#the nature museum is in a castle btw. like. an actual castle
pa-pa-plasma · 2 years
sometimes im like "my city is so boring there's literally nothing to do here" but then i remember Her
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30-foot-tall pregnant spider, my beloved
(it's Maman by Louise Bourgeois btw)
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fleetways · 5 months
would Sonic have fallen in love with Shadow eventually when he was hiding as Henry?
anon I need you to know that you are a seer—I received this literally the day after talking about this exact concept w someone! 😭 and safe to say I have many thoughts.
I can imagine two ways you might have meant this: the first being if Sonic somehow came across Henry in his natural habitat in Villenulle (either as a werehog or otherwise), and the second being if Shadow had kept up his Henry persona while staying at the castle.
I’m not really sure how the first would work given everything Sonic’s got going on in this au, but if Sonic was somehow normal (or pretending to be), I could see him meeting Henry by coincidence and having an instinctive draw to him, though he can’t quite put his finger on why. He would probably stick around the store and generally be a nuisance (by Henry’s standards anyways), but if there was ever a point where Sonic saw Henry’s facade slip to reveal his true nature, it would definitely solidify his resolve to get closer and figure this guy out. On the other hand, if it’s a case where Sonic too is trying to appear normal, the first glimpse Henry catches of Sonic’s true self, he’d be trying to get away from his as quickly as possible!
(also I wanna say the concept of Sonic falling for a “normal”/in-hiding Shadow has already been done phenomenally in @/sharpedgedfool’s museum au (which I am a hugggge fan of btw so u should definitely check it out go check it out now now now))
As for the second and more realistic scenario, Sonic would definitely not buy the “normal” act given how Henry ended up staying in the castle. But Shadow is a good actor (decent enough, anyways), and I think that would leave Sonic feeling frustrated when this Henry guy turns out to not align at all with what he was expecting. Funnily enough, because Sonic and Shadow’s personalities compliment each other so well as they are, I actually think it would take a lot longer for Sonic to connect with someone like Henry, even with his seemingly more friendly nature. That being said I absolutely see something eventually growing between them, and when it does, I can definitely see Sonic leaning more on what little Proper Courting™️ knowledge he retained from a couple hundred odd years ago in an attempt to woo him. It would definitely be a much slower burn kind of story, but the reward in turn is a fluff-fest featuring a properly chivalrous (and awkward as hell) Sonic, so I can definitely see the appeal (the appeal is to me btw it appeals to me holy shit)
Anyways, sorry to ramble! I’ve just been having Henry thoughts lately and this ask spurred some interesting ideas! Thank you for the ask and the interest in my little normal guy <3
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umichenginabroad · 1 year
Paris Week 3: "études, châteaux et nourriture"
Matthew Sinanis :)
Bonjour tout le monde!
It is honestly crazy to think that our engineering in Paris program has passed its halfway point. I feel that everything is moving so quickly just because of the nature of the program where each day I am off to a different museum, booking another trip, or trying a new restaurant in central Paris.
The start of this past week was a bit rocky as our classes definitely picked up the difficulty. For my differential equations course, we had both homework and a midterm which were pretty tough but we were able to make it through. Also this week I started my upper-level humanity class which is focusing on the history of high fashion in Paris. Just to give you all an update on how this class schedule was working, at the three-week point, my schedule starts at 9 am with my fashion class that ends at 11:30 am and then my differential equations class from 12 pm to 2 pm. I have both classes every day except on Fridays where I only have my differential equations class at the usual time.
Finding some time after class on this tough academic week, a couple friends and I walked along the Seine. It was very peaceful as it was close to sunset and we were able to stop at a couple of the cool vendors along the river.
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The one thing that remains constant throughout the craziness of studying abroad in Paris is the food. This week we ended up cooking a few fun dishes in our very small apartment kitchen that actually turned out great. When going out to eat we tried the French version of a couple of American classics, such as a cheeseburger and hotdog which surprisingly were very good. Additionally, we tried a couple restaurants that specialized in Lebanese and Japanese cuisine.
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This week we also had the opportunity to participate in a food tour with our program, CEA, where we tried a bunch of traditional French classics. We started off by tasting olive bread, then several cheeses and charcuterie, a couple of fresh strawberries, and finishing with the famous French eclair. The food tour was very fun and allowed me to learn about a lot more French cuisine which I did not initially know about. (as you can see from the picture below, everyone really loved the cheeses).
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With my fashion class this week, we took a trip to the Nocturne Exposition which was a museum that was focusing on the use of hair throughout history, with an emphasis on how hair contributed to fashion. It was definitely one of the most interesting museums that I have ever been to and taught me a lot about the importance of hair in history. Towards the end of the museum, it shifted towards a more modern take on the use of hair, and one of the exhibits reminded me of a Wookiee from Star Wars or Bigfoot which was interesting, to say the least. I am pretty sure you all will be able to figure out which one I am talking about ;).
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Another fun experience this past week was figuring out how to go to the movies to see the new Spiderman movie (amazing film btw). For future reference, in France if a movie says "VOSTF" that means it will be in its original language with French subtitles and if it says "VF", that means it will be dubbed in French.
Bringing us to the weekend, CEA (the company running this program) took us to Loire Valley, France where we visited a bunch of castles and tried some local foods.
The first castle was called "Chateau de Chambord" and it was absolutely massive and was surrounded by acres upon acres of gardens.
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The next castle was called "Chateau d'Azay Le Rideau", this castle was a lot smaller than the others and looked like a giant mansion with some very interesting architecture and garden displays. This chateau also had a lake and moat surrounding it.
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Getting into the food on this trip, we tried a bunch of cheeses, a croque madame, and a regional sausage. Everything was really great, except for the sausage in my opinion. The sausage had an "interesting" odor to it and that is because we later found out it was made from pig intestines... which wasn't my personal "cup of tea"
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The last castle of the trip was called "Chateau de Chenonceaux" which has such an amazing history to it and was by far my favorite castle. The architecture, nature, gardens, river, and interior made this castle truly special and a sight I am so grateful to have seen.
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And that's a wrap for this week, thank you all for following along, and check in next week for my trip to London and a bunch of other fun adventures!
À bientôt! Au revoir :)
Matthew Sinanis
Aerospace Engineering
Engineering in Paris
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t-shrt · 4 years
cute qs
doing it jst cos its fun lmao; qs by @sweetestsuggest​
1. what languages can you speak? english, indonesian, some japanese! used to be able to use it in convos but now im super rusty
2. describe your ideal/perfect day? when everything feels harmonious...hopefully w a visit to the beach too :)
3. who do you love most in your life? me lol
4. what color are your eyes? do you like them? dark brown, im okay with the color lol
5. favorite candle scent? vanilla!
6. favorite type of flowers? blue/red roses, sunflowers
7. if you could smell like anything all the time, what scent would you pick? elie saab’s le parfum honestly lol
8. favorite constellation and why? haven’t really explored constellations lol...ill get back 2 u on that 9. what color is your favorite and why? blue all the way! idk i’ve been loving it for as long as i remember; maybe cos its a comforting color to me...idk its just Nice lol
10. do you prefer the ocean or the mountains? the ocean !!! 11. favorite type of weather? describe it? warm sun gently shining on u + cool breeze u cud feel on ur skin n ur hair 12. what are you most passionate about in life? making myself happy n on the way it’d be super nice if i could help others grow too 13. favorite songs? at the moment: selene - niki; i’m good at goodbyes - bibi; not shy - itzy; on the way - jhene aiko; big poppa - the notorious B I G; so, soo pretty - lany 14. what is your go to snack? used to be gummies but im kinda watching what i eat nowadays :( so nowadays i go for carrots w hummus or bell pepper lol (delicious btw) 15. chocolate or strawberry milk? uhmmm chocolate! 16. do you like journaling? if so, what do you journal about? i used to journal! but nowadays i don’t really 17. what are your biggest dreams in life? i guess to be able to do something with my art skills... that isnt only for me 18. what are your religious beliefs? ooofff im gona pass on this q my dude 19. would you rather have 100 kittens or 100 puppies? 100,000 kittens :( but tbh id be giving them away n keeping probably 5-10 since i don’t trust myself enough lollll 20. cotton candy or funnel cakes? cotton candy pleaseeee 21. do you prefer hand holding or cuddles? cuddles! lolol 22. favorite place in nature to be? describe what it looks like or post a photo of it? the beach :))) i find so much peace in relaxing on the beach. either during the day when the sun warms up ur skin n makes them shimmer golden brown as u lay with ur sunnies and summery music playing on ur bluetooth speaker, children running around making sandcastles; teens and adults playing volleyball or flirting or wtv; or intimate hangouts when the sun is setting and the waves are slowly crashing, as u share ur deeper thoughts to someone else  23. is there anyone you'd die for? who? my nephew probably 24. do you have any unusual fears? what are they? intimacy HAHAh 25. museum dates or aquarium dates? art museum dates pleaseee <3 26. favorite fruit? i like peaches, blueberries, mangoes, bananas 27. do you have long or short hair? which do you prefer to have and why? i have long hair! on me i prefer longer hair cos i have a rounded face shape; i really do wish i could pull off short hair cos it looks so chic on some people :| 28. what makes you happy? feeling in control of my own life; seeing my family and closest friends genuinely happy 29. do you collect anything? if so, what? now... probably lipstick? lol 30. favorite sea creature? ummmmm i have no idea...maybe dolphins? 31. talk about the person you love most? she’s been through a lot and she always manages to pull through despite so many doubts, all whilst retaining a good deal of kindness in her heart, that she’s learned to accept as a strength instead of a weakness. she’s learned to use that kindness more for herself and for the people that actually matter, instead of spreading herself thin, and i’m very proud of her. i’m looking forward to see how she’s going to own more of her special, wonderful sides that makes her uniquely her. 32. favorite soda? dont drink soda lol 33. have you ever dyed your hair before? what color(s)? yes maam i do so every year now lol. i’ve always been pretty safe, it’s always a brownish color, either slightly lighter or darker but it’s always been in that spectrum. 34. favorite emoji(s)? 🥺♥️💘😭(when used 4 laughing purposes) 35. how tall are you? 157 cm :((((((( 36. if you could travel anywhere in the world,where would you want to go? taking covid out of the picture, japan lol. but with covid in the picture, honestly, home :(
37. favorite number? 8! and 11 38. are you a night owl or an early bird? night owl.......... 39. favorite holiday? how do you usually celebrate it? christmas + new years probably lol. partying or sleeping in !!! 40. favorite movie(s)? (not in order) whisper of the heart howl’s moving castle her garden of words 5 centimeters per second eternal sunshine of the spotless mind harry potter 3 lotr 3 before sunrise sleepless in seattle
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Science, Ink, Error and Cross Sans and UT skele and (if this isn’t too much) SF Skeles having a beach day with Friend?
I’M GOING TO THE BEACH TOMORROW, HAHAHAHA, WISH ME LUCK ON FINDING GLASS FLOATS, AND GOING TO THE DINOSAUR STORE! Should I try to see what they’re excavating, or naw? (And by tomorrow, it is the 6/28 as of writing this)
Atom (Science Sans)- He’s actually enjoying the fresh air, and the cool breeze. He’s been working too much in the lab, and it surely was showing. He was very reluctant to even go to the beach, but his friend had forced him to come, and he’s honestly thankful for them. He’s lucky to have a friend like that. 
Ink- Sandcastles, excavations sights, the beach is the best place to be! He can watch people build sandacastles, build on with him friend, or move more towards town and see an excavation sight where they’re finding fossils! This beach town is awesome! 
Error- He reluctant to even be at the beach, mainly because of how messy sand is. It was frustrating to get the sand off of his slippers, and to stop sticking to his bones randomly. Very frustrating, but he’s willing to go. Then a seagull nearly pooped on him, and he’s peeved. This was the worst beach day ever, but don’t worry, tomorrow is better! He had found a glass float the next day, it had an intricate design, and once he learned that he got to keep it since he found it on the beach, he was even more surprised. He got to see Sea lions, and those were cool, and he saw a seagull eat another bird whole- what the hell. Well, it was mostly good. 
Cross- With how much Chara is bugging them to go to the candy store near the beach to get some of the famous salt water taffy, he had actually gotten quite a bit of candy at the beach, he also got to be alone with his friend. It was rather... Nice, walking down the small pier, watching the people below creating sand castles, out in the water he spotted some seals and sea lions. Hm, it was worth it, even with Chara requesting him to eat more of the taffy. Chara’s favorite might have been the chocolate salt water taffy. Yikes. 
Sans (Undertale Sans)- He’d probably be sleeping on a towel, under an umbrella. It’s ironic that no one has yet been able to bury him until he was nothing but a head. Unfortunately, that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon, it seems. Sad days. 
Papyrus (Undertale Papyrus)- He’s actually showing off how good he is at beach volleyball. He is a skeleton of many talents, and this is one of them. He’s probably going to knock his friend’s sock off with how good he actually is. 
Rus (Fellswap Papyrus)- He likes the rather clean beaches, and his friend seemed to bring him to a beach that was trash free *cough cough looking at you California cough cough*, and hey, he sees fish in the water! That’s so awesome! He’s, uh, getting too excited by being at the beach, isn’t he? He just hopes that his friend had more planned to do at the beach, show him all the proper experiences, and they do just that! They show him all their rituals they do when they visit the beach, go to a restaurant only found at the beach, go to the outdoor beach mall, walk on the beach and do beach things, go to a haunted lighthouse. It’s just amazing. 
Black (Fellswap Sans)- The beach, huh? Now, he wasn’t expecting his friend to plan a day with just him at the beach, but he’s got to say, he’s intrigued. Especially since there’s a bunch of interesting museums there- he’s mainly intrigued by the boats museums and war museums on the coast, but, hey, he’ll look at other museums as well! Not all the time will be spent at museums, don’t worry, he’ll go to the beach as well, but the museums are calling his name-. He’s fascinated by history, even if it was idiotic human’s history. And, well, there are interesting things in museums at times. 
I’ve seen a seagull eat five baby ducks whole (alive btw) in a row before it nearly drowned because of the parent ducks. Nature is f-ed up. Also pardon, I’m drunk halfway through this and yeah, and a part of me that usually lets me shut up and not talk is currently broken. Fourth ever alcoholic drink and I’m a lightweight bitch. Also, Black’s response was done when drunk and sorry. idk why museums but... museums. My drunk ass brain registered Black/Mal with museums and I just... Don’t have the heart to delete drunk me’s response, haha. 
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thewanderingmacy · 7 years
Vienna and Graz
Oy vey. I forgot to write. I’m currently in Salzburg where Mozart was born (or as Mother likes to say, some famous composer).
Alright so I arrived in Vienna in the evening so the first day I just went grocery shopping. Surprisingly, the stuff I bought has lasted me a week later. I bought some amazing chocolate coated wafer cookies and just finished the bag today. It’s funny, every stop, I go grocery shopping and ended up having a main meal/snack to associate with that trip. Dublin was pasta with feta cheese and chicken and fries and chicken strips, Prague was PB&J sandwiches, the rest of Czech was hot dogs, Budapest was pizza, Vienna was rice dishes and pasta with veggies (I only ate out like twice in a week).
Vienna was obviously stunning. It’s where the Habsburg’s (the Austrian royal family) were centred around for like 800 years I think. Whereas Prague was Easter coloured and detailed, this was similar but was slightly lighter and less saturated, making it seem more glamorous and sophisticated. Cream coloured buildings galore but the actual texture and design of the buildings was similar. The area I was staying in was a 5 minute walk to the summer residence of the Habsburg’s and the surrounding gardens. I could see the palace from the apartment airbnb I was in. It was a strange airbnb. A bunch of people lived in this huge apartment and my room was above the loft- I had to climb a ladder to get inside. It was like 4 feet tall inside so I had to sit and only had a bed but hey, it was cheap and did the job. I didn’t speak too much to the other people there. They always spoke in German and I just for the most part have no interest in conversation, as it’s always small talk. I spoke to one girl who was talking about the political situation in Austria but I didn’t have much to offer. There was also a strange man who limped around all day and cleaned. Almost everyone smoked (there was about 5 people in the apartment) and I’ve found that it’s super popular in Austria.
Anyway, the first day in Vienna, I started a bit late. Vienna has a bunch of City Bikes stationed around the city where you can rent a bike, the first hour being free (and tbh no way am I gonna be on a bike for a full hour) and drop it off at one of the dozen other stops in the city. That was my main mode of transit, since it’s free, but it was terrifying. First of all, I haven’t been on a bike in years so I’m not super fluid with it. Second of all, I have never ridden a bike in the city, not even Toronto, so the thought (and the reality) is terrifying. Bike lanes randomly begin and end, and sometimes I was riding with cars on the road. One time I even went between two lanes of moving cars and (I’ll never do it again, don’t worry Tami) I was screaming inside. So the first day I learned that the google estimate for biking time is wrong, for me, as I consistently took double the suggested time. I get that I’m slow, literally everyone was passing me, but double? I was moving. It was supposed to take me under 30 mins to get to the city centre and it always took me almost an hour. So the first day, I left at 1:30pm to attend a 2:30pm walking tour and arrived with a couple minutes to spare. I thought I was at the right one, since it had a “Free tours” sign but after a few minutes, they said it was a Hitler walking tour and I looked around and couldn’t find the one I wanted. So, instead, I thought I’d take a day to check off all the churches in the city centre and my god, there was a lot. They were some of the most extravagant churches I’ve ever seen. Decked in gold, and huge statues, and paintings everywhere. Ironically, the most boring one was the one that the Habsburgs used for weddings. I checked out the main city square, got some pics and wandered.
The next day, I’d planned to catch the 11am tour and arrived late because of my damn bike time. So, since I was in the city, just a bit later, I wandered til the 2:30pm tour. I started with a large food market (called the Belly of Vienna) and wandered up to a palace called Belvedere. There, I learned that I had a Great Thing. It was my youth card where it lists my birthday as 4/10/1998 and, at the palace when I went to get tickets to the art museums inside, they said I was free since I was 18 (I’m 19 btw). I looked it up and in Austria, the day comes first so to everyone, with my youth card, my birthday wasn’t until October 10th. I used this trick (and continue to use it) everywhere, cashing in on discounts and free admission. I was, and still am, ecstatic. I’m a Jew, what can I say? So I wandered the art museums (I was mostly there to see the inside of the palace) and saw the largest collection of Gustav Klimt pieces, including the Kiss, so that was nice. Then I went to a fashion museum in the city centre, inside a Prince’s old apartment, but it had a lot of modern fashion, which is nice but also not what i wanted. After that, I finally did the tour, where I learned about a horrifying monument in the city centre (in WWII, a house used to be there and during bombing, a ton of people went into the bomb shelter but then the house collapsed and their bodies are still down there) and I learned about the Habsburgs various buildings and monuments in the city centre. I had a Good Time and felt accomplished afterwards.
After that number, I went BACK into the downtown (I was biking BEAST. I even went uphill sometimes, which I hated) and went to a museum (because free entry, baby!), and saw the Habsburg’s library which was just stunning (and this time, you could walk around whereas in Prague you could only look in through the door) and then I visited the palace gardens (there’s the Volksgarden- Folks aka regular people’s garden and then the royal garden). Then I went to Maria Thresia square where I was reminded of how much I don’t connect with Youths. Maria Thresia was an 18th century Queen who pretty much built the country by doing what the Habsburgs were famous for, arranging politically charged marriages. She was Marie Antoinette’s mother AKA the French Queen who was beheaded during the French Revolution (I’m fascinated by Marie Antoinette but that’s another story). So in this square that Maria Thresia had fashioned, some sort of Youth music scene was going on where there was a large speaker set and a bunch of youths sitting and drinking in these stunning gardens while listening to garbage music that sounded like a computer with a virus. I quickly got my photos and walked to the other gardens to read (like an Intellect) but I could hear them from about a 5 minute walk away! I was so mad that they were disgracing that historically important area but then I was like, maybe this is our era putting the garden to in a culturally symbolic way? I don’t know, I was just mad that I had to sit next to a fountain to drown out the noise. The reason I was hanging around reading, was because I was waiting for the Vienna Fest concert to start. It started at 9:20pm and I wasn’t super interested in it but, since a cool event was going on while I was there, I figured I should check it out. It was held at the town hall- a stunning building- and was pretty crowded. I listen to one song by, I learned later, a famous Austrian singer whose name I forget (not that any of you would care lol).
ThE NExt day (btw I keep having to look at my photos to remind me because it’s already all jumbled), I took a day trip to Melk. I had to wake up early (wahh) to catch the train. It said it was gonna rain that day, and it did it but only in the morning for a bit and, being the Smart Traveler that I am, I brought an extra pair of socks. So I took a train to Melk, a couple hours outside of Vienna. I was there to see the Abbey. I arrived at 10:30am, just in time for the 10:55am English tour. Honestly, the tour was pretty lame (as was the set up) because they’d taken all the beautiful rooms and made them modern showcases of history. Like they made the first room all white and with neon green light to represent nature or some shite. The NICE part of the place was the views from the balcony over the town and the river, and the library, and the church inside. The library was very beautiful (not as nice as the Habsburg one but still quite nice). The church was gorgeous. You weren’t allowed to take photos but I snuck some blurry ones in because I’m a rebel who can’t be tamed. I wandered the gardens a bit and then made my way to the pier where I boarded a cruise for 2 hours. It was a nice cruise- the rain was definitely gone- with castle ruins and villages long the banks. I got off and boarded a train back to Vienna and that was that day. At this point, I was getting a bit of cold. I remember thinking, at the time, it was a 4/10. So I was blowing my nose a bit but felt fine.
The next day, it became an 8/10 so I did almost nothing. I slept in and lounged. I didn’t have much planned so I was content to take a day of Rest. That evening, though, Swan Lake was playing at the Vienna Opera house which is like the main performing art centre. I looked it up and it wasn’t playing again during my trip so, after a few hours of relax, I biked back down. They had $5 standing room tickets which is a sweeeet deal so I had to take my chance. I’m really good at doing things to please my Future Self. Taking my present self out of the equation which really helps me make good decisions. So I popped a cold pill the limping man gave me and got a ticket (don’t worry, it was a pill in packaging). For the first third (it was three hours) I was standing in the very back in the center of the top balcony. There was two rows of standing people in front of me and the group of women directing in front of me where crazy annoying (like they kept sitting in the wheelchair spot and being told to move and then they’d go back) and the guy next to me was breathing so heavy I could hear it. So, I switched to the side, front row. I could see about 2/3 of the stage but that was like same in the center with all the people in front of me. The show was done really beautifully and music was glorious- I actually know the theme pretty well from previous Youtube listens. I honestly couldn’t tell you what it’s about though. My only reference point is Black Swan and all I got is Black Swan, White Swan. And she didn’t collapse at the send like Natalie Portman so what was that about? Anyway, I was mostly there for the experience (and for $5, I had no complaints) so I had a good time and was proud I forced myself to go. I even had to battle myself wanting to leave at the intermissions since I was sick and uncomfortable but staying til the end, I saw the finale which was just amazing. And then the cast came out and gave like 20 bows for about 10 minutes which was hilarious. I kept thinking it was done, and then the Black Swan would come and bow again. Over and over.
After that day, on my last full day in Vienna, I finally saw the palace I was close to. Schonbrunn was it’s name. With my trick Youth Card, I got a Grand Tour ticket, where I saw 50 state rooms. They were just stunning. Again, there was a no photo rule but I got a couple shite ones. The decor is just out of this world. It makes me want to decorate my room like that but that’d be really weird. Once that was over, it started to rain which actually worked out pretty great for me because everyone evacuated the main entrance area and I got some sick photos of the palace without anyone around. The rain slowed, and eventually, stopped, so I explored the gardens for a bit before calling it a day.
The following morning, I took an early bus to Graz. The route was lined with great views of the mountains and surrounding villages but they never look as good in photos through a bus window.
After I arrived and checked into my airbnb, I walked to the centre of the town to see the Sights. I was gonna start with a mausoleum, but they were closing for lunch when I got there, so I walked around the old castle but you could only go up a famous double spiral staircase inside. I went into the gardens to cross to see a church but became hungry so I found a thai restaurant and ate some delish pad thai. Afterwards, I went back to the mausoleum which was nice and creepy, since I was the only one there in the crypt. The ticket included a walk to the top of the building tower so I did it and, as per usual, got very winded from the stairs. I decided now to cross the park to see the church since I’ve literally since dozens at this point. Instead, I walked to the town centre and wandered the shops, before heading up to a famous clock tower. What I didn’t know is that the clock tower is on a cliff that you have to climb. I knew Future Me would be pissed if I didn’t do it so I tackled it like a bitch, taking breaks quite literally every few steps, but I made it and got my damn photos. Once that was complete, i was exhausted so I called it a day.
The next day, I went back out and went back to the city centre to buy a travel adapter because I realized I forgot mine like the schmuck I am. Then I crossed the river that ran through the town to some more shops before taking a tram to a palace outside of the city centre. Let me tell you, this palace was something else. Since it was in Graz and it was a bit out of the way, my tour only had 4 people in it. The guide took us through 24 phenomenally decorated rooms. What I loved about it was, there was no lights on, only the windows open, giving a very authentic feel to the rooms. The rooms had bare furniture in them so we could roam and see the walls and ceilings perfectly. It was a really unique experience to me as it really felt like I was stepping back into untouched history. So many of the museums I visited feel so artificial and set up, this really took me back. I was so happy I did went. The guide also told us about some of the wall paintings which were hilarious- when you really look at them, you realize how crazy and silly some art was. Afterwards, I bought myself an Oreo ice cream and sandwich and inhaled it in the gardens before going back to my airbnb to collect my things and take another bus to Salzburg (where I am and have been for a full day).
That’s it.
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