#the man silver is looking for is thomas i know it..... thats why flint wont kill him..... he will pop out with the i know where thomas is
hauntingblue · 13 days
I don't know what to say... everyone got a happy ending except the people who actually wanted a real revolution and had a cause for it... but it's not like we had much of their opinions on this I guess... also no final lez sex scene... tragic
#the man silver is looking for is thomas i know it..... thats why flint wont kill him..... he will pop out with the i know where thomas is#flint and co being down to guerrilla tactics.... OH JACK MADE IT SKFJSKSJSK#silver realising that he did this tantrum that broke their crew apart for nothing cause flint really wangs madi alive.... DUMBASS#you know what i think the change between season in centering mostly everything around silver instead of flint kinda diminishes the causes#for billys grievances and betrayal and kinda descent into madness lmao bc his problem is with flint but it kinda is blurred in the distance#idk billy is very against flint and so was silver but the moment he got close to him those issues disappeared almost completely bc#novody complains about flint anymore... its just billy in the background and he just sounds petty#and then with silvers betrayal of flint bc of madi is just not deep enough like yeah your wife but that relationship is not developed...#and silvers relationship with flint actually is so it doesnt make sense#fistfight on the crows nest.... wow.... and billy drowns again!!!#is jack going to fight the governor HE IS GOING TO DIEE!!!#YEAAAAAH TWO AGAINST ONE KILL HIM!! FLINT KICK HIM WHILE HE IS DOWN!!!!#madi is alive my god..... silver was gon a end it all real quick#we could have done this before with twice the men but alas...#why is everything so eerie what is going on.... what is going to happen#MY GOD!!! FLINT IS MAKING ME CRY WHE IS HE SMILING AND PLEADING!!!! MY GOD!!!! FLINT YOU NEED TO MURDER HIM#EXACTLY WDYM THIS WAS ALL FOR NOTHING!!! CASTING IN THE DARK FOR SOME PROOF THAT YOU MATTERED AND FINDING NONE!!!#THE FUCKING TREATY MADI WOULDNT ACCEPT!!! SILVER YOU ARE NOTHING!!!!!#of course thomas was there....#silver i hate you but that was beautiful#them gaying out in the middle of the field akdbakns the soldiers just 🧍🏻‍♂️#you didnt betray her until now but it is literally the thought that counts#billy STILL ALIVE ajdjajj he is younger and more beautiful i told you.... he is unkillable#Featherstone as governor??? ajshaksjaiajwkqqjwkjwkakwkwwkwksa#look how happy max is ajdhaksjak YEAAAAHHH#jack that is a woman..... also ANNE AND JACK THE LAST PIRATES YEAAAHHHHH#THE PIRATE FLAG YEAAAAHHHHH#max and anne are smiling all the time now bc they get their pussy eaten on the reg.... it is true#talking tag#watching black sails
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lupismaris · 7 years
For the tv series ask: Black Sails!
Oh boy oh boy oh bOY
1- favorite character of all time?
James Flint McGraw. 100%. Granted, John Silver is so close behind him that its a tricky choice. But James is without a doubt my favorite character. Both because of his story, how well i relate to it, and because hes just an over dramatic shit who has never had an ounce of chill. I love him.
2- character i used to dislike but now love?
I never outright disliked him, but Charles Vane really grew on me through seasons 2 and 3. I think seeing him grow as a person, become himself, and stand for something greater than just gold made him a really wonderful character in my mind. Im in denial, at the very least.
3- character i used to like who i dislike now?
Dufresne. Like holy fuck dude you rip out a mans throat with your teeth and im thinking youre gonna be so much fun and then you turn into a weasly little shit who throws slurs at disabled people and betrays his crew. Like nah boy. Nah.
4- character im indifferent about?
Honestly i think eleanor, while being fascinating, interests me the least. I cant pinpoint why exactly, but while i respect her struggle and her various victories, she kinda exhausts me at times.
5- character who deserved better?
Miranda Hamilton and Mr Scott. Both get picked because they were such phenomenal people and their endings, while serving plot, left me feeling a tad bitter. Ill add Charles Vane as an aside, because im still in denial.
6- ship i cant get into?
Eleanor and Vane. To me, it seemed too toxic and too manipulative to be healthy and truly love. But thats just me.
7- ship i wont get over?
FlintSilver and FlintHamilton, aka the two canon ships that will haunt me until i die.
8- cute lokey ship?
Idk i like the idea of Ben and Billy. Its cute. Also Vane joining the poly trio of jack/anne/max because he needs love. And ot4 madi/silver/flint/thomas.
9- unpopular ship i enjoy?
Eh, i cant think of one?
10- ship that should never have been?
Im not crazy about eleanor and rogers but tbh i think youre not supposed to enjoy that one so idk. Not a fan.
11- favorite moment or story line?
Aaauuugghhh ok uhm well fuck, the entire “finding out about thomas” plot line like holy fuck, the “flint and silver carrying each other through the darkness” plot, the “max anne and jack figure out how to be happy” plot, every moment that flint cannot contain his sass, blackbeard being the king of no chill, jack rackham judging the world and woodes rogers, madi just existing, flint being violent against people who wronged him, flint being shook by powerful women like all the time, flint being 100% dad and 100% done, silver killing duresne after being called half a dozen slurs like goddamn i am still recovering from that, silver being a delightful little shit every five minutes, every monologue that flint has, know no shame-
Literally there are too fuckin many
12- plot you think should never have been written?
Its not something that shouldnt be written, but something i wish we saw more of, and thats madi and silver’s relationship. We dont get a lot of time to see them fall in love, and id have liked to see more of their growth together.
Also im in denial about charles so theres that.
13- first thoughts?
I had expected Black Sails to be like every other gritty, dark show about white dudes on tv. I had heard tidbits of good things but wasnt willing to be impressed. I mean, i love pirates, the whole aesthetic and idealism of pirates, i enjoy period pieces, and i enjoy a good bit of well choreographed violence. But the likelihood that it would be just like every other show on tv made me wary at first, so i put it off for a while. But when my boyfriend binged seasons 1-3 in as many days, i caved, expecting to be disappointed.
14- my thoughts now?
I have three Black Sails tattoos planned. I have “Know No Shame” in the bio of almost every social media account i use, i have been adding all the books mentioned in the show to my library, i have been telling everyone i come across to watch this show, i dragged my girlfriend into the abyss with me. I have cried more for this show than i have cried over any other media, and that includes any superheroes or harry potter or books.
The story morale, of love being our guiding principle, of fighting for who you are and your place in the world- the fact that the lead protagonist is an emotionally vulnerable bisexual man, that there are multiple queer characters and poly amorous arrangements, disabled characters who are strong and treated with respect, that the notion of liberation and freedom and the darkness being a home when civilization casts us aside-
This show has effected me in ways i would have never in my life anticipated or prepared for. I dont think i will ever be able to fully express the impact this show, this story, and most importantly these characters, have had on me as a person.
The simplest way to say it- it has made me braver, more willing to face the world as i am.
And maybe thats ridiculous. But what the show has given me, the lessons spoken by the characters, has given me footing, something to look to when im afraid.
Lmao so yeah thats black sails im gonna go hide in my pit of pirate despair now
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