#the one where we get the ultimate pay off for the slowburn
peskellence · 3 months
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Pairing: RK900/Gavin Reed
Tags: Post Pacifist Ending, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Smut, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Read on AO3 here (18+):
Summary: A lot has changed since the revolution. Crimes against androids are now being treated with greater severity, with many being subject to the same penalties as crimes against humans. While anti-android attitudes are on the decline, transforming the mindset of an entire city is no simple task.
A reluctant Gavin Reed and his new partner RK900 have been assigned to investigate a string of disturbing murders. Despite the shift in Detroit's social climate, Gavin still holds reservations about whether or not androids are truly alive. Will his developing feelings for 'Nines' prompt a shift in perspective?
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Depression/Self Destructive Behaviour, Smut
Word Count: 3.3K
Arriving at the apartment, they were greeted almost immediately by a needy chorus of mewls coming from the bathroom. Upon registering the noise, Nines' head perked up with interest. His feet moved reflexively, trailing towards the source, when a hurried hand shot out to stop him.
"Oh no, you don't. No goddamn cats, they can wait."
"I did not intend on staying for long," the android replied, briskly defending himself. "Just a quick hello. I've missed them."
As endearing as the response was, Gavin was in no mood to exercise patience. He kicked the front door shut with enough force that he almost broke it. Then he pulled Nines around, propelling him into a swivel until their bodies faced each other. 
There was a modest distance between them, but it didn't stay this way for long as the disgruntled man quickly advanced. Bunching his hands into the front of the android's black undershirt, holding him firmly in place as he pinned him against a nearby wall. "Yeah, well, I've missed you too, and I take fucking priority." 
It was a completely superfluous gesture. Nines could have easily broken the hold had he wanted to, but he seemed willing to humour him. Allowing Gavin to savour in his fleeting moment of victory. 
Revelling in their closeness, the man glanced up at his former partner and greedily surveyed his features. Taking in the freckles and moles he had come to love so much, wondering just how far they spread across his body—and if it would be possible to count them all using his mouth. Focus shifted to his neck, seeking a preview, when he was hit by an unwelcome blockade. The obnoxiously high collar of a CyberLife jacket. 
The garment covered far too much, to the extent it seemed genuinely criminal. He wanted nothing more than to crumple it up and throw it in the trash. Allowing it to end up in a landfill somewhere—decomposing, forgotten to time.
"We needn't rush things," Nines whispered, leaning in close. "I think both of us have waited quite eagerly for this."
"Exactly, and I'm not waiting any longer." One of the hands that had been bunched in the android's shirt moved to cup his jaw, thumb trailing across his lips. "I want you now asshole."
Nines hummed against the digit as though the suggestion was something that required genuine consideration. The longer he remained silent, the more Gavin began to wonder if he was toying with him or if he'd actually changed his mind. Then, with a firm sweeping gesture, his hand was smacked away. 
The android captured his lips in a slow, indulgent kiss. Gavin offered little resistance when his arms were grabbed and firmly pinned above his head. If anything, he encouraged the action with a shameless roll of his hips. 
The taller man shuddered, making no secret of how much he had enjoyed the friction—before responding in kind, moving their bodies together with fervid intensity.
"I thought you wanted me to take you to your room?"
"Changed my mind," Gavin clipped back. "Couldn't give less of a shit where you fuck me, as long as you hurry up and do it…"
Nines pursed his lips, seeming to deliberate on the invitation. Then, without warning, he reached down—scooping a strong arm beneath the man's legs and effortlessly hoisting him into the air. Gavin yelped in surprise, hooking onto his neck in an effort to avoid tumbling backwards. 
He knew the android had made some strides in his social capabilities. On his own admittance, he had been practising, but being quite literally swept off his feet was something that had caught the detective off guard. Glancing up at his former partner, face burning with embarrassment, he noted how thoroughly pleased he seemed with himself.
"While I'm sure we'd both enjoy exploring the numerous places I could fuck you, I think that the bedroom would be the best place to start." Nines planted another kiss on his lips, ensuring there would be no room for debate. "Let me take you there."
It sent shivers down his spine as it struck Gavin just how attractive he found the current situation. Nines holding him up like a prize in a flagrant display of dominance, having done so with zero exertion. His mind flooded with scenarios of how that strength could be put to use. All completely depraved, and none of which he thought would be entertained given his current condition. 
"My legs still work, dickhead. I can walk", he grumbled in a weak attempt to save face. 
"I do not wish for you to strain yourself preemptively. Not with what I intend to do to you."
Any further protest died on his tongue as the excitement coiling in his stomach amplified. The air around them felt hot, almost stifling, exacerbated by the warmth that radiated off the android as he carried him through the apartment. 
It was something that Gavin had more idly noted back at the hospital. Just how warm he was. The heat seemed to be mounting in the wake of their current situation, leaving him wondering what Nines might be feeling. Questioning if he felt any of the same burning, carnal excitement currently raging within himself. 
His speculation came to an end when one of his dangling legs brushed against the android's crotch, striking the telling firmness that strained the front of his pants. He wanted nothing more than to rip them off—most practically with his hands, but more alluringly with his teeth. Desperate to see what he was hiding within the confines of the increasingly taut material. 
As they entered the bedroom, Nines took great care not to trip on the multitude of discarded clothes littering the floor. It was hilariously transparent just how desperately he wished to clean the mess, coupled with a vehement desire to resist the temptation—not wanting to get distracted from the task at hand. 
With gentle consideration, Gavin was set down on the sheets, disappointed by the sudden absence of warmth. This disappointment was only fleeting, as in a fluid motion, the android had joined him. Crawling onto the bed, caging his body with powerful limbs. He leaned in closer, wasting no time in claiming the man's eager mouth once again.
As they kissed, wandering hands searched his body. Starting at his neck and moving down his arms. Ultimately, they fanned inwards, melding to the firm contours of his stomach.
Nines played with the hem of his shirt, teasing the fabric, before pushing up and slipping his palm along the expanse of newly exposed flesh. He moved slowly, ensuring that every inch was searched with carefully applied weight. Fingertips flitted curiously, interspersed with firmer presses—as though he were seeking to map out a template. 
Gavin was struck by two things. The first was excitement, speculating on what Nines intended to do with such a vividly constructed image. The second was jealousy, as he cursed the limitations of his own imagination. His fantasies could never lend themselves the same degree of realism, something he had longed for immensely during his many lonely nights. 
Except now, he reasoned, that he didn't need a more distinct manifestation. The Nines in front of him was real—touching and holding him, as though his body were the only thing that existed.
"Remember what I said", he whispered, the smooth resonance of his voice complimenting the gentle strokes of his hands. "I'm going to do the work. Do not move unless I say you can." 
In the past, Gavin would have levelled some form of resistance. If only to goad a reaction from whoever he was sleeping with—but there was something about the juxtaposition between Nines' featherlight touches and the heady dominance of his command that compelled him to relent. 
This was clearly a good decision, as the android allowed his hips to drop, rubbing against him in a sensual motion. Regrettably, the action never lent itself to any increased weight or force, as he seemed displeased with how Gavin's jeans sought to minimise the friction.
"You are wearing too many clothes."
The matter-of-factly way he said this elicited a scoff from the detective. He gently shrugged his shoulders in a show of false commiseration. "Can't get undressed if I can't move, genius."
Nines sought to remedy the situation immediately. Toying with his belt before unfastening the buckle and smoothly sliding the leather from the loops of his pants. The sight of the android brandishing the item left his mouth dry. 
Fuck, wonder what he could do with that.
He continued to undress him, taking his time as he fussed with his clothes, folding them neatly to one side. The strange behaviour proved difficult not to laugh at, but Gavin was distracted from his amusement as the final item of clothing, his boxers, were unceremoniously ripped away. 
He was left to lay bare across the sheets. Painfully hard, chest heaving in anticipation. Nines stared down at him, trailing every inch of his body with shameless indulgence. 
Then, a sound escaped his throat. Almost like a growl, but underscored by harsh, metallic twangs. Without warning, he dipped forward, and Gavin watched on in giddy delight as a head of meticulously styled hair slipped its way between his thighs. 
He explored the tender flesh, leaving marks with his lips and teeth. His intent to chart his course seemed mingled with a hint of possessiveness, as though he were trying to establish a claim. 
His wandering mouth swept inwards—as a curious tongue ran a stripe along the bottom of his length. Gavin shuddered in disbelief, pulling his head forward as he struggled to get a better look. From the fleeting glance he was permitted, he concluded that he'd never seen anything more arousing:
Nines knelt between his legs, greedily lapping at his cock. Bright eyes stared at him, trained intently on his face. He started at the base of the shaft before running his way up. Swirling an enticing wetness around his tip before capturing it with a teasing suckle. 
The captivating show was taken far too quickly, as Gavin felt a weight on his chest, pinning him to the bed. 
"I told you not to move."
He whined in protest, but the noise lodged in his throat as a tight heat promptly engulfed him. The android hummed around his arousal, low and throaty, sending vibrations throughout his body. 
Holy fucking shit—
Gavin was forced to bite the back of his hand lest he find release there and then. It had been a long time since he last shared this sort of intimacy with someone—and even longer since it had felt this good. He didn't want it to end pre-emptively, wishing to revel in the sensations for as long as possible. 
With every bob of his head, Nines inched further down his length until his nose was brushing his stomach. He allowed the erection to strike the back of his throat with repeated vigour. 
Staving off release became increasingly difficult as Gavin groaned in appreciation, head flopping against the sheets. His hand fisted its way into the back of the android’s hair, tugging encouragingly. An action which, in all technicality, required some movement—but Nines neglected to complain.
Then, his hand was forced upwards as the seal around him was removed with a sinful pop. Cool air struck his skin unpleasantly as he made a heated sound of protest. "What the hell, why did you stop?"
"I don't want you to finish. Not yet." Nines quickly pulled himself up, pressing his mouth against the sensitive crook of his neck. Skilled lips sucked and teased, eliciting a shiver. "I want you to come with me inside of you. Would you find that agreeable, Detective?"
The way the title was practically purred—the fact he knew to say it at all—was a testament to just how observant he had been in studying Gavin's responses. Understanding all the tiny nuances that drove him completely insane. 
All blood rushed from his brain, promptly heading south. He'd never wanted anything more. It pained him just how deeply he desired Nines to have him. Taking everything he wanted, ruining him for anyone else. 
"Very," he growled, voice like gravel. "I need you to fuck me. Please."
Nines pulled away and swiftly began removing his clothes. Gavin was starting to question whether he would—or if he was enjoying the dynamic of still being dressed whilst the other was left completely exposed. 
His jacket was removed first, much to the detective's overwhelming delight, before skilled fingers deftly unfastened the buttons of his black undershirt. The sleek material parted, revealing a growing margin of skin. 
The freckles, Gavin soon discovered, were everywhere. Flawlessly distributed, dotting the pale canvas in just the right amounts. Nines' body was the perfect balance of enticing softness and lithe muscle. Without any exaggeration, he was a masterpiece. It left him feeling woefully inadequate in comparison, but overwhelming desire quickly circumvented any envy. 
"Did they use my wet dreams as the fucking template when they built you?" His appreciative gaze trailed the marks, tracing patterns. "Because whatever they paid the perverted bastard who was in charge of designing this, it wasn't enough."
The android chuckled at the strange compliment, planting a firm kiss against the base of his neck. "The admiration is mutual; I find you equally appealing." 
He had no doubt Nines meant this, the weight of his desire permeating every syllable. Despite the assurance, he snorted, struck by the absurdity of someone so perfect being anything but underwhelmed by his appearance. "Yeah, sure. Whatever."
The affectionate kisses stopped. Nines reeled back at alarming speed, features tensed and eyes blown as though he'd been struck in the face. "You’re beautiful," he said quickly, almost like a reflex.
The abrupt sentiment had caught the detective off guard and proved enough to tip him over the edge. He laughed, loud and unrestrained, unable to suppress it any longer. The android looked entirely crushed, a sharp burst of red casting over his increasingly forlorn expression. 
"I’m sorry, just—that wasn't what I thought you were gonna say," Gavin explained, interspersed by lingering wheezes. "No one’s ever called me that. It’s not something you really expect to hear. As a guy."
The LED faded into a contemplative yellow, as though he were committing the information to memory. "I fail to understand why not. It seems to be a fairly apt descriptor." 
Before Gavin could seek to protest this, hands were on him again. Carefully avoiding the sights of his most recent injuries, paying special attention to his scars. Nines traced each with careful precision as his synthetic skin retracted, revealing the white tips of his fingers. 
"Your body tells a story that mine never could. I find it fascinating." As he spoke, his skin continued to fade until the entirety of his hands were exposed. "I could spend all day here—looking, touching, studying every detail."
Overwhelmed by the unabashed admiration, Gavin held his breath. Something swelled inside his chest, seeming to grow in intensity with every second shared between them. Maybe he understood what he was feeling better than previously assessed.
Then, a knee brushed the neglected ache between his legs, promptly derailing the sentiment. Reminding him of other, more urgent concerns. "You gonna keep waxing poetic like that, or are you gonna fuck me already?"
"I think you'll find I am capable of doing both."
His pants were finally removed, revealing a pair of dark boxer briefs. Perplexingly, they appeared to be CyberLife branded—with the company's name on the waistband, alongside a small triangle marker. Gavin was about to make a joke about how closely they resembled the uniform of a certain club when the garment was silently slipped away.
Suddenly, he had no idea what he had been thinking about. Instead, he was focused entirely on the junction between the android's thighs, taking in the sight hungrily. 
Nines brought a set of fingers to his mouth, flicking the ends with his tongue before slipping them past his lips. His head tilted back as he sucked, eyes subtly lidded—an action that seemed almost effortlessly sexy. As he pulled the digits out, they were coated with a thick, jelly-like substance. 
Gavin could have easily fainted from excitement upon realising what it was. "You produce your own lube?" 
"...Is that a problem?"
"I mean, no, obviously not—but damn, Nines. You sure you don't moonlight as a Traci?"
"Lubricant can be used for an array of purposes. I don't think my designers had this situation in mind when they implemented the feature."
Before the man could respond, slicked fingers brushed his opening, applying pressure to the tight muscle. He bit the inside of his cheek, stifling a whine. Then, the movements stopped, just shy of breaching his warmth. 
You've got to be fucking kidding me.  
He was about to bombard Nines with a series of suitably impassioned grievances when he noted the subdued vulnerability in his eyes—and halted himself immediately.
"I've never done this before, so I apologise if my performance fails to meet your usual standards."
Truthfully, Gavin already suspected this was the case, but he was uncertain how to proceed upon receiving confirmation. Understanding just how significant this moment was, and not wishing to take the privilege for granted. He knew he needed to offer Nines some form of reassurance. Lest he go down as one of the biggest assholes in history. 
"You okay if I move now?" He asked playfully, motioning to the covers beneath him. "Or am I still on bed arrest?"
The troubled expression relaxed a bit as the android let out a small huff of amusement. "I think that would be okay, provided you take it slow."
In compliance with his wishes, Gavin reached forward slowly until his hand had brushed the side of his face. He trailed the length of his defined jaw before gently cupping it. "If you last longer than two minutes, you'll meet my standards. Hell, you'll exceed them."
The response to this was mixed, with Nines appearing both saddened and relieved by the revelation. He leaned into Gavin's touch, turning his head and pressing his lips to the heel of his palm.
"I'm sorry to hear that your previous partners did not set higher expectations. My stamina greatly exceeds that of a human. I also do not have a refractory period, so we can go for as long as you feel comfortable."
Fuuuuck. "Okay, so that's sounding really great. Before we start, though, mind if I ask you something personal?"
The android glanced down between them as though making a point of their shared undress. "I suspect we’ve passed modesty at this stage."
"Right, yeah, so… shit, are you going to be able to feel anything?" 
As soon as the words left his mouth, the detective flinched. He had wanted to approach the subject as delicately as possible and was unsure if he was already botching his efforts. If the perplexed expression that had greeted him was anything to go by, he likely was. 
"Like, I'm assuming it's all functional down there..." He made a loose circling motion towards the android's crotch and immediately regretted it. You're making it worse, you stupid asshole, "but does it come with any sensitivity?"
"I have indulged in the feature many times and can confirm it is very enjoyable."
Nines said this with an air of casual finality, as though he expected the conversation to tidily breeze along. Needless to say, this did not happen.
"Oh yeah?" Gavin replied, trying his best to downplay his interest but failing miserably. He smacked his rapidly drying lips, seeking moisture. "Wouldn't have pegged you as the type to jerk off. Seem a bit uptight for that."
Evidently, the android was not about to let the joke slip by without consequence. The fingers that had been left to trail idly against the man's entrance suddenly pressed forward, breaching the first ring of muscle. He gasped at the sudden intrusion—a sound which quickly transitioned into a low, appreciative moan as he shamelessly arched towards the digits.
"It is an unsavoury habit for which you are entirely responsible," Nines informed darkly, finding himself at the shell of his ear. Gently blowing into the canal with targeted synthetic breaths. 
The fingers continued to tease him, working their way skillfully through his body. Brushing the sensitive walls, pushing and spreading in line with his eager responses. 
"You saying you think about me when you touch yourself?" Gavin asked, surprised that the words were even coherent amidst a series of husky pants. 
"Who else would I think about?" 
The sound that escaped his lips could barely be considered human, not helped by the fact that the fingers had brushed a bundle of nerves before steadily retracting. 
"Easy", he warned, his voice strained by the increasing weight of passion, "If you say, or do, anything else, this is gonna be over pretty quick."
There was a moment where it appeared as though Nines may comply as his fingers continued to recede. When suddenly, they pushed forward, and curled, striking the nerves full-force with targeted precision. 
Gavin almost screamed as his vision filled with stars. He was helpless to do anything but writhe against the sheets, bathed in a growing sheen of sweat. The high of the sensation peaked and tapered, allowing another string of garbled words to escape his lips. "Jesus fuck—you sure you've never done this before?" 
"I watched an extensive catalogue of pornography, as well as conducted several pre-constructions, in preparation for this moment—" 
Nines skillfully changed the angle. Teasing him through his dipping high, building it up again in a way Gavin didn't think was possible. He balled his hands into the covers, trembling as he did so. 
"I then learned that such material is riddled with misinformation and cited some more credible sources." 
"Well, they were good fucking sources because you're about to make me come without even touchin’ me."
The android withdrew his hand, seeming intent on keeping true to his original promise. The fingers continued to stroke and massage as they left his body, and the man beneath him groaned in a confusing mixture of pleasure and exasperation. 
If this bastard doesn't let me come soon, I'm going to riot. 
"So it feels good?"
"More than good", he grunted back, disliking how empty he suddenly felt. "Would feel even better if it was your dick instead of your fingers."
Ever responsive to the man's needs, Nines quickly repositioned himself—until his hips were pressed against his opening, rubbing against it. 
He entered him slowly, controlling the movement as he firmly gripped his hips. His LED was going crazy—a frenzied light show that seemed to worsen with every inch that disappeared into the willing heat beneath him. 
The thrusts started shallow and testing as his thumbs traced loving circles against the man's skin. He seemed lost entirely to the sensation, his pupils blown and lips parted, as wisps of styled brown hair cascaded down his forehead. 
Gavin bucked forward, encouraging Nines deeper inside and causing the android to tremble. It sent vibrations through both of their bodies as his eyelids fluttered open and closed. Garbled static leaked from his lips, mingled with throaty moans, as his head rolled back appreciatively. 
"You feel incredible."
"So do you." He bucked his hips forward again, with greater zeal, desperate for more. "Now go faster. This is torture, I can’t take it."
There was hesitance as the android's eyes surveyed the scattered bruises that marred his chest. Streaks of black that were fading into sickly shades of purple and green. 
"I don't want to hurt you", he said softly, planting a kiss against each of them as though willing them out of existence. 
"You won't." He reached up, draping his arms across his shoulders. "If I need you to stop, I'll say. Promise."
Taking advantage of how the man had sought to crane forward, Nines shifted his weight back, ensuring their bodies stayed connected. Their positions had changed, with Gavin sitting in his lap, straddling his hips. "I will allow you to set the pace." He suggested, holding him close, burrowing his face into a mess of tousled hair. "And then I will take over."
Gavin groaned brazenly before bringing his hips up—and firmly thrusting down. He repeated the motion several times, steadily building in intensity before his weakened muscles started to ache. Nines, sensing his mounting exhaustion, was quick to take over. 
The pace was fast, in seamless rhythm with what the man had sought to establish. Their bodies were pressed firmly together, trapping his hardness between them. It rubbed against Nines' taut stomach, creating a delicious friction.
"Yes, fuck—just like that—"
It wasn't long until the android lost any semblance of self-control. The movements became desperate and unorganised. With their current proximity, Gavin could hear the sounds of his inner components, building from a steady hum to a fierce rumble. 
His skin was hot—almost burning—as patches faded in and out, revealing shifting blotches of white. Unlike the action performed on his hands, this seemed entirely involuntary. Gavin couldn't help but find it mesmerising, as well as inexplicably attractive. 
A hand snaked between them, capturing his hardness in a tight fist before moving it in measured strokes, matching the rhythm of the thrusts. 
"Oh my god." The additional stimulation proved more than Gavin could take. A rising heat coiled in his stomach, begging for release. "Shit—I'm so close—don't stop."
With his available hand, Nines pulled him into a firm embrace, nails digging sharply into his shoulder. Gavin clung back, body arching, as he panted into the crook of his neck. 
With a final, targeted thrust, his vision went white. There was a rush of heat, filling him up until it dripped in rivulets down his thighs. His hold slipped from the android's neck, and in the loss of the support, his body flopped unceremoniously to the bed. 
"...Nines, did you just come?" He reached between his legs, testing the theory. His eyes lit up in disbelief as he examined the opaque material coating his fingers. Almost indistinguishable from the real thing, save for a subtle blue tinge. "Fuck me."
"I believe you'll find I already did," Nines said back, smirking coyly at his stunned expression. "My sexual components are designed to simulate human intercourse as much as possible. The release is optional, but I thought you might like it."
Gavin hummed in distant acknowledgement as he tried to establish some control over his increasingly debauched thoughts. Wondering if the substance was safe for consumption. How it might feel and taste filling his mouth—
"I can refrain from doing it again in the future if it is not in line with your preferences."
"Don't you fucking dare", he shot back, wiping his fingers off on the bed. "If that wasn't already the best sex I've had in my life, you filling me up would have tipped the scales." 
He rolled to his side, body limp, as he made a clumsy gesture for Nines to join him. The android slipped into place, ensuring they were face-to-face, as he trailed a languid path up and down the length of his arm. 
"Are you satisfied, or do you wish to continue?" 
The question elicited a greedy moan from the thoroughly spent man. "Fuck, I’d give anything to say yes… but I won't be able to do that again for a while. Everything hurts."
The delicate trails paused as Nines gripped his forearm, fingers tensed. "Why didn't you tell me to stop?" 
"Because I didn't want you to, dipshit." Gavin chuckled to himself before the added exertion it placed on his chest caused him to wince. "The mind is willing, but the body is weak. Stupid flesh prison."
"Nothing about it is stupid", came a stern correction as the android took one of his hands and placed it to his mouth. Sweeping the fingers across his lips, peppering each with gentle kisses. "It will be well worth the wait until I can have you again."
Gavin hummed contentedly as he closed his eyes, indulging in the pleasant sensations. "Looking forward to it."
"Do you want me to get you anything?" 
"Not right now, just…" The sentence hung suspended in the air, waiting for elaboration. Casting aside any lingering concerns of pride or fear, he committed himself entirely to the simple bliss he was feeling. Choosing to trust in it.
"Stay with me."
As he opened his eyes, an adoring gaze stared back at him—wide and searching—before being accompanied by a comforting smile. Their foreheads were pressed together in an action that promised love and security. 
"As long as you want me to."
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Here is a probably incomplete list of all my AUs, in no particular order. I don't expect anyone to keep track of these lmao it's just for fun if y'all were curious. Shit, theres a lot 😅
AU AU aka Pain Vampire AU: has either 70k words of content no one has ever read or an uncountable amount more than that which some people have read some of over the years! Depending on how you look at it :) Im actually going to start posting this now that it has a concrete plot. Theres a LOT to unpack in this one. Sure theres pain vampires but also a mirror universe and a mysterious magical council of semi-immortal beings and SO MUCH DRAMA. It has been simplified out of YEARS of very messy content so honestly it has a bunch of its own spin off AUs that I think about sometimes.
Conviction aka Jail AU: is being posted but I have more actual content written out. Somehow this became the main story that happens in my brain!!! Jail angst to domestic angst to domestic fluff. Found family.
Vampire Hunters AU: Im too lazy to look up word count but this is an ALMOST complete Denna/Ramsey one shot I havent posted. Actual Vampires with blood and holy water and everything!
Zombie Apocalypse AU: exists solely in my brain during commutes. Gavin and Trystan mutually rescue each other from a terrible group of humans, and face the world together. Eventually Denna joins their team. Actually a complete story with a hopeful ending!!!! Maybe I should write this some day.
Trains!verse aka This Was Canon For A Few Years Until I Started Focusing On Other Stuff More: lots of content here. Trystan and Jade roadtrip content! Constance can read minds but no one else can and it sucks for everyone! This story focuses heavily on Trystan's arc separating himself from Constance's bullshit. He ultimately kills her and has a small breakdown after it :) Gavin and Trystan have yet another slowburn friends to lovers thing except Gavin also has to deal with Trystan calling him on the phone like "hey let me tell you about this girl Im SOOO in love with."
Arranged Marriage/Courtesan AU: Gavin ends up in charge of a whole country. He keeps meaning to get rid of this dictator role he took over during the coup, but theres just so much to get done first! He marries a very sweet princess for political reasons (Ari!) but eventually he's just so lonely and overwhelmed, he goes to a brothel anonymously just to pay someone to listen to him talk about his feelings and read some poetry to him. Im sure yall have no idea who is working there undercover as an assassin with the ultimate goal of killing him... Also the tabloids are really concerned with whether Gavin's secretly gay or not, and it's a running gag. We actually unpack his repressed romantic feelings for his dead best friend (not Trystan!) This exists almost entirely in my brain but I've written a few words down. Does not have an ending.
Assassin AU: about halfway done. I want to post it as a short series but I have no idea how they get out of this situation. Modern setting, Trystan is tasked with assassinating Agoraphobic Apartment-dweller!Gavin but theyre already best friends. Trystan gets kind of obsessed with watching the videos of people who were interrogated about Gavin. He does end up telling Gavin, and Gavins like LETS WORK TOGETHER TO SOLVE THIS. And yknow, watches the videos and gets incredibly triggered. Very whumpy. If I only had an ending I could finish and post this.
#vincent-gavin: This is an RP with @straight-to-the-pain but it also counts as its own AU in my mind. Lots of torture. Gavin gets captured and interrogated as a rebel. Has a theoretical ending where eventually he survives and just has even more trauma than before :))) and there are some secrets that Trystan would like to take to the grave :))
Gay Bar AU: this is a posted one shot! It's complete! That's it. That's all there is. You can read it on AO3 if you're a grown up.
Guard Dog AU: okay this one is up here on tumblr and yet is also one of the weirder AUs imho. Gavin accidentally gets a trained human guard dog delivered to his door. Pet whump with your local violence furry. He's also got a history doing Investigations Shit with a kind of shady para-governmental organization which totally isnt the FBI. All of the characters are completely aware of how ridiculous the situation is but they still have feelings about it.
Uhhh I'm probably missing some others (and there are some gratuitous bullshit fics that don't need to be listed here!!!) but that's enough for now. You get the idea.
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fivenightslaughter · 4 years
Wicked Serpentine (Part 6)
pairing: draco malfoy x femravenclaw!oc
summary: slowburn enemies to lovers fic, a TON of parts. <3
warnings: blood purism, bullying, swearing, descriptive physical danger, violence. Awful Draco 
word count: 3,192
taglist: @gloryekaterina @miso-tang​
I had decided to sit in the very front on the right side. With Malfoy tucked away in the left corner, I felt content with my choice being the polar opposite of his. Snape stood at the front, giving a very subtle and quick nod at me.
He strode forward and placed a book on my desk, swishing back to his original position with eerie ease. I was thankful his gesture went unnoticed and immediately my mood was uplifted.
I was here to learn everything I possibly could. I could already feel in my bones that despite Draco’s (thankfully now damp) presence in the room, this would come to be my favorite class.
Students filtered into the room and I heard booming bell chimes. I assumed that would mark the beginning of classes. I was thankful to have made it on time.
A boy slid into the seat next to me, a broad smile on his face. He was a bit lean and his brown hair lay around his head indiscriminately. Round-rimmed glasses circled his green eyes, which were slightly blurred through the thickness of the glass.
He eagerly turned to me, jutting a hand out for a shake.
“I’m Harry.”
His voice was warm and honeyed. He wasn’t overly pleasant to the point of it being sickly, but it was welcoming nonetheless. Taking note of his house colors, I’d guessed it was a trait likely shared among Gryffindors. Bravery.
I shook his hand, fighting hesitancy from my body. He was the first person who had spoken to me just for the hell of it since I’ve gotten here. Cho didn’t count much in my mind- she was a friend, of course, but we also had to share a room and that was very much a forced circumstance in my book.
“Eris.” I replied, facing the book Snape had placed on my table for me.
He seemed to wait a beat, as if he was expecting a different reaction. He turned to face a redheaded boy sitting behind us that looked rather bewildered.
“You know, he’s bloody Harry Potter!” He yelled in a rather hushed-whisper tone.
I turned in my chair like Harry had and faced him, my head cocked to the side as soon as I met eyes with him.
“Hey, you must be one of George’s brothers, right? A Weasley?” I spoke, my eyes raking over his mop of orange hair.
The two of them met eyes immediately, both shocked this time, and the redhead paused before letting out an incredulous laugh.
“Sweet hell Harry, she recognizes me instead of you? I must be moving up in the world!” He spoke endearingly as his hand traveled up into his hair. His face spilled into a crooked grin and Harry gave a short laugh.
I tried holding a straight face but couldn’t help myself as I quipped again, attempting to match their humor.
“Whoa, I saw you at King’s Cross when I met Fred and George. I wouldn’t call you famous just yet, Weasley. I don’t even know your first name.”
I saw Harry’s eyes widen and his mouth broke into a half smile.
“She got you there, Ron. You could be any damned redhead Weasley.”
His orange brows furrowed and he sucked his teeth, his grin beginning to teeter down.
“Lay off, mate. You’re just sore she won’t kiss you just ‘cus you’re the Harry Potter.” A brown haired girl elbowed him, pursing her lips.
There was his full name again. I’d be sure to ask someone later what the big deal about this kid was. Snapping us all out of conversation, a book banged loudly on our table and I whipped around to see a scowl evident on Snape’s face.
Not that it wasn’t the usual expression on his face, however, it hadn’t been directed at me in this way so far. I attempted to brush it off, going silent for the rest of the lesson. I still heard Harry and Ron exchange a couple jokes and words, but I’d decided it was ultimately not in my best interest to continue interacting.
Most of the rest of the lesson went on without a hitch and I noticed that whenever I’d hover my hand unsure of an ingredient, Snape would narrow his eyes at me. He wouldn’t look away until I’d palmed the correct one, and thus ensued an unspoken language between us.
Without it, I’m sure whatever I was concocting would have blown up in my face by now. Much to my enjoyment, there were a few times where Harry looked over and would exclaim positively about my progress.
I felt good. Great, actually. I wasn’t the best by far and I had a lot of room for improvement, but I hadn’t been an utter failure. I could swear Snape’s sourness had decreased just enough for the room to feel a tiny bit brighter.
As I furthered in my work, Harry and Ron started to become a bit of a distraction. They seemed very absorbed in themselves and their conversation as their volume slowly increased. The minutes ticked by and they were becoming less bearable.
I felt myself growing agitated but unable to express it. I couldn’t scare off two people I’d just met, my first two friends. If you could even call them that. I found myself rereading the same lines of instruction over and over, stress starting to become evident on my face.
I craned my neck to find Snape stood at the back of the classroom near the door as he surveyed other students. He wasn’t looking in my direction as my face pleaded for some kind of escape. My nails bit into my palms as the conversation next to me overrode my senses.
A sharp, hissing voice spoke from the back of the classroom, just to the right of my view of Snape. My eyes darted to the sound, accidentally meeting the speaker’s silvery ones as he spoke.
“Must you keep blathering with your boyfriend, Potter? Your voice carries worse than a mandrake. It’s all rather foul, honestly.” He faked a disgusted shiver and elbowed a boy next to him humorously.
His lips curled into a smirk when we broke eye contact and went back to whispering with the boy sitting with him. I scanned his partner at the table that he’d elbowed; he was rather attractive as well. He had smooth, dark skin and his hair was trimmed short and cleanly cut. He had reclined comfortably in the seat, his arms crossed behind his head as he tilted towards the wall.
Were all Slytherin-sorted boys plagued with an air of pretension? I turned back to face my instruction book, hearing Ron mutter under his breath behind me before likely doing the same.
“Malfoy, Zabini and that whole lot…” The rest was incoherent and I wondered what words he could be cursing at them. Harry nodded, pressing his lips in a tight line.
I wondered what kind of secret language they had and if it was anything like the one I shared with Severus. It didn’t matter to me now, though, as Snape strode to the front of the room. I was finally able to read and I stirred final ingredients into the cauldron on my table.
It bubbled and Snape raised his eyebrows questioningly as he stopped by our table. He placed a hand on the dusty wooden top, peering into both of our cauldrons.
“It’s decent…Ravenclaw. As for you, Potter, I suggest you learn to pay attention. Your… Inability to focus… Is hindering your classmates.”
Snickering erupted from the back corner, bouncing off of the walls.
Snape turned to fully face the entire class before he drawled,
“You all may thank Potter for arrangements… That will take effect next time we meet.” He spoke Harry’s name with a certain malice and it made me wince. The class gave a groan and I could see redness creep up Harry’s neck to his cheeks.
I felt guilty for thinking he deserved it considering I had literally just met him within the last hour or two. He was a bit intolerable, but perhaps that was good enough reason for why I’d been sorted where I was. Away from them.
I wasn’t exactly the brave or sociable type. I just wanted to learn and succeed here. I wanted to learn magic. If I couldn’t gain that from a friendship with these two boys, perhaps it wasn’t detrimental to my time.
I watched Harry check his watch and shove his book into his bag and I figured they’d be leaving soon. I wanted to talk to Snape first, though. I’d have to wait for everyone to leave and stay behind.
As suspected, the large bell towers on the grounds chimed within the minute and everyone eagerly left, rushing off to wherever they had to be next. I sat, not in any particular hurry as I pushed the book and parchment I’d taken a couple notes on into my bag.
Snape eyed me carefully, striding over to my table. He seemed to have something to say as well.
“Do not get involved with Potter. He is nothing but a vile trouble to this school.” He spoke sternly, every sentence with Harry’s last name was spoken with venom so far.
I gulped, nodding. “He seemed surprised when I didn’t recognize his name, who is he? Is he popular?”
Snape swept away deliberately, gathering items from a desk and purposefully setting it somewhere else. I wondered if it was genuine or busywork.
“You could say, yes… Popular.” It seemed bitter coming from his mouth and I decided to not press on any more Potter related matters.
“I wanted to say thank you. For the box.” I breathed, changing the subject and feeling a bit sentimental.
He gave no indication that he heard me, but the room was quiet enough for me to know he had. I took that as a signal he was done with conversation and I finally stood up, tucking my chair in and leaving the classroom without another word.
Much to my surprise, the hallway was not empty. In this lighting and proximity, the boy who stood outside the doorway looked as if he were of the same marble as the stairs in the entrance hall, still and pale.
“Took you long enough.” He spat.
Confusion etched itself onto my face and I was beginning to tire of twisting my features every time I didn’t understand something. His light grey eyes rolled at my expression, mouth looking as if he’d just eaten something sour.
“Charms.” He stated brusquely, his nose scrunching in disgust as he began walking off in a direction. He glanced behind him in a way that made it clear I was supposed to be following. My legs working faster than my brain, I hastened after his long strides.
Many thoughts attacked my brain. Had Snape told him to wait for me or something when I wasn’t paying attention? I couldn’t piece together why he’d be assisting me but against my better judgement, I decided not to ask.
Instead, I walked nearly by his side. It was a little unsettling how much he’d slowed and allowed me to do so. Sweat formed at my hairline and all I could hear were the taps of his shoes on stone.
“Thank you,” I started uneasily. I felt like I was gulping a brick.
Just as Snape had, he ignored me. Slytherin definitely made sense for him. It seemed like he fit so easily into a category and had his entire life planned out. The way he carried himself, it was obvious he never doubted a single step he took.
I envied it. In a way, I envied him. Likely growing up fully submerged in the most glamorous pieces of the wizarding world, rich parents, freedom to say and act however he pleased.
Even rudely, terribly, horribly. He could do whatever he wanted, couldn’t he?
His lips parted, exhaling lightly. He continued walking as he spoke, looking slightly agitated.
“Stop staring, you damned pest. I know I’m irresistible, but keep the drooling to a minimum.”
I scowled, narrowing my eyes at him. I didn’t react to his usage of pest, but it certainly made this adventure clear it wasn't of his own volition. At least he indirectly answered the nagging question in my mind.
“You’re too full of yourself. Definitely not an irresistible trait.” I snipped.
I could see his jaw set tight at my response. The defined bones in his face made him look picturesque. His hair reminded me of pearls, moon-white and fine, almost iridescent. I suppose he was rather attractive, but it was clouded by his nasty attitude.  
“Hasn’t stopped you from ogling something you’ll never deserve, you lowly creature.”
The air got much tenser. My hands clenched and unclenched at my sides and I stopped walking in stride with him. I stood still in the hall and he had halted only a few steps down, noticing I’d paused. He spun to face me, his eyebrows pulled together, likely attempting to dissect what was happening.
“What the hell are you doing?” He spoke sharply, now impatiently leaning on one foot.
Frustration was evident on my face. I hated how easily he could talk to me like that. With the tension snapping, I wondered if I was capable of replying calmly and moving on to Charms in silence. The answer was no, I was not capable.
“I’d rather wander aimlessly and miss a lesson than spend another minute with a foul git like you.” I enunciated, internally declaring a battle between my brain and feet. I wanted to turn off in the opposite direction and dart into the depths of the school alone, as long as it meant being away from him.
I dug into my bag and grabbed the stupid green box from earlier this morning, angrily tossing it at his chest. He didn’t react as it hit him, which had made my heart begin to race. This didn’t feel right. Why was he just staring at me?
He stepped closer to me, his face eerily calm. He was dauntingly slow and careful. It was enough to make me step backwards, a tiny stumble kicking me into the beginning of a run. I was seconds from darting.
He lunged at me like some kind of predator. My body was twisted halfway behind me, partway in a run. I was mid-turn when he caught me. He had gotten as close as he could to me before grabbing my wrist, as if I had been a wild animal. My heart felt like it had completely torn its way from my body.
I felt his icy fingers begin crush my hand, the searing cold of a metal ring biting into my skin.
He quickly shoved me towards the stone wall of the hallway. The hand he caught me with released me, snapping back to his side. He looked furious, genuinely. I noticed his wand in his free hand, angled towards me. I hadn’t known he could look any angrier than his resting face but being in this position, I was fucking terrified.
Absolutely fucking terrified.
Seconds before, he was an intolerable teenage boy with an insufferably outdated blood bias. A typical pureblooded school bully. But right now, he looked like an adult. No, not just an adult. He looked like the scariest man I’d ever laid eyes on - and he definitely had the means to hurt me.
It felt hard to breathe. My chest heaved as if I’d just run a mile. My shoulder blades pressed uncomfortably against the rock behind my body and I felt paralyzed with fear. All I could think about was the way the frigid stone nipped at the back of my neck. I felt myself sliding down the wall, ever so slightly as my own weight slugged me down.
His head was upturned, looking down at me. His hand gripped his wand so hard his knuckles were white. I could tell from his eyes that he was deep in angry thought.
I felt tears prick my eyes as I turned over what could be going through his mind. I laid my palms flat against the wall, my fingers twitching at the sudden brisk. 
Everything felt hot and cold and I couldn’t look at him anymore. I squeezed my eyes shut, my head turned in a flinch and I nearly ground my teeth together clenching my jaw.
What was he going to do to me? What were school rules about killing a girl no one knows? Was it something his father could find a way to pardon, regardless of the rules?
I had slid all the way down to the floor without realizing it and my arms guarded my chest. I was curled up into a ball on the floor against the bricks behind me. I felt and looked utterly pathetic and powerless.
I didn’t realize I was actually crying until I tasted salt in my mouth.
After what felt like an eternity of stillness as I waited to die, I opened my blurry eyes. I took in a sharp, quick breath of shock when I noticed he was bent down, his face parallel to mine and only an arms length away. I jolted backwards, smacking my head on the wall.
The pain seared and my breathing was still unsteady. His face was filled with curiosity and what looked like a twinge of guilt. I must have been imagining it, though, considering I wasn’t sure a reptile like him was capable of guilt.
He slowly outstretched a hand to me, straightening his legs back to a stand. I eyed his hand and his face wearily, back and forth, searching for some kind of falter. Some bubble of amusement. Something to tip me off to whether or not he’d drop me or laugh in my face for accepting his help.
There was nothing. The guilt and curiosity had evaporated, leaving a poker face.
My stomach lurched as I shakily put my hand in his, expecting him to make some rude comment about needing to wash away the dirtiness he was convinced coursed through my veins.
He didn’t.
Instead, he pulled me up, one hand around mine and the other on my elbow on the opposite arm. Once I was fully upright, he retracted his arms to his own body, dusting his hands off on his pants.
There it was. He had wordlessly done it. Attempted to wipe his hands clean of merely touching a muggleborn witch as if I'd been some kind of nasty task. He noticed my narrowed eyes at his action and rolled his.
“Your robes were dusty.” He muttered, surveying me up and down. It made me feel a bit sick noticing that he felt the need to give an explanation. 
He motioned to the hall ahead of us, swallowing and examining the corridor as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.
“At the end, turn left and take the stairs up. It’s Flitwick’s class- your head of house. I’ve got better things to do.”
He turned and disappeared back down the hallway we came from before I could utter a word. Unlike earlier, he’d walked without much noise at all. It was as if he had become a ghost.
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sigcy · 4 years
We dabble in writing fics, as well! Here’s a slowburn sigcy fic (it’s still a WIP, first posted on AO3) that Mod Cricket and I worked on together. (Content Warning for Violence.) Part One.
 [ Next Part ]
as sweet as the sound
He met her many years ago. When she was still in University-- perhaps shortly thereafter. Her hair was short, bright like her eyes -- yet even brighter was her smile. When he sat down in the audience hall at the convention, He’d merely skimmed over her work she was presenting to them. Some fanciful concept of technology that could heal wounds in moments.
But as the young doctor strode on stage, the quiet, appropriate applause of the scientists and doctors and engineers around him all but melted away. She was young, nervous, naive. She wore a black dress, form-fitting and professional. It had short sleeves, rested at her knees with a flourish of fabric and lace, and a cinched belt of the same color accentuated her features. Her short hair had been half-pulled back, an attempt to make her perhaps look more mature. She was only twenty four. A prodigy in her field of bioscience and engineering.
And while it was not his area of expertise, he couldn’t help but applaud with everyone else.
He listened to her speak. She was Swiss-- he’d recognize that accent anywhere, even as she spoke English to the best of her ability. She spoke first of her upbringing-- what drove her to stand on that stage, in front of the greatest minds of the world. She spoke of the Crisis, and how too many had died. How too many children just like her had lost everything. Her life, her upbringing in a monastery, hidden away like something precious. Growing up so isolated, their only news from an archaic radio. But that it didn’t define her. That she was born to be what she became. She spoke of the caduceus technology that had been her thesis of study. A nanotechnology to amplify a human body’s own healing abilities-- thusly ignoring the human body’s rejection of microscopic robots. It could be produced cheaply, quickly, and even applied in various forms-- a gel, an electromagnetic biometric scanning stream, an IV mixed with other essential fluids. It was remarkable. Groundbreaking. She’d done all her equations correctly. The formulae easily adjusted for a person’s individual biometric need. In the face of the Crisis, and its aftermath, the entire audience hung on the edges of their seats. This would save countless lives and revolutionize battlefield medicine, along with traditional medicine. It would speed healing of an injury that would take weeks, if not months to heal, or otherwise be fatal. A figurative cure for cancer.
Another device to boot-- a suit, hooked in to a cybernetic spine. It allowed combat medics to quite literally fly to where they were needed. Out of harm’s way, or perhaps a momentary distraction long enough to finish off whatever enemy needed to be dealt with. Invasive, perhaps, but Ingenious.
As her presentation went on, and she asked for the backing of researchers around them, he leaned forward ever so slightly, looking around. Gauging the audience. Murmurs abounded, perhaps colleagues deciding yae or nay. He listened to the other scientific minds around him ultimately vote nay-- that more research had to be done. That this was just a child’s pipe dream.
A blonde man in navy blue caught his attention. Decorated with medals.
 Overwatch was here.
And judging by the look on the man’s face, Angela Ziegler was about to get herself an offer. Overwatch was certainly an astounding place to go right after her schooling. Or… She had spoken of her time in that hospital. Perhaps it had been an internship? No, no, no.
He was happy for her. Even if the two had never met, and likely never would. She was brilliant. Capable. Yet there was simply something about her that perplexed him. Even as the event ended with a standing ovation, his prediction of an offer coming true, and the weeks after that passed, he simply couldn’t stop thinking about her.
She was beautiful. Like an angel or cherub descending from some michelangelic painting from the ceiling of a grand, echoing cathedral. Her skin like porcelain, eyes as blue as ice. Hair as light and warm as the noonday sun. Her smile... He regretted not introducing himself and shaking her hand. Even as he secured his own work, and boarded a ship to work not on Earth-- but in space. Aboard a new space station designed by a successful Chinese development and engineering company-- Lijiang Industries.
It would be here that he would work on his own groundbreaking theories. A chance of a lifetime, and more.
  Harnessing Gravity.
Siebren pushed his fancy for the young doctor aside. Whatever his imagination let him want, he had been down that road before. A marriage ended from too much devotion to his work. He knew it was for the best-- she had her whole life ahead of her. He was too far gone.
And so he delved into his work. Days turned to weeks. Weeks to months. Months to years. He stopped paying much attention to the news and other current events streamed from Earth, absorbed in his equations, his thoughts, consumed by his theories. His assistants compiling his work into notes, and from there, his notes published into papers. With that money, it funded further research. Revolve, repeat. A circle of science and funding. He made steady progress. Prototypes of machines gone and by, and finally-- a breakthrough! He was told it wasn’t ready, that more work had to be done. That this would revolutionize space travel if researched correctly. But he hadn’t listened. He’d given his life for this dream. And so he tested the newest prototype himself, afterhours.
 No. No, this wasn’t right.
He saw fire, and ice, and an infinite, crushing nothingness-- a darkness that pulled him in enough that he lost himself. He was floating, and falling, and splitting, and coming together,  and whatever glimpses of people he saw were gone in a flash. There was no time for fear, yet it felt as though he had all the time in the universe. It was a sense of damning calm, as though the universe itself was clicking its tongue at he, the hapless child that happened to make a mark on mother’s freshly painted, star-dotted wall.
His mark. In the shape of an accretion disk, just at his fingertips.
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sirsapling · 4 years
Catching Up on Tagged Posts
I’ve been tagged in quite a few things recently, and if I don’t do them now I’ll forget about them forever, so I’m gonna put them all here and under the cut because my friends, this is gonna be a long fuckin’ post.
I also won't be following any tagging rules... cause i’d end up running out of people to tag. If you want to do any or all of these, consider me your tagger.
Tagged by the dearest brilliant @bardingbeedle​
Answer the following questions!
1. How has your day been?
It’s been okay, a lot of my days have been focused on drawing little things and focusing on my diet. I might be getting a buzz cut this evening, that's a thing. (Edit from later in the evening when I came back to finish this: I got a buzz cut)
2. What is the last thing that made you smile?
This question made me realise I hadn't smiled today. That was pretty depressing, but I reconnected with a dear friend yesterday and that was pretty swell.
3. What’s keeping you entertained these days?
Since entering lock down, and briefly getting sick (not with covid as far as we can tell) it sort of forced me to separate myself from my student life and work life, and consider, well, me for a while. I’ve had more creative drive in the past week than I’ve had in months, and I’ve made more even with school. I’ll be staggering uploads, but i’ve made a surprising amount. Lock down may have made me lonely as hell, with a heck of a need to talk to people a lot (I finally got over my hesitation about joining the MCU 18+ server, and they have had to deal with me hovering constantly to join conversations) but it’s been nice to work again.
4. if you are in some kind of quarantine/self isolation: is there anything you’d like to achieve in this time? 
I just hit about 17 days inside, and my ideal for a time where, for now, I seem to be a lot more focused, would be to finish my long overdue commissions. The people who bought them have waited way too long, and as much as I’d like to pay them back I certainly can't afford that, so I’m gonna work my ass off at art and apologies.
5. Post a selfie! (If you’re comfortable with that!)
Tumblr media
Ask the like 5 people who have seen my real face, they’ll confirm the likeness
Tagged by @thirstinart​
rules: tag 20 people you’d like to know better and wrangle them into answering the questions below.
Nicknames: Sapling, Sap, SirSap, Plant Dad, Captain Dadsap and the Ultimates book club recently decided Daddy Sap was appropriate and I’m gauging how to feel about that
Gender: Male
Height: 5’ 7
Star sign: Aries
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Favorite animal: Sharks ‘n’ Bears
Number of blankets: I love the feel and the weight of blankets but in practice I get too hot.
Where I’m from: From a town in England too small to sensibly name, but I now live in London
When I started this account: It was technically made in 2014, but I didn't begin posting till 2017 
Why I started this account: I originally made it to follow a lot of my friends from DeviantArt when tumblr was in that prime. But when I started using it for real it was to post art for Hellogarbagetime and sabrecmc after they egged me into making some during the AA streams at the start of that year.
Tagged by @ayapandagirl (Tumblr won't let me tag you for some reason??)
Rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! put your music on shuffle and list the first ten songs, then tag ten people. no skipping!
Shakes - Emeli Sandé
Don’t Lose My Number (cover) - Ninja Sex Party
In for the Kill - La Roux
Killer Queen - Queen
Swim - Fickle Friends
Underdog - Imagine Dragons
Independant Together - The Steven Universe the Movie soundtrack
River Lea - Adele
11:11 - Andrew Applepie
Reaper - Sia
A lot of this stuff is stuff I still listen to thankfully, that cover of Don’t loose My Number is one of my FAVOURITE songs
Trope game!
Tagged by @capnstars​
1. Slowburn or Love at First Sight
2. Fake Dating or Secretly Dating
This isn't a formatting error I just really fuckin’ love secret dating.
3. Enemies to Lovers or Best Friends to Lovers
4. “Oh no, there’s Only One Bed,” or Long Distance Correspondence
5. Hurt/Comfort or Amnesia
6. Fantasy AU or Modern AU
7. Mutual Pining or Domestic Bliss
8. Smut or Fluff
9. Canon-Compliant/Missing Scenes or Fix-It
10. Alternate Universe or Future Fic
11. One Shot or Multi-chapter
12. Kid Fic or Road trip Fic
13. Reincarnation or Character Death
14. Arranged Marriage or Accidental Marriage
15. High School Romance or Middle-Aged Romance
16. Time Travel or Isolated Together
17. Neighbours or Roommates
18. Sci Fi AU or Magic AU
19. Body swap or Genderbend
20. Angst or Crack
21. Apocalyptic or Mundane
Last Sentence Meme
I was tagged in this meme by @blossomsinthemist​ @firelightmystic​ and I swear @ashes0909​ tagged me in one of these like a decade ago and I didn't ever do it
Rules: Post the last line you wrote and tag the same number of people as the word count of your last line.
Since I got tagged 3 times, have one of my long gangly sentences that I haven’t been forced to cut down (cough, Ferret, cough) to a reasonable and sensible size yet.
Last line I wrote:
“Tony’s is ready to protest this, blood rapidly rushing between his head and other areas, but then Steve wraps a warm, heavy arm around his shoulders to lead him back inside, and Tony forgets it in order to loop his arm round Steve’s waist and walk with him, rubbing little arcs into Steve’s hip.”
Word count: 54
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ships-allday-errday · 6 years
Timid Tutor (Part 3)
Genre: Slice of life kinda, Romance, be warned it’s a slow burn series
Characters: Changmin x Reader
Synopsis: A shy student is given the task of tutoring a classmate. But what happens when the childhood classmate turns out to be her childhood crush?
Words: 1152
That night you thought about it. You couldn’t possibly continue to be his tutor it’s seems like that would be uncomfortable and like you said, you like comfortable. So you thought about it all night and ultimately came to one conclusion.
“What! You want to stop being Changmin’s tutor?” Your teacher questioned surprised. You nodded your head. “It’s only been one day though,” you nod your head again because well he was correct. “How about you try again today and if you still want to stop being Changmin’s tutor then I’ll let you,” he suggests and you nod although you firmly know you won’t change your mind.
Leaving the classroom you’re surprised to see Changmin standing close by the door and staring fixedly on the ground. “Am I too dumb for you too?” He asks raising his gaze, and you freeze both mentally and physically. “You’re the fourth person to drop me because I’m too stupid. I thought you were different.” He states before walking off leaving you dumbfounded in the hallway. That was not what you expected at all.
Quickly you chase after his direction into the library. As you enter you instantly notice how much more people are in the library today. Quickly but quietly you sit next to Changmin. “Can we talk?” You whisper in a soft tone.
He turns to give his attention towards you and looking around you lean closer to him, “somewhere else?” You add not wanting to disturb others with your discussion. He gets up and leads the way while you follow closely to a more secluded area.
As you find a good enough spot he turns and looks at the hallway uninterested in what you have to say. At first you bite your tongue, because well, did he really want you as a tutor? Why? Sure you’re smart but what do you have that others in the top ten percent don’t? Nevertheless you released your tongue and tried to relaxed.
“You’re not dumb.”
As soon as you say that you seem to have his attention and you quickly breath in and out before continuing. “You’re not dumb nor stupid Changmin. And although I’ve only worked with you once, from what Ive seen you just learn at a different pace and with a different understanding than others but that doesn’t make you dumb...” he looks at you stunned. Well you started might as well keep going you thought, “...and sometimes you may rush too quickly on problems, but you Changmin are not dumb.” He stares at you in awe and you bite your tongue again, did you go to far? Did you talk to much? Why wasn’t he saying anything? He shakes his head rapidly and that seems to get him out of his daze, “But...I got everything wrong yesterday.”
“Yeah and some of those were little mistakes we can fix those, and others we’ll just have to put more work into.”
“We?” He asks with a raised brow and a glint in his eyes. “Yes we. I’ve decided to continue to be your tutor.” The look on his face was the most precious and excited look you’ve ever seen. It was as if a little baby bunny was smiling at you.
Either way that tutor session ended nicely with you exchanging numbers. But you told him only to text if it was tutor related to which he agreed.
The next couple weeks were just like that. You and Changmin would meet in the library you’d help him with his homework and studying for upcoming tests. And as the days passed you slowly began to feel closer and more comfortable with Changmin. You talk more with him and joke around during tutoring sessions.
After a couple weeks of tutoring sessions, there was one tutoring session that he caught you off guard. He said, “do you want to grab pizza. I’ll pay, it’s the least I can do for you staying after and helping me this whole time.”
Your stomach already began to feel queasy. Pizza like at a diner? You didn’t know what to expect. So while all signs were pointing no, once again you surprised yourself when you said, “yes.”
The whole walk to the pizza place you felt the nerves. You just weren’t used to the whole idea about hanging out with someone especially if that someone was Changmin, and if it was at a diner, where people might see you two. Sure you tutor him but this feels different, he sure was being super nice and careful around you, which made you feel kind of awkward. Besides that, you were really surprised when you agreed to the pizza. Binge watching tv and eating pizza at your house was what you’d rather be doing but something compelled you to agree to this lunch.
However, as soon as you neared the pizza place you felt your nerves become worse and your stomach churned as your pace came to a complete stop. Looking in the window you spot a group of kids from your class. Taking a slight step back you shake your head, “I think I should just go home,” you muttered. Changmin turned around and followed your gaze that was still on the group of students. “Are you sure? Aren’t you hungry?” He asks.
You shake your head but as if on cue, your stomach grumbled loudly expressing your hunger. “Or...” he continues with a grin, “I can get take out and we can walk to your house?” He asks.
Too embarrassed by your stomach to verbally respond you nod and he enters the pizzeria while you watch from outside. Soon after he returns with a pizza box and two bottles of soda in hand.
You two head to your house but on the way, you get even more nervous. This was the first person in a loooonngggg time who would be at your house.
You began to think about the mess in your house. You hadn’t cleaned in weeks. As you began to worry about the mess, your eyes caught a nearby table with chairs that stood in front of a convenience store. “Oh we can just eat here,” you exclaimed pointing to the little set up. He turned to what you were pointing at and you were afraid for a moment that he would say no but he turned back to you and with a small smile agreed.
You two grabbed the chairs and opened the pizza box Immediately grinning as you inhaled the smell of the cheesiness. The pizza was great and you appreciated Changmin’s effort to continue a conversation with you. Which was definitely something you weren’t used to, nor necessarily good at.
After some time the pizza came to an end and although disappointed you were quite stuffed. You both said your goodbyes and although he offered to take you home you refused stating your house was nearby.
I apologize that the following chapters are slowburn >.<
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