#the mind of wolfie smith
downthetubes · 1 year
Stunning array of original British comic art and first issue of The Beano offered in latest Compal comics auction
There's an absolutely staggering amount of original British comic art on offer in the latest Compalcomics auction, including 2000AD, "Charley's War", "Dan Dare", Dalek art and more
There’s an absolutely staggering amount of original British comic art on offer in the latest Compalcomics auction, including 2000AD, “Charley’s War“, “Dan Dare“, Dalek art and more. Plus, of course, the usual fine selection of British comics – including a first edition of The Beano, published in 1938 – and several “full year” collections of titles such as EAGLE and other classic comics, and…
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echoing--stars · 10 months
Transformation time! How many alternate forms do the Links have, and how many of them can be squeezed into one story?
- Legend as Hyrule (First Gen. Ring) or a monster (moblin, bokoblin, and octorok iirc)
- fairy Hyrule (but more classic fae, perhaps?)
- Deku Scrub Time
- actual-Minish Four
- Wolfie of course
- Malayna Malon
For one snippet? I fit in three! This was fun, but if I tried to fit more it would have turned into a full blown fic. Maybe another time!
(If you read this and would like to request a short snippet, see this post!)
After weeks on the road with all nine heroes, all of them were ready to be alone for a while. Even the more extroverted among them were starting to get on each other’s nerves. It was only natural after being in close quarters for so long, and Twilight, for one, was glad that they were able to split up in a safe place before someone snapped. A few of them elected to stay at camp. Warriors was doing some sewing. Wild and Wind were going to start some cooking. Ever since he’d helped Wild recreate his grandma’s soup, he’d been eager to keep helping. As much as Wild liked to cook, it was good to have helping hands since he cooked the most often.  Twilight left before everyone else decided what to do. He was more than ready for a break, and they’d already checked that the area was safe. As far as they could tell, there were no monsters in miles. Once he was out of sight, Twilight grabbed the crystal around his neck. The familiar shadows surrounded him, and he sighed as he finally transformed into his wolf form. He shook, letting his fur fluff out, before taking off in a loping run. He didn’t stray too far away from camp, but he allowed himself to move out of earshot. There was a creek they’d passed an hour ago that would make a nice spot to rest for a while, with a few flat stones on the bank.  When he reached the spot, he settled on one of the stones, still warm from the afternoon sunlight. He rested his head on his paws and just watched the creek, spotting fishing and frogs in the water as the birds around him took up their songs. Twilight wasn’t sure when he’d fallen asleep, but he woke slowly, the sound of quiet chiming laughter interrupting the background sounds. He opened his eyes, watching as a fairy floated towards him and alighted on his nose. Twilight could feel his eyes crossing as he looked at fairy. It came into focus, the fluffy brown hair and green tunic — wait, that wasn’t a normal fairy. Traveler? Hyrule must have noticed the recognition. He sat cross legged on Twilight’s snout. “Hey, Rancher. I hope it’s okay if I join you. It just seems so peaceful here, and, well, the markings on your head are pretty distinctive.” Hyrule’s voice was quiet and high-pitched, but Twilight understood. He had no way of speaking like this, so he blinked, slowly. Hyrule patted his snout before turning to face the creek. Twilight let his eyes fall shut once more. Hyrule continued to surprise them. It was only a few minutes later when there was a quiet squeaking from behind him. Twilight’s ears twitched, and he felt Hyrule crawling up his snout to stand on his head. Twilight didn’t mind. He was too comfortable to move. The squeaking got louder, and then there was a gentle tugging as something pulled at the fur on his side. Hyrule laughed again and took off from his perch. Twilight picked his head up to look at what was crawling up his side. It was a tiny, mouse-like creature with a feather for a tail. A minish! Four had shown one to him when he was in his wolf form and Wind a few weeks ago. But this one was wearing a familiar hat… “Smith! How’d you find us?” Twilight couldn’t understand Four’s squeaking, but Hyrule was nodding along. “This is a good place to rest. Rancher found a nice spot.” More squeaks. “As long as we’re quiet!” Twilight huffed out a breath as he settled back down. The sun was warm on his fur and Four and Hyrule settled on his back. Their conversation got quieter, and Twilight was content to go back to his nap. He had questions, but they could wait.
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mushroomwoods · 11 months
never say goodbye
The sailor finally learned of a secret that roamed among the group and he wasn't happy about it, after all, who, if not him, would even dare to get so close to you? He would make sure it wasn't that wolf.
character — Wind, platonic.
cw — platonic yandere, wind is a warning in itself, feral little gremlin has too many traumas to take care of.
as always, @wayfayrr big brain ideas makes me spiral into madness and this is the latest result of it. and my opinion stands strong, platonic yanderes are fucking scary, they could ruin your fucking life if it meant you would never look away from them <3
kinda noticing how I'm turning mostly into a dark content blog too, oh dear, that wasn't the intention.
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The sailor wasn't stupid like some liked to paint him as. It was only natural for him to discover what was the nature of Wolfie's existence when the rancher was always so secretive about it.
The man had come clean to him when he noticed the boy was too near the truth, after all, he trusted him like a younger sibling, he knew he wouldn't do anything to use it against him.
But maybe it was a mistake.
He must have underrated the sailor possible bolts of jealousy when he said something like that to him.
At first it was okay, but he started acting gloomier by the day when you didn't pay him any mind in order to play with the group's wolf. When it came to that, Twilight unfortunately knew it was only a matter of time until the bubble of rose tinted lens burst.
And for the first time, anyone in the group had ever seen Wind cry.
Not that he wasn't easy to read, he was more open than most in the group and always relied into some of the others when in need of help, it was endearing how he acted like the younger sibling when he noticed it would alleviate the tension, even when it was apparent how much he hated acting like it.
But he was strong.
There was no doubt about it, some could even argue that the boy would stand among the heroes with the most mental fortitude, as there was hardly anything that could set him off, even in the middle of battle.
But the scene unfolding right now was nothing short of a surprise.
The boy clung to your clothes as he muttered something incoherent, tears streaming down his face as his grip around one of your writs turned bruising. You winced and Twilight turned frantic.
“Wait, Wind, [Name] is in pain.” The ordonian tries to approach, but the glare he receives from the boy is enough to make him stop.
“Don't you fucking dare!” Wind snarled, showing his teeth and any reproach Wars had about his language, died when he noticed just how shaken up he was.
“Hey sailor, what got into you suddenly.” Four didn't move from his spot near the clearing, but the youngest head whipped to him so harshly you feared he would hurt himself.
“Like you're one to talk, smith. I bet someone like you was into like the rest of you all.” His voice was firm, but the tears just continued to cascade relentlessly. “I bet you all would just leave me out of it and try to take away all the things I love, like they always do.”
A sob broke from his throat and finally his facade crumbled, as his eyes ran back to you, filled with so much desperation you couldn't help but hug the boy, who sniffled into your chest.
“[Name], please, don't leave, please... I'll be good, I promise.” You shushed him quietly, running your hand over his hair as the other patted his back.
“Hey now... why would I leave?” His eyes lifted to meet you, wet lashes brushing and peeking through his bangs. “I won't leave you, don't worry.” You smiled reassuringly and he nodded softly, his hand around your wrist finally letting go as he hugged you again, now nuzzling into you.
You looked in confusion to the rest of the group, but there was no answer from their part. Twilight eyes avoided yours and Time sighed, impatient, but not words were uttered to calm your nerves.
It was a strange night, and you could notice how ever since that day the youngest was more and more protective over you, turning especially harsh when Wolfie tried to approach you, but no one said a thing to dimiss his paranoia, as you could only follow along his whims, since anything you said to go against his wishes would make the usually so energetic boy tremble and cry in fear you would abandon him.
At some point you understood that what you said to him as only a mean to calm him down, was now a promise binding the two of you together.
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luimagines · 2 years
I also request Fairy Reader that uses magic to have a full human form being sweet on the boys bc they deserve all the cuddles and fresh baked bread-
Oh that's cute! I'll see what I can come up with. <3
Content under the cut!
You didn’t think it would have gone this far. At first you just wanted to do something nice for this group of warry travelers.
They had all looked so young and tired and downtrodden.
You didn’t intent to stay in form longer than you had. You had just wanted to help.
One of them saw right through your spell and pulled you aside to see if you had needed any assistance. You had to tell your brother that it was quite the opposite. He seems a bit skeptical of your intentions but there was little you could do to persuade him, and little he could do to change your mind.
And now, as you finds yourself squished between the one called Wolfie, the one called Wind and the one called Sky, you think it’s about time someone saved you and woke them all up.
The one they call the Old Man passes by and you reach your hand out to him. “Help me.” You whisper, still not wanting to wake them up. “They’re squishing me!”
He smiles somewhat, laughing with his eyes and bends down to meet your level. “How unfortunate. Well we can’t have that, can we?”
He takes your hand and gently moves Wolfie off of your legs as he pulls you up. Together you keep Wind from falling over and place him next to Sky.
You dust yourself off, fixing your skirt and top. “Thank you.”
“Anytime.” He pats your head. “It’s only fair.”
You hum and dash over to the small pouch you’ve begun to bring with you. “I know I said wasn’t going to stick around for so long this time-”
“And yet they trapped you into a cuddle pile.” The one called Legend snorts. He reeks of magic- more so than Wolfie but it’s more stifling. It’s all sterilized magic. As nice as he is, it hurts your nose.
You smile tensely. “The little one wanted a story. It wasn’t my intention.”
You take out the loaf of bread you had baked that morning and hand it to The Old Man. “Here. This is for you.”
You’re quick to duck back into your bag and take out the little baggy of dried fruits with peeled and deshelled nuts. ”And this is for you as well. I’m sorry I couldn’t bring as much last time.”
These trips are actually quite the pain in the wing, you wince. But you don’t say that thought out loud.
He takes them gracious and bows his head toward you. There’s another knowing look to his eye. “We accept these provisions once more. I’ll do my best to make sure everyone gets a share.”
You nod back and put your pouch over your shoulder. “Alright then. This is all I can do for now. A thousand pardons for my intrusion.”
“Aww... You’re leaving us, already?” The one called Warrior teases. “But you just got here. Stay a while. Take a load off. Who’s ever denied good company?”
You blush a bit. “Flatterer... I already said my stay has to be short. I’ve already stayed longer than intended.”
“Ignore him.” The one called Four laughs under his breath. “We know that. Take care of yourself, ok? We’ll see you soon?”
You nod. Another one that you think might be onto you is the Smith. So between your brother, The Old Man and Four, you think you’ll have to sparse your visits somewhat. Even if every part of you tells you to help them where ever you can.
You take a few steps toward the tree line before the one called Wild taps your shoulder. He holds out a small package that smells divine. “Here. For helping us as much as you do.”
Your heart begins to beat a little faster as you take it, gently putting it in your pouch. You nod and smile- ignoring the way your eyes get a bit watery. With a little bow, you send the tiniest of magic his way, before making your way back into the forest.
You keep walking until you’re sure the trees cover your form from their ever perceptive eyes. You shift back.
You shrink and move up simultaneously. The pouch on your bag begins to gain weight exponentially even if it’s technically lighter than before.
“Wait!” Your brother calls out. He’s in your face before you know it and helps with the pouch. “Ok, I got you. Let’s get you to the fountain to rest.”
“That’s not my fountain though-”
“But it’ll help with the weight.” He cuts you off. “You might tear your wing otherwise.”
You can’t argue with that, even if you try. “....It’s a small sacrifice.”
“Don’t talk like that.” He scolds. “If your wings tears we’ll never be able to see you again. There’s no coming back from that.”
You whine and let him do as he pleases. You get back to the closest fountain. The mother here welcomes you both graciously.
Your brother- your only brother- bids your farewell and kisses you forehead in payment for your troubles. It’s refreshing. You feel energized.
Time to collect more food for your next visit. You’ll see if you can bring more. But first- you’re going to eat what Wild gave you. And you don’t plan on sharing.
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trainofcommand · 1 year
Well, it's rainy outside and kind of cold and that means it's time for some uplifting picspam. So here are some pictures of Kavan Smith that make me think of Stargate fic ideas or AUs and stuff.
Let's start with this one. Evan Lorne (sporting his trademark 'hands on my hips and looking a bit stern' stance - which, surprise! I love) learns that even when he's not on Atlantis - when he's taking some leave in a quiet cabin! - he's still going to have to mobilize his whole 'seriously?' look . Because he signed up for a quiet week away from water and nonsense, and what has shown up on the doorstep of his rented cabin? Some nonsense. It involves General O'Neill, who wants to talk about fishing. "There aren't any lakes nearby, sir," Lorne tells him. Jack just waves that away. Fishing is a state of mind. Also, he needs to hide out for a while. He's sure Lorne understands (Lorne does not).
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Wait, wait. Or what about if this is an AU where Evan Lorne (not in the USAF) is staying in his family cabin after...I don't know some kind of shock...and one morning there's this guy bleeding all over his porch, and he looks like he's been through the wars (but what wars?) and needs some help even though he's remarkably close-mouthed about how he got in this state (bloody, bruised, one arm hanging weird, etc) and after Evan's cleaned him up a bit and put that arm in a sling and given him some water, the guy pushes himself up from a chair, and sways on his feet a bit and says, "Thanks, I'm just gonna--" and he waves in the direction of the door and Evan pulls out the hands-on-hips-stern look and is like, "Nope." And the guy looks like he's going try it anyway, even though he can barely stand. Evan puts The Look into full force, and the guy sits back down. Later, when he's passed out on Evan's couch, Evan looks through his coat pockets (bloody coat) and finds some kind of ID that says Sheppard, John, with a logo he doesn't recognize. It's going to be interesting when the guy wakes up.
This one says 'Evan Lorne werewolf AU' to me. Just a werewolf who likes to hang around with his arms crossed, looking intense and thinking about chasing things down. Maybe he's in the SGC. Maybe he isn't. Maybe he lives in a little town on the edge of a massive forest, a quiet and unremarkable life (except for the whole claws/fangs/wolfy thing, but still, it's quiet) until one day he finds some dude half-dead on the edge of the forest, and whelp, there I go again thinking about the whole 'isolated werewolf/guy running from his terrible past understated romance' thing.
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This one is just dirtbag!Lorne and that's all there is to it, and I thank @dedkake for making it. Also, tongue blep is appealing.
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Post-Atlantis, Lorne is having a rough go of it and is taking some leave time. He's at a loss. Who is he when he's not XO to the least predictable CO in two galaxies? It's a big adjustment. So he's trying out cooking and romantic dinners and the like, and also the whole beard thing. He's not sure it's working for him. Though he does like the plaid. It's comfortable. It's cozy. And Rodney will eat anything Evan puts in front of his face.
(A couple of weeks later, Evan says, "I'm going to shave," and, "I got a call from the SGC." And Rodney is glad, because Evan's cooking is great, it really is, but Rodney can't just eat all day long, he's got work to do).
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This one makes me think of farmers' market AU. Every time. He looks so young. Fresh-faced! Like a farmer or a painter, or guy who likes to be outside all the time, wearing sensible shirts and smouldering a little.
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This one is small but amazing. He looks like a smouldering spy or maybe a devious corporate dude or something. I don't know. AU where Evan Lorne doesn't go into the military but instead gets recruited by the CIA or whatever, and has the cover of corporate mogul in some kind of energy-generating company that allows him to travel around the world easily and also hook up with guys like Radek Zelenka on joint US-EU missions, and then one time they meet up with Rodney McKay (PhD, PhD; CSIS operative) and there are some shenanigans and Elizabeth Weir is their slick diplomat contact. Look, I don't know anything about how the CIA and CSIS work, but it's fun to think about some spy hijinks and like, nice suits and stuff.
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Also, bonus image not of Kavan Smith - Radek Zelenka, EU partner in superspy AU. Looking very slick there, Radek!! I like it. (This stance says, "Are you looking for some fun, CIA superspy Evan Lorne?" The answer, of course, is yes.)
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(I don't even know where I found most of these images, so if I missed crediting you for something, please let me know and I'll add it).
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toruandmidori · 4 months
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So here we go then lads, a general election after what feels like for-actual-ever. 
We don’t mind who you vote for, as long as it ain’t the conservatives obviously. 
If you are struggling to find someone to support though, we’ve created a collection of campaign shirts inspired by iconic British TV personalities, featuring Arthur Daley from Minder, Alan B’stard from The New Statesman and Wolfy from Citizen Smith. 
Spread a little retro nostalgia at the ballot box this election season with our new shirts.
Check our full politics collection here, individual links below:
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Tornado No. 8, dated 12 May 1979. Similar to 2000AD ostensibly being edited by 'Tharg', Tornado was edited by the superhero 'Big E'.
The artist Dave Gibbons appeared as Big E on covers and in photo features in many issues.
Percy was Ken Armstrong, an editor and writer of strips such as Hook Jaw, Lofty's One-Man Luftwaffe and Tornado's own The Mind of Wolfie Smith.
I'm not sure who Sam was but might have been Bev Henry, an art editor on the comic along with the legendary Jan Shepheard (who created some of the greatest logos in comics).
Kevin O'Neill was Billy.
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anthemxix · 3 years
So How do you think Fierce deity Sky would work?
Like this!
Most of the heroes’ exposed secrets were not willingly confessed so much as forcibly revealed by circumstance. A harrowing battle ended with the Smith finally displaying his Four Sword’s power; Legend reluctantly demonstrated his ability to transform into a painting during a dungeon puzzle. Compared to these two discoveries, the fact that Twilight and Wolfie were one and the same was easy to digest, Sky thought.
A few secrets, however, were tentatively shared in the sleepy evening hours when conversation turned soft and somber. Sky could recall this particular secret’s revelation with clarity. He could visualize Time carefully cradling the ancient mask that Sky now gripped in trembling fingers. Even now, he felt the horror of Time’s story, of a small, brave child compelled to be a vessel for a violent deity. And he remembered Time caressing the red markings on his cheek, the permanent byproducts of too much power used too often.
“I can’t believe you still have that damn thing,” Warriors had murmured, half-lamenting and half-accusatory.
“Would you use it again?” Wind had asked. “Even though it’s so dangerous?”
“If I had to, yes.” Time smiled sadly, tracing his fingers along the edge of the mask, as Sky, lost in memory, did now. “After all these years, he almost feels like a friend.”
A friend, Sky mused. I sure hope he’s a friend.
Scanning the battlefield a final time, Sky could see how exhausted and injured all of his brothers were, could see the monsters’ massive cavalry was still invigorated and ruthless.
Unless someone had another miraculous secret ability to pull out, this was a losing fight. The time for drastic, maybe desperate, measures had arrived, and this damnable mask was the only failsafe Sky could think of. Its unparalleled power would easily secure them a victory.
More importantly, it would easily save their lives.
Mind made up, borrowed item in hand, Sky stepped away from Epona, who was burdened with everyone’s bags. She whinnied questioningly, no doubt sensing Sky’s nerves, but he ignored her as he trudged back onto the battlefield, raising the Fierce Deity mask to his face.
The transformation was instantaneous. Sudden and extreme, it made Sky feel dizzy and nauseated—except it didn’t, because he was bodiless. His consciousness had been snatched from his physical form—except it hadn’t been, because his head felt achy and overstuffed, like he’d experienced an abrupt shift in air pressure, and his stomach violently churned.
Yet simultaneously, he felt a radical disconnect from his body. Sky could vaguely discern his own motion, and then only in ephemeral moments of clarity. He likened the paradoxical sensation of being and not being to the blurry region between sleeping and waking, but that analogy didn’t quite encompass this disconcerting, disjointing experience.
He was himself, but he wasn’t; he wasn’t someone else, either, but he was. He wasn’t alone; there was another consciousness beside him, inside him. Inside his body or his mind? He couldn’t tell. Both, neither. He felt like his consciousness wasn’t his own, like someone was sharing his thoughts, or maybe thinking his thoughts for him.
Sky felt all manner of confusing, contradictory things, and it was too much. Too much.
Before rummaging through Time’s bag to fetch the mask—an event that must have happened hours ago, maybe seconds ago—Sky had reaffirmed his private vow to accept any and all hardships in place of his brothers. For Sky’s mistakes, they had suffered enough. Not just the mistakes he’d made on his adventure, but all the errors thereafter for the rest of his life. All the choices he would make—the choices he’d already made, in his brothers’ histories—affected them in ways he couldn’t even conceive. He could never atone for that, but he would try his damnedest to protect them from anything he could.
(Do I really sacrifice myself for them? Sky often wondered. Or is it because I can’t live with the guilt?)
Sky had chosen to don the consumptive mask so Time wouldn’t have to, but now, in this realm of existing and not existing, of pain and total numbness, he wished he hadn’t. He selfishly wished he could strip off the horrid, possessed article and return to himself, because this was too much.
How long was he trapped in that in-between? Sky didn’t know. Reentering the normal world, when it happened, felt like surfacing from a sea after nearly drowning. No, it was more, he imagined, like being birthed. His body felt foreign in its familiarity as he frantically gulped in air, acutely aware of his lungs expanding, feeling terribly, definitely ill.
Unconsciously, he rolled from his back to his side and vomited. As soon as he was finished, a dribble of bile on his chin, he was scooped into someone’s lap.
Blearily, he looked up at Time, catching a glimpse of the oldest hero’s devastated expression before the man pulled him close. Time’s bulky armor made the tight hug painful, but Sky didn’t mind. Depleted, he sank into Time’s embrace.
“Are you okay?” Time whispered. Sky nodded into the Old Man’s neck, a slight movement that nonetheless renewed his dizziness.
“Are you?” Sky murmured, his mouth dry, his head heavy. He could feel himself drowsing despite the reticence in Time’s lengthy pause.
“Everything will be okay,” he said at last.
Not exactly a reassuring statement. Sky struggled to open his eyes, to draw back and look across the battlefield. He blinked at a blood-drenched heap of mangled, shredded monster parts before Time gently pulled him back, settling Sky against his shoulder again.
“It’s okay,” Time soothed. “It’s all going to be okay.”
Sky thought he should try to get up again, to survey the decimation that occurred by his hand, the destructive consequences of his choices. Before he could, though, Time’s fingers combing through his hair lulled him into that strange space between dreaming and waking, and he decided he would rest.
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bokettochild · 3 years
Maybe a snippet about Hyrule hitting statues for potions? (Like Legend’s statues in Holodrum/Labrynnia or maybe Mipha’s statue)
Ask and ye shall receive! In no reasonable amount of time, but receive ye shall!
(This was a ton of fun to write!)
Everyone in their group had some... irregularities...
Time’s issue with pottery for example, or Legend’s need to collect every item that could conceivably (and sometimes inconceivably) be used for anything ever. Wars had a need to know where everyone was all the time, and Twilight had a tendency to gnaw on things, made worse by Wild’s propensity for giving him meat with bones still in it, bones that Twilight would gnaw on for the rest of the meal until someone pointed it out.
It was funny, really, to see his pup flush and spit out the bones with a startled expression, apparently never having realized what he was doing. It was funnier still that if the pup seemed particularly keen on one, that Wolfie would appear later to finish chewing it.
But chewing bones and collecting items, and even digging through pottery (which wasn’t a good thing he knows, Malon has scolded him a million times for it) are hardly comparable to Hyrule’s tendencies.
Hyrule liked to hit things.
Not people mind, or animals, or even buildings. Hyrule liked to hit statues, and apparently only statues.
The same look would come over the traveler’s face every time, considering and curious before he took off like a rocket towards whatever stone or metal figure lay before him. But no matter how consistent the behavior was, no one was ever fast enough to stop him.
The first time it wasn’t that big of a deal. It was just the traveler, the veteran and himself, and they’d been wandering about in Wild’s Hyrule trying to figure out where exactly the others were.
Usually, they wouldn’t have split up, but both he and the vet were fighting with their arthritis and Hyrule had insisted on taking a look to try and figure out something to help them. It was late, and neither of them had felt overly keen on arguing against the order, but the others were half asleep on their feet, so Time had encouraged them to hurry along to the village Wild had promised was nearby.
Finding the village was the easy part, the hard part was stopping Legend from wheezing up a lung when his protégé's first instinct was to smack the statue of Hylia in its center. Hyrule had looked disappointed for whatever reason after soundly punching Hylia’s likeness in the side, and it had only made the vet wheeze harder, leaning against Time heavily in order to stay upright as he cackled uproariously. Time didn’t really get why it was funny, but the fact that Hyrule’s first instinct was to smack Hylia did pull a smile to his lips.
Legend didn’t laugh the second time it happened though, in fact, he looked hurt.
They’d been dumped in a place that Legend called Lynna City, and while the vet wove his way through the streets with practiced ease, the others trailing after him like ducklings as he’d explained some of the history of the place, even telling them that it was the sight of one of his adventures.
“It’s changed a lot since then though,” The vet drawled, eyes glimmering in a way Time wasn’t sure he liked. “But there’s some things that don’t change.”
“Like what?” Wind had bounced in place, gripping Legend’s hand tightly as he had been doing since they found themselves in one of the cities alley ways.
The vet flinched, eyes darting to the side as he’d ushered them further along the pathways, only to be stopped by Warriors’ voice exclaiming in a breathy manner. “Like that?”
In the middle of the town square, there was a statue. A bright smiling face, sharp eyes and the vet’s signature messy bangs stared out at them from a face of stone, much younger looking than the vet himself, but easily recognizable.
Warriors whistled. “They have a statue of you? Wow, impressive.” None of his usual snark tainted the words, and the captain even looked vaguely uncomfortable as he stared at the fixture (if he remembered right, there was an exact replica in Cia’s rose garden).
“Like that.” Legend drawled, irritation on his face, but ears darkening and twitching in embarrassment. “I told Anbi not to but-”
The vet’s words were cut off by Hyrule running across the square and promptly smacking the statue. Legend’s irritated façade cracked to reveal a hurt expression beneath as he watched Hyrule wring his hands out and return to the group with a disappointed expression. “’Rulie?” The vet’s eyes shimmered with hurt as Hyrule shook his head.
“Nothing.” Came the disappointed sigh.
Legend was very nearly pouting out of hurt for a second before he shrugged it off stiffly and continued to lead them all through Lynna. Nothing was said of the statue hitting after that, save one time where Wars tried to bring it up only to be on the receiving end of a stink eye from the vet.
For not wanting a statue, Legend seemed rather hurt that Hyrule would hit the thing.
Wild was even more touchy, but it made sense that he would be, after all, the statue that Hyrule tried to go after next was, apparently, very important to the Champion.
They’d landed in Wild’s Hyrule again and the young hero was taking them all to the Zora’s Domain to investigate rumors about an infected lynel. Three heroes had flinched at the mere idea, and while time didn’t know what a lynel was, he was beginning to dread it, what with the hesitant murmurs and fearful looks shot between the trio.
They’d hardly entered the domain before Wild was suddenly catching hold of the traveler, prompting several curious looks from his party and from passer bys. But then they saw why.
Rising up in the center of the domain was a tall and graceful statue of a zora woman, and the minute Hyrule’s eyes fell on it he was surging forwards in Wild’s arms, barely held back as the Champion scowled.
“Rule, so help me, if you smack that statue I will toss you in the pools and not let you out for an hour!”
The traveler turned to his growling friend in confusion. “What?”
“Don’t hit her, that’s my fiancé.” Wild threatened softly, eyes glinting unnaturally blue as brows shot up.
“Sky could have said the same thing, yet here we are.” Legend drawled, earning curious looks from all those who hadn’t witnessed the first incident.
“But statues have rupees inside.” Hyrule blinked owlishly. “We’re hard up for funds, why shouldn’t I get us some.”
There was a moment of silence before Wild released the traveler with a weary sigh. “That’s not how it works here, ‘Rule.”
“Or in my world, I’d like to add.” Legend butted in, looking somewhat relieved.
Hyrule looked from one to another of their group, confusion clear on his face. “Then how do you get money?”
“I have a job.” Wars shrugged, and was echoed by both Twilight and Time himself, as Four motioned at the captain.
“I’m a smith.”
“I do odd jobs for people.” Wind added on.
“Same!” All anger had drained from Wild’s face as he smiled brightly at the sailr.
“I do landscaping work.” Legend drawled, inspecting a hand distractedly, nly to be met with th stars of the others. “Oh fine, I cut grass and blow shit up, happy?” He frowned in thought, cokcing his head. “And trees. I also work on trees. We also sell stuff out of the orchard and honey as well, and I kinda rent out the house to Ravio-”
“Point is.” Warriors broke through the vet’s murmurs. “We don’t hut statues for money. That would be considered rude in our worlds.”
Hyrule nodded. “Alright.”
And they thought that was the end of it.
The first time they saw a statue in Hyrule’s world, a goddess statue to be exact, Hyrule ran up and bopped the thing over the head, much to the horror of Sky.
A rupee bounced to the ground, glimmering and bright, prompting a smile from the traveler.
“But- but- but-”
“It’s just a pagan god.” Hyrule shrugged, rubbing the rupee off on his tunic. “And everyone does it here.”
Sky looked like he might either scold or cry, and Legend had devolved back into cackling, eyes watering as he looked up at his protégé with a fond smile.
Time shook his head. They all had their irregularities.
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quasar1967 · 2 years
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2000 AD #140
24th Nov 1979
Judge Dredd (The Black Plague)
Captain Klep (Lord Klep)
Stainless Steel Rat
The VCs
The Mind Of Wolfie Smith (Night Of The Carnivore)
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etcor-archive · 3 years
For those of y’all that do DISCORD rp, I do have a server if you want to write with Melinda there.    I also have many other characters I do write on there also including:
Classic Loki (Also known as Old Man Loki from Loki TV Show)
Ikol L. Ikol (Loki that is a mind wiped analyst in another universe, he is still the living embodiment of chaos)
Loki 1131 Basically the Loki of the tv show, when he kissed Sylvie it was like kissing a sister, he realized he didn’t love her --love her.    It was like kissing Thor which did absolutely nothing for him.    He’d rather stab himself than kiss his brother.
Oath Loki, Oath Thor, & Oath Sylvie Loki and Sylvie were born Fraternal Twins.    The three of them swore a blood oath to never betray each other and it broke the timeline and were thrown to Asgoliath.
Melinda Halliwell
The youngest child of Piper and Leo. (You on this blog)
Constance Halliwell
Melinda’s identical twin (one of the triplets)
Peter Halliwell 
Melinda’s fraternal twin (one of the triplets)
Poppy Barnes
Melinda and @apocketfullofmuses (Bucky’s) daughter.
Jamie Barnes
Melinda and @apocketfullofmuses (Bucky’s) son.
Patty Wolf Halliwell (1/4 Whitelighter, 1/2 Darklighter, 1/4 Whitelighter)
Melinda and @derschwarzeengel (Damon’s) daughter.
Wolfgang “Wolfie” Halliwell
Melinda and Damon’s son.
Jack & Jonny Murdock
Melinda and Matt Murdock’s twin sons @apocketfullofmuses
Anna Smith
One half of Morgana’s soul, the goodness and compassion that Morgaine ripped out of her.
Wanda Maximoff, Billy Maximoff, Tommy Maximoff
From WandaVision
Peter Maximoff
Universe jumping Quicksilver
Wyatt Halliwell
Melinda’s oldest brother.
Emily Marks
Simon Mark’s heir and disappointment.
Primrose Turner
Phoebe and Cole’s child (not the Source Baby), she was conceived weeks before her brother.
Prue (II) Halliwell
Phoebe and Coop’s first child.
Perle Halliwell 
Prue’s younger sister.
Penny Halliwell
Phoebe’s youngest child.
An experiment of the Time War and survivor.
Sam Hale
OC cousin of Derek Hale’s.
Patrick & Phillip Trudeau
Twin sons of Andy & Prue. (OCs)
The Doctor
15th Incarnation of The Doctor.
Henry Mitchell Jr.
Youngest child of Paige and Henry.
Tommy Merlyn
Dark Archer from a timeline that was supposedly destroyed.
Sophie Mitchell
Paige & Henry’s eldest speedster daughter.
Lizzie Mitchell
Sophie’s identical twin sister.
Hope Cipher
Dragon Warlock OC from ShadowHunters.
Evelyn Miller
From another universe and timeline, Evelyn lives in the present trying to find a way to break the curse on her family.
James Walters
A 7th Son of A 7th Son and is the 7th Generation.
Morgan Faith
Nephilia and one of Yellow Eyes’s special kids who is a literal bomb when she purges demon blood from her system.
Rebekkah Amell
The Hero of Ferelden and The Inquisitor in a nice package.    She’s here to save the world--again.
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democracyin-news · 2 years
RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: When will the Leftist student activists grow up and stop monstering Maggie?
RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: When will the Leftist student activists grow up and stop monstering Maggie?
When I heard that some imbecile had chucked a few eggs at the newly erected statue of Margaret Thatcher in Grantham, I naturally assumed the culprit was probably a spotty student with purple dreadlocks and industrial-strength halitosis. In my mind’s eye, I envisaged a Wolfie Smith wannabe in torn jeans, scuffed Doc Martens and an Army surplus jacket plastered in CND and Black Lives Matter…
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categorized and generalized all the types of tumblr aesthetics i have come across.
I have been going through archives for the last five years on tumblr now, and i can’t help but notice that a lot of blogs are the same. There seems to be a pattern in the sorts of aesthetics i run up against. So, in my exhaustion, i tried coming up with all the different aesthetics, and i tried to put them into certain categories. Obviously, some of these categories are mixed with others.
-general porn
-lesbian/gay general
-kinky stuff
-daddy dom stuff - tied up boobies
-just unrealistic nudes
-just realistic nudes
-vintage porn, and occasionally porn that is so old that it was drawn by someone in the 1800′s
- hentai and erotic animal people cartoon characters going at it
-person who took about five pictures of themselves naked five years ago who has not come back
-super modelesque kids in their super rich cool kid clothes and fashion in Starbucks taking pictures of their food and their trips to Europe in 1st class
- incredibly expensive looking sunglasses
-rich kid travel blogs with hundreds of thousands of notes of pictures from rich people buildings
-quotes that say 'be happy' or stuff about saying anyone can just travel anywhere at any time, just the general advice you might get from someone who doesn't know how the other half lives
- cats
-the greatest generation stuff, forgotten early hollywood actors/actresses, very old movie gifs, Theda Bara, Clara Bow, Carol Lombard, early Joan Crawford, Gone with the Wind ect..
-50's, 60's and 70's, Nancy Sinatra, Brigitte Bardot, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn – generally a lot of Audrey Hepburn
-Posts old advertisements and old cars, sometimes old toys, a few pinups, vintage comics, kinda weird
- vintage toy blogs - just toys, named and dated
-sometimes retrospace stuff
-sometimes just old comic book stuff
-intersectional feminists who post mostly text and back and forth writings, sometimes they fight 
-radfems and turfs, unpopular minority of angry at the intersectional feminists
- Fat Acceptance movement, chubby bunnies
-other girl's selfies, lots of girl power related drawings of gender symbols and the like, Grimes, being a witch, Courtney Love, sailor moon, and so forth, sometimes bleeds into soft grunge
-topics on transgender, gender fluid and others that have informative 
- asexual community
-black lives matter awareness, police brutality, pointing out flaws in legal system
-lovely stylish selfies
-call outs of racism, lots of dialogue, and the extension of twitter
80's + 90's GIF TUMBLR
-like gifs of scratched up VCR obscure film openings, and repetitious obscure 80's gifs in general, everything is fuzzy and looks like it came from an 80' infomercial, kinda makes you feel scared
-90's gifs of Pee Wee Herman, Catdog, Clarissa Explains it All, Chucky Cheese, Fruit by the Foot, Beavus and Butthead, Bart Simpson, and so on
-just like the rich kidz, only they have white kid dreads and post a lot of vanlife stuff, lots of festivals
-mostly psychedelic gifs, with occasional trippy art, Foster the People is their favorite band
-real hippies, who post pictures of communes and people making tyed dye things, nonsexual nudes with hairy women, Grateful Dead stuff
-Buddhist and Hindu quotes, sometimes lilies
purple and pink skies, water, windows with lace
girls with pale skin and perfect make up, and chokers, bruises, sparkly skin
mermaid texture, mermaid hair colors
Lana Del Rey
kind of like 90's only more melty and pink
quotes about good vibes
Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless mind reference
moon print
dream pop bands from the early 90's
picture of Uma Thurman overdosing in Pulp Fiction
lots and lots of flowers
lots of sensual pictures of pale skin under certain lighting
albino people
albino animals
pictures of sunrises
kind of like the Soft Grunge, but just a little bit more subtle and film tumblry
old roman art
chinese, japanese and korean art from long ago
renaissance and medieval art with religious context
just like medieval art of specifically torture
18th and 19th century portrait paintings
Scenic paintings of hills, Van Gogh, Toulouse-Lautrec, Monet
Dada, Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock, Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Adolph Wolfie
Modern art that is squiggly, slimy, and bizzare, breaks art rules but looks good, David Shrigley
Modern Surrealists
posts really great homemade gifs that nobody knows about infrequently
blogs that only have the artwork of the blog owner – generally post infrequently and not given enough credit ever, except maybe one of there works has a whole bunch of notes
person who keeps painting the same thing over and over again and does it a lot for years at a time, 0 notes usually – who are you??
collage artists that mix 50's scenes with hyperspace backdrops
-Stanley Kubrick, Jean Cocteau, lots of black and white french films
-that movie where the two people are sitting on the ledge of a building and the other one jumps off
Clockwork Orange
-Paris, Texas
David Lynch
Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks (gets stolen by other kinds of blogs frequently)
Wim Wenders,
Rare film art from Poland in the 70's
Jans Svankmajer
Man Ray, Max Ernst,
cool quotes by philosopher, artist, psychologist, or film director
sometimes Wes Anderson
abandoned places, gas stations, archaic cafes, falling apart amusement parks
uses too much dark fade out in the background pictures of fields and stuff, overused filtering – posted a ton three years ago and then left
just photostock
girl who takes pictures of herself in costume
Nature pictures, animal pictures ect..
person who just takes pictures of textures and minimalist buildings – usually colorful
person who's personal Instagram picture just automatically post to tumblr also, probably never checks up, usually pictures of them with friends as a pub
Indigenous pictures from around the world, some of them from books, some from National Geographic, some from other places
Super old pictures from old newspapers, the great depression, WW2 – generally black and white
Really likes Led Zeppelin, The Doors and The Who, sometimes mixed with other vintage, often posts the same pictures and songs for years – you feel bad because no new music will be coming out from these artists
super cheesy Van Halen, Kiss, Styx, Ozzy person, Big Hair, likes 80's pin ups and skulls, sometimes into martial arts
super cheesy death metal fan, lots of pinups, corny black and white pictures of skulls and such
REALLY likes British Invasion, The Zombies, The Kinks, The Hollies, The Animals, will occasionally post Detroit girl groups from the 60's, some Velvet Underground, pictures of the Beatles girlfriends
Just David Bowie, Lou Reed, Patti Smith and Iggy Pop. Maybe some New York Dolls
Old Blues and Jazz, Etta James, Son House, Nina Simone, pictures of Leadbelly and Howlin' Wolf and especially Miles Davis
really into post punk, Nick Cave, Siouxsie, Bauhaus, The Cure, Einsturzende Neubauten, Lydia Lunch, PJ Harvey and Rowland S. Howard, sometimes Morrissey. also generally mixes film and art blog stuff in with occasional feminist things
Just Morrissey, they call him Moz.
Fan clubs for specific bands that are newer and popular like Arctic Monkeys or Fallout Boy, but also ones blogs that really like emo lyrics from early 2000's and such – scene kids that are still scenin' it up
loves Jens Lekman, Belle and Sebastian, The Magnetic Fields and The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, Cigarettes After Sex. Usually posts really cute modern art, and uses tumblr mostly for writing, has the cutest hair cut and can pull off overalls, never posts too little or too much, extremely twee
ancient mesopotamia, greek and Egyptian history and relics
Blogs that are specifically about one place in one era - Ancient Russia, Ireland before it was taken over, precolonial India and so on
Samurai, Geisha, and scrolls
Swords, knights, castles, kings of Europe in general
Specific Wars, examples: 7 Years War, Revolutionary War, WW1 + 2
France from before the revolution – pictures of wigged men, Napoleon, Marie Antoinette
Jane Austen time era anything 18th and 19th century, slight excuse to post lots of Pride and Prejudice gifs with Keira Knightly and that Mr. Darcy in the rain
Outfits – just outfits that are really old
person who is obsessed with the Nazis and seems to like Hitler
Flappers and earlier 20th – often an excuse to post gifs of Downton Abbey
Vintage books, often children books, but sometimes others
really fucked up pictures of the Simpsons melting and stuff
gradient graphic art with symbols or words meant to convey a product that I don't understand for an obscure magazine subscription
graphic squiggles without form, minimalist graphic pictures of beach balls, tennis bats, and sneakers
bizarre smiley faces made from smaller smiley faces
80's inspired design
odd looking models with undercuts and no eyebrows
cartoon dogs and cats
just static and glitches. Nothing more, nothing less
either they make their own graphic designs and they rarely post, or they compile reblogs of everyone else's and they post all the time
insane family pictures of family who all has mullet dressed as bumble bees
Lots of Robert Crumb, some vintage stuff, but nothing remotely main stream
Some of the modern art, but only the weirdest of it
claymation masks
art from early Power Point
100 piece sculptures with melted toys
paintings of monsters
Steve Brule
children's fan art of Smokey the Bear – looks disturbing
Items that are too kitschy to be accepted by your average vintage indie blog
sometimes a specific blog centered around some kind of crazy event where everyone dresses completely insane
the communists and Marxists
a mixture of BLM and LGBTQ stuff
the libertarians, anarchocapitalists, Ayn rand folk
the left wing anarchists, freegans, graffiti punks, garden punks, possums
informative left wing news that explains to us everyday how the GOP is fucking us
alt. right creeps who are simply here to be trolls and upset everyone else – anti SJW, that stupid frog, nationalists, trump supporters and such – irrelevant poorly thought memes
I miss Obama memes
Bernie Sanders forever and always folk
pictures of rainbow candies, toys, designs, clothing and so forth all of it rainbow
people who post one color at a time, so when you go through their archive it's all gradient and neat looking – usually the pictures are a little stock photoish though
Betty Page
The Cramps. Reverend Horton Heat
Psychobilly pin ups, old cars, burning skulls, vintage B horror movies, The Swamp Thing
Legitimately obsessed with the activities of Halloween – posts witches, devils, trick or treat candy, Bella Lugosi, The Monster Mash, Halloween decoration - and doesn't ever forget how many days away Halloween is
Jack the Skeleton
Freddy Krueger
American Horror Story
K Pop and J Pop + Korean Drama
boy bands in general
My Little Ponies
Ghibli Studios
Various anime shows
fat Disney princesses
Super heroes
Big Bang Theory
Mighty Boosh
Monty Python
Phantom of the Opera
Vampire Chronicles
Orange is the New Black
Breaking Bad
Alice in Wonderland
Harry Potter
Star Wars
Steven Universe
Adventure Time
Game of Thrones and Walking Dead
any television show really
Furry cartoons
lots of spacy quick anime chibi versions of characters who are hooking up and wouldn't normally in the show
scenes from movies with subtext that comes from a different movie or show
probably countless others i am not thinking of.
serial killer blogs
unexplained mysteries, ghosts, ufo's
pictures of galaxies with information (not sparkly silly ones with no context)
sewing and yarn
precious stones
just gardening
just cats
religious blogs, either Islam, Christian, Jewish, Hindu or Buddhist
specific animal blogs, snake, spiders, wild cats and such
science blogs about technology and stuff
stock photoish pictures of camp grounds and misty mountains – often taken by the hippies
angelic looking deer, and occasional animal burials with flowers'
person who takes pictures of flowers all the time
granola type fellow who loves juicing and backpacking – doesn't get on tumblr much
slenderman fan art, actually just about anything creepypasta related
you have to turn off the music when you visit their page because it's just too much
fan art of black eyed children
slit wrists
pictures that were turned into Gifs because they shake
screamo lyrics
Alice in wonderland with X's for eyes
gothic models
occasional serial killer
skulls and references to Edgar Allan Poe
just a sea of Gifs and memes relating to anything about life ever – almost shitposting but not quite
eventually one of the gifs got 100,000 notes for it's relatability so they get a lot of traffic
lots of pictures and circumstances from The Office, Parks and Rec, and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Nihilist memes
kind of a little girl dom thing going on
Kawai and lots of Japanese girls
cute colorful make up
plushies and toys
references to fantasy cartoons from the 80's, the last unicorn, or that one with the girls in that band
Polly Pockets, Furbies, trolls
gifs of stars and hearts
Sailor Moon
pink bedroom
baby animals
occasionally more on the vintage kitschy side
ravens, bats, candles
pentacles and other symbols
sometimes there is dreads
occasionally, it is a serious practicing Wicca who posts spells and gives witch advice
lots of personal reflections
Tim and Eric, Steve Brule centered blog that are mostly in the act to make you feel queezy
like, people eating cheerios with ketchup and people wearing shoes with the soles cut out, people putting their feet in spagetti, bad tattoos on foreheads
snails, beetles, bird doing mean things to people
mostly moldy things, moss, strange dolls
things that look like they came from the dark crystal,
delapitating bedrooms that once belonged to a little girl, torn wall paper, old porcelain dolls that are slightly upsetting
occasionally a blog so gross you will be ruined for having seen it – Two Girls one Cup sort of thing
old video game start up pages
Super Mario Bros.
Other video game characters
chibis of video game characters interacting with one another
Final Fantasy references
randomly doesn't post for a year
blog that gives dumb advice that only works if you were already happy anyway
either semi fake or oversimplified 'psyche facts'
blogs from people who suffer from addiction or mental illness and want help and use their blog to vent
blogs ran by people who enjoy crystal meth and don’t give a fuck.
worthy of mentioning, blogs that nobody ever posted a single thing or just one thing, like, really cryptic blogs that nobody could ever understand, blogs that were taken over by some kind of virus and they are trying to sell you male pattern baldness remedies, or they are now call absurdly pornographic things because the virus took over and now they are like blonde cumfuck creampie or something of that nature, and blogs were the person was basically saying they have found a girlfriend/boyfriend now and don’t need tumblr anymore so goodbye
and in my experience ...
anybody can post pictures of jiggly boobs
anybody can post Grace Jones
anybody can post a Bjork song
these seem to be universal truths that defy limitations
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themadvigilantist · 5 years
                                                       links and stuff
(dantalion psychological profile)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ENJG6pMEBk gif billie
CLARA: So, I may have accidentally invented a boyfriend.
DOCTOR: Yeah, I did that once and there’s no easy way to get rid of an android.
CLARA: No, not an android. A pretend one, an imaginary one. And I said he’d be coming to Christmas dinner.
time of the doctor
okay, so everyone’s making the parallel between twelve/clara and ten/rose with the whole hand scene and that’s pretty accurate, but the first thing I remembered was ten screaming ‘I’ll save you!’ to martha when she was nearly roasted to death in 42.and something quite scary happened with ten right after that and apparently twelve as a ghost will be one hell of a ghost, so you can guess which parallel i’m deciding on.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovb-bkrnp2I&list=WL&index=2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCEib5-Fq6g&list=WL&index=3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xw6KLLzqkM8&list=WL&index=4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8emEW8g8HKM&list=WL&index=7
name: kwesi insaidoo amissah
uk beast 2017 dvdrip 640x320 by leonora lonsdale
nicole da silva and robert sheehan
Guiding Light August 1993 Part 15
Katherine Kit Bailey is Kit Bailey’s full name on Heartland, played by Tatiana Maslany
from @strongcigarettesandliquor other muses:
Christina Evan’s (Chrisitna Hendricks) CEO of a lingerie company
Amelie Edwards (Candice King) club hostess
Crystal Smith (Margot Robbie) doctor
Roxanne Connor (Danielle Campbell) History student
  <div class="header" style="background-image:url('http://31.media.tumblr.com/5a46ea9021f24beb6a0766919a889943/tumblr_ns03ozYDs51rgvfxho4_500.gif');">       <div class="nametag">Einzelgänger</div>   <div class="icon" style="background-image:url('http://a.deviantart.net/avatars/a/i/airowolf.jpg?1');">   </div>   </div>
  <div class="info">   <div class="general">       <div class="gen" >Age: Unknown</div>       <div class="gen" style="border-left: 10px solid #303030;">Species: Omnipresent</div>       <div class="gen" style="border-left: 10px solid #404040;">Gender: Female/Genderless</div>       <div class="gen" style="border-left: 10px solid #505050;">Orientation: Omnisexual</div>       <div class="gen" style="border-left: 10px solid #606060;">Family: Supernatural</div>       <div class="gen" style="border-left: 10px solid #707070;">Class: Upper</div>   </div>   <div class="desc">   Once possessing V entirely after being dormant for many years and having a proper vessel, Bad Wolf or simply Wolf, was finally free. Appearence-wise, when Wolf posseses a person or has a vessel, the host's hair will grow blonde due to both the golden dust sparkling within along with having a taste of being in two different minds briefly; those someones being Rose Tyler and The Doctor (Ninth). Though, being witnessed going back inside his TARDIS's heart, there was a good bit that wiped out the Dalek Armada wandering around aimlessly in space. Being near another ship with the same energy as her previous home, the Wolf resided within V's ship, more specifically inside V's mind. Eventually, after being possessed by her, this created three alternate timelines. One in which she possesses V and becomes the Bad Wolf Incarnate <strike>where her face is how V is currently though her faceclaims would be roles where Tatiana is blonde. Also seemed to be omnipresent due to being poisoned in one verse yet perfectly alive in another</strike>, The Vigilante <strike>where her entire life changes and is unable to rengenerate properly, being permanently stuck with the face of Rose Tyler/Billie Piper with the Wolf running through her veins. She also can interact with V and is probably the most forward when it comes to meeting those that V has met. This also sprouts a new blog altogether, a reset with that face. Also seems to use the Wolf as more of an extension of herself than a parasite. Even more that she has the memories of current!V so, she can learn from her possible future self mistakes.</strike>, and V with only reminants of the Wolf within her <strike>being that muses who has the Bad Wolf within them can sense her having the ability but, that triggers it to dormant and useless at best. Only being used as a means to connect with one another.</strike>.   <p>Bad Wolf Incarnate, this verse only, is probably the first verse where she is a villain of V herself and is the first separate character altogether of V: Second being the Vigilante. This is also a verse where those who dislike or loathe or hate V can get along with her, but she will name herself Einzelgänger when confronting those who plot against V. In her own verse, her recent verse, she is with an entity name Xeik and together they adopted two redheaded twins: a boy and a girl. They both love to paint the universe red and gold without a care in the world and is the only verse where she is truly happy.</p>
  </div>   </div>   <div class="links">       <a href="http://themadvigilantist.tumblr.com/post/129000902655/children-of-the-tardis-little-babies-of-doom">Her Children</a>       <a href="http://themadvigilantist.tumblr.com/tagged/v:-Oh-Wolfie">v: Oh Wolfie</a>
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World War Three, It’s All In The Mind
The fear in the latter part of the 20th Century was WW3. The thought of the superpowers triggering a nuclear strike either by accident or deliberately, was ever present. That dreaded four minute warning was on many peoples minds. According to CND the planet would just end up being a charred rock floating in space. If a nuclear war did start it would probably make the planet a bit difficult to live on that's for sure. It is one of those unknowns we'd rather not try to know. So now in this post cold war world what does an enemy do to defeat its opponent. The easiest and certainly the most time consuming is to slowly infiltrate the society of that opponent. To undermine its capacity to put up a fight or even perceive he is actually being defeated. We are at war, without realising when it started. No declaration of war by politicians over the radio or TV. It isn't going to be a war of devastation where cities are laid waste but where people's self determination is taken away but leave the buildings standing. This kind of war is much easier to achieve in the West because the people are more open to change than your average authoritarian state. The only way to achieve change in dictatorships is through military means. The South American countries have been the butt of many jokes as to their ever-changing leaderships. Sometimes on a weekly basis. As a traveller you could set off for your backpacking in Chile or wherever, south of the border and by the time the plane landed the government had been overthrown or in some cases just executed. The same can be said for many African countries and those of the Middle East. These are places where change can be sudden and profound. Our old enemies in the West would find it difficult to achieve this kind of change using these methods.
So, where to start. Begin at the beginning. Get the young to think differently or not think at all. The universities are the perfect environment for this kind of warfare. Traditionally places of debate and environments where all views were freely expressed. It was good because some balance could be achieved. Ok some of the lecturers were of a particular persuasion, usually on the left but they were seen as Wolfie Smiths. Not really committed to the protest, especially if the weather was bad or the pub was open. They had their groupies but once the groupies graduated and got into the real world they grew out of it. Those heady days of protest marches by part time lefties are over. Now the whole university ethos is politically driven by the left. I can only put this down in British education establishments to the EU funding they receive. The EU is left wing in all things. No room for sovereign states. All must succumb to the globalist vision of the EU. It is all carefully hidden behind a lovely blue flag with a circle of stars symbolising how equal the nations of Europe are. When the Brexit campaign was in full swing the universities were in panic that their EU funding would stop. Which in itself shows just how much they relied on it to perpetuate their agenda . The EU by its edicts and regulations undermine the confidence and integrity of the member states. It says that you are not governing correctly and that we must step in with enhanced regulation to show you how it's done.
The universities are now in direct conflict with the government and society. No more open debate on any subjects that directly affect ordinary working people. Only subjects that highlight the welfare of minorities and those from other countries are allowed. They have become a “virtue signalling” fest. This is how the left work. They promote this narrative of all being equal and let's all be together. But by putting under the microscope the minorities that aren't really, they end up dividing society into ever smaller factions. The old tried and tested tactic of divide and conquer. The left have taken this infiltration a stage further by producing teachers with this leftist mindset. The clever part is wrapping this doctrine up in terms that promote all are equal and that we are all being oppressed by the nasty nationalists. Our own culture is forbidden to be celebrated because it seen as racist. Never letting us forget that we had an empire. While this message is fed throughout the education system and the media the left is steadily building its empire under their noses. The teachers are not intelligent enough to realise what has happened to them. They then bring this doctrine into schools and brainwash the kids. The kids are told that to be successful they must go to university because any other path is failure. In order to make it easier for their pupils to get to further education they dumb down the curriculum to ease the path to the next stage of brainwashing. Another weapon in the left's arsenal is to tap into the snobbish attitudes that are prevalent in all the classes in Britain. Many parents want more for their kids than they had when they were growing up. The Yellow Brick Road to university is seen as a way of achieving this. Not for me the sight of my child  coming home in a pair of mechanic's overalls or coming home in anything but a suit. They want to be able to brag with friends that their child is getting this degree or that. Those students who have resisted this technique and actually got jobs are not free of it. They will be subjected to this political correctness in the most down to earth working environments. The EU has regulated British industry to such a point that it is uncompetitive with cheaper and less regulated countries. This regulation that is extolled so passionately by the EU is in stark contrast to their acceptance of cheap imports from countries with no regulations at all, namely China. They seem quite happy to regulate to death European industries but allow imports from China to undercut the West.
It is a globalist plan to strangle the West with political correctness, over regulation and destroying nationalism.  
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readbookywooks · 8 years
She wandered around the dark kitchen until she found a scrap of dip candle and a tinderbox. After a great deal of effort she managed to light the candle and stood it on the table, although it didn't really light the room, it simply peopled the darkness with shadows. Then she found Granny's rocking chair by the cold fireplace, and settled down to wait. Time passed. Nothing happened. Then there was a tapping at the window. Esk took up the candle stub and peered through the thick round panes. A beady yellow eye blinked back at her. The candle guttered, and went out. She stood stock still, hardly breathing. The tapping started again, and then stopped. There was a short silence, and then the doorlatch rattled. Something nasty comes, the boys had said. She felt her way back across the room until she nearly tripped over the rocking chair, and dragged it back and wedged it as best she could in front of the door. The latch gave a final clonk and went silent. Esk waited, listening until the silence roared in her ears. Then something started to bang against the little window in the scullery, softly but insistently. After a while it stopped. A moment later it started again in the bedroom above her- a faint scrabbling noise, a claw kind of noise. Esk felt that bravery was called for, but on a night like this bravery lasted only as long as a candle stayed alight. She felt her way back across the dark kitchen, eyes tightly shut, until she reached the door. There was a thump from the fireplace as a big lump of soot fell down, and when she heard the desperate scratchings coming from the chimney she slipped the bolts, threw open the door and darted out into the night. The cold struck like a knife. Frost had put a crust on the snow. She didn't care where she was going, but quiet terror gave her a burning determination to get there as fast as she could. Inside the cottage the crow landed heavily in the fireplace, surrounded by soot and muttering irritably to itself. It hopped into the shadows, and a moment later there was the bang of the latch of the stairway door and the sound of fluttering on the stairs. Esk reached up as high as she could and felt around the tree for the marker. This time she was lucky, but the pattern of dots and grooves told her she was over a mile from the village and had been running in the wrong direction. There was a cheese-rind moon and a sprinkling of stars, small and bright and pitiless. The forest around her was a pattern of black shadows and pale snow and, she was aware, not all the shadows were standing still. Everyone knew there were wolves in the mountains, because on some nights their howls echoed down from the high Tops, but they seldom came near the village - the modern wolves were the offspring of ancestors that had survived because they had learned that human meat had sharp edges. But the weather was hard, and this pack was hungry enough to forget all about natural selection. Esk remembered what all the children were told. Climb a tree. Light a fire. When all else fails, find a stick and at least hurt them. Never try to outrun them. The tree behind her was a beech, smooth and unclimbable. Esk watched a long shadow detach itself from a pool of darkness in front of her, and move a little closer. She knelt down, tired, frightened, unable to think, and scrabbled under the burning-cold snow for a stick. Granny Weatherwax opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling, which was cracked and bulged like a tent. She concentrated on remembering that she had arms, not wings, and didn't need to hop. It was always wise to lie down for a bit after a borrow, to let one's mind get used to one's body, but she knew she didn't have the time. “Drat the child,” she muttered, and tried to fly on to the bedrail. The crow, who had been through all this dozens of times before and who considered, insofar as birds can consider anything, which is a very short distance indeed, that a steady diet of bacon rinds and choice kitchen scraps and a warm roost for the night was well worth the occasional inconvenience of letting Granny share its head, watched her with mild interest. Granny found her boots and thumped down the stairs, sternly resisting the urge to glide. The door was wide open and there was already a drift of fine snow on the floor. “Oh, bugger,” she said. She wondered if it was worth trying to find Esk's mind, but human minds were never so sharp and clear as animal minds and anyway the overmind of the forest itself made impromptu searching as hard as listening for a waterfall in a thunderstorm. But even without looking she could feel the packmind of the wolves, a sharp, rank feeling that filled the mouth with the taste of blood. She could just make out the small footprints in the crust, half filled with fresh snow. Cursing and muttering, Granny Weatherwax pulled her shawl around her and set out. The white cat awoke from its private ledge in the forge when it heard the sounds coming from the darkest corner. Smith had carefully shut the big doors behind him when he went off with the nearly-hysterical boys, and the cat watched with interest as a thin shadow prodded at the lock and tested the hinges. The doors were oak, hardened by heat and time, but that didn't prevent them being blown right across the street. Smith heard a sound in the sky as he hurried along the track. So did Granny. It was a determined whirring sound, like the flight of geese, and the snowclouds boiled and twisted as it passed. The wolves heard it, too, as it spun low over the treetops and hurtled down into the clearing. But they heard it far too late. Granny Weatherwax didn't have to follow the footprints now. She aimed herself for the distant flashes of weird light, the strange swishing and thumping, and the howls of pain and terror. A couple of wolves bolted past her with their ears flattened in grim determination to have it away on their paws no matter what stood in their way. There was the crackle of breaking branches. Something big and heavy landed in a fir tree by Granny and crashed, whimpering, into the snow. Another wolf passed her in a flat trajectory at about head height and bounced off a tree-trunk. There was silence. Granny pushed her way between the snow-covered branches. She could see that the snow was flattened in a white circle. A few wolves lay at its edges, either dead or wisely deciding to make no move. The staff stood upright in the snow and Granny got the feeling it was turning to face her as she walked carefully past it. There was also a small heap in the centre of the circle, curled tightly up inside itself. Granny knelt down with some effort and reached out gently. The staff moved. It was little more than a tremble, but her hand stopped just before it touched Esk's shoulder. Granny glared up at the wooden carvings, and dared it to move again. The air thickened. Then the staff seemed to back away while not moving, while at the same time something quite indefinable made it absolutely clear to the old witch that as far as the staff was concerned this -wasn't a defeat, it was merely a tactical consideration, and it wouldn't like her to think she had won in any way, because she hadn't. Esk gave a shudder. Granny patted her vaguely. “It's me, little one. It's only old Granny.” The hump didn't uncurl. Granny bit her lip. She was never quite certain about children, thinking of them - when she thought about them at all - as coming somewhere between animals and people. She understood babies. You put milk in one end and kept the other end as clean as possible. Adults were even easier, because they did the feeding and cleaning themselves. But in between was a world of experience that she had never really enquired about. As far as she was aware, you just tried to stop them catching anything fatal and hoped that it would all turn out all right. Granny, in fact, was at a loss, but she knew she had to do something. “Didda nasty wolfie fwiten us, den?” she hazarded. For quite the wrong reasons, this seemed to work. From the depths of the ball a muffled voice said: “I am eight, you know.” “People who are eight don't curl up in the middle of the snow,” said Granny, feeling her way through the intricacies of adult-child conversation. The ball didn't answer. “I've probably got some milk and biscuits at home,” Granny ventured. There was no perceptible effect. “Eskarina Smith, if you don't behave this minute I will give you such a smack!” Esk poked her head out cautiously. “There's no need to be like that,” she said. When Smith reached the cottage Granny had just arrived, leading Esk by the hand. The boys peered around from behind him. “Um,” said Smith, not quite aware of how to begin a conversation with someone who was supposed to be dead. “They, um, told me you were - ill.” He turned and glared at his sons. “I was just having a rest and I must have dozed off. I sleeps very sound.” “Yes,” said Smith, uncertainly. “Well. All's well, then. What's up with Esk? ” “She took a bit of a fright,” said Granny, squeezing the girl's hand. “Shadows and whatnot. She needs a good warm. I was going to put her in my bed, she's a bit mazed, if that's all right with you.” Smith wasn't absolutely sure that it was all right with him. But he was quite sure that his wife, like every other woman in the village, held Granny Weatherwax in solemn regard, even in awe, and that if he started to object he would rapidly get out of his depth. “Fine, fine,” he said, “if it's no trouble. I'll send along for her in the morning, shall I?” “That's right,” said Granny. “I'd invite you in, but there's me without a fire -” “No, no, that's all right,” said Smith hurriedly. “I've got my supper waiting. Drying up,” he added, looking down at Gulta, who opened his mouth to say something and wisely thought better of it. When they had gone, with the sound of the two boys' protests ringing out among the trees, Granny opened the door, pushed Esk inside, and bolted it behind them. She took a couple of candles from her store above the dresser and lit them. Then she pulled some old but serviceable wool blankets, still smelling of anti-moth herbs, from an old chest, wrapped Esk in them and sat her in the rocking chair. She got down on her knees, to an accompaniment of clicks and grunts, and started to lay the fire. It was a complicated business involving dry fungus punk, wood shavings, bits of split twig and much puffing and swearing. Esk said: “You don't have to do it like that, Granny.” Granny stiffened, and looked at the fireback. It was a rather nice one Smith had cast for her, years ago, with an owl-and-bat motif. Currently, though, she wasn't interested in the design. “Oh yes?” she said, her voice dead-level. “You know of a better way, do you?” “You could magic it alight.” Granny paid great attention to arranging bits of twig on the reluctant flames. “How would I do that, pray?” she said, apparently addressing her remarks to the fireback. “Er,” said Esk, “I . . . I can't remember. But you must know anyway, don't you? Everyone knows you can do magic.” “There's magic,” said Granny, “and then again, there's magic. The important thing, my girl, is to know what magic is for and what it isn't for. And you can take it from me, it was never intended for lighting fires, you can be absolutely certain of that. If the Creator had meant us to use magic for lighting fires, then he wouldn't have given us - er, matches.”
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