#the lib
apothesized-moth · 28 days
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" Out of the Depths of Hell and back, The spawn of the Black and White! "
I FINALLY fucking finished this ohhh my god, this has been MONTHS in the making, I cannot BELIEVE I'm finished.
I wanted to hone in on the Theme that I THINK they were trying to set up originally, of highschool stereotypes, in these redesigns because I feel like they didn't... Translate like they wanted it to in the show? So I tweaked it a bit and made it (maybe?) a bit clearer what each stereotype they are?
Explanations and Close-ups / Stand-alones below the cut! (In no particular Order)
I tried to keep some things consistent across all the brothers, to show that they are all connected in some way. So they all get a point of Fur / hair and a few spots of glitter. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. I also tried to make them... Approximately human, but I couldn't help myself with some Features like ears, teeth or Horns. Whoops.
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The Jock / Prep, Wiggly I wanted to uh. Un-Twinkify him. But also make him a sort of Jock-ish type? My brother pointed out that he was probably supposed to be a Preppy originally, but I has already almost finished this design by then so uhhhh he's a jock now. His Crown? Uhhh. Cause he's. The king.. of.... the........ School?....?
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The Theater Kid, Pokey I actually really liked his original design, I thought it worked pretty well with what they were trying to communicate, so I didn't change it very much, aside from moving the Fur around from his Hat to his Collar and sleeves. He was also the First one I drew out because of that.
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The Cheerleader, Nibbly THE NIBBLY!!!!!!!!! I love love love this one, defo my favorite out of them all. He's not... AS Cheerleader-looking as I wanted him to be, but honestly I like him too much to try to change it now. I also really liked his Original design, and didn't really change much, apart from moving some stuff around and adding some stuff. Kissing him on his bigass Pigtailed head.
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The Quiet Kid, Blinky Originally, in the Show Design, I didn't know what Blinky was supposed to be. I tried a LOT of designs for him, and was never really happy with any of them, because I still wanted them to have the Essence of their Show Designs, and I. Didn't like Blinky's design at all in the Show Proper. I'm still not really happy about it, but what can you do. I gave him a Watcher World shirt for fun (And because I LOVE Watcher World!!!) He's also the only one that doesn't have any fur on him because I. Didn't know where to add it, so just pretend his Hair is some fur of some kind.
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The Weird Kid, Tinky I didn't understand what Tinky was supposed to be in the Show Proper either, but he gave the vibes of someone who would be really into Scene and Emo stuff, and who would Naruto run in the hallways, and get Cheap goggles from those Knock-off stands at Cons, so that's exactly what I made him. I'm also really happy with his Design, if I'll be honest.
Thanks for reading all of that Jesus Christ you really didn't have to.
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littlesilentrebel · 10 months
what if each lib represented a part if the human body
nibbly and blinky are obvious (mouth/stomach and eyes respectively)
pokey could be the mind
@screwnames-ihatenames said wiggly could be hands
what about tinky?
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z3phyr23 · 1 year
My full LiB Drawing collection!
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loveaankilaq · 3 months
People online (white) will create so many conspiracy theories that just boil down to "Asians aren't complete human beings with their own thoughts and autonomy" like maybe Chinese people are just going about their day to day life. Maybe a video of a North Korean person like chilling is just a person chilling, who isn't going to power down like a robot once the video is over. Stop being a fucking creep.
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genderqueerdykes · 4 months
it's okay to be fat and like to eat. it's okay to be fat and enjoy cooking, baking, grilling, canning, drying or preparing foods. it's okay to be fat and work a restaurant or bakery and enjoy what you do. it's okay to be fat and not ashamed of eating in public. it's okay to be fat, but it's especially okay to be fat and have a positive relationship with food. people are supposed to enjoy eating, it's where we get our energy from, it's a very positive and nourishing experience for our bodies, it's okay if it's positive and nourishing to your mental health, too. fat people are allowed to eat, and we're allowed to enjoy doing it, too.
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sher-ee · 23 days
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Arlington National Cemetery is not there for political campaign ads. Most people don’t go there for that and don’t want to see that when they do. Trump put out a TikTok video and dozens of campaign videos and photos.
His staff got into an altercation with an official at Arlington National Cemetery so they could take this ridiculous grinning thumbs up photo literally on the graves of dead soldiers.
When are his supporters going to get it? This man is a fraud.
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noonstate · 11 months
i need well meaning cis people to stop attemping to steelman trans healthcare conversations because it basically always ends with them just lying about easily checkable things "no minors are getting irreversible treatments" wrong not true "no minors are having surgery" also false, like instead just say the truth: currently some minors (few, but some) are able to access hrt that will have some irreversible changes on their body, some (even fewer) minors are able to access surgery.
the counter to transphobes screaming "these kids are being irreversibly changed" isn't "no children are accessing this care" it's "puberty is also an irreversible change" and "i think under 18s and even under 16s should be able to make medical decisions actually"
"no minors are accessing this care" means that transphobes can easily point to the examples of minors who are accessing that care, which just make us look like liars. sometimes teenagers and children need to make medical choices on their own. i think a 14 y/o should be able to get an abortion. i think trans kids and teens should be able to have the approriate care, which for some will just be like, picking a new name or haircut, and for some, sure, could be surgery.
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euniexenoblade · 2 months
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I love how the vote blue no matter who crowd are basically using cyber bullying as voter intimidation. "Vote how we want you to or we'll abuse web site reporting systems against you." Lol.
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ot3 · 11 months
i do fundamentally agree with the idea that stuff like 'man' and 'women' dont have to be mutually exclusive, people can identify as whatever they want, and gender is there to be played around with as much as anyone likes. but i do feel like we're seeing a trend amongst some subsets of people where they can't hold those beliefs and Also accept the fact that as it stands 'woman' is still a very real and important political class of people. like it really would be great if we were in a place culturally where gender categorizations werent very politically relevant. but they clearly are. and i feel like a lot of people in an attempt to find an understanding of gender that makes them more comfortable have subconsciously kind of abandoned a framework that calls for a structured women's lib movement.
and it's like, on one side you have large swathes of the population who still aren't fully sold on the whole 'women are people' thing. and then on the other side you have a group who correctly understand that the whole gender thing is pretty bullshit. but then, instead of using feminism as a platform to try and build towards a world that reflects those ideals politically they have just kind of retreated fully into idpol and abandoned the scraps of the feminist framework to the radfems to re-appropriate into. fucking. nouveau phrenology.
it just sucks man it feels like we're sort of at an all time low in regards to public interest in meaningful feminism that i've witnessed in my lifetime.
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The only thing funnier than the FOB We Didn't Start the Fire cover is libs handwringing over the "Shinzo Abe blown away" line as "tasteless" since a) it's literally just an update of the lyric "JFK blown away" and b) Shinzo Abe getting murked by a Fallout 4 contraption shotgun was one of the funniest and coolest things to happen in the last ten years and he 100% deserved it
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nyancrimew · 2 months
you can stop telling me to vote btw or i will be FORCED to commit voter fraud in november and vote as a non citizen and non resident
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lady-loveluck · 3 months
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"Grace, the one with a thousand eyes"
CREDITS TO @lillazyboithings , creator of the AU.
Post of the AU is HERE.
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z3phyr23 · 1 year
Drawing Day 4
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Blinky! I think he is probably my least interesting doll. His emblem turned out alright, though it’s pretty similar to Tinky’s.
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teamcurtflake · 2 months
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genderqueerdykes · 2 months
i was reading the recipe suggestions on some of the cans of mackerel i have in my cupboard, and I've noticed that on all of the recipe suggestions for pasta, seafood, anything really say "try this for a low-calorie, low carb, low fat, low sugar dinner". you. need those things when it comes to be mealtime. calories are a measure of how much "energy" you can burn, not how much weight you will gain from eating the food. carbohydrates get broken down into starches, sugars, and fibers, which are all necessary for you to function.
your brain & body operate primarily off of fats, sugars, and proteins, but i've noticed that protein is the only thing we push as absolutely necessary, which just isn't true. whenever you idle and not in motion, your body has nothing to do with the extra protein you're bringing in. it will be stored as extra fat if you do not give that protein a reason to build muscle tissue instead.
your brain consumes 20% or more of the sugar you take into your body- our brains NEED glucose, you literally need sugar to think. if you feel depressed and like you're sluggish reacting to things, thinking, remembering things, and other mental processes, if you are the kind of person who refuses to eat any sugar at all due to wanting to be skinny, you are doing your brain a huge disservice:
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i can't stand the hatred towards dietary fats, because it's causing so many people to be outright miserable or even sick. you need fats to function. they are an excellent source of energy and are literally required for you to be able to move, think, and combat disease. they are not this icky thing that you need to avoid at all costs. fats are extremely important for brain development, as well as brain function, and even immune system function:
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also for many people, 2,000 calories or less per day is nowhere near enough. your brain actively consumes calories, fats and sugars while you are awake, no matter what you are doing:
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i sincerely refuse to believe that if JUST YOUR BRAIN ALONE consumes somewhere in the ballpark of 400-500 calories just for being awake and active that we can only survive off of 2,000 calories a day. capitalism, diet culture and fat shaming forcing us to starve ourselves of vital nutrients so we are weak and too tired to fight back against the bullshit we face every day. food is important.
food isn't just to satiate the feeling of an empty stomach. it is the ONLY way you get vital fuel in order to keep moving, living, thinking, and breathing. vitamins and minerals are NOT the only vital aspects of food. you're not meant to restrict how many nutrients you get at FUCKING MEAL TIMES. YOU NEED FUEL. PLEASE FUEL YOUR BODY AND BRAIN. A CONVENTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE BODY ISN'T WORTH SUFFERING AND LIVING YOUR WORST LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sher-ee · 9 days
For those of you who were too young to remember 9/11 this is who Trump has always been.
Trump called in on 9/11 to brag that his building was now the tallest building in downtown Manhattan:
“Forty Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building... Now it’s the tallest!”
A self serving asshole who has never cared about his fellow man.
He doesn’t care about Veterans. He doesn’t care about children shot to death in schools and he doesn’t care about you.
Wake the fuck up.
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