#the man who did everything in his power to separate them is singing the softest sappiest love song for them
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areyoudoingthis · 1 year ago
izzy singing the soundtrack to their love making is gonna be the bit of symbolism that kills me this season actually
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jaskierswolf · 4 years ago
Hello love! How about some somft? How about some bards, napping hand in hand in the shade under a willow tree, and they get to see something wonderful and unexpexted up in the tree crown? And maybe handkisses?
Somfte hurt/comfort and pining, a sprinkle of angst... oops.
Time is a cruel mistress, that is a well known fact. Nothing can escape the passage of time. Seasons come and seasons go. Years, decades, centuries all fall away into the dust and eventually even the sorceresses of Aretuza fall into the afterlife.
That is just a fact.
Jaskier had come to terms with this and even grown fond of the poetic potential that time afforded him. The falling leaves of autumn, the frosted chill of winter, and the rebirth of spring. If time was a cruel mistress, then love was a fucking tyrant, and when time and love joined force, they left only death and destruction in their wake.
Jaskier sighed, his fingers squeezing the hand in his. If he were in a better mood then he would have written that down, but instead he preferred to sulk.
“Jaskier, my dear,” Dandelion said with a soft musical laugh, “do try and cheer up. There’s no death sentence awaiting us.”
Jaskier scoffed, rolling his eyes. There was a lump in his throat but he was an expert at holding back tears. The Viscount de Lettenhove did not cry. That was what his father had always told him.
“Oh honestly, darling, have a little faith in Yennefer. She’s saved both my life and Geralt’s on more than one occasion, and don’t even try to tell me that hasn’t done the same for you and your witcher.” Dandelion’s sharp tone surprised Jaskier. He was one again reminded that despite their similarities, their lives were so very different. Dandelion was older, and Jaskier knew that there were things the poet had hidden from him.
But Jaskier couldn’t help but wonder how Yennefer had gained his loyalty after all the troubles they’d had over the years of their acquaintance.
“She’ll figure out the portal, my dear Jaskier,” Dandelion cooed almost wistfully, digging a knife deep into Jaskier’s heart. “And I’ll be able to go home.”
Jaskier sniffed and tried to pull his hand away from the poet’s. He didn’t want Dandelion to go home. He loved his newest friend, and he loved him deeply, in spite of everything. And yet, Dandelion was eager to leave, to return to his Geralt and his world. The stolen kisses under the dark cloak of night meant nothing to Dandelion. They meant the world to Jaskier. He didn’t have a Geralt to fall back to. His witcher had made it quite clear that they weren’t even friends. It was a miracle that Yennefer was helping at all. It was probably some ploy to gain power, bragging rights that she could make portals in between worlds.
“Don’t be like that, Jaskier,” Dandelion whined, gripping his hand tighter and pressing a kiss to his cheek, blond curls tickling against Jaskier’s skin. “We always knew this was a finite affair, but we can still love every second we have. Come now, bard, nature is truly magnificent tonight, ethereal, magical. Melitele is doing her best to give us the very best send off, a beautiful night under the stars, in the shadow of a great willow tree.”
Jaskier pouted and turned his face to bury his nose in Dandelion’s neck. The soft scent of lavender would forever remind him of the poet. An irreversible mark that Dandelion had left on his life, just like all of Jaskier’s lovers in one way or another. “But I love you.”
Dandelion sighed and pulled Jaskier into a tender kiss, slow and lazy as their tongues brushed together. Jaskier moaned softly as he threaded his hands into Dandelion’s hair, the curls tangling around his fingers. When they broke apart, Dandelion bumped their noses together, their lips barely separating as he spoke “And I will hold you in my heart until I die, sweet buttercup.”
“Dramatic sap,” Jaskier mumbled before capturing Dandelion’s lips in another kiss. The poet was right, they had limited time and Jaskier intended to make the most of every second.
“I am a poet, Jaskier. You of all people should know that.”
“Shut up and kiss me.”
The night was quiet as they became lost in each other, hands roaming, lips never parting for more than a breath, and there were only the soft sounds of whispered words and promises made to be broken. The two men almost missed the melodic giggles of the fae above them in the trees, until Dandelion gasped and looked up with wonder sparkling in his eyes.
“Oh darling, look,” he breathed almost silently.
Jaskier glanced up to see the sky alight with fireflies. A dozen glowing blue eyes were watching them, from the branches. Jaskier wondered whether he should be afraid, but these creatures were children, just children curious about a world they didn’t yet know. He looked back down at Dandelion, who was now trapped underneath him, lying back on the ground with his curls fanned out around his head like a halo.
“It’s beautiful,” Dandelion sighed wistfully, the softest smile on his face, peaceful and divine.
Jaskier couldn’t tear his eyes away from the man who would soon be ripped away from him forever. He had to commit every detail of Dandelion’s face to memory. He never wanted to forget the poet’s beauty. Oh the ballads he would sing, a tribute to this extraordinary event that had allowed the two of them to meet.
“Beautiful, yeah,” he murmured, cupping Dandelion’s cheek and pressing their lips together once more.
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melyaliz · 5 years ago
Remember me pt. 3
 Master List 
Fandom: My Hero Academia 
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x OC 
Notes:  Olive's crying a lot and Bakugou can’t deal with emotions. I also don’t love it but I promise it slowly stops.
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
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-0-0-0-- Olive --0-0-0-
“Hold this for me?” Olive looked up confused at the bright blue eyes of her husband Eliott. He was holding out his fist about waist high. Holding out her hand palm up she waited for him to give her something. Reaching out Eliott took her hand in his giving her a little squeeze.
Olive felt herself flush slightly as she giggled, pulling his arm to her so she could kiss his shoulder affectionately. “Look at you so cute,” she said. Her husband just grinned down at her so proud of himself.
“Still got it,” he said, taking her hand kissing her knuckles. A comfortable silence enveloped them both as they walked. Both lost in their own thoughts. “Man,” Eliott finally said, “I love you SOOOO much.”
Olive giggled, swinging his hand back and forth as they walked, skipping a bit, “Oh hey me too.”
“WHAT!?! Who would have thought.” absentmindedly Eliott’s fingers brushed over the small ring on his wife’s hand. The slim platinum ring held small diamonds that ran around the entire band set in a vintage flower setting. It was modest but it was perfect. Eliott was perfect.
“Oh hey, I talked to Tommy today.”
Olive perked up at the name of Eliott’s old coworker who had moved from filming sports to doing promotional work for a local hero agency. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, he said he needs back up on some hero shoots. It’s a little dangerous but the money is good.”
“That’s amazing!” Olive said, “you would be amazing at that.”
“Yeah, sports are fun but if I could work for an agency that would be amazing.”
“Yeah, and with me publishing my second book looks like we are moving up in the world.” Olive giggled
“Look at us,” Eliott said as they walked down the street away from the bars they had just been visiting toward their small apartment. “Following our dreams and shit.”  The night was beautiful, warm with just a light breeze, a large moon shining from above making it the perfect night for a drunken stumble home
“Yeah, you getting pro-work and me not writing about 19 inch long dicks.”
Eliott burst out laughing, “I thought your story still had dicks.”
“More like five-dollar footlongs. There’s a difference.”
Eliott burst out laughing, “got to give the public the dick size they want.”
Olive chuckled, nodding as they got close to their apartment. Tonight had just been a normal Wednesday night. Both of them had decided to take a break from their constant working and just have a normal mid weeknight out. She knew she may be paying for it a bit tomorrow with the amount of alcohol they had drunk. But it was hard not to while singing off tune to some classic rock over a game of pool in their favorite dive bar. It was moments like these that Olive would remember forever.
The ones where they were just together having fun doing whatever.
As Olive slowly woke up she found herself reaching out for Eliott and like the millionth time since he had died. The empty bed reminding her that once again he wasn’t there. However, her fingers brushed against something soft and fluffy.
Slowly opening her eyes she realized she wasn’t in her bed. Her normal cotton white sheets were replaced with the softest black she had ever felt. A large fluffy gray and white cat was curled up next to her, blinking its large blue eyes at her.
Then it all came rushing back.
Eliott was dead and she was in Japan with a man who said he was her husband. They owned a cat and it had been over five years since Eliott had died.
Slowly pulling herself out of the bed she looked around the bedroom again.
It was beautiful, much nicer than anything she would have dreamed of having in the US. Large windows overlooking the city were covered in thick blackout curtains. Once she opened them it filled the room with so much natural light.
The room had a very clean modern feel to it. Decorated with lots of hardwood panels, with black, grays, and hints of red woven throughout the decorations. A few potted plants and lantern looking lights hung from the ceiling. Two bookshelves stood on either side of the TV that was hanging from the opposite wall from the bed.
She remembered that the large walk-in closet was behind the bed, separated by the large ashy wood wall. Walking around she entered the huge space. This closet was the size of her bedroom. Running her fingers over the hanging clothes she frowned. Which ones were hers?
Probably the side with the dresses.
The thought of the grumpy looking blonde who claimed to be her husband in a dress made her smile though.
He would probably look better in them too She thought as she pulled down a cute black dress with large yellow sunflowers. Just staring at it a feeling of being completely lost and unsure of what to wear. instead just standing there looking up at all the designer items dressed in her oversized tee.  
Hanging the dress-up she noticed a black jacket had fallen. Picking it up she was taken over by the powerful sweet smell. Since last night when she had identified it as her new husband’s she had been unable to stop finding it everywhere. It made sense in theory because he also lived here but it smelled so foreign to her. Yet there was something comforting about it. As if in the very resessing of her mind something told her she was safe.
“Do you need help?”
Letting out a squeak she jumped clutching the jacket she had been currently burying her face in as if it could protect her. Turned to see-- What was his name again? Katsuki? Had been leaning against the wall watching her. At her shocked expression, his face melted into a soft frown. Moving forward he pulled out a pair of jeans and a shirt thrusting them toward her. She looked up at him feeling very awkward with the fact that she was braless in nothing but a shirt in front of this stranger.
Although she wasn't a stranger to him.
The thought of them knowing each other intimately was so weird it made her flush slightly. For a moment a different expression crossed his face. Subtle and just as unreadable as any of the other ones he had.
“I made coffee,” he said, turning and leaving the closet, “When you're ready.”
Quickly hanging the jacket back up Olive dashed past Katsuki mumbling incoherent words of thanks as she dashed into the bathroom to change. After dressing she looked down at the sink, two toothbrushes looking back up at her as if laughing at her dilemma. Which one was hers? Grabbing the dry one -he must have snuck in here earlier to freshen up- she hedged her bets and quickly finished cleaning up with whatever she thought looked like something she might use.
Taking a look at herself in the mirror Olive sighed running her fingers through her hair. That was when she noticed the strands of bright pink throughout her dark locks. Frowning she turned, playing with her hair for a moment realizing she had a rainbow dyed into her bottom layer.
In theory, it made sense. She had always wanted to try that style with her hair. Olive had always liked to play with different shades and trends with everything from her hair to her makeup and even clothes. A drastic style change was not uncommon for her. But waking up with a completely different hairstyle felt so…
Tears sprung into her eyes before she realized they did.
“Jesus Olive!” she snapped at herself, the feeling of being overwhelmed disappearing as it was overtaken feelings of frustration. “Stop crying!” she said glaring at her reflection. The image of a red-faced glassie eyed Olive just made her cry harder. “Stop it.”
Bakugou hadn’t gone far. He knew he should have. Just leave her to gather herself but he was worried. She seemed so far away yesterday and this morning she looked so lost in their closet. Standing there sniffing his jacket like some deranged weirdo.
So despite his better judgment, he had stayed in the bedroom leaning against the wall between the closet waiting for her to come out. He could hear her shuffling about in the bathroom and then there was a long pause and suddenly her voice was as clear as if she was right next to him
“Jesus Olive, stop crying!”
The words cutting into him like a knife and twisting with each plea from the young woman to make herself stop. He could feel small sparks of anger flickering in his tight fists. That feeling of helplessness overcoming him again. Letting out a growl he stormed into the kitchen pulling out her favorite shitty sugar cereal and placing it on the counter.
Glaring intensely at the box he started questioning his choice. Maybe he should make her bacon? Or some cakes? He looked around frantically as if their whole marriage depended on what she found when she came out of the bathroom.
He froze his shoulders hunching slightly at the soft sound of her voice. Part of him was scared to turn around and face her. He didn’t want to see her eyes all puffy and red, to see that lost sad look on her face.
He wanted his happy little bitch back.
“Mornin’,” he mumbled, turning slowly to see her bright-eyed and with a large forced smile on her face.
And he realized there was something worse than seeing her sad. It was her faking happy.
Slamming a mug of coffee down in front of her he looked away trying to keep his temper in check. Her face pissed him off. Stop smiling like that. If you're sad just be sad. His brain screamed as if he could put his thoughts into her head.
“Thank you,” she said, taking a sip before her eyes widened, “Oh wow this is good.”
“Yeah I know,” he said simply taking a sip of his own.
“Do you uhhh, make this for me a lot.”
Every morning.
“What’s that?” she asked pointing toward the box of cereal.
“Cereal, here” he quickly made her a bowl before handing it to her. She took a bite smiling. A genuine smile as she glanced shyly up at him. “What?” he snapped, instantly regretting it as she looked down at her bowl again.
“I… are you going to have some too?”
“No, I don’t like sugar.”
Her eyes grew wide in shock, “Like at all?”
“Do you also not like happiness and joy?” she asked a real smile breaking across her face. It was as if the sun had just broken through the dark storm clouds that were swirling around the two of them. Shoulders relaxing Bakugou felt like he could breathe again.
“Apparently not, it is something you do remind me of frequently.”
“Sounds like something I would do” she chuckled. Another awkward stretch of silence spanned across them. Olive slowly pulled out her phone from her lap looking down at it then back up at him. The way she was fidgeting it was obvious she wanted to ask him something but felt bad about it.
“Just say it,” he said, “What do you want?”
“I…” she jumped slightly before opening her phone, “Could you maybe tell me who these people are in my photos?”
“Ok, but I have work in a bit.”
She blinked as if that had never accrued to her, “oh that’s right, your a… hero?” it was more of a question than a comment.
“I bet you're really good.”
“Number one.” he paused, “That’s how we met. The agency sent us over to help with an earthquake issues and you were working with the insurance company that was covering damages.”
“Oh right,” she paused again mulling over this information. She had been working for that company -if it was the same one- for about three years when Eliott had passed.  
“You presented, in English, and some pretty bad Japanese.”
“Wow rude.” her face scrunched in that expression he knew all too well. The one where she was trying not to laugh at his rudeness. Trying to look annoyed but she found his mean comments funny
“Yeah well, it’s true. It was cute.”
“So it was my shitty language skills that attracted you to me?” another small smile. Bakugou shouldn’t be getting this excited to see it.
“That and you bitching about some woman at Starbucks in that shitty language skill.” his words earning him a laugh, a small one but a laugh none the same.
“Sounds on brand.”
“Who did you want to know about?” he asked, coming around the island to where she was sitting so he could look over her shoulder. Enjoying the closeness of being by her. Taking in her warmth she was wearing that perfume he had gotten her for her birthday.
“The kids?”
“Lilly’s daughter Emma, and Clare’s two son’s.”
“No!” She gasped looking down at the image, “those are Cole and James!?! They are so big! And of course Lilly named her daughter Emma.” she cooed swiping through a few more images,, “She’s so beautiful” Bakugou shiffed noticing the soft tears coming to her eyes. Normally when she talked about her godchildren Olive would get emotional but something he would always tease about, but right now it seemed like she never stopped crying.
“That’s red,” she said pointing to Kirishima recognizing him from the mall. So he was also someone she actually knew pretty well. Or well enough to have pictures of them together in matching cowboy hats.
“Eijiro Kirishima” Baugou said, reaching over pointing to the three of them standing in an american themed bar.
The next one was of Bakugou and Olive with another couple at a local fair. “That’s Momo Yaoyorozu and her husband Shoto Todoroki.” Olive had met Momo during a highschool reunion and the two had become fast friends. Momo had even called Bakugou after the accident asking about Olive. After hearing about her memory loss Momo had decided she would wait to reach out as to not overwhelm the girl.
“Oh wow, she’s so pretty” Olive whispered. Bakugou tried not to laugh, guess some things never change. After the first time Olive had met Momo she had (drunkenly) demanded to know why her then boyfriend had never “gone for it?” and then that she was going to leave him for Momo because “she’s the whole package”.
“And a million of Dolemite” Olive giggled turning to show Bakugou who had seen all of these images a million times. To say his wife was obsessed with her cat would be an understatement.
As Olive turned her nose gently brushed against his cheek. Their eyes locking. She hadn’t realized how close they were until she had turned. His warm sweet scent was slightly overwhelming. Dark red eyes studying her, his body unmoving from their closeness. She could hear a bit of a hitch in his breath as his gaze moved down from her eyes to her lips.
For a moment Olive thought he might kiss her. Her heart pounding in her chest unsure what to do. Should she let him? Somehow she felt like she was cheating on her late husband. But Eliott had been dead, for years now. Still, guilt washed over as she pulled away. The look on his face sent a new wave of guilt wash over her. Hurt.
“I have to get to work” he mumbled backing up shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Ok” she responded, her hands clutching her phone so hard for a moment she thought it might crack, “I’ll clean up in here” she said motioning to the small collection of random boxes and cups on the counter. Nodding Bakugou grabbed his black duffle that was sitting by the door.
Glancing at her one last time he saw her watching him. She was biting her top lip, worry written all over her face. When their eyes met she flashed him another one of those fake smiles that kind of just spread flat across her face and didn't really curve up to her eyes.
“See you later” she said waving
He nodded before leaving wanting to get out as quickly as possible. He needed to go pound someone, preferentially a bad guy.
Olive couldn’t help but jump a little at how loudly Katsuki slammed the door shut. She was slowly leaning, this man was pretty aggressive. A bit of a contract to Eliott who was always scaring her with how quietly he would walk around. At least she would know where this new man always was.
But there were a few things that reminded her of Eliott in her “new” husband. Like the sugar thing. Eliott always hated sunshine and things that were too sweet. He preferred cooler weather and spicy food. A joke Olive would always use on him.
“You just like bitter things, that’s why you married me.” she would say when he would make a face at her sweeter preferences in wines or coffee.
“I would say more salty but yeah, basically.”
As Olive slowly started to clean up the kitchen she wondered if Katsuki also loved watching videos of kids getting hurt. During their time together Olive had lost count of the instagram accounts and videos Eliott had sent her of people wiping out. It got to the point that Olive could tell when he was watching a video of someone getting hurt by his laugh.
Was it even fair to compare the two of them?
Trying to push away those thoughts, Olive decided to explore Katsuki’s cabinets. Trying to piece together what kind of man her husband was. As if some perfectly organized cups would give her the answers to her four year long relationship with that intense blonde. Everything was so much more, put together, than her old life.
Maybe that was because she worked from home? She had more time to keep things clean and organized. Did she even work from home? Katsuki had said she had an office. Did she still work insurance?
A soft meow broke through her thoughts. Closing the cabinet she bent down picking up the fluffy cat that was at her feet. Stroking his thick fur leaving the kitchen thoughts starting to spiral
Could she even work insurance in Japan? What about her books? What was her life like?
What was she even supposed to do right now?
Bakugou and Kirishima had spent all morning talking to the robbers who had been at the mall. While they were more than happy to give up what they knew (especially after seeing Bakugou bursting in hands blazing just needing an excuse to set someone aflame.) There wasn’t a lot of information to go off of.
It had been a paid job Which made no sense to Bakugou. Why would anyone pay someone to break into a mall? What was the point? They weren’t even asked to steal anything in particular. It was more of a “here’s some money and a plan, go fuck shit up and take what you want.”
“Maybe they were a distraction and something we don’t know is missing?” Kirishima said as the two heroes walked down the street. The rest of the day had been just as tedious and frustrating. To the point, Kirishima had thought maybe it was best if they went out on patrol to try and help Bakugou calm down a little.
It hadn’t help.
Bakugou was in a foul mood and had a hard time focusing on anything. Normally he never had this problem. Once he got to work no matter what was going on outside of his job he could tune it out. But right now all he wanted to do was see how Olive was doing. The way he had left things that morning. Just storming out. The way she had looked so lost in their apartment.
It was just pissed him off and he couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Normally around this time of day Olive would have been texting him with random thoughts, weird memes she would find or endless images of that stupid cat. But the silence was more distracting than her constant texting had ever been.
Glancing over their text log for the hundredth time he didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Right before this attack, she had been excited about their trip to Germany in a few months. It was going to be a celebration for her publishing her fifteenth book and for his second year of being the #1 hero. There were a few snarky comments about all the “losers who said my amazing husband was more of a villain”
That was Olive he knew. Quick to love and quick to snap back if someone so much as looked at those ones she loved wrong. Not this sobbing mess who flinched at his very presence.
“Bro, just go home.” Kirishima finally said after Bakugou snapped at yet another old lady who was in his way during patrol. “If anything crazy happens I’ll just call you in.”
“I’m FINE!” Bakugou snapped back. Besides, the old Olive would be mad at him for abandoning his work just for her.
“Yeah but if your ratings drop because you made some baby cry Olive will kill you.” Kirishima seemed to read his mind as Bakugou stomped past two giggling high school girls who were not so subtly snapping pictures of the two heroes.
Rubbing his forehead Bakugou sighed, his teammate and friend had a point. If he dropped back down to Number two because of this foul mood Olive would kill him. He could hear her now.
“I mean I don’t give a shit what number you are, but you honestly lost two years of kissing up to the press over me?”
She would have that look of both hurt and also an annoyance. Plus she would be right. Better take a day off and work out this shity problem than deal with long term consequences.  
After a few hours of just walking around in circles with no idea what to do Olive decided to call Lilly. She wanted to see her goddaughter and best friend. Hear a familiar voice. So scooping up Dolemite she curled up on the large king size bed to video chat and catch up with all the stuff she couldn’t remember.
Ten minutes in Clare - who had been filled in on the whole memory loss- had demanded to join in.
“Threesome!” Clare giggled, her thick curls pulled back into a messy bun, “How are you feeling Olly O? Lilly told me what was going on.”
“I’m ok,” Olive mumbled, playing with Dolemite’s ear as the cat leaned into her hand purring loudly “It’s all... very overwhelming.”  
“You don’t remember anything?”
“No. It’s like I woke up and it’s five years later.” Olive said, “To me, the last time we hung out we took your three-year-old and one-year-old to the beach.”
Clare winched at the thought, “You know if you want to come back you can” she said, “Take a break and be with some people you actually remember. No one would blame you if you needed a break..”
Olive paused for a moment thinking back to that morning. Katsuki looked so concerned as he followed her around with that angry face. He kind of reminded her of grumpy cat, his blonde hair sticking up everywhere with that pout on his face. He was probably having as much trouble with this whole memory loss as she was.  
“I, I’m not sure yet. I married him for a reason and even if I can’t remember why I want to find out.”
“I guess that makes sense,” Clare said, “But just so you know we have an extra room if you need to get away.”
“You’ll be fine” Lilly pipped up. “Katsuki’s nothing if not stubborn. I once saw that man climb up the side of a cliff over a river with just his quirk because you freaked yourself out and couldn’t get down.”
“Oh yeah, that man is intense.” Clare nodded, “I wasn’t sure about him at first but he loves you.”  
Walking into the apartment Bakugou was greeted by the sound of laughter filling the apartment. His heart leaped in his throat as he followed the sound. He saw Olive laying on the bed kicking her legs up and down as she talked on the phone. The sound of Lilly and Clare’s voices could be heard.
“Do you remember that time I ran into the wall?”
“You had to wear a boot for a month you dumb ass” Lilly laughed, Bakugou could almost hear her rolling her eyes. He had heard this story a million times. Olive’s friends were nothing if not the kind of people who never forgot the dumb things they all did.
“Eliott was so worried… poor guy,” Olive said, his name flowing from her mouth with so much fondness Bakugou wanted to punch a wall. Jealousy so strong he felt sick. They had good memories too. So many of them, but all she could remember was that other guy.
“Oh Olive” Clare’s voice was soft as Olive suddenly choked, “Where even is Christian Salter? Why isn’t he there?”
“Who?” Olive asked sitting up, Bakugou could only see her back but he could tell she was rubbing her eyes.
“Katsuki.” Lilly’s voice was soft.
“I… I’m sorry” Olive babbled, “I’m kind of overwhelmed.”
“It’s ok to miss him you know,” Lilly said as Clare’s voice made some sort of agreeing sound.
“I loved him so much.” Olive’s voice cracked and it took everything in Bakugou’s will power to stay where he was. Rested against the wall just outside the bedroom listening to her sob for another man. Missing another man. Saying she loved another man.
“Fuck” he mumbled quickly moving away while pulling out his phone. He didn’t even realize he was calling Kirishima until he heard his best friend’s voice on the other line.
“Hey bro.”
“She won’t stop crying,” Bakugou said desperately running his fingers through his messy blonde hair as he paced the kitchen. He was desperate. He just wanted her to stop crying. Wanted this to end. Wanted to go back to the teasing, the laughing, the ANYTHING but this.
“She just lost Eliott all over again.” Kirishima’s voice said on the other end, “Give her some time.”
“But she loved me just as much, more ” Bakugou’s voice broke slightly as he looked over at the hallway leading to the bedroom. As if the answer to everything would just come walking out. As if SHE would just come walking out and this whole thing would just be some cruel joke.
“Yeah, and she will love you again but she doesn’t remember you. She doesn't remember any of it.”
“I’m trying! I made her coffee, we looked at pictures on her phone.” he walked from the kitchen to the living room looking out the large window that overlooked the city bustling with business. “She was even more attached to Momo more than me”
“I don’t know bor, take her to that ramen place you guys always go to?” Kirishima scratched the back of his head. There had only been one time he had ever seen Olive upset and that was when Bakugou had gone missing fighting some big bad villain in the forests of Brazil. Even then Olive had kind of just hid her feelings only really breaking down when Bakugou got back safe and sound.  
Bakugou paused looking back at the bedroom again “You think?”
“She liked it before,” Kirishima said, Bakugou could almost see him shrugging over the phone. “And it’ll be like her first time again.”
Her first time. Bakugou hadn’t thought about it like that. Everything was like her first time again.
“Ok,” was his simple resonance before hanging up. Walking toward the bedroom he softly knocked on the door. It sounded like she had already hung up with her friends and was now sitting on the bed wiping her eyes. When she saw him she looked away, face red.
“I’m sorry” she mumbled trying to hide herself. For some reason that pissed him off more. As if he wasn’t allowed to see her like this. As if she was ashamed or something. “You’re home early…?’ she paused unsure if this was early. Seemed early since it was only a little after twelve o’clock.
“Just get ready, we are going out to lunch.”
“I… where?” she asked jumping down from the bed, her hazel eyes wide. Dolemite, who had been curled up on her lap, looked very put out.
“It’s casual, do you want me to pick out an outfit for you?” it was more of a statement than a question. Although, he did honestly want to know, did she need help?  
“No, I think I can navigate that huge closet,” she said, flashing him a soft smile. While it wasn’t her normal large one it was genuine. Small victories, Bakugou decided, he would take what he could get.
“What you are wearing is fine. Just bring a jacket because you always get cold and wear shoes you can walk in, the pink sneakers work.” Bakugou followed her into their closet and she paused watching him as he grabbed a clean shirt and pants. “I’m only saying that because I know you are going to stress about it for 20 mins.”
“How…” her question died at her lips as she watched him.
“We’re married idiot” he mumbled softly “I’ll shower in the other bathroom. When your ready meet me in the living room.”
“You have another bathroom?”
“ We have one at the end of the hallway.”
Another pause and Olive looked like she wanted to say something. Bakugou sighed
“Spit it out”
“I uhhh,” she took a shaky breath and for a moment he was worried she was going to start crying again. “I’m sorry”
“Stop apologizing,” Bakugou said, tuning to go Before pausing in the doorway, “And you can cry as much as you want. So stop trying to hide it.”
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Story Tag: @0hmydeku @inumorph @it-jinxed-us @myraticm
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