignored the concerned look directed at the both of you from Steve. You hadn’t chosen to be born like this, so why was every mutated human grouped under the same label.
The secretary stepped aside and allowed for a hologram map of the world. There were five or so golden dots around the world and your eyes narrowed in suspicion when the first one that opened was the original attack in 2012 on New York City. It showed various shots of the Hulk and Aliens tearing through buildings and making the debris fall on the streets— killing and wounding many civilians who were running for cover. You saw Rhodey close his eyes when the camera cut out. Ten thousand people had died that day.
“Washinton D.C.” The screen switched to the sight of a Helicarrier plunging into one of the lakes and reigning fire down upon the old headquarters of SHEILD. The end of the ship fell on the building and your eyelids fluttered as it came crashing down. Three thousand people died that day, and as the video once again cut out, you saw Sam and Steve scratch the back of their necks in discomfort.
“Sokovia.” The floating island had taken up the screen now, and you felt Wanda tense behind you. Bringing up that trauma unexpectedly had been a cold move, and you felt that hairs on the back of your neck stand up and bristle with rage at the guts he had. Tony’s fists clenched as he watched a building crash down to the ground and when they had shown you struggling to keep the rock afloat with your elemental powers, your eyes filled up with tears. You were just a civilian then, trying to work your way up in the United Nations by volunteering for Women’s Rights in second world countries. When the city began floating, however, you were unable to save as many people as you could have if you had embraced your powers earlier in your life rather than stuffing them down and trying to lead a normal life. You felt Wanda’s hand rest gently on your shoulder and you gripped it tightly— reassuringly. 20,000 people died that day, and the guilt of not being able to save more lives wrapped itself around your gut with an iron grip.
“Lagos.” The camera switched to another video of a building on fire— it hadn’t been as violent as the others, but when Wanda’s grip on your shoulder became almost painful you knew it was the biggest one for her. 500 reported deaths. “Okay, that’s enough,” Steve growled. He had been watching his two best girls struggling to watch the film the Secretary had brought and when he saw your chest shudder with grief and when he saw Wanda’s knuckles on your shoulder turn white he knew he had to put his foot down.
“For the last four years, you have acted with unlimited power and no supervision.” He barked, glaring at Steve. You opened your eyes and began focusing on the swirling water in your glass to help calm you down. Soon, the water began to bubble and the glass shattered, spilling water across the table. You stopped the water before it spilled on anyone's laps and made the water fill the Secretary’s own cup— glass and all. He looked down at the glass and up at you and when he saw the fire in your eyes his mustache bristled in contempt.
“That’s an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate.” He said, his voice almost shaking with frustration towards you, Natasha and Steve— you were making a fool of him.
“But I think we have a solution.” He took a binder from one of his escorts and dropped it on the table. The thick binder made a resounding bang on the mahogany table top and you flinched away from the noise. The man smirked and he pushed it towards you. You refused to meet his gaze and opened the pages. It was a binding agreement with the government.
“The Sokovia Accords.” He said, resting his hands on the table and leaning forward. You could smell the scent of a cigar on his death and you refrained from gagging. “Approved by 117 countries,” Rhodey held his hand out for the book and you gave it to him. The look in his eyes was almost mournfully reassuring and you shot him a very small smile with tears still resting in the inner corners of your eyes.
“It states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization. Instead, they will operate under a United Nations panel, only when and if that panel deems it necessary.” The Secretary began circling the table like a hawk and you felt his fiery gaze rest on you at the mention of the UN.
“The Avengers were formed to help make the world a safer place. I feel we’ve done that.” Steve’s voice rumbled through the room and you looked across the table at him. His jaw was tense, making the muscles int he corner of it tremble. His normally warm blue eyes were cold and angry, and his folded arms were tense— veins pulsing and knuckles white. In any other situation, you would have jumped his bones, but the precedes of such strict government personnel buried any amount of desire in a six-foot hole.
Mr. Secretary walked up to Steves chair and rested his hip against the arm. “Tell me, Captain. Do you know where Thor and Banner are?” He asked, his mustache covering the gloating smirk he had on his face. “If I misplaced a couple of thirty megaton Nukes, you bet there would be consequences.”
You wanted to rip the old man’s dick off and shove it down his throat for disrespecting Steve, but Wanda’s shuddering body beside yours stopped you from making any more rash decisions.
“Compromise, Reassurance. That’s how the world works. Believe me,” He said, pointing to the open binder in front of Rhodes. “This is the middle ground.”
You decided that this was the time to clear your throat and speak up— you weren’t going to allow 30,000 dollars of university go to waste. “So, there are contingencies.” You leaned your elbows on the table and shifted in your seat so your back remained straight. Casual. Yet assertive.
“Three days from now, the UN meets in Vienna to ratify the Accords.” He responded, not bothering to even look over at you. “Talk it over.” He said, leaving the room while opening his phone and not even looking back.
The room he left remained silent for thirty seconds before the shit show truly began.
Steve and Tony had remained quiet and you had taken to pressing your leg against Wanda’s in some sort of physical comfort. You watched as Rhodey and Sam circled each other, growling arguments and shoving fingers of accusal at each other's chests. You rubbed your eyes with the palm of your heel and rested your cheek on your knuckles so you could watch Tony lay back with a hand over his face. He felt your gaze on him and you rolled your eyes at the argument in some attempt to make him smile. The corner of his lips teased in the most subtle way, but you knew he felt as if he had someone in his corner.
“— 177, Sam. And you’re all ‘no it’s cool, we got it’.” Rhodes barked while also mimicking his friends voice poorly.
“Well, how long are you gonna play both sides?” Sam sneered.
“I have an equation!” Vision interrupted, making Wanda perk up. You held back a smile at her actions because even int he time of a political turmoil the effects of complete adoration never seemed to waver. You felt the same way whenever Steve entered the room, and both of you worshipped the ground the other walked on. Love s love is love is love, you guessed.
You slid down to the floor and scooted over to lean against Steve’s knees. His hand almost immediately went to your hair and you could have purred at the feeling of his fingernails scraping your scalp.
“In the eight years since Mr. Stark has declared himself as Iron Man, the number of known Enhanced persons has grown exponentially. On the other side, the number of possible world-ending events has also increased at a mimicking rate.”
Steve’s fingers stopped moving and you felt him lean forward to rest his forearms on his thighs. “You’re saying it’s our fault?”
“I’m saying there may be a causality. Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict breeds catastrophe. Oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand.”
“Boom.” Mumbled Rhodes. He was stopped by a smack from Sam.
“Tony? Y/N? You’re both being uncharacteristically non-hyperverbal.” Nat said. Steve leaned back and pulled the Accord book into his lap to continue reading.
“It’s because they’ve already made up their mind,” Steve grumbled, glaring at Tony but opening his legs to invite you to sink into his embrace. You did so tensely.
“Oh, you know me so well,” Tony grunted as he lifted himself off of his lounging chair and walked into the kitchenette to fill a glass with water. “Actually I’m nursing an electro-magnetic headache. That’s what’s goin’ on Cap. Just pain— it’s discomfort.” He leaned over the sink and let out a long, drawn-out sigh. “Who keeps putting the coffee grounds in the disposal? Am I renting a bed and breakfast for a biker gang?” He complained, carrying the French press over to the oven on the island and glaring up at all of you. You sheepishly sunk further between Steve’s legs and mumbled a quick ‘sorry’ in response.
He threw his phone in the wicker fruit basket and an image of a man popped up in hologram form. You stared at his face for a long time before Tony pretended to finally notice it.
“Oh, that’s Charles Spencer, by the way.” He began. “He’s a great kid. Computer Engineering degree, three-point six GPA, had a floor level gig for an Intel plant for the fall. But first! He wanted to put a few miles on his soul before parking it behind a desk for the rest of his life and see the world, maybe be of service. Charlie didn’t want to go to Vegas or Fort Lauderdale like I would have. He didn’t go to Paris or Amsterdam. No, he wanted to help build a school for the underprivileged. Guess where? Sokovia.” He yelled, slamming the palm of his hand against the marble countertop on a guilt-fuelled rage. You only closed your eyes to will away the tears. You had been doing the exact same thing Charlie had been doing only you had lived and he had not. The guilt that came hand in hand with being an Enhanced made bile rush up your throat. You swallowed it back down— this was Charlie and Tony’s moment, not your own.
“He wanted to make a difference, I suppose but we’ll never know because we dropped a building on him while we were kickin’ ass.” He snarled, volume trailing as he went on. “We need to be put in check! Whatever form that takes I’m game. If we can’t accept boundaries, we are no better than the bad guys.”
“Tony, if someone dies on your watch you don’t give up,” Steve said, throwing the binder on the ground.
“Who said we’re giving up?” Tony replied.
“We offer not taking responsibility for our actions. This document just shifts the blame—“
“Sorry, Steve— but that is dangerously arrogant.” Rhodes piped up from his spot standing behind Steve. “This is the United Nations we are dealing with. This isn’t the World Security Council, it’s not SHEILD, and it’s not Hydra.”
“No, but it’s run by people with agendas and agendas change.”
“That’s good!” Cried Tony. “I’m here because I realized what my weapons were capable of in the wrong hands and I shut it down.”
“And you chose to do that!” Steve gestured with his hand wildly behind you. “If we sign these documents, we are giving up our right to choose. What if this panel decides we should go somewhere we’re not needed? Better yet, what if they don’t send us somewhere we need to be?” He said, voice rising in irritation.
“Okay, Steve.” You piped up and leaned your head back against his hard thighs. He looked down at you and waiting for you to continue. “The United Nations aren’t a bunch of Authoritarian Monkeys. They’re very much willing to take our suggestions to heart. This isn’t some repeat of Romeo Delaire and Rwanda— they’ve reaped the consequences from that genocide and have learned from their mistakes. I’ve seen them in action multiple times and they are very much hands-on in the way they deal with things now. You do know that the peacekeeping mission in Latvia isn’t a peacekeeping mission, right?” You asked, waiting for him to react. He rolled his eyes at your words and a ball of frustration began to stew in your chest. You were sick of being brushed off by powerful men today.
“Wait, you literally just dumped a bunch of broken glass and water into the cup of the Secretary of Defence!” Sam cried, walking into your sight and staring at you aghast. You rolled your eyes.
“I don’t have to like him— he’s a misogynist slimeball and has minimal say in the decisions that the United Nation makes."
“Okay, then,” Steve said, cradling the bridge of his nose between his fingers. “But the safest hands are still our own.”
“If we don’t do this now, it will be done to us later. This is the choice thing you’re talking about.” Tony said, coming to your defense. He shot you a subtle wink and you nodded in recognition.  “And that won’t be pretty.”
“You’re saying they’ll come for me,” Wanda replied to Tony, her own voice completely monotonous.
“We won’t let that happen.” You and Vision said simultaneously. You would die before the government got their hands on Wanda against her own will. You would fight tooth and nail and bone for that girl.
“Maybe Tony is right?” Nat said nervously. “If we can keep one hand on the wheel then we’re still in control—“
“I cannot believe this is happening!” Screeched Sam, throwing his hand in the air before turning sharply towards Natasha and looking between you and her. “Aren’t you the same woman who told the government to kiss her ass a few years ago?”
“I’m just… I’m raiding the terrain.” She said raising her hands in surrender. “We have made some very public mistakes and we need to win their trust back.”
“Hold up. Rewind. I’m sorry did I just mishear you or did you just agree with me?” Tony said, looking at Natasha like she was holding the universe in her very palm.
“Oh, I want to take it back now.” She groaned.
“Ask your girlfriend what she thinks, huh Steve? Ask her.” Tony said, continuing to ride this high of support. You felt Steve tense, then and you covered your face with your cold hand in response to his words.
“Y/N? What do you think.” He whispered, not willing his voice any louder for fear of it wavering nervously. You stood up from his embrace and wiped your clammy hands on your jeans while you cleared your throat. You looked over the group of people and wanted to cry at the look Steve was giving you. It was one of total and utter betrayal and disappointment.
“I’m ahh—“ You began, coughing once more to rid the lump in your throat. “I’m gonna have to side with Tony on this one, Stevie.” You watched as he flinched and you closed your eyes in grief. “From what I know as a Political Science Major it’s that technically the Avengers are a glorified American terrorist group. We ignore borders. We kill thousands every year. We destroy countries economies and tourism businesses. We act on our own accord for no reason at all.” You said, staring at our feet. You heard Steve shoot up from his chair and step closer to you.
“Fucking, excuse me?” He growled, crossing his arms over his broad chest. You looked up at him and almost burst into tears at the look he was giving you. You straightened your back and pushed your shoulders back before pushing him out of your personal bubble and glaring back at him. If he could throw his relationships out of the window for his beliefs so could you.
“You heard me, Steve. I was in the United Nations for two years before I even thought about joining the Avengers. I was a part of something greater than myself because I wanted to make peace, not terrorize people wherever I went!” You said, voice raising past acceptable indoor volume.
“We make peace! We neutralize Hydra before they can destroy the world!” He shouted. His voice sent tremors into your very blood and your face flushed with an angry heat.
“You’re so dramatic! Hydra is barely a threat anymore, and we could have dealt with them so much better than we did in Lagos! We should have never brought Wanda along if we knew there were going to be explosives involved. You knew she wasn’t ready and not only did you put her and us in danger, but the entire city. Fuck, Steve! You’re killing thousands of people because of some dumb personal vendetta and I can’t stand for it anymore!” You screamed. You were both crying at this point, and you didn’t even notice Wanda fly from the room at your words. The others were watching the argument with bated breath— you had never fought or even raised your voices at the other, so this was new to everyone in the room.
Before he could even open up his mouth to retort, his phone binged. He glanced down at it and you saw his body almost slum when he read the message.
“I’ve got to go.” He mumbled, wiping his nose and leaving the room.
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