#the light seer’s tarot
queenallipics · 5 days
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Use Objects to tell a Story
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🧸♡ what they like about you♡🧸 (Pick a pile)
{How to pick a pile? First, take a deep breath with your eyes closed to clear your mind. When you open your eyes, don't hesitate – pick the image that immediately grabs your attention or stirs up a memory. Remember, you can pick more than one pile if you feel called to. If none of the images stand out for you, it means there's no message for you at this time. You can always come back to it later.}
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Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3 (from left to right)
Hello, and a huge thank you to everyone for your incredible support! I'm so glad that my first Pac has been so well-received.
In this collective pick a pile reading, we'll delve into what your specific person likes and appreciates about you. You can consider this the continuation of my first Pac, if you prefer. Let's see where your energy takes us.
Disclaimer: This is a collective reading I picked up on multiple energies, so please only take what resonates and leave the rest. When something resonates you usually feel a light energy and in your heart you can feel it's your message, and the pic that attracts you is a clearly sign.
⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ ⋆ ゚ ☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。 ⋆⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。 ⋆
🧸PILE 1🧸
2 of Pentacles, the Hierophant, Page of Swords. (top: 4 of Pentacles)
Hi Pile 1, and welcome to your reading. Let's dive in!
This is a delightful and quircky energy. As multiple cards representing the number 2 kept coming out. Your person seems to want me to know that they love how you balance your light energy with your dark energy underlining the importance of this aspect in their mind, and they feel a connection because they share similar traits - from you previous reading, I sensed this affinity. This is either my spiritually inclined collective or those who resonate with a sense of inner peace and balance. If you've chosen this pile, bravo! You've made the right choice! [ it's okay if you're new, welcome <3 ]
I sense that many of you are in your prime years, and your person appreciates your vibrant youthful energy. Regardless of your age, they believe you'll fill a void and complete them, like a "missing puzzle piece", as I just heard. Many of you have a deep love for reading and acquiring knowledge, which may or may not be associated with formal education. I sense that you might prefer solitude, perhaps engrossed in your favorite book, while your classmates or colleagues (if in a work setting) are gathered discussing different things. Therefore, your person finds captivating the way you immerse yourself in your activities amidst the 'chaos' surrounding you. Some even observe and admire you from afar, potentially without your awareness. Your person finds you inspiring and loves how you handle problems with patience and diplomacy, without letting anger and stress take over. They also appreciate your thirst for knowledge and how you're curious about diverse topics. Your person values how secure you are in yourself and how you stand by your values and beliefs.
Overall, they are drawn to your mysterious yet serene, and intellectual nature, making you almost like an enigma to them. 🧙‍♂️✨
Thank you for allowing me to read your energy, Pile 1.
Note: -If you enjoyed this and my other readings, and you'd like to support me further, you can do so on my ko-fi, I'd greatly appreciate it. It's not mandatory.
-For further guidance or a personalized reading, feel free to book a reading through my Tumblr DM or email [[email protected]]. I'm here to help you navigate life's challenges and find clarity. We can decide the price together.
🧸PILE 2🧸
The Star, 9 of Swords, the Tower. (top: Ace of Swords)
Hi Pile 2, and welcome to your reading. Let's dive in!
Ah, Pile 2, based on the energy of the cards, your person has clear ideas about what they appreciate about you.
You possess strong manifesting skills and when you are certain about what you desire, you make it happen, I'm hearing the song "I Want It, I Got It" by Ariana Grande in my mind. For you, I have two cards confirming your innate manifesting power. You may have powerful water placements or inner planetary influences in your water houses (if you're not into astrology and don't know what i'm talking about, please feel free to ask). Some strong air energy is also sensed, whether it pertains to you or your person - one of you has great communication skills even. Your person finds it remarkable that you can create positive outcomes in adverse situations, emerging even stronger after initial doubts or negative emotions. This is not only temporary but a trait your person admires in you.
The energy here feels mature, likely older regardless of your age (old souls, perhaps?), indicating that some of you actually laugh in the face of adversity due to an innate ability to rise above struggles. Your determination draws your person's admiration; they struggle while you have clear goals and pursue them despite what others may think. You may receive sudden insights or instincts, unaware of their source, which are hints from the divine. Your person loves your strong will and determination, which they lack and need. This is one of the reasons they're attracted to you. I'm also sensing some popular individuals here, possibly on social media. Your determination, strength, and success have garnered success, with many followers and admirers, including your person. However, for those not yet successful, if you stick to your path and mindset, you'll reach your goals. Best of luck, my dears! 🍀🧿
Thank you for allowing me to read your energy, Pile 2.
Note: -If you enjoyed this and my other readings, and you'd like to support me further, you can do so on my ko-fi, I'd greatly appreciate it. It's not mandatory.
-For further guidance or a personalized reading, feel free to book a reading through my Tumblr DM or email [[email protected]]. I'm here to help you navigate life's challenges and find clarity. We can decide the price together.
🧸PILE 3🧸
Queen of Wands, The Sun, the Lovers. (top: Knight of Cups)
Hi Pile 3, and welcome to your reading. Let's dive in!
Wow, your cards are amazing, Pile 3! This person is head over heels in love with you, and the question is, what do they like about you? As I look at the cards as a whole, I'm feeling an intense passion surrounding you. They're burning with desire for you - sparks or flames, especially the color red may be significant (and for some a sign that is your pile!. Some of you may have worked or are working on your Root Chakra, which fuels this intense passion. I'm not supposed to do a spicy reading here but I'm feeling really hot lol. It's important to not a strong presence of two Major Arcana cards in a positive and powerful sequence, underlining this passionate hidden desire. Your person admires your overall positivity and passion for life, or specific interests. You may be a hopeless romantic, and they find this endearing. They perceive you as a powerful and passionate leader who remains unfazed by gossip about them and actually enjoys the attention.
It's intriguing that the Knight of Cups appeared on top of the deck in my previous pick up pile and has come up again here. You and your person may both be dreamy and romantic souls. In summary, your person appreciates your positivity, harmony, and artistic nature. You might be a creative individual, perhaps making unique art or being an enthusiast of it. They are fascinated by you and have vivid fantasies, like going to an art museum together.
I'm seeing blue stars on a blue neon ceiling in a potential art museum setting, which could be significant for some of you - and also the color blue. Now, very specific, maybe someone here has created a drawing or work with stars or blue stars on a blue background and shared it with their person and they're reminding me of it, or you or them work in a planetary museum? Take it how it resonates. Anyway, how cute! 💙
Thank you for allowing me to read your energy, Pile 3.
Note: -If you enjoyed this and my other readings, and you'd like to support me further, you can do so on my ko-fi, I'd greatly appreciate it. It's not mandatory.
-For further guidance or a personalized reading, feel free to book a reading through my Tumblr DM or email [[email protected]]. I'm here to help you navigate life's challenges and find clarity. We can decide the pricetogether.
Please note that I used AI language bot to help improve grammar and spelling in my readings, as English is not my first language. However, the interpretations and insights provided in my readings are all my work, based on my intuition and the cards' symbolism.
Disclaimer: Tarot readings are for entertainment purposes only and are not meant to predict or dictate your future. The cards provide insights and guidance, but the ultimate power of choice lies with you.
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littledogtarot · 5 months
Pick a Card for the Weekend of 4/19/24—4/21/24:
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Card reveals and discussion below the read more!
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The Hierophant represents tradition, order, and systems. It speaks to knowledge you can only gain by adapting to the rules of a new institution or the norms of a new group. It may represent a mentor or teacher you are going to study with, or simply an organization that has knowledge you will have to work for. Quite often it represents higher education, but it might simple be a new class or hobby you're going to pick up. There's a lot of success potential here, but you'll have to put in time and effort to get what you want.
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The Nine of Wands represents the last push before successful work completion. It comes near the end of the suit of wands, meaning that you've been working on this for a while, and you're almost there. It's a sign that you need to stand your ground and keep going, because you've got this. It'll be hard work, but it's worth doing. Success is in sight, so just hold on. You're close to release.
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The Wheel of Fortune often represents a big change coming to your life, one that will bring you close to your true purpose or passions. It's also a reminder that the nature of life is change, and that this too shall pass. You're on a journey, but you still have farther to go. Savor the good moments, and trust that the hard ones are helping to shape you into the person you're meant to be.
Deck is the Light Seer's Tarot by Chris Anne.
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truthinlifetarot · 3 months
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Check out this new PAC reading days before it is made public on Patreon.
If you like the cute drawstring bags, they can be found here.
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deerbornintuitive · 2 years
Pick-a-Pile: What are you leaving behind in the New Year?
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Choose from A-D, left to right Let your intuition guide you in which pile’s energy resonates with you. Do not second guess it! If you’re having trouble deciding: close your eyes, take a deep breath in and slowly exhale. Clear your mind. You can ask your Spirit Guides for assistance, if needed.
I’ve included affirmations to guide you in your personal journey or energy work. Choose one or use them all. Write them down, repeat them to yourself, put them somewhere you will see as a reminder.
Please note this is a collective reading. Take what resonates, and leave the rest. If you enjoy your reading, consider leaving a tip or booking a full reading with me!
My aura & tarot site & offerings here! | Tip Jar
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6 of Pentacles reversed
You’re finally leaving behind self-limiting beliefs that involve your finances and resources. In the past, you’ve perpetuated ideas and beliefs which caused you to lack. Money was likely stagnant for you this past year; not much coming in, not much being spent. Some of this was due to circumstances beyond your control. However, you've contributed to this by thinking that certain things weren’t meant for you. You have turned down offers and/or undersold yourself because of these beliefs. You even overlooked opportunities, because you hadn’t deemed yourself worthy at the time. You’re capable of much more than you have realized in the past. This energy is shifting right now, enabling you to nurture and heal your feelings and thoughts about money, income, and financial security. This, in turn, attracts more of what you need your way, whatever that may be. There are going to be many more chances and opportunities for you in the new year, so avoid dwelling or feeling sorry for yourself. What you truly want is waiting for you around the bend!
Affirmations: I am worthy. I am open to limitless possibilities. I am open to receiving. I attract everything I need and more.
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Knight of Wands
    You are leaving behind your more wild, untamed side. There has been lots of excitement (for good or bad)-- it may be at times that you were a bit reckless or not fully thinking things through before acting. You may have been choosing fun while ignoring responsibilities… It’s likely that you’ve already started to see the results of your actions, or that you regret time wasted. Your awareness is coming down to Earth, and with it your maturity level advances. You’ve gotten a lot of this youthful energy out of your system, and you’ve learned many lessons. Though it was fun (hopefully), you’re moving into this new year with a pull toward healthier habits and a more grounded energy overall. Acts of self care will become easier, and you’ll be better able to prioritize yourself and your responsibilities. This coming year will also be great for discovering what you truly want for your long-term. You can still have fun, but in a more grounded way.
In a romantic sense, this card can represent leaving behind someone who is a player or who hasn’t been completely present for you. For those in and off-and-on situation, or blurry undefined relationship, it’s best to call it quits for good.
Affirmations: I release behaviors which hold me back. I deal with conflict in a mature and graceful manner. I can’t change the past, but I can change my present. 
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5 of Pentacles
    You are leaving behind your sorrows. This was likely a tough year for you, emotionally and/or financially. You have been tested to the point that you’ve felt at times completely defeated. You have likely felt or even been alone throughout your difficulties, without outside support. It can be so difficult to be aware of your blessings and what is going right, when it feels like everything that could have gone wrong, has. But it’s in the worst, most difficult times, that we need to notice our blessings and the beauty of life the most. In the new year, you’re able to lift your head up with courage. As the fog begins to clear, you can gain a stronger awareness of what is going right, no matter how simple. The energy moving in for you is much more helpful, bringing with it positive ideas and inspired actions to take. In this new year to come, you’re able to leave behind your struggles and negative emotions. Even if circumstances don’t improve much, the burdens will begin feeling much less heavy to carry. You’re going to see that you’re not as stuck as you once believed. You’re going to be better able to see your resources and what you could try to do to improve your situation. The key that you need is close by, closer than you’ve realized, and you’ll soon be unlocking a positive new door. The sun is shining over you with a vibrant warm glow— lift your head up.
Affirmations: I am resilient. My emotions and circumstance do not define me. The past is over. I keep the wisdom, and release the painful memories attached. 
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The Empress reversed
    You are leaving weak personal boundaries behind. There’s an energy around you of having given too much— of being so giving that at the end of the day, there isn’t much, if anything, left for you. You’re close to your limit, if not already there. No more spending evenings and weekends burnt out! In the coming days, you’re more clearly able to say ‘No’ when you want to, and ask for what you need. You’re fully accepting your worth. You’ll be shifting into making yourself a priority. It’s past due. With this shift, you’re less prone to people stealing your energy. Fulfilling your own wishes and needs first makes your assistance and support far more effective when the time comes to help someone! Treat yourself soon; make time to take yourself out on dates. Lean into more of what you enjoy, and embrace new chances to reconnect with yourself.
With this card, Spirit invites you to reflect on your personal relationships. Is there one that’s been particularly draining? It’s time to take a break or cut ties altogether.
Affirmations: I listen to my body and emotions. Taking care of myself is important. I focus only on what I can control. I keep my promises to myself.
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manifestdestinytarot · 3 months
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183/366 - me•mom•dad
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unseendeity · 11 months
so I got a 50% refund for that tarot deck I bought off of eBay. just recently I bought the official deck from Barnes and Noble, so I feel better now lmao
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tarot-and-stuff · 2 years
Pick A Judgment Card
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Readings are under the read more.  Video version is also included in source link.  
I chose this theme, since Judgment seemed like it came out quite a bit during the first half of the general February readings I did (Fire & Water Signs).
Pile 1/Rider-Waite
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The first card to come out for this pile was The Empress.  This is a card associated with someone who has a good balance of all the suits in the tarot.  They are often a nurturing individual whom knows their worth and value.  Basically, I feel like this is meant to represent you evolving into (or closer to) your best self.  
The second card to come out for this pile was the 4 of Swords.  This is a card associated with healing and relaxation.  Basically, taking a step back from a situation to clear your mind and recuperate.  The situation that you’re healing from may be rather painful considering that this card is after the 3 of Swords numerically in the tarot, which is a card filled with pain and hurt.
The third card to come out for this pile was the 9 of Swords reversed.  This card being reversed is great, since that is about working to release negativity and things that are weighing you down.  This is a major step of healing for you.
This pile basically seemed like you’re being called to work on yourself and show/realize how you’ve grown from experiences you’ve gone through.  This pile feels like it is all about healing and becoming the best you that you can be.  
For your oracle card, you got Play.  This card is associated with doing things to lighten your mood.  A bit of a message to do something to make yourself smile or to make your happy for a moment.
Pile 2/Teddy
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 7 of Swords.  While this card can be connected to deception, in this case, it seems to be more strongly connected to acting strategically and forming a plan.
The second card to come out for this pile was the Page of Swords.  This card is associated with communicating and coming up with new ideas.  These ideas are often in early developmental stages at this point.
The third card to come out for this pile was The Hierophant.  This card is strongly associated with tradition and beliefs that you’ve been raised with.  This card can also be associated with a mentor or someone that can give you advice.  This suggests that either your beliefs and/or a mentor may be able to give you valuable assistance as you formulate a plan.  For most of you though, I feel like it is the tradition aspect rather than another person.
The oracle card that came out for this pile was Trustworthy Guidance.  This card suggests that some guidance you are receiving is trustworthy.  This card tends to reference more of guidance coming from your guides/angels/ancestors/etc rather than someone in your life, although it is possibly the person that The Hierophant may represent for some of you.
Basically, this pile seems to be called to formulate some strategy/plan for a situation in their life.  
Pile 3/Alice In Wonderland
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 9 of Teacups reversed, which is basically the 9 of Cups in this deck.  This is a card associated with unhappiness.  Basically a lack of emotional fulfillment in some way.
The second card to come out for this pile was the 9 of Hedgehogs, which is basically the 9 of Pentacles in this deck.  This card is associated with independence and financial stability.  This can also be about taking some time to indulge a bit, while also needing to remember not to overindulge.
The third card to come out was The Mystery, which is basically The High Priestess in this deck.  This has to do with trusting your intuition, as well as knowing their is more to a situation than meets the eye.  
The oracle card for this pile was Notice The Signs.  This card references things being placed on your path, such as feathers, that are messages that you aren’t alone.  
Basically, I feel like this pile is being called to examine why they are unhappy when their outer situation seems like it isn’t the cause.  This also may just be a difficult period for some of you so it may just be encouraging you to do something for yourself with a bit of small splurging.
Pile 4/White Cats
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The first card to come out for this pile was The Emperor.  This is a card that is strongly associated with responsibility.  Like The Empress that was in this position for Pile 1, this card also has a balance of all the suits of the tarot.  
The second card to come out for this pile was The Moon reversed.  This card is connected to releasing feelings of fear and anxiety.  I feel like this is a lot with accepting that there are things that you can’t control, so knowing that stressing over these things isn’t helping you.
The third card to come out for this pile was the Ace of Cups reversed.  This card has to do with keeping emotions in.  I feel like this is more of what your obstacle is rather than what it is advising you to do.  Like by keeping these emotions in, it’s blocking you from fully releasing that fear and anxiety.
The oracle card for this pile was Blessing In Disguise.  Basically, something that you thought/think is a burden is actually some kind of blessing in disguise.  I feel like this blessing in disguise is something that is meant to help you overcome any issues you may have with releasing control in situations.
Basically, the message for this pile seemed to be about working to release the stress that comes from things being out of your control, which is likely very difficult for you as The Emperor, which is associated with control quite a bit.  
Pile 5/Light Seers
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The first card to come out for this pile was the Page of Cups reversed.  This is connected to someone who doesn’t communicate their emotions.  This can also suggest some emotional maturity.  I don’t think that this represents you though, but rather the type of people that you generally attract or date.  
The second card to come out for this pile was the Queen of Cups.  I feel like this is the card in this spread that represents you.  This card is associated with emotional maturity and an openness with feelings.  This is someone who is willing to accept love and give love.
The third card to come out for this pile was The Emperor reversed.  This is generally associated with someone that is overly controlling.  Again, I feel like this represents another person - the type of person you generally attract or date.
The oracle card for this pile was What Do You Desire?  Basically, this card has to do with deciding or thinking about what it is that you desire.
Basically, the main message for this theme seemed to be about realizing that the type of partner that you usually have isn’t what you desire and that you deserve someone better.
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lunarkitty333 · 4 months
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Thursday, May 16, 2024
A choice needs to be made. And it will need to be made quickly. You must consider: how will this impact my future? How will this impact how others see me? How will this affect my relationships? Whatever the choice you are facing is, know that it will be a catalyst to determining the direction your life takes from here forward. Do not take it lightly!
Deck: The Light Seer’s Tarot
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enchanted-moura · 9 months
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Happiness, Success, Wishes Coming True, Realising Dreams, The Good Life, Abundance, Prosperous, Rewards, Achievement, Accomplishments, Self-Love, Inner Happiness, Emotional Maturity, High Self-Esteem, Self-Confident, Self Respect, Positivity, Optimism, Emotionally Fulfilled, High Mood, Happy as You Are, Crest of a Wave, Cup Runneth Over, Content, Satisfied, Cheerful, Joy, Warmth, Smiling, Laughter, Congratulations, ‘Cloud Nine’, ‘The Cat that Got the Cream’, ‘Pleased as Punch’, ‘Made It’, ‘Sitting Pretty’, ‘Pinching Yourself’, Well Done, Smug, Gloating, Triumphant, Euphoric, Marriage Banquet, Celebrations, Exhibitions, Showcasing, Entertaining, Parties, Socialising, Host, Hospitality, Showiness, Pomp and Ceremony, Centre Stage, In The Spotlight, Recognition, Acclaim, Applause, Awards, Showiness, Smugness, Sex, Making Love, Sensuality, Pleasure, consummation, Eating, Drinking, Over-indulging, Me-Time, Self-Care, ‘Because Your Worth It’, Pampering, Luxury - teachmetarot💕
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sassypantstarot · 2 years
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Uggg, we get it, Sharon. You’re happy. Now would you shut up and let the rest of us enjoy our misery?
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🌟 What's coming for you in the next few months? (Pick a pile)
{How to pick a pile? First, take a deep breath with your eyes closed to clear your mind. When you open your eyes, don't hesitate – pick the image that immediately grabs your attention or stirs up a memory. Remember, you can pick more than one pile if you feel called to. If none of the images stand out for you, it means there's no message for you at this time. You can always come back to it later.}
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Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3 (from left to right)
Hello, and always a huge thank you to everyone for your incredible support, it means a lot to me!
In this collective pick a pile reading, we'll explore what's in store for you in the upcoming few months. Let's see where your energy takes us.
Disclaimer: This is a collective reading I picked up on multiple energies, so please only take what resonates and leave the rest. When something resonates you usually feel a light energy and in your heart you can feel it's your message, and the pic that attracts you is a clearly sign.
🕗 PILE 1
5 of Cups, 10 of Swords, The Emperor
(I'm sorry, this is going to be pretty long 😅)
Hello Pile 1, and welcome to your reading. Let's dive in!
First thing I notice: Your cards have all the energy of freedom, and I sense many free-spirited people in this pile, those who do not conform to any strict rules. I also sense some writers amongst you. You prefer to struggle on your own rather than asking for help - oh, my dear Pile 1, I feel you. You need to know that asking for help is not a shameful thing to do. Your loved ones will be more than happy to hold your hand and guide you. You don't listen to anybody, but those that have your best at heart are willing to bring you to higher heights. I sense that you're currently experiencing a period of stagnation, even some conflict with yourself. You may have been hurt by something or someone which put you in a state where you feel like you don't want to do anything, but please do not neglect yourself. I promise better days will come for you. While some of you may be experiencing a dark period, remember that the light is always at the end of the tunnel. Therefore, my advice to you is to never give up and let challenges faze you, as challenges are all lessons, and I promise you'll come back stronger.
What's coming for you are better days indeed - brighter days! I see you getting in a position of authority, and leadership, which will make you stronger and proud of yourself. For others, but a just a few, you may encounter a masculine figure with leadership qualities, it may be your boss or even a potential lover, perhaps your boss will turn into your future lover – I sense a connection here. In the spread in front of me, you're literally looking at this person. They could be a fire or earth sign or have those prominent in their chart. [ friendly reminder, tarot is all about energy and not gender ] Either way, there's going to be stability in your life. This is highlighted not only by the numbers present on the cards, but also by the prominent colors of brown in your spread, which symbolize stability, earthy vibes, and peace. You may also undertake shadow work, which will help you connect with your inner child and foster happiness and peace within yourself, making you stronger and resilient when facing hardships. I also sense orange, which indicates success and encouragement. You're being encouraged to move forward, and steer clear of negative energies which can only bring misfortune.
In conclusion, whether it's a pushing or a willing move, I foresee calm waters in your near future, allowing you to regain lost peace and energy. Some of you may physically travel to another country for holidays or even move permanently. I sense that you may be feeling a bit anxious about this, which is natural when stepping out of your comfort zone. However, these changes will be advantageous to your well-being and overall happiness.
Freedom, transformation, and struggle are crucial themes for you in the coming months.
Thank you for allowing me to read your energy, Pile 1.
Note: -If you enjoyed this and my other readings, and you'd like to support me further, you can do so on my ko-fi, I'd greatly appreciate it. It's not mandatory.
-For further guidance or a personalized reading, feel free to book a reading through my Tumblr DM or email [[email protected]]. I'm here to help you navigate life's challenges and find clarity. We can decide the price together. [I will be providing more details on my paid readings in the future. Keep an eye out for it]
🕗 PILE 2
2 of Pentacles, the High Priestess, Temperance
Hello Pile 2, and welcome to your reading. Let's dive in!
I sense that you're currently juggling multiple things, stuck between two distinct paths. It could be about love or career. Some of you are indecisive about job opportunities, while others are uncertain about whether to stay or leave a relationship. Trust your intuition if it feels toxic, and listen to your heart. I feel like many of you are evaluating whether to confess something to loved ones.
In the coming months, I foresee you regaining balance. You'll place more trust in your intuition and listen to yourself more than ever. You'll find balance in various aspects of your life, possibly juggling between career and love. Many of you have detached from the divine/universe, perhaps even abandoned it. However, in the coming months, you'll reconnect with the divine and strengthen your relationship with it. Overall, you'll prioritize your own needs, and the universe (or your beliefs) will bring you to a point of desperation so that you can learn from this lesson and focus on yourself. I'm casually singing on my mind the song "a flash in the night" by Secret Service may signifies unexpected insights or moments of revelation that help you navigate the challenges ahead - which is confirmed by the Ace of Swords coming twice in your reading, and for some also a sign that it's your pile - maybe you listened to it lately or you were born in the 80s, same period when this song was released. Take it how it resonates. It also indicates a need to work on your root chakra for those who aren't, which will be beneficial for grounding and connecting with the earth - the High Priestess may indicate a blessing in disguise involving the Akashic Records; self-discovery - you're going to learn more about yourself, which will also bring you to make better decisions and beneficial only for you.
2/22/222 may be significant (and ironically this is pile 2! 😁) also, it indicated clever decisions which you'll make or have to in order to get close to your goals and reach success. I believe in you, guys!
Balance, inner strenght, reconnection with the divine are important themes for you in the upcoming months.
Thank you for allowing to read your energy, Pile 2.
Note: -If you enjoyed this and my other readings, and you'd like to support me further, you can do so on my ko-fi, I'd greatly appreciate it. It's not mandatory.
-For further guidance or a personalized reading, feel free to book a reading through my Tumblr DM or email [[email protected]]. I'm here to help you navigate life's challenges and find clarity. We can decide the price together. [I will be providing more details on my paid readings in the future. Keep an eye out for it]
🕗 PILE 3
8 of Cups, 2 of Wands, Knight of Wands
You're leaving something hurtful behind, aren't you? I feel like you're fed up with suffering and moving towards the bright light - well done, beautiful! But there's still uncertainty about whether to accept that job opportunity or that potential romance. You're seeing others realizing your dreams and you're here like "when it's going to be my turn?" Both of these choices have a waiting period, as the saying goes, 'good things come to those who wait.' This is exactly what your reading represents. If you're evaluating a decision, go for it because it will free you from the burden. You may resonate with pile 2, check it if you felt attracted to it.
In the upcoming months, you'll experience the sweet breeze through your hair, the feeling of lightness in your feet, and the warmth of the sun on your skin. Many of you are stuck in your comfort zones, and I know it isn't easy to leave them. However, if you don't try, you'll never know what opportunities await. Your passion will be reignited, and you'll find joy either with your loved ones or alone. Some of you will finally take this "risk" and you're going to celebrate this big achievement and finally be proud and love yourself more, which is also the key of manifestations coming into fruition. Others of you are going to meet a youthful energy, like a knight taking you on adventures. This person, whether a lover, friend, or family member, will bring you new experiences and might even pull you out of your comfort zone. Take it as a sign from the universe that you need to step out of your comfort zone. My dear, you're too focused on work/studies and likely have exams, you need some relaxation and experiences/adventures that will light your mind. Keep pushing yourself, but remember to take breaks to not get stuck in this negative energy causing you to burn out sooner or later.
Leaving what no longer serves you, stepping out of your comfort zone, and finding exciting new opportunities, are all important themes for you in the coming months.
Thank you for allowing me to read your energy, Pile 3.
Note: -If you enjoyed this and my other readings, and you'd like to support me further, you can do so on my ko-fi, I'd greatly appreciate it. It's not mandatory.
-For further guidance or a personalized reading, feel free to book a reading through my Tumblr DM or email [[email protected]]. I'm here to help you navigate life's challenges and find clarity. We can decide the price together. [I will be providing more details on my paid readings in the future. Keep an eye out for it]
Please note that I used AI language bot to help improve grammar and spelling in my readings, as English is not my first language. However, the interpretations and insights provided in my readings are all my work, based on my intuition and the cards' symbolism.
Disclaimer: Tarot readings are for entertainment purposes only and are not meant to predict or dictate your future. The cards provide insights and guidance, but the ultimate power of choice lies with you.
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littledogtarot · 3 months
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A reading for the week of June 17th through June 23rd, 2024:
Death represents a big, life-altering change. You may not want it, you may even have tried to avoid it. You will lose something in this change—it may feel like you're losing everything. And you can't see who you'll be on the other side. But in the long run, this change is necessary, and it's through shedding and letting go of your past self that you become who you're meant to be.
The Four of Wands represents celebration, completion of hard work, and appreciating how far you've come. Pause here and have a little party with those you love. Savor it a moment. Then get ready to move on to the next phase.
The Seven of Cups is the card of magical thinking. Of temptations, illusions, instant gratification, and negative consequences in disguise. It suggests that you're looking for a way out of hard work, trying to avoid what you know is coming.
I love these three cards together. For me, Death anchors the reading. It's the card with the most impact, and it tells us a change is coming. I read the Four of Wands and the Seven of Cups as two different approaches to death. We can either try to avoid it, take the easy way out, and pretend it isn't inevitable. Or we can savor where we are, celebrate how far we've traveled, and spend times with those we love before stepping into the great unknown.
Death, of course, does not have to mean literal death. But this reading suggests that the best way to face any big change is to share support and love, and then trust that the next step will take you where you need to be, scary as it may seem in the moment.
Deck is Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne.
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thewaywardbruja · 1 year
My Reading Review: @/psychic_mommy.
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So yesterday I got a psychic reading from Jasmine, and I flipped out and cried.
Today, I want to do an actual proper review because I feel bad that I didnt write a proper one 😂
I won a raffle, which I have never done before - that felt awesome to begin with. She was hosting it, and I entered on a whim.
It didnt take long to recieve the reading either and after I read through it, I cried, yes. It just confirmed everything I was feeling about myself and my witchcraft.
She got to meet White, my spirit guide and that alone to me was amazing and described her exactly as I have been since I was 16. I couldnt believe it.
She also mentioned that White has known me since a past life and has come to this one to be with me and protect and guide me as a teacher. I'm in shock and awe!
She said some other things, that where spot on with things I was wondering, and curious about, without having to ask questions at all, confirming what I was feeling again.
She said that my spirit / soul is that of a wolf and that its there. Which confirmed my feelings I had about myself since I was 5 years old. That stunned me.
She told me to believe in myself and be confident, not to worry about what others are saying about me or doing. And thats exactly in line with what I am feeling too. I'm working very hard on that.
The most amazing thing was one of White's favorite soul cards also came up in the reading. That was just the topping on the cake for me. 🥰💚
All in all it was an amazing reading. And I would highly suggest getting one from her if you want to know the truth about yourself. I had never had one done before, and this was such an amazing and wonderful experience.
10/10 - Highly Recommend!
Amazing abilities, skills, and gifts and I hope one day I can be as amazing as her.
Thank you again Jasmine! 🐺💚
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ascendedunicorn · 2 years
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(6/2022) Daily Card - Light Seer's Deck Queen of Swords
Here is a woman who is clever, knows her stuff and speaks the truth. Nothing gets by this woman easily. It is very hard to fool her. On top of that, she will call you out in a heartbeat. This is not a woman to play games with. She is a woman of great intellect and intuition. This daily card speaks volumes. Speak your truth. As the saying goes 'The truth will set you free'. Make any necessary changes, take accountability and get out of your comfort zone. Until then, things will remain the same.
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manifestdestinytarot · 2 months
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189/366 - reflect•recharge•return
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