#the morgan residences
realtyhubph-blog · 4 days
Viceroy McKinley 21DE Foreclosed Condo
Foreclosed Steal! Spacious 2BR condo w/ parking in Viceroy McKinley (21st Floor!). Prime location, amazing amenities (pool, gym). Complete docs, priced to sell (AS-IS). Don't miss out! #McKinleyHillLiving #InvestmentProperty. Contact JM Listings for a vie
📍 Unit D and E, 21/F, Tower 3, Viceroy Condominium, Florence Way, McKinley Hill, Brgy. Fort Bonifacio / Pinagsama, Taguig City (With Parking Slot) Property Features TYPE: 2 BR Condo🏢 21st Floor📐 Floor Area: 52.10 sqm🛌 2 Bedrooms🛀 2 Baths🅿️ 1 Parking✅ AS-IS-WHERE-IS Basis✅ Complete property documents✅ Year Built: 2017 ABOUT VICEROY CONDOMINIUM The Viceroy Residences is a 4-tower, 22-story…
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jdmorganz · 6 months
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JEFFREY DEAN MORGAN as Max The Resident (2011) dir. Antti Jokinen
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dilfgifs · 8 months
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Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Max in THE RESIDENT (2011)
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jdeanmorgan · 7 months
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Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Max THE RESIDENT (2011)
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lanadelnegan · 10 months
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Warnings: all 18+ and contain smut. minors DNI.
Negan Smith
Daddy Issues - stepdad!Negan
Smarty Pants - Negan shows his appreciation after you explain how to make a bullet.
Down Bad - Coach Negan x F!Reader
Video Games - giving Negan head while he plays video games
Knock Knock - DeadCity!Negan fucks you while Maggie is gone on a run
Our Little Cabin - Cowboy era Negan takes your virginity
My Girl - Rick's oldest daughter, y/n, loses her virginity to Negan
Pretty in Pink - Negan can't resist you in your little pink skirt
You Belong to Me - Negan x Male Reader
Vampire - Negan eats you out while you're on your period
Keep Me Warm - Public sex with Negan in Alexandria
Two In One - Negan x Reader x Simon threesome
Cherry - Negan ‘pops your cherry’
The Notebook - movie night with Negan (fluff)
Lip Gloss - Prisoner!Negan falls for a girl at Alexandria. (complete)
My Past, My Future - Negan x Reader x Daryl / love triangle (complete)
Crush - gym teacher negan x student reader (complete)
Tattoo - Teacher!Negan gives his student a tattoo. (complete)
Ghost - Negan x Glenn'sSister!Reader (complete)
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Wildest Dreams - Your celeb crush makes your dreams come true when you meet him at a bar after the walking dead comic con.
Jealousy, Jealousy - Your boyfriend, Jeffrey, can't control his jealousy when he sees another man hit on you at the bar.
Love at First Sight - you ask Jeffrey a question at a walking dead panel that leads to the memory of a lifetime.
The Feeling Was Mutual - quickie in the elevator with your co-star JDM.
One Night Stand - Denny Duquette era Jeffrey has a one night stand with his costar. (in progress)
Denny Duquette
Cardiac Arrest - You give your favorite patient special treatment
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agender-wolfie · 2 years
Guys. Stop tagging your OC stories as X reader. It’s hard to sift through and I don’t go to the x reader tag for OC’s I don’t care about .
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tojisdove · 28 days
any sweetheart wanna send thirsts so I can ramble for a bit orrrrr 😋😋💗💗
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detachedminxsfics · 8 months
Caught In The Act
Characters: Max x F!Reader
Summary: When your landlord Max offers to do you a favour you come home to a pleasant surprise when you get off work early
Word count: 3.3K
Warnings: NSFW - Voyeurism, brief handjob, oral (m recieving), vaginal sex, creampie, riding, praise, dirty talk, soft dom/switch max bc he's a cutie
A/N: This is just what we all wanted to do during the bathtub scene. Enjoy :)
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The alarm on your bedside table blared restlessly as you attempted to pry your eyes open, rolling over to stretch your arm and aimlessly fumble for it until you felt it beneath your palm and slammed your hand down on top, silencing it. With a huff you managed to haul yourself out of bed to get ready for work, making sure you had everything you needed in your bag and slipping your shoes on when you heard a knock at the door, which you hurried to open when you got your other shoe on. It was your landlord and next-door neighbour Max whom you'd grown rather close with over the past few months of living in the building. He'd been a good friend to you when you needed him most and you'd spent plenty of nights since you moved in getting takeout and watching movies together or even him cooking for you, which he often insisted on doing when you'd had a particularly stressful work week. His eyes lit up a little when the door opened to reveal you, a small smile on his lips before he started to speak.
"Hey, I know it's early but I was thinking about that leak in the kitchen you told me about and was wondering if I can take a look at it for you, and fix it up if I can?"
Max was wearing a navy blue t-shirt with some slightly baggy charcoal grey work jeans, which you could tell from the way they were splattered with various shades of paint. He'd been wearing them when you first came to view the apartment, the moment when the man practically changed your life by offering you the place.
"Sure, but I've gotta go to work. Last minute shift change." You sighed as you stepped away from the door to grab your bag from the small glass table in your hallway, which prompted Max to enter the apartment.
"Well I can fix it up while you're at work and lock up when I'm done, I've got a key." He suggested, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he watched you make a last minute check of the items in your bag.
"Really? That would be great, thank you."
As you made way for the door you stopped to lean in and plant a quick peck on Max's cheek, the stubble of his salt and pepper beard slightly scratching against your lips when you did. His eyes were closed when you pulled back until they fluttered open to look back into yours, a smile creeping onto his lips again as you continued towards the door.
"I'll see you later, Max." You said as you grasped the door handle.
"Have a good day at work." He simply replied with a polite nod of his head, watching as you closed the door and listening to your footsteps get further and further down the hall.
He was just thankful that the way his hands were shoved into the pockets of his jeans concealed the way they started to shake when he felt your lips against his skin.
Since you came in last minute on what was technically supposed to be your day off you managed to convince your boss to let you leave early when things got quiet, a sigh of relief leaving your lips as you rode the elevator up to the floor of your apartment and headed down the hall once the doors opened. You tested the handle of your door to see whether it was locked only to find that it wasn't, the door swaying open meaning Max must have not locked up since he hadn't finished up in the kitchen yet, not that it bothered you that he was still inside. You stepped in and quietly closed the door, kicking your shoes off and starting to make your way to the kitchen when you heard it, stopping in your tracks the moment the sound reached your ears. Groaning. You followed the sound down the hall and into your bedroom, but when you peered into your bedroom there was nothing there until you turned and stole a glance through the doorway of your en suite bathroom and finally identified the source of the sound. Max was lying down in the bathtub, his head resting back on the porcelain rim and his hand buried beneath his jeans. Low, raspy groans fell from his throat whilst his hips bucked up slightly with every stroke of his hand, his chest rising and falling as his breaths started to get heavier and faster. It was hard to believe what you were seeing, but you couldn't possibly bring yourself to look away. The way his eyes were screwed shut and a stray strand of hair curled against his forehead, the way his lips parted to let out the soft grunts that were progressively turning into more desperate, drawn-out pleas, the way the veins decorating his hands bulged as he shamelessly tried to bring himself to his release in your bathtub. You couldn't get enough of it. Sure you had treated one another as friends these past few months, but you could never shake the suspicion that Max harboured feelings towards you that made him wish you were a little more than just friends. You'd held off on the idea of developing feelings for him in the worry that if things didn't work out between you two you'd be stuck living in the same building and having an ex as your landlord. It wasn't practical, but with the way the man was touching himself before your very eyes you weren't sure you could keep up with doing the right thing, the smart thing.
Your voice made his eyes shoot open before he sat up, cursing under his breath and awkwardly trying to tuck himself back into his pants, his eyes darting between you and his hands fumbling with the open fly of his jeans.
"Hey you're, you're back earlier than I thought you'd be." He stated breathlessly with a nervous smile, but there was no way for him to cover up what he was doing.
"Clearly." You teased as you started towards the tub causing him to glance up at you, his eyes filled with a mixture of worry and surprise.
Wordlessly you leaned down and started to palm the clothed bulge straining against his jeans, his hips jolting up at the contact and his hand gently closing around the wrist of the hand you were using to touch him.
"What are you doing?" He asked, seemingly more taken aback by how forward you were being rather than opposed to the idea.
You only hushed him and slid your hand over his groin until you reached the fly of his jeans, carefully undoing the sloppily half-up zipper and delving your fingers beneath the denim and the waistband of his boxers until you felt your fingertips graze over his shaft. His skin was hot to the touch and he hissed through his teeth as you gave it a small squeeze, the reaction making you bite your lip at how sensitive he seemed to be. Wanting more of him you started to tug down his jeans and boxers prompting Max to lift his hips to help you slide it down easier, his cock springing free once he did, and what a treat that was. Max was big with just the right amount of thickness, his tip swollen and glistening with pre-cum practically aching to be touched aside from his already desperate, strained anticipatory breaths. You lightly ran your thumb over the tip to gather the stickiness, a contented moan escaping his lips as you circled it before lifting your thumb to your mouth and sucking it clean with a pleased hum. Then you leaned back over the tub once again, bracing your hand on the edge of the bath whilst you wrapped your other hand around the base of his cock and started to stroke, his mouth falling open at the sensation as a bunch of throaty moans followed. Still working him with your hand you turned your head to the side to press your lips against his, his lips moving back against yours instantly and his tongue lightly sweeping over yours. After a moment you broke the fervent kiss, parting your lips just enough that they were still barely grazing against his.
"You're so noisy." You playfully remarked with a small giggle, your comment making his brows bounce up.
"Do you want me to be quieter? I can be quieter." He pleaded against your lips clearly flustered, which only made you shake your head and smile.
"I never said it was a bad thing. Besides, what's the worst that could happen, someone puts in a noise complaint?" You whispered against his lips, brushing your lips over his teasingly.
You brought your mouth against his again, his hand reaching up to comb his fingers through your hair and deepen the kiss. You continued to enjoy his mouth some more, even pulling back slightly to lightly nip at his bottom lip before kissing over it and then leaning back up again, unwrapping your hand from his shaft.
"Sit up." You ordered, to which he complied and leaned up until he was sitting in the bath.
You swung your leg over and climbed in, lowering down into the space at the bottom of the tub and laying down on your stomach, your head hovering over his lap.
"I wanna taste you."
You wrapped your hand around the base of his cock and swept your tongue over his swollen tip, the warm wetness of your tongue making his hips bounce up at the feeling and a grunt rumble from his throat. Then you licked a stripe from the base to the tip, your tongue running over the vein bulging in his shaft and swirling over the head once you reached it again, the salty taste of pre cum coating your tongue.
"Please." Max begged as you ran your tongue over him, his hands trembling at his sides as it took everything in him not to coax it past your lips, and he practically looked like he was about to explode any minute.
Removing your hand you kept your eyes on his, slowly sliding him past your lips and into your mouth, taking his cock as far down as your throat would allow.
"Shit. Oh, baby." He moaned out, slipping his fingers into your hair and caressing the strands as you bobbed your head.
You loved how vocal he was, the way he threw his head back when you enthusiastically moaned around him, and how responsive he was from even the smallest of touches.
"Your throat feels even better than I imagined." He rasped, the flattery making you drag your lips up his cock sucking a bit harder as you did, before sliding your mouth all the way back down on him.
You didn't mind that Max had imagined this before. Truthfully, you'd indulged in a fantasy or two involving him once or twice when you first moved in, you'd just never entertained the idea of it after that. Oh, how wrong you were. He started to grow restless, the hand stroking your hair stopping to gather some in his hand as he started lifting his hips in time with your mouth, chasing his release with his heavy lidded chocolate brown eyes fixed on yours.
"Sweetheart, I-I'm gonna-" He drawled, cut off by the way his orgasm seemed to hit him and his cock twitched in your mouth, his hips stuttering as his whole body shuddered.
You moved your mouth off of him just enough to be able to swallow, warm ropes of his release filling your mouth and coating your tongue, lightly sucking him through it and milking his cock until he seemed to be empty and softened a bit in your mouth. Carefully you slipped him from your mouth and swallowed it down, some beads of cum still having escaped from your lips trailing down his cock which you leaned down to lick off.
"You are perfect." Max added breathlessly while reaching out to caress the side of your face, his thumb tenderly stroking over your cheek.
You leaned into the touch with a smile, his hand still on your face as you crawled over him until you were hovering over his lap and then sat down, his semi-hard erection resting against your clothed crotch. His free hand reached up to start stroking over your thigh, caressing it as he went and then moving to take hold of your hip. He used the hold on your face to crash his lips against yours, the grip he had on your hip growing firmer as you moved your lips against his, and his hips subconsciously rocked beneath you in search of friction.
"You wanna fuck me?" You whispered in between kisses, to which he pulled back just enough to breathe his sentiment into your mouth.
"More than anything." Max murmured eagerly, and you smiled against his lips before leaning back to take hold of the hem of your top, crossing your arms and lifting it over your head.
He did the same, throwing his navy blue tee over his head and tossing it onto the floor beside your tub, a pile of clothes starting to form as you reached down to get your pants off, sitting up enough that you could push them past your thighs and roll them down to your ankles. You kicked them off once you got them down your legs then turned and reached behind you to help Max get his boxers and pants off from where they had gathered at his calves, throwing them to join the heap of clothes now on the floor. He took hold of your hips again, and you hovered over him just enough to feel the way he was hard and ready against your inner thigh. You reached down to guide him to your entrance and then began slowly lowering yourself down onto him, the stretch around him making a pained moan fall from your mouth.
"Mm, Max." His name rolled off your tongue so wantonly, every inch of him gradually filling you.
He pressed his lips against yours to muffle your cries, one of his hands coming up to cup one side of your face again, his other still resting over your hip.
"It's okay, it's okay." He cooed between kisses as you tried to adjust to the feel of him, and soon your ass was pressed against his thighs as you took him to the hilt.
Letting go of your face he took hold of your other hip and moved slightly, the first lift of his hips enough to make his mouth fall open and a husky groan follow suit, mirroring him as a needy whine spills from yours. Bracing your hands on his shoulders you started to roll your hips, creating a slow, rhythmic bounce that Max aided with his grip on you. You moved your hand to his chest, caressing your way up to his shoulders and then to the nape of his neck, slipping your fingers into his thick brown locks as you leaned forward and started pressing kisses on his neck, languidly working your way down to his collarbone and the generous curls of hair sparsely adorning his chest. Your other hand smoothed over the top of his arm, running your fingers over one of the many tattoos his body was littered with and lightly squeezing his bicep which made him hum appreciatively. With time you began picking up the pace, sliding all the way up and then coming down on him hard, the wet slapping sound of skin on skin echoing throughout the bathroom as your ass smacked against his thighs. His hands moved to your ass cupping it firmly as you bounced on him, caressing it as he rocked his hips in time with your movements.
"Good girl, god you're so tight." He praised, moaning out as your walls massaged his cock.
Your knees started to ache, feeling bruised from the way you'd been kneeling on the small space of porcelain on either side of him. You slowed your movements to mumble through your strained breaths.
"My legs are gonna give out." You whispered with a giggle.
Max seemed to get the idea, repeatedly pressing his lips against yours as he gripped your thighs and leaned forward, gently laying you down on your back and hovering over you, your legs draped over his hips. He didn't waste any time in moving again, thrusting his hips as he fucked into you deeply and his mouth found its way to your jaw, kissing along it and allowing his beard scruff to scratch against your skin. You wrapped your arms around his neck, your hands resting on the nape of his neck and playing with the curls of hair above it. His lips trailed kisses along the side of your neck, then over your throat and down to your collarbone, affectionately marking you in whatever way he could. Eventually, the pressure in your abdomen started to build and you wrapped your legs around his waist, locking your legs at all the right times to try and spur him to go deeper. He listened to your wordless request, burying his cock into you and pumping into you with hard, bottomless thrusts.
"Max, Max I-" His name tumbles from your mouth in the form of a plea, repeating his name over and over again amidst a string of curses.
"I've got you, it's okay baby." He hushes you, coaxing you to your orgasm with soft reassurances and it's more than enough to tip you over the edge.
You cling to him as you let out an unrestrained, sweet cry, your whole body trembling beneath him as he holds you and fucks you through it. With his eyes fixed on you and wholly focused on your expression he succumbs to his release too, his hips stuttering and guttural groans spewing from his throat. He spills into you, filling you with his warm release and then lightly collapsing on top of you, careful not to put too much weight on you. He collects himself for a moment before propping himself up on his elbows and reaching up to stroke your cheek.
"Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, right? I wasn't too rough?"
Before the endless list of paranoid possibilities he was babbling continued you silenced him with your lips, pressing them against his and kissing him softly. After a moment of just basking in the feel of him you broke the kiss, cupping his face and resting your forehead against his.
"I love you, Max. I should've said this sooner, but I love you."
His eyes widened a little, a smile of genuine, unbridled happiness playing on his lips. He couldn't believe you had finally said those three little words that he'd only ever dreamed about hearing.
"I love you too, so much."
Your lips met again, your arms wrapping around his waist as you embraced him. You stayed like that for a little while, the once cold porcelain beneath your back now warm from your skin, and Max's hands were all over you like he wasn't sure he'd ever let you go. Eventually, he broke the kiss, his nose still brushing against yours as he spoke.
"Why don't I draw you a bath, make us some dinner and then we can watch a movie, hm?"
He suggested, nuzzling his nose against yours and making you laugh.
"Okay okay, but only if you'll get in the bath with me, and one with actual water this time."
Max snorted his laughter and swept a strand of hair behind your ear.
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vargmageddon · 11 months
I'm losing my fucking mind you'll never guess what happens 27 seconds in
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hellboys · 11 months
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JEFFREY DEAN MORGAN as Max in The Resident (2011)
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swanhili · 1 year
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realtyhubph-blog · 7 days
Trion Towers 27G Foreclosed Condo
1BR foreclosed condo w/ balcony at Trion Tower 2, BGC! (42 sqm) Prime location, amazing views, possession included! Move fast, won't last! #JMListings #RealEstatePH #BGC
📍 Unit 27G 27/F The Fort Trion Tower 2, Mckinley Parkway cor. Bonifacio Ave., BGC Taguig City Property Features TYPE: 1 Bedroom Condominium📐 Floor: 42.46 sq meters🛌 1 Bedroom w/ balcony🛀 1 Bathroom✅ AS-IS-WHERE-IS Basis✅ With Possession / Transfer of Title in Process About TRION TOWERS The Trion Towers, a luxurious condominium development by Robinsons Land Corporation, consists of three…
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londoncapsule · 9 months
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JEFFREY DEAN MORGAN in THE RESIDENT (2011) dir: Antti Jokinen
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kneelmylucille · 10 months
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Am I going to hell???
I am fairly certain that I’m going straight to hell.
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immortalbumblebee · 2 years
"I don't have a type"
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...I might have a type
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beabees · 3 months
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hell yeah🔥🔥🔥
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