#the nova corps
vertigoartgore · 4 months
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2010's Nova Vol.4 #36 cover by artist Mike Deodato Jr.
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veny-many · 6 months
Everyone has the true home of the heart in their memory right?
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Caution: vibrating Clones are very strong.
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uglly-rodent · 1 year
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Guardians as the Barbie mugshot meme except im super late to the trend
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david-talks-sw · 11 months
"Bring in the flamethrowers!"
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The above moment from The Clone Wars gets brought up a lot to illustrate Ki-Adi Mundi or the Jedi's moral decadence, a fall from grace caused by the war.
Figured I'd point out a couple of things in support of Ki-Adi!
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1) Simple answer: the situation called for it.
The Geonosians attacking Ki-Adi were:
enemy fighters
with the element of surprise
who could fly and were thus harder to hit with the clones' blasters, hence why more wide-ranging weapons like flamethrowers were called for, as the clones were getting picked off one-by-one.
Time was of the essence, men were dying, Ki-Adi made a choice.
Wanna know what Jedi choose when a Geonosian isn't actively trying to kill them? They save its life (and get praised for it by their peers).
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2) In-universe, the Geonosians are assholes.
From Attack of the Clones - The Illustrated Companion, 2002:
"Geonosians are a physically intimidating race conditioned to live and work in caste-segregated hives. The vast majority of Geonosians are subservient to the ruling caste, and throughout Geonosian society, there is evidence of a biologically engineered class system. Some Geonosians have wings, while drones do not. [...] The blind obedience of menial Geonosians makes them an easily exploitable workforce for the upper classes, who have built a highly profitable business manufacturing Battle Droids, Super Battle Droids, and Droideka Droids for the Trade Federation and its allies."
"For unusually intelligent Geonosians unlucky enough to be born into the lower castes, participating in the games provides the only chance they will ever get to escape the misery of their downtrodden lifestyles and the rigid social expectations of the upper classes. Triumph in the arena is often a hollow victory, however; while lower- and middle-class Geonosians may win the right to talk to their superiors, they can never earn their respect."
Okay, so the winged upper class are obviously elitist bastards, but how is that even remotely relevant--
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-- oh. But hey, two of them don't have wings! Those are members of the drone caste, and they're all begotten underdogs, so--
"If there is one thing that unites Geonosians of all classes, it is their xenophobia. A traditionally isolationist species, they fear espionage attempts by rivals eager to learn the secrets behind their latest droids."
-- oh. Huh.
Bottom line: yes, they're sentient... but they're xenophobic, have an elitist caste system, and earn their living by forging weapons that melt your insides or blow up planets.
Now sure, this notion has been explored and deconstructed in Star Wars: Rebels...
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... and I'm not entirely sure if the quoted info still holds true in current Disney canon (the lore is from 2002, after all), but if you ask me?
On a normal day, ol' Klik-Klak would be actively trying to murder the entirety of the Ghost crew for daring to even step their dirty non-Geonosian feet on his pure red planet.
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3) Out-of-universe, the Geonosians are just "bug aliens". Nothing more.
The production team of Attack of the Clones referred to them as the "termite people". The script describes them as "winged creatures" who are heard "chuckling" once Anakin and Padmé are sentenced to a gruesome death. At some point, the storyboard artists considered introducing the Geonosian workers like you would a horror monster.
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Hell, the whole Lucas decided to base them on termites is because his house was besieged by them.
They're not people, which is why they're not designed to look like people. They're purposefully dehumanized so that when one of them gets killed by our heroes, it's ethically "okay" and the audience doesn't need to stop and think "oh my God, that's murder!" or "hey! that's racist" whenever a clone calls one of them a "bug."
A similar logic is applied to the stormtroopers, who have face-covering helmets that dehumanizes them.
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Functionally, a stormtrooper is a fascist goon, nothing more.
Same goes for the Geonosian. It's a bug alien, that's about it.
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4) The flamethrowers were probably just added because they're cool.
Dave Filoni described how the decision to add flamethrowers came up, and it doesn't sound like George had deeper storytelling motives:
"You know, we're going through the tunnel with the Geonosians and George is like: “Yeah, well, here, we'll have the-- the tunnel and the flamethrowers. Yeah. How about that? ‘Bring in the flamethrowers!’ have Ki-Adi Mundi say ‘bring in the flame throwers!’” And it's like “flame—- What? Flamethrowers?!”" - Dave Filoni, “Return to Geonosis” Featurette, 2010
It sounds like he came up with it on the spot.
The flamethrowers aren't indicative of "the moral degradation of Ki-Adi and the Jedi Order." They're likely just in there 'cause they're cool (and if you've played Team Fortress 2, you know that's true)!
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At the end of the day, when it comes to the Geonosians, I think that there's a certain irony to how their story ends.
They gleefully created the battle droids that tore the galaxy asunder and the Death Star, a weapon that enables the Empire to commit genocide... but fell victim to genocide themselves, at the hands of an even bigger monster.
They reaped what they sowed. They're not meant to be mourned.
And it's nice to see this aspect of the narrative doesn't get ignored as much as I would've expected.
I came across this video that basically rips into Ki-Adi for using flamethrowers, and I was ready to roll my eyes when I scrolled down to the comments section...
... but then, a happy surprise!
Most of the comments disagree with the video's stance! For once, logic prevails over anti-Jedi bias.
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So yeah, that put a smile on my face.
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marveltournaments · 9 months
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badbcatha · 6 months
After Grootfall. After the Annihilation War of Arakko. After everything. "I'm just… I want to feel something else besides pain."
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Art by my request by @lem_lemon_ka on Twitter
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angelkoh-blog · 1 month
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reaper mini. nova corps
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celadons-penultimate · 3 months
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Richard Rider Nova appreciation post. 😌
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"Being an adult means breakfast for dinner and ice cream whenever" Wrong! Being an adult means nobody can stop you from whipping out your silhouette cameo at 1AM and making a shirt from the 12 episode mecha anime that's completely taken over your brain
The 'I ♥️ robots' and 'maintenance' shirts in the show have a faded look so screen printing probably would have been better but I am a simple person with a craft cutter. While I was deviating I took liberties like using metallic for the grey and the red I had on hand
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vertigoartgore · 2 months
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2006's Annihilation: The Nova Corps Files Vol.1 #1 cover by artist Andrea Di Vito and colorist Laura Villari.
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veny-many · 5 months
My favorite Bacara headcanon be like:
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Bacara: They said I can't have friends because I use Concord, so my boys used Concord.
Neyo: wait what
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xmsmarvel18 · 6 months
I spotted common things that both Miles Morales and Sam Alexander had.
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1) Their mothers (Eva and Rio) would scold them in Spanish if they both did something wrong. Ofc, Eva and Rio were Bilingual.
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2) Both of them failed to rizz girls. For example, in ITSV, Miles' rizz caused Gwen to shave her side hair while in Avengers all new all different comic, Sam's rizz made Kamala reject him.
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3) The became best friends with girl whom they failed to rizz. The way they hold each other's hand look the same! I'm surprised Gwiles and Samala were the MOST underrated ships in Marvel.
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4)Ofc, they both were grounded before. There'll be a girl sneaking into the room, causing them to sneak out. I guess Rio and Eva gonna be mad at them and extend the grounded period up (like more than 2 months lol). Plus, whenever the girl touches their things without their permission, they would be upset.
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5) In ATSV, Spot hinted that he might kill his dad, Jeff. Both Sam and Miles suffered the pain of losing someone in their family. Sam lose his dad, Jesse who was imprisoned in the space(I forgot who's the character said about his dad being dead). Luckily, Sam managed to rescue Jesse from space. I felt like Miles might be like Sam who can save his father since in parallel universe Jeff alr died. I hope my boy, Miles can at least save Jeff in BTSV.
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6) Both of them had the role of being both older brothers and superheroes. Honestly, Sam and Miles were caring and loving sibling to Kaelyn and Bille.
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7) Both of them were being supportive friend to Kamala when she suffered physically and mentally. They will always be by her side. That's why I love this trio.
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8) Both Eva and Rio were concern about their sons going somewhere far. It's sad that it's the last time Sam and Miles will see their mothers(temporary). There's a negative outcome after all the events. For Sam's case, he lost his helmet in the space as one of the Nova Corps confiscated it from him. Sam even went missing in one of the Champions comics luckily the Champions saved him. In the end, Sam got his helmet back. For Miles case, he was send to wrong universe instead of his own universe. Let's hope the spider gang will save Miles in Btsv.
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Anyways, these are my opinions about Miles and Sam. I love them as my favourite male characters in Marvel. I know there are some ppl who would hate them for being a replacement for Peter and Richard. They deserve a lot of recognition or at least a solo show in the future. Btw, I can't wait to see them appearing in MCU.
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coolcomicbookcovers · 4 months
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marveltournaments · 9 months
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badbcatha · 28 days
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cleabellanov · 9 months
💙 hi and welcome to my ted talk about the latest episodes of what if, please read through (3) 💙
First of all. Why is season 2 so...happy?
I'm not complaining. Marvel has enough sad stories for a lifetime, but I found that, instead of exploring demises, we're now seeing victories. Old villains find their insight and become heroes (Hela, Nebula, Gamora) and lives are influenced for the better, earlier on (Peter Quill, Bucky, Hope).
It might be nothing.
But I think it's something.
You know what season 2 of what if comes right after? Season 2 of Loki. And, as you'll see at the end of this post, their colors are making themselves known.
Could it be that, from his throne, Loki got sick of watching sad stories and seeing worlds die? There is a chance, I don't know how plausible, but there is, that he's influencing all that we saw this season. A little hope here, a little time there, and, using their free will, everyone gets a second chance.
That, or Uatu felt bad for us and wanted to gift us in honor of New Year being in 1-2 days. Do tell me if you have additions on that.
If I had to bet on something, it would be the overall fan reaction to the opening scene. I screamed, yes. Did they expect us to see Loki's name there in the subtitles and be totally chill about it?
"To be or not to be, that is the question"
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I can totally see Tom having this idea for the opening scene: just Loki reciting Hamlet, and altough to his brother's bordedom, acting from Shakespeare. And it was the best idea he could have.
It's a missable detail, but Thor mentions Mjölnir! And you know how? As a gift...for Loki!
He responds to that with "I...have misplaced it" which is, yeah, typical, but how do you just lose Mjölnir, Loki? The idea, however, is that he'd be able to lift it, which I would have loooved to see on screen. But this was fun to have too.
And the response to Captain Carter's "You're a bigger drama queen than your brother" (talking to Thor)?? 😭
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Can we also point out how insane it is that after just being stripped from her home in an unknown world, Peggy still wanted to help?
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She not only has a hero's soul, she is that brave as to turn down The Watcher's warnings and offers to take her back safe. And remember, not everyone can hear Uatu as he narrates. But she can, sometimes.
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"What if, what if, what if. I have to try."
"Not on my watch"
This ambition of hers, is, of course, given by her humanity too. But that's not only a bad thing. The Watcher's all knowing, his experience of seeing worlds die everyday, has made him unsensible (from our point of view). That's not the case for Peggy.
Amidst all her adventures, however, perhaps she's also searching to avenge the love she lost, searching for her happy ending. In the movie Endgame, I have to admit she felt optional, like Steve wasn't meant to be there with her. But not now.
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I wish The Watcher told her she has a happy ending somewhere.
I don't know about you, but this episode...is my favourite ever from the series. It used to be the Strange Supreme one, but that's on the second place of the podium now.
We got to see queen Hela, drama prince/ actor Loki, king Thor. Bucky, NOT the Winter Soldier, and Steve, finally on the same page! Scarlet Witch!! Using her powers for good, not corrupted. All of them in cool costumes too. If things like these were on live action, I'd lose my f- mind, if I haven't already. :))
And now the green. The "rifts" that are tearing this world apart are very familiar in color.
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And this is not the only thing that's turning green, when it used to be multi-colored. The prism, too, the one from which The Watcher watches and narrates. And I'm not talking about the Time Stone. I'm talking about the tree of life, and how it might actually have a serious impact over everything. I mean, does Uatu know anything? And what was that decorated Yggradsil in the trailer, before the holidays?
Nevertheless, I think it's related in some way, and if it's not, don't blame me. I really like green.
That being said, thanks for reading <3
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