#the omega whining and panting of it all!!!!!!
strawberrystepmom · 1 year
now im fixated on my omegaverse au thanks a lot everyone
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
Cherry Red, Crimson Blood
Chapter 28: Two Is Company, Three Is A Party
Summary: Things don't quite go as expected during your heat, but he can hardly complain.
Pairings: Poly 141 x reader
Word Count: 12.150 words
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, p in v sex, unprotected sex, UNSAFE SEX (please do not do this in real life, practice safe sex), anal sex, anal fingering, oral (m and f receiving), Dom/sub dynamics, threesomes, heat cycles, knotting, kissing, body fluids, cum eating, face sitting, spanking (it's like twice), Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, Alternate Universe, a/b/o typical classism and sexism, language, aftercare, and fluff
A/N: Well, this one got away from me. Not much to say other than heed the warnings and DO NOT read this in public or in underwear you care about...also maybe ditch the underwear all together this time.
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Kyle’s eyes immediately dart back to meet John’s gaze. The word coming from your lips has shocked him, startled him even. You hadn’t said much during your first heat, reduced mostly to unintelligible mumbling when you were aware enough to look around with that hazy gleam in your eyes. Here, but not aware. Now your eyes are clear, staring up at him intently as you cling to his wrist. He can’t help but wonder if you’ll remember this, or if it’ll stay lost in the haze. 
John stares back at him, his gaze focused but Kyle knows him well enough to tell he’s just as surprised. He’s still drinking the electrolyte drink, his throat bobbing slowly with every swallow. Kyle knows he’s doing it so he won’t have to answer right away, assessing the situation in the moment of clarity from his rut. He’s still wrapped around you, still locked inside you. 
The moment seems to last an hour, the tension between the three of you palpable. The anticipation from Kyle, waiting to see what John will say, the intense desire from you to pull him onto the bed, and John’s uncertainty as to how to proceed. It's not uncommon for betas to join during heats, it's not even that uncommon for betas to be the ones helping during heats. The pups of a beta and omega pairing do exist after all. 
Kyle's eyes haven't left John's, even as you mouth at his wrist, tongue laving over the sensitive skin, teeth gently scraping like you're trying to devour him. He can't help the stirring in his pants from the heavy scents in the air, the sounds that had been coming from the room less than 20 minutes ago still ringing loud in his ears. 
John pulls the now empty bottle from his lips, taking the time to screw the cap back on. Kyle holds his hand out automatically, ready to take it like he could escape your tight grip to toss it into the garbage with the others. He debates throwing it into the garbage from where he's standing, but the loud nose might startle you, which might make John get defensive. 
Instead he lets it drop to the floor. He'll pick it up later. 
John continues to stare at him, holding his gaze. There's sweat beading on Kyle's back as he waits for what's coming next, what John's decision will be. He has no reason to be nervous. The fact he's in this room, so close to them speaks volumes of trust John has, the safety he feels letting Kyle around his omega in such a vulnerable position. 
“She wants you.” John finally says, leaving it open to Kyle. It's not an order, it's not a hesitant decision left open for you to make, it's not even a direct question. It's an opportunity, an opportunity for Kyle to make the final decision. You've already decided, and in presenting this opportunity, so has John. 
Kyle takes half a step back, a whine leaving your lips but you let him go. Your whine cuts through him, desperate and needy and almost sad. It hurts him, only aiding his decision. 
He kicks off his shoes, stripping out of his shirt and pants. He debates leaving his boxers on, but he already knows what's going to happen, what the endgame of this will be. It’ll be one less obstacle for all three of you. 
Your eyes are intense as you stare at him, lips parted as your eyes zero in on his half-hard cock. Kyle approaches the bed again, the sweet scent of omega in heat thickening in the air. You reach out for him again, but not for his wrist. 
John folds your arms against your chest, shifting the two of you backwards to make room. “Not yet,” he murmurs in your ear. “Let him get settled in.”
Kyle stares down at where the two of you are still connected, your pussy gaping wide around John’s knot. He swallows thickly, his cock twitching to life. He’s careful as he climbs on the bed, not wanting to cause you to shift on John's knot. He lays down face to face with you, a content smile tugging at your lips. The haze is returning, your eyes getting glassy as you tug Kyle closer.
He's not expecting it as you kiss him, wet and sloppy as your tongue traces his lips. Kyle shifts himself closer, his hand settling on your hip as he kisses you back, your mouth wet and hot as his tongue slips inside, dragging against yours. 
His hand slowly trails down your hip, fingers gliding across your still warm skin. You moan against his lips as his fingers follow the dip of your hip down closer to your mound. He can feel where John's knot begins, bulging in your pelvis right above your slit. Kyle lets a finger brush your clit and he can feel the way you spasm around John’s knot. John lets out a groan as you tighten around him. 
You pull away from his lips with a whine, pressing your face into his neck. Kyle leans up on his elbow, giving you more skin to explore as his fingers trail lower, brushing around your puffy lips to the base of John's cock, the small bit that still sticks out of you. He runs his fingers over the red, almost pulsing skin. John lets out another groan, his hips grinding against your ass. It tugs at the knot inside you, causing you to let out a breathy moan that blows hot against the wet spot you’ve made on his neck. Goosebumps form on his skin as he brushes the underside of John's cock, the alpha pushing his hips against yours again. 
Kyle pulls his hand away as pain erupts in the dip where his neck meets his shoulder. “Ow-fuck!” He hisses, jerking away as John sinks his hand into your hair with the arm that's under you, forcing your head back. 
Kyle rubs the sore spot on his neck as John chuckles, leaning his head against yours. “She's in a biting mood this time.” He rasps, a satisfied grin pulling at your lips, still shiny with a mix of yours and Kyle’s spit. “Got me at the start, naughty little thing.”
John grinds his hips against you again, your eyes nearly rolling back as you meet his movements, grinding back against him. Kyle can see it, the change beginning to happen. The haze is settling back in, the moment of clarity gone. It's been almost just over a half hour. It can take between 30 minutes to an hour for an alpha's knot to deflate. 
“She's so sensitive.” John continues, his lips brushing your cheek. “Can make her cum so easily.” 
John's other hand wraps around you, pushing against the bulge in your pelvis. You let out a high pitched whine, your body shaking as you cum around his knot just like that. John curses, eyes squeezing closed as he presses his face against the side of your head. His cock is twitching, his knot tugging on your pussy but you don't seem to care. 
“Fuck...” John groans, the sound long and dragged out as his hand leaves your pelvis, sinking into the sheets in front of you. 
Kyle sits all the way up, watching curiously as John's cock continues to spasm. Quiet growls leave his lips as his cock begins to soften. His knot is getting smaller and smaller, deflating and releasing its hold on you. John lifts your top leg up over his hips before pulling his cock free. A gush of slick and cum is forced out of you as your walls spasm, slowly relaxing after being forced open for so long. 
Kyle can't help himself as he reaches out, gathering some of the viscous cocktail that's gathered on your thigh. It's almost slimy as it coats his fingers, your slick wetter than your normal arousal. Not quite as sticky. John's cum has thickened it, tainting it a milky white color. 
“Beautiful, isn't it?” John smirks, watching Kyle rub the mix of their fluids between his fingers. “Give her a minute, she'll be gushing slick again and you can get a taste.”
He's right, you've begun to tremble, the skin of your thigh starting to warm even more where his leg is pressed against yours. Your pussy is fluttering still, pushing the rest of John's cum out.
Kyle can't help himself again as he gathers more of your release on his fingers, pushing it back inside you. You're tight around his fingers despite the fact you had just taken your alpha’s knot. You squeeze around him, slick gushing around his fingers. It coats his hand, warm and wet. He pulls his fingers from you, watching your pussy spasm as more slick seeps out of you, coating your folds and dripping onto the skin of your thigh. Your scent has thickened in the air, making his mouth water. It's going to his head, making his cock throb. 
He can understand now why alphas will fight over an omega in heat. 
John moves, shifting both of you on the bed until his back rests against your headboard, your body between his legs. He grips you behind your knees, pulling your legs up until you're damn near folded in half. You don't seem to care, panting as sweat begins to bead on your skin. You've gone almost limp, pliable and willing so long as the ache in your core gets relieved. 
John's eyes are dark as he stares at Kyle, his fingers digging into your skin. “Well?” He smirks. “Are you going to give her what she wants?” 
Kyle's eyes drift between your legs, your pussy spread open before him like a buffet. It’s not a new sight. He’s been between your thighs many times, tasted you on his tongue. Yet it feels different now, because it is different. The situation has changed. He’s not fucking you because you’ve come to him, sought him out to relieve the ache between your legs, the neediness that’s built up the whole day. You’re still needy, still begging, but it’s because you have to. Your body needs to be filled, needs to have an alpha’s knot to ease the ache. Your body wants pups, and so it’s forcing you to the peak of attraction to an alpha. Pheromones thick in the air to drive alphas into their most base state, slick coating your thighs to ease the taking of a knot. 
His eyes are glued to you as slick continues to seep out of you, sliding down your ass until it drips onto the sheet below. He’s no alpha, but your pheromones are getting to him, fogging his own mind in need. He’s felt it when he enters to clean, to ensure you’ve eaten and hydrated, that nothing has gone wrong, but the feeling leaves as soon as he’s in the clear air in the hallway. He had thought it was simply the knowledge of what was happening, the sounds from the room and then seeing you and his alpha knotted together. It’s a natural reaction to a beautiful omega naked in front of him. 
He understands it now as his mouth goes dry, staring at your shiny pussy. It’s his turn to experience it, his chance to understand firsthand what both you and John go through. He feels the urge to bend down, to taste you, to drink from the source like your slick is the only thing that will ease his thirst. 
He bends down, laying flat on the bed so he’s face to face with your weeping slit. The room is silent, even your own panting breaths quiet, waiting in anticipation. He leans forward, pressing his face against your slit. He inhales deeply, his eyes almost fluttering as your pheromones go straight to his brain. They swirl around his synapses before shooting down his spine, seeping into his veins and warming his body. His cock is hard and leaking onto the mattress beneath him, throbbing for some relief. He won't give it any yet, wanting to wait until he at least gets a taste of you. 
He drags his tongue through your folds, moaning at the sweet taste of you. There's still a hint of your natural taste under there, but the sweetness of your slick has him burying his face in your folds. He laps at the source, pressing his tongue into your pussy, drinking up your slick like a man starved. His nose presses against your clit, and he inhales the sweet scent of your slit with every breath. Your skin is hot, feverish as his hands slip under you, holding your hips up as he feasts on you desperately. He feels like he's in heat himself, or perhaps as close to a rut as a beta can get. His face is soaked, your slick dripping down his chin, adding to the mess both dry and still wet on the sheets.
You're panting and whining, pushing your hips up against his face desperately. He doesn't care. He'd drown here happily. His nose continues to brush your clit, making you whine all desperate and needy. His cock is throbbing, but he resists the urge to grind against the bed. Not yet. 
“Please, please!” You whine, pussy fluttering around his tongue. You are sensitive, nearly to the brink and he's barely touched you. 
He presses harder against your clit, a loud moan falling from your lips as you cum around his tongue, sweet slick gushing into his face along with the familiar, tangy taste of your cum. He licks every last drop from your pussy, or at least as much as he can with how your slick is still seeping out of you endlessly. 
He lifts himself up from your pussy, meeting John's gaze. John beckons him closer, gripping Kyle's chin as soon as he's within arm’s distance and pulling him against his lips. There’s a low rumble in his chest, the sound shooting straight down Kyle’s spine. It makes him shudder, his cock twitching. 
John licks into his mouth, tasting you on his tongue before licking your slick from his face. Kyle can't help but moan, his cock smearing precum against your thigh. 
“You want her?” John breathes against his lips. “You want to feel her?”
Kyle breathes out a quiet moan, nodding. “Yes, sir.” 
He backs up as John releases your legs, letting you flop onto the bed. He maneuvers out from behind you until you're laying flat on the bed, limp yet willing. You let out a whine, rubbing your thighs together for any sort of friction. He can’t imagine you’re getting any, not with how slick your thighs and pussy are. 
John moves off the bed, cock hanging hard and heavy between his thighs. “Present for your beta.” John says, the alpha command strong in his voice as he slaps your ass lightly. “Show him how good of an omega you are.”
You let out a whine, flopping over and shuffling your legs under you. Kyle doesn’t think you’ll be able to do it, given your weak state, but you surprise him. Your upper body is still pressed into the mattress, but your hips lift, slick still drooling out of your pussy. Kyle is nearly drooling himself staring at your puffy lips and soaked skin. 
He jumps as John's hand slaps his own ass cheek. “Well, give her what she wants.” His voice is rough, his alpha still slipping out around the edges. 
Kyle moves forward almost automatically, obeying the command of his alpha. He shifts so he's kneeling behind you, fisting his cock. It's still hard and throbbing, precum dripping from the tip. He drags the head through your folds, slipping through easily thanks to the slick. He’d understood the importance of slick before from his research for your first heat, but now he’s getting a firsthand demonstration. 
His hand closes around your hip, holding you steady as he presses into you with a groan. You’re so hot and wet and tight around him, your pussy fluttering around him like it’s trying to pull him in. Soft, breathy moans slip from your lips, your hands gripping the sheets tightly as he sinks into you completely with one press of his hips. He pauses in surprise as his hips press flush against your ass without even having to work you open. He supposes you’ve been taking John’s not repeatedly, but yet you’re still just as tight around him as he remembers, if not tighter. He shifts forward slightly so his hips are flush with your ass, his eyes following a bead of sweat as it slides down the line of your spine. It’s hot in the room, and you’re hot under his hands, skin burning with the flames of your desperation. He understands can’t give you what you need, not completely, but he can give you a little relief. 
He can feel John’s eyes on him as he begins to move, pulling back before sinking back into you. Your pussy seems to have a mind of its own as it flutters around him, letting him pull back before pulsing around him, pulling him back in. He’s fucked you plenty of times, but it’s never felt like this. So slick and warm and responsive. Your body moves in accordance with his movements, pushing and pulling with every thrust of his cock in and out of you. It makes his head spin, his movements starting to pick up speed. There’s no resistance, his cock gliding in and out of your pussy easily. 
“Fuck...” He groans, clinging desperately to his sanity as he tries not to cum immediately. You’re whimpering and whining under him, legs already shaking but he can’t tell if it's from the effort of holding yourself up or from your pleasure. 
Low growls rumble in John’s throat, the wet sound of him pumping his cock mixing with the wet squelch of your pussy. It’s an obscene chorus, the harmony of moans and growls and the wet sounds of sex. Slick continues to drip out around his cock, smearing on his skin. You’re pushing back weakly against him, moaning and drooling on the sheets. You’re doing what omegas are supposed to do during heats, lay there and take your alpha’s knot over and over in hopes of being bred. You won’t be, you have protections against that, but your brain can’t comprehend that right now. It can’t comprehend much of anything in this state.  
You squeeze tightly around him, trembling as you’re thrown into an orgasm. Your walls clench, gripping him like a vice, so tightly he almost can’t move. Slick gushes out around his cock, soaking his pelvis, dripping down his thighs. The sensation is almost heavenly as you spasm around him, almost trying to pull him deeper, coax a knot out of him that he can’t give you. 
He starts to grind against you, his vision almost going dark as his own orgasm is forced out of him suddenly, his hands tightening around your hips. You whine as he holds you, hips probably sore from John, but he can’t find it in him to care as he bends over your back, holding your ass flush with his hips. He’s gasping for air, trembling himself from the shared sensation of your orgasm and his own. 
It’s almost too much. 
“You’re not done.” John says, trailing a hand down Kyle’s spine, smearing the sweat that’s broken out across his body. “Give her another.” 
Kyle can’t disagree, can’t even ask for a moment to gather his head as he begins moving again, your body sucking him in so tightly he can hardly do more than grind his hips against your ass. You don’t seem to care, needy whines and moans slipping out of your lips. 
John’s hand dips between Kyle’s thighs, collecting some of your slick before he presses his finger against Kyle’s hole. Kyle lets out a sound that’s almost a whine of his own at the sensation.
“Open up for me.” His alpha growls, nipping at the skin of his ass cheek. “Be a good boy.” 
Kyle nearly cums again, fighting to relax as he continues to fuck you. He bends over you further as John presses a slick covered finger into his ass, a deep groan leaving his throat. You’re still laying there, eyes pinched closed in pleasure as you create a puddle of drool around your mouth. Whisps of hair stick to your face, falling out of the braid Johnny had done for you. He should redo it, keep it in place for the few days still left of your heat. 
He’s pulled from his thoughts when John grips his throat, pulling him back upright. John’s finger is still in his ass, moving with the thrusts of his hips. “Gonna make her cum again?” John growls, licking Kyle’s lips. Their kiss is rough and sloppy, spit passing between them as they lick at each other’s mouths. 
Kyle groans as John pulls the finger from his ass, gathering more slick before pressing two back in. “Shit,” He curses, his hips stuttering against your ass. 
You cum around him again, legs nearly giving out. He clings to your hips, keeping you up. He understands why you carry such nasty looking bruises around your hips after your heat now. It’s not just John’s iron grip, it’s to keep you steady. 
“That’s it.” John growls, fucking his fingers into Kyle’s ass, opening him up. 
Kyle’s cock twitches in anticipation, his hips driving into your ass to hasten his own orgasm in excitement for what’s coming next. 
Kyle’s body does give out as his orgasm slams into him, his hands just barely managing to catch him before he falls into you. Your own body trembles, squeezing around him, milking every last drop. Your legs give out, your body slumping onto the bed. Kyle follows you, keeping his cock inside you. You’re tensed around him, still seeking what he can’t give you. It has to be torture, your body desperate for a knot, for some relief to the pain you must be in, yet Kyle can’t stop. He can’t have mercy on you, not yet. 
It’s addicting, the feeling of fucking you during your heat. He gets the insanity alphas seem to be overwhelmed by during an omega’s heat. It’s not just the pheromones driving the mating instinct, not the sweet scent that drives them crazy. The feeling of your body, the way your pussy sucks him in all wet and hot...for a moment he does wish he could knot you, just to feel what it’s like. 
John pushes a hand into his back, pressing him fully on top of you. Kyle moves onto his elbows, just preventing you from taking his full weight. You’re hot under him, skin feverish and slicked with sweat. His cheek rests against your damp hair, one of his hands slipping up the bed. He brushes your drool slick skin with his thumb, your shallow gasps pressing your back up against his chest. 
“Please....please...” You whine, pushing your ass back against him. 
“Easy.” John says, kneeling over both of you on the bed. His hand slips down between your legs, gathering the slick still seeping out around Kyle’s cock. 
The wet sound of John smearing your slick on his cock is loud in the silence, Kyle’s cheeks clamping in anticipation. You’re clenching around him, almost begging him to move again, but it won’t be him in control anymore. 
Not that he really was in control in the first place. 
John presses his tip against Kyle’s hole, the beta pressing his face into your hair as he groans. His own hand grips the sheets as John presses further in, shifting closer to Kyle’s ass as he works himself into the tight passage. 
“Fuck...” Kyle whines, grinding his hips against your ass. You whine softly at the sensation, pressing against him as much as you can with their combined weight pinning you down. 
“That’s it.” John groans, pressing in further. “Fuck...you can take it.” 
John begins moving his hips shallowly, thrusting further and further into Kyle’s ass. Kyle feels a bit like you, unable to do much but lay there and take it as John begins to fuck his ass. John’s thrusts push him into you, his cock grinding into your pussy. Their combined rocking has your clit rubbing against the bed, your eyes rolling in pleasure. 
You cum twice around Kyle’s cock as John fucks him, his hips slapping against Kyle’s ass. John's hands grip Kyle’s hips tight enough Kyle might sport bruises of his own after this. Deep growls rumble in John’s chest, echoing almost in time with his thrusts. Kyle feels like whimpering from the combined pleasure of your pussy clenching around him and John’s cock driving into his ass. He can’t think anymore feeling just as out of it as you look. 
For a moment Kyle is worried you might have passed out under him, and he lifts himself higher up on his elbows, ready to tap out in concern. You shift under him as he presses up, trying to push yourself up too, arching against Kyle’s chest. He breathes out a quiet sigh of relief as you move, unable to do much still except whine and plead. 
“Please, please, please,” You repeat it like a mantra, head bending back as your body spasms, the sweetest moans falling from your lips. “Alpha!” 
You cry out for him as slick and fluid gushes out of you, your hips lifting off the bed as you push your ass against Kyle. John lets out an animalistic growl as he picks up the pace, fucking Kyle so hard he nearly sees stars. 
“I’ve got you,” John grunts, bending over Kyle’s back. “I’ve got you.” 
Kyle can feel it, worry flooding through him for a moment as the base of John’s cock swells, pushing against the ring of his ass. He’s never taken a knot before, never had a chance to. He’s not sure he wants to as the feels the size of it. He might tear in half. 
Instead John pulls out of him, grunting as he jerks his cock until he’s spurting his hot cum across Kyle’s ass. You’ve gone limp beneath him again, your only movement the slow push of your hips backwards against him. Kyle gently turns your head so your face isn’t pressed into the mattress. The last thing they need is you accidentally suffocating yourself. He can’t help but wonder if John has enough awareness to do the same, or if suffocation is a fear he should worry about during your heats. He hadn’t even thought of that during your first heat. 
John slaps his ass, getting his attention again. “Off.” He says, pushing Kyle to the side. 
Kyle gets the memo, his cock sore as he pulls out of you, flopping over to the side. John drags a hand up your back, the motion very soft and intimate compared to the rough fucking you both had just taken. John wraps his arms around you, lifting you up against his chest. You let him move you, limp again in his arms, your head pressing back against his shoulder. Slick still dribbles out of you, mixed with Kyle’s cum. 
“Over here. On your back.” John directs Kyle and he moves despite his own exhaustion, laying where you had just been. The bed is wet, the sheets soaked through. Kyle silently thanks whoever created plastic heat protectors for mattresses as he settles on his back. 
John lets you flop to the side, Kyle grateful you just miss smacking your head against the wall. You’re staring at him, eyes lidded as you continue to pant. Your hand slips down between your legs, fingers pressing into your pussy despite the fucking you had just taken, the fucking you’ve done since your heat started. John tugs him further down the bed, his knees bent and feet against the footboard. His cock twitches as he waits patiently for what’s going to come next. 
John tugs you up, a whine leaving your lips as your fingers are forced out of you. He maneuvers your body into place, kneeling over Kyle’s face. Excitement thrums in his veins as slick dribbles out of you, dripping onto his chin. He licks his lips, dipping his tongue down his chin to try and get a taste of it again. 
Kyle feels like he may be in heat as John pushes you forward just slightly, his arms wrapped around your middle as his cock presses into you. His knot has deflated for now, his length slipping easily into your slick pussy. Your hands grip the headboard as John begins to fuck you, holding you up over Kyle’s face. Kyle sticks his tongue out, catching your slick and the remnants of his own cum as John’s thrusts force it out of you. Despite the soreness of his cock it’s twitching back to life, the taste and scent of you on his face nearly driving him over the edge. 
You let out the most delicious sounding whines as your alpha finally fucks you, promising you what Kyle can’t: temporary relief from the fire in your veins and the ache between your thighs. A knot. Your legs shake around his head, Kyle’s hands coming up to grip the backs of your knees. He wouldn’t care if you dropped on him. He’d take a broken nose if it meant he’d get to taste your slick from the source again. He could always text Dr. Keller to come and patch him up, though he’d have to tell her how it happened. 
He doubts she’d care. 
John keeps his hold on you tight though, keeping you up as he fucks into you roughly, the bed shaking from the force of his thrusts. You tremble above Kyle as you cum again, more slick gushing out around John’s cock. It’s obscene from his angle, John’s cock driving into your sopping pussy, slick oozing out around his cock, wetting your thighs and John’s thighs and Kyle’s face. He licks as much as he can from his face, basking in the sweet taste of you raining down over him like manna from heaven. 
John groans, his cock twitching as he cums inside you, his hips pressing tight against your ass. Your legs nearly give out again, Kyle’s grip tightening around your thighs instinctively. John pulls out of you, quickly lowering you over Kyle’s mouth. He doesn’t have to say anything as Kyle’s hands slide up to grip your hips, holding you in place as he begins to lick up the slick and cum seeping out of you. 
It’s a musky, sweet concoction, savory and sweet on his tongue. John is still holding you up, keeping you steady as you twitch over Kyle, sensitive and dripping all over his face. Your knees squeeze Kyle’s head as you cum again, Kyle having to turn his head to breathe for a moment as you nearly waterboard him with your slick. 
Kyle licks every last drop of your cum and John’s. He could lay here, licking your slick all day, but he knows that would be near torture for you. No matter how many times he can make you cum, he can’t give you what you need. 
He pushes you up slightly, back into John’s hold. “Do it.” He gasps, taking in deep breaths after nearly being drowned in your slick. “Give her what she needs.” 
John pulls you back, backing up slightly as Kyle moves up the bed more. Your slick is still coating his face, dripping down his chin to his neck and chest. John bends you over Kyle’s chest, letting you rest there as you present for your alpha, somehow still able to hold yourself up. Omega instincts he supposes, giving you the strength to present all pretty and dripping for your alpha. Kyle’s fingers brush your burning skin, your entire body soaked in sweat. You’re still rocking your hips, trying to push back against John. How you’re even awake, let alone still moving is a miracle to him. Another wonder of omega biology. 
You let out a content sigh as John presses back into you, his hips immediately snapping against your ass as he sets a near brutal pace. He’s been fighting it as well, fighting that urge to knot you as soon as he can. Kyle feels honored, having this opportunity, sharing this moment with the two of you. His research has paled in comparison to seeing it in person. He understands it better now, understands the two of you and how you fit together perfectly in this moment. Your body responds naturally to your alpha’s, pulsing around John’s cock as you seek out his knot. John brings you endless amounts of pleasure, both of you ruled by your instincts which provide you both with an intense stamina. 
Kyle doesn't have that stamina, but he doesn’t mind. He can’t even imagine doing this for a day, much less a week. Yet, despite his exhaustion, his cock still continues to twitch, half hard as he holds John’s gaze. His alpha’s eyes are dark, focused and intense. Growls leave his lips, rumbling through his chest. You answer with your own whines, only driving the animalistic instincts within you both. You’re lost in your heat now, just as John is lost in his rut, only bordering on awareness because of Kyle’s presence. 
Had Kyle not been in here, he knows John would have had you in this position for the next hour, fucking you relentlessly until he could finally knot you and bring both of yourselves a little relief. Kyle would have stayed out in the hallway for a while, letting you both rest and John care for you until he decided it was time to check on you both and clean things up a little. 
You’re both close. He can tell by the way you shake over him, hands pushing into his chest as you try to lift yourself up, fingers scratching at his skin, but they can’t get enough of a grip to hurt. John is close too, deep growls rumbling in his chest as he pulls back into his thrusts. His knot must be swelling, pushing against your entrance. 
“Please...Please alpha!!” You cry, trying to push back against him. “Need it!” 
“Need that?” John growls, grinding against you. “Need my knot?” 
“Please!” You whine pathetically, writhing over Kyle. 
He wants to watch, he wants to see John’s knot push into you, spread you open, push in until you’re locked in place. “Let me see.” He breathes, still holding John’s gaze. “Let me see it.” 
John understands even in his hazy state, bending down to lift you back up against his chest. Kyle can see it, his swollen knot pushing against your pussy with every thrust of his hips. You’re crying, begging incoherently for it, trying to push down on it. 
“Shhhh,” John shushes you, his lips brushing your cheek. “Alpha’s got you.” 
The words nearly have Kyle cumming again, his balls tightening as John reassures you, promises you he’ll give you what you need. Your neck bends back, your head pushing against John’s shoulder as he begins to lower you while pushing his hips up, fighting the natural resistance as his knot spreads you open. The slight tapering of it makes it easier, easing your pussy open in preparation for the widest part. You’re shaking, body almost spasming as he presses his knot into you, your pussy spread almost impossibly wide as he slips all the way in, groaning as he locks in place inside you. Kyle can see your pussy spasm, your eyes rolling back as you cum again around him, the last bit of slick dribbling out of you before the rest is trapped inside you by your alpha’s knot. 
John doesn’t let you drop this time, instead lowering you down gently against Kyle’s chest, moving with you. The dark intensity of his eyes has lessened, softening back into the blue he recognizes. John gently moves you off Kyle’s chest, shifting to the side so you’re lying next to the beta. Kyle turns onto his side facing the two of you, his body covered in slick and sweat and your drool. The heaviness of your combined scents has faded a bit in the air, not quite as intense as it had been even just moments ago. 
He’s breathing heavily, almost as heavily as the two of you. You’ve fallen unconscious, or at least you look like you have as you lay there limply, eyes closed, sweaty with drool still wet on your chin. “Thank you.” He says, his gaze meeting John’s again. “Thank you for letting me do this.” 
The corners of John’s lips pull up in a smile. “I’m glad you got to experience it. I doubt she’d complain if you wanted to stay.” He says, trailing his fingers down your arm. You twitch just slightly, and Kyle can imagine how overstimulated you must be from everything. 
Kyle breathes out a laugh, shaking his head. “I’m not sure I could handle much more.” 
John does smile now, his eyes flickering downwards. “One more?” 
Kyle swallows as John reaches for his throbbing cock, nodding in agreement. He shifts slightly closer as John’s warm hand wraps around his length, his thumb teasing Kyle’s leaking slit. Kyle sighs softly, his cock sensitive from the intense fucking it had just experienced. He’s gone for longer, but it hadn’t been like this. You squeezing around him, tightening like a vice as you came, sucking him in as your body searched for a knot. 
John begins to move his hand, pumping Kyle’s cock. He won’t last much longer, nearly burning with overstimulation and sensitivity. 
“Fuck, fuck.” He curses softly, eyes squeezing closed as his balls tighten, the wet thwack of his cock filling the air. It’s damp still from your slick and the mixture of his cum and John’s. 
He cums with a moan, spilling on his chest and the bed. He’s surprised there’s anything left, a whimper leaving his lips as John continues to move his hand, working him through his orgasm. John squeezes the base of his cock before releasing him, lifting his hand to Kyle’s face. Kyle licks the bit of his cum that leaked onto John’s thumb before leaning into his touch. 
“Good boy.” John praises, his eyes hooded with exhaustion. 
The base of Kyle’s spine tingles from his alpha’s praise, but he can’t even bring himself to think about getting hard again, much less actually doing it. 
You let out a soft sound, your eyes cracked open as you stare up at Kyle. He meets your gaze, surprised to see you still conscious. Your hand lifts weakly, thumb pressing against Kyle’s lips before it falls back to the bed. “Pretty.” 
Both Kyle and John chuckle as you drift back out of it, John keeping one arm tucked under you, the other reaching over to pull Kyle closer. He should get up, grab you all electrolyte drinks and nutrition bars but he can’t quite get his body to move. Instead he lays there, staring at you both as you drift in and out of sleep during your quick moment of relief and clarity. John is purring quietly, the sound so different to the deep, animalistic growls that had just been rumbling in his chest. 
You’ll be back at it soon, needy and desperate to fuck like you haven’t been for almost two straight days. There’s still at least three more days to go, four if you’re unlucky. Then he’ll have to worry about things after your heat ends. It had been rough the first time, and he can imagine it will be again, especially with the week you had before your pre-heat started. He’ll call Dr. Keller again after it’s over, let her come and help you, make sure everything is alright. He doubts anything will go wrong, that John would let anything happen to you. 
“Alpha’s got you.” 
The words still ring in his head. The sincerity, the promise in them. He really does have control, he does make sure you’re safe and well cared for, he does catch you when you fall. Not just during your heat, but outside of it. The difference between John and Simon is only getting clearer as you begin to bond with the pack’s second alpha. 
John is the caretaker, the comforter whose strength comes from his heart and his emotional control. The one who can stay calm and lead even in the most dire situations. He’s seen it in the pack, and he’s seen it out in the field. His dominance is soft and he’s only harsh when the need arises. 
Simon is the protector. He’s rough around the edges, a man of action not comforting words. A clear minded leader, but one well versed in raw power and violence. He’s abrasive and standoffish, yet fiercely protective of those he deems his. 
They can see it the most now with you. John is the one you turn to when you need comforting words and to be held. Simon is the one who looms like a protective shadow, a silent threat behind you. 
Yet he can see the softening around Simon’s harsh edges, those walls he’s built up since you arrived crumbling down around the two of you. It’s not just in his physical acceptance of you, but the mental acceptance of you being a part of the pack, you being a part of him. 
He hopes Simon does do it. He hopes Simon will claim you someday, let you bring together both halves of the pack completely. He knows Simon wants to. Johnny has talked about the yearning, the stares, the lingering. You’d let him. You probably want him to yourself. Yet he knows Simon will hold off, torture himself with it until he has no choice but to give in. 
It’s a pattern, a fatal flaw of his. 
It will happen eventually though. They all know it. 
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It’s quiet. Has been for nearly an hour. It’s been a while since he’s checked on you both, forcing a nutrient bar into John’s hands as Kyle sat by the bed feeding you one. Neither of you had been interested in eating, but had begrudgingly chewed the indistinguishable dried mush of nutrient-rich foods shaped into a bar. Kyle had tried a bite of one just to see what it was like. 
It wasn’t good. 
He had taken it as a sign the end was near. The thumping of the bed against the wall had slowed, losing the ferocity with which it had steadily thump-thump-thumped against the wall for the last five days. Even the moans and groans and growls have quieted, and the breaks between rounds have gotten longer and longer. 
He gets off his cot, padding silently to the door. He opens it, slipping in before closing it quietly. You and John are cuddled together on the bed. You’re shivering, the blanket he’d folded and draped over the footboard five days ago is draped over you both. 
Kyle steps up to the bed, John’s eyes opening. He looks tired, eyes slightly red and bags hanging heavy under them. You both have to be exhausted, physically and mentally. He presses his hand to your forehead, a soft whine leaving your lips. John gently shushes you, tightening his hold around you. Your temperature is considerably lower than it has been, even a few hours ago. Kyle lifts the blanket for a moment, checking the two of you. John’s knot has deflated and the only thing still leaking out of you is a mixture of leftover slick and John’s cum. 
“I’ll go start the bath.” Kyle says, letting the blanket drape over you again. 
He heads into your bathroom, starting the water in the tub. He waits until it gets warm before putting the stopper in, letting it fill. He opens the cabinet under the sink, pulling out the epsom salt Dr. Keller recommended to help with the soreness. He’s used it himself, the few times he’s had a bath in the last few years, mostly after missions when he’s been particularly sore, bruised and aching after taking a beating physically and mentally. He’d used lavender scented salts to try and calm his mind, but he’d chosen to go with unscented for your heat, knowing the added scent may confuse you. You’ll need your alpha’s scent close to ground you in the disoriented state you’ll be in for the next couple hours. 
He pours some salt into the bath, stirring it with his hand until it’s dissolved. He seals the bag, slipping it back in the cupboard before pushing himself to stand. He heads back into your room, pulling the blanket back again before helping John off the bed. They try not to disturb you too much, John flinching at the whine you let out as his warmth disappears. Kyle knows he doesn't want to leave you, but you both need the bath to help with the sore muscles and keep them from locking up after so long. You also need it to help with the sudden drop in your temperature. 
Kyle eases John into the warm water, helping him sit in the tub. He wishes it was a bigger tub as his alpha’s long legs bend at the knees, unable to stretch out completely. They’ll want a longer, deeper tub in the seaside cottage you’ve dreamed of. Maybe one with jacuzzi jets. Kyle turns off the water, John leaning back against the tile wall, his eyes half closed. 
Kyle pushes himself up to stand after a moment, heading back to the bed to get you. You’re shivering, letting out quiet whines as you search out your alpha in your confusion and disorientation. 
“I know, I know.” He tries to soothe you, projecting his beta scent into the air. It won’t be enough, but it at least offers up some comfort in your state. You still need your alpha even though your heat is over. 
He scoops you up, wincing as you whine in pain, but he knows it’s necessary. You need the warm water to help keep you stable, and a moment with your alpha to help get you grounded. 
He eases you into the tub, John’s legs parting to make room for you as Kyle settles you against his chest. Your alpha wraps his arms around you, holding you tightly as you whimper softly. Kyle makes sure the two of you are settled before getting back up, ensuring the towels are ready before heading back into your room. 
He pulls the sheet off your bed, crusty and still slightly damp from the week of near nonstop fucking. He knows some of those crusty spots are his own cum, yet he still can’t quite believe it really happened. He’s spent the last few days thinking about it, pinching himself to remind himself it wasn’t a dream. He really did get to experience some of your heat. 
He can’t get the image of John’s knot pressing into you, your puffy, slick pussy spreading wide around it. The way your body shuddered, the relieved moan as you finally got what you wanted, what you needed. It was a beautiful sight, and he wishes he had Johnny’s talent so he could paint it and keep it forever. 
He bundles your clothes in the sheet along with the blanket to take them to the wash, cleaning up the wrappers and bottles and adding them to the trash bag he’d started. He pulls the plastic heat protector from the bed, balling it into another trash bag. He packs the bundle of laundry to the laundry room, starting the washer before taking the two bags of trash out and stuffing them in the bin to get picked up later this week. He wouldn’t be surprised if one of them goes missing, some young, desperate alpha pulling it out to jerk off to your scent. 
It makes his nose scrunch up in disgust. 
He heads back to your room, pulling the clean sheets out of the top of your closet, remaking the bed. He puts your comforter back on the bed, folding your blankets and putting them at the end of the bed. He stacks your pillows and stuffed animals back in place as much as he can remember, though he knows you’ll remake your nest later once you’re more aware. Right now it’s important you be surrounded by the comfort of familiar scents. 
He makes sure everything is as back in place as it can be, pulling a shirt out of your closet for you to change into once you’re out of the bath. He’s not quite sure whose it is, the only smell coming off it is the scent of laundry detergent. It’s soft after being washed quite a few times, likely one of the first you got from them, or at least one you’d stolen early on. You’d cut the tags out, something you’ve done with almost all of your clothes. He can’t blame you. If he could, he would do the same. 
He heads back into the bathroom once everything looks as back to normal as it can, kneeling next to the tub. 
“How do you feel?” John asks. 
Kyle nearly laughs at the question. He should be the one asking him that, but of course John would be worried about the rest of his pack before himself. “Not bad.” He answers. “Tired, but nothing compared to how you have to be feeling right now.” 
John huffs out a laugh, gently stroking your hair as you whimper softly. He’s taken it out of the braid, managing to untangle it a little. “This is the hardest part, I think.” 
Kyle nods. “I can imagine.” He grabs a washcloth, squirting some of your strawberry scented soap onto it before he begins gently scrubbing your skin, attempting to get some of the dried fluids off. 
“Fucking nonstop for days in a lust induced haze is easy.” John says, shifting you slightly so Kyle can reach more of your skin. “It’s coming down from it, when you start to feel the effects of fucking for days nearly nonstop that it really starts to settle in. The aches, the pains, the exhaustion from almost no sleep, the hunger, the thirst.” He shakes his head. “Maybe I’m just old.” 
Kyle makes a face. “You are getting up there.” 
John gives him a playful glare, shaking his head. His face softens as he looks at Kyle, dutifully cleaning up after their five day instinct-induced haze. “Thank you, for earlier. Giving her what she wanted.” 
Kyle nods. “Of course. Couldn’t turn down a chance to experience it, and I wouldn’t want to leave you with an upset omega during her heat.” 
John snorts quietly. “I doubt she’d have been upset for long. Probably doesn’t remember most of it.”
Kyle hums, John helping him get you sitting up so he can rinse your back and attempt to get some of the dirt and fluids out of your hair. A part of him knows that’s true, but a part of him hopes you will remember at least some of it. He’ll never forget it, his mouth watering slightly as the memories of your slick on his tongue, dripping onto his face. John fucking you over him, letting you drip all over him. It may be a bit selfish of him, but he wants to experience that over and over, every time you sit on his face, every time he fucks you, every time John fucks you in front of him. 
Kyle helps hold you up, wincing at your whines both in pain and from the loss of your alpha’s touch as he scrubs the dried slick off of his skin. The water is murky from the mix of soap, slick, and cum coming off of you both. The water is starting to get cold as he rinses John’s hair, making sure to get the soap off of you both. 
“Ready?” He asks, reaching down to pull the plug. 
“No.” John says, lips tugging up in a half smile, likely all he can manage in his exhausted state. “But the bed is more comfortable than the tub.” 
Kyle grins at him, slipping his hands under your arms, and with the help of John, he gets you standing. John twitches at your whine of protest, Kyle holding you up as he tries to towel you off as much as he can. The dryer he can get you, the less cold you’ll be once you’re back in bed. You’re still shivering despite the bath, your face pressing against Kyle’s chest in search of any warmth you can get. 
Kyle scoops you up, carrying you to the bed. You let out a whine as he eases you down onto the edge of the bed, but he shushes you gently, quickly drying your hair as much as he can. He pulls the shirt over your head, pulling your arms though the holes before shifting you to the head of the bed. He pulls the comforter over you, letting you sink into the softness of your stuffed animals before he heads  back to the bathroom. 
John has gotten himself standing, leaning against the wall as he dries himself with the other towel. Kyle drapes one of his arms over his shoulder, helping guide him back to the bed, lowering him onto the edge. He finishes drying John off before he grabs a pair of boxers from your dresser. He’s not sure whose they are either, but they fit decently enough for now. 
He helps John under the covers with you, his arms wrapping around you. You immediately gravitate towards him, pressing against his chest. John holds you tightly, shushing your quiet whimpers. 
“Here.” He passes John an electrolyte drink. “Keep hydrating yourself. I’ll go scrounge up some real food.” 
“You’re a good man, Kyle.” John says. “A good beta.” 
“Thank you, sir.” Kyle says, looking over the two of you again before leaving the room in search of food. 
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You’re crying when he returns. 
He’s expecting it this time, less shocked by your shuddering breaths and quiet sobs. John has shifted you both, his back against the headboard, your body curled up between his legs. There’s a stack of blankets wrapped around you, and one of your stuffed bears clutched tightly against your chest. John is purring softly, the sound vibrating in his chest as he tries to soothe you through the disorientation and sudden drop in hormones as you become more aware. 
“I let Dr. Keller know.” Kyle says, setting the tray of food down on the nightstand. “She’ll be here soon. Wants to do a quick checkup.”
“Fine with me.” John says, shifting you just slightly so he can set the tray in his lap. You let out a whimper at being moved, John’s purr intensifying until you settle again. “I’m starving.” He says, picking up the fork. 
“Johnny went and picked up lunch.” Kyle says, pulling your desk chair over to sit next to the bed. 
John chews the bite of food in his mouth. “How are they?” 
A smile tugs at Kyle’s lips. “Holding up. Johnny’s got a noticeable limp to his step.” 
John lets out a quiet chuckle. “I’d imagine so. Might have to mark him down as a casualty.” 
“I don’t think he’d complain.” Kyle says. “I can’t imagine any of us will be doing much for the next few days.” 
John shakes his head. “Definitely not. You and Simon are probably in the best shape. You’ll have to hold down the fort.” 
“We’ll do our best.” Kyle says. 
John eats his food eagerly, managing to get a couple bites of potato and some peas into your mouth. You’re aware enough to chew them a few times, probably not wanting to eat in your current state, but your body knows you need to. He’s glad omegas have the drive to eat as much as they can before their heats. You might not survive if you didn’t. Not on those nutritional bars. 
Kyle takes the tray once John is finished, setting it on your desk for now. He’ll give it to Johnny to take back when they go for dinner. John adjusts you against his chest again, resting his chin on your head as he goes through his emails and messages. You shift in his arms, pressing your face into his neck, your tears sliding down his skin. He rubs your back, keeping you pinned against him as he quietly purrs, trying to soothe you. It hurts them both that he can’t, but Kyle knows it’s a natural response. He doesn’t blame you. It must be so jarring not remembering, and all the physical things changing so rapidly, and adding on top of that the pain? He’d probably cry too. 
The knock at the door is soft and quiet, yet you still startle at it, jumping slightly in John's arms. He gently shushes you as a whimper chokes out through the tears. 
Kyle lets Dr. Keller in, closing the door behind her. The soft scent of beta fills the room, Dr. Keller doing her best not to startle you further in your disoriented state. John shifts you slightly so she can see you better. You let out a whine of indignation at being moved, the quiet purr still rumbling in John's chest. 
Dr. Keller sets her bag on the floor before kneeling next to the bed. “Hi honey.” She says, opening up her bag. “Still pretty out of it, huh.” 
The tears continue to cascade down your cheeks, your eyes barely open as you stare at her. You’re still leaning heavily against John’s chest, unable to hold yourself up. Dr. Keller brushes the hair away from your face before taking your temperature, holding the digital thermometer up to your forehead. 
She glances at the screen when it beeps, her brows furrowing just slightly. “A little low,” She says, putting the thermometer back in the bag. “But not concerning.”
John maneuvers you again, pulling an arm free from the blankets so she can check your blood pressure and pulse. 
“How did things go this time?” She asks, placing the blood pressure cuff around your arm. 
“Better.” John responds. “Smoother.” 
“Easier now that we know what to expect.” Kyle says. 
“Good.” Dr. Keller says, taking your pulse and blood pressure. “Heart rate and blood pressure are normal.” She puts the monitors back into the bag, pulling out a pill bottle. “Muscle relaxers, same as last time. Her temperature is a little low, but that could just be a response to such a rapid drop in body temperature as well as changes in her hormones. If she starts feeling cold to the touch, or her extremities start turning blue, get her to emergency.” She zips up her bag, pushing herself up to stand. She gives John a pointed look. “Take care of yourself too. I recommend ice packs.” 
A smile quirks John’s lips, but he doesn't offer any arguments or disagreements. “I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you.” 
Kyle already knows he’s going to be sent for ice packs soon. 
Dr. Keller turns to face him, giving him a soft smile. Kyle hasn’t had many interactions with your doctor, most of them being during your heat and after. Yet, he can’t help but feel comforted by her presence. Maybe it’s her ability to project her scent so much, enough to make even him feel relaxed, or maybe it’s just her calm demeanor, the way she always seems to be so confident and in control. 
“Same thing as last time. Check for blood, if she’s still unresponsive or refusing food after a couple of hours, call me.” She says. “You did a good job, again. You should be proud.” 
Kyle smiles. “I am. Thank you, doctor.” 
He sees her out of the barracks, standing in the cool air for a moment before he closes the door, heading back to your room. 
You’re tucked against John’s chest again, curled up as tight as you can. John has shuffled down the headboard a bit, relaxing back against your pillows. You’re still crying, but it’s been reduced to mostly sniffles. He steps up to the bed, running a hand over your head. He wants to braid your hair again, keep it from tangling but he wouldn’t dare move you right now. His hand moves lower, wrapping around John’s wrist, his thumb brushing his alpha’s skin for a moment. 
“You should go do something.” John says, eyes half closed. “Get out of here and take a break for a bit. We’ll be fine. Going to take a long nap.” 
A smile tugs at Kyle’s lips. He loves moments like this, when his Captain, his alpha is sleepy. He’s softer, the usual sternness that paints his face gone, his shoulders relaxed. It’s partially due to the pain he has to be in, and the exhaustion after the last five days beginning to hit him now that your heat has passed. Kyle squeezes his wrist for a moment before letting go. He’s a bit unsure of what he should do, after standing watch and taking care of the two of you for almost a week. It feels strange to leave now, especially with the two of you so vulnerable. 
John’s hand wraps around his wrist before he can move away, and he turns to look back at his alpha. “Grab me an ice pack first.” 
Kyle’s lips tug up in a smirk. “Of course, sir.” 
He heads to the rec room, pulling one of the larger ice packs out of the freezer before heading back to your room. He doesn’t bother closing your door this time, letting the room air out just a bit as he goes to your bathroom. He grabs a hand towel from under your sink before wrapping it around the ice pack. He pushes the cabinet door closed with his foot before heading back into your room. 
He pulls the stack of blankets and your comforter up just enough to slip it underneath, feeling blindly as he situates it against John’s crotch. The alpha lets out a quiet sigh as he settles the ice pack in place, the cold already beginning to sink through the towel. 
“Thank you.” He says to Kyle, eyes half open as he stares up at his beta. 
“Get some sleep.” Kyle says, tucking the blankets around the both of you before leaving the room, closing the door behind him. 
He stares at his cot, knowing he should start cleaning up, but he’s tired himself. He feels the urge to lay down again, but instead he heads for the laundry room, switching over the laundry. 
He stands in the middle of the hallway once he’s done, staring down one side towards the rec room. He could always sprawl out on the couch and turn on some daytime TV show and pass out there. It wouldn't be too terribly uncomfortable compared to the cot he’s spent the last five days on. 
He turns his head down the other side of the hallway, glancing toward Simon’s office. They have yet to show their faces, not since they left to grab lunch. He wonders if they’ve even returned, or if they chose to stay away for the time being. He chews on his lip for a moment before making his decision, turning down the hallway towards Simon’s office. 
The scent of alpha is strong down the hallway, the musky scent a relief after the sweet scent that’s permeated his thoughts. He doesn’t mind your scent usually, but after five days of the intoxicating sweetness, he needs a break. He needs something fresher, something...different. 
He pauses at the door, hesitating for a moment. He could use some company for a while. He’s been alone with his thoughts far too much. He takes the plunge, knocking on the door. There’s no immediate response, which he was expecting. 
“Just me.” He says, pressing close to the door as he waits. 
“Enter.” Simon’s gruff voice finally says, Kyle just catching it through the door. He might not have heard it if he hadn’t been so close. 
Kyle turns the knob, opening the door. The scent of sex and the thick musk of alpha hits him like a train as he leans into the office. Simon is seated on the edge of one of the cots, mask off and pants flung onto the floor by his desk. Johnny is on his knees between Simon’s legs, a distinct choking sound coming from his throat. 
Simon releases Johnny’s head, letting him pull back from his alpha’s cock. He takes in deep gulps of air, his hand still wrapped around Simon’s hard length. Kyle leans against the doorway, crossing his arms with a knowing smirk. 
“They’re done and cleared, whenever you’re ready.” He tells them. 
Simon grips Johnny’s mohawk, still looking at Kyle as he pushes Johnny’s head towards his cock again. “We’re not quite done here yet.” 
“Looks that way.” Kyle says, and he can’t help the stirring in his pants as Johnny takes Simon back into his mouth. 
A smirk tugs at Simon’s lips as he stares at the other beta. “Want to lend a helping hand? Give poor Johnny a break?” 
Kyle’s throat goes dry at the idea, his eyes flickering to where Johnny has Simon in the back of his throat, lips wide around the alpha’s thick cock. Kyle can’t help but wonder how many times he’s been in that position over the last few days. Johnny lets out a whine as Simon pushes him deeper, his nose almost pressed against the light hair at the base of Simon’s cock. 
“Fuck.” Kyle groans, closing the door behind him. 
Simon wraps his fingers around Kyle’s arm as soon as he’s close, yanking him down so hard Kyle almost falls against him. Kyle has a clear view of Johnny sucking on his alpha’s cock, bobbing his head on the massive length from this angle. Simon’s hand is tight around his forearm, holding him still as he presses his nose against Kyle’s throat. A deep growl rumbles in his chest, his teeth nipping at Kyle’s skin. 
Of course. Kyle hadn’t showered or changed clothes after he left your room. 
He smells like you. 
Simon’s hips buck up, Johnny letting out a strangled gag before he pulls back off of Simon’s cock. 
“Fucking christ.” Johnny chokes out, coughing after getting hit in the back of the throat by Simon’s cock. “Gonnae kill me.” 
Simon doesn’t pay him any mind, his tongue too busy trailing Kyle’s throat, as if he could lick every inch of your scent from his skin. There’s a low rumbling vibrating in Simon’s chest, his grip tight around Kyle’s arm. 
Kyle’s own cock is throbbing, almost as much as it had upon seeing slick drip out of your pussy. Simon lets out a growl before releasing Kyle’s arm, gripping him around the back of his neck. Kyle lets out a quiet moan as Simon forces him down on his knees next to Johnny. The alpha stands from the cot, towering over them as his hard cock nearly throbs in their faces. 
He stares down at them, his eyes dark with lust. It’s not unlike how John’s eyes had looked when he was lost to his rut. 
“Such pretty boys.” Simon rasps, running a hand over each of their heads. 
Johnny purrs, leaning into his touch. Kyle feels the beginnings of a purr rising in his chest, his beta pleased by the large alpha’s praise. 
Kyle turns to face Johnny, gripping his fellow beta’s chin. He turns Johnny to look at him, that gleam in his eyes and stupid grin he gets when he’s subby on his face. Kyle leans forward, licking Johnny’s lips, silently conveying what he wants. Johnny responds immediately, opening his mouth to Kyle. Kyle drags his tongue along Johnny’s, tasting the familiar muskiness of Simon’s cum. 
They’ve been at this for a while. 
Johnny moans needily, his lips closing around Kyle’s tongue, sucking it into his mouth. Kyle groans, pressing his lips to Johnny’s, kissing him deeply. 
“Fucking hell.” Simon groans, fisting his throbbing cock as he stares down at the two betas making out in front of him. 
Drool drips down their chins, Kyle’s mind flashing back to the drool that had dripped out of your mouth, pooling on his chest. His cock throbs and he presses closer to Johnny, holding his face still as he licks the spit from Johnny’s skin. 
Simon groans, watching them. “If you two don’t get back to what you’re supposed to be doing...” 
Johnny grins playfully, both of them turning to face Simon with shiny faces. Simon’s cock is hard and angry looking as he holds it out for them, waiting patiently. Kyle slides his hand down Simon’s cock, replacing the alpha’s hand as he grips the base. Johnny and Kyle both lean forward, dragging their tongues down the sides of Simon’s cock, tracing the veins popping out. Simon groans as they work their way back towards his head, their tongues meeting at the tip. Their tongues swirl over the engorged head, flicking along his slit to gather the precum dripping from the tip of his cock. 
They pull away for a moment, Johnny licking the fluid from Kyle’s mouth before they kiss again, Kyle’s hand pumping Simon’s length. Kyle’s free hand sinks into Johnny’s mohawk, tugging him away from his lips. His hand is still pumping Simon’s cock as he guides Johnny back towards his alpha, Johnny’s mouth opening eagerly. Kyle guides Simon’s thick length into Johnny’s mouth again, using his grip on Johnny’s hair to move him along Simon’s cock. 
Johnny takes more and more of Simon into his mouth, choking slightly as Simon’s head pushes against his tongue. His throat has to be sore after this last week, but not nearly as much as his poor ass. Kyle pushes Johnny all the way onto Simon’s cock, the beta’s nose pressing into the hair around Simon’s cock. Johnny gags, his hands pressing against Simon’s thick thighs before Kyle pulls him off his alpha’s cock. 
Kyle quickly replaces him, licking Johnny’s saliva off the thick length before taking Simon’s cock into his mouth. He relaxes his throat, bobbing his head lower and lower on Simon’s cock. He’s always impressed by the alpha’s size, his own cock throbbing at the memory of John’s cock, the knot pressing right against his rim. 
Simon’s knot must be damn near colossal. 
Kyle presses down until he can feel it, Simon’s cock pushing on the back of his tongue. He pulls off of Simon’s cock, pumping the length for a moment as he breathes. Johnny takes his place again, sucking on Simon’s tip as Kyle cups Simon’s balls in his hand. Simon groans, a growl still rumbling in his chest as your scent still lingers in the air. 
“Gonna cum for us, alpha?” Kyle says, squeezing Simon’s balls gently. 
“Fuck...” Simon groans, the word long and drawn out. 
Kyle and Johnny switch places, Johnny fondling Simon’s balls as Kyle takes Simon’s cock in his mouth again. Simon reaches down, cupping the back of Kyle’s head as he begins to thrust into his mouth, the tangy precum dripping onto Kyle’s tongue telling him everything he needs to know. The alpha is close, his thick length twitching against Kyle’s tongue. Johnny massages Simon’s balls, holding onto them as Simon continues to fuck Kyle’s mouth, the beta suctioning around the alpha as best he can. 
Simon pulls out of Kyle’s mouth, pumping his cock rapidly as he cums, his seed spurting out and landing on Kyle and Johnny’s faces. Kyle licks the salty cum from his lips, wiping the bits from his face with his fingers before sucking them into his mouth. He leans over, dragging his tongue over Johnny’s skin, gathering the rest of Simon’s cum. 
Simon is breathing heavily as he watches Kyle lick Johnny clean before they kiss again, passing Simon’s cum back and forth on their tongues. Simon moans, squeezing around the base of his cock, trying to keep himself from getting hard again as he watches the two betas. 
“Screamin’ Jesus.” Johnny groans as Kyle licks his lips one last time before swallowing down Simon’s cum. “Never gonnae tire of that.” 
“Such a good boy.” Simon praises, running a hand over Kyle’s head. “A reward for taking such good care of our alpha and omega.” 
Kyle grins, practically preening from the alpha’s praise. 
They have no idea. 
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@bobaprint @ashy-kit @anunintentionalwriter @mockerycrow @protokosmonaut
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@konigsmissedbeltloop @kaoyamamegami @idkkkkkkk8363 @wallwriterstuff @smile-child-13
@anomiatartle @dangerkittenclaws @bless-my-demons @mystic60 @evolutionarry
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@heeheehoohoohahahihi @sleepyoriana @ihatethinkingofnames10 @cassiecasluciluce @darling006 
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@mirzamsaiph @xlxnq @chickennn-soupp
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teamatsumu · 9 months
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one or the other. (itadori yuuji/ryomen sukuna x reader)
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summary: when yuuji might be too inexperienced to take care of you during your heat, sukuna steps in.
word count: 2050
warnings: a/b/o dynamics, alpha!yuuji, alpha!sukuna, omega!reader, fem!reader, smut, omegaverse jargon (heat, slick, knot, scent,mating), sukuna is an asshole, swearing
tags: @keiva1000 @kindnessspreads @msbyomimi
divider by @/cafekitsune
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Usually, having the affections of two Alphas would be a real confidence booster for an omega. Managing to not attract one, but two potential mates? How flattering. But you were not sure this logic applied to you since the two Alphas you had attracted lived in the same body.
And they were the polar opposites of each other.
Yuuji was properly courting you. He bought you a delicate (but likely expensive) pendant, with a beautiful silver charm on it. He held doors for you, treated you to food whenever he could, and took you out on many, many dates. He really worked for your affections. And that made your heart soar.
Then there was Sukuna, who usually only manifested as a mouth on Yuuji’s cheek, but despite his small presence, really made himself known by being as vulgar about you as physically possible.
“You’re gonna go out smelling like that? An Alpha two miles away could catch your scent.”
“You look delicious, Omega. I should bend you over and fuck you right here.”
“When’s your next heat? You need a partner?”
“Tch. Still unmated. I would change that immediately.”
Yuuji would smack a palm against his cheek, muffling the mouth and one single eye that peeked down at you, apologizing profusely about how disrespectful Sukuna was being. You would shrug it off, not feeling threatened by the curse. You firmly believed he was being so vulgar because there was little else he could do. After all, he couldn’t take over unless Yuuji relinquished control over him.
You let Yuuji court you for three months before finally inviting him to help you with your heat. Usually, you were used to getting through it alone. But you trusted him by now, and you knew he was a capable Alpha. He would get you through it.
What you didn’t anticipate was just how much you would need out of him.
“Fuck,” you moaned, head tilted up to the ceiling. The feeling of Yuuji’s cock carving into your desperate pussy was intoxicating to you. You couldn’t believe how big he was, thick and heavy, throbbing as he plunged into you over and over. He was groaning into your neck, tongue lapping at your scent gland and sending shivers down your spine. His hips were steady and going strong, but you needed more. Your body needed more.
“F-faster,” you managed to gasp out. You angled your hips, trying as hard as you could to make Yuuji hit that one spot. It was so close, you could feel it. Like an itch just waiting to be scratched. You spread your legs wider, nearly whining when that didn’t help. Slick gushed from your hole as if your pussy was coaxing him to go deeper, to hit you where it mattered.
“Y-Yuuji, more.” You finally whined, and the noise made him tense. No Alpha liked to hear a yearning Omega, especially not one that they were trying to help. He lifted his head from your neck, his pupils blown but trained on your face. Your teary eyes made the Alpha in him growl and pace. While he wanted to fuck you to tears, he could tell these were from frustration.
He sped up again, with renewed vigor, trying everything he could to make sure you got what you wanted.
“You’re not doing it right.”
The voice made his hips stutter, rhythm collapsing. Your panting breaths halted, eyes widening and trained on his cheek. Yuuji nearly groaned.
“Go away.” He gritted out. This was the worst time for a snarky curse to insert himself into the situation.
“He ain’t fucking you right, Omega.” Sukuna now addressed you. You eyed the mouth, watching as the little slit below Yuuji’s eye opened to show you a red iris, peering down at you. “He’s not angling his hips right. Not going all the way, right? That’s what you want? To really get the daylights fucked out of you?”
Yuuji cursed and reached a hand up to muffle him, but you grabbed his wrist, making him stop. Startled brown eyes met yours.
Sukuna cackled. “She wants me. Don’t you, Omega? Tell him. Give me control and I’ll show him how to really fuck an Omega in heat.”
You bit your bottom lip, contemplating. Yuuji’s eyebrows shot up, staring down at you in shock.
“Are you serious?”
“Please,” you tried to justify it. “I just- it hurts. It hurts and I want more so badly.” You reached shaky hands up to run over Yuuji’s cheeks, avoiding the mouth that had now fallen silent once he saw that things were going his way.
“Alpha,” you called for him, and Yuuji shuddered. The Alpha in him growled, and he wanted to give in immediately. Anything for his omega. Sukuna spoke up again.
“You let me do this and I will give you back control as soon as I’m done fucking her. Deal?”
Yuuji wanted to berate him for his words, but he doubted it mattered. That’s exactly what Sukuna was gonna do anyway. And that’s what you wanted.
“How can I trust you to give me back control?” He thought in his mind, knowing the curse could hear him.
“A deal is a deal. I know to honor my word.”
“No loopholes?”
“No loopholes. All I want is her.”
Yuuji looked down at you, at the apprehension on your pretty face. The tears had dried, but Yuuji was reminded that being an Alpha wasn’t enough. He needed to be an experienced Alpha. He needed to learn.
And so he sunk into his mind.
You nearly gasped when thin, black lines started to carve themselves onto Yuuji’s face, his eyes blinking open to reveal deep red irises, and his tight mouth pulling up into a carnal grin. All down his body, the marks appeared, accentuating his muscles and drawing attention to his broad chest. You felt a thrill run through you when Sukuna ran his stare down your naked figure, down until his eyes were on your pussy.
He tsked, curling a finger and letting the knuckle graze over your slit. You gasped.
“Poor little Omega.” His tone was teasing, condescending. “You want a thick Alpha knot so bad. Fucking whore.”
You felt your body heat up at his words, feeling a line of wetness run down your pussy. He grinned at the sight.
“This is what you really wanted. No Omega in heat wants to be treated nice. You need to be put in your place. Dicked down so good you can’t move for days.”
Yuuji’s cock, which had slipped out of you, was now slowly hardening again, and Sukuna tapped in against your clit, making you jerk. You bit your lip, feeling your desire build again. You had no idea that you enjoyed this kind of dirty talk so much, and you think a lot of it had to do with your heat. Sukuna was right. You needed to have every part of your body rearranged under his rough hands.
He reached down to bite at your shoulder, making you moan. His hands wandered to your breasts, pinching a nipple until it was painful, making your back arch. His cock ran over your folds, parting them to run through the wet mess between them. He prodded at your entrance and before you could react, slammed in with one long stroke.
You gasped and arched into him, gripping tightly at his biceps. But Sukuna was having none of it, one hand reaching for your wrists and pinning them above your head. The restrain on your mobility sent a thrill running down your spine, and Sukuna seemed to notice, his grin so sleazy you nearly came on the spot.
“You gonna be a good bitch and let me use you?”
You clenched around him hard. “Yes, Alpha.”
Sukuna pulled back all the way, before thrusting back in and setting a truly brutal pace. You arched into him, crying out when his cock smacked into your giddy pussy over and over, going so deep it almost hit your cervix. Almost. Toeing the line between pain and pleasure had you screaming and crying.
Sukuna let out his first groan, appreciative and low, making you keen at just the thought that your pussy pleased him. Your senses were clouding, body temperature rising even more as your heat intensified. Your primal instincts were taking over, making you desire nothing more than to submit to the Alpha before you. Sukuna’s free hand hooked under your knee, pulling it up until it was nearly bent to your chest, and the angle shifted.
You came right then, hard and fast.
You cried and jerked, helpless under the tight grip of the Alpha. His large frame towered over you, his cock fucking down into your pussy with no signs of slowing.
“Look at that.” He groaned, watching you come down from your high. “Good Omega, fuck. Think you can do that again?”
You nodded vigorously, teary vision barely focusing on the grin on Sukuna’s face. His hand released your wrists, instead grabbing your other leg and pulling it up until he had you pinned in a mating press. You wailed at the change in angle, his thick cock throbbing inside your weeping pussy. You were so wet that your slick made filthy noises as he slid in and out of you, hitting every spot right as he ruined your body. With his arms pinning your legs tight against your body, one large hand wrapped around your neck, tilting your head to the side until your scent gland, swollen and needy, showed proudly right before his eyes.
He groaned again, hips stuttering a little at the sight, and his mouth watered. He pushed deeper into you, making you cry out, legs shaking so much that you were certain you were ready to pass out.
“You gimme one work orgasm and I’ll give you a fat knot. You want that, Omega?”
You nodded, nails digging into his back. “W-want it. Please. Alpha.”
Sukuna stared at your neck. “And if I mark you? Make you mine forever? You wanna be my good little bitch for the rest of your life?”
You felt yourself clench at the thought, orgasm building in you as Sukuna fucked you with no reservations.
“Yes, yes.” Your mind soared at the thought. “Make me yours. Wanna be yours s-so bad. Please.”
He cackled a bit, nosing at the gland. His hips frantically smacked against yours over and over, and you could feel the swell of his cock right at the base. He was getting ready to knot you. At the thought, another orgasm barrelled hard into you, your body drawn so tight you nearly cried.
“Take it, Omega. Be a good girl and take everything-”
He swelled more, the base catching almost painfully against your hole, before he expanded rapidly and pressed hard into you, shoving the knot deep inside your pussy before flooding you with ropes and ropes of white hot cum. Sukuna loudly groaned, biting down against your neck until his teeth broke the skin and the metallic taste of blood hit his tongue. You felt another, mind-numbing orgasm rip through your body, weeping and crying through it as you relished in the burn of your neck and the heavy feeling of his load inside you.
Through blurry eyes, you watched as the black marks on his body faded away, and then a gentle tongue lapped at the mark on your neck, soothing the sting of the vicious bite. His knot hadn’t settled, still pumping cum inside you. Strong arms wrapped around your torso before turning your joined bodies around, laying you on top of him as you waited for the knot to deflate, while being careful not to jostle you too much.
Yuuji’s warm brown eyes met yours and he gave you a dopey smile.
“You are so beautiful.” You flushed at the compliment and he ran a thumb over your fresh mark, making you shiver. “And you’re all mine.”
Your lips twitched up into a smile. Despite your heat clearing, you didn’t regret your decision to mate with him at all. Yuuji was the perfect gentleman, the perfect Alpha. And whatever he lacked, Sukuna made sure to cover for.
So really, you were an Omega who had two Alphas.
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fallenneziah · 11 months
is it too much if i ask you to do a part two of alpha!ghost and omega!reader 🥹
Ah, don't worry @dragonstoneshortcake I will feed you more.
Alpha!Ghost and Omega!Reader pt2
If you haven't you can go back and read part 1 and 3
Your first heat with Alpha!Ghost was one that would stick with you. Ghost all the same. After that first heat, watching his seed slowly dripping from your fluttering hole. He wanted to do it all over again.
Alpha!Ghost who let's you keep his shirt, telling you, "you might need it sweetheart," with a wink and starts to pack himself up.
Omega!Reader who does in fact need that shirt. Who has unexplainable want to burrow into it. Whimpering at night and holding it tight to suffocate you like a pillow.
Like a rabbit kicking it's back legs from excitement or anxiousness.
Omega!Reader who hasn't experienced anything like Ghost's thick cock deep inside them. Who moan loudly as they think about his knot stuck inside your sweet hole.
Alpha!Ghost who gets in teasing touches during practice. Hand gliding down reader's ass or over their shoulder. Warm breath fanning to their ear, tumbling deeply when he sees the sore bite marks that still remain seared on their skin.
Alpha!Ghost who ruts his cock between his pillow, trying to get friction like that little omega, the chemical reaction of your heat burned into his mind.
Omega!Reader who breaks the cycle and heads to Ghost's office, tenacious and eager. The smell of your delicious pheromones tell him all he needs to know before he's sliding you closer, hands on your hips, guiding you along.
Omega!Reader who takes Ghost's cock in their mouth, sweat tears rolling as Ghost's hips cant up, his voice vibrating in their stomach.
"Oh such a good fuckin' angel... So fuckin' pretty on my cock, so fuckin' pretty..." He groans, stroking your cheek as saliva drips down your chin and you choke down his length.
Alpha!Ghost who plays into and teases reader for being so needy. Spanking their ass as he takes down their pants, bending them over the desk and growling in their ear as his fingers work their hole.
Omega!Reader who whines in reply, bringing this interaction down simply to submit, and submitted. The animal in desperation and the animal willing to give. Basic instincts imbedded in your genes telling you to take him. And take him all.
Alpha!Ghost who doesn't care that your pheromones spread. Others will know it's him taking you. His cock sinking into your hole, pushing you against the desk, nails digging in.
"Look at you- oh fuckin' 'ell sweetheart-" He growls.
Alpha!Ghost who doesn't spare you anymore than last time. He knows you're out of heat and just want his cock, and he'll give it to you. Rearranging your insides and keeping you completely pinned under him. Seeing you squirm and arch before giving up makes him feel so good.
Alpha!Ghost who gets you on his knot, slamming deep inside of you, feeling how far he's pushed, that slight swell in your belly from how deep his cock is seated inside you.
"You look so good on my knot..." He admires his work, he admires your body.
Sitting in his chair and caressing your body. Making you whimper and shiver. His lips and tongue tasting every little bit of you. Your sweet scent just leaking off you.
Alpha!Ghost who hadn't talked with you about what you actually were. You'd fucked twice and he didn't really know If you'd want it further.
Did that stop him from protecting you? No.
Alpha!Ghost who is so protective over you more now than ever. If you're sparring with someone else and they remotely touch you wrong Ghost is up in their face with a nasty snarl.
That's his. You back away. Back the fuck away.
Alpha!Ghost who as far as he's concerned, mated or not, you're his. His seed stains your insides, he's been closest to your smell than anyone in base, he's seen you in heat. He's pounded your brains out.
You. Are. His.
Omega!Reader who finds themselves at Ghost's door often after nightmares. When they'd opt to be alone mostly, they can't help wanting his scent. Hearing him hum as he let's you in, smelling him everywhere.
Omega!Reader burrowing into Ghost's side and his blankets, unable to help being completely consumed by the scent. It's not bad, they sniff him, paw at him, shifting through the night.
Alpha!Ghost who finds it... Rather adorable that you want more of him. Shifting a little so you can press your face up to his chest, inhaling deeply and whimpering into his arms.
Omega!Reader who completely melts when his arms wrap around them, feeling very comforted and safe with him.
Omega!Reader whose nightly occurrences in Ghost's room because frequent. Every other night the two share a bed, sometimes leading to his cock down your throat as you slowly or desperately suck him off.
Or other times it ends with his knot deep inside you, whispering about how he'll get you pregnant. He'll knock you up so good with his pups.
Omega!Reader whose fantasies are all Ghost. Him pounding them full of pups and making them leak. Back arched and crying out his name like it's the only word they know.
Omega!Reader knowing they want so much more with Ghost. Knowing they want off their pills, to let his seed get them pregnant. Who wants to be called his mate. Who wants that so so badly.
Omega!Reader who will notice how Ghost gets flirted with by betas around the base and will end up whining. Like a neglected puppy.
"What's wrong love? Someone step on your tail?" Ghost will tease, unaware the other officers flirting has severely ticked you off.
Omega!Reader who tries to pull Ghost to their whim once, getting so far as a utility closet before Ghost shoves them in, pressing his chest to their back, hearing them whimper desperately for something.
"Shh, think you get to do that sweetheart? No, no angel." He whispers, kissing your cheek and rutting against your ass.
I'm sure you'll work it out together somehow 😉
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yanderenightmare · 4 months
TW: nsfw, yandere, omega verse
gn reader
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You’re making the big angry Alpha blush thinking about you…
Omegas are all so annoying, pesky little weaklings—but you’re truly a cut above the rest. You make his eye twitch when you smile in his direction, bright-eyed and giggling over silly things. He wants to grab your squishy face and gnaw on your cheeks until you whine.
He curses himself silently and keeps the same stoic face, perhaps a smidge vexed—furrowed browse and hiding his lips behind his hand, imagining your fucked-out face—teary swollen cheeks, panting beneath him with sugar-sweet squeals leaving your drooly mouth. His ears burn a bright red at the thought, ringing with your precious mewls and cries of his name. He forces his eyes shut and bites and tugs the skin of his palm between his teeth, imagining the adorable way your smaller hand would reach out, trying your best to ask for a kiss.
There’s something godawful in his chest that swells with noise and static each and every time he sees you, and something even worse in the pit of his stomach when you’re close enough for him to taste that sweet Omega scent you have—a knot coils so tight it makes him break out in sweat. Claws out and teeth bared, he barrels over the second he’s alone—doesn’t matter where, bathroom, office, car—tugging and fisting his weeping cock as it throbs for release—having to howl to bleed it out. 
And still left unsatisfied. Grinding his teeth with the sticky mess gone to waste in his hand—plotting ways to dump it inside you next.
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♡ BNHA – Bakugou, Enji, Aizawa, Overhaul ♡ JJK – Sukuna, Nanami, Toji, Higuruma ♡ HQ – Kageyama, Daichi, Tsukishima, Kuro, Iwaizumi, Sakusa ♡ DS – Akaza, Sanemi
♡ FEM x M INSERT masterlist ♡ GN x M INSERT masterlist
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hurlingdown · 4 months
we need needy pathetic OMEGA ZORO
imagine omega! zoro being horny and cock-hungry 24/7 even if he's not in his heat.
it's fine even if you're not always up to fuck. he'll be quiet and satisfied if you let him fall asleep with your dick stuffed in his mouth like a good boy, nose pressed into your pubes until he gets high and dizzy from the overwhelming pheromones.
that, or let him sit on your lap and cockwarm you while you read a book or do something else, giving him the opportunity to rub his scent glands all over your neck until you're all oily and smell like him. and even if your pants end up getting soaked with the amount of slick he keeps producing just from sitting on you, it's worth it.
oftentimes you'll wake up to him humping you in his sleep, whining and purring needily into your ear with his thighs clamped around one of yours, desperately rutting his naked wet cunt onto you as though trying to imprint his scent into your skin.
on other days though, you might jolt awake to him riding you so hard it almost feels like a fever dream when you blink open your eyes — all eighty five kilos of muscle jumping on your cock, each thrust accompanied by lewd squelching sounds as you realise that this isn't the first orgasm he's chasing.
there's a heavy blush on his cheeks and he glares you down while choking on a whine, calling you a "useless alpha" for not satisfying his omega needs enough last night.
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shadow4-1 · 5 months
I'm just imagining an a/b/o dynamic where the entire 141, including you, are all Alphas. Except, after a few years of such close contact something starts to shift.
You start to become an Omega.
"Why is this happening to me?" You all but wail. It hurts to breathe, everything feels like it's on fire. Your stomach twists again, painful cramps shooting white hot lighting up your spine. "Why does it hurt so bad?"
Your pack is all around you, trying to soothe you in anyway they can but it's not working. Everything hurts, your teeth feel like they're going to crack from how tight you have them gritted. The wave of pain ebbs for a few gracious seconds before starting up all over again. You whine and sob and reach out for any of your team.
"Whats going on?" Price huffs, his cool hand cupping at your face. His touch is the barest relief even as he drags down one of your lower eyelids. He tuts in an intense concern. "Simon, have you seen this before?"
The larger male drops to one knee. He gives you a quick once over before dipping his head towards yours. He presses the front of his mask to the crown of your head. Through your labored panting you barely hear him take in a deep inhale of scent.
He coughs and stands back up too quickly. Judging by his flighty gaze, something is seriously wrong. Another tremor of pain wracks your body. You open mouth squeal. It's getting so much worse.
"Simon!" Soap growls, trying to bring his fellow alpha back from whatever memory he'd fallen into. "What's wrong wit' 'er?"
"She's turning into an Omega."
Everyone in the room turned their gazes towards Ghost, even you, despite your pain. You? An Omega? But you've always been and Alpha. It was part of the necessary requirements to be a part of the 141. You'd been genetically tested, hormonally tested, and aptitude tested. You were a full blooded Alpha coming from generations of Alphas.
"There's...ngh...no way." You hiccup out, tears blurring your vision.
"That doesn't make any sense. That can't happen." Gaz adds. He rubs at your back. His cool touch soothes even more of your pain into a dull throb, but it isn't enough.
"M' n' Alpha!" You cry out in anguish, the first of many tears finally dripping down your cheeks.
Something about Ghost's words hurt worse than any pain your body was making you go through. Try as you may to deny it, he was right. You could feel your body changing, altering, breaking and bending.
"Why is this happening to me?" You wail.
"There's too many of us." Ghost huffs, he glances around at your pack.
"Why does that matter?" Soap grumbles, scooping an arm around your center to pull you up into a sitting position. "We're a pack."
"That's just it." Ghost sighs tiredly.
"I've never heard of this being 'n issue." Price butts in. He grabs your face again and brushes the tears off your cheeks. "Task Forces are fully Alpha run. They 'ave been for years."
"If what Ghost is saying is right, it's biological, Captain." Gaz huffs, his thoughts visibly racing. "Too many Alphas, not enough Omegas. It means we'd go extinct."
"But why didn't she change earlier?" Johnny asks. You teeter in his hold but he keeps you upright. He lets you lean against his chest. He smells more comforting than usual.
"It's hormonal. She's been with us almost three years now, it takes time." Ghost says. Price nods in agreement.
"I'm an Alpha!" You sob, trying wrench yourself free from the multiple men around you. "I- I don't want to be bred. I don't want to be claimed! I'm an Alpha!"
"We're know you are, Love." Price breathes softly. He continued to wipe tears away from your face with a tenderness that only makes your despair swell further. "But this is happening, and we can't stop it."
"Take me to sick bay, please. They'll...they'll put me on blockers or something! Please, anything but this! I don't want to be an Omega."
The pack looks toward Ghost but he shakes his head.
"This is you first heat. The blockers will kill you."
You scream in pain, fear, and frustration. Another wave of excruciating pain washes over you. You wrench out of Soap's grip and fall against the floor. The tile is cool against your flushed skin.
As much as you hate him for it, Ghost is right.
This is your first heat.
Your back arches off the floor. Your toes curl and you squeal, shaking, gasping, panting hot breaths. You can feel yourself start to sweat. There's a sudden gush of wetness between your thighs. Embarrassment floods you. You try to curl into a ball but your body keeps being wracked with tremors.
"H-help me..." You cry out weakly, sobbing into the tile.
Your pack seems to finally get a whiff of your fluctuating scent. All around you, you watch as one by one each of their gazes grow more and more pointed. All of you know what must be done. After all, you're an Omega now.
...and there's no going back.
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pigeonpeach · 8 months
Little Omega~
Summary: omega female reader goes into heat around the genshin women
Contains: girl c0ck, breeding, dubious maybe? Little degradation, lots of breeding actually,
Arlecchino, Beidou & Ningguang, Yae Miko & Ei, Jean & Lisa
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“Say it.” Her voice grew deep as her hips pounded into you from behind, your uniform shredded as your hips helplessly bucked into hers, her arms wrappex around you, keeping you in place. You never knew your boss had a.. cock but oh god you weren’t complaining now. You didn’t realize your heat would be today as it just suddenly sprung onto you with no warning. You hid from the children asking the other staff to cover for you. You weren’t able to leave safely and you also couldn’t find appropriate hiding spot, in the end your scent ended up setting off Arlecchino’s rut and here you were. Now reduced to a mere toy.
“Breed me! Breed me!” You whined. “Fill my insides! Oh god! I wanna be full! Please! More!” Her lips were right to your making you shudder as she bit your earlobe.
“I’m going to mark you.” She said. You barely has time to process when she bit your scent glands making you spazz. You felt yourself climax on the spot. Hormones pumping through your veins. You were so overwhelmed you went numb for a second as blood dribbled from her bite, her teeth firmly sunk in as her hips continued to pump in, emptying her seed right at your cervix, filling your womb.
“Mmmf!” You moaned as you felt so docile. Your body felt so nice and warm, your cunt full and fucked. Your legs shuddered as you collapsed. “M-my my alpha~” you cooed sweetly. Arlecchino withdrew her teeth as she looked you in the eyes, your dumb and docile expression only fueling her more.
“My perfect little mate.” She kissed the bite mark left as you panted heavily. “We aren’t done.”
Yae Miko & Ei
A shrine maiden is usually not used as courtesan like this. Your cunt stretched around both the Puppet god and the kitsune’s cocks.
“PLEASE! OH! MY ARCHONS!” You whined. They showed no mercy. Yae, behind you, her hands massaging your tits the way a cow would be milked, and Ei who seemed just hyperfixated on watching your pussy convulse around her.
“You are most certainly pleasing your archons… oh I wish I could breed you my love but this body is only a puppet afterall.” Ei pouted.
“Well seeing how fertile this one is, I’ll have no problems knocking her up~” Yae purred right in your ear sending shivers down your spine. “Such a wonderful body, oh I do hope you know that now won’t be the only time you’ll be like this for us~”
“Pliant, docile… fertile..” Ei grumbled. “Oh and to think I deprived myself of this for a thousand years~”
“Please…please!” You wined before squirting suddenly. You convulsed as they stopped temporarily to admire the site.
“Such a wonderful view, I wish It could last for Eternity.” Ei purred.
“What was it you were begging for now little one?~” Yae asked
“D-don…don’t stop…” you whined.
“Truly a top quality slut.” Yae smirked.
“Don’t call her that, she’s clearly a virgin with how addicted she’s become.” Ei brushed your hair out of your face as your dazed eyes met hers. “Don’t worry dear, you will be satisfied.” And with that they resumed.
Beidou and Ningguang
“A excellent mouth you have there.” Ningguang had you bent over as you lapped at her cunt eagerly. While from behind Beidou pounded into you. He hands grabbing the sheets as she grumbled about something. “Such a prime little omega, a true jewel to add to my collection.” The beta purred.
“God… such a good cunt… fuck..” Beidou gasped.
“Its that good huh? It must be if it has you like that~” she teased. You felt squished as the two shared a brief kiss all the while you were struggling to breaths in-between the huge cock pounding into you and eating Ningguang out.
“Fuck… I’m going to… cum… shit!” Beidou barely gave a warning as your womb felt full quickly. Her hips stilled as she thrusted a few more times.
“Don’t worry, I know Captain Beidou is quite the overwhelming Alpha to take, especially considering your inexperience.” Ningguang pried you from her thighs as you panted, mindless and obedient, you looked at her as if she were a deity. And she did from this angle, her skin shined like diamonds. She moved you so you laid on your back, legs spread as you watched cum dribble out. You gawked at how hard Beidou was already. “Allow me to have a taste~” she said, her fingers prying your folds open so more would spill out. Meanwhile Beidou positioned herself behind her.
Jean and Lisa
“Oh… oh sweet Barbados…” you mumbled nonsense as Lisa rubbed something around your cunt making it losen slightly. While Jean was bitting marks and rutting against your behind, you were sat in her lap, in her office. You could faintly hear Kaeya redirecting anyone coming by as you tried to hold back any sounds. “Please please just put it inside.” You whispered. Lisa chuckled.
“You two are too impatient now. Hmm I suppose if you really want it~” she teased you with the sight of her bare cock as she lifted the front of her dress to show it. You eagerly took it in your mouth as she guided it so, Jean’s rubbed right between your folds. You could tell she was far gone from her frantic humping.
“Jean dear.. she wants it inside~” Lisa chuckled.
“Fuck… I can’t contain myself, I’ll end up knocking them up~” she whined. Your mind lit up as your hips grind against her cock, your moans muffled as you tried to encourage her. To your relief she finally complied.
“I wonder which one of us will end up inseminating your womb?” Lisa whispered.
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holylulusworld · 8 months
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Summary: You woke the animal in Wolverine.
Pairing: Alpha!Wolverine x Omega!Reader
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, breeding kink, a/b/o, a/b/o dynamics, scenting, fluff
A/N: A little drabble to get back into writing for my fav mutant.
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Some days you want only cuddles.
Some days you want to feel his warmth and embrace.
Some days you want to make love and snuggle into his chest later.
Some days you want him to be rough, and lay claim on you all over again. If you are on the edge and close to your heat, you only want him to breed you, and use your body for his own pleasure.
If you want him to be rough, he doesn’t make love to you, he’s mounting you like an animal. Making you keen and drool. Logan holds you down, by your shoulders, and takes what he wants.
You cry out his name and let him take control over your body and soul. It’s all you can do. With your body pinned to the mattress and his cock so deep inside of you making you mewl; you have no other choice but to give in to your primal needs.
Nothing but pure animalistic want courses through our veins, and you beg him for more, blinded by the need to have him inside of your body and to feel him fill you up.
Today is such a day.
“I’m gonna breed this cunt and fill you up,” he growls in your ear, making you shudder under your alpha. “Do you want me to get you full of my babies?”
“Yes,” you stutter and clutch the sheets tighter. “Please fill me up.”
He loses all control at your words. “Have my seed and let it grow then,” he growls and covers your body with his, now rutting into you. “Can you feel it?”
You whine low in your throat, sounding like a wounded animal when you grip him tightly.
“I love feeling you grip me tightly,” he pants in your neck. Logan works his cock into you with sloppy thrusts. “I love to cum inside of you even more.”
“Do it,” you challenge your alpha. So far he has refused to breed you. But tonight, he got lost in his instinct and didn’t think of protection or to pull out. “I want to feel it, alpha.”
“Fuck, you are the death of me.” His hips begin to stutter. “I don’t care if I get you round. I’ll never not breed this cunt from now on.”
Logan buries his face in your neck to sink his teeth into your flesh. He cums with a deep guttural growl while you tremble underneath him. “Perfect omega.”
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“You good?” Logan softly asks. He always insisted on checking on every inch of your body after he got rough with you. “How do you feel?”
“Good,” you yawn and nuzzle in his chest. “Very good.”
“That’s good,” Logan kisses the top of your head. “Very good.” He drops his hand to your belly and slowly rubs it, imagining his child is growing in your womb.
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titania-sleeps · 1 month
sorry for the late af post, someone nearly crushed one of my fingers. this is not my best work but,,, it shall do for now.
your wish is my command, anon. :3 here's the full scene of you fucking adonis in the janitor's closet bc he needs you so bad...
First Heat (Sub!Omega!Yandere x Alpha!Reader)
more works featuring Adonis: Adonis Introduction, Adonis Rides You
warning: nsfw, dom reader, omegaverse, horny af manwhore omega, reader has dick (GN), doggy style, knotting, dacryphilia, minors DNI pls
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Adonis pushes you into the janitor's closet, his chest heaving. Sweat clings to his forehead as he sticks to your body. The sweet scent of roses mixed with a tang of lemons wafts through the air.
"Are you alright?" you ask cautiously, using your hands to steady him. Although he stands a few inches taller than you, you can't help but muse at how small he seems in your presence. He hunches over you, as though melting into you would protect him from his scalding lust.
Adonis responds to you with an attempt at a glare. Clearly, he's frustrated; oh, but is that a hint of need in his eyes that you see? You smirk to yourself, his desire for you barely veiled.
"Come closer," you whisper into his ears, sending spikes of shivers down his spine. Hah, as if the two of you aren't close enough already.
He shuffles so that his chest presses against you. He holds his hands behind his back. He's a good boy, and he will wait an eternity for your touch if he needs to.
You reach your arms around his neck, leaning in. Your noses touch, your breath kissing his face. A low whine escapes his throat, and you grin devilishly. His eyes stare into yours, his yearning a spear that pierces your own. You shudder under his gaze, letting your cock grow hard.
You feel a hardness poking at your thigh trapped between his legs. Smiling, you lift your leg for him, and he moans softly under his breath. Moments continue to pass as he grinds carefully against your thigh, breaths growing ragged and whines escalating.
"I... want..." he begins, the first words that have come out of his mouth since he's trapped the two of you in the cramped room. His sentence is broken off by a gasp; you've snuck your hand over his clothed bulge to caress his hardened dick.
"What do you want?" You really don't need to ask, but you love hearing it.
He doesn't hesitate before uttering your name, his entire body leaning onto yours. Desperately, he bucks his hips for any source of friction. Before you can stop him, he moans, hips stuttering and legs giving out. His entire weight is against you, your thigh coated in clear viscosity.
"Don't tell me you're done," you tut, a surge of strength overcoming you as you flip him around.
Adonis doesn't bother protesting and instead steadies himself against the door. He shakes his pants off, bending over.
"I want you," he mutters, shyly spreading his cheeks to reveal his dripping wet hole.
"I don't think I heard you," you tease, taking your own clothes off. He flinches, noticing the smell of your precum.
You can tell he's stopped thinking at this point, his legs shaking in trepidation. You press your tip to his entrance, rubbing and mixing your fluids. It almost seems as though his body is trying to suck you in; his plush insides are begging to be penetrated.
"Please... put it in... I can't handle it anymore," Adonis pleads, breaths shallow and body begging.
You enter him slowly, his hole swallowing your tip immediately. No lube is needed, not when he's this wet and ready for you.
"Please, please, put it in, please!" It seems to take him all his willpower not to slam himself onto your cock. His whining gets louder the more time that passes by with no movement.
He wiggles his hips, trying to get what little bit of you that he can. "Mmm, please!" He turns his head around coyly, eyes watery. A drop of his tears fall and his lips tremble.
"Beautiful," you whisper. You notice the surprise on his face, red blossoming to accompany his stutters of thanks. You grab his arms, holding them firmly behind his back. With words swallowed and breaths held, you thrust into him, enticing a satisfied moan out of Adonis.
"Yes...!" he exhales, his insides clenching greedily onto your cock. You stifle a gasp, feeling a knot form at the base of your cock. Shit, you like this a little too much.
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His heart is giddy, running circles in his chest. As the base of your cock engorges and he wraps himself around you wholly, his love for you spills out of his mouth in moans and pleas. If only you could stay in him forever...
He wonders if you would enjoy being called something akin to his spouse. After all, he's already yours; it would only be fair if you're also his, right? All you need to do is mark him, and you will be with him for all eternity.
A particularly rough thrust has him squeezing onto you desperately, a long, drawn-out moan enticed from his throat. His skin burns where you touch, rivers of pleasure blazing from the base of his spine to the very top.
"F-faster!" he begs, his mind melting into the feeling. A mind of emptiness, a vessel molded to your whims and will.
You grind in him, your tip kissing his insides. Every time you hit his sweet spot, he tightens around your cock. A word of praise from you and his legs tremble; a sound from you and cum is dripping weakly from his dick.
"Please—ah!—cum in me, cumcumcumcum—" His words are cut off; you pull him upright, shoving your cock up him fully as you cup your hand around his mouth.
"Quiet," you whisper into his ear. The handle of the door rattles. The two of you hear a grunt of frustration as the janitor stalks off, looking for his keys. As the footsteps fade away, you release him and he releases a shaky moan.
"Did I do well?" he asks you softly. Your cock is throbbing in him and he wants nothing more than for you to finish inside him right now.
He doesn't hear an answer from you and instead, he's shoved against the locked door again, your cock pushing in and out of him relentlessly. His eyes roll up from the stimulation, pleas and moans escaping him even as he tries to remain quiet.
He's about to cum, but then the door rattles again. He whips his head back, panic in his eyes, but you don't stop. The only thing he sees in your eyes is an overwhelming ardor that fills his heart with exhilaration.
He lets you do as you please; your hand snakes to his mouth to muffle his sounds of delight as you bend over him and thrust even harder into him. The door handle jangles and he's biting your hand desperately to prevent getting caught. He doesn't mind if the whole school sees that he belongs to you though. Were it up to him, he would show everyone that he's your omega, and only him.
His eyes widen, adrenaline flowing through his veins. His teeth dig into your skin, but you don't stop. He's convulsing around you in need, the barest of choked moans and tiny gasps making their way out of his throat. You're hugging him closer now, and he can no longer control his body. He needs you to cum in him, to bite him now and possess him entirely.
Adonis wants to beg so terribly, to show you just how much he loves you and how you make him feel, but no words come out and instead, his toes curl and he's pushing you deeply into him and he's just feeling so much—
A loud gasp, and his cock spills out globs of cum; his insides are wringing all that they can out of you. And you comply, because he's been so good for you.
The janitor finally leaves and, without any rest, the two of you rush to get dressed. His love for you overflows, and so does the cum that you've stuffed in him. He takes extra care to keep your cum inside of him; remnants of you that he can keep to himself for the time being. You give him a smirk and a kiss on his sweaty forehead before rushing out the door, right as the bell rings. His hands reach out as he attempts to stop you, but they grab air. He stares at your back, yearning and not nearly satisfied.
It's rushed and he knows that you don't mean to leave him behind. Surely, you care for him. After all that, he just knows that he's the only one for you.
Although you didn't bite him this time, he will make sure that you do next time! But first, he needs to deal with the pesky janitor who kept interrupting you two...
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-> masterlist
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chiscaralight · 18 days
write... omegaverse.. childe.. please... i love the way u wrote for scara.
nsfw childe x reader. omegaverse.. it kinda spun into just childe breeding kink lmfao forgive me, u can read it as dog/fox hybrid childe too? i guess. but if u like breeding this is for u.
firm believer that childe would try to breed you regardless of type lol. but for the sake of clarity, omega reader is absolutely screwed! literally and figuratively.
sure he’ll try to be a little softer than he usually is, he’s not trying to hurt you. but you feel so good, and your scent is clouding every single nerve her has, because if you ask him later on, he won’t even be able to remember when he’s pushing your knees up to your chest, sinking in as he holds himself on top of you as he starts rutting into you like the dog he is.
but can you blame him? you’re just so sweet, that cunt is so sweet, even your voice, like music to his ears. it’s why he can’t stop! he’ll keep plowing into you like a machine, dead set on filling you up so that you can give him his first litter !
and we all know he’s a family man, he’s so ready for an early start! he’s panting into your ear, never shutting up about how he can’t wait to hold the cute little baby you’ll give him in his arms. will it have his hair? your eyes? all the possibilities are sending shocks throughout his body! and another plus, he’ll get to see you as a mother.
all swollen, belly round with his offspring. your cute little frame rubbing over your stomach with you guys’ kid. he’s almost sighing at the thought of it, his cute little wife! which is exactly why he won’t take a single chance with you now.
so he’s holding your legs up to his shoulders, planting a soft kiss on your ankle before he absolutely ruins you. between the two of you, you’re not sure who should be more overstimulated. yeah, he’s been trying to breed you for hours, but he’s cum more than three times! he’s so adamant about filling you up and making sure you waste nothing so you can give him all the pups he wants!
and you whine, telling him it’s too much, you can basically feel the baby kicking your stomach already! but he assures you he’ll know, so you be the good little omega that you always are for him, and take one more of his knots!
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novemberheart · 15 days
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{overview} you reach a new milestone with Johnny and Simon, you have a bad dream
{warnings} fem reader, poly 141, mentions of death, panic attacks, mentions of bruising and pain, cursing, p in v sex (not related to the violence warnings), exhibition, you like being watched I guess….
Chapter 25 <- Chapter 26 -> Chapter 27
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“Push your knee against me like that. It's easier to grab a foot or a hand than a knee,” Johnny explained, moving your knee towards his shoulder. He had some downtime and you had the energy to burn so he settled on teaching you a few self-defense moves.
“I don't think these are actually moves,” you panted. You had just spent the better part of twenty minutes being thrown around like a ragdoll. When you agreed to this you assumed it would lead to more with Johnny- much more. Yet here he was, his eyes laser-focused, using a tone that could rival Simons.
“People aren't going to expect you to know how to fight back. So you are going to have around five seconds of surprise- even more if they aren't trained,” Johnny moved you onto your stomach, gripping your arms with his hands so they were pressed against the mat. You peeked in the mirror along the gym wall, your hips raising slightly at the sight of him hovering over you.
Who knew you liked mirrors so much?
You had been wearing scent blockers, your hips raising being the only sign thus far of how this was making you feel. His mouth fell open, his eyes landing on your bottom that your gym shorts really didn't hide. You smirked, using all your body weight to swing your legs to the side, effectively knocking him over with a thud. Just like he had taught you. You scrambled up running to the edge of the mat. He had drilled into your head to run as soon as you could and even made you practice getting up in any position- which felt silly at the time but made sense now. He chuckled, the vibrations of it going straight to your core even though your distance. You smiled, prancing back over to him.
“That was very good,” he praised, his eyes lighting up to match yours.
“Thank you, Sergeant,” you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck. He purred under your touch. He was still kneeling before you, his arms wrapping under your bottom. He hoisted you up easily, and you craned your neck down with your teeth grazing over his bottom lip. He bit back. He slid your body against his, so you didn't have to bend so far, your legs wrapping around his waist. Your lips ghosted over each other, waiting for the other to give in. A standoff. Your fingers played with the grown-out pieces of his mohawk, a small whine leaving your throat as you flashed him with your softest puppy dog eyes. He growled, smashing his lips against yours.
“I won,” you gasped between attacks.
“Did you?” he smirked, his lips quickly devouring you again.
“Bloody hell, you two. Get a room,” Simon growled. The task force had the gym booked, even with half of it missing. “Anyone could walk by and see you,” he reprimanded. Which was funny given the position the two of you were in last night.
“Yeah, any perv,” Johnny agreed, eyeing the alpha up and down. You giggled, pressing kisses against the Scot's jaw, nipping at the corner of his lips. He let you do as you please, his hazy, melted eyes staring down at you. Simon stood still, not quite able to pull his eyes away from the sight himself. He watched the way Johnny’s chest heaved up and down, his lips parting open as you marked him up. The look of determination on your face and the way your lips moved against his heated skin. The fact he had felt the softness of your mouth yesterday, he could imagine you against his skin. He watched as Johnny’s hands gripped your thighs, the softness pooling around his fingers. One small movement from you would have you secured against the heavy bulge the fabric of his workout shorts was doing a poor job covering.
“Johnny?” Simon spoke. His half-lidded deep blue eyes met his. “Take care of your omega,” it was commanded. The life re-entered Johnny's eyes, your back colliding with the wall before you knew it. You gasped, giving him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. All the control you had flying out the window.
“Mac,” you whined, your hips rolling against him. He pressed back harder, a shaky moan leaving you, the vibration going straight down his spine. Your hands crept down his strong stomach, clawing at the waistband of his shorts.
“Can’t take you here, Bonnie,” he growled, making you whimper.
“I don't care,” you purred in assurance. The new position had you blocked by a shelf and all someone had to do was look at Simon's heavy figure and know not to enter. “Please,” you begged, your hands sliding up his shirt. You could feel his warm skin twitch under you, short and soft coils of hair brushing against your palms. Your hands left his skin, beginning to tug at your own shorts. He looked over his shoulder at Simon, who nodded his head. You watched as Simon disappeared, walking over to the door. You could hear the lock click. You had won. You attached your lips to his and Johnny set you down to slide your shorts and panties off, chuckling at the wet spot in them. He tossed the pair behind him, Simon's hand catching them and sticking them in his pocket. You chewed your lip, Simon's hazy eyes meeting yours. You were dragged away when Johnny lifted you up again, your core rolling against his cock through the fabric of his shorts.
Your mouth fell open, your head resting against the chill of the wall. “Johnny, please,” you whined again, your fingers gripping at his shoulders. He was enjoying this too much. Enjoying the way you squirmed and begged for some help.
“What, baby? Couldn't hear you?” he murmured, making you growl. His hand slapped against your thigh to check you, his hand pressing against the spot to help ease the sting. “Still couldn't hear you,” he corrected. “Don't be shy,” he soothed, his lips resting against your cheek, nipping at the burning flesh. “Just tell me what you want and I’ll do it. You have to ask nicely though,” you wanted to bite the smirk off his face, but you knew you'd never get what you wanted then.
“I want you,” you mumbled quietly, your eyes trained on Simon’s shoes.
“Alright,” Johnny seemed satisfied with that until he started to put your feet on the floor to kiss down to your heat.
“No,” you whined, pulling him back up. He hoisted you back up, his face showing all the patience in the world. He could play this game with you all day. “I want your cock,” you said finally, making sure to say it loud enough to where he wouldn't play dumb. The deep rumble echoed off of both men, shooting straight through you. “Please,” you finished. You had a reputation for being their good girl- you couldn't break that by demanding.
“Well how can I say no to that,” Johnny smiled down at you. He distracted you with his lips and it wasn't until the head of his cock caught against your entrance did you realize one of his hands had left you. You gasped, pulling away enough to look down at him. It matched him, stout and energetic- twitching in his hand. He pushed in slowly, your legs already quivering. He was so responsive. Curving into all the right places, throbbing in time with your spasming walls. It felt so intimate even though you were pushed against the hard gym wall. Your toes curled in your shoes. He wanted to say something. Say how good you felt, how beautiful you looked, yet all he could do was groan his hips snapping into place. Your moan caught in your throat, your head lulling against the wall.
“How’s she feel?” Simon grunted. You had forgotten about him as he leaned against the shelf. You couldn't bring yourself to look at him but just knowing he was there made you clench around Johnny, the words he was trying to say catching in his throat once again.
He settled for a purr, sending a vibration through your body. You twitched, your hips pressing harder against him. That’s how John must've felt when you purred around him. “Perfect,” Johnny finally managed to choke out. His mouth attached to your shoulder where your tank top strap had fallen. His thrusts were hard and slow, without a set rhythm but that somehow added to the pleasure. His cock would drag against your walls only for him to roll himself back in with one hard fluid motion. He'd hold himself inside you letting you feel every throb and vein, only to drag himself back out, repeating the process whenever he wanted.
You were a mess. Teary eyes, hair disheveled, clinging onto him as the force of his thrusts knocked you into the wall. Your hand pressed against your mouth to stifle your moans. Normally they hated that, but considering you were in a semi-public place they'd let it slide. His pace picked up, your arms gripping around his neck, his mouth pressing against any skin he could reach. It was almost torture. The two of being so close, yet he couldn't feel the softness of your skin against his. He growled, his hips deciding a set rhythm. He had played with his food enough.
“I can't,” you gasped, your face burying in his shoulder. Your hands gripping onto his shoulder blades.
“Doing so good, Bon,” Johnny assured through his own groans. You could tell Johnny was as vocal as you, and was also trying hard to stifle it. You wondered how loud he could get. A pair of fingers brushed over your knuckles. It was Simon. You reached forward your hand tangling with his, as you felt the ascension of a familiar peak. You whined Johnny’s name, pressing your heated cheek against his. “You’re almost there, beautiful. I can feel it,” he snarled against you. “Feels so fucking good,” his voice dropped to a whine, holding onto you equally hard. Simon raised his mask, pressing a kiss against your knuckles. You held his gaze as much as you could with the stars clouding your vision. You shook your head again. Your heat had made your orgasms more tolerable- less intense so your body could preserve its stamina. You didn't have that to fall back upon. “Relax,” Johnny repeated against your temple, your cunt nearly pushing him out. “We’ve got you, just let go,” he murmured, his muscles shaking from pleasure. “I’ve got you baby, come on,” he pressed, not being able to hold on much longer himself.
You felt too good. Your pussy shaking around him, so wet and and warm. Your breathy moans in his ear. The fact anyone could come in and find you like this. It didn't excite him in the way he thought it would. It made him more possessive. You were theirs. No one else deserved to see such a sight. He could sense Simon behind him, the alpha offering enough protection where he could turn his brain off and focus on you.
The knot in your stomach finally shattered, your vision lighting up behind your shut eyes. You shouted, but nobody could find it in them to care, not with your head thrown back like that. Johnny pressed himself impossibly deep, holding your shaking form so you wouldn't be separated from him. He was a ball of curses and groans, his grip on you sure to leave bruises.
He rested against you, you sandwiched between him and the wall. Both of you were panting- mixing with moans and whimpers. Everything felt too much. The aftershock in your veins, the bright lights, the hard wall. You wanted to curl up under the covers and breathe in Johnny’s cinnamon scent. Simon cleared his throat, his pupils blown as he scanned you and Johnny up and down.
“Come on, pups,” he spoke softly. You smiled at the plural version of your nickname. Simon grabbed your shorts off the floor, his hands resting on Johnny’s shoulders. “Let's get you two cleaned up and back home, yeah?” he hummed. Your eyes widened as Simon placed a kiss on the back of Johnny's neck, mumbling out small praises at how well he took care of you. You both squirmed as he pulled out of you, his spend immediately dripping down your leg. The two men groaned.
“Round two at home, bonnie?” Johnny smirked, kissing your burning cheek.
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Round two indeed took place at home. Your butt resting on the counter in your bathroom as Johnny worked himself in and out of you. Simon was too busy with his ear pressed against the door, his hand working in time with your moans.
It felt like hours before the shower finally turned on.
You giggled as Johnny massaged lotion into your feet, his lips pressing against the ball of your foot.
“You and John both have a thing for feet,” you teased, expecting him to jump into denial. He just smiled, his thumb working deep into the tense tissue.
“Maybe we do, Bon,” he said slowly. “At least you get foot massages out of it,” he smirked, pressing a kiss against the top of them.
Guess you didn't have room to complain.
“Whose room are we sleeping in?” he questioned, moving to stand from his seat on the coffee table. You were about to say Kyle's but the back of your neck tingled at the sight of Simon’s closed door. Johnny followed your gaze. His face spread in a grin that made you nervous.
“No, Johnny it’s fine,” you insisted. His arm wrapped under your bottom, lifting you to his chest. He held you against him, your head hiding in his shoulder as he knocked on Simon's door. You heard a muffled sound, Johnny not waiting for a clear answer as he opened the door.
“Pup wants to sleep in here,” Johnny sighed like he was doing you a favor.
“It’s okay Simon”-
“You have your jellyfish?” was his response. Johnny gasped in remembrance, tossing you onto Simon's bed. It was amazing you didn't accidentally elbow him in the face with how much of it he took up. Johnny disappeared, heading towards your room to get the stuffed jelly. You had forgotten it when you went on leave and had a harder time falling asleep without it. You had grown a bit codependent on its softness against your cheek to fall asleep.
Johnny came bounding back, tossing himself onto the bed.
“Always forget how shite your mattress is,” Johnny grumbled. He tucked both of you under the covers with Simon, his body curling around yours as the big spoon. Simon shifted and you heard the rattling of a pill bottle.
“Take some of these. You'll be sore later if you aren't already,” he sighed, his thumb brushing over your chin. You opened, his eyes trained on your kiss-bitten lips. He held his water bottle up for you to wash them down with. Simon popped a few in his mouth.
“Did you hurt yourself?” you questioned. He shook his head.
“He’s a big boy, bonbon. Aches and pains are his middle name,” Johnny smirked, his lips pressing on the back of your ear. You giggled as his scruff brushed against your neck. Simon relaxed back into the bed, his arm and shoulder pressed against your front. You wanted to rest your head against him, but didn't want to invade his space too much- although you felt like you had already passed that point.
You could feel yourself fading fast. If the three different orgasms pulled out of you weren't enough then the feeling of being the safest pup in the world was the cherry on top. The best sleep you had ever gotten had been that night you were curled up with John and Kyle. You wondered if this would be similar. You didn't know if it was the beta-alpha pairing that made it work so well or just the fact you trusted the both of them.
You rumbled in a quiet purr, Johnny immediately responding with his own.
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It was pouring. The onslaught makes it hard for you to keep your eyes open. Your chest hurts, and the cold water, despite its power, does nothing to get your nervous system back on track.
You felt sad. The sadness felt more suffocating than the rain that was drenching your clothes. Why hadn’t you worn your raincoat? You feel like you knew the answer to that, yet couldn't find the perseverance to dig around in your brain for it.
Maybe the yellow felt too happy for this type of day.
A hand gripped your shoulder. It wasn't gentle. It wasn’t warm or comforting. It was angry- maybe at you, maybe at the world. “Time to go,” it snapped. You recognized it as John. It made you feel sicker, a bubbling anger rising in your chest. Why were you so mad at him? Why was he so mad? He looked worse than when he had left. His eyes are nearly swollen shut from tears and rubbing at them. His face looked older. How long had he been gone? Or had emotions aged him? His hand fell to your forearm, the tips of his finger bound to leave marks against your skin.
Your feet splashed against the ground as he tugged you along. The rushing water makes it hard to walk. How long has it been raining? Every step forward felt like three steps back. If it wasn't for John you would have fallen, and the water would have swept you away by now. A slight warmness fills you at the idea.
“I don't want to go,” you say before you can stop yourself. Your voice is small and weak. He hears you despite the rushing of water.
“You think I want to?” he growls back. It was mean and nasty- his voice and look in his eyes. You whimpered. You’re continually pulled along the flat concrete. There are no trees, no green, just gray as far as the eye can see. Your knees give out, and you can feel the concrete break your skin. A small plea leaves you. A plea of mercy for John to be gentle with you. He wasn't. He growls low in his throat, yanking you up with no patience or fondness in his bones. You shriek, your arm creaking under his grasp. He pays no mind. There's a building in the distance. Gray and square just like the buildings at base. You’re sobbing now. You aren't sure if it’s from fright or exhaustion. His hand digs into the hair around the base of your neck, pulling you forward. You were moving too slow. Your sobs are louder than the rain by the time you reach the building. John throws open the doors. The inside was beautiful, resembling a church. Every seat was filled, each and every person's head snapping behind them to look at the two of you. You don't know any of them, but they all look familiar.
They were waiting for you. John pulls you along the aisle, your eyes landing towards the front. You fall to your knees again, your hands grappling with the legs of people or chairs to keep from advancing. John is jerking you forward by the back of your dress, your body shaking against the carpet. Shrieks and sobs escape you, yet no one comes to help you. In fact, they aren't even looking at you. Once you make it to the front John tosses you against the steps of the stage, your chin colliding with one. You sob against them. You couldn’t breathe. Your heart ached so painfully in your chest all you could do was lay there. There was a mean kick to your legs. Your head finally raised, your eyes landing on an oak casket, half covered by a Union Jack. Your hands reach forward gripping onto the fabric. It pools around you as it falls to the floor.
You don't need to be told. You know who’s in there.
You gasp awake, four pairs of hands holding onto you. You shake in their grasp and they quickly release you.
“Easy, Bonnie,” Johnny soothes. You couldn't breathe, the lightness in the room burning your eyes. Your hands run over your wet face as you sit up trying to take in your surroundings as your eyes adjust. An arm wraps around you, trapping your arms and back against a chest. You fight against it and lose.
“Relax, pup. You're alright,” it was Simon, his chin resting on your shoulder. The smell of alpha fills your nostrils, your brain immediately gives into it- too distraught to do anything else. They both sigh in relief when you relax against him.
“Where is Kyle?” you croak. They share a look.
“He left with John, baby,” Johnny reminded, pulling your legs into his lap.
“Is he okay?” you whimper, tears beginning to descend again.
“Something happen to him in your dream?” Johnny asked.
“Is he okay?” you repeat desperately.
“He’s alright,” Simon affirms to you. The pressure slows your heart rate, and your breathing automatically syncs with his. “I can try to get him on the phone for you. It'll be early morning where they are,” Simon explains, reaching for his phone on the nightstand.
You would do anything to hear his voice. Even if it meant waking him up. Simon lays down with you still in his arms, and Johnny goes to turn the light off. You were thankful Simon had given you those pain pills. Without them, the throb in your body would be worse.
Your cheek rests against Johnny’s, his scruff a welcoming contrast to your soft skin. His large hand takes up half your face and neck as his thumb brushes the tears out from under your eyes. You let yourself sink fully into both of them.
“I'm sorry,” you mumbled softly.
“Never apologize for loving us, Bon,” Johnny soothed instantly. Your heart lifted in your chest.
You couldn't help but feel fortunate. Your pack wasn't writing you off as sensitive or troublesome. Instead, they were protecting you. Assuring you. Protecting you from your own thoughts and assuring you they would be there with you along the way. Simon held the phone up and you quickly snatched it with a quick thanks.
“Kyky?” you breathed, your eyes rolling to the back of your head at the sound of his groggy voice. You had woken him up.
“Hey, Lovie,” you could nearly see the smile in his voice. He wasn't mad at you. You buried yourself under Johnny, the phone pressed tightly against your ear. “Having trouble sleeping?” he murmured. You tried to imagine his breath on the back of your neck as he spoke or the way his hand liked to rest between your thighs as he slept.
“Yeah,” you whispered back. “I had a bad dream. Just wanted to hear your voice,” you explained.
“Guess I should get talkin’ then,” he yawned. You were thankful he didn't ask what the dream was about. You could hear him adjust, the sound of metal creaking under him. You hated that his bed wasn't comfortable. He shouldn't be sleeping on metal bars and springs, he should be curled up in your nest with you. He talked about where he was- without giving you a location. He said it was mountainous and the perfect temperature. You knew for Kyle that meant hot. He told you about all the different birds and the sounds they made and how it made him think of you.
Your eyes grew heavy, your body erupting in a barely there purr.
Warmness flooded you as your pack once again took care of you.
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Hello everyone! See you in three days for chapter 27! 🧡
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shalomniscient · 2 months
How does alpha!Feixiao act when her omega is in heat?
[nsft utc]
oh good heavens… the moment feixiao steps into the house and is bombarded with your heat-scent, thick and cloying as molasses, she’s instantly fishing her phone out of her pocket to fire off a quick text to her retainers, saying she’ll be indisposed for the next two or three days. after that, she’s beelining to your bedroom, nearly panting as the scent of your pure need coats the inside of her throat and lungs with each breath. aeons, she isn’t even in the room yet and her cock is already straining against her shorts.
she’d be a little embarassed, if you weren’t the exact same when she nearly kicks down the bedroom door. feixiao’s fangs ache when she sees you, curled up in bed, bare as the day you were born with only a spare coat of hers clutched tightly in your hand. the other is buried between your legs where your thighs are painted with your own slick, glossy against your skin as it drips onto the sheets. a ruddy flush has settled almost permanently on your body, from your neck down to your chest. you whine as she steps closer, no doubt smelling her own scent now hot and heavy with her own need. you release her spare coat in favor of grabbing directly at her, fingers winding in the fabric of her qipao as you tug her down, desperate babbles spilling from your lips nearly bitten raw.
please, you whisper, hoarse and needy, please, fei, need you, please it hurts, hurts so bad—
she shushes you with a soft coo then catches your lips in a gentle kiss. she draws the hand buried between your thighs that had been hopelessly drawing circles on your stiff clit, and laces her fingers with it. your slick is warm on her already heated skin. it webs between her fingers like threads of glossy silk, smearing over her palm until it’s shiny. aeons, she needs to be inside you, feel it coating her cock instead—
—but she restrains herself, swallows thickly, and uses her other hand to replace your own. you throw your head back, exposing the damp column of your neck as a breathy moan escapes you. your lashes flutter, wetting your already tear-streaked cheeks with fresh tears. you’re tight around her fingers, just the two she has up to the knuckle inside you. her fingertips massage your inner walls, their movement creating obscenely wet noises that echo around the room and reverberate in her ears. feixiao kisses the corner of your mouth as you arch your back and cum with a sob of pure relief, your free hand clawing into her broad back. she makes you cum once more, then again, before switching out her fingers for her mouth.
she eats you—or rather, drinks you like she needs you to survive. her tongue laps at your soaked labia, shivering as the taste of you blooms on her tastebuds. she sucks on the soft flesh, lips smacking before using her tongue to part them. she kitten licks at the tender, blush-pink skin, soft under her ministrations. her chin is smeared with gossamer slick. her fingers dig into the plush of your thighs, marking them with delicate crescents. she groans right into your cunt as your fingers tangle in her long, platinum hair, blunt nails scratching at her scalp by the base of her ears. and she moans when she plunges her tongue into your willing and wanting entrance, more of your taste spilling into her willing and wanting mouth. she noses against your pussy, inhaling the scent of you as you cream so prettily. the cloying sweetness coats her throat and lines the walls of her lungs as she breathes in, diffusing into her bloodstream and setting her veins on fire with need. she tongue-fucks you almost ruthlessly until you’re squirting all over her face, utterly brain-dead and messy with your orgasm, and even then—even then she isn’t done. her hands trail down the softness of your thighs to the curve of your ass, then she’s lifting; up and up and into her greedy mouth. she throws your knees over her shoulders, vaguely aware of the way your legs kick out. her cock—still clothed—presses against the small of your back in this position. she doubles her efforts this time around, alternating between sucking on the painfully hard nub of your clit and fucking her tongue deep into your slick hole. she bobs her head almost as if she’s blowing you, making a complete and utter mess but neither of you are in any real headspace to care. you cum again, predictably, with a howl of her name, heels digging into her back and pulling her impossibly closer still.
it’s only then, once she’s satiated her hunger for your taste, does she finally give you her cock. she slips in with no resistance at all, your entrance needily sucking her in. her body molds against yours as she takes you flat on your back, your legs rising to lock your ankles around her lower back. it’s a little basic, but feixiao prefers to take you this way for the first few hours after your heat begins, when the haze in your brain is the thickest. like this, she can kiss you whenever she wants, and watch the way your expressions blossom in ones of pure pleasure and relief—pleasure and relief that she gives you. she is less harsh with her cock, fucking you slowly but deeply, ensuring you feel every ridge and vein against your fluttering walls. her teeth worry the mating bite on your shoulder, tongue lapping at the skin there as if trying to taste the scent that bleeds from it. her hips meet yours with a wet smack with each languid drive.
you whimper and whine into her ear—feels good, ‘s good, don’t stop, don’t stop—and she rumbles low in her throat in response. you feel like velvet around her, so warm and tight that feixiao might never want to leave. the way you squeeze her has her groaning into your sweat-slicked shoulder, her breathing turning into ragged pants. she can feel the base of her cock swell; her knot forming rapidly as her balls tighten. and you must feel it too, the way she twitches inside you, because you lift your arms to wrap around her back, tugging her down into your chest, close enough as if you want to feel her heartbeat against yours. your hands cradle the back of her head as you kiss her, sweet as honey, breathing your need into her mouth. she swallows greedily, desperately, letting it settle low in her gut and making her buck her hips a little harsher.
knot me, please— please, feixiao, alpha, please—
and for all her strength as arbiter-general, chosen of lan, hunter of hunters, and merlin’s claw, she is nowhere strong enough to ever deny anything you ask of her. she bites down on your shoulder, fangs breaking skin, and pushes her knot into you with a slick pop. there’s no stopping it, then. she swells inside you, locking wholly and truly within you, and cums until she feels dizzy. her hips stutter and jerk, as best as they can with how her knot keeps her in place, and she fucks her seed deeper into you. you keen in response, clenching down around her, milking her dry as she fills you up with each stroke. a frothy ring of white forms around her base, and she feels another spurt of cum shoot from her tip at the sight. your heat starts to soothe as her cum paints your walls, the raging, angry fire dimming down into a gentle warmth emanating from your abdomen.
you hold her close in the afterglow, both of you lightheaded with oxytocin. feixiao rests on top of you, and you purr softly at the feeling of your alpha against you, the lines of your bodies molding into one. and in a few hours, she’ll take you again, and again, and again until your heat fizzles out and all that’s left is tenderness and soft whispers of affection.
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artinvain · 2 months
Werewolf!Abby with an omega!reader in heat who is whiney and needy!! Abby tries to tease but fails.
yeah! yes yeah!
cw: pure lesbian smut, breeding kink, daddy usage, impact play, cum play, so much cum talk, alpha/omega dynamics - not proof read
men, minors, ageless blogs DNI or follow.
“please abby,” you whine out, your back arched and ass on display, legs open wide enough that abby can see your ridiculously wet pussy - heat addled and swollen. you moan out high pitched when your girlfriends heavy hand comes down to smack your pussy and rub her fingers through your lips, sinking two fingers in.
“jesus christ,” abby moans out at the feeling of your gummy wet walls squeezing around her. “this cunt’s so needy for me,” she curls her fingers in and out so agonisingly slow you try to push back and hump them, she gulps as the sight of you, “god fuck wanna - push my cock inside you and breed you,” you yelp at her words and the harsh smack against your ass.
abby can smell you, you’re fucking dripping down the sheets and you’re dripping down her wrist “please abby - alpha I need you need to cum please -“ she nearly melts
“nuh uh sweetheart, just need to stretch you out - get you ready yeah? just a little,” she mumbles into your pussy and starts lap at you. sucking your clit and dipping her tongue in. “please daddy,” you groan, hands gripping at your sheets
“please daddy want your cum, need - need want your cock aahgod,” you babble drunkenly at the feeling of abby’s fingers rubbing your gspot and her mouth suckling at your clit humming at the taste of you and suddenly you’re cumming and abby’s cheeks are wet as she grunt, precum dripping from her and nearly cums too.
abby’s panting, pulling her boxers down and “oh fuck - fuck this pussy’s made for me,” she moas as she sinks home, “you’re so fucking warm,” abby pulls your hips back against her and grinds into you. pushes forward and pressing a hand down between your shoulders and fucks into you deep and hard.
“fuck you feel me stretching you out?” she pulls your hair to smoosh your face into the pillows to see you — a drooling mess, eyes rolling back in your head and so pretty as tears fall from your eyes squeezing shut tight. “oh my god i’m gonna fuck you full of my cum, get you full of my baby,”
“daddy so big,” you mewled out trying and failing to match her thrusts as she moans, leaning over you - pressing her tits against your back as she thrusts into you, her fingers starting to rub your clit. “fuck, fuck m’gon’ cum alpha please please want please cum inside me-“ you whine as she growls low in your ear “yeah, I’ll fill you up with my cum pretty doll, but I wanna feel you cum around me - squeeze my cock tight and - fuck-“ abby moans her fingers still strumming your sensitive clit.
abby moans as you cum, your pussy squeezing erratically around her and she can’t help but cum moaning and gasping as she spurts inside you - “oh fuck alpha,” you yell winding your hips and feeling her press against your gspot and inhale through your teeth as you cum again, shaking and twitching against her.
abby falls on top of you, your legs giving out and moaning as she pulls out, her cock still hard and twitching and leaking as she gazes at you, pulling your legs apart
“fuck baby, pussy looks so pretty all swollen and dripping with my cum - shit,” abby moans her fingers easing inside your still twitching pussy and getting between your thighs before you can close them.
“come on - you were just begging for me baby you can take a little more can’t you? still need to stuff you with my knot,” abby moans, sucking on her you clit and moaning “so fucking wet with my cum - wanna fuck it into you get you pregnant with my baby,” she moans as you whine, back arching.
“alpha! daddy daddy m’cumming, please yes wanna be full of your baby - and you cock,” you whine, thighs shaking as you cum and abby moans “of course honey, now give daddy your cum, you look so stupid drooling all over the place so needy for me huh?”
you nod frantically, hands gripping her shoulders and hair - bucking into her face as you cum thighs tightening around her head. abby fucks you through your orgasm, getting up on her knees and slipping her cock into your spasming cunt.
“that’s it honey, just be a good girl, yeah keep taking daddy’s cock,” she moans, as you cling onto her - her hips never stop moving, she never stops moaning into your ear.
“good girl, so pretty - love this pussy, m’gonna cum inside you -“ she gasps, her knot inflating, “gonna keep cumming until your full of my fucking babies,” abby moans as you grip her and gasp babbling dumbly into her ear as she slips deep inside you, squirting cum into you as you gasps, falling over you gasping and panting into your neck.
🫢🏷️ @lesbian-useless @sexysapphicshopowner @iamaboringrattat @lavendersgirl @bimboprincezz @emiliabby
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buckyalpine · 1 year
Alpha quarterback Bucky x Omega cheerleader reader
I need alpha Quarterback Bucky with a cute little cheer leader omega. I'm so feral today, sorry but also send help. Because he is an absolute fuck boy but your his favorite little rut toy.
“Alpha” you squeak as he takes your hand and presses it against his thick bulge, finding you in the locker rooms after a game.
“C’mere pretty mega” he practically purrs against your neck, catching you by surprise. He picks you up with ease, setting you onto the counter while his sinful hands start to kneed at your hips, pulling your tiny skirt up, tearing off your cotton panties. You whimper with need, the scent of your arousal nearly making him drool. He shamelessly pulls his cock out, pumping it, flicking his cock head against your swollen clit making you whine, smearing his arousal over your sensitive nub. “Gonna help your alpha, baby?”
It's a game you both play. After all, he wasn't really your alpha. He hadn't marked you. You weren't his. But that doesn't matter right now. Not when his leaky cock is begging for relief.
You nod, gasping when he pulls you off the counter, bending you over, his tip rubbing up and down before sliding in with one thrust, his head thrown back when he start to build up a steady pace, slamming your hips to meet his.
"A-Alpha!" You cry out, grasping the edge of the counter, his cock deep in your pussy, his unforgiving thrusts speeding up. "Oh god, please!"
He watches your face twists in the mirror reflection, his cute little cheer leader who screams his name both on the field and with his cock deep in her, no one suspecting the innocent omega to be so cockdrunk over the college football player.
“That’s it, good little mega, so fuckin good” He groans, his thighs tensing as his knott begins to swell, panting and grunting, his dick almost hurting with how hard he was for you. No one made him more animalistic than you, your sweet scent making him leak into your pyssy. "Gonna give you my knot, you want that 'mega?"
Your sweet neck is so tempting to him and he wants to sink his teeth in, marking and claiming you. He nudges his nose against your juncture, nipping softly making you whine, craning your neck to give him more access, your desperation making it harder for him to resist.
"Don't tempt me 'mega" He warns, biting softly, his hand coming to wrap around your throat.
"P-Please! Fuck, yes, please, gimmie your knot alpha-want-want it!" You stutter out, eyes rolling back as he growls, fucking you harder, his hand coming around to toy with your clit, rubbing it with his calloused fingers.
"Greedy little 'mega" He moans, struggling to hold back any longer, his cock bursting with cum when he feels you clench around him, "Oh fuck m'cumming, take it babydoll, take my cum"
He pants against your neck, staying buried deep in your pussy while his cock softens, the mess he made inside you slowly seeping out.
“Hmm” a low growl emits from his chest, watching his seed drip between your soft thighs, milky cream sticky and thick. “Can’t wait till the day get to fill you up with pups, mama”
He shoves two thick fingers back into your sensitive pussy making you cry out, his pink lips hushing you with a deep kiss before pulling away and giving your ass a spank. He leaves you panting and messy, fucking your brains out like he owns you, leaving for practice seconds later.
Of course, he thinks he’s just using you. He thinks this is just a game to play. He smirks when he sees you in your uniform again, giving him a shy smile as you approach him after a game. He loves that he has you at his beck and call whenever he wants, your little omega pussy all jus for him.
That is until he smells the scent of another alpha near by and he nearly bares all his teeth, shoving you behind him so your out of sight, protected behind his large form. He knows Walker has had his eye on you every time they visit the campus, the blonde rival happy to try and make a move on the sweet cheer leader with no alpha.
"What's wrong Barnes, scared of a little competition" Walker taunts and Bucky nearly pounces on him, his hands still balled into fists, holding back when he feels your hand grab his wrist.
"Alpha lets go" you whisper and his protective side immediately comes out, seeing you distressed worried face.
"Since when was he your alpha, hmm, 'mega?" Walker smirked making you whimper from embarrassment, immediately letting go of Bucky's wrist.
He wasn't wrong.
Bucky felt a different surge of anger flow through his veins while Steve stepped in between the two men before things got ugly. Bucky shoved Walker out of the way, scooping you into his arms and straight to his place, unable to bear the thought of another man trying to touch what's his, hating the way your face had fallen after what he'd said to you.
You were his Omega.
He was your alpha.
As soon as he gets you in his room, he throws you on his bed, tearing your clothes off without a care in the world. His natural woodsy scent of pine and leather make you wet, your pussy aching, feeling so empty while he tosses his own clothes aside. There's no time to prep when he man handles you onto all fours, spanking your ass when you arch your back, presenting for him, his thick cock humping your folds.
"Whose your Alpha" He demands, dragging his tip up and down at a torturous pace, spanking you again when you wiggle your hips. "Say it!"
"You James, Alpha please, need-need yo-OH GOD YESS" Your words slut into screams of pleasure as he slams into you and fucks you hard and fast, his swollen balls hitting your clit with each stroke.
"That's right. You're mine. My fuckin' omega, m'you're alpha, you hear me?" He forces his cock as deep as it would go, as if trying to claim every bit of your body from the inside and out.
"Mine. Mine. Mine" Bucky growls, slamming into you with unrelenting thrusts, shaking away the disgusting thought of another man trying to have you, his girl, how dare anyone else trying to lay their hands on you. He stars at your sweet unmarked neck, drooling at the touched skin. He wanted nothing more than to show everyone exactly who you belonged to.
"Wanna make you mine forever 'mega" he warns, holding back from sinking his teeth in, nearly whining with his eyes shut. "Wanna mark you, let me mark you up sweet girl, show everyone who you belong to"
"Mark me Bucky" You cry out, his hands coming on top of yours, fingers lacing together as he continues to rut into you.
"Gonna mark you up and fill you till your swollen n'round. Wanna get you nice n'heavy till those little uniforms don't fit n'all you can wear are my clothes, let everyone know who you belong to" He growls, his cock starting to swell like never before, the feeling almost painful.
"Please alpha, please-wan' it-need it!" You beg, gasping at the feeling of his base growing, his moas filling the room. He licks and nips at your neck, whining when you clench around his cock, moving and giving him more access to your skin.
"Mine" He grits before sinking his teeth in, pleasure and pain filling you, a different kind of relief flooding your senses as his knot pops, the both of you collapsing in his bed, his cock still deep inside you. He holds you tightly in his thick arms, soothing you with soft caresses along your sensitive skin.
"You're mine omega" He pants, kissing your mark, cradling your fucked out form to his chest, "All mine"
My bad.
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hitomisuzuya · 2 months
Hey hey🥰
First of all I hope you’re fine and that whatever happens tomorrow will pass quickly for you. Just wanted to let you know that I love your writing and it always made my day seeing you posted something new. Thank you for that!
To my request: I would like to ask for omegaverse smut, threesome (Scara x Wanderer x reader) where Scara is the alpha and Wanderer and reader the omegas who are both going into heat simultaneously and giving Scara a hard time to take care of them because they’re so needy? I hope that’s okay if not please just ignore it.
I hope you have a good day and thank you so much for your writing!
Alpha!Scaramouche x fem!reader Omega!Wanderer x fem reader. Smut. Threesome. Cunnilingus. Scara receiving. Wanderer giving. Degradation. Creampie. Multiple orgasms. Wanderer kinda subby. Scara is kinda mean.
Thank you so much🥺 It always makes me happy to know that my writing makes someone's day❤️ I am doing okay. This is kinda filthy😳
Scaramouche's mean streak was in full gear tonight. Heats are particularly hard for both you and Wanderer. And it didn't help things that Scaramouche had one cardinal rule:
His two omegas had to ask him if they could touch each other.
Wanderer was between your legs, panting and drooling, occasionally letting out a soft whimper as he sucked and licked at your pussy. Scaramouche held your wrists over your head, the nimble fingers of his other hand pinching and rolling one of your nipples. Each pinch and twist made you thrash on the bed, shocks of pleasure jolted to your clit as Wanderer messily swirled his tongue around it.
Wanderer moaned as you grinded your pussy into his tongue, holding your thighs apart as he pushed his tongue greedily inside of you. He rutted his straining into the mattress, groaning as he tasted you clenching around his tongue. More drool pooled onto your pussy in anticipation as he realized you were close to cumming.
"You both are so fucking needy," Scaramouche hissed, delivering a calculated pinch to your nipple before pushing Wanderer's mouth down onto your pussy, "Crying and whining to fuck because you in are in heat. Eat like the worm that you are."
Such a shiver went through you as Scaramouche rounded his annoyed glare on you. "And you, whimpering about how my cumming down your throat wasn't enough, plunging your fingers into your greedy hole while you sucked me off," He forced Wanderer's head down your pussy a little so he could stroke and pinch your clit.
"I can't help it, my body aches," You cried out, your legs spasming as your cum suddenly saturated Wanderer's tongue. You blushed hearing the lewd slurping noises between your legs, your hips bucking into his mouth to chase the friction of his tongue.
Scaramouche grabbed a handful of your hair, lifting your head and turning it slightly. "Open up, slut," He pushed the head of his leaking cock on your lips, "Suck just the tip," His cock pulsed from asserting dominance over you as an alpha.
And as an omega, you gladly obeyed your alpha. Your tongue eagerly swept out to curl around the head, lapping at his precum before scooping the tip into your mouth to suck on.
Scaramouche pumped his cock head in and out of your mouth, groaning as prodded your tongue into the slit. He was just bidding his time, watching for signs of overstimulation. They were already fast setting in with Wanderer's lips latched drunkenly on your clit.
Youbmuffled whines of bliss on his cock head, letting him guide your head. Your walls clenched sensitive around nothing as you twitched. Scaramouche smirked seeing your twitches. "That's enough," He abruptly pulled Wanderer's mouth off your pussy.
Wanderer growled in a rare show of offense, but instantly back down as Scaramouche glared at him. A line of drool connected your tongue to his cock as he took it out of your mouth, flipping you over onto all fours.
Scaramouche pressed a hand down on your back, making you arch it. Before you were bred, Wanderer had talked Scaramouche into eating you out first on one condition:
He had to watch Scaramouche breed you. A little punishment for being so annoying as Scaramouche bluntly put it. Wanderer bit his lip, swallowing a moan of jealousy as he watched Scaramouche rub his cock between your folds, his eyes trained on the way you eagerly pushed back into Scaramouche's cock. He ached to be his alpha's position.
"Fuck, this slut is so tight," Scaramouche moaned, sinking his cock deep into your pussy. He was quick to pick up a rough pace, making your toes curl as he drove his cock into your sweet spot.
Wanderer's eyes were trained on Scaramouche's cock squelching wetly into your sopping cunt, thrusting into his hand as he fisted his cock. Cum ribboned into his hand watching you reach down to rub your clit.
"Good girl," Scaramouche purred, praising the loud, lewd moans of bliss that keened from you, "let that pathetic omega hear how good your alpha is fucking you," He batted your hand away to nurse your clit himself, hastily making you squirt on his cock. He broke the knot of your orgasm easily.
He gripped your hips, holding you still as he chased his own orgasm. Scaramouche swallowed back a whimper of his own, huskily moaning as his cock emptied itself inside of you. He was careful in his purpose to have at least a little bit of cum seep from your pussy as he pulled out.
"Finger it back inside," He commanded Wanderer.
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