#the mental image of Alex carrying their sleeping adult child on their back hit me so hard and then I started thinking and
dark-elf-writes · 5 months
!!!!!! Astoria AU way down the line with Harry being MOD/god of death/etc. and going through the growing pains of gaining a bunch of new powers all at once that he has to figure out how to make them work pretty much in his own because the past him has been dead for so long no one really remembers how his powers worked.
Which wouldn’t be as much of an issue if part of his powers weren’t linked with the Hallows.
The sudden invisibility and crazy magical boost are mostly just annoyances (both for him and those around him when he decides to capitalize on the perfect prank opportunity that was just handed to him) but the real problem is the stone.
The gods damned stone.
The first time Harry wakes up with a ghost in his room he shorts out every electronic on the block in shock. Some, most even he would say, are nice. He has gotten to speak with his bio parents and several grandparents (including Andy’s mother who definitely cried about what her daughter was nearly forced to become) but not all of his ghosts are kind.
Bellatrix is as loud in death as she was in life constantly shrieking in his ear that all of this was his fault. Vernon when he eventually dies is actually worse, dragging out nearly buried triggers Harry didn’t even know existed and leaving him feeling scraped raw by the time he finally is able to send him away. Peter is the worst because his constant justifications for everything he did sets Harry’s teeth on edge and as much as he yells and screams at him no spell or thrown object could ever connect.
And, of course, Tom. Bound together until the end and further apparently. He is the one that hangs around the most. The hardest to send away. There’s one stretch of nearly a week where Harry can’t send him back and resorts to blasting loud muffle pop music just so he can’t hear Tom anymore. He doesn’t get much sleep and eventually Alex and Andy have to call in the big guns of Aphrodite and Hades to try and help him. (Learning on his own is all well and good until it’s been eight days without sleep haunted by the man that had hurt him so much. Harry is quite visibly hanging on by a threat and it kills them all to see) they eventually manage to send Tom back and Harry falls asleep half on Alex’s lap almost immediately, completely worn down even with his godly power. Hades makes sure to find a nice deep hole in Tartarus to chuck Tom’s soul into so he can’t be accidentally summoned again.
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