#the mom of the twins and also sorta adopted mom of the other guy:
f4llingst4rb0y · 8 months
Ok so I have this idea for a Gravityfalls au and I'm a little obsessed with the idea right now so let me know if anyone wants to hear more about it 😖
(I have no idea if anyone's done this yet, but if so pls lmk bc I'd love to see it)
Basically, it's an au where Dipper and Mabel get kicked out at sixteen by their stepmom(?) and end up walking around before ending up in front of a house where Emma-May Dixion (Fiddleford's ex/Tates mom) lives.
She takes them in and she calls Tate down from GravityFalls to help her find a place for these two kids and he recognizes the two from when they spent a couple summers down in GravityFalls, so he says he'll take them there so they can stay with their great uncles.
Obviously, the twins are like excited and happy to go to GravityFalls to see their grunkles, and so Tate does as he said, promising his mom he'll keep her updated.
Over the journey back to Oregon, they all sorta bond, and it's nice even though Dipper is tense and very guarded while Mabel is just happy to go to a proper home. When they arrive the twins are greeted by worried grunkles and questions by their friends on why they're back in the fall instead of the summer, they don't say much but enough to let them know it wasn't good.
During the course of the twins settling in the shack, it's really complicated. Now that soos and his grandmother are living in the shack and Ford and Stan as well, it's incredibly crowded. Especially with Fiddleford coming around at times, mostly to check on the younger twins, but still.
Mabel eventually feels pretty good after a couple of days, but Dipper, on the other hand, is super tense and quiet. The only person who can get him to answer a question or to talk is Mabel, and it's really awkward for everyone in the house who isn't used to Dipper being so..different.
Later on, the Mcguckets and Pines make a small outing plan in celebration of the twins being safe and everything going well.
They end up hanging out by the lake where Tate works, and Dipper separates himself from the group because it's all just too much for him.
Dippers, too, in his head to realize Tate is sitting next to him, and when he does, he jumps and sort of just watches him from the corner of his eye.
The two make small talk, which soon morphs into them talking about family and fathers and all kinds of things. It doesn't take long for Tate to get attached to the two twins, they're really great kids.
Soon enough the conversation of how the grunkles most likely cannot be their legal gaurdians comes up and the twins are like devastated, but here comes Tate suggesting he could take em in.
Mostly because if he does, they'd still be related if Fiddleford and Stan are together. So really it's not a bad plan at all, Mabel is loving it because she honestly loves spending time with the man and she thinks it'd be nice to get him as a dad and be able to call Fiddleford grandpa.
Dipper, though, freaks out. Internally of course because he doesn't want to bring his sister down but he's secretly terrified because yeah Tate is a cool guy and he's super nice and his dad is also cool but at the same time he kinda barely knows the guy and he hates the idea of some guy just taking him and his sister away from his grunkles.
Like yeah he knows Tate will most likely let them see their grunkles but he's also terrified because he's started to like Tate and he's caught himself a few times thinking of what it'd be like to have him as a dad but he pushed the thought away as soon as it came.
It's not like he was scared that when Tate does adopt them and legally gets to be their father and all that, hell regret it. Dipper knows he's stubborn, knows he lashes out when he's upset, how he assumes the worst in almost any scenario, how he can't do anything like his sister.
Dipper knows that once Tate takes them in, he'll see how Mabel is the better twin, and he'll kick Dipper out and then never want to see him again. But no, Dipper is not scared of any of that. Whatsoever.
It takes a couple of fights and a few breakdowns, but they get there, Tate adopts the twins and makes them official McGuckets.
They all celebrate with a small party and it's a little rough, Dipper hasn't called Tate dad yet but that's ok because Tate is a patient man and he knows it's a hard transition anyway.
But when the time comes when Dipper finally calls Tate "dad," he most certainly doesn't cry.
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ketchup-monthly · 1 year
🎶 and ✅️ for the fanfic ask meme? :)
hehehe! into the fray i go again! thank you!!
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
-i dont necessarily listen to music when i write, like maybe i'll have some music going in the background because i need at least a low level of noise at all times or i'll go insane, but i know rn i'm listening to jazz radio on pandora because my brother put it on like 7 hours ago and its still going. i'm a huge fan of the classical composer Holst and his suite The Planets, and i'll listen to that when im writing or need to focus on whatever it is that i'm doing (Jupiter was my school song in high school and is actually one of my favorite classical songs because it's very lovely)(link here bc i have to share it)(this is a link to a playlist of the rest of the suite)
-i mostly just have the tv on if im writing at home, and then i'll usually put something like s1 of Lois and Clark, Green Lantern: the Animated Series, Tanked, some random cooking show, or Mysteries at the Museum. or whatever my youtube recommends. depends on how im feeling each day and how much i'll need to actually focus on my fic.
-i do listen to music when im driving for work, and currently im working my way through The Crane Wives and The Orion Experience's albums (i already finished Waterparks)
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
-Hal and Barry's cat, Goose. she's an orange kitten and Wally is allergic to her.
-kissies. lots of halbarry kissies
-guy gardner is really good with kids and also he has a dog named shark who is a retired k9 unit. also he watches soap operas and romance movies even tho hes totally aroace
-idk if its something that people even notice in my halbarry fics, but hal is jewish. tbh i think i mean to include it more but totally forget
-kryptonians are fucked up. so are speedsters. so are lanterns.
-hal is old-man core. he just is. its amazing and i love him. he also has a bad leg and has to use a cane sometimes bc he got an injury that healed very wrong when he was a young lantern
-also wally and kyle are basically always like...9 and 7 respectively in my fics about the halbarry family because idk. fun ages. theyre still little but they can talk and think. idk when they'll get older
-this is more in my aus that i haven't written but hopefully will eventually, but giving bruce's kids to literally anyone else. i have an au where the only kids bruce keeps are dick and damian and maybe duke. i have another where duke is trained/fostered by alan scott and his husband, and another where duke is trained/fostered by midnighter and eventually apollo. the au where the only kids bruce gets are dick and dami and duke is the same one where all the other batkids are taken in by various gotham rogues. i have aus where tim is trained/taken in by dinah lance and her mom dinah drake, kon is adopted by alan scott, roy is adopted by dinah and his her sidekick instead of olivers, billy is adopted by lex luthor, kon stays with lex luthor and is raised by him along with lexs daughter who is kons half twin, billy is adopted by clark and hal and sorta guy and the rest of the red lanterns that i like, clark is found by the gls when hes a baby and is raised by kilowog, etc etc etc. bestie i have so many aus and i could talk about them for ages (edit: i also have one where jason is adopted by john constantine and etrigan the demon without jason bloods knowledge)
-sorry most of those were about halbarry and their family lol. im writing a lot of that this year
thanks for the ask!!! <3
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lilietsblog · 3 years
one of my favorite Aro Dude moments in that series was:
he finds himself in a weird dreamscape, and recognizes it as a variation of a dreamscape other people he’s collected information from found themselves in
from his research, it looks and behaves like this (and not in another manner) when a person enters it voluntarily
however the dreamscape is dangerous and in the absence of That One Guy (who’s been missing and probably dead for half a year) Aro Dude is the only one in the line of regent succession  whom he’d trust to be regent, so if That One Guy is still missing he would not have entered the dreamscape voluntarily
therefore there was a first part to the dream that he doesnt currently remember, and he saw That One Guy in it
so, where is That One Guy? There’s a limited handful of locations he could be seen like this in, and a limited area he could be based on his last known location and also his known personality. The intersection comes down to two, and one of those locations would be deeply NOT comforting and confidence-inspiring to see him in. Therefore he’s at That Specific Place Narrowed Down To One.
Aro Dude still has no memory of the first half of his magical dream, but he knows exactly what it was!
(And he is right)
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bssaz97 · 4 years
A/N: Zwei Rose/Xiao-Long is property of @tanakaclinkbeard and this is a collab that we both did in our spare time. Hope you enjoy.
Zwei meets Gerald
Zwei lays asleep on his bed, snoring while in a curled up position.
Rowan: Hey Uncle Zwei.
Zwei’s eyes snapped open.
He yells drawing his hook swords.
Rowan: AH!
Zwei: What the-? Oh, it’s you. Wait, why are you in my room?
Rowan: I just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out for a bit!
Zwei: ‘groans’ Couldn’t you wait until morning?
Rowan: It’s technically morning.
Zwei looks at the clock that reads: 6:45 AM.
Zwei: Who the hell is up at this ungodly hour? ‘Groan’ Ok well I’m up so let me get ready.
Rowan: Ok.
< A few minutes later>
Zwei: ‘yawn’ Ok, what’s this you wanted to wake me up for?
Rowan: Well… Can I ask a favor?
Zwei: Hmmmm?
Rowan: It’s just... Summer is going to bring a friend over today and I need to ask you, to keep an open mind, and not get violent. Please?
Zwei: …. Is it Blaze? Cause I can't promise then.
Rowan: No not Blaze, I can guarantee that.
Zwei: Oh okay. Who?
Rowan: Well his name is Gerald. He’s a family friend and has been since Mom was in Beacon. He’s like a guardian to Summer. Sorta.
Zwei: Uh okay. Guess he isn't where I'm from.
Rowan: Nope.
Zwei: I feel like you hiding something
Rowan: Nope.
Zwei: ‘squints’ I feel like you are hiding something.
Rowan: He’s um different. I just need you to keep an open mind and that he’s a friend, so please, please, please don’t try to attack him when you see him. Trust me, you’re gonna want to, but it will mean the world to Summer if you didn’t..... Also he’s a Grimm.
Zwei gives his nephew a blank stare, drowsiness still affecting him to respond any other way.
Zwei: ...Okay.
Rowan: Yeah I feel like I should mention that on the off chance you do try to attack Gerald cause he be BIG.
Zwei: Kid, I went to the dream world physically and fought a Dream Vampire grimm when I was 13.
Rowan: Ok fair enough.
A portal opens and walks out Summer with Gerald the Ursa Major by side.
Summer: Hi Uncle Zwei!
Gerald: Rah.
Zwei: ....Hello Summer and holy fuck that is a big ass Ursa.
Summer: Swear!
Rowan: I told you so.
Summer: Gerald, this is my Uncle Zwei, he’s a friend.
Gerald begins to slowly walk up to Zwei.
Zwei: Hello giant Ursa..... What's up?
Gerald leans in close, sniffs at him causing some air to push against Zwei’s face before finally.... he gives him a big lick.
Zwei: ….Gross.
Gerald: Rah.
Summer: ‘giggles’ I think he recognizes your scent from our world. Him and Zwei were good playmates when he was young.
Gerald nods.
Zwei: Oh so he's sentient. Nice.
Summer: Is he ok? *whispers*
Rowan: I may have woken him up while he was asleep.
Summer: Why would you do that?!
Rowan: I forgot alternate worlds had differing Time zones!
Both twins turn back to their uncle who at the time was trying to support against the weight of a fully grown Ursa Major.
Zwei: Geez big guy… what they feed you?
Summer giggles.
Rowan: Yeah he’s really friendly. Mom loves him like he was her baby... well one of her other babies.
Gerald leans off of Zwei and favors to sit on his haunches.
Zwei: So Ruby raised a grimm? sound about right.
Summer: Yep, Gerald was the first of the Grimm Pack.
Zwei: Grimm pack?
Rowan: Yeahhh, Mom after Gerald started to adopt other Grimm to her family with Dad’s help in raising them.
Summer: Yep, Gerald’s brothers are Jeremy, Ben and Eric.
Zwei: Only Ruby would raise an entire family of Grimm.
Rowan: Yeah and out of all of em, Gerald was the safest bet. I had a feeling you and Eric would have a fight.
Zwei: Huh? Why?
Through the portal a voice came out.
Eric: Hey shitheads! You done in there?!
Gerald: Rahhh!
Eric: My ass! I ain’t going out there, you’re crazy!
Zwei: Oh it can talk?
Rowan: Yeah, he’s no harm to anyone really. He can just be rude from time to time.
Eric: Hey Mama’s boy, fuck you!
Rowan: As I said, he’s no real harm to anyone!
Rowan yells back at the portal.
Zwei narrowed his eyes towards the portal, becoming agitated by this foul mouthed voice on the other side of the portal.
Zwei: Hey. Watch your fucking mouth grimm.
Eric: Fuck you!
Zwei: .... Okay. Looks like I'll need to vibe check ya.
Zwei’s silver eyes shine a bit, but neither his niece or nephew noticed.
Summer: Wait! Uncle Zwei, no please!
Eric: Come and try it, I’ll kick your ass!
Eric walks through the portal and he looks up to Zwei.
Eric: Just try it! I dare ya, I triple dog dare ya!
Zwei pulls out his hook swords.
Zwei: You don't want this smoke you damn chicken.
Eric: CHICKEN?! I’ll peck your eyes out!
Summer: Uncle Zwei NO!
Rowan: ‘sigh’ This is why we went with you, Gerald.
Gerald: Rah.
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star-gamerxox · 4 years
Hey Guys,
So incase you guys havent ever seen them,
I have a lot of sanscest ship kids.
Specifically 7 actual ships and 1 uhh. 8 kids in total.
They all can answer asks and you can request art.
(I realized some of the parent titles and stuff arent accurate anymore. Also so people understand a bit more)
1. EveFalcity (ErrorMare, Error-Mom, Night-dad. Shipped with Zenai) (as she gets older she calls Error papa but she called him mom when she was younger)
2. Zenai (DustBerry, Blue- mom, Dust- dad. Shipped with EveFalcity) (Blue was okay with being called mom and isnt called mom in every story, but he does in many. It's what Blue taught him.)
3. Dawning (ErrorInk, Error- papa, Ink- dad. Twin/other side to Evelyn. Shipped with Calypso)
4. Evelyn. (ErrorInk. Same parent titles. No ship. Was orginally born mute and soulless. When her artificial soul is removed, when shes 2, Dawnibg appears byr gets trapped in her body. Later on Dawning is freed and they are 'twins')
5. Bryin (Bree-in) (HorrorLust ship child. Lust- Momma, Horror- papa. Shipped with Cayda) (Lust doesnt mind being called mom. Bryin does call Lust mom in every story)
6. Cayda (Kay-duh) (Crossmare. Cross- papa, NM-dad) (Cayda calls Cross mom in some worlds but papa is more common)
7. Calypso (Killer x Dream. Killer- dad, Dream- papa [maybe mom. I cant remember what I had written].) (Calypso is another one that changes as he grows up although he doesn't have Dream for the majority of his life. Dream dies when he is ten in the only story hes currently in)
8. Aurora (Nightmare. Just Nightmare. Dad/nightlight- NM)
Edit (August 2, 2020) I'm adding Daybreak and Sunrise
9. Daybreak (Papa- Shattered, dad- Cross)
10. Sunrise (papa- shattered, dad-cross)
11. Onyx (Reaper x Nightmare. Nightmare- dad, Reaper- papa)
12. Cobalt (same as Onyx)
13. Pearl (same and Onyx and Cobalt)
14. Syntax (dad- Blue. Papa- Error.)
15. Elliot (dad- Blue. Papa- Red/Fell)
16. Nelaya (dad- Dust, Papa- Dream. Parents are not romantically together-)
17. Spoop (he didnt know his parents cause he was kidnapped when he was a baby but hes a Horrorfarm kid.)
18. Azalea (kustard ship child. Dad- sans, papa- fell)
19. Pandora (abyss x bird. Dad- Abyss, papa- Bird.)
20. Viri (errorink. I adopted her from @amarald)
21. Aria (offically now. Shes been in the works since December 2020) (same as Daybreak and Sunrise)
Probably more I forgot or havent made yet
(Possibly more in the future-)
More updates: shipkids I’ve mentioned but never written down: from my notebook edition
22. Andromeda (night killer, nickname Andy)
23. Achilles (Nightkiller, Andromeda’s twin, nickname chill)
(I call those two the Greek myth twins)
24. Ebony-Blair (Cross x Killer ship kid)
25. Rue (horror x Dust, was initially gonna be part of my draw to adopt line up(which I never posted) but then I kept her.)
26. Pointe (lust x Dance, also apart of my draw to adopt line up that I’ve never posted, might keep)
(The other two draw to adopts I wouldn’t keep either way so not listed)
27. Nightshade (HorrorBerry. I actually planned for him to be a character and then forgot him-)
Can’t stop making characters I swear (nightshade doesn’t count-)
28. Errian (she’s an Error Soulshard except not exactly JUST Error… she was torn out as he fully shifted from Geno to error, that’s sorta vibes-)
(Was just scrolling through my posts using ship kids snd uhhh… forgot two that I adored. I’m not 100% on who I meant their parents to be, I’m scrolling-)
Kai and Maelee
And suprise? Their un-shattered forms even though they were technically born after Shattered became shattered.
(Dont ask these 2 questions. They arent fully designed characters yet, kinda just there for grins and giggles)
DayLight (papa- Dream, Dad- cross)
Sunshine (papa- Dream, Dad- cross)
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mochuelovelli · 4 years
ASOUE AU? ASOUE AU. Pt 1 (Characters)
Okay so I just posted a little doodle I did for an A Series of Unfortunate Events AU that I had been thinking about ever since I realized that Esmé was obviously Magica's VA (which was 3 days ago so oop). I don't have all the characters figured out right now (mostly bc quite frankly there aren't really enough adults that act so... neglectful towards the kids in ducktales). I'll list the ones I am pretty concrete on VS the ones I'm unsure or ones that I "reimagined" due to not everyone fitting perfectly in this world.
Characters that are Definite:
Glomgold as Count Olaf: Think about it, horrible actor/cosplayer (yes thats what he is). Both obsessed about riches, revenge and are generally incompetent. Really, Olaf is much more wicked in the ASOUE series imo (bc even tho Glomgold wants to kill Scrooge and steal his money. This anger only extends his wards if he wishes to use them against Scrooge and is less keen on the murdering of kids. Notice I said LESS). Not 100% if I want him to be as...well explicit as Olaf can be at times. Especially his characterization in the Bad Beginning if you know what I mean (pst it's child marriage)
Magicia DeSpell as Esmé Squalor: Like I said, this is a no brainer. She has the stage performance of Magicia with a bit of Mark Beaks Mom (forget her name) mixed in. Probably would downplay her love for fashion and replace it with an obsession with the occult. I would also not have her be obsessed with Glomgold, its more in character for Glomgold to be obsessed with her anyhow. It is also possible bc I tend to believe she is a more compelling villian in canon that she might take the place of Glomgold on the Island in "The End". But I also plan for Scrooges Number One Dime to replace the Sugar bowl so, maybe not.
Doofus Drake as Calmanita Splats: Duh, spoiled brat who is very creepy and probably has parents that want them dead? Instead of wanting to sing all the time he mainly wants to wreak things/people. He still definitely dresses up tho into a hodgepodge of things. It always changes and Glomgold is always annoyed by this but he likes him more than Magicia. She definitely wants him dead just like Olaf in the series (she really hates kids).
Duckworth as Larry your waiter: Yeah not much competition for this role. It was either him or Launchpad. Duckworth is too perfect for this role and he honestly will play a better spy than canon Larry. If I ever write it out a lot of the "fight scenes" and anime-esque "explaining how I fooled you" dialogue will definitely be reworked but still present. I will however not keep out the main theme of neglect or ignorance with the adults, they will still fail in that regard as always but will just not literally stand there and tell Olaf "We finally caught you, now let me explain why we are so smart oh no you set something on fire again". I mean...maybe for a Mr. Poe but not the VFD. Or...SHUSH I should say but more on that later (or in another post who knows?)
Scrooge McDuck as Lemony Snicket (sorta): Okay so OBVIOUSLY we can't have our "Lemony" have the hots for the McDuck siblings mom (yes another thing I must explain oh boy). Scrooge will still be gilted in love by, of course Goldie though I am still not 100% if she should play part of the the role of Kit Snicket (again NOT related to Scrooge) or should she be someone else entirely. Scrooge is basically the reason everything is happening in this AU just like the canon Lemony but writes sad letters to Donald and Della as well as Goldie. As you might of well guessed, Scrooge's Fortune is also the riches the McDuck's have.
Fethry Duck as Dr. Monty: Of course a snake lover will become a marine lover in this AU! Also of COURSE Mitzy will play the roles of the incredibly deadly viper AND the great unknown! Fethry and Dr. Monty not being mentioned by their family but also too enthralled with their studies to care all that much (but seriously thats fucked up ducktales). Totally made for this role. As far as setting goes this will be where the siblings will be underwater first but since the series already has plently of aquatic locals I will probably swap out the Lake Lacamose story with Peru or the Galapagos. Speaking of...
Ms. Quackfaster as Aunt Josephine: For narrative purposes it would make sense that Ms. Quackfaster would lose her edge as a brave and bold woman. For what exact reason I am still trying to figure out. Not sure if I still want to keep the "Ike" storyline, maybe she just got really spooked by FOWL. Maybe some creature from the Galapagos ate her leg or something.
Ma Beagle as Dr. Orwell: This particular role was sort of hard for me to cast due to the fact that Dr. Orwell is older and romantically involved with Olaf (at least its sorta there). I really didn't want to give this role to Owlson bc other than she isn't a bad person, she is also way too young. Ma Beagle already has a similar motivation im canon to want to reclaim Duckburg as Beagleburg so the Terrible Mills plot to frame the B for causing a fire in order to have control over the mill is very in line with Ma. I originally wanted the Beagle Boys be working in the Mill but since I am changing the setting to Egypt, I decided to use the people stuck in the pyrimid (idk what they are actually called) and will either use Amulet, Launchpad or Dijin as Cookie
Characters that are Mixed with others:
Huey Duck as the Narrative Role of Violet B.: I mostly imagined(?) the kid characters in a approximation of set characters from the books/series. For this reason, Huey plays the ROLE of Violet Baudelaire so that he can take the "inventor" occupation. I went back and forth on finding who would have Violet's quirk of using an object to help her think. My mind originally went to Webby since she has a bow and I wanted Huey's obsession with the Incomplete History of Secret Organizations to take the place of his JWG. However I reworked it so that Huey's JWG would act as Violet's ribbon with him having to flip through his beat up (and slightly burnt) journal to find a quick solution or just to calm his nerves. Something that applies to all the triplets and twins is that their last names are changed to "McDuck" mostly bc it sounds better that they are later called the "McDuck Murders" instead of the "Duck Murders" as well as Scrooges edited role in the kids lives. He has a mix of Klaus' social awkwardness and habit of talking at length about his special interests to whoever will listen. Huey is also the one who gets hypnotized in the Miserable Mill ep.
Louie Duck as the Narrative Role of Sunny B.: Pretty sure I swapped Louie and Webby for this role in my first post but whatever. I wanted to confusingly change Klaus' role into a "Charmer" or "smooth talker" (obviously still a work in progress) since I felt that Huey in DuckTales canon was always well researched as well a good mechanic and having two characters who pretty much fit the same role was... redundant. I also wanted to really make Webby's Sunny much more inline with her notorious/abnormal fighting abilities. However, I realized that instead of changing Klaus' role I should just change Sunny's characterization since I would have to rework it anyways since she was a baby. I also got the idea from recently rewatching the series and saw Sunny basically trick her way out of being trapped with the Hook handed man (i.e. Fernald). I will instead make Louie's role as what he functionally is in DuckTales (the guy who can talk his way out of anything). He would probably also say his occupation is "Defense Attorney" or something along those lines. He is also the one who gets captured the most but not by much. However while he still has Sunny's sarcasm, he also has Klaus' inherit skeptism and distrust of adults.
Webby Vanderquack as the Narrative Role of Klaus B.: Like I said in Louie's segment, Webby is changed to Klaus or more accurately the "Researcher" of the group. She is often the one who stays up late, researching ways to get out of Glomgold's schemes. Unlike Klaus though, she has more of the optimism of Violet but might not put as much belief into all authority as Huey might. She still has role models that she looks up to but isn't against bending the rules. She also unfortunately takes Violet's role of becoming "Olaf's bride" in the Bad Beginning. In the story she has always lived with the McDucks but didn't take their name and still had Mrs. B (until she was around 10, she was 12ish when the fire happened). However, she is still in the McDuck Will and therefore Glomgold hatches a plan to use her to get the fortune. She also tricks him by signing her name "Vanderduck" or "McDuck" instead of Vanderquack to make the marriage null in void. She is also a mix of Sunny since she is generally the most physically capable out of the children.
Dewey Duck as the Narrative Role as Quigley Quagmire: Okay honestly after a rewatch, I don't exactly know what makes Duncan and Quigley that different from each other. I'm pretty sure Duncan is the Klaus of his siblings but whatever. Dewey mostly just 1/2 of the reveal that two people survived the fire during the Carnival segment (which is changed to an underground wrestling theme for reasons to be explained). I am fairly certain that during the last part of the Village of Fowl Devotees I want Dewey be the one left behind with Webby and Lena that way we can have more time spent with him and Weblena/ Magicia v Lena drama. Dewey's occupation would be "Comedian/Host/Actor" . He also is the one the adults ignore during the first half and will be the subject of Triplet/only child jokes that the Quagmires face.
Gosalyn Mallard as the Narrative Role of Duncan Quagmire: Okay so like, no she isn't related or adopted by the Quagmires
Lena Saberwing as the Narrative Role of Isadora Quagmire: c'mon both these kids like poetry. Literally I can think of no other DuckTales kid that likes that (other than Webby but that was more of her liking Lena's stuff). She will still have her background as Magica's niece and might take some of the role of Fernald where he gets redeemed by betraying Olaf/saving Sunny. I am unsure by what extent though as she isn't going to be a henchperson of Glomgold or Magica. It might be that she is uses morally questionable ways to get what she wants/needs. Maybe she is "good" but has to commit a terrible act similar to how the Baudelaires have to burn down the carnival.
Characters that I am uncertain about or straight up don't have someone in that role:
Violet Saberwing as the Narrative Role of Fiona Widdershins: Like Fiona, Violet was also originally distrusted by a part of the cast (in this AU, it probably be Webby and/or Louie as Huey catches feelings lol). She is also obsessed with the occult not fungus and has to save probably Louie from losing his soul or something (wip). Violet more than any of the main cast of kids will probably act more like her canon self since she is naturally straight forward and booksmart. She probably gets forced to stay with Glomgold until her and Lena can escape again. Also since I didn't want it to be another underwater local and wanted it to relate to DuckTales17 a bit more closely I thought it be better if they were in the sky. Maybe Violet got the Sun chaser or maybe even the Spear of Selene. Maybe instead of going to look for their dads (since they are dead oof) they come back at The End to tell the McDuck Siblings et all that they might of found something...or someone important.
Boyd as the Narrative Role of Friday: This is definitely more of a stretch as really he is only Friday because in role only because I want him at the Island at The End so that he can save the siblings from whatever organic incident happens since he is still an android. I previously thought he could also fit the role of Fernald since he could go through a redemption arc easier due to him sorta going through one in the show. Its not out of the realm of possibility that Glomgold could have reprogrammed him to obey him (he might still do something similar I haven't figured it out 100%).
Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera as the narrative role of Hector: He probably won't faint as much as Hector but he will have to be pushed by the kids to be confident in himself during the Vile Village (which will probably change to a Capital city since I plan to rework FOWL into this). Maybe its similar to a military academy which makes having a set of rules make sense. Its also possible that Fenton escapes with some of the kids in the Sunchaser by the end of this.
Steelbeak as the Narrative Role of Fernald Widdershins: I mainly chose him because Steelbeak and Hookhanded man both most clearly are shown to be sympathic antagonists. They are still functionally villians, much more so than any of the children like Boyd or Lena who, yeah, have done bad things but in one case wasn't given the freewill to decide for himself or was but when she decided to stand up for herself she was literally tortured and had her freedom taken away (more so than in the beginning since. Steelbeak would, like Fernald, be making a choice as an adult man to be apart of a mad man's troop and was harden enough to commit murder if it meant he could impress his boss. But because he is not related to (by blood or otherwise) any protagonist I struggle to know where to put him. I might still have him defect during the end of what would have been the Grim Grotto ep and comes back with the Saberwings at The End. Maybe he brings Gosalyn back after finding her at some point, maybe he dies somewhere towards The End. Not sure.
Gladstone/Ghost of Christmas Past/News Reporter Lady as the Narrative Role of Mr. Poe/Mr. Poes Wife: wow this one is really confusing. My reasoning behind these picks is because The News lady would be a great pick for Mr. Poe's wife or at least a substitute as she has similar motivations in DT17. The biggest set back for her tho is that she has no reason to be on the Baudelaire case (or McDuck case anyways). Ghost of Christmas past is a bit of a stretch since why the fuck would he be in charge of making sure the kids had guardians? I mainly want him just bc of his motivation (or lack thereof) to do his job and being incompetent at it. Gladstone while making some sense that he also would be uncaring about where the kids go is also a stretch given he is a relative and he while he might not care 100% about their whereabouts he wouldn't lose them like Mr. Poe would simply bc he is so damn Lucky. Its possible to work that against him, maybe in a scenerios like where he drops off the kids but gets whisked away because some rando gifts him a boat. Still unsure.
Mrs. Beakley as either the Narrative Role of Jaclyn S (Mr. Poes Secretary/VFD spy)., Olivia C. (Librarian): I want Mrs. B to have a role which fits her being experienced and competent but also met a tragic demise. I might mix the experience of JS with the fate of OC. Poor Webby.
Justice Strauss as ???: I'll be honest, I am stumped with this one. This is a very important role to fill and I can't quite find an adult character that fits the bill of Justice Strauss. Mrs. B is too smart, Launchpad studying law while ridiculous, is something inline with the show but he doesn't have a DT17 motivation similar enough to Strauss where he's desires can be exploited nor has he really want kids in the same sense as Strauss. Drake Mallard is close since he is an actor but having him work with law is a bit of a stretch, I also think that making him somewhat bumbling is an insult to his character but Strauss is tragic since she WANTS to very much be the Baudelaires guardian but fails so much. Maybe in a safer world she could have been, maybe if they were luckier. She loves them so much, but they run away where she can't find them to at least try to be there for them and is left heart broken by the end. Whoever becomes JS is in for a world of hurt and I'm sorry. Goofy could also be a replacement, maybe Max died for more angst 😬.
Goldie or Daisy as the narrative role of Kit Snicket: This kinda gets really fanfic-y as neither of these characters really fit nicely into this role. Goldie definitely has the skill of Kit and her disregard for the rules but the pregnancy thing is... something. Not entirely sure if I actually want her to be pregnant but I also want a Beatrice II type character (of course she would be named Della II) but again very fanfic-y. Daisy I am more comfortable being the one who gets pregnant, she might take Olivias role as the new VFD recruit instead of Kits more seasoned one. All I know is that if either or both outcomes exist they will die also a Dewey Deanumont(?) Character wouldn't be the father it would of course be Donald or Scrooge depending who gets pregnant.
Jacques Snicket as ???: Another mystery for me. Functionally? Maybe Manny could play this role or even Launchpad (he really is just my go to for any character idk about huh?) Whoever it is will die but wont have a romance with the Olivia character(s). Maybe its Goofy lmao.
This is quite long enough, let me know if y'all got any more ideas. I'll edit this when I can since I am tired of writing. Please comment or reblog for suggestions and the like thx u. And please...Look Away while you still can.
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ionlyeatcomfortfood · 5 years
The Selection: Sander Side Style- Chapter 3
A/N: Okay, so I know I said the next writing would be the third part of A Boy Worth Fighting For, but I’ve been struggling to write that, but I FINALLY FINISHED CHAPTER THREE FOR THIS BAD BITCH SO I’M POSTING IT! Hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 1965 (oh my gosh I wrote so much)
Pairings: Logince, Moxiety
Warnings: Homophobia, Kicked Out, negative talk towards Roman, sympathetic Remus, cursing.
Chapter 1  | Chapter 2
He had done it. Roman had done it. He turned in an application against his mother’s wishes. Holy shit.
He had never done anything like this before. Remus was the bad boy, the one who didn’t follow the rules. Roman was a golden boy. He always did what his parents said, ‘cause parents know best. At least that’s what he thought.
But when his mom exploded, Roman just knew he couldn’t listen to her anymore. If she was going to so vehemently deny who Roman was, even if she didn’t know it, how could Roman listen?
So he had done what he wanted for once. He wanted to be apart of the Selection, so he applied. It had been about a week since he had sent in an application, and tonight was the night they would announce the Selection contestants. Roman was equally parts excited and scared. But he was ready.
Or so he thought.
He had to beg his mom to watch it. Lyssa did not want anything to do with the broadcast, but a glance at Roman’s puppy eyes did the trick. They sat down on the couch to watch the king announce the Selection contestants.
“We have Patton Foster, Four. Delcan Rose, Two.”
Come on, come on.
“Emile Picani, Three. Remy Zephyr, Four.”
Come on. Please.
“Roman Prince, Five.”
The king continued down the list of names, but no one in the Prince household was listening. The television wasn’t turned off, it just sorta became background noise.
“You put in an application. After I specifically told you not to?” Lyssa was silently fuming. Remus and Carlos were waiting behind her, quiet.
“Why? You’d have to be crazy! Or… no,” Lyssa shook her head. “No, no, no. Y-you can’t be a…”
“A homosexual, Mom? Is that the word you’re looking for? Yes, Mom.” Roman spat the words out. He wouldn’t have been able to get them out of his head otherwise.
Lyssa was quiet for a moment for she said “Get out.”
“You heard me. Get out of my house, you monster! Get out!” Lyssa screamed.
Roman knew she was going to react harshly, but he hadn’t been expecting this. He just thought she would give him the silent treatment until it was time for him to go to the palace. He didn’t expect her to kick him out.
“Mom, please-”
“You’re no son of mine! I did not raise my kid to be a homosexual! SO GET OUT!”
Roman turned to his father and brother. His father’s face was impassive, but Remus was actually a little sympathetic. “Dad.”
“You heard your mother,” Carlos’s voice was ice cold. “Out.”
“Rem. Please.”
Remus looked at his parents, fire and ice, and walked over to Roman. Roman sighed.
“I’m not leaving you, Roman.”
“What? Remus, you can’t be thinking about going with this imbecile!” Lyssa said.
“Mom. I can do what I want. Besides, if you must know, I also put my name in the drawing, because I am a raging homosexual.” Remus didn’t even bat an eye when Lyssa went fucking ballistic.
“You as well! What went wrong? What is going on?”
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, we have places to be,” Remus said, dragging Roman out the door. “Oh, and if you did love us, at some point, would please direct any palace officials to the Redwood’s household?” 
And with that, Remus slammed the door, leaving a dumbfounded pair left in the Prince household, TV still blaring.
The next couple days were insane for Roman. Their parents had done what Remus had requested and directed palace officials to the Redwood’s house. Remus was an old friend of the eldest Redwood, Maxon, so the Redwoods welcomed them in and congratulated Roman on his success.
Tailors came and measured him for suits, manner coaches talked to him about where he was, manner was (quite adept), and just plain government workers who explained how this would all work a million times over.
They would arrive at the palace, along with thirty-four other guys, in which the prince would pick and choose guys he liked and go on dates with them. At a certain point, the prince picks his Elite, ten guys that have the best shot of being the prince’s spouse (they always used ‘spouse’, not husband). Then from there, the prince chooses who he will marry.
They had also mentioned how his family would get paid every week he was still in the Selection, which he had made a few inquires about.
“So, this family is not my birth family,” Roman said while the tailor maneuvered around him.
The official that was there that day, Ms. Potts, glanced up from the magazine she was reading. “Are you adopted?”
“No. But my parents kicked me out when I was announced a winner, so I was wondering if the money could come to this family?”
“No can do, sir,” Potts said. “Only the families of the contestants can receive the money.”
“What about my brother?” Roman asked.
Potts looked over to where Remus was chasing around the younger kids and sighed. “How old is he?”
“He’s my twin, and we turn 18 in three months.” Roman said as the tailor finished his measurements.
Potts thought for a moment, before saying “We could probably transfer the funds to him. We would just need to get your written consent that you’re okay with that.”
Roman nodded. “Of course.”
“Well, with that out of the way, we should get going. Come along Bartholomew,” Potts said to the tailor. He packed up his supplies and they were off.
“So, is that all the fancy prep you have for today?” Remus asked, the younger Redwood children, Ravyon and Celie, hanging off his legs.
“Yeah. Until tomorrow, that is.”
“So, do you think we could go visit the children?” Remus smiled.
Roman nodded. ‘The children’ Remus were referring to were the kids down in the orphanage. It was the one thing the twins had always done together. They would visit the orphanage and tell stories, play with the kids, and help deal with temper tantrums and nasty diapers. They hadn’t gone in some while, especially since Remus had his accident.
“I’d love to.” Roman said, and with that, the two left the Redwoods with a goodbye and a promise to bring back some bread.
When they entered the orphanage, they were greeted by a flurry of young children crowding them. Every child was shouting, and it was really quite a sight.
“Roman! Do you have another story?”
“Remus! Look what I drew!”
“You’re back!”
“Woah, everybody, take a breather,” Roman said, hugging all the kids that were holding onto him. “I know you guys are excited, but we’re only two people, and there are twenty of you.”
“Twenty-one now,” One of the older kids, Lace, said. “There’s a new kid, but they don’t wanna come out of there room.”
“Oh. Well in that case, I’ll go talk to them, see if I can get them to join us. Remus, would you mind telling these rascals a fairy tale?” Roman asked, already slipping away from the crowd.
“My pleasure. Say, how many of you have heard the story of Cinderella?”
Roman walked down the hallway to see a door closed. He knew from previous visits that the door was usually open because there was no child to occupy it. The new kid must be in there.
Roman knocked on the door and waited till he heard a small little ‘come in’ before entering.
“Hello, little one. What’s your name?” Roman asked the small child curled up on the edge of their bed.
“I’m Mo,” The little one whispered, curling more into themselves.
“Hey, your okay. There’s no reason to be nervous.” Roman crouched next to Mo and smiled. “So, are you a little prince or princess?”
“I’m neither,” Mo said.
“Alright, then you are tiny but mighty royalty!” Roman exclaimed, striking a dramatic pose. Just as he intended, he got a little giggle out of the child.
“Would you like to hear a story, Mo?” Mo nodded. “Alrighty. Have you heard of the Princess and the Dragon?” Mo shook their head. “Well, here it goes.”
Roman recounted the story, waving his hands around, making different voices for all the characters, and just being his normal goofy self. Mo was laughing, gasping, and yelling, and it made Roman’s heart warm. From just one story, he had gotten this shy child to laugh. He was good at this, and it made him proud to be him.
“So, did you like that story?” Roman asked as he wrapped up the tale.
Mo nodded excitedly. “Can you tell me another one?”
Roman glanced at the time. “I’m sorry, but me and my brother have to get going.” 
“Oh. Can you come next week?”
“Again, no. I’m going to be at the castle.”
Mo’s eyes widened. “The castle? What for?”
“I’m part of the Selection.”
Mo’s eyes got even wider. “Really?”
“Woah, that’s so cool!” 
“I know.”
“Hey!” Mo jumped up from the bed to grab a sheet of paper. “How about when your in the castle, you write me letters!” Mo wrote the address of the orphanage on the sheet of paper and handed it to Roman. “Please?”
“Of course, tiny but mighty royalty!” Roman smiled, giving the kid a quick hug before going to find his brother.
The last few days before he left for the palace rushed by Roman, leaving him breathless. He could barely keep up with everything that was happening. And before he knew it, it was the day he had been waiting for. The day they traveled to the palace.
Ms. Potts was back to escort Roman to the car, since there was already a hoard of press waiting outside to bombard him with questions. He had said all his goodbyes except for one: Remus.
Roman stood before his brother. Remus, despite all his buffoonery, was a good person underneath. He was just a little misguided. He placed a hand on Remus’s shoulder.
“Okay. I had them direct the money the families get weekly to you. But do not blow it on yourself. Give some to the Redwoods, since they’re going to be hosting you for awhile.”
Remus shrugged off Roman’s hand. “I know. I was already planning on it.”
“Remus. Seriously. Be smart about this.”
“Geez, Dad, I already told you I would. Okay? I’m okay now.”
Roman looked at his twin. They were so different, but they were still brothers. And Roman still loved him.
Roman pulled Remus into a hug. “Thank you for leaving with me. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”
“You’d probably be wandering on the streets.” Remus joked. “But in all seriousness, I wouldn’t have stayed with those witches anyway. I would gladly do it again.”
The brothers hugged, then it was time for Roman to be off.
“Farewell, all. I shall see you in another life.”
“You’re leaving for a couple months. We’ll see you soon enough.” Remus said, and it was the last thing Roman heard before he was whisked away.
Roman got situated on the plane, when a voice joined his thoughts.
“Hello! I’m Patton! It’s nice to meet you!” A blonde boy was sitting next to him, freckles adorning his face and a permanent smile on his face.
“I’m Roman Prince. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
“Prince? Well that’s no fair, you already have an advantage!” Patton joked.
“Well, you must use every advantage you have, my dear Patton.” Roman joked back.
“I can tell we are going to be royal friends.” Patton smiled.
Roman smiled back. Maybe there was more to look forward to than just the prince in the Selection.
Click here to read the fairy tale Roman told Mo.
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crypticcatalys · 5 years
Dreams Ive had involving Avatar in no particular order or context.
(This is super long btw)
I was a na'vi and i was with neytiri and jake at some waterfall. We were Parachuting i guess because we parashuted to the end on the fall and into a lake. There was a barrier at 8 feet so we swam to a car in a parking lot and bille joe Armstrong was there and we drove to a gas station, i woke up.
I was a na'vi. I was jake and neytiri's kid apparently. And tsu'tey was alive and said he was my weird uncle super loud. We were at some seafood restaurant and it was beside the animal kingdom park. These people where being jerks to us and being racist because we were na'vi. There was a tornado for a second then someone yeled that grace was dying so we started running and hopping animal habitat fences and lines while someone was narrating then the girls from despicable me were there. The park was different the floating mountains were still there but it also looked like a mall. Rumpelstiltskin was there and being evil. And something was at stake? I woke up
I was in some warehouse at first then I was at home. Then me and my friends were walking to my grandmas house. I was a na'vi again i think, and they mentioned we were going to go see another na'vi that looked female with a Hispanic accent named Alex i think and that he sold Rick and Morty balloons. My friend said that he wasn't nice and that the last time they saw him he crapped himself? I woke up after that.
I was in some house and there was a guy there he was abusive so I threw a chair at him and my grandma was there. We ran and then we were at some bridge leading to Flight of passage. The bridge was like a rollercoaster because when i crossed it it kept moving. In the ride queue there were Toruk the First Flight performers and it was actually cool. But the actual ride/link area was like a movie theater and it wasn't even flight of passage. It was a 'modern disney character life' simulation movie thing. I woke up from anger.
I was na'vi and i was in this building (our home?) And it was collapsing. Fire was everywhere and when it was destroyed everyone was holding each other and crying.
I was at the store with my mom and my friend was there. I could fly so i picked my friend up and we were on top of the aisle. Some couple was fighting and me and my friend went back to the floor and we ate these heart shaped sugar cookies. Then i heard the song 'Direhorse' and there were Toruk performers there. They were on this stage type thing that sorta went into the ground. I got excited and one of the performers gave me a spear from the Tipani and it was cool. Then i was Booker Baxter and i was telling raven that i could not tell nia that i could fly because she would be sad? I woke up after that.
I was a avatar driver this time. I was with Grace in her avatar and we were in some auditorium type place. We had left on grace's ikran(i guess she had one) and we went to 7-eleven. Grace was looking or was doing something and she had mentioned her old middle school. Some kid was on the roof of the gas pump area and they hung up a couple of laminated song lyrics. Me and grace went back to the auditorium and it was nature-y all of the seats were gone and it was like a outdoor elivated buffet on a waterfall and the roots of this willow tree at the top of the waterfall sorta made seating areas. Me and grace were at a table across from some Korean group from YouTube rewind and jackie chan was there. They all had twins and they were eating cake. One of them gave me a na'vi doll like the ones at Disney. I started eating then i woke up.
I was in some medieval park? And on some sort of field trip. Some couple was mad and calling for someone to come and pick them up. Then something happened and everyone was yelling and causing chaos. The bus/picnic bar thing we drove there had tables full of cake but the benches were gone. Then grace and jake were there and grace told jake that he needed to eat and he said "ok mom" grace smiled and then i woke up.
I was at my school but it had voltrons colors everywhere and I was helping this one kid in a wheel chair get down the stairs but the first time I went down them it didn't work? We went outside and there were busses that were the color of the lions and we had to get on a certain bus. I put the kid on the yellow bus and I got on the black one but it was purple. We drove somewhere shady and then we were in this haunted house above the floor from another dream I had like 2 months before and it was exactly the same except there was this ghost lady robot thing and she was following us and she touched my friends shoulder, and then I was the only person on the ride. Then I was on the floor and there was this mickey mouse stuffed animal puppet thing and it was sorta bouncing in front of me. Then I sorta went Lucid and made the area change to the Tree of Souls from Avatar. I woke up for a second then I was on the side of some highway and I was on a farm in some tribe. Someone shot a arrow through my finger so this nice old lady and her granddaughter broke the arrow and healed me and it reminded me of the Tawkami. Then there was random klance in this old apartment then I woke up again.
I was in a goldfish commercial area under the bed, then i was in a mansion in pixie hollow and the main cast and queen clarion was there. There was a parade sorta and then a buffet with rainbow fruit on pancakes and sugar. I went through some doors and i was home? But it was different. My room was set up like my grandmas and there was some person in there and then i was in the hallway bathroom at my grandmas and some boy was in there. Then I was on a human vacation base on Pandora with some family. I was a avatar driver and there was a field trip group and a class. Music from Toruk was playing and it was the Tipani's theme. Then me and the family went to this cafe type thing and we were beside Na'vi river journey and i could hear the Shaman singing. I got a chocolate cheesecake with whipped cream and when i started eating i woke up.
Sam Worthington was giving me a tutorial on how to draw Jake but the nose was weird.
I was watching this park and jake was there. He was in his human body at first with max and grace in some lab and grace took his phone. Then jake was in his avatar body and he was playing a game with the omyticaya he said something about the color yellow and everyone jumped and laughed. Some amusement park was being shut down then I woke up.
Connie from SU was playing hidden valley but the characters were the diamonds. Then i was in my culinary class and i was talking about someones mom and saying that she was racist. My teacher got mad at me then i was behind a curtain on a stage and this woman was dressed in leather and talking to a crowd. She was with a guy with a cheap looking ikran mask. Then i was at church and it was my school again. Then my friend was there and I fought her and won. Then i was in the office and was getting writen up but mom wasn't. Then i woke up.
James Cameron and Sigorney Weaver were directing Toruk. I was looking for them in the crowd and fangirling. Toruk looked weird with arms instead of wings. Sigorney said hi to me from the technician booth that was beside my chair. Sam Worthington was there and he and sigorney had a scene in the play as their Avatar characters. Jake had accidentally stole a bow and arrow and grace went 'mom mode' and got mad. Then someone had shot a arrow and it hit him in the head but he had protective gear on so he didn't really die. Then i was back home but my living room window showed the stage of the show an sigorney said hi again and i got really happy. Then i opened my dryer and it was full of nickelodian stuff.
Neytiri and jake were role swapped so he was a born Na'vi and she was a dreamwalker. I was a dreamwalker and neytiri's adopted daughter for some reason. We were talking to Quaritch and he was threatening us because he was about to bomb hometree. We convinced him to let us talk to the na'vi and get them out in time. I woke up in my avatar's nivi and jumped to the branch neytiri was on and we went to go find the others.
Hometree was about to be attacked. The RDA was using these weird missiles underwater and flooded Hometree. Avatar Norm was hanging on somewhere near the top of the tree watching toruk fly through a waterfall that formed while saying "come on, where are you" then the water drained and jake and neytiri floated out of the tree base and jake was dressed in his tawtute clothes and Neytiri was a Tessa Thompson look alike in a purple glittery suit and black heels. They started breathing again and jake said something about being relieved.
I was in some field with my Chromebook and on the Avatar website. It was really colorful and pretty. The trailer for the second movie was up but before i could watch it i had to play this mini game. I was Tsu'tey and i was at this river and Mo'at and Eytukan were on a dock on the otherside. This boat had floated towards me and it was full of tools and weapons and Mo'at said I had to find 3 spear heads. I found them and then i was following the river until i was on a dock. I walked to the end of it and i thought i was at the Metkayina clan and i thought i was going to see Bailey Bass' character but i just saw irl her and a bunch of tawtute. Apparently it was a human village and i was the only Na'vi there. I got scared i think and ran. Then some characters from bunkd were there and Mateo was embarrassed about something so he left and was making his own camp when destiny took a tarp/map and gave it to him so he could make a tent. And the camp was by a cornfield.
I was watching Toruk live and i was onstage. Entu, Ralu, and Tsyal were there. The left part of the Hometree stage was deflated. It was really colorful. The tipani spears were on the center stage area. The omiticaya were harvesting something (maybe fruit)from the still standing part of the Hometree and music was playing but it wasn't from the show's soundtrack. Then there was water and something happened and i was in my room and mom told me to wake up. Then my alarm clock wole me up irl.
Jake and neytiri were hunting a angsìk. Tsu'tey and two other hunters were there. One was Na'vi and one was Polynesian. Jake had went to do his plan and Tsu'tey told neytiri it would not work. But they heard something and when they turned around jake was covered in mud and three angstìk were dead. Tsu'tey said that he was surprised and neytiri was dragging jake to a river to make him clean the mud off.
Backstage of Toruk. Friends with Tsyal and the Tsahìk. Cannibal Hotel.
Broke into some guys house with me grandma. Backstage performing TORUK at school on stage. Changed from Tipani to Omiticaya. Found a green chest cover.
I was in ponyville looking for fluttershy's house then i was on the street that connected mine and my Grandma. It was a part of a dream i had before. A pallulukan was there and my grandma kept talking and it almost heard us. Then Neytiri was there and looking for a kid version of Peyral who was hiding in the house we were beside. It was raining so we went in then suddenly Neytiri was dressed as Tsyal.
I was taking a bath and washing the dishes at the same time. Then I was a Na'vi again and we were preparing to fight the RDA. Except we were hiding in my grandads basement/garage and it was huge. There were 2 separate sleeping areas with over 100 bunk-beds in each area and a cafeteria. It was like the Avatar long house but bigger. Norm was there and he was my uncle and he was in his avatar body. The other clans started arriving and going to find beds and get food. I was embarrassed about something. Neytiri was a human/avatar and toruk makto and my mom again in this dream. She was coming back from somewhere but I woke up before seeing her.
I met James Cameron and talked to him about how much I love Avatar and how many times I watched it this year. And at some point Ralu and Entu were involved.
I was selling newspapers at a grocery store when someone made fanart, and a fanvideo of Asal (my avatar oc). But they shipped her with Entu. But I still left a like because it was nice.
I was in the AVATAR program but everything looked different. The technology looked more alien than human. The sleeping areas were just these bunks cut into walls with glass doors so there was no privacy or quiet because they were in a busy hallway. The base was confusing to walk through. Everything looked the same. The link room was smaller and had three link chambers. But they looked different and were glowing orange and black, or purple. Only jake could link completely. Mine and Norm's wouldn't work. Until mine did after a few tries. I could feel my tail move but then I was put back in my human body. We didn't go outside. Then I was in Neytiri's body and i was flying around the Pandora theme park. I was flying around the floating mountains before I was in the line for flight of passage with my friend. The line queue had a Quaritch robot talking about something and part of the millenial falcon in it. We got on the ride and the chairs were like a movie theater and the screen mention a patronus bracelet. Then I woke up and it felt like I was unlinking.
I was in the school and I had to use magic to change a sink full of water into Vodka but I turned it into champagne. I was being graded on it and I got a B. Then I was on a alien planet with two other people. We were found and brought to a base that was playing Christian Horror movies as a joke. We were taken to a back room were they gave us Toruk makeovers. I had started to put the suit on and and had just started to paint my face when I woke up.
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drilovskyclan · 7 years
SITS MC Bios And Faces
Aria Nunikiya
Faceclaim: Sora Amamiya
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Literal angel okay
Like she never has a mean word to say about anyone
Thinks REVANCE are pains in the butt but loves them anyway
Originally from a tiny little village just outside Osaka
Grandparents raised her
Dad ran away from home when he was 17
Mom was a drug addicted prostitute (big time differant than a sex worker though) in Osaka
 Was left at the hospital after she was born
Homeschooled till she was 16 then forced to go to a boarding school in Tokyo
Biggest virgin to ever virgin
Addicted to showtunes
Can hold a note for almost a minute as long as it’s not too high
Deep voice when singing
Like Christina Aguilera deep
Met the Ena’s several times while growing up
Always has headphones on, like Taka
Sae Akimatra
Faceclaim: Deborah Ann Woll
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The Dancer 
Has been dancing ballet since before she could walk
Third child of the wealthy Akimatra family
Older sisters Sari and Seiso
Younger brother (practically twins, only a month apart) Prestley
Younger sisters Seaka and Shae
All the siblings are half siblings
Father is the ultimate man-whore
Stepmom is evil
“Sometimes I forget my middle name, then I remember I don’t have one.”
Dated Ritsuto for 3.5 seconds to help their careers then decided that was stupid and stopped
As intelligent as a brick wall but also as tough as one
Is barely 5′ 2′’ but will fight you 
Mother is a Polish choreographer
Says Ritsuto “sold me to REVANCE like a damn dancing slave” even though she agrees to help them
The Boss in the dance studio
If Iori and her are in a room alone for more than 2 minutes they’ll either kill each other or kiss each other 
Voice is like Jordan Sparks
Manihu “Mani” Okiyaki
Faceclaim: Malia Bautista
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Half Hawaiian Half Japanese
Grew up in Hawaii
Mom died when she was 5 from complications from diabetes
Ran away to Japan when she was 19
Wanted to be a screenwriter soooo bad
Over-protective father
Hates the name Manihu
Father says Mani sounds like he has a son
Never even touched a video game before she dated Kota
Didn’t know she could sing till she met REVANCE
Good at making friends
Had bulimia and anorexia in highschool
Hasn’t been in America since she left when she was 19
Hasn’t been to Hawaii since she left when she was 19
Is 26 in season 1
Always has a notebook on her and an iPod
Doesn’t understand how the “Mani looks like Mayu” argument works but would rather have Kota hugging her than Mayu
Thinks Mayu is creepy tbh
Queen of the emoji :P
Voice is like Taylor Swift
Winoki Romituna
Faceclaim: Emily Browning
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Our sweet little broadway starlett
Long notes can give Aria a run for her money
A quarter French and three-quarters Japanese
Last name is pronounced Rome-eee-toon-ay
It’s French not really
Father is an abusive asshole
Like that son of a bitch is disgusting
Ran away as soon as she turned 18
Adores Barbara Streisand
Nose is slightly crooked from being broken so often
Just don’t piss her off
Bunny grows poisonous spikes if she’s mad lol
Voice is like Ellie Goulding
Aiko Natuka
Faceclaim: Satomi Ishihara
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Absolutely gorgeous 
Sweetest thing in the world but still makes other girls jealous
Besties with Akina 
Father is a member of diet and mother is the daughter of a retiered member of diet
Rich girl
Identical twin sister named Midori
Aiko is older
Younger brother named Rikito
Acts completely oblivious to the guys that watch her constantly
Actually completely aware of their presence
Went to New York for college
Grew up between Japan and Germany
Dated a creep in college who had a Asian fetish
Dumped his ass immediately
Amazing singer but hates singing around REVANCE
Voice sounds like Jamie Lynn Spears
Chia Nao-Fujisawa
Faceclaim: Chiaki Kuriyama
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Lyricist of the year award
Kai’s little sister (yes yes I know)
Grew up with Aiko in Germany
Went to college with Aiko in New York
Has Lupis
Likes dark clothing and highlights in her hair
If you see them walking down the street together, her and Ryo are complete opposites
Feels inferior to Aiko
Always has a notebook 
Brainstorms with Mani and Ryo all the time
Gets on really well with Takashi
Voice sounds like Kely Clarkson
Seaka Akimatra
Faceclaim: Rina Aizawa
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Full Japanese, like her oldest sister Sari
Learned about clothing from her sister Seiso
Expected to be the innocent one
She kinda is but doesn’t really act like it
Smartest kid in the family, besides Sari
Constantly jealous of Sae and Seiso
Ignores the fact that Ritsy and Sae dated
Calls Sae and Shae “whity” when mad at them
Calls Prestley “Chinatown” when mad at him
Calls Seiso “Korea” when mad at her
Calls Sari “The Original” when mad at her due to the fact that they look so much alike
Tells people she isn’t related to Shae and Sae
Now owns up to being related to Sae not Shae
Sounds like Hilary Duff
Seiso Akimatra
Faceclaim: Jung So Min
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Half Korean half Japanese
The responsible sister
Secretly bullies Prestley
Argues with Shae on a daily basis
Only child her stepmom can sorta stand
Slept with  girl once while drunk in college
Very unclear about being bi or not
Went goth for a month when she was 14
Had a pregnancy scare at 15
Swore off boys till she was 28
Voice sounds like Katy Perry
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elementalgypsyheart · 7 years
Mystic Message x Katekyo Hitman Reborn headcanons and ideas
Some background info for how these thoughts came into being. First off Nana is MC. Second she is a single mom of Tsuna with only her parents to help her raise him. Iemitsu left them because he wasn’t ready to be a dad. Third she ended up in Korea when Tsuna was 4 because she was looking for a better job abroad to financially support her and her family and in the end she got a lot more than she bargain for. Fourth she basically ended up with her own harem consisting of Jumin, Jaehee, Zen, Yoosung, Seven, (and because one is rumored to get his own route and the other because I like him) V, and Unknown. Finally they all moved together to Namimori because it is Nana Hometown and where Tsuna have lived his whole life. They weren’t planning to all move and live together it was just something that sorta happened. Okay and now onto the headcanons and such!~
-Seven is a hacker by trade and as such he knows some less than legal connections and info. One of which was that he recognized Nana baby daddy name and knows he is mafia.
-He also knows that Iemitsu is known to have Vongola blood and a direct descendant of Primo.
-He also knows that should anything happen to Nono’s sons Tsuna would be tapped and force into before the next leader of Vongola.
-Seven is not happy at the idea of Tsuna who is basically his son in all but blood at this point being force to be the next Don.
-He knows Tsuna and he knows the mafia will chew him up and sit him out. Tsuna is a clumsy shy ball of fluff. He does not have it in him to be a don.
-So what does Seven does to protect his son? He does all in his power to make damn sure Nono’s sons asses don’t get iced so his kid won’t be force to join and make back ups plans and traps for worse case scenarios because Vongola going have another thing coming if they think that God 707 defender of justice is just going to sit back and let them take his son.
-Saeran join in to. He is absolutely ruthless in setting up traps for the Vongola to fall into should they try to track down Tsuna or his mom.
-The others know to some various extent what Seven and Saeran are up to and help out as much as they can.
-These protective daddies and mommy all agree to keep the Mafia far far far away from Nana and Tsuna.
-Of course despite their efforts some things don’t change because Tsuna is a trouble magnet.
-Tsuna made his first and best friend because he got kidnapped by some craze fangirl of Zen. He was returned safely by a certain territorial bloodthirsty tonfa wielding Skylark. That was how Tsuna became best friends with Kyoya Hibari by him rescuing Tsuna from a crazy fangirl.
-His second friend surprisingly was Hana. They became friends when Hana’s mom, Jumin new PA, brought her to work when it was Jumin turn to watch over Tsuna. No one but the two of them became friends only that it involved them bonding over their less conventional families and how thick headed some people can be about their opinions about things that don’t involve them like how their families work.
-Through Hana Tsuna became quick friends with Kyoko and her brother Ryohei. Sometime Hana could swear it was a friendship made in hell due to how evil Tsuna and Kyoko can be when it came to sweets.
-It was thanks to V Tsuna became friends with Takeshi. V had taken Tsuna to get sushi as a reward for get a good grade on his test. Takeshi and Tsuna while knowing of each other neither had ever met before despite going to the same school. The two quickly bonded over manga and video games. Tsuna even gotten Takeshi interested (and later hook) in LOLOL which he played with his Daddy Yoosung.
-There was one time when the Mafia came too close to Tsuna. That was when The Estraneo Famiglia drugged and kidnapped him because a rare Sky Flame civilian kid is far too much of a good opportunity for them not to take. That was their last mistake.  
-Between all of them they manage to track down where Tsuna was taken. Saeran personally goes to retrieve him and call in some old ‘friends’ from Mint Eyes to help. Friends who while stable aren’t fit to live in civilized society and choose to go into mercenary work and such. Friends who are more than willing to kick (and kill) some child kidnappers ass.
-That night Estraneo is no more. All the kids held and experiment there were split up and taken in by their saviors since like them they too were too broken to rejoin civilized society.  
-Saeran ended up coming home with a untraumatized Tsuna (due to being drunk the whole time and thus didn’t see anything and was rescued before anything beside being drugged to happen to him) and three boys.
-No one says anything about what happened they simply name and adopt the three boys into their family. Tsuna gain three new protective brothers in Mukuro, Ken, and Chikusa.
-Nana happily accept these love starved and scarred boys as her new sons and into her home and life.
-A few months later Mukuro disappeared only to turn up at dinnertime with a skinny and skittish girl. He named her Chrome and claim her as his new sister. No one argue it after Seven does a background check on her and soon they all agree she better off living with them than with her previous guardians. Jaehee personally goes and get the documents signed from her mother giving up custody of Chrome to them. 
-Jumin at one point goes on a business trip to Italy and take Tsuna with him. He ended up coming back home with two boys instead of one due to Tsuna finding one Hayato Gokudera living on the street. Tsuna manage to convince both Hayato and Jumin into taking Hayato in and bringing him back with them. 
-Seven after doing a background check on the boy find out he mafia. He delete all files on existence of Hayato the mafia son and make a new record of Hayato recently orphaned nephew of Hyun Ryu. 
-Hayato at first have mixed feeling about this but come to the realization he happier here then he ever was before. So accept his new life and eventually start playing piano again.
-There this one odd incident where they put the kids to bed only for there to be new one the next morning. The expected addition is a small boy name Fuuta who came specifically for Seven help to make a new identity for him to escape being hunted down by the mafia. 
-Seven does one better and make him apart of the family by making him Yoosong son. Fuuta love his new family very much.
-Italy seem to be the place where a lot of kids seem to find their way to them.
-For example V had went there to take photos and found a abandoned baby with his only identification being his birthday and his first name being Lambo. Thank god for Seven and Jumin help for not only speeding up the process for V to adopt and bring home the little guy but also that it was all legal.
-That was the first time any of them had to deal with taking care of a baby beside Nana. It was a learning experience to all. 
-I-Pin came into their lives because she was Kyoya’s Uncle’s apprentice and for reasons started living with the Skylark and his family. Kyoya was often tasked with the duty of babysitting the little one a task which he often left to Tsuna and his family to do when he went out on patrol so I-Pin became a regular face (like most of Tsuna’s friends) at their home.
-Tsuna made a new friend when he was in middle school with Haru due to helping his daddy Yoosung at his veterinary clinic. She came in when her family cat got sick and he was really helpful in assuring her that her cat was going to be fine. The two starting hanging out after that. 
-Haru got along with Kyoko like a house on fire. Hana honest to god pity anyone who got caught in their plans. 
-Hayato became friends with Shoichi for a class project and found a kindred spirit in him. The two became good friends and spend long hours talking about various theories, music, and possible inventions. Then Shoichi introduced Hayato to his online friend Spanner. Needless to say all three managed to create some pretty neat inventions. Some more explosive than others.
-Then Byakuran came into the picture. Most everyone can agree that Byakuran is insane but mostly harmless. Mostly. He mostly took to Tsuna much to his despair and his brothers amusement. Still they all learn to be well stock with marshmallow. At least Byakuran younger cousin/adopted little sister Yuni was a sweetheart.
-Tsuna became penpal with Enma. Didn’t met him in person until he was in his last year of high school. Everyone swear they have to be twins separated at birth. Even Nana does and thus treat Enma like one of her kids.
-Thanks to Daddy Seven none of Nono’s sons died so Tsuna was never force to join the mafia. He grew up to have a pretty good and happy life. It wasn’t normal by any means but it was his and Tsuna wouldn’t change his family or friends for anything in the world.
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tucsdayhale · 6 years
u know what? i wanted to play a happy muse for once so i brought in this ancient character of mine. she’s basically just a big ol’ goofball/walking meme that falls in love with everyone she meets so let’s do this yeh here’s her pinterest if u like that sorta thing
( alycia debnam carey | 21 | cis-female ) i swear i saw tuesday hale around campus yesterday. i hear she is very childish, kind-hearted & enthusiastic, which explains why when you think of them, you’d think of a skateboard covered in powerpuff girl stickers & late night internet searches about conspiracy theories. they’re in their junior year and studying film. (olive, 21, est, she/her)
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okay tuesday is an odd name but her birth parents were super romantics who named her after the day of the week that they met i almost gagged reading that
her family adopted her when she was five years old. both of her birth parents died in a car accident so her best friend’s parents in elementary school took her in and raised her as their own daughter
grew up in westchester, ny and her parents were both columbia university professors. her mom’s a russian immigrant and was the stereoype of a russian mother giving her little drops of vodka on a soaked rag to get her to fall asleep sdfdsd
she had a lot of trauma at a young age form her parent’s death and she never learned how to drive a car bc of it. if you ever drive with her she won’t relax the entire time
her adoptive sister was more like her twin while they grew up but they were polar opposites. her sister was a partier, attention-grabber, while tuesday was just a goof who loved to skate
also her adoptive sister is going to bc a wc wink wink
despite her outgoing, kind exterior she always has a kind of dark cloud of sadness hanging over her
both her and her sister were shipped off to boarding school as teens and things went very downhill for tuesday there. her and her sister drifted apart, while her sister partying and drinking and using more drugs and tuesday just kind of retreating into her depression
with no supervision she developed anorexia as well. no one noticed until she collapsed in the school’s quad midday. she was hospitalized for two months and her parents were devastated, but they didn’t really know how to help her so they just brought her home and sent her to a local school
there she met a guy that would fuck her up even more. it was her first time being in love, and she fell hard for someone who ended up being an abuser. they were at a party on one of their rich friend’s boats once and he pushed her off, held her underwater until everyone else stopped him
she got away from him when she went to lockwood, and fell in love with someone else. she’s only ever slept with these two people. her lockwood ex is another wc i have!!!
she’s studying film and could talk for hours about judy garland and katherine hepburn
she works in a bookshop and is constantly reading poetry
loves coffee on a lorelai gilmore level
did you just breathe? then she has a crush on you. just a hopeless romantic like that
um other wanted connections are other skaters she hangs with, people she forces to be in her film projects, a bad influence, an unrequited crush, friends of course, um i can’t think of anything else
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ghostcurse · 8 years
1, 4, 11, 27
(((: thank you so much~
1. Your first OC ever?
So I mentioned her on my sideblog earlier, and I think you commented on it & I failed to, like, babble about her for you but at any rate
Beatrix De La Fontaine is my oldest character, I made her when I was 8 years old, and she’s gone through an array of changes that I can’t even like??? Fathom to begin talking about. I mean, after all, I was a child. And that still really shows in Beatrix’s personality.
The form that I consider her First Form because she actually had a set personality rather than just Oh Hey It’s Me, was the one I mentioned vaguely, but it’s definitely not the one where she developed depth. She was a magical girl with a giant scythe and her dad was fucking Naraku from Inuyasha. Someone even rped as Naraku for me, they were VERY nice and whimsical and I’m glad they’re one of the first ever people I para-rped with. I was about 12 then. I don’t know why Naraku. Why was I like that. Amazing.
Beatrix’s past has changed only twice, and one was a recent change. Because my friend and I created these ocs together, the collaboration of their past was very ridiculous and very edgy, because I have been goth @ heart all my life, while she was like… Something Corporate style punk depressed. Anyway I may only find it as ridiculous as I do because I’ve kept this up for well over half my life. At this point I’m too sentimental to change it.
Initially, she was the daughter of a death eater lol and he died in the war, and her twin sister was my friend’s oc. They were very evil. Like, chaotic evil. Evil because they wanted to watch the world burn. Eventually, the Twist was that their dad was still alive. Later, this was changed from Death Eater to Serial Killer. Why did he kill? I have no idea. It was goff. Beatrix by then was her own thing, a very childish and emotionally unstable teenager that didn’t deal well with her family affairs, but unconditionally loved her dad. She was the heir to her family’s fortune and she hated her mom. I thought that I could make it a bit more interesting, give up on all this internal misogyny I had for her mom (who was veeeery feminine and Beatrix often had weird internal rants about how she hated that). So, when I revamped her, I switched the roles: Her mother is the serial killer that she inexplicably loves, and fuck her awful dad. In a way, I feel bad for doing this, if only because a friend of mine took Bea’s dad and created something interesting out of him, but he was out of my hands at that point.
Beatrix isn’t a very good person, and I sorta let that mold into its own thing. She sometimes just doesn’t have much control over herself, because she doesn’t know how to handle her emotions, having been isolated in a dusty ol’ manor when she and her mother fled from home for a very long period of time. She was also hella neglected and started latching onto any form of sentimentality she could, making her love her mother and her younger (former twin b4 the change) sister Yvette, whom wrote to her, VERY intensely and without question. Charlotte was disowned by her family for numerous reasons, without like, going super in depth about her bc this is already p long. But in any event, where Beatrix currently stands, she isn’t very fond of her mother anymore and her sister’s corpse is sitting in her fridge while she desperately tries to learn necromancy. Thanks, ma.
Bea works as the head chef at a local diner, where she’s actually really normaling out, and she’s supposed to be kinda mature eventually, albeit still retains her childlike glee about things.
To think she used to be some scene kid.
4. A character you rarely talk about?
That’s quite a bit of them but let’s doooooo Ciel Volkov because he’s newer and therefore I haven’t spoken much about him.
He’s a very pretty boy, works as a chief assistant at the above mentioned Chancelier family’s company, so he like… works for The Big Man himself. In certain instances, his gender changes around, but canonically he’s a transman who’s transitioned via magic potion because fantasy settings ARE. GREAT.
He’s like, really nice but gets emotionally exhausted easily, so he lives in a small shitty apartment with his cat Lasagna Princess and loves it because he can binge on tv and video games while eating nothing but junk food and soda without people judging him (he has, like, six older brothers). Because he was a shit farmer and was often grounded as a kid, he developed talents with technology. Computers and shit are very primitive in my universe, but he’s talented af with them and is basically my Hacker Character. The fact that he’s Russian is seriously purely coincidental.
In DnD he’s a like… 7′0″ or s/t deva paladin that worships a dead god of time. It was great, because he was in a party with a cattine, a dwarf, and a halfling, so it was like…………………. ok guys stack on top of each other to meet Ciel’s eye level. I decided to sorta keep that in my lore for him, where he’s deeply lowkey religious. He’s also a time anomaly, which causes a lot of unreality issues for him. Sometimes he phases through timelines, albeit briefly. He uses light magic and while I haven’t figured out deities completely, he follows the sun bc the sun and moon talk to ppl it’s complicated.
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
So as I sorta mentioned above, I sorta group my characters through sun & moon motifs, but the answer to this is very clearly Kaimana Ohme. He’s unconditionally nice, tho sometimes I like to be spiteful and play him as older and jaded, but he’s still a very good guy.
He’s a skater bro, vegetarian, pastel pink hair, loves the outdoors. He’s chill as hell and has a really welcoming family with his two moms and two adoptive siblings. Kai’s very big brothery and optimistic and stresses communication often. He’s also a HUGE crybaby. I don’t think I ever figured out his talent for magic, but he’s probably a wind caster. Gotta get that sick air, bruh.
I also associate him a lot with bright, sunny beaches, warm sunsets, oranges and pinks and blues.
I think, out of all my characters, he’s the most gentle and grounded emotionally. But he’s also wrestled his best friend to the dirt and forced him to eat grass because they got into an argument– and then immediately felt bad, so lmao.
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
Many of them have been, even if I can’t think of them all right now.
Trent Travis, my gigantic awful shitlord werewolf, was inspired by all of Lonesome Crowded West - Modest Mouse, but particularly Trailer Trash.
Murphy Urquhart, my Main Girl, came to life because of Besitos by Pierce the Veil, which I still actually use as a base for her even tho I don’t really listen to their music much anymore
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niennavalier · 3 years
OC Ramble Time Pt 2!
Okay, so I'm gonna try to keep these a bit shorter (because the other post took way too long), since I'm gonna do a bit of talking about some of the other characters who are attached to the Disaster Boys (Anders and Alex) story and all that good stuff. So... just jump right in I guess?
Elias Elsker: So pretty much, if you read my whole thing about Anders, Elias is the kid that he takes in. He's real energetic and fun, very open while simultaneously being really awkward (not that it really bothers him). Honestly, he's just really friendly and loves people - animals, too (he's learned a bit of magic and usually has his snake familiar, Xanathar, somewhere nearby). (If you know D&D lore, yes, that's a reference, because Elias also started as a character for me to play. Arcane Tricksters, y'know?). Also impulsive, albeit not in a super self-destructive way. More like his cost-benefit analysis is just bad and sometimes he just does something kinda dumb. He's also pretty jumpy and very prone to running into furniture when his brain goes into panic mode.
Overall, he's just well-adjusted. Yes, he lost his parents young, but he had a good relationship with them, and then also grows really close with Anders. Just wanted a character who didn't have a bunch of issues for once, yknow?
For some other random facts: I tend to write him at either 16 or 21ish, depending - sometimes I wanna write him still learning from Anders, sometimes while he's more out on his own. Also, he's ace and some sort of romantic (AKA, he doesn't fully know and hasn't put a label on it, but if I were to say as the author, he's probably panromantic) and really fun to write/play for those relatable ace moments.
Aishah Rayyan: Alex's twin sister, so I won't go into her backstory in depth, except to say that she came out of their tragic past really differently. She got pretty much adopted into her best friend's family, so while Alex was having a rough time, she ended up having a relatively normal life - albeit with some guilt over losing contact with her brother, and, well, the effects of childhood trauma and the like. She and Alex reconnect over the course of whatever plot I actually write for them, and after all of whatever that is, they and all their other friends (talked about down below) end up all living together. And in that dynamic, she's 100% the mom friend. But less doting and more Tired. She's generally pretty laid-back, practical, and would love a quiet night in with loved ones, but ends up in this constant state of "please stop blowing up [insert kitchen appliance here], I haven't even kind of had enough coffee for this." At least before probably trying to fix the problem, until her girlfriend shepherds her to bed. (And that's assuming she's not hyperfocused in on something, because sometimes that's just what happens. Given a problem, she's gonna solve it).
(Oh, and quick note, she's the other old character who's since gotten reworked. Old tag was for "Taylor Fairfax" but then, unlike with Alex, she went through a pretty massive edit.)
Celine: Nope, no last name yet because names are hard, but she's Aishah's girlfriend. She's about the same age, just a little younger, and an aspiring theatre actress. She's really outgoing and warm, charismatic and super easy to get along with. More than a touch dramatic. Also a lot more traditionally feminine than most of the other female characters I write, and sort of the other resident mom friend, but...I guess in the more stereotypical way? (And she's really vocal about her support for Anders and Alex in particular - she finds them adorable and is one of few people who's never been intimidated by Anders. She just sees how he melts in front of people he cares about).
Oh, also, she and Aishah met at some sort of community theatre performance. The story that their friends tell is basically that in the middle of a scene, as she was on stage and Aishah was in the audience, their eyes just met, and that was it. Obviously, in reality, it wasn't that simple, but there are a lot of meet-cute vibes there.
Valon: Okay, now we get into the territory of my lovable idiot children (which, kudos to whoever knows where I'm stealing this particular name from. If you do, uh, you'll definitely know why this character is the way he is). Aishah's childhood best friend, and the one whose family adopted her. Also the one who's largely responsible for pulling her a bit more out of her shell. He's... just a big dumb idiot? Real big personality, constantly ribbing all of the people he's around and cracking jokes, just likes the energy of being around people in general. Always down to try something new and ridiculous, no matter what it is, even if that means destroying electronics (or the oven). And bluntly honest, but not in a mean way?
Also, he's bi and is pretty often just going out on casual dates for fun. Just sorta waiting to see what happens. But really, he's much more proud of Aishah's love life, though, and gladly takes credit for being the one to get her to ask Celine out.
(Oh, also, cause it was vaguely referenced above: he's the one who was - and is - intimidated by Anders.)
Arina "Ari" Varellian: My other idiot child, but also the character that I probably relate to the most? She grew up around a lot of technology as a kid and developed a good amount of skill with it (coding and stuff - I know nothing about it but she can, it's fine). But what it ultimately did was introduce her to a lot of other pieces of media - video games especially (but also TV and movies are a big part of her life, too). Basically, she's just a glutton for entertainment and fiction and keeps up with all the nerd content.
But she doesn't fall into that "introverted, awkward nerd" type. She gets along really well with Valon, actually - very similar type of big, open personality and always ready with a hearty laugh. She's just here to have a good time, and to try new things (and to force her friends to try new things with her). Basically, she's the person who would go looking for a way to learn parkour after playing something like Assassin's Creed (because it looks cool) or would - and did - plan an entire camping trip after playing Red Dead 2 (because the outside is pretty, guys). Plus, also dragging them into things like escape rooms and D&D games, because these things looked fun.
And, because this is important to me, she's aro ace and very much a way for me to write my perspective? All the "what's up with sex when you could have cake? Or dragons?" and "look, these characters are pretty but why would I sleep with/romance them?" While simultaneously making sex jokes at her friends' expense and shipping fictional characters like there's no tomorrow.
And that's all for today!
The main other characters attached to my Disaster Boys. Tried to keep it short because I'm sleepy, but, as per usual, I could and would gladly talk more about them later (even though some of them do sorta vary in terms of how much I've written and developed them).
Although, a couple last things: I've technically also been sitting on one more character to add into this crew - specifically another friend of Ari's. But I've done markedly less development there, so I'll come back to that some other day. And there are other characters attached to Anders aside from just Elias, I promise. He does have his mentor (whom I mentioned but didn't go into, since I tend to write her more into backstory) and his own found family, but some of those characters belong to a friend, cause that all developed via some D&D sessions. Didn't seem right to add that here.
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theinsanecrayonbox · 7 years
KP watches Gifted ep 12/13
woooo! 2 hour season finale! and by 2 hour, they mean 2 episodes...lets see if this needed to be a double douse, or if we could’ve had 3 weeks of episodes after the winter break, instead of the stupid “on 1 week, off 1 week, on for finale”
this is super extra long so i’ll spare you with a cut
oh last time tells us that the Friends of Humanity equivalent are “Purifiers” ok...disappointing...but they are FOH until they actually show up then
gasp! diet-Sinister backstory?? we could’ve had this way sooner if we didn’t have all the Wonder Twins subplot...wow you really do sound like a HYDRA guy
still adoring the Cuckoos. and we reiterate that they’re “Purifiers” ok....and that event sounds an awful lot like the one that Bishop was sent back in time to prevent Senator Kelly from getting assassinated from in TOS and the event that Senator Kelly was killed at in the movies...though i know Pro-Human rallies are common...
Blink’s old criminal friends??? ZOMR is she a Creed???? oh...it was against the FOH...and eeee she hooked up with the Brotherhood!!! she could’ve worked with Victor. i’m taking it. first Lorna is Erik’s, now this; you are finally delivering Gifted
Lorna tell Marcos you’re a Magnus
oh hi Wonder Twins....are you saying your great-grandparents were building Eden? is that where this is going?
if not-Sinister wants to eliminate the X-gene...did Price use that research in making his corn in Logan?
yup gotta remind us that Mom and Dad Strucker aren’t mutants
heehee Roswell. sorry that make me chuckle
wow Andy, explaining the magic friendship bracelet sounds stupid when you say it too
ah so the *MAIN CHARACTERS* are gonna go off on their side quest to grandma’s house. gotchya. at least it makes sense in context and we’re not ignoring the people we wanna see...
pft Brotherhood ain’t backing this Johnny. they don’t have money. idk why you didn’t think Hellfire Club, it was mentioned by you guys before you know...
seriously Mom is the best Strucker, Wonder Twins go home
Lauren don’t nearly quote Spiderman, you’re not cool enough for that
oh we’re in North Carolina...did i know that?
haha say Campbell’s name all you want tv, he’s still diet-Sinister to me
that was a bad affect on Lorna’s knife...
billionaire mutant?? Warren??? or did she say it was a “she”...i might’ve missed that... awww no hint about Vic looking for Clair? gimme more Esme! you’re the best for exposition and easter eggs!
and the knife affects are still bad...how can you mess that up when everything else looks good?
and cut away to Struckers....feels a little sucky since we were having a cool moment with the B-team...and cut to commercial, so lets see who’s big dramatic moment was more important then as we’re a quarter through the finale...
oh i guess the Struckers are more important...ask a stupid question, and get the obvious answer i guess
season 1 is gonna end with Andy going off with the bad guys and Lauren staying with the good guys isn’t it? and Lorna will leave with the bad guys too...and not-Sinister will idk, change colors. i’m calling it now.
the senator from Georgia is in NC...ok? why not ask the NC senator?
hey back to the B-team! Frost eyes are purdy
oh it’s Blink’s eyes that everyone sees as weird not that she’s pink...again, colored contacts anyone? wait bad guys in your family’s past? are they keeping Blink’s familial relationship to Apocalypse? as far as i knew none of her family had the X-gene present...unless she was adopted young by Victor and doesn’t know they aren’t blood related? or...they are blood related here for some reason?? and if she was part of the Brotherhood, did she think Lorna was related to Erik earlier too? “you don’t wind up looking like me without the X-gene floating around your gene pool” (excuse the paraphrasing) i mean...what?? explain yourself Clair, i am very confused, and intrigued, and excited. are you...are you actually going to do the thing i said way back in the beginning with Clair and Lorna being parallels about dealing with their family’s legacies?
grandpa Strucker had an assistant...who is it??? Magdalene Rismen? idt she’s a real Marvel person... stop with the teen angst Wonder Twins
wait this FOH event has been going on for 10 years? 
ok touching moment Thunderblink, but now’s not the time to be having it...
oh yeah you’re pulling an Anikin Andy, turn away  from the darkside before it’s too  late!
is she squishing the cell reception? that...seems implaussible...yet makes more sense than internet ghosts hating red, so...
children meat shirleds-oh how evil! and showing off Johnny’s imperviousness-yay!
and oh halfway mark since we have a sudden cut away because these weren’t edited to be aired together. goodie... >>
Lorna backstory! and we revisit her bipolarness...neat...Evangeline the layer who can turn red demony...you’re Vange Whedon, neat!
and against since not edited to air together, lets replay the opening title and credits
ok time to count how many times they say Xmen in this half; count so far 2
it’s not too late Andy, stop going Vader!
oh hi Sentinel Services guy. you got some new knockoff Wonder Twins with their magic friendship bracelet
why is your blood red on your shirt Marcos when you bleed gold goo?
you’ve never seen a conference like that...even though it happens every year for the past 10 years? and yeah we’re really  going to highlight Lorna’s bipolarness now 
and Wonder Twins being emo... (Xmen count: 3)
Nice thigh holster Lorna. and Erik saw Lorna when she turned 13?? or maybe the medallion was mailed to her...but huh, i guess he decided to keep tabs after realizing he missed out on Peter’s life maybe? after, you know, waiting to see if she had powers...
uhoh Sentinel Services guy found the mutant hideout...hey it’s the guard guy from the first episode, hi!
you tell him Mom! also dude, why question that order; you don’t want to get the little kids out safely?
oh they can see the Cuckoos’ eyes change colors when they use their telepathy...wow that’s inconvenient...i almost thought it was just for us the viewer’s sakes
let’s dig a tunnel! why...didn’t anyone else think of that? and thank goodness for *MAIN CHARACTER* to take control of everything, not like there’s any other high ranking underground peoples who know what to do around...
oh you get a name Shatter? neat! who’s our strongman? and the teenagers get names that i couldn’t catch and won’t look up ^^;
why is Dad the only one with a gun? why aren’t there more people with guns?
“i’ve had friends who were bipolar, and assassination plots are not one of the symptoms” lol oh Blink, you are awesome and sassy and i love you
oh you brought out the other Hounds to attack now...that’s not good
oh sweet Mom can use a sniper rifle...i really hope she doesn’t die
oh Wonder Twins if you blow up the building you won’t die, you’re *MAIN CHARACTERS*, so your offer of self sacrifice is hollow to me...but the show down against  your knockoff version is pretty neat, ii’ll give you that
and a nice scene transition!
(Xmen count: 6)
wow that was pretty much an Erik vs Charles speech Lorna and Marcos had...fake explosion was fake though boo. where’d your effects budget go? it went to the Wonder Twins didn’t it? booooo
why are we in Nashville suddenly? haha “J. Kirby’s” though, cute
see the Wonder Twins lived, and so did Mom so yay! i was sorta worried there cause they kept making her so awesome...
oh wow you’re surprised that they’re backstabbing you Sentinel Services guy?
(Xmen count: 7)
Lorna why are you wearing that stupid low cut thing? are you the Black Queen now?
and yup Andy pulling Vader, so duh (Xmen count: 9) though pointless to take only 1 Wonder Twin there Cuckoos, don’t you know they’re useless otherwise
HA! House of M logo! yaaas! 
but ok, i almost called the ending; Lorna goes bad, Andy  goes bad, but not-Sinister didn’t turn colors...as far as we know. did i think these two episodes *had* to be aired together; oh heck no. i’m glad i didn’t have to wait sure...but i still think the on again-off again-oh we’re done scheduling was stupid. and if they had to air them together, they should’ve been edited to flow better.
but we are getting a Season 2, and i am looking forward to seeing where that takes us.
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