#the long overdue masterlist has finally arrived
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florenceafternoon · 9 months ago
━。゜✿ jily rec list masterlist ✿ ゜。━
I will (hopefully) update and reblog this post every time I post a new jily fic rec list. Additionally, if you search for # jily fic rec list on my blog they should all come up.
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first ever rec list I made that has a lot of the fics that initially got me into them - Alternate Universe
for everyone tiered of Lily getting sidelined - Wizarding World
the one where maya was obsessed with historical AUs and also on summer break - Alternate Universe
mostly one-shots - Alternate Universe
some sixth & seventh year stuff but also alternate timeline stuff - Wizarding World
the one with all the pinning - Alternate Universe
the one where maya craves escapism and a hug - Alternate Universe
mostly seventh year jily - Wizarding World
comfort fics - Alternate Universe
the turbulence of adolescence - Wizarding World
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crowsofdarkness · 2 months ago
Vaz Prizrak: Chapter Two
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-gif not mine. credit to owner-
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Agent! Reader.
Content Warnings: language, 18 + implied smut, angst, fluff, violence, mentions of losing a pregnancy, thoughts of taking one's life, an attempt to take one's life. I will give another warning when that chapter is posted.
Summary: Bucky and Reader have been in their own solace while in Wakanda for years. They were finally happy to create the life they wanted and deserved. That was until a new foe came along to dust it all away.
Authors Note: This takes place during Infinity War and Endgame! If you haven't yet, please read Soldat and Dorogaya beforehand.
Tags: @globetrotter28 @sakuracyberhex @chinggay85-blog @bookofriverr @misatxox @that-blonde-girl @cats-chaotic-mind @wintrsoldrluvr @sebastians-love @pumpkin-babydoll @ordelixx @starfly-nicole @j23r23 @baw1066 @capswife
Soldat Masterlist | Dorogaya Masterlist | Vaz Prizrak Masterlist
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The town square of Wakanda was busy with bodies getting ready for the soon arrival and as Bucky and I stood hand in hand, I could help the way my heart jumped with nerves. I was nervous for the fight and nervous to see Steve again after so long. 
My hair blew with the wind as the jet made its final descent, coming to a halt in front of us. As the ramp opened, I saw my old friends ascend down. They couldn’t see us and I took it as an opportunity to sneak away from them and Bucky, the nerves becoming too much to handle. Bucky was talking with Steve so he hadn’t noticed me walk away. 
Everything was happening too fast and I didn’t have the chance to stop to think about what the outcome would be. 
Maybe Bucky and I could leave, let them fight this on their own. We could go back to our normal lives, something that we both deserved. This wasn’t our fight, we didn’t have to risk our lives for this. 
However, I knew that when it was our fight years ago, all of these people were there to help us, no questions asked. 
“Where’s Y/N?” A voice asked. 
“She was right here,” Bucky said. 
Coming into view, I smiled over towards my friends while giving Sam and Nat a long overdue hug. I nodded towards Wanda who was walking inside with a hurt Vision. 
“How’re you doing?” Nat asked. 
I nodded. “Not bad, for the end of the world.” 
“What’s up Marshmallow?” 
Laughing at the nickname coming from Sam, I lightly punched him in the shoulder. “You had to come along?” 
“Someone has to watch his back,” Sam mentioned towards Steve. 
He was already watching me with intent eyes as I walked over to him, closing the distance between us. 
“I see you took my advice,” I pointed towards the beard and long hair. 
Steve shrugged while wrapping his arms around me in a longing hug. I had missed the way that they felt, protecting me from anything bad. 
“How are you, really?” Steve questioned, lifting my chin to look into my eyes. 
“We’re fine, Steve,” I spoke quietly. “Bucky is good. He’s his old self.” 
Steve nodded before looking between Bucky and I. “Mind if I steal her for a bit? Catch her up to speed?” 
Bucky hesitated, only I saw it, before nodding. “Sure.” 
I closed the large distance between us with a loving kiss. “Don’t worry.” 
With his new fingers on my lower back, he pressed his lips against mine once again, this time longer and deeper. 
“I love you,” he muttered against them. 
“I love you too.” 
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“You look like hell,” I noticed Sam as we all stood in the middle of Shuri’s lab. 
A very familiar place to me. 
“Well the motels weren’t exactly five stars,” Sam admitted with a small laugh. 
I then nodded towards Bruce and Nat, who themselves were having a private conversation. 
“Talk about awkwardness, huh?” 
Sam laughed again. “You have no idea.” 
Excusing myself from Sam, I walked over towards Steve, who was standing in front of a large window, looking down towards the fields of Wakanda. 
“Does everything make sense?” He asked. 
“Yeah, as crazy as it sounds.” I said 
“And you’re ready for it?” He asked again, motioning towards my hands. “Bucky mentioned that you haven’t used it for awhile.” 
I grasped my hands together with a sigh. “I wanted something normal for us. To be honest, I don’t even know if it still works. I haven’t found a reason to get mad lately.” 
“With what’s coming, I think it would be best to get mad,” Steve suggested. 
Silence fell between us and I was going to walk away from him but his hand in mind stopped me. 
“Can you promise me something?” 
I nodded. 
“Promise that no matter what comes, that you take care of yourself first. Don’t worry about Buck or I. I can’t deal if something would happen to you,” Steve admitted while gently cupping my cheek. 
Licking my dry lips at the warmth of his glove, I nodded again. 
“Only if you do something for me,” I spoke. 
“Anything,” he breathed. 
“If something does happen to me, make sure he moves on. I don’t want him to dwell on it. He deserves to be happy,” I said with a shaky breath. 
Steve hesitated for a moment before nodding, letting out a large breath. 
“But it’s not going to come to that, right?” 
Tearing myself away from Steve’s sad gaze, I looked towards Natasha and nodded. 
“Can she do it?” I asked, changing the subject and walking away from Steve. 
The questionable outcome weighed heavy on my mind but there was always one thing that was clear. If something were to happen to me, whatever it was, I needed to make sure that Bucky moved on. He couldn’t dwell on me or what happened. It was true what I told Steve; Bucky deserved to be happy, even if I had passed. 
Suddenly, a loud bang sounded from above us, shaking the castle. I looked around everyone in the room before my eyes landed finally on Steve, a knowing look on his face. 
“They’re here,” I said. 
“Get this man a shield!” T’challa pointed towards Steve before shouting more directions to others. 
“Bucky,” I muttered while leaving the room and sprinting outside the castle. 
Bucky and Sam were standing in the middle of the town center, staring up towards the sky. 
Gunshots rain down on us but thankfully they couldn’t break the barrier that was protecting us. 
“God, I love this place,” Bucky admitted. 
“You guys alright?” I questioned while standing in between them. 
Sam nodded. “How’re they doing up there?” 
“It’s going to take awhile for Shuri to recreate a stone,” I admitted. 
We watched in slight horror when ships came from the sky, landing right outside the protective dome. 
“Cap, we’ve got a situation out here.” I said into my com. 
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The grass flattened beneath my boots as we stood on the open field, preparing ourselves for the fight. 
I looked over to Bucky. “Hm?” 
Without saying a word, handed me one of his guns, silently knowing that I wasn’t quite ready to use my powers. 
“Be careful,” he said. 
“You too,” I spoke while lacing our fingers together.
My attention was averted from Bucky as I shook my fingers, trying to bring the spark to life, but groaned in defeat. 
I never would have thought that when I decided to not use them any more that it would backfire. Now would be the perfect time to be able to use them. 
“Did they surrender?” I asked Steve as he returned to his spot next to me. 
T’challa, Nat, and him walked down to the edge of the barrier, trying to talk to the alien species. 
“Not exactly,” he sighed. 
Suddenly, thousands of aliens came from the ships, running towards the barrier that was protecting us, killing themselves in the process. 
“They’re killing themselves,” I muttered. 
The few that made it through, alive, charged towards us and without a second thought, all of us raised our weapons to prepare for war. 
Bucky and I shot bullets towards the aliens that made it close to us. I knew, deep down, that no matter how many bullets we had or knives I used, it wouldn’t be enough. 
“You know, Y/N, now would be a perfect time to toast these fuckers,” Sam’s voice came through the com in my ear. 
“You don’t think I’ve tried!” I yelled. “It’s not working!” 
A simple snap of the fingers and nothing. 
“What’s stopping them from trying to enter behind us?” I asked Steve, when I noticed the aliens running around the barrier. 
“We need to open the barrier,” T’challa stated. 
Looking between Steve and Bucky, two men who I would protect with my heart and knowing they would do the same for me. 
“We’re with each other till the end, right?” I asked them both. 
“Always,” Steve spoke. 
“Forever, doll.” Bucky gave a quick kiss to the side of my head. 
With a loud war cry, our army charged forward as T’challa gave the order to open the barrier. Thousands of aliens sprinting towards us. 
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pochipop · 1 year ago
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#. synopsis! — how they greet you after being gone for a bit .
#. characters! — pharah, moira, tracer, sombra, ashe .
#. warnings! — none .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw), @hhoneypop (moodboards) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
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In spite of the soreness and the body aches from parading around in her heavy armor for the last few weeks, Fareeha’s face lights up with a smile the moment she sets her eyes on you. All those restless nights on duty simmer out to a distant memory now that she’s seen your face again. She doesn’t care who's around to see as she pulls you in, hugging you tightly, —almost crushingly (in a good way.) You bury your face in her chest, taking in her scent and her body’s natural warmth. In the embrace, she revels in your presence, allowing herself the time to reacclimate to your affection in lieu of the harsher conditions of battle. Though she’s trained long and hard to be the top-notch soldier that she is now, it’s hard to deny the downsides of her job now that she has someone waiting for her back home. The drawbacks aren’t enough to keep her on the ground forever, at least not right now, but one day she knows there’ll be a time when she returns, and it will be the last. The frontlines won’t call her name any longer. . . But you will. And you’ll let her hold you all the same. She leans in to kiss you, cradling your cheeks in her calloused hands, mumbling how much she’s missed you against your lips, and in a rare lack of stubbornness, she won’t argue when you tell her she should go and get some much-needed rest.
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# MOIRA !! ♡
Moira doesn’t like to be fussed over, but she’s not beyond affection. Not in private, at least. Upon her return, she’ll take her time tying up any loose ends from the mission, walking through the labs on three hours of sleep at most, but her mind still sharp as ever. It’s incredible, really, the force that woman is even on the worst of days. She’ll make you wait until her work-related tasks have all been handled appropriately, —and then she’ll finally turn her attention to her sweet, lovesick angel who’s been waiting so long for her arrival. When she does, it’s almost like the weight of the world falls away, both from your shoulders and her own. She may not show it outwardly, but you can tell by the way her body loses the majority of its tension that she’s relieved, at least in part, to be home with you. The intensity of her focus is always the same, whether it falls on one of her experiments, or on you, —the one who waits so patiently for her to come back. There’s a warmth in her eyes when she looks at you that she seldom shows with others, and it leaves you weak in the knees. Although Moira isn’t keen on the over-the-top reunion sort of greeting, she’ll welcome you into her arms once the two of you are alone, and she’ll have no problem kissing you deeply, if only to remind you that she truly does love you, even if saying it isn’t her strongest suit.
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# TRACER (LENA) !! ♡
Lena doesn’t waste a single moment from the second her two feet hit the ground. Any thoughts of a relaxing cup of warm tea or a hot shower to soothe the lingering aches are drowned out entirely by her tunnel visioned desire to see and hold you as soon as humanly possible. She’s been thinking of you the entire time, especially so since she began the journey back home, every inch of her just thrumming with excitement. The instant she sees your face, she meets your gaze with a wide, happy smile and dashes over, arms wide open to wrap them around your frame. She showers your face in a cascade of peppered kisses, hoping they might get her point across better than murmuring “I missed you” a thousand times over ever could. You giggle at the display, and she keens at the sound, —it’s like a long overdue melody that soothes all the bruises littering her skin. It’s all too easy to get lost in the togetherness, and Lena practically melts at the feeling your lips pressed against her own in an ardent kiss. Sure, she loves her job. She loves helping people, loves saving the day, —loves being a hero for those who need it. But at the end of all things, she knows the fulfillment of going on missions will fade one day, and when she’s left only with the bliss of savoring your lips on hers. . . Well, she thinks she’ll be just fine.
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For all the things she is, Olivia has never been particularly sentimental. She plays life fast and loose, taking risks that no one else will, —and sometimes it’s just for the sake of it. Still, she comes back and it’s like she left a little part of herself in your hands the entire time, hoping you’d keep it safe and secure. Though she teases you for tearing up or openly admitting that you missed her, there’s always an unspoken admission that she feels the same way, even if she’s a little too proud to say it. She isn’t too proud, however, to hold you close, —tightly enough to convey all the feelings she bottles up to keep herself from looking like a fool, stumbling over pathetic attempts at confessions of love. It’s easier this way, when you take her playful ribbings for what they are: a love language within themselves. It’s easier when she doesn’t have to bare her soul and strip herself apart for you to believe that she cares. She’ll jest with you about how smitten you are, never losing that nonchalant facade; but in between the lines is a warmth unlike any other. A love like hers really seems to transcend the need for explicit declarations of infatuation, so even when she doesn’t lay overt affection on thick enough for you to drown in, you never doubt that you’ll always be the first to know when she arrives back home.
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# ASHE !! ♡
When she’s certain that all of her ducks are in a row, Ashe doesn’t mind letting you fawn over her a bit behind closed doors. If you were anyone else, she’d be halfway to biting your head off the moment you smooth your hands over her shoulders, asking if she’s hurt, —if things went well, if she needs anything from you now that she’s back. . . But you aren’t just anyone, and she’s begrudgingly accepted how much she cares for you, even on her worst days. She never goes into much detail about what happens while she’s away. That’s for her to know and you to stop thinking about, but she’ll offer little tidbits every now and again, and she’ll talk to you in that smooth, southern accent that drips just like molasses until she grows tired of the monotony of conversation and shuts you up with her mouth on yours. Words become obsolete, and the warmth of her lips speaks volumes that even prose never could. The unspoken parts of her endeavors might remain locked away, but the sweetness of her affection is an open book. As far as she’s concerned, letting you sit on her lap is proof enough that she’s just fine, and you’ll get the hint sooner or later. You’re a clever one, after all. Above all else, Ashe isn’t keen on living in the past. When things happen, the pieces fall where they may, and she’s long since decided that it’s better to just move forward, closure or not. Needless to say, she’s found that a little make out session never hurts to push the progress onward in that regard, so you can keep her company for a bit before she returns to her typical position, and she’s always sure to make it worth your while.
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from-izzy · 1 year ago
[19:32] | tbz kim sunwoo
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» ​PAIRING: tbz kim sunwoo x pregnant fem reader​ » TROPE/AU​: uhhhh...i don't think there's a trope for this one 🤔 established relationship au! marriage au! » GENRE​: hurt/comfort!!, husband sunwoo, fluffy fluffy fluff fluff, slight angst, ​comforting sunwoo, loving sunwoo, patient sunwoo, hurt/comfort » WORD COUNT: ​1868 » ESTIMATED READING TIME: ~7 mins » WARNINGS (lmk if i missed anything!): pregnancy, vomiting and sickness, insecurities
this was my first ever timestamp story! ahhhh the memories from re-reading this 😍
i didn't want to change it much (changed one sentence) but it's more proofread now 🤭 this gathered 183 notes (14 rbs, 169 likes) and even though it hurts that i can't see that evidence anymore, i'm glad it got that much love!! this is very overdue but thank you so much 🫶
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You never knew that pregnancy would be this hard. 
Whenever you asked your mum about her pregnancy journey, she would always have a smile on her face, telling you all the exciting milestones; first positive test, telling other people the news, first ultrasound, first time there was a definite belly bump, first movement, buying items for you or your big brother and the list goes on.
Your mum didn’t leave out the other side of pregnancy though and in particular the sickness and depleted self-confidence due to the new changes in the body internally and externally. However, your mum only experienced a few episodes of morning sickness (compared to your grandma or her already mum friends) and you were nowhere like your mum.
“Please…” The tears in your eyes only accumulated over the past hour or so and the clock on the opposite side of the bathroom was becoming blurry. You could only murmur out whispers of pain and begs that this episode would pass by soon; and before Sunwoo would arrive home.
Kim Sunwoo has been the best husband ever. You thought that he was already perfect and loving but with all the new challenges and experiences in life, there was no way that you couldn’t fall for him even more day by day and the silver band around your ring finger is one of the evidences for that. 
Trudging to stand up from the kneeling position, the small whispers turned into louder cries by the second. The headache was killing you, your knees felt so cold and you could still taste the acidity of your stomach in your mouth. The flush button feels so out of reach unlike the first three times you pushed it and you eventually gave up for a bit to rest your forehead on the toilet seat, “God please…”
Still with all of these rough patches during your pregnancy, your blurry eyes could still see the purple shirt that covered your little pregnancy bump and with shaky hands, you soothed the little bean inside of you, “Can’t wait to meet you, baby. Your dad and I can’t wait to finally hold you in our arms.”
As if your child is listening, a little kick could be felt as if acknowledging their mother’s loving words. You could only sob while chuckling, still softly rubbing your stomach and whispering sweet nothings to your stomach. 
In the back of your mind, you are still very aware of the time. Sunwoo was supposed to arrive home around an hour ago yet he’s still not home. You were about to call him to check up on him but your episode started and your phone is way too far for you to even comprehend walking to the other side of the apartment. Sunwoo has been so busy for the whole time of your pregnancy with work as well as taking care of you. 
Waking up at a random time at three? He’s there to walk you to the bathroom
Sudden craving as soon as you wake up? Count on him to drive there and back as soon as possible.
Needing hugs and comfort? He’s running and never letting you go.
This was not how you wanted to greet him after a long week of work, especially when it was his first week of getting promoted. You just don’t ever want to worry him but you conflictingly accepted that pregnancy is not necessarily a one-person job and Sunwoo made you realise how important it is to always reach out to him whenever you need him. Still, you try to do everything yourself first.
Needless to say, you love this man with your whole being and you can’t wait for your child to meet the best dad in the whole wide world.
You freaked out at the familiar sound of the door unlocking, creaking open and the bright call for your name. With all the strength that you have accumulated over this short amount of time, you find the drive to stand up, put the toilet lid down and flush your evidence of pain down the drain. 
But throughout your pregnancy, Sunwoo is always so alert whenever he hears the toilet flushing that he practically runs to the bathroom to see you struggling to take even a step further away from the toilet, holding your body by pushing down your palm onto the edge of the sink next to you, “Baby?” At the sight of your dried tears, red eyes, dishevelled hair and shaking body, Sunwoo rushes over to you, imagining the war that you probably had alone, “Sit down here.” He pointed and directed you to the toilet seat.
You couldn’t help but cry again when you felt Sunwoo’s arm wrapping around your waist, setting you down on the toilet carefully. He kneels before you, lifting his head to scan your face for any additional discomfort, “I’m sorry.” Sobbing louder and louder when you catch a glimpse of his worried glance and creasing forehead, “I wanted to greet you nicely today. I even made you some snacks and such in the kitchen but you have to see me all ugly like th---”
“Hey, hey. Just stop, okay?” Sunwoo hushes your words when you begin to downgrade yourself, “Don’t say those things. You’re beautiful, bubs.” He tries to steal a kiss from your lips but you shake your head and push your face backwards, “Hey…”
“No, don’t kiss me. I'm disgusting right now.” You managed to say between your sobs. You couldn’t face your husband anymore in shame that you couldn’t take care of yourself for the whole week. Everything seemed to have the worst timing. You just wanted to make sure you could at least be there for Sunwoo when he opened the front door as he got through his first week of promotion yet not even halfway through the week, it was obvious that Sunwoo has done more reassuring than getting reassurance, “Don’t leave me…” 
Your heartbreaking tone made Sunwoo's heartbreak, “I promise I won’t.” He whispers with a sad smile. He’s heard this a couple of times recently but he promised himself and to you that he will always remind you that he’ll always be by your side, just like he promised a year ago on your wedding day, “Bubs, I’m right here for you. You can lean on me okay?” You clenched your fist at the understanding words, though you still felt so frustrated with yourself. Sensing this, Sunwoo rests both his hands on yours, moving his thumb over your palm to hopefully soothe your nerves, “I…should have called you. I’m sorry I’m late today.”
“Don’t be…” You shake your head, and finally meet your husband’s eyes who looks to be relaxed even though he’s also nervous inside, “Was everything okay today?”
“It was more than alright.” Sunwoo bites his bottom lip, crushing himself out internally to not rush home even faster when he left work today. He tried to hide his thoughts but his hands on top of you betrayed him.
“Sunwoo…what’s wrong?” 
“It’s just that---” Sunwoo sighs out exasperatedly at his past actions, taking one hand away to sweep his hair backwards, “I just should have come home earlier. I finished work early today but I decided to go to the shops for a while.”
“Hey, don’t blame yourself.” You reassured him for the first time in the whole week (that’s what you felt at least), bringing your hands to cup his face gently, “Did you get whatever it was that you wanted?”
“I…” Sunwoo shook his head, closing his eyes frustratingly, “I did but I would have come home earlier if I knew you were like this.” Suddenly, he took out his phone from his pocket, scanning the call log history and not once a single missed call came from you, “Where’s your phone by the way? Why didn’t you call me with your watch?”
“Phone is in the kitchen. And my watch…” You answered guiltily. You had a feeling where this conversation would go as it did many times in the past. 
There were too many occurrences before this one when Sunwoo would come home with you in this state, sometimes better than this, unfortunately, more times worse than this. When Sunwoo realised that this wasn’t going to be an easy thing to predict and prepare, he got you a smartwatch that allows you to call him. 
Never once had you used it.
How could you when you felt like the worst person ever to be burdening him with this? You should be able to do this alone. All the mothers on the internet did. All those single mothers probably did this all alone too. So you should be able to do this too?
“We talked about this.” Sunwoo said sternly, his eyebrows furrowed. He puts both of your hands away from his face to your lap, tapping on your watch on your wrist and calling his phone to make sure the dial still works. Sure enough, his own phone rings along with your saved name on his phone and his personalised ringtone for his wife, “Bubs…”
You shook your head, “I-I just can’t…not when you’re so busy with work and feeling tired.”
“Bubs.” Sunwoo’s voice shook and before saying anything else, he rested his forehead on your hands, taking deep breaths as he calmed himself down, “In sickness and in health right?” He continued his words as he looked back up with a tear rolling down his face. You whimper at the sight, your heart swelling as you can feel the love that he holds for you in his eyes.
“I-I know but sti---”
“Pregnancy is not supposed to be tackled alone like this.” Sunwoo shook his head, pressing a kiss with his plump lips on your forehead, “Someone is supposed to support you, hold you, and make sure you and the baby are safe and sound. I can’t be that someone if you don’t tell me, you know?” He reminded you once again, being the utmost patient with you as you wrap your arms around his neck and he holds the sides of your waist.
“Call me next time, please? You’re not a burden. Not to me. Never to me.” Sunwoo cups the side of your face with his palm and with a genuine smile that finally reaches his eyes, Sunwoo leans down to give you a soft peck on the lips despite your pout and complains after, “You’re beautiful, sweetheart. I love you so much.”
It was such a simple statement from your husband yet you felt your whole body relax at the genuine reassurance from the one person that you love the most in this world. Even though your eyes were still leaving tears down your face, Sunwoo looked at you with the most heartwarming gaze in the whole world, smiling with that box smile of his when you finally managed to let out a small smile, “I love you so much, Kim Sunwoo.”
“Now.” Sunwoo leans away to stand up slowly before kneeling back down again but this time with his back facing you, “Hop on! I bet you’ll be happy with what I got you.”
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tags (send a dm/ask if you would like to be here!): @deoboyznet 📢❤️ @k-labels 💙🤍 @k-films 🤎🎞️
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justabigassnerd · 1 year ago
Summer of Love pt. 3
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Pairing - Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x reader
Word count - 6,041
Warnings - mentions of injuries and medication, little pinch of angst, fluff, mentions of Goose and Carole
Summary - while in the final stages of recovery after a mission gone wrong, Bradley signs himself up to work at a summer camp just for something to do since Maverick has barred him from Navy work for the time being. meanwhile, you're in between jobs and figure working at a summer camp is some good experience. you meet Bradley and experience a romance you could've never expected (along with some very nosy kids)
Summer of Love masterlist
A/N - wow I'm back with a new part of Summer of Love?? this was long overdue and I kinda went off on one here so I really hope I did this series some justice with the newest part. there's actually a part in here based off something that legitimately happened to me when I worked at a summer camp in America so there's a fun fact for ya :). anyway I won't ramble, as per y'all, please send in requests, feedback, and enjoy!!!
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Waking up to the sound of your alarm would normally fill you with a sense of dread at having to face a day of work, but since arriving at camp your excitement levels had been climbing with each waking moment. Today it felt like they were at an all-time high because today was finally the day that the children would arrive and camp would begin properly. You get up and change before making your way over to the dining hall to have some breakfast, greeting all your friends as you join them at the table.
“How are you guys feeling about the fact camp is going to be in full swing by tonight?” Ella asks, a clear excitement in her voice as she glances at each of you in turn, all of you nodding with wide smiles.
“I can’t wait for it to get started!” You reply, practically grinning ear to ear with excitement.
“It’s going to be one hell of an experience.” Bradley then says, his smile matching yours as the group of you continue to talk, trying to predict what the next two months could hold for you all until Kerry stands at the front of the room and addresses you all.
“Alright, you guys! As you are all aware, the kids will be arriving this afternoon so take the morning to make sure your cabins are spotless and welcoming for when the children and their parents arrive so they can feel settled the moment they arrive.” Kerry announces, looking around the room at all the excited members of staff who were eagerly anticipating the official start of the camp session.
After Kerry had finished explaining what would transpire when the children began to arrive as well as telling you what time they were due to arrive, you were all dismissed to go and finish preparing your cabins for the arrival of the kids.
You arrive back at your cabin and quickly get to work, writing out little notes for each girl assigned to your cabin and placing one on each of the beds in the cabin so the girls have a bed assigned but you weren’t going to be upset if they wanted to swap with someone else. As long as it was agreed upon and caused no arguments, you were happy for the girls to make their experience as good as possible in their own way.
Once you’ve placed the notes down on the beds, you do a sweep of the whole cabin, getting rid of any outside dirt that may have snuck its way in before wiping down all the bedside tables to rid them of dust that had settled over time. When you were satisfied that your cabin was completely tidy and looked welcoming enough, you got changed into the correct uniform you needed to be wearing for when the children arrived and made your way over to the staff lounge to relax and hang out with your friends before lunch.
Meanwhile, across the camp, Bradley was making similar preparations for his cabin. Unlike you, Bradley had not made any notes or anything similar to put on the beds. He had chosen to roughly sketch out a layout of the cabin and write names on each of the four beds in the cabin but he wasn’t going to put up much of a fight if they wanted to switch around. All Bradley could hope for was that none of the boys in his cabin had heavy gear that they would ask for a hand with. While Bradley had remembered to take his medication this time, his back was still not up to any heavy lifting tasks just yet. When Bradley was satisfied the cabin was clean after thoroughly cleaning as if he were back in the naval academy awaiting a room inspection, he changed into the appropriate uniform. He then made his way to the staff lounge as you had done.
“Hey, Bradley.” You greet him warmly the moment you notice him enter the room, smiling up at him as he crosses the room to sit on the sofa with you.
“Hey, y/n. Cabin all sorted?” Bradley asks with a smile, easing himself back against the sofa cushions as you nod your head.
“I think so. All it needs now is some campers. Are you all sorted?” You reply, smiling softly at Bradley as he mirrors your nod.
“Yeah, all sorted.” He says, smiling as you begin to talk about how excited you were for camp to start properly. Bradley thought you had the cutest smile, and that it was so cute seeing you so excited for this.
Before Bradley could continue his conversation with you, he felt his phone buzz in his pocket and he tilted his head slightly in confusion when he saw Maverick’s name displayed across his phone for a Facetime call.
“I’m so sorry, I’ve got to take this really quick.” Bradley excuses himself apologetically, grabbing his headphones from his locker and plugging them into his phone before sitting out on the porch and picking up the call.
“Hey, Mav.” He greets his godfather with a small smile.
“Hey, kid. I remembered you saying that camp officially starts this afternoon so I figured I’d get a last-minute call in before you’re too busy.” Maverick starts before Penny crosses to stand behind him, leaning over his shoulder so Bradley can see her.
“He means I reminded him.” She says, eliciting a chuckle from Bradley as she moves off camera again to continue with what she is doing.
“How’s things back home?” Bradley asks, partially curious as to how things at Top Gun have been, and partially trying to deal with his fear of missing out.
“It’s good. Pretty quiet without you and Hangman butting heads that’s for sure. But you know the Daggers, they’re able to keep me on my toes.” Maverick admits with a soft chuckle as he thinks back to all the shenanigans he’s had to put up with since becoming Captain of the Dagger Squadron.
“I never thought I’d say this, but I sort of miss butting heads with Jake. But don’t tell him I said that, his ego doesn’t need any more boosts, he gets enough from the women at the Hard Deck.” Bradley says, finding himself admitting something he thought he’d die before saying out loud.
“Your secret is safe with me Bradley. I will be honest, we do all miss you here. I wish nothing more than for you to be flying with us but I know I need to stick to my guns and let you finish up your recovery before you come back.” Maverick says, a solemn expression crossing his face as Bradley nods his head sadly.
“I understand, Mav.” Bradley says, sadness tugging lightly at his heart as he thinks of everything he is missing back in San Diego. He knew coming to work at a summer camp was his idea, and he was yet to have any regrets about it. But his heart still longed to be up in the air, flying with his friends and doing his duty.
“Your back isn’t giving you too much trouble is it?” Maverick asks quietly as if people were potentially listening in to their conversation. Bradley could only bring himself to shake his head at Maverick’s question, not trusting his voice enough to convince his godfather that his back wasn’t troubling him.
“Hey, Bradley. I just thought I’d let you know we’re heading over for lunch so you can come and join us whenever you’re ready. But don’t rush though. Finish your call whenever.” Bradley is shaken out of his pity party thoughts by your soft voice and gentle hand on his shoulder, leaning down and speaking softly so as not to cause too much of a ruckus while he’s on the phone before offering him a small smile when he looked up at you and then leaving the porch and crossing to the dining hall, Bradley’s gaze following you the whole way.
“Who was that?” Maverick’s voice snaps Bradley back to reality, feeling a slight blush cover his cheeks at being caught out.
“It was… uh- y/n.” Bradley stumbles over his words, only serving to deepen his blush as he watches Maverick raise an eyebrow.
“I see. Is y/n your girlfriend?” Maverick asks, watching and fighting back a laugh when Bradley’s eyes widen.
“No. She’s a friend who happens to be a girl. That’s it.” Bradley defends himself, trying to hide his feelings as Maverick hums in amusement, clearly not believing Bradley’s adamant denial of his feelings.
“Pete, leave Bradley alone.” Penny scolds in the background, shooting Maverick a look when he glances away from his phone to look at her, warning him to behave.
“Look Mav, I should get going if I want to get lunch before the kids arrive.” Bradley says, glancing over at the dining hall as he feels his stomach grumble at the thought of food.
“Yes, of course. Have a good time, kid. Message us when you can and I’ll keep you up to date on what the Daggers get up to.” Maverick says, smiling as he and Bradley bid each other goodbye before ending the call. Bradley pulls his headphones out with a sigh and moves to stand up, wincing when his back twinges in pain before shoving his phone back in his locker and crossing to the dining hall. He quickly plates up some food once he enters before scanning the room, unable to stop the smile from covering his face when he sees you sat with your friends, one seat free for him.
“Hey guys.” Bradley greets everyone at the table as he sits down, placing his plate down in front of him and digging in.
“Oh, Bradley you didn’t need to rush your call if you weren’t done I could’ve plated some stuff up for you.” You say apologetically, feeling bad that he ended his call so soon after you and the others came up for lunch.
“Don’t worry about it, Mav isn’t one for long calls anyway so we probably would’ve finished the call by now anyway.” Bradley says with a shrug, placing his fork down and lifting the cup of water to his lips.
“Mav? Who names their kid that?” Cameron asks, confused, glancing over at Bradley who quickly realises his slight error.
“My godfather is in the Navy, same as me. Mav is short for Maverick. That’s his callsign.” Bradley clarifies, receiving nods of understanding in response.
“Wait so if you’re in the Navy too, that means you must have a fancy callsign too. What is it then?” Nathan asks, causing a clamour of people wanting to know Bradley’s callsign as he rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
“I’ve got enough people calling me by my callsign in my day-to-day life I don’t need to add you guys into it as well. It’s staying a secret sorry guys.” Bradley shrugs with a grin as everyone jokingly groans at the lack of a callsign reveal. As you finish up your lunch together, you are suddenly aware that it’s only a matter of time before the children start to arrive so with one last good luck to each other, you leave the dining hall and head your separate ways to your cabins to await the arrival of your campers.
You wait with a smile inside your cabin, you had the door propped open so parents and children alike could see that you were inside as you busied yourself with last-minute adjustments so you didn’t look like you were just sitting around bored.
“Hello?” You hear a voice come from behind you, making you turn to face the owner of the voice, seeing two parents and their daughter between them.
“Hello, it’s so nice to meet you! What’s your name?” You greet the three happily, welcoming them into the cabin and addressing the young girl who glances down at the floor, clearly shy.
“I’m Zoe.” She says quietly, fidgeting with the hair tie on her wrist.
“Hi Zoe, I’m y/n and I’m going to be your counsellor for the summer. Would you like to find the bed with your name on it?” You introduce yourself with a gentle smile before offering her something to do as she nods, creeping towards each of the beds in turn until she eventually points out the bed with her name card on it.
“Look at that Zo, you’ve got a great view of the lake isn’t that amazing?” Her dad states, glancing out the window that sat beside her bed, wrapping his arm around his daughter and looking at the view with her.
“It’s Zoe’s first time here so she’s a little nervous since it’s her first time spending a good chunk of time away from home.” Zoe’s mother sidles up alongside you to mumble and you turn to face her.
“That is completely understandable. My job is to make sure she has a great time here.” You say with a nod, understanding her potential homesickness and shyness in a new place. You then help get her bags in before Zoe’s parents bid her goodbye, leaving you to help her unpack her things with the space she has. You made small talk with Zoe, asking her about some of the activities she had signed up for and told her about how friendly the counsellors running those activities were so she felt less nervous about them. Soon another girl entered the cabin with her parents trailing behind.
“Hi, I’m Julia!” The girl introduces herself to both you and Zoe, leading her parents into the cabin and quickly locating the bed with her name on it as if she’d done it before.
“Wow, you knew to look for the name card, guess I’m not the first one to have tried it, huh?” You joke with a laugh as Julia’s parents set her bags down by her bed.
“This is my second summer here, and my last counsellor did the same thing so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to check.” Julia says with a smile as she instantly starts to unpack her belongings.
“Well, I’m y/n and I’ll be your counsellor for the summer.” You introduce yourself to the young girl as she grins over at you. Julia’s parents mingle for a few more minutes, talking to you as Julia starts to make conversation with Zoe, helping her to break out of her shell a little as she shares some of her spare fabrics to make curtains for the windows as you smile at the interactions. Julia’s parents then said goodbye to their daughter who quickly hugged them goodbye before returning to her conversation with Zoe. Soon your last two girls arrived at the same time with their parents in tow.
“You two must be Louisa and Megan. I’m y/n, your counsellor.” You introduce yourself to the girls as you help their parents bring their bags into the cabin.
“It’s nice to meet you.” The two girls chirp in tandem, smiling and crossing to their beds and starting to unpack, introducing themselves to the others as their parents join you.
“These two have been best friends since birth. And they’ve been coming here since we found out about this camp so they definitely know how it works around here.” The woman who introduces herself as Louisa’s mother says as she watches her daughter happily interacting with her new cabinmates.
“They definitely look like they know what they’re doing.” You muse as you watch the two girls giving advice and helping Zoe and Julia set up their makeshift curtains before doing the same with the window nearest their beds before turning to you.
“Hey, y/n. Do you want some fabric for this little window here? That way you can have some privacy when you’re in your area of the cabin.” Megan asks, holding up some fabric as you glance from it to the little window that sits in the wall separating your cabin area from the girls.
“That’s a great idea, Megan. We can make them into little curtains so whenever we’re in here during the day I can have them open to keep an eye on you all.” You joke, eliciting giggles from all the girls as the parents chuckle too.
“Well, I guess we should be off then.” Both Megan and Louisa’s parents say, getting hugs from their children before bidding everyone goodbye and then heading out of the cabin to begin their journey home.
After they leave, you turn to your campers, a smile on your face as you watch them helping each other unpack and decorate the cabin.
“Alright girls, how about we get to know each other a little while we decorate? I know Megan and Louisa know each other but there’s no harm in being friends with your whole cabin is there? Why don’t we go around and everyone can introduce themself with their name and an activity they’re excited for.” You say, addressing each of the girls as they all nod glancing around each other, introducing themselves by name and naming an activity they’re excited for. Zoe was excited to learn how to waterski, Louisa was excited to horse ride, Megan was excited to audition for the camp musical, and Julia was excited to do some arts and crafts. It made you happy to hear how excited these girls were for the various activities the camp had to offer. You sat with the girls as they helped you make curtains out of the fabric Megan gave to you and once they were made you entered your part of the cabin and hung it up in the window, pulling them back and tying them back so they were open and you could see into the girls area of the cabin.
“I don’t know about you guys but I think we have the best cabin ever.”
Meanwhile, over in Bradley’s cabin he was just greeting the parents of the last boy to arrive in his cabin, he had already greeted Nick, Tom, and Alex so by process of elimination it was Lucas who had just arrived. He greeted the parents with a shake of the hand before introducing himself to Lucas and pointed out his bed so he could start to unpack.
“I hate to be a bother but Lucas’ trunk is a little heavy, we had to cart it down here. Do you think you could give me a hand bringing it into the cabin?” Lucas’ dad asks, looking very apologetic for having to ask in the first place. Bradley knew he should say no, he could picture his doctor and Maverick screaming at him to not help but Bradley couldn’t bring himself to turn down the ask for help.
“Of course, we’ll take a handle each.” Bradley says with a smile, stepping outside the cabin to where the small wooden cart with the trunk on was sitting. Bradley took one of the handles in his hand while Lucas’ dad took the other. Upon lifting it, Bradley was relieved to find out it was nowhere near as heavy as he had anticipated it to be, in fact, he was sure he could’ve carried it himself, but he couldn’t ignore the throbbing pain in his back when he lifted it so he did his best to get it into the cabin as quickly as possible.
“There we go.” Lucas’ dad says as he and Bradley put the trunk down on the floor for Lucas to begin unpacking.
“That hardly seemed like a problem for you.” Lucas’ mum praises Bradley, smiling as Bradley shakes his head with a chuckle.
“I’m pretty sure the bag I brought was heavier than that.” Bradley says with a laugh as Lucas’ parents exchange a look and laugh.
“Well, we’ll leave Lucas in your capable hands then. Have a good time son.” Lucas’ dad says, bidding goodbye to his son who says a goodbye in response before focusing on unpacking and making his bed while chatting with the other three boys in his cabin. Bradley then decides to make the effort to get to know the boys who very clearly all knew each other already and so strikes up a conversation asking what they’re looking forward to doing. Unsurprisingly, Bradley soon found out that most of the boys were excited to work on their sports skills, mostly in soccer, which meant Bradley had to make sure he was the best instructor he could be to help the boys get to the skill level they’d like to. Bradley continues to chat with his campers for a while, helping them set up their areas until he clocks the time on his watch.
“Alright guys, we should head out to the assembly point.” He says, remembering that there was a meeting to welcome everyone to camp before everyone was given the assigned table that they had to sit at for breakfast and dinner while at lunch they could sit wherever they wanted. Bradley ushers his campers out of the cabin once they’re ready and they make their way to the assembly point, finding a place to sit and waiting as more and more people arrive and find somewhere to sit. Bradley saw you arrive with your campers in tow, you had brief eye contact and you offered him a small wave before one of your campers pointed out a place you could all sit so you then followed her to the free spot.
Soon, Kerry stood before you all and welcomed all the campers to the beginning of camp, which was met with excited cheers from the campers as some began to murmur excitedly amongst each other until Kerry quietened them down, her smile still wide and welcoming. When everyone is calmed down again, Kerry explains that she’s going to call out the table number, and then the people who are sitting at that table. After she says the names, the people who were called out can go and sit at their assigned table and wait for everyone else. You all wait patiently as Kerry calls out the numbers and names.
“On table twelve we have Bradley, y/n, Molly, Jamie, Sophia, Seb, Eve, and Kevin.” Kerry calls out your name and you stand up, making your way towards the dining hall with the other people at your table, unable to suppress your smile as Bradley walks up alongside you.
“Guess we’re tablemates now.” Bradley jokes, smiling as the eight of you enter the dining hall, locating the table displaying the number twelve.
“I suppose there are worse people to be grouped with.” You say with a smile, giggling as Bradley jokingly scoffs and rolls his eyes as you all sit down at your table, waiting for the rest of the camp to go to their tables.
When everyone is sat at their tables, Kerry announces how breakfast and dinner will function. Everyone will sit at their tables after the morning and afternoon meetings and will wait as the tables are released to get their food by row, and every table is responsible for cleaning up after themselves. With the rules now established, the tables are released row by row to go and plate up their meals. When your table is released, you make your way up to the hot food bar and plate up some dinner before returning to your table and digging into your food as the rest of your table slowly returns.
“All I’m saying is the Daggers would be so jealous of the food we have here. The food in the canteen isn’t nearly as good as this.” Bradley says after a mouthful of food, glancing over at you as you nod in agreement. Knowing your friends from back home would be jealous of the food you were being served.
“What is the Daggers?” Jamie asks, looking at Bradley curiously as he exchanges a look with you, clearly unprepared for such a question.
“I’m a naval aviator and the Daggers is the name of my squadron.” Bradley explains with a small smile, seeing how the kid's eyes light up when he reveals his job to them. He is then bombarded with questions from curious kids who want to know more. They all seem to love hearing some of Bradley’s stories, he made sure to only pick the appropriate ones, mostly about his training and teammates.
“My dad used to be an aviator, his callsign was Diesel. What’s your callsign?” Sophia asks, which once again has all eyes on Bradley as he chuckles.
“That’s staying a secret from everyone. Not even the other counsellors know my callsign. I get called it enough to earn a little break.” Bradley says, earning a wave of groans and pleads with the promise it would stay a secret between the table but Bradley sticks to his guns.
“Sorry guys, some things just stay secret.” Bradley grins as he lifts his cup of water to his lips before taking a sip as there’s yet another ripple of groans from the children. You then effortlessly switch the subject and ask the kids what kinds of activities they’ve signed up for and Bradley can’t help but admire how good you are with the children and how you hold conversation with them, listening to them as if their thoughts and opinions were the most important thing to you.
Before you knew it, dinner was over and everyone made their way into the hall that functioned as a small theatre and a gymnasium to watch some of the counsellors take part in the counsellor variety show, some singing, some doing silly dances with their friends, and more. You were happy to sit at the back of the room along with the other counsellors to watch and enjoy the show. When the show was finished Kerry took to the stage to dismiss you all to head back to your cabins for the night and you gathered up your four campers and walked back up to the cabin with them while Bradley found his four.
“Are you guys good to head back to the cabin yourselves? I have something I need to do.” Bradley says and once they nod he sends them off to the cabin, instructing them to get ready for bed before he gets back, as they leave, Bradley heads in the direction of the nurse’s lodge, grabbing his medication from the bag with his name on and taking it with a swig of water before shoving it away and making his way back to the cabin where he enters his area of the cabin and changes into a pair of flannel pyjama bottoms and one of his shirts from his Navy training days before throwing on his beloved Eagles sweatshirt over the top to counter the chill he felt in the cabin. Once he was ready and checked with the boys that they had gotten changed, he entered their area of the cabin and leaned up against the wall asking how they all were.
“We’re good. Hey, what’s going on with you and y/n? You two looked really close.” Nick asks, getting a murmur of agreement from the rest of the boys while Bradley fights back a blush he knows is coming.
“We’re friends. We’ve been friendly since we met at the start of counsellor orientation.” Bradley says, not missing how the campers exchange a knowing look.
“Sure… well, Louisa from y/n’s cabin was at my table and she noticed it too so I bet she’s going to ask her as well.” Alex says, making Bradley let out a soft sigh.
“Look, don’t drag y/n into anything. We’re just here to do our jobs and make sure you guys have a good summer. It’s hard to do that when kids are bugging you about things that aren’t true.” Bradley says, an overwhelming urge to protect you from the pestering campers leaping out without a second thought.
“You sound pretty protective there, Bradley. Sure it’s because y/n is just a friend?” Tom says making Bradley roll his eyes biting his tongue so he wouldn’t seem so defensive and add fuel to their fire. All he could hope was that your campers weren’t putting you through the same interrogation.
“y/n, we saw you and Bradley laughing and chatting during dinner. Do you have a crush on him?” Louisa asks as you’re perched on the end of Zoe’s bed, book in hand to read to them as per their request.
“What?” You ask with a laugh, feeling your cheeks growing hot at the sudden question.
“All of us saw it. You were laughing and chatting with him. You totally have a crush on him.” Julia pipes up, making you let out a breathy laugh.
“We’re just friends girls. Friends laugh and talk together, especially when you’re the only two adults at the table. Bradley’s a nice guy to talk with.” You defend yourself, picking what you believe to be the most believable excuses to say as your cheeks grow hotter. 
“Okay.” Megan says, all four girls exchanging a look as you open the book to the first chapter, focusing on the page to calm down before looking back up at the girls.
“Are you ready for me to start reading now?”
About forty-five minutes later, you were quietly sneaking out of your cabin after lights out. Usually, you’d be granted from ten to midnight to have off while a few other counsellors were on patrol to make sure the cabins were covered. But since it was the first night of camp, you only got an hour instead of two but you were more than okay with that. You just wanted to stargaze for a while. You made your way to a small slope in the ground near the dining hall, sitting down on the grass and looking up at the stars, a soft smile on your face as you searched for constellations.
“Room for one more?” You hear about five minutes into stargazing and you look up to see Bradley smiling down at you.
“Of course.” You say with a smile, patting the grass next to you and waiting for Bradley to sit down, fighting the urge to raise your eyebrow at the smallest hiss of pain that escaped his lips as he sat down. Once he’s sat down, you both focus your gaze on the stars, watching them shine up in the darkened sky. You felt slightly awkward with Bradley sat alongside you after the questioning you received from your campers. They had hit the nail on the head with your crush on the tall aviator, but you had no clue how he felt about you and you treasured the newfound friendship with Bradley that you were more than willing to lock your feelings away to prevent heartbreak. After a brief silence, you clear your throat slightly and speak up.
“So you’re really not going to tell anyone your callsign? Not even the kids?” You ask with a smile as you glance over at Bradley who lets out a small breathy chuckle.
“I don’t think my ego could handle my callsign being public knowledge among the campers. It’s not exactly a callsign that strikes fear into the hearts of people.” Bradley says, explaining his reasoning and you nod in understanding.
“That’s okay. I didn’t mean to make it seem like you had to tell anyone if you didn’t want to.” You apologise, shifting your gaze back to the night sky as Bradley mirrors your actions before a comfortable silence falls over the two of you.
“Rooster.” Bradley says quietly after a brief silence.
“What was that?” You ask, turning to look at Bradley who somehow seemed perfectly illuminated under the moonlight.
“My callsign, it’s Rooster.” Bradley then says, shifting his gaze to meet yours, a shy smile appearing on his face.
“Rooster… I like it. What earned you that callsign?” You ask curiously, immediately wondering if you overstepped judging by Bradley’s expression and were prepping an apology before he spoke up.
“My dad���s callsign was Goose so I wanted to keep my callsign avian. Duck or Chicken probably weren’t the best choices so I ended up with Rooster. It’s not the most terrifying of callsigns but it’s good enough for me.” Bradley explains, glancing back up at the stars, wondering if his parents were up there together watching down on him as you listen carefully to his words.
“I think it’s lovely you wanted a callsign that could connect to your dad’s. Honestly, anyone who thinks that Rooster isn’t a scary callsign clearly has never been around a rooster because those things are scary.” You say, letting out a small laugh at the end of your sentence as Bradley cracks a smile of his own.
“So, is that why you didn’t want anyone to know? Because you’re worried it’s not considered cool enough?” You ask softly, curious as to whether that’s the only reason he won’t tell anyone.
“Well, there’s that. Then there’s the fact that more people in my life call me by my callsign instead of my actual name. I just want time to be Bradley.” He admits, gaze briefly flicking over to lock eyes with you once more before focusing back on the stars.
“You’re always going to be Bradley to all of us here. Even after we all head our own ways, everyone here is going to refer to you as Bradley.” You say with a smile, making Bradley nod slightly, his soft smile returning. Bradley was trying not to give away any of his supposedly obvious feelings towards you after the boys in his cabin grilled him about his feelings. He couldn’t keep lying to himself about his feelings anymore, but he didn’t want to risk the friendship he had with you. He didn’t want to scare you away. But you listened to him. You looked past Rooster and focused on Bradley. He realised then and there that he didn’t want anyone else but you.
“That will be nice. Just please don’t tell anyone my callsign.” Bradley asks, bringing himself back to reality and shifting to look over at you as you nod with a smile, moving to rest a comforting hand on top of Bradley’s entirely missing how his breath hitched at the contact because of how focused you were on the warmth of Bradley’s hand.
“Your secret is safe with me, Bradley.” You say, your voice no louder than a whisper, before removing your hand from atop Bradley’s, fighting back a frown at how cold you got the moment you moved your hand away while Bradley fought a frown of his own at the loss of the comforting feeling. The two of you look back up at the stars and continue to sit in comfortable silence for a few more minutes before a yawn slips past your lips without warning.
“I think that’s my cue to go and get some rest. You should do the same. We’re going to need all the rest we can get.” You say, beginning to get to your feet as Bradley mirrors your actions, standing face to face with you as you smile up at him under the moonlight.
“Goodnight Bradley.” You mutter with a shy smile, getting the sudden confidence to wrap him in a quick hug that took him aback at how gentle your hold was, able to wrap his arms around you for a brief second before you pulled away.
“Goodnight y/n.” Bradley replies, his soft smile never fading as he watches you turn around and make your way to the girl's line and disappear into the darkness before finally turning around himself and making his way back to his cabin.
When you reached your cabin, you snuck into your area of the cabin quietly, pulling your hoodie off and hanging it on a peg before taking your shoes off and climbing into bed, tugging the covers over yourself as you lie down, thinking about the first full day of camp tomorrow, and the tall aviator with a moustache on the other side of camp.
taglist (comment or ask to be added):
@noz4a2 @kim-stark @jessicab1991 @myxticmoon @burningwitchprincess @casuallyeating @adoringanakin @iamabeautifulperson18 @cascactus28 @og-baby-ob14
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opalimagines · 11 months ago
Struck By Lightning
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The Shade's adopted child—the child of the late Jay and Joan Garrick—follows him to Blue Valley and meets the new JSA's man of the hour, Rick Tyler.
Pre Season Two
⚡️Safe and Sound
You have a nightmare, and you seek out your father.
Season Two
⏳️ Welcome to Blue Valley
You arrive in Blue Valley for the first time and meet Yolanda.
⏳️ Legacies
Rick searches for you in order to get a lead on The Shade's whereabouts.
⏳️ Missing
Courtney finds you after The Shade disappears.
Post Season Two
⚡️Moral Support
You and Rick spend some time together at The Pit Stop while he works on his hourglass.
⚡️Alone, Together
Another night at The Pit Stop.
Rick accepts an invitation to the Swift home.
⚡️End of the Summer
The American Dream sponsors a fair to close out the summer.
⚡️Expanding Your Horizons
Rick spends another evening at the Swift home.
Season Three
⏳️ Head Start
Rick picks you up for your first day at Blue Valley High.
⏳️ You're Not Alone
After The Gambler's murder, you have doubts about your friendship with Rick, and your father leaves Blue Valley.
⏳️ Bad Influence
After your first week at school, a teacher warns you about your friendship with Rick, and you realize just how the people of Blue Valley see him.
⏳️ Boy Problems
Yolanda encourages you to ask Rick on a date, and it doesn't end well.
⏳️ Advice
In the aftermath of the fight with the Mahkents, you travel to New York to visit Shade
⏳️ Please Call Me Back
You go to New York City after Rick's blow up, and he realizes how badly he screwed up.
Post Season Three
(After the battle in the series finale)
⚡️ Pull Me Through
Rick takes off the hourglass.
⚡️Glad You're Here
Rick stays the night after the final battle with Ultra-Humanite and the Mahkents, and the two of you have a long overdue talk.
You meet Grundy for the first time.
⚡️First Date
Rick asks you out on a date.
⚡️Stay The Night
You ask Rick to stay over again.
⚡️Underneath The Stars
You and Rick have your first kiss.
⚡️The Talk
You and Rick tell your father that you're dating, and he decides it's time to have The Talk.
⚡️Mix Tape
It's your 17th birthday, and Rick has a gift for you.
⚡️Home Is Where I Want To Be (But I Guess I'm Already There)
An alien invasion interrupts the JSA's Homecoming, but you and Rick still get to have your dance.
This is not a series in the usual sense. It's basically random scenes I want to write about in this universe. This masterlist will have them in order of when they take place.
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geekygee01 · 2 years ago
Won’t you be (mine) - Chapter 1- An Introduction
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Series Masterlist
Pairing/s: Steve Harrington x Reader
Chapter Summary: After Nancy chooses Jonathan, Steve resigns himself to a life without love, until you walk through the doors of Family Video. He’s never felt this way about someone before, if this is what love feels like he never wants to let you go. There’s only one thing standing in his way, your fiancée.
Steve had first met you on a boring Wednesday afternoon. It had been another slow day at Family Video, made even worse by the fact that Steve had to open and somehow ended up needing to cover the closing shift too. Stupid Keith, all he could think about was finally clocking out of this nightmare. Although he'd just be leaving one nightmare for another, his cold and desolate home where he'd end up eating some shitty microwave meal whilst watching crappy reruns until he passes out. Only to rinse and repeat the process every other day, except Friday. On Friday night he will go on some unfulfilling date with a girl who's name he won't even remember in a weeks time.
This shift was meant to get better as Robin was scheduled to work the close with him, but all she had done since clocking in was complain about her day at school. There's only so much a person can listen to flute drama in a high school band before going insane.
"Are you even listening to me?!" Robins fingers wiggled right in Steve's face, jolting him out of his thoughts.
"Yes! Yes of course, Brenda is super annoying and can't even play the flute." Steve agreed with her points, trying to calm her down.
"Brenda plays the piccolo and that was the topic of conversation like five topics ago," she rolled her eyes at this so called 'best friend' "if you want me to shutup dingus just say so."
"What? No, I'm sorry, just a lot on my mind. I didn't mean to ignore you Robs."
"What's going on in that head of yours? Too many babes to keep track of?"
"Ha ha Robs, you know I'm not really into that serial dater scene anymore, I just want-"
"Yeah, yeah. You wanna meet your soulmate, I know. You say it every Monday and then come Friday you're off on another terrible date with the first pretty girl that gave you some attention," Robin sniped.
"Okay that may have happened in the past but this time I'm serious. I want a proper serious relationship with someone I could love, and I don't just mean the next pretty girl to walk through those doors-" Steve's rant was cut off by the little bell above the Family Video entrance signalling the arrival of a very pretty girl.
You rushed into Family Video, one arm weighed down by a bag of groceries and the other clutched some overdue movies. You walked up to the front desk and dropped your returns in front of a wide eyed employee. Even with the thud of cases in front of him he still didn't blink.
"Um, is he okay?" you asked the familiar female employee leaning on a counter next to him.
"Yeah, he's fine, he's just a dingus. Wait," she stretched herself out and kicked his shin, snapping him out of... well whatever was going on.
"HI!" he shouted "sorry, welcome to Family Video." His face flushed bright red which made you smile slightly, it was actually kind of adorable. "Um how can I help you?"
You glanced down at the movies you'd placed in front of him "I'd like to return these?"
"Right! Yes of course, you're returning these movies that you'd like to return," the girl by his side started laughing and he tried to subtly push her away.
"Yep that's right-" you glanced down at his name badge and froze. Steve? As in Steve Harrington? You tried to match this goofy video store employee with the asshole jock you went to school with, it's like some freaky body snatchers thing was going on. Was this the same guy? The badge didn't have a last name, but it had only been a year since he graduated and now that you thought about it he hadn't changed that much. Its surprising it took you that long to notice who he is, though its not like you ever really ran in the same circles. He probably didn't remember you either, if he ever even knew you to begin with. You wouldn't put it past King Steve to not even realise you existed, even if you did grow up in the same small town and share classes since first grade.
You were quick to empty those thoughts before your silence dragged on too long and got weird "that's right Steve," you smiled up at him and hope he didn't notice your weird lapse.
"Let's see, muppets, E.T and Scooby-doo which are... two days overdue," he looked up from the screen in front of him and you tried to hide your embarrassment,
"I know, I know. They were due Monday but between school and work and family drama it just completely slipped my mind, I am so sorry, how much in overdue fees do I owe?" you fiddled with the coins in your wallet and tried to avoid any form of eye contact.
"Uh, nothing at all. Yep it's a new policy, we don't charge late fees until after three days."
"Really?" you asked dubiously "Keith didn't mention anything about that when I rented them."
"Well that's Keith for you, very forgetful guy. Not sure why they put him in charge, it's a wonder this place is still running," Steve laughed awkwardly.
"Well I guess they must have impeccable employee Steve to thank for that," you smiled, still not completely convinced he was telling the truth. He tucked his hair and bashfully looked away.
"I don't know about all that," he deflected "are you looking to rent another movie?"
"Oh no not today, but I'll probably be back Friday," you smiled at the two workers and started heading for the door "I may just see you then."
It's only after you had left the store and the door had shut behind you that Steve whispered "can't wait."
You came back the following Friday to rent some films and Steve stumbled awkwardly through the entire interaction. His plans to flirt and charm had gone right out the window. He's not sure what happens when he's around you, it's like he's a different person.
He tried again the following Monday. And then Friday. And before he knew it it's been a month of seeing you twice a week and yet he's no closer to asking you on a date.
There's a tentative, easy friendship there and Steve enjoys getting to know you, but he just wants more. He wants more from the pretty girl with the great sense of humour. That finds his (and Robins) brand of awkward endearing instead of annoying. He's not sure how he never noticed you before, because to him you're perfect, but he's glad he's met you now.
"Today's the day," he announces "I'm going to do it."
"Do what?" Robin looks up from the magazine she's been flipping through.
"I'm going to ask out y/n."
Robin laughs and Steve is quick to scowl at her. "You've been saying that for weeks and yet you can barely get out one pick up line before blushing and stammering like a fool," Robin teases him.
"This time is different," he insists "now that we're friends it's easier to talk to her, which means it will be easier to flirt and then ask her out."
Robin just rolls her eyes and goes back to reading her magazine. Steve in turn rolls his eyes at her lack of faith and support.
Right on schedule you walk through the doors, sending a wave his and Robin's way. Steve is quick to wave back with a big smile. You briefly peruse the shelves before making your way to Steve, placing two movies down.
"The muppets and the Thing, bit of an odd combination," Steve smirks as he scans your films "you know I've heard The Thing can be quite creepy, might not want to watch it alone." he tries to subtly hint.
"Oh that's for my friend, he's been wanting me to watch it with him for a while and I've run out of excuses, so don't worry about little old me."
"That's great, wouldn't want you getting scared," Steve mumbled dejectedly, pushing your two films across the counter. But he's not backing out this time, you may not have picked up on his subtlety so he will just have to be more direct. "So listen, this might be weird or creepy and if it is you can totally ignore me and we can pretend this never happened-"
You can instantly see where this is headed and are quick to interrupt "I have a fiancee," he freezes and looks at you wide eyed "thank you for the films, now I need to get going because my daughter is a bit of a pyscho without her muppets fix." You quickly rush out of the store before things get too weird, or before you have to see Steve's crestfallen expression.
"A fiancee?" Steve mumbles to Robin, completely shocked "Wait! Daughter?!"
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helloalycia · 3 years ago
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⇇ chapter six ⇇
story masterlist | main masterlist | wattpad
⇉ chapter eight ⇉
author’s note: another day another update! hope you all like this one. calm before the storm… maybe? 👀
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Almost five hours later, Nat and I finally reached our hotel in Edinburgh and were exhausted to say the least. Turns out sitting in a car doing nothing can make you tired, so we were craving the comfort of our hotel room.
Yelena was already there, having arrived earlier today, so that's who I heard when Nat unlocked the door and I was not far behind her, rolling my suitcase behind me.
"There you are! You took forever!"
I followed behind Nat, entering the room, and saw Yelena stood in the middle, looking to her sister impatiently.
"That was my bad, I kept needing toilet breaks towards the end," I admitted with an apologetic smile.
"Y/N!" she grinned, before rushing up to me to pull me into a hug.
I smiled widely and returned the hug, missing her more than I'd realised. We'd become closer since I left her to move to Yorkshire, having caught each other up regularly over the phone, so this meet-up was long overdue.
"It's been too long," she said when we pulled away.
"It has," I agreed, patting her on the shoulder. "I'm glad you're here, Yelena. It's really good to see you."
"Me, too," she was saying as Nat was closing the door behind us. "Especially because I don't think I can take meeting Natasha's besties by myself."
I resisted the urge to laugh as I glanced over at the redhead herself, seeing the way she rolled her eyes at her sister's comment.
"It'll be fun, they seem really nice," I told Yelena, thinking back to the brief moment I spoke to Wanda. "Be good, Belova."
She waved a hand dismissively. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."
After getting reacquainted with each other for a long time after that, catching up on everything we'd missed in each other's lives, Nat and I were too tired to stay up any longer and wanted to call it a night.
There were two beds in the room – one double bed and a single bed – so Yelena and Nat took to share the double bed whilst I got the single bed, immediately collapsing under the covers as soon as my head hit the pillow.
When I woke up the next morning, I sat up with a yawn and looked over to the other bed to see Nat still sleeping, red hair sprawled across her pillow. With half open eyes, I looked around and saw Yelena sat on the couch on the other side of the room, a menu in her hand.
"Good morning," I said as I joined her, falling into the cushions beside her and pulling my legs up, still half asleep.
She smiled up at me before continuing to peruse the breakfast menu. "Morning. How did you sleep?"
"Pretty good, actually," I realised. "And thankfully, neither of you snore, so decent overall. How about you?"
She rolled her eyes. "Fine until Natasha decided to kick me in my sleep. She's so lucky I didn't suffocate her..."
I chuckled quietly. "She must still be superhero-ing in her dreams."
Yelena snorted with amusement. "God, that's funny. But not funnier than that move she does where she–"
"Where she bends down on both legs, foot pointed out?" I finished with an urge to laugh. "I've seen it on TV. Never fails to impress."
Yelena laughed quietly. "Such a poser. I'm telling you now, I never would have thought she'd be so obsessed with herself."
"Hey, that's not fair," I chided lightly. "She's just... being the person she had to be."
Yelena quirked a brow. "Are you seriously telling me that she wasn't an overdramatic know-it-all when you grew up with her?"
I shrugged, leaning back into the couch. "I mean, okay, maybe a little..." I thought back to the times when she'd always correct me in training, or when she'd tease me for getting something wrong when we'd study together. "No, yeah, she's definitely a know-it-all."
"Knew it."
I rolled my eyes playfully, nudging Yelena in the side. "Be nice. She's still your sister."
"Exactly," she agreed, looking back to the menu. "And my job is to make fun of her. And that's what I'm doing."
I tried not to smile, but it was entertaining watching Yelena do just that. Nat had missed her so much... I was glad she'd finally got her back. Yelena was worth all the trouble.
"I'm thinking of getting the scrambled eggs with avocado on toast," she said, pointing to a particular order on the menu. "How about you?"
I took a look over and decided on a poached egg with toast, before we took the initiative to order Nat some pancakes and put the menu away. Yelena then asked me some more questions about what it was like growing up with Nat, and though it felt strange reliving it all, I told her as much as I could remember.
We were stuck between making fun of childhood Natalia and superhero Natalia, leaving us in a fit of giggles on the couch.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Nat's voice came from behind us, and we silenced our giggles as we turned around to see her approaching us.
"Not at all," Yelena assured her, but not before exchanging amused smiles with me.
That girl was gonna get us both slapped, that was for sure.
Nat quirked a brow, trying to figure out what we were hiding, so I changed the subject before Yelena said something more to annoy her.
"We ordered you pancakes for breakfast by the way," I said, earning her attention. "Blueberry, with syrup. Should be up soon."
Nat hummed, glancing at her sister once more, before nodding. "Thanks... I'm gonna go use the bathroom."
Yelena shot out of her seat at this. "I'm going first!"
Nat widened her eyes and chased after Yelena, who had already began running to the bathroom door.
"Yelena, you've been awake for ages!" she shouted once Yelena slammed the bathroom door in her face. "Let me go in!"
"You snooze, you lose!" Yelena sang mockingly from the other side, and I covered my mouth with my hands so Nat wouldn't see me hiding my laughter.
"I really hate having a sister," Nat mumbled, looking to me with annoyance.
I shook my head, smiling widely. "No, you don't."
She sat beside me on the couch, crossing her arms with defeat because she knew I was right.
After getting ready and avoiding World War 3 between Nat and Yelena, we all headed over to visit Wanda and Vision's apartment in the city. The plan was to stay over at theirs today, meet them properly (and catch up for Nat), then go and see the sights altogether tomorrow, before heading back home on the Monday after.
I would have been more nervous if it was just me meeting Wanda and Vision for the first time, but Yelena was here, too and she made everything a lot easier than it needed to be, so I wasn't as awkward as I thought I'd be when Wanda opened the door and immediately pulled Nat into a hug.
"I missed you, Nat," Wanda mumbled as she let go.
"I missed you, too, Wanda," Nat returned with a small smile, squeezing her hand before letting go.
Wanda smiled softly before looking behind Nat and to Yelena and I. Her smile widened and she approached us excitedly.
"It's so great to finally meet you both," she said. "I'm Wanda Maximoff. I–" She cleared her throat, smile faltering slightly. "I worked with Nat. Not so much anymore, obviously...”
"I'm Y/N," I introduced myself, returning her smile. "I used to work with her, too actually..." Hopefully Nat had told her exactly what I meant by that, since I wasn't particularly keen on delving into it myself. "Thank you for having us over, Wanda."
"Nat's family is always welcome here," she said sincerely.
I wasn't too sure if I could be considered her family, but I didn't correct her out of politeness.
"I'm Yelena," the blonde next to me introduced herself. "Her sister."
"Ah, the infamous Yelena Belova." Wanda's green eyes darted to Yelena. "It's a pleasure to meet Natasha's little sister."
Yelena seemed surprised. "She mentioned me?"
Nat was currently talking to Vision, Wanda's boyfriend who didn't look very human, in the kitchen, so completely missed the way Yelena was staring at her like a child looking at a puppy.
"She did," Wanda said, seeing the same look I did and smiling warmly at the sight. "Only to those she really trusted. I guess I was lucky I was one of those people."
Yelena smiled to herself, looking down, and I rested my hand on her back to let her know I was there for her.
"Please, come in, I'll introduce you to my– well, Vision," Wanda said, and I gently nudged Yelena forward so she zoned back into reality and followed Wanda into the kitchen.
After being introduced to Vision, who was just as lovely as Wanda was, the five of us took to the living room where Wanda was serving us tea, coffee and finger foods with her telekinetic abilities. I was amazed, I wouldn't lie, never getting used to the way she'd flick her hand and a hint of red would come through, doing exactly as she wanted without moving an inch.
The conversation started off as a group one at first, mainly Yelena and I sitting back as Nat had a well-needed catch up with her friends. Then both sisters started helping themselves around Wanda and Vision's apartment out of curiosity, leaving me to get to know them better.
It was here that I learned about Wanda actually being Sokovian and only using an America accent to blend in, courtesy of Nat's help. And she gave me a brief rundown of how she got her powers and why she was stuck where she was now, hiding in Scotland.
Admittedly, it felt strange knowing she knew probably everything about me from what Nat had told her, but I knew nothing of her aside from the fact that she worked with Nat. Same with Vision. But I tried not to wonder why Nat hadn't told me anything about them and simply let myself learn for myself.
Our conversation eventually moved onto the topic of where I was living now, and that's where I found myself showing them both pictures of my home on my phone.
"It's a lovely little village in West Yorkshire," I explained as I scrolled through my photo album. "I've been slowly decorating the place and doing it up how I like."
"That is lovely, Y/N," Vision complimented, amazed at the pictures I was showing of my upcycled wardrobe.
"Yeah, it looks beautiful," Wanda added. "Do you prefer the quiet life?"
I sighed contently. "Yeah, I really do. I mean, all my life, it's been hectic and busy and I haven't had a say in any of it. But now I get to choose what I want, and living a normal, quiet life is something I've dreamed about for so long. It's just great to finally have that."
Wanda glanced up at me, smiling in agreement. "It seems to make you happy. I can't say I blame you. It's been the same with Vision and I."
"Our own little bubble, away from the rest of the world," Vision agreed, wrapping an arm around Wanda.
I smiled at how cute they were. "That sounds wonderful. And I get what you mean. It's been nice, the peace and quiet. Plus, I love my job and my home and my neighbours and– it's all so normal."
"Kinda perfect, right?" Wanda asked jokingly.
I nodded. "Yeah. It really is."
Before either of them could say anything more, Yelena's laughter echoed around the kitchen and made the three of us look up, seeing her standing next to a flushed Natalia and bent over laughing.
"What's so funny?" Wanda asked, lifting an eyebrow.
Nat shoved her sister away, who was still laughing hysterically, and made her way over to us with a drink in her hand. "Nothing. Just Yelena being an idiot as usual."
"Phew!" Yelena said, her laughter ceasing as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "God, Nat, who knew you were such a joker?"
I looked to Nat with confusion, who shook her head as if to say don't bother asking, then took a seat beside me.
"Anyway," Wanda continued, looking back to me, "I was going to say, there's some sights you have to see whilst you're here in Scotland. And Vision and I are happy to show you around tomorrow. They're the most normal people thing you'll get."
I chuckled. "Sounds good to me, Wanda. Thank you." I nodded to Vision. "You too, Vision."
"Anytime, Y/N," he said with a nod.
Yelena joined us all in the living room, jumping next to her sister on the couch, before looking to Wanda.
"So, apart from moving things with your hands, what other powers do you have?" she asked curiously.
"Oh, God...," Nat mumbled, facepalming.
Wanda laughed. "It's okay, Nat." She looked to Yelena. "I can read minds, too."
Yelena's jaw dropped. "No way."
"Yes way."
Yelena pressed her lips together, narrowing her eyes suspiciously. "Tell me what number I'm thinking of right now."
"Please, stop," Nat mumbled between her fingers.
"Ten," Wanda answered.
"How about now?" Yelena asked.
Wanda tried not to laugh. "Six hundred and forty two."
"I'm begging you to stop," Nat complained.
Yelena crossed her legs with determination, never looking away from Wanda. "How about now?"
Wanda rolled her eyes. "You're not thinking of a number. You're thinking about the letter W."
"Damn, she's good," Yelena was convinced.
Nat groaned loudly, leaning back into the couch.
"Drama queen," said Yelena, looking to me knowingly, "what did I tell you?"
I stifled a laugh when I remembered our conversation from this morning.
"I hate you both," Nat decided, shaking her head.
"No you don't," Yelena teased, slapping her on the knee.
We stayed there for the rest of the day, simply getting lost in conversation and spending lunch up until the early evening talking about the randomest of things. At one point, Yelena was questioning Wanda and Vision about what Nat was like to work with as an Avenger, and admittedly, I was interested, too.
"Very scary at first," Wanda had said, nodding. "Intimidating, too. I don't think she liked me."
"You were wearing my clothes," Nat said like it was explanation enough.
"They were given to me," Wanda replied, and it sounded like they'd had this discussion many times beforehand. She shook her head. "Anyway, she was scary at first, but she warmed up to me. Taught me how to be a better Avenger."
"Did she ever do anything embarrassing?" Yelena asked, making Nat glower at her disapprovingly. "I need all the stories, Wanda."
And that's when I was certain Yelena wouldn't make it out of Wanda's apartment alive.
Surprisingly though, she did, and after a long but fun day of chatting Wanda's ear off, we headed back to the hotel with plans of going out for dinner.
As usual, Yelena dibbed the bathroom before Nat and I could even step into the room, immediately pushing past us to go in. I chuckled as Nat grumbled petulantly, and jumped on the double bed with a content sigh. I heard Nat follow after Yelena, no doubt exchanging words, but I ignored them both and rolled onto my back, staring up at the ceiling. And that's when I realised their bed was a lot comfier than mine. No fair.
"Okay, she refuses to hurry up and she's already talking about all the things she wants to test with Wanda's powers tomorrow," Nat said, walking back into the bedroom and falling onto the bed next to me with a sigh. "You'd think she'd grow up."
I chuckled quietly. "That's Yelena for you. And relax, we've got the whole evening to get ready. Are you super hungry?"
"I guess not."
"Patience is a virtue," I quipped, smiling up at the ceiling.
"Yeah, yeah..."
It went quiet as we lay there, staring into nothing above us, only the sounds of Yelena messing about in the bathroom and making as much noise as she possibly could to be heard.
"It was really nice meeting Wanda and Vision today," I said, breaking the silence. "They were really lovely."
Feeling her eyes on me, I tilted my head to the left and saw she was doing the same, watching me.
"Yeah... if they're any indication to what the rest of your Avengers family are like, then you've been in good hands. I'm glad."
She hummed, pursing her lips, and her gaze became distracted. I tried hard not to stare, though it was difficult since her lips were a bright pink, puckered and soft, and her eyelashes were delicate and long, fluttering with every blink, and her hair was a vibrant red, tickling her chin, and her eyes were a calm sea blue-green, so easy to get lost in.
"I'm gonna look up some restaurants nearby," I said suddenly, sitting up with a racing heartbeat.
"You okay?" she asked, but I didn't turn around.
"Yeah, yeah, perfect. Just hungry."
Edinburgh was a wonderful place to explore, especially with Wanda and Vision as a guide.
We did the usual touristy things like visiting Edinburgh castle, going to the botanical gardens, seeing the art gallery... but we also explored the city on foot, merely appreciating how beautiful all the architecture was. I loved it so much and I'd never felt more ecstatic knowing I could do normal people things without having to worry about anything else. It was all I'd wanted.
At one point, after visiting the art gallery, we were let loose in the gift shop. I had a gander at what was on offer, wondering if it was worth buying anything or if it would just end up as clutter. I'd noticed that since being able to choose what I owned, I sometimes overthought it, like now.
A rack of postcards caught my eye and I took a look, amazed at how beautiful they all were, featuring some paintings I'd seen not long ago on the front.
"You gonna get one?"
I glanced over my shoulder, realising Nat had found her way to me, referring to the postcards before us.
"And send it to who?" I said jokingly, looking back to them, though it was true. "No, I'm not. But they're pretty to look at."
In particular, the one in my hand – a stunning painting of some flowers winding through the grass. It would've been nice to send to someone, since that was the whole point of postcards, but oh well.
"Probably gonna get a keyring," I decided, setting the postcard down and looking to Nat. "How about you? You gonna get anything?"
She shook her head, glancing at the rack of postcards. "I don't think so. The gallery was great though."
"Hmm, yeah, it was," I agreed, looking back to the postcards once more before nodding to the other side of the shop. "I'm gonna go find a keyring."
She nodded, giving me a small smile, and I walked away to do just that.
After we all left the gift shop, we went to grab a bite to eat at this cute little cafe that doubled as a bookstore. This was the perfect opportunity for Yelena to test Wanda's powers some more, to Nat's dismay and everyone else's amusement, and also the perfect chance for Wanda and Vision to share more embarrassing stories of Nat as an Avenger.
It was refreshing to hear, I wouldn't lie. Hearing about who Natalia was after she left felt like listening to stories of a different person. A bittersweet experience, but I felt like I was getting to know her more and more in a different way, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing.
After eating, whilst Wanda and Vision generously offered to treat us to the meal, Yelena dragged Nat and I to a photo booth in the corner of the store, begging to get some photos of us all because she wanted to remember the trip and had never used one before. I didn't mind, since she was too cute to deny, and I could tell Nat liked the idea, too.
Of course, after two of the five photos went off, Yelena got distracted like a child in a sweet shop and left the booth. Nat and I got through photo number three together, trying not to laugh, before Yelena called me obnoxiously loudly from behind the curtain. I told her one second, but she dragged me out as photo four went off and I was left to leave Nat alone for the final photo.
"What was so important, Yelena?" I asked, trying not to laugh at her impatience.
"Look how cute these hedgehogs are," she said casually, before pointing to a decorative family of bronze hedgehogs sitting on a bookshelf.
"Okay, they're pretty damn cute," I agreed, mumbling, and she put an arm around my shoulder cheerfully.
"See? I told you!"
I laughed, not bothering to hide it now. "You're crazy, Belova."
"I want my own set of hedgehogs," she decided.
I rolled my eyes just as Wanda and Vision approached us from the till.
"You all ready to go?" Wanda asked, before noticing the hedgehogs too and brightening up. "Cute."
"Oh, they are delightful," Vision agreed, squinting his eyes with amazement.
"See?" Yelena said, squeezing my shoulder. "I–"
"Told me, I know," I finished for her with a childish smile. "You said."
"Thanks for ditching me," Nat said, appearing behind us with an amused expression. "Really appreciate being left alone in a photo booth."
"Blame her," I said, nodding to Yelena.
"Just look at these hedgehogs," Yelena said to her sister, letting go of my shoulder to motion to the display once more. "Amazing, right?"
"Wow." Natasha resisted the urge to roll her eyes before holding out the photos from the photo booth to Yelena. "Forget something?"
Yelena grabbed it, narrowing her eyes as she looked them over. "These are just of you two."
"You left, idiot," Nat said with disbelief.
Yelena pulled a face before handing the photos back to Nat and looking to Wanda and Vision. "So, where to next?"
"I don't know about you ladies, but I could really walk this meal off," Vision said jokingly, patting his stomach.
Wanda rolled her eyes with amusement, knowing Vision hadn't eaten a thing because he was synthetic.
"Come on, let's go," she said with a hidden smile, tugging Vision along by his hand.
I was about to follow after them both, but Nat spoke up, stopping me.
"You should have this," she said, earning my attention and holding out the photos with a smile. "Maybe you can use it in your–"
"Oh my god, look at that dog!" Yelena exclaimed before slapping me on the arm and interrupting Nat's sentence. "Y/N, come on!"
Before I could retort, she'd already grabbed me and yanked me out the cafe, to the dog that was waiting on a leash by the street lamp.
I laughed, glancing at Nat to see her groaning but following along, then kneeled down beside Yelena to pet the dog.
Shortly after walking off our lunch, we came across an ice cream van and all got an ice cream each (save for Vision, obviously) before strolling through a green space in the open.
"Are you sure giving her sugar is the right move?" Nat asked me with a raised brow as she nodded to her sister.
"Let her have fun," I answered dismissively. "She's been working hard these past few months."
Nat gave me a knowing look. "Are you serious?" When she saw I was, in fact, serious, she scoffed. "You're the worst duo ever! I swear she brings out the worst in you."
"You're just jealous I prefer your sister over you, Natalia," I teased, tilting my head to study her.
"Keep telling yourself that," she said, rolling her eyes.
"It's true," I said, before licking my ice cream. "She's awesome."
"If you say so."
I smiled widely. "I do say so."
"She's lying, you're her favourite," Wanda cut in, looking between us with an entertained smile before settling on Nat.
Nat broke out into a grin, meeting my gaze satisfactorily. "I knew it."
My face grew warm as I avoided Nat's eyes. "In an ideal world, your friend here wouldn't be able to read my mind."
"Well, we're not in an ideal world," Nat said, and I could see her annoying grin from the corner of my eyes. She leaned forward, muttering, "Nice to know I'm still your favourite."
I'd be lying if I said I didn't get shivers at her raspy voice in my ear, but I would never admit that at that the time, so I simply rolled my eyes and ignored her smirk.
We were wandering the green space with our ice creams, enjoying the summer heat and slight breeze, when the topic of what would happen next came up.
"Wanda and I quite like it here in Edinburgh," Vision was saying to us. "And we can't exactly go anywhere else, so we'll probably stay here as long as we can."
Wanda nodded in agreement, hugging Vision's side with a distracted expression, before looking to Nat.
"What about you, Nat?" she asked her friend. "Have you seen any of the others since leaving?"
Nat frowned, shaking her head. "No, I haven't... I keep in touch with Clint of course. He's with his family. Seems happy. But nobody else. You?"
Wanda shook her head, frowning, too. "I think everybody has already moved on."
Nat didn't say anything, but it was obvious that she had her own assumptions about the matter.
"Do you think you'll go back to them?" Wanda asked curiously. "To Stark?"
"Not right now," Nat said, wiping the last of her ice cream from her mouth with her napkin. "I can't, for starters. But I also don't think I should. I've been helping Yelena. There's still Widows out there who need freeing."
I wondered how she still had any fight left in her after this long.
"What about you, Yelena?" Wanda asked, looking to the blonde. "You still going to be doing that?"
Yelena hummed, chewing on the last part of her ice cream cone before answering, "They need help. And I'm here to offer it." She glanced at me, adding, "Y/N, you're always welcome to join us."
I offered her a small smile, feeling slightly guilty at the fact that I didn't want to. "I know... I'm just– I'm so tired of it all. The fighting. The missions. The secret. It's probably selfish, but I like my life now. I like where I'm at."
"Hey, it's not selfish," Yelena assured me, nudging me in the side gently. "I understand. But just so you know, you can always tag along if you want a change of pace." She looked to her sister. "Right, Nat?"
Nat nodded, green eyes flickering over my uncertain expression. She was agreeing, but she knew me well enough to know I wouldn't change my mind. Thankfully, she didn't say anything about it and I was glad, definitely not wanting to have to explain why I wanted something more than being a hero. Or less, depending on who you asked.
"We're all on different paths, but it's okay," Wanda said, looking between us all. "As long as we're happy, that's all that matters, right?"
Relaxing at her words, I nodded alongside the others. She was right. And I was happy. The happiest I'd been in a long time.
"This trip wouldn't have been half as much fun if you didn't come, too," Yelena said before enveloping me in a hug. "Natasha isn't all that interesting lately."
"Not like I'm stood right here or anything," Nat said from behind us, and I couldn't see her but I could just imagine the incredulous expression she wore.
I smiled as I returned Yelena's hug tightly. "I'm glad I came. I really missed you, Yelena." When we pulled apart, I continued, "And look, I know that it doesn't mean much, but I'm really proud of you for all the work you're doing with the Widows. I wish I had half the strength you did."
She mirrored my smile, though I could see the way she tried to hide her embarrassment at my complement and it was very cute.
"Thank you," she said softly, before nodding to me. "I'm proud of you, too. For building a life after everything. It's not an easy thing to do. But you're my favourite example to give to the Widows when they think they can't do it."
I snickered, raising my eyebrows with surprise. "Really? You use me as an example?"
"You're basically famous," she played along, making me laugh.
"Well, I appreciate it, thank you," I told her earnestly. "Now go on. I'll leave you to say your goodbyes with Nat. Be nice, Belova. And stay safe."
"You, too." She grinned, before looking over my shoulder to say her goodbyes to her sister.
I left them to it, getting into the jeep that Nat was insistent on driving again. The trip had come to an end sooner than I'd wanted, to my surprise, but we'd promised it wouldn't be the end. I wasn't sure if it was just one of those things people said, but I really did hope I'd get to see Wanda and Vision again. They were lovely.
Soon enough, Nat joined me in the car and we waved our final goodbyes to Yelena before setting off.
"Part two of the Scotland road trip begins now," she said once we set off.
I breathed out through my nose with amusement. "Can't wait."
"Don't sound too excited."
A chuckle escaped my lips and I got comfortable in my seat, leaning against the door.
"Thank you for coming by the way," she said after a moment, earning my attention. "You didn't have to, but you did and Yelena wasn't wrong. You made the trip better."
My insides went warm at her words, nervous and exciting all at once. "Thanks for inviting me," I said nonchalantly. "It was nice to get out. I don't really get the chance to leave my town much. Plus it was nice to spend time with you again."
She glanced at me when I said this, lips pulled into a half smile. "I'm always down for a road trip if you are, Y/N."
I laughed at the thought. Not because it wouldn't happen, but because I never could have pictured the two of us doing anything remotely similar to this. All I'd ever wanted when we were younger was to escape our lives and be normal, together, like this. And now we finally had it, a fantasy that once felt untouchable... it was amazing. And I wasn't sure I'd ever get used to it.
"I'll hold you to that, Natalia," I said between laughter.
The trip back was quite straightforward, with neither of us breaking off into petty arguments or winding each other up. We may or may not have stretched out the stops in between without admitting that it was because we wanted to make the time last as long as we could. Once I got home, she'd leave again and I knew I'd miss her.
Finally, we did reach my house and as much as it felt like home, sweet home, I already had bittersweet feelings towards our goodbye.
"Okay, this is everything," I said once I'd brought my things into my house. "You haven't left anything with me, right?"
"Not that I can remember."
"Then that's it," I finalised, before looking up to see Nat lingering in the hallway. "You know, it's a long way back for you. With the drive to the airport and the flight... are you sure you don't wanna stay the night and go back in the morning?"
She shook her head, smiling appreciatively. "I shouldn't. I've gotta return the rental, and have a few things to do before my flight. It just makes sense for me to leave now."
Breathing out, I nodded. "Okay... if you're sure."
"I'm sure." She looked up at me under long eyelashes, expression soft. "I'll leave you to it, Y/N."
I moved forward without thinking too hard about it, pulling her in for a final goodbye hug. "I'm gonna miss you, Nat. A lot."
She wrapped her arms around my waist, tugging me closer. "I'm gonna miss you, too. But you can always visit. You know that."
"I just might," I said as a joke, but when I pulled away and came face to face with emerald green eyes, I knew I would.
She flashed me her signature smile before letting go and reaching into her back pocket. "Before I forget... these are for you."
I watched with confusion as she pulled out a folded postcard – the one I was looking at in the gift shop – and the photos from the photo booth. She held them out to me and I raised my brows with surprise.
"I tried to give you the photos yesterday, but Yelena likes to interrupt quite a lot," she said lightheartedly. "But yeah. I thought that you might want to keep it. And also, you seemed to like the postcard and said you had nobody to get it for, so I got it for you. If you want."
"Nat, you didn't have to do that," I said, though I was touched at her thoughtfulness.
"I wanted to," she said with a shrug, but I noticed the pink dusting her cheeks. "And I thought you might wanna put them in your scrapbook or something. If you want."
I couldn't help but smile as I accepted the postcard and photos. Looking at the photos first, I loved that they were a complete mess. There was one decent photo of Yelena, Nat and I, another where Yelena got distracted, a decent one of Nat and I, a blurry one of me getting yanked out the booth and a final one of a grumpy Nat. So silly yet so heartwarming.
"I love this," I said with a stifled laugh, before looking at the postcard next. When I flipped it over, I realised she'd written a message and was surprised for the second time in that moment.
"Don't read it until I've left please," she insisted with a shy smile. "I'll probably melt into a puddle of embarrassment otherwise."
My smile widened as I nodded. "Okay, I won't read it until you're gone... thank you, Natalia." I shook my head, realising my mistake. "I mean Natasha."
"No, I like Natalia," she corrected. "Don't change it."
I sighed quietly, nodding, before pulling her in for another hug. "Last one, I promise."
She snickered and returned the hug just as tightly.
"Call me when you land, so I know you're okay," I said to her once she made it to the front door. "And text me when you're home."
"I promise," she said with a teasing smile. "Goodbye, Y/N."
I'd definitely miss seeing that annoying smile of hers in person for a while.
"Bye, Nat."
Once she was gone, the first thing I did was read the postcard. And I was left with a shit-eating grin on my face afterwards.
Dear Y/N,
I'm not sure if you'll think this is stupid or not, but I know you really liked the card, so I thought I'd get it for you. I just wanna say thank you for coming to Scotland with me, and for meeting Wanda and Vision. They're really important to me and it meant the world that you and Yelena were there to meet the other part of my life (even if Yelena was very annoying...).
I know that it must have been strange, especially since they're my family. But I just want you to know that you're my family, too. You always have been. And getting to spend more than two minutes with you in person, or fifteen minutes over the phone, was special to me. I hope it was for you, too.
Thanks again for putting up with me for so long. And sorry I'm sometimes a pain in your ass.
Lots of love,
your FAVOURITE Black Widow x
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slightly-smarter-nat · 3 years ago
Budapest || The Unknown Widow
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Pairing: Yelena Belova x Reader (Platonic)
Warnings: The Red Room/ General Dreykov’s tactics are mentioned; mentions of mind control; sad Yelena (don’t worry she is comforted). If I have missed any warnings, please let me know.
Word Count: 2345 words.
Summary: “We can send these to the ‘someone’ I know”- can they be trusted?
A/N: Part 3 of The Unknown Widow. Let’s just say this chapter is the ‘calm before the storm’. I hope you all are enjoying this series!
Please do not repost (on here or any social media platform) copy, translate or take ownership of my work. Reblogs, likes and comments are always appreciated <3
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
*Italics indicate a flashback*
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GIF not mine
Budapest: The Unknown Widow-
It was the early hours of the morning when we finally arrived in Budapest, having spent the last two days travelling and preparing for the road ahead. At that time, Yelena made a point to send the ‘Package’ to the person she refuses to name. It’s not that I don’t trust Yelena, I trust her with my life, but part of this situation is hurting me that she feels as though she cannot tell me.
Along the way, Yelena had suggested we ditch the initial getaway car and proceed on foot to a local airfield. I wasn’t opposed to the idea, having a few ‘loose ends’ on my tail as it is, the more I remain out of sight, the better.
It’s not difficult for a couple of ex-Red Room members to acquire some fake travel documents and fake IDs. During one of our pit stops to get some food/ supplies, I visited a past connection from my time in The Red Room, knowing their loyalty to myself outweighs that of Dreykov’s- after all I’ve saved their life countless times. That’s when I got our documents, alongside an update that I’m still the ‘Number one hit’ on The Red Room’s list, I guess they know how to hold a grudge.
When we made it to the airfield, I had full intentions of using our documents to board a flight, let’s just say Yelena had other plans, with one stolen Plane later, we were en route to where we are now.
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When we pulled up to the building Yelena had suggested, I couldn’t believe how magnificent it was. We parked up a Motorcycle we picked up along the way; around the corner for a quick getaway if we needed it.
Walking through the building’s courtyard, I took my time admiring the building’s details. I don’t know how Yelena has ties to this place but I’m thankful, it certainly beats the cheap, dirty Hotel rooms I’ve inhabited along the way.
Yelena leads me up a lengthy staircase, I groan internally, wishing I’d opted for the lift- “It is only a few stairs”, -never trust Yelena Belova with approximations.
Eventually, we made it to the apartment door, that’s when I asked, “How do you know about this place?” Yelena counters with “You are not the only one with connections, Lara. Mine are much cooler than yours.” With a playful shove to her arm, she leads us through the door.
It’s perfect, spacious, neat and it has a sizable bed- which I have a long overdue appointment with.
We place the few belongings we have on the kitchen table, both collapsing into the chairs available, releasing breaths of exhaustion. I am about to reach into one of the bags when Yelena speaks up, “Where have you been all this time? No one could trace you, not even the entire Red Room, they even brought additional forces in you know, yet you remained ‘invisible’, untraceable”.
I pull my arm back to myself, slowly casting my gaze up to Yelena’s face, trying to figure out the best explanation I can give, “I was busy, avoiding Dreykov’s ‘Favourite Toy’, we both know how relentless The Taskmaster is. I assumed he put a hit out on me as soon as I escaped, so I’ve been on the run, searching for you along the way.”
Yelena absorbs my explanation, a slight smirk plays on her lips, “Yes, The Red Room was not best pleased when their ‘Golden Child’ turned against them…” I feel my heart rate pick up at that remark, my mind flooding with memories of my former life, a life I deeply regret and can only wish the memory of will fade over time.
Yelena can sense the change in the atmosphere, deciding it was best to change the conversation, “Do you remember when we first met?”
It’s my turn to smirk now, relishing at the memory, “How could I forget, it’s probably one of the highlights of my life. Wow, you were so stubborn.”
Yelena exhibits fake offence, mouth open and eyebrows scrunched, “Excuse me, I am not and never have been stubborn.” I release a breath of disbelief, “Well that is exactly how I remember it.”
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The Red Room:
I am making my way through one of the many corridors occupying The Red Room; every meeting I am forced to endure with General Dreykov makes my skin crawl. I have days like this where everything associated with The Red Room makes me sick to my stomach, the tactics, the schemes; it's all a nightmare. Other days, I live and breathe The Red Room, it’s like someone flips a switch in me, I need to figure out why this keeps happening, and how I stop it. I assume over time I will pick the most appropriate outcome. I am completely lost in thought until I hear a sound in the seemingly empty hall.
I put my guard up, it wouldn’t be the first time we’ve had an intruder within The Red Room. I take a moment to listen to the sound, in order to both identify and locate it. Though to my surprise it sounds like… crying?
A slight fear enters my system, we are not allowed to display emotions, anytime we are caught doing so we are sent to the ‘Conditioning Room’.
I pace my steps as I move closer to the source of the sound, I enter a darkened room, which must be an old training room- having never entered it before. I locate a light switch placed at the room’s entrance to turn it on and scan the room. At first I see nothing but disused sparring dummies and training mats. I am in the process of leaving the room, when I hear the sound again. After another glance around the room, I notice another Widow, in the far corner of the room.
I slowly make my way over to her, crouching down in front in order to get a better look at what I’m dealing with here. That’s when she notices my presence and freezes in surprise. She begins to shift away, I quickly act in order to calm her, “Hey, hey it is okay, I am not going to hurt you.”
She looks at me in both fear and surprise, probably not expecting my actions/ words. She starts to relax once she concludes I am not a threat. I sit down on the floor, in order to prepare myself, hoping she can trust me enough to tell me what is going on.
She doesn’t speak for a few minutes, awkwardly glancing around the room, I take this as my cue to start the conversation.
“What is your name?” I ask, her eyes shoot to look at my face, her face slowly desensitises, as she replies, “I am not telling you my name.”
Fair enough, I rack my brain for another question, hopefully one she’s willing to answer, that’s when I ask, “Are you okay?”. I cringe at that, to which the girl replies exactly what I’m thinking, “Does it look like I am okay?”
‘Well done Lara’, I internally scolded myself.
“Look, if you want to talk about-“ my sentence is put on hold when the girl raises her voice.
“Can you leave me alone? You would not like to be caught with me and punished would you, we cannot have the ‘Favourite’ having their name tarnished in any way.” She practically spits the statement at me, I grimace at the nickname, hating that General Dreykov shows a special interest in me- leading to me receiving constant training and mission privileges. In his eyes, I am ‘The One Who Will Lead The Red Room To Its Ultimate Glory’, to this day I still do not understand why he states that.
I feel as though I am causing more distress than I am solving, so I pick myself up and begin walking to the room’s exit. I turn at the last second before leaving, mumbling, “I know what you all think of me, I know it must seem like I enjoy being the centre of the General’s attention, but I can assure you I do not. If you ever want to talk, you can come to me, we can find a way to do it discreetly to avoid punishment… speaking of, the guards are due to make their rounds in 20 minutes, make sure you are out of here before then”. I take a step when I hear her voice again.
“Yelena, my name is Yelena.” I turn to see her looking straight at me, a regretful look on her face.
“I’m Lara.” I say as I slowly make my way back to her position. “I know” she lets out, whilst signalling for me to sit down next to her.
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“That was the day I had to make my first kill, a fellow Widow, I was heartbroken, I felt like a monster. You stayed with me, listened and comforted me, right until the guards came and you showed me a way through the vents in order to escape a punishment.” Yelena muses, her eyes slightly glazing with tears as recalls the memory.
I sit there staring at the table, “Yeah well, I have always been cool, knowing all the tricks of the trade and all.” I attempt to lift the mood.
Yelena laughs at that, “You wish.”
I smile in response, glad that I was able to make Yelena somewhat happier. “As much as I love the throwback opportunity, we need to discuss the vials, Lena”. I hate that I have to bring the topic up, but time is not on our side right now.
Yelena shifts in her chair, attempting to straighten her already impeccable posture. “What is there to discuss, they have been sent, it will be handled.” Yelena displays a slight defensive tone.
“I am fully aware Yelena, but we cannot just sit here and wait to see what might happen, you know what’s at stake here.” I hate to seem like I am pushing Yelena but we have a job to do.
“It has only been two days, give them some time.” I can’t help but roll my eyes at that.
“It has nearly been three days, Yelena and we haven’t heard a thing, we haven’t seen any results. Who did you even send them to?” Yelena looks away, apparently more interested in the Kitchen’s decor than the conversation at hand. I use my foot to turn her chair, forcing her to look at me.
“I do not want to say,” she soon changes her mind when she sees the unimpressed expression on my face, “It is Natasha”.
I raise my one of my eyebrows in confusion, “Natasha? The one from-“ Yelena doesn’t let me finish when she lets out an eager ‘Yes’, obviously not wanting to go into the details.
“Why didn’t you just tell me.” I ask.
“I was not sure how you would react, you know the history, you know I have not seen her in many years.” Yelena stands up and walks towards the living area of the apartment, I choose to follow.
“How do you know where she even is?” I question, honestly shocked she considered Natasha as an option, having been separated from her since Natasha escaped The Red Room.
She continues through the apartment, actively trying to get away from the conversation, “Look, I am completely exhausted and I need to rest, just drop it.” At that she storms into the bedroom.
I sigh in defeat, making my way back to the living area, I take a seat on one of the chairs and begin to rub at my temples. I close my eyes trying to gather my thoughts, when I hear a door open and hesitant footsteps. I look up to see Yelena rejoining me; sitting across from me. I can tell she has been crying, which is no surprise to me with everything she has gone through these past few days, and now the involvement of her ‘sister’.
“I thought she would help us, I really did.” She bows her head, playing with the watch on her wrist.
“I don’t want to doubt her, Yelena, but this is too important. For all we know she doesn’t even have the vials, we can’t risk them falling into The Red Room’s hands again.” I hate the look of disappointment on Yelena’s face.
“I know, what are we going to do?” She looks at me, waiting for a plan of action to be presented.
“Well, you are going to have a rest, and I will go and retrieve the vials.” I stand and make my way to the supplies gathered, preparing for my task.
Yelena is quick to follow, “What? You cannot go on your own, I am coming with you.”
“Lena, I will not ask you to face Natasha, especially if she hasn’t even got the vials in the first place, it might be too painful for you. Honestly, you don’t need to come with me.” I zip up my bag, throwing it over my shoulder.
“You have not even rested, you do not need to go this instant.” Yelena tries to reason with me, but I’m not having it.
“I will sleep on the plane, plus it will let me put these fake documents to use” I give Yelena a playful nudge to try and cheer her up. She grabs my arm in response, knowing I am not going to change my mind.
“Just… come back as soon as you can, okay.” She moves to write down the last known location she has for Natasha, handing it to me. I pull her into a hug, “I will, let me know if anything happens okay, stay safe Lena”.
I leave the apartment before either one of us changes our mind. I know this is risky, but what part of this isn’t. I grab the piece of paper with Natasha’s location written on it, out of my pocket, “Norway, this is going to be fun”.
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Tag list: @sheisnotalone @jeyramarie @sophie-reads-too-much
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cazzyvintage · 3 years ago
Born to be wild - chapter 13
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Synopsis: Joining F1 as one of the first female drivers you knew was going to be a challenge but you weren’t prepared to deal with one particular asshole on the tracks. With the urge to win so strong within each racer, will romance pave the way? Or will it destroy everything?
Word count: 2.4k
Previous chapter: The morning after the party your memory was foggy and dull, which lead to Niki being anxious about all that had happened the previous night and leaving it in the past
A/N: I'm sorry this has been so long overdue! The last few months I was focusing on finishing all my uni work so I didn't have a lot of time to carry on writing but I have finished now and it is the summer break! Furthermore I have just under a month now till I start my summer job which means hopefully more time to write! I still have a lot more chapters for this planned so thank you to everyone who is still reading this fic! Love you guys <3
Born to be wild masterlist
Previous chapter
The finale had arrived. The United States. The last race of this season, and Niki Lauda was ahead of you. 
You were in the last few laps now, and though Niki had already won this championship with how many points he had, you were still determined to give a show for the crowd. 
After all, all you needed to do was get a second place here to beat James for second place in the world championship. 
For the first half of the season, James was confident in his Hesketh’s ability. It was why he had been so invested in getting you into the points as well, to fight with him against Niki. Yet it had backfired on him. As his car started to have problems in every race, Niki had stormed ahead to get first place and you were ready to snatch second place from him. 
You were peeved to not get world champion for yourself, but not as upset as you would have been earlier in the season.
After the first picnic outing with Niki, he had asked you out again, then again, then again. It has almost become a tradition between the two of you. Whenever you arrive in the new country, you and Niki would go out somewhere for a picnic, a pub or a restaurant. Anywhere to spend some time together. Each time you tried to pay for your own meal, Niki insisted on paying each time. He didn’t need to say anything now. Simply he would pull up in his car, and you would jump in, or you would find him on your motorbike, and with some resentment, he climbed onto the back. 
Those earlier feelings of anger towards Niki had started to morph. His egotism was still relentless and often he was grumpy more than anything else, but even with those annoying factors, you lived for the other side of him that would appear when it was just the two of you. The glimpse of his kinder, shyer side. He seemed to always put up a front around others, but when you got him on his own, it felt like pulling his mask away to reveal the vulnerable man beneath. 
You could see him ahead of you now, speeding on the underside of the track to hold off his lead. Smirking to yourself, you pushed down on the accelerator and pushed forward to reach him. Niki saw you coming out the edge of his vision and pulled over, blocking your strip steam. Still, you held close to Niki, chasing him as you both passed over the beginning of the lap. There were only a few more left, and then that was it for this season. Determination burned through you as you moved to the side, and as expected, Niki drifted ever so slightly, narrowing down your chance of overtaking there. But with a jerk to the steering wheel, you pushed to the other side, which had now opened up for you. 
You shot forward, narrowly getting past. Instantly Niki was on your tail, annoyed he had left a gap for you to get past. Hurling into the last lap, Niki kept seeking a way past, and you tried to the best of your ability to keep him at bay, but in one fleeting second, you pushed out too far and hit a patch of grass. It caused the car to slip slightly, and in the time it took for you to recover control, Niki was in front again, leading off. 
Both of you circled around to the finishing line, and you watched as Niki pushed past where the man was waving the checkered flag, calming first place in this race and in the championship. 
Slowly you pulled into your place in the pit and your team rushed over to congratulate you on second place. They cheered and danced around you, picking you up on their shoulders to carry you and celebrate. While you were inclined to join in with the celebrations, feeling an immense joy from doing so well in your first year in formula one, a feat not achieved by many. You couldn’t help but look over to the Ferrari garage. Glancing over at where Niki Lauda was also being carried, smiling and laughing cheerfully. For a moment, he glanced backwards, both your eyes catching each other. But then it was gone as his team pulled him away, ready to take him to the winner’s podium.
It wasn’t long till you were walking onto the stage before hundreds of fans cheering and shouting your name, You smiled and waved at them, stepping up to join Jame’s on the podium. He waved to the fans as well, but his lips pressed into a tight grimace, a heavy sigh that only you could hear leaving him. 
“Perhaps next year!” you say optimistically.
With a plastered grin, James responded, 
“I hope.”
There wasn’t time to talk to James further, though you wanted to. It was Niki’s turn to walk on stage, waving his hands and smiling widely, his lip curling over those precious front teeth. He hopped up to the stadium and stood still as his national anthem played out. His chest was thrust out and he held a satisfied smile on his lips as his gleaming eyes looked over at the fans. As if feeling your eyes on him though, he looked down at you. You flushed at being caught but he merely chuckled quickly and whispered to you.
“You put up a good fight.”
“You’ll have to watch out next year, I might just be able to beat you with all that I know now.” you whisper back, looking out over the audience and smiling to not raise suspicion.
Niki’s face straightened for a second though, the smile slipping from his lips as he watched you.
“Yes.” he muttered.
“It would be useful to know all about your…tricks.”
His smile came back in the next moment as they brought out the trophies and the champagne. Niki thrusted the trophy up in the air, waving it about comically as the crowd cheered. When handed the champagne, though, Niki was fast to pull the top off and hold it over your head, getting the drink over you. Quickly you hopped down, running off to the side in an attempt to remain dry but like a child, Niki followed after you determined to douse you. 
That’s what caused you to be sitting in the garage an hour later, ringing the last few bits of the campaign out of your sticky hair with a towel you had found lying about. A wooden knock echoed in the room and you saw Niki leaning against the entrance of the garage, sunglasses on, a wreath over his shoulders and holding his trophy against his hip. 
“I thought you would be out celebrating with your team,” you say, walking over to Niki while the corner of your lips tugged upwards. Your eyes flickered over Niki and a warmth flushed over you taking in how his world champion look. 
“I have no time needing to celebrate with them. I’d rather celebrate with someone that I like.”
You grin, cheekily elbowing him in his side, 
“Niki admitting he likes me. Never though I would never see the day.”
“Fuck off,” he laughed, pulling his sun glasses off. 
“Well, it’s true; only a few months ago, you said yourself that you couldn’t stand me.”
“Don’t make me regret asking you out,” Niki shouts as he turns to walk to the car park, not sparing a glance back at you. You shook your head, chuckling under your breath then jogging to catch up with Niki. 
He tossed his trophy in the bonnet of the car, now no longer caring about what he considered an ugly thing. The wreath soon followed. As the two of your drove off, your conversation turned for plans over the break before the next practise starts, which trailed off rather quickly when you both found out you two had nothing planned, then joking about making plans together. Then it turned into talk about the other drivers, to which Niki was very scathing while you rolled your eyes at what he said. 
Eventually, he parked up at another fancy restaurant that had soft lights and leaves hanging along the walls, a red carpet out the front and a man waiting to let people in. Though you never really gave a care for where you ate, Niki was a man with an appetite and considered it vastly important to have a good meal, and after tonight he must want a celebratory meal. 
The man at the front’s eyes lit up when he saw Niki approaching and with a giddy smile, lead the two of you to a reserved table, and then pulled out a notebook to ask for an autograph. Niki’s lips tightened, but he picked up the pen and quickly signed it.
Both of you were aware though of the silence that had befallen the restaurant as the two of you sat down, and the lingering eyes trailing on the two of you. Feeling your cheeks burn you glanced down at your lap while Niki huffed and crossed his arms. It wasn’t long before people started leaving their tables to come over to the two of you. Some simply wanted autographs which meant it was easy for Niki to get rid of them but others wanted to sit and chat with Niki, the new world champion. You could see Niki narrowing his eyes at the line of people appearing. His foot started tapping under the table and you shot him a look when he frowned and loudly complained as another person came over. 
Eventually when the waiter’s realised the situation at hand they came over and scurried everyone back to their seats but the special moment of the evening had been lost for you too.
“Let’s leave.” Niki said pointly, standing up and tucking the seat under the table.
“But what about dinner?” 
“We can find somewhere else that respects our privacy. Come on.”
You walked alongside each other, arms brushing as you both swayed. You two walked along the empty roads as dusk settled in and found yourself walking towards the end of the road which had a view of the coast before you. In silence both of you walked over to the gate, leaning against it and listening to the gentle lapping of the calm waves against the shore. The sea was mainly still, with the reflection of the full moon glimmering against it in the night. The atmosphere was serine and you closed your eyes to feel the fresh air brush against your skin, mellowing in the feeling. 
“I remember the night.”
Niki’s face turns to glance at yours, but he doesn’t say anything.
“I eventually remembered everything, what I did, what you said, the slap… the, well….”
Niki hums, sucking on his front teeth as he looks out over the sea again.
“I forgive you for what you said. I know you didn’t mean it, not really. And I’m sorry for what I did as well; I should know you’re not really comfortable in that sort of situation, and I never asked you how you felt and if you even liked me, you know, and that’s fine that you don’t but-”
As you continued to talk, Niki leant forward to grasp your forearm, twisting you to look at him. Without a moment's hesitation, his lips were pressed against yours. Like so long ago you tasted that sweetness again, the softness of his lips as his eyes fluttered shut and his spare hand snaking around your waist to pull you closer. As your heart felt like it might burst out of your chest, you closed your eyes as well and allowed yourself to be overwhelmed in the feeling of Niki. His lips moved ever so slightly against yours. You could feel how his front teeth jutted out and pressed against your lips but the sensation of them sent sparks to your core. 
You two held each other tightly, melting into the kiss as the air glided over you and the moonlight showering you in lightness. When you pulled away to steal a breath of air, your eyes locked onto those warm brown eyes that were already looking at you. They were softer, not the usual harsh exterior, and a little smile showing his front teeth appeared on his face. 
A strand of hair fell down in front of your eye as you observed him. He unwrapped his arm from around your waist and brushed the hair out from your eye, tucking it behind your ear again. His hand lingered against the side of your head for a moment, the warmth of his skin comforting till he pulled away again. 
“I was fed up of hearing you apologising.”
You huff, shaking your head, glancing away from Niki, but that made Niki frown, He placed his hand on the side of your cheek and pulled your face to look at him again, his eyes flickering from your eyes to your lips. 
“I… liked it when you kissed me at the party. It was what I wanted for, well, a while. It just wasn’t how I imagined it. Not at a party”
He sucks on his front teeth again, now looking away as his cheeks burned.
“I’m not good at these things. Plus, to date, someone as a racer is danger in itself. For both of you to be racers, that’s madness and irresponsible.” Niki lists off as he looks away, but as he slowly stops talking, he turns to look back in your unwavering eyes.
“But, if you’re willing, I would be honoured to date you.”
“My God,” you chuckle, looking at Niki as he licked his lip and flickered his eyes from the ground to you again.
“A poet!”
You lean forward, wrapping your arm around the back of Niki now to bury your fingers in those soft, curly brown locks. You pull him forward, pressing your lips onto his to give him the answer he wanted.
Perhaps it was madness, crazy and bound to end in disaster. The way your relationship had started was rocky at best and there was still the mutual competition between the two of you. Yet you found the thought of it exciting and, as your lips pressed against Niki’s again, your body flush against his, nothing felt more right. 
Taglist: @lorna-d-m @cable-kenobi @zemosimp05 @edencherries @hofficoffi @somethingthatsaysbubbles @apparrio @vverliebt @shadowycollectiveduck @alindeluce @scuttle-buttle @handmaiden-of-mischief @rumblelibrary @nyx2021 @fictionlandslanddreams @darksxder @liadamerondjarin @daniel-bruhhl @aedeluca @trashbin2 @livvyshmiv @nymphalbee @black-mistress-of-evil @laura-naruto-fan1998 @danielbruhlswife @stilltoomuchafangirl @hannahbal-the-fannibal @hungrhay @get331 @hexedeslichts @pastyoverlord265 @transias @everythingbeginsineternity-blog @archangelproperty @lilith-blackrose @jesslove23 @saltysilv @mybisexualheartbeatsforzemo @janine-007 @Vhaenen @jeeperky @cat-r-r @libsybum @linkpk88 @peakyblindersmischief @louisvuittonlinson @realmoftheelemental @brxghtlelune @justpeachiepup @kp9983 @shadystarlightgentlemen @f1yogurt @antheina @little_hildy @bear-bone-berries @lieutenantn @greeneyeblondie44 @viczvaporub @ultraintrovertedgryffindor @jeeperky @xourownsidee @fandom_lover20 @nakedmurmurous @brühlwaltzbaby
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PS: The tag's look odd to me but it might just be the new format, if someone tagged on here could let me know if they got a notification or not that would be great! Thanks :)
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stuckybarton · 4 years ago
Manifestation of A Happy Ending
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SUMMARY: "Everyone deserves a happy ending, even you."
CHARACTERS: Stephen Strange x Reader;
WARNINGS: Brief Description of Child Birth.
WORDS: 2,022
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One of the few things you had learned since your past and your present had collided was the world was constantly moving. Everyone would try to move on, try to better themselves. A process the might look painful on one end, and easy for some. You had it easy. Having Stephen by your side all throughout was good, being able to find the good in the world in him, in your relationship and eventual marriage as well as the child you were carrying.
Things has been going well and you found yourself visiting the compound more on a regular basis now with Stephen constantly by your side. His sling ring a good tool to use to avoid dealing with New York traffic. Being able to reconnect with your friends had been hard at first having ghosted them for a hefty amount of time, but things had been good, especially with everyone just as excited about the baby coming in a few more months.
"Have you found out about the gender?" Nat had inquired as soon as you had arrived into the common room, your husband and Wong was dealing with a mission briefing with Steve and Tony while you waited.
"Not yet." You smiled at your friend before rubbing your growing bump. Sitting by the window with your friend, it was still weird for you to come back here, knowing everything that had happened. The way you just left and never looked back. "We still haven't decided if we're going to wait until the baby is born."
Nat smiled, asking your permission, had placed her hand against your stomach. The light thump had made the two of you jump, your baby's first kick.
"Still can't convince you to name the baby Natalie?" She teased making your burst out laughing.
"Tell that to Wanda and Thor, they're already bribing me with naming the baby after them too." You giggled remembering the multiple of times you had to deal with the two when you visit. "But I'll think about it." You assured knowing the name you had in mind would sound good with a second name added to it.
"We're not mad at you for what happened, Y/N." Nat had spoke all of a sudden, surprising you with the shift of your conversation. "We're surprised that everything happened the way that it did, but we understand why you did what you had to do."
You were left in silence, it was still something you tried your best to keep to yourself. A resentment they might have towards you because of your choice, how you turned your back on all of them when your relationship with Tony ended.
Before Nat could continue on with her words, FRIDAY had called for her to the briefing as well.
"We'll talk later, I'll find someone to keep you company for a while." Nat has said with a smile leaving you all alone to your own thoughts.
It would take a while to come to terms with your choice, but as long as you had Stephen and the baby, you had nothing more you had to worry about. Rubbing your stomach again, the thump had made you smile as you started to hum against the air, hoping to calm your restless baby.
Your eyes lingered onto the windows, the well manicured lawn and the vast land of the compound. You had remembered the time where you would sit in the middle of the grass, soaking into the sunlight after being in the confinement of your former room for days on end.
"I hope I am not intruding."
Turning your head away from the window, the sight of Loki had surprised you. For the most part, you had known about the team's hesitation towards the reformed God, and the other part of you still wary of him after the last time you've seen him in person--when he and his brother had made their way to Stephen's sanctum hoping to find you. The words that he spoke that became the push you needed to this life you now live.
"No you're not, Loki." You assured the God as he has come to approach you. "How's your stay since I've last seen you?" You inquired the man.
Unlike everyone in the team, you didn't have the same resentment towards the man--knowing from Thor what had happened to him, what he had to do to survive, you try your best not to put it against him if you could. And he is a good company to have while you do your research for your book.
"I'm afraid I've lost my library companion." He responded, a ghost of a smile resting on his face. "And I think an apology is long overdue after what I've said."
One brow rose waiting for him to continue his words.
"What I had called you in Strange's Sanctum is uncalled for and I never got the chance to apologize to you."
So he did know you were in the Sanctum. Blinking you didn't really know what to say.
"Why didn't you tell Thor or Tony?" You found yourself asking after a moment.
"What for? If you truly want to be found, you wouldn't have hidden, in such a poor excuse of curtains of all things. And I do not believe that you would be happy with Stark in the long run."
"So you're favoring Stephen over Tony?" You smiled knowing the vendetta still placed on Stephen's back for what he did to Loki all those years before.
"I have said no such thing." He brushed off finally sitting besides you on the couch. "But you're more tolerable compared to the rest of the people in this compound, so your happiness is something I'd champion for."
The biggest compliment you had received from Loki and somehow you find yourself blushing at it. You held onto the man's hand.
"I think I might just name my baby after you, Loki." You teased. "Is this your plan all along?"
"Is it working?" He smirked right back, mischief twinkling his eyes.
"You have Nat, Wanda, and your brother to fight for that right." You pointed out giggling at the antics that Loki was slowly showcasing you. A rare sight as the man chooses to keep to himself most of the time. "Want to feel the baby?" You offered looking up at the man.
"Are you sure?" The man sounded so uncertain and for a while you understood where he was coming from but knowing him, knowing he wouldn't hurt you, it doesn't sound too bad to have him feel the baby too.
Hand still holding onto his own, you placed his palm on top of your stomach. Smiling as soon as his palm rested, a sudden kick had made the two of your jump for a moment. Giving him a side glance, an amazed look that rested on his face placed you more at ease.
"They like you." You pointed out with a smile.
"A mistake they'd made before they're even born." Loki muttered pulling away.
"Loki--" You warned. "You don't contradict a pregnant woman." You warned with a pointed look now focus on him. A sheepish smile now resting on his face because of it.
Before Loki could further contradict himself, the sound of a few voices approaching had the two of you looking up and the sight of your husband and Wong coming to pick you up. But the sight of Tony and Steve also with them, the smile on your face had fallen. So much for trying to avoid the man.
"Hands off the wife, Laufeyson." Your husband warned, but you rolled your eyes and smiled towards the also much annoyed Loki.
"Loki's been keeping me company." You pointed out finally standing up and approaching your husband in the process.
"Fifty bucks he's also trying to convince you to name the baby after him."
"Keep your money to yourself, Strange." You snorted wrapping an arm around his waist. You smiled beamingly at your husband before winking knowingly at Loki and the conversation they had would only be theirs to keep from now on. "Loki's been nothing but nice to me and I'm staring to like the idea of Baby Loki."
At the grimace your husband had on you couldn't help but burst into as loud fits of laughter.  Resting your head against his chest, try as the man could, it was still hard for him to keep his emotions and his sass in check. You were fine with it, happy for his antics from time to time when he wasn't getting on your nerves.
"We'll talk about our child's life choices if you do that when we get home." He muttered cradling your head as you pull back to look at him. "Say goodbye to your friend before we go."
You smiled hugging Loki, taking the man by surprise before promising to catch up with Steve if Stephen ever stops by the compound again. But for a fraction of a second, you found your attention towards Tony, the longing look on his face as he looked at you and it scared you so much. You know you wouldn't leave Stephen, after everything you had been through, but it was just sad to see the playboy so broken--because of you.
"Bye, Tony." You finally whispered before joining your husband and Wong through the portal to bring you right home to the Sanctum.
"Benedict Vincent Strange."
The name had escaped your lips as soon as the baby was born. The past thirteen hours, Stephan had been besides himself. Everything he had learned from Med School was thrown in the trash when it comes to you. The doctors had tried their best to stay as far away from him while making sure you were well accommodated.
And everything was worth it as he now held on to his son. A blend of you and him. 
Even as the past few hours had been you sobbing to the high heavens while you pushed for the baby out while you pray for their safety. Stephen was relieved to know you and the baby were safe and healthy judging from the lungs capable of screaming up a storm from the both of you. The smile had somehow found their way onto his face.
He had watched the doctors begin to clean up his son before turning his attention back to you. Leaning back against the bed, even with the fatigue and pain still painting your face, you still had this big smile watching from the sides as the nurses swaddle your son.
"He's got your eyes." Stephen pointed out with a smirk and you were quick to roll your eyes. It was just a fun little debate the two of you had while you prepared for the baby, how such discussion span and become so meaningless as all the mattered was this very sight.
A life he never thought he would be allowed to have in his life. After everything he had done--the mistake he had made, he was still allowed to have his own happy ending in the form of you who had almost fallen face first in front of him in the cafe.
"Do you ever regret it?" Stephen asked after a moment of silence passed between the two of you. "Leaving Tony behind for someone like me?"
"Don't be ridiculous, Stephen." You smiled holding onto his hands, pulling him closer to where you laid to rest. "I've got everything I could have ever wanted in my life. A decent man that loves me more than the whole multiverse combined. I've got a child that I will give my life and soul to protect and love."
It was the truth, and the smile that lingered on his face made everything alright now. There would come a time that his life would be put on the line for the sake of the world, but it was alright. It was for you and it was for your son. His own little manifestation of a happy ending.
He would want nothing more in his life.
Stephen Strange One-Shot / Series
@secretsthathauntus @delightfulheartdream @d0ct0rstrangewife @gumgum78 @supervengerslock @inas-thing
@wandering-spiritash @emmy626 @star017 @silverrmistt @broadwaybabe18
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mrs-gucci · 4 years ago
Casting Couch {Charlie Barber x Reader}
author’s notes: hello, hello! I was driving home from work the other day and this idea just suddenly took over my entire thought process. so, naturally, I went ahead and wrote it up :)
warnings (what you see here is what you’ll get!): smut. the enemy of my enemy is my ally (with benefits). p in v sex. protected sex. rough oral sex. cum- swallowing.
(possible) tw’s: semi-public sex.
word count: 3.2k
charlie’s taglist peeps! {charlie currently doesn’t have any taglist peeps} my general taglist peeps! @frank-and-honey @shygirl268 @icarusinthesea​  @gildedstarlight​ @mrs-zimmerman @soldmysoulagain @roseepossee @pascalisfairyy​ @I-can’t-draw-faces @ahsoka1​ @babbushka​ @safarigirlsp​ (if you’d like to be added to or removed from any of my taglists, the link to the google form is HERE or on the top of my masterlist)
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Two Years Ago.
“Y/N...she fucking did it again.” Nicole says as she barges through the door of hers and Charlie’s shared brownstone. “She got the fucking TV gig.”
Charlie’s eyebrows furrow a bit before looking up at his wife with an empathetic expression, setting the notebook and pen he’d been using down on the coffee table.
“Bummer. I really thought you had it in the bag.” He says, elbows on his thighs as he leans forward a bit, folding his hands. “There will be other roles; I wouldn’t worry too much. You win some, you lose some; that’s how it goes in this industry. You’ve taken plenty of roles from her.”
She sighs, nodding. “Yeah, I know, but this one I was excited about. And I really thought I had it, too. It just stung a little extra, you know?”
Her husband nods, patting the seat next to him on the couch. “C’mere, sit with me. We’ll have a glass of wine.”
Nicole gives somewhat of a dreadful grimace, a clear sign she really wasn’t interested. Charlie’s been noticing this for the past few months, her disinterest in being with him as much as she usually was, but he figured it was just her being tired. She’s been doing a lot of odd jobs to make some ends meet lately, so it’s probably a result of that.
“Are you sure?” He asks, a twang of longing sadness in his voice.
She nods. “Yeah, I’m just gonna go lay down for a bit.”
Charlie just nods, picking back up his notebook and pen, continuing to review and add to his notes from the day. 
“Let me know if you need anything.” He calls after her. “I love you.”
She only offers him a small smile over her shoulder in return before emerging into their bedroom, closing the door immediately behind her. 
Present Day.
It feels strange, holding auditions for a female lead. He hasn’t had to do so in almost a decade;  just yet another reminder of how much of his life has changed just in the past year.
The divorce had been painful, stressful, and he was honestly more relieved than anything when it finally came to a close, despite it not really turning out the way he’d hoped for in terms of custody over Henry. 
Luckily, he’s dove deeper into his one true love, directing, as a way to cope with the loss of everything he’d worked so hard to build for himself; the marriage, the 'American dream’ family and home he wished he’d had growing up.
Now, after six months of weekly therapy appointments and keeping himself busy with work, he’s feeling more like the old Charlie he was back before everything went to shit. Actually, he’s feeling like an even better version of that Charlie, the best version of himself there’s been in a while, perhaps even before he met and married Nicole.
The first audition comes onstage and Charlie can’t decide what’s worse, her off-pitch singing or her monotonous speaking voice. 
God, this was going to be a long fucking day.
You’d heard through the grapevine that the famed Broadway director had moved here to LA, and that he’d divorced his witch of a wife, Nicole. 
Nicole Barber had been your biggest rival ever since you swiped that first movie role away from her. She hates you, and you don’t particularly like her, either, thus your rivalry began. And it was pretty heated, too; the two of you were always trying to one-up each other.
It really was a back-and-forth battle, her swiping roles from you, you returning the favor; it was a game, to put it simply. Although lately, you’ve been getting more roles than she has, not that you’re complaining, and there’s a part of you that hopes she quits the business for good.
Word got around that Charlie is heading his first LA Broadway production and what better way to hit Nicole close to home than to show up at her ex-husband’s auditions? Even better, what if you got the female lead in her ex-husband’s production? Oh god, that would be fantastic, not only for the rivalry but also for your career.
You’ve been looking to branch out into more theater roles, and this is as good an opportunity as to dip your toe in the theater world water. Plus, you’re not necessarily complaining about having the chance to look at and work with Charlie Barber every day...
So you prepared your piece of dialogue and a section of one of the choice songs, heading over to the theater fifteen minutes before your set audition time. Your knee bounces as you sit in the waiting area, eyes running over your script and lyrics sheet one final time, solidifying it all in your memory.
Your name is called a few minutes later and you head out onto the stage, handing over your headshot and qualifications resume. The agent hands over your profile to the handsome director, but he doesn’t even really look at it, already knowing exactly who you are. A small smirk grazes his lips as he flips to a new page of his notebook, clicking the top of his pen.
“Whenever you’re ready, Miss Y/N.”
After you’re finished, Charlie scribbles one final thing in his notebook before looking up at you. His eyes trail over your figure for a moment, another smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Would you be comfortable coming back for a more intimate audition later this week? Maybe, Friday at four? I would like to get to know you better, see if you meet all of my... qualifications.”
The look in his eye tells you all you need to know about the true motivations behind his question. You nod, biting your lip.
“It’d be my absolute pleasure, Mr. Barber.” You purr.
He shifts in his seat suddenly and quickly crosses one leg over the other before opening up your folder, handing the top sheet to his assistant.
“Diane, go ahead and have Miss Y/N put down all of her contact information.” His gaze never leave you as he speaks to the timid-seeming young woman. “Make sure she gives her personal cell number.”
You pull a pen from your bag on the stage, clicking it open before Diane hands you the paper. As you write every means of contact you can think of, starting with your cell number, you playfully bite the end of the pen and tap it against your bottom lip, something that certainly keeps the already attentive director’s full attention.
“Thank you so much for this opportunity, Mr. Barber.” Your tone is innocent-sounding, but your gaze is anything but. It sends a chill down Charlie’s spine. “I promise I won’t disappoint.”
“Oh, I’m sure you won’t.” A small tug at one corner of his lip accompanies his response. “See you soon, Miss Y/N.”
You offer him a nod.
“Looking forward to it.”
In preparation for your upcoming...meeting with Charlie, you take a quick trip to the nearest intimates store, picking up a pretty little lace bra and panty set. Your lingerie wardrobe is long overdue for a bit of sprucing up, anyway.
When the time comes, you slip the fresh lace garments on before putting on your planned outfit, a cute-but-subtly-sexy low cut romper. You put on a light face of makeup, purely for professionalism’s sake, then head out with a small bag which contains various personal items as well as your script and composition page.
He’s not in his backstage office when you arrive, but he comes in a couple minutes later, a strong stench of cigarette smoke trailing behind him as he walks by your chair.
“I apologize for the delay. You weren’t waiting long, were you?”
You shake your head as he takes a seat behind the ratty oak desk, shifting a few small stacks of papers around on the heavily scratched surface.
“No, no I wasn’t waiting long.”
He nods, then folds his hands atop the desk, eyes flickering up to meet yours. For a moment, his eyes dart down to where your cleavage creeps out of your low-cut top.
“You’ve got the part.” Charlie says with a small smile. “You’re by far the best and most qualified audition we had yesterday, and I like the way you carry yourself. You’re exactly the type of person I like working with. Part’s yours if you want it.”
You’re overcome with joy, a wide smile spreading itself across your lips. “I’d love to be a part of this production, Mr. Barber. I’m really excited to get to work with you and the rest of the crew.”
“That’s great, I’m glad to hear it.” He nods, smile widening when as he processes your acceptance. His delighted expression falls after a few moments, replaced by one much more salacious.
“Now that we’ve gotten that part out of the way...I think you know why I called a meeting of such, uh, privacy.”
You smirk softly, shifting around in your seat slightly. “I believe I do.”
His feet plant on the ground as he pushes the rolling office chair out from under the desk, standing up and walking around the desk to tower over you. 
“Before anything happens, though, I want you to know that whether or not you do this with me will not affect my casting decision. Even if you decline, you still have the part.”
You nod before standing, quickly and swiftly, stepping forward to press yourself flush against him.
Your hands rest on his chest, neck craning slightly to look up at him. “Just kiss me, will you?”
He laughs, massive hand moving to cradle the back of your head before he bends down and connects your lips in a passionate kiss. There’s nothing tender or gentle about this embrace, it’s all tongue and teeth, raw lust coursing between your two bodies.
“Couch.” His voice is soft but husky.
“Unzip me first?” You ask, turning around so he can unzip you. He does, then his hands slide down to your hips and pushes you towards the leather couch tucked in the corner of his office.
The material squeaks when you’re laid down on top of it, head resting comfortably on the cushy fabric accent pillow as he climbs on top of you. He presses his hips forward while he tucks his face into the crook of your neck and plants kisses on the skin there.
Your eyes widen as his impressive bulge rubs up against your inner thigh and you quickly wonder how in the world you’ll be able to take him. His crooked teeth scrape over the taut muscles in your neck while his hands pull the backs of your romper down over your shoulders.
His hands grab and grope your breasts beneath where they rest in your nice bra, one you wore just for him, and your back arches slightly up off the cushions with a soft sigh. 
A small smile crosses his expression, teeth sinking gently into your neck. “I like the little noises you make for me, Y/N.”
“Yeah?” You smirk, running your hands through his hair. “Then I bet you’ll like my moans, too. If you think you can draw them out of me, that is.”
He laughs softly, sucking and licking at at the place his teeth have just abused. “Is that a challenge?”
“Well, it’s more like an invitation to prove yourself, but ‘challenge’ is also a good word for it.”
Charlie pulls away with a smirk, shaking his head as he sits back on his haunches and begins to unbuckle his belt.
Once he’s undone his pants and pulled them down enough to expose himself to you, he leans down once more and pulls your romper the rest of the way off, leaving you completely bare, minus your undergarments. His eyes roam your figure for a moment before he dips a hand beneath the patch of black fabric nestled between your thighs.
Your breath hitches as his fingertips swipe over your erect clit, giving it a few little circles before yanking the panties off your hips and down your ankles, tossing them down alongside your previously-discarded romper.
His eyes widen in realization, cheeks flushing pink.
“Do you have any, um, protection?”
You smirk, nodding as you sit up and pat his chest. “Indeed, I do.”
He crawls off of you and you walk over to your purse, grabbing a condom from the mini-stash you keep in your wallet, the one you replenished just minutes before you left the house this afternoon. He takes it from you and pinches the tip, rolling it down his shaft. For a moment, you’re worried that it isn’t going to fit, but he rolls it on with little issue.
His hips press forward, then, entering you slowly but steadily with a soft grunt. You whine as your insides stretch out around him, hands reaching up to tangle in his hair.  “S-Shit.”
“You’re really fucking tight, jesus.” He growls between gritted teeth, jaw screwed shut as his hips begin to move. “I haven’t fffucked anyone in a while, Y/N, so I can’t guarantee that I’ll last very long.”
You nod, softly. “It’s alright, Charlie; it’s been a little while for muh--me, too.”
Your eyes flutter shut and your face begins to scrunch up with each time his fat cockhead brushes up against your cervix. His pace increases after a minute or so, a consistent slap-slap-slap noise now echoing off the drywall with each snap of his hips. 
“You’ve got a nice little pussy, you know that? Always knew you would be, too, knew you’d be a good little cccocksleeve.”
You moan shakily as he adjusts his position, towering over you and pinning your wrists above your head with one of his large hands. Your body begins to bounce, tits, thighs and tummy jiggling each time he thrusts in. 
He’s starting to sweat, a few dark hairs sticking to his dimly-glowing forehead, more and more accumulating there as his hair rocks back and forth in time with the rhythm of his hips.
“Touch yourself, now, rrrub your little clit.” His voice is getting shaky as he draws nearer to climax.
Nodding, your hand slides down between your joined bodies until your fingertips settle onto the small bundle of nerves. The hand that’s still weaved in Charlie’s locks clenches and he lets out a sudden deep growl, hips stuttering for a moment.
“Ooooh, Charlie.” You moan, hips lifting and gyrating against both his cock and your fingers.
“God, fffuck I love this cunt.” A vulgar squelching sound knits itself within the quilt of your salacious symphony. “Wrapped around my cock like a vice, gonna pull the fucking cum right out of it. Swear you get tighter each time I push back in...christ, I’m not gonna last.”
Your fingers circle your clit faster, setting a desperate pace, one that almost matches his quick and sloppy thrusts. You’re close now, too, and it doesn’t take much longer for your orgasm to hit.
You cream around him with a long moan and a string of various other noises, with a few profanities thrown in as well. The product of your release coats his shaft in a pearlescent sheen, dripping down his ball-sack soon enough. 
The sensations your climax creates around Charlie forces him to pull away almost immediately after, quickly yanking the condom off and onto his office floor, squeezing the base of his flaming red length. 
His hand seizes your jaw tightly, thumb pressing down on your tongue, prying your mouth open. “I’m gonna fuck your mouth and shove my cum down your throat, and you’re gonna take it all, isn’t that right?”
You’re nodding instantly, slacking your jaw to open even further in preparation for his upcoming intrusion. He smirks.
“Good. Now, on your knees.”
He sits down where you once laid, lazily pumping his throbbing length as you get into position between his spread legs. He pulls your hair up into a makeshift ponytail with his hand, then lines you up with his cock and eases your mouth down onto him.
“Thaaaaaat’s it, oh, gooooood girl.”
You start gagging about three quarters of the way down his shaft, but he still keeps pushing until you’ve got the whole thing in your mouth. Your jaw’s already getting sore as he begins thrusting upwards, fucking your mouth. 
Tears swell in your eyes and begin to spill down your cheeks the more he goes, mascara surely ruined and running down your face. The sight only arouses him further, a low groan rumbling through his puffed chest.
He’s trying so hard to keep himself together, to stave off his orgasm for as long as he can manage, but soon he finds it next to impossible to hold back. His bottom lip quivers ever so slightly as his length begins to twitch, balls drawing up.
“Fuck, I’m gonna--”
You taste and feel the salty ropes shooting down your throat before he can even finish his warning.
“Ah, fffuuuuck.” His head falls back against the couch cushions, hips bucking gently as each bit of release is spilled into your mouth. His grip on your head relaxes after he’s finished, cock softening while he catches his breath and re-grounds himself in reality.
Your chest heaves as full airflow returns to your lungs, knees and jaw aching a bit sore from their exertion. You grab your underwear from where they lay discarded on top of your romper, putting them back on before standing up on somewhat shaky legs. 
Charlie also redresses, standing and straightening himself out as you do the same. 
“Mind zipping me back up?” You ask, turning around again. 
He pulls the zipper up your back until it’s at the end of its tracks, then steps up behind you, placing a soft kiss to your shoulder blade.
“Thank you.”
A soft smile grazes your lips. “No ‘thanks’ needed; the sweet taste of revenge and spite is payment enough.”
He laughs quietly.
“Well, I’ll certainly be available, should you ever need a little replenishing of those feelings.”
“Mr. Barber, you wouldn’t be saying that because you’d like to see me naked again, now would you?” Your eyebrows raise and you look over your shoulder, a playful smile on your face.
He laughs again, blushing a bit. “Uh, yeah, sure, I'd like that a lot. But I’d also like to see you, um...not naked, fully clothed, maybe at a restaurant in the city for dinner sometime? I totally get it if you’re not interested, it’s not a big deal if you don’t want to...”
Holy shit, he’s asking you out on a date. Well, he’s trying to, at least.
You laugh, cheeks warming at his proposition.
“Sure thing. I just accepted this new job, though, so I’ll have to get back to you about my availability...”
Charlie smiles, shoving his hands down in his khaki pockets. “I’m sure your new boss would be more than willing to accommodate. He’s a pretty cool guy, or so I’ve heard. Handsome, too.”
“Oh yeah? Sounds like you have a reliable informant.” You turn around as you laugh softly, grabbing your bag off the chair before stepping up in front of him. Your lips plant a quick peck on his, hands resting on his broad chest. “See you soon.”
He nods, biting his lip to hold back his big, goofy smile.
“Can’t wait.”
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An Unfinished Writing Masterlist
Because I don’t feel like tracking everything down right now. Sorry. Also some I just didn’t feel like including? They’re disowned now. I’m gonna sort these by fandom and Mountark.
Mountark (My Beloved)
The Series
Poison the Well; 17/? Chapters, Hermitcraft
A mining town can be a prison colony if I want it to be. And an unsolved murder can be a murder mystery any day.
A Good Deal - A Bad Decision; 1/1 Chapters, Hermitcraft
Committing to a bond has consequences. 
Despite Everything (It is still you); 1/2 Chapters, Hermitcraft
In which Pearl decides to finally have a conversation with Grian. It's long overdue.
Let our Love be a Flame not an Ember; 2/? Chapters, Empires SMP
The love story of a scam artist and an artist.
To Burn That Town To The Ground; 2/? Chapters, Empires SMP
Breaking News! The infamous Wither Rose Gang has finally been captured! Those damned Criminals will be brought before a Court of Law and finally face Justice!
Really there are only four people who aren't happy when the judge gives the sentence.
The Bard on the Church; 1/1 Chapters, Empires SMP
A very short thing with the only purpose of putting that lad in situations.
Aka Oli in Mountark, what will he do?
New Arrival; 1/1 Chapters, Empires SMP
Day 3 of Febuwhump: Joel arrives in the naughty corner.
It’s Ringing (It’s for you); 1/1 Chapters, Evo SMP
Day 18 of Febuwhump: The Police vs Watchers (Fail) (Not Clickbait)
Multiple (aka idfk)
Fish’s Library of Various One-Shots; 15/?
It comes to me in Dreams; 11/-
A collection of dreams from different worlds and visions of different lives. Aka I smush Evo, Empires, 3rd Life, Last Life and Hermitcraft into one crossover au.
Sorry I Came Back Wrong; 4/? Empires and Life Series Elements
The ankle had healed, the crush hadn't gotten better. And somehow since then everything and nothing at all had changed.
fWhip tries to deal with his crush and absolutely nothing goes wrong ever, not at all. - Can someone tell Grian to stop giving out weird shit? Also, why is his sister back in her magic phase?
FebuWhump 2023
All Dressed Up; 1/1 Chapters
In which Beef finds out that his boyfriend has a maid dress. That's it. 
Hitmen don’t get kidnapped by Spirits; 1/? Chapters
At least usually.
Iskall is not sure how he got into this situation. She's pretty sure it's better than prison though.
In which people need to stop vandalizing Cleo’s garden; 1/1 Chapters
Joe is about to contemplate the moral implications of encouraging two teenagers to commit murder before he realizes that he is friends with a god of death who runs a school that teaches teenagers to commit murder, and that is probably a train of thought he'll need a whole night for. 
A HC Soul Eater AU
Hiking Log; 1/1 Chapters
Day 22 of Febuwhump: "Joe turned the camera to the path again and he stopped the footage. The frame was blurry, still moving and slightly tilted. But there between the trees. There it was."
Empires SMP (Season 1, Season 2)
Fish writes made up Empires lore; the Series
Including such beloved titles as Lost to the Waves (Do you remember Home?) (3/3 Chapters), FFA: Fishfuckers Anonymous (8/8 Chapters), The Mad King (3/? Chapters), Witness me , Old Man, I am the Wild (2/? Chapters), Walking through Homes (2/? Chapters) and  It all Starts to Sound like Applause (18/? Chapters)
They don’t get engaged in this; 1/1 Chapters
Scott gives Jimmy his coat to keep him warm, not thinking much of it. Jimmy freaks out because six months is very early for a proposal.
Through the Snow; 3/? Chapters
The world is in a state of eternal winter. Mages, priests and scientists search for a way to bring back spring at any cost. The reincarnations of the old Emperors are no more than a wishful thought. Or are they?
Cactus Flower; 1/1 Chapters
"He's alive?" he whispered. The eye of the Vigil stared down at him and the tiny candle. It wouldn't let it burn. "He's alive," Pixlriffs repeated and felt tears gather in his eyes. There was still a chance they'd find him.
In which Pixlriffs loses his son and the King of Mezalea gains one.
Sinking Teeth; 4/? Chapters
It's one in the morning and he presses down on the gas pedal uncaring of the speed limit.
It's one in the morning and Joel is dying on his passenger seat.
The Art of Shutting the Fuck Up (And other Mezalean Specialties); 2/? Chapters
In my stay I have discovered many things about Mezalea, its people and their culture. And since I started because of the disappointing small section on Mezalea in the Crystal Cliffs Library, I am presenting my discoveries here, in this journal, for others to read and learn more. Out of respect for the Mezaleans I will omit a few details but still, I was able to learn a lot that I don't believe they'll object to me sharing.
Everything you Wish, Everything but Freedom; 1/? Chapters
Corrupted Scott manipulates Jimmy and traps him.
 But our Flowers are Withered, the Leaves Blown to Dust; 16/? Chapters
It was something so inherently Grimmish, to give someone a piece of unprocessed Redstone as a sign of affection, something so fWhip that he couldn't help but smile. What a weird custom. How wonderful. How wonderful that he was the one fWhip had chosen to give it to.
Meteor Shower; 13/13 Chapters - Multi Dimensional Big Bang Fic
It starts with a notification from his calender app, reminding fWhip that he meant to actually see his friends from school again at some point. He decides to try and reach out and before he knows it they're spending two weeks of vacation together. The twelve of them. The old gang. Just like they used to.
And then the meteor crashes.
Nebula; 1/1 Chapters
There's nothing someting everything wrong with Joel. aka The only normal person in the group [post meteor]. aka How do you go back to normal when the stranger in the mirror is wearing your skin? When you're wearing a stranger's skin? How do you know who is who?
(A sequel to my fic Meteor Shower. Read that before you read this, it'll make more sense)
Star-forming Regions; 2/? Chapters
Lizzie and Joel being platonically in love throughout the years. Wait... that's not... What is going on? (Part of the Meteor Shower AU)
Let’s Play A Game (Where We Both Lose); 1/1 Chapters
Do not challenge the gods, that's what all the fables and legends say. So really, Pixlriffs should know better.
Pixlriffs and Joel make a bet.
Can’t Wake From This; 7/? Chapters
Jimmy goes to sleep at home with his boyfriend and wakes up somewhere else. As he tries to navigate his strange circumstances, somewhere else he is presumed dead. It's not like anything can happen to him though, he's fine.
Break the Mold; 1/1 Chapters
One thing that never got old, no matter how long Joel was in this business, was waking up in a place he couldn't remember getting to. Todays mystery place was quite bright. He could tell even with closed eyes.
The Crown Academy; 1/? Chapters
On the 1st of October 1989, fourty-three women gave birth. This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began. Eccentric millionaire Sir Reginald Hargreeves set out to adopt as many of these children as he could.
(He got thirteen)
King of the Endless Meza; 1/1 Chapters
The Return of the King Or; The King of Mezalea is many things, but most importantly, he is supposed to be dead for over a thousand years.
Myself as a Construct; 1/1 Chapters
There's a dead king in Tumble Town. Again. Or; The Sheriff knows trouble when he sees it, but that doesn't mean he understands it. So when the stranger leaves and the God returns he is actually glad. And then it happens again. This time Pixlriffs won't have to murder him afterwards.
Don’t You Hear It Breathing?; 1/? Chapters
Welcome to our little town! I'm sure you'll settle in fine. Just... ignore the calls at night. And don't go into the woods after dark. Not that there is anything unusual about this place, of course. Just be careful.
Heimweh; 1/1 Chapters
Jimmy can't help but feel like everyone's going to leave him one day.
Ah, yes, Me, my Boyfriend, my Boyfriend, a Zombie, my Boyfriend and his 1,50m Stuffed Donkey; 1/1 Chapters
They go on a fair date. That's pretty much it.
Life SMP
They Scratch and Bite and Bark; 1/2 Chapters
In which Joel gets adopted by a pack of dogs against his will.
Or something.
After Life SMP
It’s the Same Old Flames; 1/1 Chapters
Lizzie remembers nothing of her live but something is all too familiar about Joel.
I know that After Life has nothing to do with Empires but I have elected to ignore that ^-^
Dream SMP
they exist. i think there’s three of them
He Slayed The MInotaur; 3/4 Chapters
A monster makes its home near the icy village Octorso Glen. But that's okay. If a monster settles, a hero will come to defeat it. That's how it is in all the stories Phil tells them when they can't sleep at night. They just have to wait.
Techno had never been very patient.
A Universal Language; 1/1 Chapters
Day 9 of Febuwhump: How to make yourself heard without speaking 101.
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writingfromkitchenator · 4 years ago
Cullen ~ Family Reunion
1,300 Followers Challenge!
Round 2
Requested by @jaxtheninja
Words: 1,503
Warnings: Female Reader, post Trespasser, slight mention of disability (loss of arm), family meeting, talks of having kids
Cullen was nervous, you could see it as the two of you rode, and you held back your giggle.  After everything that the two of you had been through, after all that you’d faced together within the Inquisition, this was what was terrifying him most.
“You don’t have to worry about me Cullen,” You said, watching as the small town came into view. “I’m sure amongst all the people I’ve met, I can handle your family.”
It was quickly clear he wasn’t listening though, muttering something under his breath as people began to come under view.
This time, you did giggle, knowing that he was caught in his own thoughts about it all, but, as it always did, your giggle finally earned his attention.  “What?”
“Relax dear,” You laughed. “Everything is going to be fine.”
Cullen’s cheeks tinged red and he quickly looked away, rubbing the back of his neck.  “Right, sorry, I guess…I still can’t believe we’re doing this.”
“It was your suggestion.”
“Yes, I know,” He nodded slowly.  “I just thought…after everything…and the Inquisition now-now disbanded, that I should-or we should…Maker’s breath what are we doing?”
“Doing something long overdue, I think.”  You said, smiling warmly at him.  “You’ve been telling me for a while that you have wanted to, and now that we don’t have as many responsibilities…”
Cullen let out a slow breath.  “You’re right.  I shouldn’t get ahead of myself, we haven’t even got their yet and, well…”
“Cullen,” He looked at you, relaxing a little at your smile.  “This is your family, it’s going to be fine, I promise.”
He chuckled.  “What would I do without you?”
“Where do you want me to start?”
The two of you laughed and continued on, but you still couldn’t help but notice his growing nerves, especially when Mia’s home came into view, silently reminding you both of the possible quaint and quiet life that was before you.
With a bark, Theo bounded forward, even as Cullen called after him, but it was quickly clear that the grey mabari was far more interested in the couple of children playing with their own.
At first, the two of you were worried that the majority would attack each other, but in usual mabari style, they showed just how smart they were, soon playing away with happy yips and barks while the children laughed and watched on.
Cullen chuckled as he helped you from your horse, seeing Mia come outside to see what the commotion is. "It seems Theo has announced our arrival for us.”
Mia comes over with a wide smile, quickly pulling him into a tight hug.  "I should've known that you wouldn't just knock on my door.  How are you little brother?”
You stood back a little awkwardly, not wanting to intrude on this small family moment, knowing how much Cullen, despite his nerves, had been looking forward to this.  He had been missing his family for a long time.
Cullen soon took your hand though and pulled you forward, his arm wrapping comfortingly around your waist. "And this is Y/N."
"It's lovely to finally meet you,” You said with an abashed smile.  "Cullen's talked about you all for a long time now,"
Mia smiled, which put you at ease.  "Likewise, although talk of your life is far more interesting than ours, not to mention all the rumours as well.  I'm glad I can finally put a face to it all, especially when my brother is very much in love with you.”
You giggled, even as Cullen groaned at your side.  "Mia..."
She chuckled and led the way inside.  "Come on then, lunch will be ready soon.  No doubt Branson and Rosalie will arrive just in time, as usual."
Cullen cast you a smile and guided the way.  As he and Mia caught up, you couldn’t help but look around her home.  Every item and every room just made it all feel so real, speaking of comfort and joy within the wells.  You were glad that, for all the bad that had happened, homes and families like this were still thriving and surviving.
The kitchen was warm and cosy, you and Cullen taking a seat as Mia returned to the stove.  You felt bad, wanting to help, but Cullen kept his hand reassuringly on your knee.
He knew too well what you were like by now, and while he still wanted the comfort of having you by his side, he also wanted you to take things easy.  You were still adjusting to having lost your arm after all.  More than once he'd caught you trying to do things that were no longer as easy with only one arm, and he always hurried in to help, as well as work it out with you on whether there was another way of doing it.
Voices filled the home and Branson and Rosalie greeted you both warmly.  The more everyone talked, the more at ease the both of you felt.  For now, you were both relieved that none of them were asking about the Inquisition, although you knew they must have a lot to ask about it.
Soon, the table was set and the children were called in, lots of noise quickly filling the space. Laughter rang in the walls, and neither you nor Cullen could stop smiling.
“I have to say, we were getting worried we’d never get to see you at all Cullen,” Rosalie said, smiling. “Mia even worried that you were avoiding us.”
Cullen gave a small chuckle, but you could see the slight awkwardness in his gaze.  “It’s not that I haven’t wanted to see you all, but things have been…exceptionally busy.  Even after we got most things sorted and settled down, there wasn’t a lot time to just rest and get things done.”
“Did you really get to fight a dragon?”  One of the children piped up.
“Err,” Cullen glanced at you, even as you chuckled.  “Well, not-not-”
“Multiple,” You said, eyes sparkling with mischief.  “Maybe I can tell you all about it later?”
All the children’s eyes went wide and they stared at you before all starting to talk at once.
“After you’ve finished your meal!”  Mia said loudly over the top of them.  “And don’t think about giving any to the dogs to finish them quickly.”
You chuckled.  “Yes, please don’t feed Theo from the table, we’ve just got him out of that habit.”
“Let me guess, Cullen instigated that?”  Branson asked, grinning.
Cullen started trying to protest, but your giggle stopped him, his face flushing, a round of laughter filling the table.
“Even after all these years, he still hasn’t changed.”  Rosalie giggled.  “You can’t deny it Cullen, Mother and Father used to always tell us about the trouble you’d get up to.”
He sighed, but smiled. “Well, I’m sure there’s more than a few quirks you’ve kept over the years.  Where did you want to start Mia?”
There was more laughter, it not really settling until most of the food was gone and the children were starting to get restless, clearly wanting to know more about dragons, all of them constantly eyeing you expectantly.
“Well, I suppose I better go and tell this story before some children bounce out of their seats.”  You grinned.  “Is there a good spot for everyone to sit?”
Mia directs you to the living room, where they can all sit comfortably around the fire, and you kiss Cullen’s cheek before following after the excited rabble, chuckling after them, Theo following at your heels.
Laughing away, Mia's attention turned back to Cullen.
“So," She said with a smile.  “Where’s the pitter patter of little feet?”
Cullen flushed.  "What?"
"Come on little brother,” Mia nudged him.  "The two have been together for some time now, and are very clearly in love.”
"I...well, of course we are." Cullen frowned though, looking at the door where you'd left.  "But I'd never ask that of her.  After all she's been through...” He shook his head.  "One day, maybe, but for now, everything is still far too fresh. Especially...especially...”
"I was only stirring Cullen,” Mia said gently. "I'm sorry to have upset you. It wasn't my intention."
“She’s handling that wound well," Branson said. "Doesn't let it slow her down at all.”
Cullen sighed.  "No, it doesn't.  I wish she would take it easier at times but... " He smiled affectionately.  "I don't think it's part of her nature."
"The two of you can stay you know," Mia said gently. " As long as you need too.  You both look like you could use a break."
"Thank you Mia," Cullen said.  "I...I'm glad my long silence hasn't...well...”
"Oh, don't think I'm going to let you off for that easily."  Mia said, making the other two laugh.  "You've got a lot of making up to do mister.”
Cullen just chuckled and nodded, feeling himself finally fully relax, your laughter echoing down the hall on what he hoped was a promise for much more peaceful days to come.
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kovjiro · 4 years ago
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Out of My League - an Aran Ojiro x chubby female reader SMAU - College!AU
Synopsis: Commitment can be scary, especially when the only taste of actual commitment has come through your three best friends. An absentee father and cruel classmates can do that to you - no foundational trust in men, only sustained by male counterparts continually making fun of you for your size and weight. You’re ready for change, though, and maybe change will come; as you set out for university in a new city miles away from your horrid adolescence, change is inevitable. A chance at growth, at love, and new adventures await you in this new part of your life but, really, you’d never think to find this all with the upperclassmen you’d deemed out of your league.
Warnings(for this chapter): written chapter, self-deprecating thoughts, underage alcohol consumption, explicit depictions of being drunk, very much angst, reader is big sad (Refer to masterlist for complete list of warnings for this SMAU
Masterlist | Prev. | Chapter Four: friend | Next
“It’s Kiyoko and Yachi, right?” you call out over the heavy base and electronic beats blasting throughout the room.
Earlier that evening you made your way to Aran’s dorm, along with Suna, Osamu, and Atsumu. Upon arriving Aran announced to all of you that a few friends would be coming along, two members of his frat and their first-year friend. Aran had seen the worry on your face, however, and didn’t hesitate to come up to you and reassure you of your worries. “They’ll love you, hun, I promise.”
His words eased your nerves a bit but meeting new people isn’t always a fun experience - there is no telling when someone will judge you because of what they see. They had been nice enough at first meet so now, here at the party a couple of shots in and one drink down, you have the confidence to let loose.
“That’s us,” the tall one with black hair says, who you deduce is Kiyoko. She’s insanely attractive in a mature and sophisticated sense, her aura demanding respect yet offering a sense of comfort as well. Beside her stands a small blonde girl, who you’ve been informed is the first-year friend and her underclassmen from high school. Yachi’s demeanor is completely different from that of Kiyoko, looking almost out of place with her uncapped drink in her hand. Regardless, there is no ignoring how breathtaking they both are in their own right.
“Y/n, yeah?” Kiyoko counters before taking a sip of her drink. “Aran has told me a lot about you.”
“Really?” Don’t get your hopes up, for the love of all things sacred and holy, don’t break your own heart. “All good things I hope.” Kiyoko fervently nods as if to relieve you of any fear, saying, “Aran always speaks highly of his friends back home.”
Oh yeah, friend. It’s not like every time he’s come to your aid, every time he’s offered words of praise or encouragement, every time he’s held you close to his chest with your heart beats seemingly syncing together ever meant anything more to him - you’re just his friend, just like the many other friends he apparently talks so highly of. You’ve known this for years so why does it hurt so much?
Just as you’re about to respond, someone comes bounding up to the three of you. “They’re doing jaegerbombs over at the bar, you girls coming?” Speak of the devil… “C’mon, y/n, i know you can down those like a champ,” Aran pushes, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you to his side.
Maybe it’s the atmosphere of the cramped party filled to the brim with sweaty bodies bouncing and yelling, maybe it's the alcohol beginning to get to your head, or maybe it’s both and then some, but Aran’s presence is overwhelming and not in the good way. Where you’d usually feel over the moon to be near him you now find yourself feeling… annoyed? Upset? Absolutely devastated? In reality, though, you brought this on yourself because who could ever like you, the fat friend? Definitely not someone like Aran.
“Yup, that’s right, friend,” you say, mustering as convincing a laugh as you can. Not convincing enough because Aran cautiously chuckles all while squinting questioningly at you. “Yeah… friend.”
An awkward beat passes amongst the four of you but Kiyoko is quick to act, grasping your hand in one of hers and grabbing Yachi with the other. “Let’s get this party rolling, shall we?” she exclaims as she pulls you both to the make-shift bar the frat boys put together. As soon as she’s pulled you out of hearing range, Kiyoko leans closer to ask, “You good?” Her eyes convey just how much she’s gathered - you’re hurting.
What a horrible situation to be in - finding out your long-term crush only thinks of you as a friend in the midst of a night out. How will you get over this hurt, this heartbreak? Probably never. There is no cure for a broken heart.
But wait. There is. And you’re walking towards it right now.
“I will be,” you conclude.
In no time you’re standing in between Kiyoko and Yachi at the bar and what happens after is too much of a blur to make out. The first shot the three of you take together, the mixture of liquor and redbull hitting you in an instant. Your mind is running a mile a minute but it seems to be working - you’re numb. And so you have another, whatever it takes to forget why you were so upset a few moments ago. Two quickly becomes three, the same way three eventually becomes four then five then six.
In the haze that comes with being drunk you live the next moments oblivious to your surroundings. You miss when the twins and Suna join you guys right after Aran, you miss when Aran’s frat brother Sugawara appears and takes a shot with all of you, you miss - or perhaps ignore - when Osamu tells you to chill on the drinking. “You trying to die or something?” is what he says verbatim but his words don’t register in your imbibed brain.
What you don’t miss is Aran talking to a girl at the end of the bar and suddenly everything hits you tenfold - the hurt, the ache, the alcohol. Maybe if you weren’t so inebriated you would have noticed that he was only trying to help her out - apparently you aren’t the only person drunk off their ass at this party, who would have thought? All your mind can comprehend is that Aran is talking to someone other than you, a harsh reminder that you are - and probably always will be - the ‘friend.’
He comes to you then, speaking words you understand yet cannot comprehend, head spinning and vision blurring - maybe you should have listened to Osamu. He leaves you there at the bar and it crushes your heart all over again - didn’t he promise to be there for you? The alcohol has complete control of your body as you take a step in his direction but it’s as if the ground has moved out from underneath you. Two people are quick to your sides though and manage to keep you from hitting the ground. Who is that?
“Samu? Suna?” you manage to gurgle out, tongue feeling heavy and lips completely senseless. “No, honey, it’s Kiyoko and Suga. I think you’ve had enough for tonight, think it’s time to head home. Can you tell me where your dorm is?”
You know what she’s saying but your thoughts are jumbled, your dorm be damned. Where’s Aran? “I-I need to go- go see him,” you blurt out as you attempt to get out of their hold. You lose your balance as you take a step forward but they’re there to keep you from collapsing. They begin to drag you along to who-knows-where and you have no choice but to let yourself be carried, mumbling about how you need to see him and it hurts. It has to be the alcohol that’s making you spew nonsense, more so when you start crying because how could he only think of you as a friend, just a friend? Had it all meant nothing to him? Maybe you just misread everything, but you had been sure there was something there.
Or you’re the one in the wrong this time around, obviously, to even begin thinking Aran would be different. Every person you meet is unable to get past what’s on the exterior so why would this be any different? The idea of Aran reciprocating such feelings is an act of projection, simply put.
Your mind is a dark and negative spiral of harmful thoughts, reminding you of all that you’re not and why that is just not enough for Aran - for anyone, even. Yachi attempts to console you as Kiyoko and Suga place you on your bed? No, definitely not your bed. You may be wasted out of your mind but you’re cognizant to your surroundings that are in no way familiar at the moment. The three of them are able to reduce you from loud cries to soft whimpers in some time and eventually you’re all off to bed but you know deep inside of you everything will be different come tomorrow. How long would you continue being alright with being just a friend?
raise your hand if you, too, have drunk your feelings and ended up crying
you've always held on to the hope that aran liked you too
he had always treated you differently than other guys
kiyoko, suga, and yachi>>>
taglist: OPEN! send an ask to be added :) AGE IN BIO PLZ
@szeonn @thatnikkixx @slutkags @roselleviennesstuff @bookiedoll @kris-1 @lucacangettathisass @serostapesweat @kiyokoism @ctrlaprilx @fantasycantasy
a/n: LONG overdue but here it is! i'm finally all moved in and got my wifi setup so ta-da :) i should go back to updating daily like i had been. i'm excited, it's about to get good >:) let me know your thoughts so far!!
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amberwild420 · 4 years ago
one step back, two steps forward (pt. 5)
outed identity
The next day wasn’t any better than the other days. Kaylan walked through the hallways to the locker room. The irregular arrival time for school is the habit she picked up in the long run.
 Considering there would be no schedule to follow for planned accidents. But the best thing that comes with the habit is to accidentally eavesdropping people’s conversation.
(a/n: most people may not know that following a proper schedule can lead to many planned accidents that include framing someone up, kidnapping or stealing. and yes I’m speaking from experience. )
Like today.
 She was just getting her necessary things in the locker (despite having no security on it. But Kaylan put her customize lock that included special mechanism before it could open or the imposter will have a face full of flour. and that is one scary face).
 …….telling you she is dangerous.
 Raising an eyebrow, Kaylan quietly listen to what was being said. She had a vague idea but she still needed to confirm it.
 Oh like chat isn’t dangerous. With the power he has he can turn me into dust.
 Well she carry a knife!
 Apparently Adrien and Marinette were talking about her. But she doesn’t remember Adrien anywhere around her when she threatened certain people.
She clasped a hand over her mouth when the realization hit her like ton of bricks.
Marinette had a good start. It has been too long that she had taken down an akuma faster despite it being a strong one. If it wasn’t for Kaylan and her abilities plus her plans, she would have been a goner.
 Today she had a good night sleep and was up before her alarm. Even Tikki could feel the energy of her chosen.
  You are definitely looking good after a good night sleep, Marinette.
I didn’t know I needed that until I got it. Can’t say I regret sleeping early for once. Look Tikki! Guess we’ll be early to school once.
  What are you waiting for then, bug? Let’s go.
  With the encouragement, Marinette started getting ready. She got her bag, macron box for Kaylan (which was overdue anyway) and left for school. She hummed a tune of Jagged’s new album.
 She was having a good start of the day.
But that came to a screeching halt when she saw Adrien next to her locker.
 Why? Why, god, why?! Where had she gone wrong?!
 You see, from the day Adrien asked her to take the high road and preferred Lila’s feelings over her, her crush on him started dying. The day when she told her parents what he was telling her and how her left her alone to fend for herself after promising to have her back, she realized how obsessive she was and how toxic it was turning. So she took a step back and realized how much free time she had when she was not obsessing over Adrien.
The final nail in the coffin was right before when Kaylan came, he kept his disappointed gaze on her when she tried to defend herself after a huge accusation. It was lucky that Kaylan called out to the lies and can trash talk unlike her that she felt better.
 And here it was today, he was right in front of her locker apparently waiting for her. Steeling her nerves, she step forward catching his eye.
 Marinette! Can we talk?
 Make it quick Adrien! I don’t have much time. I need to see Kaylan.
Well this is about Kaylan.
 Adrien if you are going to say how Kaylan should stay quiet and let Lila do whatever she want, let me tell you I do not control Kaylan. She has her own mind and she can think it. Unlike those people, Kaylan actually have my back and she actually gives me enough time to explain myself.
 Marinette that’s not what I was going to tell you.
 Raising an eyebrow, Marinette gave him a look that says ‘oh really’. But he ignored it. Like someone she knew.  (an: who do you think?)
  Look I think you should stay away from Kaylan, she isn’t what you think she is.
Oh! Then do tell who she is?
 Adrien opened his mouth but close it quickly. He was rather dumbfounded at her lack of panic. Normally Marinette would panic at such a news but now…….
  Marinette she is dangerous. She …….. I saw her threatening chat noir. Like really threaten him with a knife……
  so she threatened you? I’m rather glad she did, it was due any time now by ladybug and it would be revoking the miraculous you’re wearing.
Adrien you’re exaggerating. How is it possible that a civilian can threaten a miraculous hero?
Marinette….you-you don’t understand, she actually threaten him and even threw a knife at him. Don’t you understand I don’t want you to get hurt?
 You’re kidding right. If you didn’t wanted me to get hurt you would have had my back in all this….. Whatever is going on?
  Mari…….but Lila will get……
  Get what huh? Akumatized?! She will get akumatized if I tried to out her but what about me?! What will happen to me? Won’t I get akumatized because my friends are hurting me over some lies she is telling to my class!
You won’t get akumatized. You are our everyday ladybug. And beside her lies are not hurting anyone.
  That’s not what we’re supposed to talk about. We are talking about Kaylan. I keep telling you she is dangerous.
  Oh! And like chat isn’t dangerous. With the power he has he can turn me to dust.
Well she carries a knife!
  Marinette sighed. Her mood was worsening with every minute. Even Tikki couldn’t keep her calm. Well how could she when she herself was seething with rage.
  How dare this incompetent cat to hurt her chosen again and again. In and out of the mask and asking her to let everyone walkover her. Unforgiveable!
You’re awfully protective of chat noir. Are you sure what he did was the right thing or did you just saw me threatening him and assumed the worst in me?
  Like some kind of a knight in a shining armor, Kaylan stepped forward and stood next to Marinette facing Adrien. While she was next to Marinette she made sure that the sweet girl next to her was slightly hidden behind her. Her awfully prominent presence was enough to keep the attention on herself. Adrien scoffed at the new girl.
 Don’t you know it is rude to eavesdropping on people when they are having a private conversation?
 And seems like you don’t know that badmouthing someone behind their back is also considered quite rude.
  Oh my! No comeback! I thought we were pointing out all the rude things one has done to other.
  You stay away from Marinette. She doesn’t need you!
   Kaylan smirked viciously. Her eyes gleamed in amusement. This kid was daring to threaten her.
Oh! Like she would need you. You spineless coward.
 Marinette gasped when Kaylan grabbed Adrien’s fist. She knew that Adrien was passive but his aggressive behavior was rather shocking. It wasn’t like him anymore.
 This aggressive behavior, the forcing and putting the blame on her. This was going nowhere. Rather than just being a burden he was also hurting civilians. She need to get the cat miraculous back.
 And fast.
Her thoughts were spiraling with every possible scenario and worst outcome that she didn’t even notice when the conversation ended and when Kaylan pulled her away.
Kaylan caught the fist that model threw at her without even flinching. Though he looked skinny but he definitely had enhanced strength. That was definitely the result of the magic he used. But compared to her who is training endlessly both physically and magically, he was nothing.
  Easy now kitty……
  Her voice whispered. Her gleaming eyes looked like they cut through him. His breath was caught in his throat. He looked at the girl with wide eyes. She looked so serious right now. He step back and nearly fell on the floor but he scrambled and ran off.
Kaylan sighed and turned to Marinette. Her wide eyes and trembling figure was enough to let her know that she was going in shock. Hurriedly she pulled her to the girl’s bathroom before pulling her in hug and whispering how she was alright and she was there for her and encouraging her to not give up and rocking her back and forth.
 Her efforts worked. She sighed tiredly and melted in the hug. The door opened and in came the blonde.
 Instead of saying anything she just gave a water bottle to the pair and left. Kaylan smiled and made sure they were ready to face the class.
Marinette was tired already. And class hasn’t even started. It seems like that all the luck is being sucked from her outside her mask.
 Well it could be true considering every akuma battle had been longer and brutal than the last. Defeating doctor plague was her luck and encountering Kaylan who helped her get out of tight situation was double luck but Kaylan actually possessing magic of her own and planning was definitely triple luck.
 She melted in the hug. Whatever chat or Adrien say about her. She is nice. Her hugs are also nice.
 Her thoughts scattered when she saw the figure that came through the door. The signature yellow jacket was something that she can never forget.
 Without saying anything, she just handed the water bottle and left.
 It’s almost time for the class. Freshen up so we can go.
 Some things will remain mysterious.
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