#the mines
One thing every Stardew player can agree on is that THESE
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sdv-polls · 2 months
thank you anon for the submission!
follow for more sdv polls :)
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ashersbraincell · 22 days
Ngl, Doors floor 2 kinda mid
•before I get into my criticism, I do want to point out that the graphics are BREATH-TAKING, and the amount of new cutscenes+animations is really epic too(of note, the rework of guiding light is SO gosh darn pretty!!) The minecart reveal with seek’s chase was entirely unexpected and worked so well build up hype. The finishing sequence with the seek lake was also really cool and not like anything we’ve seen before. As a weirdcore/dreamcore enjoyer I find myself quite enjoying the more prominent role seek plays in the game on this floor.
Okay with that out of the way
•you’re telling me the major antagonist of the floor is an overgrown screech recolour?!?! Be so fr, lowkey the idea for the gurmble was so lazy, especially considering how few new entities we’ve gotten. I don’t mind the giggles, they’re a clever overhead alternative to the snares and the joke with them being similar to screech is fun. But making the bigger version of what is essentially a gag the main antagonist? Idk man. I’d take Figure returning anyday. Especially now that Seek has a rivarly with Grumble, that would work to interestingly with Figure
•Speaking of figure, how they’ve massacred my boy. No longer a major event but a nuisance. Doesn’t even have any new animations or anything, well aside from falling from the vent
•before the seek chase, it is honestly so, so mid. Sure, the cart mechanic is alright but. It just doesn’t do it for me. Boring af. There’s so many gimmicks, like the fire trap rooms, but it feels like just that. A bunch of new gimmicks, without a solid foundation to make it interesting and convince me to feel invested
The next thread of thought I have:
•it is trying so hard, so so hard to be like pressure. Yes, I know pressure is a fangame of the original doors but. Really? It’s so obvious and feels pathetically desperate to me
•take the sheer AMOUNT of the new light items
•speaking of light, hooo boy have they massacred my boy jeff trying to imitate sebastian 😭 Dawg’s supposed to be calm, that’s his whole THING. But nahh, we had to play copycat and make him get annoyed at being flashed with light too.
•the overgrown rooms with a tree in the middle, that feels like a literal copy
•loot-able lockers
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spirit-pyrite · 3 months
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@thenoodlegod ! This is my little bit of worldbuilding for the mines [: It’s Headcannon in the sense that nobody has to agree if they don’t want to, not in the sense that we actually have a canon to draw from hahah.
This was originally my page for drawing out other tumblrinas MC skins, so don’t mind Inbetweenhours hanging upside down in the top corner there! Hi inbetweenhours [:
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vyllain · 2 years
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doodle,short overprotective Sebastian.
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miguelinileugim · 6 months
Me: "Was I a good boy? Do I get to be accepted now?"
Tumblr: "Yes! Headpats for you! Headpats for a thousand years!"
Also tumblr: "No, get back to the hot take mines."
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superbeans89 · 2 years
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wygolvillage · 2 years
i cant wait to go into the mines. in wolfquest
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I yearn for the mines
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goosewizard · 2 years
ive seen so many “things that would kill a Victorian child” lists and they’re always like. a baja blast. youtube.
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simple-persica · 1 year
I am off to The Mines today, and already I’m having a great time.
I’ve decided that I’m gonna just away myself to The Mined forever actually. No more school. No more worries.
Don’t know what the internet’s like out there so I’m not sure how often I’ll be able to post anymore Lamo we’ll see
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wickedsrest-rp · 2 years
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NAME: The Mines
Underneath Wicked’s Rest lies a complicated maze of tunnels and caves, originally dug out as mines for copper, iron, and zinc over a century ago. At the time, mining here was a large-scale operation and one of the major sources of income for the town, in addition to fishing. Were they supposed to dig directly underneath the town? Definitely not. But nothing has caved in yet, probably. Today, mining is still ongoing and part of the town’s identity, but it’s no longer vital to the town’s prosperity as tourism became a viable replacement. Those who oversee the operation in its current form (Erebus Extractions and Refineries, or EER) still say they’re after the same old minerals and metals they’ve always been after. But more and more, the mining carts are filling up with something that doesn’t look anything like copper. In fact, it appears to glow. 
The main entrance to the mines is in the base of the mountains in Seven Peaks, but over time, other entrances have been dug in secluded parts of town. Unsanctioned entrances also exist within the sewers, basements, and cemeteries of town – probably created by supernaturals for ease of access to darkness and gloom. It’s perhaps too easy to fall into the mines, and too difficult to navigate out of them.
The mines are bustling with supernatural activity – many undead have made comfortable homes in the winding tunnels, particularly the parts that lie directly underneath town. Oreads, lampades, bugbears, and cave-dwelling monsters also live down there. Some of them might wait for snacks to get lost and find them; others get take-out.
You’re also likely to run into some bugganes or tommyknockers, which make their homes across all parts of these tunnels and caves. In fact, bugganes may even be responsible for carving out some of the pathways. 
There’s a species of small hermit crab that seems to be endemic to the mines of Wicked’s Rest. Their shells are made of rock or mineral, as they’re seemingly able to carve out any material. Miners consider it good luck to find one of these “minecrabs” that has a shell made out of valuable gemstone.
There are some expansive and open caves within the mines, each with its own character. Some have various crystals embedded in the walls; others may be partially flooded, and others yet might be filled with dangerous fungi. You never know what you’ll find. 
Due to the mining activity, some parts of the mines have lanterns or torches set up for visibility. This is not a given. Many efforts were abandoned due to tragedy, leaving unexplored areas and very unreliable attempts at maps.
EER is strangely guarded about anyone asking questions or prying into their operation. Even the miners don’t know much about what they’re doing. It’s possible they think the glowing crystals in their cart is simply what unrefined copper looks like. According to the administration, copper quotas are at record highs! 
Every year, thirteen members of EER descend into the mines in perfect business suits. According to the only onlookers who have survived, horrible noises soon follow, and fourteen members leave.
While the mines weave underneath most of the town, the only part of town that seems to lack any attempt at access is the area underneath the Serpent’s Flat, where Bleak Point once was. It’s unknown whether there were failed attempts or if there’s simply no need to mine there.
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sdv-polls · 2 months
thank you anon for the submission!
follow for more sdv polls :)
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mom called me a fag yesterday by accident
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staff: our april fools joke this year is a silly feature that doesn't really do anything but give you a button to boop other users! they have to opt-in first though :)
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everoutoftouch · 5 months
If you have Spotify reblog this and tag what your number one song on your “on repeat” playlist is.
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