#the middletonz
justlovemebabe · 5 years
"She never notice"
-The Middletonz
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escunited · 5 years
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Oh, Say Can You See the Americans who Participated in Eurovision 2019 and its National Selections?
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soldi-esc · 6 years
Hungary is officially cancelled...
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supervalcsi · 5 years
10 songs tag!
Rules: you can tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! Put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs, then tag ten people. No skipping!
I was tagged by the amazing @myriadimagines !!! Thank you so much!!
Brooklyn in the Summer by Aloe Blacc
Mind is a Prison by Alec Benjamin
Dance Monkey by Tones and I
False Confidence by Noah Kahan
The Summit by Avi Kaplan
Only Human by Jonas Brothers
All I Need by Michael Schulte
Hey Ya! by Avriel & The Sequoias
Roses by The Middletonz
Pride by American Authors
I tag: @biscottibitch, @afuckindelighttobearound, @dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt, @skymoonandstardust, @cptnmarvell, @kirkmcoy, @palpatine-dyke
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108minut · 5 years
Eurovision year 2018/2019
-02/02 🇲🇪 Publikacja piosenek. D-Moll najwięcej odtworzeń.
-03/02 🇺🇦 Producent preselekcji okazuje się być autorem piosenki Kazka.
🇮🇱 Madonna może zostać intervalem dzięki żydowskiemu miliarderowi.
-04/02 🇧🇾 Publikacja piosenek.
-05/02 🇦🇿 Çingiz Mustafayev reprezentantem kraju.
🇵🇱 Koniec przyjmowania zgłoszeń do wewnętrznego wyboru. Magda Tul informuje o wysłaniu zgłoszenia.
🇮🇹 Start San Remo.
-06/02 🇵🇱 Spokanie w Warszawie w sprawie Eurowizji Junior. Brak konkretnych informacji.
🇷🇺 Sergey Lazarev wraca na Eurowizje.
-07/02 🇸🇪 Publikacja fragmentu piosenki Margaret “Tempo” do Melfestu.
🇵🇱 Natalia Szroeder po raz kolejny dementuje plotki na temat jej udziału w Eurowizji.
-08/02 🇵🇱 Ogłoszenie przesunięcia terminu ogłoszenia polskiego reprezentanta na do 15 lutego. Dużo zgłoszeń itp.itd.
🇫🇮 Publikacja 1z3 piosenek Darude & Sebastian Rejman.
🇬🇧 Poprzez You Decide wybrano Michaela Rice.
-09/02 🇦🇺 Poprzez pierwsze preselekcje wybrano operową Kate Miller Heidke.
🇲🇪 Faworyt grupa D-Moll wygrywają.
🇸🇪 Margaret odpada z Melestu z piątego miejsca. Malou Prytz i duet Hanna Ferm & Liamoo w finale.
🇮🇸 Hera Bjork i kontrowersyjna grupa Hatari awansują do finału. Hatari planuje po zwyciestwie preselekcji bojkot w Izraelu. Popierają Palestyne.
🇺🇦 Do finału awansują Yuko, Brunettes Shoot Blondes i faworytka fanów Maruv.
🇭🇺 Awansują do finału Acoustic Planet, Petruska, Bence Vavra i The Middletonz.
-10/02 🇮🇹 San Remo wygrywa Mahmood. Mieszkaniec Włoch o egipskim pochodzeniu. Wsparty zdecydownie głosami dziennikarzy i jury. Ultimo zajmuje drugie miejsce mimo większego 50% wsparcia ludzi. Krytyka zwycięzcy ze stron politycznych.
🇸🇪 Fani chcą by Margaret reprezentowała Polske. Niestety regulaminy na to nie pozwalają.
🇷🇴 Awans 6 uczestników do finału w tym Laura Bretan. Odpada 2 Gents.
-11/02 🇮🇹 Poprzez #Mahmood4Eurovision fani pokazują, że wspierają Mahmooda w tej nagonce na jego egipskie pochodzenie. Chcą żeby to on reprezentował Włochy.
🇷🇸 Publikacja piosenek.
-12/02 🇮🇹 Mahmood potwierdza swoje uczestnictwo w Eurowizji.
🇮🇱 Kobi Merimi reprezentantem kraju.
-13/02 🇦🇺 Otrzymanie od EBU prawa udziału w ESC do 2023.
🇭🇷 Publikacja fragmentów piosenek.
-14/02 🇬🇷 Katetina Duska reprezentantem Grecji. 🇸🇪 Publikacja fragmentów piosenek 3 półfinału.
-15/02 🇵🇱 Folkowa Tulia reprezentantem Polski. Brak piosenki. Wcześniej informowały, że nie zgłosiły się do wew. preselekcji jednak to wytwórnia je zgłosiła.
🇫🇮 Publikacja 2z3 piosenki dla Finlandii.
-16/02 🇵🇱 Piosenka dla Tulii znajduje się na ich albumie w wersji deluxe z listopada. Piosenki "Pali się" i "Dreszcze" najwiekszymi faworytami.
🇪🇪 Najlepsi z 10 uczestników Stefan, Szwed Victor Crone i Uku Suviste trafili do superfinału z czego napisana przez Stiga Raste piosenka "Storm" wygrywa. Viktor zwycięzcą.
🇺🇦 Z połfinału przechodzą Freedom Jazz, Anna Maria i Kazka. Dyskusje na temat wokalu Kazki.
🇭🇺 Joci Papai wygrywa półfinał. Informacja że jeden z piosenek w finale może być plagiatem.
🇸🇮 Z 10 uczestników i dobrych piosenek wybrano 2 w tym Raiven i Zale&Gaspera. Duet Z&G zdecydowanie wygrywa z 73% wsparciem publiczności. Piosenka jest po słoweńsku. Lea Sirk przeklina do włączonego mikrofonu po przegraniu Raiven.
🇱🇹 Jurijus Veklenko wygrywa półfinał.
🇭🇷 Skrzydlaty Roko z piosenką od Jacquesa Houdeka pokonuje 16 uczestników. Reprezentuje Chorwacje z piosenką "The Dream"
🇱🇻 Duet Carousel z "That Night" do Tel Avivu. Drugie miejsce zajął Markus Riva.
🇸🇪 Jon Henrik Fjallgren i Linna Hedlund do finału.
🇮🇸 Friorik Òmar i Tara Mobee do finału.
🇵🇹 Matay z bajkowym "Perfeito" wygrywa półfinał. Drugi był faworyt Conan Osiris a dalej Calema i Ana Claudia którzy również awanowali dalej.
-17/02 🇷🇴 Po potraktowaniu głosów widzów jak by jednego z jurorów oraz innym niż przewidywano głosowaniu dziennikarzach Wiwi którzy chwalili piosenke Laury w swoich filmach ostatecznie dal jej niskie noty wygrywa Ester Peony z piosenką "On the Sunday" Netta i Emmelie de Forest intetvalem.
🇭🇷 Porównania stroju Roko do Elnura z 2008. Doszukiwanie sie plagiatu piosenki. Skrzydła najważniejsze.
🇵🇱 140 zgłoszeń do wew. wyboru. Konrad Smuga jednym z członków komisji. Spekulacje dotyczące wyboru jezyka dla piosenki. Cleo wspiera wybór i folk na ESC.
-18/02 🇭🇺 Dyskwalifikacja Petrushki z powodu plagiatu.
🇷🇴 Drama zwiazana z tym jak głosowali jurorzy. Spam pod profilami Ester oraz tv rumuńskiej przez antyfanów, głównie Laury. Krytyka nowego sposobu głosowania faworyzującego międzynarodowe jury.
🇲🇰 Opowieści o przesłaniu piosenki "Proud". Duma z samego siebie.
🇬🇷 Piosenka "Bettet Love" premiera 7.03
-19/02 🇵🇱 Live Tulii. Dementowanie plotek o wyborze ich bez piosenki. Reżyserem występu ma być K. Smuga.
🇸🇮 Raiven zapowiada, że nie weźmie już  udziału w preselekcjach.
🇮🇱 Publikacja cen biletów na ESC. Drogo bo rząd nie wspiera show. Do sprzedaży trafić ma 4300 biletów.
-20/02 🇫🇷 Plotki o wycofaniu się kraju z ESC ze wzgledu na izraelski serial o muzłumańskim piosenkarzu udającym homo będącym terrorystom.
🇱🇹 Piosenka Jurijusa opublikowana niezgodnie z regulaminem.
🇺🇦 Problemy ze wzgledu na powiązania uczestników z Rosją. Vice-premier Ukrainy mówi, że gdyby były takie peoblemy to lepiej zrezygnować.
🇮🇱 Verka Serduchka gościem ESC 2019.
Kobi Marim zaśpiewa ballade "Home".
-21/02 🇫🇷 Odbywają się dyskusje dotyczące serialu między EBU, a tv francuską lecz nie planują z tego wzgledu zrezygnować z ESC.
🇬🇷 Koszt udziału w ESC wynosi 327tys euro.
🇮🇱 Goście intervalowi mają być dobierani w pary i śpiewać piosenke drugiej osoby.
-22/02 🇵🇱 Konferencja Tulii, wytwórni Universal Music oraz TVP. Mało konkretnych informacji.
🇫🇮 Premiera 3 ostatniego utworu.
🇩🇪 Zwyciestwo duetu S!sters
-23/02 🇵🇹 NBC wygrywa drugi półfinał. Przeszli dalej również Surma, Madrepaz oraz Mariana Bragada.
🇸🇪 John Lundvik i Bishara Morad awansowali. Lisa Ajax z piosenką odrzuconą w zeszłym roku przez Loreen trafia do koncertu dogrywkowego.
🇺🇦 Faworytka widzów Maruv wygrywa po burzliwym finale o zabarwieniu politycznym. Jamala pyta ją o Krym. Dostaje ultimatum albo koncerty w Rosji albo reprezentowanie Ukrainy.
🇱🇹 Jurijus Veklenko wygrywa. Jego piosenke tworzyli ci którzy są również odpowiedziali za tegoroczną piosenke Niemiec i UK.
🇭🇺 Joci Papai wraca na ESC. Reprezentuje Węgry po raz drugi.
🇩🇰 Z 10 uczestników wygrywa Leonora Colmor Jepsen z piosenką wielojęzyczną. Śpiewana po angielsku, niemiecku, duński i francusku.
-24/02 🇨🇾 Zwiastun piosenki Tamty - Replay
🇺🇦 Propozycje dla Maruv z trzech państw (w tym Rosji), aby ich reprezentowała w 2020.
-25/02 🇺🇦 Maruv rezygnuje z prawa  reprezentowania Ukrainy. Nie podpisuje umowy zawierającej dyktatorskie warunki.  Chce być wolnym artystom bez gry politycznej.
-26/02 🇺🇦 Nadawca proponuje innym uczestnikom preselekcji udział w Eurowizji, odmawiają. Plany wycofania się z konkursu w 2019.
-27/02 🇺🇦 Uczestnicy pozostałych miejsc w preselekcjach odmawiają reprezentowania kraju. Ukraina wycofuje sie z ESC.
🇷🇸 Pierwszy półfinał. Awansowało 6 uczestników wybranych 50/50 widzowie i jury: Sekulić, Janks, Natasa i Una, Vladović & Strings, Perić oraz Kurtić.
-28/02 🇧🇪 Oficjalna publikacja piosenki.
🇷🇸 Drugi półfinał. Neveny Božović, Dženana Lončarevicia, Any Popović, Lorda, Jany Šušteršić oraz formacji Majdan awansowali.
🇮🇱 Rusza sprzedaż biletów.
-01/03 🇷🇺 Wyciek kilkusekund piosenki.
-02/03 🇫🇮 Darude & Sebastian Rejman reprezentują Finlandie z piosenką "Look away" głównie ze względu na duże wsparcie widzów.
🇵🇹 Pomimo, że inni uczestnicy wygrali swoje półfinały wygrywa faworyt fanów Conan Osiris. Wygrywając u widzów jak i u jury.
🇮🇸 Kontrowersyjna grupa Hatari wygrywa. Pokonuje Fridrika Omara w superfinale.
🇲🇩 Anna Odobescu zwycięża z piosenką "Stay".
🇸🇪 Z drugiej szansy do finału przechodzą Nano, Anna Bergendahl, Lisa Ajax i Arvingarna.
🇳🇴 Z 10 uczestników zwycięża faworyt KEiiNO z piosenką "Spirit in the Sky" wykonaną częściowo po lapońsku.
-03/03 🇷🇸 Z 12 kandydatów wygrywa Nevena Bozović.
🇬🇪 Finał gruzińskiego Idola. Oto Nemsadze zwycięża.
-05/03 🇨🇾 Oficjalna premiera piosenki Tamty "Replay". Porównania z Fuego.
🇵🇱 Tytuł piosenki poznamy 9.03
-06/03 🇬🇷 Oficjalna premiera "Better Love" Kateriny Duska.
-07/03 🇧🇾 Finał wygrywa Zena z piosenką Like it. Punkty jury były przyznawane po każdym występie.
🇨🇭 Reprezentantem kraju zostaje Luca Hänni z taneczną piosenką She got me. Czuć dobrą energię jak w Fuego.
🇳🇱 Premiera utworu Arcade od Duncana Laurence. Dobra ballada.
🇸🇲 Piosenka Serhata to Say Na Na Na. Jest w jego stylu. Lata 80.
🇪🇸 Nowa wersja z teledyskiem piosenki La Venda ukazuje się tuż po północy.
🇵🇱 Po informacji, że pojawi się teledysk wraz z piosenką. Insynuacje, że wybrany utwór to nie Pali się gdyż on ma już swój teledysk.
-08/03 🇦🇹 Premiera utworu Limits od Paenda. Teledysk.
🇮🇪 Ogłoszenie Sarah Mc Ternat reprezentantką, a także publikacja piosenki 22 wraz z teledyskiem.
🇦🇿 Chingiz Mustafayev z popowo funkową piosenką Truth. Publikacja teledysku.
🇲🇰 Północna Macedonia publikuje stateczną ballade o tytule "Proud" od Tamary Todevska.
🇵🇱 O 17:00 poznajemy że piosenka Pali się zostaje wybrana by reprezentować Polskę. Angielskie wstawki językowe. Ten sam teledysk.
-09/03 🇸🇪 Melfest wygrywa zdecydowanie John Lundvik z piosenką "Too Late for Love". Pierwsze miejsce u międzynarodowego jury i zdecydowane zwyciestwo w televote. Jest współautorem piosenki dla Michaela Rice reprezentanta Wielkiej Brytanii.
🇷🇺 O 17:00 odbyła się oficjalna premiera "Scream" Sergeya Lazareva. Rosja spada z 1 miejsca u bukmacherów.
🇲🇪 Publikacja tekedysku i nowej wersij "Heaven". Instrumentalne wstawki zamiast refrenu.
-10/03 🇮🇱 Oficjalna premiera piosenki gospodarzy "Home" od Kobiego Marimi.
🇦🇲 Oficjalna premiera "Walking Out" Srbuk.
🇲🇹 Michela prezentuje piosenkę "Chameleon".
🇮🇸 Izraelska organizacja pozarządowa wzywa aby zespół Hatari nie otrzymał wizy na pobyt w Izraelu ze względu na jawne wzywanie do bojkotu kraju.
-11/03 🇵🇱 Top3 Tulii to Włochy, Islandia, Portugalia.
🇮🇱 Gospodarz wystąpi z 14. pozycji.
🇸🇪 John Lundvik mógł wziąć udział w Melfest w 2017 ale odrzucili go i jego miejsce zajęła Loreen.
-21/03 🇷🇸 Nowa wersja piosenki Kruna
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szupernyeremeny · 6 years
A Dal 2019 - The Middletonz - Roses (Rózsák)
A Dal 2019 – The Middletonz – Roses (Rózsák)
A Dal 2019 legjobb 30 mezőnyébe bekerült a The Middletonz – Roses (Rózsák) dala.
Kállay-Saunders András visszatért, ezúttal azonban nem szólóban, hanem zenekarával áll A Dal 2019 színpadára. A 2018-ban alapított együttes a Roses (Rózsák) című dalával jutott a legjobb 30 közé. A zenekar tagjai: Farshad Alebatool, Fehér Holló Attila és Kállay-Saunders András.
A Dal 2019 legjobb 30 dala közé jutott…
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briepark · 5 years
Tag game! 10 songs that I can’t stop listening to~
thank you so much @knowexoknowlife for tagging me 💕💕
this is my list~
EXO - Lotto (Elyxion version)
The Middletonz - Lonely Days
HYO - Punk Right Now
EXO - Going Crazy
Pristin V -Get It
Baekhyun - Psycho 
EXO-SC - What a Life
Scorpions - We Built This House
Kendall Schmidt & Logan Henderson - Rich Girl
Stray Kids - MIROH 
thank you again~ 💓
i’m tagging:  @ananou59 @fluffyloey @dohjoey @ladyliliah @layzhang-s @reinedeselfes @castielsinwhite @kyungsoo-kim 
you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to~ 
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borisbubbles · 5 years
ESC2019:  Preshow #25
25. HUNGARY Joci Pápai - “Az én apam” SemiFinal 1, #07
Ugh; fucking Joci of all people giving me a writer’s block. I MISS the milk jug tapping REALNESS of his previous entry :( He is not giving me much to work with.
Having said that, I don’t  “Az én apám” is without its own charms. It’s a cute, touching song about Joci’s deceased father and well, I ranked both Michael Schulte AND AWS high last year, so obviously it’s a subject I like and can relate to. I like it!
The problem is that the song, as I’m sure you’ll all agree with, is sort of... bare? Lol. It gave off cool indie vibes at first with the whistling gimmick but Joci replaced the whistling with sentimental strings and this sapped the song of a lot of its inherent indie power. I like the song, but only very *VERY* mildly so. Right now, it’s closer to “Qami” than it is to “Origo” and it’s a real damn’ shame. :’(
However, the above isn’t the only reason I’m booting Joci. I also cannot forget the circumstances under which he won A Dal. Hungary was one of the countries that engaged in VILE HUMAN BEHAVIOUR during its NF (along with Romania, France, Ukraine and Italy) and my opinion of A Dal 2019 bled into my opinion of Joci as well. 
Since I don’t have anything to add Joci, let us dive in to the gothic horror novel that was this year’s A Dal, as told by yours truly:
NF Corner
The trouble began when the jurors, gave a mere 37 points to Leander Kills, allegedly because of “poor lyrics” (ed: the song is in Hungarian, nobody fucking cares) Now, I am actually NOT a fan of Leander Kills’s usual repertoire  (Killjoy metal isn’t my style), but this year they entered with an upbeat folk entry: 
Sounds like an obvious contender, right? Well, something went horribly wrong :( 
Now, the one thing you need to know about A Dal is that every there is ONE abysmal chartmonster who proves UNKILLABLE in the televote. In 2019 this contestant was USNK, who were even worse than the normal audience fave. You can already predict where this will go, but whatever: the juries rigged LK out of the top five seemingly by accident, (like seriously. they were stupefied that LK didn’t qualify. wat.) and then they died to USNK in the televote. AND THEY WERE THE UNIVERSAL FAVE TO WIN!!!
So how do you think the audience responded? Like any responsible, mature adult would: by piling white hot social media hate on one of jury faves. There were several weird entries the A Dal jury had the hots for reasons nobody can guess: Bogy Nagy??? Acoustic planet??? Bence Vavra?? MOSCOK 1 KÖLYÖK???? Wtf!!! Get those insipid bitches OUT!!!
Unfortunately, the contestant the Casualtards decided to hate on was the best song in all of A Dal 🙄 Meet bug-eyed cherub Petruska:
"Help me out of here” was an  immensely clever song that cannot get enough praise imo: It uses a cheerful beat to conduct a very cynical message about the end of the world, turning a heavy subject into a lightweight digestive. The intelligent message is framed by a fantastic 80s, Paul Simon-esque sound, elevated to a higher level by Petruska’s palpable anxiety. Had it won, it would have made an AMAZING entry for Hungary and done very well.
Sadly, the audience fabricated a plagiarism claim (of a VAMPIRE WEEKEND song, of all things), and called for Petruska’s severed head on a pike so... the producers of A Dal... instead of supporting an artist they chose for their own NF, conceded and DQ’d Petruska... WHAT THE FUCK???? Whenever BULLYING wins, it’s a dark day for ALL OF MANKIND!!! Even if the plagiarism claim were valid (it was questionable at best. are you aware what VampWeekend’s discography sounds like, lmfao?), then why let Petruska enter A Dal in the first place??? FUCKING NUMBSKULLS
Eventually USNK were slain by the best remaining entry, ~MIDDLETONZ~, the name of Andras Kallay-Saunders’s current musical project.  A mix of R&B, Hiphop and Dubstep that actually works well?
After LK and Petruska had been unfairly slain, Middletonz (or the very adequate and likable Gergö Székér, I haven’t forgotten about him, @aws-deserved-better!!!) would’ve made an excellent entry, but alas it wasn’t meant to me.
Qualification Odds: Borderline (Advantaged)
I currently have Hungary among my qualifiers, because I find it pretty difficult to find flaws in “Az én apám”. It’s a good song, plain and simple. 
That said, it might be too plain and simple? 
We have some information on Joci’s staging: He will incorporate photographs of other people’s dads into the backdrop and... ew. You know how much I don’t like Sob Stories. Dropping your quirky vibe to go all out on the schmaltz is not a decision I support. If you miss your mark, you miss it BADLY and have nothing to recover from. 
As such I wonder whether Joci might surprise NQ?  “Az én apám” is the Eurovision equivalent of the side salad you get with your protein and carbs: light, tasty, having it there is better than not having it there, but as a whole totally not something you’d order by itself. If any entry in the first semifinal gets Qami’d, it’s this one.
Projected placement: 6th-15th in the semifinal. If he qualifies, 15th-24th in the Grand Final.
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Tel Aviv 2019: Straight outta Latvia to Eurovision with a cinematic French rendez-vous
Supernova with their strict-on decision to only focus on all that’s radiofriendly this year went to hell for me. I mean, I like me some pop tunes, but not those that are purposefully marketed to be enjoyed by the massive sheeps of the Eurofandom who usually fall for those songs by Michael James Down, Will Taylor, even Ylva & Linda... because at the end of the day they’re all just shallow and pointless outside the ESC bubble.
Well the best they could do is to accept some different winds out of nowhere! And so they did when the audition stage hit place and we guys got to witness the 33 shortlisted tunes for this year, among which of them are loudly and proudly different - like “Alligator” and “Grow”, which I did not fathom but I was also raging for their not qualification for - more precisely “Alligator” which was way more outstanding of those two I mentioned. The guys that performed that song were fun, their performance choice was fun, they could have totally rocked on Supernova... but alas.
In fact not that many alternative songs made it to the final down-to-16 cut! There might have been a couple of those that sound nothing a radio would play unless it’s not playing pop on its purpose (Laime Pilnīga’s ”Awe” comes to mind right away), but in the end of the day, not many of those survived and we were graced with some... choices, like letting Samanta Tina waste herself on a cocky-ass tune with terrible chorus rhyme-scheme and unbearable charisma and putting through the most Eirodziesma-like mess-fest with the Beaver guy on top of it. Honey I like you in costume but... not in this emploi.
I don’t blame them though, as one of non-blatant-pop tunes conquered the Latvian hearts for this year. These next Latvian people in Laura Rizzotto’s succession are collectively named Carousel and their song is “That Night”.
It sets a romantic mood throughout, like we all are reliving this magical last date - it was in a restaurant, the candles were lit, the restaurant looked vintage with bordeaux satin tablecloth on the table, and the couple is having a smooth evening... until the love runs out to the probably cold and rainy streets and the other half of the couple starts longing for one's love. That's all I can imagine with this.
So yeah, I really like this! It's got lovely instrumentation that doesn't need all the over the top instruments - just guitar, simple drums, etc.; the noir flair is distinct on here and that's not bad on here; this is just a simple and soft song that you too could play in your own restaurants when all the lovely couples have romantic dinners and sip wine. And in some kind of a French movie, too (with the lead role being a curly redhead artiste with striped sweater, looking for love in Paris (because it’s so romantic in there honhonhon). I'm not sure if the revamp touched upon this one little problem I noticed but the problem kinda seems to be that the chorus repeats. A lot. And verses are way too short that they could be easily forgotten against the 4th and 5th time one would be hearing the "lo-o-o-o-ove, where? Are? You?" line, and then lulled into sleep at how peacefully relaxing it is. Which is indeed of a problem because repetition has quite a bit of a negative effect on people. Yes, it gets the song onto your brain more easily, but the repetition drives people insane too. Just like it was suspected for “Story of My Life” (Belarus 2017) on its original version to be unable to be ‘stood’ - after the 2nd chorus, the rest of the song just went like “hey hey hayayayaho” until the end. Naviband fixed the problem by throwing in another vocal onomatopoeia in a form of the song bridge and I loved them for it, even if there still were too many “hey hey hey”s at the end, haha.
Final conclusion? Yep, issa good entry, and if anything it’s helluva underrated. Say what you want about it being “boring”, to me it’s somewhat fresh and exciting, because the melodies are pleasant, the instrumentation is top notch and Sabīne’s vocals are relaxing. Delightful starry night music, oh yes, thanks a lot for it, Carousel, I’m taking it.
Obviously, after they won Supernova, there was a lowkey uprising from fans who were dead certain on wanting Edgars Kreilis or Markus Riva to win, eek. Honeys, honeys. I do like those two as well, BUT for a bit of a mess that Supernova 2019 was with some of their decisions to include, I think it’s for the better they finally let themselves go lighthearted over it all rather than blatant tryhard to sound radio for the masses just cuz the NF wanted. Just forgive Carousel for winning, okay? Okay. ^_^
Approval factor: Definite yes from me, because why wouldn’t I rate it a yes. Yay brotherland!
Follow-up factor: For me personally this is miles better than Laura Rizzotto's last year's melodrama. Overall I think it just flows nice and is a delightful addition to the Latvian collection.
Qualification factor: This I cannot think about all too often but I am not sure if they'd... stand a chance anymore? I'd use to think it did, but that was weeks before supposedly much stronger entries rushed in, squeezing Latvia into an uncomfortable position. But I really hope it's just charming enough to kind of get through. Sort of. A little bit. I'm positive about it happening, but not that much. And a lot of older audiences might love it enough to vote it, too.
I admit that I got way too heated about hearing Supernova’s new approach to selecting entries, but in the end it turned out that I didn’t need to worry all that much in the first place - some of those alternative entries we got were very nice (or at least the entries out of the standart overbearing radio-pop norm), both in their actual auditions (this time they were on an actual stage in front of a jury instead of the listeners pick-pocketing the submissions themselves) AND among the actual picks. But what else is there to be note-worthy in this year’s edition of this show?
• Well, among of the auditionees there were those too-weird-ass bands/artists (some of them I mentioned), and you saw me mention the “Alligator” song to you beforehand, which is done by an ambitious project ATOM.LV (so did I mention “Grow" by Waterflower and her show is worth mentioning as well <3 Those flowers in her hair, the hair color, the makeup, her overall image (it’s like Jamie-Lee upgraded) and the dance moves are ADORABLE <3333 but the song is... hmm... :c). And I’ll repeat myself - those guys rocked! I may have not been a massive fan of this but I can at least commend them - they had a good song structure going on, a clear message (alligators from the stars *catchy trumpet fanfare part* trying to probably conquer the world, yeah!) and an outrageous tribal image with that facepaint on! Awh hell yeah! Who wouldn't want THAT through the live shows??? Ah, only the Latvian juries ofc. (And me because I never got the appeal of this but I sure felt sad for 'em kids hoping and wishing for them through :x)
• Thank Goodness I had my faves through - all hail Double Faced Eels! They're the little legendary pop band who went all their way to compete in some Youtube contest and have had sung with Bebe Rexha as the prize for winning it almost 1,5 years ago :o Believe it or not but I have heard of them way before their Sulernova stint - I got introduced to them through a friend, known on Tumblr as Soupgeist. :3 And I don't regret stanning a name I know, as "Fire", their entry in this year's 'Nova, was a pop-rock banger with some electro in! Granted the vocaliat might've had some troubles singing live but he still pulled it off nicely in the finals, with that energy coming out on top! Yeah yeah, uguns. 🔥
• Like I mentioned earlier, there were people rooting for other favourites this year so heavily, and that annoyed the hell out of me, because I thought that Eurofans have some sort of evolving tastes that accept more than just pretty pop boys/girls with not-so-special songs? Well, I mentioned that Eurofans’ targets were Edgars Kreilis and Markus Riva. The latter felt so attacked about him trying to achieve his representation dream over and over he even tweeted about it once... well I did like his song “You Make Me So Crazy”, but I found it a little too overrated with the fans. So I did Edgars, but his song was way catchier and had way more personality than being a club track, I tell ya. Why would his song be renamed from “Fire” (yes, he partially shared a song title with that Double Faced Eels’s song!) to “Cherry Absinthe”, anyway? It gives it a bit more of an exciting feeling, tbh. ^_^ So I ended up rooting for him a little bit more out of the two ‘pretty’ pop boys, if I had to accept one of those kind of winners that everyone wanted (like everyone wanted just either yesyes or The Middletonz for Hungary this year).
• There were a lot of other nice chosen songs too that I would’ve loved to discuss, but I just can’t not mention the Riga’s Beaver as one of the more memorable moments here. I did write earlier in this that I was disappointed though. Not because of the beaver being out of costume and coming at us as a young-to-middle-aged stunning lad, but because the Beaver-entry, “Tautasdziesma”, was a “Supernova”-times cluster-mess. I think of this as a charity music medley-parody of some sorts, and that doesn’t bode with me well, and sometimes I like parodies, like the one Klemen Slakonja (aka the guy who portrayed Putin for a musical number once) did in his country’s NF in 2012 (that he hosted) was fairly nice (although a bit too much), but... ehhh... at least the men are fine and their costumes were dandy.
• Let’s not forget that those auditions had this one glorious thing going on during the performances - we saw shots of the jurors judging all of the 33 shortlisted acts with... rather less-than-enthusiastic looks, and man oh man were they fabulously done with this shit <3333
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if that’s not a big indicator of them being too dead inside to be judging anything that day, then idk what is...
Anyway, I am finished with this review also, and I’m happy about it! I don’t think I can move any of this at a more quicker pace (seriously, I have to do so many more even during rehearsals!!!), but I am still trying to do my best. Good luck to the Carousel quartet and may they not flop in May! To hell with the naysayers sweeties, you’ll do just fine x ✨
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melekseev · 6 years
What are your preferences to win A Dal besides Leander Kills?
Leander Kills needs to wi- ok
i could also defintiely settle for Salvus, that chorus ends and revives me every time, the only thing i’m worried about is sending a rock band 2 times in a row, as people might get enough of it? definitely not me, but you know?? (speaking of rock, Fatal Error is also p good and they won the 2nd heat last night, but i thiiiink i prefer Salvus by a margin)
and like Vavra Bence is really damn good, Konyha and uhhhhh… yeah i think thats that?
i’ve heard people are hyping yesyes & The Middletonz (nice alekseev reference @ kállay) but tbh yesyes was weak last night and only the public saved them, and both songs are overall very made-for-radio that you hear a great variety of on esc every year, and i just.. don’t find them original?? i definitely prefer The Middletonz over the two, it sounds better both track and live voice-wise, but *shrug* i still don’t really connect with it. also why is Kállay back like every year like– Pápai Joci is also back and i love love love him, but compared to Origo, this new song just slips my mind immediately, like i couldn’t recall the melody even if you put a gun to my head rn, so he shall keep his legacy imo. 
and then my absolute nos are USNK (their hype scares me, its most utter trash if i’ve ever heard one? if somehow they get choosen it will be a first time i will root for us not to make it in the final. yes, i hate it that much jsdhdfj), Ruby Harlem, Monyo Project and Deniz are also there with me just.. wondering why they are even an option. hopefully these will all get voted out aswell, 8 already did. it was probably a good choice bc out of those 8 i only remember like one.
then what i didnt mention but are still in for it are just probably songs i cant even recall, take that as you will kjdhffk
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bangzchan · 5 years
girl, issa time of da year: tonight its EUROVISION SONG CONTEST round 1!!!! i'm so excited tho. uhhh. do you already have any faves?
howd u like it!! i couldnt watch and i still havent seen any performances but oh BOI do i have faves,.......i got a whole playlist of them! sadly 3 of them didnt qualify tonight already :( poland was in my top 3 so im really sad!!!!! b i g faves are: italy, romania, latvia, switzerland, the netherlands, cz, azarbaijan, greece,,,, cyprus, malta, armenia and russia! i also liked portugal,, and cant believe we (hungary) didnt get thru like damn..... wouldnt have happened if we went with the middletonz but WELL!  do u have faves?
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lianaofrome · 6 years
A Dal 2019 Line Up
Akusztik Planet – “Nyári zápor”
Antal Tímea feat. Gergő – “Álmos világ”
Berkes Olivér – “Lighthouse”
Denise – “Ide várnak vissza”
Diana – “Little Bird”
Fatal Error – “Kulcs”
Gottie – “Csak egy perc”
Hajdú Klára – “You Gonna Rise”
Hamar Barni – “Wasted”
Hétli Dávid – “Mamahotel”
Konyha – “Szászor visszajátszott”
Kyra – “Maradj még”
Leander Kills – “Hazavágyó”
Mocsok Egy Kölyök – “Majd egyszer”
Monyo Projekt – “Run, Baby Run”
Nagy Bogi – “Holnap”
Nomád – “A remény hídjai”
Oláh Gergő – “Hozzád bújnék”
Pápai Joci – “Az én apám”
Pátkai Rozina – “Frida”
Petruska – “Help Me Other Day”
Ruby Harlem – “Forró”
Salvus – “Barát”
Szekér Gergő – “Madár, repülj”
The Middletonz – “Roses”
The Sign – “Ő”
TBC – “Posztolj”
TBC – “Someone Who Leaves Like This”
Varga Bence – “Szótlanság”
YesYes – “Incomplete”
Love to see Joci and Andras Kallay Saunders (as part of the Middletonz) trying again, they were both on my Top 10 on their previous participations.
And by the way, The Middletonz is one of the funniest band names I’ve ever heard. I wonder if Catherine Cambridge would actually be compelled to vote for them if they go to Tel Aviv
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soldi-esc · 6 years
im ok with joci buut the middletonz were my absolute faves from all the national selections and im really mad rn
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bisexualrhee · 6 years
the middletonz didn't win???? I've been listening to their song for MONTHS and I love it so much and now you're telling me they didn't win? I TRUSTED YOU HUNGARY
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anotherescsite · 6 years
The Hungarians
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The A Dal contest in Hungary has run for many weeks and it comes to a conclusion this weekend. I haven’t heard the songs (it seems to be a common theme with me), so I’ll tell you what I think. 
Acoustic Planet – Nyári zápor Easy to listen to song. The ladies voice I’m not sure about, but it works with the very pleasant song. It sounds like the kind of song you’d hear on the radio or some sort of family friendly TV show. Bence Vavra – Szótlanság I’m not sure about this one. I don’t find it interesting and I don’t find the performance interesting. I don’t know why the doors are there or why the dancer is going in and out of them. I find it confusing. Bogi Nagy – Holnap They set a scene with this one, and then the lady begins to sing a lullaby of a song. I appreciate it for what it is, but I find her voice a bit too high to listen to.  Fatal Error – Kulcs Surprise - heavy metal. Unsure if Hungary will be represented for the second time with metal, but this is a credible performance. They went hard and it could do the trick. Gergő Oláh – Hozzád bújnék He is wearing a sack top in this performance and I’m not sure why. It’s a ballad of sorts and it’s pleasant, but I don’t think it stands out enough Gergő Szekér – Madár, repülj! It begins prayer-like before it moves to a rap. I don’t think it’s memorable enough and his voice is a bit scratchy too. Joci Pápai – Az én apám A strong performance from someone who has won in the past. It is a pleasant song with nice instrumental portions and the ‘na na’bits sort of keep it light. The Middletonz – Roses Only one in English. A very palatable fast paced song that is attractive to the youth audience. It is well sung, and the artists interact well. Adult language will have to be changed.
Roses or Holnap
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