#the meridith twins
gs-playground · 9 months
2020 - 2023 Sketch/Doodle Dump
A small collection of digital doodles and sketches from the beginning of 2020 to the end of 2023 in no specific order. Some of these images have signatures, others don't. Feel free to click on an image for a full preview.
Thanks for another great year.
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onlyoneofmaddie · 6 years
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These pictures have the same vibe🤓💖
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stxrrywildflower · 4 years
can’t help falling in love (four)
pairing - george weasley x reader
summary - you invite george to be your date to your sisters wedding
warnings - mentions of family/home issues
word count - 2.1k
series masterlist
waking up in george’s arms was something you were sure wasn’t going to feel natural.
but here you were, wrapped up in his embrace after waking up from easily one of your best nights sleep. it felt normal almost, like you had been going through that routine for awhile.
george’s stomach was pressed firmly against your back, head burried deep into the crook of your neck as soft snores escaped his lips.
his arms were wrapped around your middle, providing the much needed warmth you craved after the previous night.
the rememberance of yesterday’s events hit you hard; every word said at dinner, george taking you around london and your talk on the bridge, all the way to george's sudden casual nature when it came to sharing a bed came rushing back.
as comfy as it was, you needed to get up. the room you were in harvested far too many suffocating feelings for you to be in there for much longer.
but that brought up one problem; george. he was still, to your knowledge, passed out. you didn’t want to wake him by any means.
you slowly untangled your arm from his, making your best attempt to remove yourself with minimal fuss.
“no no no, not yet,” george suddenly mumbled, his arm snaking around your waist to pull you back down against his chest once more.
“george, we have to get up,” you spoke softly.
he shook his head at that, nose tickling the back of your neck. “for what? nothings happening until four.”
you paused for a moment, moving to run your hand across george’s.
“hmm i was hoping we could go get breakfast somewhere,” you suggested. “there’s this really good restaurant i went to as a kid but i guess if you want to stay in bed i can go on my own.”
george’s hands moved to hold your hips, turning you over in one swift motion to make you now rest face to face.
“hi,” he greeted.
you hummed, a gentle smile adorning your face. “hi,” you answered.
“how are you feeling after last night?”
your eyes instinctively drifted away from his. it was difficult to meet his gaze with such a difficult topic. george knew right away, moving to reach down to interlock your hands as a silent reassurance.
“promise you won’t laugh or judge me?”
your eyes averted from his once more. “it sounds weird but i think spending the night with someone was really good for me.”
george grinned. “i think it was good for me as well. who knew all we needed was a cuddle buddy.”
“well weasley,” you pressed your pointer finger to his chest. “if you wanted to get in my bed you could’ve just asked.”
george’s face turned a soft shade of pink, clearly blushing at your word choice. “y-y/n you know it’s not like that. i just meant that it’s nice to be with someone when i’m sleeping.”
“no no, i know. just messing around. don’t worry georgie,” you smiled, reaching out to place your hand on his cheek.
george’s hand reached to rest on top of yours, thumb stroking the back of your hand gently.
“so breakfast?”
“breakfast,” you confirmed.
the two of you got ready in a comfortable silence, getting out of bed a few moments after the end of your conversation. george was already complaining about his back, stretching back and forth in an effort to crack it.
you slipped on one of your jumpers, custom made for the quidditch team, over a pair of leggings. the red wool brought instant warmth.
“hey love? i think that’s mine,” george pointed towards the jumper.
you looked down, pulling out the front slightly to stare down at it. sure enough, there was a ‘g. weasley’ stitched right under the gryffindor crest.
“oh, must’ve mixed them up,” you mumbled, already moving to pull it off to replace it with your own.
george grabbed your wrist, thus preventing you from taking it off. “keep it on. it looks better on you anyway,” he spoke. you nodded, hiding your face at the casual compliment.
even in april, london was still pretty cold. it was barely above twelve celsius or fifty degrees. it was still too warm for snow, though rain was still the primary weather. today, however, it was extremely cloudy.
the house was entirely empty as you and george headed downstairs. you knew your sister was with her wedding party and your parents were probably out doing something for the wedding that afternoon. it was no issue, you were actually thankful to not have to interact with any of them.
“are we walking or taking the train?” george questioned before you left.
“it’s only a twenty minute walk. i’m not sure if the underground is worth taking but it’s ultimately up to you,” you answered.
“eh we can walk. i could use the fresh air.”
you hummed, grabbing your bag before turning to george. “ready to go?”
“absolutely. i’m starving.”
you and george walked with a comfortable conversation starting almost immediately. you pointed out little things from your childhood such as the local park you spent a lot of time at as a kid while george asked multitudes of questions.
as you were answering one of his questions about the neighborhood you passed, george’s hand slowly inched towards yours. your fingertips brushed more times than none before you finally made the interactive to just interlock your hands.
while the gesture was fairly new, it was far from awkward. george’s hand fit perfectly in your own, him even moving to sway it back and forth slightly.
“this is it,” you pointed out the little corner restaurant. “i’m not sure if the owners will remember me, i mean it’s been years but i still remember the food being really good. you’ll enjoy it, trust me.”
“no way, is that little y/n?” you heard as you pushed the door open.
“meridith!” you beamed, greeting her with a small wave.
“it’s so good to see you,” the owner started. “what’s the occasion? ever since you went off to school we haven’t seen you around much.”
“just back home for the weekend,” you answered. “brought my friend george with me. anyway we could get my usual special?”
meridith nodded, already ushering your over to one of the corner booths. you got your drinks, coffee for you and tea for george of course, before you delved back into your conversation.
“so you came here as a kid?”
“yeah. it used to be cress’ and i’s favorite. no disrespect to your mum but nothing beats the breakfast here. i just haven’t been home to have it since i’m always with you,” you commented.
george shrugged sheepishly at that. “hey, once you have your own hand on the weasley family clock, you’re committed.”
you smiled to yourself. molly had added you on a few years back once it became a normalcy for you to be at the burrow.
breakfast was mixed in with small talk, mostly about anything from school to, like last night, summer break. your finals were coming up as well and that always brought a new wave of stress. plus, the twins almost always came to you for help in at least one of their subjects.
you headed home after paying. george tried to but then again, he didn’t have any typical muggle currency.
there was still hours to go before the wedding at to be honest, you were dreading it. between everything that happened in the past twenty-four hours alone along with the strong possibility your relatives would question you and george on your ‘relationship,’ you just weren’t looking forward to it.
once home, george brought up the promise you had made the previous day about showing him something on the tv. you agreed, selecting one of the more simple movies in an effort to reduce the amount of questions george would ask.
his face instantly lit up as the tv did, going as far as leaning forward on his elbows to get a closer look. you smiled at his interest, throwing a blanket towards him before making your way over to the couch.
you spread the blanket over the two of you, pulling george to rest against the back of the couch. you leaned into his side, his arm already moving to wrap around you.
when the movie had finally finished, you actually had to go get ready. george frowned slightly, though he did perk up once more when you told him you could watch another later before you left.
due to your sister making her wedding a black tie/formal event, guests would actually have to dress up suits and long dresses.
you had a dress already picked out, it being your one formal floor length dress you owned incase of an event like this or something back at school.
george, on the other hand, was borrowing a suit from your dad. they were around the same height and it would fit well enough for the afternoon and night ahead.
“your suit is in the closet. i’m going to go get changed in the bathroom and fix my hair. meet me downstairs when you’re done?”
george nodded. “sounds good. i’ll see you in a bit,” he spoke, leaning forward to place a gentle kiss to your cheek.
with a flushed face, you grabbed your dress off of the hook before exiting the room. it took george a considerably less amount of time to get ready versus you; after tying his tie and running his hand through his hair, he was practically ready to go.
you had a bit more to worry about. you took time in styling your hair the way you preferred before adding your desired amount of makeup. once that was finished, you could actually change.
your dress was easily your favorite part. it was the color that looked best on you, having a deep v-neck into a skirt that flowed out. it was formal enough but by no means over the top.
after one final check in the mirror, you smoothed down your dress and you were ready to go.
“you’re not bringing fever fudge, are you?”
george’s head snapped up at the sound of your voice, product dropping on the table as his mouth opened slightly. he met you at the bottom of the stairs just as you stepped down.
“w-wow y/n, you look absolutely stunning,” george complimented.
you reached out to fix his only slightly crooked tie. “that’s all you georgie,” you replied, hands dropping to rest on his chest.
it didn’t take long for you to arrive at the venue, being a more local building your sister had chosen to get married in.
you greeted a few family members, mainly aunts, uncles, and cousins before you pulled george to your seats, partially rushing to avoid any unwanted questions. your seats were towards the back, though you still had a good view of the alter. 
after everyone else slowly took their seats, the traditional muggle wedding procession music started to play.
the different bridesmaids and groomsmen started down the aisle. a deep pit filled your stomach once seeing them; as a little kid you always assumed you would be in your sisters wedding. there was a point where you even thought you could be the maid-of-honor.
george finally noticed your uneasiness during the vows. he leaned over, whispering a quiet, “are you okay?”
you nodded, reaching out for his hand before you could even realize. “it’s just weird.”
“i don’t know. i guess just seeing people talk about their future and love for each other is just kinda a foreign thing.”
george squeezed your hand gently. “that’s going to be you one day, you know.”
“i’m sure of it.”
you shot him a small smile before turning your attention back to the ceremony just in time to see the exchanging of rings.
it only took a few minutes after that for your sister and her new husband to begin their procession out. like everyone else, you stood up and clapped to show your congratulations.
“well we have a few hours until the reception. want to go walk around town for a little bit?” you asked.
“uh yeah, of course,” he agreed.
george guided you out by the small of your back, manuevering your way through the crowd and out the main doors.
“you know i meant what i said earlier,” george spoke once you were away from the venue.
you shrugged your coat on, pulling it a little closer to you. “you really did?”
george nodded. “yeah i did. i know your connection to love is a bit complicated but you can trust me on what i told you.”
a smile passed over your face. you found yourself focusing more on the concrete of the sidewalk over your friend beside you. but you had to admit, his words did do some good.
“now come on,” george pulled you forward. “let’s go have some fun.”
tagging - @goldenxreid @wilburxpancakes @sunlightgalaxy @criminaly-supernatural @blakes-dictionxry @mrs-dr-reid @weasleytwinsfav @theguppienamedbae @fadesbrina
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heleneplays · 5 years
8, 9,13,14,18 and 24 Helena
Thank you for sending an Ask!!! tbh these questions??? gonna take me a while to answer 😂
8. Answered
9. Would MC/Jacob fight at the battle of Hogwarts or go into hiding/avoid the conflict? Would they survive?
Originally, I planned Helene to die after 7th year but that's been scrapped (or is it)-- Helene will fight, but El will be in hiding; because he's still not okay even after all those years after the Vaults' fiasco.
Both will live (or will they?) :)
13. Can MC see thestrals? Who did Mc see die in order to see them?
Helene has seen thestrals all her life. Maybe it was the from the first mark of her death, maybe it was part of the Family curse-- but honestly? Even if it wasn't from those things, she'd see them still because she watched her Aunt Marie die in front of her, because of her Cyrus; and watched on as the light faded from his eyes when she killed him in return.
14. How does MC/Jacob feel about muggles and muggle relations? Do they understand muggle culture and clothing? Do they use muggle technology?
Shortly after the elder Adler twins' demise, Erika swoops in to lock her memories of the traumatic events-- and takes her while doing her job, leaving a semi-amnesiac Helene to re-orient herself as Erika plays ambassador to the European, American, and Asian Magical & No-Maj enclaves; so she's grown quite comfortable straddling the two worlds... with the added benefit of seeing several political sides. As for technology, Helene recieves a rune-powered walkman a year before she goes back to London to stay indefinitely and attend Hogwarts, and has a collection of cassettes from several bands like AC/DC, Queen, and Aerosmith.
El, on the other hand, was a Chameleon. He has no care about the muggle relations, as long as his family is safe, then it's fine. As for Muggle culture/clothing, he fakes it if he's uncomfortable, but will drop the act if it's just him and Erika, and then Helene... but as far as it goes, Muggle Fashion are better lounge-wear, and owns a wardrobe full of it. On technology-- he treats them like a puzzle, much like Marie. They were the ones to develop the correct rune array for the walkman, and has long since experimented with other things.
18. If MC became a professor, what subject would they teach? Would they teach at Hogwarts or at a different wizarding school (perhaps in a subject not covered at Hogwarts)?
If Helene ever became a professor of something in the magical world, it would either be on Runes, Technomancy, or DADA, and honestly has no preference where she'll teach.
But technically she holds lectures on ancient and dead languages in the muggle world in her future, so... yeah.
24. If your MC could be friends with someone else’s MC, who would it be? What would their dynamic be like?
I guess I'll start with the members of the HPHM discord, specifically the most Helene-vibeable:
Letha Shacklebolt ( @shacklebolt-girl ) - like Lera and I talked about, Helene and Letha have big Meridith Grey/Christina Yang energies and both would die for the other. Kinda soulmates, totally the other's person. Solid and first to reach a level 9 with her.
Anastasia Madison ( @chrisception13 ) - they've got a flirty and an agressively sweet friendship going on; a lot of their interactions start AND end with BCE (big crackhead energy). Absolutely in a firm level 9 friendship level with her.
Lilian Le'Reau ( @ravenclaw-craftsgirl ) - fellow academic, inventor, and perpetualy sleep-deprived gremlin-- Lilian and Helene hit off as v fast friends! Often will have to be seperated bc they can and will create SO. MUCH. CHAOS. the last of the Level 9 inside the discord.
Ana Díaz ( @alsogolden-ana ) - The first MC Helene had actually befriended, Ana simutaneously knows and doesn't the entirety of Helene. They,,, are supportive..... A solid level 8.
Alexandra Avery ( @helgship ) - 😶😶😶 they're also on a solid level 8,,, Helene was intimidated at first, but eventually they both wore down on each other's walls. Helene's maybe first crush, if I had to pick a gal.
Christian Ocacio ( @chrisception13 ) - trades tips and tricks, occasionally found conspiring together during detention. Absolutely supportive with each other :) and another solid level 7.
Kyril Vasiley ( @kyril-hphm ) - Now dubbed thee as knife buds, More BCE (big Clown Energy); probably will have a I'm-pissed-with-your-actions-so-I'm-retaliating-to-piss-you-off-too-(no-one-wins)-but-if-shit-goes-down-you-can-bet-your-ass-i'm-here-for-you relationship. A solid level 7 because honestly, I love them.
Kathryn Alice ( @kathrynalicemc ) & Jason Novak ( @death-or-sleep )- Parent friend, and some of the only people that can rein in Helene. Solid level 6 and 5 respectively.
Shay Maryanne ( @lowtoleranceforyou ) - absolutely Crack headed, HPHM Shay was reported to be one of OG Helene's protection squad. On level 5, nearly 6.
Kaoru Sastrolinea ( @skyline-timeturner ) - THEY'RE CONTINUALLY SNEAKING INTO EACH OTHER'S DORM ROOMS TO SURPRISE THE OTHER WITH A SWEET GESTURE-- oh my god save them. Approaching Level 5.
Margaret Wayne ( @margaretthehuman ) - Helene used to steal the v fluffy and adorable pets from this Hufflepuff, not for kicks; but bc Helene's niffler side was running wild at that time. Fellow member of Ana Díaz's protection squad, and a solid level 4.
Dahlia Goldman ( @a-bear-at-hogwarts ) - I reckon Helene shares a hangout spot on the Forbidden Forest with Dalhia, and occasionally meet there in their animagus forms to chill. Solid Casual, but will defend the tall girl with all her heart. Level 4 on the friendship scale.
Lua Corbeau ( @luanardo ) - They're in a band They're supportive, much like Helene and Ana; but hadn't had much in-depth interaction. A solid level 3.
Ollie Potter & Naomi Isa ( @ryollie ) - prefers the company of her fellow ravenclaw shortie, but is part of the Ollie Potter needs Protection gang. Is on the beginning of level 2 bc they haven't interacted that much yet and I have no idea what to do with them,,,, but honestly Helene will most likely be thete for the drama and also save their asses bc that's just what she does™
Edie Quinn ( @praetoring ) - she wants to befriend her,,,,, but she's shy,,,,, and also dk how to approach,,,,,, but alas,,,,, she admires the Slytherin beater from afar 😶. Level 1 friendship.
Ethren Whitecross, Septimus Crowe, Alexia Lockhart , Skylar Morningstar, Alana Jordan, and the rest are on varying 2-5 levels but know I love y'all 💖💖💖
Non HPHM Discord peeps who i'm just picking off by my head,,,,, i'm sorry you arent here but I absolutely love youu
Allison Garrison ( @slytherincursebreaker ) - Helene's the sun to Allison's moon-- They're really good friends and actually the first reciever of her rune protection bracelets, even if they haven't maxed out friendship. Level 9.
Stephanie Paulson ( @elite4steffi ) - OG Helene's twin; one of her first friends, and usually looks towards her for advice. Solid 8.
Helena Ellis ( @missnight0wl ) - Fellow believers in Rakepick who both got betrayed by JC, Helene and Helena both know share a similar pain. Totally hangs out in a secret room they made, and trains together. Level 7.
Keith Caliostro ( @kuzmich-isterich ) - I dub thee to be Animal Buddies; or in which Keith and Helene schedule meetings to hangout and bring their pets :), and occasionally found sitting in the library together. Helene gifts him a potted succulent sometime around the 7th pet hangout. Automatically gets into level 6 bc HONESTLY Helene just wants company and animal friends :)
Flavio Ceccere ( @sirfluffig ) - Occasionally butts heads, both being of Noble German blood (Helene really doesn't give a flying fig about it, but doesn't hesitate to use her privellege if needed), was the first male friend she made after El. Gradually got used to guys being around because of him. Approaching 5.
Caffé Macchiato ( @cursebreakingmess ) - NEW FRIEND BUT I DETECT A WHOLE BARREL OF ABSOLUTE FERAL CHILDREN ENERGIES!!!! I think they'll have a pretty beautiful friendship,,,, centered on shenanigans. Approaching Level 3
Salatirwell Coreloius ( @jadeowl19 ) & Silaxiv Evans ( @ladycibia ) - both their creators are irl v sweet and v awesome people but Honestly MC wise?? I feel like Helene will annoy Sal,,, but eventually poke thru-- while Helene will def vibe with Xiv's absolute chaotic energies. Level approaching 2.
Hana Kim ( @cynicaljapanophile ) - they haven't met yet but i think they both have the murder baby™ vibes + Rowan love and that's v valid of them. Level 1.
AND WHEW THAT TOOK ME THE WHOLE DAY, AND THERE'S LIKE A WHOLE LOT MORE MC's????? jesus. i'm literally like: I see new MC, I love them immediately with all my heart.
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thecollege--dropout · 6 years
shows i didn’t finish that i’m bitter about
PLL: clusterfuck. when they revealed ezra writing that book i checked out. i only caught up when a new season was coming out but after that charlotte as “a” bs i was out. i remember when the girls left and came back and hanna’s mom turned radley in a bar or some shit and they made spencer date caleb 🤦🏾‍♀️ and that’s all i know. now i’m hearing that spencer had a fucking twin who was the actual “a”? wtf never gonna finish
Scandal: got tired of that fitz/olivia bs. i was over it during season 3. i just hated them together period so when the show became all about that and not about olivia actually doing her work i was out. idk if i watched season 7 before the crossover but i did watch the crossover episode. i may finish it one day but not any time soon.
Teen Wolf: i honestly don’t remember the last episode i watched 😂 i just know they made that one girl into a banshee (i think, she was screaming a lot) and that one new wolf came. probs never gon finish cuz i heard they killed dylan’s character or sumn like that.. i’m good on that
Vampire Diaries: honestly, i was done when they turned elena (i hated her ass to begin with) and she started dating damon. but i still watched until caroline was with alaric 🤔 and they had kids and then she was with stefan 🤷🏾‍♀️ idk it was just all bad. i think the last thing i really liked was when bonnie & damon were stuck in that prison world & kai was the villain, he was fun
HTGAWM: now, this is my absolute favorite show and i’m just shaking my entire head at this tomfoolery. i didn’t finish last season (was that season 4?) cuz first of all they killed off wes. he wasn’t my fave or anything but the events after that just killed the show for me. so they killed him off and then laurel started getting on my fucking nerves. they had michaela cheat on asher during the crossover & 🤦🏾‍♀️ i’ve been keeping up with the show weekly watching this one girl review it and i just don’t see myself watching it the way how she’s basically been saying they ruined michaela’s character. and i don’t want to see laurel’s drama. or connor & oliver. i hate shonda.
Grey’s Anatomy: okay, cristina is my fave character and she left so there was no reason for me to keep watching. then they broke up callie & arizona and i had even less interest so i haven’t watched past 11x05. then i heard they had some big custody battle and hurt feelings and more bs so i’m good on that. i never liked meridith annoying ass with her white bs so i have no reason to finish it. now if they bring cristina back for any episodes, i’ll def be front & center
Greenleaf: ugh, why don’t i deserve nice things? like HTGAWM, i still keep up via review but i can’t bring myself to watch the show. the whole kevin/charity bs and charity going through it is just too much. then lady mae just 🤦🏾‍♀️ and her & bishop doing the most 🤦🏾‍♀️ letoya luckett character 🤦🏾‍♀️ fucking zora 🤦🏾‍♀️ idk, i’ll prob watch when the season is done but i can’t watch it week to week rn
idk i watch too many shows with death because as soon as i hate a character, i start wishing and hoping for their death and it never comes so i be disappointed af. i’m sure there’s more that i forgot but off the top, these are some big ones that i was really passionate about in the beginning
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The Note: Tough choices loom for both parties amid sex allegations against Roy Moore
New Post has been published on http://usnewsaggregator.com/the-note-tough-choices-loom-for-both-parties-amid-sex-allegations-against-roy-moore/
The Note: Tough choices loom for both parties amid sex allegations against Roy Moore
The TAKE with Rick Klein
A whole lot of hard choices are starting to collide for the Republican Party.
Do Republicans stand with their Senate candidate in Alabama, despite mounting questions about sexual impropriety that muddle party messaging and could cost the GOP a seat?
Do they stand behind their tax bill, despite tensions between donor and voter bases as numbers come into clearer view?
Do they stand alongside Democrats to deliver for DREAMers in what might be the only way to avert a government shutdown before Christmas?
And do they stand beside President Donald Trump himself as he winds down a foreign trip that included presidential name-calling for Kim Jong Un and yet more sympathetic words about Vladimir Putin?
Embedded in each of these questions are months’ worth of skirmishes and reckonings avoided. Nothing has gotten easier for the governing party in the meantime.
Party leaders are going to plead for unity in the coming days.
But unity for unity’s sake is unlikely to last the year – much less into the midterm elections.
The RUNDOWN with MaryAlice Parks
The Democratic Senate candidate in Alabama, Doug Jones, may still be the underdog, but last week’s headlines about his opponent reshuffled the deck.
It will be interesting to see how Democrats respond.
Democrats have said they are building back a 50-state party. Investing in ruby-red Alabama could perhaps prove that.
Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez did not say outright he thought Jones could win, instead Perez pointed to recent local victories in Virginia and Oklahoma and told ABC News’ Martha Raddatz the party has shown it can win “everywhere.”
After the news broke, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., penned a fundraising email for Jones. Adam Green, co-founder of Progressive Change Campaign Committee which coordinated the email, told ABC News he thought other groups on the left would soon jump in.
“Two things are leading many groups who were watching and waiting to get into this fight. First, the scandal has quickly led to polls showing this a competitive race, and second, Doug Jones is someone very credible back home while also having a record of fighting for justice that progressives can get behind,” he wrote and added that his team raised tens of thousands of dollars over the weekend.
But could an influx of outside money backfire?
Democrats watched with agony as Republicans in the Georgia 6th Congressional District special election last summer successfully tied their candidate to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and made the race about national politics.
Staying out of the limelight in the last few weeks also could be strategic.
The TIP with Arlette Saenz and Meridith McGraw
Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro predicts candidates representing a “new generation” will emerge in the upcoming midterm and presidential elections.
“I think that 2018 and 2020 you’re going to see an emergence of more young people, relatively young people that are running for office everywhere, and they’re competing for governorships, senatorships and even the presidency that represent a new generation,” Castro, the former mayor of San Antonio, told a group of reporters recently.
The 43-year-old Castro (and his twin brother Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas) very well may fit into that “new generation.” Julian Castro recently said he “might” run for president in 2020, and he’s shown early signals typically associated with presidential ambitions — forming a PAC (“Opportunity First”) and working on a memoir, which he expects to be released in late 2018.
Asked if his book tour might take him to the early states of Iowa and New Hampshire, Castro grinned and said, “Who knows…”
“So let me go a little step farther, if there’s anyone currently in public office who has behaved that way to any girl or any woman, maybe they should step aside, because in a country of 330 million people, we ought to be able to do better than this.” – White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway to Martha Raddatz on allegations against Roy Moore.
The Note is a daily ABC News feature that highlights the key political moments of the day ahead. Please check back tomorrow for the latest.
Original Article:
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candacegk · 7 years
Hester And Pester Plan A Party
Hester And Pester Plan A Party
It’s Halloweensie contest time again over at Susanna Hill’s blog 🎃🎃🎃 100 words- no more And stories must include the words candy corn, monster, shadows ~~~~~~ Hester and Pester Plan a Party Hester and Pester, the monster twins, were having a Halloween party. They invited their monster school friends and the new monster in their class, Meridith. Meridith’s face wasn’t green and bumpy, like the…
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cloud8andahalf · 7 years
I don’t know why but I did this. It’s just a list. This isn’t good content. It’s just a list of every OC I can remember from when I started writing up to present with many of them missing because I don’t have my old written stories. I’m gonna draw them eventually. Because why not? 
Chronological Order:
The Adventures of Misty the Beagle (~2001):
Misty the Beagle Zuzu the Parrot Blacky the Sheep Patches the Border Collie
Super Bunny (2001-2003):
Super Bunny Super Bunny Jr. Super Bunny Twins That creepy evil one
Weird Wolf Family (~2002):
I remember none of their names.
Like a few years of stuff I don’t remember
Crimson Light (2005-2012)
Rusty Speckle Cloud Whisker Bloodwolf Sorcera Redfoot Fog Rogue Shakey Star Lash Willow Cancer Lion Whirlpool Mouse Sky Blaze Etc. (I can’t list all of them there’s so many.)
The four dragons one (I was not subtle) (2007) Jay Steven Brianna Sandra
More years that I can’t quite remember all of them I just know there were a plethora of characters named Jay
Embers (2009-now)
Shiloh Preston/Johnson Sen Calbern Rose Avers Ed Hartman Keemi Hartman Sarah Little Terry Grast Sam Connelly Leola Connelly Elmira Craw Hatch Craw Spencer Spade Aaron Taylor Mabel Vance Baker Celia Green Felix Rein Cole Rein Xavier Zaft James Malloy Audrey Chessler Lanie Dussier Brian Jander Renny/Irene Cusatelli Cat/Catalina Chase Tal Eales Cassie Touri Jordan Touri Emily Touri Tyler Touri Caroline Touri Lionel Swanson Tobius Avalon Caleb Avalon Brona Avalon Brom Labunka Soren Ducharme Maruxa Quinn Katherine Quinn A.J. (Avery Jackson) Fletcher Aggie Davie
Pathways (2009)
Leon Seika Cailomeo Tarla Azazu
Lots of fanfictions happening during this time but I don’t have my stuff to check for any ocs
Steampunk thing labeled “Insert Title Here” (2012-13)
Leon Ivy Rune Tavali/Sean
The Brighter Side of Eternity (2014-now)
Ash Eli Icarus Lorraine Genji Enya Matias Savannah Master/Thomas
Originally Fanfic OCs now just practice OCs (2014-now)
Tillek Vastin Myrtle Hewin Davin Hewin Oren Hewin Fellen “ Canell and Paxil “ Blatin “ Ramel “ Ladella “ Terak Green Trayla Green Ellena Quint Carter Quint Bremen Andrews Helena Andrews Reylin Chase Saria Chase Aster Crest Peter Kingsley Kennedy Kingsley
Untitled (2014-now)
Robyn Tabor Bolt Peter Lily Gerur Trewst Wessel West
Percy Jackson OCs (2014)
Ivan Carpenter Drew Blakely Clara Harper Holly Barrett Glen Foster Finn Layton Todd Meadows Jamie Tyson Marcy Smith Laurie Fay Nora Payne Zoey Teiran Ari and Kit Lake (not mine but I write with them) Irene and Luke Jackson
Gay Pirates (2014)
Rich Sebastian Tate
Magic thing? (2015)
Henry Sam Fern Avery
Another Magic thing (2015)
Dakota/Cody Sioux Melanie Conners Adam Lopez Erica Grace Naomi Beast Shiro Beast Emi Beast Reilly Marcaigh
A weird RPG pirate thing (2015) Vinny Seth Arrow Spirit Violet
Demons (2016)
Cassie Honeyset Ryne Honeyset Wyatt Lewis Amy Meridith Gregory Maxwell Honeyset Melanie Cook Angeline Frye
Chimeras (2017)
Cherry Knopf Tom Knopf Oliver Sampson Faith ??? Theo Atwater Tucker Atwater Mary Atwater Elsa Atwater Fritz Hunter Hava Pulkrabek Pascal Platt Nakamura Schrek
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gs-playground · 1 year
Woah look, character refs!
Click/tap to enhance.
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Been working on a few of these for a hot minute. Peppy and Rookie's references are already posted up here but I wanted to put them in this one too.
More info found on -> https://www.refsheet.net/TuttaLaMente
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