#the next upload will be fanart i prom
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oyabun-draws · 20 days ago
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oc lore drop: she plays baseball
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arthcor-art · 4 years ago
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Aaand a final piece from the bunch, next ones will be uploaded along side with twitter. A fanart for the greates dating sim there is - Monster Prom. I would never, in a million years, thought that I would be invested in dating sim, but here I’m, trying to get Monster Prom and Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp completed at 100%. I just love everything in those games, the art style, the characters and events, how silly they are. Just great. Everybody that didn’t play those games give them a chance. You’ll not regret it :>
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toooldforfandom-liveblogs · 5 years ago
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power S01E08 - Princess Prom
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After that mid-season plot reminder we seem to be going back to the princesses! Is this one going to introduce the ice princess or is it going to be about the princesses meeting each other? Maybe both! Let's do this!
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It definitely sounds like it'll be both!
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Can't believe that She-Ra has been living for weeks there and no one has thought about giving her a change of clothes. I imagine her going "Sorry guys, can't go meet a princess today, I need to do my laundry AND I HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO WEAR" and they just ignore her subtle hints. Nothing like the horde symbol waving like a flag in a clothesline.
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Hm. Did Glimmer miss the last one?
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FROSTA, OF COURSE. I forgot "Frost” even existed as a possibility.
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Someone needs to make an "inhuman adora sounds" twitter acount, like https://twitter.com/animegirlnoises?lang=en
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ooh, problems in paradise
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Sorry, it needs to be "inhuman princesses sounds." What a shame I can't embed uploaded videos in a text post.
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Wow, these subtitles are really missing a lot.
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I can't imagine a better (and more frustrating) counterpart to Catra than Scorpia.
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I kinda doubt she'll be able to capture Adora so that's one objective down, but I'm intrigued by the way Catra mentions Shadow Weaver. Is it a title instead of a name? I thought SW had changed her name from Light Spinner (since they kinda mean the same)
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I can't believe how much this explains Scorpia's personality.
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I think Catra is not really talking about Scorpia anymore but it still fits. It's nice that she has someone who feels like her though.
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Scorpia is the best. The princesses suck if they discriminated her because of her claws.
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How can anyone mistreat her
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I thought she had sent her a message or something, not that she had asked him during the battle! It completely fits her personality though
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Aw, poor Glimmer. The b-side of growing up, everyone else is growing up too. It probably doesn't help that Bow is her only friend besides Adora, and Adora is new.
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This is 100% going to lead to Adora revealing she doesn't know how to dance, right?
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Wait, NEUTRAL? They can afford to be NEUTRAL?
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can't believe Adora is making a ship chart
Is that wing, Glimmer?
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I mean... she does, yeah.
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I feel blessed by this glimmer
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I hadn't realized that maybe _Adora_ is the one who doesn't want new clothes. Now I can't stop imagining everyone in Bright Moon subtly suggesting her to change clothes and Adora completely ignoring everyone.
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That’s a great look for Catra.
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Aw, Scorpia seemed kinda unsure and only laughed after Catra started laughing. That's sad.
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For some reason I feel this has a lot of Sea Hawk energy.
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This is incredibly cute for an episode 8 of a first season. It's a testament to the show's characterization that something like this can work so early. You need to know the characters to make a party episode work since they all need to interact together.
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I have to admit that dress _does_ fit her better than the fluffy one.
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...what's up with those two in the lower left being pulled by another woman?
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These people seem better defined, future characters maybe?
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Hey, that's Spinerella and Netossa!
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A lot of these characters look like they came out of the game Monster Prom.
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oh that's going to be fun
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This show is pretty good at showing perfect examples of "a mood"
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I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. Someone in the discord told me that Entrapta is supposed to be in her late 20s and I still can't believe it. I thought everyone was in their late teens at most. Entrapta in particular feels like a feral kid.
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Entrapta should be a liveblogger.
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I'm not sure _that's_ what's going on but sure.
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I love everything about this, _especially_ Adora's smugness.
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oh no, the cringe has begun
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That explains why we haven't seen that sociopath horse lately.
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yup, fits standard "don't know what to do during a party" behavior
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Glimmer is being a bit dumb but everyone's been that type of dumb at least once.
I don't like seeing her sad though, I hope it all blows over soon.
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She also looks sad. Saddest prom ever.
I'm wondering if her parents are alive, it's weird that they aren't around considering she's eleven (and three quarters.)
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I feel like Bow when he introduced Spinerella and Netossa: "we're not really sure what they do" but they are definitely here.
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Well, the child has a strong personality. I expected her to say something like this but I thought she'd be more childish about it. Is her personality because of the weight of her crown or because of a tragic past (or both)?
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The slow music that just started is so on the nose that I'm not minding this weird jealousy plot.
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Aww, poor marshmallow. This show continues to impress me by the way it develops its characters.
That line about Bow being introduced to Castaspella last episode was setup for this, it wasn't needed since this scene would have worked anyway but tiny touches like that help a lot in making these characters feel real, with a life before the show.
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That was amazing.
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My respect for Princess Frosta has increased a thousand percent.
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Adora is the embodiment of the "if you know how I am, why did you invite me?" meme
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ooh, first contact with the horde
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Oh Princess Frosta, you were so right: "Teenagers"
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Even angry he's still a good boy. He's 100% in the right in this situation, he'd have a free pass if he wanted to get angry but he's just clearly stating what's up.
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Nooo, no one is allowed to make this marshmallow cry. Even if they are right and she's wrong.
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I hope this doesn't feed "no one is going to want me now that I failed the one thing my one remaining friend told me to do"
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Catra is being such a troll and I love it. I probably shouldn't like it so much considering Adora just went through some bad gaslighting and this feels like the continuation of that but Catra's personality softens the impact a lot. Which probably makes it worse, huh.
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That face screams "What is the Horde?"
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I _did_ say that she was probably pretty good at being bad when she was introduced, even if her personality is awesome.
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Oh, didn't expect this. Is that Scorpia's power? Mind control? It'd fit with the poison theme without being literally poison.
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When I started watching She-Ra someone tweeted me an screenshot of this with the caption "not as gay as advertised" and I thought "hey, that's neat fanart" but nope, literally an screenshot from the show.
Not sure what that guy was talking about because this is pretty gay.
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And this is how they both get kicked out for breaking the no conflict rule. Which probably fits Catra's plan since it gives her a way to escape.
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To think I believed these guys were going to be credible threats after Lonnie threatened Catra.
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Does every castle have a gem like this? Scorpia mentioned something about a Black Garnet...
Okay, I checked back and she says "rune stone" (that doesn't appear in the subtitles * shakes fist *) I'm guessing that's how the princesses recharge their powers?
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What a great way to differentiate her from other "child" characters. In other shows she'd need help from the heroes after being taken down a peg but not Frosta, she's saving everyone and is probably going to be _pissed_ at the Horde, angry enough to join the rebellion.
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still pretty gay
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Wow. This is _not_ what I expected to happen from an episode named "Princess Prom."
The somewhat episodic nature of the show so far completely fooled me, I thought Catra would maaaybe escape with the sword and leave Bow and Glimmer behind but nope, a literal cliffhanger ending, with Adora powerless, alone and crying.
Catra wasn't just talking when she said that the way to get to Adora, was to go for the heart. It's impressive how successful she was at doing _everything_ she planned to do. The one thing I could maybe fault her is that she attacked Frosta instead of just leaving, I'm not sure the distraction was _that_ needed, and it won her an enemy if Adora manages to convince Frosta next episode about how everything was the Horde's fault. It should be easier with all the exploding proof around.
I'm not the biggest fan of jealousy plots but this one was handled very well, it made me cringe only once and that's more than I can usually ask for. Glimmer being rescued by Adora and the other princesses next episode(?) is going to be so good for her. It'll show her that she's not alone and that a lot of people have her back now.
There was some interesting worldbuilding, with Scorpia being a princess, the mentions of Star Sisters, Sweet Bee and Peekablue, the existence of Rune Stones which I don't remember from before, etc.
I love how deceiving this show can be, in a good way. It _looks_ soft and cute, and it usually is but there's an undercurrent of complexity that shines. There are alliances, politics, neutral parties, everyone has their own motivations. Most characters _feel_ real, in a way that most cartoons don't.
Can't wait to find out what happens next episode, until next time!
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promdreamsofficial · 6 years ago
“Review” website with stolen RPG Maker/Let’s Player content and game reuploads
Hey all, I was vanity searching for Prom Dreams Let’s Plays (again orz) and came across a video from this channel. (The video itself is now deleted, shortly before I finished writing this post) I immediately noticed something was fishy when a) the description link led to some completely different website, and b) that the crappy 144p video seemed awfully familiar... and then I was able to confirm that it was, in fact, @cristinicola-freshwallpapers no-commentary Let’s Play of the game. Classy, right?
Here’s where it gets better: their ACTUAL website (found by going through their facebook page) featured a “review” of Prom Dreams that was 50% copy and pasted from my description, featured stolen fanart by @shadowfairyy , and probably most damning of all, had a COMPLETELY REUPLOADED version of the game on their Google drive!
As of now I’ve sent them comments and emails essentially chewing them out for their plagiarism and blatant disregard of my Read Me terms, but I also know for a fact that they’re doing this to other games as well. Hopefully they’ll come clean and remove the content like I asked, but we’ll have to see I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@pinkuboa @vgperson (I know for a fact the games you translated are on there) @misc-rpg @flareblitzedyt @meakersneakers and any other RPG Maker blog I didn’t think to tag, if y’all could signal boost this so creators can check and see if their stuff got stolen, I’d appreciate it! Thanks!
EDIT: I’ve been exchanging emails with the owner of the blog in question, and here’s the tl;dr.
They claim the blog and YouTube channel were a part of a project for a marketing class and was never meant to go public, a deadline and technical difficulties were keeping them from using their own footage, and the project stipulated that files had to be uploaded to their own servers. They also claim that the project will end on December 15th, after which all reuploads will be removed. I provided them with some information regarding why reuploading is considered highly poor form (it steals away views and recognition from the original), offered alternative images to the misattributed fanart, and recommended OBS for their footage-capturing needs. I’ll be giving them the benefit of the doubt and returning after December 15 to ensure that the content has been removed as promise.
Lesson learned, kids: It’s always, ALWAYS easier to ASK to use content rather than simply yank it and hope nobody notices. RPG Maker devs are usually really chill and tight-knit; in my experience they’d be thrilled to help out a review project like this with permissions and resources. This seems like a case of genuine ignorance to that fact and I hope the individuals in question take it to heart for next time.
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