#the only one of these I care about seeing is Hoppers solely because it's the only original film
lastoneout · 1 month
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No shade to OP as a person but believe me, this is a sign that something is DEEPLY fucking broken. Like they announced ONE new IP out of like eight films. I genuinely think within the decade they're just gonna stop making original films all together. That's what they learned from Elemental and Wish, just don't make anything new if you can help it.
Like they've unironically turned into what people pretend Dreamworks is, a sequel mill. The real downside is that Dreamworks actually knows how to make a good sequel, Disney never really figured that one out, bar a couple of outliers, and I have no faith in them pulling any of these off. Absolutely soul-crushingly pathetic. Thank god other animation studios exist.
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This is the saddest shit I've ever seen, truly.
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Why We Never See Elendira's Story
In a story that emphasizes the human or otherwise sympathetic aspects to its focal characters, it’s very intriguing that Elendira remains an enigma right up until the very end of her story.
We receive some tantalizing hints that there is much, much more to Elendira than what we’re explicitly shown – asides from her apparent sole interest in witnessing the end of the world (to which she'd prefer to see Knives' chosen ending, but is prepared to act herself if he fails), she looks somewhat resigned when saying that nice men “die so easily”, that no matter what Vash does, humans will “ruin it”, and so on and so forth.
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[ID: Two screenshots from Trigun Maximum Volume 11. In the first, over a rocky ground, Elendira says "I liked you better when you had nothing to lose. What a shame." She looks down, somewhat resigned, and continues "I don't like nice men. They die so easily." In the second, she stands, frowning and saying "No matter what Vash the Stampede does... there will always be those..." On a close up of her right eye, she says "...who ruin it." End ID.]
Elendira seems to have little to no faith in humanity, and in that sense, she seems a lot like Knives. Knives, who aims to become more and more powerful, and in the process, severing all meaningful ties he has with others on his quest to ensure no one can take advantage of him or use him. We know, of course, that Knives doesn't quite succeed here... but Elendira has. She is the peak of human (or part human? We never get an answer to her unexplained abilities) capability in speed, skill, and strength. The only reason Livio stood any chance in that fight was due to his incredible regeneration.
(As an interesting aside, she also has an interesting commonality with Vash - what comes to mind is her telling the kids to bury Livio because he "died" trying to protect them. Why does she care about that? Why does it matter? None of the other GHGs do this. This is not important to the point I'm making here but it's just interesting to me. There's very few characters who explicitly make a point of burying the dead.)
The point being, Elendira is the height of strength... and at the top, she is alone.
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[ID: A panel from Trigun Maximum Volume 13. Elendira is in the action of dropping her white coat, which she has taken off to reveal an underarmour suit that is almost skeletal in appearance. She looks confident. End ID.]
In a story where characters' motives and pasts are told through their connections with others, through their memories with people they cared for, and through the eyes of the people who care for them...
Vash's story is eventually told in pieces to humanity through Meryl, through Luida, and through his sisters. Rem survives in Vash's memories, and we see the part of her story that young Vash saw, just as we also see his own past from this recollection of her.
Milly is a clarifier and communicator who sees so strongly the sides of Meryl and Vash that they suppress, all that grief and fear, for the sake of remaining steadfast. She is the one whose eyes we see through. It had to be seen to be told. Wolfwood does this too.
The rest of GHGs get some elaboration also. Hoppered is defined through his loss of the woman he cared for in July. Midvalley is defined by his fear and contention with Knives. They also have a dynamic between them that few of the other GHGs shared - and it's likely for this reason we received more elaboration on the two of them than many of the others. But even characters like Rai-Dei, for whom we don't get very much at all, has at least his sunk-cost fallacy explained through the memories of the people he's killed to get to that point.
Chronica's story, though largely removed from the people of No Man's Land, is given definition and stakes through the loss of Domina, and we are told about her incredible determination and strategy she has through her reputation with the Earth fleet.
Legato, desperate to play a singularly important role in Knives' story, tells his own through that lens and that lens only. The moment his life changed was the moment Knives entered it, and that is likely the most important memory to him - Knives is the only meaningful bond he has (sadly for him, this was not reciprocated). Well, an argument can be made for the contentious dynamic he builds with Vash too.
Even Knives, for all that he tried to separate himself from others, is known and seen through his connection with Vash - and his acceptance and unwillingness to fully lose this connection is not only what eventually saves him, but also the reason we, as the audience, know his story so well.
We see characters' stories in Trigun mainly through the bonds they share with others - never the whole story, but the sides that others knew of them.
So, who does Elendira have? Every interaction she has is shallow, dismissive, and exceedingly temporary. Through her dislike of Legato, we get that she may be somewhat bitter about his important status to Knives... but there is no elaboration, because it goes no further than that. Knives calls her directly on the phone, and she is very invested in his vision for the end of the world and intrigued by him... but it goes no further than that. He does not really seem to care about her beyond her effectiveness, and she does not offer any information about herself. Even her allegiance is kind of flimsy. She's only there because she wants to be.
During their final fight, Wolfwood lives on through Livio, through his actions and resolve. It is the teamwork between him and Razlo, in the spirit of Wolfwood, that eventually overpowers Elendira. Amusingly (at least to me), Livio is quite literally never alone, because he always has Razlo - and now, Wolfwood too.
"Yer too strong... and that's why yer gonna lose."
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[ID: A screenshot from Trigun Maximum Volume 13. Livio narrates over a shot of his eye, Razlo's eye, and finally, his whole face, with Wolfwood's final vial of serum between his teeth. "...to me... to Razlo... and to him." End ID.]
Elendira has succeeded in separating herself from everyone – she is the most powerful of the GHG, and every battle with her is basically one-sided – but she’s alone, and that’s not only why she loses… it’s also why we never get to know her in any meaningful way.
Because no one knows her. She has no personal connection with anyone. Her motivations never get any clarity. We don’t even know who did her modifications or how she gained her power. Even if she did have someone she cared for in the past, she apparently does not hold onto their memory. And maybe that's the reason she told the kids to bury Livio - not out of respect, but because to her, that is where the past belongs - dead and buried, soon to be joined by the rest of the world and humanity as it all comes to an end.
We never see Elendira’s story… because there is no one from whose eyes we can see it in any capacity.
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strawberryspence · 2 years
Hopper first properly meets Steve Harrington when he was only 12 years old. Hopper was patrolling in the afternoon, like he does every afternoon, every morning and every night because you know, he didn’t have anything else to do after moving back to Hawkins after his daughter died. He drowned himself with work, cigarettes and alcohol.
When first sees Steve, he doesn’t even know he was the Harrington’s sole heir. He’s just a kid, a kid too small for his age, and Hopper has to reassure himself that maybe this kid just doesn’t eat enough, it doesn’t mean he’s sick. The kid was carrying planks of woods, too long and too heavy for his frame, hauling it on the side of the street.
Hopper takes pity at the kid and slows down beside him, opening his passenger window.
“Hey, kid. Need help?” The kid looks at him apprehensively. Like no ones ever offered to help him, like he’s actually been alone his whole life.
“I don’t need help.” The kid scoffs back, panting a bit as he carries the wood with struggle.
“Okay? You sure about that?” He hums, nodding, not even sparing him a glance.
“You should bring a wagon with you.” The kid stops on his tracks, realizing that he could have bought a wagon to ease his struggle.
“Thank you, Sir.” He courtly answers before marching to his destination.
Hopper has always been curious, has always wanted to know everything. So he waits for the boy to walk further before following him, the kid walks to the forest and there, Hopper watches as the kid struggles to make… a tree house. Alone. He wonders where are this kid’s parents? Why is no one watching him? The kid goes to the hardware store to buy tools, carries them, builds a tree house half of the day and no one looks for him?
Hopper investigates, goes back to work before going back to the forest, staying hidden and following as the kid goes home. He’s surprised when they enter the rich end of the town, the kid walking all the way down to Loch Nora and… to the massive, always empty, Harrington house.
So this was the Harrington kid, alone in the house at the age of 12. Hopper won’t lie, he felt pity for the kid but the burning rage comes first. Because he just buried his kid, the one he wanted for the rest of his life and here’s a kid, who lives alone in a big house with parents that didn’t even care about where their son is.
It becomes a routine, Hopper wakes up, eats some shit breakfast, goes to work, goes for patrols, he uses his lunch break to check on Steve in the forest as he slowly builds his treehouse, he patrols around, checks on Steve again, goes home to eat shit dinner, goes back to the forest, checks what Steve has done, makes sure everything is safe and tight for him, he hammers down nails, because no child should be using that, checks on planks, then he goes home and sleeps. Repeat.
Until halfway through the summer, it stops. The treehouse is almost finished, outside it’s a whole treehouse. But inside, Steve’s still putting finishing touches. At the door, SH is carved out, and inside there’s boxes of food, even clothing and a bed. It’s not a kid’s tree house with toys and chalkboards, Hopper realizes, it’s a safe house away from home.
He only finds out why it stopped when he learns from the newspaper that Steve became one of the best swimmers Hawkins have ever seen and might be growing to be the next basketball captain for Hawkins High.
Steve grows up, throws parties and gives Hopper this look whenever he tries to break up the loud parties. Hopper’s always tries to decipher it, but Steve has always been better at masking what he feels. He tries to keep an eye on the kid, but between him, the Hagan kid throwing too many parties and the Munson kid who he thinks is selling drugs, he doesn’t have enough eyes to focus on just one thing.
Because life is weird, he gets a super-powered kid. The kid he tried to lure out with Eggos. He asks her one night, where she stayed in the middle of winter to keep warm. Eleven answers him, with big brown eyes, hair curling in the ends, “A house, up the tree.” Hopper has to clench his eyes to stop from tearing up, the treehouse Steve built at the age of 12, the place he wanted for refuge, the place Hopper helped built secretly, gave his daughter a safe place to stay.
Steve becomes part of his world, gets his shit rocked, and Hopper wishes he can keep all these kids away from this evil underworld, keep them all in a treehouse where they can just relive their childhoods, free of monsters and blood and death.
Hopper dies.
Hopper comes back.
Hopper does everything he wants to do. He hugs El a little tighter, proposes to Joyce, treats Will and Jonathan like his own sons, they’re little shits but he agrees to as many sleepovers the kids want and he finally, finally keeps an eye on Steve, becomes some semblance of a parent to the kid and tells him that he’s never alone. They never have to fight monsters ever again and maybe they’ll never get over it, maybe they’ll always jump at the slightest blink of a light, will always have to sleep with a weapon, but for now just knowing is good enough.
Now, he’s in Steve’s back porch, swinging on a rocking chair, watching as Steve carries planks of wood with ease. If he squints really hard, he can see 12 year old Steve and it makes his heart clench in nostalgia. There’s a 6 year old screaming, running around, clapping as Steve smiles down at him. Hopper can hear them faintly, as Steve explains what they’re about to do, the steps they’re taking to build a brand new tree house just behind his own home.
“Pa! Pa! Look at my helmet!” The kid comes running when the yard door opens, flailing to his other father as he brandishes the helmet Steve makes him wear when he’s near constructions.
“Well, aren’t you looking metal? Safety’s always important, bug, so good job.” Eddie Munson bends down to kiss the kid on the head before walking to Steve, pulling a wagon full of planks.
Hopper watches as the three try to visualize the tree house, laughing, smiling, just happy. Steve turns to them, waving, turning to whisper something to Eddie before he nods, giving Steve’s temple a kiss and helping his kid hammer the first few planks.
Steve walks up to them, holding out his hand as Hopper passes the second Harrington-Munson kid to his arm.
“Hi, love. Did Peepaw treat you well?” Hopper scoffs, because he still had an image to maintain and yeah, he melts every time the kids of the kids he watched grew up calls him Peepaw but no one has to know that.
The baby in his arm coos, almost like saying a yes. Steve smiles down at her, “We’re building a treehouse right at our backyard, darling. Me, your Pa and your brother. So when you grow up you’ll have a safe space just for the two of you. Just like how Peepaw helped me finished my treehouse when I was younger.”
Hopper blanches, “You know about that?”
Steve laughs quietly, “Yeah. I go home everyday with unfinished work and when I come back the next morning it’s always finish. Also, you don’t hide very well.”
Hopper scrubs his nape in embarrassment, “Oh.”
“Thank you.” Steve whispers, “It was a safe place for me when I was younger. And now I want to build one for the kids too.”
“Your kids will never need a treehouse for anything but playing because yours and Eddie’s home is already a safe place.” Steve makes a choked out sound, as he nods.
Hopper helps build the treehouse with Steve and Eddie. They finish the treehouse in two weeks.
And no one says a thing when Hopper tears up when he sees the wooden door up in the tree house, with SH, EM and the kids initials engraved.
JH is carved at the bottom, written by a 39 year old Steve Harrington, still with the same handwriting as 12 year old Steve Harrington.
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mlchaelwheeler · 2 years
more crazy hours but what bothered me the most about mike's monologue being superimposed over el fighting vecna is that if you juxtaposition that scene to max's scene in ep4 of her fighting vecna's curse is that it's her own love that saves her, it's her love for her friends that motivates her and wills her to overcome his influence despite being suicidal. compare it to el's character arc where she's sacrificed her wellbeing to save her friends by learning to regain her powers and confront her trauma, which leads you to believe she's attempting to reclaim her life by making her own decisions. how does it make sense that to win she needed a boy to tell her that he loves her. especially from a boy who couldn't previously say he loved her until it really mattered, and his reason for not saying it is he was scared she'd figure out he's a boring loser 💀 both scenarios might be cliché but one has real personal empowerment for a character, the other is a bad YA trope.
The way that you're so right! Max escaped because she was able to think of her favorite memories all on her own. It's only when she thought of these herself that she was able to see Lucas/Dustin/Steve calling to her in the graveyard. It was Max all by herself that allowed her to beat Vecna and escape.
Yet with El, she isn't able to use her own memories (of which she has plenty: Hopper caring for her during S2-3, the party taking her in in S1, her moments with Mike, her bond with Joyce, her friendship with Max, sibling moments with Will and Jonathan, etc) and is instead downgraded to not being able to defeat Vecna unless she hears that Mike loves her.
Even though (as a byler shipper) I despised Mike's monologue, the part that disturbed me the most was that El was forced to become dependent on someone again. She spent all of vol 1 + 4x08 gaining independence and escaping people who held power over her, which should've led to a final showdown with Vecna in which she's independent enough to use her own strength and memories to defeat him. She could've drawn on the power of love (not romantic) in order to do this, since this is something Henry/Vecna never had. El has been shown nothing but love since she escaped the lab, so she should have plenty of memories to draw from. Yet, the narrative didn't give her this opportunity to use this sense of newfound independence and instead forced her to depend on Mike's feelings (which were actually Will's feelings for Mike, but I digress).
Mike spent vol 1 telling El that he thinks of her as a superhero, not that he loves her. Obviously, El doesn't want to hear that she's a superhero. She is well aware she has powers, and that's what makes her different. She just wants Mike to see her for who she is and love her for that. Instead, what does Mike say in his monologue? "You're my superhero." Like. ??? That's supposed to be comforting? Mike literally just recycled what Will told him and then repeated it for El. Half of it didn't even make sense with stuff we know/have seen from S1-2. The only thing that makes sense is if Mike is telling El what he thinks she wants/needs to hear to defeat Vecna and live, not what he actually feels.
Mike's monologue falls so short. He both reduces El to someone who is solely dependent on her boyfriend and brutally disses Will by saying the day he went missing was when his own life began. It's clear that those aren't Mike's real feelings, so I'm so confused why this monologue was so hyped up. It wasn't even good. It's clear Finn can deliver great monologues--look at the shed scene from S2! Now that is how you pull off an emotional monologue. What he said in vol 2 just felt so disingenuous and hurt both El and Will's characters, as well as regressing his own.
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nakianshuri · 2 years
Looking back at seasons 1 through 3, I think Jonathan as a character suffered not because of Steve's popularity--or to make Steve look better in comparison--but because they put him with Nancy too quickly and removed him from his own storyline in order to become a secondary character in hers.
So far, Jonathan had his biggest storyline in season 1 when he interacts with Joyce and Will primarily. That's his world. Nancy only really comes in because they face the same trauma, but as soon as Will is rescued, Nancy becomes the one with the trauma. Her pain becomes the center of their relationship, not his trauma because as Nancy said, Will returned. Barb didn't. While she takes a leadership role in getting justice for Barb, Jonathan is completely separated from the biggest storyline of the season: Will. He's a tertiary character in Will's S2 drama when he was initially introduced as his sole Will's protector.
Season 2 is Will's biggest season to date, and Jonathan misses most of it because he's off with Nancy. Instead it's Joyce who gets the most to work with because of Will's Mindflayer possession. Joyce gets her own storyline with Bob and Hopper, and Hopper gets material to work with because of El. Mike also gets a good amount of storyline to work with because of Will and El. Basically, everyone involved with Will's S2 drama gets to benefit from that. Jonathan is mostly removed from it because...he's off with Nancy. He doesn't interact with anyone else in any significant way either. He's not with Will's friends, doesn't really do much with Bob, has no relationship to Billy, has no onscreen interaction with Steve.
Will takes a backseat in s3, and Jonathan is once again a secondary character in Nancy's storyline. S3 is even worse for Jonathan because the J*ncy storyline is really Nancy's storyline about her need to follow her truth and the power of her own investigative skills, which Jonathan initially doubts because they threaten his job.
I think the tensions between them in the third season could have been interesting, but we never see Jonathan's POV. He's wrong imo to disregard Nancy's feelings, but the season should have still delved into his financial problems or even the trust issues Murray brought up in season 2. The problem is that none of Jonathan's problems have anything to do with main S3 storyline. Nancy's problems, however, do. She's the one who is right about what's going on in Hawkins. Once again, she's the leader in the relationship, and Jonathan is the follower. J*ncy is really Nancy's storyline in s2 and 3; it's a prism through which we learn about how she responds to trauma, and we see her in a leadership role when Jonathan follows her or gets out of her way. Do we learn anything about Jonathan's issues from this relationship?
That's where S4 comes in and gives Jonathan a friend for the very first time because he's separated from Nancy. And we hear that perhaps it's been Nancy making plans about their future, and he's been...silent? Agreeing that he'll once again follow her dreams while secretly planning to do something else entirely? Is he afraid of losing her? Not really if, as Argyle says, he's slow motion breaking up with her. So why can't feel free to express himself in this relationship? Will we finally get to see what he's been dealing with?
Of course, his best scenes imo are with Will, because that's when he returns to something resembling a storyline about him and what he cares about. Contrary to what I've read here, I think s4 is maybe not Jonathan as his best but at his most interesting because we get a hint that something is bothering him. For the sake of his character, I hope we get to see why he's been self-medicating and perhaps a recognition that feels trapped perhaps both by his responsibilities to his family and his relationship with Nancy, which is why he seemed to disappear from both of them until the end of the season.
So...Jonathan as a character doesn't suffer because of Steve's popularity or to make Steve look better in comparison. In S1 and 2, Steve was made to look worse in comparison to Jonathan, and Steve still got his own storyline. The problem is how his relationship with Nancy has been written since s2 (and I'd argue s1 highlights her feelings for him more than his feelings for her) erased his connections to Will and Joyce, who are his saving grace as a character.
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willel · 2 years
I'm really not trying to start a ship war or discourse (and this isn't directed at you at all!) so don't answer this if you don't want to create waves but am I the only one that feels like most Willels are Will stans first and only use Willel (and by extension El) to fulfill an agenda whether that be a Will arc or even Byler?
I was just going though the Willel tag on here and a lot of it is just Bylers pulling El into situations to make them potentially being canon less messy and almost not caring about her feelings at all? For example: the idea of Will ending up alone and having to watch the boy he's in love with date his sister after everything he's been though is terrible writing and isn't fair but El breaking up with her first love (someone who, we are under the impression, she still loves) and then having to watch him go on to date her brother after everything she's been through is okay? It just seems odd? and it gets passed off like it's no big deal because "Willel are twins! and they love each other! and just want each other happy!" and yes!!! that's true but it feels like sometimes that's only used as an excuse and if El doesn't fulfill that, she'll be looked at as selfish and a bad sister (and the writing will be terrible) because they don't truly actually care about what she wants or gets, as long as Will is getting what he wants over her.
This isn't me saying you can't be a Willel and ship Byler or Mileven or even have a favorite of the two btw! I love Will but it's just an observation of mine. I kinda just wish this love triangle thing never happened.
Well, firstly, I think you should readjust your perspective. I don't ship Byler (or mileven). All my pals who I speak to in private don't really care about either ship either but we LOVE willel, the byers, El, Will, Jonathan, Joyce (and Hopper sometimes).
I know it's SO hard to wipe away bias or see through the fog, but I implore everyone to TRY. Try not to judge, allow yourself to understand the perspective of the other side even if you don't agree or genuinely do not care (like me with ST shipping). If you find yourself judging too much, take a step back and reevaluate.
I'm not just saying that to say it either, I have to tell myself this every day so that I don't gain a massive hate boner towards all the shippers when it's only a minority of shippers who are the problem people in this fandom. It's... VERY hard. But it's an effort I willingly make else I would've left a long time ago.
Refocusing on the subject matter at hand, yes, I am aware there are some shippers (bylers in this case) that lean in a little too much on El being the catalyst to make their ship happen, hence they may support willel by proxy and only pay attention to willel in service of their ship. They do exist.
But those kinds of people are a minority. I just left the twitter fandom, but you know what I saw a lot of?
I saw one group of fans insisting that El would crush Will under the soles of her boots for even DARING to look at HER man. How she would rip him to shreds, push him off a building, or break Will's neck for so much as looking in Mike's direction. How dare he have feelings for his bff who he's known for years. Will is a bad brother for flirting with his sister's boyfriend (which he didn't do) and trying to make a move while she was gone (again, he didn't do that). You don't like El if you don't ship mileven. You don't like El if you have willel in your name. You don't like El if you ship her brother with her boyfriend. You don't like El if you like Will. El and Mike should call Will slurs. Will is yucky because -insert slur-. Mike would never like a -slur-. Yada yada. (yes, these are things I have seen. these are reasons I block people. for my own sanity.)
When there was backlash against those kinds of people, you'd assume maybe there'd be a wave of hatred against El. Like in return, people could claim Will would break El's neck. He'd push her off a building. She's a bad sister for taking the guy he's had a crush on since he was a kid. Mike should dumb her. El should get her heart broken. Blah blah blah. (on the rare occasion I have seen these, which I can count on two hands, they get blocked too)
That's not what I saw as an unwillingly witness to the fandom ship wars.
The sentiment I saw most was, "You're really pitting Will and El against each other for Mike Wheeler?"
Mike slander, yeah, but THAT was the sentiment I saw amongst byler shippers and people who don't ship either pairing.
Yeah, I side eye the handful of shippers who might be using willel to support their ship, but I am MUCH more bothered and upset by the other side who decide to tear Will and El apart instead. If I were a mileven and actually cared about Will and El as siblings and individual characters, I wouldn't be ripping on them like I see WAY too often.
I would throw my own hat in the ring and start saying they they support MY ship. Will spent the entirety of season 4 trying to keep those two honest with each other and keep their relationship intact even though he was being third wheeled into oblivion. That's how much he cares about those two despite his own feelings. Why AREN'T mileven fans gushing over all that? A character that believes in that ship so much that he's pushing himself aside for them like? Well obviously, it's because the ship war has gotten to their heads and they can't see anything beyond it and only see Will as an obstacle. But anyway.
NOT SAYING I WANT THAT BTW. I would love it if both sides just... let Will and El be. Their individual characters do not revolve around Mike. The bond they have with each other has NOTHING to do with Mike either. In fact, I was really bothered that Mike had anything to say about how Will and El were interacting with each other. Imagine if Will criticized Mike for crapping on his own sister every other episode? He wouldn't, cause that's none of Will's business.
I am an "El discovers the lie about the painting" truther through and through. Not because I think El will break up with Mike and push Will and Mike together. I honestly have no idea wtf the writers are doing with that plot line and I don't care. I want El to figure out her dear brother is gay, she's the only Hopper-Byers left that doesn't know that yet.
I am a "El would never hurt her brother" truther. Like I said, don't know wtf is happening with the life triangle and I don't care. But I know for a fact El would not break Will's neck, push him off a cliff, or hurt him at all if she learned about his feelings. I think it'd be complicated for sure but El is not violent. She hurts the people who bring harm to her and her friends/family. I HATE when people depict her as a violently jealous girl. It's gross.
Do I think some shippers are placing too much responsibility on El to make byler work? Yes sometimes. In my opinion, El should have absolutely nothing to do with that ship. Not saying she'd hate it, but I think it's too much to have her bring them together. She is still just a teenage girl. It's unfortunate that the writing made Will spent so much time involved with mileven, but at the same time, that is within his character to do such a thing and it was sorta important to his own personal growth.
If you've been following my blog for a long time, you'd know I was someone hoping and praying this love triangle wouldn't happen. I was hoping in season 3 and season 4 they would introduce a new love interest for Will just like they have for every other character. All to prevent the fandom becoming like this and that I knew this road could lead to either Will or El ending up unhappy. The worst possible outcome has come.
But what's done is done.
To summarize, yes, there are some bylers who support willel because in turn, they believe El is a catalyst to their ship. But you'll find MOST Bylers don't believe that at all and that they love Willel entirely separately from their ship. There are Byler shippers that place Willel above their ship or have even dropped their ship in favor of Willel (because in their opinion, Mike makes things complicated/hurts them both. That's up to personal preference and their interpretation)
In turn, I think some mileven fans would benefit from the willel hype by not pushing forward this idea that "Will is stealing El's man" and other ridiculous things. Will has probably loved Mike since before any of them knew El existed. But that doesn't even matter. Will is not gonna make a move on Mike, he would never do that to his sister. Why insist that he did? Why insist that he will? He hasn't. He values El's happiness more than his own. Maybe you guys should lean into that more instead of spreading hatred towards Willel and Will. I just don't get it.
As a frustrated willel lover, my greatest desire is for people to... chill out. Don't generalize. Become consumed by the wonder twins vision, and leave your ships behind! (joking. mostly.)
(also, 'you' is not directed at you. English is fun.)
Hope that answers any questions.
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finnyboywolfhard · 3 years
Kiss It, Make It Better
Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader 
summary: Y/N craves smoking with someone new, so who better than Steve Harrington. 
A/N: this is based solely on the ‘it’s only marijuana’ line in season three bc i am in love with stoner!Steve 
warnings: drugs <3, cursing, fluff 
word count: 2.4k 
Y/N and Dustin had the routine since Y/N got her license, that once a month they would have a sibling drive, in which they would drive around with the sole intent of getting caught up with one another. Given all the shit they had been through over the past few years, it naturally became their own special form of therapy. The Events of Starcourt on the Fourth of July and the days prior were once again weighing heavily on the two during their first drive since.
“What was it like being drugged?” Dustin asked, his curiosity weaving its way into his voice.
“Weird. It kinda felt like everything was the best thing ever, but it also came at the worst time. It was also weird that it was with Steve Harrington and Robin.”
“Is it like weed?”
“Is it like what?” Y/N knew the answer, it was no, but she had no idea why her little brother was deciding to ask her that in that exact moment.
“When you guys were drugged, I kept asking Steve if he did drugs, and he said that he only did marijuana. I wanted to know if they were comparable. So, is it like weed?”
“First off Dusty, you don’t ‘do’ marijuana, you smoke it. And secondly, I’m not answering that question, you can save that query for Steve.” Steve. Y/N had a lot of thoughts about him, it was interesting to hear about him from the rumors in high school in comparison to how she saw him act regularly. And ever since she started smoking to calm herself down, she has craved smoking with someone other than Robin, maybe Steve was worth a shot.
“Speaking of Steve, he said he might be over a lot over the next few nights while his parents are away, just so you know.”
“Oh? Is he coming tonight?”
“No, not tonight. He isn’t off work till 9 and mom doesn’t want him coming an hour before my dumbass bedtime— I still don’t get why she just NOW gave me a bedtime while you don’t even have a curfew.” Her brother started rambling, but all she could pay attention to was that he was going to be home alone tonight. Would it be that crazy of her to show up after all the trauma they had been through over the past 3 years?
“It’s because I’m legally an adult, so she’s treating me as such, and you’re just going into high school, she wants you to be safe. But okay, guess we’ll just have to see him soon.” The two drove around for a while longer before returning home. As the hours in between past, Y/N glanced towards her bookshelf, in which held a hidden stash of weed. She could always tell her mom she was just going to Robin’s, she would never try to prevent Y/N from seeing Robin.
She walked toward the bookshelf with soft footing, and with a gentle touch she plucked the hard covered book from the shelf. Inside lay two pre rolled joints she bought from her dealer and some bud Murray had snuck her after Hopper’s memorial. She snapped the book closed and tossed the book gently onto her bed. She put on a zip up hoodie and packed a fake sleepover bag. The books spine crackled gently as the cover was opened just enough for her to grab the pre-rolls out and into her pocket.
With backpack slung over her shoulders and her hands tucked securely in her pockets, Y/N strolled casually into the living room where her mother sat, as the minutes ticked quicker and quicker past 9:30–he was definitely home by now.
“Hey mom! Inhope you don’t mind but I’m gonna head over to Robin’s.”
“Oh! Did she call? I didn’t even hear the phone!”
“Oh no! She didn’t!” Y/N let in a gulp, she didn’t think this through. “She asked me a few days ago to come over tonight if I wanted to, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go until a little bit ago.”
“Ah, sounds like you, Do you wanna call her before you head over?” Claudia stood from her seat and began moving and motioning towards the phone.
“No!’ Y/N shrieked at her mother, who turned confusedly towards her. “Her mom goes to bed early and I told her that if I was gonna come it would be between 9 and 10, she assumes I’m coming, but I do really gotta get going.” Y/N glanced nervously at the clock, it was getting later and later and there comes a time where it’s a little uncomfortable to show up. Claudia glanced to the clock as well.
“Okay Y/N/N, you better get going.”
“Bye mom—“
“—Drive safe, be careful, I love you.”
“I love you too mom.” Y/N said as she practically ran to her car. She turned her car on and began the drive towards his house, not even thinking twice about where she was going until the car came to a park in his driveway.
“Shit!” Y/N yelled at herself. She yelled at herself for being weird and for showing up unannounced. She calmed herself down by saying, “who wouldn’t want someone showing up with free weed? Don’t overthink it.” She pulled in a complete, deep breath and walked hesitantly to the door. Three knocks sounded off the door, her breath fluttering ever so slightly as she let her hand fall to her side. Footsteps could be heard from the opposite side of the door, stepping closer and closer by the second. The doorknob turned and Y/N’s attention snapped up to meet the gaze of the boy at large.
“Hey Y/N, what’re you doing here?” Steve asked delightfully surprised. Her hand reached inside her pocket to pull one of the two joints. She lifted it from her pockets to where he could see it.
“Got a light?” She asked with a smirk.
After finding a lighter, the two made their way to his backyard. They sat parallel to one another in their chaise chairs. Y/N flicked the lighter a few times before sparking up the first joint of the night. She pulled a large huff in and held it as she passed the joint to Steve. He took in a long drag, holding the joint in front of him to inspect it after he hit it. A few seconds after Y/N had released her hit, Steve started coughing a bunch.
“Jesus Y/N, where the hell did you get this?” Steve said through the gasps for air.
“Good shit, huh?” Y/N joked as she inhaled another hit. The two fell into a rhythm of passing it back and forth as conversation allowed itself to flood the air.
“So what made you come here Y/N?” Steve pondered towards the girl.
“Dusty started asking me about when we were drugged, and apparently you told him you smoked weed. And, as much as I love Robin, I need someone new to smoke with, and you’re not AWFUL to hang out with.” Y/N explained, with sarcasm dripping from the last sentence.
“Wow, I feel so touched. Truly, I feel like the luckiest man alive. THE Y/N Henderson chose ME to smoke with. Best day of my life.” Steve rambled on, matching the sarcastic tone Y/N started with. The two laughed for a bit together, before Y/N spoke through the giggles.
“I am sorry for just showing up, I just didn’t know how to ask.”
“What? Am I that scary?”
“You’re THE King Steve, you’re the coolest, hottest guy at Hawkins. I was so intimidated by your male wiles. I am begging at your feet Steve Harrington.” Y/N mocked other girls she had witnessed in Hawkins. “No you’re not scary, I just couldn’t bring myself to say ‘Hey Steve, want to do some drugs with me?’ on our family phone, it didn’t feel right.” Steve let out a chuckle and a ‘fair enough’. It fell silent for a moment as the joint had its final hits taken from it.
“Why haven’t we hung out before? I mean away from all the traumatizing shit.” Steve asked slowly as he let himself sink down into the chair.
“Different friend groups before it all and then after and during it all, I didn’t and don’t want to impede on you and Dustin’s time. Plus neither of us have asked each other anyway.”
“That’s not true, I invited you to the movies that one day you stopped into scoops alone.”
“Yeah after I had already told you I was babysitting that night, you didn’t even ask to reschedule.”
“Yes I absolutely—didn’t. I didn’t.” Steve said, confidence dissipating. Y/N couldn’t help but focus to each small feature of his face one by one. Sure, she had looked at him but she never looked at him. He really was beautiful.
Jokes and stories were told between the two, laughter and exaggerated stories filled the bubble they put themselves in. In those moments, there was no one else in the world but Steve and Y/N.
“And that’s how Mike Wheeler broke his finger in our backyard.” Y/N let out through a fit of giggles. Steve clutched his stomach as he let himself fall back into the chair from the gut busting laughter Y/N had sent him into. As he got more comfortable, he glanced down at his watch. His eyes bulged at the time.
“Holy shit.” He said flustered, eyes never leaving the watch face.
“What? What time is it?”
“It’s almost 2 A.M.”
“Oh damn…” Y/N said, a dangerously fun smile finding its way to her face. Her hand reached towards the second joint in her pocket. “So this would be of no interest to you?” Steve’s squinted eyes opened just a peep. He let out a long whine.
“I think I’m too high to even move…but that looks so good.” Y/N looked between him and the joint. She noticed space for her to sit on the edge of his chair, and placed herself there. She placed the joint between her lips and gave it a light, waiting for the rolling paper burn down to the weed. From between her lips, she pulled the joint between her fingers and held it gently up to his. He took in a pull, never once releasing eye contact. With each consecutive hit, the distance between them drew closer and closer, eventually leaving their faces merely inches apart. Her fingers were so far back on the joint, they grazed his lips as he took in one of the final hits. Her fingers tingled from his touch. She glanced towards his eyes, his meeting hers already. The air around them went still and quiet. Their eyes were locked on each other, contact never wavering as their bodies moved towards one another like a magnet. His eyes stayed put on hers as his voice fell in the air.
“Give me one more.” Her hand lifted lightly and placed itself at his lips once more. The joint glowed a bright red as he inhaled the smoke. Y/N was so enraptured by his beauty, she didn’t notice the joint burning down to a nub. She watched as a cloud of smoke was blown from his lips and into the sky, before the heat had finally reached her touch.
“Son of a bitch!” She exclaimed as she dropped the roach to the ground. She lifted her fingers to her mouth, attempting to ease the burning feeling. The burn wasn’t bad, just a little redness but it didn’t hurt any less.
“Hey, let me see it.” Steve’s tone was much gentler now as he lifted her hand into his own. He raised her gently by her wrist to examine the burnt fingers. He delicately placed the burnt fingers to his lips and gave them a tiny little kiss.
“Kiss it, make it better.” He whispered, just barely audible to her ears. That’s what was so shocking about Steve, his heart was so filled with love and care. He did his best to make everyone feel protected, even if his popular guy persona overshadowed it at times.
“How are you so perfect?” Her voice came out quietly. Slowly, he lifted his head to look at her once more and without much thought, he closed the distance. The kiss was gentle and loving, but clearly stoked by passion. His lips upturned into a smile. She leaned back and traced her fingers across her lips. Just to make sure she didn’t imagine it, she pulled the boy towards her by the collar and planted one more kiss on him—and she noted that he kissed back with the same fervor.
“I have a crush on you Steve Harrington.” She said, hiding her blushing face from the boy. He turned her face towards him as he confessed,
“I’ve had a crush on you for like 3 months.”
“You have?”
“Yeah.” He said, his thumb gently grazing her cheek.
“Dustin talks about you enough, and I—uh I remembered all the times you’ve kicked ass over the past few years and it just kinda…happened. Who wouldn’t want someone as smart, badass, and beautiful as you?” He rambled our haphazardly, a blush forming across his cheeks as well.
“Oh god, that was embarrassing, am I blushing? I feel like I’m blushing. fuck me.” Steve started rambling.
“Hey! It’s not embarrassing, it’s cute.” Y/N explained, but it didn’t seem to help. An idea flashed in her mind. “Oh no! You are so embarrassing, I am embarrassed. Ew, guess I
I’ll just have to close my eyes! I hope that embarrassing Steve Harrington doesn’t kiss me!” The sarcastic tone from earlier returning once more. A chuckle bubbled past Steve’s lips. He once more laid one on her, this time—a little bit more passionate than the past.
Y/N nuzzled herself into Steve’s side on the small beach chair they were on. The air sat comfortably still in that moment, the two reeling from the overwhelming emotions they had just felt. Quiet giggles pierce the air as Y/N studies her fingers.
“It worked.” She said matter of factly.
“What worked?”
“After you kissed it, I haven’t thought about it since. You made it better.” Y/N spoke melodically. Steve planted a kiss to the top of her head and pulled her closer in to him.
“Kiss it, make it better.” He repeated once more.
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Trimax Thoughts Vol. 5 Pt. 2
I want to talk about Knives for a sec. Up to where I've read in the manga so far, we really don't have much of an understanding of him yet. I think I may have a slight advantage in having watched one of the shows before starting (I've watched Tristamp) because otherwise I don't know if I would quite get what to make of him so far.
I won't say anything about Tristamp here since I'm not going to assume everyone in book club has seen it, but I did draw a conclusion from it that, after reading volume 5, I am almost positive applies to the manga version of Knives too.
Knives treats Vash as if he were an extension of himself.
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[ID: A panel from Trigun Maximum volume 5. Knives stands casually, holding a cup and smiling as he greets his brother in Vash and Hoppered's shared flashback to July. Hoppered thinks "It's him..." as Knives says "Hey Vash." End ID.]
Ok so first off I need to establish something because it's important. Listen. I have no doubt that Knives loves his brother. I do not doubt that. But his behaviour towards Vash is actively and deeply cruel. Knives is friendly up until Vash disagrees with him, and then his mood suddenly changes for the worse - he has gone so far as to specifically target people Vash loves just to break the ideology he disagrees with, shifted culpability from himself to solely on Vash several times, violated his autonomy, and has on a few occasions physically restrained him. <- That's. Really bad. I would argue that these behaviours are in keeping with uh... pretty textbook manipulative/abusive behaviours.
However, here’s the thing: these kinds of behaviours are typically perpetrated because the person wants power over the victim. I think it's easy to read that into it, but I honestly don't think that's Knives' intention at all. He wants Vash with him. If anything his little "Watch it!" when Vash shoves him away just after the colony ships fall reads as genuine confusion. He's incredulous every time Vash points his gun at him. After all, as Knives puts it: they're brothers. They only have each other.
If Knives wants power over anything, I'd argue it's power over Rem, not Vash. He sees Vash's suffering and believes it was her who "made him like this", disregarding his own accountability in both Vash's continued pain... and her death. I do have to wonder if his attempts to break Vash's pacifism is also an attempt to make Rem's ghost leave them both for good, because there is no way Millions "I thought I'd spare her but now I see she was just as flawed" Knives felt no sadness or remorse over her death.
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[ID: A screenshot from Trigun Volume 2. Knives sits in the escape ship with most of his face shadowed. He is hunched slightly, with a difficult to read, rather blank expression. End ID.]
^He is totally not bothered by this, definitely a-ok with her death. /j
But here's the thing: I really do think Knives believes that without Rem's influence, his brother will think and act exactly like him; that she has "corrupted" him somehow. This plays out in the way he's almost eager to show Vash their Plant abilities, apparently completely ignoring that Vash is confused and terrified - there's a serious dissonance to their interactions, where Knives seems less uncaring then oblivious to Vash's obvious distress. A good first indicator is directly before Fifth Moon, where Knives realizes that Vash has blocked out the memory of July, and is more intrigued than alarmed by this. Idk man if that was my brother I would be. Concerned.
See, if you read Knives as wanting power over Vash, then it's kind of reminiscent of the older sibling who thinks they know what's best for the younger. Indeed, that is the role Knives seems to take on at times.
But Knives is not actually older. They're twins.
Zazie also has an intriguing line after seeing the lengths Vash will go to in order to protect those he cares for: "It definitely isn't in Knives' nature to fight for anyone." <- This is an odd conclusion to come to for someone who is supposedly doing everything for a new world that's safe for all Plants, including Vash. I'm choosing to take Zazie at their word since I don't think they would have any real reason to lie or really see the point in lying.
So, what this implies is exactly what I stated earlier - Knives makes little, if any distinction between him and Vash. The world is divided into "same" and "different", "family" and "threat". It unfortunately allows Knives to continuously undermine Vash's autonomy - it's fine to forcibly activate Vash's angel arm because it's "our" power. It's fine for the doctor to poke and prod at Vash's arm to get readings because Knives is supervising it. Vash will stick with him because they're brothers, right? Of course he will. And if he doesn't... well that can't possibly be Vash. It's Rem's corrupting influence. And that makes him violently angry as he attempts to destroy any last trace of her that persists in his brother. Because surely, without her, Vash would be just like him, right?
One last note I'd like to make is the way Knives keeps obscuring Vash's face when he forcibly activates Vash's angel arm.
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[ID: Two screenshots from Trigun and Trigun Maximum. The first image shows Knives grabbing Vash's face as he forces him to activate his angel arm during the Fifth Moon incident. The second image is of the same during the July flashback. End ID.]
The thing is, you can't argue this is necessary to activate the ability. In the July flashback, Knives actually has his hand placed rather gently on the side of Vash's head... up until Vash tries to resist. That's when Knives slams his hand down over his face instead and shoves him onto the floor.
In the context of Knives seeing Vash as an extension of himself, it could take on a few different meanings. If he muffles Vash's screaming and crying, perhaps he doesn't have to see the clear distress on his brother's face. Maybe it's representative of stripping Vash of his personal choice in these scenes. Maybe because this is the truth of the matter - Knives does not want to see the person Vash is if that person is so wildly different from himself, to ruin the illusion of twin as extension instead of a separate person.
Meanwhile, Vash is trying so hard to be everything Knives isn't. Knives' face is shadowed in flashbacks to create distance between them until July reveals the destruction they both caused and Vash can no longer deny the harm he too is capable of causing. The twins cause me emotional damage man.
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namjoonswifey99 · 3 years
What The Heart Wants Pt.6
Billy Hargrove X Reader
Warnings : Cursing , Bullying , Harassment , Billy being Billy 
Author Note: Hope You Enjoy This Chapter and I apologize this was supposed to be out but ive going though a rough patch with my family so i hope you understand.
Billy walked over to Y/N and Max; he couldn't help but overhear Susan talking to the police.
“ Sir please i just want my little girl I don't do anything else but her.” Susan says trying to calm her breathing from crying so much
“ Ma'am, your daughter stated she wants to go with her step brother and his girlfriend. We are gonna have to take you downtown for questioning. This isn't the first time Mrs.Hargrove.”  Officer Powell asked why detaining her.
Susan started to protest but saw that was Max was looking at her and stopped and held her head down and started walking with the officer.
“ I'm so sorry you guys had to see that, that wasn't what I was going for, I just wanted to get our stuff so we can move in.” Billy says looking sad he never wanted Max or Y/N to see that side again. Billy then looks towards Will who was just wide eyed.
“ Hey Will right i'm sorry you had to see that I truly didn't mean for you to see that.” Billy says with an apologetic look. Will looks up at Billy, surprised by the story Jonathan and Max told him.  He doesn't seem so bad hopefully they can be friends
“ It's okay Billy i understand”. Will says, accepting his apology. 
Y/N then runs up and pulls Billy into a hug and just embraces him Y/N was so proud of Billy he finally stood up against his father. “ im super proud of you baby” Y/N says kissing Billy’s cheek 
Hopper looked at the two teenagers and smiled. It was rare for guys like Billy. He's honestly happy that he has this chance to make his life right with the right people by his side. 
“ Come one let’s get some more stuff out the house and go to Y/N place” Billy says while getting his key from Y/N . “ Yessss so i can more stuff then i intended” Max says while shouting in excitement to bring more of her things. “ Well as long as it fits in the car we'll just get a truck to move it”. Billy says while correcting Max he doesn't want his car to be too crowded. “ You guys don’t need a bed or dressers. My parents got you guys covered with bedding just more clothes and stuff you can fit”. Y/N says while fixing the trunk to make room.
----- 1 Hour Later----
After an hour later they arrived at Y/N house. Her and Billy explained what happened at his fathers house . Y/N and Billy starts to explain what had happened down at his fathers house and how he was gonna move forward to have sole custody of Max and to be filed down as independent. 
“ That’s a very good plan Billy and you know you and Max can still for however long you like it’s no problem to us you were already family from the beginning” Y/N mother Angelina says while putting the cookies in the oven. 
“ I agree with my wife you can stay however long you like” Y/N father Tremaine says while putting the sodas in the freezer. 
“ we definitely appreciate the love and roof you're giving me and max I won’t let you down” Billy says while looking at them. 
“ You don’t have to prove anything baby, we love you just the way you are flaws and all “ Y/ N says as she looks at Billy with full love in the eyes.
“ BABY” Both of Y/N parents shouted at the same time. 
“ Ummmmm yea as of today me and Billy are together “Y/N says while looking down shyly. To shy look at her parents reaction. 
“ Ha I knew it Tre you owe me 40$ bucks” Angelina says happily she knew they was gonna get together 
“ Man you guys couldn’t wait till next week I could’ve had extra money” Tre says pulling out the 40 dollars to hand to his wife. 
“ You are not mad about us” Billy says confused because growing with a dad like his a relationship between him and Y/N would be frowned upon. 
“ never we don’t care as long as you live and respect our daughter that’s all that matters” Tremaine says to Billy while tenderly holding Angelina to him. 
Y/N was about to say something when the doorbell rang, she gets up to ask who it was when a familiar voice called out. 
“ Y/ N your favorite person in the whole wide world is here “ 
“ No I’m Y/N favorite you can ask her herself” 
“ No Y/N loves me more she makes me more food than any of you” 
“ Well Y/N be at my house almost every other day with my sister so I get to see her more than any of you” 
Y/N knew right there it was the rest of her miniature best friends. 
“ Well all you are wrong Y/N loves me more and I’m living with her” Max says with a smug look on her face as Y/N opens the door. 
On her porch stands Lucas , Dustin , Eleven, and Mike with Steve standing behind them. 
After Max’s statement chaos was issued.
“ What no way, no fair” Dustin whines in disbelief. 
“ Yea what Dustin said , How come max stays” Lucas says while looking offended. 
“ Well it’s easier for you doofus . She like me more” Max says sticking her tongue out at the boys. 
“ That means we can have all the sleepovers and waffles we want” Eleven says with a bright smile on her face. 
“ Okay now listen I love you all the same your all my favorites I can’t just choose one”. Y/N says trying to mediate the situation. 
“ What about me guys? I can be as cool as Y/N” Steve said with a cocky grin. 
The group just all stared at him. 
“ No offense Steve buddy but Y/N waaaaaaayyy more cooler than you by a landslide”. Mike says. 
Before Steve can retort, Billy comes to the door to see what’s taking so long and notices Steve and gives him an annoyed look. There’s one thing Billy is a lot of but he doesn’t put his hand on women. He may be an asshole and a bully but he’s no woman beater. 
Y/N felt the tension before Steve face gave it away.  Before a fight can escalate she steps in. 
“ Okay so I got 4 movies picked out then we can go to the bonus room and play some board games and before you even ask Dustin and Lucas yes I did make you guys favorite dessert”. Y/N says while ushering the kids inside the house. 
Before Steve can ask why Billy was there Y/N comes back out. 
“ Thanks for dropping the kids off for Hopper I’ll call him when it’s time to come get them, '' Y/N says with a kind smile. 
“ Uhh yeah no problem anytime” Steve says, stuttering, he wanted to apologize for his actions earlier but with Billy right there he’ll never get the chance. 
Y/N turns to leave when she notices Billy still staring down at Steve so she grabs him by the back of his shirt and pulls him in the house. 
The kids were all in the living room trying to decide which movie they’re gonna watch. 
“ Baby look at me” Y/N says, grabbing Billy’s face so he’s looking directly at her. 
“ baby you’ve changed for the better don’t let what today put you down you know I’m right here by your side every step of the way” Y/N says while looking him in the eye so he can see she really meant what she’s saying. 
“ I know baby it’s just I want them to know I’ve changed. I got my second chance at life and to do what is right and I couldn’t have done it with you my sweet angel by my side” Billy says lovingly to Y/N. 
The chemistry between Y/N and Billy is unmatched for the simple fact when it was him against the world Y/N was by his side and he will never take that for granted him and Y/N connection is way deeper than anybody can imagine. 
Y/N just continued to look at him with so much adoration in her eyes. 
“ Okay love birds we chose the movie we’re waiting on you guys now”. Max says with an eye roll. 
Y/N and Billy walked into the living room but not before Y/N leaned down and whispered in Max’s ear. 
“ don’t worry max I have a grand plan for Lucas”. Y/N says walking away with a small grin on her face. Leaving a blushing max in her wake. 
— 2 Hours Later —-
After the movie ended Y/N looked over at the clock and noticed it was 7:40. It looks like they only have time for one game before she has to call Hopper. 
“ So I have guys listen up, it's a little late so we have time for one more movie or game whatever you guys decide”. Y/N says while pulling out the games from the chest. 
After about 5 minutes they decided on watching another movie before they left. 
“ So Max I heard there’s this boy whose been crushing on you for a while” Y/N says teasingly. Y/N signaled for Max to play along if one thing Y/N knows about men is that they’re extremely possessive no matter what age. 
“ Yea and I like him back hopefully he asks me to the dance” Max says with a blush on her face. 
Y/N notices from the corner of her eye that Lucas is not taking what they said well which means her plan is going accordingly. 
“ if you need my help with getting him to ask you I’ll definitely do it” Y/N says eagerly. 
Before Max can let out her response Lucas stands up and takes her and says. 
“ Would you do me the honor of my date for the winter formal?” Lucas says while looking so nervous. 
 Max pretends to think about it which makes him start sweating. More than he already was. 
“ Yes doofus of course I’ll go with you” Max says with a smile. 
Y/N was happy for Max she got what she wanted but Billy on the other hand was not so ecstatic. Y/N looked over and saw Billy with a scowl on his face. 
“ what’s wrong”.Y/N asked. 
“ Don’t you think it’s to soon for them” Billy says with a pout on his face. 
“ Awwww his the big brother feeling protective” Y/N responds teasingly. 
Billy kisses his teeth at her statement. 
“ No” was Billys only response. 
“ awww baby it’s okay it just a school dance they’ll be fine” Y/N says while kissing his cheek. 
“……. Fine but I don’t like it”. Billy says to Y/N. 
Y/N laughs wholeheartedly. He was just so precious and cute when he’s worried. 
The kids looked over at them when they heard Y/N they looked at her like she was crazy but left it alone.She was alway like that with Billy.
“ Okay kids get your stuff ready I’m going to call Hopper”. Y/N says while getting up and grabbing the house phone. 
After a while Hopper picks up. 
“ Hey Hopper the kids are ready” 
“ Umm about that I’m stuck at work and I already called their parents to see if it was okay for them to stay” 
“ What did they say”
“ Well they wasn’t to keen on Billy living there but since they trust you they allowed them to stay” 
“Okay that’s great I do have extra clothes for them especially when they stayed here during the you-know-what.” 
“ That’s great do you also think you can drop them off at school or call somebody to help” 
“ No it’s okay I’ll ask my mom in the Morning to take the kids she’ll be happy to” 
“ Okay that’s great Y/N I’ll pick up Eleven after school so will the parents except Dustin he’s going with Steve” 
“ Geats I’ll let the kids and my parents know have a good night Hopper” 
“ You Y/N Bye”
 Y/N hangs up and goes back to the living room to tell the kids. 
“ Okay guys put your stuff away your spending the night here and Billy and my mom will drop you off in the morning” Y/N says while getting the extra blankets and pillows out. 
“ Yesssss Y/ N you're officially the best ever”  Max says with excitement that her friends get to stay.  
“ Well I try my best but you should really thank Hopper. He's staying overtime at work,  so Max and Eleven are rooming in Max’s room , Boys you’ll be bunking with Billy”.  Y/N  says while taking them upstairs. 
“ Actually you guys can get my room. I'll bunk with Y/N just don’t touch any of my things”. Billy says while staring them down. 
“ Billy now my parents love you and all but they will literally kill us if they find us in bed together”. Y/N says wagging her finger in a no motion. 
“ We can leave the door open, I just want to spend time with you and cuddle” Billy says while wrapping his arms around her waist to bring her closer to him.
“ It stays wide open Billy im not playing with you” Y/N says while mugging him because she was not gonna die over this man even though she do love him her parents were a different story.
“ I understand baby i promise” Billy says while sealing their lips together in a nice passion lip lock.
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itsonlystrange · 4 years
I’d like to point out that the “it’s all just a bunch of coincidence” argument is very poor. People say that about anything they don’t like. If we’re using this argument then I could say that everytime Mileven accidentally held hands or touched or any of that lovey dovey stuff that the Mileven fandom goes nuts over is a coincidence, but I have 0 evidence that it’s a coincidence, I’m just saying it is because that’s how I, a biased person on the side of byler, sees it. And I love the Milevens that actually respect us, it’s just the toxic ones that stomp on us or rain on our parade that irritate me.
So I ask skeptical Milevens, why do you think it’s all a coincidence? Because the Duffers have gone on record multiple times saying that nothing in their show is a coincidence, so it’s odd of you to assume that it is, when that goes against everything the duffers have said.
I see a lot of people claim that all of Bylers very romantic coded scenes are just coincidences with out any real evidence solely because they want them to be coincidences.
Reminder that the duffers had to write, revise, have Noah and Finn read at the table read, rehearse, and then film all of Bylers romantic coded scenes. And do you seriously believe that nobody stepped up and said, “Hey, I think some people will start to ship this if you make your two male characters hold hands and look at each others lips.” Like on paper, that sounds romantic. And on screen, it looks romantic too! If the duffers didn’t want byler to be shown as romantic they wouldn’t have put all of that effort into Mike and Will’s romanticly coded scenes in season two. And sure, one could say they were oblivious and didn’t realize that this relationship could be seen as anything more than romantic and that one of their 100 other writers and revisors and producers didn’t step up and say “Is this really what we want to be conveying in this show when they’re just supposed to be friends?” (Which I doubt. The duffers and everyone else on the writing crew knew exactly what they were implying. And if the duffers themselves didn’t, I HIGHLY doubt that someone didn’t step up and point out how romantic some of these scenes are, especially considering multiple of their writers are apart of the lgbtq community which makes it highly more likely that someone would have realized as I’m sure their gay senses are much stronger than those of the cishet writers on the squad. ) However, byler kind of blew up after season two, so if ST didn’t mean for Mike and Will’s relationship to be seen as more than platonic, then why did they continue doing it in season three? And the thing is, we’re not “delusional” for thinking this. Hundreds of thousands of millions of people have pointed this out across all platforms. It stops being a problem with us and “seeing what we want to see” when millions of people see the same, and it becomes the writers problem for even implying that in the first place.
Here’s an example: take Lucas and Dustin. Sure, there are definitely people out there that think or head canon as either as gay, but not nearly as big of a community as the Byler community. The reason is: Lucas and Dustin don’t have queer coding. They haven’t been painted the same way as Mike and Will’s relationship has. Or Jonathan, yeah, people may head canon as him as gay, or even think he actually is, but he doesn’t have any evidence that really points up to the fact that he is, or that he could be.
The duffers aren’t stupid. They wouldn’t have written byler this way if they didn’t want people shipping it. The official ST writer account has acknowledged byler multiple times, before st3 even started filming. They knew what they were doing. If their goal was to portray Mike and Will as a simple platonic friendship, and that all of their queer coded scenes in st2 were just a coincidence, why would they continue to do it in season 3? Queer baiting is real, yes. However like I said before, the st writing team has a lot of queer and lgbtq+ members themselves, not sure why they would want to queer bait when they’re gay/lesbian/bisexual themselves.
The truth is, byler would have never made it this far if it wasn’t meant to be shipped and portrayed like more of a romantic relationship than a platonic one. They would have shut it down awhile ago. They wouldn’t be so ominous about it. Noah and Finn wouldn’t constantly dodge questions about it unless they legally weren’t allowed to answer them. The duffers wouldn’t have been so vague in the ending of season 3 or in any interviews regarding season 3 about byler. Mike and Will wouldn’t have gotten a whole segment in the official ST book, they wouldn’t have held hands! Seriously! They held hands. Did someone seriously not point out how non platonic that was?———
And use the excuse all you want, “Will was just scared. That’s why Mike held his hand.” Okay, well Max and Lucas held hands when they were both scared in the exact same episode but I guess that doesn’t count because they’re a boy and a girl and Mike and Will are two boys. ———-And it’s funny because you KNOW that if Mike promised to go crazy together with El, that would he in every Milevens Instagram bio, it’d be on merchandise, it’d be everywhere. If Mike said meeting El was the best thing he’s ever done, people would be going bat shit crazy over how romantic that is and how they’re so in love. If Mike and El fought and he ran out in the middle of the rain looking for her when he couldn’t even apologize to his real girlfriend who dumped him just hours prior, people would say that Mike was in love with El and how much he cares about her yadda yadda. But that’s the thing. It’s two boys, so apparently it has to be platonic. Because that’s just how it works in their cishet minds. ——I’d like to see a better argument then “it was all a coincidence.” Because that’s not valid. Why? Why do you think it’s all a coincidence? It’s all just fake? Please. Elaborate. Because if these romantic scenes involved Mike and El instead of Mike and Will, then they’d see. Because they didn’t have Finn and Noah rehearse all these romantic coded scenes multiple times for nothing. They literally wrote, revised, edited, rehearsed, and filmed ALL of these scenes and still went through with it. And even in season three when people really started shipping byler, they STILL directed Finn and Noah to look at eachothers lips. They still filmed the rain fight. KNOWING byler shippers existed and KNOWING this would only heighten the amount of byler shippers there are.
The duffers aren’t stupid. This isn’t a surface level show. Everything they do is intentional, they’ve said it themselves. And yes, I agree that some byler proof COULD just be apophenia, but stuff like this? Crazy together? Looking at eachothers lips? Holding hands? I’m the only one that cares about Will? Mike keeping his eyes open in the final Mileven kiss, those aren’t small little things. You’re telling me that they couldn’t find another take for that final Mileven kiss? No. Finn kept his eyes open because he was directed to do so. The duffers are writers and directors for a reason. They went to school for this. So please, I’d like to see some actual argument against byler other than “they said they loved eachother!” “It’s all a coincidence!” I’d like to see people actually counter my arguments with actual evidence. Not just “Finn says they’re in love” not just “Millie ships it!” Because interviews are not evidence. They’re instructed to create hype for the show. If David can lie about hopper being dead, Finn and Millie can lie about Mileven being in love. I don’t want the argument of “it’s been built up for 3 seasons so they won’t destroy it now.” Stancy was built up for 2 seasons and see how that turned out. And Mileven fell more in season three than it went up.
Anyways,, if you’re a polite Mileven, this isn’t for you. I love you with my whole heart. If you’re just vibing, I love you. Ship what you want to ship! Feel free to counter my argument! However, If you’re someone who calls us “delusional”, leave. The doors right there. The cast has talked about how much they hate the ship wars in our fandom, so if you’re just gonna say how stupid we are, don’t let the door hit you on the way out:)
Sorry for long post lol. Love you all
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Shelbys at Somme: Chapter 13
Thomas X Reader
Word Count: 1641
Summary: Y/N is determined to get a job and Thomas is going to tag along whether she wants him to or not.
by @adventuresintooblivion
The next morning preceded much the same of Thomas leading Y/N downstairs only to have her slip away. This time however, she only made it down a couple blocks before she was approached by a rumbling noise. Thomas’ care suddenly stopped beside her, the owner casting her a cheeky grin as he leaned over to shove open the door.
“You plan on walking all across Birmingham?”
Y/N rolled her eyes, “That was the plan.”
Thomas patted the seat beside him. “Having you disappear on me two days in a row? We can’t have that now can we?”
Gingerly, Y/N crawled into the car. She couldn’t quite hide the sheer awe on her face as she marveled at the interior. 
“Never been in a car before?” Thomas ducked his head down to hide the fact that his grin was only widening. The vehicle was one of the few objects he actually took pride in.
“No.” Y/N shook her head. “The Old Man was stingy with his. Said walking around like the common man built character, you know after he drove his a mere block away to make a point.”
Thomas tightened his grip on the wheel, “So, where to?”
She began twisting the thumb of her gloved hand, “I’m not sure. I was going to go out and look for work but last time I did this all the dance halls worth a damn wanted ten bloody pages of recommendations and work history. Can you believe that? I’m in my twenties. I barely have one and that’s if I could get a hold of everyone.”
He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel a moment before putting the car into gear. “I’ve got a few ideas. Though, I could just pay you for-”
“No. We’ve talked about this several times. My sole income will not be playing at the Garrison.” 
Thomas shrugged as the automobile ambled down the narrow streets. The dirt slowly gave way to cobblestones as they entered the city proper and with the dirt followed the crowds of factory workers. Now they were surrounded by other cars and carriages made of stained mahogany.
While Y/N had spent most of her life in Birmingham, coming to this side of town was still an adventure. Here shops opened and closed with the fashions, not because of economic strife. What had been a macron shop only two months prior now housed milliners. It wasn’t until they were parking that Y/N realized where they were.
“Isn’t this the place where I played the first night?”
Thomas nodded, “Honestly, I’m surprised they didn’t request you again.”
She grumbled, “I think it might’ve had something to do with that little scene you caused.”
“Really?” he paused beside the door leading inside.
Y/N shrugged, “Even on this side of town ‘Thomas Shelby’ still holds quite the reputation. But I think it’d probably be best if you stayed out here.”
Thomas clutched his breast in mock horror, “You honestly think I’d do such a thing as to put your career in jeopardy?”
“You’ve sacrificed more for less.”
“Oh, I don’t know.” Y/N glared at him. “Maybe that brandy shipment I’d been working on for three months.”
Thomas chuckled, “That was almost four years ago.”
Y/N jabbed her finger at his chest, “It would’ve paid enough to get the whole company brand new shoes! And you showed my best hiding spot to Hopper, so you could get your cigarettes.”
“Fine. I’ll wait in the car.” He held his hands up in mock surrender.
A few moments later Y/N strode into the restaurant, Pearlescent, to find the host bent over a pile of paperwork. She cleared her throat to get his attention, causing him to jump.
“I...I’m sorry Madame but we aren’t open yet. We will begin service at 3PM.” he stuttered as he stood. The words left his lips were rehearsed and stale.
Y/N bowed her head, “Hello, I believe we met a couple months ago. I was one of the entertainers for the VIP lounge.”
The Host’s brow furrowed for a moment before realization dawned on him, “The girl who is friends with a Shelby. I thought I told you to never come back.”
“You did, but I figured it was a good time to make the rounds again. In fact, I think I would like to work here again.”
He laughed in her face, “Why on earth would I permit that?”
She grinned, “Well, as you can see, I’m currently standing in front of you alone. It’s been a couple months so your patrons would’ve forgotten my face, even if the incident didn’t quite leave their memory. My friend, The Shelby, really wanted to come inside with me. He actually gave me a ride here.”
“Are you threatening me, Miss?” The Host narrowed his eyes.
“Oh no.” Y/N shook her head. “I’m just letting you know that this particular Shelby will actually listen to me if I ask him to wait outside. Or come in.”
The Host paused for a long moment, “What exactly were you hoping for?”
Y/N grinned, “Three nights a week. I can play most instruments and I can sing. I expect fair pay, though I’m willing to negotiate if a free meal is included on the nights I work.”
He let out a deep sigh before gesturing towards a door on the back wall, “Come to my office and we can debate particulars.”
Thomas lay across his seat staring up at the ceiling of his car. He tugged on the hem of his coat, preventing more of the cold air from creeping in. It wasn’t until he’d sat back up that he noticed a nearby tea shop. He usually wasn’t much of a tea lover but in weather like this he could definitely make an exception.
A bell rang to announce his arrival. This shop was much nicer than anywhere he frequented. Bright colors combated the dreariness of the overcast sky. The thick omnipresent blanket held at bay by floor to ceiling windows. 
A small counter was set farther inside away from the cluster of tables that dominated most of the floor. Their walls were lined with shelves, displaying dried bags of loose leaf tea all ornately decorated. Behind the counter stood a stout woman, with deep lines carved into her cheeks from smiling.
“Welcome to Brandy’s and Bobbins, what can I interest you in, my dear?” Something about the woman’s voice reminded Thomas of honey, soothing and sweet.
Reflexively, Thomas rubbed his hands together. “Dunno. Don’t typically fancy a place like this.”
She smiled knowingly, “But it’s a cold day outside and we could all use a cuppa to remind us that the world is right again.” She set about busying herself with finding the right mixture. Glancing at labels and barely reading them before shuffling on to the next.
“So what’s your typical drink? Whiskey?”
Thomas blinked, not exactly sure what alcohol had to do with tea, “Rum mostly. Champagne for special occasions.”
She nodded, “And your lady friend.”
He could feel heat rising in his cheeks as he answered, “She’s more of a whiskey kind of girl.”
The woman beamed at him in the reflective surface of a rather large kettle, “I know just what to make you.”
Thomas raised his eyebrow but didn’t question the woman further. Instead he strode around the shop. Everything seemed a little too delicate for him to touch without crumpling even as his fingers brushed over fine metalwork. It wasn’t until there was a faint click on the counter that he returned his gaze to the front of the room. Two cups of tea steamed cheerily, one what seemed to be in disposable paper and the other in classic porcelain.
“Is… that paper?” Thomas asked.
She nodded, “Some mad lad in the Americas came up with it not too long ago. It’s expensive to get a hold of them but everyone loves them.”
Thomas pulled out his wallet and began to pay, “Have some opinionated customers?”
“Oh, you have no idea. We get all sorts in here from parliament members to textile merchants from Belgium of all places. Hell, we even get that new Inspector in here almost every day. I have to buy these almost exclusively for him.”
Thomas paused a moment while paying, “The copper?”
She nodded as she totaled everything up and made change, the smile never leaving her face. “Oh yes. He always asks for this one tea that’s always been popular with irish folks.”
He thanked her for the tea before sitting and drinking his own. After taking his first sip, he had to admit it was definitely one of the better ones he’s had. With a little sugar he might even go so far to say it was almost perfect. It wasn’t until he caught the look of absolute glee on the older woman’s face that it dawned on him that she actually loved what she did.
When he was done he mumbled his thanks and returned to the car with the paper cup held gingerly between his hands. As if seemingly by magic, Y/N appeared out of the Pearlescent as he stepped onto the curb.
“Job achieved?”
Y/N was practically bouncing with excitement, “Job achieved.” 
They both climbed into the car before Thomas remembered what he was holding. “Here.”
Her hands wrapped around the cup, confusion turning to bliss as the warmth seeped into her hands. “This is amazing. What is this?”
“Tea. In a paper cup.” Thomas answered as he merged back into traffic.
Her brow furrowed, “How on earth?”
“Don’t ask me. As far as I’m concerned it might as well be witchcraft.”
“Says the man that says he’s part Gypsy.”
Thomas rolled his eyes, “Romani.”
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virgojeons · 4 years
true love (jjk)
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summary: you and jungkook spend your first christmas together. 
alternatively, a merry love story based on the lyrics of true love by ariana grande.
genre: fluff, humor, college au, established relationship, holiday series, jeon jungkook x reader
word count: 4.6k
warnings: cursing, implied sexual content, excessive use of pet names
wattpad version here, ao3 version here
a/n: well, here i am!! pls be gentle with me, this is the first time ive ever posted my writing on here and ive been debating it for months lmao. i truly truly hope u enjoy!!
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on the first day of christmas when you gave me all them kisses, boy you showed me things, come hold me please and never let me go.
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"Five days until Christmas and you're still decorating the tree?"
You yelped at the sudden sound of your boyfriend's voice, dropping your over-accessorized ornament and watching helplessly as it shattered against the floor.
Immediately, you whined. "Jungkook!"
Jungkook suppressed a grin at the furrow of your eyebrows and the pout of your lips, kicking his shoes off and tossing his coat onto the couch. He didn't mean to scare you, really. You even knew he was coming over. It's just that you left the front door unlocked (as you always did when he was on his way, despite him constantly scolding you for it) and there was no way you would've heard him come in over the sound of Jingle Bell Rock blaring through the house.
"Sorry, baby," He chuckled, bending down beside you to help pick up the remnants of your best ornament. "I didn't mean to scare you."
You glared at him in between collecting the shards of glass in your hand. "I spent hours making that."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. Hot glue gun burns, sparkles stuck on my face and everything."
Jungkook took the pieces of glass from you with an amused look on his face, standing from his kneeling position to toss them in the trash can you had earlier moved to the living room for easy access. "I'm sorry. I'll make you another one."
"It's not the same." You sulked, finding fun in being stubborn and giving him a hard time. It was getting increasingly difficult though, with his rosy nose and ears and that little gleam in his eyes.
It was then that he made his first move of the night, tugging you by your oversized Rudolph sweater so quickly that you had to latch onto his shoulders for leverage with a squeal. His grin only seemed to grow once you were officially in his space, taking notice of your lack of pants and the snowflake stockings that appeared to be in their place instead.
"You don't look too sorry," You chuckled, heart stuttering at the way he was gazing down at you in such close proximity.
Jungkook shrugged, nudging his nose with yours. "I'm just happy."
They were such simple words, but it was the way he said them, the way he looked at you when he said them. You couldn’t lie, the excitement of spending your first Christmas together, completely alone, was incredibly infectious. It was gross and it was corny and everything else you swore you would never be, but you were in love with Jungkook. Devastatingly so. You from nine months ago probably wouldn’t even recognize the present you; a fact that friends, family, and even Jungkook alike loved to tease you about. Cracking the so-called ice queen was a feat to be celebrated, apparently. Whatever. He was yours and you were his so you didn’t quite care about the technicalities of it. Even if the story went a bit differently, in your opinion. 
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The brutal snow and temperatures of February were beginning to fade into spring when you met Jungkook. 
You and Jimin had been attempting to finish your economics homework together in your favorite coffee shop; a hidden treasure that was a ten minute walk from campus and ticked all your aesthetic boxes. You two were sipping from your respective hot drinks, neglecting your heaps of bookwork in favor of discussing the new season of Stranger Things. Jimin was deep into his theory of Hopper still being alive when his eyes flickered to the door at the sound of the bell, widening slightly in recognition before a bright smile took over his face.
"Jungkook!" Jimin called, waving whoever it was over.
You followed his gaze and turned your head in the direction of the entrance, growing curious when the boy walking towards your table wasn't familiar to you. It took you less than five seconds to realize that the boy in question was attractive. 
Like, extremely attractive. The kind of attractive that should not be subjected to the way you look right now. 
It took you even less time to whip your head back around, glaring at Jimin with wide eyes and a panicked expression.
He met your glare with a confused scrunch of his eyebrows before it slowly transformed into a smirk, quickly catching on to what your pointed look was for. The night before had been a late one. You, like any other normal millennial, had impulse bought a pretty yellow Nintendo Switch solely for the new Animal Crossing game. As soon as it arrived on your doorstep you were retreating into your room, tearing the package open with squeals of excitement.
Maybe you completely lost track of time and played until your eyes were bloodshot and you heard birds chirping outside. Maybe you got an astounding two hours of sleep. And maybe you had fallen asleep without setting an alarm and woke up thirty minutes later than usual. 
The details were insignificant though, because you were throwing on a pair of leggings and the first sweatshirt you saw, brushing your hair and your teeth, and hastily sprinting to your car all in record time.
No sleep. No makeup. No breakfast. And worst of all, no coffee.
And so, it was blatantly clear you had no desire to let a boy that beautiful even glance at you in that state, let alone introduce himself. But it didn't look like you had a choice in the matter, because moments later he was towering over your table with a stupidly handsome smile.
Jungkook grinned, reaching out to do that Weird Bro Handshake with Jimin. "Hey, Chim."
You were already plotting various methods of painful revenge in your head.
"Hey, Kook. What are you doing here?"
"I kind of work here," He chuckled. "Well, as of like, yesterday. Today's my first day."
"Oh, so this is the new job you were telling me about," Jimin nodded in realization, then his eyes flickered mischievously to yours. You’re rapidly shaking your head. "You know, this is my friend ___'s favorite coffee spot."
A scowl immediately takes over your face, only to be wiped off and replaced by a sickeningly sweet smile when Jungkook turns his head to look your way. The instant your eyes meet his you quite literally want to melt into the floor. 
Jungkook smiles at you. Like, really smiles. "Hey, that's cool. We'll probably be seeing a lot of each other then, right?"
Across the table, Jimin snorts, which only adds to the way your cheeks are absolutely flaming. You send a harsh kick to Jimin's leg as inconspicuously as you can, all while batting your eyelashes at Jungkook.
"Uh, yeah! We probably... will."
Jungkook looks positively amused, but if he notices Jimin rushing to clutch his leg, he doesn't say anything.
"Sweet," He grins again. There's a brief few seconds where you two are just gazing at each other, stupid and shy, until Jimin loudly clears his throat. "Right, well, I should probably go clock in. Let's chill sometime this week, Chim."
"Sure thing." Jimin sings, smugness plastered all over his face.
Jungkook waves, already backing away from the table with his eyes on you. "Nice meeting you."
You feel yourself flush again and you absolutely hate it. "Nice meeting you too."
With a final smile, Jungkook disappears behind the employee doors. The moment he leaves your eyes are screwed shut and you're slamming your head against the table. The silence speaks for itself. You don't even need to see Jimin's face to know that he's either smirking or stifling his laughter.
"Don't." You warn.
"You just blushed," He says anyway. "Like, four times."
"I most definitely did not blush."
"You did. You still are."
"I'm embarrassed!" You wail. "That's literally the only reason why. I look like I got ran over and dragged for three blocks."
"Jungkook sure doesn't seem to think so," Jimin hums, snickering as he sips his coffee.
"He likes you." He insists.
"He was just being polite." You defend.
"That is literally my childhood best friend. I think I would know."
This makes you pause. Then you sigh. "He doesn't even know me."
He doesn’t disagree. But then again, "Not yet."
"Stop trying to play matchmaker, Jimin. He said five words to me," You spoke firmly, exasperated as you downed the final sip of your latte. "Plus, I'm just focusing on me and my degree right now. No distractions."
Jimin knew that you were already worn out, and even though he was mostly joking around, he wouldn’t want to push you any further. He’d drop it.
"Fine. We'll see who's right in the end, though."
For now.
"I will dump that hot coffee over your head."
As it turns out, Jimin was kind of right.
It takes a grand total of four visits to your favorite coffee shop before Jungkook asks you out. The first time you were by yourself, nose buried in a book as Jungkook was clocking in. He wasn't able to speak to you until about an hour later, when the morning rush had passed and you had finally lifted your head from whatever was in that book. 
You were honestly dreading facing him again, but you were prepared and actually presentable this time. Also you were kind of starving. And so, you hesitantly approached the counter. Jungkook took your order, both of you all fidgeting hands and sheepish smiles. You mentally patted yourself on the back when you spoke without any real mess-ups, and prayed that the cool girl aura you always tried so desperately to maintain was being transmitted. 
Not like you were trying to leave a lasting impression, or anything.
He hand delivered you your coffee and muffin with a beaming grin, all while his new boss glared at him from behind the counter. He didn't have to know that you knew cashiers weren't supposed to serve the food.
The second visit was a few days after. You were with Jimin again, shooting down every jab he made about you only wearing a pretty dress because you knew you would be coming here. Jungkook joined you both during his break. As soon as he untied his apron and sat himself directly across from you, it struck. You knew you were screwed. You just couldn't stop staring at him. The chin in the palm of your hands and sparkles in your eyes type of staring. You would be much more ashamed if you couldn’t see the way he was staring right back. Jimin found this hilarious, of course, and would subtly find ways to connect you two in conversation. You weren't sure if you loved or hated him for it.
It was that visit that Jungkook insisted on sharing his slice of strawberry cake with you, claiming he wasn't that hungry. The both of you were embarrassed, whacking his arm and dismissing him as Jimin complained about being the third wheel. By the end of his break, Jungkook was positively smitten, you were begrudgingly infatuated, and Jimin was awfully smug. He reluctantly said bye to you both, and you were slouching forward with your head in your hands the moment he disappeared from visibility.
Jimin looked extremely pleased. "Believe me now?"
"Focusing on school," You protested. It was a weak one, but. Well.
"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" He mused.
And suddenly, you were frantic. Panicking. This was definitely not a part of the plan.
Quickly packing up your things, you groaned loudly. "You. Maybe me. Or both. I can't think in this place anymore."
"You'll be all over each other by next week."
"Shh!" You were childishly covering your ears and speed-walking out of the café.
Try as you might, you couldn't help yourself and returned the very next day after all your classes had finished. Jungkook was already there when you walked in, taking a customer's order but doing a double take and flashing you a smile when you appeared in his line of sight. This visit consisted of nothing but pretending.
Pretending to be studying. Pretending you weren't listening to him take orders just to hear his voice. Pretending you weren't sneaking glances at him. Pretending that the way your eyes kept meeting wasn't making your skin prickle. And you were just fine pretending, until suddenly he was in the seat across from with you his apron off and a steaming hot chocolate in hand. You tried your hardest to remain indifferent, you really did. But then he was pushing the beverage towards you with gentle eyes and his smile hopeful, telling you it was his treat because he noticed how hard you were studying. And then you were melting right along with the marshmallows in that mug.
The two of you talked about your majors, your families, your favorite shows, even Jimin. You asked about his tattoos and he explained them with ease. You also may have pulled out one of the oldest tricks in the book at the sight of his knuckle tattoos, gasping in feigned wonder when you pulled his hand against yours to measure the size difference. 
His hand could swallow yours whole and still have some leftover, you discovered. It was a very rewarding experiment.
You made each other laugh and blush down to the very last second of his break. Scarily enough, being in each other's presence was so annoyingly addictive that you found yourself hesitant to watch him leave. You could tell Jungkook felt the same by the way he dragged out his goodbyes. I work again on Thursday, maybe I'll see you then? Your fingers brushed as he softly took the mug from you. It was really fun talking to you. You were biting your lip to keep from smiling embarrassingly big. You look really pretty today, by the way. And then he was off.
You made a strangled noise the second you were outside with your fingers frantically beginning to type a message to Jimin.
promise not to say i told you so :///
Jungkook asked you out on your fourth visit. As soon as you approached the counter, he just blurted it out. As if it was something he couldn't hold on his tongue any longer. You couldn't hear yourself say yes over your brain malfunctioning and the powerful thumping of your heart, but you knew you did. His heartbreakingly gorgeous grin told you so.
On his break, Jungkook brought you a latte with a heart carved in the cream. You just couldn't conceal the coo that escaped you, which quickly resulted in his cheeks reddening. 
Cute, you thought. 
He quizzed you on your personality and the type of activities you liked to do, admitting that he would use the information to conjure up the best date you would ever go on. Six days later, Jungkook stayed true to his word. Not only was it the best date you had ever been on, but you were completely certain it would ruin any other dates for you moving forward, unless they were with him. Much to your annoyance and also utter delight, you were so sure of Jeon Jungkook and your brief but striking time together that you kissed him. Right on the swings of your favorite childhood playground, first date rules tossed aside.
He was so caught off guard that his eyes expanded to twice their normal size and your teeth banged together. You drew back, slightly mortified and ready to jump to your death from the tallest slide on the playground, but Jungkook was huffing a laugh onto your lips and grabbing your face like it was nothing. Then you two got it just right, and something clicked. The earth fell off its axis and you were rendered breathless and all that nauseating cliché shit you chastised as a myth. And from that day forward, you two were completely, tooth-rottingly, inseparable.
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"Easy," Jungkook proclaimed, pecking your lips. "We finished the tree."
He set you back on the floor gently, releasing a dramatic breath of air as if lifting you to place the star on top of the tree had actually winded him. As if he wasn't a muscle pig. You rolled your eyes and told him as much.
"Don't be a baby, muscle pig," You shoved at his bicep, only proving your point further when he didn't move an inch. ‘And I finished the tree.”
Instead, he caught the hand that you nudged him with and pulled your back to his chest, caging you between his arms. "Muscle pig, huh? That's what you think of me, baby?"
You flushed at the teasing lilt in his voice, suddenly very eager to escape his hold. But try as you might, he just wouldn't budge. A loud laugh left your throat as you flailed in his grasp, his muscled arms bulging in the turtleneck you bought him for his birthday a few months ago. Suddenly, you decided that you would be returning it for your own personal peace.
A high pitched whine left your mouth, one that lost all its seriousness once it was drowned out by your giggles. "Jungkook, let go of me!"
You would just not stop wiggling, and Jungkook could not stop laughing. He could live the rest of his life like this, his brain pauses to think. He's so happy.
And when you're thrashing so violently that your heel kicks his pocket with a force that has an object clattering onto the floor, Jungkook has never reacted faster in his life. Instantly your imprisonment is gone, and Jungkook is on your floor in a flash. Your eyebrows draw together at the sight of him scrambling for whatever it is, and all you're able to see is a sleek black case before he's quickly stuffing it back in his pocket.
You're eyeing him when he rises back on his feet. "Feel like sharing?"
Jungkook whistles noncommittally. "Not particularly, no."
There's a drawn-out beat of silence where you're just gazing at each other, neither one of you backing down. And then you're crossing your arms, and he's looking at your nose and your forehead and anywhere but your eyes, and then you're arching an eyebrow. He looks at you and breaks. Defeat.
"It's your present," He lets out a heavy sigh. "Well, the main one anyway."
You positively squeal. "Ooh! Can I see? Please?"
"Baby, it's the 20th."
"Can I have a hint?"
Jungkook blinks. "No, you cannot have a hint."
You're instantly pouting, but Jungkook expects that, because he knows you better than anyone else. Which is why he knows that you're a little spoiled, with a bit of a bratty streak, with just a dash of calculated charm that you use to your advantage to get just about anything you want. He's never seen it as a bad thing. In fact, he finds it cute. A little hot, too, if he's being truthful.
Anyway, he came prepared. Just as you're opening your mouth to no doubt make him spill the surprise, he's hushing you with a bruising kiss to your lips. The kind of kiss that makes you go pliant against him, the kind that makes you make a little noise in the back of your throat. The kind you've been waiting for all night. 
It’s the trick that never truly runs its course. 
And Jungkook is melting, too. Melting, turning to mush at your very feet, until you're moving backwards and clutching at his shoulders, ready to push him onto the couch.
"Mmm," He's humming against you, before he reluctantly draws back. He lets you chase his lips once, twice, before he chuckles lowly. "Hold on, angel."
You're suddenly feeling warm all over after his kisses, wanting nothing more than to cuddle into him into the couch and feel him next to you. Or maybe above you. With that chain you always tugged on dangling in your face. You really weren't picky.
You watched Jungkook break away from you and rummage through his bag with a frown and a newfound heat at the pit of your belly. "It can't wait?"
Like he said, he knows you, which means he knew kisses alone wouldn’t be able to satiate you nor get you to stop asking questions for the entire week. No matter how mind-numbing they may be.
"One second," He promised, and you definitely counted at least five, but he quickly found what he was looking for all the same. "I brought a surprise. Well, two surprises."
He was holding both of his hands behind his back with this stupid grin on his face. You squinted for a few seconds, suspicious, before breathing out a laugh. "Are you ever gonna show me?"
Jungkook looked way too happy with himself.
"The most important surprise is mistletoe, obviously. Gonna have to find a way to glue it on to the ceiling above your bed." And there was that mischievous little smile that told you he had every intention of carrying that out.
You folded your arms over your body and scoffed. Even if you were trying and failing to keep your lips from quirking up and possibly, maybe finding it a little harder to breathe all of a sudden. "You're unbelievable, Jeon."
He just winked and held up his other hand, pulling a gasp from your lips the second you realized what it was.
"The Polar Express!"
"I had to check like, four different stores in the mall to find it. That's why I got here a little late, by the way. But I thought we could make some hot chocolate like in the movie and watch it together and," Jungkook pauses to think, licking his lips. "There's a 'ride my train' joke in here somewhere but I don't know how to say it."
He's snorting at his own delivery before you are, and once your giggles permeate the air he's invading your space again with a lovesick smile.
"You are the sweetest boy," You praise, holding his pretty face with both hands and peppering small kisses all over it the way he secretly likes. "But you make me sick to my stomach sometimes."
If anything, this makes him smile even wider. "I love you too, baby."
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You and Jungkook are in complete darkness besides the light coming from the TV in your room playing Polar Express. His head is on your shoulder with his arm strewn across your waist, and his entire leg slotted between yours. He's soft. He smells like the lavender body soap you keep in your shower. His gentle breaths hit your neck every time he exhales and you're now cliché enough to believe that the heart underneath you beats in tandem with yours. 
Both of your stomachs are filled from the takeout he ordered for dinner and the peppermint hot chocolate you made while he was in the shower. You're still mentally replaying the moment he stepped back in your room, towel wrapped around his waist with droplets of water cascading down his body. His prominent abs and tattoos and wet hair had you scrambling to sit up, clearing your throat as you tasked yourself with handing him his mug. If he noticed you ogling him, he surely didn’t react to it.
Made us some cocoa, you said.
He brought the beverage to his nose and sniffed once, twice, before his entire face bunched up. Peppermint is nasty. Then he was gulping it down.
I thought it was nasty, you laughed in disbelief.
Nothing you make me can be nasty. Thank you, baby.
And now you’re thoroughly warm from the tips of your fingertips down to your toes, and you figure it has less to do with the cocoa and more with the way Jungkook so obviously loves you. The way you love him.
Feeling a tugging at your shirt, you look down to see him peering up at you with a dazed twinkle in his eye. "You're not hot in this?"
You purse your lips and pause, knowing what was coming. "No. Are you?"
He has the decency to look a little clueless. He was always doing that, in a playfully childish way you grew to love.
"Actually, yeah I am," Jungkook furrows his brows, like it was something he was just now realizing. And then he's sitting up and pulling his shirt over his head, and you're instantly staring at his back and remembering the way it feels to rake your fingers up and down it, and he's turning back to you with a lazy smirk. "You don't wanna take yours off, angel?"
You swallow. "I'm okay."
Jungkook starts to laugh, that cocky laugh that is equal parts douchebag-ish and sexy. He's most definitely turning you on and he most definitely knows this, which is why you're glaring at him until he reaches over you and picks up the mistletoe from your bedside desk. He dangles it over your heads, makes sure to wriggle his eyebrows suggestively when he does it, and you want to laugh, you really do. You would probably roll your eyes and call him a nerd too while you were at it, if it weren't for the way he was changing his position and starting to lean over you. Crowding your space in your favorite way. 
Jungkook hears your breathing pick up once you're directly under him, watches the way your lips part and your eyes change for him, and decides to go for the kill.
Nothing about the kiss was soft or gentle. Jungkook clearly had a point to prove and knew how he wanted to do it. The dangling mistletoe was soon forgotten in favor of holding your face by your chin, landing with a chime on your wooden floors. He worked your mouth open in that sloppy, messy, dirty way he only exhibited when he was feeling particularly desperate. Saliva pooled at the corners of your mouth and you were trembling underneath him, clutching at the warm skin of his back. It was nasty, absolutely obscene the way his tongue was in your mouth like his life depended on it. And you loved it. You couldn't stop making these little sounds, and Jungkook was groaning into your mouth right along with you. You were seconds away from pleading for him to do anything he wanted, to make you his, when he's abruptly pulling from you with a wet pop and a string of saliva between you.
Your ragged breaths fill the air, both of your chests heaving as you take a second to attempt to drag yourself out of the haze he's built around you two.
The asshole has the audacity to laugh. "Hot yet?"
"You don't have to bring out the mistletoe to kiss me, you know." You eventually say instead.
"I know," He pants, still smiling like the all-consuming beauty he is. "But you love Christmas. And it's our first. Wanna do it right."
You feel the need to close your eyes, let his words sink in, and so you do. You let the statement blanket over you until you're positively beaming, and when you open your eyes, he is the same. You are so irreversibly in love and you think he might be perfect. You tell him as much.
"You're perfect," You say, all soft and starry eyed. You're nodding when he starts shaking his head, and when the tips of his ears begin to turn red and he's putting his head down, you're giggling and putting both hands on either side of his head to get his eyes back on yours. "I love you a lot."
Jungkook is so happy. "Love you most."
And then he's leaning down again. This kiss is much less frantic, more steady, but still passionate and still with Jungkook, which means it fills your body with heat all the same. Your head is floating and you're squirming under his hold again when you break apart for air.
There's no point in trying to resist him anymore. You never can.
"I'm gonna take my sweater off now."
Jungkook scrunches his nose, and grins. "Okay."
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read part two here!
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tenduw · 4 years
How not to make a terrible Hetalia OC
Hi y’all, I feel like this really needs to be said, cause I was looking at different hetalia OCs the other day, and ngl many of them were, well, terrible.
First off, before I begin with my guide to making a decent oc, can I just say that any one of us can create an oc, in fact I would encourage people to. One problem with the hetalia fandom is that other than Scotland, Yugotalia and South America (somewhat) we haven’t really done our research when it comes to creating ocs and it really shows.
1)      Research – I do feel like some of you spend too much time looking at stereotypes of different countries and not enough time doing actual research. I am going to show you 2 different pictures here (Example 1 and 2 are below.) Notice the difference? Someone clearly researched into the issues faced by South Africa and decided on a way to come to a neutral outcome, whilst someone else didn’t do any research and decided that a White person was the best way to represent an entire population in Africa. Please research into the culture and history of the country when deciding to create the OC as if anything that would help you to try and understand the character you are attempting to draw or write. Also look at the hetalia tumblr or Instagram tag for the character as there might be an OC that you really like! I did so, and found really cool ocs by @disaster-fruit and @portu-cale! Then if this happens, there's already an oc you can see as the country! Just make sure to contact and credit the artist in any art you may produce.
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2)      Ask -  Also remember that research doesn’t just apply to the internet! If you have a friend or some of your family members are from that country and have been there, then ask them about the culture! Not only that, but I’d suggest you also check out the country’s reddit, as there is a bunch of stuff you can find there which helps to gain a general understanding about what might actually be offensive and what won’t be. Also, I’d check out the tumblr tag for the country as well – really interesting facts about the country tend to come up.
3)      What you are creating the oc for – Are you creating an OC for a fanfiction or fanart? Depending on which one you are looking at then your research differs. Fanart requires you to be respectful towards the country, and obviously this is where most people in the fandom fall short – as you are literally drawing a representation of the country. Fanfiction in contrast tends to be more about characterisation, so rather than just make up a personality for the country, I would suggest that you read the history and facts about the country before creating a character for them. The thing about personified nations is that none of them are good or bad – they’re morally grey, so it’s important to do your research when deciding how exactly they are in this category. Patient Harmony on Fanfiction.net actually does this really well, and if you’re over 16 and are into the darker side of the fandom, I’d suggest checking them out!
4)      Think – Please think about what you are creating. This is most important when it comes to two areas – Colouring and Controversy. I’ll cover those in the next two points. Just remember to think before you create – what countries should I draw cutesy fanart for and which ones should I not draw it for? Also, think about the human names for the countries. You do have to look at names from the country you are creating an oc for – why the hell would Wales’ name be Victoria or Israel’s name Tal Haviv? Giving a oc of a nation an anglicised or Americanised name or making up a name because it sounds like the nation’s capital is just plain disrespectful. Also, please do research whatever name you do end up using as for example if Mexico was called Porfirio, you might not realise the problem with the name, but most Mexican fans of the show would. So do think about what you’re coming up with – And if something doesn’t feel right, then research it!
5)      Colouring – What skin tone are they? This seems to be the hardest thing for the hetalia fandom to comprehend and I can empathise to an extent. Of course, if the country is particularly diverse, such as Uganda then it will be somewhat challenging to come up with a skin tone for them. However completely whitewashing the country, like an ungodly amount of people have done with aph Mexico is ridiculous. Not everyone is white, in fact most people aren’t white – Just because you and your neighbourhood may be doesn’t mean that the entire world is! If you think that everyone is one skin tone then you need to get the hell out of whatever special rock you were living under. There are hundreds if not thousands of skin tones out there, and people do not either look like this: (is below) Or this: (is below) So if the OC you’re going to create is black, you don’t need to paint them the darkest shade of brown that you have. You also should avoid making them orange – If someone is from Africa, they are not orange! Likewise if someone is from Native America then don’t make their skin yellow! One thing in general that might help y’all out is if when creating your oc, you search on google images ‘X country people’ and see the results. JUST DON’T MAKE THE CHARACTER WHITE CAUSE YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO.
Also, I don't know why someone created an entire south America oc, nor do I understand why people keep making statetalia ocs
6)      Controversy – Now this one is going to be kind of long, but it really needs to be addressed. Just because you’re creating ocs for hetalia doesn’t mean that ALL stereotypes about the country need to be the main thing about the oc. Stereotypes about Italians loving pasta or the English loving tea are NOT the same as Mexicans being fence hoppers or the entire continent of Africa being malnourished. Like I’ve said many times already, do your research. An important thing to note, is that most of these stereotypes were made by 1st world countries and so naturally the most offensive ones are about the ethnicities that struggle to get any form of positive representation in the media. Another thing that needs to be addressed – Would you make fanart about any recent terror attacks? No? Then don’t make ocs that would have solely come about as a result of a disastrous event (e.g. Chernobyl). Also, you have to be reaaalllly careful when it comes to quite a few nations. Like Yemen and Palestine. It just feels really insensitive to draw cutesy fanart when their people are being targeted and insensitivity already is a major problem with the fandom. It’s 2020, not 2010 and it’s important to remember that!
7)      Try – Another problem with the hetalia fandom is that most people just stray away from non-european countries. On google, it says there are 196 countries in the world and if you add all of the micronations, you easily have more than 200 ‘nations’. The thing is, the countries that we keep missing out all have their own histories and cultures – this is a constant. I personally see hetalia as a series which serves to show that not all history is depressing and gory – it can be funny and amusing too! And it’s not just Europe that has amusing aspects to it’s history and culture. Where’s the jollof rice war between Nigeria and Ghana? Or the confusion surrounding how many islands Indonesia has? Creating ocs for the world’s countries literally means that what you draw doesn’t need to be as limited – You can have a BRICS meeting, or have a meeting between the African Union. Hetalia literally has a worldwide fanbase and wouldn’t it be interesting if we could spread more countries to the fans outside of the canon countries in the show? Shouldn’t it be our goal as fans of a show about different nations and cultures to introduce people to as many cultures as possible? So I encourage you guys to try with hetalia OCs – Just maybe run it by other people before making it public and MAKE SURE YOU DO YOUR RESEARCH.
It isn’t hard to create an OC, in fact I’d say it’s a bit easier for hetalia because we have access to everything we need to make one.
I hope this helps ^^
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missaudreyhorney · 4 years
jealous!Hopper headcanon
This is my very first HC request and I had so much fun writing it. It did take a while to brainstorm though because there were so many things that I wanted to add. It came out longer than I thought, but I’m pretty sure there’s still stuff that I accidentally left out, stuff like him saying “Only I’m allowed to see you like this” which is a paraphrased quote from “Change Of Scenery” by Duchess_Of_Brighton on AO3.
As you may or may not know from the ask about angry!Hopper, I personally prefer him a bit on the meaner side so I hope this is to your liking. (Disclaimer: this is obviously a fantasy and I don’t condone anyone acting like this IRL.) Some parts are slightly NSFW but I don’t go into detail.
Many of Jim Hopper’s bad habits have improved since he started leaving Eggos in the woods, but that doesn’t mean he’s been able to tame his wild jealous streak. He doesn’t think of you as his property per se, but both of you would agree that you belong to him completely. The feeling of ownership he has over you brings you great comfort and solace. He is therefore territorial with you, some might even say possessive.
This is why he likes to touch you when you’re in public together, so that it’s obvious to everyone around you that you are his and only his. Hopper usually does this by resting one of his hands on your lower back, the weight of it comforts you and makes you feel safe. When he spots someone’s gaze lingering on you just a little too long, he’ll pull you towards him and give you a fiery, passionate kiss. Although this happens with increasing frequency, it still manages to catch you off guard every time. On special occasions, he will wrap his baseball glove of a hand around your smaller, softer one and hold it in his. This is when you feel the most protected and cared for.
The hickies and the bruises that he gives you are a more primal sign of ownership, almost like a temporary branding. The first few times Hopper left marks on you, you were annoyed, but the more he does it, the more you love to show them off. It's a warning label to anyone who looks at you. It tells them that not only are you spoken for, but by a man who isn’t afraid to be rough, a man who will absolutely destroy anyone who disrupts a single hair on your head. (I could do another headcanon solely about marking.)
Sometimes you’ll be at the grocery store and even just the checker being friendly to you gets Hopper’s nostrils flaring and his hands balling into fists. You smile at him and give him a look to calm him down, a look that says it's okay. While that reaction in him is cute at times, it’s also silly and unnecessary. You have absolutely no interest in any other man besides Jim Hopper and he has zero reasons to worry about you being with anyone else. That’s not the problem though. He trusts you, he just doesn’t trust everyone else around you. He knows how handsy men can get and he does not take kindly to anyone else touching what is rightfully his.
However, there is in fact a small reason for him not to trust you, because twice now you have intentionally made him jealous. The first time was when you were on one of your dates together. A man closer to your own age flirted with you and you flirted right back, knowing that Hopper was watching you the entire time. Once he had seen enough of your grotesque display, he ordered you outside and you obeyed with both fear and excitement coursing through your veins. When you got back to his truck, he yelled at you and made you bend over in the back of it, spanking you to teach you a lesson. Hopper turned your ass bright red right there in the parking lot, and oh boy, was it painful to sit down in the car ride afterward. It hurt even worse upon returning to his place, where he pounded into you from behind.
The second time, you employed the same routine but got a slightly different response from Hopper. Like before, a man approached you flirtatiously and you immediately reciprocated. Unlike before, Hopper knew right away what you were trying to do so at first, he pretended to ignore you. You turned up your charm and your giggle to get his attention, but once you had it, he remained calm. Not getting a reaction from him pissed you off and you weren’t about to admit defeat so easily. You leaned your body a little closer to the guy and he had the gall to put his arm around you. It made you tense up, but he didn’t seem to notice. Beginning to regret your decision, you shot Hopper a nervous smile as he continued to watch with a blank expression. It wasn’t until the guy moved his hand from your shoulder to your waist that he decided to intervene. “Hey pal, you moving in on my girl?” You couldn’t help but smile, genuinely this time, at his pointed words. The guy backed away with his hands up, obviously not wanting any trouble. “I didn’t know she was with anyone.” He got into the guy’s face, not because he needed to but because he knew that’s the reaction you were seeking. “Is that why you’re putting your hands on her?” he interrogated, his tone intensified. “I’m sorry, man,” the guy said as he took another step back. “Come on!” Hopper demanded as he wrapped his arm around your waist, practically pulling you out the door. When you arrived at the cabin, he still spanked you to the point that it made you cry, but this time it was because he was fully aware that being a brat was your way of asking him for it without saying the words.
There was at least one time you can recall with perfect clarity that his jealous rage was warranted and used for good. The two of you were at The Hideaway, getting a drink after work. Hopper had gone into the men’s room on your way to leave and when he came out, some asshole was hassling you, grabbing you by the wrist and asking “what’s a pretty girl like you doing alone in a place like this?” You looked over at Hop, who was immediately seething with anger, and you replied calmly “I’m not alone”. The sleazy man let go of you just in time for you to slip away before Hop swooped in with a mean left hook straight into the guy’s jaw. The bartender yelled for him to take it outside, and Hop gladly did, grabbing the jerk by the back of the neck then dragging him outside, and hurling him onto the pavement. He beat the absolute shit out of that guy and you loved it. You felt exhilarated, like you had never seen something so visceral and sexy in your whole life. He held on tightly to your thigh the entire way home and once you were there, you fucked each other like wild animals for the rest of the night.
You almost wish that Lonnie Byers would come back to Hawkins and hit on you. You’re not attracted to him, but from the way you’ve heard he treats Joyce and his sons, you would love nothing more than for Hopper to beat his ass to a bloody pulp.
A lot of people, if not most, would be horrified to be with someone who gets jealous at such slight provocations. Not you though. You appreciate his intensity, it makes you feel desired and well taken care of. You know Jim Hopper well enough to be fully aware that he only gets this way because he cares about you, because he’s a passionate person who just doesn’t know how to express himself. Even if he won’t fully admit it to himself or to you, he gets this way because he loves you. He holds onto you with an iron grip because his greatest fear is losing you just like he’s lost so much already in his life.
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sevensided · 4 years
Fathers in Stranger Things
This recent conversation about family acceptance in ST has made me think a lot about fathers in the show. I believe that a central theme in the story is acceptance. Acceptance of the supernatural, acceptance of differences, acceptance of one another. This dovetails into other key themes - forgiveness, friendship, and love - but in the context of parents and, specifically, Mike and Will, I think acceptance is an interesting way to think about how fathers or father figures play in their eventual relationship.
Every father on the show is an absent figure. This is for two reasons: to illustrate how much more hands-off raising children was in the 80s; and to highlight the role mothers play in the development of our characters. This also links into broader, structural themes, such as heterosexuality, patriarchy, and gender roles. On a simple level, the fathers are absent because it is the mothers who do the child rearing. This absence, however, also reveals the lack of paternal support in the lives of our core characters, and as a result, the supplementation of father figures. This dovetails into a theme that carries throughout the show - that of found families - but when it comes to Mike and Will’s development, together and separately, this relates importantly to how they will come to see themselves as young, probably gay, men.
To start, I’ll briefly overview the main fathers of the series. We can largely group them as absent but harmless, or absent and harmful.
Ted Wheeler is an apathetic feature in Mike’s life. He is typically involved in scenes that underscore the domestic discord of the Wheeler household, and his role is primarily to show how unhappy Karen is in their marriage, and how his children do not connect with him. While there are some indications that he cares for his children, these are not carried through onscreen and, for the most part, Ted does not participate in raising Nancy or Mike. 
Lucas’ father, Mr Sinclair, is presented once in association with his wife, Mrs Sinclair. Their breakfast table scene is used to show the dynamic of the Sinclair household, and for Lucas to ask his parents abstract advice on how to win Max back after their argument. Mr Sinclair makes some period-typical comments that are intended to be funny, but they also indicate that Lucas was brought up in a fairly stereotypical atmosphere (to paraphrase: “What do you do if mom’s mad at you?” / “Yes, what do you do?” / “Your mother is never wrong”). You could go all galaxy brain and say this is a nod to Joyce Byers - who spends a lot of the show trying to prove she’s right - but as this is the sole scene that features Lucas’ parents, it is our only insight into their familial dynamic, and therefore our only frame of reference as to how Lucas is raised.
Dustin’s father is not mentioned in canon and it appears he was raised in a single-parent household. With no evidence to the contrary, we can go ahead and assume that Dustin’s only meaningful parental relationship is to his mother, with whom he has a strong bond.
Lonnie Byers is an undesirable and unreliable father who left Joyce and his sons before canon. When he does reappear in S01, he is proved yet again to be a grifter looking to take advantage of Will’s disappearance and assumed death. It it subtly indicated that Lonnie was abusive to Jonathan (“You’ve gotten stronger”) and, it’s possible, to Joyce or Will too. He is certainly proved to be homophobic (“Lonnie used to call him a qu**r, said he was a f*g” / “Is he?”). Lonnie may be entirely physically absent, yet his impact on Will resonates through the story, and in a figurative sense, he is very much present.
Steve’s father is, similarly to Ted, indicated to be a work-focused man who is rarely around the Harrington household. In S01 he goes on a work trip and is accompanied by his wife (“My mom doesn’t trust him” / “Probably a good thing”) which indicates he may have been unfaithful to Mrs Harrington in the past. He is a very literal absence in Steve’s life yet appears off-screen as a forceful presence (“My dad is a grade-A asshole”) that shapes Steve’s life, culminating in S03 with Steve’s job at the mall.
The biological father of Billy and Max’s step-father, Mr Hargrove, is an abusive, sexist, and dangerous man, whose impact on Billy is so severe that it renders him vulnerable to possession by the Mind Flayer and eventually results in Billy’s death. When El goes into Billy’s memories in the S03 finale, we see how Mr Hargrove used sports to bully and antagonize his son into performative masculinity, and how he often resorted to physical violence against Billy and his late mother. Our other insight into Mr Hargrove’s paternal presence is through Max, whose behaviour indicates that while she is, possibly, partly protected by her mother, she is not protected from Billy, who takes his anger with his father out on her. Max is cagey about the full impact of Mr Hargrove, but is it subtle and sufficient enough to show that he is among the most dangerous male characters in the series so far, and his onscreen absence, like Lonnie, resonates figuratively in the lives of our characters.
The final father figure to discuss is Dr Brenner. Brenner is cold and remote in that he is the PI of a government-funded underground project modeled on MK Ultra, and thus treats Eleven like the scientific subject she is. Brenner’s acts of care are only figured as manipulation tactics (such as talking quietly yet firmly to El, carrying her from the solitary confinement cell when she kills the guard, allowing her a toy lion) and cannot in good conscience be considered parental kindness. Brenner’s power over El is so potent that Kali draws on their shared memory of Brenner in S02 to capitalise on El’s powers. El perceives Brenner as a father (“Papa”). Like Lonnie and Mr Hargrove, Brenner’s absence lingers and retains a hold over El.
As we can see, you have absent but harmful figures like Dr Brenner, Lonnie, and Mr Hargrove, and absent but harmless figures like Ted, Dustin’s father, Mr Sinclair, and even, to an extent, Mr Harrington. This rough categorisation helps us see that the show’s fathers are painted into a conspicuous binary that reflects the expectations placed on our characters as they learn to become men. Are they jocks or nerds? Straight or gay? In the world of Reaganite Hawkins, society is bookended by the normal and acceptable, or the abnormal and unacceptable. In this context, fathers - and to a larger extent, masculinity - either exist passively or aggressively, and both impact our characters either overtly (Billy and Will) or subliminally (Mike and Lucas).
Father figures
The characters above stand in stark contrast to the father figures presented in the series. These include Hopper, Bob, Mr Clarke, and Steve. Quite by chance, they each represent different elements of masculinity and different figures of power in the lives of our main cast. 
Mr Clarke, for example, is representative of institutional power (a teacher) and has a strong influence over the Party in encouraging their curiosity and natural interest in science and the world around them. He is not typically masculine - he is a nerd - but he gently guides the Party through school and is shown to care for them.
Bob is representative of a found father figure in that he steps into the Byers’ life in no permanent sense (“This is not a normal family” / “But it could be”), but his respect of Joyce’s boundaries nevertheless sees him exercise a positive influence over Will (Jonathan, by Bob’s own admission, is harder to crack - understandable, given Jonathan’s past with Lonnie and, possibly, other men Joyce has occasionally had in her life). Bob’s absence - his death - is palpable, and leaves a lasting impression on Joyce, who is arguably in mourning for a good part of S03. In a similar vein, you can also make the argument that Jonathan is a father figure to Will (but that deserves its own post).
Steve represents more of a big brother role to the rest of the Party, but it is possible to see Steve as a father figure to Dustin, particularly over the course of S02. Steve drives Dustin to the dance, gives him advice on girls (a stereotypical “dad talk”), protects him, and supports him. In S03 their relationship has shifted into more of a friendship, but that does not take away from their initial dynamic that had a paternal undertone to it.
These are all examples of father figures. But the most important example of this is Hopper, and it is because he subverts this mold. Aside from the obvious link to El, in that he raises her from S02 and even becomes her “father” (Jane Hopper), it is not Hopper’s absence as a father that is important, but the absence of his daughter. Hopper is therefore an inverted male character. The absence (death) of his daughter stands in binary to the Party’s biological fathers, who are otherwise the absent ones. In contrast, Hopper is very present. Hopper is a father in the literal sense, but he is a father figure to Mike and Will: Mike, through his relationship with El and in the absence of Ted (Hopper gives Mike the “dad talk” in S03); and Will through Hopper’s relationship with Joyce. Hopper’s absent daughter is substituted most clearly by El. But in an abstract way, he also fits that role with Mike and Will too. In sum, Hopper’s absence as a biological father is redeemed when he becomes a father figure to other characters. He is therefore neither harmful or harmless, and can be seen as an outlier - but that is deliberate. It is deliberate because he and Joyce are the only parents/parental figures who know and understand the supernatural in Hawkins. I suspect that by the end of the series, Karen may be drawn into the fold too.
I mentioned at the start that the absence of fathers highlights the role that mothers play in the series. This is best understood - and perhaps only understood - with direct reference to Karen Wheeler and Joyce Byers. Karen and Joyce have huge roles to play in how Mike and Will will come to understand themselves. They do this in spite of the male absence in Mike and Will’s lives, because a central theme of the ST story is love, especially maternal love.
Karen Wheeler is introduced as a typical housewife whose role it is to care for her children - Nancy, Mike, and Holly - and take care of the Wheelers’ home. She is in an unhappy marriage with Ted, and is unhappy enough to consider having an affair with Billy in S03. It is her sense of duty that prevents her from carrying this out. Karen is repeatedly shown to reach out to her children and frequently offers emotional support (most potently in S01-2, S03 being the sole exception [“It’s hard to keep track. You know what it’s like - summer!”]). Despite their rebuffs Karen does not give up trying to support her children. She is occasionally successful (Mike comes to her for comfort once per season, and she and Nancy are shown to have a tumultuous but altogether strong relationship, culminating in the S03 kitchen speech scene) yet, arguably, Mike and Nancy’s willfulness and growing up is a point of frustration and another source of unhappiness. While it will blow over - they are both teenagers - in the context of the show their rejection of her emotional support further reinforces her isolation. It is important to note that while Mike does crumble and come to her for comfort, this happens only in times of duress (Will’s disappearance, Will moving away). In other words, Mike does not rely on his mother for emotional support but she is still his mother, and when he does come to her it is during Mike’s emotional high points. These are always linked to Will. This directly ties Mike’s emotional development as it relates to Will to the maternal support given by his mother.
Joyce Byers is, as we all know, the resident PFLAG rep. Her relationship with Will is a central element of the story, and it is strengthened not despite Lonnie’s absence but in spite of it. It is moot to think of how Joyce and Will would have developed if Lonnie had stayed in canon, because Joyce is repeatedly shown to be driven by the love for her children. What is essential to understand about Joyce is that she is an atypical parent. She is a single working class mother whose brushes with normality (e.g. Bob) are taken away by the supernatural. As mentioned before, this further highlights the thematic divide between normality/abnormality and visible/invisible that are staples to the plot. In other words, Joyce has not found her “normal”, because Will has not yet found his normal. Until that happens, her happiness is at stake, partly because it is tied to the happiness of her children, but because Will’s overarching influence over the supernatural elements in the story is inextricably tied to his sense of belonging. Joyce, unlike Karen, has already won her child’s trust and support. Will’s story, therefore, is linked more closely to the absence of his father, whereas for Mike, it is not the absence of his father that is to be overcome, but his aversion to connecting with Karen.
Mike and Will
Taken together, I believe that when it comes to Mike and Will and their respective sexuality, it is not the fathers that will figure in their coming out, but their mothers. The show plays on the absence of fathers and places them in opposition to the presence of mothers. It is maternal love that guides Mike and Will, and it is maternal love that will protect them. This concept is only subverted by El and Hopper’s relationship, for it is El’s mother and Hopper’s daughter who is absent, therefore implying that they are contradictions, or inversions, of the show’s presentation of the familial.
Mike’s relationship with Ted is not a model. Aside from Ted’s general apathy towards his children - he demonstrably leaves the discipline and care of their children to Karen, as evidenced by every family scene in which Karen makes the decisions and Ted remains silent - he appears to have given up in connecting with Mike as his son. I mentioned before how Mr Hargrove used sports to coerce Billy into performative masculinity; the same can be said of Will, who disliked it when Lonnie took him to baseball games, and even destroys Castle Byers with a baseball bat. In contrast, Mike’s baseball bat (picked up in S01 by Nancy, who pretends to be practicing for the softball team) is in the garage, indicating it is not used, if it ever was. Arguably, Mike’s insistent and forceful personality might have bowled the passive Ted over, but Ted’s disconnect to his son is also evidenced in S01 when Ted jokes, “Our son, with a girl?” I have discussed here how this line was a blatant reference to Mike’s “nerd” status. As S03 has proved, the Duffers rely on 80s tropes to sublimate existing themes in their story. With nerds typically understood in 80s cultural discourse as sexually and romantically inexperienced social loners, Ted’s comment betrays three things: how he perceives his son; the failed expectations for his son; and how the audience is meant to understand Mike as a character. Ted does not feature in Mike’s upbringing, and I think this is deliberate for two reasons: to underscore how traditional Mike’s upbringing is; and to foreshadow that it will not be Ted’s opinion of Mike that matters in the end. It will be Karen’s.
Will’s relationship with Lonnie is, as presented onscreen in canon, non-existent. It only plays out off-screen and we have not yet seen Will and Lonnie interact in person. Regardless of where you stand with the theory that Lonnie’s abuse manifested in Will to become the Mind Flayer (I personally agree with it), Lonnie’s eventual presence in the show will be a critical moment and, likely, the climax of the entire series. As addressed above, Lonnie is indicated to be homophobic, if not abusive, to Will in the past. I won’t touch on the abuse as that is largely hearsay at the point of writing this post, however the homophobic language is canon and therefore has a bearing on how we are expected to interpret Will and his relationship to 1) other boys/men, and 2) his sexuality. Both Mike and Will have no meaningful relationship with their fathers. Yet, while Mike’s father is absent and harmless, Lonnie is absent and very much harmful. Thus, the lasting influence of his absence is made more potent by the power of Will’s memories/imagination. Having been subjected to direct homophobic bullying, Will’s sexual identity is tied very much to his relationships with older men, with Jonathan, Bob, and to an extent, Mr Clarke, as positive representations of masculinity, and Lonnie on the other end of the spectrum. To Will, Lonnie may be physically absent but he is figuratively present. As such, it will not be Lonnie’s reaction to Will’s sexuality that is important. It will be Will’s overcoming of Lonnie’s hold over him that will be the defining moment in his character arc. 
Parental absence is key to Mike and Will’s development together and individually. Both Mike and Will have to overcome their absent fathers in different ways. The key to this will be breaking free of the societal expectations placed on them, drawing strength in maternal love, and, crucially, finding love and acceptance with each other. The defining point is that despite surface-level indications to the contrary, it is not the fathers who are important: it is the mothers.
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deckerswheeler · 4 years
why you shouldn’t ship mileven
**disclaimer** im not gonna be using byler proof or mike’s bi coding as proof against mileven because they are both technically not canon. im only gonna be using canon facts and my opinions on canon situations :)
1. mike is projecting his feelings onto el- in season one, mike is hurt and missing his best friend- will. he is also scared that he may never see will again. because of this, when he meets eleven, he projects those feelings onto her, making her a potential “replacement” for will if turned out to be dead. he is mentally preparing himself for the worst by already building a new friendship with someone else. not to mention, el looks like a boy in the beginning of season one, so it is easier for mike to project those feelings towards will onto her. (again, i’m not referring to byler in a romantic way here, i am solely talking about their friendship). 
2. el attaches herself to anyone who shows her compassion- el has been abused and treated as a science experiment her whole childhood. she doesn’t know what real love feels like, so obviously she is going to emotionally attach herself to anyone who shows a slight interest in her or any type of kindness or platonic love. this can be seen through brenner in season one. despite him being her primary abuser, she still believes that he loves her and she therefore loves him. this can also be seen with terry, when el visits her in the void, she immediately gets attached to her despite not knowing for sure if terry even is her biological mother. as soon as terry disappears, el starts screaming “mama”. and finally in season three, el’s quick attachment to people can be seen with both max and hopper. in season one when el becomes attached to mike, it isn’t in a romantic way. she literally had no idea why it would be weird to take your sister to a school dance (meaning she originally thought of herself as mike’s sister). she has no clue how romantic relationships/feelings work... she barely knows how platonic feelings work.
3. neither are mentally fit for a relationship- continuing with el not knowing how romantic relationships work, she literally does not know what a friend is before lucas tells her. el has the mental capacity of a five year old (besides when using her powers and having survival skills). and i’m not saying that to bash el, i’m saying that because it’s a fact! eleven can barely speak in season one, she doesn’t know basic vocabulary, she has no concept of time, she acts younger than her age, etc. she is stunted mentally and stuck with the education level and maturity level of a young child. obviously she grows as the seasons progress and she is quite better in season three, but even then she is still probably at the educational level of a ten/eleven year old despite being fourteen. there is absolutely nothing about her in season one that makes me believe she was ready for a romantic relationship in any way. no one with her level of abuse and mental stunting should even be in a relationship. as for mike, he is a traumatized boy missing his best friend when he meets el. he barely has any friends to begin with and like lucas said, el is the only girl who isn’t grossed out by him. mike likes getting positive attention from a girl and in his immature twelve-year-old mind that translates to he must have feelings for her. 
4. mileven is not built to last- think about it, in seasons one and two mileven only had like three romantic scenes together in each season. their relationship is built on them both benefiting from one specific thing about the other person. for mike, el is the first girl to show any interest in him and he likes that, he is also looking for an escape from his feelings of stress about will, (seasons one/two). el provides that, whether it be in person, or when he calls her every night, convincing himself he still cares about her in a romantic way. for el, mike is the first person who has treated her as human, doesn’t call her names, or mistreat her, like most of the other people in her life did. in a way, she becomes addicted to the positive feeling of being treated better, and becomes dependent on mike for that. in season three, when max asks if mike is a good kisser, el replies “i don’t know. he’s my first boyfriend.” implying that she sees a future where she isn’t with mike, but with other boys/girls (?). also in season three, in the last episode, mike pretends he doesn’t remember saying “i love her” about el in the cabin when she confronts him about it. when el says she loves him too and kisses him, he literally keeps his eyes open and doesn’t kiss back or move. when el walks away he genuinely looks confused still. a lot of people say this is because he is in shock and excited that she feels the same, but when you think about it, it would make sense for him to be in shock but like... wouldn’t you think that he would at least crack a smile when she said it? and he doesn’t even kiss back or close his eyes, which surely he could’ve done even if he was in shock because if he truly loved her, it would just be natural instinct. and he could’ve smiled after she left if he was embarrassed by her seeing him be excited, but he didn’t. he still looked genuinely confused and not at all happy or excited. no. i truly believe mike had moved on from el by that time. it had been a couple of months since the battle at starcourt, and he and el weren’t even back together. he probably assumed that they would just remain friends, but then she brought up the “i love you” incident, and he was trying to deflect away from it by denying remembering what he said. finally, they were both twelve years old when they developed feelings for each other, (for the wrong reasons), and they probably both feel as though if they break up it will ruin their friendship, which neither of them want. 
that’s all for this one. i might make a part two soon, i just need to think of more points. i’d like to note that all of this is coming from a former mileven stan, so i know what it’s like to ship them. they really do have some cute scenes but when it comes down to it, they are just not a healthy couple. anyway, reblog or like if you want :)
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