#the only iris that wasnt from a grab bag
dirt-mann · 1 year
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the first of my irises bloomed!
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electric-cooter · 4 years
Can I make a request for Pete Davidson??? If I can?? Where the reader and Pete are expecting but they hide it from the world until after giving birth Pete goes back to work and before the show ends the reader and their baby come out and Pete tells him that he’s a dad? And shows the baby to the audience/ and world??
Awww man I love writing about babies..... Im a sucker for babies. 
You dropped your keys on the counter, along with a couple bags of fresh groceries.  Spicy soup was on the menu tonight, with a pineapple dole whip smoothie.  Anything to get this baby out.  “Baby?  That you?” you heard from the bedroom.  Pete walked out, still in his sweatpants and hoodie, a bright smile on his face, “Lemme help you.  Go sit down” he urged.  You huffed, “I’m finnnneeee,” you assured, plugging in the instant pot and cleaning off your fresh ingredients.  As you cooked away, Pete stood close by, there to help with any heavy lifting or bending.  In no time the soup was cooking in the pot while Pete blended the pineapple and cooked his own dinner.  As you sat on the couch, your feet resting on the other end, Pete came around with your soup, and a glass of your pineapple dole whip smoothie.  “If this doesn’t work, I’m pulling this baby out myself,” you muttered, taking a sip of your smoothie.  Pete chuckled, lifting your feet up to sit down and resting them on his lap.  After two bowls of soup and countless smoothies, you cuddled next to Pete, resting your head on his lap and slowly closing your eyes.  What felt like seconds later, your stomach lurched suddenly causing you to jump.  “Uh ohhhh, baby not a fan of the eviction attempt?” joked Pete as you sat up.  You shook your head, “Apparently not.  She’s gonna keep me up all night as revenge,” you giggled, sitting up to grab your glass.  As soon as you did so, suddenly something wasnt right.  “Ummm.....either I just unknowingly pissed myself or...” you spoke darkly.  Pete’s eyes widened, “Or?” he asked, his heart racing.  You stood up straight, “Get the bags” you instructed calmly.  Pete ran around the apartment, grabbing the baby bags you two had prepared weeks ago.  You walked to the bedroom changing quickly before packing a large backpack with a couple extra days worth of clothes.  You two rushed out the door as you made calls to his mother, your mother, Casey, your doula and doctor.  Fast walking to the door, it took no more than 30 minutes for you to be set up in the birthing room with your doula, Pete and your mother, getting ready for the first push.  
Hours of labor had passed before you were finally able to hold your baby.  Her curly dark brown hair cleaned and covered in a pink cap, and wrapped in a white blanket.  You admired her, smiling widely as Pete took photo after photo.  You looked up at the door, crying with happiness as you made eye contact with Amy and Casey, both in tears as well and balloons in hand.  “My first grandbaby!”  she sniffed, walking over to you.  Pete hugged Casey, “How are the masses?” he asked, nodding his head towards the door.  Casey rolled her eyes, “Pounding at the door practically.  Wanted to know if we knew her name yet,”  she smiled.  As the baby was passed around and you relaxed, you enjoyed your new life.  As the nurses urged that visiting hours were over, Casey, Amy and your family said their goodbyes before closing the door behind them.  Pete hopped in the bed next to you, kissing your cheek gently before resting his head on your shoulder.  He pulled out his phone and opened his instagram, something he hadnt done in months.  Uploading the only photo on his feed, the caption under the black and white photo of your daughter “Welcome to the world, Hera Iris Davidson”
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deadacclolz · 4 years
Hiya! this is a little thing that ive been writing for.. 2 hours? yeah, probably that long. anywho! it’s about how Phone Dude died in my au, and it’s quite gorey. if you’re unable to handle things such as vomting, mass amounts of blood, disemboweling, Animal death, and murder please stop reading now, because im on mobile and am unable to put the cut!!!!
Austin slid the key into the rusted lock, twisting it to the left and then to the right. He caught the metal contraption in his left hand as it fell, sliding it into his coat. The blond-haired boy unwrapped the chain that held the big metal door shut, letting it fall and lay still on the floor next to him.
The young man pushed his glasses back up his nose, a loud screech breaking the beautiful night’s silence as the door was slowly pulled open. Austin stepped into the run-down building, greeted by an awful smell and a sickening squelch as his right foot was brought down. He flinched, swinging his leg back up again, his eyes darting to the place on the floor where his converse had landed.
There on the floor was a darkened shape. He couldnt tell what it was exactly, but it wasnt much bigger than his shoe. He sighed, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone. He turned the shattered iPhone 6 on, and then the flashlight, shining it towards the tiny shape. Austin winced, seeing what he’d stepped on.
It was a mangled corpse of a rat, definitely dead. It looked like something had thrown it back and forth at walls, and then beat the hell out of it like a damn punching bag.
“Well that’s fucking disgusting…” Austin murmured, shaking his foot out and kicking the poor thing out of the way and into a dark corner.
The hallway was barely illuminated, the only light coming from the glowing red Exit sign behind him, and his phone’s flashlight, which was currently pointed at the ground. The blonde turned his wrist up, yawning and walking down the eerie hallway. He was cautious, not knowing where the hell that thing had decided to rest for the day. Mike was always the last person to see him, so no one ever knew where the rotting bunny decided to hide for the day.
Austin turned down the short corridor, pausing. In the stillness, he could hear something being dragged across metal. There was a squeaking sound from the opposite side of the building, then a thump, then complete silence. A shiver ran down his spine, but he kept walking. Whatever it was wasnt moving any more, and there’s no way it was the bunny....That thing was fucking ancient... There was no possibility he wouldnt be able to hear it.
The 21-year-old trotted down the second hallway, turning off his flashlight and sliding his phone back into his pocket as he approached the glowing chica head. There was no need for it anymore. He whistled a tune, completely ignoring most of his surroundings. His chocolate brown eyes scanned the walls for any sight of the animatronic, relieved by the fact he hadn’t come across him this whole time.
He turned down the next hallway, looking to his right down at the arcade, and then to his left. It was the only way to get to his destination, and he got a weird vibe from it. The stoned male shrugged it off, seeing as the whole place gave him a weird vibe. As Austin went to turn right at the end of the hallway, he was stopped by something furry and wet. He stumbled backwards, looking up at whatever the fuck he just ran into.
Towering more than a foot over him was the bunny, it’s odd eyes staring down at him, one a glowing an almost striped purple and the other completely black with a glowing white iris. He was haunched over slightly, his left ear hanging down below his waist and the other torn and tattered near his shoulder. There was a low moan that he emitted every few seconds as if he was exhaling, and he smelt like Satan’s asshole.
“Fucking SHIT sticks-“ Austin yelped, turning to run back down the hallway. He heard the bunny practically roar, quiet footsteps and deep moans following him as he sprinted towards the other end of the hall.
Austin felt his footing falter, and his feet slipped out from under him. He fell to the floor with a thump, and whimpered when he felt something big press against the middle of his back. He looked over his shoulder to find a fluffy, rotting paw connected to the god forsaken rabbit holding him down. A robotic laugh found it’s way out of the monstrosity as it leaned over. Austin could hear muscles and fur ripping and tearing because of the motion, and it made him want to hurl. The rabbit grabbed him by the shoulders, violently turning him over and slamming his back against the floor. The wind was knocked out of him, and he felt an awful headache spurge from his head hitting the tile.
Springtrap’s eyes glowed a brighter shade than before. Finally, something worthy of killing. He was grateful of the little shit for setting him free, but that didnt overrule the fact that he needed something to kill and this was his first opportunity to do so with a person in god knows how long. Austin squirmed, trying desperately to get out from under the giant, metal furry pinning him down. Springtrap held him in place, quickly trying to think of some way to kill him. An idea struck, and a twisted smile appeared on the golden corpses’ face.
Springtrap grabbed Austin’s stomach with one bear-sized hand, the fur and glove torn and nearly entirely destroyed at this point. His grip tightened, causing Austin to cry out in pain. If this demon grabbed any tighter, he could probably shatter his hip bones like glass. Springtrap pulled his hand back a bit, eyeing the young adult’s stomach. His eyes glowed brighter as he cut through the soft flesh there like it was nothing, blood splattering onto the belly of this zombified beast.
Austin screamed in pain, thrashing and kicking like a child. Springtrap reached over, wrapping his freehand around Austin’s neck and squeezing. The blonde let out a choked sob, shakily reaching up to grab at the metal and decayed flesh around Springtrap’s wrist. Springtrap chuckled at the shitty attempt, before squeezing again. He let go, sliding both of his fucked-up hands into the cut he had made before. Austin vomited blood, choking and gaging on it due to being unable to get most of it out of his mouth without getting it in his nose. Springtrap wrapped his hands around Austin’s large intestine, yanking it out with little effort. The other let out a gargled scream, tears and blood streaking down his face.
Springtrap continued to pull out multiple of the young man’s insides, raking his claws along the fleshy walls. Austin eventually lost consciousness, and Springtrap took that as an invitation to plunge his hand into his chest, engulfing the dying male’s heart in his palm and squeezing it till it popped and sent blood splattering all over the hall and Springtrap himself.
The moldy, smelly animatronic stood, grabbing Austin’s small intestine and dragging it across the wall. He did the same to the dead man’s other intestine, and then threw his remaining organs either down the hall or at surrounding walls.
Using the fresh blood now coating his hands and the checkered tile, he scribbled multiple phrases across the damp walls.
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imagine-nation20 · 5 years
Summary: Life is tough, and you find out just how tough it is when you’re forced to leave Central City. They think it's because of the Iris, but it is so much more than that.
Requested By: @disneygirl2202
Request: Request for Barry Allen? You’re dating Barry Allen shortly after you left the League of Assassins. Well they start threatening you and such around the same time Iris realizes she’s in love with Barry. So you use that as a cover up for you leaving despite Barry’s protests. Well a few years later, him and Iris are still figuring things out but Cisco and Caitlin let it slip that you’re back and Barry runs off to find you. If possible can I get an fluffy/angsty ending? Sorry if too specific.
A/N: Um… I have not written for tv barry ever, and I haven't watched they show in a while, so this probably gonna be so inaccurate. Sorry. but no, actually it isn't too specific. This actual really helps for getting back into writing for barry.
You were having a really shitty day already. Not only had your boss yelled at you for a mistake that your coworker made, but you had received yet another note. This one came exactly like the rest. An old, worn envelope on your front doorstep, the same wax seal keeping it closed. You had only recently left the League of Assassins, with the help of Oliver of course, and he had sent you on your way to Central City. Yet they were still as persistent as ever.
That was also, of course, how you met your wonderful boyfriend Barry Allen. The adorable speedster had somehow wormed his way through the walls that years of League drilling had built up and nestled into your everyday life. You, in turn, thought you had taken the place of his significant other as well.
That is, until the topic of Iris came up. You weren't jealous of her, or intimidated. No, you knew Barry wouldn't cheat on you.
Leave you, however, was another story. You knew what he felt for Iris was more than what he felt for you. You knew his feelings for her were much more deep-rooted than his feelings for you. They had the time to burrow further into his heart after years of growing up together, and you were only a placeholder. A circle in the square-shaped hole he had made for her and her alone.
So, the letter in your hands was the final blow. The last fearful word that ended up being the straw that broke your tired camel's back. The only question now was, how far did you have to run, and how would you tell Barry.
The answer was, you wouldn't. Barry didn't need one more problem put in his shoulder, and you didn't want him to feel obligated to help you. No, you were an assassin trained under Ra's al Ghul himself. You would handle this. 
It was the whole reason you hadn't told him about the letters in the first place. 
And, if you were correct, he would soon be over it and crawling into Iris’ waiting arms. No one would miss you after a while, and things could be better for team flash. They would go back to how they were before you came to them.
This was the right choice. You were so sure.
So, to not make everyone worry, you packed your bags while Barry and the others were out, not taking much since you were on the run, and left a note.
Barry got home late. Iris had wanted to meet him at Jitters, and he humored her. She was confused, he was too, and this conversation went like all of them did.
She told him she was blind, and he told her she was too late. 
For years and years, Barry had waited for her, he had wanted to hear what she was telling him now. However, she was just a few months too late. It had taken him years to realize how much he loved Iris, but in a matter of weeks, he realized he had loved you more. Somehow, you had done the impossible and reshaped the hole in his heart for yourself. You weren’t trying to be Iris, you weren’t there to fill her space. No, you had healed it, made your own space. One that, if left unfilled, would leave his heart more broken than anything else ever could have.
He opened the door to their apartment, seeing the darkened living room. He was confused, since normally you waited up for him no matter what. He flicked the light switch, shaking the odd feeling off and looking around. Something was off, he could feel it. It wasn’t until he moved to their bedroom and noticed the open closet and drawers with your missing clothes that it finally clicked.
You were gone.
He panicked, rushing back out into the living room and spotting the note you had left. He had never moved so fast, reading through the letter with tears building in his eyes. His head shook with every line he read, realizing the mistake he had made.
He was so stupid, how could he not realize what was going on. If only he had been more observant and not so focused on Iris. He looked back to the table, seeing a conveniently placed receipt. 
Central City Metro.
He sped out of the apartment, not caring to lock the door behind him.
You stood silently, waiting for your train to arrive. You hoped it would be here soon, as you were sure Barry would be done with whatever he was doing right now. Your mind wandered to picturing him with Iris, not caring you were home alone, planning on leaving.
Your train arrived, cutting off the depressing thought. Getting your duffel bag over your shoulder, you clambered onto the car and remained standing, as all of the seats were taken. You could see straight out of the car, the way you came from.
The doors began to close, just as a flash of red and yellow zipped into the station. As the doors closed the last few inches, with wide eyes, you watched as Barry called out to you in tears. You didn't have time to reply or even react before the doors shut and the train took off.
--Two years later--
It was the same old routine. Barry would save Central City, be congratulated by his team. Turn down a drink or meal with Iris, and go home to an empty apartment. 
The pillows on your side of the bed no longer smelled of your shampoo, and they hadn't for a while. Your coffee cup had been pulled from the cabinet and packed into the small box of stuff you had left, which was tucked into the back of the closet. A picture of you and Barry was still resting on the nightstand, but as he stumbled into the room after a long day, only to see it and be reminded of the pain, Barry picked it up and chucked it across the room. It hit the wall and shattered, tumbling to the ground as Barry climbed into bed.
If he was honest with himself, he didn’t even know what he got out of bed for anymore. The city seemed safe for the time being, and any other reason he would have to get up had left on that train two years ago. He could still picture the look of shock on your face as he stared at you through the closing doors. It hurt him to think that you were shocked because you thought he didn’t care enough to run after you.
He saw the looks of pity from Caitlin and Cisco. They had both been devastated at your departure, but had also moved on recently, realizing that you weren’t coming back. Barry, sadly, had not. When you had first left, he had kept track of every train that came in or out from Star City. Sometimes he would wait at the station.
Cisco was the one that let it slip.
“She’s back, in Central City. Here on a mission from Oliver.” Cisco explained, catching Barry’s arm as the speedster tried to turn and leave. Caitlin piped up.
“Are you sure she wants to see you now? After everything?” Her voice was soft, and she bit her bottom lip.
“I have to tell her. It might not fix things, but she has to know.” Barry stressed. He took his arm out of Cisco’s grip, leaving his friends in the lab to share worried glances.
You were in the motel when you heard the knock. It was frantic, quick, like the person was nervous or in a hurry. Grabbing you sword next to the door, you unsheathed it, ready to attack whoever was on the other side. The chain slid from the lock with ease, and you yanked the door open, sword hidden behind the door. 
You faltered.
“Barry?” His name came out in a whisper, shock wrinkling your brow. He looked halfway dead. His eyes were heavy with lack of sleep, the dark purple bags visible even in the shade of the motel. He looked thin, thinner than you had ever seen him, his shirt hanging off his body.
“I know you don’t want to see me, and I know your upset, but please, just hear me out,” He pleaded. You straightened, a mask of indifference slipping over your face. You moved aside, letting him through the door and shutting it behind him.
“Make it quick, I don’t have all day,” Your voice was cold, and Barry watched as you sheathed the sword.
“I know you left because of everything going on with Iris, but you have to know, it wasn’t what you thought it was,”
“Wasnt? Is it now? Why are you even here, Barry?” You asked, placing the sword on the dresser. He sighed, rubbing is forehead.
“No, it isn’t. I…” He paused. “There hasn’t been anyone since.”
You paused, turning to look at him. He continued.
“I used to love Iris, I won’t lie to you, but that pretty much ended when you came to Central City. I never once, not even for a second, thought of leaving you,” There was another sigh. “(Y/N), I loved you. I still love you, and I’m sorry that I made you feel like I didn’t.” 
He stood up, not meeting your eyes.
“I’ll let you get back to your life now,” He said, moving towards the door. In a desperate attempt to not let him walk out of your life, you tugged on his shirt, pulling him back into a hug.
“It may have been partially about Iris, Barry, but I always trusted you. I didn’t want to put you in danger, so I omitted the other reason,” You admitted, tears welling. Barry pushed back slightly to look at you.
“What do you mean?” His question came out soft; understanding.
“I was receiving death threats from the League of Assassins. It was only a couple at first, but they began to be more frequent, and more violent,” A pause for breath. “I left to protect you Barry, all of you. I thought if I left, you would be happier. You would go to Iris, and you wouldn’t have to face the League. I thought I was doing the right thing. I’m so sorry, Barry.”
He pulled you into a hug, so tight you almost couldn’t breathe. Tears dripped from his face to your head, wetting your hair.
“I don’t think it is possible for me to be mad at you. Upset and worried, yes, but not mad,” He took a shaky breath. “Can we go home now?”
You nodded, moving to grab your stuff.
“Only if you help me take out these guys Oliver sent me to get,” You said, a smile stretching onto your face.
“I’d be stupid to turn down an offer like that.” He took your hand, leading you from the room.
You were back home.
This request has been in my inbox for forever, and I’m finally posting it. I hope it was good, since haven’t seen the show in years. Probably will end up taking it off my list, actually, but idk.
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psyseven7 · 7 years
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Well. took me ages longer than it should have but finally I am ready to Show Amber! One of my new Squiddos that ive been working on for a while now, she has indeed chnaged quite alot since original concepts but nonetheless im happy how it came out. :D
Amber Rose "child of the people"
Age: 19
iris colour: Cyan
ink colour: Amber/Dark tan-ish brown
height: 5'11
Gender: F
weapon: Grim blaster
Bio: Everyone has their own stories of their Pasts, some good, others tragic, most however Both. as for Amber only few know of her story. the few she told are some of the most important People she has ever known,
the Story she has to share all begins in the Slum stacked mini cities in the lower districts of Inkopolis. At the Age of 12 and due to unforeseen events Amber was forced out of her home, a Stainless chromatic coloured Complex, the sheer size and grandous design is shocking to see amidst the Slums of the city. Having no place to call home Amber wandered the streets of the shadow-lit lanes of the messy district, aside from the few Xenon glows of street signs After walking for so long Amber found a half-opened storage area, having no other options, amber crawled into the room and found a pile of old aprons and table cloths. Sprawling onto the Soft fabric Amber quickly slept till the sun arisen, Once morning had arrived the shopkeep returned to his establishment only to find a sleeping child in his Storage room, however unlike most the Shopkeep, a Kind-hearted humpback whale, let the child rest and prep her a meal. shortly there after the young girl woken up to her surprised was greeted with open arms.
after regaining her energy and given a comfy raincoat she was sent off with a small bag of treats thanks to the kind owner. Amber begun searching and exploring the Shanty mini-city she came across few who resented and despised her. However, she hadn't the faintest clue, until a group of ruffians terrorized the Young amber, eventually leaving her on her side down in a puddle, all of her treats and gifts taken from her, But just as she was to get up and Run off she heard rather Mechanical noise that seemed so uncanny to normal whirl and spurts of the average machinery in the mini-opolis. Upon further curiosity she peered and in front of her lied a simple mirror, and the guzzling of an old generator. Amber giggled at the odd noise until it Spurted and suddenly ceased to make noise. all the lights, the signs, and screens vanished to black as if leaving Amber alone, Yet. there was a faint glow, a faint glow of the few rays of light reflecting off the small girl's Unusual eyes, and for the first time Amber saw her own self, her eyes were as green as her poncho but amidst the sea of green lied a small island of Bright Cyan, her iris colour, starstruck by the gaze of her own reflection amber grew fearful, fearful of her own self. So. she ran. she ran as far as possible, hoping to escape the Gaze of her own sight...
Years passed, amber begun wearing a bandanana over her face just barely showing her eyes, Amber was a silent lass. Going around and Helping kind residents in exchange for shelter and a meal, Eventually it became a norm to Spot Amber residing in another's home soon the entire Shanty knew her as "the child of the people"
eventually at age 17 Amber was doing a simple Delivery for an old hermit couple when she uncovered what seemed to be some odd machinery, it seemed to Clean and pristine to be anything from the slums, curious Amber stashed the Package of goods for the hermit couple in a box, and then hid beneath an old door, afterwards She headed down the damp alleyway. Upon reaching the other side she saw two oddly shaped beings in the dark, cautious Amber hid from view behind a stack of pallets and peered through the gaps. what she saw next terrified her to her core. Two pairs of the same Green tinted eyes glinted in the light hanging above, it was as if the eyes were staring, piercing into her. Panic struck amber as she Bashed down the Pallets in front of her and made a mad dash for the alleyway she came through. but however even more eyes of the same tint pierced the darkness of the shadow caked alley. Amber crumpled to the ground weighed by pure terror. she was used to fighting but this. this was something that is not even possible to describe in sheer words alone. yet. she stayed firm, and looked forward eyes wide with a coat of anger hiding the thick wall of absolute terror. and after what seemed like an eternity to her, they withdrew and lurked into the shadows, leaving no trace... aside from a peculiar object of unknown origin, but unlike herself she took the object and slid it into her woven coat's pocket. she ran and grabbed the package and hurried back to the couple before anything else could happen. the hermits allowed Amber to rest in their home for the evening, however Amber couldnt rest, she had met such uncanny beings that yet, showed a striking resemblance to her, even if she only saw the eyes of the 8 that were present.
Time passes and the norm of her Unnormal life returns, Time passes to the eve of winter night, With no where to go and a now 18 year old Amber is shivering and stumbling down the empty streets of Mini-opolis, the name she given the shanty city she grew so accustomed to, all of the residents seem to be asleep or not present. all besides a lonesome cafe, just 4 blocks down. Freezing and running out of any energy she can muster she heads to the home. after knocking faintly on the window sill she is Greeted by a Young but aged Orca, the man sees the Child and without even knowing of who she is he lets her rest upon his sofa and lets the weary child rest. The next Day Amber finds herself in front of a nice steaming bowl of soup, what is in the soup, even amber doesnt remember. as Amber is eating a Young little orca child peers out slightly scared and watches Amber, all amber does is shrug. its not the first time shes been given looks but others when residing in their abode. the Man walks out from behind child shortly after and sits down across from Amber and Greets himself, After a small conversation the man now known as Ox, welcomes Amber into his home, she quietly nods and thanks him and his family for the hospitality. as Amber gathers her belongings the man stops Amber just as she is about to exit the home. "You dont have a place to call home do you? well. we do have a spare room you can have as long as you wish, i know it isnt easy fending for your lonesome." these words stopped Amber in her tracks, it was the first time someone actually offered her a place to stay long term. not knowing what to say all she could process was a grateful bow and begun to unpack her belongings into her new room, it wasnt much but it didnt have to be much. Yet that Night while resting there she spotted the one thing she would never hope to see again. outside her room's window overlooking a damp alleyway still uncovered by the blanket of snow lies 3.. 3 pairs of the same Green tinted eyes, staring back at her, they did not move, or disappear, the lingered for what seems like decades, however as daybreak finally started to peak over the highrises to the East, they retreated to a sewer grate lurching just out from the shadows and as the shadow from the building receeded, so did any evidence of *them*
Now at age 19 and current time Amber sets off waving goodbye to her new family for the day and heading off to the square, ready to see what lies ahead of her. Yet she still cant shake the feeling of the same eyes as her own. watching, and lurking from where ever the normal glance cant spot. but perhaps it wont matter as long as she has those she cares for around her.
And thats that, the brief story of Amber, although there is a few loose ends in her memory such as anything to do with the mysterious complex, or the eyes. but not all questions need to be answered or perhaps some have yet to be found out? its possible in time these loose ends may finally be tied up.
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YULALA: -She's out and about today and was actually gravitating towards a local spot that's been getting a lot of attention lately from those in her "friend circle" (although in reality not very many people are still actually in her friend circle). Her many trappings and jewelry jangle as she walks. She's got her ears buds in, and seems to walk slightly strangely or off kilter as she sways to the beat of whatever she's listening too, and even hums.-
MAVRIK: -Mavrik was in agony. He had kept himself hidden in shadowy corners of this space station, hiding among trash  bags and dumpsters, until his nose and the cuts on his face from the broken glass smashed over his head had stopped bleeding their weird rainbow of colors. Now it was all mostly dirty looking scabs, asides from the cracks in his horn which were still oozing. Oh well, it was close enough to the base that maybe no one would notice...-
MAVRIK: -His bruised and battered rib cage made it hard to breathe, and the headache and waves of dizziness caused by his horn fracture wasnt helping to improve his thinking ability. Which was bad, because he needed to figure out a way off this damn station and to get back to lauctis without drawing any attention to himself. And currently using one hand to cover up his exposed glowing eye and looking beat to hell and back was not the best way to go about being inconspicuous.-
MAVRIK: -He was behind some other restaurant, leaning against the wall and just taking deep breaths to try and tune out the throbbing in his skull when he smells it. A weird, familiar musk that he only knows in the deepest part of his cognitive memory. There is a instinctual tug in his stomach, and Mavrik knows what it is hes detecting before his brain can even muster the sheer near impossible odds that there is another mimic here.-
MAVRIK:  -Either way though he isn't wasting too much time trying to sort out just how or why another member of his species is here. He needs help, and he can only hope that whoever it is they are willing to give it...-
-As Yulala continues walking she might feel like something is following her, perhaps she might even smell him too. But after a few minutes of tracking her down, and confirming with his nose what she is, Mavrik will grab Yulala by the wrist and forcefully yank her out of view of the public eye and into a corridor where he promptly covers her mouth with a hand and speaks into her ear through gritted teeth.-
MAVRIK: (Dont scream, please dont scream, I need help Im alone and need to get out of here, please help me.)
YULALA: -Music may be a relief to her, but apart of the reason she likes it so much is that it swallows all her sensory information and directs it to one place. She has minimal hope of noticing him before the assailant snatches her. For the first few seconds, all she can think about is how terrified and horrified she is. Nothing like this has ever happened to her, and she never imagined she'd be caught so off guard when it did. However, he might be surprised by how strong she is, when she lashes against him like a viper, threatening to knock him back into the wall of the alley and tear herself out of his grip. Not screaming, but a shrieky animalisitc snarl that he ought to be familiar with.-
YULALA: Get aaaaaawaaaaay from me!
MAVRIK: -When she sharply moves to throw him off her Mavrik chokes on the wince he makes from her knocking into his battered body. He lets go of her wrist in favor of wrapping both his arms around his sides and leaning forward as he tries to outlast the sharp radiating pain.- (Fuck!!)
MAVRIK: Pl-Please Im not trying to do anything, I need your help someone attacked me and I think they know we need to get out of here! -He hisses and then looks up at her pleadingly, both eyes open, one seemingly troll like with an indigo iris, and the other bare and neon. A look Yulala might find very familiar.-
YULALA: -Yulala could smell the blood the whole time....Among other confusing...(and exciting?) scents and colors coming off him in waves. It's making both her eyes and nose very confused. She hisses again, but it's slower, like she's thinking it over for a second, although she's still bolt straight and clearly about to attack him again to make her escape. But then she gets a good look at him, and sees the ugly hurt aura of colors that's radiating from his wounds, and that cools her hostility into instantaneous pity. She's not stupid though, she's still guarded. And angry.-
YULALA: Why did you pull me aaawaaaaay like that? It reaaallly scaaaarred me!!
YULALA: ...but you cleaaarly need aaaa hospital....I could caaalll you a caaab? Is thaat what you need?
YULALA: You....-She does notice his neon eye. It stuns her. She's never seen another eye that looked like hers before, except...In a mirror.-
MAVRIK: NO! -He hisses again, but then regrets it and tries to be as seemingly non-aggressive as possible through his body language.- No hospitals!! Are you crazy???
MAVRIK: And I pulled you in here so no one would see us! I can't believe you are walking around like that, look at your eyes what are you thinking!?? -He wheezes and points a finger at her face.- Sunglasses or contacts or something you cant go bare eyed thats so fucking dangerous! I know most of the worlds and stations near here are musclebeast shit backwards without culling laws but for fucks sake...
YULALA: -At first she's confused....and then incredibly offended....and then confused some more.- Aaa.....Aaare you from aaaa plaaaanet with culling laaaws? -She clumsily lets her voice fall into a not-as-agressive tone, a little startled by all these sudden developments.-
YULALA: I...I know you might be scaaaared, but it's saaaaaafe, I promise. My faaamily haaas lived here for aaaaaaaa long time aaaand most of them are offspec.
YULALA: I could...go with you...If you're reaaaaaallly aaaafraaaaid! -She doesn't really want to, despite the offer. Something about him just....unnerves her. His sudden presence in her life is scary and she wants him gone as fast as possible. But she can't abandon a hurt, confused person.-
MAVRIK: -Yes, pity him he is indeed hurt and confused. But mostly confused at her. Mavrik looks at her like Yulala has two heads.- Wh-?? Yes! I came from a damn planet with culling laws, the odds of existing on one of those flimsy "Beforean" minded hell holes is so rare they keep too close of a track on their caverns. -Or so hes been told.-
MAVRIK: I'm from a colony world controlled by Alternian government, or I was. I had to defect to lauctis which is where I'm trying to get to but at this point I'm willing to go anywhere, seriously ANYWHERE.
MAVRIK: -He reaches out and takes her arm again.- But you said your family right?? "Family??" There are more? Please take me to them, take me with you I promise I'm no threat rogue, I lost my group sweeps ago I've been on my own since I just want to meet them, to see others like us again!!!(edited)
YULALA: -None of the trains of thought her racing mind was pursuing seem to be related in any way to this strange troll's babbling. She feels herself kind of withdrawing inward as he talks, noticing the way the splatter of his blood shines. Just like hers. She backs off from him more although the alleyway is cramped and there's not much space to work with. She's just overhwelmed with way he's assaulting her sights and senses. For instance the prisma of his aura of misery and loathing is so bright in comparison to other people she's met that it almost burns to be too close to it.  And he can see her fear rising, probably assume that at any moment she wants to bolt without replying to any of his increasingly alarming statements.-
MAVRIK: -He can see her fear, plain as day, even if it comes muddled through the one contact lens. Shit he didnt want to scare her off, but why was she even so frightened?? He was like her! He was one of them! Even with his confusion though Mavrik lets her back up again and holds his hands out in front of himself fingers splayed in a peaceful gesture, and he tries to appear as non threatening as he can despite his heart thudding in his chest and all his senses going crazy.- Please, please just...
MAVRIK: Just get me to lauctis. Thats all I need, and I can explain myself more but we cant stay here. Neither of us.
YULALA: -There's a tense silence....and then she speaks up again.- Whaaaats the point of getting aaaanywhere if your injuries get infected aaaand you die? You don't trust the hospitaaal on Laaauctis either, I guess?
YULALA: You're confused. Aaabout aaa lot. I don't know whaaat you think we haaave in common, but we don't.
MAVRIK: No! I have medical supplies I can't treat myself there- Wh-??? -He frowns at her. He's the confused one?? She's the one trying to get him to go to a hospital where he could easily be exposed and found out! It's like she doesn't even know the first rules of mimic survival!-
MAVRIK: -Then his frown turns more squinty, like he's inspecting her. And then again Mavrik is suddenly invading her personal space again, taking hold of her arms and sniffing at her collar bone, her shoulder.- Holy shit I thought I was seeing things because of a concussion but it's not here. You don't have it. -There is a sudden twisting in his gut, and the strong urge to correct her lack of internal parasite.-
MAVRIK: -Lets go of her wrists and jumps back.- What are you??
YULALA: -It's safe to say that everything he's said thus far has her taken aback, but he doesn't need to see her aura to know how it makes her feel, her eyes squint with surprised hurt as though he slapped her. Its not the first time she's heard those words. All she can do is give him a flabbergasted blurt back.-...No. What aaarre you?
YULALA: -She fiercely yanks herself away from him again.- Stop it! I didn't saaay you could touch me!
MAVRIK: I'm like you! If you need to put a word to it trolls have called us "mihmiks" for centuries. -Says the name with so much distaste and malice it might as well be acid on his tongue.-
MAVRIK: You are parasite free something is wrong with you, where is the rest of your group?? Where are their parasites?
YULALA: Mihmiks. -Her stomach is twisting around inside her painfully. She doesn't understand all of what he's saying- still-  but somehow...she knows what he's saying is true. And it's the worst thing that's happened to her....So far. There's another layer on top of the colors both she and Mavrik can see- an even fainter and more subtle aura of intuition that's for her alone. This person is going to set off an unavoidable chain of events....It's hard not to get lost in that train of thought- it's already trying to unfocus her from the situation and yank her away from reality.-
YULALA: I don't know whaaat you mean by paraaasites....I don't know why you'd waaant to ....haaaave paraaaasites. I waaaas raised by my daaad. An indigoblood!  On a ship. With lots of other offspec trolls.
MAVRIK: -Stares at Yulala like shes gone and grown a third head. Seriously this lady keeps getting stranger and stranger.- .... The lack of parasite is no longer the strangest thing, you were raised by trolls???
MAVRIK: The murderous species that would literally rather have you, me and everyone else like us dead raised you???
MAVRIK: -He cant even compute that.-
MAVRIK: Did they not know what you are!? Well I guess obviously so because why would a troll keep someone that feeds off their kind alive it doesnt make sense!
YULALA: You- we- You're saying Mihmiks feed on trolls? -HORRIFIED.-
YULALA: Ugh! I caaaan't deaaal with aaalll this. I don't waaannna deaaaal with aaaaaaall this!
YULALA: Look, just put a hoodie on, sneak onto a traaansportaaaalizer paaad. I don't caaaare where aaas long aaas it's faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar aaaway from me! -
YULALA: -With that she turns and starts to run.-
MAVRIK: Not really trolls themselves, its an option if you can manage it but mostly its the eggs and grubs. You havent lived until you-- WAIT STOP!! -He tries to sprint forward after her but before he even reaches the end of the ally way he has to stop, he cant run, he cant keep up. Mavrik just places a hand against the wall to support his weight and pathetically wheezes...-
MAVRIK: -She can run while she can, this wont be the last time they will see each other...-
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