#the more i read it the more I don't like it akdshfj
feifood · 3 years
#AFTER THE GAME || Aone Takanobu x gn!Reader || 1.2k words
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Go! Go! Let’sGo! Let’s Go! Dateko!
The crowd from the bleachers chant.
If you were being honest, all this was kind of overwhelming. The crowd, the noise, the tension in the air, but being able to see Aone play volleyball made it all tolerable.
You two haven’t been together long, longer than a month but less than two. When he invited you to one of his games, you were ecstatic. There’s nothing more heartwarming than knowing your boyfriend was comfortable enough around you to let you into his world. Volleyball had always been his thing, you knew this. He never really talked about it when you two were together though, his attention was always focused on you and how your day went.
Sitting a few seats away from the Dateko cheer squad on the bleachers (mainly because your outfit didn’t match, no one gave you the memo),  you spectate the game going on in front of you. It was the second set against some school with a name you’d already forgotten. Dateko won the first set and is currently three points away from winning the second as well.
The next two points are won in a flash, with some very strong serves coming from Futakuchi. As the very last and most important serve of the game goes up, you hold your breath, silently hoping they don’t receive this one either.
As much as you hoped this would be another easy point, it’s received by the other team.
Nice receive! You hear one of them yell, followed by another Connect! Connect!
The opponents start passing the ball to the setter, preparing for an attack. Before you can even react to what’s happening Aone has already blocked the spike, shutting down the attack and earning the winning point of the game.
Your entire face brightens up with your smile. You’d never once doubted his abilities, the years of effort put into this hobby has really paid off at moments like this. Not to mention, his height. You’re not shallow, but you couldn’t help to gush over how tall he was when you first met him. The fact that he was just a big soft giant made you feel so safe around his presence.
Your gaze meets his as he turns to look at you up in the bleachers. Aone’s not a very expressive person, but you can tell the slight smirk creeping its way up his lips as you admire each other from afar. Tearing away from the eye contact, he starts to walk out the gym as his teammates continue to celebrate the victory.
Picking up all your belongings and running out the exit, you maneuver yourself through the halls of this unfamiliar school and try to find the doors he just left from.
To no one's surprise, the halls slowly all begin to look the same. Yep. You got lost, you sigh to yourself. Of course.
Defeated, you take a turn around the corner while looking down at the ground until your body collides with another.
“Sorry, that was my fault. I wasn’t-“ looking up at whoever you just bumped into, your heart skips a beat at the sight of your boyfriend.
“Nobu!” You yell, voice laced with admiration as you stand on your tippy toes and arms find their way to the top of his shoulders, around his neck. Every time he hears you speak it’s as if he’s become a new person.
Aone chuckles and hugs you back into a tight grip, slightly bringing you off the ground. He’s learned overtime (and through your constant reassurance) that he doesn’t have to handle you like glass. The first week of dating, you thought he didn’t like holding hands but the truth was he didn’t want to hurt you with his strength.
“That was a great game, I’m so proud of you,” you speak into his chest, voice muffled.
He lets you back onto your feet and you tilt your chin to look up at him, still holding onto each other.
He hasn’t showered yet, body and face covered in a thin layer of sweat, but you couldn’t care less about that right now. The way he’s looking at you, and you back at him, nothing could ruin this moment. It’s times like these that remind you of how lucky you are, the comfortable silence protecting you both from the world.
The tall middle blocker begins to dip his head down to meet yours, and you reciprocate the movement by standing on your tippy toes again. As your lips meet, he swears he’s never felt this way about anything before. Physical affection was something Aone was still working on. He didn’t hate it, he just wasn’t used to it. The first time you two held hands was the day he blushed so hard he thought he had a fever.
Pulling away from the sweet exchange, your moment was interrupted by a voice coming from behind your boyfriend.
“Aone?” As Aone turns around to the source of the sound, you lean your body to the side to see who it was as well. You thought it would be Futakuchi, or maybe Kogenagawa.
To your surprise, the entire rest of the team was there, and it’s pretty clear they just saw the intimate moment between you and their tallest player. Everyone’s jaws are on the floor, eyes almost popping out of their sockets.
“No way. AONE’S DATING SOMEONE?” Kogenagawa yells in disbelief.
You two have never actually told his team about the relationship. Not that you guys were hiding it from everyone, your close friends knew, but Aone never brought it up with his team. He didn’t see it as something they needed to know about; it just wasn’t their business.
Aone moves out of the way from in front of you to beside you, grabbing your hand and looking at his team.
“Hi,” you weakly say, “I’m Y/N.”
Futakuchi’s face lights up, “hey, I know you - you were in my language class. So, Aone huh?”
You hear Aone let out a quiet laugh, giving your hand a squeeze.
“Yup,” you chuckle, “been more than a month now,” you smile at the group of boys.
“All this time and you didn’t tell us Aone?” Kogenagawa says to your boyfriend, “I mean, I shouldn’t be that surprised actually. Good thing they talk more than you though, or we would’ve been standing in silence right now,” he laughs.
Aone gives the boy an annoyed look. “Anyways,” Obara interrupts,” good to know you found someone, Aone. Now if you can come back to the gym, we’re saying thank yous to the other team.”
Other team. He probably forgot their name too, you laugh to yourself. As Aone gives the rest of the team a nod, they make their way back to the gym.
Directing his attention back to you, he looks you straight in the face and gives you a soft smile. The same smile that caught your attention just a few months ago before you two got together. The one that makes your heart flutter and your cheeks turn rosy pink.
He gives your hand one last squeeze and reluctantly leaves the hallway to return back to his team.
Aone’s never been a man of words, but when it comes to him, words aren’t necessary. The special way he looks at you is enough to tell you everything you need to know.
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