#the old guard au fic
zairaalbereo · 1 year
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When he was young, Joe cast a spell to fall in love with an impossible man to make sure he would never fall in love at all…
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But the spell found its goal, and when years later magic brings trouble to Joe’s door, it also brings Detective Nicolò di Genova.
It’s the spooky season once more and so it’s time to rewatch one of my favourite movies. Luckily for me, @gallifreyburning is also writing an amazing Practical Magic TOG AU:
a love even time will lie down and be still for
Read it, it’s beautiful! I can’t wait to see it finished.
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non-un-topo · 1 year
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Another little thing for the very beloved @devouring-time because I will never not be thinking about her Pirates of the Caribbean au <33
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kaydeefalls · 8 months
Fandom: The Old Guard (Movie 2020) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani/Nicky | Nicolò di Genova Characters: Nicky | Nicolò di Genova, Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Friends to Lovers, Sexual Content, Inspired by Hallmark Christmas Movies, ...sort of, Trope Subversion, past joe/lykon, getting over a breakup by sleeping with your friend, sure hope that doesn't awaken any feelings, Falling In Love, mostly fluff with a side of pining, Romantic Comedy, POV Nicky | Nicolò di Genova Summary:
In which Nicky and Joe turn out to be expendable side characters in other people's Hallmark Christmas movies, get stranded by a snowstorm, and catch feelings of their own. Like you do.
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bidisastersanji · 10 months
The Old Guard x One piece AU got my brain going brrr and i'm gonna make it your problem now. Center of the matter is I want Zoro and Sanji to meet kind of like Nicki and Joe did (discovering their immortality by fighting on opposite sides and killing each other over and over and then becoming eternal lovers) so I went and did some research for the entire Straw hat crew. Main thing is I wanted to link them to historical events that will give them the right motivations and backgrounds! so here we GOOO
Sanji and Zoro: Because Japan has an isolationist past, the only battle I could find that would work is the Cagayan battles of 1582 in Jakarta between Spanish-Philippine forces vs Japanese pirates (a.k.a Wokou, which are basically pirate ronin) Sanji would thus be a reluctant "Rodelero" sent to South East Asia by his noble family (jokes on them he loves being in the middle of the spice trade and he hates being part of a noble family funding the conquistadores) who one day finds himself fighting a mysterious Wokou samurai Zoro. They're partly isolated from their respective camps when they first kill each other, and again, and again, until they realise they should by all means be dead but they keep healing. After a couple decades of -against all odds- running into each other everywhere, they reluctantly decide to try and figure out what the heck's happened to them together- struggling to communicate at first, then learning each others' language over the following decade, then falling in love and becoming inseparable. This makes Zoro and Sanji both over 400 years old, and they are the same age. Zoro learns about so many sword techniques and Sanji about different cuisines/ leg-centric fighting styles during this time.
all the other straw hats and their historical periods under the cut!
Robin as an Egyptian scholar who died during the burning of the Library of Alexandria in 48 BC/ was killed for researching something forbidden during the declining years of the Roman Period (early 200s) and found out she was immortal this way, making her around 2 millennia old. She spends her time recording history and traveling the world and encountering new cultures. Her long time enemy is religious obscurantism, and the Catholic church spends a lot of resources trying to kill her. (they have conspiracy boards about this immortal witch in the Vatican)
Brook: so ancient he doesn't remember much, other that he came from Kerma culture (2500 BC), loved music, and that his entire village had died from an illness, but he came back. His memory isn't great but if there's one thing he's loved in his Millennia of existence is discovering and learning how to play all the instruments that he could find. He mostly hangs in Vienna nowadays as a music teacher.
Jinbei is a Samoan chieftain from around 1000 BC who one day died during a battle with a Fijian chieftain. When he came back from death he assumed Tagaloa chose him. He loves navigating, sailing, exploring and going on voyages with his people. In more recent times (post european contact) he was forced to ally with the US Navy to protect his people.
Nami: Irish lass from around 800 who's coastal, tiny village was about to be raided by Vikings from Sweden. She made a deal with their chieftain Arlong to go with them and map out the British isles for them to help their raids be more effective and targeted, in exchange for not killing people in her village, and that she would make back the plunder they did not get from this town for them. She started to join their raids to try and make this money, but she died in battle. She came back and they believed her to be some kind of Valkyrie or Einherjer brought back to midgard. She took over the raider's leadership- also Norsemen always had women handle money, which works great here. During her time as an immortal she travels, seeks treasure, double crosses people etc.
Usopp a young double agent/CIA spy from the Cold War who died on a mission. He tragically could not return to his love Kaya because he was afraid of putting her in danger by revealing he was alive to the spies that killed him. He relocates and starts anew constantly, his entire life a web of lies. He's a great marksman/sniper.
Chopper died young of the Bubonic plague in medieval Europe. He resuscitated, tragically his father is infected as well and he's unable to save him- motivating him to get to the bottom of this disease, he decides to become a doctor. Looking like a 15 year old for centuries doesn't make this task easy and he has to hide a lot.
Franky is an American veteran of WWI who was heavily disfigured first, and died later (which is why he's not fully healed and needs prosthetics). He's heavily anti-government from having been sent to fight in such a meaningless war that sacrificed young men like cannon fodder. He learned to fix himself up and make prosthetics and masks for veterans, got into making tech stuff
Luffy is a modern, 21st century 20 something year old from Brazil's favelas. He dies in a gun violence incident (maybe linked to a drug war/gang war where he's been trying to protect his neighbourhood) and comes back, experiencing visions of others like him. He's resolute to find them and make a crew, thinking that with all of them together, maybe they can help liberate the world from opressors and inequality
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It's here.
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cod-dump · 1 year
I just looked up Price & found that he was in the WWII COD games as well as the modern-day-setting ones. IDK but my immediate thought was the boys finding out that he's some kind of time traveler OR that he's an immortal--
& then they start calling him "Gramps" or "Pops" instead of "Dad" :D
Old Man ___
It was Gaz who found the box. It was in an old storage shed on base, kept shut by a rusted lock and decorated by boarded up windows. He found the building and went to Price to ask him if he go through it. Price was waist deep in paperwork when Gaz asked him.
“Storage shed?”
“I took some pictures of it, if you would like to see.”
Gaz showed Price and the man went through them before shrugging and handing him back his phone.
“Probably here from when the base was used by the old SAS. Whatever is in there probably isn’t relevant anymore.”
“So… can I go through it?”
“I don’t see why not. But be sure to burn any old files and bring me any technology you find.”
Gaz had to restrain himself from jumping around in excitement, “Yes, sir.”
Gaz always loved going through old things. Old technology, books, antiques— He loved going to antique shops with his mom when he was a kid. Something about old things really fascinated him. Gaz drove out to the old storage shed, armed with bolt cutters, gloves, a flashlight, a portable LED lamp (he doubted any electric ran to it), and a face mask (to fight off the dust).
He clipped the lock and looked at it. It looked old. The handle to the door looked old, too. Gaz set the lock aside before attempting to open the door. He ended up having to bust open the door due to the rusted hinges. He was greeted by a wave of dust.
“Fuck, when was the last time someone was in here?”
Gaz shined his flashlight into the small building before stepping in. He was more than delighted to see that the ceiling held up well and that there wasn’t any animals that made their home inside. Gaz gasped when he saw a box of floppy disks on a shelf directly next to the door.
Gaz grabbed the box and started looking at disks. Other than the blanket of dust they were covered in, the seemed to be in good condition. He tried to read the labels, but a lot seemed to be in code. Though he was able to make out something on a couple of them. A Chinese character: 天. He took a picture of the character before he moved on to some ledgers, going through them each. He was out there for hours until the sun started to set. Gaz only noticed when he got a text from Soap.
Suds: Are you alive?
Gaz jumped when he saw what time it was. It was almost time for dinner and lights out. Gaz quickly put the ledger he was looking in back on the shelf before leaving the building. He had to slam the door shut. He ended up putting a new lock that he brought with him on it to keep anyone out before he left. He was interrogated when he finally made it to the mess hall.
“Where the hell were you? You’ve been gone all day!”
“I’m going through an old storage shed I found in the woods.”
“God, must be ancient if you have taken a liking to it.”
Gaz rolls his eyes, stuffing a spoon of slop in his mouth. While Soap teased him for his ‘obsession’ with old things, Gaz thought back to how much stuff was in the storage shed. He wasn’t surprised Price didn’t know about it. There was a lot of grounds of this base covered by woods. Could be several other buildings like the storage shed, hidden by trees and the paths to them reclaimed by nature.
His next free day Gaz went back to the shed. He was pleased to find that the lock he placed remained and none of the boarded up windows were messed with. Gaz pulls his mask on after he removes the lock and heads back in. Gaz immediately went back to the ledgers, deciding to see what the oldest date he could find. The newest thing in the building that he’s found so far were the floppy disks, and even then they went out of style in the 90s.
Gaz flipped through the ledgers and found that the dates were going further and further back.
It became increasingly obvious that the storage shed was all relating to a project under the code name ‘Shòu’. The ledgers mostly covered expenses but the floppy disks could have other information on them. Gaz flipped through the pages of the ledger he was holding, stopping when he came across a date.
Gaz blinked before he took a picture of the date. That’s as far back as the ledgers were dated but he knows they ledgers themselves were newer than the 80s at least.
“Were they keeping track of transactions since 1776?”
Gaz couldn’t see how transactions from more than two centuries ago were relevant now. Gaz puts the ledger back, accidentally knocking another off onto the floor.
“Fucking hell-“
He gets on the floor to grab it when he notices something over in the corner through the shelves. It was a box with ‘Ash’ written broadly on the side. Gaz stood up and made his way to the corner, kneeling next to the box. He opens it up and finds several files inside. He picks one up, seeing the name ‘Thomas Ashburne’ written on it. He opens it, surprised to see little information that made sense.
“Discovered 2/7/1776? What?”
Gaz read further, brows knotted in confusion.
Subject was found alive after impaled by three arrows to the chest. He was missing an arm, the severed limb laying three feet away from him. After a fortnight under observation, Ashburne was still alive and the severed limb showed no signs of rot and was reattached to young Ashburne.
Gaz closes the file, giving himself a moment to process what he had just read. He sets the file aside and looks at other ones. There were many different names but they all appeared to be the same person. Though he kept thinking it should be impossible for them to be the same person, especially since this person should’ve died over two centuries ago. But these were SAS files. They don’t joke about stuff like this.
Gaz picks up another file and freezes when he sees the name on it.
Captain Jonathan Pryce.
Gaz shakes his head, seeing that the file was dated from 1939 to 1945. He opens the file with shaking hands and immediately drops it when he sees a picture inside. That was fucking Price. Beardless but it was definitely him. Gaz breathed heavily as he sits there. His heart was pounding as he tried to think of how he was looking at Price in a file from eighty-three years ago.
A relative. Just a relative.
Gaz stares at the file again, opening it up to look at the picture before reading the information listed.
Heaven’s Hands Agent Ash.
Gaz blinks before reading more.
Agents Ash and Agent Zima headed the Heaven’s Hands division against German forces in Operation Barbarbossa. Agent Ash deployed after three days of the blitzkrieg attacks started across the border. Agent Ash’s orders were to help defend Moscow and fend off German invaders.
Gaz skims through the report. The Heaven’s Hands Agents were the ones that helped the Soviet Union push back against Axis. Gaz puts the file back after taking out the picture of Jonathan Pryce. He swears he was looking at Price but that couldn’t be possible. Was all of this a joke set up by Price and the others? If it was, they did a lot to set it all up. Gaz picks up a file that appeared newer than the rest. It was labeled ‘Ash’. Inside were various pictures and sketches of… Price. Of him in different time periods, clothes. But it was him.
In the older pictures, which were sketches, Price appeared younger. Maybe late twenties. But in the latest one, which was the 1940s one, he looked like he aged. But only maybe a decade. Gaz actually couldn’t recall if he had ever seen Price without a beard. All of these pictures were of him without one.
“This is one elaborate set up for a fucking joke.”
He could maybe see Price joking around, going along with this joke that Soap came up with and Ghost decided to go along with because he had nothing better to do. But Gaz couldn’t think of how they would’ve managed to set this up without him knowing… or without paying a good bit of money. Gaz stuffs the picture of Jonathan Pryce into the file with the other pictures, deciding to take it with him.
Gaz made it back to base, keeping the folder tucked under his arm as he made he way to Price’s office. Price was a damn good actor but Gaz liked to think he knew the man’s tells by this point. He felt weak in the knees when he made it to Price’s door, having to give himself a moment before he knocked.
“Who is it?”
“Sergeant Garrick, Captain.”
“Come on in.”
Gaz steps inside, Price staring at him computer screen when he did. Gaz shut the door behind him and walked up, swallowing.
“Been busy in that old storage shed?”
“Yes, sir.”
Price hums, still focused on his computer screen, “Find anything interesting?”
“Yes, actually. A couple old files. Several ledgers, too.”
Price looks over, his eyes drifting down to the file that Gaz was now holding up so he could see the label. Gaz likes to think he knew all of Price’s tells to when the man was faking. But that look of shock and how he paled looked pretty damn real to him. Price straightens in his chair, swallowing hard. Gaz could see him biting his tongue, looking around before he met his eyes.
“So… that’s what was in the shed, huh?”
Gaz nods and Price heaves out a heavy breath before he holds his hand out for the file. Gaz hands it over and Price opens it, face stone when he looks at the old pictures inside. Price shakes his head when he looks at the picture from WWII.
“Fuckin’ hell…”
“Are those… of you? Like actually you?”
“Afraid so, Kyle. Sit down. We’re going to be here awhile.”
Gaz sits and Price looks at a picture from the 1880s. Or that’s what the date on the back of it said when it was from.
“I can’t believe- You’re fucking with me, yea? You and Soap and Ghost?”
Price doesn’t say anything, just looks up at Gaz with a dead serious expression that he’s seen in interrogations and on the field. This was very real.
“The-The first file I looked at… the report inside said that a Thomas Ashburne was ‘discovered’ on the battlefield after-“
“Found with a severed arm, ripped from him by musket blades with three arrows to the chest. Later it was reattached after they discovered it wasn’t rotting or that… that I wasn’t in pain anymore or dead.”
Gaz stared at Price he looked at the pictures.
“I don’t remember everything. Hard to. But I remember that day. My ‘birth’ as they called it.”
Price looks up at Gaz and he could see something he never noticed before. Without thinking, he speaks.
“What’s the Heaven’s Hands?”
Price sighs, “My old outfit. They had been operating since the Roman Empire.”
Gaz gaps and Price laughs quietly.
“Disbanded after World War II. A lot of internal issues that had been building up for a long time. Us Hands ran went off to do our own things when the last board member left.”
“There’s others like you?”
“‘Like me’? You mean old? Yes, there is. Some are older than me.”
Gaz hums, staring off, “Other… Hands?”
“Look, I didn’t pick the name. It’s just what they called those who… don’t die by normal means. I’ve lost my arm, been shot through the heart so many times that I’ve lost count, and I have some lead in my head.”
Price smiles softly when he picks up a picture that Gaz hadn’t seen, “We just don’t die. Made us the perfect soldiers. Told us we were ‘blessed by our faith’.”
Price sets the picture down and Gaz reaches over and picks it up. It was Price and a man he’s never seen before. Big beard, wild hair.
“Zima was my shadow.”
“What happened to him?”
“Oh, he shaved and learned to style his hair, learned to fly. Now he wears stupid sunnies all the time to make himself look cooler.”
Gaz slaps the picture down, “NIK?!”
Price snorts as Gaz really looked at the picture. It really was Nik!
“Old as shit, too. But I’m still older.”
“How is it possible for you to be-?”
“Immortal? I don’t know. None of us know, actually.”
“You don’t know how you’re immortal?”
“No. The Heaven’s Hands looked into it for almost their entire existence. But none could figure out why we were like this.”
“You said the Heaven’s Hands disbanded and that you went off to do your own thing… does anyone else know about… your age?”
Price closes the file and leans back, “Laswell does. She stepped up to be some sort of ‘handler’.”
That explained so much about why Laswell kept such a close eye on them. She was actually watching Price. Does she also watch Nik? Or does he have his own ‘handler’? Has Gaz met other immortals in his life without him knowing? Is anyone one else he personally knows immortal?
"I can only answer the questions if you actually say them out loud."
"Who else is immortal?"
"Nik is the only other one that you know who is immortal. He's the only other Hand I've seen since the disbanding."
Gaz went to say something but Price stopped him.
"Kyle, no one else can know about this. About me or Nik."
"Why not?"
"The Heaven's Hands did a lot during their operating days. Turned the tides of wars, fell leaders and empires while rising others in their place. Few know about them. For everyone's safety, no one can know."
Gaz swallows as Price takes the old picture of him and Nik and puts it back into the file, closing it.
"I need you to bring me everything that you can from that shed."
"Mostly files about me. Those ledgers you can burn. Anything else you bring to me so I can figure out what to do with them."
Gaz nods and stands, heading to the door. He grabs the knob and Price says something else.
"I'm serious, Sergeant. Not a word to anyone. Not even Ghost or Soap. That's an order."
Gaz looks back at Price, finally seeing the countless years that the man has lived weighing on his soldiers.
"Yes, sir."
Gaz leaves the office, walking with purpose. He wasn't sure what he walked into, but he knew this was only the tip of the iceberg.
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daffietjuh · 3 months
Not me getting to that point in my obsession with DBD where I start to write an Old Guard AU with them
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anosrepasi · 1 month
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Chapter 6: English/Read from the beginning
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: The Old Guard Series: Lingua Franca Pairings: Yusuf Al Kaysani/Nicolo di Genova Tags: Drowning, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV Nicky | Nicolò di Genova, Nicky in the Iron Maiden, coda fic, there is so much drowning i cannot overstate this, repeated character death, Character Death, this fic is not the happy one out of the series, Trauma, Isolation, Prequel, dream connection
It is a long time, 400 years beneath the water.
A coda fic for Lingua Franca.
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youssefguedira · 11 months
hello everyone! wrote a new thing
Rating: Teen
“This is Joe, transmitting from Orbiter 3. It’s” – he checks the computer’s clock – “day 11,689 of the experiment. Uh, all medical checks came back normal, plants show no abnormal growth or change, soil levels all fine. Drank about three bottles of water. No technical faults to report.” There’s never much to say during these reports, but they’re the closest thing he gets to talking to someone else. “Earth looks particularly beautiful today. And I’m running out of paper.”
Joe has spent his entire life on a small ship orbiting Earth, as part of an experiment on the viability of long-term human space travel. His routine has been the exact same for thirty-three years: at forty, he will be allowed to return to Earth. But when things begin to go wrong, and an engineer - the first person he has spoken to since he was sent into orbit - is sent to carry out maintenance on the ship, Joe begins to realise that the experiment may not be what he thought it was.
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negotiumcrucis · 9 months
a heart like mine
Joe/Nicky, Omegaverse, Mature (wip)
When Joe’s bag gave way, spilling all its contents on the corridor floor, it took every ounce of willpower not to fall on his knees and weep like a child. Of course, Hana had finally settled down in her carrier, and she continued to sleep despite the crash of a half dozen cans of baby formula hitting the carpet, so Joe merely blinked back unshed tears and took a deep breath, finding his key and unlocking his flat. He left the door ajar as he carefully put Hana’s carrier on the sofa and quickly went back to retrieve the scattered cans.
After the tragic passing of his omega sibling, alpha Joe got custody of his newborn niece. Unfortunately, things weren’t progressing as well as they should and now Joe has found himself in dire need of a wet nurse.
read @ ao3
I have a new omegaverse wip... please mind the tags and the author notes!
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zairaalbereo · 2 years
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“This is your friend in the Norse countries, I think.” It is not quite a question. “What is his name?” Yusuf looks down at the paper again, and sighs. “Nicolò. Nicolò of Genova.”
— Frost and Fjords by Arkada I’ve been reading @ao3-arkada’s Frost and Fjords and couldn’t help but channel Yusuf.
If you haven’t read it you absolutely should! Plus it has a sequel I’m thoroughly enjoying as well. 🌌
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non-un-topo · 2 years
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Was thinking about Ye Olde Teenage Parties and the picture drew itself
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kaydeefalls · 5 months
Fandom: The Old Guard (Movie 2020) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani/Nicky | Nicolò di Genova, Nicky | Nicolò di Genova & Quynh | Noriko, Nile Freeman & Nicky | Nicolò di Genova Characters: Nicky | Nicolò di Genova, Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani, Quynh | Noriko, Nile Freeman, Andy | Andromache of Scythia, Booker | Sebastien le Livre Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Inception Fusion, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Canon-Typical Violence, Dreamsharing, Action/Adventure, POV Nicky | Nicolò di Genova, Established Relationship, Ensemble Cast, Alternate Universe - Fusion, Dreams and Nightmares, Non-Linear Narrative, Temporary Character Death, as per both canons Summary:
"What happens when you die in a dream?" Quỳnh asked him once.
Inception!AU. Nicky runs point for an extraction team, working in dreams to pry out subconscious secrets. Now they have to simultaneously navigate a new teammate, a worrisome job, and, of course, a potentially malevolent shade from their past haunting their dreams.
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bewires · 10 months
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: The Old Guard (Movie 2020) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani/Nicky | Nicolò di Genova Characters: Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani, Nicky | Nicolò di Genova, Booker | Sebastien le Livre, Andy | Andromache of Scythia, Celeste (The Old Guard) Additional Tags: Minor Andy | Andromache of Scythia/Quynh | Noriko, Minor Andy | Andromache of Scythia/Nile Freeman, Alternate Universe - Football, Football | Soccer, This is a european fic and we use the european words, Alternate Universe - Sports, Semi-Public Sex, Oral Sex, Enemies to Lovers, Mixed Media, Discussion of Racism, Discussion of Homophobia, Both as related to being a professional athlete Summary:
The last time di Genova and al-Kaysani met on the pitch, it infamously ended with a red card for al-Kaysani and a media firestorm for di Genova. “Will you be able to work together?”
Al-Kaysani toys with the handle of his coffee cup. “We’re all professionals,” he says eventually. “I’m excited to see what he’ll bring to the pitch.”
Or: Rival football players Joe al-Kaysani and Nicky di Genova learn to work together on the same team.
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Regulus has been patient for 524 years and 13 days.
Chapter 2
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agenttommykinard · 2 months
I need a street racer au for bucktommy that doesn't involve me writing it because then it will never happen
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