#the one that has a Y frame or one that needs to be spun with a little pouch...
tahnisreu · 1 year
the developing hint that addi would end up using a slingshot is sometime early in the 'movie' she would be seen like.. chucking tiny beads at someone just by using a bit of RDA standard elastic from their supplies. she's hittin bullseyes most of the time. dead center of the forehead.
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shewroteaworld · 1 year
I'll Hold Your Weight When You Can't
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Premise: Brilliant sunshine!reader gets heat stroke on a case. Your best friend, Spencer Reid, is predictably worried about you. What he doesn't expect is to be forced to come to terms with his feelings for you.
Word count: approx. 3,200
TW: Brief mention of vomit and, perhaps, hospitals
(Y/N/N): Your nickname
Author's Note: Super excited to introduce brilliant sunshine!reader (aka, super smart sunshine!reader) onto my fanfic writing scene! Definitely willing to write more of her in the future if anyone is interested. Hope you enjoy!
“Does anybody have more water?”
“Where is the damn ambulance?”
Perhaps your job classically conditioned you to respond to Hotch’s “I’m seriously not fucking around” tone because your eyes crack open. 
Someone put weights on your eyelids and cranked the sun to extra-bright. The harsh rays burned your retinas and washed everything in a white blur. Did someone set off a flash bang?
“(Y/N)? Can you hear me?” Miraculously, out of the screeching white, you made out JJ’s halo of blonde hair. 
“JJ?” You groaned. Even though you could barely see, it felt like the whole world was spinning, 
“Hotch, she’s coming around!” You recognized Morgan’s voice. “Welcome back to the world of the living, honey. We’re happy to see you.”
Your heart rate spiked. You never died. Did you die? 
“Yes, we still need a medic!” Hotch barked. 
You winced. “Wha?” Suddenly, your mouth couldn’t handle a one-syllable world. Even more alarming, your brain, the same brain that kept up with Emily Prentiss and Spencer Reid,  couldn’t understand what the hell was going on.
 “What I do?” You whined. 
“He’s not yelling at you, honey,” JJ said like a kindergarten teacher. “You’re just a little out of it right now.”
“Is she conscious?” Another voice entered. Your head spun. “I brought more water.” 
You moaned to suppress a gag. Your eyelids drooped, and you relished in the break from the light.
“Hey, smarty pants, stay with us.” Morgan pat your cheek. “Let Emily get some water in you.” You couldn’t force your eyes open more if you tried.
Your friend Emily. That’s who the voice belonged to. 
Suddenly, JJ pulled your hair from your face, Morgan lifted your head, and Emily forced a water bottle to your lips simultaneously.  The blinding glare seared your eyes and your head spun. You wanted to sob and maybe vomit.
Your chest hitched with a shallow inhale. “Stop.” You whined.
“(Y/N), it’s okay. Take a deep breath.” JJ said.
“No!” You exclaimed.
“Honey–” Morgan tried. 
You thrashed against his hold, but your exhausted muscles couldn’t throw Morgan’s gentlest grip. 
“Maybe we should let her go.” Emily said.
“She needs water.” JJ countered.
“She’s disoriented.” Hotch cut in. “Let her get her bearings first, but don’t let her close her eyes.”
Gingerly, Morgan lay your body back on the grass. Your head swam, and your vision rippled as if you could see the heat waves in the California air. You tried to take a deep breath but choked.  
You sputtered. Every inhale led to a series of dry coughs. In your delirium, you thought of Spencer. Your Spencer. Where the hell was he? Did he not love you anymore?
Suddenly, Hotch loomed over you. His tall frame blocked out the brutality of the sun’s glare, which eased your headache and nausea but not your cough. His eyebrows were so deeply furrowed they formed a trench of wrinkles across his forehead. “Check her airway.” 
Suddenly, you stared into JJ’s blue eyes. Other hands tried to manipulate your body. You jerked.
“(Y/N), relax.”
“Honey, please–”
“Turn her on her side!” Morgan’s cut off by Reid, his voice sharper than you’d ever heard. 
Spencer Reid has survived many traumatic situations. 
He's cared for his schizophrenic mother. He’s been kidnapped. He recovered from a drug addiction. And those are just a few items from his dissertation-length “PTSD-Causing Experiences” list. 
But many of his worst traumas were a by-product of being a profiler– a job which allowed him to utilize his intellect to help others. He was willing to accrue trauma like Pokemon cards in exchange for applying his genetic gifts to create a safer world. 
Reid could have framed your heat exhaustion as another scare in the line of duty. But when Reid saw you, his brilliant girl, on the ground, his heart fell through his feet.
Then, he saw how his the team responded to your medical emergency.
When he witnessed you coughing and writhing on your back as the team leered over with water, he thought he might explode.
You could be asphyxiating, and the team could be letting you choke while forcing more fluid down your throat. 
He shivered as he sprinted down the steps of the local precinct and onto the grassy field where you lay. 
“Turn her on her side!” He yelled as diagnoses and courses of action fled through his mind on hyperspeed.
“We’re trying, she—”
“Spence?” You choked out through a coughing fit. He’s surprised his ears caught it.
Reid knelt next to you. “Let’s get you into recovery position.” He said, his voice suddenly soft as clouds. Reid gingerly pushed you onto your left side. “Off your back, there we go.” He bent your right leg and slid it in front of your body to prevent you from rolling onto your stomach if you lost consciousness. 
“Did she faint?” Reid asked the team. He couldn’t take his eyes from your face. 
“We think so. She was dizzy, so she laid on the ground. Then she was unresponsive for at least 40 seconds,” Emily said. 
Spencer pressed the back of his hand to your forehead. Predictably, you were feverishly hot. “She’s burning up. Has someone called an ambulance?”
“Allegedly.” Hotch said, an edge to his voice. 
“We have, sir. They’re on their way.” A local police officer responded, exasperated.
Spencer’s eye twitched. “How long has she been down?” You whined, and he stroked your cheekbone with his thumb.
“It’s okay, sweetheart.” He whispered. 
“In total, 15 minutes.” Hotch supplied. “Emily, pour some more water on her.”
“This was for her to drink.”
“Use one bottle to pour on her face and neck.” Spencer said. “I ran and got Gatorade. She should start with sips of that when she can swallow. Heat stroke can also be caused by salt depletion.” 
Spencer was conversing with a local officer over the safety protocols in the area when a pair of policemen walked into the precinct, gossiping about the FBI agent who “folded fast in the southern Cali heat.”
Spencer’s jaw had clenched. Maybe one of his team members was ill since they put in most of the grunt work to catch the unsub. He would’ve been more annoyed if not for the worry gnawing at his brain. What if they were talking about (Y/N)? She looked a little shaky right after her chase with the unsub, but Spencer didn’t get a chance to ask his friend if she was alright. And, stupidly enough, he forgot to text her to check if she drank any water post-case. Quickly, Reid excused himself, grabbed a Gatorade from the fridge, and rushed to the field where your limp body trembled on the grass. 
“I’m going to pour some water on you, honey," Emily said. You flinched as the frigid water hit your hairline. 
“Breathe, relax.” Spencer said, shielding your nose. The last thing you needed was some accidental waterboarding.
Seconds after the water drenched your forehead, your whole body relaxed into the grass. “That felt good.” You smiled weakly. 
Spencer stroked your arm. “Let’s sit you up in a minute, okay? You should try some Gatorade before the EMTs get here.”
“EMTs? I’m fine.” You whined.
Spencer didn’t think it was possible for his eyebrows to crease further. 
“You’re not fine.” Gentler, he said, “and it’s okay not to be fine, sunlight.”
“But, I’m alive.” You tried to roll onto your stomach, but your bent leg kept you safe on your back.
Some on the team members chuckled, but Spencer didn’t find your delirium humorous. “I know you’re alive, sweetie. But you’re way too hot. I think you’re a little confused right now.”
“I’m just…” You winced. “I’m alive.”
The knot in Spencer’s chest tightened ten-fold. This could be heat stroke. At the very least, you had heat exhaustion. You were dehydrated. You were delirious. 
Best case scenario: you were ill for a few days. Worst case scenario: You had vital organ damage.
Just as he’s about to call 911 himself, JJ interrupted him. “Look–ambulance lights. Help is on the way, honey.”
“You hear that, (Y/N)? You’re gonna be fine.” Morgan said. If only Spencer felt that confident. 
“Spence…” You blocked your eyes from the light with your limp right hand. “I’m scared. I don’t feel well.” 
“Oh, (Y/N), I know.” He cupped your shoulder and hoped you could feel his love for you through his palm. That sent a jolt down his spine. He wasn’t supposed to comfortably think those thoughts about you.
You were sick. This wasn’t the time. He leaned over your body. He gave you plenty of breathing room, but his torso was  parallel to your hip so his eyes could meet your watering ones. “Hey, take a breath for me, Smartie.” 
Your nickname for him slipped from his tongue so easily it spooked him. Suddenly, he noticed his thumb stroking over your cotton t-shirt. He should stop. The whole team was watching. He was being was too intimate; he'd face stupid quips from Morgan for days. He kept stroking anyway.
He observed your chest rise and fall. Your breaths were shaky but deeper. He relaxed a tad. Vital oxygen was reaching your bloodstream.
“(Y/N), can we try something?” Spencer asked.
“Yes. Maybe. What is it?”
The knot in his chest loosened. You responded immediately and with more than two words; you were becoming more lucid. 
“Can you sit up and have some sips of Gatorade? I got your favorite flavor. At least, if your favorite flavor hasn’t changed from three years ago.” It most likely hadn’t. Once your opinion settled, it was frustratingly hard to erode your verdict. 
“I can’t…I don’t know.”
“I know sitting up is hard. I’ll help you. And I’ll prop you against my chest. I’ll hold your weight when you can’t.”
“KK, Spence.” Your childlike tone tugged at his heart strings.
Spencer and Morgan lifted your limp body from the ground. They manhandled you into a sitting position with your head propped on Spencer’s shoulder and your body tucked between his thighs. 
One of his arms stabilized you while the other raised a cold bottle of orange Gatorade to your lips.
After nine sips of Gatorade, you spoke again. 
“Orange.” You took another sip. "My favorite.”
He smiled into your hair. “When have I ever lied to you, (Y/N/N)?”
Spencer nearly created a crater in the linoleum floor of the ER waiting room with his bouncing heel by the time the doctor came back with an update. 
“She had a mild case of heat stroke. We currently have her on fluids, and she’ll need lots of rest for at least the next week.” Doctor Bahamani concluded. 
“No signs of metabolic dysfunction? Any respiratory distress?” Reid checked. 
Doctor Bahamani smiled knowingly. “She’s going to be just fine, Doctor Reid.”
“Can I see her?” Spencer asked. 
“Yes. Only two at a time, please.” 
Spencer didn’t care who volunteered with him. He moved without thinking. An outpouring of gratitude for his eidetic memory flooded him. Through the thickest brain fog, he could trust his recollection of the hospital to bring him to the correct hospital room.
The security staff practically had to drag him away from your bedside after the ambulance ride. They might have thrown him out of the ER if not for the flash of his FBI badge.
Something nagged at him as he sped past the nursing station. 
You were going to be fine. The ER doctor confirmed it. Yet his heart was still pounding and he could barely refrain from running. Even more odd, he wasn’t ashamed of his irrational behavior. 
So what if a doctor deemed you were okay? It was you. And he saw you groggier and more out of it than you'd ever been. And who knows how thorough the doctors were with their examination? It was completely reasonable to worry for one of his closest friends. 
He just couldn't believe you were alright until he checked you over with his own hands and his own eyes.
When you grinned at him from your cot, Spencer wasn’t sure whether to smile or cry.
Tears glazed your eyes. But, your gorgeous smile was back. 
“Spencer?” You asked, brow raised and head cocked. 
He’d been staring too long. He looked like an idiot, lamely standing in the doorway as if he were the one with heat stroke.
“Straighten your head. Your neck is probably tight.”
You smiled, but this time it was tight-lipped and painful-looking. “You’re too worried.”
He watched saline drip down your IV. “Of course I’m worried, (Y/N). You got heat stroke.” With a deep breath as a shot of courage, he sat in the chair by the head of your bed.
There was nothing odd about sitting with his best friend at the hospital. 
His chest twisted at “best friend” and his resolve collapsed. He couldn’t deny it anymore. 
He liked you. He really, really liked you. He actually might even–
“Luckily, I got out pretty unscathed.” You snapped Spencer out of his spiral. “A little dehydrated. Achy. Might feel sick for a few days.”
“Or weeks.” Spencer corrected.
“Trying to look on the bright side here, Doctor.” You smirked and Spencer swore his right ventricle tightened.
Then, your nose scrunched and Spencer's wiped clean of any concern about his cardiac health. 
“What hurts?”
“Just a little achy, Spencer. I’m alright.” 
He shot you a look. He knew all your excuses. He knew you went to self-harming lengths to not worry people. 
“You’re not alright.” He reached for the red nurse-call button. 
Your eyes widened in surprise. “Okay…my body aches, Spence. And the IV burns. But they’ve already told me that’s normal. No need to take nurses away from an emergency.”
The nurses at the station desk didn’t appear to be rushing around for anyone, but Spencer feared this wouldn’t behoove his case. 
“They can give you pain medication, if you want.”
You hesitated, and immediately Spencer pressed the button. When you smiled weakly instead of bickering, his worry grew tenfold but not without a rush of heat flooding his entire body. 
In Morgan's words, he’s down bad. 
“How are you doing, sunshine?” As if he’d been summoned, Morgan appeared in the doorway. 
Spencer stepped back from your cot. The part of him riled from Morgan’s “sunshine” moniker wants to shove his hand into yours. Spencer thought he hid his annoyance well, but something about Morgan's smirk told him otherwise.
Morgan’s smirk fell. “You feel that bad, huh?”
You chuckled sadly. “Do I look that shitty or am I an open book today?”
“You never look shitty,” Spencer said. A tsunami of blood rushed to his face.
“Anyway,” Morgan said, “Do you want anything, Beauty Queen? I can grab you some jello.” 
“Jello sounds nice.” You said, and something in your voice was so vulnerable and naive Spencer wanted to wrap you in his arms as tight as he could. Which was illogical. That would only hurt you further. 
He shook his head as if that would remove the thoughts from his mind. “I’m gonna see if I can check up on your labs at the nurse’s station. I’ll make sure they’re giving you the good drugs.” He smiled.
You laughed– a genuine laugh– and Spencer’s heart soared. “Thanks, Spence.”
“I’ll go grab your jello,” Morgan said.
“Hold on, you should stay with her just in case she needs anything," Spencer said.
“I’ll be fine, Spence.” You said, but Spencer was not prepared to take "no" for an answer.
“If you boys wants to run her some errands, I’ll stay.” Emily stood in the doorway. “JJ is coming soon too– she just got a phone call from a very frantic Penelope.”
Your nose crinkled. “Oh no.” You groaned, but you were smiling. 
“Oh, yes. Be prepared for some mother henning," Emily said.
“Garcia can’t be any more mother henning than Reid," Morgan said. 
Before his face could turn redder than a baboon’s bottom, Spencer fled.
He’s only two yards from the nursing station when Morgan intercepted him at the end of the hall. 
“So, you’re going to make your move, right?”
Spencer's body temperature plummeted. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He tried to shoulder past Morgan, but he was no match for his grip strength. “Reid, c’mon. You like (Y/N).”
Part of him wanted to laugh. “Like” seemed too simple of a word to describe the symphony of feelings (Y/N) started in him. “It’s…” He’s too tongue-tied to lie. “It’s complicated.”
You’re brilliant. You’re beautiful. You’re brimming with empathy. You’re everything Spencer could want. And it scared the shit out of him. Because that meant there’s even more to lose. And if he lost you, there would be no one to blame but himself. It was better for his psyche to not go there with you– to step back from the line rather than risk what would happen if he failed to make it work in the end. 
And what if you got hurt? What is you fell in the line of duty? Or worse, what if someone targeted you because of your romantic tie to him? Spencer's already experienced the pain of losing a soulmate-- a concept he wasn't even sure he believed in-- once. He wasn't not sure if he could survive it a second time.
There was too much unpredictability in his life. He chose a dangerous profession. He was gifted a ticking time-bomb of dangerous genes. He’d never forgive himself if he inflicted onto you the pain he’s been through; losing loved ones, whether through death or mental illness. 
Morgan's expression turned sympathetic. “Reid, you should give it a shot. Our lives our hectic. And if anyone deserves to be happy, it’s you.”
Spencer blinked to block tears from welling. “I just want her to be happy, too.”
“And who says you don't make her happy?”
“His idiotic genius brain.” Rossi appeared from around the corner.
Spencer froze. “You heard?” His face flushed yet again.
“Just the tail end. But Reid…” He trailed off.
Morgan took the hint. “I’m going to get (Y/N) some jello. With my charm, I could negotiate for some whipped cream.” 
“Don’t get whipped cream on it. She’s lactose sensitive,” Spencer said.
Morgan's stupid smirk reappeared. “Gotcha, Reid.”
Rossi took Morgan's place. Once Morgan was out of sight, he began his speech. “You love her. Don’t get in your own way.” Rossi put his hand on Reid’s shoulder. “And (Y/N) is an incredibly intelligent woman. Don’t insult her intelligence by thinking she can’t decide who is or is not worth taking a risk. And for what it’s worth…a man like you is worth the risk.” 
Rossi left Reid staring at his back. 
For the longest time, Reid convinced himself he refrained from asking you out to protect you from himself and his hefty baggage. And that’s not completely untrue. 
But suddenly, he realized he was primarily trying to protect himself from exposing his vulnerabilities to you this whole time. There’s never been a person whose opinion affected him like yours. There's never been a life he's wanted to protect more except perhaps...Maeve.
But just like it’s up to you to decide who’s worth the risk, it’s up to him to decide as well.
And if today taught him anything, shit happens. And if you slip through his fingers, he doesn't want it to because he wasn't brave enough to make a first move.
And being your person was more than worth the risk of rejection.
Author's Note: Thank you to so much to everyone who stuck around through my hiatus! I appreciate every single one of you! You're super cool :)
Happy to be back! Inbox is open to chat about writing and take requests! Please check pinned "Blurb Requests" post before requesting! (Will update the post as my boundaries update!)
Have an awesome day or night, wherever you are in this crazy world. I am incredibly thankful you spent part of your precious life reading something I penned.
Forever grateful,
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fictionalmenmakemecry · 8 months
Pretty Little Outfit
Characters: Carmy Berzatto x reader(fem!)
Summary: With a new job in your grasp, you decide it's time for some new work outfits. Carmy realizes that he can't get over a new skirt that you bought, only to find out you've unlocked a new kink of his.
Warnings: SMUT (fem oral), cursing, masturbation, hair pulling.
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A/N: WOOOOO seeing him in the CK ad only feeds the hunger I have for him. Lord have mercy.. This man has too much of a grip on me. Let's say Carmy isn't the greatest at oral first but with a lot of practice (that I'm not against) he would have me in a chokehold. Just one night. That's all I'm asking.
Anyway.. my rant is done!
Enjoy :)
"I look ridiculous" you huffed, looking at yourself in the mirror. You self-consciously pulled at the pencil skirt that was clinging your curves.
You just got a new job and it was in the contract that formal office wear was expected. When you went into the office for the interview, you noticed no one was wearing jeans and sweaters. It was all slacks, skirts and blazers.
You had spent the day frantically running store to store trying to make a new closet for the job that you gladly accepted the previous day.
You started Monday, and you were petrified. You had experience, but you never were in such a high-end environment which you felt also had very high expectations of their employees.
You cursed to yourself as you adjusted the new bra you also bought. It was uncomfortable and tight as hell.
"Fuck" You cursed, feeling panic set in.
You turned around analyzing your clothes to realise that from the back of your white shirt, you could see your bra straps clearly. The one decent shirt you felt somewhat comfortable and it was see through.
You groaned, bringing your hands to your face. Usually, you didn't give a shit but you had a feeling HR wouldn't feel the same.
You took a deep breath in and stood up straight, looking back into the mirror.
"Good morning," you smiled brightly, pretending to lean into a handshake towards the mirror. You were trying to imagine yourself in these clothes in an unknown environment. The more you looked at yourself, the more you started to overthink.
His eyes were on you through the gap on the ajar door. His stare traveled the length of your body and paused at your hips, shifting to your ass. He bit his lip, trying to hold back any audible moan he felt climb up through his throat.
Carmy rarely ever saw you in skirts. He didn't think he had a thing for them but when he unexpectedly came home to see you in the bedroom trying on some clothes he couldn't take his eyes away.
You didn't know he was home. He felt bad spying on you, but he couldn't pull himself away.
Carmy leaned against the door frame, being careful not to make the wood creak. He watched as you bend over to grab something from the clothes bag. His eyes fell on your cleave, which showed through the reflection of the mirror. Your soft plump breasts pressing against the shirt.
He swallowed, feeling his crotch getting tighter and tighter. The material straining against his growing dick.
The thoughts that spun in his head, with your legs up on his shoulder, the skirt riding up as he drilled into you. His eyes darkened, imagining you all roughed up in your office wear. Make up smudged, skirt rolled up, shirt wrinkled. Your pretty little outfit completely fucked in. Tainted. Corrupted.
He shook his head softly, trying to clear his mind. He needed to pull himself together before he completely unraveled at the door.
You heard a gentle knock on the door. You saw Carmy enter in while looking at the mirror.
"Hi babe" you greeted, giving a soft smile.
You turned around to see his eyes locked on your body. He stood there in a white t-shirt and jeans with his arms above his head, and his mouth scrunched up like he was trying to hold himself back.
"What ya think?" You did a spin, feeling his stare.
The more he stared, the shyier you got.
"Uh y-you look unbelievable," He stuttered, raising his eyebrows.
"I don't know.. I think the skirt is too tight. I can barely walk in it"
You turned back around, showing him the back of it. To which he brought his hand to his face, trying to hide the fact he was forcefully biting his lip. Your eyes flickered to him, and in that moment, you saw the haze in his eyes.
A small smirk crept up on your face.
Your hands ran over your thighs, flattening out any wrinkles in the skirt and seeing your hands travel, wanted Carmy's hands to be there even more.
You continued to look in the mirror briefly, bringing your flirtatious stare back to him through the mirror.
"What do you think about my hair up?" You gather the ends of your hair loosely, holding it there with one hand while looking at him teasingly.
He licked his dry lips and gazed at your neck. He took a couple of steps forward, getting closer behind you. You knew you had him.
You would do it every time you were on top. As you would grind on him, you would bring your hair up the same way. It would only make he want to flip you over and get to that one weak spot you had. The one angle he knew made your shake in complete pleasure. He would feel you milk him, and he would lose it.
With that thought vivid in his head, he leans down and kisses your exposed neck gently. You felt his soft lips pressed against your hot skin.
He placed his hands on your hips and moved them down your sides while you both watched him make his way to your ass.
You let out a light gasp, feeling his grip get tighter.
"Jesus- feel what you're doing to me" He whispered in your ear. You felt goosebumps raise on the back of your neck.
He leaned in closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You felt his stiffened dick pressed against your ass. You could feel everything in this tight skirt. His stare was dripping with lust, just want your body rubbing up against his.
"Is this a new bra?" He asked flirtatiously
His hands bring your focus up to your chest, where you watch him lightly trace his finger on top of your cup.
"Mmm hmmm" you hummed, feeling like putty in his grasp.
"Can I get a better look?" He whispered, side eyeing you in the mirror.
You nodded, angling your head to the side as he kissed you a few more times down the neck. He started to unbuttoned one button after another, starting from the bottom, making his way up. With the last button popping open, the shirt gave a peek to your new bra you were wearing. The tip of his fingers gently pulled the shirt away from you, giving him full view from the mirrors reflection.
A small croak escaped his throat, and you heard him swallow, trying to hide it.
He brought his hand up to your new bra and massaged your breast while he pulled his stare up to your eyes. He watched as yours glazed over. He continued to watch you crumble in front of him. He felt you push your ass out, asking him to grind up against you more.
"Carmy... my new clothes.." You whined, feeling yourself get more lost as he felt more of you.
"Keep the skirt on" He ordered, spinning you around and bringing his hands to your face.
"But nothing, I'll buy you a new outfit, but.. keep it on," His stare darkened as he played with your lips.
He leaned down, kissing your neck all the way down your chest. He gave wet open kisses to the top of your breasts, massaging them with both hands. You looked down and watched his curls move as he made his way further down. You felt him hike up your skirt, giving him more access to the heat between your legs.
His fingers lightly traveled up the inside of your thighs until he felt a moist patch.
"Fuck, you're all ready for me" He moaned lightly, kissing your covered pussy.
You felt his fingers move your underwear to the side, making them slick with your arousal as he played with your folds. He focused on your clit lightly making you fall into him a little, leaning on his shoulder from the welcomed pressure of his fingers.
He smirked to himself, looking up at you as he worked his fingers back and slowly slipped them in with ease. One finger teasingly first, but he could feel your hunger for the second. With ease, he added another finger.
"Oh shit," you gasped, spreading your legs more trying to hold yourself up.
"Mhmm, good girl," he praised, gently pumping his fingers out of you.
One of your hands went to his hair, and you placed the other one flat against the wall.
Your breath only got more and more shakey. You looked down and watched him bringing his mouth your clit. The sole sight made you pulse. You felt his soft lips pressed against wet ones. His relaxed tongue licking your sensitive bud. Your whole body quivered underneath his tender touch.
You felt yourself building, the pleasurable rhythm his fingers moved at and him sucking your clit made you fight against the urge of climbing higher and higher. You closed your eyes and listened to the wet sounds he was making with his mouth.
Fingers on his other hand were digging into your thigh, holding you steady. His curls tickled your abdomen with every movement he made.
Him watching you above only made him harder. He wanted you to let go. He opened his mouth, giving you wet kisses on your clit, with some light sucking. He pulled away and watched the mess you were. Your chest heaving, your hair tossed, and your brows furrowed with pleasure. He could stare at you forever like this.
"Use me." He breathed out
You opened your eyes to see him gazing up at you. His eyes flickered down to his hand, while his fingers continued to disappear in you.
"W-what?" You stuttered, it getting harder and harder for you to concentrate.
"Use me," He repeated, staring at you with his blown out pupils.
He placed his free hand on top yours that was in his hair. You felt him tighten your grip on his hair.
A grunt came out of his mouth and in that moment, you realized he liked his hair getting pulled.
Your mouth fell open to the thought of him being at your mercy. You watched as he eagerly brought his mouth back to pulsing core.
His tongue lovingly licking your bundle of nerves, with his lips wrapping around and sucking every so often. He could feel your wall gripping onto his fingers. He knew you were close.
"Carmyyy.." You whined, gripping onto his curls.
You felt yourself slowly start to grind your hips into him. A muffled groan came from him, the sound traveling straight to your clit. You fumbled, feeling it travel up your spine.
You felt his hand lift your leg over his shoulder, bringing him deeper into your folds. His finger tips traveled up and down your thigh as he devoured your pussy.
He watched you whimpering out and calling out his name weakly. He couldn't resist, and brought his hand down, palming his harden self in his tight jeans. He hastily unbuckled and unzipped them, giving him a little bit of relief and ease of access. Calvin Klein briefs peeked out from the undone jeans and were stretched against his bulge. He felt the moistness in his underwear from the continuous leaking cock. He half-ass pulled out it, giving himself some relieving strokes from the sight of you fucking his face.
With his sucks and kisses getting sloppier, he passionately focused on your throbbing pussy. He knew you couldn't last much longer. Hell, he wasn't going to last much longer. He pulled his hand away from his begging erection and wrapped his arm around your thigh. He gently nursing your throbbing clit with his tongue. Slowly, he added his index finger, feeling your lips suck them in as he pumped more.
You looked down and saw his blue love-drunken eyes on you, with a smirk on his face. He started angling his hand, sending another wave through you.
"Oh god.." You cried out, leaning more of your weight on to him.
He pulled his glistening mouth away, "Come f'me," His breath rugged and heavy.
"Ssshhh, come on baby girl" He rasped, kissing your inner thigh.
You couldn't fight it anymore. You felt the pressure of pleasure build fast.
"Keep g-goin'" you whined, your hands tangled in his hair.
He leaned in and went back to sucking your clit. He felt your hips faulter feeling his tongue there again. Your thrusts became more desperate as you chased the high that he was inflicting on your pussy. He looked up seeing your mouth open in pure ecstasy.
You felt his fingers hit that one spot over and over again and mixed with his tongue lapping up your clit, you couldn't hold on any longer.
"Carm- Babe... I'm comin-" You gasped, your grip tightening on his hair.
He hungrily devouring your pussy, sucking on your clit and lips as your legs shook around him.
As he watched you fall apart in front of him, he couldn't hold back anymore. He impulsively brought his hand down to his weeping cock and stroked himself eagerly while lapping up your juices. He felt you tug his hair harder, and with that he let out a pleasurable moan.
The wave washed over you with the tension in your body melting away with orgasm. Your head fell back, breathing rapidly, trying to recover from the rush that was still flowing in your veins.
Your eyes fluttered open, and fell on Carmy below you gently kissing your outer lips before easing his fingers out of you, his hand completely covered in your juices. He pecked your inner thigh a couple of times before bringing your leg down from his shoulder.
As he pulled away from you, your eyes landed on white globs all over the bottom of his white t-shirt.
"Babe... Did you?" You asked a cheeky smile crept up on your face.
"Yea- Yeah I did" He looked down and chuckled.
You leaned down bringing him into a kiss, tasting yourself off of him. His tongue brushing against yours. With him still on his knees, he gently pulled down, the now, wrinkled pencil skirt.
"I think I owe you a skirt" He grinned, as you helped him up to his feet,
"I think so." You looked down, flattening the wrinkled with both hands.
"Are you going to be wearing skirts every day?" He raised an eyebrow, playing with the buttons on your shirt.
"Uh.. Most likely"
He sucked in his lips and glanced away for a moment.
"That's going to be hard" He hummed bringing his blue eyes back down to yours.
"I'll make sure it won't be an issue" You winked before giggling
A smile played on his lips before he leaned into give you a tender kiss.
"Here, let's get this off," you tugged the bottom of his t-shirt.
He raised his arms, letting you slip the shirt off of him and being met with his toned chest that only made you want to go for round two.
You could feel your sensitive pussy murmur awake from the thought of him bending you over and railing you. The thought made your stomach twist with excitement.
"C'mon, let's go take a shower" You teasingly smiled, and grabbed his undone belt that was still wrapped around his jeans making him follow you to the bathroom obediently.
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carryonafi · 3 months
my poor brain.
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calum hood x reader; SMUT!!!
a/n: this one has been cooking for a little while teehee 😋 some more smut (high edition) because apparently that is all i am capable of writing — and plus, we need some more calum on this blog <3 enjoy!!
words: 2.1k
The drug made your head spin, taking one slow, deep breath as colorful specks clouded your peripheral vision. Did it feel euphoric, though. Your eyes hooded, staring up at the popcorn ceiling which spun gradually. It made you dizzy, you had to close your eyes. However, they opened immediately after you thought you heard the sounds of footsteps approaching and a soft laugh came from your boyfriend.
“Don’t think that's yours, sweet pea.” He sat on the edge of the bed, just next to where you were laying with your head half-way on the pillow.
“What’s yours is mine too, now.” You mumble as lovingly as you could manage, a lazy smile followed as your head lulled to the side to look at him. He had more. He was over the rolling tray as you perked up, then slowly began to straighten up on the bed. The change in position made you all muddled again, a wave of warmth rushed over you as you shuffled closer to Calum and wrapped your arms around his middle. Your chin rested on his shoulder to watch what he was doing, but the soft pump of your heartbeat blended with his and echoed in your ears. You could hear his breathing through the haze, everything was just so slow. So slow, and so warm. He brought his free hand up to cup your cheek, pressing the thin paper closed with the tip of his tongue. “That’s my way of saying you’re mine.” Your thought finally finished, nose pressing into his hair as he let go of your face to grasp for the patterned lighter left on the bedside table.
“Mm, you stole that from me too.” He hummed, that was what he had told you at some point during your year of being together. Clothes were shared between the two of you to the point where you didn’t know what belonged to you anymore, but you couldn’t focus on your blatant plagiarism. Now, you could hear the flicker of the lighter, the crackling and hissing of the joint and Calum’s frame expanding as he inhaled. Dizzy again. You had no idea how anyone could make taking a drag like that as attractive as he did, your pupils dilated to accompany the glossy shield as you admired him. The hollowing of his cheeks as he pulled, joint still a flaming orange as he pushed out the blue-tinted smoke ahead of him. His hair had grown into a thick mess of black and blond atop his head, so easy for you to tangle your hands in… but they were too occupied tracing small shapes into his sides. He offered you the burning joint, to which you politely declined by shaking your head.
“Shotgun me.” You said just above a whisper, followed by another dazed smile as you poked your tongue out to wet your lips which felt endlessly dry. Calum breathed out a laugh, shaking his head as he flicked the lighter once more.
“So bold, Y/N.” He teased, you giggled and waited so very patiently for the moment he made your wish come true. Another flick of the lighter, and another, and another… Calum cursed. This made you whine.
“Cal..” You pouted, slowly falling back into a kneeling position, sitting on your heels as Calum got up to search for a lighter that wasn't all burnt and useless.
“I’m comin’ baby, I’m comin’...” He rushed to dig through his coat pockets, letting out a breath of relief as he tossed the old piece of plastic off to his desk and used this new lighter. It felt like hours, such long hours until he was finally standing just in front of you as you stood on your knees at the edge of the bed. Soft navy blue sheets crinkled under your weight, wrapping your arms around his neck to feel the same shift of fabric on his shirt, Calum’s free hand cupped your jaw, rough pad of his thumb rubbing against your bottom lip and making you feel like the most wanted in the world. You could see every little detail, half-lidded eyes, full lips wrapped around the paper, you leaned in just at the right time as he pushed the smoke past your lips. You could only let out a soft hum into his mouth which sounded more like a reaction to pleasure, Calum briefly pulled away to set the joint down onto the ceramic ashtray. Just before he kissed you again, he leaned in close and hovered while brushing his top lip against your bottom one. A sigh of want exited you, a quick, sharp inhale taking its place as Calum forced your lips back together and moved the hand that was on your jaw all the way down to the small of your back to ensure you didn’t fall back. He was bending you down, holding on carefully as you made out and he couldn’t hold your bodies up anymore. You were finally laying down on the bed again after shuffling out from that kneel, ankles hooked around his waist to hold him close.
“Guys are downstairs.” He mumbled between kisses, squeezing his eyes shut as your warmth pressed into his hips.
“So?” You whispered back, now rushing to tangle your hands in the hair at the nape of his neck so he could never get away from you. Calum whispered some nonsense about them expecting the two of you to come down soon, all you did was move those kisses to his cheek, then his soft jaw, then his neck just about as far as you could get without him resisting. You lifted your leg slightly, thigh pressing into where he stirred in his sweatpants.
“So.. they’ll wonder why we’ve been gone so long.” Calum replied, but it didn’t really sound like he was trying to fight back too much. Especially with how breathy he got at the end of his sentence, you knew he just couldn’t say no.
“We can be quick.” You traced your fingertips along the curve of his jaw just as you let your head drop back down into the bed.
“You know I can never just be quick with you.” Calum began to push your (his) top up your body either way, his fingers were so warm against your body that the contrast made you shiver. He was so gentle, so intoxicating that without another word you lifted your arms to bring the shirt over your head and throw it off to the side.
“Y’know..” You mumble, hands immediately finding the hem of his shirt as well before making the same moves Calum had to take your shirt off. Then you trailed off, taking a moment to think as your boyfriend stared back at you with curiosity. “Forgot what I was gonna say.” You giggled, a soft one that turned into a quiet laugh as Calum’s hands trailed over your sensitive, ticklish sides.
“You’re silly.” Was all he could say, leaning in and pressing soft kisses to your stomach despite your body constantly wiggling against him. It was like a battle to get you to stay still… he blew a raspberry into your skin just below your navel.
“Calum!” You gripped the sheets and laughed, but the more you laughed the more those soft waves of euphoria washed over you and made your grip weaker. All to distract you, since you had no idea that your panties had come off in that instant.
Calum’s lips twisted into an amused grin against your skin, pulling away and looking down at you with those sweet chocolate eyes almost completely darkened with desire. His eyes were so beautiful, just so goddamn beautiful. It was like Calum could see your thoughts in the way your expression softened once you got to losing yourself in his deep, hypnotizing irises. He didn’t speak a lot, he never spoke an excessive amount while making love, but he didn’t need to. There was an understanding in you both almost at all times. However, it was nice to hear his voice.
“Y’ready for me, sweet pea?” Calum said in a breath, his eyes roaming every inch of your face, towards your hair fanned out across the blankets, then following the line of your jaw and the fading hickeys he had left just the day before.
“Mmhm..” You nodded with that weak hum, nothing that was going on past your field of vision had registered in your slow moving mind, but hell, it did when you felt him sink inside.
It didn’t even take a second, you were already starting to writhe slightly against the blankets and silently beg for more with quiet, needy huffs of breath and eyes suddenly wider than before. Calum would be smiling at the sight of you if he weren’t so focused on making sure you didn’t hurt yourself with how much you moved.
“Slow down.. s’okay. I’m gettin’ there.” He squeezed your hip to put your wiggling to an end, it all just felt so real— more real than anything has felt in the last hour.
His words soothed you a little bit, though at this point you weren’t sure if the things you thought you were saying actually made it past your lips. It all just moved so slow, so slow and loving.
Calum would mutter these little phrases under his breath, right next to your ear so you could feel each syllable being spoken to you, or to himself. Just sweet things which could turn so vulgar so quick, how beautiful you were to how badly he wanted to pound you into the mattress within a matter of seconds. However, he was just so expressive… you couldn’t get sick of it.
“Cal,” you mutter hoarsely. Watching as his eyes gradually opened and the soft movements of his hips slowed down, but hit so much deeper. You reacted boldly, a hand moving to tangle in his hair again. Those soft ones right on his neck which tended to be smoother than the others. His coconut conditioner really did him wonders.
“Mm?” Calum was taking his time, his hands braced on the backs of your thighs and digging into your flesh, bound to leave bruises.
“I need it faster…” Your voice came out in a slight gasp as Calum spread your legs further and paused his rhythm for a moment, fully inside you. He looked at you expectantly, did you not add that sweet plea at the end like you thought?
“That’s it.” He said so gently, lips wandering over your cheekbones and peppering kisses over your recently sun-kissed skin before settling a place on your lips. You let out a muffled, whimper-like noise once Calum started to move again but faster as you wanted.
That was it, this was the pace that was going to have you seeing galaxies despite how slow and attentive Calum was. If anything, it was all fuel to the fire.
He looked at you with nothing but love, love which shone through the deep, glassy exterior of his eyes which in all honesty made this ten times better. Calum was physically making you weak in the knees and with every second that passed, it got even more intense.
You let out a weak call of his name, and he responded by leaning in and gently kissing your lips.
“Shhh, baby…” He mumbled, mouth never moving off of yours which created a soft vibration of his words on your lips. All you could do was gasp against his lips, it was so slow… so slow but so good. The pace was making you lose it, back arched against the mattress and crinkled sheets when your body finally started to react to your orgasm quickly catching up to you and pleasure crashing down in waves. Maybe that wasn’t the right phrase, it wasn’t very intense… move like soft rushes of electricity which made your legs twitch.
And there was even more to come as you clamped down on his cock, sending that delicious domino effect of your orgasms following one another through the room. Your body was stuck in one place, looking up at Calum and the sweat on his hairline like it was shore meeting the ocean. His perfect skin, being the case.
He sat up and pulled you with him, making you sigh as he held you close and idly stroked the like of where your spine was.
“Told you I can never just be quick.” He muttered right against your hair, peppering kisses down the side of your face as you grinned at the sensation of Calum’s soft lips on your skin.
“Yeah,” You hummed in agreement. There was no doubt what you would be met with downstairs when you finally got back to your friends, in for the teasing and playful comments which would drive you to blush, but Calum just to feel prideful.
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withwritersblock · 4 months
~imgonnagetyouback by Taylor Swift~
Author's Note: requested! toxic as hell but so fun to write Summary: two times they broke up and got back together and one time they stayed apart Warnings: swearing, implied smut, toxic relationship Word Count: 4,283 Luke Hughes x fm!reader
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One's first college romance can feel like dancing on top of clouds. The overwhelming amount of love, kisses, endless sleepless nights. Although, it can also feel like free falling with no parachute. Impossible and helpless.
She loved Luke like she’s never loved anyone before. He was the perfect person for her for so long. She has never felt so loved. She wanted nothing more than to never stop kissing his lips, tugging his hair, or feel his hands roam her frame. 
But maybe that’s all that kept them in love, the physical attraction. She no longer liked him as a person. He was cocky and full of himself, and would flirt with any tiny blonde that threw herself towards him. She hated it. 
She was slowly starting to hate him.
Which led to her standing in his dorm, letting the words slip from her lips. “God, Luke, it’s exhausting being with you!” she explained, her eyes filling with tears. Luke huffed as he rolled his eyes. 
“Do you think it’s easy being with you?” he offered, throwing his hands to the side. “You are so fucking needy! It’s exhausting! You wonder why I go out every weekend, it’s because I want to get away from you and your constant need for attention!” he spat. His eyes widened as he awkwardly ran his hand across his nose. 
He met her gaze, watching her eyes tear up. She clenched her jaw as her lip began to quiver. “I didn’t mean that. I’m sorry I’m tired from practice-”
“Don’t try and take it back! You meant every fucking word,” she said slowly as she scanned his features, he took steps towards her, breathing heavily. “We’re fucking done,” she expressed her eyes scanning his features, her eyes landed on his lips for a few seconds. Suddenly craving the taste of his lips. He lowered his gaze towards her lips as well, leaning towards her.
She pulled his t-shirt from her frame, leaving her standing in her bra. His eyes widened as his gaze lowered to her frame. Admiring the lilac lace bra, desperately wanting to unclasp it from her frame. A reluctant smirk formed onto his lips
She slammed the t-shirt against his chest as she turned to leave the small dorm room. He stumbled back.  “Where are you going?” he gripped the shirt tightly as he took a step towards her. 
“Back to my room,” she uttered as if it was obvious. He shook his head, furrowing his eyebrows. 
“What? No? Not like that?!” he countered as he held the t-shirt towards her. “Just put this back on,” he let out.
“I am fine like this,” she spat out as she took a step away from him again. 
“Y/N don’t be like that,” he mumbled, dangling the shirt towards her once more. She spun around meeting his desperate gaze. Squinting her eyes slightly, her eyes lowered towards the small pout on his lips. “Y/N, please,” he pleated. She clenched her jaw, glancing back down towards the t-shirt for a brief second before she took a hold of the door knob, swinging the door open. 
She walked out of the room, sauntering slowly, not caring if anyone spots her. She’ll admit it, she looked good. It was her favorite bra and it made her chest look out of this world. “Y/N!” he called out, peeking his head into the hallway. 
“I live four doors down, Luke, relax!” she shouted as she flipped him off. He chuckled dryly as he watched her walk away. He loved watching her walk away, the sway of her hips. He clenched his jaw as he leaned his head on the door frame. Biting his bottom lip, he watched her turn towards her door and push the door open stepping inside. 
Luke took in a deep breath as he reluctantly stepped back into the door, letting the door slowly shut behind him. He stared at the shirt in his hands, her radiant perfume illuminated the room. She always smelled so good, like vanilla and sandalwood. Not that he knew what sandalwood exactly smelled like but he knew that was the perfume she always wore.
He pulled the shirt open, staring at the Devils logo on the front. He swallowed hard as he tossed it onto the floor. He pulled his phone from his pocket, quickly dialing Jacob. He brought his phone to his ear. Jacob answered on the fourth ring, “Hughesy,” he let out simply.
“I need to go out tonight, you and the boys wanna join me?” Luke let out as he let out a long huff of air.
“What’s so urgent? I mean we’re always down to go,” he let out, shouting towards someone in the background. 
Luke clenched his jaw as he looked towards the ceiling. “Y/N and I broke up. I need to be drunk somewhere,” he let out. Jacob gasped slightly.
“Dude, are you alright?” Jacob asked suddenly. 
“Yeah, it was coming sooner than later,” he explained while he slowly sat down onto his bed. His eyes staring towards the t-shirt on the floor, his eyes filling with tears. “Yeah, alright, out by nine?” he asked, Jacob hummed before Luke ended the call. He dropped his phone beside him on the bed. He slowly laid onto his back staring towards the ceiling. He blinked away the tears as he repeatedly clenched his jaw.
He sat at the bar, his hair covered in a backwards hat. His frame was covered in a short sleeve plain black t-shirt and dark wash jeans. It was practically the same outfit he would always wear when he went to the bars. He was smiling at something Dylan had said but he didn’t quite hear it as the bartender handed him another beer. 
It was probably the fifth one he had alongside the shot of vodka waiting for him to take. “Uh oh,” Jacob mumbled as he stared towards the entrance to the bar.
“What?” Luke asked as he brought the beer towards his lips, he shifted his gaze towards where all of the boys were looking. He froze as his eyes landed on Y/N. He slowly pulled the beer from his lips as he couldn’t help but scan her frame. 
The tiny, oh so tiny, lilac skirt on her frame. He’s never seen something so small on her frame before. His gaze slowly, so slowly up her frame, staring at the skin of her stomach, peeking out between the top of her skirt and the ends of her skin tight lace white top. His eyes landed on her exposed chest, he imagined himself trailing his fingertips along her skin. At once, his eyes landed on her lips, they were glossed with a clear glitter color. He slowly watched her lips curl up into a wide grin. He finally met her gaze, watching her smile falter slightly at the sight of him.
He shifted in his seat, leaning forward against the bar top. He clenched his jaw tightly as he stared towards the Bud Light label on his beer bottle. His cheeks were flushed red as he ran his hand across his thigh. 
“Damn breaking up with you did her right,” Jacob teased, nudging him. Luke shoved him slightly as he not so reluctantly looked back towards Y/N. Three guys were standing around her and her friends. Luke clenched his jaw as his eyes stared towards her thighs, her gorgeous legs he could worship for hours. 
How could he ever make her cry? How could he ever do such things other than make her feel good. He took a deep breath as he slowly met her gaze. She smirked as she walked towards the opposite end of the bar, to order from the other bartender.
He took a hold of the small glass, pulling it towards his lips. He threw the shot back quickly, barely cringing at the taste. He rested the shot glass face down before he looked back towards Y/N. She was leaning against the bartop, her skirt barely covering the curve of her ass, he was safe to say in deep trouble. “Fuck,” he muttered as he clenched his jaw. He needed to speak with her. 
He stood up from his stool, chugging the rest of his beer. “She’s-” he mumbled as he battled on walking towards her or towards the bathroom to clear his head. He stood a foot away from his boys who were all staring towards him fighting laughter. He bit his bottom lip as he choked out, “She’s gonna be the death of me,” Luke mumbled as he wandered towards the other side of the bar. The boys began to wolf whistle. 
Luke flipped them off as he walked through the crowded bar. She was still leaning against the bar, practically bending over. He walked up behind her, pressing himself against her ass as he leaned towards her. She quickly spun away, ready to scold the random man but shocked to see Luke behind her. She leaned her back against the bartop as Luke quickly placed his hand on the counter, holding her in place. 
“Luke,” she let out breathlessly while she stared at his lips.
He leaned towards her, brushing his lips against hers, “You’re impossible,” he mumbled as he urgently pressed his lips against hers. Sweeping his tongue against hers as he pressed more of himself against her. A moan caught in her throat as she pressed her hands against his chest, shoving him back.
She stood breathing heavily as she watched him slowly open his eyes. She clenched her jaw as she took a hold of his arm, freeing herself from his hold. “We can’t,” she mumbled while she began to walk away from him. He quickly grabbed her waist, pulling her back against his chest. He brushed a few pieces of hair away from her neck. He delicately pressed his lips against her skin.
“Who says we can’t,” he brushed his lips against her ear. She tilted her head back against his shoulder, breathless. “Come home with me,” he whispered before he kissed her jawline. 
“I just got here,” she let out breathily. He smiled softly before he ran his hand across the exposed skin of her stomach.
“Then I can wait,” he pressed his lips against her skin once again, “But you come sit with me and the boys, none of this,” he whispered as he guided her towards the end of the bar with his teammates. He shamelessly ran his hands across her hips, feeling the lilac fabric bunch slightly in his hands. 
“What’s this about?” Rutger asked with a knowing grin. 
“Shut up,” Luke said as he sat down on the stool, pulling Y/N down onto his lap. His hands grazed across the top of her thighs. Y/N smiled shyly towards the boys as she leaned her head against his shoulder.
~Two months later~
She slammed the door shut as she continued walking through the lobby of the dorm building that they shared. “Do not do this here!” Luke let out in a hushed voice, glancing towards the receptionist who was trying to ignore the obvious conflict. She walked past the elevator towards the stairs down the hall. “Y/N!” 
She spun around and met his gaze, she was furious. “You begged for me back! You were on your knees begging for me to come back to you!” she let out harshly. A girl left the stairwell, her eyes widened as she quickly walked past them. He clenched his jaw as he glanced towards the floor. “How could you do this to me?” she let out, a sob leaving her throat as she began to climb the stairwell. They lived on the eighth floor but she couldn’t wait for the elevator, or stew in anger with him. 
“I didn’t do anything!” he barked out as he chased after her. She laughed dryly as she stopped at one of the landings. 
“You kissed her! You fucking kissed her! You are fucking joking right?!” She met his gaze, she watched as his lips quivered as he clenched his jaw. 
“She kissed me!” he shouted back. She shook her head as she started storming up the steps again while she let out a sob. “She did! I stopped it, alright, I stopped it!” he called out after her, he quickly took a hold of her waist, stopping her in her tracks. She shoved him away from her.
“Your hands were on her waist, Luke! Are you seriously trying to tell me that you didn’t want to kiss her!?” she scanned his pleating gaze. A sob left her throat as she tilted her head back, “Please leave me alone,” she mumbled before she jogged up the steps away from him. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I didn’t want to kiss her, I’m sorry,” he expressed as he continued to follow after her. 
“Leave me alone,” she let out as she continued up the steps. Luke stopped short, in the middle of the steps. He gripped the railing as he clenched his jaw. He tilted his head back, smacking his head against the wall delicately. 
She continued up the steps sobbing as she finally reached her floor. She pulled the door open, spotting a friend of Luke’s enter the stairwell. She shook her head as she continued down the hall. 
Luke remained in the stairwell, staring blankly in front of him, breathing heavily. Dylan reached the landing, Luke was standing on. Luke cursed to himself as he met Dylan’s gaze for only a moment. He dropped his head. “Dude?” Dylan let out. Luke let out a huff of air as he lifted his gaze. His eyes were full of tears.
“I really fucked up this time, I really-” he stopped short as he shook his head. Dylan frowned as he hugged Luke. It wasn’t something they usually did outside of the ice but he could tell his friend needed comfort. Needed a friend. Luke reluctantly let out a sob before he pulled away. “This girl kissed me and I didn’t pull away,” he let out shaking his head, “God why didn’t I fucking pull away?” he muttered.
“I love her, Duker, I mean I really love her. Why do I fuck everything up?” he questioned before leaving Dylan alone on the landing as he walked down the steps alone.
“Where are you going?” Dylan asked. 
“I need to go somewhere,” he muttered as he wiped his hand across his eyes. He climbed down the steps as fast as he could. He has never been so angry with himself. The first time, he could mend things. It was easy, it was a horrible thing he had said but she forgave him. But this? This was close to impossible to forgive and he knew that. 
As soon as he hit the fresh air, he suddenly felt his chest tighten as he shut his eyes. He visioned Y/N laughing and smiling widely. It was quickly replaced by her tear streamed face that he caused. He walked as far away from the dorm building as he could. He needed to find a way to win her back. He wasn’t sure how he was going to do it, but he was convinced it was possible.
~two weeks later~ 
She had been avoiding his calls for the full two weeks. She could not go down the slippery slope that was Luke Hughes. Though, each night she went to bed wishing he was holding her and each morning she wished he was kissing her neck to wake her. 
She knows that he didn’t intentionally cheat on her, she knows. But she still felt betrayed and broken. She wanted to know why he didn’t pull away, why did he kiss the girl back?
She has gone to her classes and she has gone straight back to her room, in every way to avoid Luke. She wanted to avoid the desperate feeling of wanting him back, wanting him to kiss her lips. She hated how much she needed him. 
She wiped the tear that fell on her face as there was a loud knock on her door. She sighed frustratingly, knowing it was her roommate. Her roommate has forgotten her keys a mere four times in the last three days. Y/N stood up from her bed and walked towards the door, swinging it open.
“How many times do I have-” she stopped short as Luke was the one standing outside of her room instead of her roommate. His hair was messy as if he had just woken up, he was very pale. The bags under his eyes were dark. She stared into his eyes, watching his eyes water slightly. She took a shaky breath before she began to close the door.
“No-no, please-” he begged as he held his head against the door; keeping it open. She clenched her jaw as she kept her gaze on his. “Can we start over? I know you can’t forgive me, I can’t forgive myself but I can’t stop thinking about you,” he delicately found himself pushing into her room. 
“I know I'm an awful person and I have been an awful boyfriend to you and you deserve so much better than I have been able to give you,” he mumbled while he took a hold of her cheeks, rubbing his thumb across her hot skin. “Please let me be better, give me another chance,” he muttered. She shut her eyes as she shook her head softly. 
He glided his hands away from her face, he took a loose hold of her shoulders as he glided his hands from her shoulder down the length of her arms, “I’m so in love with you,” he whispered as he pressed his lips against her jawline, her whole body tightened. She tried to hate the touch but she desperately missed it.
He slowly got down onto his knees, gliding his hands along her frame. Her body was thinly covered with a tanktop and shorts. Goosebumps rose on her skin as she began to be breathless. His hands grazed over her sides as his lips delicately pressed the small exposed skin above her belly button. “I’m so sorry,” he mumbled again as he looked up towards her as his hands lowered from her waist, down to her thighs. God, he missed her thighs.
“Luke,” she let out breathlessly as he pressed a wet kiss to her skin. She ran her fingers through his messy curls as he looked up towards her. “You make it so hard to love you,” she choked out as her lips quivered. He slowly stood up, his hands grazing her skin the same way he did moments prior. She softened the longer his familiar fingertips glided along her skin in a slow seductive touch. 
His face was a mere inch away from hers, their noses delicately bumping into one another. “Why do you do this?” she mumbled as she ran her hand along the base of his neck, “Why can’t you leave me alone?” she let out as she leaned towards him, brushing her lips against his. He smirked as he met her gaze for a mere second. 
“Because you’re intoxicating,” he said as he breathed in deeply before he leaned towards her, kissing her urgently. She returned the kiss with the same amount of passion. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she eagerly jumped into his arms. He took a tight grasp of her thighs as he guided her towards the small dorm bed. He delicately placed her onto the bed as he climbed on top of her, steadying himself. He took a hold of her thigh, holding it tightly. 
She began tugging at the t-shirt covering his frame, desperate for him to be closer. It had been far too long since she was that close to him. He pulled away from her lips for only a moment before he tugged the shirt from his frame, tossing it to the floor. 
“So,” he whispered, breathlessly. She arched her back as she tugged the tank top from her frame, revealing a white lace bra. One of his favorites. His eyes instantly fell to her chest, lost for words. Lost for words like he was every time he saw her like this. She was beautiful, she was everything he’s ever wanted. 
“I can’t do this again,” she whispered as she tugged at the ends of his hair, “If you hurt me again, I can’t keep doing this,” she muttered. He ran his hand up her thigh as he held it up against his side. “We’re done if you mess up again, you got it?” she whispered. He nodded so urgently before he planted his lips against her collarbone, he began sucking on the skin as he trailed wet kisses into her cleavage. 
~A year later~
She snuggled against his chest as he stared blankly towards the ceiling, “Baby, what’s wrong?” she asked as she delicately pressed her lips against his chest. She lifted her head to look down towards his. He let out a long drawn out breath as he scanned her features. He slowly ran his hand up her back, running his hand through her hair for a few seconds before he glided his hand back down.
“I promised you that I would not mess up again,” he let out, his voice cracking as he met her gaze. His eyes softened. She pouted as she furrowed her eyebrows harshly. She ran her hand across his chest as she looked over his saddened features. 
“What’s wrong?” she asked again as she leaned towards him, delicately pressing her lips against his. 
“Nothing’s wrong, it’s the exact opposite,” he mumbled as he continued to glid his hand up her back. She glided her hand across his cheek as she leaned down and kissed him once more. He took a shaky breath, “I’m signing with the Devils, I leave in two days,” he pressed his lips together. 
She smiled widely, a small giggle left her lips. She leaned towards him, kissing him urgently.
“This is amazing! Luke, why aren’t you more excited!?” she let out as she sat up, covering her frame with the blanket. “We have to go celebrate!” she began to climb out of the bed, quickly covering her frame with her bra and underwear. 
“Y/N, he mumbled as he sat up, “It is exciting,” he muttered out. 
“We can go to the bar or we can go to Darby’s or-”
“Y/N,” he let out as he stood up from the bed covering his frame. She was wandering his room, collecting herself her old outfit she had on earlier in that day.
“I mean we don’t have to go out to dinner but we have to do something-”
“Y/N, baby, please,” he uttered. She spun around as she covered her frame with a t-shirt. She met his saddened gaze. Her smile slowly faltered from her lips. 
“Oh,” she mumbled. He took a deep breath as he watched her eyes slowly darken as she squinted hard. “You said that you didn’t want to mess up again,” she paused, “You getting the call doesn’t mean you messed up. This is great news,” she mumbled as she stepped towards him. 
He clenched his jaw as he dropped his gaze towards the floor. She took in a shaky breath as she scanned his features. He ran his hand across his nose as he avoided her gaze. “So what, you get your NHL contract and we have to break up?” she let out, nearly laughing at the words. 
“That’s not what I’m saying, I need you to realize that this isn’t going to be easy,” he let out walking around the bed towards her. She crossed her arms over her chest.
“When has anything in our relationship been easy?” she let out while chuckling nervously. “I mean-”
“Y/N, do you really think we can last long distance?” he choked out. He sniffled as he delicately rested his hands onto her waist. “I’m in love with you but I know you don’t trust me,” he let out. She rolled her eyes as she shook her head.
“I do trust you, Luke, I do,” she mumbled as she rested her hands onto his shoulders. 
“I’ve given you plenty of reasons not to, I know that. I know that this will break us,” he let out as a tear fell onto his cheek. “I don’t want this to end with you hating me,” he ran his thumb along her hip. 
“How do you know that will happen?” she asked as she scanned his features. 
“I don’t, but I would rather remember us lying in that bed, cuddling and happy. I don’t want to remember you crying over the phone because I messed up because it's only a matter of time before I mess up again,” he explained as he tightened his grip along her hips. “Please let’s just remember us happy,”
Her lips quivered as she scanned his urgent features. He didn’t want to end things, he wanted to be in love with her. He needed her, he needed her like he needed air. “I don’t want to lose you,” she mumbled as she stepped closer to him. 
“I don’t want to lose you either,” he mumbled as he urgently kissed her lips for only a brief second, “But-”
“I know,” she let out breathlessly. She met his gaze, nodding slightly. He kissed her lips, hungrily running his hands along her frame, sensually; perhaps for the last time.
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nexysworld · 1 year
Mission: Safeword
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Read on AO3 🖤 Make a Request 🖤 Masterlist
Summary: Leon has many methods of getting information while on missions, especially from pretty girls like yourself.
Pairing: Infinite Darkness!Leon x Fem!Reader
Tags: NSFW, MDNI, Dubcon (but reader's into it), Face sitting, fingering, slight knife play, light bdsm, overstimulation, no use of y/n, not proofread
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Your fingers quickly scattered across the keyboard, desperately trying to transfer the data and lock the system down. Silent alarms had been blaring and security had given the signal that an intruder – likely a government spy – had invaded  the compound. 
Whoever it was they had been lying low, no obvious break-ins, no knocked out staff, like a mouse. “Come on, come on.” You groaned, bringing your fist down onto the desk in frustration. “Faster you stupid thing. Billion dollar research company and you can’t even afford computers built after 1998?”  Pinching your temples you leaned back in your chair with a sigh, the transfer had been initiated, there was nothing else you could do now but hope that it went through. 
You tapped your fingers on your chair as  you watched the timer continue to recalculate the transfer time. Suddenly the screen went dark, along with the overhead lighting, leaving only a few of the lamps scattered around the office. “What the fuck? No, no this can’t be happening.” You banged the side of the computer, willing it to work again. The backup generators should’ve prevented the lights and systems from going out – this wasn’t making any sense. “Sorry Sweetheart, but I don’t think hitting it is going to fix the issue… on account of me pulling all these plugs here.” The voice pulled you out of your confused rage as you whipped around to see a man leaning back against the wall casually, he lifted the bundle of wires in his left hand to make a point.. ‘When did he get in here, I didn’t even hear the door open?’ You thought to yourself, backing up a little instinctively. 
He wasn’t wearing a standard uniform, instead clad in a black leather jacket, blue jeans, and boots. His well groomed gray-blonde hair framed his face in a way that let you get a good read on his chiseled features – he looked more like a model than a government agent – but you didn’t have time to think on that further. “You’re the spy!” You accused, trying to buy time to decide your next steps. 
“Spy? That’s pretty harsh – I’m just doing my job y’know.” He dropped the plugs and used his right hand to click the lock on the door before making his way towards you. “I didn’t expect that my target would be such a pretty girl.The name’s Leon by the way, nice to meet you.” “St-stay back!” You backed up further, trying to disguise the embarrassed flush as anger. You grabbed the closest lamp to you and lifted it as if it were a bat. ‘Wait – did he just say I was his target?’
He chuckled at your response. “C’mon, you don’t look like a fighter. Just relax and we can get this over with quickly, ok? It’s not my style to hurt pretty women if I don’t have to.”
“I said, s-tay back!” You tried to reaffirm again. When he ignored you, you swung hard, he easily caught you by the wrist and spun you so your back was to his chest. With one arm tucked behind yourself, he squeezed the remaining wrist so tight your hand was forced open sending the lamp shattering at the floor. 
“Knew you weren’t a fighter.” He purred in your ear, you could feel the stubble on his jaw rub against your neck, making you shudder. “Now that that’s out of your system, I don’t suppose we could hurry along to the part where you give me the info I need?” 
“Absolutely not!” You replied, squirming as much as you could against his grasp. He didn’t budge, grip like a vice. A disappointed sigh and hot breath on your neck stalled your movements for a moment as a shudder ran down your body, hyper aware of the muscles under his thin shirt, the smell of his cologne. If this had been some action movie instead of real life, it almost would’ve been seductive – right now though you were frustrated and scared. “So it’s going to be like that, huh? Well, don’t say I didn’t try to play nice.” He cooed before manhandling you over to the office couch that was pressed to the far wall. In a final attempt to get away, you threw your weight to the ground before he could get you on the sofa, and took off to run. 
It was short lived as he grabbed you from behind by your waist, hoisting you backwards and
tossing you onto the couch. Before you could try again, he was straddling your waist with his weight and gathered both wrists into one hand, pinning them above you against the wall. “You really wanna do this the hard way, don’t you princess?” He didn’t wait for your answer as he used his free hand to unbuckle his belt, removing it from his jeans in one swift movement, before latching it around your wrists and tightening it, hooking it to the metal peg built into the wall for keys and coats.
He moved off of you when he latched your hands, leaving you stuck there, hands above your head, wrists sore. “Fuck you! I’m not telling you anything.” There was a noticeable tremble in your voice, especially as he pulled his gun from the holster – which did not go unnoticed by him. 
He tilted his head with a little smirk.“I think that might be a great idea actually.” He set the weapon down on the small side table along with his knife before shrugging himself out of his leather jacket, revealing a tight button up and rolled sleeves. With the jacket off, you had a better sight of just how fit he was, muscles everywhere. You swallowed a gulp, not sure what great idea he was referring to and not fully deciding what emotion you were feeling now – fear, lust, both?
Your body made the decision for you as heat panged between your legs along with wetness. You squeezed your thighs together to alleviate some of it – a small gesture he also picked up on, the smirk on his face growing wider. “I’ll be honest, I’m used to a different kind of reaction when I meet women at work. Gotta say, I’m not complaining.” He separated your legs slightly and dipped two fingers between them under your skirt,, rubbing you gently through your panties. A gasp escaped your lips and you squirmed against the movement. “Atta girl.” He praised, using his free hand to hold you by your chin, making sure you were looking directly at him. 
The coiling pleasure between your legs had your head going a little hazy, eyes locking with his. ‘Fuck he’s handsome.’ Your nipples began to harden under your work blouse, as you took in his features further. 
His fingers sped up their pace, and he tightened his grip on your chin so he could lean in, whispering just against the corner of your lips, teasing a kiss. “Such a pretty, pretty girl.” His lips met your cheek softly, before he slipped his fingers into your panties, dragging slick from your hole up to rub against your clit more easily.
The change in sensation coupled with his words had you spilling over the edge, whining as your orgasm crashed into you, leaving your legs shivering. Leon pulled back, giving you a moment to catch your breath. He crossed his arms over his chest and flopped back against the couch casually. “So….now that we’ve established some rapport, are you ready to answer my questions about project D?” 
In a moment of post-pleasure clarity, your brain had finally processed the situation, leaving you shameful, embarrassed, and aggravated. “Of course not!” You said between pants.
His face morphed into thought before a realization overcame him, like a light bulb went off in his head. “You’re lucky I like ‘em hard to get.” He moved to unbutton your blouse, grabbing the knife off the floor to slice your bra open, both breasts spilling out. “So here’s how it’s going to work.” He made his way down to your skirt, unzipping the side and slipping it down your legs. “I already told you, I don’t like hurting women – but I never leave a mission without getting the intel I need..” He used the knife to make quick work of your panties as well, leaving you in nothing but your button up, slung open and dangling off your arms along with what was left of your bra. “So I’m gonna use another method to get you to talk.” 
You had a good idea of what his plan was going to be, and if you were honest the primal part of your brain was turned on in anticipation.  The working part of your brain still kept your lips sealed. “Try whatever you want, I won’t speak.” “We’ll see about that.” He unhooked you for a moment so he could flip you around, face to the wall. Expecting to hear the sound of his pants unzipping, you were surprised when instead he moved to lay down beneath you, and then it finally clicked what he was planning to do. “The safeword is ‘I’ll tell you.’ The catch is Princess, you gotta actually tell me what I need, otherwise I may have to keep this up.”
You didn’t get the opportunity to protest as his strong arms wrapped around your legs, pulling your wet cunt down against his face, tongue already darting out to lap at your sensitive clit. The sensation of the stubble rubbing against your thighs along with the wriggling muscle against your most sensitive spot made you whimper and moan, wanting to grab hold of something but being unable to in your bound state. 
Already more sensitive than usual from your first orgasm, it didn’t take long before you were grinding down onto his face riding out a second one. Unlike before though, he didn’t give you a moment to rest, holding your thighs in place tightly he continued to lap at your sensitive bud, making you scream. Your wrists yanked against their confines fruitlessly, your legs desperately wiggled, but he kept you exactly where he wanted you, as he continued to eat you like you were the last meal he’d ever have – third orgasm quickly being ripped from you faster than the previous one. “N-no can’t, too much.” Tears spilled from your eyes and stained your cheeks as he didn’t let up, your legs were quivering, muscles tight and sore, his belt digging into your wrists. “P-please….can’t….can’t any–” you were cut off with a choked whimper as your fourth erupted from your aching pussy. Never having had so many back to back, your body felt exhausted, brain not able to come up with any  more coherent thoughts. 
Luckily, he stopped this time for a moment, releasing the bruising grip on your legs and adjusting you so he could talk. You could see the upper half of his face, looking up at you between your legs, which wouldn’t stop shaking with aftershocks. “Look at you, only four in and you’re already sobbing and begging. Such a sweet-tasting girl isn’t made to be so stubborn, are you ready to say the words?” His voice was silk as he rubbed your leg softly adding to the temptation. 
You defiantly shook your head, lip jutting out in a pout, as tempting as it was, you weren’t ready to lose your life or career over this – but your will was wavering, especially between the different sensations of pleasure and pain from the ache in your arms. “Suit yourself.” He said, tucking himself between your legs again, returning to his position underneath you. One arm wrapped itself back around  your leg, but he had different plants for the other one, working it around so he could line his fingers up at your entrance, sliding two of them in until it reached the leather of his fingerless gloves, as he started sucking on your clit. 
Your velvety walls clamped down over the digits, the sensation beyond overwhelming as he began to pump them in and out, pleasuring new spots within you. Your brain finally short-circuited and began to imagine what it would be like with someone else inside of you, stretching you open. “L-leon…” you moaned out his name for the first time as he continued to work your hole, and suck on your too-sensitive pearl of nerves. Skilled fingers easily found that special spot that sent you reeling, curling them upwards to make sure each movement stimulated it.
In tandem with the external pleasure of his mouth, the last of your resolve crumbled. You came for the fifth time, head flung back, chanting his name like a prayer. This time when he didn’t stop, you couldn’t take it anymore, too tired, teary, overwhelmed, and exhausted. “St-stop…stop……I can’t……I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you.” You sobbed out. 
As promised his movements ceased immediately. “You sure?” You nodded in confirmation between sniffles. He slid out from under you, wiping his mouth with his sleeve before unhooking your sore arms from the wall, lying you down on your back, facing him. He removed the belt while you caught your breath, before he massaged the reddening marks on your wrists. “See? I knew a girl like you couldn’t be that stubborn. Now….ready to talk about project D?” You nodded again hesitantly. The next smile that graced his features seemed genuine, and while it was likely a trap you couldn’t help but fall for it, much too empty-headed to think about any potential consequences. 
Immediately you were answering every question he had to your best ability in your dreamlike state, he nodded eagerly and praised you for each good answer as he continued rubbing your body in a massage working from bottom to top, pressing small kisses against your skin as he went. He stopped after placing a brief one to your lips, which you pressed into without thinking.  The actions were effective, so much so you hadn’t even noticed you’d fallen asleep. 
When you woke a while later, the lab was still dark but the computer had been turned back on casting a light over to you. You could see Leon, sitting in front of it, a harddrive plugged in obviously canceling and copying the data transfer. Once Leon noticed you were awake he made his way back over to you, sitting on the end of the couch. “Sleep well?” You didn’t immediately respond, not fully ready to process everything that had just happened – like directly handing over intel to the enemy. “It won’t be safe to stay here now. Why don’t you come with me out of here – with my connections come certain protections. I’ll even buy you dinner so we can discuss keeping you safe.”
“Dinner, really? Do you offer that to all the ladies you go down on during missions?”  
He chuckled, “Only the ones I like” He leaned forward to rub his thumb over your cheek, causing your face to flush again. “Besides,I am nothing if not a gentleman and would never leave a damsel to distress.”  You rolled your eyes at the corny comment, but upon realizing he was right you agreed. “Fine. Dinner.”
“Atta girl.” He gave you a chaste kiss before returning to grab the harddrive from the computer and giving you a chance to fix your disheveled state.
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queenendless · 5 months
Chase (Darth Vader x Fem!Adult!Reader)
A/n: Tales of the Empire gave me ideas. Particularly on a snowy chilly planet ... it's a very open setting as to what is going on in this so bare with me. First time writing SW stuff on here.
So AU with unburnt Vader who's also kinda OOC in this, some fluff and steamy romance with some Anakin at the end, but it's a short ass piece cause of short notice for today.
And May The 4th be with you.
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Your cloak blew from the chilly winds.
Your hood covered head raised up to meet at the top of the snowy hill.
Climbing up with the darkening gray storm clouds piling up, heighting the anxious tension filling you up inside, the helmeted figure coming into view struck through your core.
He had pursued after your wandering lost self.
You wanted to see how far he would go, as selfish as that was.
Your fear of the cold blooded, brutal Sith Lord becomes mingled with how you are lustful of his imposing presence.
Your cape fluttered in the blowing cold winds as you hurried away, straight to the ice cave entrance.
He knew you thrive off the chase.
And you knew he was relentless in playing along.
“You cannot run forever, Y/n."
His deep modulated voice bounced off the towering crystal ice walls, using the light shining from the high cracked ceiling to guide you.
“I've come this far.” Your tepid sweet voice echoing back at him had him growling a bit.
“You cannot hide from me.”
You didn't need to be Force sensitive to feel that he was honing in on you quickly.
Your flushed nervous face met your eyes as your bumpy reflection followed your side, his heavy footsteps sounding that much closer. “Doing good so far, all things considered.”
You should have figured uttering those words into existence would jinx your ongoing streak. The moment you stepped back from the dead end and spun around on your heel, you bumped into that armored chest.
You screamed a bit as his leather black gloves grabbed your forearms and pinned you to the wall gently but firmly.
His red lenses hid his eyes boring into your very soul, his giant frame enveloping you, pressing you carefully against the alien texture. His heavy breathing made your breathing go silent like a scared mouse, caught by the big bad beast.
“The game is over.” For some reason, he sounded so smug about it.
“You're unbelievable.” You pouted up at that obsidian face.
“You're foolish.” He scoffed.
“Says the man wearing the robot suit.”
The fact that he released his grip on you and leaned back a bit to actually take off that intimidating helmet still took your breath away.
“It helps with the image.” To hear that warm enriching amused voice again already had you giggling as your hands cupped his sculpted cheeks to pull his face down to peck those tempting lips.
His helmet clanked along the ground as his arms slithered around your waist to lift you off the ground, grinning slyly to you hugging his waist in response.
“It's working, my Lord.” You shakily spoke, weaving through that shoulder length darkened hair to tug him closer, pecking many a time quite desperately.
“This little ploy of yours has gotten us completely off track.” His husky tone was sheer evidence that he did not give a damn. Not one bit.
“Forgive me, Lord Vader, for my teasing.”
You squeaked as those giant leather hands of his cupped and squeezed your ass.
“I shall have to punish you, my dear. Quite thoroughly~” Those blue eyes were riddled with devious intention, marking your neck with ferocious bites along your delectable skin.
Your fevered gasps and lecherous cries traveled the caves as you became a mess under his wet steamy mouth. “A – Ani~!”
The former Jedi turned Sith Lord smirked, devouring your mouth with that needy tongue of his.
“Hush, my love. We're just getting started.”
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cloudseeker14 · 1 year
Pink in The Night (Scaramouche x Fem!Reader)
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Summary : After Teyvat had been wiped clear of the memories of the sixth harbinger, the Wanderer heads towards a place of thoughts of reminiscence; hoping to find the only one who'd ever understood him.
Genre : Angst, Romance
Scaramouche walked ahead, trodding a path of moss and grass. Squirrels scurried away with every step he took with his wide hat fluttering in the wind.
He had escaped from the Fatui, left behind his dire thirst for vengeance and was now a shell of the harbinger he had been with only memories of his exploits. Memories that only he would remember for the world has spun ahead without him.
He was a lone Wanderer, the nature was his humble abode. He had no name, no home and didn’t have anyone’s arms to go running into as the night grew cold.
Well, no one except her.
He could see a harbor appearing before him, huts rising beneath the clear night sky. Pin pricks of light shone as families slumbered inside, lost to the land of dreams.
Scaramouche hurried beneath the archway, his pathetic excuse of a heart growing warm at the thought of seeing her.
At the thought of hearing her laughter.
At the thought of feeling her touch as soft as the silk flowers that filled the air with their scent.
He turned around familiar alleyways, a path that his feet had lead to countless times; a haunting melody of his past.
Would she remember him? Remember the nights that they spent together and the rough kisses shared beneath the moonlight?
Scaramouche was afraid to find out the answer.
At last, he arrived at a house with rose vines that crawled along the rooftops, their alluring fragrance drawing him in.
Scaramouche took in deep breaths and cleared his throat, ignoring the way his chest seemed to tighten at the thought of seeing her face.
He knocked on the door thrice, loud and clear in sharp contrast to the flurry of questions flying across his head.
Does she still remember the love she had for me?
Scaramouche needed her to, for the notion of not being the object of her affections left him in a cold sweat. If she looked at him like a stranger even after holding him close to her chest at a past which seemed like it was an eternity ago, he wasn't sure what he'd do.
The door swung open with an ear piercing creak and there she stood, the woman that had once melted through the cold defenses of the sixth harbinger, locks of hair falling across her face.
Scaramouche gazed into her eyes, waiting, yearning and even pleading within himself for a sign of recognition.
Yet nothing came, only a look of confusion.
Y/N stared at the man before him, the way his blue eyes seemed to twinkle like the stars in the sky and the billowing clothes that adorned his frame.
"Excuse me, do I know you?" She asked, wariness evident on her features
It felt like a hole had been ripped open in the place where Scaramouche's heart should have been. Screams threatened to rip from his throat as memories of small hugs, shared chuckles and the way her hand had felt in his flashed past his eyes.
They were being set aflame, falling apart to ashes.
"Sir?" Y/N asked, eyebrows furrowed "Do you need anything?"
Scaramouche swallowed the bile that threatened to rise up his throat before replying. "I'm just a traveller and I'm very tired after my long journey. Do you know where I can find a place to rest?"
Please, laugh in my face right now and tell me you're joking. Tell me that you obviously remember me.
I can't lose you too, the only thing that made this tapestry of lies worth living.
"Just keep walking ahead and you'll find the Crescent Inn, it's a very comfortable place, I'm sure you'll like it."
He looked down, tears welling up at the rim of his eyes. His lips trembled as he forced himself to stare at the ground at his feet.
"Are you okay? Do you need a glass of water?"
There it was, that familiar concern that had drawn Scaramouche to her in the first place.
He met her questioning face. "No, it's just been a tough day. Thank you and I'm sorry if I bothered you."
Y/N smiled weakly before slamming the door on his face. Scaramouche turned around and left through her house's gate. The ground beneath him seemed to be tumbling down with every step he took.
He'd made it past her house before collapsing onto the ground, bellowing curses to the wind as tears ran down his porcelain face.
He damned the gods, their lies and torments and how with each of their intervention, they'd ripped apart any chance for him to hope in this world and had forced him to leave a trail of regrets.
Scaramouche had scoured marshes, crossed deserts and climbed the most ruggedy of mountains to find Y/N, only to lose her yet again.
"Scara, look at me."
"Why do you even care for me?" He asked haughtily "A mere mortal like you, do you really think you could satisfy me?"
"You and I both know you aren't fooling anyone with that rude act of yours."
Scaramouche stepped closer to her, brushing the hair from her face with his slender fingers. "Fine, then can you love a puppet, a broken creation like me? I don't even have a heart to give you."
"I love you just as you are, you're more than enough for me." Y/N held his hands, slowly caressing his palm
"Even if it meant tearing Teyvat apart, you're the only one for me. No one else could ever compare to you in my eyes." She continued, a light hue of pink sprinkled over her face.
"I'm not a good person, Y/N. I've killed so many people and I will have to keep doing so. I could harm you, maybe even ruin you and I don't want to do that to you."
"Scaramouche." She muttered, holding onto his hands even more tightly.
“Even my own creator, my mother didn’t want me. I’m not even sure if I’m capable of loving you to extent you deserve without a heart.”
“Enough.” She pulled Scaramouche into a tight embrace, engulfing him in her affection. “I don’t care about your mother or what the world would think of me if I stood by your side, all that matters is that I get to spend a lifetime with you.”
Scaramouche stiffened, muscles tensing as Y/N wrapped her arms around him. “A lifetime would never be enough for me. I would consider your death as the utmost betrayal.” He said, straining his voice to keep its composure.
The darkness of the night couldn’t hide the hurt that flickered on Y/N’s face.
“But at least let me have this.” He whispered, voice soft and vulnerable as the facade of the powerful harbinger shattered into pieces like shards of glass. Scaramouche buried his face into the crook of her neck, nuzzling against her soft skin.
"We can stay like this for as long as you want." Y/N hesitantly placed her hand atop Scaramouche's head, running her fingers through his hair. "As long as an ounce of life exists in my body, my heart will always beat for you."
The sixth harbinger pushed away, the thoughts behind those blue eyes unreadable as he allowed his gaze to wander. "Do you promise that?"
Scaramouche knew promises were worthless in the face of the monster known as time, but he still wanted to hear it.
"Of course I do." She smiled and with such a simple gesture, she managed to completely untether the course of Scaramouche's world.
He didn't know if it was the way the moonlight shone of her face or if it was the alcohol making his mind fuzzy that allowed him to even consider the daring thought that entered his head.
Perhaps he had lost his mind because he placed his lips upon hers, as tender as a fleeting butterfly.
She tasted like honey and Scaramouche allowed himself to drown in the feeling of her body against his and the way his hands fit perfectly against her waist. He’d never been a believer of the gods but at that moment, he couldn’t help but pray that this would last forever.
Scaramouche wanted to laugh at the wind, at the irony of it all. He certainly hadn’t grown wiser about trusting mortals after three betrayals.
Three betrayals and he still wanted to go crying into the arms of a human.
Three betrayals and he'd still allowed himself to let her escape from his grasp.
Every leaf and bird of the forest seemed to sing the words that Scaramouche had been terrified of saying when he was somebody that she used to know.
The breeze seemed to whisper in his ears, taunting him with the three words which if he'd said, might have changed everything.
I love you.
But it was too late and those words would forever remain sealed within Scaramouche, shut within the fortress of his unspoken desires.
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illyrian-dreamer · 1 year
Overwritten – Part 9
Azriel x Reader
Summary: After months as his prisoner, Hybern has hijacked your mind, turning you into an enemy of your home, your family, and your mate, Azriel.
Words: 1,508
Part 9 ∇
You were still sobbing, still apologising when the cold of the wooden floors felt solid beneath your knees. Azriel’s shadows began to thin, clearing around you to reveal your personal quarters. He kept his hold on you, his hands firm on both your sides. Azriel was cautious to not smother or confine you – instead he grounded you, allowing you to breath.
He was muttering something you were unable to hear over the roar of your hysteria, letting you rock in his arms as devastation continued to consume you. I hate myself, I hate what I’ve become – it was a chant that sounded in your mind over and over, one you’d never be able to forget it.
Feyre’s eyes had turned so cold when she took Nyx away – it was fear, but also a warning that she would do whatever it took to protect her child. You didn’t blame her, how could you? You had given her plenty of reason to not trust you these past months. And the rest of your family – the way they froze when Nyx approached you, not a breath shared amongst them. It was as if they were waiting, just waiting for you to do the worst.
The feeling that gnawed at your heart hurt so much that your stomach clenched while you cried, your arms snaking around your middle in comfort. It was pure, harrowing self loathing. You hated yourself for the monster you had become. How could you let Hybern change you so much that your own family were afraid of you? How could you be so weak?
Azriel’s silken voice cut through the noise then, floating above the chant in your mind, his words gentle and airy. “You have nothing to be sorry for, love. I know you, I love you.”
You felt a warmth moving to comfort you from within, Azriel sending an ocean of reassurance and understanding through the bond. But like waves crashing against a cliff, the water broke no matter how strong their current, and all you could feel was the faint spray that made it to the other side.
You pushed out of him arms, clambering to stand as you gripped your bed post, one hand pressed against the gnaw at your heart. “No, no, no Azriel! Get away!” You were unlovable – a hideous, violent thing. The dark chuckle in the depths of your mind confirmed it.
Azriel stood with you, but kept his distance. “Try to breath, Y/N.”
“Stay back,” you threw over your shoulder, your hand now clutching at your throat as you tried to steady your breaths. He was right, you needed to calm down. If that voice got any closer…
Azriel placed large hand on the centre of your back. It warmed you, grounded you, loved you even. It was something you didn't deserve, and would never deserve again. You hated it.
You spun, your teeth bared. “I said get away!”
Azriel visibly flinched, snatching his hand back as his shadows climbed his tall frame, sensing their master’s shock.
Your eyes darted across his, then down to your shaking hands that you held in front of you. Small crescent shaped wounds had reopened from where your nails pressed, your blood smeared across your palms.
You see Y/N, you won’t ever heal. Not fully, that dark voice said.
“Shut up!” you spat, closing your eyes and trying to find the dark figure that began a lethal stroll across your mind. It was far too close, closer than it had been in weeks.
You are what I made you. A mere weapon.
“Y/N, I’m here. Stay with me.” Azriel’s voice cut through from the outside. Your mind reeled as you struggled to balance realities.
Clutching at the roots of your hair, you allowed yourself to slip further into the depths of your mind, facing the shadowy figure, it’s red eyes gleaming through the darkness.
That’s it Y/N, give in to what you truly are and join me.
“I am nothing like you,” you spat, the figure circling you as he laughed.
Then why do you choke the life from your mate as we speak?
Gasping, your eyes flew open to find your bloodied hands holding Azriel’s neck. You weren't choking him, not yet – instead your fingers gingerly curled around his throat, ready to attack, to kill. You spluttered, your eyes wide as you tried to pry your hands off of him, but there was something in you, an insidious calling, that kept them there. You gritted your teeth, fighting to reclaim control of your body and mind.
Azriel’s eyes bored into yours, yet he showed no fear. Instead those golden brown eyes swirled with earnest and a stupid amount of faith. “I trust you.” was all he said.
You blinked at him, trembling hands still around his neck. Grunting, you fought the urge to close them tighter, begging yourself to pull away.
Scarred hands rested on your forearms then. Azriel didn’t pry yours from his neck, but instead he just touched you.
“I love you, Y/N. I know you won’t hurt me.”
Tears poured down your face. Azriel’s love was unconditional, even when you couldn’t love yourself. He trusted you, and would die trying to prove it to you over and over again.
With a disgruntled scream, you forced your hands off Azriel’s neck, clutching them to your chest as you panted, exhausted from the sheer will it took to pull away. Racked with sobs, you turned away from your mate, ashamed to have repeated the same moment when you had first been freed. Months of hard work had been unravelled in seconds, proving you were not any better. You had let everyone down.
“Shhh, shh,” Azriel pulling you to him. You stuck your arm out, stopping him from encompassing you.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“Stop that,” he said, levelling a look at you. “You didn't hurt me.”
“I wanted to kill you Azriel! Don't you understand that?”
“But you didn’t Y/N! You didn’t! And that’s the only part that matters.”
You clenched your eyes shut, trying to shut everything out. The room spun, and the throbbing behind your eyes was as painful as ever. You were nauseous, sick of yourself, sick of the how much you had to give just to stop hurting the people you loved. You were better off alone, and they were better off without you.
“I-I can’t breathe.” Azriel watched helplessly.
You needed to get away. Away from your mate and your family, where you could hurt no one and they could live in peace.
Beyond your bedroom window, away from the sparkling city of Velaris, lay the thick of the woods. It was dark, cold, and beckoned almost as strongly as the bond between you and Azriel.
You looked back at the Shadowsinger, your own winnowing powers beginning to activate for the first time in months. “I need you to let me go,” you said, your voice broken at the decision you had already made.
Azriel’s eyes shone with fresh tears, his shadows scouting for you straight away. But with a tight swallow, he nodded, silently calling them back to curl around his fists.
“I understand,” was all he said. But by then you had already winnowed from the room.
Moments later, Rhys burst into your quarters, behind him Feyre and Mor. They entered to find Azriel facing the window, watching the dark of the woods, wings tight and shadows pressed against the glass.
“We heard yelling,” Rhys said. Azriel didn't answer, didn't even turn.
“Az? Where is Y/N?” Feyre asked, placing a gentle hand on the his shoulder.
Azriel sighed. “She left.”
“Left for where?” Mor’s question was frantic, readying herself to find you immediately.
“To the woods.”
“The woods?” Rhys questioned, his face wracked with confusion.
“She couldn't breath here, she was… panicked, trapped. She said I needed to let her go, so I did.”
There was silence amongst them.
“I’m sorry for how today unfolded,” Feyre apologised. “Elain is so upset.”
Azriel shook his head softly, finally turning to his family. “It’s alright. No one is to blame.”
“I’ll track Y/N mind to mind while she’s out there,” Rhys offered, to which Azriel nodded.
“I’ll send my shadows too, in time.”
“Will you retrieve her?” Mor asked, chewing on her lip.
“Only if she needs me to,” Azriel said with a frown.
“And how will you know?”
“I’m her mate. I’ll know.”
Mor nodded before she ran a comforting hand along Azriel’s arm, giving his hand a tight squeeze.
“Is Cass still here?” the Shadowsinger asked.
“He’s back at the House of Wind with Nesta,” Feyre answered. “He didn't want to provoke you any further.”
Nodding, Azriel winced at the twinge of guilt in his stomach, remembering how he badly he had hurt his brother earlier that day. “I owe him an apology,” was all he said as he prepared to winnow himself, his shadows looping closely for their departure.
Part 10 >>>
AN: I hope you liked this chapter, and thank you for your patience while I finessed this part! 💌 The support for this series has been overwhelming – so just another thank you for following along the journey, it means so much to me ❤️❤️❤️ 
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tokki-tteokbokki · 1 year
One by One
Chapter Six: Mirror
Hyunjin x Fem Reader
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After constantly fighting with your boyfriend, Jisung, your relationship abruptly ends.
Unaware of the secret hope of your relationship's demise by your friends.
One by one, the boys can't help themselves.
Chapter Foive:
Chapter Seven:
you know the smut hehe :), sad feelings for a little bit, briefly flirty dom minho, semi-public sex, oral (m rec), fingering, spanking, cum tasting/swallowing both sides, unprotected sex, slight mention of voyeurism.
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The weekend had gone and past with two more notches in your belt. Monday had come and it was back to regular hours at the building.
You sat in a conference room, trying to will yourself to stay awake during your hour and half long meeting with the rest of staff. You tiredly fiddled with your pen, leaning back into the chair. “Has the editing team started on the Jeju videos yet?” Your department head asked “Yes, I checked in this morning and everything seems to be going smoothly. Shouldn’t be too long until they’re ready.” You sat up straight, slightly pressing your legs together at the memories of Jeju. “What about their upcoming shows in Japan, have the flights been booked?” You placed your pen down and gulped, remembering your last flight “Yes, both departure and returns are in order.” Was he trying to torture you? “How are the boys managing with the schedule?” “Fine, sir. They’ve adjusted nicely, they’ll be in top conditions for their comeback.” You smiled to which your boss smiled back.
At last you were at the freedom of your office, you plopped into your chair. Your eyes drifted around before reaching one of the picture frames on your desk. It was a polaroid of you and Jisung from a movie night you had at his apartment. Snuggled in Pj’s surrounded by pillows and covered by a blanket, Jisung had dragged an annoyed Minho out of his room to take a photo of you two.
Suddenly you were filled with sadness, you remembered the last words you and Jisung exchanged. You never thought he could be so cruel… Your eyes welled up with tears. You reached forward and picked up the frame, once so happy and carefree… now filled with hatred and disappointment. You hadn’t cried since he left you until this moment. Tears began to fall onto the frame, you missed him. You missed the carefree days you spent with him, laughing and playing. You inhaled deeply, wiping the tears from the glass before opening a drawer and putting it inside.
Slumping back into your chair, weakly spun around to see the view from your window. The morning was brisk but the sun was beating through. You lost yourself in thought while watching the traffic below.
Knock knock.
You spun your chair back around, quickly wiping your wet face. “Come in.” The door opened and Minho entered with a smile plastered on his face “What is it?” Your brows scrunched. His smile faded a bit as he approached and noticed the redness on your cheeks and under your eyes. “Were you crying?” He sat down on one the chairs in front of your desk. “What do you need?” You completely avoided the question “Miss him, huh?” Minho huffed, you stayed completely silent and avoiding eye contact. “He misses you too.” You turned your head in surprise “What are you talking about?” “He still loves you, (y/n). He’s just an idiot sometimes.” You rolled your eyes “You should’ve heard what he said to me yesterday. He hates me… In all honesty, I kind of hate me too.” Your mind was frazzled “Before or after Seungmin?” Your eyelids became nonexistent, looking at Minho completely shocked “How-“
“Long story but don’t panic, it’s not a big deal. It’s good, even!” Minho regained his smile “I slept with my ex’s best friends, that’s not good and it is a big deal!” Your expression became angry “You need to keep going.” Minho suddenly became serious. “Huh..?” You choked “There’s only Hyunjin and Felix right?” Minho ignored your confused state “Do them.” He ordered “Are you crazy?” You cracked “You have to be crazy.” Minho leaned forward, putting his hands on your desk “Do you or do you not want Jisung back?” Your heart felt constricted “What?” “Answer the question.” He stood up and made his way around, you turned your chair to the side as he approached, facing him.
He leaned forward, putting his hands on either side of the armrests. “Answer me.” His face drew near to yours, his aura becoming dominant and demanding obedience. “yes.” Your voice was small, closer to a whisper. Minho smirked at your submission. “Then do exactly as I say.” Your heart was knocking against your ribs, “You have to fuck Hyunjin and Felix. I’ll take care of the rest.” He was confident and relaxed, somehow his crazy plan put you at ease. You did miss Jisung, you still loved him. You didn’t want him to leave you. You softly pushed Minho off “Fine.” He steadily backed up and sat back down in his original chair. “Hyunjin is in rehearsal room. Go.” You scoffed as Minho flexed his brows up and down. He was serious. “Better sooner than later.” He stated. You stood up shaking your head “Crazy bastard.” You muttered jokingly as you left your office.
You picked up a couple water bottles along the way to the rehearsal room. You were nervous but remembered what Minho said and found your power to follow through. Coming up to the door you could hear the low boom of the bass. You recognized the beat almost immediately
Play with Fire.
You swallowed hard and turned the knob on the door, pushing it open. The lights were dimmed and you could see Hyunjin rolling his body to the music. He saw you closing the door behind you. “Hey!” He mouthed over the music, you smiled in return. He ran over and pressed pause on the sound system, “Hey” His plush lips upturning into a smile “For me?” He pointed to one of the water bottles “Mhm.” You nodded and gave him one. “Thank you!” “What brings you here?” You slightly froze “Oh, I heard you were here and just wanted to check on you.” He lightly laughed, you were too cute. He looked down at you, admiring how the low light was playing against your features.
“You actually came at a good time, Noona!” Hyunjin exclaimed “Hm?” “I wanted to try this dance with another person, can you help?” You looked up at his kind pleading face. You couldn’t say no to him. “Um, sure.” You weren’t quite sure what he meant but you were curious enough to find out. He cracked the cap on the water bottle, tilting his head back to take a drink, you could see his adam’s apple move with his swallows. How could he make drinking water sexy?
Taking his final gulp, he put the cap back on and set the bottle down. “Alright” He pulled a chair from the side and moved it to the middle of the room, setting it in front of the mirror. “Sit” He gestured to the chair. You put your bottle down next to his and slowly made your way to the chair. You sat down carefully, Hyunjin gave you a cheeky smile. “Don’t move.” He patted your head before running over to press play.
The first notes of the song began to play and you felt the vibration of the bass through the floor up the chair. You stayed still but your eyes followed Hyunjin’s figure begin to move. His perfectly timed movements glided around, inching closer to you. His presence was magnetic to your eyes, you couldn’t pull away. He came closer and closer until he was beside you. You felt his long fingers dance at the nape of your neck.
“I’ve always like to play with fire…”
The bass dropped and so did he. A beautiful display in front of you, his hips rolling, arms moving in sync. He spun sharply on his knees, placing himself directly in front of you. His hands trailed up your legs, his eyes were dark and full of mysterious lustful energy. A true performer. His hands now on top of your thighs, he slowly lifted himself up. His fingers migrated under your chin, tilting your head up to meet his gaze. His expression was sexy in the most filthy seductive way. A tiny smirk grew as he spun around to place himself behind you.
His body swayed effortlessly, his hand meeting your body again. This time on your throat, he gently squeezed and released you. You body was on fire, you were grateful the lights were dimmed. You could feel how red your face and ears were. You were breathless at his performance. A complete immersion in his dance, you were but a mere puppet now.
He grabbed your hands and motioned for you to stand to which you obliged. Never letting go, he spun you around before moving his body like a siren call. Everything in you wanted to engage more but this was his stage.
The song ended and another began to play with the same dark and sensual vibe. He ran over and turned the volume by a few notches before running back to you. “What do you think?” He grinned, running his fingers through his hair. You were speechless, do you tell him that was probably the hottest things you’ve ever seen? Do you tell him that that was basically an orgasm for your eyes. “O-oh I-I” You stuttered. Hyunjin noticed how flustered you were and as his cheeky self would have it, he needed to tease you. He brought his hand to your cheek “You’re warm.” You swallowed hard “It was really good.” You blurted. He laughed at your shy state. Seeing you quiver with overstimulated nerves just made him want to do more.
He’d thought about it plenty of times. You were a beautiful young woman, your unique look intrigued him. He’d imagine your one of kind body and every curve and dip the universe blessed you with. He was good friend and wouldn’t do that to Jisung but now it was fair game. In this moment, he had you wrapped around his finger and with the new found permission from his Hyungs, he wasn’t going to let this go to waste.
“Hyunjin, follow me.” Chan with Minho gestured for him to exit the room. Thinking he was in trouble his mind started to race to any mistakes he could’ve made. The three of them ended up in Chan’s studio. Chan took his seat at his desk while Minho and Hyunjin sat on the couch. “Uh what’s up?” Hyunjin let out “We want you to do something for us. For Jisung.” Chan stated, leaning back into his chair. “Okay..?” Hyunjin hesitated “Fuck (y/n).” Minho calmly explained. Silence took over the room, Hyunjin giving the most confused side eye to both of them. “It’s not a secret you’re attracted her. Pretty much everyone is.” Chan broke the quiet “Which is one reason why we’ve fucked her.” Minho smirked. Hyunjin’s eyes went wide in surprise “You… What??”
“Just trust us. Plus, you’d get to fuck the body you’ve been trying to paint for months.” Hyunjin turned red, there were dozens of scrapped pages in a notebook of a naked girl he’d been trying to plan a painting of. He’d left the notebook at the studio where it was discovered by Chan. Hyunjin had originally brushed it off as just a muse he had, nothing crazy.
“Wait, you said this is for Jisung.” Hyunjin remembered “Yeah.” Minho started “I’ll explain everything but you have to fuck (y/n). They’ll both thank you for it later.” Hyunjin hesitated but caved. He trusted his elders and there was also the perk that he’s going to get to fuck you. He took a deep breath “Alright, I’m in.”
“I know Minho Hyung sent you in here.” Hyunjin whispered, you could only just look at him, too flustered to utter a word. He smiled deviantly “I know why you’re here.” Your breath became shaky, you nodded your head to confirm. “You know what’s going to happen?” He stepped around to stand behind you. The mirror now served as your eyes behind you. He pressed his full lips to your ears “I’m going to fuck you and you’re going to watch.” His eyes drifted to the mirror.
His lips left of trail of kisses from your ear down your neck, your head falling to the side in pleasure, the music still playing, creating a pace for Hyunjin to move to. You felt his tongue poke your neck before coming back up to your ear. You moaned from the sensation. He pulled away and sat himself down on the chair. You turned, he was seated with his legs spread, his hands on his slender thighs. “Dance for me.” Your stomach jumped at his words, the music was slow and sensual. Without a second thought, you rolled your hips, letting the sound of the song move your body for you.
Hyunjin looked pleased at your display for him, you felt your sexual prowess coming forward you straddled him and began to sway your hips on his. His hands moved to your waist while your arms found themselves around his neck. “God.” He breathed, you brought your face closer to his, the shadows of the dim lighting giving his plush lips the perfect contour. Noticing the fast pace of Hyunjin’s breathing, you took the opportunity to lower yourself farther on him. He smiled as your crotch met his growing boner.
He ground you harder and faster into him, throwing his head back at the sensation. Coming to, he found your gaze. You looked perfect, like a little nymph doing what she does best. His hands moved to your shoulders, slowly pulling your sweater down to expose your shoulders. The highlights of your collarbones caught his eye. Hyunjin’s hands moved to embrace you, pulling you in. His lips met your chest, he lightly sucked leaving a small red mark below your cleavage.
You left your sweater slip off and pulled your shirt over your head. Hyunjin looked in awe at your bosom. Still grinding against him, you leaned forward grabbing him by the nape of his neck, your fingers beginning to get tangled in his hair. He whimpered at your tugging before you began to kiss his neck slowly. “Noona… Ah.” He moaned, your kisses were setting fires in his body. You brought your lips up to his jaw, kissing your way to his lips. Finally, your lips touched and parted. His desperate tongue plunging into your mouth. You could feel yourself getting more and more aroused, your panties sticking to your cunt.
Your hands drifted forward, down to the top of his shirt. You began to unbutton him, eager to expose his flawless body to you. Opened and exposed, you pulled away from the kiss to admire Hyunjin’s slender body. His abs, softly defined and artistically contoured. His fingers unhooked your bra. Your naked chest was a sight he had been yearning to see.
The perfect shape of your breasts, the way your nipples started to stand at attention for him drove Hyunjin crazy. His muse was finally in front of him. He took your nipples between his fingers and gently rolled them, making them harder and more sensitive. “Hyunjin!” You gasped at the feeling. You felt his dick twitch underneath you, immediately you brought yourself to your knees in front of him. His shirt opened, slightly falling off his shoulder, his legs parted, a hand in his hair. He truly was a work of art.
You unzipped his pants and helped him shimmy his bottoms and boxers down. His dick popped out, leaking mass amounts of precum. You didn’t hesitate. You took him into your mouth, sucking all the precum down. He tasted delicious. “Ohh..” He moaned over the music, a hand finding it’s way to your head. He bobbed your head to a slow rhythm, he wanted to savour every second. He wanted to remember every moment to use as his inspiration.
One of your hands reached up to cup his balls “Oh fuck!!” He squealed “Noona, it’s good. Oh my God!” His eyes half opened and his mouth agape, you could feel his dick twitch. He was going to cum and soon. You picked up speed, willing yourself to open your throat to take more of him in. He also cried in pleasure “I-I-I’m… Ah!!” You went down as deep as you could, choking and tears welling up. you felt Hyunjin’s erratic spurts of cum shoot down your throat.
Swallowing it all, you pulled yourself away. Wiping your eye from the single tear that fell. Hyunjin panted, coming down from his explosive nut. It was a brief moment but there he was, his head thrown back, sweat running down his face. In a second he came to “Kiss me” He breathed, you came up and he pulled you into a messy kiss. He pulled at your pants, desperate to be inside you. You backed away for a second “Think you can?” you asked, cutely being concerned. “You have no idea.” He suddenly put you over his knee and ripped your bottoms down to expose your ass. Without time to process, Hyunjin delivered a hard spank to your ass. You yelped, enjoying the sting his large hand brought you. He smacked you again and you jumped in pleasure.
Hyunjin smiled to himself, watching your ass jiggle and your perky cheek turn red from the hits. His finger trailed its away down your ass crack to your wet pussy peeking through. “Ah, so wet..” You watched him in the mirror as he brought his finger to his mouth to taste you. The sight was so naughty, you could’ve came from the expression Hyunjin made when your juice met his tastebuds. “You taste amazing, Noona.” He praised while bringing his finger back to your pussy. You cried out as his finger pushed into you, gently curving his finger to play with that one spot. He took his time pulsing in and out, you watched in the mirror. Splayed across his lap, at his mercy, Hyunjin enjoying the wet feeling and sound as he finger fucked you. “…M-more.” You begged him. He smirked, without a word he forced another finger into your tight hole and went faster and harder. It wasn’t long before you exploded on his hand.
He pulled you back up, you looked at him as he licked his fingers clean. Moaning as he tasted more of you. “Taste yourself.” His mouth on yours, your tongues again at war with each other. You tasted your sweet essence as his tongue swirled around yours.
He positioned you to sit, both of you facing the mirror. Hyunjin held his dick up as you eased yourself on him. Beautifully slightly above average, you felt his length fill you up. Hyunjin looked at the mirror, watching your face contort as he entered you. He let out a sweet whimper as he wrapped his arms around you. Your head fell back onto his shoulder to which he took his opportunity to instruct you.
“Dance for me.”
Your skin gained goosebumps at his whispered words. A new song playing, you found your rhythm again, and rocked your hips back and forth with him inside you. The deep grinding sent you both into a frenzy. “You’re so pretty. Look at yourself.” He grabbed you by the neck and made you look at the filthy pornographic scene unfolding. You watched as your body rolled, you couldn’t take it, you began to furiously bounce on him. Hyunjin also watching the scene, his face becoming a fucked out scrunch.
“Look at me when you cum, jagiya.” He started to thrust up, watching your face as he helped you closer to the climax. “Hyunjin!” You looked at him in the reflection, your eyes beautifully dilated from the pleasure. Every movement pushed you closer and closer until you felt his other hand play with your clit. “Ah!!!!” The overwhelming amount of stimulation brought you to your leg shaking orgasm. “Ugh..!!” He pounded a few more thrusts into you before he spilled inside you.
You fell backwards onto Hyunjin, your head falling over his shoulder. His twitching cock still inside you. Both of you completely hazy and oblivious to the body who had entered the room. He stood in the corner frozen, an iced americano in hand and a growing erection in his pants.
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tags: @eastleighsblog @catlove83
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andieperrie18 · 6 months
happiness in exile
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series: that vacation you're looking for
pairing: Leon Kennedy x Reader
warnings: None
a/n: I'm just gonna write... thats all
Stockholm wasn't the first place that would pop into Chris's head when looking for an ex-government agent who recently quit due to personal reasons, one that he was very well aware of. He would have assumed that Y/n would rather be out somewhere in a rural area, in a cottage and a garden. Rehabilitating her heart and mind from the stressful job of fighting off bioweapons all while dealing with her breaking her engagement with Leon. As much as the male wanted to leave the woman alone, she was the only one capable of attaining information on his current target right now. 
"Claire, are you sure you're giving me the correct address?" 
Chris stared back and forth between the piece of paper in his hand and the residence before him, or a bakery instead. The walls are colored a dirty mustard yellow with a wide window with various pastries and a singular door beside it. Above it was an intricate sign, 'Gütiokipänjä Bakery' it read.
"Yes, it's a bakery and if you're standing in front of one, then you've found it," she replied through the other line. The buff male stared at the establishment. There was a pathway beside the bakery that led to a yard. He dared not to enter the said establishment but did take a look through the glass window display.
No Y/n, just a female cashier with a rather unusually large red bow holding her hair in a neat ponytail, she was taking a few customers' orders and a baker with rather red hair and big round glasses putting freshly baked pastries through designated baskets and racks on display. Having had enough of just eye scavenging for the woman he walked towards the door. The male slowly treads to the bakery's door to inquire until he is called.
"Chris?" he spun to see who called him, it was a woman. It took him two squints to finally acknowledge who it was.
"Y/n," she just smiled radiantly at him.
Chris was jealous, well a tad bit envious. Envious of Y/n current state in comparison to his. Despite wearing a typical tourist outfit to blend in the crowd, his tired frown had forever etched itself on his face through years of trying to fight against monsters and people who created them for their benefits that had cost him countless lives of his men and women.
And then there's Y/n, who has been a close acquaintance of his after working together in various missions where the BSAA and the US Government needed to work together. And like him, this battle had taken its toll on her too, that was before she left for a rather long vacation.
He wasn't clueless of the sudden end of her and Leon's relationship, aware of the unusual relationship the male has with a female mercenary. 
"Soo… its been a while,"
Y/n took her seat across from him at a small dinner table in a relatively spacious room he didn't know the bakery had, it was an apartment space connected to the bakery. It was a bit dim but the slightly large window and the fresh morning sun lit her room without effort.
"It has. I guess you're doing quite well," he replied as he took a small sip of the hot beverage in front of him. 
Y/n exhaled as she rested back against the chair a soft smile grew on her lips, and he stared. The usual bags under her eyes were gone, her skin no longer sickly pale, a bit more meaty frame through her simple button-down dress, and her hair is neatly kept and put together, showing her rather radiant features.
“So… You bake?” he asked, as he smiled at how bright she looked.
Y/n chatted to him a bit more about small and simple things. Like how she learned to bake and so, sometimes pulling his sister's name through the conversation. A carefree conversation, devoid of any kind of topics involving zombies and terrorism. Rather refreshing in Chris's ears, whatever Y/n placed in his coffee to have him get laid back at that moment was working. The fresh sea breeze of the Swedish country sweetly crawled over his nape that left him to surrender his back fully on the sturdy wooden chair, the sent of the freshly baked pastries entering through the window. He could've swore that he might have dozed off for a few minutes and Y/n knows it.
"What brings you here anyway?" 
Chris heaved a breath as the question he was waiting for came, his lips shut close as he leaned forward, as his usual military demeanor returned.
"We need your help," he muttered with a little struggle, his gaze meeting hers, waiting for her expression to contort.
"We're looking for a weapon dealer who's currently involved with another virus. We don't know its effect, but we think it's related to bioweapons too," he trailed, torn by the slow fading of her warm expression. It was as if he was pulling her back to the reality of where her real occupation lies. 
"I'm sorry if I had to barge in through your vacation like this, and I know this isn't a typical one, a lot of things happened to you and I would leave you alone if I could but, I really need your help,"
Chris wasn't necessarily begging, and Y/n wasn't exactly a simple government agent. She was on the job two years before Leon was recruited. And she has a higher status than her ex-fiance, even now. That's why she was able to basically blackmail the higher-ups to give her a break. She's one of the best.
Y/n leaned back and crossed her arms, lips puckered to the left with squinting eyes. Chris felt blue, he didn't really want to force her back to duty but considering her resignation from DSO, he would be lying if it didn't cross his mind to recruit her. Surprisingly, his sister invited Y/n as field advisor for Terrasave a few months ago. So there goes his recruitment.
"I know it's sudd-" he starts, "When do you leave?" she pops on.
Taken aback by her quick reply but he never got to answer back as she left the chair and went to a closet beside her bed. She pulled out a duffel bag and placed it on the bed. 
there'll be happiness after you
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hearts4youz · 11 months
The Captains Daughter: Chapter 9
Word count: 1.1k
Reader pov:
Your lungs burned, your muscles ached, you felt pain in places you didn't know existed.
One week into the intensified training with Lieutenant Ghost and you were on the verge of quitting.
The corners of your vision darkened, your breath labored.
You groaned internally, it would be too painful to make an audible sound. You crouched down, getting into position, your knees creaked in protest. Ghost blew the whistle that he found god knows where and you sprang into action. Taking out the dummies that were in place of enemies, firing at targets on the move, instantly dropping down into push ups once you finished. Then onto the final boss, the Lieutenant.
Ghost was no less brutal than the last 50 times, each time over it was easier for him to take you to the ground. You tried to juke him, but his large frame easily slid into your way, blocking your exit. He grabbed your shoulder, spinning you around then putting you into a hold.
"Gets' easier every time," he tsked.
Why did I do this? I'm not cut out for this, you thought to yourself
You walked to the starting point, nausea washing over your body. Your stomach was tied in knots. It felt as if you has swallowed a bag of needles. Your legs cramped. Colored spots danced in your sight. You tripped over yourself in a daze, the world spun.
Next thing you know, you were in the air. You flailed around at the feeling.
"Would you quit it," you heard a voice say.
As you regained your consciousness, you realized it was Ghost, and you weren't in the air, you were in his arms. Soon, the agony returned to your body.
"T-too much," you sputtered. As the pain returned, so did the memory of why you felt it.
"Shhh I know, you're okay," Ghost said in a softer voice than you were used to. A twinge of sympathy in his tone.
You focused on the rise and fall of his footsteps, you laid your head on his chest, not stopping to think how out of line it was.
He carried you to the Infirmary, placing you gently on one of the beds. Your eyes burned from the fluorescent lights.
"Bright-" You managed to get out.
Ghost looked around for a remedy, he took paper towels from a nearby sink, folded them, and placed them over your eyes.
You hummed in thanks.
Minutes later, a nurse came in to check your vitals and diagnose you. Ghost left the room in silence. The nurse was maybe in her late forties or fifties, her hair was grey at the roots. Sunspots were prominent on her skin, as were frown lines on her face.
The nurse moved around deftly, getting a quick blood pressure reading, checking your pulse, listening to your breathing, then finally speaking.
"Looks like you passed out from exhaustion or dehydration," she said plainly.
"Let me take a look at your file to see if you have any red flags before I send you away."
She left the room, a few minutes later she came back with a manila folder. It was quite thin, there were only a few papers inside. The nurse looked over the documents quickly, scribbling something down on one of them. She handed you a bottle of water and an ibuprofen and you were dismissed.
Ghost waited for you in the lobby.
"M' sorry, Y/N."
"I thought you could take it, I should have recognized the signs-"
You cut him off before he could continue, "It's alright LT," "Just need some rest."
"Rest... right" he pondered.
The two of you stood in silence for a few moments. You recalled the events of the last hour, waking up in the arms of your lieutenant, the way his strong muscles held you up, the shape of them against your back. You shivered at the feeling. The longer you stood there, the more awkward it became.
"Well, I should go," Ghost suddenly announced his leave.
"So should I"
You parted ways without a goodbye.
Ghost pov:
I felt sick.
The way her body hung limp in my arms.
She looked dead.
Like I killed her.
At least that's what it felt like.
She passed out, during my training, under my watch.
Watching her fall unconscious was like watching her die.
On the way back to my room, I stopped in the nearest bathroom and vomited. The sick feeling remained. That night, I dreamt of her on the battlefield, in place of my previous recruits. Her throat being slit, her screams being reduced to gargles as her larynx was severed. Hot blood flowing like a river, down her neck, pooling at her feet. Blood on the hands of the man who killed her. Blood on my own hands
I woke up in a cold sweat.
Reader pov:
You lied awake in bed, lights out having been hours ago. Your eyelids were heavy, but your mind overflowed with thoughts.
Your face was hot with embarrasment as you hid under the covers, dispite there being no one around to judge you.
You had conciously layed your head on your lieutenant's chest, not to mention he was already carrying you. You couldn't help but think about how perfect your head sat against Ghost's, warm, muscular chest. The way he carried you so gently was a stark contrast to how he normally was with you.
You thought about your cold, stoic Lieutenant. How reserved he was around everyone. What if he could open up for you, just for you. You had felt a taste of what his mushy gushy side was like, and you may have liked it just a little bit...
You blushed hard at the thought of possibly crushing on your lieutenant.
It could never happen.
He's your higher up, Your father is his higher up.
You couldn't bear to think about it anymore, the embarassment was too much. Finally, you fell asleep.
Taglist: @abbiesxox
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nevernonline · 10 months
✧.* grow as we go; svt smau.
entry #09 seeing red.
synopsis: over the past ten years you’ve fallen in love many times. one day someone happens to stumble across your journal sitting out on your nightstand and started posting your entries online. after all of your secrets are leaked it’s clear things would ever be the same again.
𐦍 paring: svt members x afab! reader.
𐦍 feat: non-idol! svt, (g)-idle minnie&soyeon, oc’s
𐦍 genre/s: reader is super angsty low-key, fluffy, sexual themes.
𐦍 content: swearing, bullying, crazy ex’s, mentions of sexual relations, some drinking& mary jane 🍃
word count: 2.7k
masterlist ▸ 008 not the bath mat.  ▸ 010 coming soon
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“You okay?”
Seokmin’s voice rang through y/n’s ears as she drove her car away from of Vernon’s white apartment building. 
“Yeah, I think so. I’m just nervous for some reason like I can’t put into words why, but my gut is telling me something is weird.” 
“Gut instincts are rarely ever wrong, but I’ll be by your side until you tell me you don’t need me to be. Okay?” 
Pulling up into the parking lot of the glass framed building just on the edge of the city overlooking the water, y/n felt her nervous sweating start to begin, almost begging for air conditioning to surround her like a chilled hug. 
“Want to hold my hand?” 
“Yes please, they’re clammy I’m sorry.” 
Gripping onto Vernon’s firm hand the three boys almost looking like her bodyguards bypassed the frenzy of people outside waiting to get their own peak at Minghaos installation themselves and walked through the door. 
The room was filled with small tables, made by hand as a final touch to Minghaos work, adorned with dainty black table clothes and bottles of champagne placed in ice buckets. 
The room was softly lit with yellow and white lighting making everyone have a glow that bounced off of them almost as if they weren’t real. 
“Would you guys like a drink? We have champagne and two signature cocktails, one is a gin based drink called ‘delicate’ and the other is a whiskey ginger based drink called ‘storm cloud.” 
The beautiful waitress signaled at y/n’s small group and pointed out the drinks on the table. 
“I think two storm clouds and one delicate one for sure. Y/n? What would you like?” 
You spun to look into Junhui’s big eyes, skating your head saying anything is alright with you so he made the conclusion to just order you the same as Seokmin to be safe. 
“Thank you.” 
Y/N placed a tip in the small bartenders jar and bid her a smile knowing she’ll be back for more later in the night 
“Should we look around now and try to find Minghao? Or wait a bit?” 
“Seok lets just wait here, it doesn’t seem like anyone is looking around yet, I'm trying to spy for Minnie and Mingyu.” 
“And Mimi.” 
“Yeah. Her too.” 
“Guys, Vernon and I are going to go find Vernon’s friend Seungkwan. We'll be back in a second.” 
“No problem.” 
Y/n and Seokmin waved the cute couple off into the crowd. 
“So y/n.” 
“How are we feeling now? What was going on in the car?” 
“I don’t know. I told you I’m alright.” 
“Yeah but you don’t have to lie to me about that.”
“I promise you I would never lie to you, we basically took an unintentional blood oath as kids it stays” 
“Okay. I love you, you know that right? But I rarely see you nervous like this so I can’t help but feel concerned.”
“Shut up. Yes I do and I love you too. I promise im alright.”
Averting her gaze back to the front door she watched as Minnie and Mingyu walked hand and hand, strutting past a very devious looking Mimi standing to the right, chit chatting with someone who was unrecognizable to y/n. 
“They look good together.” 
“Yeah, they do.” 
“Do you think this fake dating is going to lead to them.. you know.” 
“Well. If I can be honest with you y/n which I'm sure I can, I think it already has.” 
“Are you alright with that?” 
“I am actually. Any other time it would’ve killed me I think, but now.. I don’t know? I’m content. They make sense.” 
“You shine too bright to have someone who shades you.” 
“What does that even mean?” 
“I don’t know actually, I think im drunk already.” 
Y/n placed a small kiss on Seokmin’s temple laughing at his flushed cheeks before a familiar yet irritating voice cut through their ears. 
“Y/n, Seokmin. Hi! You both look absolutely gorgeous. Mind if I sit?” 
“Hi, Mimi. Sure.” 
“How are you guys? This is so beautiful and we haven’t even seen his art yet, how crazy. He’s so talented.” 
“Yeah it’s nice. You look great, I love your bag.” 
“Thank you. You look nice. I see you didn’t go with the outfit you picked out the other day.” 
“Hao told us to come in black so it just didn’t feel right.”
“Mimi, can I ask you how you know Minghao again?” 
“Oh wow, well it’s a long story. We met a few years ago, I haven’t seen him in a while actually.” 
“Ah, I see. Did you go to school together or?” 
“Wow Seokmin, someone’s nosey.” 
“Oh, sorry no, not nosy just curious is all. I didn’t know you knew him.” 
“It’s okay. Our parents actually work together.” 
“Do you know if he arrived yet? I’m sure he’d love to see you in this gorgeous outfit. Leaving everything to the imagination, he likes conservative girls.” 
“No we haven’t seen him, we're just waiting for Junhui actually.” 
“Aw, cutie. His boyfriend seems so nice, I stalked them online today. Dumb and dumber vibes, you know? I’m more curious though did you see Minnie and Mingyu? How trashy getting with your friends hook up? Maybe she truly has it out for you. You’re too pretty to never be the one to end up with the guy. But actually you should just date Seokmin, everyone knows how much you guys love each other, it could work out well.”
“Oh I-
“Well, I have to get going and find my way to the girls room. I’ll see you later. Toodles.” 
Seokmin’s voice gained a depth that you haven't heard since someone pushed him in the fountain at your high school during senior prank week. 
“What the fuck was that?” 
“Fucking weird is what that was.” 
Seokmin’s tone turned quickly into a quiet mocking of Mimi’s.
“Dumb and Dumber vibes.”
The two of them laughed as they shrugged off the interesting encounter with a former foe.
A bartender came over to the pair and handed them both a flute of champagne, as the rest of the patrons erupted into a roar when Minghao made his way into the building, Wonwoo walking beside him, smiling at his friend who was receiving praise from his acquaintances, hugging and high fiving him for his success, some chanting for him to make a speech.
Minghao walked straight past Mimi who was stealthily placed behind a tall gentleman the star of the night was not paying any attention to her whatsoever, almost like she was invisible. He strode over to the small table where y/n and Seokmin were awkwardly standing clutching the glass flutes, wrapping his arms around the both of them at the same time. 
“You guys look.. amazing, thank you for coming.” 
Minghao took a deep breath and looked up and down at the girl he had his arm around. 
“Seriously. Thank you.” 
“Our pleasure.” 
“I’ll be back after I say some thank yous, maybe we can all walk through together okay?” 
The intimate crowd surrounded Minghao and Wonwoo handed him the matching glass of sparkling wine and he held it up as a small cheers. 
Y/n peaked through the crowd and spotted Minnie and Mingyu to her right, still looking as loving as ever, Vernon and Jun to her left with an unrecognizable boy, who threw a small wave in her direction that she could only pass off as Seungkwan the only one she couldn’t place was Mimi.
“Hey guys. I just wanted to say thank you for coming tonight to the opening of my show. It’s been about a two year process to finally get through to this night. Many of you have been around much longer than that, so thank you for supporting me even when I was up late at night calling you upset about how it wasn’t going to work out. Vernon, Wonwoo, Seungkwan, and Mingyu, you guys truly were the only reason I didn’t jump ship many times from achieving this goal. It’s nice to see old faces like yours mixed into a group of new friends. So thank you, everyone, really. We’re going to take a peek through the gallery now, feel free to bring your drinks and grab some more along the way. And yeah, just enjoy yourselves. Thank you.” 
The clapping dwindled down as the group followed Minghao through the journey he went through over the past two years starting from just a week ago up until the beginning. 
Y/N stopped Seokmin to look at a very small white canvas decorated with various pastel water color paints mixed with an oil that looked almost the color of fresh blood. 
“Do you know when I did that?” 
Minghaos voice spoke up behind them quietly, not wanting the room to echo as the group was admiring the work during their part one journey. Seokmin smiled down at his female friend and decided to take the opportunity to wander off on his own like any good wingman would do. 
“Uh, no. Is this a trick question?” 
“No it’s not, but it was that night I found you on your floor, looking at those pictures of you and your friends.” 
“I- You got inspired by that? How?” 
“Not sure I have time to explain it right now, but look at the title.” 
‘About you’ was written on the plaque to the right side of the artwork. 
“Wow. Thank you.” 
“No thank you, I couldn’t have finished any of this without you actually.” 
The art curator swooped Minghao away from your side moving the group into the second room, where the energy was colder, the lighting was turned down slightly, causing the fading colors the feel cold and dark and full of sadness especially coming from the front of the house that was bright and full of life. 
y/n was on her own now, sitting near the back of the group losing her sight of all her comfort blankets that were her friends. 
She spotted the red lip of Mimi directly across the room, also slipping to the back, trying to blend into the crowd as she looked around. 
After spending a good ten minutes looking around the group was led through a vinyl curtain into a room full of dark red lights, the canvases on the wall now sunk to the floor of the room and scattered themselves alongside ripped and tattered papers on the concrete floors.
Something in y/n’s stomach had told her she should leave now, the growing anxiety of the light and coldness of the room, with near to no talking as the faint look of paint splatter sunk into her eyes on the walls almost like old blood. 
She tried to turn around and make her exit through the same vinyl door when a hand came up to her wrist. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” 
“Oh, Mimi hi, shit you scared me. I actually don’t feel well. I was going to dip out for a second.” 
“Aw, come on y/n you can’t leave Minghao now. Not before the big finale.” 
“Be right back, I’ll find Seokmin for you.” 
“Thank you.” 
All of the sudden as Mimi walked away a projector screen hit the wall, various old videos shot on a cam recorder. 
Y/n had recognized the faint pink colored walls, her own childhood room.
“Let’s go fucking crazy.”
The words came from lips that were set behind the camera only y/n knowing it was the sound of Mimi’s voice as she was being filmed sitting on the bed of her old room, a bottle of cheap vodka in her hands. 
“Okay, y/n I want you to see how pretty you are. We can send this to Joshua as a birthday gift. Should I turn the lights off more?” 
She watched herself as she nodded awkwardly giggling on top of the zebra sheets, her hands pushing the red bottle of liquor to her lips, dribbling the liquid down her chin, the sight of tears welling up in her round eyes.
“Y/nnie don’t be sad, nobody will ever find out we accidentally hurt anyone, okay? My dad said she’ll be okay, just a broken leg. Just let loose.” 
The lights flickered off the screen straight into her soul pushing down the memories of Mimi stealing her dads car while intoxicated to go and buy more alcohol before this very moment played out. 
Suddenly she saw red. All of this had been a set up to embarrass her. Another nail in her coffin. 
Her eyes filled with tears as she watched Mimi turn the people in the room to sit and stare at her face.  Watching the scene play on as Mimi told a very naive twenty year old girl to strip herself of her own clothes to impress the boy she liked and forget about the worst day of her life. 
The people in the room sized her up and down, some turning back to the screen, others reading a small handout that was stuffed into a map of the museum while giggling at the journal entries she wrote about her once crush and the man she had fallen for now before she even made the connection of who he was to her all of those years ago.
Y/n’s legs felt like jello, yet something in her built up the strength to bolt through the vinyl curtain, her heels echoing through the white walls like bullets hitting a glass window. 
She heard a voice cutting through the sound of her heels behind her calling out, but she decided she couldn’t stop to turn around and face anyone. It was a secret that couldn’t be shared, something that Mimi used as a final dagger to cut everyone out of her life the same way she cut the girl out of her own. 
As she reached the fresh air of the front doors, the same cute bartender was sitting out on the curb smoking a cigarette looking concerned for y/n’s well being. 
“Are you alright?” 
“Want a cigarette?” 
“A ride maybe? If it’s not too much to ask. I dropped my phone somewhere, I have cash I can pay you. I just need to get out of here now.” 
“I don’t need your money, it’s okay. Let me help you get a cab okay?” 
“Thank you, really. What’s your name?” 
“Rena. Yours?” 
Rena walked quickly with y/n to the outside cab pickup on the corner of the art museum, quickly hailing you a cab and shutting you tightly inside, leaving you with the last four cigarettes stuffed inside her metal case. As you drove off with a wink from her, meaning she had a feeling she’d see you again. 
“55 Miles Avenue, please” 
The driver sped through the night lights avoiding cars like it was a game. Pulling up outside the familiar front of Joshua’s building. 
Basically throwing money at him and whispering a quick thank you, y/n ran her way up to his elevator, finally reaching his floor, and knocking heavily on the door. 
In the few seconds he took to come unlock his apartment to her, she realized how desperate and deschevled she must look. 
“Y/n? It’s still early, are you okay?” 
“Come in, come in.” 
Her tears suddenly grew stronger, sinking down to his wooden floor, feeling his hands grab her shoulders and sink down with her. 
“What happened?” 
Words couldn’t form in her mouth correctly, she managed to spill a couple of sentences that made a way to fill him in. 
“Fuck. Y/n come on, let’s get you a shower and some fresh clothes.” 
Joshua’s arms picked the girl off the floor and led her into his black marble bathroom, which suddenly felt like an oasis to her. 
The water ran hot, scorching her body of the sins and embarrassment she had just gone through, spending more time scrubbing away at her skin and hair, feeling like it would help if she rubbed her skin nearly raw. 
Stepping out of the shower she grabbed the gray hoodie and soft sweatpants Joshua had laid out for her, taking her time to step into her clothes and walk out into her reality. 
“I ordered you some food. Come on.” 
As she finished eating in her daze, the boy to her left carefully rolled the thin paper over the green flower and lit the end, handing her a relief from her stress. 
“Thank you.” 
“Want to talk about it?” 
“Not right now.” 
“Okay. But im sorry I made you befriend her again, I should’ve known better y/n. I really thought she had changed.”
“Stop. Please, I really don’t want to talk about her right now.”
“Okay, just one last thing. Why do you think she did it?”
“I honestly have no idea.”
“But do you think Minghao had something to do with it I mean she basically ruined his whole night just for her own revenge. Seems weird that he-“
“Okay. okay.”
Joshua and y/n sat in the haze of their shared joint, not talking until she finally had enough of a high to fall asleep next to him on the couch and chose to deal with her problems the next day. 
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note/s: part one of y/n’s wild ride fr. i feel like yall all know we can trust seok/bernon/wonu/junhui for sure 😌✊🏻 but for everyone else the jury (me) is still out lmao. IK MY ASS USED THE WRONG YOUR ok thank u lets just chalk it up to seokmin being drunk and silly lmao <3 i kept telling myself this is too rushed but i also didn’t want to overwhelm and put more of the drama here so lol. def prob typos etc etc bc i was editing at night which i def shouldn’t do anymore lmao. ok ttyl ily.
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tag list:  @sun-daddy-yoriichi,@hipsdofangirl@kissesfrmwonwoo, @minhui896, @wonwooz1, porridgesblog,,  jasssy051, @soonyoungblr, @saucegirlreads, @musingsofananxiouspotato, @young-adult-summer, @punkhazardlaw, @bibs-world@the-swageyama-tobiyolo@wonuulvr@woozixo @k-drama-adict
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goodstories08 · 2 years
I'm not sure if you're taking requests but if you can it would be really cool to see a luke x male reader where the reader is his tutor and luke if trying to flirt but it's just going over the reader's head
I just thing it'd be really cool
Favorite Boy
Luke Dunphy X Male Reader
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“So your here to tutor MY son, am I hearing you right?” Luke’s mom said while leaning over the kitchen island. Her eyebrows scrunched as she tried to process the information. You bit your lip, still a little confused to why Luke of all people asked for Tutoring. “Yes you are mam,” You mumble while looking down into your bag to make sure you had everything. “Please don’t… Just call me Claire.”
The front door slammed shut quickly, followed by Luke’s figure stepping into the kitchen. His head turned downward. “Hey mom I have a friend coming over to tu….” He stopped and looked up at you, his eyes widened. “Oh Um your here, great.” He looked like he was at at a loss for words, his stuttering and constant blinking was kind of cute. You wrapped your fingers around your backpack and pulled it off the chair you sat on. “So y-you wanna go up to my room.”
A grin formed in your face as you squeezed by the nervous boy, stopping before you made your way upstairs. “Lead the way Dunphy.” He nodded before quickly running up the stairs, not before warning you about one of the broken steps though. You followed him to his room, the overpowering smell of fresh Febreze hitting your nose as you took a step through the door. “Does it always smell like Flowers in here?” You giggle while taking a seat at Luke’s desk. “W-why do you like it.” The boy said, eyes pleading for approval, like a tiny sad puppy.
A small smile grew on your face, as your eyes wandered the room you couldn’t help but notice how clean it was. The baby blue curtains across the room lightly blew in the breeze that came through the window. To the left of the window frame was an old bunk bed, and to the right was a large desk. His dresser was wiped clean from any dust that may have been there, and the floors where vacuumed clean.
“Yea it smells nice,” You paused while looking around for a place to sit. “Oh! Sorry you could sit in my chair, I’ll sit on the bed.” He spun the office chair around and quickly fell back into the blue and white stripped covers of his bed. You slowly walked over after leaning your backpack on one of the desk’s legs. “So what’s the first thing you need help with?” His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. In this moment you realized how cute Luke actually was. You had always seen him around in school, but he wasn’t too popular. Yea he had friends, but he definitely wasn’t as well known as you.
You where always considered smart even if you where barley above average, but what really made you known was your relationship with one of your schools best Football players, Dereck Sans. He wound up cheating and after the two of you broke up, most people took your side surprisingly. Even Luke, who made sure you where ok the day after the break up, for some reason.
“English, Im really stuck on my essay,” he finally spoke while reaching into his desk to pulling out a folder of papers and a singular book. “Romeo and Juliet,” you hummed as his eyes traced over your lips. “Have you read it.” You smiled and flipped through the first few pages. “Honestly,” you giggled as he continued to watch you, “I read bits and pieces, but I just wound up watching the movie.” He smiled while you slid the paper from the desk toward yourself. “Do you like romance movies?”
You chewed on your lip, “Yea I guess.” He leaned closer, you quickly looked back to the paper and began to read the questions. His right hand slightly brushed against your, sending butterflies through your stomach. Suddenly the door flung open, two girls stood in the frame watching you with wide eyes. “Hayley! Alex! Get out of my room!” Luke ran toward the door and shut it, the two girls let out a loud sigh. “Ok, fine. We just wanted to meet our future brother-in law.”
Luke blushed like a tomato, thinking that you where going to be disgusted. But to his surprise, you still seemed clueless. “Oh, I didn’t know you had sisters?” Luke slowly sat up, a defeated frown on his face. He slowly walked over to the bed, his head hung low. “Did I say something wrong?” He asked quietly, you looked up from the book and scrunched your eyebrows. “No why?”
He shifted around before looking up at you, his eyes pleading like a puppy. “I didn’t ask you to come here to study.”
“But, wait. You did ask me for help. That’s why I’m here. Sorry, I’m confused.” He stepped up and looked down at you. “I-I like you. I really really like you. And I have for a long time.” Silence overtook the room, the two of you just stood there. He stare into your eyes, and his lips looked perfect. “I get it if you wanna leave.” It seemed like a rock had grown in your stomach. You felt like you couldn’t move, but you pushed through it. You took a step forward, placing your hand on the side of the taller boys face. He is teary eyes traced over your expressions, you pulled his head down and sealed your lips with his.
His lips where warm, everything felt right. Better than any other guy you had ever kissed. You attempted to pull back but the desperate boy tried to hold the kiss. When your lips finally part you where both out of breath. “I like you too, but I think we should take things slow. It’s just my last relationship I…”
“I get it, It’s ok.” He said, a huge smile on his face. You grabbed your bag and walked toward the door. “We’ll, you do have my snap. So text me.” He stepped toward you, his arms wrapping around your waist. “Can’t wait for our next study session.” He mumbled causing you to giggle. “See you then.” He leaned in this time, eyes closed as the two of you shared a passionate kiss.
“Awww,” Haley and Alex said in unison, causing you both to split apart immediately. “Oh my god. Go away!”
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oddballwriter · 1 year
Dwelling in the Night, Part Four: Just Know I'm Not the Sinister Type
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Series Masterlist
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3
Summary: Life, and un-life, goes on. Stevan and you get closer, despite your better judgment, and actually reach the level of friends. It's actually quite nice when you don't think about everything that might come when time keeps going on, leaving only one of you untouched. Meanwhile, an eventful night of hunting happens for you. One with what you thought was a close call that involved you not killing someone tonight out of sympathy. But unfortunately, for you, you don't have as keen of eyes as you think you do.  
Warnings: Reader is a vampire, so there's the usual vampire stuff like drinking blood and biting. Reader gets a little bit edgy and emo, not going to lie to you, because I gave them some backstory to their vampirism. Reader actually attacks someone, but doesn't kill them. It's revealed that reader can to mind control and memory altering as a vampire power however, it is used on someone else. So if you have issues with mind control stuff be aware of that. Cliffhanger ending. 
Author’s Snip: Vampire Y/N lover come and get your juice. *places a blood bag on the table* Wow! I'm actually doing something that advances the plot instead of whatever part 3 was. But yeah. We may be having plots merging 👀.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 1974
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It had been a while since the meat incident. About a month or two. The boys, although a bit creeped out by the idea of some stranger breaking into their place and just eating the raw meat in their fridge, seemed to let it go.
You also let it slip by, opting to pretend to yourself that you never did that in the first place. Both too ashamed about it, even though you weren't actually caught, and also because of the fact that Moon Knight technically broke into your place through your open window making you think that he saw you crawl in through Steven's window and back.
To you, what Steven didn't know wouldn't hurt him. It was only one time and it was out of desperation to satisfy the hunger that exists inside you before it took its hold of you and you made an even bigger mess of things.
Over these past few months, you and Steven grew closer. You would actually spend time in each other's flats from time to time. In his, you would spend time talking about various things like some literature since he had an abundance of books, but one thing you loved was when he'd tell you everything there is to know about Egypt and all of its history and mythos. It was amusing to you, hearing him ramble on and on about... well... everything. It's not like you knew anything about the place. You may be old but you aren't ancient Egypt old so hearing all of this from one person was nice. But then again maybe it was because Steven was the only thing close to a friend you have here, other than Moon Knight when you bump into him in the alleys.
Steven liked your flat too, surprisingly. So far you had spun the story that you were a person who liked to collect vintage things and also had a small interest in the macabre, as a means to explain the coffin you had 'as a coffee table'.
In truth, your coffin coffee table that you 'got from a funeral home somewhere' was actually yours and you were meant to be sealed in it, in your original home. But you came back just before they could nail it shut back in your family mausoleum. Your collection of vintage was always yours and has never once been in a thrift or antique store. Some were things from when you were alive. Most others were things you collected through the years afterward. The bed frame and mattress, plates, cups, utensils, and other normal things that you've never actually used but bought so that in case someone comes to your flat they wouldn't find it odd and start to question things, which might lead to your discovery.
Steven didn't need to know that though. Instead, he just oggled at them all and occasionally asked about a few things. There was one item that he just had to ask about though.
"Who's this?" he questioned, pointing at a photo. It was of you back when you were alive. It was old, barely still together, and in grainy black and white with the tint of age changing the white. You went for the easy answer, "It's a great relative all the way back in the day.".
"They look an awful lot like you, don't they?" Steven comments with a little smile. "Yeah. I get that a lot." you respond, "It happens. Sometimes decedents look a lot like the older generations." you comment, to which Steven nods, taking the lie.
But you can only lie so much.
"What exactly brings you here? If you don't mind me asking." Steven questions.
I was starting to be found out and the hunters showed up trying to hunt me, so I needed to flee.
"I just wanted to move somewhere new. Get a fresh start." you simply answered.
"Do you have family here?" is what Steven asks next.
It wouldn't really matter. The family tree's grown on without you. Any family you used to have are all dead now, leaving descendants that either remember you as a dearly departed that was taken too soon or have never even heard of you.
"No." you answer simply, again.
Steven gives you a sympathetic glance at that answer. "That's a bit lonely, isn't it? Being here all by yourself." Steven comments.
"I have you." is what you say, not thinking before saying it. Steven blushes a bit at the answer with a shocked look crossing is soft eyes for a moment before smiling. "Well, I'm glad that I can be someone to keep you company." he says.
"Yeah," you mutter smiling back. But there's a little bit of pain plucking at your heartstrings deep down.
You've never really had a friend before, at least not after you came back from the dead. You had a few when living. You had a lot of things that you couldn't come back for after returning. Your way of 'life' was now just staying out of sight or under the radar. Taking what you could and fleeing when you were caught. Learning how to control any weird powers and abilities you gained all by yourself.
You made acquaintance over these years in the few places you've been, but you never really made bonds since it was a matter of time till you needed to leave again. That, and also to save the sight of watching time take its course on them while you stayed frozen and outside of its reach like always.
In all honesty, you tried to push Steven away or keep him at the same distance as you did everyone else, but somehow he just managed to squeeze right in by being your kindly, and dorky, neighbor. You tried to shake off the feeling of dread for the day you may need to leave or see time reach him too. For now, he's just Steven.
Another night of hunting and another night of putting on the clothes that helped you blend in with the shadows of the alleys that you stalked. Sure it was dirty to kill off criminals but it had its benefits to society if you looked at it from a certain angle, and also because bloody banks are more of a hassle than this.
You locked on a target. A mugger that's been making the rounds around this alley path that some would use as a shortcut to get places quicker. But during the night it was dangerous. It had a lot of pockets from the old infrastructure that criminals could hide in waiting to ponce on someone passing by. But that could also spin their own doom when it came to you hunting them. This guy was using the technique too. Using a spot made for dumping trash and scraps for the collectors in the morning. It was big enough for the both of you.
He didn't see you in the shadows, watching him and his movements from your spot. You both listened for the sound of anyone coming, both waiting for the moment to strike. You hear heels clacking on the stone floor, coming closer, and it seems like he hears them too as he settles himself into place. You don't feel like witnessing a poor woman be ambushed and so you go for the shot anyway. You already know what he's planning on doing so might as well do it like he still did it.
You grab the back of his shirt and pull him towards you. But he instinctively elbows you causing you to bite his arm instead of his neck. He recoils, you lunge, and you both scuffle down onto the ground. He's actually pretty strong, but you've wrestled with some criminals before and at some point they end up losing.
But in the scuffle, he grabs something from the ground close to the wall and hits you across the face with it. And it hurts. It burns. You coil back and hold your face, emit something between a scream, growl, and hiss. A noise that you don't make too often. You feel bits of wood and splinters on the stinging skin. He's hit you with a piece of spare plywood that was left to be collected.
Great. Out of all of the things he could have hit you with, it's the one thing that actually hurts.
You come back to your senses when you see him try to run. But you can't let him go. He's most likely seen your face since you don't wear a mask, if he gets away he can identify you to someone, and that spells out trouble for you. Even if it seems a bit twisted, you can't let that happen, no matter the cost. So you get up and give chase.
The mugger runs in the direction of more alleys instead of the streets in a desperate means to just get away from you and not thinking properly out of fear. This place would be a maze to him, but not to you. You can smell the blood from your bite on his arm, drawing a straightforward path right to him. You hear him calling out for help as he runs. You can tell he's scared, it makes you feel guilty for what you'd need to do when you caught him but it was the only way in your eyes.
Or was there.
You have some of his blood, you have a little influence over him. If you could just catch up with him, you could maybe keep him from identifying you to the police or someone without killing him.
You manage to find him and now tail him. You want to catch up to him but he's at a distance advantage and you're close to the end of the alleyways, he could make it out before you get to him. It's now or never.
You focus on his blood in your mouth and shout "Stop!" at him, and he does. You want to sign in relief but you could lose your already weak hold. You quickly walk towards him and face him, looking him in the eyes. He looks panicked by the fact that he can't move anything. You ignore it and focus again as you look deep into his eyes, then feel the connection be made for your influence.
You even out your voice, "You don't remember my face." you say.
"You don't remember being chased by anyone." you add.
It always feels a bit jarring when the people you do this with just calm down and enter in the trance-like state they get into when you do this. His eyes and muscles relax entirely, he even drops the plywood he's still holding that you didn't notice before.
"You were... just taking the shortcut through the alley. You don't remember getting bitten by anyone or anything either." you add on as a means to cover up any tracks that would be left in his memory.
You keep the connection as you back away into the shadows, being concealed again and unseen by him and anyone else, and then cut it loose.
The man snaps out of it, looking around confused, most likely confused how he got here and then being shocked at the injury on his arm. He holds the wound as he walks away and out of the alley.
You relax, having managed to nail the mercy even though you had so little to use. "Holy shit." you mutter as you slip down a hatch to the city sewers below to head home.
"Holy shit..." an unseen man mutters to himself processing the scene he just saw right before him.
And here he thought that his jokes about you were just jokes to mess with the others.
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noonaishere · 1 month
Music of the Heart [J.YH] - seventy-eight | misc
HOW were you supposed to know that the person who edited your videos was a streamer? And one who had a lot of fans?
You’d never watched a video game stream before, you were normally busy working on some mashup or another so you thought they were a waste of time. Maybe you could watch one of y/n’s, just to see what the hullabaloo was about?
You navigated to her page and, as it turned out, she was currently streaming. You clicked on the stream, not really knowing what to expect. A prompt told you that you had to make an account if you wanted to use the chat, so you opened another window and did so.
You refreshed the stream page and now it showed that you could use the chat and had a name: NEROmusic
“Alright ladies, germs, and Other.”
You had no idea who anyone was. You looked at the grid of people on the screen, some showing their faces and others just represented as their user icons. Oh, the frame around their icon lit up green when they said something. This was… MickTheMacken talking. Okay, you were getting the hang of this.
“Am I a ‘germ’ or ‘Other’?” MorningStar asked. MorningStar sounded like San, so you figured that was him.
“You can be Miscellaneous, if you like.”
“I want to be ‘Misc’,” Jageun Gomen Goyangi said, the frame lighting up. You knew who she was now, so you knew it was y/n. It was still funny to you to think about how you were working together all this time, and yet didn’t know you were working with a - by what you saw - kind of famous streamer, all because it was never something you would ask.
“‘Misc’?” Mick asked.
“‘Misc.’” She repeated.
“I adore it. I am enraptured.”
“You’d better be. I worked for all of five seconds on it.”
“Forceful.” Mick looked into the camera flirtatiously. 
The rim around BrickTheBracken’s screen lit up. “Stop stealing my man.”
“Ummm, excuse me? I don’t need to steal a man? I already have one?”
“Mhm.” San said emphatically.
“I desire not your man!” Y/n yelled. “Make haste, wench! Say your piece.”
Mick laughed. “Are you all watching my stream?”
Ryujin lit up. “I’m sniping so hard right now.”
“We’re all cheating crazy hard.” Keeho said-- wait, that was the idol from JUPiTER you had met! Keeho was a streamer? No wait, you had seen that video thumbnail where he was laughing or something… what a small world. Absolutely tiny.
“GOOD.” Mick continued. “Anyway, for the people out there in Radio Land: welcome to our third annual… what did we call it last time?”
“I don’t remember.” Yeji said.
“‘Secret Non-Santa’?” Ryujin guessed.
“With Cat here? We’d never come up with something so obvious. It has to be obtuse.” Keeho added.
“Secret Satan.” Y/n said.
“Round Robin Russian Roulette.”
Mick laughed. “ANYgay, we’re doing That Fucking Thing We Do when we all find the worst games we can possibly find, throw them into the hat,” he lifted up a tophat, “and we each pick a shitty game and play it for the rest of us to yell at.”
“And everyone watching gives us money for charity!” Yeji said quickly.
“Yes, sorry Yeji, I’m always so preoccupied with our suffering that I forget we’re also trying to make other people’s lives better.”
“You’re welcome,” Yeji said pleasantly.
“How are you picking which of us are going?” San asked.
“Bracken made a wheel.”
BrickTheBracken appeared in the frame as he wheeled a small game show-style wheel into view behind Mick and presented it to the viewers like a beautiful game show lady.
“Our beautiful Bracken,” Yeji said.
“Wowwww, we’re really coming up in the world.” Y/n said.
“We’re bougie.” Keeho added.
“Okay, take your seats, start your engines, keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times, because here we go!” Mick spun the wheel. “Cat!”
“Ahhhhhhhh shit.”
Everyone laughed. You laughed too.
Keeho laughed. “Couldn’t’ve happened to a worse person.”
“Keeho, I would like to be the first, to wish you a very Die.”
“Seven years of friendship and this is how she treats me?” Keeho pretended to cry.
“I’m calling your mother.”
Everyone laughed again.
“And to pick the game of our very aggressive contestant--” Mack fished around in the hat for a slip of paper “--Scary Granny! Please click link number five.”
There was a pause as - you guessed - y/n clicked the link and it opened. “...Oh god.”
Mick laughed as he read the description. “Look for evidence against granny in this dark and eeeevil game!”
“Is the game evil or is the granny?”
“I think it’s the game.”
“Before I play this, I would like to try and argue against it.” Y/n said.
“I won’t allow it, but go ahead.” Mack replied.
“I should not have to play this for two reasons: the first being that: …I’m hot. And the second being that: I hate this.”
“I’ve never seen you so I can’t account for the first one, and we all hate this but we do it for the yucks so: start the game, Cat.”
“I’ve seen her, I can vouch for her hotness,” San said.
“But we’ve never seen you either, so how do we know you know what you’re talking about?” Ryujin asked.
“Morn is hot,” y/n came to his defense.
“But you see how that still means nothing?”
“Circular hotness,” Ryujin said.
You chuckled.
“Keeho can solve this,” Braken started. “You’ve seen Cat, is she hot?”
Keeho’s eyes widened in the kind of shock someone’s face has when someone asks if their sibling is hot. “Um, I don’t want the ‘Keeho and Cat are dating’ rumors to start again so I’ll unfortunately have to decline.”
“You traitor!” Cat yelled. “Coward!”
You couldn’t tell if she was fake mad or actually mad. Everyone laughed, regardless.
“Cat, start the game,” Mick commanded.
She sighed loudly and the game replaced her icon on her screen. In a few seconds, hers was made the main screen so the viewers could watch.
“Oh my god,” y/n said, as the game loaded.
You hadn’t played any video games in your childhood on account of it not being allowed, but you could easily tell that the opening screen… what’s it called?
“The home screen looks like shit…” y/n devolved into rueful laughter.
Ah, yes: the home screen.
“This looks like a PS1 game threw up on itself. Do I really have to play this?”
“Yes, Cat. This is for charity. You have to do the thing.”
“Just tell me if all the games are this bad.”
“They are.”
You chuckled to yourself.
She started the game and groaned. 
You may not have played a video game ever, but you’d seen ads for them before and this one looked like the most unfinished, garbage things you’d ever seen. It was ugly, and all the controls looked bigger than they needed to be.
You must steal from the old woman! was the text that came up on the screen.
“So I’m a burglar?” She asked.
The group laughed.
“Girl help, I’m knocking over an old woman.”
She started running around the level attempting to complete any of the missions the game gave her, but was having a hard time. The granny meant to chase the player got stuck in a wall, got stuck in the middle of the room for a bit, got stuck in the ceiling, and when she fell through the floor and then rapidly went flying vertically through the room a dozen times before shooting off into the stratosphere, Cat went silent.
She sighed. “God damnit.”
Goddamnit it, indeed.
“You have to make it funny, Cat,” Mick said.
She sighed and seemed to think for a moment as the old lady killed her and the level started over.
“You know those scam marriages where people get married to try and become an immigrant in another country?”
Mick laughed a little, seeming to know that this question was leading him. “Yeah.”
“Who are you really scamming if you scam marry someone to move to a place?”
“The government.” Yeji answered.
“You say that like no government has ever scammed its people, ever.”
“...That’s true.”
“I just think that the idea of a marriage being a scam because it doesn’t involve love totally negates asexual and aromantic people. You don’t need to be in romantic love to be married.”
“What about people who might be friends who want to get married for the benefits?” Ryujin chuckled.
“Are you seriously trying to tell me that every straight married couple on the planet loves or even just likes each other? My parents might still be awesomely in love, but I had friends with shitty parents so I KNOW that’s not true. And just look at all of the ‘I hate my spouse’ memes that boomers share; why would they share them if they actually love their spouse?”
“Oh my god.” Keeho said.
“How are you so smart, Cat?” Bracken asked, half-joking.
“I’m just really cute and sexy and good at thinking.”
San chuckled. “So humble too.”
“Mhm…” Granny got stuck again and she restarted the level. “But back to my point, not every marriage is a loving or even a liking one and those people should just get divorced, so the whole point of a marriage - supposing to be about two people who love each other who want to stay together forever - doesn’t make sense anyway.”
The granny killed her again and the level started over. She sighed.
“What about the argument that it’s to have kids?” Keeho asked.
“What about hetero couples who can’t get pregnant? What about couples who adopt, whether they’re gay or straight? Or women and men who are past the child bearing age? Should they get divorced then?”
Mick sighed. “Cat, I said make it funny, not get on a soapbox--” 
“You’ve put a lot of thought into this.” San observed.
“Only about five minutes. But my brain is very big and sexy and--”
“Don’t say it.” Keeho said.
“So it was easy.”
Mick laughed as Keeho continued to make a disgusted face. 
“How do you propose we treat marriage instead?” Mick asked, trying to find the punchline.
“A business venture. And I don’t mean that in like a right wing, small government, libertarian-because-I’ve-never-left-my-small-town-or-even-encountered-a-woman way. I mean that, pre-feudalism, most families produced some sort of good with both members of the marriage contributing to the creation of that product or products, and either one or both participated in the selling of said products: I think that we should just treat marriages as long term business ventures.”
“I’m… I feel like that makes sense? But I’m not sure?” Yeji said, a little confused.
“And we should treat kids like ponzi schemes.”
Keeho sighed. “And there’s the joke.”
You laughed loudly with the group.
“Was that WHOLE FUCKING THING, just for that joke?” He yelled.
“No, I thought of the joke right at the end.”
She cleared the level but somehow the granny killed her despite the game having gone to the ‘Level Over’ screen.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” She yelled.
Everyone laughed.
The level started over, but this time, none of the buttons were anywhere to be seen.
“Um… there’s no controls.”
“What?” San asked.
“There’s no controls. I’m moving the mouse and nothing’s happening.”
“What? How?” Keeho asked.
“I have no idea… I think I’m done, guys. Oh my god I can’t even exit the game.” She laughed. “I have to close the program, hold on.”
You decided to comment in the chat.
NEROmusic: Nice job, Cat
“Hey! The person who made my intro is here! Everyone go check out NEROmusic! They make awesome mashups and they’re so so so good.”
“She’s in your chat?” San asked.
“Mhm. She just said ‘good job’. I’m not sure if she’s being sarcastic or not.”
NEROmusic: I’m being serious. That game looked like shit lol
“It was shit, NERO, thank you for commiserating.”
The group went to the next game: Ryujin had to play something called Papa Simulator and had to try to take care of children while making a pizza. Somehow, everything ended up on fire.
Your phone buzzed.
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