#the man never compromises on dental hygiene
sciderman · 1 year
What's your hc for how Wade's teeth regenerate? Is he constantly growing them like a shark? Do the teeth themselves heal? Do they only regrow when he loses them?
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this is... this is such a strange ask... i.. wh... i don't know, i think his teeth grow back if he loses them, i guess. the shark thing is terrifying. i guess if he chips a tooth it grows back too.
i think wade has the most perfect teeth in the universe. i think he has a hollywood smile. i think dental hygiene is very important to wade and he thinks his smile is his best feature. i think there's very few bits of wade's appearance that he can control and you know, make glamorous, but he can always maintain his smile.
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shig-a-shig-ah · 4 years
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» pairing: chisaki kai x fem!reader
» cw: noncon, somnophilia, oral sex, medical kink, needles (brief mention) 18+, minors DNI.
» a/n: Quirkless AU! This was written for the BNHA Degeneracy 9 to 5 Server collab.
» wc: 5k
» ao3 mirror
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Dentistry is a disgusting profession. It makes Chisaki's skin crawl, the poor care people take of themselves, and he frequently regrets being pushed into this family business of staring down filthy gullets all day, though he takes sadistic pleasure in refusing to be gentle with the worst of his patients. Why should he be, when they obviously have such disregard for their own health and hygiene? No, in those cases he takes great satisfaction in ripping the rot out by the root with nothing but pliers and his own brute strength.
Some days, though...some days there are patients like you, who make it all worth while. Patients who are clean.
You make yourself such an easy mark too, though Kai had expected as much after Kurono so slyly told him that he'd probably want to take care of the new patient in room two personally. Hari wasn't wrong; you're trembling when Kai enters the exam room, staring wide-eyed at the tray of neatly-arranged stainless steel instruments next to the chair in which you're reclining, fingertips gripping at the armrests. You're chewing at your lip too, as though your nerves weren't already apparent enough, those perfectly white, straight teeth digging into your plump lower lip in a way that's practically obscene. Even without a closer look Chisaki can tell what good care you take of that cute little mouth, and it's enough to send his cock twitching.
He takes a seat on the stool next to you as he introduces himself, careful to keep the excitement from his voice and to squint his eyes just right so that you'll know he's smiling even behind the surgical mask he wears, the one that both protects him from those much filthier than you and keeps you from seeing just how cold that grin really is. Your own smile is much more obviously forced, but he likes that you try - it's endearing that you're working hard to be brave even when you look close to tears with anxiety. Of course, he also likes that you're scared, likes that extra little bit of power over you, and that it will make all the easier for him to take advantage, because he's already decided he has to have you.
It's impossible for you to remember how or why this dentophobia started. You can only remember being dragged kicking and screaming to the dentist as a young child, your mother scolding you for refusing to behave. As you got older you managed a little more self-control, but while you can force yourself into the chair, you can do nothing to stop the way you shake and your heart races. It's only made worse by the obvious annoyance you face when practitioners have to deal with you; you know they think you're stupid or immature for this reaction you can't control.
The man before you, however, is smiling sympathetically, gold-flecked eyes crinkling with concern in a way you appreciate. He's handsome even with half his face covered, all bright eyes and perfect dark hair, and your cheeks heat up when he asks if you're nervous. You force out a meek nod, and he chuckles softly.
"No need to be self-conscious. It's a common fear," he says. "But we do offer sedation, if that's something you're interested in. It can help with the nerves."
Your brow furrows slightly. It's not an option you've been offered before, hadn't even realized it was a possibility. "Sedation? Like, put me under?"
"No," he says, chuckling softly again as he turns to the monitor by the chair and starts scrolling through what you assume is your file. "Nothing as severe as that, at least not for a routine cleaning. Just a little nitrous oxide to help take the edge off."
That you have heard of, but always thought it was only used for more intense procedures. "That's laughing gas, right?"
"That's the colloquial name for it, yes. It'll numb you some and help you relax. Although it might make you a little giggly, as the name implies. Some of my patients even enjoy it." Your face heats up again when his intense gaze lingers on you, not just with embarrassment this time, and a small titter escapes you.
Chisaki can't believe his luck with you, if he's being honest. You're exactly his type, and as he expected your dental records are flawless - never so much as a cavity. He's confident too that you'll accept what he's offering with as anxious as you are, and your reaction to his presence. He's not surprised by that; Kai knows the effect he has on people when he tries. Probably he doesn't even need to go through the great lengths he does to get people like you into a compromising position, but he enjoys the process. It's easier this way, with access to medical records so he knows what he's touching, and an army of sedatives to ensure he's perfectly in control of these encounters.
You only deliberate for a moment before nodding and giving him the answer he knew you would. "Okay, I guess I can try it."
The smile he gives you this time is actually genuine as excitement blooms in his gut. "I think you'll find it really helps," he says, daring to rest one hand on your forearm briefly. Even through the thin latex of his gloves, he can feel that your skin is soft, and he feels another pang of anticipation. Then he stands up. "I have to supervise the sedation, so I'll take care of your cleaning and exam personally. I'll be right back and then we can get started."
Your chest is still tight with anxiety as he situates you, arranging a strange mask over your nostrils and instructing you to breath deeply through your nose, but once you catch the scent of that slightly sweet gas being pumped into your lungs, the effects are almost immediate. The tension in your chest abates, your whole body going light and tingly, and suddenly you can't remember what you were ever so afraid of. When Chisaki tells you to open wide, you don't even hesitate, doing so immediately and sticking your tongue out slightly, making an exaggerated 'ahhhhh' sound and then giggling a little, though you couldn't say why.
"I can see it's working already," Chisaki says. He's unable to keep the breathiness out of his tone this time, but he trusts you're too distracted to notice. The way you'd opened so obediently, and the sight of your little pink tongue poking out lewdly has his cock hardening already, and he's only barely begun. He can't stop himself from reaching out, pushing that wet muscle back into your mouth with one finger, letting it linger on your tongue a moment longer than necessary to feel the heat of it before pulling away, but you only giggle at the slightly inappropriate act.
Despite his straining erection begging for relief, Chisaki still has a job to do, and he works with well-practiced efficiency as he goes through the process of cleaning your teeth. The anticipation is as much a part of this as anything else, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy the buildup. He's not a masochist by any means, but these little self-denials are gratifying, only serve to make the end result that much sweeter. Still, he can't help but find himself occasionally distracted by the way you laugh every time he gives you an instruction to open wider, or tilt your head, noticing the way your chest bounces slightly beneath your tight top, and how you lie with your legs slightly spread, so inviting.
Normally he waits until he can render patients like you truly helpless before he touches them, recommending elaborate procedures that they don't realize are entirely unnecessary, but then again most patients don't request or accept sedation for such routine procedures as this. He reaches over to the tank of nitrous oxide, increasing the dose slightly and watching as you slump a little more in the chair, and then he reaches out to trail one gloved hand up your thigh and over your clothed center.
You've barely felt anything this whole time, aware of him working at your teeth but not really registering it, too overwhelmed by the way your whole body feels pleasantly tingly and numb, and it's only after he's ceased fussing over your mouth that you start to notice another sensation, a building tension between your thighs that makes you squirm, a small whine escaping you. Your eyes, closed to defend against the bright overhead light, flutter open, but you can't see him hovering over you anymore.
"We're almost finished," Chisaki says calmly when you whimper again as that slight pressure continues to build. "I just need to enter some notes in your file, and then finish the actual exam."
From out of your line of sight he can see the way you're frowning, your cheeks puffing up slightly with discomfort and arousal, obviously confused. He presses his fingers more firmly against your clothed cunt, palming himself through his pants with his other hand. It's bolder than he'd usually be, but for once he's struggling with restraint, just can't bring himself to wait until he's found some excuse to render you more wholly unconscious in his chair.
"I just...I feel a little funny," you whimper, and then giggle again.
"That's normal," he says, continuing to massage your sex, noticing the way your hips twitch when he strokes over just the right spot. "Some people feel numbness, or a little pressure. As long as nothing hurts, there's nothing to worry about."
You nod, letting your eyes fall closed again. You can't quite help your thighs from twitching; it's a strange feeling, the knot tightening deep in your stomach even as you feel so numb and tingly, and when it intensifies further you feel a stab of shame as you realize exactly what's happening, that you're going to cum even as you try to hold yourself back.
Kai knows it's risky, that all you'd have to do is turn your head and open your eyes to see his straining arousal, but he can't stop himself from working his pants open as quietly as possible and stroking himself properly as he watches the struggle on your face, the way you bite at your lip and obviously try to ignore the sensation, apparently ready to believe this is some spontaneous reaction to your drugged-up state and not his fingers working over you.
Despite the fact that you try to resist the sensation, the tingling in your body intensifies around your clit until your legs are shaking, the walls of your cunt fluttering around nothing and a mortifying whine escaping you. Through your giddiness, however, the humiliation is short-lived, nearly forgotten the moment you find yourself giggling at your own orgasm.
The sight of you quivering as you cum, entirely unaware of his hands on you, only further erodes Kai's patience. "I just need to take one last quick look," he says, and then without waiting for your response he's releasing his cock momentarily, using gloved fingers from both hands to pry your mouth wide again. You squirm slightly when he forces those fingers deep in your mouth, but he removes one hand just as quickly, returning those spit-soaked fingers to his throbbing shaft and fisting himself more urgently. If you can hear the faint wet sounds the action brings, he trusts that you won't question them.
Fuck, and he's close already, the sight of your pink tongue lolling against his fingers only sending the coil in his gut tightening further, and he shoves his fingers a little deeper towards the back of your throat, feeling the muscles there spasm as you gag at the invasion.
"I'm sorry if this is a bit unpleasant," he says shortly, too caught up in the way you look with his fingers probing your mouth to maintain that congenial tone. Even through the gloves he can feel the heat and wetness of your mouth, and it sends shivers down his spine. "This should only take a minute. You have a small mouth - it's difficult to see with your tongue in the way."
He presses his fingers further, not sure why he's explaining himself when you're so obviously unbothered. You're only nodding, spit running down the side of your chin as you salivate around his fingers. On most anyone else he would find the sight nauseating, but seeing your innocent face so debased only spurs him closer to his release. He squeezes his length more tightly, letting the spit-slicked palm of his gloved hand rub over his tip with every stroke, the fingers of his other hand continuing to invade his throat while you simply lay there and take it, and when you finally let out a moan of real distress at the feel of his fingers in the back of your throat, it's enough to send him over the edge, his cock spasming and hot spurts of cum shooting into his gloved hand.
The moment his cock stops twitching he withdraws his fingers from your mouth, stripping off his fouled gloves and tucking himself back into his pant before you can so much as open your eyes. When he turns back to you again, you're staring at the ceiling, grinning slightly with shiny, wet lips.
It takes a few minutes for your head to clear once he removes the mask from your face, and by then you only have the vaguest sense that anything about the experience was strange, and even then it was still vastly more pleasant than any of your prior dental experiences, albeit embarrassing in a slightly different way than usual.
Chisaki waits for you to seem cognizant before drawing your attention to the monitor by the chair. His boldness in touching you did little to truly satisfy him, only made him more eager to fuck you properly, to feel the heat of your tongue against his cock instead of his fingers, and to bury himself in that cunt that responded so sweetly to his touch.
"Your teeth are mostly in good shape," Chisaki says. "But I'm afraid you do have one small cavity. Here, see?" He points at one of your x-rays on the screen, a perfectly healthy tooth but he's confident you won't notice that, that you don't know what to look for, and sure enough you're only nodding, eyes wide. It's adorable, that fearful look on your face. He almost wishes there were a way for you to keep that expression when he has his way with you. "It's only a small one. But I'd recommend a stronger sedative for it, if your nerves are that much of a problem."
"It requires an IV," he explains, "and you wouldn't be able to drive yourself home afterwards. You'll still be conscious, technically, but you won't be aware of much."
The idea of having your tooth drilled into already has you quaking, the last traces of your buzz gone, and you agree at once. "Okay. I guess I can ask my roommate to drive me." She probably won't mind; you two do each other favors fairly regularly.
Kai's glad to hear you don't mention a boyfriend. It wouldn't matter in the end, if you had one or not, but the idea of some other man's hands on you still sends a jealous, possessive stab through him. He prefers to believe that he's the only who's touched you, that there aren't others out there tainting you with their filth.
"Great," he says, giving you another one of those reassuring smiles. "Let's get you scheduled."
It's a matter of days before you're back again, Kurono having conveniently found a 'cancellation' in the schedule to slot you in. He knows all about Kai's proclivities of course; they've worked together for years, well before Chisaki took over Overhaul Dentistry from his adopted father, and they've known each other even longer. Hari's stayed to watch Kai's little indiscretions once or twice, though he's more prone to lurking outside the door to listen shamelessly, knowing full well that Chisaki has no interest in sharing and would never permit him to touch what he considers his.
Chisaki is practically shaking with impatience by the time you arrive, has to take a few deep breaths to steady his trembling hands before placing the IV and pumping you full of Propofol. He's not sure he's ever been this excited about a patient, but this time around the eagerness has been killing him. He's always considered his libido healthy but not excessive, but he's stroked himself off more times in the last few days that he usually would over the course of a month, waiting for this.
You blink slowly, counting backwards until your words trail off and your eyes fall closed, and then Kai stands up, taking in the sight of you limp before him. You wore a dress today, a summery little thing that buttons from top to bottom, almost as though you'd known what you were coming here for.
He's already hard, his erection straining against the constricting fabric of his pants, but he ignores it for now and focuses on undoing those buttons, savoring each additional glimpse of skin. Your underwear is simple, white cotton panties with a hint of lace around the edges, and a matching bra. He likes them, simple and clean, just like you.
One gloved hand lifts to cup your breasts, kneading that soft flesh and then finding the bud of one nipple and rolling it between his fingers, sending it hardening. He watches your face as he does so - you're not entirely unconscious, but you won't react much, and you certainly won't remember this. Your brow is furrowing just slightly under the attention, and when he moves to toy with your other nipple he hears the faint sigh you let out, takes it as encouragement to shove that garment out of the way and reveal your pert breasts, licking his lips at the sight of the slightly darker skin of your nipples, and the way they've puckered under his attentions so invitingly. He bends and takes one in his mouth, laving his tongue over that stiff peak, biting down lightly.
A little whine escapes you this time, and the sound sends spike of heat through his cock. He knew you'd be responsive to him after the last time, but you're already exceeding his expectations. He tips his head slightly, staring at your mouth, those slightly parted lips.
He's never felt compelled to kiss anyone, all too aware of the filth present in even the cleanest of mouths, but as he stares at your lips he's surprised by the urge to do so. And he knows the risks are minimal, spent more than one of the last several evenings reading through your medical records, giving them a much more thorough evaluation than the release form you'd signed probably warranted. But he couldn't help himself, and now he knows that you take good care of the rest of yourself just like you do your mouth.
He leans forward curiously, encouraged when your lips press just a little back into his, even as your eyes stay closed. He lets his tongue snake out to trace over your mouth, probing between those lips, and you let another soft whine, though your tongue doesn't respond to his. That's okay; it's more enjoyable that he'd have expected and he deepens it anyway, relishing your taste, minty and sweet - obviously you'd prepared yourself for him. He grasps one of your hands and brings it to rub against his cock, panting as he ruts into your palm.
When he finally breaks the kiss, he's equally parts disgusted and aroused by the thin strand of saliva that connects your mouths, staring at it in fascination until it breaks.
That uncharacteristic impatience rears its head again, and Chisaki fumbles with his pants, letting his cock spring forth. He wraps your hand around it briefly, savoring the feel of your small, soft hand caressing his length, and then he moves on just as quickly. It only takes the flick of a switch to lower the chair down so that you're at waist level, and then he's tilting your head towards him, pressing the tip of his cock against those spit-slicked lips. You surprise him by poking that pink tongue out just a little, and for a minute he simple brushes the head of his glans back and forth against it, relishing the soft brush of your wet tongue, and the pleasant jolt it sends through him.
"You're a little tease, aren't you?" he whispers. Then, he pushes forward into the hot cavern of your mouth, swearing under his breath at the feel of you. You gag reflexively when he bumps against the back of your throat, but he only pulls back briefly and surges forward again, one gloved hand coming to rest in your hair gently, holding you in place as he fucks your mouth.
It's not tight without you actively sucking, but it's hot and wet, and the velvety texture of your tongue against him is more than enough. Despite trying to be gentle at first, he finds himself thrusting more roughly as his excitement grows at the sight of his length disappearing between your sweet lips, stroking your hair when you gag harder.
"Shh, now," he scolds to your unresponsive body. "Be good and take it."
It's almost as though you're listening - your head tilts back slightly to accept more of him, your throat contracting around him, and before he can help himself Kai's hips are bucking, his balls tightening and his cock contracting as his load spills down your throat. When he pulls away he can still see the last of his seed coating your tongue, and he spreads it around with his gloved fingers, entranced by the sight.
He adjusts his clothes a bit, not done with you just yet, and then circles around towards you feet. His gloved hands wander up along your thighs, squeezing at that soft flesh, and then tug you down towards him - mindful of the IV still buried in your arm - until your legs dangling off the edge of the chair. He spreads them a little, running one finger over your clothed slit. There's a damp spot at the center of your panties, and his eyes fix on it with great satisfaction.
"You really are eager, hmm?" he murmurs, letting the pad of his thumb hone in on your clit, the outline of that puffy bead visible through the damp cotton. You let out the faintest of whimpers, your hips tilting into his touch slightly, and Kai lets out a shuddering breath before bending forward and burying his face between your thighs, letting his lips move lightly over your covered cunt, catching your clit between his lips to tease your barely-conscious form, earning another soft whimper. His cock is swelling again already at those little sounds, and the scent of you.
Forcing himself to pull away, he works your panties down over your hips and off completely with eager fingers, his eyes fixing on your bare cunt. Your positive to response to his touches is all the more visible now, glistening strands of wetness coating your folds. He uses his thumbs to spread you open, circling your clit with two fingers as he stares at your entrance and letting out a throaty groan when he can see your hole clenching around nothing.
The sight of your perfect cunt so greedy for his cock is entrancing, and he repeats the motion. You're not the first person he's done this with and you certainly won't be the last, but oh, you just might be his favorite, so eager for him. He'd known you were special after that first encounter, but your response to him now is better than he could have imagined a few days ago.
He slides two fingers into you, scissoring them gently to ready you for his cock. He can hear the way your faint breathing has sped up, the skin across your chest darkening slightly as you grow flushed from his efforts, and when he removes his fingers they're coated in your slick. He stares at them curiously, tempted again by new desires, and then slides them into his mouth, savoring the taste of you, sweet and quite unlike anything else.
The throbbing in his cock is growing unbearable, and though there's a part of him that wants to draw this out, wants to savor it, there's even larger part that's desperate to feel that tight hole clenching around him. He shifts you again slightly, bringing your hips to rest at the end of the chair, the contours of the leg rest making your back arch nicely, those perfect tits even more on display, and he takes one in hand as he aligns himself near your entrance, pinching at your nipple hard enough to make you whine.
There are condoms in the pocket of his sterile white lab coat; he's normally vigilant with the protective measures, loathe to expose himself to any unnecessary risks, both hygienically and in terms of leaving evidence behind, but he's tempted to forgo that now. The notes from your last yearly doctor's visit stated you're not sexually active, and he thinks it must be true, that an innocent thing like you is too sweet to lie. Of course, because of that you're not on birth control either, but even that doesn't bother him like it should; it excites him even, the thought of his seed taking root and the surprise that would bring.
He runs his bare cock over your damp slit experimentally, groaning at the unadulterated sensation, and that's enough to convince him to abandon his usual precautions. Kai thrusts forward into your wet heat, letting out a strangled moan. Your cunt is so tight, so hot around his length, and god, it's so much better when he can feel it all, the intense wetness of your cunt creaming around him and every tiny ridge of your velvety walls. The way you whimper when he forces himself into you makes him wonder if perhaps he didn't prepare you quite enough - your walls are fluttering around his cock, obviously struggling to accommodate him, but it's not until he's nestled deep inside, the head of his cock kissing your cervix, that he pauses to let you adjust.
You squirm a little - small, feeble movements - and Kai relishes each slight shift of your body, watching your lips twitch. It's obvious you're trying to speak, but in your drugged up state all that spills forth is barely audible nonsense, tiny whines with a pleading undertone. He reaches forward to stroke your hair from your face. "You're so needy," he scolds, "but don't worry, I'll take care of you."
With that, he pulls out until just the head of his cock is still trapped in your cunt, and then drives himself forward roughly. Your limp body bounces back at the force of his thrust, your tits jiggling slightly with each of his movements, a sight he adores. He lets his fingers circle your clit again, can feel the way your cunt immediately clamps down around him in response, as though you're trying to draw him even deeper, and he gladly obliges you, slamming himself as deep as possible every time. You whimper more loudly than you have yet, and he can just make out your eyes trying vainly to flutter open, never quite succeeding.
"You take me so well," he pants, the feel of your slick walls gripping his cock so tightly has his balls tightening again, and he slows a little, trying to prolong the inevitable, not ready to be done with your sweet pussy just yet. He leans forward clumsily latch his mouth around one of those erect nipples, sucking and nibbling, noting the response brings, you throaty noises coming more quickly, the slight twitches of your hips growing more violent.
"So well," he murmurs again. No one's been this responsive before; he's lucky, honestly, if he can ever coax his patients to orgasm, but your cunt is flooded, obviously ready to cum for him, and it's enough that he loses the last of his restraint, rolling his hips furiously, railing against your cervix with every thrust in a way that's sure to leave you aching once you're fully aware again, but he can't bring himself to care. He wants to feel your release, feel you gripping his cock more tightly if such a thing is possible, and wants to fill you up with his seed.
"Are you going to be good and cum for me?" he asks breathily, and after another minute your body answers his question, your cunt clamping down, a quiet, high-pitched whine issuing from your throat as you hole constricts. Another few stuttering thrusts and his own cock is spasming, pleasant throbs radiating through his core as he drives into you one last time and cums, swearing at the almost unbearable tightness of your cunt around him.
For a moment he remains buried there, relishing the last throes of your orgasms and the way you're still occasionally pulsing around him. When he pulls out, he frowns at the distasteful mess his cum makes as it leaks out of your gaping hole, but it's accompanied by a shiver of satisfaction at the evidence of how he's claimed you for himself. Still, he moves on almost immediately to cleaning up, slipping on a fresh pair of nitrile gloves and tucking himself back into his pants before digging out a handful of papery dental bibs and using them to clean away the mess he's left between your thighs. Of course, there's nothing he can do about the evidence he's left deep inside, but even that he still finds titillating, the thought of his cum dripping out of you even after you've left, of your cute, confused face as you try to understand.
You barely stir as he goes about this process, only occasionally shifting slightly or mumbling a little, and by the time he's replaced your clothes you're lying still, the tiniest frown is on your lips. It's almost as though you know your time together is coming to an end, and you don't want to go. Chisaki glances from you to the needle in your arm, and the still half-full bag of Propofol suspended from the IV stand. Now that he thinks about it, he supposes there's no real reason to rush you out of there.
"Hari," he calls out, and he's unsurprised when the door to the exam room opens almost immediately, knows how Kurono likes to listen. The other man looks at him questioningly, gaze flicking between Kai and your sedated form reclining in the chair.
"Yes, Kai?" he asks, raising on pale eyebrow.
Chisaki smiles behind his mask. "Cancel the rest of my appointments for the day."
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dramioneasks · 3 years
HP FESTS: Dramione Valentine Exchange (Part 1)
Dramione Valentine Exchange 2021:
Devil in Her Heart by hslades - T, one-shot - He's her CI, he gives her good intel until it all goes wrong, and they need to scramble to safe their arses.
Owlpost by FrankieFrancesFrancis_badcouldbeverse - T, one-shot - When Narcissa had asked him how Hogwarts house interunity initiatives were working out, he'd remarked, The Head Girl charmed the lights in our dorm to flicker red and green as a compromise. On whether or not he was enjoying his studies: My marks are great. The Head Girl roped me into a strict studying regimen. Like a compulsion to bring her up, as if Hermione Granger wouldn't be real if he didn't conjure her at least once a day. That had been the case with Andromeda, too, looking back on it now. Narcissa hadn’t understood it then, hadn’t known enough to be alarmed when Ted Tonks’s name started to crop up.
stellarum by cnova - T, one-shot - Hermione Granger hated surprises, but she was never one to deny the man she loved. This was how she found herself with Draco Malfoy, wine glass in hand, under the starry summer sky on the River Thames’ South Bank.
Why Not Me? by kiwi05622 - T, one-shot - Sometimes, a simple sorry can change someone's perspective of you. And that was precisely what had happened to Hermione. From the moment Draco uttered those words, she couldn't stop thinking about him, which wouldn't be a problem only that he didn't seem to notice her existence.
I'll Wait by kiwi05622 - M, one-shot - If losing your first love is hard, then opening yourself up to a second seems monumental. This is Hermione’s journey at her second chance at love.
Sugary Secrets by inadaze22 - T, one-shot - Everything changes when she walks in one morning and spots a familiar blond head sitting at her table, with her order, wearing a smirk on his face.
Rome, Paris, Versailles by hslades - G, one-shot - Hermione is ready to be engaged, the only problem? Her boyfriend hasn't dropped the question yet. It is not that they have not been on the most romantic holidays where many memories were made, just not that one she is not so patiently waiting for.
Snow by inadaze22- M, one-shot - Life is busy but snow slows everything to a standstill, allowing her and Draco to just be.
The Examination by Misdemeanor1331 - G, one-shot - Doctors Hugh and Helen Granger have a new patient: their daughter’s boyfriend, Draco Malfoy. And while he’s in their chair, they plan to judge more than just his dental hygiene.
Who's Your Valentine? by Caitlincheri28 - T, one-shot - Harry catches Hermione with a Valentine. Who could it be from?
This Singular Night by Misdemeanor1331 - T, one-shot - On their last night in Las Vegas, Hermione asks Draco an unexpected question. He gives her an equally surprising answer.
What Was Lost, and What Remains by PacificRimbaud - G, one-shot - My name is Monica Joan Wilkins. I am 57 years old. I live in Sydney, New South Wales. I share a dental practice with my husband. We've been married for thirty-two years.
A Woman of Independent Means by PacificRimbaud - M, one-shot - In London, 1851, Draco Malfoy, Earl of Wiltshire, has been tasked with gifting the British Museum with a bequest from his grandfather's estate. Simple enough, but for the mysterious contents of the gift, and the museum staff assigned to receive it.
A New Journey by inadaze22 - T, one-shot - Feelings have no rhyme or reason, no timeline or order. They just are.
Stranded by Misdemeanor1331- T, one-shot - Minister Granger doesn’t take holidays. Unspeakable Malfoy intends to change that, regardless of her opinion on the matter.
Out of the Blue by Misdemeanor1331 - G, one-shot - On a clear spring day, Draco Malfoy is tasked to guard an empty park. He assumes it’s a slight from his superior in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. That is, until Hermione Granger falls from the sky.
A Night At The Opera by hslades - G, one-shot - It was supposed to be just a stake-out to try and break the case, that was until she missed a message from her boss.
Out of the Blue by Misdemeanor1331 - G, one-shot - On a clear spring day, Draco Malfoy is tasked to guard an empty park. He assumes it’s a slight from his superior in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. That is, until Hermione Granger falls from the sky.
I think I'm falling (I'm falling for you) by weestarmeggie - T, one-shot - At Harry And Pansy's wedding, Hermione realsies she might not be alone in her feelings for a certain blond.
Write What You Know by PacificRimbaud - T, one-shot - no summary
a love for all phases by cnova - T, one-shot - Twenty-nine point five days is all it took for one Draco Malfoy to realise he was head over stubborn arse for Hermione Granger.
Destination Unknown by kiwi05622 - T, one-shot - A first date with Hermione Granger should never be underestimated.
Tranquility by floorcoaster - T, one-shot - A Quiet Night at Home.
Continued in Part 2.
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wanderingnork · 4 years
5, 11, 13, & 15 for each venture is a new beginning? 💙
5: What part was hardest to write?
oh good Maker
I actually cried writing Anders’ death. Temporary or not, I just. Could not handle it at all. And then it got redoubled because I wanted to get Fenris’ reaction to the whole thing right (i.e. visceral and very painful), so I cried more.
By the time I made it to “Na via lerno victoria, Anders,” I couldn’t see my keyboard. :D
11: What do you like best about this fic?
This might seem weird, but...man, I really love that they basically spend the whole story trying to get to square one. Like, they’re not even AT square one when they start. They still have to set up the game board and learn the rules and by the end, they’re MAYBE at square one...
...but most importantly, by that time, they’ve both decided that they want to play the game together, because they respect the other person at the table, and believe that the game is worth it. Especially when both of them are such...prickly, spiky, lonely, afraid-of-emotional-intimacy people. The idea that they’d choose each other, even with everything in their way, really appeals to me.
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
Is now a good time for me to plug the fic playlist? It’s set up to correspond specific themes to parts of the series as a whole. But if you’re not interested in listening to 33 songs worth of musical narrative (which is VALID), here are the 10 songs I most recommend to get you into a mood for “each venture is a new beginning.”
Houdini (Foster the People) 
Run Boy Run (Woodkid)
That’s All (Genesis)
Glitter & Gold (Barns Courtney)
Therapy (All Time Low--go for the “It’s Still Nothing Personal” version)
Heathens (Twenty One Pilots)
The Sound of Silence (Disturbed)
Renegade (Styx)
A Rush of Blood (Coasts)
Into the Unknown (Panic! At the Disco)
Yep. Have fun! :D
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
I learned a weird amount about sewer systems, book wheels, the symptoms of cholera, medieval dental hygiene, the mechanics of spirit possession in Dragon Age, and the developmental stages of a cat.
More deeply, though...I think I learned a lot about what actually appeals to me to write, in terms of relationships. I Yelled about that two questions ago, but I really just...I never realized until now how invested I am in the concept of choice in relationships. Soulmates are fun and I certainly do like a good “we knew at first sight,” but as a writer, I spend all my time on stories of people actively choosing each other. Even when it’s not the best idea. Especially then.
I love watching two people who could not be more different deciding that, no, we aren’t out here wearing the “same hat,” but we respect and care about each other. We have our conflicts, we don’t agree on everything, and being together is hard and complicated but it’s worth it to us. We see value in each other and we’re going to choose each other over and over, every single day.
With that choice, they end up as better people. All that time solving conflicts, finding compromises, and discovering new ways to look at the world makes both participants stronger and maybe a little bit wiser. The relationship feels stronger, to me, because instead of having their bonds “forged by fate,” they both stood in the forge together and learned to make those bonds together.
Also, hilariously, it often ends up that those apparent differences are hiding the fact that these people really were wearing the same hat all along.
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
I don't really have anywhere I'm going with this idea but sometimes I wonder how affected by being 13 again Five really is. As much as he complains about being older & remembers his life, he still jumped himself back to a teen body and like?? how do brains work? his mind wouldn't be fully developed anymore so how much of his rudeness/recklessness/impatience/irritability is just down to him being a teen in a very stressful situation lol
okay i will be honest i am not a huge fan of neuropsych even though the class was really interesting!! Mainly because the brain is a big and very complicated organ that has a lot of parts that my own loser brain can’t keep straight whoops 
but you are very correct in that the brain of a teen is very different from an adult brain!! I actually remember watching a whole video in class about that specifically where it was a teen vs. an adult reacting to embarrassment where they were stared at by strangers
Five jumping back is a fascinating subject on how it affected him because theoretically he jumped back into his 13-year-old body right? BUT he still had the tracker implanted in his arm which implies that it didn’t just reset him, or at least not for physical items? Would a tattoo have stayed, considering the ink could be considered a foreign object? Does that mean Klaus would get to keep his tattoos even if he turned back to 13 when they jumped backwards? Is there anything else the Commission did to him that stuck around? 
I mean Five was an old man who was affected by starvation and malnutrition as well as having to deal with contaminated air, unclean water, vitamin deficiencies, general exposure to the elements, not to mention the extreme isolation and effects that would have on him mentally all of these lasting for almost four decades so you can’t tell me that the Commission didn’t have to do some serious medical catch up and I would absolutely not be shocked if a tracker wasn’t the only thing they did in that time tbh
honestly I think that the only reason his arm wasn’t goofed up was because his adult self was stunted enough from malnutrition that Five’s arm didn’t have a whole lot of shrinking to do around the capsule or move it too much?? I mean it’s not like Five’s suit was exactly hanging off of him, adult Five wasn’t too much bigger than teen Five (which was probably a good thing, no real issues in reach or equilibrium to throw him off in a fight)
where were we again
well yes absolutely teen Five is probably a whole lot more emotionally compromised than your regularly scheduled Five and not just because he’s under extreme stress - which he very much is!! But yeah - teens tend to think with more emotion than reason because the prefrontal cortex isn’t fully developed yet (though everyone’s brain develops at a different pace and there’s no concrete number for when things settle, though there are averages of when a brain is at its peak for certain tasks)
(apparently you’re best at remembering unfamiliar names when you’re 22,, i hope in three days on my bday i suddenly become good at it because i’m garbage at names right now oof)
on the bright side Five probably regained some serious grey matter in his little expedition because 12 is when you peak at grey matter volume so if Five wants to learn new skills before the unused stuff is pruned away he’s at a good age for it
honestly one of the most tragic parts of Five going to the apocalypse when he did is that he was at the fun delicate age where peer interaction becomes really important to social development. and right at that age where people are really important, he managed to fling himself into a period where everyone was dead. I’m not surprised he had Dolores - i’m more surprised he didn’t have more mannequin friends tbh
of course, teens are also known for increased risk taking so his jump to the future is a tiny bit explained by that, i have no doubt that the kids who weren’t terrified of their powers did more than a little bit of experimenting themselves like you can’t tell me that Luther didn’t try lift way more than he could handle and we literally see Klaus setting fires and the kids were already doing risky things a la sneaking out and getting donuts at Griddy’s under their dad’s nose
think about it!! it’s possible that Five is going to go through proper growth spurts he never did the first time around due to lack of nutrition! he might get tall!! i mean if him and luther are actually twins then it’s possible five is going to shoot up in height which he is not going to be used to just a gangly teen stumbling over his new extra height like a colt (while also murdering the rest of the family for teasing him about this)
Five is thirteen again what a wild age, and an important age
he’s almost in high school i mean damn do y’all remember what high school kids can be like?? you people still in high school look at your peers and tell me a lot of them aren’t little shits but like,, it’s important because your peers are important!! in fact, after a certain age your peers become more important to your development than your family - which is why you’ll get plenty of kids whose idea of morals and politics are very different from their parents!
okay i have rambled a whole lot but yes
Five has a lot of growing up to do!! but also jumping back, even with the added impulsiveness, lack of emotional control, etc. would also fix lots of issues Five probably had - aches and pains and damage from badly set bones and dental issues from lack of hygiene and any and all problems from his malnutrition etc. etc. 
so he does have some things to be vaguely thankful for even if being stuffed into a body that no longer belongs to you is still really sucky because despite everything five earned those aches and pains and scars and there’s a certain level of pride in surviving and having those reminders that he did survive 
and all of that was gone in the blink of an eye, erased as if it never happened - and it did happen
i’m sure Five’s siblings would love for him to pretend it never happened and sweep it under the rug and start acting ‘normal’ again but it happened! it happened and five was messed up from it! except it didn’t happen in this timeline and it’s just,, it must be really hard to be him i don’t know
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chippyskylark · 4 years
get to know: chippington ‘chip’ skylark the third. 
chip skylark finds himself the third of his name. his grandmother lifts the small child into her arms, cooing that she loves her little chippy to the moon and back. she’s the first in the family to call him chip, and the name sticks better than junior or chippington does. he knows his grandfather and father wish he’d just ride out chippington like they did, but honestly it gets too confusing and chip has always felt way more like him. only his grandma and mom can call him chippy though, and he blushes every time. 
he comes from a line of musically inclined men. his grandfather, the first chippington skylark, found himself the frontman of a joropo band back in his home of venezuela. chippington skylark and the noah’s arkestra found themselves playing any bar or party that would allow them, and soon they rose to popularity in caracas, and even went on to play shows in the second home of joropa (colombia) and other countries and cities in the region. chippington the second would expand on his father’s budding fame, finding himself popular on the latin charts for adopting the sounds of salsa as that became popular. chip falls in love with the music of his grandfather, finds comfort in the strum of the guitar and the folk tales he weaves with his lyrics. chip is even more amazed by his father, the master performer. he’s inspired by the way a band of horns and percussion can fill the room with such lively music, as his father sings songs of love and lust all while looking charming as ever in the process. it’s decided before chip can even properly learn how to form his own sentences that he would be a man of the music as well. 
chip doesn’t mind that his life was laid out for him already, not really. he loves music, finds himself beating the timbale and shaking a pandeiro anytime he accompanies his dad to work. chip’s only real concern is what path would he follow? his grandfather and father had already accomplished so much, who could he possibly be if not stuck in their shadow? in his younger years, he had no real answer for this question. just knows that he loves the stage. 
chip primarily stayed with his mother in new jersey. she thought it best to keep him from the hectic lifestyle his father lead, urging that he should be allowed a normal life and childhood. chip, however, had other plans. he was only eight years old when he first hit the stage. it was a local talent show and he’d begged and pleaded with his mother to let him sing; she finally gave in and he performed ahora te puedes marchar. along with singing the upbeat luis miguel song, chip had also done his best to choreograph a little dance to go along with his performance. the audience loved him, eating up his floppy hair and bright smile almost as much as they were awed by his talent. 
chip’s life became nonstop performing since that moment. entering any talent showcase he could find, hoping to continue to impress crowds and make everyone dance and fall in love with him and the music he sang. his father couldn’t be more pleased with how well every audience received his son’s gifts. if you dig on the internet enough you can find a few videos of a little chip joining his father onstage to sing and dance his father’s famed music with him. don’t play it in front of him though, he’ll look away and blush the second you start going ‘awwwww’. 
chip begins to incorporate more american pop songs in his showcase entries. it makes sense, it’s the music everyone around him listens to and as much as audiences love watching him dance bachata and salsa they seem to connect with his performances better when it’s in a language they can understand. he has no negative feelings about it, even to this day. he has no negative feelings about most things, his words and thoughts drowning in positivity and optimism because he prefers to look at the brighter side of all things. 
he’s thirteen when he gets discovered by a label executive. the initial meeting for the board of executives of his future label was the most nerve wracking experience of chip’s life at that point. chip knows he can wow an audience, it’s the one thing he knows for sure he’s good at. but something about this initial meeting deciding his fate makes his stomach turn. he’s sure he’s going to be sick before it, afraid that he’s going to puke the entire time he rides up to the top floor in the elevator. chip gets through it though, showing off every skill in his arsenal: he’s singing, he’s dancing, he’s playing guitar, he’s interacting with faces in the room, he’s switching between languages easily, and he’s working that smile. 
it goes without saying that the label is impressed and chip gets signed almost immediately. everything else from then on moves pretty quickly for him. he focuses almost all his energy on recording an album as quickly as he can. songs are presented to him daily, and he’s given a team focused with constructing an image for him. he never strays from what’s put before him, even if he’d want to sing a different song than the one he learned the day before, or if he’s not sure he wants to do this particular piece of choreography. chip is honestly just so happy for the opportunity he hardly bats an eye. 
his rise to fame is just as fast and hard to wrap his head around. he would never call himself an overnight sensation, too many years of long hard work went into it, but that’s what the news anchors call him. his first single debuts on the bubbling under of the hot 100, but after significant radio push and some televised appearances it skyrockets to the top ten of the billboard charts. seemingly out of nowhere he’s music’s newest obsession and he couldn’t be more excited. he goes from singing at neighbor’s birthday parties to mall tours and sold out venues. his parents pull him out of school and set him up with a tutor, and well, the rest of his childhood dies right along with that decision. 
he’s a pop phenomenon and he, at first, couldn’t be happier. his first album goes multi platinum and he performs at almost every award show you could think of. hell, there’s even people walking around wearing the same stupid red hat and hoodie combo his team made his signature look. but the being followed by paparazzi and chased by fans starts to become a little too much to handle a little too soon. he won’t complain though, he’s doing what he loves. 
chip still loves performing and singing, but his label has complete control of every aspect of his image and sound. and while that was cool when he was a teen, he’s desperate for some more control and creative (and financial) freedom. 
he’s not mad at the teeny bopper image he’s cultivated. where most people would try to distance themselves from the type of music he made early in his career he never openly rips on it, even in his adulthood. while it’s not the music he’d want to make now, he knows that music is important to his fans. just because something isn’t his favorite doesn’t mean he’s going to ruin it for someone else, he’d never disappoint someone like that. 
chronic people pleaser!!!! he literally can not function or cope with the knowledge that something he did could be upsetting someone else. even if the task you give him comes at great personal sacrifice to him, he’ll do it with a smile. He just wants everyone to be happy, even if right now, he’s not the happiest. 
Now that he’s a grown man he’s struggling with what’s his next move musically. He’s already done something no one else with the skylark name has been able to do: break american radio, and his grandfather and father couldn’t be more proud of his success. but he finds himself yearning for the freedom and maturity their music possesses. he’s certain he still wants to make pop music at this point, he’s just struggling with how to make it more adult and what new things he can experiment with. 
Re-released his first and second album with some of the more popular songs stripped down and sung in spanish. it’s his labels idea of compromising on the fact that he wanted to make music that represented all parts of who he is as a person. also has like one or two latin pop songs that crushed the charts worldwide, the success of those songs made his label discuss the validity of him doing a full latin album like he’d been requesting for years. that album never came. 
practically scandal-less. He’s dated his fair share of pop stars and models, but those break ups always end amicably and none of his former partners have ever had anything negative to say about him. the media wanted so badly to run a “bad boy” thing with him but they just can’t, he’s such a good boy. 
when he was fourteen he did a campaign for those stupid singing tooth brushes. my shiny teeth and me follows him everywhere now, and you know what, he’s not even mad about it, he sometimes jokes that song is more popular than a lot of his actual serious music.  go king! teach the youth proper dental hygiene!
his concerts are always so much fun. Again, so inspired by his dad as a performer so he always goes all out. He gives 110% every time no matter what. Is he tired? Of course. Does he need a nap? Definitely. Has he gone on stage ten minutes after puking his guts out because of a flu? Yeah….it was still a good show though, you couldn’t even really tell he was sick! 
struggling HARD with anxiety. large crowds of people around him start to freak him out, and even though most would think he should be used to it, he’s been mobbed by too many groups of fans to ever be used to it. he’s no stranger to hiding out in the back of an empty store for a second to get away. he’s always embarrassed when his management has to kick everyone else out the store and lock the doors for his sake, but if it helps...it helps. 
help him w his anxiety? so mayhaps a friend, a confidante? also an actual therapist yep. 
chip’s big struggle is how to move forward without disappointing his fans so maybe a fan that he becomes friendly with that can yanno remind him that most of them will love him no matter what. or at least serve as a reminder of why he does this. 
if y’all got characters that wanna roast the shiny teeth guy i won’t be opposed. he’s also so nice he probably wouldn’t be too bothered so that’s frustrating and fun 
fellow musicians always
friends who either have no clue who he is or don’t care would be real nice
anything at all. also always down for angst as always. 
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