#the me that makes snarky comments when watching regular tv shows/movies snuck in here a bit sorry all
sparring-spirals · 3 years
quick n dirty liveblog for TLOVM s1, episode 6!
every time I see a Matthew Mercer npc now I automatically go “oh this group is not gonna have a good time huh”. rough lot in life for the mattholemews
VERY AOT vibes. I don’t know much about AOT but I know that. chomp chomp.
I took a break between episodes 5 and 6 so I got a fun moment of “aw dead raven :(” and then immediately followed by “AAH DEAD PEOPLE oh right”
keeper yennen seems ni- oh no, why is she talking about a new dawn. people talking about a new dawn is almost never a good thing.
Ominous Percy, at any given moment: O . O
Keyleth coming in strong with a “I think we ALL sing” moment. sure, kiki. <3 (is vex not the leader?)
twins, hot, leaning against bookshelves, being snarky but not helpful. you both suck. I adore both of you.
grog: ale-less hell. scanlan: mourning shitty tavern. percy: having Main Character Moment. the twins: lounging against bookshelves looking hot giving witty one liners. keyleth: talking to plants. strong group.
tfw everlight breaks up with u but instead of “its not you its me” it IS you :’(
(very much enjoyed the infiltration planning sequence. enjoyed vex/vax utter disdain even more)
“Those were all terrible plans and you should feel bad.” Oh but then the Proper Twin plan is really just “go in and do the thing” huh. Bit harsh on the criticism there, weren’t y'all.
Percy, hanging off a spire with his cloak billowing in the wind: B) Percy, stowing his RIFLE?? “its nothing but bad news B)” cool kid percy.
“when has splitting the party ever worked?” “uh, since shut the fuck up.” “uh, mhm, fair point”. fucking INCREDIBLE delivery on both fronts thank you.
oh so vax DOES have a tension wrench in his lock picking kits. HOW SHITTY WAS KRIEG’S DOOR THAT IT DIDN’T NEED O- (yelling becomes muffled as I drag myself off the stage by the collar)
“its not a door, its a thing of EVIL” vax you dramatic hoe,  I adore you.
vex i need you to dial back on slamming people against walls with your forearm because I am not strong enough to keep witnessing it oh shit
(Also the little pause of Keyleth putting her arm on vex’s shoulder was fantastic)
slappy fights! slappy fights! slappy fights!
percy being bisexual actually means he both encompasses “im going to find a window (cool, collected)” and “I fell out of a window (pained, full of regret)”
aw they got Archie! Archie seems like he’s been having a rough day, glad he’s being rescue, I’m sure nothing will go wrong. haha.
the use of the duplicate was a neat decision, mechanically and narratively, but I do like how shocked everyone else in VM was? was this not a standard tactic for them?
emo percy emo percy emo percy emo percy, I am vengeance for the de rolos.
rad! rad as hell! also percy is Going Thru it. Poor percy.
and poor Cassandra, christ.
im glad Archie lived. really wasn’t sure if that would happen. fuck I hope im not jinxing myself.
I really liked the pacing and character interactions AND action in this one! super fun throughout :D
combat is genuinely a treat to watch- both for little spell mechanic details and character moments AND cause its cool as hell. 
vex & vax are just standing around looking hot and cool and giving off quippy one liners and its VERY funny to me. they know what they’re doing
I will say that the amount of people just Brutally Murdered regularly throughout the episodes both highlights consequences and- kind of lessens their impact? I'm at a weird point where I see a large cluster of unknown people and go “ah they’re FUCKED huh”, and I’m not sure if that was their intent. 
Keyleth operates under a haze of anxiety and then EXTREME EFFECTIVENESS BUT ONLY UNDER DURESS and like, same. same, kiki.
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musicallisto · 4 years
hello! i’d love to request a 🍨 for pb and got if possible. i’m she/her; bi; slytherin; september virgo; infp; 4w5. i’m 5’5”, slim build and fair-skinned with dark brown hair and the same colour eyes. as for my personality, i can be quite cold and reserved when i first meet people (which doesn’t really come out online) and i have a hard time trusting anyone new, but i truly love those closest to me. i use sarcasm 90% of the time and love teasing people but my intentions have nothing to do with hurting anyone. i subconsciously use laughter as a defence mechanism and i hate it. i’m lowkey a rebel which is just a nicer word for family disappointment. i have intense mood swings which i cope with by bottling up my emotions. i’d rather listen to people’s problems than talk about my own. despite the cold exterior, i can be soft and kind, and i believe in freedom and equality. i’m ambitious and love learning but not in the way school is trying to force me to - ew. my hobbies include reading books 24/7, writing (much less of the time, but hey, i still get around to it every once in a while) and watching tv shows. i’m also a cinephile and you can trust me with a list of recommendations for your next movie night.
i do hope this is enough; thank you very much fren xx
here’s your vanilla milkshake, Réka, and thank you for your patience! I think you would be amazing with these two incredible women - sansa stark and ada shelby!
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You had been Sansa’s friend for as long as you could remember.
Social differences didn’t matter in the North as much as they did in the South, especially because the Lords of Winterfell had always been close to their people.
So despite the fact that she was highborn and proudly bore the name of the Starks, and you were a tanner’s daughter from Winterfell, your friendship with Sansa had never been frowned upon.
Especially since Ned clearly saw how much fun his daughter had with you. You were the only person she could be seen getting a little muddy and mischievous with. You weren’t true troublemakers, of course, especially not since Arya was the point of reference... but you had your moments of mindless fun.
Being best friends with Sansa was effortless; you hadn’t had to warm up to her, because you had always been close confidantes to one another. She understood everything about you, even when you didn’t say a word...
... but during your teenage years, when you both came of age and other townsfolk your age started discussing boys and flings, a pang of desire started to blossom inside of you and course through your veins.
Maybe you wanted more than to simply be Sansa’s best friend, after all.
Maybe there was more to the way you found yourself staring into her deep, blue eyes like they were the only color worthy of attention...
When Sansa announces that she is to leave for King’s Landing and marry Joffrey, you get into a pretty heated argument, the first you’ve had in more than ten years of friendship.
Part of you is reasonably upset that she kept a news so important a secret from you for so long; and another part of you is mortified and furious at the idea of her going to the capital and becoming Queen to the arm of a petty little brute as snotty as Joffrey Baratheon...
... when she could have stayed at Winterfell and, perhaps, one day, have made you Lady right alongside her.
You’d been bottling up your feelings for her for quite a while and didn’t know how to deal with them - terrified of rejection, but also of not acting out on them and lose her to another... and when she told you she would be leaving, it was like both nightmares coming true at once. There was no use anymore in snarky side remarks, and you exploded from sheer frustration and fright.
Obviously, she couldn’t possibly comprehend why you were so mad about her not telling you all about her family business - which was more about political affairs, anyway -, so you couldn’t sort out your disagreement,
and gave each other the cold shoulder for a few days.
Until the last night before her departure for the South with her father, where you snuck into the castle courtyard to say your farewells and bid her well - fearing you would not be able to if front of everyone on the following morning
And when she came down to meet you with a frown on her heavenly face, the words escaped your mouth before you could control them; they had been a long time coming, but at least they were out and you would not have to carry your secret to the tomb.
And she wanted to get mad at you for getting on your high horse and blowing up when you could have just as easily told her the truth...
... but she’s so elated that her feelings are reciprocated
... that even if she’s leaving for a place of appearances and to be auctioned off to the highest bidder, at least she knows there exists someone outside of her family who sincerely loves her and will always care for her
... and that there exists a world in which you love her and she loves you and that she just happens to live in this world
... that she just kissed you underneath the moonlight, desperate to get a taste of the last element of realness and familiarity that she’d keep to memory.
Of course, going to the capital and to Court had always been her biggest dream, but when she held you in her arms, she wasn’t so sure anymore it was worth leaving you behind.
“So you’re still going?”
“I have to.”
“I wish I could go with you.”
“I’ll be back. I promise I’ll do what it takes to return to the North and find you again.”
A Stark always followed through with their promises; that much you knew.
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Ada and you are passionate about the same things, namely freedom and equality, which makes it easy for you two to hit it off.
You meet at a communist rally, where you’re instantly impressed by and drawn to her strong voice and stronger convictions. She doesn’t talk excessively, but isn’t unafraid to make her voice heard and opinions known.
From your very first meeting, you get a glimpse of how utterly devoted and dedicated to the cause Ada is, and that is even before recognizing her as a Shelby. Though you should have figured earlier - there aren’t many people, especially not women in Birmingham, who would talk so freely and pit herself against the men.
It makes her all the more attractive to you.
Still, you don’t develop a relationship of any kind until long after you met - but she’s a regular at communist rallies and actions for the party, as are you. You end up crossing paths quite often.
She’s an incredible orator, and is brazen enough not to be intimidated by the stares of every passerby when she must deliver passionate speeches about the progressive radicality of your movement. You realize you make an excellent pair - you’re a skilled writer who can move even the most disbelieving of men with your words, and she can blow life into them like no other.
So you write her speeches and she delivers your ideas to the whole world when you’re too insecure to do it.
And you progressively fall more and more in love with her, with how confident and blunt and daring she is.
She loves how well-read you are, too, and she tells you often the world would be a better place if it were filled with women like you, bright and selfless, not these greedy, idiot men who tear each other apart in pointless wars...
You relate so much to the experience of being perceived as a rebel simply for being a family outcast, it’s another bonding point between the two of you.
You don’t necessarily display a lot of affection when you’re together - partly because your relationship would cause quite the scandal if it came to light, but mostly because it’s just not your type.
You both can be quite swept up by the passion, especially when you're still on the adrenaline high from a chase from the cops or one of those Shelby businesses, which will often culminate in breathless, frenzied kisses in an alleyway...
... but the rest of the time, you’re more about sarcastic comments and a little bit of “tough love”.
Though you are fascinated by the relatively modern invention that is cinema in Birmingham, and on the rare occasion you have time and peace of mind enough to go to the “moving pictures”, Ada will, of course, come with...
... and it will most likely include sneaking into the projectionist’s room, a friend of yours from the party, and making out in there for most of the duration of the film.
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800 follower sleepover CLOSED!
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