#the mithril mail shirt is THAT girl
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historians will tell u frodo was not serving insane cunt during his recovery at the house of elrond but i will refute it
#happy last frodo friday of 2023#Today its a slay one#with book frodo#frodo#frodo baggins#lotr#lord of the rings#the lord of the rings#hobbits#the fellowship of the ring#tolkien#the mithril mail shirt is THAT girl
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Dwarrowtober 2022 Day 7: Mithril- Fili Durin x OC

Fili Durin x Aurora Goodchild
Description: It’s been Aurora’s dream to see mithril in real life, and Fili decides to make her dream come true.
Word Count: 1.1k
With Erebor having been retaken and peace being made between them, Mirkwood and Dale, all that was left was waiting for the rest of Erebor’s people to arrive. During that time everyone from the Company ended up just sort of doing their own thing. Bellarose helped Thorin begin making arrangements for the eventual arrival of the rest of the kingdom, Kili and Rosemary opted to explore the beautiful halls of the palace, Bombur now spent most of his time in the kitchen, Bofur showed Poppy everything he remembered from his old neighborhood, Oin went to the medical wing to see what he could salvage, etc.
Fili, meanwhile, decided to just settle into his new room and relax. Thorin was allowing everyone to stay in the palace until they could begin making homes for themselves, but since Fili was a Prince that would be living there he got to pick his permanent room. After picking it out he moved everything he’d brought with him to it and began unpacking.
Aurora, having nothing else to do, decided to help him. While he worked on finding a place for his trinkets and such she hung up his now clean clothes (which they spent all of the previous day washing as he had almost no clean clothes yet). It was as she was absentmindedly digging through the large basket that her hand suddenly grazed something cold and slightly solid. She immediately retracted her hand in surprise and her brows furrowed in confusion. Slowly, she reached back in and felt around until she came into contact with the same thing. Upon pulling it out she was met with what seemed to be a long sleeved white shirt. It almost felt like chain mail despite its rather normal appearance. She didn’t remember seeing it yesterday during the washing, which only made her more confused.
“Fee darling, what’s this?” She asked curiously, holding it up to him. Fili, who’d been arranging a few things at his new desk, looked over to her.
“Oh, that’s just the mithril shirt I wore under my armor during the battle. Make sure you’re careful when hanging it up because it’s delicate,” he answered nonchalantly. Aurora’s eyes lit up at the name and she found herself marveling at the shirt.
“So this is the famed mithril,” she muttered, starstruck, which caught her fiancé’s attention. “I’ve only ever heard or read about mithril, but I’ve never seen it in real life. It’s beautiful.” Her awes gaze was torn away from the shirt when she heard Fili chuckle from beside her.
“Yes, it is rather amazing, isn’t it?” He asked rhetorically. “You should see it in its natural form.” The girl sighed dreamily at that.
“Oh that would be a dream. But I doubt I’ll be able to see it anytime soon. Your uncle said the mines were forbidden for the time being until the passages and equipment could be tested,” she explained. “I heard him talking to Bofur about it.” Fili pursed his lips thoughtfully then hummed.
“Well then, perhaps when everyone is settled I can show you,” he suggested, earning a nod from the girl.
“I’d like that a lot.”
A few days later Aurora just couldn’t find Fili anywhere. She looked everywhere she thought he would be and even asked Kili where he might be, but to no avail. After searching high and low she was just about to give up when she bumped into Bifur.
“Oh, good morning Bifur,” she greeted politely (albeit slightly frazzled).
“Morning Aurora,” the Dwarf greeted, speech slightly broken as he was still getting used to speaking in Westron. “Say, do you know why your beau was heading towards the mines earlier?” The girl became confused at that.
“Wait, what? Fili’s in the mines?”
“Yeah? I thought you would’ve known why,” the Dwarf shrugged. “Oh well. I guess you can ask him yourself.”
“Yes, I think I will,” Aurora muttered somewhat distractedly. After wishing Bifur a quick farewell she picked up the skirt of her dress and jogged towards the mines. After hearing Thorin talk about how potentially dangerous the mines were she was worried about her fiancé’s safety.
It took several tries to find the entrance of the mines as she had no idea what it would even look like, but she eventually found it. A relieved sigh left her lips as she slipped inside. Almost immediately after walking in she bumped into something. Well, more accurately, someone.
“Oh, Aurora,” Fili greeted, both surprised and confused. “What’re you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing, Fee,” she laughed softly. “I was trying to find you and Bifur mentioned that he’d seen you heading to the mines. He wanted to know why.” A light blush dusted over the Prince’s cheeks and he smiled sheepishly.
“Ah I hadn’t realized anyone saw me,” he muttered shyly.
“Well Bifur did, and now we’re both curious as to why.” Aurora crossed her arms, staring at him expectantly. She watched as the boy paused momentarily before digging around in his pants pocket. After a moment he seemingly pulled something out and held it out to her.
Aurora recognized it immediately. She’d seen drawings of mithril’s natural form so many times that it was identifiable. Her eyes widened in shock as a quiet gasp left her lips. They then met his, asking him a silent question. A small smile graced the Prince’s face and he nodded. She returned his smile then gingerly reached out, taking the piece of metal. As she turned it over in her hand she couldn’t help but marvel at it. It was even more beautiful in real life.
“I wanted to surprise you with it later,” Fili explained softly. “Uncle allowed me to go in and check the first cave I found. I guess I got lucky this time because someone was halfway done picking it out of a wall so it wasn’t difficult to finish the job.”
“You did all that just for me?” She asked softly, extremely touched by his thoughtfulness.
“Of course I did. I’d do anything to see you happy,” he answered without hesitation. Her heart warmed at his response and she set the metal down to wrap her arms around his neck.
“You know I love you, right?” She whispered.
“Of course,” Fili answered as his arms went around her waist. “I love you too.”
“Good,” she paused to peck his lips. “Now let’s get out of here. This place gives me the creeps.” Fili laughed, but nodded and they walked out hand in hand, the beautiful piece of mithril safely in Aurora’s pocket.
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