#the mike stabbing him thing...
autistic-britta-perry · 11 months
I think if Mike woke up during this he'd be on Cellbit's side btw <3 (more from a combination of fear and hate to the federation than from caring about cellbit in any way) and what a terrible situation that'd be for pac
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jonathanbyersphd · 7 months
Will: That was you guys who saved me... that was you guys 🥺
It was your sister-in-law with a hot poker but whatever you say, babygirl.
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gibbearish · 11 months
everyones predicting garret will be this universe's charlie and possess the puppet which i don't disagree with. but also. would it not be an equally exciting twist if garret was still alive
#no one would call it bc afton just Doesnt Leave Survivors#im just saying if vanessas not the one getting successfully brainwashed into a murder machine..... maybe they just picked someone else#orrrr alternatively they could be saving a vanny thing for the future#obv that gets hard to justify bc yknow. if vanny is a thing afton programmed into her while raising her why wouldnt he#set her off in the climax#so im thinking smth like. what if the damage/coma? from the stabbing trips a wire in her head and makes her more susceptible#or obv he could grab her after reviving and just do it then which would also be an interesting turn#like hes like 'clearly you only survived me stabbing you as a sign i need to try again' or w/e#sorry got distracted there but !! alive brainwashed garret would be an interesting twist bc like. imagine#mikes reaction? vanessas bc obviously she feels like everything afton did is at least partially her fault???#having to free him? not being ABLE to free him?? him not wanting to be freed or not actually being brainwashed??#him potentially holding mike responsible for him getting kidnapped and being stockholmed into hating mike for it?#the possibilities are endless#also back on vanessa vanny that could also be a fun way to integrate princess quest and freeing her#even a nod to vr if you still want it to be the vr headset that lets afton into her head#fnaf movie spoilers#also how long do ppl usually tag spoilers for things i usually just do it until i get too annoyed by it to continue LMAO
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mayflysdie · 2 months
No more. -Ghost FanFic
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Story: Simon's wife is kidnapped and tortured, leaving him and 141 to find her. Hopefully before it's too late.
Trigger warnings: Foul language, torture, violence, body fluids, drugs, knives, choking, restraints, dark themes not suited for minors, mentions of pregnancy, bodily harm, a battle with personalities. (tell me if I messed any)
A/N: Haven't edited this yet so excuse the mistakes. I'm also not sure if I'll make a part 2.
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When i entered the apartment, something immediately felt off. Like someone made the air thick, and the rooms eerily silent. 
I set my bag down softly, retrieving the combat knife that Simon had given me years ago. My eyes sweep over every shadowy nook and cranny of the apartment, searching for any signs of danger. I'm usually in the habit of leaving the kitchen light on, but it's off tonight - one of the first things I notice upon entering. My phone begins to vibrate in my hand, thankfully I must have forgotten to turn off the silent mode from my earlier meeting. Without looking at the caller ID, I answer it, bringing it up to my ear. 
" Where are you?" Simon's voice is on edge, and it sounds like he's panting. There’s other male voices in the background, it sounds like Price is yelling. 
“Home” I whisper so quietly i’m not sure he could hear me. Or maybe the heartbeat in my ears made it seem that way. 
As I close my eyes for what feels like a mere second, a sudden jolt startles me. The phone is violently knocked out of my trembling hand and a cloth is swiftly placed over my mouth, the stench of chemicals immediately assaulting my senses. My nose and eyes burn with an intensity that is almost unbearable. Fight, do something.
In a moment of panicked instinct, I swing the nearby knife towards the man who had seemingly appeared from the depths of the kitchen, barely managing to nick him in the neck before he grabs hold of my wrist with a vice-like grip. With a sickening crunch, my bones are twisted until I can no longer hold onto the weapon and drop it to the ground, letting out a muffled scream against the suffocating cloth.
Through the hazy fog clouding my mind, I hear Simon's voice growing increasingly distant as he yells through the phone, his words barely registering in my fading consciousness. As my eyes slowly drift shut on their own accord, a sense of numbness begins to envelop my limbs. Simon, Simon please.
The man roughly lifts me up, easily overpowering my weakened attempts at resistance, and I can do nothing but succumb to the darkness creeping in as my consciousness slips away.
As my eyes slowly creep open, I become aware of the lingering effects of the drugs coursing through my mind and body. Panic immediately sets in as I realize I am unable to move any part of my body. My heart races as I take in my surroundings - a dark metal room with a pungent odor of iron and decay, like a slaughterhouse filled with rotting carcasses.
I am lying on a cold, hard metal table, shackled down by heavy chains that dig into my skin. 
“it’s an incredible drug, isn’t it?” A deep male voice suddenly echos throughout the room. Coming from the right side of the table, where I can’t turn my head to see them. 
“You can’t move or speak, But… you can feel pain” He chuckles, sounding closer than before. 
Suddenly, something sharp stabs into my arm and I try to cry out in pain, but my body won’t respond. Simon, where are you?
“Mike, turn on the camera would you? It’s time for the show,” he instructed someone else in the room. He grabs my hair roughly and yanks my head to the side, facing him.
Then I notice a tightness around my throat, something cold and hard. is there a chain around my neck? I panic, eyes widening.
the man sees my panic and laughs, tossing his head back as if he’s seeing the best thing in the world. 
“Oh that’s good, I love that expression. I hope Ghost does too” He starts tracing my neck and collar bone with a knife. not yet slicing me, but enough pressure to leave raised, red lines. 
“It’s nothing personal, darling,” his gravelly voice whispers in my ear as he lowers himself closer to me. My body tenses and I want to desperately move away. “But, a life for a life, hm?” He chuckles darkly, his breath hot on my skin. “Unfortunately for you, I plan to make your death slow for him. His precious thing.”
My heart races as he drags the sharp blade down my collar bone, leaving a trail of blood in its wake. A searing pain shoots through my chest as he cuts a deep line between my breasts, and down to my lower abdomen. The knife seems to find its home there, digging deeper with each passing second. I want to scream, to kick and squirm away from the agony, but I am paralyzed.
Simon runs into the apartment, gun drawn though he already knows they left. That they got what they came for. A dark pit forms in his stomach, blind fury almost overwhelming him. 
He bends down to pick up your phone, and just stares at it. if only he could’ve called sooner, then this wouldn’t have happened. 
The vow he made when you married; to always protect you, let no harm befall you. 
it rings in his head nonstop, like a broken record. 
Soap and Price slowly walk through the entrance, Price on the phone with Laswell, who’s trying her best to locate you. 
Simon stands up when Soap places a hand on his shoulder, a grim look on his face. “We’ll find the lass”. But his words go in one ear and out the other. 
Price walks into the living room in a hurry, grabbing the tv remote and turning it on. “Simon” He says, and something in his tone makes Simon, and Soap move with haste to see what’s going on. 
Simon's trembling legs nearly give way beneath him as he stumbles towards the couch, reaching out to grab it for support when he sees your face on the television screen. His heart drops to his stomach as he takes in the sight of you, battered and bloody. The camera zooms out, revealing the full extent of your injuries, and that's when bile rises in Simon's throat, threatening to overflow.
He remembers how he used to run his hands across your perfect skin while lying in bed together, or how he would sneak a hand up your shirt while you were cooking and you would just giggle and swat him away with a spoon. He remembers staring into your eyes, like honey pools reflecting all the love in the world. But now they're red and swollen, almost unrecognizable.
Simon rushes to the nearest bathroom, tearing off the balaclava covering his face. He hunches over the toilet as his stomach lurches and empties itself, leaving him dry heaving and gasping for air.
Images from his past come rushing back at full force - bodies, blank stares, all reminders of the darkness that seems to follow him wherever he goes. But you were supposed to be the one good thing in his life. goddamnit, You were supposed to stay.
As Simon stands up and flushes the toilet, trying to steady himself, something catches his eye on the counter. Something white with a blue cap. His mind turns to static as he reaches for it and sees two very obvious red lines.
He slowly walks out of the bathroom, the pregnancy test held tightly in his hand. 
The television screen is now dark and silent, but Price and Soap still stare at it with blank expressions.
Simon closes his eyes, breathing slowly. calming his racing heart, steadying his mind. 
“Simon?” Price calls out, but he ignores him. 
Simon can’t be here.
He's too fragile for this. Too emotional and vulnerable. A man who let himself love and be loved, only to have his world torn apart.
No, what his wife needs now is a ghost. Someone strong and unfeeling, who won't hesitate to do what needs to be done. They took his beloved wife, his reason for living.
And now, he has a child on the way. She’s carrying his child and they’re harming her, hurting his wife and child. 
Not my family, not again.
This world will burn before something happens to them.
Finally, he opens his eyes, and Price is standing closer than before, his gaze fixed on the pregnancy test in Ghost's hand. His face has gone pale with realization.
Simon isn’t fucking here. 
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redskull199987 · 11 months
Plzz write fnaf Michael x femreader! It starts like a fluff and then smut👀
Mike Schmidt x fem!reader Request Word Count:2.4k Warnings:Angst to Fluff to Smut, this got way angstier than i thought SOWWWY- but I promise, fluff ensues, Smut ensues, so MDNI/18+, Movie Spoilers Summary:After you finally return from work, a few surprises await you at home…
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Your day had been slow. Agonizingly slow. Time seemed to go by extra slow today and by the time you finally left your office, it had felt like you had spent a week there, instead of a day. But as you slowly made your way towards your car, your mood lightened, as you remembered what would await you at home.
Your loving Boyfriend and his even sweeter little sister. 
The little family you had built over the years always managed to put a smile on your face and especially after the whole drama at that Pizza Plex, you were even more grateful for what you had.
You slightly shook your head, trying to avoid thinking of those memories. The things you had seen, while Mike and You tried to save his sister from the dead children. You hoped that they got what they wanted…and that the Monster who created them had gotten what he deserved.
Your mind was about to wander back to the memory of the springlocks violently stabbing into his chest, as a knock on your car window quite literally pulled you out of your thoughts.
A quiet gasp left your lips, as you looked outside to see who had knocked. Much to your relief, it was only your coworker, who wanted to wish you a good night. You quickly uttered your goodbyes, before finally starting the car and making your way back home.
By the time you arrived, the sun had long since disappeared behind the horizon. You quickly parked your car next to Mike´s before moving towards the entrance. 
You didn't bother turning on the lights in the hallway, as you dropped your bag to the floor and kicked off your shoes.
Before you could call out for Mike and Abby, you heard someone running towards you and as you realized what was happening, you quickly duck away, stumbling backwards.
Just in time to avoid being hit by the bat that was swung into your direction.
“Mike!! It's me!! It's just me!!”, You quickly yelled and reached for the lightswitch.
As the hallway was suddenly illuminated by the dim gleam of the ceiling light, you could make out the figure of Mike in front of you. He was breathing heavily. With the bat still in his hand, he was towering over you. He just looked at you for one more second, before finally realizing what was happening. He quickly dropped the bat, a hand flying to his face, covering his mouth in disbelief of what he had just done.
“I´m sorry…”, he mumbled, dropping to his knees,”I'm so sorry. I thought…I thought it was..that it was o-one of t-them..”
Your heart broke at the sight in front of you. You quickly pulled Mike into your arms:”It's okay, Mike. I´m alright. They're gone now. They're gone.”
You gently kissed his temple, as you saw that he tried to suppress his tears. You knew that he was having a hard time dealing with the gruesome events. It had left scars on him. Both physically and mentally.
“I´m sorry..”, he muttered once more, pulling you closer to him. You only kissed his forehead again and mumbled sweet nothings into his ear until he had calmed down again.
You gently cupped your boyfriend´s face and gave him a soft smile. To your delight, he returned the smile and leaned forward to quickly peck your lips.
The sweet moment was interrupted as the voice of Abby grabbed your attention. The young girl came running into the hallway, calling out both of your names. Your smile got even bigger as she quickly came over to you, giving you a short hug, before starting to ramble about what she had drawn today and that she wanted to show you all her artworks. You happily nodded at everything that she said. 
“Alright Abbs.”, Mike suddenly said, interrupting his sister and affectionately patting her head,”You can show her tomorrow. It's time for bed now.”
The little girl pouted for a moment and turned back to you:”But I wanna stay up and play with you.”
You gave her a mischievous smile:”I tell you something. If you promise me to go to bed now, I will play and draw with you tomorrow the entire day. And I'll make your favorite Dinner, hm?”
Abby´s face lit up in anticipation. She quickly nodded and said good Night to you and Mike, before disappearing into her room.
Mike only looked at you with admiration,”How do you alway do that?”, he asked, as the two of you also made your way to your shared bedroom.
“It´s a secret”, You grinned and let yourself fall down on the bed. A satisfied groan left your lips, as you finally felt the stress from work dissolve into nothing but hot air.
You watched how Mike pulled his Hoodie over his head and throwing it to the side. Now only left in his T-Shirt, he flopped down beside you, propping his head up on his arm and looking down at you. He didn't say anything for a few seconds, just looking you up and down, before he slowly lifted his hand and gently grasped your cheek. You gasped quietly, as he suddenly leaned forward and connected your lips in a sweet and tender kiss. It only lasted for a few seconds before he pulled back again. You looked up at him and saw that his eyes were closed, as he leaned his forehead against yours.
Finally, Mike opened his mouth to say something, but after a few seconds of silence, he closed it again and he opened his eyes. You looked at his dark orbs and almost lost yourself in all the emotions, he was trying to convey only with his gaze.
“It's okay.”, you affirmed, “I know. You don't have to say anything, Mike.”
The boy only smiled at you and it was a genuine smile. One, that you rarely got to see.
Without another word, Mike suddenly sat up, pulling you with him and into his lap. You gasped loudly at the sudden change of position, which gave Mike the chance to put his mouth back onto yours.
This kiss was different. It was passionate, hungry even. He groaned lowly as he pulled your body tighter against his. Your hands pressing up against his chest, while he explored your Body with his.
“Mike..”, you warned him, as he started to kiss your jaw, your skin burning like fire everytime his lips touched you.
“Your sister…”, You mumbled again, but you and him both knew that it was already too late, that you were already at his mercy, the gaze of yours just as hungry as his.
“We'll be quiet.”, he finally answered, as he pushed you off his lap and onto the mattress. You watched how he now also pulled his Shirt over his head, before leaning down to kiss you again. You moaned against his lips, as you felt his cold hands wander under your sweater. He squeezed your hips tenderly, while making it his mission to let you drown in his kisses. As he finally parted to help you out of your clothes, you immediately missed the feeling of his lips pressing against yours.
Quickly you pulled your sweater over your head, discarding it on the floor. Mike only admired you for a few seconds, his gaze wandering all over your Body and you felt heat rising to your cheeks.
“Don't look at me like that.”, you mumbled and gently put your hand over his eyes.
Mike only chuckled at your antics,”Like what?”, he asked, acting all innocent and letting your hand remain on top of his eyes.
After a few seconds of Silence, you slowly pulled your hand back and his eyes went back to look at you.
“Like that.”, You croaked, looking away from him.
“But why?”, Mike teased, pulling you closer to his body by your hips,”I love what I am seeing.”
Upon hearing his words, you looked back up at him. his eyes held no ounce of doubt. He was a hundred percent sure.
“I love you too, Mike”, You smiled and quickly pecked his lips. Mike only returned the smile,”May I?”, he asked, mentioning towards your bra.
You quickly nodded and mere seconds later, your bra joined the heap of clothing that was already on the floor.
Mike´s lips quickly latched onto your breast, as his hand gave the same attention to the other. With a moan, your head lolled back in pleasure.
“You like that, hm?”, Mike mumbled, as he pushed you back down on the bed. You weren't able to form a coherent sentence anymore, so you just nodded.
“Please, let me have you.”, he urged, his hands wandering to the hem of your pants,”Let me make you feel good.”
“Mike please..”, You finally pressed out,”I need you..Need you inside of me.”
That was all the confirmation he needed, before finally pulling your pants down, alongside your panties.
He slowly pushed your thighs apart and started to kiss up the inside of your calves, but never quite touching you where you desperately needed him.
“Mike please.”, You whined again, while trying to keep your voice down. But your eyes widened in surprise and you tried to suppress the loud moan that made it´s way up your throat, as Mike suddenly pushed two fingers inside you without a warning. His tongue joined mere seconds after, as he ate you out like a man starved.
Your hand wandered to Mike´s hair and you gently pulled and pushed at his head as he was working you closer to your release. You could already feel that coil form inside you and after only a few more seconds, it snapped and with a suppressed moan, you came against his mouth.
As your heavy breathing started to slow down again, Mike finally looked back up at you, the desire in his eyes bigger than ever. He quickly latched his lips on yours again and you could taste yourself on him as he kissed you hungrily.
Your hands now wandered towards his sweats and as you grabbed his already hard member through his pants. He groaned lowly, closing his eyes in pleasure.
Quickly, you pulled down his pants, leaving him now also bare in front of you. Without a second thought, you grabbed his length and gave him a few experimental pumps. That seemed to do the trick on him and you watched how Mike´s brows furrowed, as he melted against your touch.
“Wanna be inside you..”,he mumbled against the skin of your shoulder. With anticipation, you lined him up with your entrance and looked back up at him. Mike was looking at you questioningly. And as soon as you gave him a small nod, he finally pushed inside of you.
You grabbed onto his biceps, as the pain slowly dissolved into pleasure. Mike slowly started moving in and out of you, grabbing your hips tightly. You suppressed a moan by sinking your teeth into his shoulder. Not to pierce the skin, but hard enough to leave a mark.
You could hear Mike mumbling incoherent words into your ear, as he picked up his pace, desperately trying to push you over the edge again.
“Mike..”, You moaned, feeling yourself coming closer and closer to the sweet sweet relief and as you looked back into his eyes and saw the adoration that he had for you, you were done for it. You clenched around him and came all over his cock. Mike followed soon after, continuing to fuck you through your orgasm.His thrusts got slower and sloppier and he finally pulled out of you, his breath still heavy against your skin. He quickly kissed your temple, before getting up. After a minute, he returned with a damp cloth and a water bottle. With a smile still on his face, he gently cleaned you both up, before slipping back into bed with you.
You chuckled, as he nuzzled his head into your neck, his stubble tickling your skin. You wrapped your arms around him and pulled his body closer to yours. His warmth engulfing you fully.
“Good Night, Mike.”, you smiled and gently kissed his cheek.
“Night.”, he replied with a yawn.
It didn't go unnoticed by you, that he didn't use his pills to fall asleep today. Or the recording of nature sounds. He didn't even look up at the Poster of Nebraska, that was now hanging over his bed again.
Looking at your beloved one last time, you smiled once more before finally closing your eyes and letting sweet sleep engulf you.
Your eyes snapped open and within a second, you were sitting up on the bed. Your gaze wandered to the door, where loud knocks and shouts were being heard. After a few seconds of trying to understand in which century you had woken up in, you realized where you were and the events of last night returned to you.
“Mike?”, You mumbled quietly and tapped your boyfriend's shoulder, who was laying next to you,”Mike??”
With a groan, he finally looked up at you and before you had the chance to say something, he tumbled off the bed due to leaving too much over the edge.
You couldn't suppress the chuckle that left your lips as you leaned down to check on Mike.
“Morning.”, You smiled, as you realized that he was fine. You quickly leaned down to peck his lips, which immediately seemed to wake him up more.
Your sweet moment was interrupted, as you heard Abby banging against the door again.
Mike let out an annoyed groan before getting up and putting his pants back on.
“In a minute, Abbs!”, he yelled back and the banging on the door finally stopped.
“We have a lot to do today.”, you said as you finally got up too and started to get dressed.
Mike only looked at you in confusion:”What do you mean?”
“Remember how I made Abby go to sleep yesterday?”, you chuckled and softly kissed his cheek before walking to the door. Pushing the handle down, you were immediately greeted by the sight of Abby who grabbed your hand and pulled you towards her room to show you her drawings.
Mike could only look after you with a tender smile on his face. How had he gotten so lucky?
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bettysupremacy · 11 months
okay hear me out!!! Abby telling mike all the things her and y/n did that day, very cliché things but still so cute!! (loosely based off of best day by taylor swift... but...)
it’s like you knew my weak spot was Taylor Swift
“It was the best day ever.” Abby muffles, mouthful of salad.
Mike stands in the kitchen, back to her. He looks silly in a pretty pink apron Abby had picked out at the store, but he doesn’t mind. He wears it to let her giggle at the bow tied behind him. Steam smokes from the pots and pans around him.
“Oh, yeah?” He asks, stress keeping a low profile. He turns the burner nobs to lower settings.
“Yeah,” She emphasizes. “Really, we went to the mall, did you know there was a store just for dolls?”
“Yuh uh.” The pasta water is boiling over, shit. “What’s it- what’s it called? The girl doll store?”
“American Girl Doll.”
“That’s the one.”
Abby shrugs, flicking her bangs before stabbing wildly into her bowl. “It was so amazing, they have a cafe in there.”
Mike’s heart spikes at the thought of you spending money on his sister. It’s thoughtful, truly, but that’s his job now. He took on this roll. “You uh,” he mixes the pasta sauce. “you eat in there?”
“Yes.” She gushes, finishing the remnants of the salad Mike had made her. “But that was hours ago, and I’m hungry again.”
“That’s okay. That’s totally fine. Pastas almost done.”
“Good.” She juts her hand out to Mike, letting him lean over to toss her bowl in the sink with a clatter. “I got lemonade and a cheeseburger.”
“Wow.” Mike smiles, finally at ease with the chaos of cooking. He wipes his hands off messily, resting his them on the counter as he watches Abby with a light grin. “You’ve never eaten those for me.”
“Yeah,” She shrugs flippantly. “it was my first time.”
“I know, you like it?”
“It was soooo good, is the pasta done?”
Mike turns over his shoulder, “Shit, yeah.” He rushes to flip off the timer that now counts down from ten.
“I’m not putting money in a jar.” He scoffs. “This is my own home.”
He spoons the pasta into a clean bowl, ditching the spoon for a fork when he realizes it’s a hopeless cause. He forks more than he thinks she’ll eat, but that’s okay, because at least she’s eating. She doesn’t have to finish it.
“We didn’t buy a doll.” She pulls the warm bowl in front of her, mixing the pasta sauce into her noodles. “They were creepy, I didn’t like them.”
“I don’t like them either.”
“But she got me a cupcake and ohhhhh my godddd, Mike.” She squeals. “It looked just like Chica’s, I didn’t want to eat it!”
“Did you?”
“Yeah, it was good.”
Halfway through the bowl she taps out. To be expected. Mike isn’t mad. Instead he grabs her plate, scraping the leftovers into dingy tupperware. It’s quiet besides the rumble of AC and Abby. She taps the counter to the tune of a television show she’d been watching earlier.
“Go uh,” He trails off, distracted with the dish.
“Shower?” She helps.
“Ok.” She hops off the counter bench, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand messily. “Mike?”
“Yes?” He eyes her over his shoulder.
“I like her. Can we hang out again?”
He laughs turning back around. “Maybe. Go shower.”
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probablyintensemuses · 3 months
how wwould armando react if he is in love with the reader, but she shows no sign of feeling the same way, (he's so devoted when it comes to the reader) And he'd like to know if she feels the same way, I wish it would end in a passionate way (you know what I mean) 🔥
Te amo 🌸💗
Wait For Your Love-
Armando Aretas
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summary: Armando doesn’t wish you a happy birthday so you’re day is basically ruined, up until it isn’t.
themes: angst, fluff, smut.
warnings: smut 18+
authors note: I know this isn’t exactly like the request, but genuinely I tried. I hope y’all like it 🥹. Not edited btw, I wrote this on my lunch break.
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Happy birthday to you,’ kelly sang, walking a candlelight cupcake over to your desk, Dorn, Mike, and Marcus following behind her. “Happy birthday to you.”
“Happy birthday, our sweet girl, happy birthday to you.” Kelly gives you a hug from behind and you lean into her.
“Thanks guys,’ you smile big, blowing out the candle on your cupcake.
“What your young ass wish for?” Mike asks, slinging a birthday girl sash over your shoulders.
Marcus slaps his chest. “You know she can’t tell you, that’ll ruin it.”
Mike smacks his lips. “Man, shut your superstitious ass up. Seriously, what you wish for.”
You laugh. “I wished for the second day at my cafe to run smoothly for my employees.’ Everyone shakes their heads, happily, saying your wish was a great one.
“Speaking of,” you dig into your bag, pulling out pink envelopes with hearts on their seals. “If you guys can make time I’d love to have you over there for small party. It’s nothing big, just a new cake recipe I was working on, some drinks, and food if you guys want to bring any.”
They all accept your invite, taking their cards with them and back to their desks.
You sit back down with a smile and continue to unencrypte the harddrive they’d found at a crime scene. Mike had told you it was very important they get it open with everything on it.
So that was the goal today before your party, so you could get as drunk as you wanted to and cry as much as you wanted too.
Hopefully not the latter, though.
The compound door swings open with a shriek before slamming shut, echoing through the whole place.
You turn and your heart stops in your chest as Armando Aretas makes his way through.
It was no secret, to the team anyway, that you had a mild crush on Armando. Despite knowing the things of his past, some desperate part of your self truly liked him. And corny enough, you saw the goodness and potential within him.
It’s why you went with Mike to the D.A’s office and fought for him to serve out his tenured in AMMO instead of prison. You knew he wasn’t all bad, he could be reformed, you’d seen it multiple times.
Like when he took all those stab wounds for Callie, the daughter of the woman actively hunting him. Or how he tried constantly, despite his past and his own convictions, to have a relationship with Mike. Even how kind he was to you at times, especially when you know it’s hard for him, training his mind to know that kindness isn’t a weakness after years of being a product to the cartel.
So you couldn’t help but smile when you see him walk down the stairs and take a seat at his desk across from yours.
“Armando,’ Mike says. “You’re late, we’re about to start debriefing in ten.”
Armando shrugs, slinging off his leather jacket and exposing his bulging, biceps and veiny forearms.
You check the glare in your computer, checking for drool, before eyeing his torso, the skin tight black shirt doing nothing for your unquenched thirst.
“Had to pick something up.” He says, eyeing you.
You turn, looking over your shoulder. Was he actually staring at you?
Everyone else must have noticed too, because before you know it, you have eight pairs of hungry eyes watching you both.
“Anything you want to say to her?” Kelly practically nudges Armando with her voice.
Armando eyes you up in down, taking in your typical appearance of a cardigan and jeans, your curls pulled high in a puff on your head.
His eyes pull away from you as he stands and walks over to the room where the team debriefs. “Nah,” he says.
You fell your heart crash to your feet.
Did he just?
Now, you could understand if he forgot it was your birthday, but you have a cupcake with a candle on it sitting on your desk not to mention the fucking sash that says “birthday girl,” no way he thought you were just wearing it for convenience.
You thought, just for once, Armando would show you even a slither of the same kind of affections you held for him…especially on your birthday.
But you were wrong.
Your heart chips a little at that realization, you feel pathetic like Molly Ringwald in Sixteen Candles as you ball up the invitation you had stored away for Armando, it yellow and bright unlike the others.
You were pathetic to think the man you liked would even consider you an option, let alone come to some dumb birthday party of yours. He was too busy for that, and you were too desperate.
Another year older, yet never wiser. It was clear in your delusions of Armando as you wait for his love.
You’re careful to not drop your cake as you push it through the swinging doors of your new cafe.
You decided to get this cafe as a side shop because you always loved pastries, and making cakes and sweet treats got you through the stress of school and the police force.
So now that you’re older, why not have a cafe for fun and passive income? Was it more stress, yes, but it was totally worth it.
“Wow, that looks amazing!” Dorn’s eyes light up as your bring the cake over to the booths and tables your friends occupy.
“You think so?” You smile.
“Oh hell yeah,’ Marcus likes his lips, clapping his hands together. “You know I’m for anything sweet so.”
You chuckle. “Forewarning. It’s a teramassu cake, so you old dogs might be up all night if you eat too much.”
“Damn! It’s like that!” Mike laughs.
You smile and begin cutting into the cake and passing out pieces. “Yeah, it’s like that.”
“And to think we basically raised you.” Marcus says. “I’m going to let you slide though. One because it’s your birthday. And two, because this cake is fire.”
You clap and squeal. “I’m so glad you like it. I didn’t want to mess it up, but it’s pretty difficult.”
“Mhm,’ kelly says, taking a sip of her wine. “So what’s harder, cake baking? Or admitting your crush to Armando?”
Your smile drops in an instant and you send an icy glare Kelly’s way. “Seriously?”
Kelly hiccups. “I’m sorry, but the way your face looked when he didn’t tell you happy birthday, I mean how can you like a guy like that? No offense, Mike.”
Mikes eyebrows rise. “I mean, it was a jerk move. But it’s Armando. Who knows, he might say happy birthday tomorrow.”
You shake your head. “Yeah, but it won’t be worth anything tomorrow when he knew today. I mean, I’m really pathetic to wish he was here when he couldn’t even do the bare minimum for me.” Your eyes well with tears.
“Hey, no.’ Dorn wipes your eyes. “Don’t cry on your birthday about him. Cry tomorrow, and then come see my therapist.”
You sniffle. “What?”
“Sorry, she’s just amazing, I always like to shout her out.”
You sigh. “Thanks, Dorn.”
Even with all this smiling faces around you, you couldn’t shake the anchor pulling at your ankle. You wished Armando would have just told you happy birthday, even pretended to care. That would have meant more to you than what you got.
But here you were, with all your friends who actually cared about you, about to cry over a guy who couldn’t even be bothered.
A tear streaks down your face and you look away. “You guys should go,’ you say. “I’m sorry.”
Mike pats your shoulder. “I’ll try talking to him.”
You grip his wrist. “Don’t. I don’t want him to know about this, he’ll think I’m insane.”
“Don’t sweat it too hard,’ kelly kisses your head. “I know plenty of guys at the department that would fall to their knees right now over you.”
“Thanks,’ you half smile, watching as your friends leave before you break down completely.
Tears streaked into your palm as you cried out. It didn’t hit you until this morning just how deeply you cared for Armando.
You truly liked him, and his blatant rejection had set all your emotions flaring.
Sniffling into your hands, the soft chime of your cafes door catches your attention.
“We’re closed.” You grumble, not bothering to look up.
“Even for me, ¿dulce niña?” Armando says.
Your head shoots up and the air is nearly knocked out of your lungs as you take him in.
He’s dapper in a black button up not all the way buttoned, exposing some of his tone chest and a silver St. Christopher necklace. His pants are the right amount of tightness, highlighting his muscular thighs, and his hair is dark and trimmed, just like his beard.
Armando, as always, is hard to look away from. But still, resist and play it cool, wiping the tears away from your eyes.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, crossing your hands over your small chest.
Armando walks towards you, hands behind his back as he observes your cafe, like some kind of museum tourist. “The cafe came together nice.” He says, stepping a bit too close to you.
For air, you take a step back, Armando notices and smirks. “Stop avoiding the question. What are you doing here?”
“I heard you had a party I wasn’t invited to. That’s not very nice, bebita.” He smirks.
“Yeah, it was invite only.”
“I don’t qualify?”
You scoff. “You didn’t even know it was my birthday.”
“I knew.”
“Oh, you knew, so you just didn’t care.”
“I cared.’ Armando gets close, pulling at the tule fabric of your pink mini dress. He lets out a shaky breath. “This is beautiful on you, by the way.”
You push him away at the chest, he hardly moves. “Stop it.” You whine.
“Stop what?”
“Stop acting like you like me!” You shout. “You don’t! And it’s fucking embarrassing, Armando!”
Armando swallows, and even in the darkness you can see the shame painted into the little creases of his face and the fast lifts of his chest.
Armando’s hands finally fall to his sides and you see now what he has done. In his hands are a large bouquet of flowers and a blue bag.
“No,” You say.
He steps forward. “This is why I was late to work, princesa, because I got this for you.”
“Open it.” He says.
Reluctantly you take the bag from his hands, sharp rods of electricity swirling up your arm when your fingers meet.
Slowly, you open the bag and look inside. There, a small velvet box awaits you. Hesitant, you pick it up and open it.
You gasp at what you see. A necklace, tiny diamonds all the way around. It shimmers in the moonlight that peaks into the cafe as you hold it up.
“You bought this for me?’ You gasp. “How can you even afford this?”
Armando rolls his eyes. “I use to be a drug dealer, baby.”
You sigh and put the necklace, as pretty as it is, back into the box. “I can’t take this.” You hand it back.
Armando frowns. “Why not?”
You turn, holding yourself. “Because how do I know if you even like me?”
Armando’s eyes hidden and he holds the bag on display. “Baby, I just dropped bands on this necklace for you. I think that shows alot.”
“Yeah, maybe.” You step back, walking away from him.
He catches your arm, gently pulling you back. “Maybe?” He scoffs offended. “You didn’t even invite me tonight, yet I got you a gift, and you say maybe.”
You snatch out of his grip. “I didn’t invite you tonight because you’re an asshole!”
“I’m not!” Armando shouts back.
“Then prove it,’ you square into his space. “Stop making me wait for your love and tell me what you know I want to hear.”
Armando opens his mouth to speak, but the words are lost when he leans in, his mouth crashing onto yours.
Your shocked, your lips are still against his until something burst inside of you, everything you’ve been craving sealed in this one kiss.
This causes you to moan against his lips. Armando swallows it, slipping his hands into your curls and tilting your head to the side, turning the kiss hot and fierce.
You wrap your arms around the nape of his neck, scratching at his faded low cut, deepening your kiss.
Armando’s hands trail down the fluff of your dress until they reach the hem. He flips it upward and finds your underwear, growling as he feels the thin layer of cotton. You shudder at his touch, your pussy throbbing at the thought of him making contact.
“Fuck,’ he moans, slipping two fingers into your thongs, rolling his thick fingers over your clit.
Your head falls back as you let out a low, moan. “Fuck, baby.”
“You like that?’ He strokes his fingers up and down your soaking wet slit. “Tan mojado, maldita sea.” He growls in your ear.
“Yes,” you gasp. “Oh, yes.”
Armando grabs you by your waist flipping you around, the rounds of your ass pressed against the swells of his cock.
You gasp as Armando pushes you against his hard on, you imagine how it will feel once he’s deep inside your soaking, needy cunt.
Armando nibbles at the bottom of your ear. “You feel that baby. You feel what you do to me?”
“Y—yes,” you sputter.
He grinds against you, his face deep in your hair, taking a whiff.
“God I need to be inside you.” Armando whines. “I’ve always needed it.”
“Then do it. Stop holding back.” You moan out.
Maybe that was the wrong thing to say because in a flash Armando’s got your dress up, your thong to the side, and you bent over the counter of your cafe.
God you hoped no one walked past, because if they did, they get an eyeful of your ass and Armando’s bulging cock.
“Fuck,” Armando moans, rubbing the leaking pink tip of his cock against you sleek folds, shuddering as he pulls back, your slick dripping off his tip. “You ready, baby?”
“Yes, oh yes.” You moan, digging your head into the cold marble of the counter.
Armando strokes your entrance one last time before pushing into slowly. You both let out loud, pornagraphic moans finally being full of each other.
The strokes start of slow and deep, each smack creating friction between the top of your dress and your skin. The deeper and harder Armando fucks you, the lower your dress falls until eventually your boobs spill out.
Armando’s pace picks up and he begins to fuck you with speed that causes you to cry out. He reaches in front of you, grabbing your boobs and holding onto them, circling your nipples between his fingers, pounding deeper and harder into you.
“God, mama, you’re incredible.’ Armando growls. “I’ve dreamt of this moment.”
“More!” You moan.
Armando flips you over, lifting you up by your ass and slamming you onto the counter. He waste no time shoving into you and fucking you, your boobs bouncing up and down equivalent to his rhythm.
You reach down, rubbing your clit in circles, you’re desperate to come on Armando’s cock and have him come inside of you.
You can feel the knot in your stomach build and you know you’re close. The sounds of skin slapping and heavy moans echos off the walls of the cafe.
Your pussy leaks, leaving a white ring Armando’s cock as he drills into you, using one lifted leg as leverage.
Your knot builds, expanding, and you know you’re close to the edge.
You pull Armando close. “I want you to finish me, then I need your come inside of me.” You cry out.
Armando doesn’t even question your requests before obliterating you with speed and strokes.
Your knot unfurls and you moan out, shuttering as you
Come on his cock. Armando does the same, pumping all of him inside of you.
Sweaty and breathing hard, he pulls out, lifting you up bridal style.
He carries you to one of the larger booths at the back of the cafe, using his jacket as a blanket for you both.
“Are you on birth control?” He asks.
You shake your head no. “It’s okay. We’re fine. I’ll just get a plan B.”
Armando nods kissing your forehead. “And by the way,’ he pulls you into his strong arms. “Happy birthday.”
You snicker, eyelids heavy. “Thank you.”
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scribbles-ink · 11 months
im just thinking what if mike schmidt is the son of the movie's equivalent of henry emily. i had this thought on the way home from the movie at like. 10 pm so at the time it was incoherrent, but im going to expand on it here.
point 1- garrett played a similar role to charlie emily, in that despite being watched over they were both killed by william afton.
p2- in the flashbacks, its very obvious that the entire family is in a place away from society. they're literally in a forest. it wouldn't make sense for william of all people to be there if he wasn't close to the family.
p3- the books and the game mirror eachother, so there is a chance that schmidt could be another fake name, one william recognized because, again, he was a family friend.
p4-what happens when your kid goes missing? idk probaly witness protection or an urge to seperate yourself from the incident, both reasons for the name change.
p5-(kinds joke reason) abby rhymes with charlie and looks similar to her (brown hair, brown eyes)
p6-i argue that abby also took on the role of the puppet/charlie at the end of the movie. she didn't necessarily give them life, not like what was done in the game, she shoeed them how they died. she reminded the children of the life they had before, and of who really took it. by doing that, in a way, she gave them that life back. she gave them their real personality back, one not influenced by william. she cut them from his influence, she gave them the gift (the picture) and it gave them life (their memories)
p7- in the movie, mike says his father 'couldnt deal with it' and left after his mother died. yk what that sounds similar to? book henry emily killing himself in despair. maybe mike's dad is alive maybe he's dead, we dont know. but it is similar enough, an act of completely removing himself from the equation.
p8-book henry has a sister named jen, yk what name that sounds like? jane. who was mike and abby's aunt, and we dont know which parent she was related to.
p9-'but wouldn't mike know about the pizzaria if william was a family friend?' honestly, probably. but theres also a high chance that he wouldnt. if the family lived in nebraska, (which im pretty sure they did) they wouldn't have a need to go to utah, not even for a friend's restaurant. sure, he might know that his dad's friend had a restaurant, but not that it had animatronics or anything. the family probaly moved to utah after garrett's disappearance and after freddy's closed down.
p10-'wouldn't mike know vanessa? theyre similar in age' if they didnt live in the same state, probaly not. william in the movie was a, suprise suprise, shitty father, even foregoing the stabbing of his kid. i doubt hed care enough to take her with him on like. a short out of state trip.
p11(edit)- in the books aunt jane was killed by evil charlie to get to charlie, yk what that sounds like? the animatronics killing aunt jen to get to charlie
p12(edit)-the words at the end of the movie say 'come find me' and the music playong at the end is the puppets song so i think garrett is the puppet which is. again. an emily thing
p13(edit)- mikes dad looks like a mechanic shown in the training videos [cough henry emily cough]
if i think of anything else ill add it but anywys this is why i think the schmidts in the movie are the emilys equivalent. also check out the notes on this post because theres a lot of replies n reblogs that support my theory
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chaoticgaywitch · 19 days
things my dad said after i explained the magnus archives to him:
- to my mom, “do you know the difference between sasha and not!sasha? it’s really complicated. especially when everyone thinks not!sasha is sasha”
- “mike AND michael???”
- “wait why did martin stab jon??? i thought they were in love??? was it an accident” (this was said in spanish)
- after hearing the magnus archives had finished, “well at least you have fanfiction! you know, i thought [my friend’s name] was a fanfiction”
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greenfiend · 1 month
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For those still in doubt that Will flayed/influenced Hopper in ST3…
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So when someone flays another basically what happens is, as Mike states they “[take] over their mind” and “basically become him”.
Now, it’s very interesting how in ST3 we see Hopper act childish- but exclusively in ST3. The very same season Will desperately holds onto his childhood.
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It’s suspiciously very meta for him to say lines like this. It’s intentional. The writers didn’t just forget how to write Hopper. We are supposed to notice this abrupt shift in his persona and overall demeanour.
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As Will says, he likes to hide. Interestingly enough Will and him share that in common. Note the “only used me when he needed me”. Same is true for Will using Hopper. Hopper still has moments where he is his “normal” self.
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Whenever Hopper is “serious”, it’s really him. Whenever he’s emotional and kid-like, he’s under Will’s influence.
The Clues
So, let’s start by going over some of the major clues, shall we?
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Him saying this to a Byers of course. Interesting writing choice.
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The original script tells us that Will wears colourful clothes. That’s his style and he stands out because of it. Now it seems to be Hopper’s style all of a sudden too. It’s even noted by officer Powell here that it’s surprising to see Hopper dress this way.
Play these transition scenes. The first one has Lucas asking Will for permission to take a shower, then we are shown Hopper showering. I suppose Will granted Hopper said permission. Then of course we have El asking “how can you tell when someone’s a host?” afterwards the first person we see is Hopper himself. A perfect example of a host. They answered her question!
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We are often shown Hopper acting childish. Look at how he’s holding his pillow! We never saw him doing this in seasons prior. Then we have Murray outright calling him a “manbaby” and “children”.
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When “Hopper” orders an alcoholic beverage he struggles with the pronunciation. Reminiscent of a young person attempting (but failing) to appear older and more mature.
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We even are shown him being fed lines that came from a Byers.
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Now for the major clue. Why oh why did they show Will while Mike explained that Hopper threatened him? Not just Will, but Will moving pieces on a board. He’s essentially controlling things! Bending to his will, if you will. I mean it makes sense. We know Will was very jealous of Mike and El and complained about them! Just like Hopper, he wants them to break up. Perhaps even more than Hopper actually does.
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Then we have Mike referring to him as crazy! That’s their special word, so naturally “Hopper”/Will does not take this well. Look at his face! He looks betrayed.
The References
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It’s extremely subtle, but we have another Byler/Jopper parallel here. Earlier in 3x01, we see Joyce holding Hopper’s left hand, very reminiscent of Mike holding Will’s right hand last season. Then we have Hopper communicating in Morse Code as he and Mike fight to lock/unlock the car door several times. Notice how we have a shot of his left hand doing the locking of the door? Same one Joyce held. I’ve tried to work out what he’s communicating but I’m falling short. If anyone wants to take a stab at it please let me know your findings!
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Then we have the Back to the Future references. Again very subtle, but there nonetheless. As we know, Will is compared to Marty Mcfly a fair bit, ever since his very first appearance!
Do you recall the plot of Back to the Future? Marty travels to the past, accidentally changes some things, then has to bring his parents back together! Will does the same thing… through Hopper!
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And just like Marty… things get a tad bit awkward…
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Now keep in mind… these scenes all occur within the same episode. While trying to set up his mother and Hopper together through “flaying” Hopper, Will accidentally gets his mom interested in him (as Hopper). That is why he refers to Murray as “Freud” aka the Psychologist who created the theory of “the Oedipus Complex”. This is also why Robin drops that line about of the movie.
So… How?
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If you recall back in ST2, Hopper is spat on by something and was trapped in the UD. Will is able to sense him and thus is connected to him. Hopper is a part of Will’s hive mind. I also believe they may be biologically father and son… but that’s for another post.
The Implications of All of This…
So what does this mean? I’m not fully sure, but it seems like Will has some abilities here. I have no idea if it’s future Will manipulating things, or present Will and I’m not so sure how aware he is of all of this.
But in regards to Mike… here are some funny implications…
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ST3 shows us a Mike with a peculiar fascination with bears. Bears seem to be associated with Will and “bear” has a specific other definition…
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Now the icing on the cake with this is the fact that Mike has made comments regarding Hopper’s weight multiple times! So, he’s well aware of Hopper’s “bear” status. Mike shows interest in bears because he’s interested in Will. Will essentially is a “bear” while he is puppeteering Hopper.
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It’s also nice to know that Will actually did get that hug he yearned for from Mike. We just didn’t realize it. Mike and “Hopper” hugged a tad longer than normal too while Will was facing them of course.
To conclude, I know this theory sounds so silly and I sound insane, but I swear to you… this is real. I may be wrong about some aspects of this but I know Will influenced Hopper in some way. Remember though, it’s not a constant thing. Will only “used him when he needed to”. Will experienced being flayed in ST2, then he became the “flayer” in ST3.
If you have any questions or comments about this theory feel free to send me an ask! These things are fun to think and talk about.
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wynnyfryd · 11 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 14
part 1 | part 13 | ao3
fuckin' finally some FLUFF
Dinner is awkward.
It’s awkward, Steve thinks as he spears a Brussels sprout with more force than strictly necessary, because Dustin promised that it was just going to be the three of them tonight, and now he’s sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with his leather-clad metalhead neighbor.
It went like this: Steve showed up at the Henderson’s front door with a pie plate and a two-liter of Grapico under his arm, looking like a dork on picture day in his best jeans and a nice polo with his hair actually combed for once, and he lifted his hand to knock only to be greeted by Eddie throwing the door open and hollering, “Be right back, Henderson! Gotta grab— oh, shit.” 
And then, more eloquently, “Uh…” 
Uh. Like Steve was the one unexpectedly crashing the party.
Steve stabs another sprout. 
They’ve been bumbling through stilted small talk about work and school and weekend plans for what feels like a painfully long time, and Eddie has his elbows on the table — didn’t even bother to take his jacket off because he was apparently raised in a barn — and it’s basically dinner with Barb’s parents all over again. 
This is finger-lickin’ good.  
God. Get him out of here.
“Okay,” Dustin cuts through the stalled-out silence in the room. He jabs an accusatory fork into the air, pointing between the two of them and narrowing his eyes. “You two are being weird.” 
Eddie startles dumbly, and Steve just says, “Hmm?”
“You.” He aims the fork at Steve. “Are being.” It moves to Eddie; back to Steve. “Weird. What’s going on? I thought you two were getting along now.” 
Steve dabs his mouth with his napkin. Wow. Okay. So they’re doing this now.
Eddie either doesn’t get the memo or just decides to rip it up, because instead of being honest he throws on a theatrical smile and flings an arm around Steve’s shoulders, proclaiming, “Of course we are! C’monnn. Me and this guy?” He reaches up to give Steve a gentle noogie. Steve wonders if you can get a more lenient sentence if the guy you murdered really, really deserved it. “Thick as thieves.” 
Claudia smiles fondly.
Dustin’s not buying it. “You’re so full of shit, you know that?”
“Dusty!” Claudia gasps. She gives him a stern look as she tops off her wine glass, then leans over to do the same for Steve and Eddie’s glasses, too. “Stevie, honey, don’t listen to him,” she soothes. “I think it’s sweet. It’s good to see you with some boyfriends your own age.”
Dustin chokes at her word choice, and Steve blushes to his ears. 
Eddie’s arm tightens around his shoulders. “Yeah, Stevie,” he smirks, leaning in a little closer. “We’re great boyfriends, aren’t we?” 
“Oh, yeah,” Dustin joins in, “best boyfriends I’ve ever seen.” 
Surely murder’s just murder, right? Like, from a sentencing perspective? Does it matter how many people you off, or do you just get thirty-to-life regardless?
“Steve, tell mom more about your boyfriend.”
Steve chugs his glass of wine.
The conversation turns to less embarrassing topics after that, the words flowing more easily now that everyone’s warmed up with wine and making fun of Steve. Claudia asks what everyone’s doing for Halloween, and Dustin tells her that Eddie and Steve are taking the boys trick-or-treating in the neighborhood with the good candy bars (which was news to Steve, goddammit), and that leads to a discussion of costume plans. 
Dustin and Mike are going as a pair again, Marty and Doc from Back to the Future. Lucas is doing his own thing, but he's "totally delusional if he thinks a costume is gonna win Max back." Steve doesn’t really have a costume this year, so he’ll probably just pull some sweats out of the closet, throw a whistle around his neck and go as a basketball coach, and Eddie, surprisingly, has the lowest effort costume of them all. 
“Oh, I’m going as a vampire,” he says when Claudia asks. He reaches into his pocket, pulls out some cheap plastic teeth and pops them into his mouth. “Ta-daaa.”
Steve wrinkles his nose. “You just carry those around?” 
“Isn’t it awesome?” Dustin asks.
“Not really, no. It’s not.” 
“But S’theeeve,” Eddie lisps around the fangs. The wine’s made him weirder, playful and too-friendly and berry pink in the cheeks. He holds his sleeve in front of his face like a vampire hiding behind a cape and drawls, “I vant to s’thuck your bloood.”
Steve vants to jump out the window. “I’m gonna go serve the pie.” 
part 15
tags below the cut, comment if you want me to tag you tomorrow 🩷
@acedorerryn @ahsokatanoss @annabanannabeth @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awolfstudio @bananahoneycomb @bronwenmarie @burymestanding @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @courtjestermunson @cr0w-culture @cuips-not-cute @dontwasteyourchances @eddie-munsons-missing-nipple @eriquin @estrellami-1 @evillittleguy @fandomfix8 @foolofentirelytoomanyfandoms @goodolefashionedloverboi @gregre369 @griefabyss69 @grtwdsmwhr @heartsong18 @hellion-child @hotluncheddie @jackiemonroe5512 @jaytriesstuff @littlebluejane @lololol-1234 @messrs-weasley @nburkhardt @noodle-shenaniganery @ppunkpuppyy @runninriot @sadcanadianwinter @silver-snaffles @singmeyoursimpsong @slowandsteddie @slutforcoffein @solalasoforth @steddieas-shegoes @stevesbipanic @steves-strapcollection @teatimeeverybody @thealwithnoname @thestarslittleking @thesuninyaface @trensu @violetsteve
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anonymous-dentist · 6 months
Or: Cellbit runs an alchemy shop with his family, and he's also the lost prince of the Gato Kingdom, but he isn't, but he really really isn't, you've gotta believe him, he isn't, really, he isn't, you've gotta-
For day seven of @smallchaoscryptid's Spiderbit Week - Royalty/Family
The day starts off normally:
Cellbit wakes up to find himself alone in bed, Roier having already gone to work downstairs in the store.
He lazes beneath the covers before hearing his son shouting in the other room. Grudgingly, he gets up, slides on his slippers and his bathrobe, and he goes to get Richarlyson settled with a new coloring book because, according to Richarlyson, Pepito ate the last one.
(Pepito did not eat the last one.)
Cellbit goes back into his bedroom to change, and then he goes to the wash basin in the hallway to brush his teeth and wash his face. He goes to the kitchen, shoves a singe slice of bread in his mouth for breakfast, tells the kids to behave, decides to live in ignorance and believe that they actually listened to him, and then, finally, he goes downstairs to help Roier with the shop.
That's when things get weird because, instead of the normal dozen or so customers they usually get in the mornings before things get busy, there are a handful of people in shiny armor with pointy swords, and there's a woman with cat ears leaning against the counter talking at an indifferent Roier.
Cellbit freezes on the stairs. Absently, his hands raise to his own ears, thankfully pinned down today with his alchemical goggles. He tends to have them out more days than not now, but. Well. Old habits die hard.
"I really don't know what you're talking about," Roier casually say. He isn't even looking at the woman, he's, instead, inspecting his nails- recently painted by Jaiden and absolutely adorable, just like he is. "But we do have a sale on luck potions if you wanna try one of those."
The woman's eyebrow twitches, and, for whatever reason, Cellbit doesn't think that she's here to buy something. Between the fine quality of her clothes and the literal knights with her and her entire aura, she just screams royalty, and that's a bad thing.
That's a really bad thing.
But Roier seems to have it under control, so, silently, Cellbit starts sneaking back up the stairs. If Roier needs him, he'll scream, and then Cellbit will rush down and kill everybody in the room and blame it on a sudden alchemical reaction gone wrong. Easy.
The door to the living quarters slams open and Pepito comes rushing out of it with tears streaming down his face.
"Apa!" he cries, leaping into Cellbit's arms and nearly sending him stumbling back down the stairs. "Richarlyson ate my crayons and now he's dying!"
(Richarlyson is not dying.)
Cellbit can practically smell the irritation coming off of Roier, even if he can't see him with his back turned to both him and the store and the really annoying royalty inside.
And, sure, Cellbit is annoyed, too, but he's also a father. So he just sighs and holds his son and lets him cry into his shoulder.
"Who's there?" one of the knights asks.
There's the sound of a sword being drawn, and then there's the sound of another sword being drawn and, really, is a peaceful retirement too much to ask for? Pac and Mike got one. Bad got one. Even Etoiles has some sort of retirement plan he's supposedly following between father-daughter dungeon-busting field trips.
The way Pepito is being held has him looking down the stairs and at the very rude people about to kill his parents, so Cellbit turns around so that Pepito is facing the door instead. He's always preferred looking danger in the face, anyway; it's much easier to be stabbed in the back than the front, after all.
Cellbit passively looks from one knight to another. He skips his eyes over the woman entirely. He catches Roier's eye, subtly rolls his own eyes, adjusts his hold on Pepito.
"Sorry," Cellbit says, "but my son is dying. I'll be right back."
"He's dead!" Pepito wails, ever-helpful. He's such a good kid.
The woman frowns. Cellbit doesn't think he likes her face. It's too... uncanny, like a doll come to life. Or, rather, like an image escaped from the mirror above the wash basin, and Cellbit does not like the implications of that, thanks.
As the knights start to advance, the woman holds up a hand to stop them.
"Hurry up," she says.
"Yeah," Roier agrees. "Tell Richas to die quicker, we have company."
Pepito screeches right into Cellbit's ear, making him wince very angrily in Roier's direction; all Roier does is wink and motion with his fingers for Cellbit to hurry up.
Cellbit quickly takes Pepito back into their living quarters and puts him down on the sofa.
Richarlyson is on the floor, very calm, very much not dying, and very much using Pepito's crayons in his own coloring book.
Pepito gasps, tears gone and replaced with wide, shocked eyes.
"But you ate them!" he exclaims.
Cellbit sighs, "Your brother is a magician, now can you two please behave for ten minutes while Roier and I deal with those people downstairs?"
Richarlyson's head perks up. "There are people downstairs?"
Cellbit nods. "Bad people, probably. If you hear glass breaking, you know what to do."
It's Richarlyson's turn to nod.
They have a plan. If things go down in the shop, Richarlyson and Pepito stay upstairs and hide until either Cellbit or Roier goes to get them. If the kids hear glass breaking, they are to escape out their bedroom window and climb down the tree outside and run to their Uncle Bad's house until Cellbit and Roier can get rid of the bad guys and save the day.
(Roier's words, not Cellbit's. Apparently, calling unruly customers or the police "the enemy" is bad. Go figure.)
Cellbit makes the kids both pinky promise him to follow the plan before letting out a long, stressed-out breath and starting back downstairs.
First, though, he dips into the kitchen and grabs his favorite butcher knife from off of the counter and tucks it into the custom-made sheath hidden beneath his jacket. Just in case.
Once downstairs, he's immediately manhandled by the knights until he's pushed up against the counter. Unfortunately, he isn't pushed behind the counter. But at least he can act as a shield... just in case.
On instinct, Cellbit reaches behind himself and takes Roier's hand. Roier takes it and squeezes gently, his thumb rubbing little circles into the skin by his thumb.
"Well," Cellbit says, looking from the knights to the woman, "you want something. What is it."
It isn't a question. It's more of a demand, really, and maybe he's stupid for demanding answers of royalty, but, like. Fuck the monarchy. What have they ever done for him?
The woman speaks: "We're looking for whichever one of you is Cellbit."
If they weren't already pinned down, Cellbit's ears would be flattening themselves to the top of his head. He bites back a hiss and instead just squeezes Roier's hand.
The woman continues with, "I'd like to bring him back with us to-"
"Yeah, okay," Roier casually says. "I'm Cellbit, hello."
Out of the corner of his eye, Cellbit can see Roier waving; he stifles a smile. He's so stupid...
Cellbit turns around and gasps dramatically. "Gatinho, no! You can't leave us!"
Roier bites his lip and looks away, turning his head to the side.
"But guapito," he says, dropping his voice an octave just for effect, "if I don't go, then... what about you and the children? They might-" (He moans and bows his head.) "-kill you. And then what would I do with myself?"
"Oh, don't worry!" the woman quickly says. "We won't hurt your family! That's why we're here, actually, to bring you and your family with us."
Cellbit ignores her. He reaches across the counter and cups Roier's cheek with his free hand, gently nudges his face until he raises his head and looks Cellbit in the eye; Roier's eyes are already wet with unshed tears, wow, he's good.
"But what will I do without you?" Cellbit demands, pitching his voice up just slightly. "Don't be stupid! I love you, pendejo!"
(They do this a lot, believe it or not. It drives Richarlyson crazy every time they do it because it somehow always ends up with them kissing until they're out of breath and shaky in the knees.)
"Não!" Roier cries. He squeezes his eyes shut and rips himself away from Cellbit entirely, staggering back and leaning against a display shelf full of anti-gravity potions. "Don't say that!"
"Say what?" Cellbit asks. "I love you!"
Roier screams and flinches against the case. "Não!"
Cellbit leans over the counter. "I love you."
Roier moans his time, his hands flying out wildly and grasping onto seemingly-random bottles on the shelf. "Não!!"
Cellbit extends a hand. "I. Love. You. Te amo, guapito."
One of the knights asks, "What the fuck is going on?"
And then the knights all start shouting as Roier opens his eyes and lunges to shove a potion into Cellbit's hands.
Cellbit grins and yanks the cork out of the bottle and chugs the potion and slams the empty bottle against the floor. It shatters, and he jumps.
"What the fuck?" the woman demands.
Cellbit twists mid-air and lands on the ceiling. He waves down at Roier, blows him a kiss, and takes off running for the back potion room. The door is closed, but the ventilation window above the door is open because he was supposed to be making potions right now. Silver linings.
He dives through the window, just barely managing to squirm through. He grunts, frowns, regrets getting this old, makes it through.
His goggles are nudged off of his head, though, leaving his ears on full display as he escapes into the potion room.
The woman gasps, "Get back here! Cellbit!"
But Roier just cheers, "Corre, gatinho!"
The potion room's door thuds and shakes in its hinges as the knights all slam against it. But, like, fuck those guys.
Cellbit runs down the length of the ceiling until he's reached the wall facing the alley behind the shop. He steps onto the wall, and then he runs down that until he's by the window. Again, ventilation, he should be working right now, but no, he can never know a moment of peace.
The potion starts running out just as Cellbit crawls through the window and lands on the shop's outside wall. He wrinkles his nose at the smell, but it's fine. Just trash, it's fine.
There's shouting from the front of the shop and the sounds of more bottles shattering. Roier sounds fine, though. He's even laughing, of course he is. He's badass, and Cellbit loves him, and Cellbit just wishes he was there to watch Roier swing his sword around like the sexy piece of shit he is.
The potion's effects wear off as Cellbit's feet touch the ground; two minutes, just as he'd made it to be.
He can see Richarlyson and Pepito running for it at the far end of the alley. Good, they actually followed directions for once.
Cellbit turns to run after them and get Bad's help, but he's stopped by a firm hand grabbing his shoulder from behind.
He snarls and pulls his knife out of his coat, spinning and slashing and just narrowly missing the woman's throat.
"Cellbit!" she shouts. "Calm down, it's just me!"
Cellbit responds by lunging at her with his teeth bared. He's been filing his teeth down for years, but he knows that he still cuts an intimidating figure when he's pissed enough.
The woman doesn't seem afraid, though. If anything, she just seems angry. And sad. Mostly angry.
She easily sidesteps his attack and yells, "It's me! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
Oh, that's cute. Royalty asking why someone would want to hurt them, that's funny. They have the self-awareness of a walnut, all of them.
"Stop shouting 'it's me'!" Cellbit snaps. "Why should I care who you are?"
The woman's face starts turning red from frustration. "Because I'm your sister!"
Oh, that's rich.
"I don't have a sister," Cellbit sneers.
He swipes at her. Of course he does, he doesn't have a sister. He didn't have a family before he and the others found Richarlyson, and he only has one now that he has his kids and his husband.
"Then why do we have the same ears?" the woman demands.
She ducks under his knife and sweeps his legs out from under him. He falls and hisses and growls and does all sorts of things that princes might do because he isn't royalty. He knows that for certain. His first memory was him eating the corpse of a soldier on an empty battlefield, and it's with that image in mind that he snaps his teeth at the woman's throat.
"Only the royal family of the Gato Kingdom is born with feline features," the woman snaps. "Idiot!"
"Fuck the Gato Kingdom," Cellbit spits. "Your war destroyed everything I had!"
The woman's eyes turn sad. "It destroyed everything I had, too. It took my family from me. My friends. My home. We're just now starting to rebuild, and-"
She shrieks as Cellbit manages to flip their positions so that she's the one being pinned to the ground.
"So you show up and try kidnapping someone to fill in for your lost prince?" he snarls. "You people haven't changed."
The woman's mouth thins into an angry line. "I'm not trying to kidnap you! I just want to bring you home!"
"I don't have a home! This is my home!"
"You really don't remember, do you?" she asks, voice low. She isn't even struggling any more, not really. "It's me, your sister. Bagi."
The name stings Cellbit's brain in a way he doesn't like.
"I don't know you," he firmly says. "You don't know me. Leave my family alone."
He stands, hands shaking, head spinning. He doesn't like this.
Roier calls his name from the front of the building.
Cellbit, sure that this Bagi won't do anything while she's busy crying, turns and starts running towards the store.
He doesn't make it three steps before getting thwacked in the back of the head with something large and heavy and metal.
"Sorry," Bagi flatly says.
As he falls to the ground, his knife falls from his hand and ends up just out of reach.
He lands on his stomach and immediately tries standing again.
But he's stopped by a foot on his back pressing him down.
"I'll be sure to bring your family with us," Bagi tells him. "I'm not here to hurt you."
"Could have fooled me," Cellbit mutters.
Darkness takes him at last as Bagi smacks him again with her weapon, and all Cellbit can think is that he hopes that the kids ended up making it to Bad's after all.
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ladygoth · 10 months
Gotta keep this short n quick im sorry needa rush to somewhere
Simon makes her jealous in some kinda way, and she feels jealous at first, but then her insecurities get the best of her and Simon not saying i love you to her sends her to the past.
I don’t know how was this lol but anything angsty would be cooollll love youuu
if you think i've deleted this i havent i was just wondering what would be the proper plot lmao. thank you for this ask
♱⋆♱ ᴡɪᴄᴋᴇᴅ ɢᴀᴍᴇꜱ ♱⋆♱
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mdni very 18+ angst, insecure!reader, annoying!ghost, make-up/surprise sex, oral!femreceiving, rough sex and daddy kink
simon ghost riley.
summary - ghost makes you feel insecure about your relationship with him but he makes it up to you in the end.
specifically influenced by the weeknd - wicked games.
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You thought that you guys were past this, the petty moments and disputes, but you had an idea that there’d be a time where Ghost would want to mentally stab back, have you jealous with the way you had him jealous, specifically with Mike.
Though did he have to do it when things were getting better between the both of you?
Did he have to flirt in front of you? With a waitress in the restaurant, he took you out in? Between the both of you, you had always imagined Ghost to be the more mature and cultivated individual, but you been aware that life was always full with surprises.
During the drive back to the apartment building, you had been silent, arms crossed and leaning opposite away from him while he tried to lay his hand against your thigh, he did speak about how pretty you looked, how the dress you wore was so appealing on you and he couldn’t wait to take it off you, but your lack of response had him aware that you had been put off.
“Baby?” He called, his tone light but curious and you had wondered if he had pretended to act stupid, to hear from you why you had been upset. “What’s wrong?”
Unresponsive, you had looked down at your knees, worried that if you had uttered a word you’d tremble into tears.
“Doll?” He called, “if you’re upset, I’d like for you to communicate.” He said and nervous, you had licked your lower lips. “Things just started to get good again luvie.”
“Why did you have to flirt with her?” You asked.
“I wasn’t flirting with her, was jus’ being kind,” he shrugged and dissatisfied you had furrowed your eyebrows, your face screwed and cattish. Aware of the malevolent look on your face, he had softly sighed. “She complimented me and I complimented her back, nothing to over-think about.”
Jaw clenched, you had looked through the glass window, focusing on the night lights that his car had driven pass by. “Baby,” he muttered and with a catty spirit you had picked up your phone and scrolled through the endless social media algorithm you had found yourself in. “We need to speak to each other---”
“Well, I don’t want to, just drive back home,” you muttered and defeated Ghost had remained reticent as he resumed driving back to the apartment building. Once the both of you had arrived, you had quickly let yourself out of the vehicle, ignoring his calls, you had entered the building, briefly greeting the receptionist as you had entered the elevator, though Ghost had been quick, catching up after you, which had been unfortunate, for you.
“Don’t be childish about this, love,” he said, his voice rough before pressing the level button both your homes had been in. “You coming home with me? Or is it yours we’re gonna be in.”
Amused, you had briefly looked up at him, it was as if he had taken mission to piss you off. “I want to be on my own.”
“Jesus Christ,” he sighed. “A’right, I’m sorry for complimenting the waitress, happy?” He asked as the elevator doors opened, a ding echoing in the comfortable spaced box. You had stepped out of the elevator, arms crossed as you scurried to your front door, feeling Ghost’s figure shadow after you. “Doll,” he breathed. “I don’t want to go sleep knowing you’re upset with me,” he shared.
“Isn’t it something you’re used to?” You spat as you pushed your key in.
“Not something I want to live through again,” he spoke while following you in. “I’ll sleep in the other room if you want.”
“What I want, is for you to not be here,” you snapped. “But it’s not like you ever listen to me.”
“If I listened to you love, that would lead me to standing out your door the next day because you won’t open it, you would probably change the locks too.”
You clicked your tongue in annoyance, he was somewhat correct. “Okay,” you huffed as you pulled off your coat. “I’ll be going to bed, don’t come into my room.” You said and without countering with a comment, Ghost had sighed before leading himself into the guest room.
You weren’t able to sleep, and you hated the fact that you would’ve been able to sleep if Ghost had been beside you, his arms wrapped around your waist, engulfing you with his heat while his chin rests against the top of your head, his light snores lulling you into a deep slumber. Then you’d wake up to him making breakfast, kissing you once you make it to him and he’d do that thing where he squeezes your ass before bringing you into a deep kiss.
You had sighed as you had dragged yourself to the open kitchen, the lamp had still been on and you had checked the time and had noticed it had barely been two hours since you had gone to sleep. and the ambience had been somewhat comforting, thus you had tasked yourself to drink water and to have a little snack before returning to bed, but you couldn’t help be but absorbed and consumed by the endless thoughts that had wheeled in your head.
Were you over-reacting? Were you being insecure, the fact that Ghost had never told you that had loved you had swamped and deluged your security. The two of you were able to make it past the three-month period but you couldn’t help but feel like Ghost would find someone better than you, someone he would tell “I love you,” to.
Maybe it was just as simple as that, Ghost didn’t love you, perhaps he was just infatuated with you, and had found himself to be sexual and erotic whenever he had been around you, and you had deciphered that lust to be, love.
“Couldn’t sleep?” God.
You had jumped, your hand pressed against your chest as you had gasped, he wasn’t wearing his mask, handsome and beautiful as ever he had leaned against the sharp corner of a wall, arms crossed, face still but a bit humoured. With your eyebrows furrowed, you had sat yourself down on one of the island seats, close to the lamp that had dimply illuminated the space.
“Why aren’t you asleep?” You asked.
“Why aren’t you, love?” He countered and with your lips pressed into a thin line, you had adjusted your sight forward. “You’re crying.”
Quickly, you had wiped your tears once you had settled down your glass, aware that he had moved closer to you, sitting himself next to you, “Babydoll,” he muttered and with a short hum, you barely glanced his way. “Should’ve known how much it would’ve affected you.”
“I care for you a lot, you know that?”
You were unsure.
“I was being stupid.”
He paused. “You don’t want to talk to me?”
“Goodnight then,” he muttered as he left the seat he previously sat on, leaving to the guest room, he took one last look, expecting for a goodnight but there had been nothing said from you.
Eyes blurred, you had gently gripped the sheets as you had felt a strong commodity continuously part the hearth between your legs, a light confused moan echoing in your room transforming into strong whiny groan once you understood what had been happening.
“Ghost,” you whimpered, your hand now dug into his short hair, his mouth buried between your cunt as he greedily licked between your skin, the flat texture of his tongue teasing against your pearl repeatedly, playing and sucking with the bud hungrily, he had moaned, standing on his knees as continued to devour your nectar. “Fuck!” You cried out, “fuck you…” you had trembled as your eyes rolled back in pleasure, feeling the warm palm of his hands stroke towards the back of your knees, pushing your leg down to spread your pussy more.
His eyes staring at you, erotic with mischief he had commenced to flick the tip of his tongue against your sex, the lower body of his stiff, as he could feel himself want to cum. “Shit,” he moaned as he humped his covered cock against your bed, “so good princess,” he whined, his moan tight as his load seeped in his clothes, proudly cumming to the taste and scent of your ambrosia, he had now began to selfishly suck on your heat, his ears flooded with the high moans from you, your legs trembling at the approaching orgasm, you had leaned your head back, your sex hot and wet at the sight of your boyfriend’s handsome face go down on you.
Your cries echoing into a brewing shameful cry, your toes curling as your nectar gushed and heaved against his face, Simon, desperate to catch as much of your eject with his mouth, his opening slurping with the effect of your sweet expel as your hand had possessively still been at the top of his head, your eyes blurry with erotic tears once he had pulled away from you, once more, you had noted how he had cummed himself, an arrogant smile laced on your face as you had watched him gravely pull down his pants, aware that he had not worn boxers, the large cock heaved out of his clothes.
Red and angry, you had viewed the fierce veins that had been wrapped around his cock boldly stand out, his length throbbing in desire of your wetness and hearth. “Oh, Babydoll,” he lightly whined, hovering over you before he had kissed you, the tip of his cock shadowing against your wet opening, his lips moving to your jaw before sliding himself inside of you, your insides shifting and spreading due to his size and as kickback your mouth had opened and loudly moaned.
He didn’t take long before adjusting into a quick pace, formed in his favourite position, the mating press, you had felt your sex grip tightly around him once you felt his tip sweep against your cervix, his face focused and lustful he resumed on adjusting his hips backwards and forwards, his veiny cocky kissing the soft walls of your heat that had possessively wrapped around him, had influenced him to push his size deeper into your body, “Fit just for me,” he moaned, “so perfect,” he whined as he continued to buck his hips forward.
“Just for you,” you moaned, “I’m just for you,” you cried out, overwhelmed by his size you had brought your nails against his bare back, digging them into his skin, marking his body with your digits---you had frantically pulled your head back, his sac smacking against your ass while the length of his shaft dug deeper than the previous push.
Your lips had trembled. “Daddy!” You cried out, drowned by your pleasure you had been unaware of the bulge print that had stuck out from your stomach, Ghost prideful of his cock fitting in your tight cunt had resumed on abusing the spongy button within your sex with the head of his member, your moans twirling higher every second while the friction had moved your body to move on its own.
“Good girl, you’re such a good girl for me,” he muttered. “So tight and wet,” he said before he had bit his lips, his thrusts angry and hungry, racing for his climax the man had continued to buck his hips forward, “imma fill you up with my cum,” he whined, “belly swollen,” he desperately whispered, “All because of me, such a good girl, my little princess.”
His obsessive comments whispered into your ear, egging you into dishevelled state, a pinch feeling gathering around your sex before your walls continuously throbbed around him. “Cum for me,” he commanded. “Cum for your daddy, show me I’m yours, I can only make you feel this good, only me,” he said and with your eyes almost closed, you had desperately nodded your head, obedient as hot tears trickled down your skin while your hot cum laced around his width.
 “Good girl,” he cooed before kissing you once more, his length digging deeper into your sex as his sac had swelled, frantic to cum inside you the man had continued to push himself, the wetness of both your sexes echoing inside of your room just as he cummed inside of you, his hot load seeping deep inside, coating your walls and cervix with his nectar as he released one tight grunt. “There you go,” he whispered before pulling out of you.
Exhausted you had heavily breathed, eyes almost shut you could feel Ghost swipe his thumb against your lower lip. “Still mad at me?” He asked.
“No,” you replied.
“Good girl.”
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a compilation of what i think is ghost's favourite position
pussy eating reference :)) and if it doesnt work use vpn
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puhpandas · 11 months
the worst thing about movie Vanessa is that she was terrified to rebel because of real and violent consequences and when she finally did her fears came to life. she was choked. she was talked down to. she was stabbed. she was hurt. and she was terrified through it all
she came back when it mattered most and saved abby and Mike but it put herself on the line. it wasnt just fear. it was a real possibilty. she knew what would happen. she knew how big of a chance there was that it would. and she still came back and paid the price for it because there were people she truly cared about in danger
I doubt she had anything like that before. I'm sure Afton had her so trapped under his thumb that she was never able to get close to anybody. she was never ever to make choices for herself. she probably is a cop to cover for him. shes probably never had a friend who survived long enough to trust. she makes me very upset and that halo imagery with her is so real
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yoonsivesworld · 11 months
William Afton canonically can't count.
Will: and you only have to worry about one thing! Keeping people out! And- and- you know, keeping the place tidy.
Mike: That's two things.
Will: You had one job- ONE! Keep him in the dark and kill him if he gets too close.
Vanessa: That's two jobs.
Will: *stabs her*
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slasherstories123 · 4 months
Hii!! I Hope this isn’t asking too much but do you know if you could write about the reader giving rz Michael a bubble bath in like those claw foot baths where his knees would be sticking out, and he would have a pile of soap suds on top of his head and he would be entertained by a little rubber ducky as we wash him with those big yellow sponges? If you can’t that’s completely ok and don’t worry about it!! It would just be a cute fluffy moment between the 2!
Bath time
RZ!Michael Myers x reader
Word count: 1.4k
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Tags list: @dootys @callmemeelah @mehidktbh @beanbagbitch @mrs-heelshire @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @oneofvincentscandles @sleepypersonblog @alexxavicry @vexeliers-breakroom @l0sercat @naxxsstuff @beel-mcburger @charliedawn @emychan @slasherscrybaby
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You slowly blinked while staring ahead at the alarm clock. It was close to midnight and your killer boyfriend haven’t came back yet and it’s nearly been three hours. It wasn’t like you could do anything, you wouldn’t know where to look if you wanted to do a search to find him. The more time he was gone, the more your mind started to wander and think the worst case scenarios. You shook your head to make them stop but they kept coming, making you sit up straight to walk around.
What if he finally got caught…or worse…did someone finally manage to kill him? Is he gone for good..?
“Don’t be ridiculous.” you said to yourself while trying to get something to drink. “This is Michael we’re talking about, he’s strong enough to handle himself.”
Yet the thought still lingered, he’d always come home badly injured and each time it made you worry that one day he won’t come back for good. People can put up a good fight when it comes to him and it shows from him having scratch marks to literally stab wounds and glass shards in his skin. You poured water in your cup, the thoughts still consuming your brain. A low creak of the wooden floor made you flinch, realizing you overfilled your cup of water and it spilled on the counter. Cursing to yourself as you quickly tried to clean it up and looked where the creak came from.
Michael stood by the couch and you had a hand over your pounding heart at the sight of him, turning on the kitchen light to get a better look at him. Luckily there wasn’t any blood..at least that was his…
His outfit was mainly covered in dirt, you sighed in relief which made him tilt his head at you. “You gave me quite the scare Mike.. but you gotta get out of those close if you want me to wash them. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to sleep with a mud stain on my bed. I can start a bath while you change.” You didn’t care about the glass of water and ran upstairs to get the bath ready, making sure it was warm but was still a little hot, making sure it had lots of soap for him to try and relax in. When you turned around Michael stood at the bathroom doorway. You really didn’t want to tell him to take off his mask but you had to in order for you to wash his hair as well.
“Okay another thing… you’re gonna have to take off your mask,” you saw him let out a deep breath. “Wait wait, you can still wear your paper mache one, I just want to wash your hair as well.” You held your hands up in defense, slowly sliding beside him before leaving the bathroom to go and get one of the old one he made that nearly resembled a pumpkin face with black scribbles. Giving it to him and giving him the privacy he needed. “If you need anything, or need help just knock okay?” Michael nodded, you went back downstairs to try and drink the glass of water now knowing that he’s okay.
I wonder if he got hurt, there wasn’t any blood seeping through his clothes it was only the blood of his victims, even if that was the case it’s not like he’s gonna go out of his way to show me I’d have to catch him or pay close attention, he didn’t look injured though.
You heard three knocks, chugging the rest of your water before sprinting upstairs, skipping every two steps to reach to the top faster, hoping he had on the paper mache mask, opening the cracked door to see Michael in the tub. He had his hands on his knees while his knees stuck out of the tub, a yellow rubber ducky floated through the water each time he moved. You forgot that was there.
“Is everything alright?” You asked pointing at him.
He nodded. Pointing at his body and hair.
“You..want me to wash you up?”
He nodded again.
With a tap of your fingers against the wall it took you a moment to remover where you put those large sponges, rushing back downstairs for the third time and grabbing a random cup and large sponge. Coming back up with a small huff from the constant back and forth, still standing and let the sponge absorb some water before pressing down on the bottle of foam soap. Washing up his upper body gently to make sure the soap spread everywhere. Sometimes he’d poke the duck or would squeeze it to make the water come out. You smiled at him being entertained by it. “Alright you gotta wash your lower body, let me know when you’re done I’m gonna put your clothes in the washer.”
He took the sponge silently, you gathered the muddy and dirty clothes and put them in the washer, nearly slamming the washer shut. You then went to your small closet and grabbed a large towel to put in the dryer so it can be warm for him when he comes out. You rubbed your tired yes before going to your room closer,looking for a certain pair of pajamas you bought for him to sleep in, it was hard to find the right size since you couldn’t take him shopping, your best guess was to estimate by the way his clothes looked on him, hoping they weren’t that big on him once he tried them on.
You grabbed the light blue two piece pajamas for him and stood by the bathroom until he knocked again. The three knocks came back and you came in. Wondering how you were going to wash his hair with the paper mache mask in his face. You put down the pajamas.
“Okay.. I’m gonna need you to tilt your head back so the mask won’t get wet.” His hair got dirtier every time you saw it, he desperately needed it washed. You were surprised it was still growing since he didn’t take care of it. Pouring a cup of water over his hair until it was wet and squeezed some shampoo in your hands, massaging his scalp and made sure every last strand of his hair was lathered in shampoo.
You payed attention to his body language since talking was something he never did, his tense form relaxed the more you massaged his scalp with gentle scratches of your fingers the hold on his leg loosened and you cosine sworn you heard him let out a deep sigh. After a few pours, he didn’t have anymore shampoo in his hair. You patted his shoulder to signal you were done, gently gathering his hair to ring out the access water in his hair. “Alright.. I did my part, you can rinse off or stay for as long as you’d like as long as you don’t get my floors wet. Your clothes are on the slink along with a towel. You rushed to get his towel out the dryer, placing it next to his clothing before finally laying down in your bed.
Plopping down on your back, your eyes began to droop needlessly, all that running back and forth made you exhausted along with you staying up waiting for Michael to come home. You didn’t regret it, but now that he was safe in your home, you can relax in peace. You didn’t know how long you managed to sleep before feeling a dip on the other side of the bed.
You sleepily turned your head to Michael who was staring at you through the mask. Having in the pajamas you provided for him. His hair was damp, seeing that he dried it with the towel instead of leaving it a dripping mess to make your sheets wet. You held your hand out with another tired yawn. Eyes not being able to stay open and sleep wanted to overtake you, but you’d like to see him before you go back to sleep. You turned your body so your face him as well. Michaels large hand took yours in a tight squeeze, you didn’t have the energy to tell him to be more gentle, instead, the tight hold made you feel at ease knowing he was there with you . Closing your eyes with a soft, “Good night, Michael.”
A rough grunt was your response, it was the last thing you heard before falling back asleep.
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