#the newsies actors aren’t human
oliviaaaah · 2 years
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How does someone physically jump this high
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bubblyernie · 3 years
“I’m sorry, Mr. Chiore, you have HOW many references?”
Elves have too much time on their hands. This is just a reference list. Behold, this is, in a sense, Alphonse's Extensive Resume. I mentioned that he's like an odd job guy, tried his hand at pretty much everything (could be for a few days, could be for a few years), so I wanted to make a table. A d100 table which you can choose from or I'll roll from whenever a little slice of life is in order LMAO
Feel free to ask!
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Of course, some jobs are a little older than the modern au, he has been alive for a while. He probably has the freedom to do whatever he wants bc he was really into stock trading in the old days and that sorta thing kinda adds up over the centuries.
I didn't include security guard/janitor, life drawing model, stage techie, bouncer, or animal shelter volunteer on the list because I would probs write those more than once/its what he's currently up to. Some aren't jobs, exactly, but they're things you can do/be. I've italicised/bolded the ones that interest me, though, all of them I do like
He’ll never work for the military or a 9-5 or anything that needs a high stem degree. Surprisingly…he does have a bachelor's in technical theatre. Good for him I guess. Anyway, roll and ask or pick from the menu.
Stripper (or escort)
House Painter
Zoo Technician
Hiking Leader
Wedding Extra (Professional Groomsman)
Video Game Tester
Stunt Double
Toy Model Painter
Florist Delivery Man
Haunted House Actor
Line cook
House Sitter
Pet Sitter
Handy Man
Auto Mechanic
Confectioner's assistant (short lived)
Taxi Driver
Telephone Operator
Informercial Actor
Fashion Model
Movie Extra
Driveway Shoveler
Stock Trader
Tour Guide
Audio Book Voice Actor
Skateboard Shop Repair Man
Personal Trainer
Dog Trainer
Rock climbing instructor
Professional Boyfriend (seriously)
Pizza delivery
Material Handler (warehouse packaging)
Professional Pickpocket
Customer Service Rep
Jury Duty
House Renovator
Draft Dodger (probably with a group)
Human alarm clock
Pest Control
Carnival Operator
Roller Rink Attendant
Community Artist Crew (Mural painting)
Telegram runner
Gang frontman
Door to Door Salesman
P.I. Assistant
Park Ranger
Usher/Show Attendant
Delivery (Vintage)
Record Shop Attendant
Circus Roadie
Parkour Artist
Professional Thief
Commercial Installation
Technical Skills Tutor
Print Maker
Actor (not for stage or film, like for art shows and weddings)
Poker Player
Skate Instructor
Heist crew
House Spouse
Dog Walker
Garden Nursery Attendant
Bounty Hunter
Safe Cracker
Errand Runner
Car Washer
Lawn Care
Golf Caddy
Group Study Participant
Event Volunteer
Location Scout
The One Time He Tried A Nine To Five
Photographer’s Assistant
Delivery man (any)
Job Hunting
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anneesfollesrpg · 4 years
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                               「READ ALL ABOUT IT!」
Word on the street is Années Folles is about to welcome a swath of new skeletons - and here’s the scoop! Below the cut, you’ll find a shortlist of our top twelve notions for new muses, as narrowed down by our voters. It was close! Once you’ve taken a look-see, members and passers-by alike, send us your TOP FIVE! That’s right, we’d love to hear from you! Consider the wondrous possibilities, then drop an ask with your favourite five in our eager inbox.  
We do hope you’ve all had a fabulous Friday, and if you have any questions at all, about our application, our masterlist, or whatever else comes to mind, please don’t hesitate to inquire!
Sincerely yours, avec nos meilleures salutations… Admins Amy & Gray
And without further ado - our shortlist! 
✺ THE ACTOR-MANAGER.   performer Since childhood, you’ve barely gone a day without being under a spotlight. Leading a company through six plays a week certainly isn’t everyone’s idea of a worthwhile living; you, though, couldn’t ask for anything better. You’ve found real success in the rep system. It isn’t all reverence and professionalism, however - everyone likes having their ego fed, you as much as anyone. But where’s the harm in that if the audiences come rushing back night after night? And they do, just to see you. You’re a star, and you’ll make sure everyone damn well knows it, or else.
✺ THE BOOKWORM.   public Naive, sheltered, dull. To most people, your quiet upbringing seems absolutely dreadful. But you managed, chiefly with the help of stories. You dove into all kinds of fantastic tales in your youth, only surfacing to eat, drink, or sleep when absolutely necessary. It’s these two things - a devotion to words and sheer force of will, that have landed you at the top of your classes at the Sorbonne, and goodness, are you thrilled. The insularity of the ivory tower suits you perfectly, and you’re determined to climb to the top. But now that you’re in Paris, will you take the opportunity to see what other stunning places your brain could take you, or choose to stay in your lane? 
✺ THE BRUISER.   rogue You knew it wouldn’t be easy to make it to the top of your game, but you’ve always been so sure you have what it takes, and nobody will ever convince you otherwise. You just need your shot, that’s all. As quick as one of your near-legendary jabs, as spectacular as your almost-infamous haymakers. You’re so, so close. And if it takes a few unsavory friends, a couple dark deeds, to go all the way… you’re willing. Or, at least, you thought you were. Sometimes, as you wrap your swollen knuckles for the next round, you can’t help but wonder if you’re getting in too deep. But the only way out is through, you figure. As true in life as in the ring. Anyway, there’s no backing out now. Is there?  
✺ THE CONSERVATOR.   public Art might not have been your first love, but your adoration for creativity has turned out to be a lifelong, vibrant affair. You came to Paris to be a part of all that, smiling giddily through your academy classes and plein air projects. It was in the halls of the Louvre that you found your calling, though. Winding through the wings, you saw more than inspiration on the walls and plinths. Every neglected artifact left you aching, every faded painting cut you to the quick. These masterworks needed caring for, the way you cared. With heart and soul. You’ve been looking after the museum’s pieces ever since, trying to mend what you can, to create a collection that honours the fullness of human expression, as you understand it. As you love it. As you hope others will, for generations.  
✺ THE DEBUTANTE.   psociety New things are more normal to you than the heady combination of champagne and small-talk – oh, and the admiring gazes of others, of course. The jewel of the family, your light, almost dotty demeanor has left all who meet you intoxicated with your charisma. Underneath the giggles and sweetness, however, you possess a real head for human nature and a ferocious determination to get what you want. Despite your youth, you know you’re destined for great things –and you’re ready to charm, cajole, and manipulate whoever you have to in order to achieve those goals.  
✺ THE DREAMER.   public The night skies over gay Paris aren’t the only sight full of stars - so’s your bar! Every night, you mix drinks and swap gossip with the Bal’s fabulous patrons, pouring champagne for kings and queens, basking giddily in the glow of the only celebrities you much care to mind. They’re your family - and your inspiration. Ever since you discovered the city’s bright, queer corners, you’ve known your destiny. You’re meant to be under the stagelights, like your idols: perfectly poised as the curtain rises, ready to face your adoring fans. In the meantime, being close enough to pass their glasses and pick up their tricks is almost enough. You just have to work up the nerve to try. You’ll get there. Someday.  
✺ THE EMCEE.   performer By night, you conduct the revels of the Bal with scintillating style, a master of ceremonies non-pareil. By day, you manage a host of well-made investments with gracious aplomb and entrepreneurial acuity. You’ve built something, in Paris; under your sheltering wings, your community doesn’t merely survive, but thrives, joyful and growing. These days, you’re popular far beyond your milieu - a pillar of the city, patron and artist all at once. And you throw a hell of a party, of course.  
✺ THE NEWSIE.   public Stories are powerful things; few appreciate that fact so much as you, for stories are your passion, and your bread and butter besides. A staple of some of the finest magazines and papers in the city, you’re out at all hours - chasing leads, asking quick, clever questions, and taking in every tale the City of Lights has to offer, from the strange to the everyday, whispered in the salons of the spectacularly wealthy, laughed about on the humblest street corners, scrounged from every end of town. Meaning you’re never short of work, for sure!  
✺ THE PRETENDER.   rogue Mother Russia was never kind, and you weren’t at all confident that the so-called glorious revolution would change that. So you took what you could carry - and you chose well, picking gems from the ruins of the aristocracy you once served - and ran. Sure, maybe you’re a pessimist, but at least you’re alive to tell the tale. Or, a tale, anyway. It’s become such a spectacular story, growing ever grander with each recitation, thrilling your new, unlikely friends, here in the highest echelons of Parisian society. None of whom seem to have noticed the holes in your plot, the slip-ups you pass off as the lingering effects of shock and melancholy. The truth is, you stumbled into a new life, a sweet life - someone else’s life, paid for with their own prize jewels and your silver tongue. Can you keep the ruse going, or will your secrets cost you everything?  
✺ THE PROFESSOR.   society When people look at you, the images that most often spring to mind are those of steadiness and reliability. In your years within the walls of the Sorbonne, you’ve had a life that engenders envy. A life entirely dedicated to scholastic endeavour has been more than adequate for you, and now, you’re ready to reap some of the benefits. You have some time on your hands and need a new research project. Perhaps some of the colorful characters around the city that you hear whispered about could help you. They make your colleagues shiver, these bohemians, but something about that intrigues as well as terrifies you.  
✺ THE RETAINER.   public Unlike all the shining lights in Paris these days, your greatest skill isn’t your charm, or star quality, but the very opposite; for years now, you’ve blended expertly into the wallpaper at every society event, your razor-sharp attention to detail meaning that your employers’ dinner, or their perfect outfit, or much-needed glass of wine appear as if by magic , almost before they’ve even thought of any such needs, wants, and whims for themselves. Proud as you are of your professionalism, lately you’ve been feeling different. Antsy. Exasperated. Bitter. So many years of listening on the outside of the conversations of the rich and famous. You almost want to do something about it. But what? 
✺ THE VISIONARY.   artist More than half of the hottest houses in this town owe their beauty to your brilliance, if you do say so yourself. Angularity, glitz, and above all modernity are what wake you up in the morning. Lately, Paris seems like a wonderful place to be waking up to. Every week, there’s a new trend around the corner - some element of theatrical design transmitted into the home, or a new, clever convenience the public is desperate to have. It’s a little scary - you’d hate to fall even a little bit behind. But, God, is it intoxicating too. The world is looking more modern than ever, and the people are clamouring to embrace the mechanized, the sleek, and the new, in seemingly every form. Your job is simple. Keep dreaming, keep creating, and keep ahead of the curve. 
Don't forget to toss your top five along! We can't wait to stack up the votes.
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A Guide to Every Single Newsie
There are way too many of those punks. If you’re new to all this come learn whom is who
Let’s start with some pictures, they’re blurry because it’s surprisingly hard to get a decent screenshot. There are lots of them but hopefully just seeing their faces a few times will help you. Recognizing them just comes with time trust me, I used to struggle to find Race and now I see a pic of someone's feet and am like “ah yes Finch my boy”. Also, I’m only covering the newsies live cast because that’s what you can legally watch and what most people are familiar with. Also, I didn’t want to do every cast member to ever be on Broadway or tour.
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Please note some of the things I’m about to say may not be canon but are part of what I know is widely considered true within the fandom. As far as sexuality I may mention it with some characters/who they’re commonly shipped with just so y’all aren’t lost when you see fics and things.
Jack: You know Jack so I’m not going that deep into his character. He’s 17, full name Francis Sullivan, newsie nickname is Cowboy. He’s the leader of the newsies of Lower Manhattan. A charismatic asshole who really just wants meaningful relationships and happiness for those he loves. Undeniably bisexual. Played by Jeremy Jordan.
Davey: Full name is David Jacobs, newsie nickname is Walking Mouth though he’s only addressed by his nickname in the 1992 movie. The most educated, attended school until he was around 17 ish. He’s a doofy little nerd and also mom friend ultimate, I repeat bc this is a defining trait Mom Friend Ultimate. I’m not sure if this is canon but pretty much everyone recognizes that he and his family are Jewish. Played by Ben Fankhauser.
Les: Sassy angel child. Full name Lesley Jacobs. Albert calls him shortstop a few times but it’s not quite a newsie name tm. 10 years old(almost). Also pretty Jewish. He’s kind of an impressionable little firecracker, he looks up to all the newsies but especially Jack. He just has a lot of energy and wants to hang with the big kids. Sass master in training. Buckets of charm packed into about 4 feet of human. Played by Ethan Steiner.
Crutchie: Crutchie! You know him! You’ve already fallen madly in love with him! Lost use of one of his legs to polio. Last name is Morris for sure and a lot of people say his real name is Charlie. Jack’s closest friend. He’s often painted as a pure sunshine boy, he is a pure sunshine boy. However, he is also tough, streetsmart and ready to fight. Very kindhearted and eternally optimistic. Played by Andrew Keenan-Bolger(you may see it abbreviated as AKB).
Race: This boy has lots of names so strap in. Racetrack Higgins is his name, people mostly call him Race not Racetrack. He is also sometimes called Racer. I don’t think this is canon but as a fandom, I think we’ve determined that he’s aggressively Italian and his real first name is Antonio, you may also see Anthony or Tony. Best friends with Albert. Crutchie is Jack’s best friend but Race is sort of Jack’s second in command. Sprace, him and Spot Conlon, are pretty much the biggest ship in Newsies. He’s a gambler and has an affinity for betting on horse races. He sells by the Sheepshead Racetrack hence his nickname. Very easy to recognize because he always has a cigar. The definition of a disaster gay. He has good intentions most of the time but is also a chaotic piece of shit. Played by Ben Tyler Cook(BTC).
Albert: Albert DaSilva is his name, having fantastic hair is his game. Race’s best friend. Personality is similar to Race but a little less chaotic, like he still does dumb things all the time but isn’t nearly as loud. Prankmaster and Sassmaster ultimate. Lives on the lower east side with his dad and two older brothers but generally that fact is ignored and he’s lumped in as living in the lodgings.  His cap is on backwards most of the time which can help you recognize him. Played by Sky Flaherty.
Spot: Spot Conlon, the man, the myth, the legend. Leader of Brooklyn. Comically short but will also soak you without hesitation. Side note bc I didn’t know this for a long time: the newsies call beating someone up “soakin’ ‘em” because you beat them up so bad they’re soaked in blood. Back to Spot, he’s tough as nails but also cares about his boys in Brooklyn a lot. Played by Tommy Bracco.
Elmer: A smart yet small boy. Very good at math and science and somewhat interested in politics. He has 8 older siblings. Polish apparently? I learned this very recently?? A very friendly and sunshiney guy. The newsies make fun of him saying that he’s bad at selling papes. He’s a hardworker. This is definitely not canon but you may see his last name as being Kasprzak. This comes from Evan Kasprzak, the actor who played Elmer in the Papermill and Original Broadway Casts. People like writing about Elmer so they just kinda gave him that last name and it works. Played by Anthony Zas.
Jojo: Jorgelino Josephino De La Guerra where to begin. A good Catholic boy. He was raised by nuns in a cathedral in Harlem. A nice boy, a kind boy. Down for some shenanigans but is generally reasonable and doesn’t want anyone to get hurt. Very ambitious and wants to be a big baller(in KONY he wishes for a solid gold watch I mean). Played by Joshua Burrage.
Buttons: Benjamin Buttons Davenport, what a guy. So I don’t know that he’s actually younger but he definitely reads as a little more youthful. He’s optimistic and easily excitable and overall kinda has this genuine hope and happiness that some of the other guys have lost to the street. He lives with his family and has at least a few siblings but I feel like he has hella. Not gonna be last in line for the tub tonight. Played by Chaz Wolcott.
Romeo: Will flirt with anything that moves. He has very distinctive bright red and blue striped socks if that helps you identify him. Is one of the younger newsies but makes up for it with overconfidence. Very lighthearted, we never see him get too serious. A charmer through and through. Still a very kind and caring guy. Played by Nico DeJesus.
Specs: Specs is a good one. He wears glasses obviously so you can identify him pretty easy. Definitely on the older end of the newsies. There’s no basis for this in canon but I feel like he’s been around longer than Jack. Kind of helps lead and run things with Race and Jack because he’s the most responsible motherfucker in that lodging house. Think kinda like Davy where he’s a bit of a mom but more easygoing, less cautious and more one of the boys. Generally a happy guy and so so sweet. Very forward thinking and genuinely likes selling papes. Played by Jordan Samuels.
Finch: Finch! A personal favorite please show him love. Full name is Patrick Cortes. He has a family(or at least a mom) but ran away when he was little. He carries a slingshot with him a good amount of the time so use that to find him. He’s sarcastic, funny, and always rarin’ to go. Tough but not in an “I’ll fight you” way. He will fight you if needed but it’s more like “Life’s a bitch but look how far I’ve made it”. Kinda like a cool older brother vibe but throw in a good handful of antsy. Played by my main man Iain Young.
Sniper: Mkay it’s time for the tough boi trio, these next three are fighters. Last name is Wah. His dad is named Sam Wah and owns a laundromat above Jacobi’s Deli. You may see him as a girl in fics or hcs because for almost all of the tour he was played by a woman. Boy has aim like no other. He is confirmed to be the quickest and strongest of the newsies. Also sly and cunning. Boy’s like a snake or a fox or whatever simile you prefer but regardless be scared. Has a reputation so people don’t mess with him. Would never hurt another Manhattan boy, he’s scary but he defends his brothers. Played by Daniel Switzer.
Tommy Boy: Don’t know a ton about Tommy Boy but here we go. He’s a man of few words, when he talks his answers are brief and to the point. Not in a mean way though that’s just how he is. Appears to be confrontational as he’s consistently seen stepping to a fight(before the world will know when Jack says “keep your shirt on” and when he scabs he gets in people’s faces). A good dependable guy but kinda mysterious, I would not provoke. Played by Michael Dameski.
Mush: Last name is Myers. First name is possibly Nick? In the real strike, there was a boy named Nick Myers so. He lives in Harlem?? But who cares about canon, ignore that. Mush is a ‘hattan boy. Has a lisp. He considers himself to be the muscle of Manhattan and will throw down for his brothers. When the strikebreakers show up, Jack literally has to hold him back because Mush is just trying to get to those hoes so he can protect the rest of the boys just yellin’ “Nah man I’ll get ‘em”. Very caring and very selfless. Boy’s got muscle but is totally a teddy bear with a heart of gold. I’ve always thought of him as your classic rough and tumble but clean-cut caring all-American boy. Played by Nick Masson.
Henry: Last name is possibly butler after the real life newsboy, Henry Butler but the only confirmed name we have is Henry. Became a newsie at 11 when his dad died and his family lost their deli. Has a mom who he still sees sometimes but doesn’t live with. Boy really likes food. It reminds him of the deli with his dad and also he just really. likes. food. Fairly easygoing, practical, and will call guys out on their bullshit(e.g. whom the fuck cares about being famous). Played by Michael Rios.
Smalls: Smalls! I don’t got much at all but here’s what I know. Very commonly thought about as a girl as Smalls was played by girlsies for all(?) of the Broadway run. Pretty firey or at least high energy. Sometimes headcannoned as being leader of the Bronx because in the normal not filmed staging he’s the one to yell “so’s the Bronx”. Played by Julian DeGuzman.
Mike: Twin brother of Ike. These guys are hard to tell apart because they’re played by actual twins but here are some distinctions. Mike wears a brown cap, a plaid shirt, and green socks. Played by Jacob Guzman.
Ike: Twin brother of Mike. Has a dark grey cap, a striped shirt, pin-striped pants, and brown socks. Both twins seem to be pretty fun-loving. They kinda rough house a lot and are often messing around. Played by David Guzman
Hotshot: A Brooklyn newsie, I don’t really know his deal? A typical production doesn’t have Hotshot in it but he was in the filmed version and was apparently there towards the end of the broadway run. Kind of arrogant and tough. Sometimes seen as Spot’s second. Has literally only ever been played by J.P. Ferreri.
Vince/Myron: Ok so for newsies live they just threw in some extra newsboys for the heck of it and this guy is one of those. I don’t even know his name because the actor who plays him also plays a strikebreaker. On the wiki cast list, it just lists him as playing Vince and Myron with no indication as to who’s the newsie and who’s the strike breaker. Just from the nature of the names I can guess that Vince is the newsie? A big tough Brooklyn boy. Played by Stephen Hernandez.
Willie/Bart: Same deal as Vince/Myron. I’d be willing to guess that Willie is the newsie. Another Brooklyn boy. Played by Andrew Wilson.
Kenny: Also thrown in just for newsies live but I actually know his name. A pretty sunny guy, as far as I can remember he’s always smiling. Not in any of the pictures because he’s not in any of those scenes. It’s the same guy who plays darcy so go to carrying the banner or once and for all and find the guy in the yellow suit. That’s Darcy, Kenny looks just like that but in newsie clothes. Played by Jack Sippel.
Am I about to throw Bill and Darcey in just for kicks? yeah I think I am. Ok so this is a last minute decision and I don’t have pictures for these guys but here we go.
Bill: Not a newsie. Son of William Randolph Hearst, owner of the New York Journal. Full name William Randolph Hearst Jr. Katherine and Darcey’s friend. A sophisticated, classy, educated boy. Not tough in a street way but is kind of cold/reserved or maybe just a bit calculating. You can definitely tell he’s a rich boy by the way he holds himself. Looks like Mush bc they’re played by the same actor. Blue suit. Played by Nick Masson.
Darcey: Not a newsie. Son of Whitelaw Reid, owner of the New York Tribune. Still high class but more excitable and interested in the newsies world. Very kind and always concerned of behalf of others. His sweetness does not equal weakness, when Romeo approaches Kath in Carrying the Banner, he’s ready to handle the situation. Yellow suit. Played by Jack Sippel.
so there we go that is every newsie I could think of and then some. I’m gonna attach the pictures I have of an old wikipedia cast list which is what I use for reference since the one that's on wiki now isn’t great
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That’s it! If you actually read all this, God bless you. If I got anything blatantly wrong or if you have any questions please talk to me
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broadwaycantdie · 5 years
Hey Folks, Welcome to My Annual Tony Awards Post
This year was fantastic. No matter what people say.
We finally got away from the “sweep” musicals we’ve had for the past few years. Yes, Hadestown won more than other shows but there was variety and it didn’t win everything.
A lot of the shows this season were amazing and deserved what they got.
Did all of my favorites win? No.
Did I think Beetlejuice was robbed? Of course!
But does that mean I think other people didn’t deserve to win and that I’m gonna send them hate? Absolutely not cause I’m not a terrible person who puts other people down for no reason.
Now, I said “a lot of shows this season” and we all know who the outlier is. T**tsie.
T**tsie is a show that celebrates transphobia, misogyny, and discrimination. It should not be rewarded for those things.
It is certainly is not telling the story we should be listening to. I can and do agree with that.
However, and I can’t stress this enough...Santino Fontana is not the problem here and he doesn’t deserved to be treated as such.
He is an actor. He is not the character he plays. He did not create the role nor the show. He is not to blame for the actions, lines, and characteristics of who he plays in a fictional show.
No one has the right to tear him down, send hate, try to destroy his happiness and excitement for this award, or treat him like the bad guy.
He is not the bad guy. He did not write the show. He is an actor in a role and a damn good one at that.
I‘m not going to lie, I was rooting for other actors, but I will not send him hate for this role. He was nominated and deserved to win. Everyone who was nominated are immensely talented individuals and he just happened to break out of the group.
I feel the need to apologize to Santino on behalf of everyone who enjoys broadway and the theatre because he is getting so much unnecessary hate.
Santino Fontana, I am sorry you have to go through this, you don’t deserve it.
The last thing I will say about T**tsie is: if you hate the show, stop going to it, stop supporting it, don’t talk about it and let it crumble and fall into oblivion, don’t send hate because you’re giving it attention it doesn’t deserve. Therefore I will not talk about it anymore.
Moving on, people are mad that Stephanie J. Block won best leading actress. I disagree. I think she actually deserved the role far more than anyone else nominated.
You see, she is not playing a made up character. She is playing a real person who has seen the show, worked on the show, helped make the show what it is, and handpicked who she thought could do the role out of everyone who auditioned.
Cher is an icon and those are hard shoes to fill. Stephanie has done an amazing job at portraying the massive diva that we know and love.
She absolutely deserved that win.
And that’s that on that.
Now, if I hear one more person say that The Prom was robbed, I will lose it.
The Prom is cute. It’s fun, it’s energetic, and it’s got a lighthearted loving message. However, that doesn’t make it the best.
I adore The Prom, I really do. But I know when a show is good and when it’s the best. I’m not always right, but some shows you can see are just fan favorites.
Fan favorites do not mean they are the best; it means they are praised by people online, not necessarily critics.
Do I think it should’ve won something? Sure! Like I said, it’s a cute show and I like it a lot! It’s doing great work in the LGBT+ community and getting representation popularized. However, it’s not groundbreaking. But I do see why it’s a fan favorite.
Now, I didn’t realize I would have to talk about this, but for some unknown reason I do.
People are mad that Ali Stroker won for featured actress. They are saying she won only because she is disabled.
I don’t even know where to start with that.
But let me begin with saying...what is wrong is people? Actually? Are you guys serious?
Ali Stroker has brought so much to the role, especially for playing in a revival—which is arguable harder since people already know the character and have an idea of who they are supposed to be.
Her voice is incredible and she does not let her disability stop her from anything. She is someone we should be celebrating, not tearing down.
It’s comments like “she only won cause of her disability” that makes kids watching with disabilities stop trying. They see hate and negativity for things they can’t control and don’t want to deal with that even more than usual.
We need people like Ali to show diversity and representation to everyone who needs it. It’s so important that kids see themselves on stage so they know that no matter what, they can follow their dreams. No one has any right to tear them down or tell them they can’t do something because of things they can’t control.
Disability rights is a war that’s been going on for years and is still being fought. We need people like Ali to spread love and representation to everyone. We need love, not hate.
See, I’m saddened that Beetlejuice didn’t win. I believe it really should’ve won something at least. But we cannot change what happened so we just have to accept it and move on.
We need to remember that not every musical we love is going to win. There is one award. Musicals like Waitress, Dreamgirls, Hair, Newsies, Chicago, and Wicked were nominated but never won best musical. Yet they are still loved and treasured by so many fans and that’s what matters.
Fans of the show keep them alive and yes it would be amazing to win, but the real winners are the shows who live on for as long as those shows have and continue to do.
I said it last year and I will say it again.
It is an honor to even be nominated.
To every show at the awards, no one will be able to take away the title of “Tony Nominated”. They will always have that. And that is truly special.
Before I talk about what everyone is waiting for, I want to bring some positivity to this post.
Here are a few winners—I haven’t mentioned—that I was very happy with at the awards.
Celia Keenan-Bolger completely deserved her award and I’m so proud of her.
Oklahoma winning best revival made my little yeehaw heart so happy I almost cried.
Sergio Trujillo wining for best choreography for Ain’t Too Proud was so deserving and I’m really happy it got some recognition.
I’m very glad Choir Boy got some airtime because it is such an amazing show and it speaks so much truth that we don’t often want to talk about. I say this a lot but it’s truly special and important.
Finally, on to the big one. Hadestown.
I have not heard Hadestown.
I have not seen Hadestown.
I do know a lot about about Hadestown.
However, I 100% believe is deserved the award for best musical.
After seeing the performance and pictures prehand, as well as speeches from the team for winning other awards, I can see why it won.
This show means a lot to so many people and it’s shown throughout the team, cast, songs, and production.
It looked absolutely incredible and I do think it deserved a lot of the awards it won.
I am not mad at Hadestown for winning.
Overall, I was happy this year. Happy watching the awards and happy with the winners.
I was only unhappy after coming online and seeing everyone’s hateful posts, death threats, and negative energy at such a positive event.
We have to remeber that there is no way everyone can take home an award, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t all winners.
A nomination is a win. Being invited to the Tony’s is a win. Performing your show 8 times a week is a win. Landing a role is a win. Following your dreams and doing anything to achieve them is a win. The trophy is just a bonus.
We need to come together in the most loving, supportive, inclusive, and diverse community on the planet and prove that we are so.
Spread love. Not hate.
Enjoy who wins. Don’t threaten those who don’t.
Have favorites. But respect those who deserve it.
I hope one year I will not have to make this post, but I fear I cannot see that happening anytime soon.
Please remember that there are people behind every show and you might think you’re just posting a random post online, but people could see it.
Humanity is more important than any award.
Spread love, and stay safe.
I love y’all.
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