#the lighting in this movie is atrocious
rose-lily-hale · 1 year
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Those new promo photos for the Wicked movie 😶
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reginaphalange2403 · 2 years
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Nah fr💀
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*puts on a dangerous fortune... again*
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enhypencores · 3 months
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Ni-ki X Y/N
Genre: Romance/Angst/ Fluff/ Hurt-comfort
Word Count: 4K+
Warning: suggestive, slightly angsty
Synopsis: relentless schedule and physical distance from his girlfriend has already strained his nerves. But when Ni-ki finally reunites with you after a long month, he is met with useless nagging instead of affection, pushing him over the edge. The harsh words he utters in the heat of the moment may cause severe consequences.
where a childish argument sparks up your silent treatment and a clingy—jealous ni-ki will do anything for your forgiveness.
idol niki x culinary student y/n
The room, seemingly more like the inside of a coffin, dwells in darkness and reeks of ancient pizza, boxes scattered on the dust-covered floor as evidence. You can barely walk without stepping against something grimy and viscous trickling down your bare feet as if protesting against your invasion.
It’s not like you want to proceed inside this filthy den where the air is thick with the stench of rotting food but unfortunate for you, you happen to have a boyfriend who lives in this atrocious environment. Your eyes catch the faint light of his small device in the bleak darkness, and you sigh in frustration as you finally manage to make it to his bed after dodging lumps of dirt, food and empty cola bottles.
He’s rolled over on his stomach with his back to you, a Nintendo switch in his grasp as he’s fully immersed in the game, vigorously pressing his thumb on the buttons.
Your heart almost softens at the sight, but you’re soon reminded of your surroundings as you feel the wetness pooling at the edge of his bed. Your fists clench in frustration, and you reach out to grab his blanket, flinging it off.
Brows knitting up, he turns, preparing to spew insults, assuming Jake has returned to steal more of his clothes. His jaw clenches shut, eyes widening in disbelief as he sees beautiful eyes blink down at him. He almost knocks himself off the bed, blinking in a daze. His lips curve up, a familiar warmth grazing his previously scowling expression.
“Baby?” Ni-ki rasps. Contrasting from his sharp gaze, his gentle tone which he only uses to address you, sparks butterflies in your stomach.
He doesn’t notice the scowl contorting your features— maybe too excited about seeing you after a distraught month as he sits up on his knees and yanks you down in his arms. Your chest tingles at the familiar warmth as his scent washes over you.
Despite the absolute disaster of a room, Ni-ki smells of soap and faint cologne, his damp hair brushing against your cheeks as he holds you tight against his chest. You know he only applies hygienic efforts to himself and not his surroundings.
You want to melt into his embrace and cling to his frame, but the surrounding wreckage snaps you out of it. You push at his shoulders, forcing him away to stand upright.
Now, even the darkness doesn’t hide the absolute disappointment written across your features as you stare down at him. “I come to see you, thinking, finally, I’ll spend one free night with my boyfriend watching a movie, but you’re here snacking and playing video games,” you pointedly accuse, your gaze narrowed in anger.
Ni-ki winces, used to your gentle and sweet tone. Uncomfortable, he straightens up, and you hear his scapula release a crack as if crying in relief. Your anger flares up more at the sound.
“Have you hibernated since the tour? Jungwon and Sunoo said they haven’t even seen you in days and they literally live here.” You fold your arms over your chest, aggravated.
Ni-ki breathes harder through his nose as he stands up, grabbing your hand and intertwining your fingers. Yellow streaks gleam in the brown moss of hair, his gaze running over your face in silence. He hasn’t seen you in weeks, and the urge to drown you in hugs and kisses overrides your infuriated words.
“I missed you— come’re.” He tries to tug you close, but you block his embrace, turning away and trudging through the mess to flicker the lights on.
The abrupt flash of fluorescents makes Ni-ki squint, his lips pressing together and jaw tightening. You settle your eyes on Ni-ki.
Dressed in a grey hoodie and sweatpants, he appears incredibly frail and thin, jawline contorting as he watches you with narrowed eyes. You can’t help but grimace as you notice the eye bags weighing down his face.
Your gaze softens. He looks unhealthily thin and pale. Suddenly, you want to cook him his favourite yakitori, rice, miso soup and teriyaki sashimi.
Truthfully, you loved cooking for your boyfriend. Despite being tired after training, you always made sure to feed him since he called it the best Japanese cuisine, sprinkling in a ‘better than my mother but don’t tell her’ which always made you laugh.
As soon as his vision accommodates, he feels his heart stutter. You’re a sight for sore eyes, bangs falling against your fluttering lashes, plump lips downturned, and brows arched pointedly. Even when you’re irritated, you’re the prettiest.
Ni-ki begins to approach you, making sure to steer clear of the cans of energy drinks loitering on the floor.
“Stay where you are,” you huff as your gaze roams the expanse.
Now, you can clearly see the pizza boxes, tissues and ketchup packs scattered on the floor; clothes and baseball caps that should’ve been in the laundry basket ages ago balled up in the corner of his room; PlayStation wires hanging down the television trailing across the centre, looping over the listless cola bottles.
“Ni-ki, this room is a disaster. Clean it up,” you command, your voice firm and unwavering.
His smile falters, fists clenching as he feels fury bubble up his throat.
After getting done with the hectic tour, Enhypen is finally awarded a break from activities— a two-week long break before he is pulled back into long practice sessions which last till night passes into dawn, till his muscles cry out in torment, till his body craves nothing but the softness of your curves. But of course, you had a job— much like him, and despite his desire to get you to himself, he knows you are a social butterfly, and your heart belongs in the culinary world. He hates this capitalist society and despises your company and his own for overworking you both.
Late-night calls and once-a-week encounters are his only getaway from the draining schedule.
But even these once-a-week encounters when he can recharge are now infected with your anger.
“Can’t you at least greet me with a kiss like a nice girlfriend before turning into my mother?” He snaps, glaring daggers as he watches you grab a few of his jackets from the floor to fold.
You roll your eyes, leaning down to pick up more of his clothes, folding them keenly before setting them on the edge of his bedding.
“I’m heading out to cook. Clean this place up,” you ignore his tantrums, speaking firmly before shifting away to leave.
As he watches you turn away, he feels his blood pressure rise, head pounding in disbelief at the sheer audacity of your actions.
You come to him after what seems like forever, and still, your love for him is less than your love for the arts. He’s certain even if you reunited with him after years, you’d prioritise your passions and leave him to master some fucking expensive caviar recipe you learned from a Russian chef in culinary school.
“Y/N, get back here right now,” he speaks through gritted teeth, and you pause in your tracks, taken aback by the sudden bitterness.
Chest heaving, he approaches you, heat pumping through his pale skin, painting his face red.
Closer than ever, he towers over you, making you feel so small. His eyes are narrower, sharp as a blade, cutting through you as he stares down. For a moment, you think he’ll knock you to the ground, but you see him shake his head, waves of fury coursing through his frame.
“Do you ever fucking miss me?” He utters with so much venom that he shakes with the bitterness of it.
You wince. Your lips part in horror. You want to say something, but the words have dissolved on your tongue.
He waits for a moment and then cracks a smile that doesn’t meet his eyes, running fingers through his strands in a frenzy. “Of course, you don’t. Ten days or ten months, why would you care?” He sarcastically rasps. His words reverberate against the walls and slice through you.
Pure rage fuels through your veins, and you edge closer. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“I finished up all my training to hurry to you, but I see you holed up in this stinky dorm room playing video games—” You choke up.
“Don’t show up then!” He shrieks with resolution, eyes widening purposefully. He turns away and kicks at the pile of bottles blocking his path, unleashing his wrath on the inanimate objects. “Get out! Leave me to rot in this stinky dorm!”
The room immediately goes eerily silent.
Except Ni-ki hears the shill thumping of a pulse above his ear, indicating an incoming migraine. His body feels like it’ll burst with how tumultuously the anger and frustration bubble inside his blood. He can feel the heat shoot through his arteries and collect at the back of his pupils. Distressed, he shuts his eyes and rubs a hand down his face as the ache begins to pound within his entire head.
And then, the walls mock him, reverberating the words spewed out of his mouth just a second ago. Like someone’s toppled a bucket of ice over his head, his breath hitches with realisation. He whips around, intending to fall to his knees and kiss your feet for forgiveness.
His jaw tightens.
He meets your absence.
In a fit of rage, he didn’t see your face crumble, lips tremble; he didn’t hear the sniffle and shuffling as you walked out— away from him.
He can count the times he’s unleashed his anger upon you on a single hand. Usually, he holds back, knowing that whatever was to come out in a fit of rage was absolute bullshit.
“Don’t show up then!”
“Get out! Leave me to rot in this stinky dorm!” 
He groans, fisting his hair in disbelief. How dare he use such words towards you? Ni-ki fumes and curses himself. He begins to frantically pace when he stumbles against the empty boxes and cans piling up. Suddenly, he feels the urge to throw himself off the Han River.
Of fucking course, you’re right.
It looks like a bunch of apes ransacked his room, dirt and clothes scattered with food and soft drinks spilt on the grimy floor. This isn’t liveable. How did he spend weeks cooped up in this nightmare— he’ll never know.
Ni-ki determinedly leans over and collects the clothing items, hanging his jackets on the rack while folding his shirts and jerseys to keep in a neat pile. He grabs a pack of tissues, dampens them from the bathroom sink and uses it to scrub off the dried juices from the floor.
While gathering the pizza boxes and tissues, he discovers Jake’s long-lost tie under his bed. He grabs the vacuum cleaner from his storage closet, plugs it in and runs it over the remaining crumbs and dust. The machine’s groaning only further riles up his migraine, pinching the nerves in torment; however, Ni-ki is determined to make this place spotless— worthy of your presence.
Two heads poke out from behind the door, lured by the blaring sounds of the machine. Sunoo’s eyes widen, and Jake’s jaw drops at the sight.
“Do you see what I see?” Jake whispers, scared the fantasy would shatter if he spoke any louder, staring in a daze, watching as the younger boy lay on his stomach to push the vacuum under the bed till it scraped the other end.
“Nishimura Ri-ki cleaning? I see it,” Sunoo confirms, blinking rapidly.
“Hell, this must be the end of the world,” another surprised voice joins the duo, and Jake and Sunoo look up, confused at the third intrusion. Heeseung stands towering behind Sunoo’s head, peaking inside with wonder.
Ni-ki simply ignores them, extra concerned with scrubbing the place clean to quickly find his way to you. Gradually, the lair becomes a civilised room with breathable air. Ni-ki lights up your favourite vanilla-scented candles and inhales deeply, observing the expanse.
Primarily, his room was pretty sleek with a tenebrous elegancy, grey curtains, light-toned carpet and a chic black couch custom-made from Japan, all chosen to his liking. The side table carries some figurines and a pile of his favourite manga collections. In the second drawer, he likes to store hair ties, skincare products, and plushies so he can convince you to have a sleepover every time you visit. Even his wardrobe lingers with your presence. Once, when Ni-ki caught Jake wearing a hoodie that still smelled of you, he pounced on him and ripped it off the petrified Australian. From then on, Ni-ki forbade any member from touching his things. For extra precaution, he still separated specific items you liked, sparing a section to all his hoodies you wore.
Ni-ki runs a hand over his messy hair, patting down his pants and hoodie for any dust before heading out of his room.
The hallway is now perturbingly empty, and the adjacent doors to his room are shut. Ni-ki hastens inside Sunoo’s room, usually finding you seated and binging shows. Instead, he discovers Sunoo on his PC, watching some romantic anime. He dashes off and checks Jake and Heeseung’s room, but you’re nowhere to be found.
A surge of panic courses through him, thinking you’ve really left. He hastens down the hallway, stopping to check the guest bathroom (also empty) and dashing down the stairs.
As he hurries down the last step, his frantic gaze roams the expanse before pausing at the open kitchen. He freezes, his foot hanging over the previous step. His heart swells with relief.
Thank fuck, you’re exactly where you belong—right before his eyes.
With denim sleeves rolled up and hair clipped in a messy bun, you’re immersed in stirring the pot, looking absolutely ethereal in your element. Ni-ki’s breath stutters as he admires you in your own little world.
When you stepped into a kitchen, no amount of distractions could shift your focus. It was one of the things he loved about you: putting a little of your heart into everything you do. But it was also something he disliked about you. If everything in the world takes a little of your heart, what’s left for him?
He gulps down the burning sensation, reminding himself of his earlier stupidity. He kicked you out of his room.
God, he wants to smack himself so badly.
Carefully, Ni-ki takes calculated steps towards the kitchen. And like he predicts, you don’t notice, too consumed by whatever was in the pan. He sneaks up from behind and stands beside you, purposefully brushing his shoulder with yours to make you wary of his presence.
You freeze and spare him a glance. And then he notices the immediate grimace and frown weighing down your beautiful face. His heart drops further into his stomach as you look away, attending to your recipe.
He nibbles on his lower lip. He suddenly feels nervous. His palms itch, and his chest tightens with discomfort. His gaze lingers on your face, yearning for your attention. He internally begs for you to speak— shout— maybe even curse him out. You don’t do any such thing.
Instead, you wash the rice and toss some diced green vegetables in the pan with chicken bits, stir-frying it together. He leans forward, sniffing the steaming chicken, gulping down the tightness in his throat.
He finds his voice. “Teriyaki stir fry— for me?” He tries to sound optimistic, but his voice is weak with tension. His pretence is crystal clear.
Silence. Pin drop- deafening silence. It’s supposed to be good for his migraine, but your silence just makes the throbbing sensation concentrate even more, so much so that he feels a gruesome pain stir up in his neck.
His frustration mounts as he sees you turn away to wash the dirty dishes in the sink.
The silence begins to kill him. Agitated, he grabs at your shoulders, whirling you in his arms. You gasp as your palms flatten against his chest to steady yourself.
You glance up with wide eyes, and his gaze immediately softens. “Say something,” he urges, browns of his eyes drained with yearning.
His touch on your arms sends pleasurable ripples down your body, but you don’t make it known. Instead, you offer him a cold, obstinate expression, your mouth sealed shut in stubborn rage.
He feels pathetic as you look at him with steely eyes before pushing away and returning to wash the dishes. His gaze narrows in frustration. His fists tighten as a horrifying thought plagues his mind: the thought that you’ll give him the silent treatment till his last day in Korea, and he has to fly out before he gets to fix this.
Just the thought of leaving you makes him lose it.
Distressed, he bites his lip and fists his hair.
Think. Think. Think.
He spots the searing chicken, and suddenly, everything plays out before him. He envisions you coming to him with the food. You’ll have to talk to him when you give him his lunch.
He restrains a smile and waits for you to get done, arms folded over his chest as he leans against the kitchen counter, watching you intently.
Soon, you return to the stove and empty the pan on a clean plate. You scoop the rice from the cooker and serve it with sophisticated chef-like precision. You have a knack for presenting any dish—even something as simple as instant ramen—as if it belongs in a Michelin-star restaurant.
His mouth waters as he stares at the heat simmer. He can already taste the juices in his mouth. And then he patiently waits.
Your gaze roams the living room as you hold up the tray. His bashful smile widens as you approach him.
And then both his smile and heart drop when you walk past him towards the hallway— in the complete opposite fucking direction to his room. His jaw tightens as he rushes behind like a lost puppy, his confusion mounting as he sees you approach another room—Jungwon’s room.
The door is answered immediately as if he had been awaiting your arrival.
Jungwon’s smile widens, shaking the bangs out of his sight, his dimple peaking out charmingly. “I told you this wasn’t necessary, Y/N,” he chimes, but he stares at the scrumptious platter, licking his lips in excitement.
As you walked out of Ni-ki’s dorm, wiping tears from your eyes, you bumped heads with Jungwon, who instantly noticed how upset you appeared. He knew you were the most in your element whenever you cooked, so he brought up how badly he craved your stir fry. And that was all it took for you to work your magic.
God, Ni-ki was so lucky.
If Jungwon had a girlfriend as caring and talented in the kitchen, he’d probably lose his mind and devour everything you cooked like a ravenous beast.
“You said you were hungry, so I thought I’d cook you your favourite.” You give him an adorable smile, handing him the warm tray.
“Thank you, our lovely master chef!” Jungwon compliments, and you giggle softly at the nickname.
The sound makes Ni-ki sick. Your breathtaking smile directed towards someone who isn’t him makes him nauseous. The plate carrying flavours you created for someone else to devour makes him burn with resentment. The food that took so much effort to make intended for another member and not your fucking boyfriend makes Ni-ki violent. He’s never hated the sight of your food before today.
As you walk away, ignoring his presence, he hears a dull ringing in his ear. The bubbling frustration and anger have started to take a toll on his body.
It was questionable how ten hours of practice, sleepless nights and continuous shows didn’t make him this ill. But you have the power to bring him to his knees.
Jungwon notices Ni-ki standing motionless by the wall and meets his eyes with confusion.
Worst fucking mistake ever.
Predatory eyes, murderous—poisoning black holes stare him down. It doesn’t help that Ni-ki’s taller, and Jungwon shrinks, his mouth drying up in voiceless horror. Ni-ki steps forward, and Jungwon gulps, suddenly forgetting that he’s older.
Ni-ki grabs the chicken and stuffs it in his mouth. The threatening glare is enough for Jungwon to shut his mouth before Ni-ki marches away.
When Jungwon recovers, he notices only bits of capsicum and onion with plain rice remain.
Fucking Nishimura Ri-ki downed all the steaming chicken in one bite.
Jungwon withholds a groan and slams his door shut.
Meanwhile, you’re back in the living room, answering a phone call from a friend, fretting over the recent assignment. While you’re explaining it to her, you notice a towering presence behind you, his familiar cologne invading your senses even before you can turn to inspect the intrusion.
You ignore his presence, clarifying the assignment’s nuances. You assume he’ll tire out and leave to his room— the one he kicked you out of— eventually, but your breath gets caught in your throat when he grabs your wrist, jerking you close.
Your words morph into a screech of horror as Ni-ki effortlessly hoists you up on his shoulder. You’re upside down, screaming and throwing a tantrum as the phone escapes your grasp, a shrill scream of defiance leaving your mouth. You try kicking him, but he takes determined steps towards the hallway.
In a frantic haze, you catch sight of Sunoo and Jake standing in their doorway, peering to inspect the commotion. You scream for help, and for a second, you think Sunoo’s about to jump in to save your ass, but as if he’s seen a ghost— he freezes in his tracks. His fearful gaze lingers on Ni-ki, and he edges back inside, offering you nothing but an empathetic smile.
You want to curse the cowards out, but by the time you find your voice, you’re already inside Ni-ki’s room, and he’s locked the door shut. He takes you to his bed, then gently sits you on the bedding.
With your blood boiling, you can’t even meet his eyes. You attempt to reach the door, but he clenches your wrist and pulls you back. Consumed by violent rage, you punch his chest.
He takes it—without even a change to his breathing and remains blocking your path like a wall.
One. Two.
Three. Four.
By the fifth one, your fist hurts. You look up in distress.
Finally. He breathes.
You finally spare him a glance.
He feels the burden on his chest lighten, his tense frame easing as you finally spare him your complete attention— unfavourable attention but better than feeling like the discrete air that passes by.
“Give me any bruise you want, curse me out— I beg you, just don’t do this to me,” he’s stuttering, his voice low and brittle as he tries to suppress his fears.
Whenever Ni-ki sulks, his small eyes go round, and his lips pucker unintentionally. You almost falter at the sight, but his earlier words itch your insides, and you rip your wrist from his grasp in resentment.
“I would rather be anywhere else than in your fucking room.” He winces at the cruel tone, his eyes flashing with hurt as you attempt to walk off. Panic-stricken, he pushes down on your shoulders until you’re dropping onto the sheets.
Immediately, he drops to his knees and grabs your hand, pressing his lips to the back in soft kisses.
“I’m so sorry, baby,” he whispers, and you feel his lips quiver against your skin. He trails kisses around until he’s peppering them in your palms.
“I’m a fucking moron— I’m sorry,” he chokes up and presses his entire face inside the warmth of your hands. You feel dampness.
Your heart throbs in torment.
“This is your room before it’s mine,” he mumbles and kisses your palms repeatedly. “You were just being your caring self—helping me get my shit together. I— I missed you so badly this month. I haven’t stopped thinking of you since the day I left,” his voice cracks.
Unknowingly, you’re also crying. You realise when wetness trails down your cheeks, and you tremble as emotions overwhelm you.
You lean down and caress his hair. “I missed you too, Riki.”
He feels a tug in his heart when you call him his real name, his chest suddenly tightening as he recalls just how terribly he missed you. And then how awfully he treated you.
He looks up with watery eyes, hair falling against his vision, and his insides shrivel in defeat. He hates your tears. Realising he’s made you cry over his stupidity, he wants to throw himself off the roof. A burning ache pools within his chest.
He releases a groan, wiping at your tears persistently.
“I’m sorry too,” you cry, and he wishes he could really burn himself alive.
“Why the fuck are you apologising?” His eyes burn with restrained anger.
He wishes you’d scold him and call it a day like any normal fucking girlfriend. But you’re his girl, insanely warm and disgustingly understanding—to him, always.
“I know I should’ve wrapped you in my arms before lashing out about how dirty the room is,” you admit, your lips pressing together with guilt. He’s watching you with confused anger as if he wants to refuse everything that escapes your mouth, but you eagerly complete your words.
“I just hate how badly overworked you are. I hate not seeing you for months. And I hate how you can’t be a normal nineteen-year-old like me. I know you aren’t some careless guy throwing a tantrum. You’re struggling to breathe in this rigorous world of stardom where one slip-up means the end of your career, where you cannot be anything less than perfect.”
As you talk about his struggles, he feels a tighter knot begin to clog his throat. Discomfort ceases his chest, and his eyes burn. His chest heaves with unspent tension.
You sniff and wipe at your cheeks. “And I guess walking into this room reminded me of your struggles. And then, I noticed how thin you’ve become— and wanted to cook you some—”
He gets off his knees, pouncing on top of you, his mouth clashing against yours in a passionate kiss. You tumble back with his body pressing down in desperate urgency.
Your breath is caught in your throat, lips frantically trying to match his intensity. His kiss dries your mouth; it’s so demanding and urgent like he’s getting to breathe air after ages. His tongue invades and intertwines with yours, sucking vehemently on your tongue for your taste. You’re a moaning, panting mess as his hands hold down your waist. He squeezes you in his hold, pushing his tongue deeper into your mouth like a depraved man.
You push at his neck defeatedly once you feel oxygen run out. He groans into your mouth, indicating his displeasure, but relents when your nails dig into his neck, forming painful crescents.
His face hovers over yours, heavy breath lingering against your gasping mouth. Impatiently, he stares into your eyes like he wants to transfer some of his energy and resilience to your body so you can let him kiss you however badly he wants. Magically, even his migraine has started to dispel— and his chest feels lighter. He also wants to smile and laugh like a lunatic and kiss you till your mouth bleeds.
The tension in your frame thickens as he rubs his nose against yours, still eyeing your heaving, flushed frame in yearning.
Warmth colours your cheeks, dried tears blinking along your lashes. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” He drags his nose against your cheek and drops a noisy kiss on the corner of your mouth.
“But whatever it is, it doesn’t excuse feeding hyung before me.”
You’re confused and ready to argue, but he’s already latched his mouth onto yours, attempting to make up for all the past time. After all, he still needs to put his hands everywhere and remind you of his touch, sulk because you cooked for Jungwon, plead for ramen with tofu to stuff himself full, convince you to sleep over and feed him all night.
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churipu · 9 months
Id like to request jjk men with a reader that has atrociously long hair, like super duper long hair please.
(eg. do some get mad becuz the hair is everywhere. Do some help you make your hair)
I hope your taking care of yourself and staying healthy and hydrated <3 mwah mwah
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featuring. gojo satoru, toji fushiguro, choso kamo x reader
warnings. cursing (toji)
note. hi nonnieee, congrats on your first request mwah mwah. as a person who used to have ATROCIOUSLY long hair — some people weren't happy, including me (which is why i decided to chop it off >:() and nonnie baby, i hope you're also taking care of yourself <33 also, i'm gonna be closing the requests as of now while i try to finish the other requests, and it will be opened back if everything is done! thank you.
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GOJO SATORU. loves your hair, no questions asked. he loves playing with your hair if you both are just chilling in the house, the male always tries to look up easy hairstyles to do for beginners — which never ends up good.
gojo once got your hair stuck in a brush because he was too focused in watching the tutorial, and he contemplated chopping your hair off. but you threatened him, and so he spent approximately one and a half hour to untangle your hair.
after that day, he never tried a new hairstyle in fear of doing something wrong again. but he still and does play with your hair, twirling it around his slender fingers and caressing it — sometimes he helps you with drying your hair after a shower, and he helps on your hair care routine.
"so i just put the tonic on? how much should i put? four dose of pipettes?" he asks you, looking at the small pipette in confusion.
"baby, no— just four squeezes are enough." you informed, a bit worried about your hair now; but the male did extremely well, even giving your scalp a quick massage.
"did i do good? can i do it again next time, please please?" he asks you, pulling you into his chest, "it's fun, i'm like your personal hairdresser."
you rolled your eyes, "sure, sure. free of charge, right?"
the male rolled his eyes, "of course not, there's a price to it. i get a kiss after, one for the tonic, one for the massage. deal?" he proposed, planting a sloppy kiss on your lips.
"i like that deal. deal."
TOJI FUSHIGURO. he hates it. on certain occasions — absolutely despises your hair when you're both cuddling, it gets into his face, his eyes, his mouth, everywhere where he doesn't want it to be. but out of that, he's perfectly fine with it.
"ah, fuck— doll, 'm going to cut your hair one of these days and make it look like an accident," he groans out, gently brushing your hair aside as your back was pressed onto his chest.
"cut my hair, and i'll cut this relationship short."
toji chuckles, pressing a light kiss on the area between your neck and shoulder, "you're mean," he mumbles into your skin.
as much as he said he'd cut it (as a joke), he'd find your hair really fun to play with sometimes; and his fingers would reach out to the edges of your hair, playing with it while his eyes are focused elsewhere. during movie nights, he'd be unaware of his lingering fingers in your hair as he watches; you didn't mind though, letting his hand just roam in your hair until the movie ends.
the male looks intrigued by your hair care routine, toji would always be there to watch you put care into your hair. sometimes offering to do it, and when he messes up he asks you to take over because he was scared of ruining your beautiful hair.
"ah, shit. i can't do it baby, you take over." he mutters out in annoyance, sliding the hair tonic over to you after failing to pump in the right amount of liquid into the pipette from his strong grip.
the male looks up hairstyles and sends the link to you, asking: "can you try this hairstyle, wanna see you in it." and is never disappointed with the result.
he makes himself the small spoon so your hair wouldn't get in his face — not that he's complaining, he likes being held by you.
"what're you doing, toji?" you asked in confusion, seeing the male curled up in bed.
"being the small spoon," he mumbles out.
and from then on, he is now the small spoon (he loves it, but would never admit it, telling you that it's just because of your hair).
CHOSO KAMO. he is the best at doing hairstyles, especially pig tails. choso is so delicate with your hair, treating every strand like they're his own. and he was the first one to offer to do your hair when he sees you slightly struggling with trying out a new hairstyle.
he would be independent to look up new hairstyles and come to you, asking if he could try doing your hair.
"hi y/n," he appears behind the bedroom door, peeking slightly with a small smile, "can i do your hair?"
when you tell him yes, he gets so happy and skips on the bed. telling you to sit down in front of him while he follows the tutorial patiently — and when he's done, he's always giddy to hear your reaction to his work. such a cutie.
"cho, this looks really pretty, thank you," you kissed his forehead, and the male shyly smiles at you.
choso sees you putting on a lot of things on your hair after a shower and he began looking up hair care routines on the internet, how to do them step by step, remembering everything so he could be the one doing your hair care routine for you.
"baby, baby! i wanna do your hair care routine," he tells you, tugging your hand with a smile on his face.
you, of course, let him. trusting him with it — and choso delivers perfectly, doing the steps you usually do with the right amount of things. it makes him really happy when you tell him thank you and awarded him with a kiss or two.
choso loves and adores your hair, he treats it like his own.
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vixnarts · 1 month
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Sorry that I haven’t been posting on Tumblr. I’m not active on here because the platform isn’t my favorite. But since I’m hated by the dragon artist community in the HTTYD fandom on Instagram. I’m going to post my drawing here. I’ll come back to posting more of the creepypasta proxy x supernatural AU soon. Now without further ado, let’s start off with my opinions on both Httyd movies.
HEADS UP: if you do not like these opinions about the third movie, please do not attack me or anyone else that agrees. I will block (depending on the comment) or delete the negative comments.
Toothless (THW): There were so many things with this movie that pissed me off, starting off with Toothless himself. He stood out like a sore thumb. His design is atrocious with the squished eyes and the eyebrows. The few things that were good were the Deathgrippers and when Toothless was angry. That’s it. Also the light fury was shit and she looked like a condom. Anyways, Toothless was butchered so bad in this movie. He was a slobbery horny fuck and made out with his own shadow. He was disgusting to the Light fury (Thanks for smacking him in that scene when Toothless was being a creep doing those tropical bird dances). Now with his markings, they’re vaguely there. When he’s flying you can kinda see em but not really. Aside from the deathgrippers and Toothless’s angered expressions, the entire movie was shit. And DO NOT get me started with the light fury and those ugly ass looking night light things. I preferred the old storyboard where Toothless was reunited with a pack of night furies and Drago returned. Don’t believe me? Look it up. Side note: I also liked the soundtrack of this movie. With this atrocious movie, it’s like DreamWorks took away all Toothless mysterious aspects and made him act like a rubbery mutt (no offense to dogs, dogs are way smarter than what DreamWorks did to Toothless)
HTTYD (2010): Oh boy, I loved this movie since childhood. The animation, the dragons actually looked intimidating, and my favorite of all Toothless. I loved him, his design especially. He actually scared me as a kid while watching this on DVD. Toothless in the first film was by far the best (as well as HTTYD2 Toothless, tho I like the first movie better) he was sassy, protective of hiccup even when Astrid was gonna attack. What I loved about Toothless’s design was his tiger shark leopard print markings and that he acted like a cat. I loved the way he moved in flight and walking. Another thing on what I loved about Toothless was that he was actually mysterious and unknown. No one never knew about his species it was all unknown. It would’ve been cool if DreamWorks added the concept light furies in the movie. That would be dope.
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hrts4kyo · 2 months
Love Bites — ♢
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♡ dom!keeho x fem!reader
♡ genre: smut. strictly, mdni. (wc; 1.6k)
♡ sypnosis: It was finally time for your new boyfriend to come over to your house. You were excited yet nervous. . you didn’t know where tonight would take you, and you also didn’t know how keeho would react to finding out about your guilty pleasures.
♡ warnings: biting, hickeys, marking kink, very slight manhandling (nothing much today !)
♡ song recs: salvatore — lana del ray + 24 — lana del ray ✭
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you smiled at yourself in the mirror, proud with your hair and makeup after working on it for atleast an hour. You smoothed down your tight white top that had gathered on the top of your stomach, and patted down your light grey sweatpants so it fit you perfectly.
You wanted to wear something casual yet pretty and comfortable, just how Keeho would like it.
You headed out of your bathroom and cleaned up every corner of your apartment, whether it be your room, kitchen, living room, study room and every little crevice. The relationship you had established with Keeho was still very new. You had met him at a university graduation dinner and ever since then had been talking. You thought that what you both had was something platonic, but Keeho initiated he wanted to take it a step further when he suggested you two go out on a date. Of course, you didn’t decline. There was no denying that Keeho was a respectful, kind, and certainly attractive man.
And so you now found yourself pacing around your apartment complex, nervous to greet him into your apartment. You continuesly went to the bathroom every now and then to make sure youre happy with your appearance, and even if you were content, it did not help with your atrociously fast heartbeat.
At last, you heard the doorbell ring, causing you to stop your pacing motion and stand still in your tracks. It almost took you a few seconds to register what was soon to come, but once you finally awoke from your trance, you ran towards the door in a hurry.
There Keeho stood, a small little bag in his hand and a beautiful smile on his face. Seeing him calmed you down instantly, allowing you to smile back and greet him inside. You shut the door behind him, watching Keeho as he took in his surroundings and placed the little gift bag on the counter.
“Your place is so pretty” Keeho said in awe, looking at the beautiful flower vases and lit candles that covered the apartment in a soothing floral smell.
“Thank you, It didn’t look like this in the morning, was an absolute mess but I didn’t want to scare you off” You chuckled as you sat down on the couch, moving the throw onto the creme coloured ottoman.
Keeho turned to face you, laughing as he joined you on the couch.
“You know that I wouldn’t of minded y/n. Come on, we’ve been talking for months you dont need to be scared of me going anywher, nor do you have to hide something from me. Even better I could’ve helped you clean” He opened up his arms, inviting you to sit closer to him.
You were always shocked with how easy-going Keeho was. He never seemed to be stressed or even nervous, and you undeniably found that amusing. He was confident with himself and he had all the rights to be confident. He was flawless.
You sat closer to him, allowing him to hug you close to his chest as you rested your head against the crook of his neck. Even if you guys were new you still felt safest with him.
“You wanna watch something?” You asked, briefly lifting your head off his shoulder to grab the TV remote.
“Yeah, whatever you want” Keeho rubbed circles on your shoulder, planting a kiss on the top of your head.
“okay, ill just put something on, don’t know what but we can look together” you clicked the TV on and scrolled through netflix to find things to watch. As Keeho and you finally agreed on a movie, you put it on and allowed yourself to snuggle up close to him.
Before you knew it, the movie had become background noise to you. You were distracted and soon all the attention you had on the movie was on Keeho instead. The way he continued to rub your back, his intoxicating cologne, and his absolutely jaw dropping visuals had your entire body heating up and your face turning a flustered tinge of pink.
You tried to ignore how desperate you were getting, a pool of arousal forming at your core. You shifted on your spot, trying to rub your thighs together discreetly.
As you continued to try and find a way to mask how you were currently feeling, you felt a piercing glance towards your direction.
“is….everything okay?” Keeho asked curiously, tilting his head to the side as he eyed you up and down, trying to understand the situation.
your mouth went dry, eyes widening as you stressed about what to say. would you scare him off if you said you needed him? would he be disgusted at how bad you wanted to kiss his soft plush lips? or would he want to kiss you back and give you what you need?
“oh um….yeah I’m all good, just feeling a bit hot, it’s hot in here right now isn’t it?” you hurriedly said, trying to exert your attention back to the movie playing on the screen, hoping that it would distract Keeho from your situation.
“right…it’s totally not winter outside.” Keeho chuckled, seeing right through your lies and raising his eyebrow signalling you to tell the truth.
“oh for fucks sake I want to kiss you so bad”
you hid your face in your hands, embarrassed at how you had just blurted that out without a second thought. You cringed at the silence, trying to prepare yourself to hear something absolutely brutal.
Before you knew it, you felt a hand make its way up to your face, moving your own hands out of the way. He pulled you closer to him, allowing you to feel his warm embrace.
“My love, you could’ve just told me, I dont mind one bit.”
and that is all it took for you to crash your lips against his.
You warmed up to his touch, melting into the flow of his movements. You allowed him to take control, lips moving in a beautiful synchronised harmony. His hands slowly snaked up around your waist, leisurely making their way underneath your shirt and onto your back.
you felt yourself sink into his touch, a sigh escaping your encased lips. with the opening of your lips, Keeho slipped his tongue, intertwining along with yours. You couldn’t help but moan, a feeling of pure ecstacy driving you insane.
As you continued to kiss him, you wanted nothing more than him to feel you up everywhere else. But you didn’t know how to mention it, nor did you want to break this ravishing moment.
But if this relationship were to continue, he needed to accept every part of you, including the guilty pleasures you swore to never tell anyone. As scary and intimidating as this moment was for you, you pulled your lips off of his for a brief moment, looking into his loveshot eyes.
“Is everything okay y/n?” Keeho asked, an internal distress taking over his body as he wondered if he went too harsh on you or you weren’t enjoying the moment.
“Yes, yes everything is fine, I just—oh my I dont know how to say it” you stuttered, your face turning a bright hue of pink.
“You know you can tell me everything right? I am always here, I accept you for who you are, and the sides I have yet to know of you.” Keeho placed his hand on your thigh, slowly caressing your inner thigh as he spoke to you.
You couldnt help but shudder at his touch, his hands engulfing your thigh.
“I think, no—I want you to mark me up. I want people to know that I belong to you.”
Keeho’s expression was blank, disgust not present on his face. You sat there in the pure silence, worried that you ruined the moment, but your thoughts were cut short when Keeho let out a small snicker.
“Oh yeah? Pretty girl likes getting marked up huh?” He sighed into your neck, breathing down your nape with immense intimacy.
“I can give you that.”
And within an instant Keeho began to kiss at your neck, pulling you closer to him and taking in your beautiful perfume.
You let out a gutteral moan as he lapped at your neck, marking you up just like you wanted him to. He went from the beginning of your neck down to your exposed collarbones, making sure to leave visible marks of purple and red.
“Fuck, just like that Kyo” You tilted your head to the side to give him more access, eyes shut from the pure pleasure that ran down your spine with his current state of actions. You didn’t know what it was about him, whether it was his beautiful hair brushing against your sensitive neck, his other hand grasping the back of your hair, or just him doing what you say, but you were enjoying this moment more than anything else.
Time flew past with both of you unaware of time and the state of each other. Slowly, you felt his hand inch down from your hair, leisurely running down your shoulders as he pulled out his phone.
You watched him in curiosity wondering what he was going to do with his phone, your mind acknowleding every possible scenario. But within an instant, a flash clicked, and another, and another. He was taking photos of you.
And you enjoyed it?….
You smiled, simply relieved that this experience hadnt ended in pure embarrassment. As you expected him to take more photos, he suddenly turned his phone towards you, showing the photos he took.
And you couldn’t believe your eyes.
Your neck was covered in hickeys, every corner was covered by atleast a small purple marking and this turned you on more than you could ever expect. Even if you were to wear a turtle neck you were convinced that he had left another visible marking just for your pure enjoyment. This was all enough to prove that Keeho…was the one.
“Is that good enough for my sweetheart?”
“More than enough.”
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taglist ! — : @stephenyoonkeeholdup @um-im-rae @unknowzzn
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 2 months
No Nut November - Kirk
A/n: I have decided I'm focusing on unfinished series' first and I will deal with requests later because holy fuck I have a lot and I am ✨overwhelmed✨ so bear with me 🥹
Warnings: Smut, semipublic sex?, oral (m receiving), if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!
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It was barely a week into you staying with Metallica and the guys were all struggling. Kirk was having an especially hard time, partially because you were going after him first.
Kirk was the youngest, the calmest... honestly, he just seemed like an easy target.
He never acted on his thoughts, not that you knew of anyway, but you could see the cracks in his jokes, how he rarely made eye contact with you, left his eyes on you a second or two longer than he should've.
You were making yourself a little midnight snack in the dark, hoping that would keep people asleep since you hadn't felt like dressing up or anything. Also, your midnight snack was utterly atrocious, as is the way with the best of them, and you didn't need people coming in on that.
However, the light flicked on and you turned to see Kirk staring at you wide eyed. Shorts that weren't quite long enough and no shirt, just your bra because it was fucking hot this time of year.
"Hi." You said simply, just to break the awkward silence. Kirk's attention snapped up to your eyes and he smiled at you, crooked teeth and all.
"Hi." He replied, trying to keep his tone normal. "What are you doing?" He asked, coming closer to you.
"Making a snack." You said, continuing to work on your food.
"In the dark?" You chewed your cheek before shrugging.
"Dark doesn't scare me." You said, then you thought for a moment. "Does it scare you?"
"What?" He asked, giving you a look like he was more scared you'd genuinely think that of him. "No, of course not, why would I be scared of the dark?"
You shrugged and sucked your teeth. "I don't know, you watch a lot of horror movies, you might've thought I was some kind of demon."
"Oh, totally." He said with a soft laughter. "You know, I thought you were actually Freddie Kreuger out to get me."
"Right, right, so you came to get me first?" You asked, brow raised at him.
Kirk's mouth opened to say something but he cut himself off. "What the hell are you making?" He asked, changing the subject.
You explained your midnight snack of choice, by that time Kirk got hungry and since you were talking about horror movies he suggested you watched one with him right then. Perfect conditions, middle of the night, everyone sleeping, and you had snacks. Really, there wasn't much too it.
He set up a movie while you got to work on popcorn.
When you came over to him he was all set up on the couch with a blanket and everything. There was tons of space, the whole rest of the couch and other chairs, hell, you could've sat on the floor if you wanted. But you had a plan, and you were going to stick to it.
You sat right beside Kirk, curling up to him. Hesitantly, he returned your little act of affection and held you to his side, squeezing you gently whenever something even remotely scary happened.
You weren't too focused on the movie, you were more interested in what you could get kirk to do. You started rubbing your hand up and down his thigh, listening to his breath hitching and catching his small glimpses down to you.
He didn't stop you from pushing his shorts down and palming his hard-on through his boxers. Soft moans left him, lips parted and eyes looking dazed at the feeling.
You pushed the blanket off of the both of you and slipped off of the couch and onto your knees in front of him. Kirk looked around frantically. "We-we can't. What if-" He was cut off by a moan, which he covered by slapping a hand over his mouth.
You were pulling his shorts and boxers down, his cock springing free and hitting his abdomen, already red and leaky with pre-cum. "Don't worry," you said, trailing a finger up his length, "no one's coming down. The lights are off, they won't even notice us."
"What about the movie?" He mumbled. You glanced over you shoulder at the movie still playing.
"Then they'll notice you." You said with a shrug. He didn't look too convinced but he definitely relaxed when you took him into your mouth. He didn't care of someone came and saw you, he barely cared enough to cover his mouth as your head bobbed up and down on him, slurping, sucking and licking on him.
He spread his legs further and his hand went to the back of your head, guiding you on him, not that you needed it. His hips bucked up, pushing him deeper into your throat.
You felt him pulsing, veins on your tongue, tip hitting the back of your throat. Your eyes watered and drool dripped out the corners of your mouth. You kept your eyes on him, watching him carefully and taking mental snapshots of his expressions.
You heard noises coming from upstairs, Kirk did as well. "Stop, we have to-to stop." He said, voice breathless. Despite his words he kept pushing you back down, keeping himself in you. "Someone's gonna- fuck-!" He squeaked, holding a hand over his mouth tighter.
His body seemed to flare up, weakly trying to push you away while simultaneously holding you in place, hot cum spurting down your throat.
You pulled the blanket over you and Kirk pulled a few pillows over in a feeble attempt to cover you before the lights flicked on showed Lars standing by the stairs, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Fuck are you doing?" He grumbled, accent painfully strong with sleep.
"Watching the, uh..." Kirk stammered, pointing to the TV which still had the horror movie going.
Lars stared at him, there was no way he didn't notice the strange lump on Kirk's lap but he didn't bring it up and just nodded. "Go to sleep, weirdo." He grumbled, turning the lights back off and heading back upstairs.
You waited to here the door to Lars's room close before pushing the blanket off of you once more, finally pulling away from Kirk and wiping your mouth.
You stood and pushed your shorts and soaked panties down before sitting next to kirk. "My turn~" You said, grinning widely. How could he say no?
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the-oblivious-writer · 3 months
Tara Carpenter: Headcanons
Note: Random Tara hcs that've been running through my mind
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I feel like she's a picky eater - like "orders chicken fingers and french fries at fancy restaurants" picky eater
Steals Borrows Sam's clothes
Has knee problems. Even before gf she had shitty knees but gf certaintly didn't help
She walks with a little limp that's a result of Amber's attacks
Hated gym. She constantly tried to get out of it by bringing up her asthma or saying she was on her period/pmsing
Always begged Sam to let her ride in the shopping cart whenever they went grocery shopping (still does)
She's a funny/flirty drunk and grows clingy
She could zone out for hours on an object, observing it in all its glory
She has allergies (Sam's been epi-pen trained for as long as Tara's been alive)
Tried weed once. Instant regret.
Eats youtube essays UP
Short attention span. Can't watch a tiktok longer than 2 seconds without someone playing subway surfers on the other side
If something genuinely interests her, she's gonna know a shit-load about it (ex: sharks or lizards)
Addicted to energy drinks and coffee - really anything with caffeine she's downing
Texts like she's sending you a ransom note
Hates her birthday, hates Christmas, tolerates Halloween
Puts hot sauce on everything. Ketchup used to be the thing she put on everything, but as she says to Sam and her friends, she's matured since then
Two left feet, terrible coordination
Farsighted. Can't see for shit without being at least 10 feet away. She's stubborn about it too. Whenever Sam confronts her about it, she brushes it off as nothing before walking into a wall
Laughs at the most unserious things/during inappropriate moments
Spongebob lover, they're the same person idc
Complains about Sam's snoring even though she's just as loud a snorer - if not louder
Puts ketchup in her mac n' cheese and calls it a delicacy. Since she was left to take care of herself - her Sam and sperm doner being gone and Christina off at business trips - she learned to do with what she had You know when Janine (abott elementary) mixed peanut butter with her ramen? Or when Jake (brooklyn nine nine) called a spoon full of mayo with nuts sprinkled on top a snack? Yeah. Tara.
When Sam first had a chance to see the atrocious meals Tara put together, she started teaching Tara how to cook basic, and proper, meals. At least she's trying to
Tara gets a little too excited when she's put on chopping duty
Sleeps with a night light (those ladybug ones have her name written all over it)
'Lilo and Stich' is her comfort movie, this isn't up for debate. She feels connected to the movie on another level, and every time she watches it she ends up in tears
A/N: I feel strongly about the last one
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risuola · 11 months
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OPEN YOUR MOUTH FOR ME — F. READER x NANAMI KENTO, who joined you for a simple mission during the Halloween night
You liked to joke that Nanami is always overdressed for the occasion. His suits were always crisp and perfectly tailored, showing the unmatched confidence with their color – light beige fabric in combination with dark blue button-up perfectly accentuated his mature features and blonde hair. Your work colleague knows how to dress to impress, and the grown-up apparition matched his character perfectly. Both were cold and calculated, so once, you decided to greet him in the hotel room a little underdressed.
cw: smut, lingerie + suit, blindfold, oral (m. receiving) face fucking/deepthroating, reader discretion is advised — 3,1k words
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If there was ever a person who’s overdressed for every occasion, who always looks composed and perfectly prepared, who always has suits perfectly crisp and tailored – it would be Nanami Kento.
Your friend since high school, your former classmate, your now work colleague and one of the closest people to you. Your bond with him is unbreakable, many horrible experiences you shared over a decade of being sorcerers, despite him leaving for a little while but besides what’s bad, you have so many great memories with him, it’s hard to describe. So many movie nights, every each of them quickly turning into late hours of just talking, drinking wine and enjoying the time together; so many casual walks, so many bakery visits and tests. He was your number one guinea pig when it came to your amateur baking hobby – he tried everything you made, gave you his honest opinion, sometimes too brutal, but you loved him for that. There was no bullshit when it came to Nanami, he always spoke his mind and you valued his opinion above everyone else’s. He’s a great friend.
That being said, there was always a lot of bickering between you two, and the way he’s always suited up, with that atrocious tie is your main weapon of choice when it comes to pushing his buttons – even though he looks perfectly fine, and he knows it. There’s no denying that Nanami Kento is a man created to wear suits. His fit, muscular frame fills in this kind of clothes perfectly and it also fitted his character. Calm, collected, always composed and on the field – effective enough to never stain the light beige fabric of one of his favorite numbers. It showed how confident in his skill he is and if someone makes him take his tie off and loosen up the dark blue shirt, you always pitied them. When the yellowish, spotted tie comes off, you know Nanami means business.
Even though you often made fun of the way Kento’s suited up even to go and grab groceries, you couldn’t say you don’t enjoy the view. You’re friends, but you’re not oblivious to how attractive he is – tall and broad, with his light blonde hair swooped back, his strong features and cheekbones sharp enough, you were sure, to cut a finger once touched. Not much of that skinny emo boy from ten years ago was now left in him and you’d say he had a great glow up. He aged like a fine wine and sometimes you caught yourself wishing to have a taste. To cross the line of friendship and explore more of him. Sometimes, during those long late hours, in the silence of the nights when it’s only you and him chatting quietly, you wondered how would he react if you just caressed his thigh. How would he react if you kissed his neck or slipped your hand over the very inviting bulge in his pants? Would he flinch away? Told you to stop? Maybe his composure would snap, and he’d taken you on the couch? You’d lie if you say you never fantasized about being fucked by him. You don’t need him to be your boyfriend, you don’t need commitment, you just wished he’d let you have a friendly taste of him.
The night of Halloween was never really your favorite – not because you’re that no- fun, but because during that night, many curses were let loose, balancing between crowds and some people couldn’t even notice what hurt them. Chaos was integral part of 31st of October and although you didn’t like it, you learned to accept it. That year you and Nanami got paired up to check on one little place on the outskirts of Tokyo – it was a simple mission, you quickly had it done and you couldn’t be more grateful to have him as a partner. You were meant to stay in the hotel for the night, just in case something happened, but ultimately, around 9pm you were already finished with the job.
That night you decided to test your luck. Worst case scenario, it will be just a little awkward and quickly forgotten. Best case – you’d achieve what you want. With that in mind, you couldn’t be happier when Nanami told you that he’s gonna go and quickly check things outside once more, just to make sure, reassuring you that you can stay in the room because he’ll be right back. Giving him a nod on that, you told him you’ll take a quick shower and that’s when he left.
Cold, October air cooled Nanami’s thoughts a little. The job was easy, there was nothing for him to check on, but he just needed a quick breather to calm his nerves before the night you two were meant to spend together. It wasn’t the first time, you had countless sleepovers, you shared beds previously, you hugged and held hands many times, but somehow, for a little while now, Kento couldn’t really keep his cool next to you. He had always found you attractive – you were just perfect in every aspect he could think of. Maybe except the baking, but even that you improved a lot recently. You were the only woman he had such close contact since high school and, of course, there were his other female friends, like Shoko, Utahime or Mei Mei, but you, being his classmate – he felt the most comfortable with you. He loved your character; so light and cheerful and yet mature and calm. Nothing soothed him more than those movie nights with you. The ones that always turned into hours of chats about everything, with the film playing in the background. And in his eyes, you were the most beautiful woman he’s seen. Your figure got him salivating; so many nights he spent fucking his hand with the picture of you in front of his mind, it was almost embarrassing to think of a friend that way. But he couldn’t help himself and deep down, he was thankful for the way his body was able to keep composure with you close to him.
He had no idea how he’ll survive another night in one bed with you – it’s been quite some time since you shared one bed. For few years now, even if you were on a job together, you usually had different rooms or at least separate beds. He wouldn’t count those nights when you fall asleep on his shoulder, fully clothed on the couch as sleeping together. He couldn’t tell how many times he wished to just have you. For once. To see how you taste, how you feel. To make you feel good. Would that make things awkward between you two afterwards? He couldn’t tell. You were always fully honest with yourselves. Well, almost, because if he was to be completely straightforward with you, he’d tell you already that he dreams of you bouncing on his dick.
“Oh, fucking hell, get it together, Kento,” he muttered to himself, looking up at the clear sky through the soft cloud of steam that came from his mouth – evidence of temperature now being much lower at nights than it used to be in the last few months. The harsh moonlight nearly blinded him and he exhaled deeply, silently wishing that instead of this boring mission he’d get something more involving. Maybe patrolling Shibuya on one of the busiest nights during the year would have him occupied enough to not wonder how your pussy would feel around his cock. Could you even take him? Would you cry? Would you enjoy it? Fuck, he was really doomed.
Coming to terms with his cursed fate, he visited nearest convenience store, grabbing few of your favorite sweets and a bottle of wine and headed back to the hotel. You were nowhere to be seen in the apartment but the quiet cacophony of hushed noises from the bathroom clearly indicated that you were still there, probably getting ready to bed, so Nanami made sure the doors are closed and put the alcohol into the fridge. His thoughts were still wondering somewhere between reality and a fantasy of you.
“You bought us some liquid courage?”, you joked from behind him, your voice soft and mentally he kicked himself for not noticing you sneaking up on him, because when he turned out, the sight caught him off guard.
You were there, smelling divine with the slightly fruity note of the shower gel you used. Your hair was dry mostly, just barely dampened at the ends but what made him forget how to breathe properly was what you were wearing. Or rather what you were not wearing. You stood there, heightened on your tippytoes and barefoot, dressed only in a set of lingerie – it was blood-red in color, made entirely of thin, soft looking lace and leaving not much to imagination in a way it hugged your breasts; the see-through pattern made your nipples just teasingly noticeable. There was a thin, golden necklace hanging on your neck, drawing attention between your breasts where little letters K and H were hanging – your way of having both of your former classmates always next to your heart, but now he couldn’t focus on the shiny accessory when it was situated in the little valley between the swell of your chest. When Nanami looked a little lower, his eyes sliding down the curves of your body right to where the little, equally thin panties were resting against your hips, he swallowed thickly. The view went straight to his dick and it felt straining already.
“Should I look away?”, he asked, his voice cracking just barely at the beginning of the sentence, but his voice was now an octave lower, and you found it incredibly attractive. The question he asked was experimental, he needed to know if you wanted him to look at you or you just, for some reason, forgot the clothes from your backpack and came to get them.
“I’d wish you to not,” you replied, gently placing your hands over his chest and pushing him few steps back, until the back of his knees hit the edge of the bed. Once you took his glasses off and made your way to the little table to safely put them there, you gave Nanami a chance to see the back of what little you were wearing, and he nearly moaned at the sight of the tiny thong.
“Is that your Halloween costume?”, he asked, noticing little devil-like tail that you had attached to the waist band of your panties. It’s only now that he realized there are two little horns on your head as well.
“It is Halloween after all,” you chuckled, getting back to him. “I figured you have enough tricks with Gojo, but I might have a treat for you.”
Kento sat down on the edge of the bed, pushed back by your hands and you found a place between his legs, slowly brushing your fingers through his hair. There was a certain amount of hesitation when he allowed his palms to rest on the sides of your thighs, the feeling of your soft skin sent electrical impulses from his fingertips to his member, making it more uncomfortable than it was just moments before.
“Oh my god, you’re beautiful,” he muttered, burying his nose into your stomach, peppering soft kisses over your flesh and immediately intoxicating himself with the subtle, sweet scent of you, the warmth of your flesh, the taste.
“So, you accept me as your Halloween treat?” You asked lightly, scratching at his scalp before he pulled away from your belly.
“If you are a treat, I might start liking that day.” He declared, grabbing you by the hips and pulling you over his thighs. You straddled him and immediately found his lips, hungry to finally taste him. Your nearly naked form and red lace contrasted heavily with the complete suit he still had on, the cotton fabric rested comfortably against your thighs as you fought with him for dominance in the kiss. Nanami’s large hands wandered over your shapes, examining your frame and sending shivers down your spine. His palms were cold against your skin, or maybe it was you who were burning with anticipation already, but the cool feeling made you gasp into his mouth.
Your hips rolled against his crotch; you could clearly feel his strangled erection fighting for any space inside his dress pants, the light beige cage trapping him almost painfully and you smiled into the kiss as he groaned lowly at the contact. Not faltering from his mouth, you began slowly grinding your clothed core against his dick, the size of his bulge made you more wet than you thought you’d be at this point and you were sure that if that takes any longer, you’ll leave a sticky patch over his trousers.
“Can I taste you?”, you asked, barely pulling away from the kiss; your lips still brushing against his as you panted out the words. “I really want to taste you, Kento.”
Nanami wasn’t the type to receive, he was rather the giver. He found pleasure in making others feel it, but who he was to say no, when you asked so nicely. Stealing one more kiss, he let go of your hips, allowing you to move down from his lap and he watched how you slowly dropped to your knees in front of him. He took few mental pictures of the sight, you really looked breathtaking like this, with your eyes half-lidded, your lips swollen and parted, glistening from saliva and panting softly for air. There was also some kind of unreasonable satisfaction to have you on your knees, dressed so scandalously whilst he had the perfectly tailored, business suit on.
“God, you’re bigger than I thought,” you muttered once his pants were opened and with a pull on his underwear, you let his cock spring free. His hard length bounced against his stomach, the tip angry and leaking, eager to be caressed and Kento purred when your hand wrapped around his girth, giving him few experimental pumps.
The way you looked at him from between his legs made him feel, like he could cum just from the sight of your eyes, so to spare himself the embarrassment, he grabbed his tie and with upmost expertise, covered your eyes with it. The sudden loss of vison made you gasp quietly, but there was no protest from you.
“Open your mouth for me,” he ordered and you were quick to comply, leaning in and giving his length few long licks. Your tongue followed the swollen vein on the underside of his cock and each stroke you finished with a soft suck on the tip. Hungry for more, you finally took him into your mouth, enveloping him with the warmth of your throat and you began to move – at first slowly, up and down, feeling his girth and using your hand where you couldn’t reach.
Nanami placed his large hand on top of your head, smoothing over your hair as you picked up the pace. The way your tongue danced around him, as you worked it intensely against his dick made him groan lowly – a sound that went straight in between your legs, the best kind of praise to what you were doing. You couldn’t see him, so what you were feeling and hearing filled you with satisfaction and you noted to yourself, that his already sexy voice sounds even hotter when he’s all worked up. You rarely ever heard Kento growl, he wasn’t usually angry or worn out enough to show anyone that side of him.
“Just like that, such a good girl,” he praised and you could feel him growing in your mouth, throbbing and flexing as you were sucking him like it was your job. But you were curious, so eager to know what he’s capable of, what he really wants because you struggled to believe he’s always so composed. Even now, as he was panting from pleasure you were giving him, you could tell he still held back, kept himself gentle and aware not to hurt you. You wanted him to let loose.
“Use me,” you pleaded, pulling him out of your mouth with a soft pop.
“I will hurt you,” he replied breathily, the top of his knuckles softly smoothing over your cheekbone.
“I will let you know if it’s too much,” you reassured. “I’ll tap your thigh if I can’t take it.”
There was no need to repeat it. Despite initial doubts, Nanami trusted you – a testimony to a decade you spent together. He knew you well enough to know you will indeed let him know if something’s wrong. You were not the type to please at the cost of your own health, so he wasn’t worrying that much when he collected all your hair into a ponytail, throwing the headband with devil horns away.
“Open,” his tone was demanding, way less friendly and much more harsh and the second after his words reached your ears, your jaw dropped down. You worked with him once his dick was back in your mouth, adjusting to the tempo he forced upon you. The tip of him time after time was hitting your throat, the salty precum spread all over your palate and you focused on breathing through your nose instead of gasping through lips.
You knew Nanami was close, you could feel his thighs tensing on your sides and you could tell by the way his grip on your hair tightened. The stinging pull on your follicles caused you to moan quietly, the vibration of your vocal cords reverberated onto his length and he groaned from above you. You teased him playfully with your teeth, grazing them alongside his dick and earning yourself a punishment – he pushed your head down onto himself, his tip deep down your throat and you whined incoherently, causing him to twitch right there. In no time, he was cumming, still forcing your head up and down his cock, abusing your pharynx with every thrust.
His seed was spilling through the corners of your mouth and once he let you off his member, his fingers were quick to catch the white drops from your chin and push them back into your mouth. Nanami scoffed slightly at the eagerness with which you sucked on his fingers and so it didn’t surprise him when even though he came already, you were quickly back on his dick, licking him clean and purring.
Nanami would let you play a little more if not for the desperate need to feel your pussy. Hence why in a matter of seconds, you were on the bed, flat on your back whilst he crawled above you, already toying with the waistband of your lacey panties.
“Now it’s my turn.”
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miraclewoozi · 1 year
NETFLIX AND-- ? - c.hs
you try everything in your power to try and help your workaholic boyfriend unwind on his night off. you quickly find out that vernon doesn’t know how to just do nothing.
pair; vernon x fem reader. genre; domestic smut. MINORS DNI. wc; 2.3k (short n sweet <3) note; saw a prompt while i was scrolling through some things and it had me feeling feelings. experiencing experiences. apparently i am soft needy for him today. barely proof read. smut tags utc. xoxo
smut tags; soft!dom/service top vernon but he’s also a fucking tease. fingering (f rec). sort of edging, more of a continued stop/start. squirting. implied that vernon has a praise kink (shock horror). let me know if i've forgotten any.<3
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in your defence, you started out with perfectly innocent intentions. 
vernon works himself too hard. you wish he wouldn’t, but he does — it’s a fact, and even though he’ll always shake his head and deny it, you know it’s true. self care, to him, is working. it’s in the fulfilment from a job well done. it’s the clap on a shoulder from a higher-up that recognises how hard he’s been slaving away at his computer screen. it’s in getting results, and he doesn’t get results if he doesn’t do. if he doesn’t maintain. if he doesn’t nigh-on exhaust himself for the sake of the company he’s employed by.
so, you’ve made a plan. on friday, in the few hours he’ll have free between finishing work and settling down to sleep, you’re going to do whatever you can to look after him.
it starts with dinner. heartfelt, home-cooked food. he drops his bag by the front door and his entire face turns so soft he thinks it might melt clean off him. the aromas from the kitchen hit him and he floats across the apartment like a cartoon, all the way to where you’re stood waiting for him, a sort of dopey grin spreading across every single one of his features. 
“that smells so good,” he whines, putting his arms around your waist and nuzzling into your neck. when you ask how his day went, he says he doesn’t remember, he doesn’t care. because he’s home now, and because loves you so much — he doesn’t want to think about anything else.
he clings to you until the food is ready and laid out on the dining table, only pulling himself away when it becomes apparent that he’s not going to be able to have his dinner sitting in your lap.
you eat together with the lights slightly dimmed, a few candles illuminating the table. you talk, a little, but the quiet that surrounds the bubbles of conversation is just as comfortable, so neither of you are bothered when your minds are more focused on the food in front of you than conversing with each other. after, he helps you clear the dishes and stack them over by the sink: you’ll deal with them later on. 
your hand finds his, then, fingers intertwining, and vernon lets himself be dragged all the way to your bedroom. he changes out of his work clothes, tosses them into the laundry basket, and slips into an old, worn, stained and atrociously ugly pair of sweatpants instead. he bypasses a shirt at your instruction and lies face-down with his head nestled between the pillows. 
with one of his own playlists already filling the air around you, you straddle over his hips and start to massage your way up his back. your hands smooth over his skin, thumbs working at a couple of tight spots that have him gasping and grunting, threading his fingers through his own hair to try and keep still. it hurts a bit, but it’s a good kind of pain. so, he lets you work your magic on him; vernon feels all soft and loose, a bit like a deflated balloon animal, by the time you sit up enough for him to be able to roll over between your legs and face you again.
“i thought we could watch a movie tonight, too,” you say quietly, just barely audible over the soft r&b tune in the background. your fingertips tickle up and down his sides as you speak; he sighs at the softness of your touch. “anything you want.”
“what’s all this in aid of, exactly?” he asks, quirking up an eyebrow. his voice is deep and kind of  rough-edged. the way you like it most.
you laugh, quietly, and bend low to kiss the corner of his mouth, caging him in with your forearms either side of his head. “just… because i love you.”
his hands snake up your body to rest against your cheeks and he holds you in place for a second longer. one of the many, many things you love about vernon is the way he kisses you. every time, like it’s the first time. (a symptom of being a closeted rom-com enthusiast, perhaps?) but each press of his lips to yours is always so infused with passion: even the small ones, like this. with his eyes closed, his nose pressed to your cheek, the corners of his mouth pulled up into a shy smile. there’s adoration in every single moment. 
you roll off him when he lets go of you and sit up against the headboard, letting him go through the motions of choosing something for you to watch. a few minutes (and no less than three coin tosses to make the decision) later, you open an arm out for him at the sound of the movie starting, and he curls up into your side. his head rests peacefully on your shoulder, one of his legs hooked over one of yours, your arm snaked around his back. you settle into each other’s embrace in a way that you’ve not had time to do in a long while, matching hums of tranquillity vibrating in both of your throats.
the grand budapest hotel has only been playing for about twenty minutes when you feel him start to move slightly, the tips of his fingers gliding slowly across the hem of your t-shirt. you don’t make anything of it at first, because vernon has always had slightly restless hands, no matter what he’s doing. this is very normal for him. he’s probably just mindlessly feeling the fabric beneath his touch as he watches one of his favourite movies.
another few minutes pass and you feel his nails drag against the bare skin of your tummy. you raise an eyebrow and look at him, but his eyes are trained on the tv, even if one side of his mouth is lifted up in a sly kind of smile.
“what are you doing, babe?” you ask him. he lifts his head from its place on your shoulder and shrugs.
“mhm, sure you aren’t.”
his hand moves down, then. down, towards your shorts. down, to where his palm wraps around your thigh, half resting on the material of your clothes and half sitting on your bare leg. his fingers make small, light, circular movements against your skin and he nudges your other thigh over slightly with the knee he settled between your legs earlier, effectively spreading you open for him. just a little.
just enough.
“vernon,” you chuckle, but you don’t make any attempt to move your legs back together. “come on, relax. watch your movie.”
“i am,” he says matter-of-factly, not taking his eyes off the screen. “wish i could say the same for you, though.”
“you’re terrible,” you sigh. 
“mm. no, i’m not.”
he creeps further and further up your thigh, until his hand has slipped completely under your loose fitting sleep shorts and he’s effectively pulling them to one side. a breath catches in your throat and you accidentally arch a little as you feel him brush over your underwear.
“watch the movie,” he says, a little more sternly, and you swallow thickly but settle down more comfortably again. if this is how he chooses to decompress… who are you to stop him, really?
but he knows you too well. knows your body like it’s his own. knows exactly how to make you tick without making you jump his bones and take control. his thumb starts to trace small circles over your covered clit, eliciting quiet gasps from your mouth, but every time you react – what he deems to be – a little too much, he stops. removes the pressure. leaves you to squirm.
“vernon,” you sigh after the third time, agitated but needy and squaring your jaw at his teasing. your panties are soaked by now and you need to feel more of him, but your boyfriend seems to be more than happy to work you up on his own terms. how long will he keep going like this for? there’s at least an hour left of the film; surely he won’t make you wait that long?
“focus, baby.”
or maybe, he will.
his lips find home at the base of your neck and he presses a series of small kisses to your skin, returning his thumb to your panties and rubbing you through them a little harder, pressing the fabric into your heat, smirking at the way your arousal seeps through them and coats his fingertips. your breaths start to pick up again, and you do everything you can to stop him from noticing, but he’s maybe a little too caught up sucking the sweet spot behind your ear to notice how fast your heart is beating from the way he touches you.
so when he drags your underwear out of the way and slides an elegant finger through your folds, you really don’t think you can be blamed for the fact that an unstifled moan leaves your lips.
vernon disagrees, though. because of course he fucking does.
“baby,” he challenges you, his finger just millimetres away from your clit when he stops moving it. “come on. you wanted to help me unwind tonight, didn’t you? that’s what all this was. you were being good to me.”
you nod at him, and he kisses your neck again.
“then watch.”
keeping your mouth tightly shut and fighting against the noises that your body so desperately wants you to make, you let him continue. you let him trace your arousal over your clit, let him dip his finger lower and press just enough inside you that your walls flutter around it. you let him work deeper, and add a second, and try your best not to clamp your legs around his poor wrist when he brushes against the sweet-spot inside you the way that only he knows how.
“s’that feel good, baby?” he asks you.
your eyes are all but glazed over and you don’t think you really know what’s going on in the movie anymore. you can’t remember the names of the characters. is there even a plot? or is it all just pretty, symmetrical imagery now? who the hell is the person that just showed up – surely you haven’t seen him, yet? fuck, you’re completely, hopelessly lost in his fingers and the way they’re buried inside your pussy. every reaction you want to give, you can’t, and it’s so difficult. 
but you nod at him anyway, because the least you can do is tell him he’s doing a good job. he likes to hear that sort of thing. 
and if there’s any dialogue in the grand budapest hotel, you don’t have a damn clue what’s being said. his fingers move faster inside you and the heel of his hand puts enough pressure on your clit that all of your muscles are tight in an attempt to do what he’s asked. the only sounds in your ears are the smacking of his lips on your throat and the lewd noises that come from the way your pussy sucks his digits in deeper. 
you feel like a little toy, wound up to high heaven. waiting, waiting, waiting to be released. waiting to fall into oblivion.
“vernon,” you gasp eventually, silently begging that he won’t stop, that he won’t leave you hanging when you’re so close to the edge.
thankfully, he doesn’t.
“mhm?” he curls his fingers again, a little harder, making you buck up into his hand. whatever game he was playing, he seems to be moving past it now. maybe he wants you to come as much as you do.
“close,” you strain. he nods, slowly, positioning his wrist differently so that he can lay his thumb over your clit instead. the much more deliberate pressure has you seconds away from seeing stars.
“m’gonna ask you about this movie tomorrow, you know,” he chuckles, but he doesn’t slow. he fucks his fingers into you over and over, bringing you closer and closer, and when your toes curl, when you grip his wrist with one hand, when your head falls back against the headboard –
euphoria rushes through you. wetness gushes from you. you feel your pussy contract around his fingers, hugging them tight even though your release tries to expel them; he lets you ride the high out, lets you make a mess on his hand as your hips roll down to meet him, a series of whines and moans falling from your lips. his own continue their gentle caress of your neck. you’re in bliss.
he pulls his fingers from you when you tug at his wrist to tell him to do so, lifting them to his mouth and sucking them clean of your arousal and your release. you close your eyes when he kisses you deeply, letting you taste yourself on his tongue, and his (granted, still kind of sticky) hand comes up to cup your face. 
adoration in every moment. like it’s the first.
“don’t bother asking me about it,” you tell him as he pulls away, bumping your nose against his and hearing, from the quiet wet smacking sound they make, how his lips grow into a smile. “i don’t know anything that happened.”
“this is the fourth time i’ve tried to get you to watch this movie, y/n,” he chuckles. 
“and this is the fourth time we’ve ended up here. what, does tilda swinton in that ugly wig really do it for you or something?”
“shut up,” he snorts, ever so gently pushing your cheek to move your head away from him. “no-one ever said you had to give into me that easily.”
“oh, you shut up,” you huff, closing your thighs and feeling how your shorts and panties cling to you uncomfortably, only half covering you after he failed to put them back properly. “i was supposed to be helping you chill out. it’s not my fault that you can’t go five minutes without getting handsy.”
“it’s absolutely your fault,” he challenges, getting to his knees and facing you. you can see his cock tenting his sweatpants now and you’d be lying to say that it doesn’t stir something in the depths of your stomach. “you know i can’t resist you in those shorts.”
“you’re so stupid,” you grin, opening your legs up for him to settle between, and he moves over straight away.
“yeah, well,” he chuckles, reaching down to pull your t-shirt up off your head. “you happen to love my kind of stupid.”
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thank u sm for reading!! likes, reblogs, comments + feedback are all greatly appreciated!<3
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anantaru · 1 year
cw. [ex]plicit, fem! reader, alcohol mentions, toxic lol, modern au & college au, frat boy xiao
a/n. this came to me in a dream lmao
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frat boy xiao, and no one else, he was the one who made your legs almost give up on you the moment his hypnotic eyes meet yours while when he averts himself from your direction again, there was a terrible, existential emptiness riveting in your soul, a ceaseless and unending openness.
until now you felt that way, but you are living in reality and this wasn't your conventional, exaggerated rom con experience from an atrocious netflix movie, still, for all that wishful fantasizing inside of you, the desire of meeting your pristine soulmate at a random, huge college frat party fenced by loud, ear-splitting music, the hustle and bustle of binge drinking and beer pong, strangers escaping to the bathroom to hook up with each other, was still somewhat comforting.
frat boy xiao who only calls you when he's bored, only fucks you when he feels like it, it's not like he was a soulless person, in his own ways he was caring about you but he also made it clear that he wasn't searching for anything more serious, he wanted to stay within the lane of occasionally hooking up with you— but when he does, when you let him touch you, it's the best feeling in the world, resembling a moment when you stand ankle-deep on the beach at night, you hear it, that is, you hear the world breathing or how the sound carries across the water.
frat boy xiao who keeps you a secret in front of his friends, he fears that they might make a move on you if he doesn't. you're his to play with— although he wouldn't say it with his chest, he rather shows you instead. you sigh and swallow when he first sinks into you, eyes darkened with lust when he pushes into your body. xiao grunts appreciatively, lazily draping your shirt up so it'll rest above your now exposed breasts, revealing your full, soft chest and his face smooths under the shadow of a single light flickering up the room.
you take a quick breath when he begins to move and pump his leaking cock in a leisure manner, not fastening any steps, xiao would always start slowly, making you accustomed to his large girth as if it was your first time to have sex with him. you stammer loudly, lacing your arms around his neck tight, "you're so good at this, xiao.." and purposefully make him flustered, cheeks glistening red, the slight embarrassment emerging was pinking his neck— the sort of pink that brings champagne roses to the imagination.
frat boy xiao who gazes at you bemusedly, seizing himself off you before swiftly flipping you on your stomach, not letting you take a breather, his hands sinking into the plush of your behind as he lines himself against your hole again. there was something so alluring to seeing your face pressed against his pillow, while knowing it will remember your scent and even when you leave afterwards, it'll still feel like you're next to him.
you cry out, rocking your hips back, your hands webbing into the bed sheets as xiao slopes his entire body against your figure— one hand placed on the bed frame so he wouldn't crush you with his weight while the other twisted and turned on your skin, fuck how much he loved fondling your body, and the grab on your hips was perfect to easily lurch you into his cock.
you can clearly witness his impatience growing by now, sensing how your hole splits and it burns a little, but it's tasteful enough and you try your unconditional best to keep your burning thighs apart for him, gasping with your head in the clouds, eyes fluttering shut as you bury your face back into the tear soaked pillow, your pulse soaring within his pounding beat on your slippy cunt.
frat boy xiao cannot get enough of you, but he also cannot commit to you, for a reason rather unknown— while you also refrain from asking him as to why, fearing that he might feel like being pushed into a corner, cowering of losing those certain moments that do bring you joy, it's the flustering perception he made you experience too, the hallmark of one who is true of heart, a genuine sweetness you were forever craving.
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©2023 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify
493 notes · View notes
vqrtualheartss · 1 year
"𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖" — 𝑬42 𝑴𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒙 𝑭𝒆𝒎!𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌!𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
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ᴅ☆ᴇ'ꜱ ꜱᴀʏ|
Do not question why the time is going so fast part two
Yes, your friends are low-key bimbos but they book n street smart
Y'all I'm so happy that my page is growing 🥹 I love y'all fr
—Warnings: I have never been outside this country so I am NOT familiar with Brooklyn slang., Use of N word —hence why the title says it's for black readers
𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓭𝓾𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 | Throughout Brooklyn Visions you were known as 'antisocial' —always wearing a mask even after the end of COVID, never at a party or a school function, 'dead socials', and the one that seals the deal: never seen with a boy.— Truth is you weren't even like that, up in that school the way everyone thinks is basically copied and pasted and not in a good way. It wouldn't take much to be viewed differently and not being too interested in interacting with almost anybody, you just kept to yourself. And no, this isn't some typical white highschool movie where you're bullied and apart of some loser, nerd squad, if anything it was far from that. Y'know those pretty, melanin-queen it-girls? Yeah, that's your crew, don't get it twisted though, you weren't some 'accessory friend' used by them —you we're just as pretty if not more— but you've seen how guys treat pretty girls in comparison to those "average" and who would want to be with someone like that? Definitely not you
It was the day before the mid-term break and your friends —Shadae, Nia, Kiara and Lailah— were nowhere to be found. Coming to the conclusion that they were at a party being held for whatever reason an exasperated sigh left your body closing your locker. "So that's really what they doing now? It's their lives soo if they don't care why should I?"
The sun's rays barely illuminated the hallway being hid behind clouds, playing into the gloomy theme. Walking through the large, empty spaces, head held straight going to your third/fifth class, you noticed someone staring at you through your peripheral vision—Miles Morales. A little introduction on him, he was apart of a group basically the male version of yours, minus you. Girls gushed at him, sliding notes into his locker and stuff, typical party animal, you heard through rumours that he hooks up with a new girl every other week. One would think it's false news cause that sounds absolutely atrocious but they came prepared with receipts ―But even those could be made up― and to no surprise, there were girls wanting to be one of his bi-weekly flings. Come to say though, it was a little weird how his gaze situated on you as you walked but you decided to brush it off as nothing. There's no way you could see yourself interacting with him. Ever.
In class
Since it was the last day so far all teachers gave a free period. As usual, you remained silent scrolling through whatever the media had to offer, even though having admitted that it was a boring ritual, you refrained to do otherwise. Time passed and the bell rung with you not wasting a second getting out the door, stuff already packed.
Moving along the steps going down to the next classroom, the deafening screech of the intercom went off as the minority of students covered their ears including yourself waiting for it to end, seeing a person take down their hands, everyone did too before the announcement went off.
"Attention students and staff: In light of the reduced teaching activities and productive learning for the day, we have made the decision to conclude school early. We believe that providing you with this extra time will allow you to enjoy a well-deserved break. Make the most of this unexpected opportunity and enjoy your extended free time!"
The halls erupted with cheers, laughter and talking as people made their way outside the school, although intending to head straight home, a few necessary stops to some stores had to be made before doing so. Heading out, you opened the phone still in your hand to make a list of things that came up to mind
Braiding hair
Gummy Wax
More coconut watrdf
"The fuck?" The words slipped from my mouth under a whisper at the sudden jolt of my body -can't even write a list in this school-, looking back I saw someone holding onto my arm, stopping me from going outside. It was Miles, -what could he ever want from me?- my eyebrow lifted, "hm?" "Sorry, I just wanted to talk to you" he released his hand off my body, leaning on a locker with his bag hanging off his shoulder "Um okay, about what?" I crossed my arms, noticing his eyes widened slightly before returning to their natural, slightly seductive state. "You actually talk?" "Nope" Trying to escape, he caught onto my hand, our eyes piercing into the others before he added "Alright that one was my fault, but I just wanted to ask if you're doing alright"
I glanced over his shoulder, searching for his friends, a camera, or any signs of people giggling, this had to be some sort of prank. Finding nothing, I gave in -one conversation can't hurt right?- "Yea I am, why do you ask?" "I didn't see your friends- wait" he tilted his head towards the door, hinting for us to go outside "You ain't tryna be seen with me or you good right here? " I looked around the room, dragging a hand down my face acknowledging the little clusters of people staring. Facing him again, I nodded and together we made our way out.
"So where we going first? Am I getting punk'd? I saw the lil' list you had" Rubbing his palms together, he anticipated my response as we crossed the road. Using my hand as a sun blocker, I squinted before answering
"You're very nosy and I will be-" "We" I stood taking a good look at the boy, blinking slowly. Realizing that he didn't plan on going anywhere else I caved in, "We will be going to the hair supply store first" he smiled at my renewed sentence.
"His dimples are cute- " "Nah shut the fuck up actually." "But he is though"
Shaking away the thoughts going back and forth with themselves, I focused my attention back to Miles who was already looking at me. To be fair, I was still skeptical of the sudden interactions and wanting to waste no one's time, I went straight toward my point. "What do you want? If you want something with one of my friends I can give it to you y'know" I kid you not when I say that this boy burst out laughing.
He held a hand at his chest before we stopped walking "That's what you think of me f'real?" I shrugged replying "That's what I think of most of them" I made a popping noise with my mouth, his hands digging deeper into the jacket's pockets. A playful smirk dancing on his face as he bit his lip, he was fine and I'm sure he knew it― Girl, no
Still standing, I continued. "Word in the street says that you copping a new chick every two weeks" he narrowed his eyes as I loosened my bag straps. "I be in the streets everyday and I never heard that" crossing his arms, he sent me a jest-filled glare before continuing " and how YOU hearing what's going on in these streets Miss Mysterious?" He pointed at me in the middle of his sentence to which I scratched my neck nervously with my index finger, avoiding any eye contact. Finishing his sentence he urged for my response with a "huh?" before looking down at me with half closed eyes, still chewing on his bottom lip
Counting on my fingers, I started to explain myself "Okay one, I don't gossip but the friends I hang around do and I have working ears, so what? And number two, I have a name sir" "Are you going to tell me it?" "It's (y/n)" "Well, (y/n) to answer your first question. Your crew? Nah, they okay but you though, you caught my eye. And I ain't trying to serve up that 'you're unique' cliché but real shit, that's what got me wanting to talk with you" "Okay I'm sure I'm not that interesting" my hands now rested on the curve of my hips, blankly looking at Miles who couldn't seem to take his eyes off of me. "Let me be the judge of that, tell me more about you"
I shook my head as I went to approach the other side of the pole he was on, worst mistake . He yanked me by my bag, dragging me over to his side as he stared at me with wide eyes "we don't do that shit around here" he extended his hand , pointing to the path infront him.
I looked back at him in disbelief, my eyes and eyebrows being the only features to express my astonishment, looking at my half expression, he laughed. "My bad, just please use your sense next time" "You talk too much, we need to get going" he raised his hands in defense "Alright ma'am" I rubbed my temple smiling underneath my mask, my lips making some type of imprint beneath it
Walking there was pretty interesting, getting bombarded with questions about myself and not about my friends. It was the first time I'd actually had a conversation with someone outside my circle, and you know what? It wasn't half bad. I found myself laughing and smiling at something that wasn't some dumb cat falling and it was quite nice.
Approaching the door and opening it, I joked "Ladies first" "Oh so you got jokes now? Guess I'm rubbing off on you" Rolling my eyes whilst walking inside, he wiped away an imaginary tear entering the store behind me. Taking a quick stroll through the aisles I saw Miles taking up some stuff too —some combs, wax, and a durag—
Shopping didn't go so smooth for me though, being stuck between three colours to choose from —1B, 30 and 350—."What's up?" Standing clueless, Miles came over to my area, positioning himself beside me, waiting for me to say something. Raising my hands with the braiding hair before slapping them on my thighs lightly, I complained "I can't choose" Taking the hair from my hands he started to put each one beside my head before speaking "You'd look like a doll in this one, go for it"
While he returned the hair back to their original positions except the one he picked —which was colour 30— I raised my eyebrows, internally questioning his choice of words before speaking up "you have such a smooth mouth don't you?" Crossing my hands as I gave him a mild, sidelong glance traced with amusement that turned into confusion when he placed his hand atop his head, biting his lip. "I woke up Chris Breezy, oh my God I'm the man" Mouth agape, I dragged a hand over my mask to stifle the laughter "Alright cool cool I get it, you spit lyrics like that. Get up" "shoulda known it's been that way, now let's go. We have more stuff to buy" He took two more packs of hair before we walked over to the cashier — the place where I had to find out how stubborn this boy is—
"Let me pay for it" "No, it's my stuff. I'm more than fine paying"
The cashier cleared her throat, annoyed at our 5-minute long bickering
"Oh sorry, here-" I shuffled inside my bag for my purse, completely oblivious to whatever Miles was doing "Here" "Thank you" I looked up hearing the cashier's words, completely shocked that Miles Morales, a 17 year old just handed the woman a black card. It must be nice.
Bagging the items he turned to face me, "See, I told you I'll pay" "Here, I'll pay you-" "No, think of it as.. a us becoming friends gift, plus we have more things to buy so save up"
Stretching my mouth underneath my nose I teased "Who said we're friends" he deadpanned while handing me my own bag with items "Don't play with me. I know your favourite colours, music, food, and more. I'm real friend material" I laughed at his reaction, not to mention his remix on the "real wifey material" part.
But he was right though, we had more places to be, taking out my phone to check the updated list we comprised together, glancing at the time, I cursed 4:48 PM. "Shit um, I really have to go home. Bye, and thank you" my words dragged themselves louder as I ran down the road waving at him frantically.
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You hurried along your usual route back home, "Why the rush?" Well, the aim was to snag a 5 PM package. It might sound like a flimsy excuse to part ways with Miles knowing that girls would kill you in the armor of envy for him, but the package would be returned to facility if not claimed and who wants to wait months again? He'd understand. After securing the package you went home, fortunately enough it started to rain, the pattering of the droplets masking the sound of your attempts sneaking into your room to avoid any confrontation from your parents.
Usually when it rained you found the atmosphere peaceful— having been in a night gown with your bonnet on— but this time, it felt different. For some unknown reason you couldn't shake Miles off your mind—the sensual energy that radiated from him, his seductive stare he always wore or the husky laughs that echoed between you two— Everything about him was alluring, slowly drawing you in and you did not like it.
Miles, on the other hand didn't suppress his feelings, having to physically wipe the smiles and cut the laughter he created each time he thought about you. Ironic enough, he hadn't a clue what it was about you that had him this way. Shit, he doesn't even know how you look. He was sure of however, what it would take to even have a chance at holding your hand given the rumours that you've heard about him, but he was hell-bent on giving it a try.
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wonily · 2 years
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀🏹﹕lover boys!
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♡ — valentine's day with enhypen
warnings : the most atrocious terms of endearment
[ lily’s rambles : v-day repost! my next few works will be reposts while i work on new ones! ]
other members under the cut!
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희승 𓄹 ࣪˖ heeseung
ohmygosh he’d take you to a cute little café to enjoy a nice brunch with you !! he’s always been a pretty casual guy so he won’t make a huge deal out of valentine’s day but would still want you to feel special.
would probably take you around the block for a stroll and holds your hand the whole time because he’s just so happy to be with you, enjoying each other’s presence.
heeseung watched you adoringly, his hands clasped with yours as he swung your arms back and forth. you, on the other hand, marveled at your surroundings, never having explored the neighborhood as much as you would have wanted.
he sighed happily, a smile adorning his face and all he could do was look at the sky and wish on the sun, moon, and all the stars that this beautiful love and happiness would last for all eternity and beyond.
제이 𓄹 ࣪˖ jay
jay would start your day with a cute breakfast in bed :< he’d sit on the edge of your bed and insist on feeding you because he wants everything to be special for you.
gifts you an assorted bouquet of all your favorite flowers with a long, handwritten letter wherein he pours his heart out to you and it most definitely brings tears to your eyes because he’s so sweet.
“my dear yn, you will have to forgive me for saying this but i did not fall in love with you, for falling in love makes it sound like i had no choice but to love you. but i chose to love you, with all my heart, i walked into our love with open arms and it is, therefore, that i want you to know how much i truly love and adore you. since the day i have met you, i found solace and warmth in your presence and happiness at the mere thought of you. even as i am writing this letter, i cannot keep a smile from my face for i love you so much and i promise to love you forever, regardless of any circumstances. yours forever and longer, jay.”
제이크 𓄹 ࣪˖ jake
first things first, he gives you beaded charm bracelet that he made just for you <3 he’s got the biggest smile on his face and he just lights up when you put it on oh my gosh he’s so proud of that bracelet because he also made one for himself and now you get to match all the time :((
i’m not going to lie, jake seems like the type to sprawl on the couch and cuddle you most of the day while you watch as many movies as possible except he’s mostly just telling you he loves you but !! when night falls, he takes you out to this fancy dinner and spoils you with everything you want and refuses to even hear your protesting because you deserve it all :&lt;
“i made a bracelet for you!” jake’s eyes lit up as he handed you a bracelet with all the beads in your favorite colors and little dangly charms that represented everything you liked. you wasted no time in strapping it onto your wrist right when he shows you another one, almost like yours.
upon closer inspection, you realize that your bracelets have a single matching charm– a heart– and jake grins happily at you. “now i can carry your heart everywhere i go and you can have mine everywhere you go!”
성훈 𓄹 ࣪˖ sunghoon
doesn’t really have a plan going into valentine’s day because he’d rather do whatever you wanted to do. it’s a day to celebrate love so he very much wants to celebrate you :&lt;
but!! not having a plan doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a gift for you!! he got you a custom made music box :( and there’s little figures going ice skating just like you did on your first date :( and when you turn the music box dial, it plays your favorite song :((
you stare at the music box in your hand, observing it silently, eyes shining with wonder. and then, you turn the dial on the side and a familiarly sweet tune emanates from the box, the figurines on top spinning around in an ice skating waltz.
“do you like it?” sunghoon asks quietly, watching you intently. your lack of a reaction worries him and he can’t help but fret over whether you liked the gift or not but when you squeal and fly to hug him, he lets out a breathy chuckle and swears his face hurts from smiling.
선우 𓄹 ࣪˖ sunoo
he would so totally bake cookies with you :< just imagine piping pink frosting onto the heart-shaped cookies you baked together and decorating them with sugary sprinkles.
cuddles up with you on your couch, the both of you all wrapped in the biggest blanket he can find, watching a movie and munching on your cookies :( and then his head just naturally falls onto your shoulder and he’s just staring up at you, admiring you silently throughout the rest of the movie.
“you’re so pretty,” sunoo mumbled, peering up at you absentmindedly. he poked your cheeks gently, squishing them between his hands to pucker his lips and kissed you sweetly.
you felt your cheeks heat up and you hid your face behind your hands. warmth spread throughout your body, butterflies swarming in your tummy but sunoo only cooed, fluttering kisses over your face and hands.
정원 𓄹 ࣪˖ jungwon
he takes you on an picnic ^^ he makes sure to get to the park first and set everything up so everything’s just right when you get there and the moment you’re in sight, his face lights up with the biggest smile ever.
the lunch basket is packed with all of your favorites and he’s so proud of himself when you tell him everything was delicious awee :( and you would probably watch as the sky turns yellow and orange and red, just enjoying this beautiful time together.
your head lay comfortably on jungwon’s shoulder and you looked up at him with a gentle gaze. a warm shade of orange danced lightly over his face and when he met your eyes, his gaze reflected your own.
he leaned forward to kiss the tip of your nose and he offered you a soft smile. pulling you closer, he whispered quietly in your ear, “happy valentine’s day, rainbow.”
니키 𓄹 ࣪˖ ni-ki
oh gosh, the inner artist cheolsoo comes out on valentine’s day. he’s all proud as he gifts you a sketchbook filled with little sketches and paintings he’s done of you, with cute notes written around them like “first date ^^” next to a sketch of you on your first date.
he wants to take so, so, so many pictures with you, he’s so precious :( wears his fluffiest, warmest hoodie so that you cling to him and his heart bursts whenever he feels your arms wrap around him :( it’s more of a lazy day-in and he takes lots of candid photographs of you as a gift for the next year :(
“bun?” you hummed, craning your neck to peek up at your boyfriend, who leaned up ever so slightly to nuzzle his nose against yours.
he pulled away with a loose grin sprawled over his face and shook his head, “nothing, i just wanted to look at you.”
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satoruzlove · 1 year
mornings with boyfriend hajime💗
in your shared apartment with lots of windows, you both find yourself off for the day and sleep in- or at least it was your intention to. you spent all of the prior night watching horror movies in bed, holding hands and eventually falling asleep on eachother. it was a blissful sleep , but hajime always found it that way when he slept with you. it was like your presence just served to release stress from his body, and he always felt like a new man when he woke.
this sun kissed morning was no different, as he rose with the sun to see your peaceful face against a pillow. a shirt, his shirt, had ridden up your thighs slightly and it only added to how sweet you looked. a calloused hand came up to brush some hair from your face, and your boyfriend couldn’t help but smile into the morning air at how perfect you could possibly be. the birds outside and the warm sunlight encasing you both gave him a true feeling of peace.
hajime wastes almost no time in putting on some proper pants and getting out of bed silently, cautious of your precious, sleeping form in the bed. he cleans up, never tiring of seeing your toothbrush in the same cup as his, your skincare next to his lotions and every other piece of proof that you were in his space- infesting and growing into every aspect of his life. the brunette thought he would start up breakfast, opening the curtains in the kitchen and relishing in the light once more before tying up an apron.
he did his best to be quiet as before, but of course the pots and pans had minds of their own. shortly, you stirred and groaned at the loss of your lover next to you. you stretched a bit, a sigh falling from your lips as you made your way to the source of noise, your very own dennis the menace, in your kitchen. you nearly passed a comment, but the sight before you was far too hypnotic.
hajime’s built, tanned back caught the sunlight perfectly. his freckled skin nearly glistened, muscles beneath it flexing as he moved his arms. his hair was absolutely ruffled, sticking up in different directions and almost seeming golden in the morning light that so graciously beamed through your windows. the plaid pants he wore hung lowly on his hips, holding him the same way you do as you sleep- and to say he looked perfect standing behind the stove was an atrocious understatement.
you snuck up behind him, careful to make no sound. you wound your arms around his waist, and as you placed a kiss on his spine he smiled into the pan. turning off the stove, his larger hands encased yours to place a firm kiss on your knuckles. those same hands make quick, easy work of picking you up, locking your legs around him as he held you up by your thighs. hajime took note of the softness of your lips, the sparkle in your eyes and god , your smile. your smile made it hard for him to breathe.
“morning, troublemaker,” he hums into your forehead, gifting you another kiss. you giggle, eyelashes tickling his chin as you hum back affectionately. he sets you down on the counter, the cold marble making you yelp but swiftly fading away as your boyfriend rubbed loving circles on your thighs with his thumb. his green eyes caught the sun, shining and making the inhuman blowing of his pupils obvious. “you could’ve stayed with me , in bed,haji.” you hum, your hands around his neck now as you rub the back of it- where a small tattoo of your birth flower resided.
he kisses your jaw, “i know, sweetheart,’m sorry. you know i can’t be still for that long, would’a woken you,” he mumbles, pressing many, many more kisses to your neck and jaw. truthfully. you could tell he was paying no attention to what you were saying. you hold his face in your hands, bumping his nose with yours, “hey,” he whispers, eyes searching yours. his hands caged your hips as he leaned against the counter, you could feel his body heat nearly creeping onto your own skin. everything about hajime was absolutely intoxicating.
“baby,” he breathes. it’s almost a sigh, nearing a whine and if you squinted- a dreamy whisper. you know what he wants, hajime is far too greedy in that regard. so you kiss him, lips meshing with his as his hands hold your hips as if he wanted to make hand prints into your skin.
mornings with you felt like the beginning of a fairytale to iwaizumi hajime.
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