#the menkies
eddiestmagpbrainrot · 6 months
so have we noticed that we have two terrances now:
1. terrance stevens - tmagp 008 - wrote the essay on brutal liminality
2. terrance menki - tmagp 010 - the “bonzo butcher”
now the question is whether this is a michael crew v michael shelly situation or if this is terrance disappearing and reappearing as another terrance (we all know that alex and jon love their repeat names and love shaking them like keys in front of us to make us go crazy)
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20. Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Vice versa, whose work do they like but don’t like the person?
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
56. If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
for darrash! <3
my blorbo. my boy. my guy. my little gender mongrel.
(from the weirdly specific asks)
20: Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Vice versa, whose work do they like but don’t like the person? (a) Hunter. He always agreed with Hunter's sentiments, and had verbally told him so before. He would have even helped him under the table had Hunter not decided to go the route of killing thousands just to prove a point. That's what he was trying to explain on the Tenebrous, before Hunter decided that mercy wasn't an option.
(b) Oh boy. Probably any given Moff. He respects being in charge of So Much, but he hates that power goes to peoples' heads and they start acting unwise. But it does make a nice Moff Hunting Season™ so hey, you win some you lose some you win some again.
11: If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference? Silly rabbit, you can't impersonate Darrash! Even when the Old Man gave up his beautiful plan to study Darrash on Tatooine through Mia, Darrash wasn't really acting like himself because he fucking hated Tatooine and was being a grump the whole time. If the Old Man went back to Intelligence and impersonated Darrash based on that, he wouldn't even make it to Dromund Kaas' orbital spaceport.
But if you really want to.. well, you'd just have to know him from day one. Darrash is a very unique blend of street rat and Imperial elite; he gets as far as he does because he knows how to blend in naturally - not like he's SUPPOSED to be there (an Imperial seeking to blend in) but like he's always been there (someone who legitimately grew up in these environments). His peers could easily tell he wasn't himself if he didn't offer a snarky retort at the orders given, or if he actually tried really hard on his assignments as opposed to just knowing how to not get himself fucked up in the process.
56: If they're scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear? Darrash would absolutely be seeking comfort from his loved ones.
Firstly, there is Vector. Vector would be his closest friend and confidant. His safe space, his lover, his most trusted companion outside of his own mind. This is his husband. His better conscious, his shining light.
Dr. Eckard Lokin and the Minister of Intelligence (formerly known as Colonel Tylado Bentismo, Watcher Seventeen, or Keeper) come afterwards as Darrash's adoptive fathers once he entered the realm of Intelligence. Tylado brought him in as a sort of pet project or guarantee for his promotion to Keeper, should he prove that he can create a top-notch operative for Intelligence and keep them alive with his remote guidance. He didn't count on accidentally gaining a reluctant son, nor actually seeing himself as a father. Darrash does fully trust him, not just implicitly, but genuinely. He loves him. He knows Tylado didn't have much of a choice once operations spun out of his hands, and Tylado is amazed that he is still .. well, alive.
Likewise, Eckard understands Darrash better than the Agent wants to admit. He's known him since his first day in Intelligence, having to conduct medical examinations and quickly learning that he needs to be heavily sedated beforehand. He doesn't like treating Darrash like an animal, as other officers have suggested, he sees Darrash as a genuine son. And Darrash, albeit feigning a grudge, sees him like a father alongside Tylado. (The two of them had been married for twenty years by the time Darrash came into the picture, and they both had their turns trying to raise and look after him without showing extraneous bias..)
Raina comes next, as Darrash's protégé and adoptive little sister. She's a tad rigid and rough around the edges but she means very well and is always ready to learn when she's made or experienced an error in her ways. She learns to trust herself first, and follow her gut in the field.
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autismprotocol · 6 months
TMAGP Theory Board ( EP 10)
Hi guys sorry for the late post I ended up drawing a lot for this update especially because it's the last one before the hiatus so wanted to give it a little more pizazz :D
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What Happened in Episode 10: Saturday Night
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Interview with Nigel Dickerson. The inccident report this week was all about Mr Bonzo. If you remember from last episode Nigel is the famous tv personality who created the character of Mr Bonzo. During this interview he recounts the rise and fall of Bonzo while being ominous and on edge the whole time. what I gathered from the interveiw is that Bonzo is either trapping Nigel or Bonzo and Nigel are linked somehow. (when he say "he won't let me leave" and refers to himself as "us") we also learn about the murders that are connected to the Bonzo suit, first by the serial killer Terrance Menki and very recently 3 unsolved murders. Nigel also mentioned that the actors who wore the Bonzo suit would be prone to injuries on set which is also really stange. Could be they were used as Bonzo's victims near his begining
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Gwen meets Mr Bonzo. The other section of the episode dealing with Bonzo is when Gwen goes to Nigel's house on her first assignment as the Externals Liason. So turns out Bonzo is maybe a hitman for the OIAR! Also, big thing Mr Bonzo is atually alive and is introduced with some kind of practice almost resembling a ritual. I heard somone mention they think Bonzo is an avatar of the Stranger and I can definitely see this. I'd love to hear if anyone else has a theory for what entity Bonzo may be connected to.
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The Return of Colin. Colin isn't dead!! Shocking absolutley everyone Colin is still kicking. a few episodes ago he was sent on mental health leave by Lena after his parnoia caused him to mentally snap. Celia sees him while on break and they have a short convorsation. Colin tells Celia that he need to figure out the computers. also big thing Colin is back without the permission of Lena. It will be interesting to see what hes looking for and if he'll continue to sneak behind Lena's back.
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Sam and Alice's Adventures into the Institute. Probaly the biggest development lore-wise was Sams and Alice investigating the ruins of the Magnus Institute. They don't find much (but I'm still am gonna talk about it for awhile) Alice mentions that there were weird carvings in the floor which she later equates to the worms on the ground. If you are a Archives listener hearing about worms in the archives starts seting off all kinds of alarms. This means in this universe the Jane Prentiss attack still happens, which is especcially iteresting because If I'm not mistaken in TMA the worm attack happened spesiffically to mark Jon with the corruption. Was Jon ever part of the institute? or if not Jon there must have been an archivist role in this Magnus Institute that would require Jane to attack it.
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ERROR and the Tape Recorders so far in protocol we have been listening to the characters through either the computers or though their phones. But during the last few minutes we here the click of a tape recorder. and TMA fans around the world rejoiced. The magnus archives is entirley told through tape recordings and are a tool used by the web (spesifically the avatar Annabelle Cane) does this mean Annabelle made it to this universe? or it could also signal the presense of Jon (since the tape recorders are linked to him) Alice and Sam investigate the archivist office looking for a place for the key when the floor collapes and Sam drops the key. After some Sam and Alice banter, they leave but the recorder stays running we then hear the scraping sound and some shutterd breathing. This is when I highly suggest going through the transcript after listening to an episode becuase they specifically what were hearing and who is breathing.
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I included the snippet from the transcript that pinpoints every not verbal sound we hear
water from the pit under the archives is disturbed
thud on wood then a rattle of a padlock
Key being dragged across the wood then fumbled into a lock that clicks open
trapdoor opens and ERROR imerges
ERROR takes 3 breaths
ERROR has been used before for redacting the roles played by Johnny, Alex and Tim (aka the voices of FR3-d1) during the cast anouncements for protocol. This makes me think that ERROR must be someone from the Archives universe my running theory is that it is a entity that houses Jon, Martin and Jonah's souls or consiounous. but It could literally be anyone. I'm also thinking ERROR has been locked in the tunnels under the archives (Mentioned in TMA)
And thats about Everything! plese let me know your thoughts or if you wanna correct me on any mistakes :)
Also I would love to know if you guys would prefer this style of post where I illustrate moments and scenes from each episode? it would probably delay when I'm able to post the breakdowns but I'd love to know if you guys perfer that format over the less illustrated one.
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r0semultiverse · 6 months
Mr. 6 made you do a good show to be released?? 👀 um....
This is already giving serious eye vibes.
A whole show dedicated to public humiliation?
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The Mr. Bonzo suit started moving??? 👀 Serious stranger vibes. 🤡
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"It actually became a sort of ritual"
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I've seen people being like "don't cross tag" but buddy... the writing cross tags itself here I mean c'mon! 😂 Something something ritual of the stranger- okay, I'll keep listening!
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Hey, what's with the music?? Hey, who is Terrance Menki???👀
"The police said there were eleven bodies in total and his wardrobe was full of all sorts of homemade costumes." BRO IS ACTUALLY MAGNUSPOD WILLIAM AFTON-
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"It certainly had a profound effect on the Mr. Bonzo brand." Oh I'm sure it did, holy fucking shit. 👀
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Oh, me using this image is rather ironic now.
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"In a lot of ways I’m more his prisoner now than I ever was on my show." WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT? 👀
"The witness statements from three murders over the last five years that claim a person in a Mr. Bonzo costume was at the scene? Do you think there could be a copycat?" Has the fear of clowns manifested as an actual clown-guything?
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"Don’t contact us again." "Us?" "Why am I still trapped dealing with all this this- Why won’t he let me go?! Why-" So Mr. Bonzo is absolutely a clown cryptid of sorts with some sort of hold over Nigel.
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Oh no, Gwen's about to fuck around & find out, isn't she? 👀
Hey, is Colin still himself & is he supposed to be back?
Hmm, okay, I guess that's him (hopefully).
"Maybe don’t tell them I’ve been on their terminals. They’ll only get the wrong idea." "If Lena asks, I wasn’t here." Seems like everyone's got their own little secret investigations going on, fun! This can only go well! 🙃
One of the episodes absolutely no one shows up to work except Lena is there & is like "where the fuck did everyone go?"
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"Time to get some new hires again I guess."
Let's go!! Ruin exploration gang!!
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"Like, it’s Saturday night and I’m choosing to hang out in a hole with you. A wet hole. And not the good kind either."
Alice with the absolute best quotes. lmao
That sounds like something with giant wings like a bat or some sort of cloth flapping in the wind. Let's hope it's the latter!
Oh a rusty old filing cabinet! Wait tetanus- 😭
"That carved floor in the big atrium – I don’t know what’s going on with that." Ah so we're just gonna breeze past that then. 😶
These are probably the remnants of old avatar creation test areas like mentioned in the Gerry & Gertrude episode. I'm just assuming here.
A key? Big find! Let's go!
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Gwen, it was nice knowing you. 🫡
"Now get out of his house."
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Archivist! 👁👄👁
"symbols of ancient otherworldly power"
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Wait could this be a timeline where this universe's Jane Prentiss actually did manage to invade the building & succeed? I'm thinking out loud.
21:10 that sounds like critters, insects specifically 👀
"I have memories of weird stuff I saw here, but no context. I want to know what was happening, why they chose us… why they didn’t choose me. Maybe find the bit where everything started to go wrong." I am so captivated & intrigued please recount said memories to us- I mean Alice so we can learn more. Please. 👀
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Is Lucia Wright an avatar of The Flesh now (in this universe or from the original timeline somehow)? Because it sure fucking sounds like it! 👀 Well, at least that key was put to good use! 😂
Also, supposedly Mr. Bonzo is a reference to Mr. Blobby.
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Gwen, I'd be quaking in my boots too. That thing is terrifying!
Late observation but this universe & story seems to focus a lot on the cryptids & I like the direction it's going in! Loving this plot of cryptid hunters, childhood avatar experiments, a strange institute where our main character has past trauma, & just all of it is so good! 💜
Amazing episode, 10/10, I was at the edge of my seat the entire time! 💜 That Bonzo scene & the sound design were absolutely horrifying, thank you! The ending too! 🔥
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restlesschilled · 4 months
TMagP 17 Reaction
Spoilers Under Cut
im gonna need poor jack to have a backup guardian for when celia gets eldritch horror-ed
did this man just describe martin and jon?
"some big, soft looking guy who stumbled over every word."
"some bookish-looking guy with serious city miles"
IN 1997
this Doctor is given me Dr.David Vibes
"the other me"
hey what was the name of that guy who committed murders in costumes again?
i think that may be this guy, or the other Darrien
damn nope its not that guy that guy was terrance menki
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oooo i dont like that tone
oh no not the basement
why is it always the basement
call it
its murder
or torture
never trust someone with a subbasement
holy fuck
"I bet you don’t even know what cookies actually are"
[ben meredith voice]
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kayotic-bitch · 6 months
Tmagp ep 10 spoilers
So that physical injury (broken arm) was definitely a catalyst, right?
The Want/desire/need for Bonzo to keep appearing was what fed it, right?
The guy that murdered 11+ ppl (Terrance menki) definitely shaped that Want into what Bonzo is now, right?
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syntia13treeman · 5 months
Case files 10.01
what I think happened in:
Case 10.01, the case of "Cursed Pygmalion" or "How I stopped worrying and started fearing for my life instead"
In 1994 Channel Six hired Niger Dickerson to host night variety show, nicknamed "Nigel’s SOS," (short for "Nigel Dickerson presents Saturdays on Six,"), where Nigel was 'held prisoner' by mysterious off-screen "Mr. Six", and played pranks on his guests. The prank always concluded with the guests being informed that they "got berried" and receiving a raspberry trophy.
In 1996, as part of the prank, a character of Mr. Bonzo was created (Nigel designed the look, nobody can really remember who came up with that name*)
The first guest confronted with Mr. Bonzo, chef Gordon Ramsey Gotard Rimbaeu was so freaked out, he broke the actors arm with a frying pan (allegedly**).
After that the actors (allegedly**) wearing Bonzo's suit would change frequently. Playing the role has become sort of rite of passage for the newbies on set.
Bonzo's role also changed overtime. From a jumpscare he went to become the show's mascot, to eventually replace Mr. Six as Nigel's 'jailer'. He was a hit with target audience, the merch was selling, they even started building a themepark… and then everything changed, when Terrance Menki attacked got caught.
Who is Terrance Menki? Apparently a serial killer, whose gimmick was killing in cosplay, presumably different one each time, as he had a whole wardrobe of costumes. Just bad luck that when he got caught with his 11th victim, he was wearing a knock-off Bonzo suit. (It wasn't even a good knock-off, all the colours were backwards!)
Alas, the press immediately dubbed him the "Bonzo Butcher", the public ate it up, and Mr. Bonzo's public image was ruined. Shortly afterwards, on 3rd March 2000 the Bonzoland was closed (ARG exclusive information), "Nigel's SOS" was cancelled, and Nigel was left to deal with hate-mail and death threats, despite having nothing to do with the whole mess (allegedly).
That would be the end of the story, except… between 2016 and 2021 there were at least 3 murders where Mr. Bonzo was (allegedly) seen at the scene.
When asked about in an interview conducted by Geraldine in August 2021, Nigel Dickerson categoricity denied it refused to comment on any potential Bonzo involvement in any crime.
Considering that he'd been living in Mr. Bonzo's house for the past [number unknown] years, his claims of ignorance and innocence fall rather flat.
The most recent Bonzo sighting was not reported on Saturday night, 09th of March 2024, when Gwendolym Bouchard, acting on behalf of OIAR, handed over an envelope containing (reportedly***) a name and address. Mr. Bonzo graciously accepted and chewed said envelope in his NOT SOFT teeth and lumbered into the night.
More news next Thursday at 5pm. For now let's speculate a bit:
*If Nigel didn't come up with Bonzo's name, and his producer Rich didn't come up with the name… then who did? I won't say it's impossible that it was just some random intern that Nigel couldn't be bothered to remember, but… Names are important. Names have power. Maybe something was trying to manifest itself, and started with giving itself a name?
**Where there ever actually any actors inside Bonzo suit? There are a few possibilities: a) it's been all Bonzo all along – it would go well with Bonzo naming himself, but otherwise I think it's unlikely. It's possible that: b) there only ever was one, very unlucky actor. When the Britain's snootiest chef attacked him with a pan, he did more than just break the poor man's arm. The actor died in the costume, and stayed in the costume, and just… kept going in the costume. This is macabre enough origin story to be plausible, but I'm gonna say nah. I think that: c) SOS really had their little ritual, where a stream of very tired, minimal wage studio workers had to run around in the suit until the next loser was hired. This is too easily verifiable for Nigel to lie about. I bet there were little 'behind the scenes' documentaries during the show's golden era, where Jack the stagehand and Joe the janitor bitched in polite British about how much of a pain in the neck it was.
So at what point did the actors become unnecessary? When and how was current day Mr. Bonzo born? I think it was a process that started with the name, but ended shortly after his show was cancelled. Over the years of popularity, as more and more people thought of Bonzo as a character (or a person) more than a funny suit, Bonzo was becoming less and less of just a funny suit. When the costume no longer had actors to animate it, it decided to animate itself. And because at that time the Bonzo-mania turned to Bonzo-hate, instead of chaotic but largely harmless creature he could have been, he became… well. Something that a shady government organization apparently uses as a hitman.
And here I need to ask an important question: What the fuck was up with that? Joking. (Though I wish to know how do you even discover you can do that). (***and did the envelope really contain name and address? Did Gwen check? Does she remember the name?)
The question is: who is the unlucky person, about to receive a lethal blast of the 90s nostalgia? Will we ever even know? (Will we know tomorrow, 11.04.2024, when Celia clicks on the newest case and hears an emergency call from someone fleeing for their life from a 'guy in a weird costume?')
Other question: how long has Nigel been held hostage in his own house (sorry – Bonzo's house) and just how sorry should I feel for him? He seemed pretty unconcerned about the actor with broken arm, and about Bonzo running off into the night to do murder, but I imagine that living in constant shadow of Mr Bonzo is pretty stressful and doesn't leave much room for empathy, so… I don't know. I'm gonna wait and see.
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444names · 4 months
Names generated from the article on List of adjectivals and demonyms of astronomical bodies (English and Simple English Wikipedia), modern constellations and proper star names
Acrat Adhaiptian Adorope Aduseis Aladaridus Aladran Alatus Albah Alcham Alcherk Alchiane Aldhmerotid Aldun Aleorock Alespitary Algies Alginus Alharid Alian Alinebud Allentian Alleus Allumbusin Almulum Alnic Alnicisa Alnid Alnis Alopis Alphos Alptid Alrak Alrakarid Alriah Alsar Alsch Alshez Alshic Alshmake Altain Altan Alzim Anian Apher Aprid Aquar Aquas Aquaske Aquassid Aquud Aquudan Aquuds Aracrus Arazellus Ariaskes Ariid Ariminic Arinor Artaus Asciferf Assarth Asteneans Astriidah Athfatrid Atriedidus Aulphibal Auraida Auriel Aurus Autoid Azedemah Azmine Azmini Azmir...
Bahal Baraffar Beiaphib Belacor Benomein Benope Bosmiuscosa Boöteran Caelenian Caelnax Calkastarix Callo Calsuhr Caltana Camah Camin Candalhem Cangeni Canid Caphimootet Caphorvus Capra Capriid Casadact Casadean Casadfar Caselbi Casym Chariumbud Chian Comak Conida Corach Coscopius Cramerid Cronif Curno Cyllaminian Cylloudrat Cyntamal Cyntid Cyonian Decinkiscut Dembriid Demmajor Denus Derrialha Dhing Diphermenid Dnomedan Drother Dschia Dysnos Dysnosminal Ealuch Eclopan Elmeb Enebahal Enelephoron Enelib Enetulum Enicosadal Enkischakar Entauva Enthalda Equaltab Equud Erabium Erama Erctellan Erian Euria Evegrux Evesphiucha Fomedubhera Furicrus Furna Furonebsus Gaellusia Galah Galmakropus Galshamam Gasymea Gatucia Gemir Gemmaa Ginova Girat Gitunic Golaxieles Gomeaneres Goromer Graton Grenih Habdhinalke Hadah Haedis Hafernuseus Hafira Haipharian Haldheba Hamagit Haurnomali Helama Helgenean Heneb Heract Homaa Horctianian Horian Hornock Hornubhez Hosch Hydroid Ionic Izaus Jihas Jorculasian Jupercid Jupid Jupis Juppiah Jupus Kabik Karian Keida Keleb Kenthlyrian Kesto Klecher Klesadara Kranian Krotittan Ksolateri Ksolus Kuridean Kurux Latham Leialy Leniancet Lenin Lenuberoid Lenubi Lepuste Lesak Lialiphor Liptran Luchacrus Lunaosci Lunatarnus Lurno Lurzan Lutoid Lyntanian Lyral Lyrmarth Maacopegin Malph Mamireans Marthentan Mebal Meban Mechuberid Mecinaos Mecrud Mediandus Medid Meleba Mellava Menah Menerid Meninix Menkaric Menkis Menus Meres Mescubran Mesphian Meterricin Metetian Metia Miahamian Mianebatlat Mianifermic Milaxy Mimer Mimosednas Minard Minaste Minchba Minian Minoceph Minoranebud Mintaldus Mirgor Miucineptus Mornock Mosamirf Mosmir Mosperiesha Mulky Muthestak Naleemim Neanian Neathiba Nebencerian Nemos Neptittake Netittal Netoid Nicroid Nornava Obita Obothir Obothya Ocean Opalax Orietian Ormar Ornic Oronisch Oropava Paldusicor Paljid Parian Pavonian Pegachbirfi Pegal Pegitaus Peian Perastrid Phauva Phebsulam Phian Phoenian Phoenkaian Phori Phornic Phroidir Piidemirgo Piskesch Plaach Plada Pladay Plaenarida Plaferrean Pleor Plutus Posmarrid Propan Puleh Puphildhian Pyxiellanet Pyximala Quilan Quula Quular Raian Raphe Rescol Rhebsupus Rhelliston Rhentla Rhereans Rieschal Sadalla Sadech Sadel Sadrus Sadum Sagetulan Saginian Salranianid Salsar Samiumbra Sariucian Sarseid Satautoan Saternus Satriapega Satulum Scaplenian Scerserux Scetelfi Schariid Schbal Schubechath Scinid Sciphimary Scora Scornian Scoxa Sculche Sedaricen Sedus Segaian Seialrit Seima Selan Seleh Seusteling Sextan Sharid Sinico Sionor Skemacheem Sollar Sollaria Solli Sollum Soluchial Stonalanic Stonian Strux Subelaas Sulashelian Sunea Suthiranina Suuds Tareal Tarisch Tersadah Thalbah Thydra Thydran Tittaura Trian Trimorpisch Uneankadha Urazha Urichus Uridema Urius Urnic Urnisarf Urnubrian Urodians Urophabba Urzalan Urzar Vegas Veles Velgita Velib Vella Venal Ventain Ventarin Ventauris Verkabba Vesperean Vulacoroid Waiastulch Wasafi Weidus Wezet Yilar Yilarid Yilas Zelacinus Zibrid Zimatian Zodian Zodistoid Zubbah Zubena Zubenkaly Zubentik Zubhel Zubitaum
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lights-at-night · 5 months
i'd just like to say that there have been 2 terrances in the magnus protocol so far, terrance stevens (the guy in tmagp8) and terrence menki (bonzo butcher)
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thswrtchdthng · 6 months
Terrance Menki
where's that name familiar from?
yhere was a Terrance in another episode wasn't there?
I know there was but I can't remember where and I don't have my notes with me atm
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sankta-starkova · 1 year
015; typecasting
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previous chapter | next chapter | masterlist
summary: the one where ej and andy realise that there may be some romantic feelings between them that hadn't been there before, or had they? the new year test this revelation
wordcount: 1.7k
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They all sat down in the cafeteria at lunch time, talking about things when Carlos stood up randomly.
"Attention Thespians, I have a brief announcement," Carlos said and everyone turned to look at him.
"After spending the last couple of weeks Google stalking the Menkie Awards I've discovered there is no award for best choreography, I've decided that I will be auditioning to be on stage this year," he explained.
Everyone cheered, proud of Carlos. All of a sudden, EJ walked over, looking at Ricky.
"You're welcome," he said to him and Ricky looked up at EJ confused.
"For what?" He asked, watching as EJ sat down in the spare seat between him and Andy.
"I've decided to take myself out of the running for the Beast, I've got a lot on my plate," he said.
EJ started to dig through his bag and Andy sat there disappointed. A little part of her wanted to be Belle and the Beast with EJ.
"Which reminds me I should probably pick a meal plan for Duke, I also have this," he said.
"Wait! You officially got in?" She asked and Ricky narrowed his eyes at EJ, realising something.
"Back up, you're not doing the musical either?" He questioned.
"No, I've only got the bandwidth for a supporting role," he explained, reaching into his bag again but he stopped when he realised something, "What do you mean either?"
"I'm, uh, not sure if I'm auditioning this year," Ricky explained, "You know, once a skate rat,"
"No Ricky, I'm still a skater and I do theatre, we are all sure you can do this," She said.
Although her and Ricky had spent less time at the skatepark together, she still enjoyed it and missed spending that much time with him.
"Before I forget, Andy, I have something for you," EJ said as the silence it got awkward.
He reached into his bag and everyone waited to see what he had. EJ pulled out a blue Duke hat identical to the one he had on his head.
He placed it on her head, "Ta-da, can't have my best girl not having a Duke hat," he said with a laugh.
Andy smiled at him, her heart fluttering as he called her his 'best girl' but she knew that he didn't like her in the way she liked him.
"Well thanks EJ," she said, pulling out a small hand held mirror and checking what it looked like.
Suddenly, a random blonde girl approached the table, "Sorry, I've been trying to work up the courage to say this," she said.
She looked at EJ, furrowing her brow as she silently questioned what was going on. He shrugged and then they looked at the girl.
"Okay, I can't believe in standing in front of both Troy Bolton right now, both your performances were incredible," she explained quickly.
The two boys thanked her, EJ still smiling at Andy and not really caring.
He loved seeing her in the hat, his hat, but he couldn't think of her that way, not after Nini broke his heart.
"No, thank you. I mean, you both inspired me to try out this semester. You guys are all so talented, do you mind if we take a picture," she asked.
Everyone agreed and the girl took the photo, everyone smiling at it.
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Just before auditions, Ashlyn came up to Gina, Kourtney and Andy with a proposal.
"I know this is totally last minute and feel free to say no, I have a song I've been noodling on all week its a quartet," Ashlyn explained.
She handed the sheets of paper to each of them, Andy smiling as she flipped through them.
"Gina, living with you is the closest thing to having a sister. Andy, it's only a matter of time before you become my cousin and Kourt, I know you must be missing Nini so I was thinking we could audition as a girl group," She explained.
Andy smiled at her, she was so glad to have these girls as friends, "I'm totally in Ash, good job me and EJ decided not to do Suddenly Seymour," she said.
Kourtney chuckled, "Yes, but is the vibe Destiny's Child or Cheetah Girls?" she questioned.
"The vibe is all of the above, plus a little spice girls," Ashlyn said before turning to Gina, "So, you in?"
"I'm sorry Ash, I'm gonna stick with auditioning on my own," Gina said and everyones face dropped, it was disappointing but Andy got it.
The bell rang before auditions and Andy walked to them with Big Red and Ricky after meeting up.
"I am feeling the German word for anxiety, hunger and deathly fear of disappointing the one you really want to impress," Big Red explained with frustration.
He sighed, walking over to the wall and leaning against it in defeat.
"Its actually pretty simple right, you like Ashlyn?" Andy asked and Big Red groaned.
"Understatement of the year," he said as he slid onto the floor, feeling defeated.
Andy and Ricky joined him on the floor, "One thing last semester taught me is that really liking a girl can get you through a lot of crap, including stage fright," Ricky explained.
"At least if I choke up today, I won't be alive to see Ashlyns disappointment," he said as he leaned back against the wall.
She placed a hand on his shoulder, "I don't think you've ever disappointed anyone in your whole life," Andy said.
"You know what would make me feel a lot better? Knowing you would be up there too Ricky," he said, trying to convince Ricky to try out.
"I haven't ruled auditioning out," he said before the bell rang and they rushed to auditions.
Later, the group all gathered around, preparing for the audition when Miss Jenn walked over.
"All right, as you know, this year's audition process will be in a two- step process," she explained.
Andy nodded her head, listening to her explain that there was a group vocal warm up and a song of your choice.
"Circle up, take your neighbours hand for a moment of silent reflection," Miss Jenn said.
Andy smiled, reaching for Seb and EJs hands as they stood in the circle.
They seemed to have gotten over the awkwardness from three weeks ago of the near kiss, she knew it was just a moment.
Suddenly, Ricky ran in. They all performed their parts in Belle before heading up for the solos, or in this case, a trio.
Andy, Kourtney and Ashlyn stood on the stage, "This is an original song I wrote about the power of friendship, it was originally a solo but then I wrote it for four people but we'll be singing for two," Ashlyn explained.
"Wait!" Gina called out after she heard Lily make a comment about them, "Is there still room for a fourth?"
"Do you know the song?" Ashlyn asked, a smile on her face as she realised Gina will be singing along.
"I was curious so I spent the afternoon kinda studying it," she stated, "Its brilliant,"
"Oh, and picture us in sequined jumpsuits. On a light up dance floor. In an abandoned warehouse," Ashlyn added before they performed the song.
They finished and everyone applauded, wowed by their performance. EJ smiled at them from the crowd, giving them a thumbs up.
"Well now I'm a little sad we're not doing Heather's," Miss Jenn said as she watched the four girls hug.
Everyone else performed their numbers until it was just Big Red left.
Andy gave him a thumbs up from the crowd and he started to tap dance when suddenly he fell.
She gasped, hating that this had happened to her best friend. But then she heard Lily snicker, "Seriously," she whispered to herself.
Both Ashlyn and Andy turned to glare at her, they looked at each other and Andy jumped up.
Her and Ricky both ran onto the stage to comfort their best friend, "You got this dude," Ricky asserted.
Andy nodded, smiling at him, "Lets show them what you can do. We've got you okay," she said before her and Ricky went backstage.
Big Red smiled at them before he started to perform again, smashing it. Everyone cheered him on, Andy glaring at the girl.
Afterwards, they looked at the cast list, Andy nodding her head as she realised she had gotten the role of Chip, a huge grin on her face.
"Gaston!" Andy exclaimed and EJ pulled her into a hug, spinning her around slightly.
"Chip!" He smiled at her, "God, I'm so proud of you,"
She blushed, looking around before seeing Ashlyn, "be right back," she said before walking over to congratulate her.
But then she saw that Ashlyn got Belle, pulling her best friend into a hug before Ashlyn ran off to cheer with Big Red.
"Hey, Lily," Andy called out as she saw the girl walk away.
Lily turned around, an angry look on her face for not getting the role of Belle.
"I don't care where you're from, but at East High, we don't make fun of people that make mistakes," Andy said, she was fuming, hating that someone thinks they can waltz in here and mock people, especially her best friend.
"Well East High doesn't deserve me anyway, she shouldn't be Belle and you all know it," Lily said with a huff.
Andy scoffed, she couldn't believe that this girl was do big-headed that she thought she was the best.
"She's a better person then you'll ever be, and she's the best actress and singer here," Andy refuted, not taking any more of this girls insults.
"Fine, but when you lose the Menkies because of her, you'll come back, or maybe go crying to that idiot of a boyfriend," she said before turning around.
"Fine, talk that mouth off but if I see you anywhere else, you better watch out," Andy spat back, she had been in her fair of street fights.
As Lily walked away, Andy clenched her fist, shaking her head, "Calm down Andes, she doesn't deserve your time," EJ said as he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.
"You're right, Eej, thanks" she said and she walked over to Ashlyn, the two celebrating.
Ashlyn smiled at them. She knew all about their nicknames, and how they'd only use them once they were dating - but neither of them seemed to have noticed.
They also didn't seem to notice how they looked like a couple, his chest pressed against her back, arms around her middle. Ashlyn just smiled, letting them be oblivious for a moment
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sunset-bobby · 1 year
to this day i’m mad that they did not go all the way to the menkies in season 2
like i needed EJ to get that NYU scholarship for my mental health…maybe things would of went better for him
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chemical-irwin · 1 year
i did a binge of hsmtmts s1 to s4, and it really struck me how much i missed having the school musical as the that held all the plots together
in s1 all of the characters are motivated by that musical. Ricky and Nini getting cast as the leads and it means a lot to them because its first time anybody has believed in them. Gina and Ej dont get the leads and it hurts their egos. we get to watch all of the kids bond over the musical, and when miss Jen is going to be fired all of the drama club do a performance to save her.
in s2 they have the menkies, where the club feel the pressure to beat North High who is actively sabotaging them. getting cast as Belle makes Ashlyn insecure, Gina choreographing with Carlos causes tension between them, and Ricky wanting Nini to be the show makes them fight. in end they don’t open the results because they only cared that they put on a good show
in s3 the doc adds pressure on them. getting cast as the lead makes Kourtney confront her anxiety, getting cast as ensemble sends Ashlyn into an identity crisis, Ej having to direct the show puts a rift between him and Gina. rehearsals and the doc puts characters in situations that move their story forward. in the end they all came together to say forget the doc because putting on the best show was more important to them
in s4 all of the characters are in separate plots with nothing holding them together. Rina are in a generic Romeo + Juliet/star is born story, Kourtney has the mandatory college storyline, and Ashlyn and Carlos get B plot relationship drama. all of the stories feel disconnected because none of them really relate to each other. there was literally no narrative reason for any characters to be extras in the films, they were just props in the back (even Ricky, because he was only there to react to filming in jealously or awe). the only character that talks about the musical is Ricky (and Gina), and we only saw one rehearsal
and like… all of that is fine, but they found their magnum opus in s3. the pacing was better and the dramatic irony had great pay-offs, the themes, the balancing of storylines and characters was infinitely better (it’s shocking how downgraded Ashlyn was in s4) and it had a shorter runtime. this season wasn’t about high school kids putting on a musical. with the exception of Kourtney and miss Jen this seasons not really about high school. a part that of me really missed watching a group of kids grow together through the school year while they put on a musical (especially if their ‘senior’ year😭)
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lia-the-normal-human · 6 months
Database Additions for MAGP 10: Saturday Night
Released 14 Mar 2024 Episode written by Jonathan Sims
Episode summary from The Magnus Database
CAT1RB2275-06082021-09032024 Mascot (kids) -/- murder [TV interview] Interview of subject Nigel Dickerson conducted by Geraldine Hardy
Parties mentioned: Mr. Bonzo Channel Six Geraldine Hardy Gotard Rimbeau Nigel Dickerson Rich Terrance Menki
Locations mentioned: Bonzoland
Misc objects mentioned: Mr. Bonzo's on His Way (song)
Other Parties Introduced
Archie [Error]
Other Locations Introduced
Nigel Dickerson's Mansion
Other Misc Objects Introduced
Tape recorders
Connections/Item Relationships Found (New)
Uncategorized items related to the Magnus Institute
Voiced Characters
Geraldine Hardy Nigel Dickerson Celia Ripley Colin Becher Samama Khalid Alice Dyer Gwendolyn Bouchard Mr. Bonzo [Error]
The Magnus Database has been updated for this episode.
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biggayenergypod · 8 months
Check out our interview with @ilana_wolpert! We talked about #hsmtmts, what it was like being a staff writer on her first show, and what was originally planned for the S2 finale. Ashlyn really deserved all the menkies (I say with no bias whatsoever 😂). Watch the full interview on our YouTube channel or listen on all audio platforms!
Thank you, Ilana, for taking the time to talk to us ❤️
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 11 months
✍️ + Dylan Efron?
There are definitely more but
Gina x EJ never happens (i'm sorry babies you're my favourite ship)
The s4 cheating side plot doesn't happen
Jack is around a lot more (might be Gina's endgame, tbd)
EJ and Ricky are actually really close
The wildcats (especially EJ and Ricky) are more jaded about Miss Jenn
Zach Roy gets punched in the face (and not by someone anyone would expect)
Ricky gets his Beast harness back opening night
Ricky and Lily are never a thing
The Menkies plot actually wraps up
the dance off is better
No one gets injured when they try the Beast transformation (safety first dumbasses)
there's a whole bonus disney trip sideplot
Mr M gets way more plots love you king
EJ gets validation and support in s3 that's it that's the fic
more val more val more val more val
Ricky is a bi king "friends, enemies, lovers?" i see you joshua bassett i got you
way more found family ("found family but they're all assholes") wildcats vibes
More Corbin scenes
Channing gets slapped (by exactly who you'd expect)
the aftermath of the documentary trailer gets dealt with
more DCOM references, more camp rock / hsm2 / hsm3 in s3
s4 definitely has a lot of changes but I haven't made my full scene list for it yet so details tbd
(also as a bonus: s1 / s2 / s3 scene lists!
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