#the only thing I got so far is that she’s a low rank ranger and buzz think she’s a spy because she’s socially distant
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I want to draw some stuff for my blosc self insert, but I have no idea what her backstory or dynamic with the characters are yet 😭
#the only thing I got so far is that she’s a low rank ranger and buzz think she’s a spy because she’s socially distant#💬 chy chatter 💬
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Interceptor (2022) aka Matthew Reilly’s first turn in the director’s chair
Did it feel like a Matthew Reilly film? Yes. Every inch of it. Especially that opening exposition about nuke flight times and interceptors… deffo felt like I was reading a classic MR novel.
Did that mean, as a consequence, some of the dialogue I might forgive in his books felt obscenely clunky in the movie? Also yes. Some of the lines in this just felt so wasteful and delivered so poorly.
Everything about the scenes involving the president and her advisors just was weird and uncomfortable. The line about “half think you’re insane. Half think you’re a rockstar. Luckily I’m in the latter half” and when the President just immediately started making threats to Kessel and cursing him out and not even attempting a diplomatic approach or negotiation was just so left field and unprofessional and just clunky… I wouldn’t have minded the game theorist lines if they’d been trying to like micromanage JJ’s moves and then she finally snapped and had her whole “you haven’t been beaten and shot at. I’m pretty fucking motivated so screw your 14%”… but they kinda were just like “hey we got smart people here. Game theorists. Here to support you gurl!” The 14% would’ve felt way more earned then…
Bc like the whole thing was about her being horribly persecuted for speaking out against sexual assault by a high ranking officer… and other men in the army exploiting old pics of herself… and Kessel’s whole deal was mansplaining the corruption of America and the 1% (as a white male that is part of the 1%)… and if they just piled on to the whole administration trying to control the situation from far away and compiling that annoyance and frustration that she could almost sympathise or at least recognise the validity behind Kessel’s (extremely patronising) monologue… AND THEN STILL DO THE RIGHT THING BY HER COUNTRY… and then finding out dude wasn’t as self-righteous he claimed and was doing it for money and to get rescued… could’ve been v powerful is all I’m saying
All that said, I recognise that this film clearly had a smaller budget, they couldn’t switch between multiple sets and make for more complex scenes and moments in a physical sense so there seemed to be a lot of front loading in trying to keep the focus on JJ…
I really did enjoy this film. Am I critical of it? Yes. But I enjoyed the dynamic between JJ and Kessel. Felt reminiscent of Die Hard, though not as compelling. Maybe a little too much immediate buddy vibes bc it felt like they’d team up rather than be engaged foils that acknowledge each other’s skill and merit but are forced to do battle… like their first convo was a lil too casual considering he merc’d her commanding officer… but they had good banter and back and forth and I appreciated how they tried to read each other’s next moves…
Do I wanna see Matthew Reilly direct more? Yes absolutely. This was clunky but given the parameters he’s working with and it’s his first time directing, I am hoping he can really take from this experience the highs and lows and eventually get himself a Michael Bay budget that he’d always dreamed of… and then just go all out. But his screenplay writing needs a little work. Hit some kinda cliche beats but they only feel cliche bc it’s a movie thoroughly saturated in all of MR’s fave things…
and eventually I wanna see him direct his own Action Thriller adaptation of Ice Station or an Action Adventure of Seven Ancient Wonders… so I’m taking this first venture as a nice stepping stone. A bit of a brain off action movie with a nice straight through line plot…
Also Elsa Pataky and her goddamn arms???? Magnificent. Even with the clunky dialogue I enjoyed her acting. And her fight choreo was great. I wish they’d reduced her husband’s cameos to the one at the start bc it kept taking me out of the film bc all I saw was Thor trying to sell tv’s…
Also also Matt. JJ Collins. JJ Wickham??? Sea Ranger??? Pirate??? Submarine??? The dots are connecting…
#interceptor#spoilers#interceptor 2022#Matthew Reilly#interceptor movie#Elsa pataky#jj Collins#Chris Hemsworth
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Reposting this since legit somehow Zero of the tags or bolding carried through holy shit
30 questions: GW2 edition I was tagged by @where-is-caithe and @just-eyris-things
This can be done in many different ways: get asks by your followers, pick some questions for yourself, answer the whole damn thing at once, etc! You can draw, write (to explain in details or not) or just post screenshots! If you miss one it’s totally okay, whether it’s by lack of answer or time. Have fun!
1. Favorite living world season?
As much as some of the fights feel really badly balanced, I enjoy LS2 for the close knit new family feel. The whole little group is still figuring their dynamics out and finding their independence, and it’s a real good found family sorta feel as you Go Through A Lot.
2. Favorite expansion?
Heart of Thorns holds a special place in my heart (lol) just for being the first new story since I’d started playing. It’s got many flaws looking back, but nothing has actually hit me harder since. Maybe because anet overuses the punch of tragedy and death an I’m numb to their attempt to low blow us after several years *shrugs*
3. Favorite soundtrack?
The music in Caledon forest was my first step into gw2, and it will forever hold the top spot for me, alongside the original character select screen music.
4. First profession you played?
Ranger! Still one of my absolute favorites.
5. First race you played?
Sylvari, go figure
6. Favorite Destiny’s Edge character?
It’s a tough choice for me! Eir and Caithe rank highest though due to their unconventional character arcs for women. They’ve both got a lot of nuance and challenges and I respect that.
7. Favorite Dragon’s Watch character?
Again gotta pick two, Braham and Rox have a unique feel too and are amazing foils to each other’s characters. I’d like to see more of them together again.
8. Favorite Elder Dragon?
I love the potential held in Bubbles. Deep sea dragon, whose awakening scared even the krait off? Give me those deep sea horrors.
9. Best boss fight (story)?
I honestly really love the final fight against Zhaitan. It really managed to encapsulate the feeling of fighting a larger than life powerful enemy with an army at your back. No big fight since for me has had the same grandeur to it. We did a lot of fighting dragons in “smaller” ways or with “smaller” teams that just feel more...compact, ya know? I want that grandeur back.
10. Best boss fight (fractal)?
Jade maw is fucking wild! And it’s not the boss of its fractal but the giant living statue.
11. Best boss fight (raid)?
Never been in one, would love to one day when I’m in a guild who does them when I’m awake...
12. PvE or PvP or RP?
PvE by far, and RP is fun when you can find the right people.
13. Favorite canon couple?
In one map, there’s a seraph soldier and a bandit having a secret date. They’re so fucking extra and sappy and unnecessary and I love fining them and reading their cheesy star-crossed dialogue.
14. Favorite fanon/self made couple?
With another player, my favorite currently is Matthias with @ascalonianpicnic‘s Aildyn. The two have a very good dynamic.
Solo, I really love my new commander, Kai, with Caithe. I’ve built up a back-an forth for the two that I’m a lot more compelled by than I thought I’d be! I’m excited to share more on these two.
15. Favorite quote?
“sneaky mode engaged”
16. Most emotional cinematic?
The end of Heart of Thorns. A victory, a tragedy, and a clear sign that it’s set off another disaster just by you winning. There’s so many layers to that *boom*
17. Favorite VA?
I’m so bad at naming VAs but whoever voiced the asura female MC knows what she’s about
18. Post a fun screenshot!
Still love this one~
19. Post a landscape screenshot!
20. Most used mount(s)?
I spend most time on raptor still, followed by griffon!
21. Favorite mount skin (for every mount you have)?
Raptor: crested plainsrunner
Springer: kourna jackrabbit
Skimmer: river mothwing
Jackal: lucent sands
Griffon: clouded corvus
Roller Beetle: deep desert scarab
Warclaw: vigilant saberclaw
Skyscale: axejaw skyscale
22. Favorite weapon?
Longbow is my favorite kind of weapon, I like it on every single class that uses it. Favorite overall weapon? Idk man too many to pick from at this point.
23. Favorite gear set?
I’m always a sucker for the sunspear armors
24. Favorite title?
Killer Queen
25. Something you worked really hard to get?
Astralarias is my only legendary so far and it’s pretty rad. Really like Mawdrey too.
26. Favorite GW2 Youtuber / GW2 related video?
Daelin Dwin
27. Most used miniature?
Mini Quail!!! The feather bouncing on the head is an adorable little feature.
28. Most used novelty?
Embiggening tonic!
29. Number of achievments points?
Little over 18,000 now
30. Something you’d love to see in GW2?
Norns getting the same revamp humans got on african american faces and hairs since they’re also based on humans :) Where is it anet? Where’s the fairness? And asura and charr both have some afro-inspired hairs that need better textures now. When anet.
I tag anyone who hasn’t done this yet! Idk who has or hasn’t been tagged in these couple of weeks, but if you haven’t done this yet I’d love to see it via tag 💕
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Writing Prompts
Here are the writing prompts from last week, answering the question
Tell a story of there darkest moment, a moment they were very much the opposite of themselves.
We share the stories of Tobias, Rian & Ere Myth, Lora, Sammuroth and Cyliaa
Tobias: "My Darkest moment was recent....little about my background, my parents were afraid that we Sternguards might get snatched up by the local bandit syndicates back home, so they sent a lot of us off to learn real skills, Beatrixx and I were sent with a family friend to head to Ironforge and take a trade, Beatrixx took the warrior route and I wanted to be a ranger, so I was with a band of dwarves teaching me to shoot, grew up with em for hte most part, eventually even my brother Eckhard joined but left shortly after to go to Stormwind since his wife was a practicing priest....besides that I grew up with this group, eventually a pretty little thing joined us a Kaldorei woman, wanted to learn how to use guns, we were friends almost instantly, and that is where my first love went too, but she never wanted us to be nothing more than friends since she lives lot longer than me, so we stayed friends for years.....now fast forward to more recent events, when Slyvanas burned Teldrassil....I was one of the first people there, knowing she would be there....helped evacuate so many elves, she got trapped under a burning building, trying to help a family get out, pulled the rubble off, burned my hands up something nice, and got the family out to safety and went back to drag her to safety, she died in my arms....everything in me died, the military sent me home to heal before being called to war.....was home for a few months and then my father died when the Horde attacked Brennadam....I fell into a dark depression and fell into a very dark place.....started to kill members of the Horde with no remorse, killed soldiers, killed innocent members of there ranks, anything to make them feel as I did....took to the bottle drowning out anything I felt, just became a tool to kill them....a need." He sighs slightly.[10:32 AM]He sighs slightly, "Finding my sister again....helped me through all of this.....when she lost the first love of her life due to the Scourge, she slipped into the same dark depression, took to the bottle, anything to not feel....and I helped her through it, and she helped me through this pain....."
Ere Myth & Rian
Ere: "That would be recent, sadly. I will not go into detail, but the experience of being Nightfallen is...not something I wish on anyone else. I did some rather regrettable things to survive."
If anyone has interacted with the Suramar story, or remembers the story arc for Runas the Shamed, they went through similar ordeals. Quite a few people and withered died at their hands so they could survive, and they are usually more passive so it has been very hard for them to cope with what they did.
Rian: No comment, she hasn't had that moment yet.
Lora looks off in the distance, upon being asked on something that she tries to bury in her mind. "When I wasn't myself? Hmm." She lets out a melodic, thoughtful hum for a moment. "I guess I should start with saying I have a lot of...what did they say? I think the word was affinity, for my niki...well as my brother and the masters call it, chi. Niki is a name from my sister, when she was alive. Her name was Nika, and my Niki was my connection to her. She always looked out for me, and she raised me. Not my mom, not anyone else in the caravan. Nika did."
She pauses for a moment after realizing she went on a small tangent. "Anyway, that affinity came about when I was really little. The really bad event all started when our caravan was attacked, the snakemen found us. They...got my sister, and I think something snapped in my head. All I really remember was a loud crash and...green, a pale...green. There was lightning all around me, and I..." She stops herself again, "...I screamed, i had never felt so much anger, seeing my sister hurt so badly. So my niki exploded in some kind of green lightning. The snakemen ran after seeing that...i was so scared but Nika told me to run."
She let out a small sigh, looking off at no where in particular. "I couldn't heal her, I knew it was possible, but I just didn't know how to then. So I ran. I came back eventually, buried her and since then, this hat she gave me hasn't left my sight. She even cut the holes for my ears, but it was still too big for me as a kid. Anyway, I guess that's close enough to your question, right? I've got to get back to the temple, there's someone waiting for me there."
Sam glares at the person asking the question, "You really like bringing up painful memories don't you? Do you enjoy tormenting people by bringing up the worst things in their memories?" He huffs as he looks off into the distance, "When you are possessed by a demon there are times when you are literally not yourself, so I will not use any of those examples as you could say it wasn't really me at all." He sighs, "I had another group of people I considered family before the Cast Company. I saw them all as my children in a way, being the oldest in the group it just seemed natural. Guiding young people giving them advice based on experience, but seeing them that way was a double edged sword."
His eyes mist over, "It is a terrible thing when a parent has to bury their child, especially when knowing you weren't there to protect them. That happened to one of those I considered my child, she was killed and I wasn't there to protect her. The grief was unbearable and that grief soon turned to rage which in turn made me go feral. I left Stormwind, completely unaware of where I was going, only knowing what I was doing and that was looking for people to slaughter."
He growls low at the memory, "Fortunately I came across a band of highwaymen not far from Stormwind. I practically bathed in their blood and viscera, I even think I ate some of one of them. Needless to say I was covered in blood and gore and I was only brought out of it when my lover at the time found me and brought me back under control. It took me weeks to forgive myself for losing control like that on my own without any assistance from a demon trying to control me.
He once again stares daggers at the person, "Now leave before I find myself losing control again and eating you." He grins as the other person falls all over themselves as they run from the room.
An arrow glides through the air, puncturing a barrel, to which the arrow splits clean through the middle. Cyliaa lets out the breath that she didn't realize she was even holding, and let's the bow relax and fall at her side. Her eyes lacked the usual vibrancy and she's silent for a long moment. "Darkest moment. . .what was my darkest moment. . .?" Her mouth moves without much thought, "I lost control of myself and destroyed. . .everything. . .I remember being in front of all the Priests and they surrounded me. Chanting over and over and over again. The scariest part was that all of the people in the crowd said that they could hear Elune herself speak to them. I couldn't hear a thing. I. . .thought they were going to kill me so I just - " Cyliaa presses the palms of her hands to her head, squeezing her eyes shut. "The worst part is seeing my father's head hit the. . .I - I've blocked so many memories, I think that's for the best." Her hands drop to her side and a lantern in the far corner of the training room suddenly blows out. Wisps of smoke curl in the air and she rushes out of the training room without another word. Leaving the lantern behind
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My 2019 Blog Review
Today's the last day of 2019, so I thought it would be fun to dig through my archive and reflect on my blog activity over the past year. I am doing this on my phone but once I have access to a computer again, I'll put this all under a cut. I just can't do it on my phone.
Jan 2019
- Tumblr's background color changed and apparently I'm the only one who liked the change.
- Kingdom Hearts 3 release -- of course, this was a huge thing in my blog at the time. Afterall, I'd only been waiting 15 years for this game. And while I definitely had problems with the game, it also had some very memorable moments that I loved...like Sora punching Davey Jones (I never ever want to forget that moment).
- I began my adventure of learning Japanese. I'm doing pretty good so far.
- The Mummy (Brendon Fraser) appreciation. Occamshipper apparently doesn't like these movies but I love them. I met some great people because I told occamshipper that whereas they didn't like The Mummy Returns, it is in fact one of my favorite all time movies.
- Lots of rambling about my love for Lucy Heartfilia and the Nalu ship from Fairy Tail.
Feb 2019
- BoA Appreciation. I love K-Pop and BoA is one of my all time favs.
- The Vic Micnogna scandal. Honestly, I don't really care about what's going on with the trial, what bothers me is the stain that was left on Funimation because of it. The voice actors really alienated the fanbase in this scandal and I didn't like that.
- Power Rangers appreciation. I love Power Rangers and unironically, too. My favorite power ranger is Adam from Mighty Morphin.
- Within Temptation's new Resist Album dropped and I loved it. I love these epic stories they tell with their albums and the vibes they give.
- I watched the Mythica franchise and my appreciation affair for Zombie Girl began.
- Ronon/Keller appreciation. I loved this pairing so much and I'm super sad the show never did more with them.
- Legacies Reviews. Apparently people find me funny? I have a sense of humor that people enjoy?
Mar 2019
- Emily Bett Rickards revealed she would not be on Arrow for its final season. I was really depressed a out that and I got a lot of hate from comic book fans for daring to say that I like the character of Felicity Smoak.
- Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles appreciation. One of my favorite anime/manga of all time.
- I was a victim of credit card fraud because of Creation Entertainment and then they tried to deny they were at fault despite hundreds of their customers reporting credit card fraud all at the same time. They eventually retracted their statement but because of this, I will probably never go to a Creation convention again. They're way overpriced and I certainly will not entrust my important info to them again.
Apr 2019
- Shadowhunters final season started airing and they went from irritating to just plain boring. Seriously, the season's biggest crime isn't how misogynist and racist it was, it was that it was completely nonsensical and boring for me.
- The release of Taylor Swift's and Brendon Urie's collab of ME! and I seem to be the only one that seems to legitimately love that song (even the "spelling is fun" part, RIP you beautiful lyric, alas, you were too good and pure to last in this hateful unfunny world of judgemental culture).
- The X Family appreciation. This is one of my favorite Taiwanese dramas and definitely my favorite series in the KO franchise.
- I broke up with the main SPN meta community (otherwise known as the Positive Police). We just didn't see eye-to-eye. I didn't appreciate them lording over the fandom telling people what they should and should not ship, telling people what they should and should not like...and they didn't appreciate me saying so. Lots of blocking went on and I'm still eternally sorry for the people that got blocked by these big fish because they simply liked my posts.
May 2019
- Game of Thrones crappy ending. What is there to really say about it? It was terrible and misogynist AF.
- Ezra appreciation from the Natural Oneders TFS at the Table D&D campaign. Ezra Lockwood was my favorite character and I'm not okay with how he was written out of the campaign.
- I was quite angry about Dean destroying Chuck's guitar like Dean was a 5-year-old child angry that he didn't get his way (seriously, Dean needs to be sent to time-out).
Jun 2019
- Quicksilver and Dadneto meta commentary from FOX 's X-Men franchise. So much lost potential there, unfortunately (thanks, Dark Phoenix).
- Orca appreciation. They're beautiful, majestic creatures and I love them, they might be my spirit animal.
- Someone unfollowed me because I wasn't giving enough attention to real-world problems. Essentially, I wasn't woke enough I guess. But I'm sorry, if I want to feel all righteous and justicey, I'll watch the news. Social justice and politics are not primary focuses of this blog.
- Godzilla King of Monsters was fantastic.
- Chuck TV Series appreciation. I love this show and I miss it dearly.
Jul 2019
- Veronica Mars Season 4 discourse. Essentially I hate what happened to Logan and what it means for Veronica's character moving forward.
- Played Love Island The Game and had way more fun than I probably rightfully should've had.
Aug 2019
- Re-watched Sailor Moon and then watched Sailor Moon Crystal. Both shows are so much fun. Plus, I love Sailor Jupiter. I love Jupiter's personality and her power aesthetic is badass to match her personality.
- Taylor Swift's Lover album dropped. I might be in the minority but it actually ranks pretty low on my list of Taylor Swift albums.
- Skillet's Victorious album dropped a d ot was a huge disappointment for me.
- I found watermelon to be my new favorite post-workout snack.
Sep 2019
- I watched The Untamed and I absolutely adore this show. I started watching more chinese dramas because of this show. And whereas I haven't found something I enjoyed quite as much from the chinese drama list, I've still greatly enjoyed a lit of the shows...but they still have nothing on The Untamed. The Untamed is just so good.
- Lover Fest was announced. And it was real shady the dealings that were going on with this. It actually kind of made me wary of actually wanting to see Taylor live.
Oct 2019
- I began the Korean drama, Extra-Ordinary You. I haven't finished it yet, but I plan to. I wanted to wait until the entire series was done airing. It does really interesting things with tropes and I greatly enjoy this show and can't wait to to return to it.
- Sherlolly appreciation. Rediscovered my love for the Sherlock/Molly ship from Sherlock.
-Leverage appreciation. Absolutely fantastic show. Highly recommend it.
Nov 2019
-Psych tv series appreciation. Another one of my favorite shows of all time.
- I wrote a Dean Winchester endgame meta. It was fun.
Dec 2019
- Kamen Rider Den-O appreciation. My favorite from the Kamen Rider franchise. I've been re-watching it and it's so much fun. Sato Takeru is amazing in it and the fact that this one of his first acting jobs and he's able to pull off doing so many different characters is seriously amazing.
- SPN finally brought us an angel/vessel dynamic in the form of Adam and Michael and it was amazing.
- The Jumanji re-make appreciation. I love it and The Next Level is just as good as its predecessor and I'm anxiously awaiting the next film in the franchise.
- My thoughts on why I'm single. Mainly because I'm lazy and I just don't feel like doing through all of the work involved in dating.
There you have it. That's 2019 for me. It had its ups and its downs but blog wise, I think I had a pretty good year.
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MK11 Roster ranked for Warhammer
// Since I’m on a Mortal Kombat kick. How would each character from the Mortal Kombat 11 vanilla roster fair in either Warhammer? I’m keeping it to the playable roster since all the DLC characters haven’t been revealed yet and I didn’t want to have this post be five miles long. Might do more in the future, however.
Let’s face it, most of these psychos are gonna do pretty well. They regularly get into punch-outs with gods. The biggest problem will likely be which attitudes get them singled out by their allies.
40k: Decently well. She has many of the makings of an Imperial Inquisitorial acolyte or an Eldar Exarch. Extreme combat skill and mild psychic power are usual marks of greatness. Also very good at subtle politicking. Might be a bit of a pushover though.
AoS: Even better! Less stigma over her magical abilities, slightly more reasonable allies, and less likely to have to fight power-armored super soldiers.
Erron Black
40k: You can already play as this guy in Dark Heresy. Pretty much any Rogue Trader would be happy to hire this guy, and he’s too stupid to be bribed with anything other than cash.
AoS: Limited opportunities due to lack of good personal guns. Might get on well in some kind of mercenary group from Chamon or Hysh, but his rogue nature still wouldn’t earn him many connections.
40k: Super-speed and melee skill are good, but only get you so far. If nobody grabbed him as an assassin, he’d still make a killing as a gang boss, and I think he’d be fine with that.
AoS: Probably even better chances of success, but it’s gonna be sucky with those third-degree burns given the lack of things like high-end prosthetic rebreather masks.
Kung Lao
40k: Kung Lao is absolutely a Rogue Trader/Dark Heresy character. He’s gonna get a lot of weird looks, but assuming that hat can cut through power armor, he’ll probably get on just fine. His big mouth might earn him some enemies, though.
AoS: Again, since he uses a low-tech weapon and martial arts, he’s even better in a fantasy setting. The entire Shaolin Temple would do pretty well for themselves in the Mortal Realms.
40k: A cryomancer? Seems suspect of heresy. Then again, a cryomancer who hates the undead and can fight as good as an assassin? Seems like prime Inquisitorial material!
AoS: Nagash’s grip is cold, but if Sigmar can get the Lin Kuei on his side, he’s got a lot to gain. Kuai Liang is as great a leader as he is a warrior and mage.
40k: Absolutely corrupted by Chaos, but I think most Chaos Lords would still be reluctant to run into Hanzo Hasashi. Less of a chance he could redeem himself, but even more of a chance for him to wreak absolute havoc on anyone who tries and betray him. Hellfire is plentiful in 40k.
AoS: A better chance for redemption, and even more utility from his ninja skills on top of the hellfire. Whoever has their grips on Scorpion’s soul, whether it’s Nagash or Chaos, better double-check just how strong that grip is.
40k: She’s a god! On the scale of 40k, she’s at a bit of a disadvantage, but being a god is never gonna hurt. She better just steer clear of Slaanesh.
AoS: Again, she’s a god! Set up shop in Ghyran and kick back with Alarielle in the “kill absolutely anybody who messes with our utopia” clubhouse.
40k: Cryomancer cyborg assassin is hardly the weirdest profession in 40k, and her conniving nature should help her out plenty whether she wants to work with the AdMech, DarkMech, or some other group of bastards.
AoS: Shame she couldn’t keep the robot body, but cryomancer assassin is still more than enough to raise some hell in the Mortal Realms. Nagash’s clubhouse seems most her style.
40k: This guy would do well as King Mook of a group of Chaos mutants. That’s pretty much what he is anyways.
AoS: Same meat, different sausage. Being a half-demon warlord may not make you immortal, but it’s hardly a disadvantage.
40k: His character and storyline makes him a solid fit for a high-end Inquisitor. Psychic might and leadership skills, with a tendency to turn into a psychotic templar? Tell me that doesn’t sound like a classic Inquisitor.
AoS: As a storm-god, he’d get on even better. He might even have the makings of a mighty Sacrosanct wizard. He’s already attuned to Azyr!
40k: By the standards of some xenos races, she’s not really a top concern, but D’Vorah knows this and would make the most of what she has. Everyone’s so concerned about Chaos and Tyranids, they don’t even notice when they’re suddenly overrun by the Kytinn.
AoS: Set up in some blighted corner of Ghyran, out of sight but with plenty of foolish heroes to snack on, D’Vorah would do about as well as she’s done in Outworld.
40k: Eat your heart out, Straken. Or rather, eat your arm off. Jax has all the makings of a Guard commander, though his heart might be a bit too soft to finish his career free of scars to his mind and soul.
AoS: I’m sure someone in Chamon or Hysh could hook the man up with some new arms. Either that, or he’d make for a good Stormcast!
40k: Who the hell is this guy? Does he work for the Necrons? The Ordo Chronos? Wherever he came from, that archaeotech is going to make him a nightmare for whoever gets in the way of his inscrutable goals.
AoS: Even weirder! He must be some Age of Myth construct left behind in Hysh. Maybe a fractured remnant of a lost God of Law? Either way, he’d probably be more akin to a terrain obstacle in Underworlds than a regular enemy.
40k: There’s about fifty of this bastard on every world in the Imperium. Maybe he’d help out Chaos, but at the end of the day the Black Dragon is all Kano needs. His smug mug is going to be on wanted posters from Terra to Ultramar.
AoS: Who the hell keeps smuggling Chaos Dwarf cannons into Azyr? What maniac stole a warehouse’s load of weaponry from Hammerhal and sold them to damn greenskins?! If that bastard even looks at a Stormvault I want at least three merc companies sent to hunt him down!
Cassie Cage
40k: The Imperium loves legacy careers! Explains where she gets all those fancy toys from. Inheriting her dad’s mouth is going to make her time in the Schola rough, though.
AoS: A loyal ranger best suited for exploring Stormvaults and hunting down powerful champions. Chaos Lords best not underestimate her, she’s more than meets the eye.
Kotal Kahn
40k: Thank god we managed to find a governor able to rein control of that sector. Not often someone can purge Chaos that efficiently, especially a Feral World-born. Keep an eye on him in case of further developments, however...
AoS: The last of the Osh-Tekk might not worship Sigmar, but he’s a mighty and ruthless ally in the fight against Chaos and undead encroachment. A powerful priest and warrior of the light.
40k: Chaos could always use more assassins. You’d think more people would be looking into blood magic, but the rarity of it just means less competition and counters. Skarlet is every Inquisitor’s worst nightmare.
AoS: Same blood, different vein! Powerful dark magic and assassin skills are hard to knock.
Sonya Blade
40k: A peerless and loyal leader of the Guard. Maybe her choice of friends isn’t the cleanest, but her results can hardly be blamed.
AoS: The Free Peoples always need more competent generals, and even mortal leaders are expected to be able to kick some ass one-on-one. Even if she gets demolished, I think Sigmar was waiting for an excuse to reforge her.
Johnny Cage
40k: Movie stars aren’t so popular in the Imperium, but shining examples of the might of the common man over the unknowable alien? That’s good, even if he never shuts up. Charisma and fighting skill will get you far even if you’re surrounded by enemies. Probably for the best he gets Sonya on his side, though.
AoS: Less likely to be killed for snarky blasphemy! Also everyone’s so damn serious all the time, mockery would probably make for as effective a weapon as magical fists.
Noob Saibot
40k: I swear I’ve seen this type of guy before in Chaos’ toolbox. A shadow-daemon sorcerer assassin? Subtlety is a rare trait among Chaos, so it might make for a powerful advantage.
AoS: There are some parts of Ulgu best avoided. Laugh at the name all you want, just not if you’re standing in the shadows.
40k: Mutant or xenos, his ass-kissing skills will serve him well when he inevitably sets himself up with some Chaos Lord. Obviously without plentiful Forge Worlds to draw from, it would best suit your unholiness to hire someone who can scavenge much valuable plunder, yes?
AoS: Hardly different. Having a sticky-fingered mutant to oversee the finances of your kingdom leaves more time for a Chaos Lord to stick to taking skulls and planning conquests.
40k: This character absolutely already exists in 40k. Planetary governor turned out to be a heretic? Well thank the Emperor his assassin daughter is amicable!
AoS: Fan blades seem like something a Khainite would enjoy, but thankfully Kitana is more restrained. Diplomatic skill, martial might, and a cool weapon gimmick will help her fit right in!
Jacqui Briggs
40k: Another military legacy, which is always a benefit. Also extremely skilled in combat and making inter-service connections. Probably has a better chance at a legit command position due to her personality over Cas, who’d be better relegated to black ops.
AoS: Again, great warriors and generals are always in high demand. As a commander of the Freeguild or the Stormcast, Jacqui even looks like one of the new warrior-women models GW likes to release nowadays.
Liu Kang
40k: Another mighty champion from outside the Astartes for a change. Liu Kang has protagonist energy, and even if kung-fu is rare in 40k, that’s enough to get you pretty far. Especially when he has such powerful friends.
AoS: More chances to flex those fists, less stigma around summoning fire and turning into a dragon, and he’s still a trusted friend of many generals and demigods.
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Played that lil game fairness simulator i just reblogged, and it rly makes me think about stuff I’ve noticed playing online games
Warframe is a game that has a high concentration of kinder players. The community prides itself on helping new players, and it isn’t uncommon for older more experienced players to go out of their way to help newer ones. I’ve seen older ones offering up mods, showing newbies secrets, the best ways to run spy missions, or just helping them figure out how to get the biggest bang for their buck. Miscommunications tend to be quickly addressed- “Hey you’re killing stuff too quick for event to happen” “Why are you playing a mini-game right now? ‘oh shit I was in the map by myself didn’t realize you all joined sorry’‘
This isn’t random- the game itself incentivizes playing kindly. Playing in a group get more rewards due to higher enemy spawns, but if you all run as a lone ranger, the spawns get screwed up due to distance. Reviving a player is beneficial in the long run, since you have another person around in case you go down. And receiving a revive instead of self-reviving (of which you have 4 normally) preserves your exp. There’s not really kill-stealing, since you share experience and rewards (in some cases, playing beside a nuker frame is more helpful for you! Experience in WF levels your frame and your weapons, divided up based on what you’re using. However, shared player exp is evenly divided on whatever you have equipped- meaning if you run a crappy pistol in a high level area with a nuker frame friend, even if you never use the pistol, it will still get some respectable exp.) The dev team is active with the player base and works to screw up any ‘meta’ that becomes too hegemonic and overbearing- they want all players to have fun, not just the ones playing ‘correctly’.
Cheating the system and other players certainly happens, but there aren’t as many systems in place to let it happen, and most of them do not unduly reward cheaters over fair players. The biggest complaints are about leechers in open world areas, who let others run the missions while they goof off, and often that’s just annoying, not mission threatening. They might even miss out on some good rewards due to being too far from random drops.
MMORPG’s are trickier. Recently(ish) I’ve done Guild Wars 2 and FF XIV. Since I never got into endgame raid content in either (not rly), I don’t have tons of experience with the areas that are easily the most toxic, but. The biggest problems tend to come from older players getting exasperated that new ones don’t know what they’re doing (miscommunication). Most MMO’s have worked to make kill stealing or loot stealing much harder, since that’s one of the most common causes of toxicity.
That leaves player interaction, most notably in markets. But that’s capitalism babey and I ain’t about to touch that shit. Otherwise, things can be pretty neutral- you might run into some rude folks, some nice ones, but you can just keep on keeping on. Speaking as someone who picked up healing in FFXIV, I am occasionally ready to murder folks in dungeons (tanks who draw too much aggro, dps playing like a tank, both of them ignoring that I’ve got aggro from adds...) but I also have met some wonderfully nice people that keeps me less cynical.
Monster Hunter World is unique in that while you can solo like, the entire game, online play isn’t too bad. Part of this is because there’s limited mechanisms for players to help OR harm each other. Communication is pretty limited, unless you want to take the time to write out a message. You can have preset messages, but most of those are pretty positive and are used for ‘good job!’ or ‘oh that was hella rad’. Someone might kill a monster where you won’t have time to carve it for parts, or be rude/playful and keep smacking you so that you can’t, but at least there’s the rewards at the end. Any weapon can be effective, tho some are better on different monsters.
MHW is just. Incredibly neutral, because unless you run voice chat w/ friends, a multi-player hunt is basically just. Oh hey extra pple for the dps, cool. Minus the times when they chew through your 3 team deaths before failure. Upgrade your armor you fool!
And then there’s Overwatch. I don’t really have an incentive to be nice to my teammates or my enemies. Sure, the commendations can be nice, but they don’t do anything meaningful. If someone hurls slurs at me in the chat, I guess I can report and block them, but lord knows if that will do anything. Working with my team does give me a slightly higher chance at victory, but not if my team in general isn’t willing to work with me. If a teammate or enemy is actively griefing me? Jesus. Christ.
The community itself is very telling, considering that they call toxicity ‘normal’. It happens, they say with a shrug, block report and move on. And when I witness a few teammates who are willing to get involved, and firmly shut down the offending party? That’s an outlier. That’s likely to make the offending party straight up leave the game, and in competitive, that punishes your team. Even in non-competitive play, if you choose to leave a game due to toxicity, doing so too many times prevents you from playing for a while.
Pro advice for climbing the competitive ladder at low ranks? Pick a hero you like, carry, and ignore your team. Since low ranks gain more experience if they gain more medals (of which you can gain gold, silver, or bronze for: kills, kills on the objective, objective time, healing, and enemy damage), that means certain heroes will be given less punishment and higher rewards even if their play-style didn’t benefit the team, only themselves. I like playing Mercy! She’s a fun, highly mobile healer with a resurrection ability. She’s meant to be dangerous only because of her strong healing ability and rez, which can win a team fight. The only medal she is likely to get is for healing, because to do damage you must actively stop healing and switch to a weapon. I am a very good Mercy, but I will unlikely be able to rank up with her because the system is actively stacked against her. (The devs, in fact, have given her less points for winning a match because of ‘too many Mercy mains at unfair ranks’. And then they nerfed her into the ground. Mhm.)
Overwatch is somehow a team-based shooter that gives very little incentive in-game to play as a team, and gives no in-game tutorials or lessons on how a team should play as opposed to a single person. There is barely any HUD to let you know how your team is doing health-wise or with cool-downs (annoying for dps, bad for tanks, catastrophic for healers). They don’t let us see how our fellow teammates are doing for fear of toxicity. I have no way of trying to encourage people to stand in a specific area other than chat or spamming ‘group up’ while standing there.
I still love what Overwatch is trying to be, with its diversity and cool heroes, but I would really like them to reexamine how they have the game set up to reward cooperation and kindness.
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Do The Republicans Control The Senate
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/do-the-republicans-control-the-senate/
Do The Republicans Control The Senate

The Gop Has Yet To Land A Single Top Recruit To Run For The Senate Anywhere In The Country
Republicans maintain control of the House and the Senate
The surest way that Republicans can stop whatever legislative agenda President Biden has in mind after the 2022 midterm elections is to win a majority in the US Senate.
Even more than the House, a simple majority in the Senate could let Republicans gum up everything from gun control legislation to Supreme Court nominations.
On paper, it seems easy enough. Republicans need to win just a single seat in order to flip the 50-50 Senate and possibilities for doing so are all over the map. Given that midterm elections often benefit the party out of power, and Democrats control two out of three levers of the federal government, Republicans wouldnt be overly optimistic in assuming Mitch McConnell might soon rule the Senate again.
But here is the thing about the GOPs chances: At this early stage, they are having problems getting good candidates to sign up. And while the historical trends look good for Republicans you cant win something with nothing.
Republicans have yet to land a single top recruit to run for the Senate anywhere in the country even in places where they have an opportunity to flip a seat and a good candidate could make all the difference.
In Nevada, Republicans are pinning their hopes on getting former state attorney general Adam Laxalt in the race to challenge Masto, who won in 2016 by just 3 percentage points. So far, Laxalt has not announced plans to run and he comes with baggage: he lost a bid for governor in 2018.
Arkansas: Mark Pryor Vs Tom Cotton
In a stunning blow to Democrats, Rep. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., beat two-term Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor, the first Senate Democrat to lose his seat this election cycle.
Pryors loss is a major upset to Democrats who were hoping to hold onto the seat and keep Republicans from taking control of the Senate. Pryor comes from a popular political family in the state. His father, David Pryor, represented Arkansas in the U.S. Senate and served as the states governor. The family maintains close ties with the Clintons, a connection that prompted former President Bill Clinton to campaign on Pryors behalf on multiple occasions.
But Cotton, a one term congressman and former Army Ranger who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, was able to break through Pryors deep political connections in the state. Throughout the campaign, Cotton, 37, repeatedly tied Pryor to President Obama, whose favorability has reached an all-time low, and stressed issues related to national security, including how the administrations is dealing with ISIS, on the campaign trail.
Kayleigh Mcenany Is Gaslighting America
Washington, DC President Donald Trump made a prediction about the GOP’s control of the Senate at a fundraiser this week, privately telling donors that it will be “very tough” for Republicans to keep control of the chamber in the upcoming election, namely because Trump refuses to support some senators, The Washington Post reported on Saturday.
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McConnell used his power as majority leader to great effect, stonewalling bills passed in the House by both Democrats and Republicans. Rather than vote down those bills in the Senate, McConnell simply ignored them, never letting them go to a vote. Over the four years of Trumps term, McConnells Senate has hardly passed any substantial legislation, despite Republicans controlling both chambers of Congress for the first two of those years. A Republican tax cut bill in 2017 and a bipartisan criminal justice reform bill in 2018 were among the rare exceptions.
Instead, McConnell focused on confirming conservative judges. He was able to confirm 218 federal judges to lifetime appointments under Trump, including three Supreme Court justices. A lot of what weve done over the past four years will be undone, sooner or later, by the next election, McConnell said last month during the confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. They wont be able to do much about this for a long time to come.
McConnells disinterest in passing legislation enraged Democrats and also drew frustration from some Republicans in the House and the Senate.
Democrats will be under intense pressure to do away with the legislative filibuster, which requires 60 votes to actually get to a vote on a bill. The filibuster means Democrats will need to get at least 10 Republicans to support any bill they want to pass.
Four Flips For Democrats One For Republicans

Going into the election, the Democrats held 47 seats in the U.S. Senate while the Republicans held 53.
The Democrats have succeeded in flipping four seats: in Colorado, where former Governor John Hickenlooper easily ousted incumbent Cory Gardner, in Arizona, where former astronaut Mark Kelly defeated incumbent Martha McSally, and in Georgia, where Raphael Warnock defeated incumbent Kelly Loeffler and Jon Ossoff defeated incumbent David Perdue.
The Republicans have wrested back one previously Democratic seat in Alabama, where one-term incumbent Doug Jones was emphatically denied a second term by Tommy Tuberville, a former college head football coach, most recently at the University of Cincinnati.
Outgoing freshman Sens. Jones and Gardner were both considered vulnerable, as each was elected with less than 50% of the vote in 2018.
Republican Thom Tilliss victory over Cal Cunningham in North Carolinaby less than 2 percentage points according to the North Carolina Secretary of States latest tallyis one of several close Senate races that were not called until after election night. In addition to the seats from Georgia, close races also include the victories of incumbent senators Gary Peters and Susan Collins , which were not called until Nov. 4.
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Collins Says Gideon Called To Concede
Senator Susan Collins of Maine told supporters on Wednesday that her Democratic opponent, Sara Gideon, had called her to concede the race. Without taking Collinsâ seat, Democrats have little change of claiming the Senate majority.
âI have news for everyone. I just received a very gracious call from Sara Gideon conceding the race,â Collins told supporters on Wednesday afternoon.
Collins, one of the more moderate members of Senate, was considered particularly vulnerable this year. If she had received under 50% of the vote, the race would have proceeded to a runoff, under Maineâs system of ranked-choice voting.
Gideon significantly outraised Collins, and hit the senator repeatedly for voting to confirm Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
United States Senate Elections 2016
New HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaWest Virginia
Elections to the U.S. Senate were held on . A total of 34 of the 100 seats were up for regular election. Those elected to the U.S. Senate in the 34 regular elections on November 8, 2016, began their six-year terms on January 3, 2017.
Control of the Senate was up for grabs again in 2016. In order to take the chamber back, Democrats needed to gain five seats in 2016, but they fell short, picking up only two seats. Ultimately, Republican senators proved to be far less vulnerable than predicted. Some reasons for the predicted vulnerability are as follows. The majority of seats up for election were held by Republican incumbents, many of whom were freshmen who were swept into office in the Tea Party wave of 2010. Additionally, the Senate election coincided with a presidential election, which has been a boon to Democratic candidates in the past decade. Democrats had made gains in the Senate in the last two presidential elections, while they had suffered losses in the years between.
The Democratic Party gained two seats in 2016, resulting in a 52-48 majority for Republicans. The two independent members of the Senate are included in the Democratic totals, as they caucus with Democrats.
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What Are Senate Special Elections And Why Do They Happen
A special election may happen for any Senatorial seat and is sometimes referred to as a bye-election. State Senators have two-year terms. In some cases, a Senator steps down from office before their term ends. A Senate special election refers to an election to fill a vacant Senate seat between a general election.
In some instances, such as in Georgia, the state Governor appoints an interim Senator to fill the vacant seat until the next general election. In other cases, special elections begin at the time an officeholder vacates their seat.
How Long Will It Last
Republicans keep control of the House and Senate
The Republican hold on its power in the 50-50 split is just as tenuous. The Republicans radical pro-Trump faction could drive more moderate lawmakers out of the party, which would disrupt the balance of power and weaken the GOP. Alaska Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski recently floated the idea of abandoning the party. This would presumably make her an independent; she told Alaska Public Radio that she would not join the Democratic Party.
In 2001, after just four months of being in place, the power-sharing agreement was dismantled when Vermont Republican Senator Jim Jeffords left the Republican Party and joined the Democrats, giving them true majority control.
Since the deal was only in place for four months, it never really got tested in the way it might have had things gone on longer with tougher issues, said Verdery. On paper, it looked pretty good and it worked fine, but it was only in effect for a short period of time.
Should there be no disruptions, the agreement negotiated between Schumer and McConnell this year would last until 2023. How it will look and how well it will work has yet to be tested.
There probably will be a power-sharing agreement that will be a very lame version of what was produced in 2001, said Steve Smith, a professor of political science at Washington University in St Louis. Those were different times.
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What Republican Senate Control Means For America
One of the most important memes of political intellectual culture today is that the Republicans are no better than the Democrats.;;Conservatives express this vividly in the notion of RINOs .;;Is this historically true?;;More specifically, what might a Republican-controlled Senate mean for American life beginning in 2015?
Since 1980, Republicans have controlled the Senate from 1981 until 1987, from 1995 until 2000, and from 2003 until 2007.;;The largest majority for Republicans was 55, held 1997 to 2001 and again in 2005 to 2007.;;If electing Republicans to the Senate makes no difference, then we should be able to see in the past 30 years that Republican control of the Senate renders no meaningful difference in several areas — among them poverty, unemployment, and the deficit.;
The United States experienced the most dramatic reduction in poverty from 1996 to 2000.;;Poverty in the United States fell to an astounding level of 11 percent.;;Why?
This is an important question, given that poverty is over 15% today and we are approaching the 50th anniversary of a war on poverty.;;The Welfare Reform Act of 1995, compelled by a Republican Senate against the wishes of Democratic President Clinton, ushered in the era of big government being “over.”
The Deficit
Ben Voth is an associate professor of communication and director of debate at Southern Methodist University.
The Deficit
How Will Democrats Control Of An Evenly
While Democrats will have some advantages controlling the 50-50 Senate, their majority could also be quite complicated.
Georgia certified election results Tuesday confirming the victories of Georgia Democratic Senators Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff to the US Senate. Their arrival in the Senate splits the partisan makeup in the chamber equally between 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans, a divide that has occurred only three times before in the nations history.
Warnock and Ossoff are expected to be sworn in this week after defeating former Republican Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, respectively, in a pair of dramatic January 5 runoff elections in the southern state of Georgia that determined control of the Senate. Under the US Constitution, the vice president, in his or her constitutional role as Senate president, has the power to break tie votes, so Democrats will technically control the chamber when Democrat Vice President-elect Kamala Harris is sworn in on January 20.
Although the slim Democratic control is good news for incoming President Joe Biden, it raises many questions about how the Senate will operate and perform its most basic functions. The split comes at a time in which the country is deeply divided following four years of President Donald Trump and days after a deadly insurrection attempt that his supporters made against the US Capitol building in Washington, DC on January 6.
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What Does That Mean To Joe Biden
The narrow Democratic majority will help Joe Biden as he tries to fill out his Cabinet and pass an agenda headlined by a coronavirus relief package.
The Senate also has to set a structure for an impeachment trial for former President Donald Trump.
The House charged him with inciting an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 but has not yet sent the impeachment article to the Senate.
Biden hopes the Senate can spend part of its time on the impeachment trial while still confirming executive branch nominees.
Divided Government In The United States

In the United States, divided government describes a situation in which one party controls the executive branch while another party controls one or both houses of the legislative branch.
Divided government is seen by different groups as a benefit or as an undesirable product of the model of governance used in the U.S. political system. Under said model, known as the , the state is divided into different branches. Each branch has separate and independent powers and areas of responsibility so that the powers of one branch are not in conflict with the powers associated with the others. However, the degree to which the president of the United States has control of Congress often determines their political strength – such as the ability to pass sponsored legislation, ratify treaties, and have Cabinet members and judges approved.
Early in the 19th century, divided government was rare, but since the 1970s it has become increasingly common.
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Who Controls The Senate 2021
5:59 ET, Jan 21 2021
THE Democrats are now officially in charge of the Senate – but only by the narrowest of margins.
That means President Joe Biden has inherited a Democratic-controlled House of Representatives and Senate.
* Read our Donald Trump impeachment live blog for the very latest news and updates on the former president…
Isan Control Of Congress
This table shows the number of Congresses in which a party controlled either the House, the Senate, or the presidency.
^U.S. Senate: Party Divisions
^The Anti-Administration Party was not a formal political party but rather a faction opposed to the policies of Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton. The faction eventually coalesced into the Democratic-Republican Party.
^The Pro-Administration Party was not a formal political party but rather a faction supportive of the policies of Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton. The faction eventually coalesced into the Federalist Party.
^ abThough Washington never formally joined a party, he was broadly sympathetic to the coalition which later became the Federalist Party.
^Washington disapproved of formal political parties and refused to join either party, though he became a symbol of the Federalist Party.
^Adams won election as a Democratic-Republican, but he sought re-election as a National Republican.
^Whig President William Henry Harrison died April 4, 1841, one month into his term, and was succeeded by John Tyler, who served for the remainder of the term. Tyler had been elected as vice president on the Whig ticket, but he became an independent after the Whigs expelled him from the party on September 13, 1841.
^Whigs held their only trifecta from March 4, 1841 until later that year when the Whigs expelled Tyler from the party on September 13 and he became an Independent.
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Democrats Take Control Of Senate With Twin Georgia Victories
Democrats will have a narrow control of the U.S. Senate. The chamber will be split 50-50, with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris having a tiebreaking vote. Patrick Semansky/APhide caption
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Democrats will have a narrow control of the U.S. Senate. The chamber will be split 50-50, with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris having a tiebreaking vote.
Democrats took exceedingly narrow control of the Senate on Wednesday after winning both runoff elections in Georgia, granting them control of Congress and the White House for the first time since 2011.
Democrat Jon Ossoff defeated Republican David Perdue, according to The Associated Press, making him the youngest member of the U.S. Senate and the first Jewish senator from Georgia. Earlier Raphael Warnock, a pastor from Atlanta, defeated GOP Sen. Kelly Loeffler after a bitter campaign. Warnock becomes the first Black Democrat elected to the Senate from a Southern state.
The Senate will now be split 50-50 between the two parties, giving Vice President-elect Kamala Harris the tiebreaking vote.
Ossoff had a narrow lead Wednesday morning when he declared victory.
“It is with humility that I thank the people of Georgia for electing me to serve you in the United States Senate,” he said.
Perdue has not conceded.
Impact on Biden agenda
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Rise, and Escape – A Long Look at Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter

Quick note: This deep dive write-up was originally posted elsewhere in May of 2015. I’m polishing it for reposting here. In addition, for those interested, a while back I recorded a podcast-type thing for a project called Pause Menu Monologues, which was being done by an acquaintance of mine. Said monologue was derived from a cut-down version of this effortpost. For those interested, you can listen to that here. Now, on to the main event.
As I prepare to leave my current job for another with far better opportunities, it feels tremendously appropriate to talk yet again about a game premised almost entirely on the idea of escape.
I’ve written about Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter before, but it was requested that I write about it again. It was @squeemcsquee making the request, so I listened more than usual. I’m sure I’ll probably wind up saying a lot of the same things I said on the first go-‘round, but who knows?
Well, here’s something I didn’t say before this writing: When I first introduced her to Dragon Quarter, she got into it. Really into it. Given her relative inexperience with Japanese role-playing games, this was surprising to me; it’s so different from the usual run of JRPGs, especially as the genre stood in about 2003 or so when the game first came out. Contrarian that I am (at times), that’s part of what endeared it to me. But as she pointed out, the things that made it seem out of the ordinary to me meant very little to her. She didn’t have much “ordinary” to compare it against.
Unfortunately, watching her play it made me want to play it also. Part of this is the natural (and deeply unfortunate) backseat-driving instinct I have whenever I’m watching someone do something that I’m familiar with, but feel they could be doing better, and in fact, if they’d just let me have the controller for a few minutes, I could show them exactly how… But part of it was also just that seeing the game played really made me want to be playing it myself. This presented a problem, what with us having only the one copy. It led to arguments. Not, like, real arguments, but not exactly cutesy fun arguments, either. We did, at the time, have both a working PlayStation 2 and a backward-compatible PlaySation 3, so it was only owning just the one copy of the game that was really a problem. So the solution was pretty simple.
That’s how good it is. Dragon Quarter: The game so nice, we bought it twice.

Technically, we only bought the game once. I bought it when it first came out, back in early 2003. I played it for a while, and while it was pretty to look at, and it had good music, and the setting was interesting, it just didn’t come together for me. Despite this, I had no desire to trade it in. I had the feeling I was onto something good, though I couldn’t quite grasp it at the time.
I hadn’t had much experience with the Breath of Fire series then. I owned a copy of Breath of Fire IV, which was really the first game in the series that I even tried to tackle seriously. Having unwillingly skipped over the 16-bit generation (owning a TurboGrafx-16 and five games hardly counts), my impression of the series at that time could basically be described as “like Final Fantasy, only not quite as inventive”. It perhaps wasn’t a fair assessment, but I was basing this on the opinions of friends and acquaintances; I was unable to draw my own conclusions. Still, I liked Breath of Fire IV well enough, even outside of some positive personal associations, so I hung on to Dragon Quarter, feeling relatively certain that one day, I would get the itch to try it again.
As it happened, I did, a couple years down the line. The story and the characters were calling to me, and this time, everything finally clicked.
It probably helped that, around that time, I was beginning to become aware that JRPGs as a genre were becoming (or more likely, always had been) deeply conservative in terms of design, as well as character and story archetypes. Realistically, this has probably been the case since the days of the original Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, and Phantasy Star. But I got into these types of games in late 1998 with Final Fantasy VII; I was new to the genre in those days, so even things that were rote and by-the-numbers were fresh and new to me then. And in fairness, I’ve enjoyed a number of these types of games. But by this time, I found myself wanting games in the genre to branch out and do something new. So many of the mechanical mainstays of the genre, the “traditions” of JRPG design, began life as frankly clunky workarounds for technology that wasn’t really up to giving us a less abstract simulation of the expected features of a fantasy adventure: travel, exploration, fighting monsters, finding treasure, getting new and more powerful gear, and saving the world and any number of princesses. If you wanted to simulate all of these things on older hardware, you had to have a certain amount of abstraction. So you had your turn-based battles, your random encounters, and so on, and so forth.
By the PS2 era, the technology was rapidly growing beyond the need to adhere to these ancient abstractions for any reason other than nostalgia’s sake. It had been doing this for some time – Chrono Trigger jettisoned random encounters back in the mid-90s, but despite the universal acclaim that game received, no one seemed terribly interested in implementing any of its innovations elsewhere. Developers were, by and large, unwilling to grow out of those old ways. In part this might be down to the reluctance of their audience (or at least a very vocal portion of it) to part ways with those same traditions. But whatever the reason, the result was the same: stagnation. Or so it felt to me.
I wanted something that was different from the JRPGs I’d played before. Something that still offered the thought and planning that went into playing an RPG of any kind, something with a good story and interesting characters, but which went off the beaten path and did something different.
And so, in late 2004 or maybe early 2005, two years after I originally bought it, tried it, and hung it up for the foreseeable future, I started playing Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter again.

It’s an odd beast, this game, even when you look at it in the context of its own series. All the more so, really. The earliest Breath of Fire games got compared to the 8- and 16-bit Final Fantasy games, at least by most of the people I knew back then. Really, a more apt comparison would be to Dragon Quest, but I hadn’t played any of those games, and I was part of a group of friends who oddly lacked much experience with that series, so maybe nobody was in a position to make that particular comparison. With most of my friends, Dragon Quest (then known as Dragon Warrior due to trademark issues; I feel so old sometimes) was always “That game where you grind for hours and hours and then you finally say ‘fuck this!’ and go do something else, maybe play Final Fantasy or go outside or something, I dunno”.
Anyway, the whole series up to this point had been pretty standard high-fantasy fare, with the unique selling point being the main character’s ability to transform into a dragon. Most of the game mechanics beyond this were pretty straightforward. My experience with the series at large was pretty much limited to some time spent on the fourth game, and some time spent goofing off with ROMs of the first two out of idle and quickly satisfied curiosity.
One other consistent feature of the series is that the main character, the aforementioned dragon-transforming person, is always a young blue-haired swordsman named Ryu, and there is always a blonde, winged young lady named Nina who typically focuses on magic. Additional characters tend to be of all shapes, sizes, and species.
Dragon Quarter, by contrast, occurs in a future dystopia where humankind, having pretty much destroyed the environment through the use of biologically engineered weapons called dragons, has retreated to a single subterranean dwelling called Sheldar. There, they survive as best they can.
In this society, everyone is given a rank, called a D-ratio. On the surface of things, this ratio is a measure of one’s current ability and future potential, and places limits on their social standing, the kinds of jobs they can hold, places they can live, and overall determining just exactly how high they can rise in the world, figuratively and literally.
“Low-Ds”, that is, people with low D-ratios, live further down in this habitat. The air is worse, people’s lifespans are shorter, and there are occasionally monsters called genics that roam around down there. The people with high D-ratios live closer to the surface where the air is better and things are generally less dangerous. A nice touch is that, especially in cut scenes, the game is literally more hazy and grimy, visually, the further down you are. As you go up, the environments gradually become clearer and brighter. It happens bit by bit, so you may not notice it the first time through, but if you finish the game and start over again, the difference stands out.
One of the few story beats to be preserved is our hero: Ryu. Here, he’s a low-D ranger, whose job mainly seems to involve security and hunting down genics. His D-ratio is abysmally low: 1/8,192. His current job is the very highest he can hope to achieve. He’s partnered with another young man named Bosch, D-ratio 1/64. While Ryu is effectively at the very limit of how far he can rise in the world, Bosch is only at the beginning. A D-ratio as high as his means he can potentially qualify to become a Regent, one of the four rulers of this underground world. Bosch is basically just paying his dues here. He’s friendly enough to Ryu, in a condescending sort of way, which Ryu mostly just shrugs off. What else is he going to do?
While reporting for an assignment with Bosch, Ryu succumbs to a brief fugue, in which he has a vision. He sees the decaying remains of a giant dragon spiked to a wall. Despite clearly being dead, the dragon seems to talk to Ryu, mind-to-mind, though what it says to him makes virtually no sense at the time. Not long after, Ryu comes across the real thing, though it is very visibly dead and inanimate.

A terrorist attack splits up Ryu and Bosch, and shortly thereafter, Ryu runs into this game’s version of Nina, as well as a member of the resistance movement Trinity, named Lin. She seeks Nina for her own – or rather Trinity’s – purposes. The three form an unlikely but highly effective team. But allying himself with these two has its consequences, and by the time Ryu and Bosch reunite, circumstances have made them into enemies. Bosch is a good fighter, and he has plenty of allies with him, but Ryu refuses to betray his new comrades. Thankfully, his encounter with the dragon was no mere dream or hallucination. Unbeknownst to him, it has bestowed him with awesome power… and a deadline.
With every passing moment, the monstrous dragon power lurking within Ryu grows more prominent, threatening to overcome him. While Ryu is in control, he can transform into a bestial form capable of slaughtering even bosses within just a couple of rounds of combat. But drawing on that power accelerates its progress in overtaking him.
And so, with all hands turned against him, Ryu, Lin, and Nina have ultimately just a single option: Escape.

One of the things that I like about Dragon Quarter – one of many, many things – is the way that the game’s more prominent mechanics and its story are so closely intertwined.
The dragon power bestowed upon Ryu early into the game isn’t just a narrative device or story element, coming out only when dramatically convenient. It’s also a game mechanic, in the form of what the game calls a D-counter. This is a number, a percentage, that appears in the corner of the screen. As you play, it slowly ticks up toward 100 in intervals of a hundredth of a percent. Everything you do in the game causes it to increase. Everything. Every 24 or 25 steps will cause it to increase by one interval. Later in the game, this happens every dozen steps or so. Ryu’s special D-dash ability, which allows him to avoid enemy combat, causes it to tick up faster. Transforming, all by itself, raises the counter, and any actions taken while transformed increase it by whole-number percentages. It is literally overpowered. What I mentioned about crushing bosses in just a couple of turns was not hyperbole. I’ve done it. It’s basically my end-game strategy.
There is no way to drop the counter. Ever. There are no items, no spells, no techniques which will allow you to reset it or undo any of its progress. It just sits up there in the corner, slowly increasing and glowing ever more furiously as the number grows. The tension between the temptation to use it whenever you’re in a bind and the punishing consequences of that use can be exquisite.

When I first heard Dragon Quarter described as a survival-horror RPG, it didn’t make sense to me. But that’s mainly because I associated the mechanical elements of most of the survival-horror games I’d played with the more thematic elements of horror. And there are horrific moments and images in Dragon Quarter; the world of the game is not a happy place, and its maintenance is not easily or cleanly done. But that horror is mainly a consequence of the world-building; it’s not the point of the game.
The key here, I think, is the word “survival”. You might more accurately call Dragon Quarter a survival-RPG, except it’s basically the only one of its kind that I know of. It’s kind of hard to wrangle a whole genre out of that.
At their heart, survival-horror games generally “work” based on two principles.
The first is the fragility of the player character relative to other types of games, and relative to the enemies within the game. You are not the hero of a more action-oriented game, who can take maybe a dozen sword strokes straight to the face and just keep going, or who can withstand a hail of gunfire and duck behind cover for a few seconds while your shields recharge. Here, the player is reduced to a much more even footing with the enemies. Every bit of damage taken is a significant setback that needs to be planned around, either to prevent it or to deal with it when it happens. Every attack must be calculated. This is because of the second principle, which is resource management.
The in-game resources, both those which you use to preserve yourself and those you use to eliminate your enemies, are finite. So they must be spent wisely, frugally. Because of this, you are constantly required to take a measured, careful approach to any situation. You can never just blithely wander around; to do so invites disaster twice over. In the short term, you risk serious harm, leaving yourself vulnerable to future threats. In the long term, if you come out of the situation relatively unscathed, it’s generally at some expense of resources, leaving you ill-prepared for future encounters. Carelessness becomes indistinguishable from suicide.
This puts pressure on the player to play extremely well at all times by punishing mistakes immediately and brutally. As a result, some of the typical elements of JRPGs are missing.
There are no healing spells or techniques. All healing – whether restoring health or curing negative status effects – is accomplished by way of expendable (and frequently pricey) items. And you have to consider how often (if at all) you’ll be using some of these items, because inventory space is limited, and multiple items of a single type don’t “stack” very much before requiring another inventory slot. And, naturally, the usual economics of JRPGs are in full effect. Whatever you get for selling an item is a pitiful fraction of what it costs you to buy.
The game offers you the ability to use bait and traps to lure enemies into a position of compromise and get the drop on them, but even these need to be used sparingly. There’s hardly enough for every encounter.

Interestingly, the game knows exactly how difficult it is, and gives you something of a way around the problem.
As with most RPGs of any kind, Japanese or otherwise, you earn experience points, new equipment, and new abilities as you go through the game. In addition, Dragon Quarter also gives you what’s called Party XP. Basically, this is experience you can dole out to party members as you like to boost their levels.
Should you find yourself in a situation where you can’t progress without either having your party wiped or running the D-counter up to 100% (which, if it hasn’t become obvious by now, is an instant Game Over), you have the option to do what’s called a SOL Restart. This restarts the game from the beginning, but lets you keep all the equipment and skills you’ve learned, as well as any Party XP you still have. This gives you get a fresh start while retaining your improved gear, and the Party XP lets you give yourself a boost in the early stretches.
There’s also an option to restore a previous hard save along these same lines. Dragon Quarter allows “soft” saves anywhere, but these are temporary by design. Once loaded, these saves disappear. There are only a few “hard” save points, from which you can restore at will, and to which you will be returned with a SOL Restore.
If this sounds ridiculous for what is typically a long-form type of game, it may help to understand that Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter is only about eight to ten hours long from start to finish on a single play through, once you know what you’re doing. Even with a couple of full-blown restarts, you’ll be spending no more time on Dragon Quarter than any other game from the same time period. Less, probably.
Writing this now, I just about want to say that Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter was Dark Souls before Dark Souls really existed. There’s a certain similarity in that both games are more difficult than usual while still being relatively fair, and in the expectation that you will die, probably more than once, and that rather than being a tragedy, it’s simply an instructive part of the experience. Or in the case of Dragon Quarter, you’ll experience (probably more than once) a situation in which death is basically a given should you continue, and the smart thing would be to cut your losses and restart.

Dragon Quarter’s infliction of pressure extends even to the representation of the game’s characters and world.
Most characters have a skinny, almost emaciated appearance. Part of this is simple stylization, of course, but it still contributes to the overall effect. These people live a thin and narrow existence, it says, devoid of the expansive pleasures humankind was meant to enjoy. There is a grimness and a quiet desperation underlying it all.
The world itself is a fucking hole. Corridors in the lower areas are littered with random junk and debris; it’s best not to think what it might all actually be. The air is hazy and grimy, and things have a sort of cobbled-together look that just makes the whole place look cramped and dingy and uncomfortable. In these lower areas, everything looks like it’s about one stern look away from falling right apart. The upper areas are cleaner, more solid, but can seem so sterile and strictly designed as to be hostile. Dragon Quarter does a wonderful job of creating a world you want to get the hell out of as soon as you can.
It’s ironic, really. Most games, I play to escape from the troubles and stresses in my life. And most games oblige this desire. Even the ones that take place in barren wastelands tend to take place in gorgeously rendered barren wastelands that encourage you to examine every carefully tailored nook and cranny. They’re an invitation to exploration and adventure, and are “barren” or “waste” only as a matter of aesthetics.
But limitation and escape are the central themes in this game, and a world in which such themes are explored must be more than a background or a prop.
The world is limited in its size; an RPG with little to no detectable exploration, comprised mainly of tunnels and rooms, and a single clear direction and objective at all times. The player's inventory of supplies is likewise limited, in keeping with the surival horror influence. The player is frequently required to prioritize, and ditch whatever they aren't likely to use based on their play style. Care must be taken by the player to work within these limits.
Narratively speaking, the story also explores the idea of limitations. Ryu himself embodies these limits. His D-ratio is among the lowest of the low. His place in society, the ways in which he can define and express himself, how he can live – all of these things have strict limits placed on them. And this dragon entity, Odjn… As much as it much as it appears to be the key to his salvation, as much as it empowers him to break all barriers and overcome or destroy all opposition, it limits him as well. It puts a countdown on his life, ticking down the hours he has left until... well, until whatever horrific thing might happen when Odjn gains total control and breaks free.
And in the end, the characters decide to break free of these limits placed on them by the world by breaking free of the world itself, to smash through the ceiling of it and see once and for all what lies beyond its narrow, choking confines.
Dragon Quarter is a game about escape.
Ultimately, this is a large part of what interests me about the story of Dragon Quarter, what keeps me coming back. Rather than a big, trampling save-the-world epic, it’s about a group of characters who just want out. This is a smaller story, a “tiny tale of time”, as the game itself tells us in its opening narration. It’s huge in its implications for its world and its characters. It’s great in the scope of the ideas it asks its characters to contemplate. (It flirts with Gnosticism, which immediately grabs my interest). It that sense, at least, it does involve the end of the world, in one way or another. But the scale is smaller, and the characters strike me as being more real because of it.
Ryu, Lin, and Nina don’t want to fight anybody. There’s at least one memorable occasion where Ryu, surrounded by enemies, asks why they can’t just let him and his friends go. The character animations in Dragon Quarter aren’t spectacular, but they get the job done here. There’s something about the way that Ryu asks his question that seems to have layers. On one layer, he seems mentally, psychologically exhausted from the strain of all the fighting, and the toll all the deaths he’s dealt out has taken on him. On yet a deeper layer, he seems equally exhausted from fighting the thing inside him that threatens to take over and destroy him.
They aren’t trying to harm anybody. And it seems reasonable just to let them go, on the one hand. But on the other, there is the major problem that letting Ryu and company out of this subterranean pit will completely upend the social order – will end this idea of the world – purely as a side-effect of his escape. Because the underlying problem with Ryu’s world is a variant on the same problem that keeps people in dead-end jobs and abusive relationships long beyond the point when, logically, they should be getting out.
The world of Dragon Quarter is, as previously stated, an absolute, utter shithole in purely objective terms. Even the people in charge don’t seem to be enjoying themselves much. And it’s because everyone seems to be in unspoken agreement that even if the current circumstances are awful, at least they’re familiar awful circumstances. It’s possible that things are better on the surface, but it’s just as possible that they aren’t. It’s just as possible that they’re far worse. This, at least, is the devil we know.
Even one of the main villains, the ruler of this subterranean nightmare, is ruled by fear. A thousand years before the story proper, he was given the opportunity to open this world to the surface. But he backed down. In his fear that the world above might still be the barren wasteland people left ages ago, he turned back at the final moment, sentencing himself and everyone in the underground to remain in it indefinitely.

There’s an anime I like quite a bit – it’s probably my favorite, really – called Revolutionary Girl Utena, and in it there is a bit of dialogue that is recited so often it’s practically a ritual. It goes like this:
“If it cannot break out of its shell, the chick will die without ever being born. We are the chick. The world is our egg. If we don’t crack the world’s shell, we will die without ever truly being born. Smash the shell, for the world revolution.”
This is actually a paraphrase from the Hermann Hesse novel Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair’s Youth (usually just known as Demian), in which it’s put this way:
“The bird struggles out of the egg. The egg is a world. Who would be born must first destroy a world. The bird then flies to God. That god’s name is Abraxas.”
To go up, to go out, to rise, to escape: This is an act of tremendous faith.

#breath of fire dragon quarter#breath of fire#dragon quarter#rpg#jrpg#video game#deep dive#effortpost#longpost#gnosticism-lite
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Why do I keep doing group pics when they take so long? I must be a masochist... So, space animals. This is heavily inspired by Bucky O'hare and the Toad Wars-in fact, I have no qualms in anyone calling this a knock-off someday-with a few dashes of the old miniatures game Critter Commandos. Since it seems unlikely the original comic will continue or that we'll get anything more of the cartoon, I decided to draw my own crew of assorted funny animals in space suits. (They all look like a bunch of defect Power Rangers. XD) So, from...right to left: Nic Cooper - Boar: The Captain of the Solar Scouts. He's a hearty man who's always up for an adventure! Hot blooded, daring, but not stupid. He wouldn't put his trusted crew in any danger if he wasn't sure they could handle it or handily get out of it. He'll gladly jump straight into danger when it calls! He hails from Primus, the Capital Planet of the United Space Federation-or the USF. Primus is pretty much their version of Earth. Natasha Nosferatu - Bat: Navigator and Co-Pilot of their ship, Natasha is a Vampire Bat from the far off planet Tenebris, a planet that's close to the their sun, but is covered in dark clouds, keeping the planet in a perpetual state of night. She's rather flirty and loves to seek attention. She gets a lot of flak under the assumption she's a Vampire, but she's actually an Eastern Red Bat-which doesn't help to calm down any Mice, sadly. Spencer Scott - Otter: 1st Gunner and, according to him, the quickest shot this side of the Soap Bubble Galaxy. Is much cooler than you'd think given the picture, but he loves to show off when he gets the chance. Comes from planet Unda, another planet similar to Earth, but it's flooded and decorated with a number of islands. You learn to swim before you learn to walk. Spencer, along with his shooting skills, is a strong swimmer. Gia Hills - Giraffe: Medical Officer of the Solar Scouts, she didn't think she'd get roped into space adventures when she got out of school. Her poor heart can't take the constant fighting, but she has a job to do and that's keeping these guys alive! Gia hails from Planet Diana, which has one super continent and a fresh water ocean. She was rather poor and only agreed to join the crew to help pay off her school debt. Darwin Chuck - Monkey: A low-ranking monkey from Planet Lignum-a forest planet that's rather primitive, filled with savages that steal and reverse engineer technology. His white fur branded Darwin as an outcast and he only got off the planet after stowing away upon one of the ships that managed to get on and off of the planet. His days on the planet made him good at taking apart and putting back together tech, which is how he got the job as the Solar Scout's 1st Engineer. Lou Simons - Duck: The Solar Scout's 2nd Gunner and Demolitions Expert, Lou was a part of the Space Navy, but was dishonorably discharged for disobeying direct orders from his superiors. He doesn't like to talk about the incident and will shut down any attempts to bring it up. He was born on a distant Aube, an Asteroid Colony at the edge of the USF. He's hot blooded and has a short temper. He's notorious for starting bar fights and blowing things up.
#JAC Art#Solar Scouts#Furry#Anthro#Anthropomorphic#Pig#Bat#Otter#Monkey#Giraffe#Duck#Scifi#Sci-Fi#Retro Science Fiction
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Question do you like WCI arc? What are your thoughts on it? What do you like or do you not like about it?
hi anon thanks for asking me this question XD *cracks fingers* hoo man this is gonna be long. To anyone, please don’t get offended on what I am going to write- just in case you get the wrong idea.
well, before I start I have to admit that I am a BIG *COUGH* Sanji *COUGH COUGH HACK* fan. And the idea of Sanji Year excited me nonetheless when it first came out, along with the Vinsmokes and marriage theme. I expected a lot of things happening during this arc. And in one side, I do am pleased with the revelation of Vinsmokes and all the new characters. I liked them, however I have to really say I am really displeased with Oda’s writing during this entire arc.
The entire arc was a disaster for me. Not because I expected big things or so. Ever since Sanji’s second backstory was mentioned briefly by the wedding invitation, I already expected this arc will full of cliches and oh-my-god I hate cliches so much. Yet I put my faith in Oda- because maybe he will pull shit out nicely like he always did. But no, we got a horrible rushed-off writing instead.
My guess it’s because Oda announced Year of Sanji back in 2016, and in result, he was rushing himself to write this arc and it ended up having a horrible writing. The idea of this arc was nice- but it was lacking execution. If you have been reading what my friend Malky wrote @sleepdepravity about this arc, I agree most of it with her- this arc has no point of character development. Sanji is kind, but the flaunting of that fact in this arc is only shoving that idea in the reader’s face- to make people go “Ooooh Sanji is so kind he is a salvation angel” instead of actually making this a redemption or some short.
The Straw Hats are adults, at this point- character development might not really presented and it was obvious especially ever since the timeskip. They are solid and are collected. And then suddenly this arc happens. If this arc is only going to show how harsh the New World is, it’s not. Because during the entire arc I don’t even get scared at all that Sanji or anyone is going to be killed for that matter. We had that heart attack that Law might get killed back in Dressrosa, but no. Also, apparently Law’s hand can be sewn back just nicely in the end of the arc. It makes me losing the feel that Sanji might actually lose his hands in this arc. Because, for hell if I knew- they could be sewn back just like ho Law’s hands were.
Most of people are disappointed that the SH are separating again, but for me- it’s to be expected. Especially that back in Dressrosa we got mossywara as a group with Luffy. So it’s to be expected that guruwara will be the only team presented in this arc. With addition of Pedro and Carrot in the gang, that was acceptable. I liked the minks when they were first introduced. But then, Pedro and Carrot joining SH on their trip out of nowhere is way too random. Kinemon, Bartolomeo, and Cavendish joining the war as a gang is actually more established than Pedro simply joining by -assigned-. Carrot joining the gang was written out nicely, however I am displeased on how she is portrayed after that.
Don’t get me wrong, I liked Carrot as a character. But don’t you think she is too overpowered? Hey, it’s great to get a strong, badass female character. And she is cute too. HOWEVER- CONTEXT IS she is YOUNG, and she was joining the trip RANDOMLY. She never been outside before. Yet she could stand up against BM’s troops? Dude. Remember the SH back in the early days? Remember how crazy strong Zoro depicted as? He was still struggling and BADLY too at some of low-rank enemies. This is Carrot’s first adventure out of Zou. And she could handle things NICELY without getting much injuries. Even if she is depicted as a strong character, this kind of writing is just too rushed for her character.
Next is Pudding. Oh God. PUDDING. I LOVE LOVE LOVE PUDDING SO MUCH. When she was first appeared, I already liked her cute attitude- and hell, I wouldn’t mind IF she stayed cute like that at all. And then there was EVIL PUDDING revealed with the memory powers. Dude, that really makes me into her. HOWEVER then Oda decided to fuck things up. Because one second, she was shown with a flashback with Lola and then the next second, she was evil. And then, suddenly she was crying just because a MAN calling her THIRD EYE BEAUTIFUL. The backstory was cool. But… are you SERIOUS??? Then she decided to fall in love with SANJI JUST BECAUSE THAT ONE LINE??? I wouldn’t mind if there was MORE BUILD UP between the two. Maybe like— make their exchanges longer during the pre-wedding scenes??? So Pudding can be more touched by Sanji’s gentleman-y and kindness aftermath??? But come on… the build up was so lacking it makes Pudding like an inconsistent little kid. Come on. Also, give us more screentime of that memory power won’t you Oda? What’s the use of mentioning it if you aren’t going to make Pudding USE IT???
And then there’s Big Mom herself. As many have pointed out about Big Mom, it makes ZERO SENSE that she wanted everything to live in peace BUT THEN SHE CLAIMED PUDDING’S THIRD EYE AS UGLY… WHAT??? It bugs me out especially that she is a Yonko. Strong and powerful. One second she agreed to marry her child with Capone for power, but next second she tried to murder the Vinsmokes to gain their power- I mean- dude??? that was so random????? She could’ve go along with the marriage like all the other times but she decided to go against a fucking nationality filled with assassins out of all deals??? What makes her to think of that??? Why didn’t she murder the other marriage dealers instead??? Didn’t she knew the Vinsmokes were rumored to be so strong even if they actually was clueless in this fucking arc? There was no caution to the Vinsmokes at all?????
And now here comes the Vinsmokes. BRO. You were rumored to be a strong ass kingdom and then they are… this STUPID??? I love the power rangers-esque outta them. But like… dude. You are a fucking nation with science basis. And they are apparently so stupid. Falling on BM’s trap just LIKE THAT? You are trying to make a deal with a PIRATE. Are you expecting things to go simply as that? You have troops. What kind of royalties are you? There wasn’t any soldiers at the wedding party. COME ON. YOU ARE TOO DUMB. Also if I were Judge I might as well kept Sanji for his brain and use him as the tactical commander. Or maybe at least KEEP HIM FOR A FUCKING BLOOD AND ORGAN SUPPLY IN CASE ANY OF THE FRONT ROW TRIPLETS ARE INJURED IN A FIGHT. ARE YOU SERIOUSLY TRYING TO BE AN EVIL GROUP OF PEOPLE? THEN YOU FAILED WAYS TO BE EVIL GENIUSES. YOU ARE TOO DUMB TO BE EVIL GENIUSES.
And now I am talking about the Straw Hats. Jinbei joining the SH statement was EPIC but like… then I felt nothing. There was no impact to that or whatever. The only MVP in this whole arc is Brook. And I love Luffy. At least bless the Gods that he never changed. Nami in this arc was… horrible. She is suddenly just being a whiny moody kid. She kicked ass nicely in the last chapter action but like- during the entire thing she was just…. there. We are not seeing much action from her NEW WEAPON that was actually there to be a new fighting spotlight. I mean… come on???
And now we got Sanji. Oh god oh god oh god. Why.
I am not going to comment on how he is crying and shit or beating up Luffy. I actually understand why he does all of that. My only concern here is in the WRITING ON ALL OF THOSE SCENES AND NOT HOW SANJI iS ACTING DURING THE WHOLE THING. Sanji is still Sanji, and how he acts is actually still very in-character and it was nice. Including how stupid he is to think to leave the SH. And then we suddenly got Sanji saving the Vinsmokes on the fucking table scene- like a salvation angel coming from the depths of hell. I knew it was supposed to be symbolic, but it was FAR TOO CLICHE and this fucking arc is shoving down “LOOK AT HOW KIND SANJI IIIISSSSS” in reader’s face too much and I’m hella sick of it. You could’ve done that WITHOUT THAT. YEAH SURE. EVERY OP FANS WHO FOLLOW THE ENTIRE OP SHOULD’VE KNOWN THAT SANJI IS NICE ALREADY TBH YOU DOn’T NEED TO FLAUNT IT OVER AND OVER TOO MUCH SLKGSJKGjsKGS
Also Sanji’s second backstory is suddenly changing EVERYTHING about him. It makes as if the first backstory about starvation never happened. No, of course the readers know it’s still there. But suddenly in this one arc it’s treating like it was all that was about- making him sounded like an entire new and different character instead of the Sanji we are all know all these whole time. Character revealations are good, guys. But last time it happened- it was Luffy with his second backstory(ASL). It didn’t change our view on Luffy at all. However, on Sanji- everything did change. All of sudden people are talking about “look at how weak he was! He is not weak anymore! Look at how he never had a proper family and now he does!” when in fact that past was already long gone and Vinsmoke Sanji was dead- he was already reborn as simply Sanji and he was not weak or not having a family. This arc is talking as if he was never having anyone when he actually does.
There’s also Reiju- talking that she couldn’t disobey her father. Yet she occasionally does. This mechanism was confusing in any matter. Also there was the Vinsmoke brothers showing emotions at each other… everything is too inconsistant. Sanji’s resolve to be a chef is not even as strong as I thought it would be. and especially for fucks sake he is a prince, and he is aware that he is one. The fucking kingdom’s system is too fucked up even though I have to admit I liked the kingdom’s concept…
And suddenly I fogotten what else I wanted to write and everything ended up going into a loop without clear points of what I wanted to actually point out /shot
WCI has too many characters to introduce and to be offered. The thing with BM’s head chef is also written as too sudden. I have no surprises if Sanji and that cook is going to have a battle in the future chapters. The classic countdown thing is a thing in OP battles, like in Dressrosa- the time limit existed before the birdcage closes. During this arc, there was the one day to marriage- and the runaway- and to calm down BM’s rage. Time limit wise, it was great to portray all of the characters hurrying and all however- WRITING wise, it was not good to rush things just to make everything fits in into the deadline.
Events in CP9, Marineford, Dressrosa and many many others were having time limits on them, however they were not as rushed as how WCI’s writing was. Oda could’ve managed to sort out more build ups to make this arc flows better thus fitting all of the characters backstories without making things too cliche or rushed.
New World is a harsh place. And I have to admit- I would’ve prefered Sanji to lose his hands or at least a leg. Or maybe even die to make the whole thing flow better. If Oda is trying to portray New World’s harshness with WCI war- the least he could make is to make the characters severely injured- or at least leave some mark off permanently to show how harsh this adventure is.
I am too tired with this arc’s horrible writing that my mind focuses on things to enjoy like “oh look at how uke sanji is in this arc” /shot
Thanks for reading my stupid rant and I hope none of you gets this to the wrong side… hopefully X”D
I am pretty sure i wanted to rant more about this arc but I forgotten what I am displeased with halfway to this answer wwww :”D
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The Disney College Program: FAQ Before Becoming a Cast Member
After spending weeks staring at the hours, minutes and seconds countdown I had rolling on my phone, my mom and I made the 8 hour car ride from North Carolina to Orlando to start on the biggest journey of my life thus far. All the Disney themed Christmas and Graduation gifts I received just made me burst into tears because I was so ready to be a Cast Member. But I didn’t know true euphoria until my very first day of training, which Walt Disney World refers to as the start of Earning Your Ears. There really aren’t a lot of resources out there that go into detail about what you should expect in the beginning of your program. It can be really nerve racking going to work for such a large company, especially when you know they have such high expectations for their employees. So I really just want to answer some of the biggest questions I had before I left.

What are the apartments like? How do they match you with roommates?
Truthfully, the apartments aren’t perfect. But they provide every basic thing you may need during the time you’re going to be there, except a coffee maker.. The layout is different in each of the four apartment complexes, The Commons, Patterson Court, Chatham Square, and Vista Way (which I have listed according to how expensive they are), but generally they all have a shared living space, bedrooms that all have their own bath and house 2-4 people, along with a full kitchen that does come with pots, pans, and plates. There are pros and cons to literally every housing unit, and even if you put one as your top choice, you still may get your last choice. They do it a lot like colleges do it, when you fill out your housing info you will rank your options from lowest to highest. I won’t go into too much detail on the individual units in this article, but I’ve included a link on the listed names that will take you to the official Disney Programs blog (my opinion is biased anyways because I loved my apartment, they are honestly like being sorted into Hogwarts houses and the loyalty is fierce #PattersonForLife).
As far as roommates go, you CAN choose your roommates! But there is also an option to go random, just like in college! I linked up with all my roommates on the Disney College Program Spring 2018 Facebook page. Almost every class that comes through makes a private Facebook page for people who have applied, and once acceptances go out everyone starts pairing up as roommates. There will be a universal post that will travel around which has you fill out your likes and dislikes and your living habits. Its honestly online dating…and it’s SUPER awkward. But you just have to make the most of it. I was lucky enough to connect with 5 amazing girls all around the same age and we got along super great! None of us were from the same state so it was really awesome to get to know everyone. So once we found each other and agreed to live together, we designated one Leader, in our case we chose my friend Brooke because this was her second program and she was the only one who knew what she was doing… When you receive your acceptance to the program and pay all your fees, Disney gives you an ID number. When Brooke began filling out her housing information, she linked all of us up using our ID numbers and we accepted the invitations confirming our housing requests to be roommates. It’s a pretty easy process once you start filling out your paperwork but if you ever have questions you can always contact housing or recruiting, they work for Disney so they’re naturally super helpful and they’ll get back to you in a few days. ([email protected])

Is there anything specific that I should pack? What should I leave at home?
It really is personal preference, but if you’re a shopaholic like me and want anything and everything Disney, definitely pack light. My entire life changed when I found out about the Cast Discount Store, Cast Connections. They sell everything for an insanely low price after it’s gone out of season. All the ears are $5. I went into my program promising myself I wouldn’t purchase a single pair of Minnie ears, but I had to make room for 11 pairs in my car when I was packing up my apartment.. I was still finding ears under my seats when I moved home… #NoRagrets… I also started a mug collection…you just never know what you’re gonna end up getting into. I would definitely advise against bringing any kind of warm clothing aside from like one blanket and one sweatshirt. I think I wore jeans once during my 6 month program. The kitchen is mostly provided for, pots, pans, cups, plates, and bowls should already be placed in the cabinets when you get there. If they are not, go to the Club House of your complex and let them know and they’ll give you a checklist of everything you’re supposed to have. Be sure and fill out a form with what you don’t have during your first week or they won’t replace it.
I would also talk with your Bedroom roommate a little. You’ll need the essentials such as bedding, bathroom stuff, a bath mat, shower curtain, and hangers for the closet. We split up the shelves in the pantry for food, but I suggest having a bin to put food and produce in. Luckily most of the closet space is great! I didn’t have much problem with storage for clothes. My roommate, Morgan, and I found the plastic drawer sets from Target were really helpful though just for another option if you need something extra. In my apartment, the extra closet space around the living areas were first come first serve so don’t be shy. Claim your spaces and just go with it.
What is Traditions?
Traditions is Disney’s fancy way of saying Training and Expectations. I’ll publish a complete article later on with the expectations of Traditions. A lot of sources will talk about how scary this process can be, but I promise it’s just like any other on-boarding process. You’ll basically just go to Casting and get your finger print and background check done. BE SURE AND BRING YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY CARD, PHOTO ID, AND PASSPORT, just to be safe. I thought I didn’t need it, but I was very wrong and had to go to the social security office in Orlando at 4:00 in the morning. It was a terrible experience. I got to know Snow White pretty well though.
After your legal stuff is done you’ll watch some very wonderful videos about how much magic Disney brings to the lives of guests and everyone sits and cries together…Then they give you a super short tour of FantasyLand in Magic Kingdom. I won’t spoil all the surprises, but it was one of the best days of my life. It’s long and you spend it in a classroom, but its just amazing. It’s the first day you feel apart of the company and close to the magic. It’s also the day you receive you’re Name Tag. PLEASE DO NOT STRESS OVER WHAT TO WEAR. The Disney Look may sound intimidating, but if you feel comfortable wearing in front of your grandma, then you can wear it in front of your trainer. (I’ll publish another article about the Disney Look.)

When can I go into the Parks?
Contrary to popular opinion, your first 3 to 5 days in Orlando YOU CANNOT GO INTO THE PARKS (unless you purchase a ticket or have an annual pass). After you complete Disney classical training (Disney Traditions), you will receive, what Cast Members call, your Blue Card. It’s nothing super fancy, just a small bright blue credit card with your name on it and a tiny picture of Mickey Mouse, but when you get it, it basically represents the Disney version of a Hogwarts Letter. It is your access to ALL the magic: The Parks, Free Parking, your Cast Member Discounts on food and merchandise, and it is the tool you’ll use to clock in for work in order to get paid by the big cheese himself. So don’t lose it.
What kind of Discounts and Perks do College Program Kids get? How much do you get paid?
Disney College Program Kids get paid $10 per hour. Very little exceptions to this. VERY LITTLE. So be sure you have a little bit of help, financially, when you go. We don’t often get the chance to work overtime and when you do, don’t hold your breath that you’ll always get compensated for overtime. Be prepped for $10 per hour at 35 hours a week (unless you’re merchandise or attractions, then you’ll have a ton of hours).
We get 20% off merchandise except during the Holidays (We get 40% off), which begins around Thanksgiving and continues through Valentine’s day. So Spring Kids, BUY EVERYTHING YOU CAN IN YOUR FIRST MONTH. Just so you know. The restaurant discounts vary, but there will be a newsletter in The Hub (Disney’s Employee Info Spot) telling you what locations have the best deals, and it’s updated frequently.
How much free time will I have?
I had two days off every week and it was perfect. They weren’t always back to back which was totally fine with me. You always have the option of picking up shifts (though not always outside of your location). If you know ahead of time that you need specific dates off, officially request it through the Hub, which you’ll become super familiar with after a week or two. If you have questions ask your Leaders (Managers). I was blessed with some pretty amazing superiors and I never felt uncomfortable asking questions or even sharing a concern. But I had friends who didn’t have that luxury. I know a lot of people say that your College Program experience has a lot to do with who your Leaders are.
There’s no ignoring that College Program Participants get the crappy shifts and work a lot. Go in with low expectations for your free time, but you’ll get at least one day off a week and it’s easy to make the most of it when you’re in such close proximity to the parks. I was placed at the Contemporary Resort across from Magic Kingdom and took the monorail to work on many occasions after playing in the park all morning. Or me and my favorite coworker would sprint through our closing chores to make it to 9:00 Fireworks on time and ride Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin until close. Again, the best advice I ever received was to not skip out on something just because you’re tired. You’ll always be tired when you spend every day making sure everyone else is having a “Magical Day in Walt Disney World.”

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