#the long awaited royalty au is finally here <3
cryscendo · 4 months
Fic: Amantium irae: a quarrel of lovers
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“If you want to be loved, love.”
Read Amantium irae, or “the royalty au”, on ao3!
HQ Version of Cover Art
Summary: Kurt never had his sights on being king, but it was always something of an inevitability. He would one day become king of Merula, and that day was approaching faster than he liked to admit. In that, his father insists on him taking a personal knight — something that he had always protested.
When his knight, Blaine Anderson, enters his life, he finds that things become much more conflicting than they once were. The prince finds himself having to navigate being a ruler and letting someone in that he never imagined that he would want around.
Art: Alice / @warblercore @mistyintherivers
Rating: E (for later chapters)
close ups of the cover art under the cut!
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chemicalpink · 4 years
대취타 (daechwita) | Emperor!Yoongi x Reader | Part ONE
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Pairing: Emperor!Yoongi x Assassin!Reader
Words: 2.7k
Genre: Emperor AU, Historical AU (kinda), very badly written SMUT at the end, power play, angsty
Warnings: there is mention of death, killing, smut in public place, some traditional korean things may be wrong, mentions of slavery.
A/N: No thoughts, just Agust D.
Summary: You used to be an assassin, got caught and works at the palace as a servant up until you are escorted to the main palace, either to meet your inevitable destiny or for a change of plans.
The one where Min Yoongi is an Emperor and is cocky and kinda of an asshole but you both get naughty nevertheless.
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4
After somewhere near to twelve months being forced to work at the Gyeongbok Palace, you have somewhat become accustomed to having both hands and feet chained while moving around the place with a sword always on the back of your head, ready to chop it off were you to do any funny business. It was no secret that there were hundreds of enslaved servants at Gyeongbok Palace that were once top tier criminals, and whilst most of them received a similar treatment, you used to come and go from your assigned place of work with half a dozen more guards than the rest. Just as you would expect it to be, seen as you were Korea’s most famous mercenary. That day, however, the sight of a hooded man completely dressed in black caught you by surprise. That was definitely new.
Your usual companion, a young royal guard named Jungkook, held your arm forcefully while he guided you through the sumptuous building where most public officials and gwageos of Korea made their home while on service. You both made your way through corridors,  sets of stairs and turned right more times than you deemed necessary just so you’d have the lesser chance of finding an exit out of wherever the man was taking you.
At least, that is what Jungkook pretended by doing so, but you were able o pick up his intentions and noticed how you had been up and down the same stairs in a matter of minutes. You also noticed how the dark-haired man was forcing you to zig-zag through different levels, even though Gyeongbok had the plainest structure inside it, just a few sets of stairs on the front and tons of long corridors inside. Truth be told, you would have been insulted if Jungkook weren’t to be that precautious. 
You both headed down a particularly long corridor where not the slightest sound could be heard except the echo of your own footsteps. Jungkook turned your way and stared, you smiled at him. He looked back to the front and grabbed your arm with more strength than before.
You took the gesture as a compliment, even though you had no idea what was the reason behind such a mystery, or why that hooded man dressed in black had exchanged a few words with the head guard before Jungkook had grabbed your arm and taken you away from your workplace by the river. After a whole day of washing who-knows-who clothes, seeing him planted there beside the other six guards you were assigned wasn’t exactly how you pictured your day to end like.
Nevertheless, you were quick to make out the exact words that were exchanged when Jungkook made himself known to the man guarding the main palace’s entrance, Jung Hoseok, captain of the royal guard. Soon enough, the sky above seemed to have darkened a thousand shades, the mountains that could be seen from the front yard seemed to have enlarged and you could have sworn that the earth had trembled under you. It had been a while since you had left yourself feel fear inside you.
You turned to look at the new hand holding your arm. The black leather from his glove, a perfect match to the rest of his attire.
You both made your way down yet another corridor and you managed to entertain yourself looking at the elegant forged sword that he carried. The gleaming pommel was shaped like an eagle in mid-flight. Realizing that you were looking at the weapon, Hoseok rested his gloved hand on the golden head of the bird. 
You had stopped for a second to consider whether you would be able to take to your advantage the lack of security and just shoot your shot at freedom, go berserk and use the captain’s weapon against himself, just like that old man that used to be in charge of you had chosen the worst day to push you roughly and ended up in a ditch. But there was far too much echo in the corridors to attack him without alerting the whole place .
Sometimes you wondered if it wouldn’t have been better to die the night you were betrayed and captured. However, while walking down endless corridors, there were already far better questions to ask yourself. Had they finally decided to behead you? It was a favourite of the emperor’s after all. Your stomach churned. After all, you were deemed relevant enough to be executed by the very own royal guard captain. But, if they were to kill you, why bother the tour around Gyeongbok’s corridors?
You finally came to a halt before some glass doors in red and gold, so thick that it was useless to try and see what was on the other side. Captain Jung Hoseok bowed lightly with his head to the other two guards that flanked the entry and they hit the ground with their spears in salute.
The captain once again grabbed you by the arm with such force you were sure he had let a bruise. He pulled you towards him, but your feet were unable to move.
“Would you prefer to remain enslaved, then?” he asked in a mocking tone
“Maybe if you’d tell me what is all of this for, I wouldn’t be so opposed to it”
“Don’t worry, it won’t be long until you find out for yourself” 
Your palms were most definitely sweating. Yes, you were about to die. It was finally time to.
The doors opened with a crushing sound and before your eyes appeared a throne room.
“Here” groaned the captain as he pushed you forward with his free hand.
Being freed from the chains that held your feet together, you tripped over yourself and your bare feet slipped on the smooth floor when you tried to pick yourself up. You turned your head back around and saw six more guards that ported the royal seal on their garments make their way inside.
Fourteen guards plus Captain Jung Hoseok.They were part of the royal family's personal guard: ruthless and lightning-fast soldiers, trained from childhood to protect the emperor with their own lives. You barely managed no to choke on your own spit. Groggy and bewildered you turned your gaze to the front. Sitting on an ornate wooden and jade throne, a handsome young man awaited. Your heart stopped when you all bowed to him. You were before the very emperor of Korea, Min Yoongi. 
Both your eyes and the emperor’s crossed paths.
Min Yoongi offered her a smirk. One that hid a twisted intention behind it but reeked of royal charisma at the same time. Sprawled on the throne, his chin was propped up in one hand and his almost white-blond hair gleamed in the dim light. He wore a black hanbok on which the royal seal embroidered in gold tones occupied almost the entire bib.
Something in his eyes, and the way they contrasted with his almost white hair, took you apart. He was painfully handsome and should be less than thirty years old.
Emperors are not supposed to be attractive. They are whiny, stupid and disgusting creatures! But he ... he ... how unfair of him to belong to royalty and be handsome at the same time.
Min Yoongi stared at your tensed body and then raised well-groomed eyebrows “I wasn’t expecting you to be so young” he supported his elbows on his thighs “i’ve heard some fascinating stores about you, How’s life now after being used to all the excess you granted yourself before?”
Cocky son of a bitch.
“I couldn’t be happier” you hummed while digging your broken nails into your palms.
“After almost a year here, it kinda seems like you are somewhat alive, how have you been able to achieve it, when life expectancy around here for slaves is barely that of a month?”
“It’s still a mystery, I have no doubt about it” You gave the emperor a seductive look and repositioned the handles as if they were lace gloves.
The emperor turned to his captain
“Such a naughty mouth she’s got, huh? And she doesn't speak like a member of the mob”
“One would hope so” you exclaimed
“Your highness” snapped Hoseok
“You must address him as ‘your highness’”
You gave him a mocking smile and then returned your attention to the emperor.
To your surprise, Min Yoongi laughed.
“You are aware that you are a slave, aren’t you? Haven’t you learnt anything from this time you’ve been serving?” he started walking towards you until he was so close that you could easily appreciate the exquisite embroidery of his hanbok and smell the aroma that he gave off, not perfume, but woody and fresh nonetheless. Yoongi smiled.
“I demand to know-” you started but Hoseok pulled you with brutal force before you could come any nearer to the emperor “I wasn’t trying to kill him, you fool!”
“I would watch my words if I were you,” Hoseok said while burning his eyes on her
“i honestly don’t think you would dare”
“Oh yeah, and why is that?” 
Yoongi strode back to the throne and sat down. His gaze shone more than ever.
You looked from one to the other and made yourself stand taller.
“Because you want something from me. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have brought me all the way here. I’m not stupid, you know? It is obvious that you are here in fulfilment some type of secret mission. You are testing me to find out if I am in good physical and mental condition. I know that I am not crazy and that I am still in possession of my physical faculties. So I demand that you tell me why you have brought me here and what it is that you need from me if my destiny is not to be beheaded.”
Both men exchanged a look. Yoongi joined the fingertips of both of his hands. “I have a proposition for you”
 “I’m all ears then” 
The emperor's eyes sparkled with amusement at your insolence, but they lingered for a moment too long on your body.
Min Yoongi crossed one leg over the other.
“Leave us alone” he ordered the guards “Hoseok, stay where you are”
You turned to the emperor “So?”
Yoongi limited himself to once again sprawl on his throne “I need some help with the empire. Someone that help me solve the...more complicated cases”
“So what you need is a servant that does the dirty work for you”
“In short, yes”
“So what happens if I agree?”
“After six years of service you will be granted your freedom”
Although the emperor tried to hide it, you noticed that he was tense. He wanted you to accept. He needed you to accept so desperately that he was willing to negotiate. Your eyes sparkled.
“Make it four”
“Fine” he replied “It is a deal then. But if you fail, you will be beheaded” 
“My habilities are perfectly fine. Thank you very much”
Yoongi made a gesture with his hand to Hoseok “Take her to her chamber so she can take a bath” he stared at her “You have your first work in the morning. Do not let me down, Y/N”
Every work after the first seemed almost the same, after some official research, you were sent a brief coded message to your room that contained all the information that was needed for the job, the name of the culprit plus the usual places they used to hang out.
A few seconds worth of work were all piling up to your ultimate freedom.
Even thought you were the sword behind all of those crossed out names in the Emperor’s list, you were quick to find out that Min Yoongi was by far, more entertained and playful about the blood that stained his hands than you ever were.
It was a usual day after work that you found yourself enjoying the occasional luxury of the outdoors bathhouse that Min Yoongi’s personal Harem had to offer, minus the presence of the concubines that usually strolled around the palace, the moon shining on top of your head as the steam from the hot water raised highly from the temperature shock.
“I never took you for one to enjoy the luxuries that the concubine life has to offer, Y/N” you couldn’t exactly say you were surprised to see him standing behind you, the whole place was his after all “Should have made it cleared that this place is exclusively for me and my girls to have fun in”
“Yeah? I don’t see anyone else here though” you continued your bath routine but poked open an eye to tease him, just the way you had become accustomed to do so for the past year or so, left hand covering your boobs as you turned to him “Got stood up, again?” 
“Don’t you just love to play with fire, Y/N” though you had already turned your back to him and were convinced on carrying on with your bath, the sudden apparition of two hands holding your hips in place along with the wet kisses that were being left on your right shoulder made you think twice “I think it is time for you to get burn”
His right hand easily found its way down the water and started playing with your folds, your wetness getting mixed with the hot water you both were in, his mouth never ceasing to scrape every inch of skin he could find, his temperature rising by the second and his rock hard cock against your ass.
Your knees buckled unconsciously as two of his fingers were inserted into you and started pumping rapidly and you could feel him smirk on your back.
Your hand was quick to found his cock and pump it a few times a little too roughly “You know” you murmured as you turned to face him, making his hand drop from inside you as you watched his face contorted in pleasure “I don’t think it is fair of you, your highness” you could feel his thighs tensing as you kept on pumping him “to jump on a girl like that” you got close to his ear, grasping it between your teeth “I thought you said I was gonna get burned, what happened then?”
Something snapped inside him that made him slam you to the side of the pool while taking both your hands inside one of his own, having you bent over, his cock grazing your exposed pussy underwater. From behind you, Yoongi slowly teased you. You both moaned loudly, not caring if any guard that may have been in a nocturnal shift might hear you. 
Yoongi chuckled, knowing him, probably about to make a witty remark but you clenched your walls around him “F-fuck,” He moaned, his eyes squeezed tight, “You feel so good around my cock, so wet.”
There was no use denying that you felt so satisfied as Yoongi’s hips pressed into you, his cock buried deep inside you. Something you were trying so hard to conceal of not having dreamt about it before in the past year or so, pretend not have touched yourself to the thought of the Emperor wrecking you the way he did to his official concubines.
Yoongi’s cock twitched inside you. You felt your orgasm building within you, burning brightly. You threw yourself back, trying to prolong the sensation, rolling your hips.
“I don’t think I’ll last much longer” Yoongi said behind you and you shook your hips teasingly, while turning your head with a coy smile “argh you’re such a bitch” He moaned loudly once again “But two can play that game”
The hand he had rested on your hips to keep his pace was soon to find your clit, pinching it, rolling it and driving you to the edge until it suddenly stopped, followed by the heat that erupted from within you when Yoongi cummed inside you, his hand releasing yours from his hold and slapping your ass as he laughed “Such a good girl but I have an early morning tomorrow” 
“Min Yoongi, you son of a-” 
“Later, Y/N!” he said, grinning widely as he exited the bathhouse. 
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adorablele · 4 years
anon requested: Could I please get a little thing where you get married to yuta? And like he's so excited about it. And you basically sneak out and do it without anyone knowing. That would be so lovely 💚
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↬ pairing: knight!nakamoto yuta x reader (prince!jaehyun x reader but they’re not the main pair) ↬ genre: fluff, fantasy (?), a little bit of medieval!au, royal!au, knight!au, prince!au ↬ word count: 2262 ↬ summary: you elope with the knight yuta ↬ a/n: I finally have something out after a million years </3 I tried doing a medieval!au but I’m not quite sure how well I did- the basis is that their royalty lmao. and this is the first fic I have for yuta,, hip hip hooray! ALSO 190614 YUTA IS ICONIC AND HE WAS INSPO FOR THIS WOLE THING PLEASE HIS RED MAN BUN chile, anyways please enjoy <3
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You stood in front of your fiance, clothes thin against your skin. The lantern on his table barely lit the room, highlighting the slope of his nose and apples of his cheeks. Your eyes darted along the lines of his perfectly shaped brows, then down to his always warm eyes that slitted beautifully into crescents when he smiled, accompanied by cute dips in his cheeks. And to you, he smiled (unlike his stern frown to his soldiers). To you, he laughed (unlike the deafening silence to his war council). To you, he spoke with care (which was a little more loving than his tone to the villagers). To everyone, he was your strong prince–soon to be king–whose heart was in your hands, you: his doting significant other. 
But it was not love.
“Goodnight,” you quietly told him. 
He placed his pen down and looked up at you. Those warm eyes, so welcoming, so far, so distant. Jaehyun smiled at you, one that had men and women alike swooning at his feet. His response was just as soft as your’s, two syllables, a whisper that barely reached the walls of the dim room. “Goodnight.” With a gentle poke against his dimples, you left. 
For a minute or two, you sat in your room– sorry, your shared room, with a thrumming heart. The ring that the prince had presented to you lay cold on your bedside table, off of your finger and as lonely as the room. Your grip tightened on the small sack of belongings in your lap, nervousness tickling your restless fingers. You waited for a count of five before you heard the rehearsed knock against the stone of your window sill. ‘He’s here,’ you thought to yourself. 
Your body moved as you had practiced. You made small, stealthy steps over the floor as you adjusted the pillows to make it look as if there was someone sleeping in the bed before you took one last glance at the ring that bound you to the prince in a few hours...or, it would if you stayed. With a melancholy smile, you whispered, “I wish you the best,” before jumping out the window. 
Yuta caught you in his arms, effortlessly holding you despite your unannounced fall. He stood there under the moonlight, hair satin red contrasting to the black coat draped over his shoulders. 
“A warning would’ve been nice,” he chuckled. 
You couldn’t stop the curve of your lips. “Let’s go before we get caught.”
He placed you down, then lent you a hand to help you up on his horse, Win. His hands were warm and rough against yours, but nevertheless more comforting than the awkward grip of Jaehyun. You wrapped your arms around his waist, grip tight as if he’d drift away from you any moment. A month ago, it would’ve hurt your pride to have your arms so snug against the rude, arrogant, quick-witted knight in front of you. ‘How annoying,’ you thought, ‘it took me a month to fall in love with this man.’ One month. 
“Ready my love?”
Your heart palpitated. “Did I not tell you to get going?”
Once again he chuckled, the sound light and hearty, cutting through the silence of the night. The sound settled in your ears before getting whisked away by the wind when Win started galloping farther, and farther, away from the stone palace. One month. One month ago you moved into that palace and you were instructed to get to know Jung Jaehyun. Afterall, he was the prince you were supposed to marry by the end of the month. You’re supposed to marry him tomorrow. Jaehyun was someone so ethereal that you truly felt that you were in a fairytale, but he did not love you and you did not love him. Instead, you fell in love with the hot-headed knight, Nakamoto Yuta, the knight of the Prince.  
Hours seemed to pass until the two of you finally arrived at your destination, or you think it’s the destination because Win stopped moving. The two of you were in the middle of the forest, trees hovering above you, cascading long shadows across the ground. You could hear nothing but the faint run of water. (“Listen to the water,” the sweet old baker advised, “it’ll tell you if you’re in the right spot.”) Of course, when you and Yuta were sneaking out into the village, you didn’t understand the old lady. It made sense now. The stream seemed to be whispering to you, beckoning you into the forest. 
“We’re here,” you announced, stopping Yuta from continuing to pester the horse to move. 
“We are?” he asked, glancing around hesitantly at the foreboding cluster of trees surrounding the two of you. 
Yuta took a moment to stare at you before he hopped off. He then lended you a hand, helping you off Win who whinnied when you got off. 
“I suppose we should get going,” Yuta suggested, hand gentle against yours. Again, he glanced around, “but where are we supposed to go?”
“There.” You pointed to a path between the trees that you don’t exactly remember being there, but you could feel it in your gut that that’s where the two of you were supposed to go. 
He gave your hand a light squeeze before nodding, “Let’s go.” 
With each step it seemed like the trees parted, creating a trail to–you assumed–the stream. The whisper of the stream kept its quiet tone as the two of you walked, but stopped when you found it.  Around you, the air felt different; cooler, calmer, tranquil. The trees closed up the path behind you which completed a ring of trees securing the two of you in the area. ‘Guess there’s no turning back,’ you thought. You had no reason to turn back, though. In front of you was the smooth-sailing stream, glimmering like the stars in the sky. You tilted your head, looking closer at the water. Is it...
“Is it...glowing?” you murmured, turning to Yuta who was mystified at the glow of the rock. 
His brows furrowed, “So I’m not imagining it?”
You shook your head, looking back at the small glow of the lake. You jumped closer to Yuta when the ground started to shake, two flat rocks surfacing the stream. 
“What’s happening?” you yelped, moving even closer into Yuta’s arms. 
He backed away, causing you to back away too. “Shouldn’t you know? You’re the one who said this was the spot?”
You glared at him, “Are you putting the blame on me?”
“What? No-”
He didn’t finish his sentence, mouth clamping shut when he saw the grin growing on your face. He playfully rolled his eyes at you.
“Did you just roll your eyes at royalty?”
“If I did?” he challenged, pulling you impossibly closer.
“Well, that’s not a very nice thing to do,” you teased, nose brushing against his. 
His lips curved into a playful grin, “My deepest apologies, love.” His eyes gleamed with life, brown irises swirling with happiness. 
Your lips hovered over his, “Are you really sorry?”
Before he could utter yes and kiss you, he suddenly pulled away. You watched in confusion, not only at his actions, but at your own. You felt your body move against your will, walking farther away from the stream and towards a niche in the trees. You had forgotten about the glowing rocks, the living trees, the mystical atmosphere; apparently it didn’t forget you. 
Yuta was confused as to why he suddenly didn’t have control over his body and was walking towards the glowing rock in the middle of the clear stream. He watched as you turned to walk into a space that the trees created. He wanted to shout after you, heart racing that maybe you’re leaving him, but he knew that you loved him, right? ‘Of course they do,’ he chided to himself, ‘they ran away from a life of luxury to run away with you.’ That thought made him smile. 
Jaehyun’s parents told him, one day, that they found a suitor for him. Yuta remembered how Jaehyun abided by his parents’ wishes despite the fact that Jaehyun already gave his heart to someone else. He remembered the first day that the suitor–you–walked into the palace. You held yourself with confidence, with the proper posture of a royal. You smiled obediently to your parents, to Jaehyun’s parents and you simply glazed your eyes over him. You then nodded cordially to Jaehyun who returned the gesture. His parents gushed with yours how the two of you were a perfect couple, and he used to scoff at that. He used to scoff at how the commoners would praise the sight of you and Jaehyun; a match made in heaven. But you were used to striving to be what everyone expected of you, that was all you knew. 
(‘What do you want?’ he asked you one day. 
‘To run away,’ you replied.
‘Then we shall.’ )
Run away. Yuta chuckled to himself. You wanted to run away, so how did he end up here? Standing on a glowing rock with the vows that he spent so long writing slipping from his memory; grinning like a lovestruck maiden at the future that only existed if you were in it; heart palpitating in his chest as he awaited for you to return from the trees; praying that you hadn’t run away, that you still loved him as much as you had told you did. 
“They still love you,” he announced aloud, “they wouldn’t abandon you in a forest.”
“Maybe I would,” you cheekily replied, appearing from the trees.
His snarky remark fainted on his tongue at the sight of you. The moon lit magnificently around you, accenting your graceful figure in the darkness of the night. You were wearing the exact same clothes as before, your hair was styled the exact same way (though maybe a little brushed), but most importantly, you still held the same amount of love (or perhaps more) in the soul of eyes. He didn’t realize that his mouth was ajar, nor did he realize that you started walking towards him until you lifted his chin. 
“Mouth closed my knight,” you smiled.
He swallowed, mouth shutting before opening again, “What took you so long?”
You raised a brow, “You’re the one who kept me waiting!”
“Yes! You kept contemplating with yourself,” you frowned, looking down at your tightly clasped hands, “I thought you didn’t- I thought you didn’t love me anymore.”
His heart broke at the doubt floating in your words. His calloused fingers intertwined with your soft ones. “Don’t ever think that.”
You stared up at him with teary eyes.
“I love you,” he softly, yet firmly, declared. It resonated throughout the forest, brushing through the grass and traveling up the roots of the trees. His rock glowed brighter, but he didn’t pay any mind to this, instead, he cupped one side of your face, thumb wiping away the tears that started to fall from your eyes. He started to ramble about all the things he loved about you, and all the times he realized that he loved you. Like when you fell off Win the first time you tried riding it, shoved Yuta barely a centimeter before trying again and again until you were able to ride Win like he was your own horse; like when you didn’t make fun of him for not gaining a proper education as a child–as he had been a poor boy who was better at fighting than talking–and you were patient in educating him after he refused to have anyone else teach him besides you; like when you ignored him and did petty pranks on him for a week because he gifted you a dessert you didn’t like (he didn’t mean to order the wrong thing). 
“Be quiet,” you cried, “since when did you talk so much?”
“You rubbed off on me,” he laughed, nose nuzzling against yours.
For a moment, the two of you stared into each other’s eyes. Yuta could see nothing but his future. 
“I love you too,” you whispered, “I love you so much.”
He sealed the deal by pressing his lips to yours. 
Both of the rocks below the two of you grew bright, almost as bright as the Sun. The trees grew taller, the stream flowed faster, and the wind started to howl. When your lungs started to scream for oxygen, you pulled away, forehead against his. The trees started to shorten to its size as before, the water flowed as normal, and the wind was back to its smooth sailing. The rocks were still below you, but they weren’t glowing anymore. 
It was done.
“We’re married,” you uttered in disbelief, tears still falling from your eyes. You were not a crybaby, so why did you keep crying?
“Are those tears of happiness?” he chuckled, brushing away your tears.
You playfully glared, “No, they’re tears of sadness because I’m bounding myself to the love of my life.”
“Can’t back out now,” he sighed, “you’re stuck with me.”
“How awful,” you laughed.
“I’m not sorry,” he shrugged.
“Just kiss me already.” Yuta did not need to be told twice.
The full Moon glowed silently in the sky. It would soon bid farewell and the Stars would follow mischievously as the Sun rose into the sky, ridding the world of secrets with its light. No one would know of what occurred the night before, no one but the Moon and the Stars. Don’t worry. They’re good at keeping secrets. 
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project-ohagi · 4 years
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Katsuki Bakugou x Reader {Fantasy AU}
Buy me a coffee!! <3
A most enchanting crimson. That was the sight awaiting your rest-deprived eyes, as they dipped in and out of the mountain springs connecting the queendom of the faeries to this mortal coil. Had you happened upon a particularly beautiful fairy, or were you perhaps still dreaming? There were so many emotions swimming amid those starry pools...anger, mystification, irritation, suspicion, even a hint of nervosity. But only a hint. It was innocent, it was vulnerable, and it certainly didn't match what he chose to display. Actually, it reminded of the children who made merry in the castle's courtyard; the ones who weaved flowers into crowns and were excited for you to read to them tales of faraway lands, of dragons and masters, of mages and knights.
Well, if this man who knelt before you belonged to the plane of reality, and wasn't a tempting illusion...might you have been transported into one such tale? You reached out a hand, almost unwittingly, to ghost your fingers across his skin. It was pale and smooth. He made no effort to cease your actions, instead watching, as if an astral projection, as your fingers wandered the entirety of his face. His nose scrunched in mock disgust, lips silently begging to be claimed.
How could a seemingly small and fragile woman incite such a fierce reaction within him? He didn't understand, but he wanted to.
And then, a seraphic voice called, to snap him from a pleasant reverie. It took a few seconds to realise that you were its origin. "Um...my apologies - I must be disturbing you! B-But...may I ask...where exactly am I?"
"...My land." He grunted, after some careful consideration.
Was your ignorance genuine, or a mere deception? No-one arrived at Bakugou's territory without the intention to usurp him, or to slaughter him alongside the countless dragons who inhabited the land. But...would a frail-looking girl be selected for such a dangerous task? It was unlikely - though the possibility couldn't be discounted, for safety's sake.
"Your land? Are you perhaps the king here? Ah, what should I call 'here'? And, please pardon the intrusion! I-I'm not certain myself how I wound up on the forest floor. Not - not in foreign land, at least. I remember talking to the elves...oh, my goodness! I must have succumbed to sleep. How foolish of me! Father always warned against sleeping in the forest! Oh...what if there is a changeling replacing me right now, in the castle? What am I to do?"
"Quit mumbling. It's annoying." Those four words immediately flustered you, but he continued. "...You don't know how you got here? And...what's that about a castle? You royalty or something?"
With a quick gesture of affirmation, you replied, "My father is King (K/n)...not an awfully nice man, but saying anything more could be considered treason. Rest assured, he is not above executing one of his own."
Bakugou's expression soured. "That's fucked up."
Yours erupted in shock and awe. "T-That word...you use it? Is it not too vulgar?"
"Hah? Do I look like a gentleman, to you? Sorry Princess, but I curse as and when I like." He puffed out his chest, secretly hoping that you might compliment his muscles.
"'Princess'?" You gazed forlornly at the dress you wore. "This is your land. I'm no princess here."
You didn't wish to offend this man, especially not when the spears and swords you anticipated weren't being pointed at your throat. Bakugou's tongue was sharp, his responses crude and unrefined. Despite this...there was a warm aura emanating from him. And, from the way he started patrolling the length of the cave (as you soon recognised it), he was focused, protective. Even as the idle conversation whiled away the hours, even though he never really abandoned your side (whether this was due to doubt or care, you remained oblivious), he made a point of checking and re-checking, for any anomaly. When the western wind targeted you quite harshly, Bakugou forfeited his fur-lined cape. He draped it over you, grumbling all the while.
Though, your keen eyes caught the faintest of shivers, and before he could protest, you wrapped the cape around your bodies, snuggling into him. Bakugou's heart fluttered. His mind was failing to comprehend this new feeling, this sense of...home, and the sudden need, no - urge to provide and cherish. The small breaths against his chest, the hair tickling his skin...
Bakugou had little experience with human women. Until your arrival, the dragons were his only companions. Well, maybe the merchants (Ashido and Kaminari) could be classified as such? Definitely not that wannabe-knight, Deku, nor the fully-fledged knight, Iida, nor the Mage, Uraraka...
What if you were special? His pair - his mate? During your slumber, in the absence of any words, any reason for being here...he guessed either a fairy, a witch or a succubus, for your breed. But faeries were blessed with wings, and witches never ventured without their brooms. As for a succubus...you seemed too easily-flustered. The disbelief still permeated his mind. You, a creature of such ethereal beauty, were human? Like him? It was a simple mistake, to imagine you as something greater. His fixation had been instant. He knew what he wanted. Whether it would prove to be love, or some other, unfamiliar emotion...well, he wasn't renowned for patience, but...this was surely something to cultivate, something that required natural growth and progression.
Hopefully, your departure wouldn't be swift. Hopefully it would be messy, complicated, and eventually you would realise your true home: right here, by Bakugou's side. Together, you would spin a tale of love and devotion for the ages. Hopefully. If you didn't choose to leave.
If you left, if this feeling faded...what dreadful emptiness might consume him? He wondered about your interests, relatives (were you betrothed?), friends, future plans...he needed to sync your dreams and passions. You were perfect for him, so he needed to be perfect for you! This was his final, grumpy thought, before sleep lured him closer, closer, closer...
The morning brought forth a barrage of questions and quandaries, like: where the fuck were you? And: when had you abdicated his side? "Shit! Fuck! Shit! DEKUUU!"
"Hm?" Hearing the commotion, you poked your head around the corner.
"Who is 'Deku'?"
"Tch. Nobody. Where were you? When did you leave? Why didn't you wake me? You could've been hurt!" He scolded, loathing the slight wince caused by his raised voice. "...Sorry. I was just...urgh, nevermind!...Did you cut your dress?"
Sure enough, the distasteful garment (distasteful only because he wished to rip it off your body), once trailing on the ground, now settled just above your knees. "Yes! I would rather something shorter, anyway. Um...did I...does it not look..."
"It's better. If it's long, you'll just trip over stuff..." There lay a subtle blush upon his cheeks.
It went unnoticed. "Oh, thank you! I was hoping for practical and cute! And, um...I shouldn't intrude on you for too long, but perhaps I can be useful? I can cook...although that is probably all I can do."
"'Cause you'll wanna go home soon, I guess."
You laughed the most glorious melody. "That place is not my home."
Bakugou couldn't allow the silence to fester, lest this golden opportunity be wasted. "I can find work for ya. The dragons always need feeding...I can cook and clean, so don't fuss over that."
"B-But...I should repay you somehow!" Your whining flipped a switch in his heart.
I can think of a million reparations, but I can't say a single one of them...God, was I always this useless?
He groaned. "Like I said, I'll find something. You just...stay here for now. I'll go and catch breakfast, since I couldn't do that last night."
"I'm so sorry!"
While you wallowed in undeserved shame and guilt, Bakugou rejoiced at the memory of your conversation - all the monologuing, that transitioned into stumbles and stutters when you spoke for an extended time...the housewife air surrounding you (definitely a product of Bakugou's delusion), the way you smiled and laughed...It was ecstasy, Heaven, warmth! It was everything, and so, so much more! It was pure...
He started collecting little trinkets alongside the food - things he thought you might appreciate. Gifts, if you will. He imagined you smiling brighter, wider than before. He imagined receiving a kiss, whether a shy peck or a fiery lip-lock. He imagined decorating your neck with a dragon's teeth necklace, and showing off your bond to the world. If you would...accept him, accept everything about him, then...bliss would rain upon his heart forevermore.
She'll be my mate. She has to be! I won't let her be with anyone else...! I'll lay my claim soon enough, just you wait!
[Word Count: 1452]
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
Sleeping beauty: a twisted supernatural fairytale
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A/n: this is for 4 different bingo challenges... hope people like this one! Show it some love if you loved it.
Title: sleeping beauty: a twisted supernatural fairytale
Pairing: dean x reader
Spn Dark sq: free space (shadow/fear demon)
Share the love bingo sq: sleeping beauty
Fluff sq: soulmate AU
H&H sq: Gabriel
Rating: pg-13
summery: not telling
created for @spnfluffbingo​  @spndarkbingo​  @heavenandhellbingo​  @thisismysecrethappyplace​
Once upon a time in a kingdom oh so far away lived a king & his fair queen. for many years they had longed for a child & finally their wish was granted.
a daughter born to them whom they called YN. for they named her after the dawn for she filled their hearts with sunshine. a great holiday planned to honor the princess for the entire kingdom rejoiced at her birth.
as more people graced the party, the party got stronger. amongst those to arrive were King John & his son Prince Dean. fondly had these monarchs dreamed that one day their kingdoms unite.
thus that day they announced Dean, John’s son and Heir to Castiel’s daughter be betrothed. so to her his gift he brought as he looked unkowing on his future bride.
Page: their most honored and exalted excellencies, the 3 good fairies. Mistress Claire, Mistress Jo & mistress Alex...
the 3 fairies approached, now addressing Castiel and his queen.
Fairies: your majesties!
in courtly fashion they all curtsied.
Claire: each of us the child may bless with a single gift, no more no less.
claire approached the craddle, with a wave of her wand she spoke these words.
Claire: little princess, my gift shall be the gift of beauty...
~one gift, beauty rare. full of sunshine in her hair. lips that shame the red red rose. she’ll wake with springtime wherever she goes.~
Jo was next to approach the craddle, with a wave of her wand she spoke these words.
Jo: tiny princess, my gift shall be the gift of song.
~one gift, the gift of song. melody her whole life long. the nightingale’s her troubadour. bringing her sweet serenade to her door.~
Alex stepped up to the craddle, she walked and raised her want tostart her speech but something soon would disrupt her wish.
Alex: “sweet princess, my gift shall be...
a gust of wind blows blazing through the castle doors, they swing wide open. with wind and thunder crashing through, in a blaze of fire in the middle of the crowd appeared Rowena.
Claire, jo and Alex all in states of shock at the sight of Rowena who speaks now.
Rowena: well quite the glittering assemblage King Castiel. Royalty, nobility, the gentry and how quaint even the rebel.
alex tries to fly towards Rowena but is held back by Claire.
Rowena: i really felt quite distressed at not recieving an invitation
Alex now more than a little peaved speaks.
Alex: you weren’t wanted.
Rowena: not wa...? oh dear, what an awkward situation. i had hoped it was merely due to some oversight. well in that event i’d best be on my way. 
queen: and your not offended your excellency?
Rowena: why no your majesty. and to show i bear no ill will i too shall bestwo a gift on the child. 
the fairies back up to protect the craddle. 
rowena: listen well all of you! the princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty, beloved by all who know her. but, before the sun sets on her 16th birthday, she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel & die.
queen: oh no!
queen takes her child in her arms as rowena maniacly laughing...
castiel: seize that creature!
rowena: stand back you fools!
in a flash of fire and lightning as well as laughter rowena disappeared!
Claire: dont despair your majesties, Alex still has her gift to give.
Castiel: then she can undo this fearful curse?
Alex: oh no sire.
Jo: Rowena’s powers are far too great.
Claire: but she can help.
Alex: but...
Jo: just do your best dear!
Claire: yes...
Alex rolls up her sleeves and proceeds to speak her part.
Alex: sweet princess, if through this wicked witches trick a spindle should your finger prick, a ray of hope there still maybe in this, the gift i give to thee. not in death, but just in sleep the fateful prophecy shall keep, and from thy slumber thee shall wake when true loves kiss the spell shall break.
~for true love conquers all~
but castiel still fearful of his daughter’s life, did then and there decre that every spinning wheel on that very day be burnt. so it was done!
~this is the first jump out of fairytale reality and into our own reality where dean is picking up watching this classic fairytale & trying to get some shudeye.~
dean: if i have one more flippin’ dream about this movie im gonna kill someone.
sam: dont worry about it Dean, its not gonna get better with you yelling & screamin’... now try to get some sleep! we have a long drive ahead of us tomorrow!
Dean: yeah your right.
Dean throws his headphones on again trying to coax himself into a relaxing sleep. which Gabriel  had set so Dean would not wake from his sleep till the story would finish, then his destined quest would begin.
Gabriel: sweet dreams Dean. you have a really rude awakening ahead of you... everything you know is about to change...
gabriel casts his curse & leaves dean to his tormented slumber that which awaits him.
~jump back into the story, where we find the 3 fairies talking with Castiel and the queen~
Claire: your majesty please consider this a kind of protection detail, this will allow your sweet YN to grow up in peace without the worry of her pricking her finger when her 16th birthday hath fully passed your sweet YN will be returned to you. to ensure the curse does not come true.
queen: you 3 have always been here even when we havent always honored it, we do so appreciate your loyalty and protection. this has surely been a trying day for us and we are honored to have you 3 commited to helping us protect our daughter.
Castiel:  and it is on our honor that, you 3 shall go with our blessing. please be careful & guard our child well...
many hours later after dark, the king and his queen watched with heavy hearts as thier most precious possesssion their only child disappeared into the night..
many sad and lonely years passed for King Castiel and his peopple. but as the time for the pincess’ 16th birthday drew near, the entire kingdom began to rejoice. for everyone knew that as long as rowena’s domain, the forbidden mountains, thundered with her wrath and frustration her evil prophecy had not yet been fullfilled. 
rowena yells at her incompetant servents, they encur her wrath. rowena sends out her own raven to search for the princess. 
and so for 16 long years, dean had been learning how to live life as a prince. while the wereabouts of the princess remained a secret, the faires carried out their long laid planes living like mortals.
the fairies send Yn to collect some berries while they argue about the kind of last birrthday party they wish to give her, the dress color the cake and the cleaning something extra special for their last night as her guardians.
YN decides to stop in the glen... she feels like something is wrong thats when your real self breaks through... 
YN: omg what am i doing in here? 
as you keep singing you try to remember wht happened to put you in here. sure was your fave movie but it was not how you wanted to live.
Dean was riding Chuck the horse, the scene still happens the singing in the glade, dean hearing your singing following the animals that are stealing his cape, boots and hat. 
your still singing by yourself but now kinda talking to the animals. after that kind of normal conversation you notice that some of your animal friends have come back dressed as a prince. you started singing and continued to dance with your animal friends, but thats when Dean had snuck up and hid in the bush, he waited for his oportune moment.
YN: but if i know you, i know what you’ll do, you’ll love me at once... the way you did...
thats when your vocals were interrupted by another voice to complete your song.
Dean: once upon a dream.
though it wasnt exactly ideal, your hands interacting, it felt more real than you had this entire time. waltzing through the glade by the lake, made your real self shine through. Dean could feel his real self shine through as well.
Dean: are you real?
that question made you look at him instantly. another person whose not really the character he is pretending to be.
YN: you’re real... your an actual person, not just a fairytale character?
Dean: yes, i’m real, what’s your name?
YN: YN, outside this ever turning story book fairytale movie thing im a hunter.... this story just keeps repeating itself everytime someone watches this movie. i have no idea what the hell put me into this neverending storybook. im annoyed greatly but strange thing is i can’t feel any connection right now to my actual body...
Dean: im a hunter as well. my name is Dean. i hunt everything that goes bump in the night from ghosts to demons and everything in between. i am also not sure how i got in here.
YN: your a hunter as well... i thought i was the only one.
Dean: whats the last thing you can remember before waking up here in the story?
YN: i was on a strange case, one thing made me think it was a werewolf. one thing made me think it was a ghost. one thing made me think it was a poltergeist. i remember walking out of my hotel room and that is it. nothing else after that. it sends shivers down my spine when i think of what may be going on with my actual body. how did you end up in here?
Dean: last thing i rememebr is turning on the movie to watch/listen too while i try to sleep. thats it... i have no fucking idea how i ended up in here. as to you saying that you can feel no connection to your physical body, something magical must be blocking the connection, but non-the-less i want to help you. i will finish the story so i can get out of here and find you. i will slay whatever i have to in order to free you, in the story and in reality. i will not rest till i rescue you.
you both continued on in the story, as they say it must continue or the end will not come. but it was nice for both of you to know that neither of you were alone. 
the 3 fairies gave you your birthday surprise and told you of your true heritage then whisked you away to the castle where they hid you; dean showed up at the cottage where Rowena prince-napped him; you are led away by rowena’s curse to prick your finger in a hidden tower room the 3 fairies find you laying you down in “your” room; then they put the kingdom to sleep till someone can wake their sweet YN. 
~meanwhile outside the story Sam is working with other people to figure out what happened to dean. Ellen, Jo and Bobby all were doing everything they could to help Sam figure out what happened to Dean.~
 Back in the story: many sleeping people but the fairies were trying to find out who the handsome stranger was that their sweet Yn had been talking about. they figured he might be their key to saving her. 
but soon it was claire who had been doing a round to make sure all of her section was asleep but it was John’s voice that caught her ear for he started talking about how he had spoken to Dean who had been raving about some pesent girl and how Dean had said he was gonna marry her and such. 
claire managed to suss out that it was Dean that Yn had met in the forest. the words she had heard from John that had firmed her suspicions were Peasent girl & once upon a dream...
claire flies back to Jo and Alex and speaks in raced tones of panic.
Claire: the young man that YN was talking about is Prince Dean. come on girls we have to get back to the cottage.
as fast as their wings could carry them, they rushed back to the cotage but alas were too late for all they found was Dean’s hat no Dean. they conclude that it must have been Rowena who has dean trapped in her forbiiden palace. their minds made up immediately, they had to go there.
Dean, the only one true person who is able to awaken their Sweet YN... they had to find him to save her. off they went no plan in hand just ‘winging’ it as they went, weaving their way through the grounds passed the guards... 
Rowena was in her throne room watching her lackys celebrate. to her raven she speaks.
Rowena: what a pitty prince Dean cant be here to enjoy the celebration. come my pet let us go to the dungeon and cheer him up...
the raven she was just talking too cawed at her as she got up and started walking towards the dungeon where she had been keeping dean.
~*reality jump!!! Dean is still unconcious while Sam is runnning around like a chicken with his head cut off trying to figure out what the hell happened to his brother*~
Sam: i don’t want lecutures. i want to know what happened to Dean.
Bobby: dont worry boy, dean is strong, he will pull through whatever is happening to him. do you have any theories?
Sam: im thinking maybe some sort of curse or something but no signs of any hex bags or nothing surrounding dean. there has to be something we are overlooking. some angle that we have missed.
~*back in the story, dean is stuck in the dungeon not even phased when rowena walks in the door.*~
Rowena: oh come now prince dean why so mellon colly. a wondrous future awaits you. you the destined hero of a charming fairytale come true.
the fairies arrive in the window hiding from the raven and rowena but witness what rowena depicts to Dean through her Staff.
Rowena: behold, king castiel’s castle &and in yonder top most tower, dreaming of her true love, the princess YN. but see the gracious whim of fate. why tis the same said peasent maid who won the heart of our noble prince the other day. she is indeed most wondrous fair. gold of sunshine in her hair, lips that shame the red red rose. in ageless sleep she finds repose. the years roll by, but a hundred years to a stead fast hear are ‘bout a day. and now, the gates of the dungeon part and our prince is free to go his way. off he rides on his noble steed. a valiant figure, straight & tall to wake his love with love’s first kiss & prove that true love conquers all...
Dean struggles against his chains, alex starts towards rowena but is held back by Claire as rowena brings her raven back onto her shoulder as they prepare to exit the dungeon she says one final thing in Deans presense.
Rowena: ah my pet let us leave our noble prince with these happy thoughts.
she exits the dungeon leaving Dean struggling against his bonds. the 3 fairies enter the cell using their magic to release dean from the chains and unlock the door. Dean starts towards the door but is stopped by Claire who proceeds to speak.
Claire: wait prince Dean, the road to true love may yet still be barred by much more dangers, which you alone shall have to face. so arm thyself with this enchanted shield of virtue, and this mighty sword of truth. for these weapons of righteousness shall triumph over evil. now come we must hurry.
out of the dungeon they went but rowena’s raven had stayed behind after rowena and the raven exited the dungeon. he started cawing at them, Dean was thinking this would be easy escape. but he was wrong. the raven was bringing an army of lackies downt he stairs to them. dean begins to fight them off.
Claire: quick Dean jump out the window.
Dean jumps out the same window as the fairies, but some rocks start falling towards Dean. Claire notices and speaks quickly.
Claire: Dean watch out!
Claire turns the rocks into bubbles. then a wall of arrows quickly turned into a wall of flying flowers, alex went down to free chuck. dean rides off on chuck towards the gate where hot oil is thrown, claire turns it into a rainbow.
the chase of a lifetime made alex proud as she chased that raven to the top of rowena’s tower & turned it to stone. this made rowena emerge, freshly woken from her sleep she goes to yell at her raven but discovers that her pet has been turned into stone. 
she watches from her balcony as the drawbridge is being raised, dean and the fairies are heading straight for it, the fairies help him make the jump. chuck keeps running, carrying Dean as quick possible, dodging rowena’s two spells that she has cast causing them to fail. 
in straight eye sight for Dean and the fairies is the castle, but before they can reach it Rowena makes her second last attempt to stop them.
Rowena: a forest of thorns shall be his tomb. born from the skies in a fog of doom. now go with a curse and serve me well. round Castiel’s castle cast my spell.
a black cloud appears over the castle, lightning striking the grounds around, thus causes icky thicky black thorns to grow in large bushes between Dean and the castle. 
Dean stops before them, drawing his sword he fights his way through the thorns this let him out just before the bridge to the castle. rowena seeing this appears before Dean in a firey blaze for her final attempt to stop them.
Rowena: now shall ye deal with me oh prince & all the powers of hell!
Dean and the fairies watch as Rowena using every ounce of power she had left to transform herself into a huge fire spying dragon. Dean begins what turns into a short-ish fight but retreats hastly reaching a wall he climbs high. 
our prince is now trapped on a cliff, another blaze of fire this causes Dean to loose his shield off the side of the cliff. Claire jo & alex bring their collective magic together near the prince they cast this on the sword.
Claire: now sword of truth fly swift and sure, that evil die & good endure.
dean throws the sword at the dragon piercing its heart. rowena lunges one final time but falls off a cliff to her downfall. dean is then lead down the cliff and to the castle, up to the tower where you lay in slumber waiting for this moment. Dean kneeling by your sleeping form placed a light kiss to your lips. 
you wake up just as time freezes. Dean helps you stand up. both of you looking around. yes the entire movie was frozen. puzzled you both stand in front of eachother. 
Dean: now whats happening.
you went to open your hand to grab Dean’s but something fell to the floor. Dean reached down to pick it up. he unfolded it and proceeded to read what was upon it.
Dean (reading note): congratulations! Defeating that witch takes care of one of my issues, that was of course the easy part. your next task Dean is to find your destiny, yes your destiny lies within the form of this girl. you must go back to reality and find her body and wake her up once you do everything and i do mean EVERYTHING will become clear. want a clue? here it is: “in a place of myth & legend where the balance of nature is true, this place you know it all too well. what you believe isnt real is, everything you know shall change forever. the ways of old shall guide you by, this far side of _________ in the final resting place of _________...” i look forward to seeing you very very soon. try to hurry i hear there is trouble on your horizons. 
now you both were very very very confused. this is what caused you to pop up and say..
YN: what the hell kind of clue was that? any idea what he is talking about? wait does that mean im not in my hotel room anymore. that someone or something moved my body?
Dean: that is exactly what it means and i will do everything in my capable power to find you. hopefully when i get back to reality this paper goes with me... 
just as he finished speaking a portal opens, visions of dean’s unconcious body appear along with Sam and others going frantic over what happened to Dean.
Dean: Yn, i give you my solem oath that i will not rest till you are safe by my side, i will fight whoever, go wherever, do whatever i have to in order to save you. dont give up hope and pray that this loop does not repeat for you. pray this time freeze does not disappear when i walk through that portal. 
YN: i have faith in you Dean please hurry. i look forward to never leaving your side.
Dean placed a chaste kiss to your forehead before he walked through the portal. you sat on the bed and watched as Time remained frozen but you were once again alone.
Dean arrived back in his own body, he sat straight up and scared the living daylights out of his brother, bobby and several others all of whom embraced Dean. 
Dean then went to where Sam’s laptop was and began searching the lore, the myths and legends specifically. when Sam approached him about what he was doing, Dean presented sam with that note. suddenly it made mroe sense to Sam, who left Dean in the charge of Jo while he, bobby and ellen all went to grab food and booze. 
Jo: what happened to you?
Dean: one minute i was in that bed trying to fall asleep using a disney movie & the next thing i know im inside the movie. im telling you i would have preferred Hell. but i wasnt the only person from reality stuck in the movie. there was a girl, she said she is a hunter too she was on a strange case when she found herself in the movie. she has no idea of how long she has been in there. she also thinks her body has been moved. this piece of paper proves that someone or something is holding her body somewhere and its up to me to find this girl. at this point nothing else matters. i made her a promise now i have to keep it. 
Jo: let me see the paper again...
Dean hands Jo the paper and after a few moments of staring at it she takes a pen and fills in the blanks... thats when the paper glowed... and revealed a magical map... 
Dean: how did you do that?
Jo just smiled and laughed...
Jo: im really good at fill in the blanks. its a natural talent i get it from mom... your clue should have finished like this:   “in a place of myth & legend where the balance of nature is true, this place you know it all too well. what you believe isnt real is, everything you know shall change forever. the ways of old shall guide you by, this far side of Romania in the final resting place of Dracula...”
Dean hugged her, he knew where he had to go now but how the hell was he gonna get there. it was then that Dean went to load several of his handhelds and load onto his back a machete load up some ammo clips. 
he didnt know what to expect but he was certain that being cautious was better than being stupid. he was not gonna walk in there half assed. he needed to be as prepared as could be. however thats when bobby, sam and ellen walked back into the room. 
Sam: Dean what are you doing?
Dean: im getting ready before i call cas for transport. this will allow me to not get dinged by airport security and not to become sea sick either. but i hope honestly that this mission im about to embark on is gonna be beneficial. 
Bobby: what the hell do you think your doing? never mind that where are you going?
Dean: romania, Jo has the knowledge on why i am going to romania, she will fill you guys in... ill take my burger to go. put my pie in the fridge. 
once Dean is ready to go, he stands in the center of the room and smiles back at the others but then Jo pipes up and goes to stand beside Dean with a backpack on her back... 
Dean: Jo what...
Jo: im not letting you walk into your destiny alone. do not for one second think im not gonna jump at this opportunity to hunt with you, to help you to find your destiny. you helped me once to know what my destiny was, now its my turn to repay the favor.
Dean takes Jo by the hand as he in a stern voice he speaks the following words. 
Dean: Castiel get your oh holy feathery ass down here i need a lift and your my ticket to my next destination.
cas comes to the hotel room and approaches Dean & Jo.
Castiel: where am i taking you and your friend here...
Dean: transylvania and dude once we land you cant be there... it will not be helpful for you to be there. this is a mission i have to do alone. me and my friend here go through the rest of the process alone. 
Cas only nods completely understanding on what his friend has asked of him. he takes Dean and Jo to Transylvania. then once they are safe on the ground again cas leaves. 
Dean: okay now to look at this magic map and figure out where we are and where the resting place of Dracula is... 
Jo: well lets first of all make sure we are prepared before we go into town. i did a bit of research apparently they dont trust strangers here. we need to show them that we mean no harm. or just keep our noses down and pass through without being detected. 
Dean: well lets see what the map says. 
Jo leads Dean to a rock as she lays out the map... 
Jo: these 2 dots over here are us... but what is that red dot over yoner on this map... look there is a multicolored one too.... 
Dean: the multicolored one is my destiny, the red one has to be what is holding her captive. 
jo notices some writing appearing on the map after a few moments. 
Jo: whats that say...
Dean: it says, “inside the castle you face your fears, beat them out till you cant no more. fears and demons go hand in hand but if you beat them in order to save your destiny. this is to be your greatest reward.” what the hell does that mean... 
Jo: it means no matter what we need to get to that castle. 
hand in hand they get their tracks moving towards the path...
Jo: i really hope the story of transylvania is fake... 
Dean: you mean the fact that as soon as the sun goes down werewolves and vampires come out to play... you and me both but hey if they do we are fully prepared. this place is on top of a supernatural time  bomb. everything that goes bump in the night comes out after sunset. 
both dean and jo look up into the sky the last bit of light leaves the tree line. 
Dean: have your silver bullets and machete ready just in case... we are not taking any chances. we have to get to that castle. 
Jo: dont worry we will... 
Dean smiles as both of them continue making their way through the forst, a little quicker than normal pace. the sun had now fully set, the light that had been guiding them was gone. 
Jo: just follow the path the map says this will lead us to the castle where your destiny awaits you. Dean are you sure we...
thats when she stopped speaking... her words cut out... Dean pulled out his machete and quickly brought it to face the enemy that now held his best friend back. 
Shadow entity: ah so the prodigal has come for his prize.. well i think ill take a  constitution to ensure that you follow the rules, to ensure the balance is complete, to ensure that we are all in clarity to our debts. to this i have something to say this to you: you are part of the same card, the girl i have sleeping right now is not going to wake up without her other half. you have not done anything to earn her freedom, so i take your friend as kind of a wake up call to the horrors that which wait you inside. this castle has its own story but to unlock its secrets you must face your fears. face them down Dean, only then will you have earned her freedom. see you real soon.
the shadow figure disappears with Jo... Dean picks up her bag and keeps his machete on hand as he continues walking. following the map as he heard the soft crunching of his boots under the snow. winter sure is warmish in whats supposed to be the coldest part of romania. 
Dean (to self): i have no idea what the hell is going on but i now have 2 bright lights to save i am just hoping i can conquer whatever appears before me... Jo for your courage please be my light. guide me to where you are... my dear sister. 
meanwhile Jo has been placed in a room, where you lay in wait for your destiny. Jo takes one look at you and she smiles. she knows that you are definately dean’s destiny and then she speaks the following words. 
Jo: in all my years i had never thought Dean would find his destiny, never after he helped me find mine i swore i would help him find his, now Dear Brother please follow my light...
Dean stops a quick moment to catch his breath and look at the map... he then sees Jo’s dot on the map glow brighter... it acts as a flashlight lighting up the path he must walk. 
after several more steps and following his light he arrives at the castle.
 Dean: here i com ladies... dont loose hope.
Dean holding his machete walked inside the castle.. the first thing he saw was the vision of himself as a demon tellig hm that he was gonna die alone and that he would become that... he told that vision that he would always have a family beside him even if they werent around that cared for him that would never abandon him.
that he went on his way still fllowing the light o the ground he comes accross the first blade which tells him that he fears being back in hell torturing souls and how good it made him feel. dean tells it that he will never and shall never go back to hell and never will he torutue those who dont deserve it again.
a few more fears tried to get dean to turn away from this quest, tried to get him to fail but nothing worked. the last area on the map was a long corridor it looked as thought there was a figure about mid way down. 
the map let off a warning flash meaning there was danger approaching. Dean speaks once more to whatever is trying to face him down.
Dean: i address the entity in front of me. who are you? why have you brought me to this awful place?
Shadow: i am the demonic shadow of Count Dracula and I have brought you here so you can face me in the ultimate battle. Either I will be finally put to rest or I will be made whole again. do you accept my challenge?
Dean drops the bags and keeps both his guns and his machete as he speaks.
Dean: look dumn ass, i dont know who your the spirit or entitiy of but this is not how things are run in my world. in my world the good guys win and the bad guys loose. now if you stand aside and let me wake my destiny and save my sister then you might just get to be put back to sleep again. or ill succeed and kill you right now. your choice, i’m good either way. 
Shadow: you dare to think you stand a chance against me, how cute. very well, if its death you choose then allow me to help you with that.
Dean moved out of the way as the shadow lunged toward him, missed and just landed again.. Dean then shot out 6 rounds of dead mans blood rounds all aimed at shadow-Dracula, he dodged those. 
shadow: tell you what, ill make you a deal if you surrender now ill give you ten long years to spend with your so called “destiny” in exchange for you letting me out of here with my life. 
Dean: how bout not a prayer. eat bullets instead.
Dean unloads the rest of the bullets in a circular form at the ground around shadow-dracula. completing the devils trap... 
Dean: oh wait you dont need to eat the bullets cause your history pal... 
Shadow-dracula looked down and around himself, the look that he now sported was one of fear. he was the one that now was terrified. 
Shadow: this is impossible no one imprisons the great Dracula. 
Dean: oh buddy im gonna do alot more than that, time for you to go back to where you came from. 
Dean stands up tall as he then speaks the same words he had spoken previously hundreds upon hundreds of times. 
Dean:  Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, ergo draco maledicte, ut ecclesiam tuam secura, tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audios bitch!
that was all Dean had to say the shadow of Dracula was no more. he went back to grab the bags and continued forward... he shot the lock on the doors and kicked them open. 
Jo: Dean you found us... i believe you know what to do romeo... put everything down ill prepare to treat any wounds and such that show themselves once you wake her. 
Dean: Jo it was dracula, the shadow outside the door was dracula’s shadow. i cant believe his shadow was so hostile. i mean if i hadnt wasted 2 clips of amo drawing out a devils trap i would have lost the fight. 
Jo: ya ya ya okay dude, you have an overdue appointment with destiny over on that bed, now drop the bags and go. 
Dean knew jo would have kicked his ass if he didnt listen. he did as told, he dropped the bags and walked over to kneel beside you. he brushed some hair from your forehead..
Dean: together now and always i have always been your once upon a dream.
his lips met yours in a gentle kiss. he pulled back after a few seconds and waited to see if it workd. a while later you open your eyes and touch Dean’s cheek. 
YN: you found me?
Dean: did you doubt i would? i said i would and i keep my promises. this girl over here is my sister Jo.  she is gonna give you the once over and then ill call for our ride out of here once she has you in a clean set of clothes. im gonna make sure we are still safe... i will call cas once we are all ready.
Dean leaves you in the hands of Jo who hands you some clothes and assesses you making sure you are not hurt. Dean comes back a few moments later and calls cas to come bring you all home. 
Cas came brought you, dean and Jo back to the hotel. you and dean were gonna take some time to figure out what everything meant. this was when a bright light came upon the entire room. 
Dean: whats going on?
thats when Gabriel appeared in the room. everyone had hand guns on him immediately. but he speaks not with hostility but with normality.
Gabriel: ah winchesters and friends. do not be alarmed for YN and Dean have been written in the stars since the beginning of time. Dean and Yn im sorry for trapping you both in that sleeeping curse it was the only way to get you both to listen to reason. to listen to your hearts. i was only trying to get you both to follow the rules that destiny had for you. 
Dean: then why show up and tell us about it now...
Gabriel: cause i knew if i didnt it would have been alot worse later on. 
Dean: what happens now?
Gabriel: well with your permission i could marry you and Yn right here right now... if you both agree. 
you and Dean exchange looks before smiling.
Dean: when do we begin?
Gabriel snapped his fingers and the room transformed into a garden glade type thing. before you and Dean could say anything else you were taken from grungy hotel room to garden glade. 
Gabriel: we are gathered here today to join Dean and YN in the ever holy bonds of Matrimony. this holy bond is a sacred gift, that deserves to be protected cherish it now and always. now i am assuming that there are no objections to this holy union.
the room was silent as Gabriel held his hand out and 2 silver bands appeared clearly made for you and Dean. 
Gabriel: vows or no vows.
Dean: what more needs to be said, we already said everything we needed to... we know what we are. we have our feelings, we need no words for them.
Gabriel: very well, Dean take the band and tell Yn what you think should go with this ring!
Dean takes the ring and slowly slides it on your finger as he reveals whats in his heart. 
Dean: YN after the movie and what i had to do to rescue you. i have to say that im 100% positive about you being the single most best thing that has ever stepped into my path of life. i promise now and always to honor, love cherish and whatever else goes with that... i love you Yn your the best part of me now.
you take the ring and you do the same thing.
YN: Dean, when i met you in the movie i was unsure of your intentions. then it was your beautiful green eyes that made me swoon. now i stand here to say i too now and forever more will honor, love, cherish and everything else that goes with it for the rest of my life. you are an amazing man Dean Winchester i love you so much and i cant wait to be your wife and have your last name. 
Gabriel: by the powers and laws bestowed on me by Heaven, i now am honored to pronounce you husband and wife. Dean you may now kiss your beautiful wife. 
Dean kisses you with so much passion. there was nothing to do for everyone else except cheer and clap. 
everyone lived happily ever after. well at least once upon a dream!
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madlori · 5 years
Unveiled - Chapter 8
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Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10 || Chapter 11 || Chapter 12 || Chapter 13 || Epilogue
by MadLori Word Count: 2300 Fandom: Men’s Hockey RPF Pairing: Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin Rating: NC-17 (like, heed this, please) Tags: Arranged Marriage, Modern Royalty AU, Mpreg, Not Omegaverse, No Consent Issues, Veiled Sex, Weird Traditions, Don’t Think Too Hard, Handwavey Biology
NOTE: I posted chapter 7 earlier today - be sure you’ve caught up before moving on to this one.
Definitely yes sex in this one.
Read it on AO3
“How is your better half today?” Sasha asked, bringing Zhenya’s morning tea to his office. “Everyone’s been fretting about it.”
“He seemed much perkier this morning, actually. The doctor says it’s unpredictable, and that it comes and goes, but for a week now since the Judge’s dinner, it’s been more come and less go. I’m hopeful he will improve.”
Sasha nodded. “You sure have been talking a lot of walks,” he said, setting the tea and toast on Zhenya’s desk.
“Walks down by the athletic fields.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“Not a thing. If you weren’t looking for a certain guard out sparring with his comrades, there’d be even less wrong with that.”
“I’m not...looking for him.”
“No, you’re just frequently placing yourself in areas where you think he might be found.”
“That isn’t the same thing.”
“So if I were to tell you that just now I saw him and the other guards heading down there with their sparring gear, you’d say thank you, Sasha, that’s so interesting, and go back to reading the paper, right?”
Zhenya sat up straight, unable to keep himself from reacting. “Uh...yes. Of course.” He sat back, picking up the paper again.
Sasha laughed. “You asshole. Go. Better hurry.”
Zhenya hurried to his quarters and threw on exercise clothes, telling himself he was just going for a run, and made a beeline for the athletic fields. The Consort’s guards were there, but he was almost too late -- they were gathering up their gear. Sidney was among them, sweaty from his exertion and looking like a god.  “Good morning, Your Royal Highness,” Fleury said, bowing.
“Good morning, Fleury. I’d hoped to get in some sparring practice myself, but I see I’m too late.”
Every one of the guards’ heads swiveled to look at Sidney. Nobody was fooled. Sidney’s eyebrow arched. “I could stay behind; I’m not on duty until this afternoon.”
“Well, there you go,” Fleury said, a bemused look on his face. “Come on, boys, Sid’s teaching private lessons.” They all trooped back up the hill, leaving them alone on the pitch.
Zhenya just stood there, feeling tongue-tied. Now that it was just him and Sidney, he didn’t know what to say, especially after their last conversation had ended so awkwardly. “I haven’t seen you around recently,” he said.
“It’s a big palace. His Highness has been sick, we’ve all been running errands for him. I spent a whole day scouring the city for this one brand of ginger ale he wanted.”
“He seemed much improved this morning.”
“Yeah, I think so, too. He said he was feeling pretty...spry.”
“I’m glad. Thank you for your efforts.”
Sidney shrugged. “I do what I can to help.” He tossed Zhenya a quarterstaff. “Let’s go, then. You wanted to spar.”
Zhenya took the staff, his least proficient skill. Sidney came at him, and he countered; for a few moments the only sound was their staffs striking each other. “I thought you might have been avoiding me,” Zhenya finally said, stepping back to catch his breath.
“Why would I do that?” Sidney said.
“After...what I said in the stable, the last time.”
“What kind of man would I be if I punished my friend for acting honorably?”
“So we are friends, then.”
Sidney stepped toward him, lifting his staff. “You were the one who said we might not be.”
Zhenya sighed. “I just -- I need to keep it straight in my head.”
“What’s to keep straight? You’re allowed to have friends.”
“I know. But you…” Zhenya stepped back and out of the spar. “Surely you know that I value you as a friend.”
“But you want more.”
“I can’t have more.”
Sidney planted his staff and leaned on it, sweat glistening at his temples and a flush of exertion staining his cheeks and making his full lips even redder than usual. “Zhenya, you’re the crown Prince. I’m a guard, and a temporary one at that. Whatever association you and I have is entirely up to you. You have your husband, who you are bound to by honor and the law. And then there’s me.” He grabbed his staff and came at him again.
“You know what it is that brings me to you,” Zhenya growled, low, striking faster and faster. Sidney’s breath sped up as he countered, their feet dancing on the grass.
Sidney shook his head. “Same thing that’s brought people sniffing around my door since I was sixteen years old,” he said, his tone matter-of-fact.
Zhenya stepped back. “You think that’s it? Your pretty face and your body?”
Sidney crowded up close, swung his staff, feinted and struck Zhenya behind his knees, knocking him onto his back. He crouched over him, staff planted next to his ear. “Tell me you don’t want me,” he said, his voice low and electric. Zhenya felt the jolt all the way up his spine.
“If I wanted an easy encounter, I could go out and have one. You don’t have the only good ass in this city,” Zhenya bit out.
Sidney cocked his head and smirked. “I beg your pardon. It’s a great ass.”
Zhenya burst to his feet, pushing Sidney back so he landed on the ass in question. “What are you trying to do here?” he said, looming over him. “I came out here to apologize.”
“And you have. I accept.”
“So what is this?”
For the first time, Sidney looked unsure of himself. “I...I don’t know. I'm as confused as you are, Zhenya. I never meant...things got out of hand. This was not the plan,” he said, this last bit said under his breath.
“Look,” Zhenya said, taking a step back. “Yes, I’m attracted to you, all right? But I also like you, I’ve liked you from the first. And I know I’m not...it wouldn’t be…” He broke off and ran a hand through his sweaty hair. “I met my husband the day I married him. I’ve still never heard his voice or seen his face. I wouldn’t be the first embargoed prince to have…”
“A bit on the side?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Might as well have.”
“I didn’t expect any of this, either. My husband, he’s...not what I thought he’d be. Even through the embargo, I feel like I see him.”
The eyebrow again. “Oh you do, do you?”
“I don’t expect you to understand. I always hoped that maybe someday, I’d grow to be fond of him.”
“But ‘someday’ came faster than you expected, right? You’re already fond of him.”
“I feel obligated to him in a way I didn’t think I would.” He took a deep breath, then held out a hand to help Sidney to his feet, then pull him near. “You’re right,” he said, low. “I do want you. I want you so badly I can’t think straight from it sometimes.” Sidney was looking up at him with those wide, pretty eyes, his hard pulse visible in his throat. Zhenya ached for him, the ache made sharper with the knowledge that he couldn’t have him. “But he doesn’t deserve that.”
Sidney made a half-choked noise deep in his throat, then nodded, cutting his eyes down to the ground. “No, he doesn’t.” He shook his head, a wry smile curling his lips. “Ironic, isn’t it?”
“What is?”
“You saying no is making me want you more.” He squeezed Zhenya’s hand and let it go, took the staff from him and walked quickly away.
Zhenya stood there for a few moments and debated going after him, but in the end he just trudged back to the palace, an untidy mix of relief and disappointment coursing through his veins.
It was later than his usual bedtime when Zhenya retired after dinner with his parents and his brother, who was visiting from the mountainside holy retreat where he lived. He’d taken a new name, Victor, as his monastic name and Zhenya was still getting used to it. Victor hadn’t been present at the wedding but was thrilled to learn he was to be an uncle, throwing his arms around Zhenya and crying with joy. It was a warm and happy evening, and he was in a good mood as he entered the room he shared with his consort.
A mood that only improved when he discovered what awaited him there. The lights were dim, candles had been lit, and his consort had attractively arranged himself on their large bed, deliciously nude save for his veils. Zhenya stopped short just inside the door, soaking in this welcome. He shut the door and approached, smiling widely. He gestured to everything, including the consort himself, pressing his hands to his heart to indicate his deep approval of all of it.
The consort knelt up on the bed, touched his stomach and gave a thumbs-up, then flexed playfully, which Zhenya took to mean that he was feeling better and healthy. Zhenya reached out and touched his veiled cheek, then pointed to the bathroom. The consort nodded and resumed his reclining pose on the bed, a hand slung over his hip, making Zhenya want to be quick about it.
He stripped and took a fast shower, his cock fattening with the thought that he might be getting sex tonight for the first time in well over a week. That wasn’t a long time, but after the frequent couplings of their first few weeks together, it felt like an eternity.
When he returned to the bed, his consort’s hands were eager on his body, laying him out and stroking him. He shimmied down Zhenya’s chest and got his mouth on him fact, with a practiced shifting of his veils. Zhenya groaned -- they’d both grown a little lax with nonverbal sex noises, despite the embargo -- and rested his hand on the back of the consort’s head. No sooner was he fully hard than the consort pulled away. He straddled Zhenya’s hips on his knees and shuffled closer, his own hard cock jutting towards him; Zhenya put a hand on it, wondering what this man had in store for him tonight.
He didn’t have to wait long to find out. The consort picked up one of his hands and guided it around to his ass, pushing Zhenya’s fingers between his cheeks...Zhenya’s eyes widened as he realized that his husband had obviously prepared himself ahead of time. His asshole was slick with lube; Zhenya’s fingers slid in with little to no resistance. The consort reached under the pillow and pulled out the lube; he handed it to Zhenya, then turned and faced away from him. He got on all fours and spread his thighs, presenting his ass; Zhenya’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. The consort turned his head to look over his shoulder at him, as if to ask what Zhenya was waiting for.
He scrambled to his knees, uncapping the lube…but first, this ass deserved to be worshiped. He bent low and kissed the flesh, leaving quick bites all over the smooth skin, his hands kneading it. He bent and swiped his tongue up his husband’s center, drawing shudders and growls from him. Lubing his fingers, he slid three into him, twisting and crooking them to find just the right spot. The consort’s back arched and he writhed in pleasure, his hands fisting in the bedsheets and his chest heaving. He reached back and grabbed Zhenya’s hip, yanking him close. Zhenya grinned; evidently someone was impatient tonight.
Zhenya lubed his cock -- he wasn’t sure he’d ever been this hard in his life -- and seated it against his consort’s asshole. He gripped his hips and pushed forward; the consort’s head sagged down and he pressed back against him, taking more of Zhenya’s cock into his body. Zhenya’s cock was not small, and he knew to take this slowly, but his consort had other ideas. Before Zhenya could inch forward, he pushed back hard, and Zhenya slid all the way inside him. He gasped and clutched the consort’s hips, his groin pressed against the man’s ass. The consort was making a barely-there whine in the back of his throat, his pelvis shifting as he seated Zhenya’s cock deep inside him...and then he pulled off and thrust back, obviously ready. Zhenya made a few experimental thrusts; God, he felt amazing, hot and tight and so responsive, always wanting more. He grasped the consort’s veiled shoulder with one hand and his hip in the other and fucked him, as hard and fast as the consort was demanding with every movement of his body against Zhenya’s.
He shifted his angle a little until he found the right one to drive his consort mad. He knew it when he hit the spot; the consort’s whole body jerked and shuddered. Zhenya slid one hand beneath him to stroke his mate’s cock; he found it hard and leaking already. His hand was batted away and a quick thumbs-down popped up; evidently, his mate didn’t like to be jerked off while getting fucked. Zhenya wanted him to come, though, and wondered if they could manage that without either of them touching the consort’s cock. 
He needn’t have worried about it. After a few minutes his husband’s body went taut, and he came without his cock being touched at all. Zhenya didn’t know whether to be amazed at his consort, or at himself, but he didn’t have much time to debate because after a few more strokes he was coming, too. He allowed himself a cry of ecstasy as he spilled into his consort’s body. Zhenya sagged against the consort’s back, breathing hard, his cock softening inside him. The consort reached back to cup the back of Zhenya’s neck; Zhenya dared to shift the veils just enough to bare a little bit of his shoulder and kiss it reverently, his mind clear of anything -- of anyone -- but this.
Next Chapter
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sunsetscurving · 5 years
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honey, you should see me in a crown [modern royalty AU]
CHAPTER 3 || ao3 link 
Lucas Lallemant, crown prince and heir to the throne, never needed someone to protect him. He never needed someone to protect him until the day he nearly got stabbed by an assassin.
Now he has to deal with an annoying bodyguard named Eliott Demaury who is, to the chagrin of Lucas, fucking handsome too.
As if his life isn’t difficult enough already.
lucallemant: guys, I swear, I felt like being in a fucking movie
y4z4s: this is straight out of a romantic film
basile_simple: I cannot believe that he literally followed you from the club and saved your ass
monvoisintuturo: the following thing could also be considered as stalking???? Just saying
lucallement: shut up arthur & @basile_simple yeah, me neither. I thought I would never see him again
monvoisintuturo: setting the stalking plot aside: yeah ofc, you guys made out over the whole dance floor and you think it was unbelievable that he didn’t follow you?
lucallement: well, my flirts usually do not save me from the police
basile_simple: he has a point arthur
Lucas was still laying in his bed, shirtless, smirking up at his phone which he held above his face. He told his friends the whole story as soon as he got into his room again. The guards hadn’t caught him that night and when his parents came breathless into his room, searching for him everywhere, he was pretending to be asleep, shocked that his parents disturbed him this late at night. But this was not the first time he snuck out and his parents finding him in this situation as if nothing happened. And regarding the events and the near-death of Lucas, he had to endure a long, long speech about how dangerous his nightly adventures are and how the bodyguard will finally keep him in check. Cece, who was also awake to that time, had only chuckled.
It was morning now and in some hours, he would meet his new bodyguard for the first time. His parents told him that his bodyguard actually wouldn’t arrive until the end of the week, but considering Lucas being way to careless, they ordered him into the castle and into duty already today.
Lucas looked back onto his phone and their chat. The stranger, Eliott, hadn’t left his mind since their encounter in the night. And he desperately wanted to find him again, only to see, if the vibes he felt between them were also real in a sober state of mind.
lucallemant: you guys have to do me a favor
basile_simple: 100% yes
y4z4s: 100% not
monvoisintuturo: could you please stop with your bantering and let the man speak?
Lucas quietly chuckled to himself about the dumbness of his friends.
lucallemant: since the nightly adventures have to stop now…
basile_simple: rip nightly adventures :((((
lucallemant: you guys have to find Eliott for me
There were no new messages for some moments and Lucas asked himself if he did something wrong. But suddenly, his phone didn’t stop to vibrate from all the incoming messages all at once.
y4z4s: as if we will find him again under thousands of people
basile_simple: omg we’re playing cupid YESSS
monvoisintuturo: gimme a description of him and I will find him in less than 24h
Lucas loved the enthusiasm of his friends. They acted like Lucas was going to marry tomorrow.
lucallemant: he was tall, messy hair, bright eyes with a… idk how to describe their color, it seemed to change all the time and yeah, he wore black clothes and he looked like a guy who liked to wear black clothes? And his name is Eliott… And he likes to dance… kinda dorky…
Lucas stared at this message and just realized now that all of these things were true for every second young man on the street.
basile_simple: well…
monvoisintuturo: gotcha. we will just visit every club in this town and find every man with the dorkiest dance move, hoping to find your man that way.
y4z4s: this will be the worst mission of my life.
lucallemant: I appreciate every effort, love you guys <3
basile_simple: nawwwwwwww
y4z4s: we love you too, mec
Suddenly, there was a knock on his door. Time to get ready and meet his new rusty and old grandpa bodyguard. But at least he knew that someone was looking for his disco boy now, that he would eventually find him and endure this special feeling inside of him again whenever he glanced his way.
lucallemant: time to meet grandpa bodyguard now
basile_simple: let him know who the real boss is here
lucallemant: that would be my dad……….
y4z4s: just show him that you’re no kid who needs protection or something else, maybe he’ll disappear magically from the surface somehow then
monvoisintuturo: “magically” *pulls out mask, ready to kidnap lulu’s bodyguard*
lucallemant: you guys are unbelievable, I’ll miss you all
y4z4s: we’re not out of the world, mec. tell us how the meet up went
basile_simple: yeah, we wanna know everything
monvoisintuturo: go slay ‘em Lulu!
lucallemant: will do, arthur
Lucas smiled and locked his phone. He was glad to still have the support of his friends, also when things seemed to go southward way too fast. But maybe this whole bodyguard thing wasn’t as bad as he thought right now.
Lucas got out of the bed and laughed out loud at his own thoughts.
As if. This will be hell on earth.
His mum wanted Lucas to wear the best clothes he had. As if any of his clothes weren’t the best things in the country. Lucas found himself in front of the mirror, wearing a black suit with a white shirt underneath and a black trouser which matched his suit jacket. He looked good, he had to admit to himself – like a prince. He drove a hand through his messy hair and he asked himself if there would be ever a day where his hair decided to cooperate with him. Today was definitely not that day.
When he emerged from his room, Cece already waited for him, sitting on a bench opposite from his room, her little legs dangling. Her eyes lit up and she ran towards Lucas as if the both of them hadn’t seen each other for years.
At least his little sister would always be on his side.
“Princess, you’re looking stunning this morning”, said Lucas with a grin as he lifted Cece up and sat her down on his hip. She was wearing a pastel blue dress with matching hairbows which made her blonde hair look golden. He was walking down the hallway with her now, the guards slightly bowing their head whenever he passed one of them. Cece giggled and kissed Lucas’ cheek, Lucas’ mood lifting up a tiny bit in this moment of affection from his sister.
“You’re also looking good, Lulu.”
“Mum would’ve killed me if I didn’t.”
“That’s true.”
She giggled again and as long as Cece would live in this castle, there would always be light and joy.
“Have you already seen my bodyguard?”, asked Lucas, curious about what was awaiting him at the end of the hallway and behind that big wooden door. Cece only grinned, making a motion as if she was locking her mouth with an unseen key and tossed it away, behind her.
“So, you’re not going to say anything?”, asked Lucas, amusement playing in his eyes. And Cece’s grin only deepened while she nodded and her blonde curls where jumping up and down at this motion.
“Oh, come on”, sighed Lucas and leaned back his head in a theatrical gesture, “Well, then I maybe have to torture you…”, said Lucas now and started to tickle his little sister. Her bubbling laughter filled the otherwise empty hallways and Cece begged him to stop, but he wouldn’t until she said something.
“Okay, okay! I will tell you everything I know if you stop”, said Cece breathless while trying to wind herself out of his arms. Lucas stopped, his eyes sparkling with laughter and he looked expectantly at his sister.
Lucas and Cece turned their heads at this firm and strong voice. His father was standing in the doorway to the throne room now, looking at them with raised eyebrows. Lucas set down Cece and kissed her head.
“Our guest is already waiting”, said his father with a serious voice and inclined his head towards the room behind him. Lucas had enjoyed the bantering between him and his little sister which had distracted him from the end of his freedom.
But also a prince must face reality in the end.
“Go”, whispered Lucas towards his little sister and she ran towards their father and into the room behind him. Lucas took a deep breath and followed his sister with slow and steady steps, walking past his father, trying to ready himself for what, or better, who, he would find now. Who would be responsible for the end of his already limited freedom.
The first thing he thought when he saw him standing with his back to him in front of his mother was:
Definitely not old and rusty.
He only saw his back for now, he was apparently in a conversation with his mum. His mum hadn’t seen him either and when he walked towards the both of them, he took in the other one’s appearance: he had to be around Lucas’ age (are people so young even allowed to be a bodyguard?) dressed in a black suit, messy hair, tall and—
Lucas stopped in his tracks.
No fucking—
“Lucas! My darling”, said his mum now as her gaze landed on him over the shoulder of his new bodyguard. She was walking towards him but Lucas kept staring at the man who now turned around.
Lucas’ jaw dropped.
Someone is definitely mocking me here.
And the other one’s jaw dropped also as he finally faced Lucas.
This is a joke. A fucking joke.
“Honey, this is your new bodyguard”, said his mum now, pointing to the young man whose eyes Lucas would never forget.
This was some kind of dream.
In front of him stood the boy who hadn’t left Lucas’ mind since the past night. He looked refreshed and still more beautiful in the sunlight than under the night sky.
“Him?”, asked Lucas with a high-pitched voice as if this question would solve all the problems on this planet. Lucas was very glad that not only he seemed to be shocked, his opposite looked equally pale now.
If Yann, Arthur and Basile would have been here now, they would already lay on the floor, laughing so hard that they ended up having breathing issues.
But this was real.
Eliott, the beautiful boy who he magically felt so connected to, was his bodyguard.
And Lucas felt some kind of anger surfacing.
“Yes, him. We thought that someone around your age would be more… accessible for you”, said his mum now, apparently not realizing what was going on between Eliott and Lucas here right now. And well, how could she? She didn’t know that the both of them nearly jumped on each other the past night.
And now Lucas was supposed to listen to him like he was a little child? That Eliott-dorky-dance-boy was supposed to keep him in check?
No fucking way.
All of the sexual tension he felt between them was overlayered by some feeling of anger. Out of all the men in this universe, it had to be him?
Great, universe. Thank you.
Eliott seemed to find his composure again after some seconds where just pure shook took over his face. He took some steps towards Lucas, bowing before him, like he was supposed to, looking Lucas’ straight in the eye. There was nothing left of the love-drunken look on his face, this blissed out expression from last night. His cheeks weren’t flushed anymore after their run through the dark and Lucas also didn’t saw any longing in the face of the other one anymore. There was just pure professionality and Lucas was now sure that yesterday night was a dream or a product of the both of them being drunk as fuck.
“I’m honored to be in your service, Prince Lucas”, said Eliott now and Lucas was this close to laughing out loud at this ridiculous situation. If it hadn’t been sad and infuriating to the same time, he would have lost it by now.
“My name’s Eliott Demaury.”
“Yeah, no shit, Sherlock”, mumbled Lucas under his breath although he didn’t want to. It just slipped past his tongue and his mum cleared her throat, reminding Lucas about his behavior.
And well, if Eliott didn’t want to continue where they left off last night, Lucas would also act like the prince he was supposed to be.
“Pleasure to meet you”, said Lucas with an ice-cold voice, never breaking eye contact with Eliott.
This is not hell. This is worse.
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cryptoriawebb · 4 years
WonderWolf + 2, 68
Rules: Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story. 
I have been having sooo many Wonderwolf feels lately. I miss them 3 They are perfect.
2. Royalty AU and 68. Heroic sacrifice.
Honestly I think these two can be combined XD I'm going to borrow elements from the Wonder Woman movie. Diana is a princess in an isolated kingdom: everyone adores and respects her and while she’s happy she feels the pull from the wider world. She isn’t sure why as she’s never been beyond the kingdom’s boundaries but something tells her there is more awaiting her life. Cue a disheveled and battle-damaged stranger who stumbles into their land. He’s disoriented and angry and has to be subdued by several soldiers before he finally passes out. The stranger is captured and kept in a holding cell (which is actually quite clean in Themyscira) until he awakens.
While the kingdom is run by women there are men among the common people so Diana has seen them before. She’s just never seen one like this. To everyone’s surprise, the stranger’s wounds heal overnight. When questioned about this as he awakens he’s immediately on his guard and surprises everyone again - revealing what look like bone claws coming from his hands.
The man’s name is Logan and through a series of aggressive growling and accusations reveals that this “precious little kingdom” is sitting on the outskirts of a wider war. Logan was a soldier-turned-rebel and scout when his home turned on people like him. He belonged to a group for quite a while, protecting those who couldn’t protect themselves and bringing supplies when he had a chance. However recently this underground society was discovered and sent running. Some made it out, some did not. It made it all the worse when he discovered his own brother may have had a hand in this.  Racked with anger and guilt, Logan left the small group he was able to save, entrusting them to a friend (and his partner) who possessed psychic abilities. He argued with said partner before he left, insisting there was a place *somewhere* people with “powers” (that probably have a different name in this story) might be safe. 
*Logan is older than he lets on and this is why he knows this. His memories are war-torn but his instincts hold firm.
Logan’s prickly aggression turns off many of Diana’s friends and her mother’s council. However, Diana can see the pain in his eyes and tries to lobby for him. While she nearly sways her mother, she can see Hippolyta’s hesitation. Taking matters into her own hands, Diana decides she will talk to Logan herself. 
*I’m sure her mother is aware of the broader world, although people with powers were thought to have died out a long time ago. Perhaps they did for a while...
Long story short the two of them manage to reach something of a civil ground. Diana starts to see that honest side she suspected - still gruff of course but as they get to know each other the weight Logan’s situation has on him becomes clear. They don’t trust each other completely but it’s a start. It’s also the start of a spark between them, although they won’t acknowledge it.
Much like the movie, Diana and Logan eventually sneak out of the kingdom together. They are given chase by her mother’s soldiers and there is a scuffle -- Diana even holds Logan back from attacking them. 
The journey is long and they’re left with a lot of time to talk. Logan is reluctant to talk but Diana learns how to communicate with him. He’s the sort that lets out his feelings/information through bursts of frustration and what sounds like self-loathing. Diana definitely starts to sympathize with him more--until he tries to belittle her kingdom and her people. She doesn’t agree with all of their decisions but knows there’s a reason for them. It’s very possible she and Logan get into a brief fight because of it. He probably starts it. You know it ends with her pinning him to either the ground or a tree or something. The sparks return and they’re harder to ignore. Logan is impressed by her and Diana’s heart bleeds a little more. 
At some point Logan lets on that he’s older than he appears although he won’t elaborate. 
I’m not entirely sure what happens in detail after this. They definitely learn to trust each other a lot more than especially Logan intended. They also learn to work as a team. 
Logan’s home looks abandoned when they finally arrive although there are signs of recent life. Logan reaches out with his thoughts and connects with his contact (Charles.) He brings Diana to him and - after being confronted and questioned by Charles’ partner (Erik) - are filled in about what’s happened since Logan left. Diana agrees to help, although she is still personally opposed to war.  During preparations, Diana and Logan finally act on that spark
I want to say at some point this hiding place is discovered, leading to a messy fight that ends in injury and in some cases capture. Logan’s brother is a part of it. Maybe Charles is one of the captured mutants which immediately turns Erik against Logan and Diana. The group divides - some survivors side with Erik and a scant few side with Logan and Diana. Erik leaves with plans to rescue Charles himself. It’s possible this also leads to a grief and fear- fueled argument between Logan and Diana. It may even lead to a “break up.” This is instigated by Logan. 
If the two do go their separate ways then it’s possible a handful of people side with Diana over Logan. Those who do she promises to bring to Themyscira where, as princess, she’ll assure their safety. It’s actually possible Logan leaves all those people with Diana as he just can’t deal with what’s happened and blames himself for unintentionally leaving a trail his brother could follow. He of course projects this onto her even though they’re both aware of what he’s doing. 
Diana will make plans to bring the people with her back...but in the moment her heart is broken. They regroup and figure out what their first next step should be. 
I’m not sure how they reunite but they definitely do - maybe Logan ends up trying and failing to break into the prison side of the castle, ending in his capture. Maybe Diana tries to and she ends up in a similar position (which is difficult given how strong and trained she is but not impossible.) Or maybe she sends these people off and decides to rescue the captured herself. It’s possible after calming down that Logan has a similar idea and they cross paths again by chance. It would actually be pretty cool if Logan uses some of the training he’s had with Diana to avoid being captured. Ooh if Diana crosses paths with him during a fight she might step in and that would be a great way to bring them back together. They’re already riding an adrenaline high which would dampen the risk of argument. The two of them then team up to save Logan’s friends. 
There is a huge and messy battle that mimics Logan’s escape from Stryker’s Island in Origins. I’m not totally sure how it ends other than at some point there’s a fight between Logan and Victor. Diana definitely steps in with a surprise-attack and it’s kind of a symbol of their united front (as opposed to Logan’s previous outlook that his brother is his responsibility.) 
I think Logan is the one who sacrifices himself here although I’m not sure how. I don’t think it’s intentional. Probably something about staying behind while she leads the forefront although it might unfold with them starting out in the reverse position. Logan trusts Charles and another close friend of his (Ororo?) and doubles back to help Diana. I’m not sure where Erik is in all this. Maybe he was captured or comes in with backup at the end allowing Logan and Diana to stay behind; they trust Charles and Erik to help the others. 
I don’t know exactly where the sacrifice comes in but I think it would be really sweet and heartbreaking if he cupped her cheek in a brief last moment of intimacy and said something similar to what Steve did in the movie. Ohey’re going to need Diana’s protection on the way to Thymiscera: there’s no way Hippolyta will welcome this group in without her. Logan will stay behind and try to clear out the rest of the soldiers. He promises he’ll be okay even though his eyes say otherwise. They kiss - because they must kiss - then they hug and as they do Logan whispers his real name to Diana, kind of passing the secret on to her. 
Maybe in an epilogue the group is seen finally reaching Diana’s home. They’re welcomed with skepticism and hesitation but when Diana steps forward with the image of a full “Wonder Woman” (albeit altered slightly to fit the style of this AU) there’s little question as to whether or not this group is trustworthy. Integration is a very slow process but they’re given a plot of land to start building a new life. 
Diana and her mother reunite although I’m not totally sure how that conversation goes down. Diana is grieving Logan of course but she wants to honor his memory. Maybe her mother comforts her saying that a woman can be strong and still mourn. 
I kind of want to say that as time goes on and the super-powered survivors begin to thrive again Diana, Charles and Erik - and maybe Ororo too - start talking about looking for and rescuing more people like them. Maybe one day as she’s making these plans there’s a commotion within her earshot. Everyone stiffens and Diana excuses herself to investigate (Erik tries to as well but there is a strict ‘no Erik acting on aggression’ policy XD)
Lo and behold, it’s Logan. He looks a little older now, greying at the temples and with a few scars on his face and shoulders, despite only a year at most passing. As soon as he sees her he withdraws his claws. They share a moment of silence, taking each other in. Diana has come into her own and for Logan it’s breathtaking. She calls his name, his real name and the two embrace and share a kiss
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The one ring to bind them all, or just a solitary, cranky demon, part 5
Title: The one ring to bind them all (or just a solitary, cranky demon), part 5
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Type: fluff, angst, romance, demon!au, arranged marriage!au, royalty!au, gothic!au
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: literal emotional manipulation, mentions of previous injury, massive amounts of cheese, just a lot of interpersonal drama: jealous boyfriend.
Word Count: 2,435
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 , Part 4
A/N: I’m sitting here drinking cherry blossom sake and feeling ashamed that it took me so long to post this- I meant to have it out on Halloween for spooky season. But instead I re-wrote it about 50000 times.  I’ve been feeling very soft lately, so this got a little more romantic/cheesy than I normally do! Also good luck resisting Jimin, who can literally manipulate emotions. P.S. The Southern Realm is inspired by Southern Spain (think Granada), and the Greek Isles (on my bucket list).  
There will definitely be part 6….eventually. I should really focus on gainful employment (sigh….the negative sides of capitalism).  Let’s hope the “Keep Reading cut and everything else works.  Send me feedback, comments, theories, whatever! I’m grateful for your patient support <3
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Yoongi’s arms are secure around you, and his shoulders block out some of the blinding light. You struggle away from his grasp, awaiting the inevitable post-teleportation nausea. But either he was gentler this time, or your body is busy trying to stem the internal bleeding, because it never comes.
Instead of nausea, you were overwhelmed by the brightness around you. After the indeterminate (and seemingly interminable) time you spent in the Western Realms, the Southern realm was positively blinding in its beauty. Around you are blue-domed buildings, contrasted against pristine white walls. Though you have never seen the ocean, you had heard of its existence and can only presume that the glittering expanse you see between the gaps in the buildings must be it. The air smells salty, somehow, and if it weren’t for the pounding in your ribs you might have wondered more at the rhythmic sound of water, which you could only assume were waves.
But the pain forces you to narrow your focus to your more immediate surroundings. You are in some kind of terraced garden. There are fountains filled with tranquil, reflective water,  and palm trees swaying in a phantom breeze. The flowers are leafier and more exotic than you could have ever dreamed. A demon of shadows, Yoongi looks tired around the edges of his eyes, but otherwise is as imposing as ever.
Your presence does not go unnoticed, and a young looking boy stands from the chaise lounge where he had been idling. There are others there, but they are seemingly at his disposal, deferring to his every move. Based on this fact alone, you know he is someone important. When he gets up, there is something unmistakeably predatory in his smooth gait, something almost sexual, and you realize that you have just met your next demon prince-Jimin?You try to think back to the endless lessons with Hobi, but all your mind can handle at the moment is the sinister spreading warmth in your rib, Yoongi at your side, and the newcomer in front of you.
As he nears, you realize that his clothes are just as excessive as his garden. His shirt is almost sheer, spun from the finest threads you have ever seen, and his linen pants are immaculate. Combined with his bare feet and the thinnest of gold circlets peeking through his dark locks, the effect is something akin to the angels that had graced the large cathedrals you had been lucky to visit with your father.  But you knew from the same, sometimes gruesome, religious art, that angels were more than ethereal beauty and puffy feathers. They were heavenly warriors who could dispense eternal damnation or salvation with only minor inconvenience to themselves.
Jimin turned, eyes glittering. As you suspected, something lethal lingered behind his clear eyes. While you knew that logically you should be cautious, particularly after the reception you had received from Taehyung and Jungkook, all you could feel was warm waves of happiness as you stared into his gaze. Yoongi cleared his throat uncomfortably, but you simply couldn’t tear your eyes from Jimin’s. He moved closer.
Without much warning, he leaned over and placed his hands gently on your ribs. Yoongi’s hands were usually cold, the few times you had touched, but Jimin ran warmer. Still cool, but the faint lingering warmth of the first sunny day after a long and dreary winter. The longer his hands lingered, the more peaceful you felt.
If the garden hadn’t been so quiet, you would have likely missed Yoongi’s sharp intake of breath.
“I’m right here, Jimin. Could you tone it down?” He said, voice tinged with an aggressive edge that you’d heard only rarely.
“Prince Yoongi,” Jimin practically purrs, “do forgive me. It has been positively ages since I’ve encountered a human, let alone healed one- I’d rather be safe than sorry. Particularly with such a pretty patient.” He winked at you and you felt your cheeks warm.
Yoongi humphed, but Jimin ignored him, eyes studiously trained on your ribcage. Under normal circumstances, you would have likely been irritated by both his presumption and the fact that they were talking as though you weren’t even there. But as Jimin continued his ministrations, you felt yourself drift into a deep, peacefully silent sleep. Luckily, Yoongi was there to catch you as you fell.
You awoke to a solid presence at your back. Momentary panic set in, until you hear a familiar raspy voice. Goosebumps raise on your skin, though not entirely from chill.
“Just me, warmheart.”
You roll over slowly, careful not to damage your injured rib. Yoongi is there, eyes dark, but hair smooth. Calm, then, but watchful. You blush, despite months of cohabitation. Old habits die hard, as the saying goes. You think back to your conservative father, and then banish him as quickly as he came.
Yoongi smirks, and gently squeezes your hip in jest. It felt so natural that you hadn’t even noticed that it was there. As though he can read your mind, his voices your embarrassment.
“That’s what bothers you, warmheart? Someone fierce enough to take on the Western demons, and withstand Jimin’s empathy is embarrassed by sharing a bed with your fiancé?”
You smack him lightly. “Don’t say it like that!”
His grin widens. Sometimes, in these quiet moments, you’re in awe of the beautiful boy that resides in the centuries-old demon. You’re not sure if its luck or fate, but you thank whatever forces brought Yoongi into your life.
Yoongi’s face becomes serious. “I missed you, while you were gone. I waited centuries for you, yet only a few days apart was making me crazy.” Now it is his turn to blush, and suddenly you see the appeal of the blushy tropes from your (not-so) secret stash of courtly novels. You are brought back to the present by the grim thought of Yoongi’s displeasure, should he ever find out that you made such a comparison. You know that he would never hurt you, but certain tomes might go missing from the library. A fate truly worse than death.
His gaze can’t meet yours, but his arms have snaked around your back, pulling you closer. “Please don’t waiver in your feelings. I know Jimin is….tempting, but what we have is real.”
“You think me so weak-willed?” You can’t decide whether to be flattered or offended.
You raise your eyebrows but allow him to continue.  
“Jimin is an empath-a particularly rare and ancient kind of demon.” You say nothing, unfamiliar with the term, so Yoongi continues. “He has what humans would call charisma, but amplified. Not only can he read someone and understand their feelings, he can actually manipulate them, change them to suit his wishes.”
Your eyes widen slightly, though you’re still lethargic.  You wonder if you are witnessing Yoongi jealous for the first time in your blossoming relationship. Instead you ask simply,
“And how is that related to healing?”
“So much of pain is actually mental. In your case, your rib was damaged, but also hurting you was your perception of the pain. You’d have to ask him more-he’s explained it to me, but I never had the patience to understand his lectures. In any case, the mental and the physical are closely linked- he expended more power than was strictly necessary healing you, and I’m not sure what side effects there may be.”
You’re not sure what is making Yoongi so insecure, so you opt to act more boldly than you normally would. You snuggle closer, flush against his front. Your head tucks perfectly under his chin, and your nose rests close to his collarbone. His arms tighten around you and he stills, seemingly finally peaceful. He smells absolutely amazing- earthy but clean. A strange new hunger fills you, but you push it back. Under your ear, you can hear his heartbeat.
Lightening the mood, you crack a joke. “And humans think demons don’t have hearts.”
He scoffs at that, a welcome sound. “Yeah, now if only mine would quit running off and getting into trouble.” You’re grateful once again for the darkness, lest he see how red your face and ears are at the moment. Who knew that he was such an insufferable flirt?
Not trusting your voice you lapse back into silence. Yoongi’s breathing is even and calming. Ever since Jimin’s ministrations the pain in your side has subsided considerably. You can still feel it if you stretch or lean into it, but otherwise it’s hard to believe that Jungkook punched you only this morning. It feels like a million years ago. You ponder the passage of time as you slowly but surely drift off to sleep, tucked up against Yoongi. It feels right,and you have no dreams.
You awake with a start, the moon blindingly bright outside of your window. Really, here, there seems to be very little distinction between outside and inside, and there is no glass separating you from the enticing night-time view. Suddenly restless, you get up, sure not to disturb Yoongi, who is sleeping like the dead, the silent rise and fall of his chest the only thing letting you know that he still lives. You don’t know if he is exhausted from the day or if he is alway like this-it occurs to you that this is the first time you have ever seen him sleeping. In the human world, the two of you had stayed awake at night, getting to know each other. In his house, you had your own wing, though you spent your days together. It’s strange to you how short a period the two of you have known each other, but what scares you more is how quickly his life has become inextricably tied to your own. Realizing that these thoughts won’t allow you any more sleep, you venture into the garden.
The water babbles softly, like something out of a fairytale, but otherwise the terrace is still and silent. The activity of the servants has subsided, as any sane person is asleep. The moon is shining bright enough to illuminate at least a basic outline of most of the garden, and you contemplate whether this can possibly be the same moon from back home. Through the gap in the nearby buildings, you can see the ocean in the distance. You had noticed it earlier, but had been more concerned about your loss of blood. You stare at the diamonds the moon paints in the ripples of the water as it laps the shore somewhere out of sight. It is hypnotizing, and you have no idea how long you’d been staring before you noticed Jimin at your side.
In the darkness, he is little more than a wispy outline, despite the moon. You chalk it up to his flowy apparel, the same thing he was wearing this morning. Seemingly, wrinkles are not something that afflict Prince Jimin. Likely, they are not even a word in his vocabulary,you think wryly to yourself.  His eyes slide over to you, and you stop yourself from staring at his immaculate profile.
“What amuses you, little human?” His voice is like a whisper of the softest silk. Despite Yoongi’s early warning about manipulation, you can’t find it in yourself to be scared of this gentle soul.
“Just wondering how you keep your clothes so neat” you say, smile curving the edges of your mouth upward. His gaze lingers there.
“Suddenly, I understand my brethren’s fascination with humans,” he chuckles, gaze never leaving your own. “Pray tell, is this something you concern yourself with every new person you meet? Have I violated some unspoken human etiquette?”
You blush slightly, and he chuckles again. It is melodic-really, there is no other word for it. “Not at all. It just seems unlikely to end the day in the same state that you started it in.”
He smiles again, eyes crinkling into crescent moons. For the briefest of moments, your heart patters erratically, before resuming its original beat.
“What an entirely human viewpoint. Your lives are short-the blink of an eye, a sunrise and sunset, a turn around the sun. We live forever and are unchanging. We exist, as though in suspended animation: change so slow, we barely notice as we turn to stone.”
He’s clearly speaking in a riddle, and before you can guess as to which famed scholar he might be citing, he continues.
“Which is why, little human, I would like to try something-to assuage my endless boredom.” You wait, wondering what ridiculous test he might have in mind, thinking back to your time with Tae and Kookie -not that you would call him that to his face.
He moves closer, placing his warm palms on either side of your face. His gaze meets your own, and you blush again. You don’t look away, but nor do you move. You expect heart palpitations, nerves, a nervous stutter-all things you’ve experienced at one point or another with Yoongi, but you feel: nothing.
Prince Jimin’s gaze grows more fierce, his hands heavier on your cheeks, and you continue to wait.
“How entirely interesting, and infuriating.”
Suddenly, he is gone, and you are standing in the garden, even more perplexed than when  you’d been listening to his earlier imagery. You turn, eager to return to sleepy Yoongi’s comforting embrace-something sane in the insanity that is the demon world.
But he is already there, across the terrace, eyes alert and glittering.
“What are you doing awake?” You ask, and you hear the guilt in your words as you speak them.
“I could ask you the same,” he says, voice low and menacing. “Did I NOT just finish warning you about what he could do? And here you are……subjecting yourself to it like some kind of perverse experiment?” His words are biting.
“Yoongi, why are you so angry? Literally nothing happened. I woke up because I couldn’t sleep, and he appeared a while later,” you say soothingly, trying to placate him.
“Well, maybe he can’t hurt you, but you can certainly hurt me,” he said, sounding exhausted once again. “Do you know how scared I was when I woke up again and you were gone, after being severely injured earlier today? And then I come out here and find you two staring each other down, his hands on your face?” He runs his hands over his face, before promptly turning and stalking off.
You stand there, stunned, and then it hits you….. Was Yoongi jealous?
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noona-clock · 6 years
iKonic Fairy Tales: Sleeping Beauty
A modern fairy tale series in collaboration with @cramelot - stay tuned next week for the next story featuring a new member! ✨
Genre: Royalty!AU
Pairing: Yunhyeong x You
By Admin B
💤 Part 1, 2, 3, 4
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Once upon a time, you were Mia Thermopolis.
Not actually her, but your life did take a very strange turn like hers had. Except you were in college, not high school. And all the popular kids weren’t vying for your attention and selling you out to the media because... you were in college. There were no popular kids.
You had come home for winter break during your Junior year, and your mother had sprung some... news on you. Apparently, that great-grandfather nobody had ever been able to find had been somebody pretty important.
Thanks to modern-day technology (i.e. DNA testing), one of your dad’s cousins discovered this mystery ancestor had actually been a literal King of a very, very microscopic country.
And now, I guess, that very, very microscopic country was about to be without a ruler. 
It was actually a pretty confusing situation, but here’s the bottom line: you were next in line for the throne.
See what I mean? Your life had turned into The Princess Diaries. A very delightful movie, yes, but you’d never in a million years had ever expected it could actually happen.
To you.
After speaking with the country’s Parliament, you were allowed to finish up the rest of your degree before packing your bags and moving half-way across the world to your new home.
Which was literally a castle.
Like... a real-life, legitimate, full-blown castle.
It was wild, y’all.
It had already been about a year since you’d moved in, however, and you found you’d gotten used to your new life pretty quickly.
But don’t take that to mean you’d fallen into the role of a Perfect Princess by becoming this demure, graceful, elegant, barely-says-anything, curtsying-all-the-time, timid, meek girl.
No, no, no, no.
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You were still the headstrong, independent, take-no-shit-but-do-no-harm, don’t-believe-in-true-love-or-relationships-because-I-can-take-care-of-myself female you’d always been, and kind of surprisingly... the people of the country seemed to accept that about you.
Honestly, the thing about your new life you’d had to get used to the most was having a staff. In particular, you had three lovely ladies who were by your side day in and day out, hired to help you with whatever you needed.
Floriana, the beautiful and fashionable Italian, was your wardrobe specialist. She made you look not just good, but damn good.
Fawn, the straightforward and organized Brit, kept your schedule on track and informed you of all of your activities and meetings up to a week in advance.
And then there was Mei Lan, the artistic and sassy hair and makeup artist from China.
You had specifically asked for a diverse staff, especially if they were your close, personal staff, so you wouldn’t get too sheltered or close-minded as you ruled on the throne. You wanted your new home to be at the forefront of tolerance and inclusiveness; you wanted to be ahead of the times, not just to keep up with them.
But, anyway. Back to the actual plot.
You were currently sitting at your vanity, holding your breath as Mei Lan painted on your eyeliner for the day. Floriana was steaming the blouse she’d picked out for you to wear to the parliament meeting, and Fawn was reading out all the details of today.
Just as Mei Lan whispered ‘You can open your eyes now, Your Highness,’ a butler entered your room with a thin letter in his hand. He handed it to Fawn who thanked him in that business-like tone of hers.
She quickly opened it, her brow furrowing slightly as her eyes flitted across the page.
“What does it say?” you asked curiously as Mei Lan began to sweep some peach-colored blush over your cheeks.
“Hmm... It seems your schedule is to be completely rearranged for the day,” she muttered. “I don’t like this at all.”
“What?!” you cried. “What do you mean ‘rearranged for the day’?! What am I doing instead of a parliament meeting?!”
Fawn’s lips pursed as if she’d just tasted a very sour lemon. “Apparently,” she began, clearly emphasizing the fact she was very annoyed. “Some monarchs from a nearby kingdom are coming to visit.”
“Today?!” you panicked. “Since when?!”
“I guess they sent word last month, but... Good lord, the postal service in this country is abysmal. Please, Your Highness, make sure the first thing on your agenda when you take the throne is to give money to the postal service.”
“Will do,” you answered distractedly. “How long are they staying?”
“Two weeks.”
“Oh, sh -- shoot.” 
Something you actually had changed about yourself was your proclivity to use swear words. You knew, whether you liked it or not, you were now a role model for all of the young girls in this country, so you at least wanted to cut back on your foul language.
“Good catch, Your Highness,” Floriana drawled as she put the blouse back and began to search for a more appropriate dress. “You’re getting better.”
“Thanks,” you murmured. “Okay, so. A royal family is coming to visit. Today. And they’re staying for two weeks. That’s not... that’s not that bad, right? I mean, we can pull this off. It’ll be fine!”
Your eyes darted around the room to your three staff-turned-friends, a very anxious smile on your lips.
“Right?” you asked.
“Oh, of course!” they all replied, nodding and assuring you it would be fine, and you just had to leave everything to the staff. You only needed to worry about being a welcoming and hospitable hostess.
After Mei Lan finished your hair and makeup and Floriana had zipped up your quirky but still appropriate dress, Fawn accompanied you downstairs to the foyer to await this royal family’s imminent arrival.
“Their Majesties, King and Queen Song of Ikondia, along with their son, His Royal Highness, Prince Yunhyeong,” she explained, the passive-aggressively bitter tone finally absent from her voice. “They will be your guests for the next two weeks, and it’s vitally important they leave on good terms.”
You almost stopped walking at her statement, but you were currently walking down the stairs. In heels. If you broke your concentration for even a millisecond, you would certainly break something. Like a bone.
“Why would they not leave on good terms?” you asked, trying not to be offended.
“No reason at all, Your Highness,” Fawn replied. You weren’t looking at her, but you could just tell her lips were pursed.
“I’ll be nice! I won’t try to shove my feminist agenda down their throats, okay?! Those diplomacy lessons are actually really helping,” you retorted, finally reaching the last step. You let out a sigh as you reached the actual floor again, silently celebrating another staircase successfully climbed in high heels.
“If you say so,” Fawn muttered under her breath.
You decided to ignore her as she led you over toward the castle entrance where more of the staff was already waiting to greet your royal guests.
“I believe they have arrived,” the main butler announced just as you took your place in the foyer. He waited for you to nod in approval before moving to open the front door.
You plastered on a smile, your heart speeding up when your guests appeared in the doorway. They grinned and nodded their heads to your butler; you took this as your cue to step forward, wondering if you would ever get used to something like this. Greeting an actual King and Queen.
It was still so surreal.
“Welcome, Your Majesties,” you said as you dipped into a small curtsy. “I’m so honored to have you here.”
“Oh, it is so nice to meet you, Your Highness,” King Song greeted, reaching out to shake your hand. Queen Song followed suit, smiling warmly at you. “And this is our son, Yunhyeong.”
A young man (probably around your age) stepped out from behind them, a sweet smile on his lips, his eyes dreamily sparkling.
“Your Royal Highness,” you greeted, curtsying yet again. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine, of course,” he replied. The way he spoke, while rather princely, was not smug or arrogant in the least. He didn’t sound bored or like he was pretending not to be bored. He sounded genuinely happy and excited to be here.
“Would you like a tour?” you offered, eyebrows slightly raised.
“Oh, we’re much too exhausted from the journey,” Queen Song replied. But she hastily reached out to take Yunhyeong’s elbow and pushed him toward you. “But Yunhyeong would love one, wouldn’t you, sweetie?”
“I absolutely would!” he chuckled. And then he held his elbow out to you. “Shall we?”
You weren’t sure what was going on here, but you knew you couldn’t voice any suspicions about the Queen’s intentions. That would be incredibly unroyal of you.
“We shall,” you replied, slipping your hand into the crook of his elbow.
You already knew Fawn would hurry upstairs and tell Floriana and Mei Lan about this, so you were fully expecting to have to spill all the details later that evening.
There wouldn’t be any details to spill because it was just a tour, but... Your three friends had somewhat of a vivid imagination. Always trying to pair you up with somebody, find you someone to be your future King.
Little did they know (actually, they did know because you told them. Frequently), you weren’t getting married. Ever. There was no future King. Nobody was going to come and sweep you off your feet before dragging you to the altar. 
It just wasn’t happening.
Part 2
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The Misadventures of Prince Kim - chapter 29
(aka the royalty AU story)
Sorry about the wait! Real Life™ happened but you get a long chapter to make up for it
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28] [AO3]
After what felt like a lifetime, quarantine was finally coming to an end. Everyone who had caught the flu had recovered, and those who hadn’t were confirmed to have become immune to it. The exhausted, overworked medical staff took their last rounds to check that everyone was indeed back to full health and that the virus would not spread any further. Then came the long-awaited announcement – the quarantine period was over.
In order not to flood the school, the students were let out in small groups. The royalty class were let out first, since they needed to go attend their oracle sessions. Kim could not be happier to finally be up and about. Being stuck in that one room all day, lying in bed with nothing to do, it was so boring!
“Come on Max, let’s go for a run outside!” he said, grabbing Max’s arm and trying to pull him along a bit faster.
“We don’t have time for that right now,” Max said. “We were told to go straight up to the waiting room to see Master Fu.”
“Yeah okay fine, but we can go for a run later, right? Surely even you must be itching to run around and actually do something for once!”
Max chuckled. “Yes, for once I really am.”
“Wait, really? That’s awesome!”
Max laughed even more, such a sweet little laugh that Kim was suddenly hit by the strange urge to just pick him up in his arms and cuddle him. It wasn’t even the first time – this seemed to happen every time Max laughed now.
Trying not to feel too overwhelmed, Kim just looked aside and said, “Well then, let’s go to the oracle sessions first, then we can go for a run.”
“Excellent idea, Kim.”
Excellent idea? He could feel himself blushing. Maybe Max wasn’t the only one who liked getting compliments from his best friend.
They went up to the waiting room together where they saw Lila just outside the door, looking bored, snapping her fan open and shut absent-mindedly. Her face lit up when she saw them.
“There you are!” she said. “I’m so happy to see you! You’ve missed an awful lot, you know.”
“Why, what happened when we were gone?” Kim asked, a little hesitantly. Was she lying again?
“So much. Adrien’s father had him locked up, but then he escaped and came to school. Then guards showed up and tried to take him back, so me, Chloé and Alix formed a girl gang and protected him. So did the nobles and the teachers, actually. Then the guards found Adrien and tried to take him away. But Alix single-handedly scared them off with a little help from her pet snake. Also she accidentally cut her hand by grabbing one of the guards’ swords and throwing it away. It was amazing. And I’m also now dating Chloé.”
Kim tried not to let the disbelief show on his face. “Okay, that’s… very interesting…”
“You don’t believe me, do you?” Lila’s tone changed to something much more fiery. “I should have known. But I’m telling the truth, you can ask any of them yourself! Max, you believe me, right?”
“Of course,” Max said quietly.
“Well you don’t sound very sure about it! Ugh, just go into the waiting room and talk to everyone about it already!” She folded her arms and turned away.
Kim and Max entered the waiting room to be greeted with a very heartfelt, teary scene. Chloé was hugging Sabrina tightly in the middle of the room and wailing about how much she had missed her, how sorry she was to have always taken her for granted, that from now on she’d try to actually be a good friend and treat Sabrina like a person rather than a servant, all sorts of very un-Chloé-like things. Everyone was watching with expressions that ranged from happy to embarrassed.
Someone suddenly leaped up onto Kim’s shoulders from behind, clinging onto him like a piggyback ride. Judging from how little the person weighed, Kim could tell exactly who it was without even having to look.
“Oh hey Alix, it’s you again,” he said.
“Are you kidding me? I haven’t seen you for like 18 years and all you have to say is ‘it’s you again’? You ungrateful friend!”
“It’s only been a few months! And anyway, what was I supposed to say?”
She waved her bandaged hand in front of his face. “How about ‘well done for saving Adrien’? Lila must have told you about that, right? She said she was going to.”
“Wait, so that actually happened?”
“Oh, right…”
“Anyway, is it true you got the flu? Did you die?”
“Of course I didn’t die!” Kim snapped. “I had Max with me. No one can die with Max looking after them, it’s impossible.”
Max, who had been laughing away quietly to himself at the ridiculous sight of Alix hanging off Kim’s shoulders, abruptly stopped and looked down at the ground. “I wouldn’t say it’s impossible…”
“Of course it is!” Kim insisted, remembering how much Max liked compliments – and how happy it made him to see Max happy. “The medical staff were so busy looking after everyone else they didn’t even have time for me. But I had you, so I’m okay. You’re the best.”
“I think it’s my turn to have my oracle session now,” Max mumbled quickly, walking off towards the door with a huge smile on his face.
“I hope this one goes better than last year!” Kim called after him.
Though it had been a full year since he had been here, Max remembered this room perfectly. It hadn’t changed at all. Neither had Master Fu.
“So, what is your question?”
To tell the truth, he wasn’t even sure. He had plenty of questions floating around his mind, but none really stuck out as important. All he knew was that he wanted to ask about something to do with his country. He had to, because if he didn’t, he’d probably end up asking about Kim, and…
No. No making things more painful than they needed to be.
“Is my country going to go to war at any point within the next ten years?”
There, that was a good question. He had to admit, everything going on between Agreste and Lê Chiến did cause him worry. At least when he was a proper grown up and ruler then he would be able to deal with it much better, but for now he just wanted to know if he and his family were going to be safe. A war would not be pleasant, but asking about it might give him some warning time if it was inevitably going to happen.
Fu put his hands on the turtle shell for a few seconds, then his wrinkled face formed a smile. “You’ll be much happier with the answer you get this year. Your country will not go to war within the next ten years.”
“Really? Oh, thank goodness!”
That was certainly a weight off his mind. Without even waiting for Fu to offer, Max jumped up and took a few complimentary mints from the bowl. He really was in the mood for going for a run now, for once, like the good news had given him energy. Perhaps Kim would say more ridiculously nice things to him. He had been doing that a lot lately, and it felt good.
“I’m glad you got the answer you wanted,” Fu said. “Now time to call in the next person – will it be that friend of yours? The one with the pet snake?”
“I believe so,” Max said, remembering that Alix had gone after him last year.
“Right,” Fu said, his smile turning to a frown for just a second. “I think I already know what she’s going to ask.”
“It’s about her snake, isn’t it?” Max said. It must be that, considering how protective of the snake she had been during the summer holidays after that nightmare.
“We’ll see,” Fu muttered. “We’ll see.”
This time when going for the oracle session, Alix took her pet snake along with her. There was no way she was letting it out of her sight now. And anyway, considering her question was to do with the snake, she may as well bring it along. She needed answers.
“So, what is your question?”
Fu did not sound enthusiastic this time. The way he was frowning, it was like he already knew what she was going to say.
She had thought long and hard about what to ask. Since she couldn’t ask about the past, a question like ‘what was the meaning of the dream I had in the summer?’ wouldn’t cut it. And she wouldn’t be able to ask about whatever had happened to her hand in summer either. It would have to be something else.
There were so many things she wanted to know, it had been almost impossible to narrow it down. But the snake was the most important thing.
“How long is my snake going to live?”
She wasn’t even sure she wanted to know the answer, but the dream was still haunting her so much. If she didn’t find out the truth, she would never get any peace.
Fu did not even need to put his hands on the turtle this time. He simply folded his arms and said, “As long as you will.”
So… she and her snake had the same lifespan? But snakes didn’t live long, so that meant…
“What, am I going to die when I’m like 30?”
“Not necessarily.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It’s somewhat… complicated.”
“How is it complicated? I just want to know when my snake’s going to die so I can be prepared!”
Finally Fu put his hands on the turtle’s shell for a few seconds, looking into the future. Then he sighed. “You didn’t have a very good summer, did you?”
“No, it was awful. I had this really weird nightmare that my snake got beheaded, except it was less like a nightmare and more like a vision. And then this thing happened where my hand suddenly–”
“Alright, fine, you don’t have to tell me the details. I just wanted to make sure that my suspicions are correct.”
“What suspicions? What’s going on?”
“It’s too much to explain right now. I can answer all your questions, but I will do it later. We don’t want to hold up the other students. If you visit me in the evening then I will tell you everything.”
So there really was something sinister going on after all. She knew it – she knew it had been more than just a nightmare! And now, finally, she would be able to find out the truth.
“Thanks, I’ll be back later,” she said, standing up to leave.
“And keep a very close eye on that snake of yours in the meantime.��
The snake, on instinct, curled its tail up around her arm.
“I will,” she said. “I would protect him with my life.”
“Good. Just what I thought.”
Kim, back in the waiting room, was feeling quite pleased with himself. First of all, he actually had a sensible question to ask this year.
When will I be able to go home?
Not only would it put his mind at rest, but it would also give him an indication as to when all this conflict with the Agreste Empire would end. It was not just a question that would help him personally, but it would help his kingdom too. No silliness this time! He was actually going to be a decent prince for once.
Secondly, he had noticed rather thankfully that Alix leaping onto his shoulders unannounced had not given him a heart attack like it would have several months ago. Of course he was so happy to see her again, considering how long it had been, but it didn’t really feel the same as it used to. He was just glad to be able to hang out with his friend again. Maybe he was over her then? He hoped so.
Thirdly, Max was actually happy with his answer this time! He had rushed out of the oracle room after his session and started gushing to Kim about how pleased he was that his country was going to be safe, at least until he would be more prepared to deal with it, and how much of a weight off his mind it was… It was so sweet! And Max had even decided that this time he would wait for Kim, and afterwards they could go for their run together. It really warmed his heart.
For some reason.
The two of them waited for Alix to finish her oracle session. She had told Kim all about what happened in the summer holidays while they had waited for Max – about the dream she had about her snake dying, and whatever weird thing had caused her hand to hurt so much. Hopefully she would be able to get an answer from Fu about what it all meant.
When she came back into the waiting room, she did not look happy.
“Apparently the answer is too long so explain right now so I have to go back later,” she said. “Anyway, it’s your turn now, Kim.”
Yes, at last. He would finally be able to find out when he would be able to go home!
He walked into the familiar oracle room and sat down in front of Master Fu, who greeted him politely.
“So, what is your question?”
This was it. Within a few seconds, he would know.
Just thinking about it suddenly gave him a pang of homesickness so strong that tears started filling his eyes. How long would it be before he could see his family again? All those people working in the palace that he had made friends with? The familiar palace walls, the rooms, the courtyards, the training facilities? The unparalleled scenery that the kingdom was graced with?
He pictured himself asking Fu the question. He pictured himself getting an answer. He tried to imagine it being something manageable, perhaps a few more months or so. But his brain pushed other scenarios into his head.
A year.
Three years.
Five years.
No… surely not. That was far too long to wait. Of course he would be able to go home soon. Better to just ask and get it out of the way.
He opened his mouth to speak…
Then closed it again. His throat felt dry.
Ten years.
Twenty years.
No way. He couldn’t get an answer like that.
Could he?
Fifty years.
Eighty years.
But what if this conflict with Agreste never ended? He had heard of wars that had gone on for decades. Centuries, even. Wars that lasted long after the people who started them had died. Long after everyone had forgotten the reasons they were even fighting.
What if the same was to happen this time?
To get an answer like that…
Ninety years.
A hundred years.
It was too much. He couldn’t ask that.
“I don’t know,” he said quietly. He looked down at the floor, wishing a portal would just open up and magically take him home. He wanted it more than anything.
“It’s alright, I understand,” Fu replied. “You want to ask something very important, but you fear the answer. It is very common.”
“What should I do?”
“Sometimes ignorance is bliss. Perhaps you should just pick another question – something that you won’t mind so much if you don’t get the answer you were hoping for.”
“So you mean something stupid? Like last year?”
“Well… perhaps something that is on the line, which wouldn’t quite be considered a waste of a question, but would still be useful to know the answer to.”
Kim tried to think, but his mind was blank. There wasn’t really any other question he wanted an answer to.
He thought about having to return to Cheng again and again, every holiday, for weeks, months, years on end. Having to stay with Marinette’s family for the rest of his life. A prince without a kingdom.
Wait a second!
Cheng… Redbell…
A stupid question?
Yes. A very stupid question. But it was better than nothing. And certainly better than being told he would never be able to go back home.
“Am I gonna get a girlfriend this year?”
Fu just stared at him for a few seconds. Then he said, seemingly a little exasperated, “By ‘this year’, do you mean between now and the end of December, or between now and the end of the school year?”
“Uh… now and the end of the school year.”
Fu put his hands on the turtle shell, then sat back and sighed.
“Well, at least this time you can get your hopes up.”
So it would happen? Yes! Something to actually look forward to!
“But no, you’re not going to get a girlfriend this year. Certainly not.”
“Then why did you tell me to get my hopes up?” Kim asked.
“You’ll know.”
“You’ll just know. Like last year’s question.”
Oh yes, that… Kim tried not to blush. Just thinking about that was far too embarrassing. What an idiot he had been. Not that he was much better this year, though.
“Fine,” he said. “Thank you anyway.”
“Would you like a complimentary mint on your way out?”
“Yes please.”
Kim took two out of the bowl – one for him, one for Max – then he left the room.
Before he could even get to Max, however, Adrien ran right up to him and stopped him.
“Kim, I really have to talk to you!” he said. “While I was stuck at home I found out a lot about what’s going on between our countries. I meant to tell you earlier, but there was the whole quarantine thing, and…”
“Wait, you know what’s going on?”
“Yes! Some of it, anyway. Do you want me to tell you?”
“Yeah, please do!”
Adrien explained everything he knew – about how his father was going to return some land to Lê Chiến as a peace offering but had actually stolen all its natural resources and was only returning it because it was useless to him, how the Agreste Empire was trying to take even more land just to get richer, how troops from Agreste had been making the borders of Lê Chiến too unsafe to be traversed even by peaceful merchants and travellers.
“…and I didn’t know what to do! I wish I could have helped, but I have no power at home, so I just… ran away…”
“Hey, it’s okay.” Kim put a hand on Adrien’s shoulder. “Thanks so much for telling me.”
“It was the least I could do.”
“We’ll fix this someday. And then both of us will be able to safely go back home.”
Adrien nodded, his eyes full of tears. “You’re right. Everyone’s done so much to help me get this far, and I’m not giving up now. I’m going to sort out my empire’s problems and be the first decent leader in a long line.”
“That’s just what I like to hear!”
“Anyway, I think I need to go now, I told Marinette that we could… I mean… uh, nothing! Never mind. See you later, Kim!”
He ran off towards his room. Kim turned to Max and held out the mint.
“I got one for you too. And don’t ask about my oracle session. It was… really unimportant.”
“Thank you,” Max said, taking the mint. “And I’m sure whatever it was you asked, it must have been important to you.”
“No, it wasn’t. That’s the thing. I was supposed to ask something important, but I chickened out, and…” He put his head in his hands, starting to regret not just going for it.
“Will going for a run cheer you up?”
Kim looked up again to see Max smiling at him in a way that made all his worries seem to melt away. He smiled back and said, “Yeah, it totally will. Let’s go!”
Alix had not waited for a second after her oracle session. She went straight back to her room and called up her brother.
“Jalil, how long do queen cobras live?”
“Er, hello to you too, Alix,” Jalil said. “And off the top of my head, I think it’s about 20 years. Why do you ask? Did you get an answer from Master Fu?”
“Barely. Anyway, can you actually look it up for me? Please? I just really want to know.”
“Alright, give me a minute…”
There was a break on the other end as she heard him rifling through some books.
“Okay, it says here that in the wild they usually live to be about 20-25, but in captivity they can live as long as 30 years.”
“And I got this snake when I was 3, right? How old was it back then?”
“I don’t know, probably the same age as you?”
“The same age as me… right…”
Fu had said that the snake was going to live as long as she did. And if it was born around the same time, too, then…
What did that mean?
“I don’t know what my dream meant yet,” she said, “but I’m going to go see Fu later and demand proper answers from him. I have to know what’s going on.”
“To tell the truth, I’d like to know too. I’m very intrigued now.”
“Don’t worry, I promise I’ll tell you everything. Maybe I’ll find out what your dream meant too.”
“Oh, and are the others out of quarantine yet?”
“Yes, they are.”
“Didn’t you say that Max went in to specifically be with Kim? How did that go? Did anything happen?”
Alix couldn’t help but laugh. “I know perfectly well what you’re getting at. You want Kim to fall in love with Max so that he doesn’t end up with me. Well don’t worry ‘cause I already turned him down. But no, he and Max are not a couple.”
“Fair enough. I just hope that child ends up with someone who won’t be a complete disaster for him.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“Anyway, if that’s all for now, I need to get back to my homework. I’ll talk to you again once you’ve got answers from Master Fu.”
“Yeah, see you later.”
She hung up the call.
Huh… Kim and Max…
So she wasn’t the only one who thought those two would be a great couple. They clearly got along very well, and Max’s level-headedness perfectly balanced out Kim’s overly energetic attitude. It would make sense.
But life didn’t make sense, did it? And if those two were into each other then surely they would have already got together. Max was smart and would have figured out a way to win Kim’s heart, and Kim was a reckless idiot who wouldn’t be able to hide his feelings for long. Max wasn’t the oblivious kind of person who would miss something like that. They would have got together ages ago.
But they hadn’t. Clearly there was nothing between them in that case. Fair enough. Otherwise she would definitely try to help them get together! But if there was no need, then why bother…?
The evening run was short. Max kept tiring out far too quickly and they kept having to stop for breaks. It wasn’t long before Kim decided that perhaps that was enough for today, and maybe they should just go back inside and have a rest.
“How do you do that every single day?” Max asked as they slowly walked through the courtyard together.
“It’s fun, that’s how! And I’m used to it. I’ve been training as an athlete for as long as I can remember.”
“That’s very commendable of you.”
Kim did not know what that word meant, but hearing the pride in Max’s voice made him feel rather funny inside. “You’re really, uh, commendable too.”
Max chuckled. “It just means admirable.”
“Well yeah, you’re that.”
“Aww, Kim…” Max looked away and changed the subject. “I hear they’ve finally completed work on the nearby reservoir. They had to stop during the quarantine.”
“There’s a reservoir nearby?”
“Yes, a huge one. While you were in your oracle session I was talking to Lady Caline about it. She worries that they rushed to fill it up too fast to make up for the quarantine break, and now the sudden stress on the underlying ground might cause seismic activity.”
Seismic… now why was that word familiar? Oh yes, of course!
“Earthquakes!” Kim said. “Are you telling me that earthquakes can be made by reservoirs? I thought they were natural?”
“They usually are, yes. But human activity that puts pressure on cracks or fault lines can cause earthquakes too, even in parts of the world like this that don’t usually get earthquakes. And the problem is that buildings here were not built to withstand earthquakes, since they didn’t need to be. If one happened here, it would not go down well.”
“I hope that doesn’t happen then…”
Kim knew what earthquakes were like, they were fairly common in his kingdom. Usually not very big ones. They were a bit scary, but usually things were alright.
“It’s not very likely, it’s just a possibility,” Max added. “And I doubt it would happen straightaway. Though talking a lot about it is probably what people would call tempting fate.”
As if on cue, a low, rumbling noise began emanating from the ground beneath them. Within a few seconds the entire courtyard was shaking violently. Kim and Max crouched in the corner, only to see a huge pillar collapse into rubble right in front of them, barely missing them.
The shaking did not last very long. After about 30 seconds it subsided and left clouds of dust everywhere. Kim tried to stand up but hit his head on something above them, so he just sat down again, trying to wave all the dust away.
“I’d say that was about a level 5… do they use the same earthquake measurement systems in other places? We have a system back home and it was probably a… hey Max, are you okay?”
Max was hugging his knees to his chest, looking up at Kim, worried. “So that was an earthquake?”
“I’d never felt one before…” He reached his hand up under his glasses and wiped a little tear away. “That was terrifying.”
Kim thought back to the earliest earthquake he could ever remember experiencing. He had been terrified too, so terrified of aftershocks and buildings crashing down on him that he had stayed up all night, curled up in a ball, shivering. Poor Max must be going through that right now.
“Oh Max, it’s alright! You’re safe now. Let’s get out of here.”
The dust had mostly settled by now, revealing that the unstable courtyard pillars had toppled over into each other and caused destruction everywhere. One had fallen to rest just above their heads, which explained why Kim did not have enough space to stand up, and another had crashed into pieces in front of them and blocked their way. Kim tried to push it away, but it wouldn’t budge. There was no way he could do it alone. Not even with Max helping him.
“Are we stuck?” Max asked.
“Nah, surely not, we just… uh… yeah. We’re stuck.”
Kim glanced over at Max to see that he was still hunched over, seemingly on the verge of tears.
Something suddenly hit him.
Seeing Max so scared like that, so afraid… it hurt. Like a physical pain in his chest. It was almost unbearable.
Without stopping to think, Kim shuffled over and hugged Max close.
“It’s okay, we’ll get out of here soon! Someone will definitely find us. And at least it’s over for now.”
“What about aftershocks?” Max mumbled.
“They’re usually smaller, it’ll be fine. And I’m here with you, right? I’ll protect you, I promise. You helped me when I had the flu, and now it’s my turn to help you.”
Max cracked a grin. “Kim… you really are commendable…”
Kim just hugged him even tighter, wondering if that would calm the adrenaline that suddenly seemed to be hitting him. That was probably because of the earthquake, right? Then why was it not stopping?
A voice came from somewhere beyond the rubble.
“Hello? Is anyone stuck there?”
That sounded like one of the members of staff!
“Yes, we’re stuck in the corner!” Kim called back.
“Don’t worry – we will have you out as soon as possible! Just wait right there!”
There were footsteps of several people coming forwards and helping move away the rubble. Thank goodness.
“We’ll be fine, Max, I promise,” Kim said.
“You’re right,” Max said, smiling up at him. “Thank you.”
Most of the school was still completely intact after the earthquake. Alix barely even cared – she was just glad that her snake was still fine. Anyway, it had been long enough now. Time to return to Master Fu and get some answers.
She took the snake with her and walked down the corridor to see Adrien at his door, waving off Marinette who was walking away backwards, waving back rather dreamily. He spotted Alix and smiled brightly at her.
“Oh Alix! The most awesome thing just happened!”
“An earthquake?” she said, not in a good enough mood to stop herself sounding rather sarcastic.
“No, not the earthquake. Well, kind of. You see, I told Marinette she could hang out with me and we could catch up, since she was in quarantine before so we couldn’t, and we were together in my room when the earthquake hit. And then on a whim, thinking we were going to die, I told her how much I love her. And guess what? She loves me too!”
So Adrien and Marinette were together now? Alix’s first thought was finally! Those two had liked each other for ages, it was so obvious that even she had noticed. At least the earthquake had been good for something if it had got them together.
“Good for you,” she said. “You two are perfect for each other.”
“I know, right? She’s so sweet and wonderful and talented! And she told me that if I want, I can stay in her kingdom for the holidays so I don’t have to go back into house arrest!”
The thought of house arrest gave her cold chills, even worse than usual. She ignored them and said, “That’s awesome.”
“Yeah, it is! Oh – I have to tell Nino!”
Without even saying bye, he ran off down the corridor and started hammering on Nino’s door. Alix just carried on towards the oracle room, feeling a little apprehensive now. What on earth could Fu be telling her that was so time-consuming to explain? It was about time she found out.
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