#the man the myth the legendary no sleeve t-shirts
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The Hamish Linklater class of 2022.
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noahs-writing-blog · 6 years
Captain Shen and The Last Wizard’s Tome Chapter 1
The crew aboard the Blue Dragon gathered around the railing on the port side and watched with bated breath as a small raft emerged from the clouds. It was a shoddy collection of wooden planks held together by crooked nails with a tattered blue sail in the middle that didn’t look to be doing much of anything besides flapping in the wind. It paled in comparison to the Blue Dragon with its towering orange junk sails, massive turbines fixed to the aft that churned out the magic necessary to keep the ship afloat, and impressively large hull decorated on the bow with a giant dragons head carved into the hull, painted blue with wild white hair, white horns, and bright red eyes. 
“Do you think it’s him?” Asked Marcus, leaning against the rail for a better look. He adjusted his bandanna nervously.
“I don’t know,” Answered Lucia, “But that’s definitely his boat.” Up in the crows nest sat Firalda, the first mate. She was a slender dark elf with a crooked nose and large red eyes. She took a spyglass from her belt and peered out at the approaching vessel. Inside was a taught man with long black hair, stringy from sweat, and small dark eyes. He looked like hell, wearing what was once a fine red coat now torn to shreds and missing a sleeve, as well as black trousers that had been burnt off from the knee down. He worked frantically tending to a small set of turbines on the back of the ship, trying his best to keep the boat afloat. 
“That’s definitely him,” Firalda muttered, closing the spyglass and placing it back in her belt. In one swift motion, she leaped from the crows nest, grabbing hold of the ladder and sliding down to the deck below. The crew was busy pushing and shoving one another trying to get a better look. They all stopped when Firalda’s boots hit the deck with THUD. 
“Move.” She ordered, her voice dripping with authority. They quickly began pushing back as she marched toward the railing. She smirked, pleased with her results. As she approached the railing, she could see the ship was getting closer, but growing more unstable as it went, shaking and rattling with each passing second, threatening to spill it’s passenger out to the forest waiting hundreds of feet below. 
“Quick! Get the ladder!” she called. Marcus was there in a matter of moments, a long rope ladder in hand. He quickly got to work fastening it to the railing before tossing it off the side. The man aboard the boat quickly collected his things. He slung a thin straight sword across his back as well as a small black box and stepped up onto the edge of the boat. He looked down for a moment and possed, possibly rethinking his plan. The boat began shaking violently, making the decision clear to him. With a deep breath, he leaped from the boat, catching the bottom rung of the ladder as the boat sputtered out the last of its magic and plummeted toward the ground. His feet kicked in the air as he tried to pull himself to no avail.  
“Pull him up!” Firalda shouted. Together she and Marcus began pulling the ladder, their muscles straining against the weight of its passenger. Each passing moment was tinged with fear as they grew more and more exhausted. Then, with one final heave, the man popped up over the rail and fell to the deck where sprawled out for all to see. His face was covered in black soot stains while his cheek sported a thin red cut that left small streaks of dried blood running down to his jaw. 
“Captain!” Firalda gasped kneeling down to check on him. “Captain Shen, are you alright?” The captain peered around at his crew gathered around him. It wasn’t much, only about twenty in all, but they were as loyal as any captain could hope for. He sat up and brushed his hair back behind his ears and wiping the sweat from his brow.
“I’m alright,” He croaked, his voice hoarse from exhaustion. The crew cheered as the captain pushed himself onto his knees. Firalda quickly grabbed him by the arm.
“Here, let me help you.”She said, but the captain was quick to brush her off. “I’m fine, honestly.” He assured her, grabbing the railing and pulling himself to his feet. He stumbled just a moment, but quickly steady himself, straightening his spine and raising his chin. The crew looked at him in awe as they awaited his command. 
“Well don’t just stand there,” He chided. “Get a move on! We need to put as much distance between us and Jakada as we can by morning. And for the love of Ria, will somebody get dinner started? I’m famished as all hells.” The crew quickly dispersed, setting to work as they prepared the ship to take off.
“What on earth happened down there?” Firalda whispered, leaning in close to the captain. 
“Nothing I couldn’t handle.” He said, slipping the black box off from around his torso. “Just the usual. Hungry monsters. Angry locals. Actually, come to think of it there was a fire-spitting plant. Can’t say I’ve seen that before.” Firalda rolled her eyes. 
“Well, I hope it was worth it, cause now we’re down a boat. Have you even thought about how furious Thaldon will be?”  
“Don’t worry, Thaldon will be fine when he sees what I’ve brought back.” 
“SHEN!” Bellowed a voice from across the ship. Shen and Firalda turned to see an angry dwarf marching toward them from aft. He wore soot-covered clothes, covered by a black apron. He had long chestnut colored hair peppered with bits of gray and an equally long braided beard to match. Each of his thick arms was covered in intricate tattoos depicting the dwarven kingdoms of old as well as scenes of legendary battles from dwarven myth.
“Do you care to explain to me why I just saw one my boats falling from the sky?” He growled, his accent thick and harsh. Standing next to Shen, he seemed a bit tall for a dwarf, with the top of his head reaching Shen’s chin. 
“Listen Thaldon,” Shen said, trying to back away, only to find himself pressed up against the railing. “I know how much you care about your creations, and I truly am sorry about the boat. But believe me when I say it was in all of our best interests that I let the boat go.” 
“Best interest?” Thaldon repeated. His arm snapped up, grabbing hold of the captains color. He pushed him further up against the railing, threatening to send him spilling overboard. “Well, I think it would be in your best interest to start explaining before I send you to join it!” Shen looked down to the ground below. The ship had begun moving but that didn’t make the fall look any less frightening. 
“Look I can’t tell you here, but I promise, if you come with me to my quarters I’ll tell you everything.” Said Shen. Thaldon eyed him suspiciously.  
“Everything?” He asked.
“Everything.” The dwarf hung on a second longer, contemplating his options before releasing his grip. Shen sighed with relief and picked up the black box once again. 
“Follow me,” He ordered. Thaldon and Firalda fell in behind him as he marched towards the bow of the ship. The crew stole glances as they passed, eyeing the black box, wondering what could be inside. It wasn’t often the captain went to the surface alone. Whatever it was must have been important.
They reached a small hatch on the back of the dragon’s head. Shen opened it up revealing a small passageway that went down further into the giant wooden head and gestured for Firalda and Thaldon to head down. Shen followed after, shutting the hatch tight behind him.    
Inside the dragon’s head was a dimly lit room with a large bed with fine red sheats. In the center of the room was a table covered in maps and inkwells, surrounded by bookshelves covering each wall. There were two small crooks of the room directly behind the dragon's eyes with a large red window in each. In one sat a grand tub looking out the window at the world below, and in the other was a large lounge chair sitting next to a small table. Shen quickly walked over to the center table and placed the black box on top of the maps. Firalda and Thaldon stood on either side of him, peering down at the black box. 
“What I’m about you show you must remain between the three of us.” He said. “Understood?” Firalda and Thaldon nodded. Shen took a deep breath and undid the latch. Slowly, he lifted open. Inside was a small book, with a worn leather cover and pages turned yellow from years of wear and tear. Shen’s eyes gleamed at the sight of it, while Firalda and Thaldon both looked at it expectantly. 
“What is it?” Thaldon asked. Shen handed him the book. 
“It, Thaldon, is our guide to the greatest treasure known to man,” Shen said, walking over to a wardrobe next to the bed. He opened it up and grabbed a fresh shirt, a pair of white trousers, and an excellently stitched powder blue jacket. He set them down on the bed and quickly began undressing. 
“Which treasure would that be?” Firalda asked, peering over Thaldon’s shoulder at the book. Inside the pages were covered in intricate symbols that neither had ever seen. 
“Why the only great treasure left to find of course,” Shen said, pulling on the new trousers. Firalda puzzled at him as he fastened his belt. Then, her eyes widened. 
“You don’t mean-” 
“I do.” Shen beamed. He quickly threw the new shirt on and got to work fastening the buttons. 
“What is it?” Thaldon asked once again. Shen walked over to the dwarf and clasped him on the shoulders. He leaned in close, a grin spread across his face. “The Last Wizard’s Tome,” He whispered. The captain then briskly walked over to a small bucket that sat at the foot of the tub, a small spring in his step as he did so. It was already filled with warm, steamy water. He reached in and pulled out a damp cloth, wringing it out before walking over to a mirror on the left. 
“I still don’t understand,” Thaldon said, his voice growing irritated. Shen rolled his eyes as he dabbed at the marks on his face with the cloth.
“Firalda, can you explain?” He asked. 
“O-of course,” Firalda stammered, still in shock from the revelation. “See, at the end of the great wars, when the first wave of magic began to spread across the world, the wizards banded together in an attempt to push the magic back. When they realized it was hopeless they built the first airships in an attempt to protect those who managed to survive. Now, instead of joining the survivors on board the airships they decided to stay on the surface and search for a way to cure the corruption their magic had caused.
“It’s thought that they lived another fifteen to twenty years on the surface searching for the answer. One by one they began to fall, as the surface grew more and more dangerous, and the corruption spread. But one wizard is said to have outlived them all and is even rumored to have found a cure for the corruption that he placed inside a tome to be found when he died so that in the future the world could still be saved without him. It is without a doubt the most valuable, and powerful magical artifact in the known world. If it even exists.”
“Oh, it exists,” Shen assured her as he walked back over to the bed. He rubbed the small patch of hair on his chin as he admired the jacket that lay before him. 
“What makes you so sure?” Firalda asked. Shen smirked. 
“Look on the last page.” She did as she was told and flipped to the last page. Her eyes grew even wider when she saw what was on it. Seared into the page was a symbol. Three eyes in a triangular formation, with a different glyph in each pupil. A tree, a flame, and a silhouette of a man.   
“It’s his mark.” Firalda gasped. 
“I know,” Shen chuckled, slipping the jacket on. “It’s his journal. And what do people use journals for?”
“Keeping logs,” Thaldon answered, a small smile forming on his face. “What they’ve done, people they’ve met, places they’ve been.”
“It’ll lead us right to the tome.” Shen beamed.
“We’ll be rich!” Bellowed Thaldon. 
“I think you’re forgetting something,” Firalda chimed in, handing the book back to Shen. “We can’t read this. It’s in the old tongue. That language was lost thousands of years ago. There probably isn’t a soul alive who could still read it.”Shen shifted uncomfortably, afraid to meet his first mate's eyes. 
“There is one person who could,” He muttered. Firalda’s eyes narrowed.
“We don’t have any other choice,” Shen explained as he attached his sword to his belt, still refusing to meet Firalda’s eyes. He went to go back up to the deck but Firalda caught him by the arm. He looked at her, expecting to find anger in her eyes but instead found something else. Fear. 
“Please,” She whispered, tears welling up in her eyes. “Not that woman. She’s not natural.” Shen wanted to say something to calm her but couldn’t find the words. This was their only choice. 
“We’ll discuss this later.” He said. Just then a knocking came from the hatch above. Shen tossed the book back to Thaldon who quickly shut it back in the box. 
“Come in,” He said. Down the ladder scrambled Marcus, his umber skin glistening with sweat. He huffed and puffed as he tried to catch his wrong.
 “What’s wrong?” Shen asked. Marcus swallowed in an attempt to get the words out. 
“I saw em from the crows nest,” He gasped. “They were on us before we could sound the bell.” 
“The Navy.”
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picturestees · 6 years
I am a grumpy old man I do what I want when I want where I want shirt
I am an old man, I am a grumpy old man shirt. Not much fight for me. 60 years old. I will again do a radical old man. I’m a Marvel fan, not a story, but a movie. But that does not mean I like everything Marvel does in their films. I’m not so crazy about the superhero series, nor do I have a lot of stuff left over after watching, despite admitting that I still watch it back and forth, just like the way the characters are built and the dramatic circumstances. only. But after watching Logan, I forced myself to sit down and write about a legendary character in the myth. To me, Professor X is a mutant at a superiors level. Although he still has very human mistakes, Professor X carries a mutable ability that can be called “holy”.
Am I a hard-working old man?
He headed and organized the organization to protect the mutant community as well as ensure absolute safety for human society against sudden mutation. I have always seen in previous films, Professor X wore his beautiful vest, calm and professional style. Everything he did was in the absolute degree of precision, reached the “super” level, very versatile. Very far away. He represented a supernatural power that little humans we dare not dream of. Only respect. I am a grumpy old man fear and devotion. Professor X is an old man as old as everyone on this earth. He is still omnipotent. T-shirt design near me.  But the multiverse puts on an aging body, a brain that is no longer lucid. An old heart in the midst of a rapidly changing world.
I am a grumpy old man shirt, v-neck t-shirt, ladies tee
Guys tee
Ladies tee
We no longer see a Professor X busy with a professional vest, sitting in a modern technology wheelchair, but just an old man with a thin brown cardigan, covering his wrinkled and frayed old clothes. below. He sat in his old wheelchair, pressing the button for the car to run around, mouth constantly shouting swearing words. I never knew you could swear. He is old. Time is something that even the supernatural or the supernatural is something that can not be avoided. In Logan, Professor X returned as a child. I am a grumpy old man trying to look at your grandparents to see that clearly. We will all return to where we came from. Wear your body old, but the action is very childish. No one imagines a living saint like Professor X who once sneaked out of medicine, hid drugs under the car seat.
Official I am a grumpy old man I do what I want when I want where I want sweater, hoodie, and long sleeve
Long sleeve
When Logan yells at him for not being able to quit I am a grumpy old man shirt. And checking if he really is taking medicine. The professor frowns at him as if to prove: “Hey, swallow it. I’m so tired! ” Speaking of which, he dug up in the house of a small family. Ate a very simple dinner, told the stories are very ordinary. Lying on a bed of simplicity. He told Logan, “Enjoy these simple things!” At that moment, he was enjoying the happiest day of his life. Perhaps he knew. His moment was about to come. He tired of a lot of struggle.A lot of anxiety but never quit. He fears the fate of the mutant. Worried for the lives of ordinary people. He carries a huge dream for human society to bring selfishness to life.
The post I am a grumpy old man I do what I want when I want where I want shirt appeared first on Picturestees - United States POD T shirt.
from Picturestees – United States POD T shirt http://bit.ly/2zojUxt
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childofmyth-art · 7 years
A LeafGreen Myth - Chapter 1: Her Power
The Rules: Rules go into effect after you get your first 5 Poke balls 1. You may only catch the first Pokémon in each area. -> You may catch Legendaries but you may NOT use them. → If you do not catch the first Pokémon on the Route, then you may NOT try again. → However, if the chance presents itself, you may catch any Shinies you encounter. 2. If a Pokémon faints, it is dead. 3. Due to the plot only three Pokémon can ever be revived and each, only once. 4. Make notes of each death. 5. You must name every Pokémon you catch. 6. If a Pokémon faints while fighting a Doctor or a Nurse, it does not count. 7. No duplicates. 8. Have fun.
"Mythica, wake up!" The sound of a voice echoed down the corridor to my room. I slowly opened my eyes and sat up, dread settling in the pit of my stomach. My breaths were slow, expression calm in spite of the pain twisting my insides.. Today is the day. It's okay now. It's okay...
I stood and changed out of my night dress into my chosen clothes, a simple long sleeved tangerine shirt coupled with a black vest and blue jeans.
"Mythica, are you awake?"
I slipped on my pants and pulled my hair back delicately.
It's okay now.
I glanced over to my mirror, checking and fixing up my blonde ponytail with my bangs overlapping the right side of my face. I looked up, catching my gaze within the reflection. A pair of dark eyes with strangely white centers staring back at me, blinking slowly as I collected myself.  
I'll be okay.
"Mythica! Oak won't wait forever!"
I left my room, grabbing my backpack and closing the door softly. The rest of the children here were still asleep. I made my way to the kitchen and found a small, hunched over woman. I bowed to her.
"I apologize for being tardy." The wrinkles on her face increased as she smiled.
"It's quite alright, Mythica, but you should get moving. The Professor is waiting." She spoke softly with a tender smile, hand caressing my face. I nodded and hugged my caretaker.
"Thank you Miss Thelma." I tried to head for the door but Miss Thelma stopped me.
"Now wait a moment dear. I want to give you something," I returned to the elder woman and bent to her level. She slipped a black bandana over my head. "I wore this on my own journey. Now get going before it's too late." I nodded, a thin smile spreading my lips.
"Thank you."
I rushed over to Professor Oak's lab, glancing back one last time at my home, the orphanage, before I went on with my way. I came across the lab, its door left open, so I entered the and made my way to the back.
"Gramps, just let me get my stuff and go!"
"Now Blue, you know I said that Mythica could choose first."
My blood ran cold. Blue's voice sent my mind reeling to old times and painful memories. He and I used to be the best of friends, and I even had a little crush on him. But...
I've tried to suppress my memories for a reason.
I walked into the room quietly, like always.
Professor Oak spotted me, and a smile found its way to his face. "Ah, Mythica! There you are."
I bowed my head in respect. "I apologize for my tardiness, Professor." The Professor went over to me and patted me on the back.
"It's alright my dear,” he said. “Come now, it’s time to choose your Pokemon."
I approached the table that held three Poke-balls and instinctively turned to catch a quick glance of Blue. He scowled at me and I turned away, meek and regretful of having even looked. I Instead concentrated on the Poke balls. My stomach twisted for the second time today when I recognized the impatient tapping of Blue’s foot resounding throughout the lab.
A different movement managed to catch my eye. It was very subtle, but the Poke ball with the leaf on it must have wobbled. My hand immediately went to that device without a second thought. It seemed that the Professor took note of my conviction, as well, nodding approvingly of my choice.
"You chose Bulbasaur, good decision. Now you may choose, Blue."
Blue stormed to the table, muttering, "Finally!" and picked up the sphere with the flame on it. He grabbed a bag from the Professor, planning to leave, but stopped at the entryway. He turned back and pointed at me.
"I'm getting a Town Map from my sister,” he said, that sneer of a look directed at me. “Don't go near her, you can't have one," then he promptly left.
Professor Oak sighed, displaying a rather dismayed visage as he watched the other leave. "I'm sorry he acts like that… I'm not sure why he does that at all." That dreadful feeling that upset my insides returned, my eyes trailing absently to the side, afraid to meet the old man’s gaze.
I do... But I'd never say anything.
"Mythica, would you be willing to do me a favor?" the professor suddenly asked, catching my attention. "A package has arrived in the next city for me. It contains the items I was going to give you, and something else for myself. Would you mind delivering it to me?"
I nodded in agreement, happy to have a change in my thought train, and departed immediately. I wanted out of this town.
I headed for Route 1.
Just outside of the tall grass I spotted Daisy, Blue's sister. She approached me proudly.
"Mythica!” she called over, walking towards me. “Here, take this." The girl wasted no time and shoved a Map into my hands.
I tried handing it back, saying, "I can't. Blue said-." But she wouldn't have it.
"Blue can't tell me what to do. Just take it. It'll help you," she insisted, and dashed off. I sighed, tucked the paper into my backpack, and finally entered Route 1.
Looking around, I deduced that I was alone. Nothing but grass accompanied me along my new journey, and my home was behind me. Taking the opportunity, I hid myself quickly behind a tree. Pressing the small white button on the Poke ball that rested in my palm, I released my new partner in a great display of light. The Bulbasaur gently shook off the glow and looked up at me with interest. He had a half star sign on his forehead, a hexagon on its nose, and dark tipped ears. It amused me to study Pokémon whose pattern was unique to each individual specimen.
"Can you understand me?" I asked slowly and quietly. The Pokémon seemed to pause before nodding. I let out a breath before continuing. "I'm going to do something, but you have to stay calm and trust me. I'll explain after I'm done. I'm doing it so we can communicate easier."
The Bulbasaur looked slightly frightened, but nodded in confirmation nonetheless.
I placed my palm against its  head and exhaled, releasing all the tension in my body. My pupils began to expand and engulf my whole eyes, glowing pure white.
I took my hand back and the glowing dimmed. Bulbasaur was engulfed in green swirling lights. It let out a cry of surprise as it's silhouette grew taller and taller until the green swirls released the figure.
Left in the Pokémon’s place was a tall boy, half a foot taller than me, with big green hair, bangs tipped a darker green and the half star still present in the patterns of his hair. His skin was lightly tanned with a hexagon birthmark on his nose. He was wearing a loose green wrap, remaining barefoot. His toenails and fingernails were sharp claws, his canine teeth fangs. And finally, as my eyes gazed upwards, I saw that his Pokémon ears poked out of his hair, still tipped a dark green.
His eyes retained the red with white patterns of his Pokémon form.
Those red orbs spiked with fear as he looked at me, mouth left ajar. I was afraid he would scream. I swiftly placed my hand over his mouth and put my own finger to my lips.
"Shhh..." I shushed softly. "It's all right, I can change you back at will. With this power I can turn you human and we can communicate."
The Pokémon boy pushed my hand away to excitedly struggle out his first words. His voice rough, having been unused, yet powerful in tone. "H-how long have you been able to do this?"
I shrugged after a pause for thought. I took that moment to place the boys accent. He spoke with a very posh lilt to his tone. Maybe from Kalos or near Kalos. I realized he was still waiting for an answer and spoke my thoughts.
"I'm not sure,” I answered. “I've been able to do it for as long as I can remember."
The boy nodded, maybe taking that answer a little too easily, and looked at me. "You are my Master?"
Something in me cringed at that thought and I answered carefully. "Yes... but you don't have to call me that. My name is Mythica." It unsettled me to be considered the 'Master' of anything.
It suddenly occurred to me that I still did not know what to call him.
"I apologize for not asking earlier, but what is your name?"
"Johnathon," he replied.
I took his hand tentatively and smiled. "Welcome to the team, Johnathon."
His eyebrows knitted together for a second before he gave me an awkward smile in return, a sharp tooth poking from his lip adorably. My chest fluttered for a moment, but I ignored it.
"Now, I can't have you human around other humans,” I explained, “they wouldn't react well to seeing a Pokemon as one of them. If you need to speak with me when you are in Pokemon form, though, just nudge my hand and I'll change you, okay?"
John nodded and smiled, a more comfortably placed one this time around.
I placed my hand on his forehead once more and the boy disappeared into green light, replaced again by his Pokemon form.
John began walking and I followed.
We made it to Viridian City with no real issue, where I picked up the package and safely returned it to Professor Oak. It was surprising that we didn’t encounter any other Pokemon at the time.
He took the parcel happily and handed me five Poke balls.
I made my way to Route 1, my expression more determined as I scanned the surrounding patches of tall grass. "Okay John, let's get ourselves a comrade."
Almost as if on cue, a Pidgey swooped down and started pecking my head. I cried out in surprise, then pain, throwing my arms over my head in defense. I felt a whoosh of air fly over me and curiously opened my eyes. It seemed that Johnathon had launched himself into the air and tackled the Pidgey.
The brown bird crashed into the ground and I quickly pulled out my Poke ball, easily catching it.
I opened the Poke ball and through the red glow materialized the Pidgey.
I dropped down on one knee and placed my hand on Johnathon first, changing him to show the Pidgey what I was about to do to it.
I touched its feathered head and red swirls swept around her. She grew to about my height and shook the glow off. She didn't react with fear, but with curiosity. The bird girl held up her hands and inspected her thin fingers. I smiled at her relaxed curiosity.
She wore all shades of brown clothes. A ruffled tank-top with an undershirt that gave her sleeves which were adorned with varying brown and white feathers. A feathered tail stuck out from the back of her pants. She was barefoot as well, with claw-like feet that only had four talons each; three in front and one sticking out of her heel. Her hair was a silky, brown pixie-cut that flowed with two black streaks mixed into her chestnut locks, and her skin was dark brown.
Her eyes were bright green in contrast to her colors.
She smiled shyly at me. "So, you're my Trainer, then." It was less of a question  than an actual statement. Her voice was soft and edged by an oddly nasal accent.
I nodded and Jonathon stepped up to her, appearing to shield me. "Why did you attack Master? You're supposed to attack other Pokemon."
The Pidgey girl shied away from John and shrugged slightly. "I was testing her." She quickly dashed around Johnathon, avoiding him, and stood in front of me, clapping a hand on my shoulder. "My name is Nicole. Sorry if I messed up your hair."
I stood there awkwardly and tried to copy her action by placing my hand on her shoulder. "I'm Mythica. Welcome to the team, Nicole."
"Does this team have a name?" Nicole inquired, strolling away.
I had never thought of a team name before. Was it really necessary? Apparently it was to her. Regardless, she was waiting for an answer, though I had none that could satisfy her.
"No..." Nicole looked at me in surprise.
"You really are a rookie. How about... Team Legend?" Nicole suggested.
I looked to John, who just looked at me expectantly. "It is your choice, Master." There was that word again. This time though, I didn't have quite the toxic reaction. It was something about the way John said it that put me at ease.
"Mythica?" I snapped back to attention to look across the two expectant faces before me. I had gotten off track apparently.
I thought about the name of my new team for a moment, then nodded.
"Team Legend it is."
Mythica | Female | Human | Careful | Age: 18
Bulbasaur | Male | Johnathon | Lonely | Ability: Overgrow | Lv.5
Pidgey | Female | Nicole | Timid | Ability: Keen Eye | Lv.2
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tshirtfashiontrend · 5 years
Roger Federer Perfect The Man The Myth The Legend shirt
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Roger Federer Perfect The Man The Myth The Legend shirt
Watch her flaunt easy-breezy Roger Federer Perfect The Man The Myth The Legend shirt . style with cvctees. Crafted with a durable, cotton-blend construction, this short-sleeve T-shirt comes with colorblock styling along the shoulders and foldback cuffs on the sleeves for laid-back appeal. Featuring a unicorn at the front made up of black, white and silver flip sequins that let her change her look in an instant, this pretty unicorn T-shirt lends an added sparkle to any outfit she pairs it with. She’ll love pairing it with any bottoms in her closet — from colorful leggings to printed shorts — for casual-cool flair.Sport your casual side with this adorable multicolor Anaheim Ducks tee shirt featuring short sleeve. Show off your casual side with this tee shirt, which is made of cotton-polyester.Give yourself more style-pairing options with this versatile multicolor Colorado Avalanche tee shirt featuring short sleeve. Made from cotton-polyester, this tee shirt is both cozy and fashionable.
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Roger Federer Perfect The Man The Myth The Legend Hoodie
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Roger Federer Perfect The Man The Myth The Legend Sweatshirt
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Feel most at home in plaid flannel? Show that you’re pining to be back in the pines with Roger Federer Perfect The Man The Myth The Legend shirt . A heather gray raglan tee with contrasting sleeves and trim, this shirt has both boyish charm and a feminine shape. Kick back in some well-worn jeans and canvas sneaks, or create a fun look with a skirt and boots — it’s all up to you!Give a high-five to the Man in Black in this Johnny Cash Men’s T-Shirt. It’s a throwback to the legendary artist who won inductions into the Country Music, Rock and Roll, Gospel Music Hall of fame. The tee has set-in sleeves for comfort, and it’s made of 50% cotton-50% polyester that can be machine washed in cold water and tumble dried on low heat setting.Cheer on your favorite team in this super soft long sleeve tee officially licensed by the NFL. This product is true Big and Tall sized with a loose comfortable fit, and perfect for gameday! You Can See More Product: https://kingteeshops.com/product-category/trending/
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kingteeshops · 5 years
Roger Federer Perfect The Man The Myth The Legend shirt
Link Buys Now: https://kingteeshops.com/product/roger-federer-perfect-the-man-the-myth-the-legend-shirt/
Roger Federer Perfect The Man The Myth The Legend shirt
Watch her flaunt easy-breezy Roger Federer Perfect The Man The Myth The Legend shirt . style with cvctees. Crafted with a durable, cotton-blend construction, this short-sleeve T-shirt comes with colorblock styling along the shoulders and foldback cuffs on the sleeves for laid-back appeal. Featuring a unicorn at the front made up of black, white and silver flip sequins that let her change her look in an instant, this pretty unicorn T-shirt lends an added sparkle to any outfit she pairs it with. She’ll love pairing it with any bottoms in her closet — from colorful leggings to printed shorts — for casual-cool flair.Sport your casual side with this adorable multicolor Anaheim Ducks tee shirt featuring short sleeve. Show off your casual side with this tee shirt, which is made of cotton-polyester.Give yourself more style-pairing options with this versatile multicolor Colorado Avalanche tee shirt featuring short sleeve. Made from cotton-polyester, this tee shirt is both cozy and fashionable.
Roger Federer Perfect The Man The Myth The Legend shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
Roger Federer Perfect The Man The Myth The Legend Classic Ladies
Roger Federer Perfect The Man The Myth The Legend Hoodie
Roger Federer Perfect The Man The Myth The Legend LongSleeve
Roger Federer Perfect The Man The Myth The Legend Sweatshirt
Roger Federer Perfect The Man The Myth The Legend Unisex
Feel most at home in plaid flannel? Show that you’re pining to be back in the pines with Roger Federer Perfect The Man The Myth The Legend shirt . A heather gray raglan tee with contrasting sleeves and trim, this shirt has both boyish charm and a feminine shape. Kick back in some well-worn jeans and canvas sneaks, or create a fun look with a skirt and boots — it’s all up to you!Give a high-five to the Man in Black in this Johnny Cash Men’s T-Shirt. It’s a throwback to the legendary artist who won inductions into the Country Music, Rock and Roll, Gospel Music Hall of fame. The tee has set-in sleeves for comfort, and it’s made of 50% cotton-50% polyester that can be machine washed in cold water and tumble dried on low heat setting.Cheer on your favorite team in this super soft long sleeve tee officially licensed by the NFL. This product is true Big and Tall sized with a loose comfortable fit, and perfect for gameday! You Can See More Product: https://kingteeshops.com/product-category/trending/
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