#the lesbian urge to make a fucked up hot girl
next-hero-in-line · 9 months
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Just- because I don’t think I ever actually posted about her, and I haven’t drawn her that much….
Uhhh this is The Dollmaker, she’s… she’s weird and threatening but also…. Helpful sometimes I guess. Idk something is wrong with her.
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whore-era · 2 years
affinity - part 3
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ellie williams x fem!reader
themes: angst, pining, best friends, unrequited love, love triangle, these lesbians finally end up together!!
summary: when ellie's plans to confess her feelings goes sideways.
a/n: last & final part. hope u all enjoy this one <3
word count: 4,559
3/3 | affinity - pt 1 , affinity - pt 2
tag list: @jolieetoile @kyleeservopoulos @ri4starshine @joliettes @machetegirl109 @zoddiachead @kyootsies @blairfox04 @frasersgf @3lliesrifle @freesmbdy134 @tweecunt @aryaharmon @whteflwcrs @kxixc @siesie2 @bigboobslilheart @1ov9r @yookayyo @wandsgale @apxtowiris @magicalfreakcowboylawyer @catostrophiclesbian @champagnelovers101 @s3xymoonman @overtrred28 @daddy-carpenter @elliewilliamsl0ver
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“shit! jesse! they’re coming closer!” 
poor sunshine’s legs are pushing as fast as they can against the snow, attempting to lose the horde of runners chasing after you. their screams ringing in your ears, eager to get a taste of any meat they can get their hands on.
“come on! we gotta get back to town and lose ‘em somehow!” jesse yells, his horse, blade, galloping as hard as his gaunt legs can go.
no. there’s no way you’re gonna lead them, these monsters, back to jackson. you’re on patrol for a reason. you’re there to protect. your mind goes to the neighborhood kids, and the sounds of their laughter when they scamper around the playground. your mind goes to mrs. clarkson, and how she’s 8 months along with her firstborn, a girl. your mind goes to mr. and mrs. rodriguez, and how they’ve been together for 52 years and how they start their mornings sitting on their porch and watching the sunrise as they sip on their coffee. your mind goes to the last time you saw ellie, with her lips on yours. you blink back tears, regretting not taking advantage of that moment to tell her you didn’t want ethan, and how you wanted to be with her instead, that you loved her. 
shaking your head, you make the decision to protect the people you love and allow an opportunity for jesse to save himself. 
you tug on sunshine’s lead to the right, “jesse! i’m gonna lead them away! go to back to town, now!” and before the raven-haired boy had any time to protest, you scream as loud as you can. attracting the runners with your voice.
“hey! uglies! over here!” you bellow, the pack of infected runners hot on your trail. looking back, relief washes over you as jesse manages to escape, free of any infected following his tail. 
but you couldn’t help the fear sinking in your stomach, unsure if you would ever see the town of jackson again.
a few hours earlier 
“god, joel. i’m so stupid.” ellie groans, “what if i scared her by kissing her? fuck, i should’ve asked her or something—”
“well, did she look scared?” the southern drawl of his voice questioned, bringing her back to last night’s events.
ellie’s hands were firmly on your waist, her lips pressed against yours, starting off with a slow, tender kiss. you immediately folded, relaxing into her mouth, allowing your lips to part slightly. ellie used the opportunity to slip her tongue into yours, letting you taste the bourbon she was drinking just hours before. 
everything felt so right. your bodies molded into each other perfectly, like two pieces of a puzzle. your veins were on fire, relishing in the searing session of her mouth hot on yours. 
you were brought back to earth once you realized you were kissing ellie. you. were. kissing. ellie. 
pulling away from her, your body immediately yearned to be against hers again, but you quickly squashed the urge to smash your lips against hers and bring her back inside your house and rut your cunt against her thi-
“i—” you managed to stutter out, “i h-have patrol in the m-morning.” and you quickly threw yourself inside, slamming your front door shut as you leaned your back against the wood surface.
ellie’s heart was palpating in her chest, nearly popping out of her body. the way your lips felt on hers was a feeling she felt like no other, and she would sell her soul to the devil if it meant she could experience it one more time. 
“uh—no, don’t think so. she was kissing me back in the beginning, before she pulled away and slammed the door in my face,” ellie murmured, gaining a chuckle from her step-dad. 
“well, i’ll be. think you just surprised her, that’s all,” joel reassured her, patting her back. ellie sighed, burying her face in her hands.
“why do feelings have to be complicated?” ellie’s voice comes out all muffled and garbled.
“who said it had t’be?” joel laughed, “look, let me ask you this. what do you feel when you look at her?” 
ellie’s mind drifted to how you looked last night; the glow of the porch light illuminating every feature of your face perfectly — looking like an angel. from the slope of your nose bridge, to the pout of your lips, to the slight glimmer in your eyes — ellie was speechless. her brain went empty, only making space to focus on you.
“i—i don’t know, i just—” a smile mindlessly curls on ellie’s lips as her mind can’t rid of the thought of you. 
“uh oh, you’re in deep.” joel lets out another boisterous laugh, amused at the girl’s puppy-love-like trance, “poor girl’s got you wrapped around her finger.” 
ellie rolled her eyes, “yeah, yeah, whatever, old man.”
sending a quick glare the young girl's way, the older gentleman brought up another question to her attention. “how do you feel when you’re with her?” 
ellie thought for a moment, “well, i’ve known her for years, so i’ve grown to be comfortable around her. i can talk to her about anything without feeling like she’s gonna judge me or some shit. we can do anything together and find a good time out of it all. whenever i’m mad about something that happened on patrol, or i’m sad because of whatever — she’s the first person i wanna talk to. she makes me feel like— like— everything’s gonna be alright,” ellie continued her tangent, “when i’m with her, i get that feeling like when we’re done fighting some runners or something, and we’re full of adrenaline and we’re just so— so proud and relieved.”
ellie takes a breath, “that’s how i feel when i’m with her. and i wanna feel like that all the time.”
joel smiles at the girl before him, as she opens her heart and spills out all the feelings and words she’s accumulated over the years — over one girl. he reminisces on his own love, sarah’s mom, who was his once-in-a-lifetime love. one he’ll never get to experience again, but was lucky to have to remember forever and on.
“see? why y’gotta make it complicated for yourself?” he asks, “just tell her what you told me. easy as that.” 
ellie nodded, knowing that the only way she could truly win you back was, to be honest with you. the girl quickly scurried off to her shed, mapping out an elaborate plan to tell you how she felt and how she could make it memorable. 
“thanks, old man!” she yelled as she ran inside her little shed. 
“no problem!” joel yells, “hey! stay inside, ya’hear? it’s beginning to blizzard out there!” the older man reminded ellie, but she just waved him off. but little did she know, the harsh wind and snow would be the reason why she would be waiting for you to come back home. 
ellie spent the rest of her day off planning a special night for you, filled with reruns of your favorite 90’s sitcom on VHS, your favorite snacks, and your favorite dinner. she was currently headed to the town’s mart, fetching some last minute things to decorate her shed with to make it all pretty for you, just how you like it. 
ellie let out a breath, observing her hot breath turn icy white in the midst of the blizzard. thankfully, the snow wasn’t blowing too hard. opening the door of the mart, she rubbed her boots against the mat, careful not to slip. 
“well, if it isn’t ellie fucking williams?” 
she turns her head, greeted by the short, choppy-haired girl she’d been hoping to avoid. shit, i forgot she worked here. ellie cursed in her thoughts. 
“hi, cat.” ellie said sheepishly, scratching the back of her neck, “good to see you. you look good.” 
“mm, we’re not doing this,” cat snarks, popping a piece of bubblegum, “you haven’t talked to me in like 4 days. what’s up with that, huh?”
ellie sighs, closing her eyes before opening them again. she was screwed. “i just had shit to deal with cat, sorry.”
“like a certain girl you’ve been best friends with for years?”
“how’d you know?”
cat scoffed, “she was glaring at me all night the evening she got plastered at the tipsy bison. thought she was gonna kill me.” 
ellie laughed at the thought of you making a grouchy face at cat. it warmed her heart, knowing her girl had a jealous side to her. 
“yeah— sorry about that. i- uh- should’ve told you about that sooner,” ellie apologizes. she was aware of how shitty of an apology it was, but she wasn’t sure what else to say. 
“mhm, yeah,” cat rolled her eyes, “it’s fine. i saw it coming. we had fun while it lasted, williams.”
“what do you mean?”
“are you really that dense, ellie? everyone in town can see how close you are to each other, and it was just a matter of time before you realized your feelings for her,” cat admitted, putting away some cans on the shelves.
“oh.” was all ellie could say. god, she really was stupid.
“anyways, no hard feelings here. just FYI.”
“yeah, thanks, cat. i appreciate that. wouldn’t blame you if you did harbor any though,” ellie said, beginning her shop throughout the small mart. 
once ellie found all the necessary things she needed, she traded her items and left. the snow was blowing even harder than it was before, causing ellie to check her watch. she had an hour left before you and jesse got back from patrol, giving her all the time she needed to finish setting things up in her shed. 
she hurried back home, and got to work sorting the fairy lights out in her room, hanging them on the edge of the walls and across the ceiling. decorating certainly built a sweat, and by the time ellie was done hanging all the lights, putting out all the food, and setting up the projector, she was exhausted. but ellie knew it was worth it, just imagining your face once you saw everything she did for you was enough for ellie to keep pushing through with her plan. 
checking the time again, she jumped in shock and clambered around for her jacket, slipping it over her hoodie. ellie headed out to the gates, so she could be there to greet you once you got back. filled with excitement, she couldn’t help but walk with a little pep in her step, even though the snow was blowing at such a high speed. 
once she made it to the tall, lumber gates, ellie could see a crowd of people gathering nearby the stables and from a distance, she caught a glimpse of jesse.
sprinting over to the swarm of people, ellie grabbed jesse’s shoulder. 
“what’s going on?” ellie noticed jesse was by himself and you were nowhere to be seen, “where is she?” her brain immediately jumped to the worst possible case scenario, assuming you were out there by yourself, fighting off a pack of clickers or something worse.
jesse turned to look at ellie, a decision he immediately regretted, knowing it’d be impossible for him to lie to those piercing green-eyes. 
“listen— ellie, let’s take a breather—” outrage boiled inside ellie’s stomach, and she cut jesse off with a strong shove to the chest, sending him back a few feet.
“where the fuck is she, jesse?!” the brunette yelled, “did you just fucking leave her alone? out there?!” 
jesse took ahold of ellie’s shoulders, shaking her a little, “will you let me get a fuckin’ word in?!” 
“this better be good.” 
ellie pushed jesse’s hands off of her, taking a couple of deep breaths. “we were ambushed by a pack of runners by the old tire factory four kilometers down,” jesse recounted, “we couldn’t see a thing, els. the snow was blowin’ in our faces, and i guess we were talkin’ too loud— next thing i knew, we were runnin’ for our lives. didn’t have the ammo to take them all down.” 
“what happened, jess?” it took everything in her to hold back a sob, “please.”
“all i heard her yell was for me to go back to town, that she’ll lead them away. then she took off in the other direction, all those fuckers chasing after her,” jesse’s voice cracked, only now realizing the gravity of the situation. 
“why the fuck would you let her do that?! you should’ve chased after her or— or—” ellie pounded on jesse’s chest, rage fueling her every action. all she could see was red, blinded by the fury.
jesse took her fists in his hands, attempting to calm ellie down, but there was no avail. “you know how she is, els! she’s stubborn as fuck and she doesn’t listen to anyone else—” he breathes out, “she loves this town more than anything in this fuckin’ world. i should’ve known she would’ve done some stupid shit like that.” 
a tear rolls down ellie’s face, knowing in her heart that everything jesse was saying was true, and she couldn’t argue with him about that. 
“she would’ve never forgiven herself if anything happened or— or someone here got hurt,” jesse muttered. 
“this is all your fault! you— you should’ve done something, jess! anything! instead— you left her out there to di—” ellie couldn’t shake off the anger that simmered inside her. she was finding every excuse to blame everyone else, not wanting to face the truth that it was your decision and your decision alone to do this. 
“hey!” jesse screams, “you think you’re the only person in this fucking town who cares about her?! newsflash, ellie! you’re fuckin’ wrong!”
jesse couldn’t stand the incessant screams coming from her. he was already beating himself over it, guilt washing over him every time he was reminded that he just abandoned you. 
“she’s my- she’s my fuckin’ best friend too, ellie!” a tear streams down jesse’s face, “i would’ve fuckin’ traded places with her in a heartbeat! and you know that!” 
at this point, jesse and ellie are in full-blown tears. ellie struggles to respond to jesse, and all she could do was hug the boy in front of her. she didn’t mean anything she said, and she knew he tried his best.
“i love her, jess. i love her,” ellie sobs into his jacket, not caring if snow gets in her face. “what if she’s out there alone? or what if she’s bit? or dea—” 
jesse cuts her off, “no. don’t even think that,” he grabs ahold of her shoulders again, “if there’s one thing we both know ‘bout her is that she’s tough and she knows what she’s doin’ when she’s out there. we’ll go after her once the snow slows down.” 
all they could do was wait. as much as jesse, ellie, and even dina protested, joel and tommy weren’t letting anyone out, saying that the snow is still coming down too hard and that it was going to be dark soon. it took four stable boys and three other patrol men to restrain the trio from going out on their own and finding you themselves.
as the hours passed and the sun went down, anxiety and panic begin to set in ellie further and further. 
she couldn’t restrain herself anymore, and walked towards the stables for shimmer, deciding that she’d search for you herself. not caring how many people tried to hold her back. ellie needed to get her girl back.
approaching shimmer’s stable, ellie tries to pull her gate open but it didn’t budge, realizing they put a padlock on her stall. 
“fuck!” ellie screams, kicking a nearby metal bucket, creating a loud ‘clang’ sound. she sat down on a bench, putting her head in her hands and attempting to stop the tears from flowing out of her eyes. 
“you know, it’ll do no good if you go out there by yourself.”
ellie picks her head up, seeing the voice was from maria. 
“she needs you here, ellie. you know she’d throw a fit if she found out you went out in the blizzard by yourself,” maria commented, taking a seat on the bench beside ellie. 
“what if i lost the only chance i had to tell her i loved her?” ellie croaks out, looking at maria with glossy, bloodshot eyes. the older woman wraps an arm around her, pulling her in for a much-needed side hug, “i’m so fucking stupid, maria. so, so stupid.” 
“she’ll come back. our girl, she’s resilient,” maria coos, “those runners out there, they should be the ones whose scared.” 
ellie laughed a little through her tears as maria rubbed the side of her shoulder, “if she doesn’t come back by mornin’, we’ll all search for her, okay?” 
the emerald-eyed girl nods, using her hoodie sleeve to wipe her tears. 
“hey! i see someone coming!” ellie and the older woman hear one of the guards yelling. both of them scramble to their feet, rushing to see who it was. 
“open the gates!” joel commands. the towering gates slowly unfold, revealing you strolling inside with sunshine. 
you have never been so relieved to see those shimmering lights in the distance. after spending nearly nine hours cooped up in a smelly outhouse to hide from the runners, you and sunshine made a go for it, nearly snapping your ankle in the process. but you were thankful you were in one piece and uninfected.
limping next to sunshine, the first person you see is jesse. he races towards you, suffocating you in a tight bear hug, lifting you off the snow and spinning you around. once he sets you back on the ground, he gently punches you in the shoulder.
“you’re so fuckin’ dumb for doin’ that, you know? we could’a lost you,” he wastes no time lecturing, earning an eye roll from you. 
“one of us had to do it, jess,” your voice comes out sounding strained and weak from all the yelling hours prior. 
jesse gives you a stern look, “it could’a been me. i don’t what i’d do if something happened to you,” he murmurs, pulling you in for another hug, “who’s gonna clean out all the alcohol now?” 
you gasp and smack his shoulder, inciting a hearty laugh from the raven-haired boy. he’s never been so happy to see you in his life, and he’s relieved you’re alive and okay.
you’re taken aback when jesse is suddenly shoved onto the ground, the snow cushioning his fall. ellie appears in your view and she takes your face in her hands, scanning your features for any sign of injury or bites or anything of the sort. 
jesse groans in pain, holding his hip, “jeez, an ‘excuse me’ would’a sufficed,” he murmurs before he hobbles away, leaving you two alone. 
“what happened, baby? where were you?” ellie whispers, her hands never leaving your face, afraid that this would somehow all be a dream and you would slip from her fingertips. 
your heart flutters in your chest at her pet name, “i-i was at the farm, down the mountain. i was hiding in an outhouse,” your nose crinkles, “wasn’t the most pleasant experience. i’d give it a three out of ten.” 
ellie laughs, despite a couple of tears falling from her eyes, “yeah?” 
you nod, “then when the coast was clear, i made a run for it and got on shimmer. think i sprained my ankle though,” you let out a soft hiss as the pain in your ankle shoots up your leg, “besides that, m’fine. just starving.” 
ellie wraps her arm around your waist, holding onto you and making sure you don’t stumble. you both see ethan walk over to you, and before ethan had a chance to say something, ellie held her hand up. 
“woah, woah, woah there,” ellie declares, “she needs her rest, so i’m gonna take her home. got that, horse-boy?” and ellie whisks you away from everyone else, allowing ethan to take sunshine back to the stables and in her stall. 
you didn’t bother to protest, as you were way too exhausted, and you liked seeing ellie get jealous over you for once. 
managing to limp all the way to ellie’s shed, you both make it back within due time. ellie rummages through her pockets for her key. 
“before we go in, i just wanna warn you, i had this plan for you to tell you how i felt and i was waiting for you to come back but-”
you cut her off, letting out a soft giggle, “ellie, just open the door.” 
“yes, ma’am.”
she unlocks the door, swinging it open and allowing you to enter first. you step inside, drinking in the sight in front of you. dainty fairy lights adorned her walls and ceilings, your favorite chips and candy are sprawled out in cute serving bowls, two plates of your favorite meal are neatly set with fancy cutlery, and your favorite show was in the VHS, waiting to be played. 
you were in awe. your heart swelled ten sizes bigger, and all you could feel was euphoria. ellie did all of this? for you? if you would’ve known sooner, you would’ve made an effort to come back quicker. 
“it’s perfect, els,” you breathe out, looking up at her with a smile. 
she gives you a soft kiss on your forehead, “it’s all for you, babe.” 
there it was again, those damn butterflies.
leading you by your hand, she brings you inside, guiding you toward her bed. sitting down on the cushion of the mattress, you take off your backpack and put it to the side. 
“wanna get cleaned up first? i have some extra clothes you can borrow and you can use the shower,” ellie suggests, holding up a pile of sleepwear. 
“yea, i feel icky,” you say scrunching your nose, eliciting a laugh from the brunette. 
you shimmy your jacket off and lift your shirt above your head, tossing it to the side. ellie takes it upon herself to help you out of your pants, and she pulls you up on your feet by the belt loops of your jeans, unbuttoning them and peeling them off your thighs. 
she gently pushes you back down to sit on the bed, and ellie crouches down in front of you, lifting your legs up to remove your pants. her breath hitches in her throat as she sneaks a peek at your blue, cotton panties. 
get your mind out of the gutter, ellie. you’re a gentlewoman.
standing up, you shift your weight on your unaffected foot. ellie snakes her arm around your bare waist, attempting to pry her eyes away from your chest. her mind is spinning, dizzy from the thought of having you naked in her place right now. clearing her throat, she takes your other hand and leads you toward the bathroom. 
her hand turns the shower on, checking the water periodically to see if it’s at a comfortable temperature for you. “here, i think the water’s fine.” 
limping towards the shower, ellie leaves a towel and the clean clothes on a bare spot on the sink, and heads out the door, “shout if you need me, i’ll come running.” 
as the water splashes on your skin, your muscles relax. washing away today’s events from your mind and rinsing off the mud from your skin, you feel a thousand times better. you savor the steam and how it helps you breathe again, feeling like you can inhale and exhale clearly. turning off the water, you step out of the shower and pat yourself dry with the towel. 
slipping the clothes on, you step out to ellie’s room, finding her sat on the bed, fiddling with the projector. the smell of your favorite dish wafts in your nose, and you turn your head to see steam rising from the plate. ellie managed to reheat the food and get the projector going, determined to give you the special night you deserved. for her special girl. 
realizing you’re out of the shower, ellie gets up and fixes her clothes, “i— uh— got everything set up for you.” 
a small smile forms across your face, realizing that ellie was nervous. your stomach tied in knots, excited for what was to come tonight.
“here, we don’t wanna put too much weight on that ankle,” she comes over and guides you to sit back down on the bed, lifting your leg and placing a small pillow under your sore ankle, inciting a small grimace from your face. 
“there we go. all better,” ellie murmurs, placing a hand on your thigh.
you smile, “thank you for helping me. but you didn’t have to do all of this, you know?”
“i wanted to. i mean— i had to show you in some way that i’m serious about you and that i want to be with you.” her green eyes soften when they connect with yours. 
she shakes her head, “no. don’t do that,” ellie sighs, “i’m so sorry it took me this long to realize i love you. it took having to see you with fucking ethan to know that i couldn’t survive in this wasteland of a world if it wasn’t me and you against it.”
tears begin to water in the corners of her eyes, “you know— when i was waiting for you, i was just stuck with this horrible feeling of just..not knowing what happened to you,” her voice cracks a little, “i was so scared, so fucking scared, baby. i thought the universe was punishing me, giving me the karma i deserved for not telling you that i love you sooner. thought i was gonna lose you.” 
you wrap your arms around ellie’s neck, pulling her close to you. her tears were dampening your shirt, but you didn’t care. it felt like you were in a dream, a dream you’ve had a hundred times before. a dream where the girl you fell in love with all those years ago was confessing her feelings to you, laying her heart out wide in the open. 
but this was real. everything was real.
pulling away from you, she looks at your face with tear-filled eyes, “if i were to ever lose you, i’d lose myself,” her voice trembles, “everything i’ve done here in jackson, everything i’ve accomplished here was all because of you. it’s you and me, babe.” 
you didn’t even realize you were crying until a tear falls down from your cheek. tears shedding from your eyes, you cup ellie’s cheeks and press your lips against hers. her hands instinctively make their way to your waist, kissing you back with everything she had in her. 
you pull away for a second to take a breath, leaning your forehead against hers, “it’s me and you,” you whisper against her lips before you press them against hers one more time.
the whole night is spent with you cuddled up against ellie, laughing ‘til your belly hurt at your favorite episodes, and throwing pieces of candy at her whenever she made a dumb joke. 
but you knew this is where you were supposed to be, where you belonged. with ellie. and you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
this is the end! thank u everyone for sticking w/ me til the end. i <3 u all.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 5 months
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"Alice and Colleen here with an exciting update for our OF subscribers! We're so glad you guys love our content and our sexy, feminine bodies, we love making videos for all of you and it warms our hearts how much love you guys show. But we both decided it's time we finally be honest with you all that we're detransitioning! We've been off estrogen for a month, and already our bodies are starting male puberty. But we decided to do the usual mtftm special and tonight we'll be on stream giving each other our first doses of testosterone while we still sort of look like girls. Kind of.
We're also going on cock growth pills. No more adorable two-inch cocks we rub together as we scissor. We both want our cocks so huge they're thicker around than our wrists. Down to our knees, rock hard all the time, our balls unnaturally inflated by all the synthetic hormones to grow to the size of plums. We'll finally get to cum like the boys we're meant to be. We can't wait to hot the gym, load up on muscle gain powder, and become full-fledged men, built like tanks, totally unrecognizable, sitting all day in the gym, waiting for unsuspecting pregnant college girls to come in and do yoga or some light running, their huge milk-filled breasts spilling out. We talk constantly about how fun it'll be to gang up on some girl like that and show her what it means to have some real cock fill her well-used holes.
We wanted to hold on and stay as fakegirls, pretending to be some idealized, porn-fantasy version of a lesbian couple. Ultra fem, wearing tiny bikinis everywhere, schoolgirl uniforms, tiny sundress with hems that barely reach past our asses or little cocks, showing them off whenever a little breeze rolls by. We make out in public, and when men approach us, we do our usual routine where we pretend not to want it, telling them we're only into 'other girls', only for them to shove their cocks down our throats or up our asses, which we graciously accept, no matter where we are. It's been so fun living out such a hot fantasy, but it's way too tempting to finally detrans. Doesn't help that our parents send us detrans content, like, every day. And so do our friends, and college professors, and coworkers......
We watch it all and rub our stunted little cocks like clits, cumming over and over like the depraved boys we really are. It's SO hot seeing beautiful fakegirls getting forced to become big burly men who can't control their sexual urges at all. Every time they wind up this way. From curvy, gorgeous, plump-assed, big-breasted, totally perfectly feminine in every way, to hulking muscle-men, hairy, no manners, ultra horny and sex-obsessed. From fun-loving and intelligent, to mindless oafs, their only hobbies become jerking off and raping the prettiest, curviest, most pregnant girls they can find. The perfect prey, unable to get away, irresistible, with bellies begging the world to be stuffed with as many cocks as possible. It's amazing how just a month with no estrogen and we're already so masculine and obsessed with getting our cocks nice and big for all of our future victims--I mean lovers! I hope you're excited to see our content go from softcore sapphic stuff to hardcore public fucking and rape--but let's be honest, bellies filled to the brim with sextuplets are the same thing as consent. Don't you agree? ❤️"
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emeraldelysian · 8 months
Jung Wheein ✧ Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
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Pairing: Jung Wheein x Reader Genre: Smut Synopsis: After an awful anniversary date with your boyfriend, you come home to your roommate Wheein to rant about the entire evening. What you don't realize is that Wheein has a plan to make you forget all about your bad date. Wordcount: 1.1K+ Warnings: Reader has F. Anatomy, Roommate AU, Oral (F. Receiving), Lesbian, Praise Kink, Cheating on an Awful Boyfriend (all my homies hate Brian) Note: On my knees for women right now so I decided to write about it
♡︎ follow, provide feedback, or reblog if you enjoyed but please don't repost or translate!♡︎
∘•···············•∘ʚ ♡ ɞ∘•················•∘
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"-And then Brian had the audacity to call me a hot piece of ass in front of his friends! Can you believe it? What a prick."
Wheein watched you pace back and forth in her bedroom as you rambled on and on about the bad date you had with your boyfriend, the TV still on at a lower volume from when she was watching. What was meant to be a nice anniversary dinner at his house had quickly turned into a bro fest with your boyfriend treating you like trash in front of his friends, because he had supposedly "forgotten that you two were going to hang out."
You and Wheein had been roommates for some time, going from dorming together at your university to getting an apartment until you both figured out your lives.
"I mean I love him- or at least, I thought I did. But then I remember that every time we've had sex, he for some reason just doesn't think I need him to do anything?? Like sometimes I want attention too. And when he does give me attention, he makes it feel like a chore. Like he'd rather be doing literally anything else. And like I know sex education is terrible in some schools but he's a grown man. How does he not know what the clit is-"
"Well, what if I eat you out?" She didn't know what urged her to blurt out the words she did, and she avoided looking into your eyes the moment she said it. She could feel your gaze on her though as you took in what she asked.
“You- You want to- really?”
Your voice sounds far away and you have to snap yourself back to reality when Wheein stands up and looks at you.
Wheein nods slowly, brown eyes wide and curious. Pleading.
“You…you always told me girls are better at it than boys are,” she murmurs, hand gently grasping at your hand, “and — and you told me your boyfriend is bad at it. So let me try? Maybe I'll be better…”
She trails off, gnawing at her bottom lip while she looks at you. Her wide eyes and pouty lips make her look so innocent you think you’re going to combust.
'This is wrong', you think to yourself. You have a boyfriend, even if you hated him. The two of you could never be together. She’d probably regret it in the morning, you-
"You can teach me, can’t you? Please?”
Fuck it.
You swallow down the lump in your throat and nod, “Y-yeah, fuck, come here, pretty girl-“
You shuffle on the bed so you can lay against the pillows with your legs spread, your date clothes suddenly suffocating.
Wheein's so eager to please; she nods obediently and immediately scampers to slot herself in between your legs. Pretty manicured hands bring your shorts and panties to the side, and then she freezes. She’s shaking, brown eyes flicking up to meet yours. She has no clue what she’s doing and your pussy is so pretty- she’s nervous.
“S-stick your tongue out, baby. Y-yeah, just like that, oh my god-“ your hand shoots up to fist in those blond strands, the girl’s tongue timid and soft against your folds.
“Go a little…a little harde- fuck, baby, yes, swipe that sweet little tongue across my clit, j-just like that—“ you whimper, gasping. You involuntarily pull her forward, at the same time bucking your hips up to meet her mouth. it’s fucking heavenly.
You don’t even have to tell her what to do next, her plush lips wrapping around the bud and sucking hard. You cry out, eyes squeezing shut.
She pulls off for a second, blowing cool air over your clit and giggling when your legs jerk. Her eyes blink up at you slowly, half-lidded and hazy, “U-use me, please? Want you to- want you to cum in my mouth. Want to- want to be a good girl.”
Wheein needs praise. You don’t know how you didn’t clock that before. It sends you into some animalistic overdrive and you nod. How could you say no to something so precious?
“Yeah, pretty girl, fuck, get in here-“ you push her back down and she lets you, humming into your cunt obediently and swirling her tongue around your clit before wrapping her lips around the bud and sucking again.
This time she flicks her tongue against you as she sucks, soft hands running up and down your thighs as she does. Your hips are bucking wildly now, grinding up into that hot little mouth and whining as you do.
“Such a good girl for me, so pretty. Gonna make me c-cum, oh my god-“ You should be embarrassed by how high-pitched your voice is, how quickly you’re going to cum. You probably would be later, but your orgasm is barreling towards you and you can’t bring yourself to care.
All it takes is those pretty eyes blinking up at you through long lashes and that knot in your tummy snaps, your back arching as tears fall down your cheeks. It feels so good you’re shaking. You realize it’s been far too long since you’ve had a real orgasm.
“S-so good, shit, my good girl, god- take it, take it-“ You hump her face through your orgasm, cunt fluttering and spasming. It’s too good. Wheein keeps sucking your cunt like the perfect girl she is.
Your legs shake, chest heaving as you come down from your high. You pet at her hair absentmindedly, eyes half lidded.
She pulls off with a wet pop, resting a soft cheek on the fat of your thigh and looking up at you with a giggle, “Was that good?”
She’s got stars in her eyes. you only nod, running your fingers through pretty strawberry locks, “S-so good. Where the hell did you learn all that? Use me? Be a good girl? Are you insane, Wheein?”
She’s embarrassed, pale cheeks flushing bright red when she replies, “I- I remember how you used to talk about the guys you’d be with and what they'd do wrong so I wanted to try out the things you've said you wanted."
You groan. She’s perfect.
“Fuck, you’re unreal. Get up here and let me return the favor or I'm gonna die.” You grin as she nods eagerly.
Your phone dings with a message from Brian, the phone screen flashing with a "Send a pic" text. You roll your eyes, hands already gripping her hips and lowering her down onto your tongue as you mentally make the decision to break up with him the next morning.
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passivenovember · 2 years
Happy Valentines Day!
Dedicated to my babies over in the smut cave. Thanks for making everyday so saturated in horniness that I can’t feel anything but love. You’re the best.
And to @cherrydreamer , who is so good I’m pretty sure God could learn a thing or two.
Steve’s not his boyfriend. Billy ties honesty around each wrist to keep himself in place whenever things start to feel a little too much like a roll of party balloons.
And they always do, with Steve. Because Steve’s an idiot.
He’s full of shining romance. He parks the Beemer outside Billy’s house every morning before school even though Billy’s got a car because Steve hopes, against all hope, that Billy will roll over and be his girlfriend.
That he’ll let Steve hold his hand and carry his books and allow Steve to drive them to school. Billy and Max, fighting over the radio station and tracking mud onto the floors while Steve grins like a moron.
Harrington has a death wish disguised as chivalry.
Because even though Billy aims to chew his head off and Neil would probably bury them both alive if he ever caught on, Steve climbs through bedroom windows and tucks notes onto mattress pillows and in between the slots of lockers because he’s got flowers growing out his ass.
Love’s gonna win out, for him.
Billy doesn’t get it. 
The hope. The peppery, love-sick gestures. He could pick them by the handful, each colored for a different moronic display of Steve’s lingering affection. 
And it’s not that Billy hates flowers, it’s just. 
It’s spring. 
It’s the promise of the days getting longer and air gusting warmer and the hope that even though he’s still living like a stoned crab under the ever-present weight of his father, Billy could relax into Steve’s attention and summer will drape itself over the land. 
If he just gave in, July would burn hot on his shoulder blades.
Billy doesn’t give in. 
He can’t.
He could lie and say it’s all part of some rude awakening. He’ll take Steve’s dick up his ass, down his throat, blooming like cactus blossoms between both hands, but he doesn’t love him.
But, turns out, as January melts into six more weeks of winter and Heather’s warning that this thing between Billy and Steve’ll vanish as soon as the ground starts to thaw, Steve gets restless.
Billy can’t blame him. Knows they’ve both got a lesbian ear-worm chewing their confidence to shit. 
Heather urges Billy to stop being such a piranha and Robin tells Steve he’s gonna get his heart smashed and tossed like a new penny into the ocean. Lost. Forgotten on its descent to the bottom of the hapless sea. 
And to be honest, no one’s ever been able to guess why Steve chose this. Billy, in all his pathetic glory. 
But he did. He picked Billy like a thorn from his side.
And they hammer themselves into something like the mockery of a relationship because that’s what people do. They fuck. They smoke pot and dry hump and fuck again, each chewing on the idea that maybe this won’t last. 
Billy’s good at ignoring it and Heather and himself until the weekend before Valentines Day. 
Steve pulls out of him. Rolls onto his back and says, “You never gaze at me,” even though his spunk is cooling the sheets under Billy’s naked thighs.
Billy shifts on the pillow, blowing smoke at the ceiling so it won’t end up in Steve’s eyes.
Steve won’t look at him.
He’s got the sheets tucked up around his chest, arms crossed over their slick face like he’s ashamed of himself, maybe, for the first time ever. Regretful of Billy. Of this thing between them.
Billy frowns. “I don’t do what?”
“You don’t gaze at me,” Steve tells him, Adam’s Apple bobbing like he needs a cool drink. “Y’know. Like when you see a pretty girl–”
“Don’t like girls, remember?”
“Okay, then,” Steve rolls onto his side, propping himself seriously on one elbow. “Say it’s a cute guy. Handsome.”
“When you see a handsome guy, you know? In a nice car, do you ever–”
“Is it a fast car?”
Steve blinks. “Does it matter?”
“‘Course it does,” Billy sucks on his smoke again, teasing, “Fast car’s a sign of taste. And to be able to afford that kinda car you’ve gotta have money. And in my experience, any guy with money’s got a cock on him.”
“Every guy’s got a cock.”
“Yeah, but not every cock’s a good one,” Billy winks, “Ain’t that right, Rolls Royce?”
Steve turns red, all the way down his chest. Billy has the familiar urge to pin him to the mattress and lick at his nipples, see if they taste like strawberry jam when he blushes like that.
But Steve’s eyebrows are threaded together. Serious, when he says, “You’re saying the only thing that’d trap you in a gaze is a nice car?”
Billy shrugs. “I don’t gaze.”
“I’ve noticed.”
“I could, though,” Billy looks over at him, guilty for the thrill that rolls through him at the sight of Steve, naked and pissed off. “If we’re talking about a fast car, and a rich guy, and a nice cock–”
“Forget it,” Steve snaps, sitting until the sheets pool around his waist. “Forget I said anything, alright?” Harrington jostles the bed, swinging his legs over one side. He reaches for his pants, tugging them on so roughly Billy’s worried he’ll give himself rug burn. 
Billy puffs on his cigarette. “Where you going, pretty boy?”
“Gotta piss.”
“You’re putting clothes on for that?”
Steve drops his pants as if they’ve caught fire. “Maybe I’ll leave.”
Billy snorts. “You live here.”
“Well, I’m not gonna kick you out,” Steve snaps. Annoyed. He’s never been this irritated with Billy before. So pressed he won’t even look at him.
Steve always looks at him. 
It’s not a great feeling.
Billy props himself against the headboard, trying to backtrack whatever landmine he ate shit over. Steve’s seething on the edge of the mattress, so far away he might as well be in Asia. So close Billy can map the constellations between his shoulder blades. “Come here,” Billy says softly.
Steve shakes his head. 
“You’re such an asshole sometimes.”
“I know,” Billy pinches the butt between his teeth. “Come here anyway.”
One moment yawns into the next and then Steve’s toes follow each other back onto the mattress. He tucks under the sheets, eyes tacked to the ceiling. 
“What,” Steve says. Taught and fragile. Bitchy.
Billy chokes on a swell of something. Swallows it down. “You don’t wanna cuddle?” He asks, exactly how Steve always does. Batting his eyelashes where he knows Harrington can see. 
But Steve won’t budge. He crosses his arms. “Tell me what you want and I’ll consider it.”
And Billy. 
He’s a pro at flipping the script. At hiding in plain sight. He’s been pretending to want this and nothing more if it means he’ll get Steve. A couple nights a week fucking in a bed he never sleeps in, watching every flash of desperate pleasure on Harrington’s face because there’s no chance he’ll run into the weight of anything when he’s caught in orgasm land. 
Billy doesn’t say the only time he feels good is when Steve comes. Doesn’t own up to the way it gets him through the swell of night, the memory of being so close to someone who’s good because it’s his nature. 
Steve never has to try. He’s perfect.
And Billy isn’t ready to admit anything. That he recognizes it. Feels Steve’s brilliance like a twisting knife in the back; Tell me what you want–
Billy clears his throat. “Do you want me to leave?”
The possibility makes him nauseous. Steve takes the cigarette that’s handed to him, perfect plush lips closing around the butt of the thing.
“Tell me, baby. I’ll go right now. You’ll never have to see me again–”
“God, you’re a dumbass, too, you know that?” Steve hands the cigarette over, jaw tense. “If I wanted you gone I would’ve kicked you out forever ago.”
“You. You mean tonight, or–”
“Yeah,” Steve tells him softly. “Months before that. Before I fell in love with you.”
Billy chews on their cigarette and watches Steve in between puffs. The way his lashes flutter when he’s trying not to give the side eye. 
Billy feels haunted. By everything. His future. The way Steve’s so free with his words and his truth, tossing them at Billy like red roses and rotting tomatoes. Steve says he loves him, and Billy’s heard it before. Steve’s sentiment gets lost in the roiling anger that makes Billy who he is. 
But tonight, it’s silenced.
Steve’s I love you’s have that effect on him. Cutting all the noise from the sky as his attention drapes over Billy like the lid of a coffin. Like sunlight, too. 
Billy turns to face him, his wrist cracking under the weight of his head. “Do you want me to gaze at you more?” He asks.  
Steve chews on a mouthful of smoke and then blows it at the ceiling until it looks like a cloud.
A bunny or an anvil. Something.
“I could,” Billy says. “You’ve got everything that grabs my attention, you know?”
“What? Money and cars and–”
“Yeah, but. It’s not only that shit, I was. I was kidding.”
Steve blinks. “You were kidding?”
“Mostly,” Steve says, as if tasting the caramel drop word on his tongue. He shifts on the mattress, glancing over and away again. Teasing. “Alright. What else about me grabs your attention?”
“You’re really gonna make me spell it out for you? Itemized list style?”
Steve’s demeanor falls flat again. A punctured balloon trickling from the sky. “Never mind,” He says, “Forget it. You obviously don’t feel the same about me as I do about you–”
“You make me laugh, okay?” Billy spits. 
He swallows thickly. Fiddles with the lip of the sheets. His words burn like acid. He’s cut to the bone. 
“I like the way you drum on your knee when there’s a song you dig. You have passions. You read, but you’re not very good at it. You help me study even though you mispronounce everything. You’re kind.”
And suddenly, Steve’s looking at him. Through him, too, past every swirling atom, toggling layers of bullshit and titanium walls meant to keep everyone out.
But under the cosmic starfall of Steve’s gaze and his attention and his love–
Billy’s walls never stood a chance.
“I like you,” Billy grits. 
He said it. He told the truth and now Harrington can out a lid on those eyes and stop looking at Billy like he ran over the family dog–
“You mean it?” Steve asks.
As if Billy’s saying something else. Like he’s admitting to a crime, or accepting a ticket to go anywhere in the universe.
Billy frowns, not understanding. “I guess so.”
Steve watches him for another endless, yawning moment. “Prove it.” He says, and finishes the cigarette.
It’s kind of how Max was, in that weird space between Billy’s first I’m Sorry and where they are now. 
Billy had to work for it because Billy has to work for everything. It’s like purgatory. Paying out of pocket for all the shit he’s done wrong in his life. 
Steve says, “prove it,” and Billy doesn’t really believe him at first. 
They aren’t together. Billy isn’t his fucking girlfriend, and Steve’s old enough that he’s supposed to have stopped wishing for grand gestures. 
Doesn’t he know that shit isn’t real? That husbands get their wives flowers because they got caught fucking their secretaries, and boyfriends only tuck fuzzy animals into their girlfriends arms to apologize for getting drunk and covering her in bruises?
But the more Billy turns it over in his hands, the more he realizes he should’ve seen this coming.
Steve’s got a pension for anything sappy and romantic. 
He goes hog wild for John Huges and sets money aside for February 15th, when all the Valentine’s candy is on sale. He sings the Ronettes at the top of his lungs when Billy’s pissed off, wiggling his hips and begging Billy to be his little baby. 
Steve pretends not to trace love hearts on storefront windows. He ignores thoughts of dinner reservations and avoids all conversation of expensive springtime bouquets until someone asks his opinion, and suddenly Steve’s a florist. 
Last year he even helped Max and her Nerdy friends plan a romantic double date night, complaining all the while even though he made Billy hide with him in the back room so they could spy–
It hits Billy like a freight train.
“No,” Billy tells himself. He shakes his head, curls catching obnoxiously on the pillow beneath him. “No way–”
He’s not asking the Nerd Squad for help/
He’d never hear the end of it. They’d roast him alive and it would cost him every cent in his California fund. Curly top would accuse him, all over again, of not being suave or good or smart enough for someone like Steve, and the rest would co-sign without ever saying a word, and–
Billy isn’t going to put himself through that type of ego-death all for a pair of legs, and that’s final.
But just as he starts to doze off, dreams lapping at his toes like warm ocean water, Billy settles with the fact that he has no other choice.
It’s his ego or Steve, and if Billy doesn’t play this right he’ll never love again.
“He says you never gaze at him?”
Billy digs his nails into his palm. “That’s what I said.”
“Steve’s kind of confusing.”
“You’re telling me.”
“I mean, it’s so weird,” Max’s shoes thump against the base of the couch, filling their empty house on Cherry lane with music. “You throw plenty of gaze at him.”
“I know, right?”
“You are gay-ze,” Max teases.
And if Billy were any less desperate, he might stick a wet thumb in her ear for that one. But he’s on his last leg. He’s tearing his curls out by the root. He’s climbing the walls, he’s–
Max frowns. “Tough crowd.”
“It was funny,” Billy tries, smile stiff and unnatural. “I was gonna laugh, but–”
“But you’re worried if you don’t do something grand and rom-com perfect Steve’ll dump you.”
Billy glares at her. “There’s nothing to dump. We aren’t dating.”
“Sure,” Max says slyly. 
She’s such a little shit. She’s the worst.
Billy bites against the urge to bully her. To pinch her arm and revert back to his old self to get what he wants out of the situation.
Max shrugs her knobby little shoulders and admits, “Steve’s not that hard to romance.”
Billy drops the act entirely. “How the fuck would you know that?”
“When he helped Lucas and Mike plan our double-date last year he gave this obnoxious speech about how girls pretend like we want diamonds and flashy declarations, but really it’s the thought that counts.”
But. “Steve’s not a girl,” Billy thunks his head on the back of the couch, exhausted.
This is bullshit.
This is so difficult–
“It’s not like you could afford to do anything obnoxious even if you wanted to,” Max tells him. 
And Billy gets that it’s meant to be reassuring.
Steve was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Anything he wants he can get for himself, including expensive bouquets and five-star dinners. Hell, he could get himself off, too. Doesn’t need Billy for anything. Not really. 
But that’s half the trouble.
If Billy can’t live up to the Valentine's Steve can plan for himself, he doesn’t know why he’s trying. 
Why he’s losing sleep, sick to his stomach over the thought that this might be it.
“Stop spiraling,” Max sits on the coffee table in front of him, knocking their toes together until Billy pins her with a heat-less glare. “When you imagine a perfect day with Steve–”
“I’m not talking about this with you.”
“Why? Max demands, “Because it involves a lot of open mouthed kisses?”
“Just tell me what you think he would like.”
“A handjob, probably.”
Billy sits ramrod straight. “Max, let’s watch the mouth.”
“Don’t take it out on me. I’m pretty sure that’s what every guy wants.”
“Steve’s not every guy, he’s. He’s fucking perfect and he was born in a castle and he’s always had anything he’s ever wanted and I’m a piece of shit–” 
“Billy, you’re fine,” Max tells him. Because, of course, she sees right through Billy’s vitriol.
He’s made of glass.
He’s a window. A crystal slipper, plummeting to its brain-shattered death.
Max knocks their toes together again. “Even if you served him a burnt pot of macaroni on a dirty plate, tucked over a sticky dining room table, he’d love it.”
“Why,” Billy snaps, “Because it’s me.”
“Because it’s you,” She says, eyes blue and earnest. “Now, walk me through your perfect date.”
In the end, mop top and the wheeler kid think it’s sweet that Billy’s trying in the first place.
They give him his blessing.
On February 14th, a day that’s so cloud-covered and rain drenched that Billy almost wants to call the whole parade off and stay in bed until the sun rises red and new, Steve’s dorks manage to get him out of the house.
His parents are in Rome, because.
Of course they’re in Rome. The city of love.
And Billy’s been shaking hard enough to cause an Earthquake since the second he got into the shower this morning, but Max smiles and says, “Tonight, Hawkins is the most romantic place in the world.”
So Billy chooses hope.
They light candles. They decorate. Billy orders heart-shaped pizza because he’d probably give them food poisoning if he tried to cook, and suddenly it’s 5:00.
The dorks clear out.
When the front door opens, Steve runs headfirst into a hallway covered in wilting daisy petals. He’s immediately tangled in the strings of four stubborn Get Well balloons because Max tried her best.
He drops his shopping bags when he sees the candles.
He almost brains it on the stairs, because Billy’s waiting in a suit, collar uncomfortably tight around the knob of his throat.
“Billy–” He says, with tears in his eyes.
But Billy’s gotta spit it out, before the words choke him to death. He takes the stairs two at a time, arriving at the bottom.
“Steve,” He says, kind of breathless. “I don’t just like you. I love you, and. Max helped me plan this because I’m an idiot. And the balloons are all wrong and I didn’t cook you anything, not even macaroni, but I love you, and--”
“It’s perfect,” Steve tells him.
And Billy doesn’t want to brag, but.
He proves it. Seals the deal with a kiss.
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hegoeshardasfuck · 3 months
there is no love here and there is no pain
wordcount: 0.6K
tags: vaginal fingering, praise, biting, butch lesbian Itachi, sub Itachi, friends with benefits
synopsis: sometimes it's nice having a break from it all and handing over the reigns to someone else
authors note: wrote this for yuri day, sorry for the late tumblr port upload, hope ya'll enjoy the insanity
Tumblr media
His voice is near silent, even with the way your fingers are so effortlessly working him. You both rest on his cloak, sheer fabric soft against sensitive flesh.
You palm eagerly at his bandaged chest and watch as he buckles just a bit. He bites his lip and whimpers.
"Good girl," You whisper into his ear gently.
"Shut up," Itachi hissed back, he enjoyed this far more than he'd ever admit in spite of that. Fuck, he wanted you bad.
But he couldn't be the one to fuck you.
How could he when this is so much more fun?
Your fingers press against his clit and he goes ramrod straight with a gasp. He refrains from squeezing his thighs together when you retract your fingers, what a tease. You kiss along his neck slowly but surely, it's an agonizing pleasure, one that he needs.
Your hands spread his thighs, nails digging into flesh that's firm but not visibly toned. He leans back against you a bit and you hold his hip in one hand and drag your nails up his thigh with the other. His reaction is rich with how intense it is, even if it held the usual Itachi flatness.
His body shudders as you thrust a finger into his dripping cunt. You pump a second into the mix slowly, watching as he bites backs moans. Painted nails claw into the fabric you're both seated upon.
You give a pleased hum against the nape of his neck, "Itachi, you're such a good girl, even if you don't tell anyone else."
"It's for safety," Itachi managed to get out. He whimpered as you dragged your teeth along his throat.
"Sure it is, and it's also to hide your past, isn't it?" You tease him gently, watching as he just sort of comes undone under your touch. It's a gratifying experience, one that you rarely get a chance to enjoy.
Itachi gives a small snarl of sorts, ah, you're prying too much. It's fun to push him regardless. Push your luck and push him ever closer to the edge of orgasm, "Interrogate me later-!"
He fucking whimpers as he cums, an unyielding pleasure barreling through him. He shudders as you raise slick fingers up to his lips. He's being lowered to this? Licking his own cum off of your fingers?
It's… It's kinda hot.
"Go on," You urge as you press your fingers to his lips. You know that he could kill you right now, without even a second to pass you'd be dead. But you aren't dead, and he's never once wounded your during any of your affairs.
He lets you stick your fingers in his mouth and he sucks them clean. No shame at all. His tongue laps between your digits and he's not to fond of the way that he tastes but this is still hot.
When you retract your fingers you find them covered in saliva, a strand clinging to his lips. You haphazardly wipe down your hand on his cloak. Then you lean him back just enough to press a kiss to his forehead.
"Need me to clean you up, pretty girl?" You coo the words as a taunt but there's a loving lilt to it that catches both of you off guard.
He rolls his gaze away, "No."
You trail your hands down to his thighs to find them sticky and damp, "You sure 'bout that, princess?"
He pushes himself up right before swiveling around to rest his thighs at your hips, "Just make it quick, and don't you dare make me cum again."
You push him down to rest on his back. You smirk as you shuffle yourself back to the point you can spread his thighs to rest your torso between them. You press your hands to the crests of his pelvis before meeting his tired gaze, "I make no promises, Uchiha."
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grumpymoons · 2 months
I have been interested in the sexual and depraved for as long as I can remember. Very young I discovered the after hours on showtime and would sneak into the living room to watch on the television on a wide screen and masturbate. In 2nd grade I had a PC that took forever to turn on and off. I was lucky enough to have an attic room on the third floor of the house, so I wasn't worried about getting caught looking at unseemly images and videos.  I had been looking up sex and porn related things when my mother opened up my door and started making her way up the stairs. I quickly shut off the monitor and the tower, however because I did it all too fast the screen froze and I was caught in the act.
After that my computer was removed from the room, but that did not stop me from my endeavors. When my friends would come over I would convince them to practice kissing and play lesbians with me, before I truly even knew what a lesbian was. Oh my gosh I hope I did not traumatize any of my young female friends. I was gifted with a 3DS when I was 10 and that quickly became my main source of spice. I would go on the internet and search up images of penises to screenshot and look at later while I played with myself. My youtube account had male moaning and whimpering audios saved which I listened to daily. I began experimenting with getting myself off in any way possible and I was definitely creative. 
You may be wondering what the fuck was wrong with me to be doing all of that at such a young age. I do not know truly but I think it has impacted my sexual life today. I have yet to be able to truly let myself go with another person. I have hyped up the act of sex, foreplay, and orgasms so much that I have yet to experience much good action for my body. I have had my current boyfriend bring me to a small clitoral orgasm once when I awoke from sleep and his fingers were in me. That was hot and it came quickly, but was over before I knew it. The only other one was a hookup I had years ago who was aggressively finger fucking me, but for some reason that one also only ended up being small. I often wonder if this is due to vigorous masturbation during my adolescent years until now. 
My masturbation history is a long one. I began experimenting and feeling myself for as long as my memory can go back, but the true start was with a porn movie I saw on showtime after hours. It was called The Seduction of Misty Mundae and it changed my life. From then on I knew that I wasn’t alone in my urges and thoughts. The movie is about an unsuspecting girl learning the ropes on sexuality and the things she is into sexually. Now as an adult many parts are problematic, but I will always remember that being monumental for me. I learned about masturbation, blowjobs, exhibitionism (even though I didn’t know what that was and why I liked it so much), sex with men AND women. I think that started a real addiction to porn (which i lowkey may still have). I watched it as much as possible. Often just to watch and attempt to learn as much as I could. I did not get to explore these urges until much later in life thankfully (except for those times playing lesbians with my friends). 
I am 22 now and I have a love-hate relationship with my sexuality. I masturbate often, but do not have sex more than sometimes once a month. I wonder what happened to the girl who was so excited to lose her virginity, and is now scared to initiate sex with a man who I love and am extremely attracted to. I could blame it on the fact that he doesn’t do much foreplay, but then neither do I. So how could I expect him to put his mouth on me, if I am not sucking his dick more. I want it so bad though. I want him to eat me out until I can not walk. I want him to actually pay attention to what I like and don't like, and I wish I had more confidence to speak my mind to what I want in sexual scenarios. I would love to be more dominant and tell him what to do. To MAKE him worship me the way I deserve. 
I also have to work on my self confidence just as a human in general. I hope that when that rises so will my ability to speak on what I want in the bedroom. If he edged me to the point of tears and then finally let me come after making me beg for it I would be drooling for him at all times. I actually am already drooling for him, just scared to take the next steps for fear of being rejected or not good enough honestly. Sometimes he gets home from work and looks so delicious I want to drop to my knees for him right there. I don't, but I absolutely should start doing it. 
This blog is meant to be a little bit of everything as I struggle to limit myself to one topic, however a huge reason I started this is to document my sexual journey. It is a secret diary of sorts and I'm going to be spilling my most depraved thoughts and actions. I was highly inspired by the shows ``The Girls Guide to Depravity” and “The Secret Diary of a Call Girl '' when I was growing up. I have wanted to start a blog about whatever I wanted for years, but was scared to admit that I have urges and wants so dirty and disgusting. I am learning that they are not disgusting, but perfectly reasonable and achievable. 
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motocorsas · 11 months
cw: NSFW
"Tony. Tony."
"Mmh? What?"
"It's an emergency."
Fabio's standing over him in the same clothes he was wearing a few hours ago; they've made a habit of hanging out at either's home, playing video games for however long and laughing about stupid shit and inevitably getting drunk or falling asleep of pure exhaustion. Tony notices that his position on Fabio's couch has shifted a little since he was awake last, but more than that, he notices that Fabio is freaking out.
"I need you to believe what I'm about to say," Fabio urges. He's almost shaking.
"I… God, it's really, really fucked up."
"Just say it, bro."
"Are you sure you're gonna be okay?"
"Yes, I'm sure, now fucking say it, man,"
"I have a vagina."
Unexpected, for sure. Either Fabio is a really, really good liar, the kind that Tony knows he isn't, or this is serious.
"Oh my god, I -- forget I said anything. This was stupid. I'm… I'm going back to bed,"
"What? No, come on. Talk to me."
"Okay, but don't stare at me."
They end up, of course, phoning Jorge. Tony tries not to think about what it's going to be like, training with him in a few weeks, when this is all over. If it's ever over.
"So we called Marc who said to call Dani but neither of us have his number so I called you so we could talk to him."
"Wow. Courteous."
"Can we please just talk to him?"
"Could you tell me what it's about first?"
"Oh my god."
"Why are you keeping secrets from me if you're about to tell my husband?"
"You… Fabio is having a, um, problem. Health problem. Very unexpected."
"Okay, you know what, I don't need to know more. Tell Dani,"
The phone is passed and a different Spanish lilt answers. "What is it?"
"Hi, it's Tony and Fabio, you already know that. Fabio… uh, he woke up with, uh, different… he has a vagina."
"Did this happen just now?"
"Yes. What do we do?"
"Well, don't panic," pretty hard not to, "it's manageable. Stress, hormone imbalance, certain vitamins, minerals. More iron and magnesium."
"Are you serious? Is there anything we can do to… speed up the process?"
"Well, certain kinds of physical activity work the best,"
"Like what?"
"Sex. Actually, that's probably the quickest way, but I didn't think you'd like to…"
"Yeah, not really interested in fucking my best friend."
"If you want, try other kinds of high-intensity cardio, but results can be … unreliable. Doesn't activate the same neural pathways or release the same chemicals."
"How the fuck do you know all this?"
"Happened to me, obviously. I was around your age."
They hang up after that.
"Do you know any lesbians?"
"Well, yes, but I'm not sure Ana is going to drop everything and show up here. And most lesbians aren't into… you."
"Oof, my poor ego. Any bi girls?"
"Not personally. You wanna try, like, Tinder or something?"
"Jesus, no, I can't go on a date right now! Fuck, we… I really shouldn't be trusting strangers with this. If this gets out,"
"Would be bad."
"Yeah, really."
A long and strange silence. Fabio shifts in his seat and Tony realizes something.
"Would it be better if I do it?"
"W-what do you mean?"
"Like, bro, you can trust me. I know you, I've seen you way worse than this."
"No, you haven't."
"What about when you broke your leg?"
"Okay, maybe."
"Tony, you -- you don't have to kiss me,"
"But I want to,"
"You are good. Better than I expected."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"If I didn't know better, I'd think you were hard for me right now."
"All for you, big boy."
"Stop trying to fluster me, man, it's not gonna work."
"Then stop trying to make jokes, it doesn't make this any less hot."
Tony can feel how wet Fabio is through his boxers. "God, have you been like this the whole time?"
"Yeah," Fabio breathes, "since I woke up. It f-feels… weird. Not like a boner," He half-chokes awkwardly through the last sentence, attempting a laugh and achieving something more like a hoarse moan.
"I can imagine," Tony says, looking down now not to avoid eye contact but to focus on removing Fabio's underwear.
"D-do you think that's it?" Fabio exhales, still panting high in his chest.
"I don't know. I mean, it's obviously not changing right now," Tony replies, leaning back and wiping his mouth, breathing just as hard.
"Did Dani say how many--"
"I don't know, I didn't ask,"
"Did you think just one would be enough," Fabio purrs, "or did you not ask him so that you could go as many rounds as you want?" He plays up the joking tone but Tony can see him still quivering. He pulls him in for a long kiss, still a little strange, with his hands clasped oddly around his forearms.
"What do you want?" Fabio nearly whispers.
"I want to fuck you,"
"God, Fabio, if you're not gay then please stop getting my hopes up."
"Look, in any other situation, I wouldn't. I just," … "feel so, I don't know. I feel good,"
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seradae · 1 year
Tethered To You, Chapter 2 [F/NB/TF] [bondage] [space lesbians] [lesbian breeding]
Previous Chapter
Jess slid two lithe fingers into Erica and whispered, "such a nice warm little bunny hole for us to play with. We might even let you cum, if you're good." Erica groaned, tensing around the fingers.
Lou pulled out a stainless steel bunny tail plug and began to warm and lubricate it. They held it in her field of view and grinned before floating down, pressing it into her. "Relax, baby." Jess slowed to a stop while it slid into her girlfriend.
"That's it, good girl," she praised Erica, feeling her shudder as it was fully inserted. She began fucking her again, slowly at first. "What do you think, Lou?"
They looked Erica up and down, slower than they needed to. "Hmm, I don't think she's earned it yet. But I think we have."
Jess sped up, causing Erica to writhe on her fingers. Then suddenly pulled out, leaving her a trembling mess on the wall. "Whyyyyy? I've been so good," Erica whined, fighting again at the tethers keeping her floating right where they wanted her.
Lou ignored her and grabbed a vibrator out of the duffel bag, which had drifted away. They slid it into her and turned it on a low setting, then placed another magnetic tether block in front of it to prevent it from coming out. They turned to Jess and pulled her in, giving her a gentle kiss, which slowly grew deeper. Her nails dug softly into their back as she moaned into their mouth, half real and half putting on a show for her girlfriend.
Lou slid their hand around and found one of her breasts, teasing it as they continued to make out. Her hand traveled down their body and between their legs, her fingers sliding deep into them, causing both to moan into each other's mouths. She broke off the kiss and stage whispered, "if only she could feel how goddamn hot you are right now. She'd cum on the spot."
"This is cruel," Erica whined, while they continued. Lou broke off the kiss and leaned back, parting their legs and looking into Jess's eyes. She pulled her fingers out and licked them clean, before pulling Lou closer and sliding her girlcock deep into them. Everyone moaned in tandem and Erica's eyes grew wide, her blush intensifying.
They fucked slowly at first, making out as she slid in and out of them. Then Lou reached down to rub their clit and moaned as the speed increased. "I'm not going to last long," they gasped out. "Will you be able to hold out if I cum?"
"Yes," she moaned as she continued to fuck their increasingly tight cunt. "Please cum on me!" At that, they couldn't hold back any longer and pulled Jess in with their ankles, the orgasm tensing every muscle. She fought the urge to cum with all her might, being milked like this. She looked at Erica, seeing her eyes glistening and her face a beet red and kissed the air between them.
Once they came down from their orgasm, she looked at Lou, who kissed her deeply again. "Thank you, goddamn. We should do this more often," they said with a grin. "But now, I think you should do what you planned."
She grinned and twisted their bodies around so that Lou could access the tethers keeping Erica's legs in place, and take out the vibrator. She whined and asked, "whyyyyy? That felt so good!"
"I've got something that will feel better, bun," Jess said through gritted teeth as she fucked Lou senseless, using them as her own personal toy. As she got closer and closer, Lou pulled Erica's legs away from the wall the best they could.
As Jess neared her orgasm, she pulled out of Lou and grabbed onto Erica's legs, floating between them and shoving her girlcock deep inside her. She kissed Erica hard as she began to fuck her with abandon, lasting only a few moments before she plunged all the way into her and exploded, her cum filling up her little bunny.
"Mmm, that felt good. Such a nice place to cum, don't you think," she asked Erica, slurring a bit as she recovered, her cock twitching but otherwise remaining still.
"That felt so good, darling, but will someone," she took a deep breath. "PLEASE fuck me!" Jess giggled and kissed her again before pulling out and drifting to her side. "Oh come on," she whimpered.
Lou floated over and repositioned the tethers, holding her perpendicular to the wall with her legs spread. They looked at Jess and she nodded, causing them to dive in. They slid three fingers into Erica's cum-filled bunny hole and their mouth found her clit, as Jess kissed her deeply and felt a guttural moan.
They began to fuck her hard and fast with their fingers, their tongue lapping at her clit in rough strokes. Jess broke off the kiss and looked into her eyes, "are you gonna be a good little bunny and cum for us?"
Erica's eyes widened and then rolled back as the orgasm ripped through her body, her back arching as much as the tethers would allow. Lou sped up even further, pushing her to continue cumming for what felt like hours. She was panting and writhing against her bonds. "That's our good girl," Jess reassured, tweaking one of her nipples as the orgasm continued.
Finally, Lou slowed and eventually stopped, letting her come down before running their tongue down to her hole and tasting the mess they had all made, moaning into her cunt. "God, you two taste amazing together," they said, making Jess blush.
Jess slid her hand up to Erica's throat and gave it a gentle squeeze, asking, "now, who's up for round two?"
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funnynamedottxt · 2 months
mental and emotional developments. also, spider-verse and homemade midrifts.
I've had a very weird last few days, and I wanna just kinda get it out. I need to tell somebody, y'know? So I may as well post into the tumblr void.
Anyways, our story starts on Saturday morning (July 13, 2024), which was pretty fucking shit for me. I'm not going to go into it, since it would sound really stupid and immature and dumb and childish and stupid, but the point is, it was fucking shit, and it involved my dad being fucking shit.
However, that afternoon, I happened to be able to rewatch Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, and damn, man. I had completely forgotten about the father-son shit in their, and the movie hit me hard, right where it hurts. I already absolutely fucking adored that movie (and the sequel, of course), but it got even better when I watched it while feeling so fucking defeated. I had also forgotten that the entire moral of the story (or one of the morals, at least) is about getting back up. All that, combined with it's trademarked "best visuals for a movie, like, um, ever," fucking eviscerated me. It made me feel oddly happy, when I should and normally would feel like banging my head into a bed of needles.
So my emotions were already complicated. I would be staying at my grandparents house to help them with stuff and be helped with stuff, and this would thankfully solve the problem my dad had made that morning, which will still be unnamed because I'm a stubborn little bitch.
On Sunday, that odd happiness from the day prior had somehow managed to persist with me. Mostly nothing of note happened during the day, though I did masturbate in the bathtub about some incredibly gay shit, easily the gayest shit I've ever imagined for the sake of, um, "pleasure".
That night, I didn't go to sleep when I was planning too. I wasn't really tired, so I ended up getting out of bed. I had the sudden urge to try and comb my hair back so I could look like Reneé Rapp. My hair wasn't long enough, but I started feeling more gender dysphoria than I ever have before, I even had an ever so slight twinge of that feeling you get prior to blacking out. I then spent an hour pacing the floor and laughing about how cool of a name omnisexual was, and how it was like a supervillain name, and how lesbians really like me for some reason, and kinda trying to make myself accept that I was bi. I wasn't really sure of it before today, but that stuff in the bathtub was kinda undeniable. So, thanks to that, I had even more weird, mixed up, and complicated emotions, which I needed to pace the room for an hour to work through.
Thanks to the MtF dysphoria going on, I decided to make a... plan, I guess? Stuff I wanted to do. I also didn't wanna turn the lights on again, so I wrote it all in my notebook in the dark.
First, I wanted to make my own midrift shirt/top/whatever the hell it's called. I wanted to cut a shirt, since their was no way in hell I could get actual girl clothes. Also, I'm using past tense for all of this, but it all very much still applies, it's been less than a day. Second, I wanted to be able to run my fingers back through hair that looked just like Reneé Rapp's, and I wanted booty shorts. Eventually, I forced myself to sleep.
The next day (today, for those keeping track), once I had some alone time, I decided to make a playlist called "im a woman". So, I spent a while combing through my playlists to find songs that were gender-affirming, or at the very least hot and feminine. Some of them aren't even that, they just fit the vibe a little bit. It's a very stupid playlist, looking at it critically, but it's important to me.
Once I got home, I happened to have the house mostly to myself, so I decided to make my midrift. So, I got a gray long sleeved shirt and some scissors, and cut it a little below my... breasts? I don't take HRT or anything, but I'm damn sure not calling them fucking man boobs. It looks like shit, as I expected and knew, but I like it. It makes me feel nice, in girl's clothing, or at least what I think of as girl's clothing.
So yeah, lots of shit has gone on in the past few days. Tons of important shit, at that. And I needed to get it out there, so thanks to all two people who will ever read this. Really wish I didn't have to process being bi and process probably, hell, most definitely being trans on the same day, hell, the same night. AND it all happened when I already felt weird and uncomfortable as shit! Fuckin YAY!
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only-lonely-lovers · 7 months
tags: fingering, pee
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
つ:we should take a moment to indeed though think about tsukasa enabling nene's feelings of like. [jenny's sister saying ough… nancy! having sex! voice] about hanako actually having some fetishes pertaining to that which he is into
and yet its so hard to tease hanako without him just leaving
あ:Mm yes i was like, entertained thinking about it earlier, but now I'm just like, relishing at the thought
I think you could thread the needle… it simply would, have to be particular. but i think in the first place we could only get this far if, this was like an ongoing 3way deal, and we are slowly chipping away at Hanako. he's submitting to multiple things, like ugh ah, okay, I permit Tsukasa to watch me get. touched. MGUGHF !! fine we're doing it Like this
Though the terms of service initially, probably are like -- and don't you open your mouth kind of breadcrumb trailed towards this…
つ:I think Tsukasa could boiling water hanako, with some other details….. he could also rope Hanako into staying invested in being horny and playing by, ah, like groping Nene while starting to talk to her, a funny situation of the… girls are talking about you, giggling at you, but also they are fucking. sometimes i think tsukasa/nene fooling around inf ront of him does have the flavor of lesbians doing it for their straight boyfriend
Mmn yeah I think so too ww… Decidedly, positioning themselves as eyecandy for Hanako to enjoy. I think it makes him empty-headed and just staring at, expression becomes slack-jawed in nature, and Tsukasa logs whenever this happens. Like hm okay, Amane likes when I…
I was going to say, that the greatest component to keep Hanako in place, is just making him enough of a slave to his cock that he doesn't want the situation to end. The scenario is just hot, enough, he's far enough into things that he has that basic "I want to. come." emotion and doesn't want to leave high and dry — and it wouldnt feel, satisfying or powerful to storm out, and be all heartpounding, sweaty and flushed elsewhere, all alone. He's deep into it enough that he wants to just see it through
You could really weaponize Nene's body, in reality… You flash a guy a tit and his brain hiccups, you know
つ:yeah i don't think he can protest if tsukasa sweetens the deal a little
I like the idea as well of Tsukasa urging Nene and Amane to change positions.. encouraging her to like, stand above him, him to lay back, but doing so very discreetly, almost like Amane won't notice he's been so moved until a beat later
rubs his sternum and eases him backwards
just to let nene be like omg….. me step on him. he will really let me do this? tsukasa is a wizard omg
あ:oh like Amane in the progress of being moved is like mmm.... feels good
つ:tsukasa is elegantly juggling the plates of like well now amane is under her, i will show him her pussy he will enjoy that very much so.
let nene-chan feel like a goddess up here, and get more leverage to press down. sometimes i think tsukasa does just rip her tights to expose her pussy and stuff. she has to deal withit
あ:small price to pay etc. but GOD will it freaking WORK. Hanako is down looking like hot wind has descended upon him, ouighf… hh… hakk hagk hhoruhg….
If I think about a guy's fetishes…. the angle of looking up at Nene and really drinking in the perspective of, like legs/thighs, pussy nestled between… Tsukasa serpentining around, handling her, it just will make him horny. It's EMBARRASSING but it's also like mguhghh A SHOWWW for meeee
but i want to enjoy the big show.
つ:you add enough elements then you can basically dirty talk nene after and whispering to nene will just become sexy to hanako instead of hives-y hanako: the girls are. talkign about how amazing my hog is
あ:like his mind is racing to guess what they're saying but is only generating cumrotted porno stuff. talking about how it looks, real nice. the girls want me so carnally….
つ:hanako would indeed enjoy pervert perspective from below….. tsukasa is artfully removing articles of her clothing, mussing with her bow, ripped her tights, bunching her skirt…..
あ:there's many ways to sweeten the pot… eurrr really thinking about a guy's fetishes and, Tsukasa's fingers spreading pussy, lingering touches, slipping in her for even a second… he simply likes it if it all feels like a display for him to witness….
I think in earlier instances, Hanako can get away with being all huffy and like "ugh, Tsukasa, c'mon…" about him being invasive and involved, but. it's like in this moment you have to accept that you LIKE. when Tsukasa spreads her pussy for you. you just like the look, it lookksssss hot it's sexy…
つ:i'm getting distracted but i wish tsukasa could make her pee and catch her off guard with this somehow and make amane feel surprised/startled
あ:no this is good. I'm thinking about the perspective…. it's a good way to watch a girl pee.
つ:I do think it would be fun though avvy's brief detour is i'd love Nene to try to whine privately to tsukasa about needing to pee and tugging at his wrist. and tsukasa staring at, amane below her. staring at the bathroom around them. knowing amane's …. things. and just suddenly goes SO brutally hard all at once both pressing firmly into her bladder, wrapping an arm around her body, and viciously fingering her
before Amane can be like TSUKASA [he's too busy [[EXHALING ALL BREATH LOUDLY LIKE AUSTIN POWERS FIRST]]] get it… going. get him hit with it
really rubbing a girl's clit once she gets going to force her to keep clenching and persisting. also have that hand spreading everything for a clear aimed shot.
あ:Ahmm the way Tsukasa can be so PRECISE… it's really good to utilize for something like this. Especially since Nene already was enjoying catering to Amane's fetishes, this is surely, in reality, just another way she can do that, she'll see… hehe.
I really like the thought of squeezing a girl's bladder pointedly, like there's no way she could expect such a thing
つ:going to pop the seal with precision through this
あ:and you'd love for Amane to be down there and simply having to experience the sight, sensation, and then just get. like dizzy, about it.
つ:just got him horny enough that he can't be thinking about this feeling like anything resembling being subjugated to anything…. and, it's complicated. it IS all in service to him-- just had to reaaaally get him into that mental state via putting on the shows first…..
あ:I think it's just like mouth gets dry. Staring at the stream. watching ah, the way it's running down her legs… and through Tsukasa's fingers…
Mmm actually would like Amane to like… possessed, lurch to feel it hit his face…
つ:tsukasa is flirty, what I like about pussy and pee is that redirecting a stream is as simple as slightly tugging the skin this way or that… just flick it upwards with a pull to get his face. hehe.
つ:its ok i got you brother
あ:I suppose we are both going to meet in the middle here
つ:tsukasa feeling well i'll be darn happy twin synchronicity feel
あ:you knew what I wanted.
As overwhelmed as Nene is, I hope she can like eventually process the sight of Hanako down there like. i think looking, like he's really basking in it, a guy who is lost in the sauce like a-ah. is that…. is that. what. is going on.
つ:well he is… of the bathroom
あ:it IS in the title, isn't it.
つ:i thinkshe would also be like TSUKASA THIS ISNT WHAT WE AGREED ON...!!!
あ:Yes jfdhgdf
つ:why do i trust you i thought we were together on this!!!!
あ:we were both supposed to be miettes trusting each other. but you betrayed me
it's okay girl just let a guy lick your pussy… he needs it take pity on him
つ:cute if amane started just pawing upwards like a brat like mmngnh… mn. giveme
あ:give. give it
つ:tsukasa like hai hai FORCES NENE DOWN i like amane sitting up…… a nice position to eat pussy in. leisurely sits, nene a leetle having to bend her legs, bc he is short
あ:it's a fun skew, he wouldn't normally be like this
つ:tsukasa's hand is nearby, and amane has the wild urge to grasp his wrist briefly to suck piss off his fingers
あ:Ahh yes… guy who is lost in the sauce. a moment to press the palm against his face too… need this Just want to feel hand… palm… tongue against it This is like. where tsukasa's propeller hat spins
つ:i do not expect to be more than accessory. and it is always a profound joy. loses mouth for a moment.
i think even as tsukasa is very integrated…. it's still just the way he operates, seeing himself as a moment enhancer and background accellerant i'm too used to being stringpuller!!
あ:It is his intuitive thought process, just thinking of himself as puppeteering things into place in a very like…. clinical way, like I'm just putting everyone into place. but it's not about me doing it… but you are wrong!!
it's like oh tsukasa it has to be about you… otherwise you wouldnt be allowed to so much as graze her pussy
つ:would not be allowed!!! it must be these nice hands, good gestures.... actively enhance nene's beauty, accentuate it. like ribbons. anyone else would be nasty crone hands
あ:it really could only be Tsukasa to handle her so, appealingly… They play off of one another in a way that is so complimentary it's like eating the cheese and the grape
つ:its relieving to have amane engage in a scene without necessarily having to maintain this over the top veneer of dominating, fklsdj;kl its almost a little insecure to do so, you know
let a girl pee on you….. and step on your dick. it won't lessen your power, it will feel good. feel spoiled instead placidly eat out nene for a long time…..
あ:Noo, like, it would be good for him to submit to this side of him, it's extent and real!! there's no need to "put it on" all the time w. ah sometimes you're juuust a 13 yo boy, so you're dumb and horny and 1000 yard stare watching things happen like unmgh… sex
it all feels good. burying your face against pussy…. noooo thoughts necessary
つ:tsukasa feeling mmmm❤️ crawls between nene's legs like a creature to get to amane's cock to finish him off like this belly to the floor. nene's legs like an A above him. a very leisurely, slow BJ, though….
nothing hurried, just enough stimulation, to not rush him through but to give him something…. not meant to distract from nene-- only to accompany nicely.
あ:aghhh god. i'm sleepy and out of it enough that it's like. i'm immersed and feeling the "what? if orgot. you could suck me off." nice and slow…. mghh…. the way amane's hands could alternate pawing at nene and then down at tsukasa…
pleasant way to wrap up… feels like coming would happen so easily and fluidly, weak jitters… nene can feel his quickened breff and getting arrhythmic while eating her out. good job girlies it was good
つ:tsukasa is like ^^ … nene feels. boneless. run dry flumps to the floor
あ:she is going to look, like a mess <3 flops with you though we lie together liek corpses for a sec
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professionalstrust · 2 years
Maya bijou nude
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It's Spring Break at this off-the-hook dorm party! These college chicks in bikinis are down to party and can't wait to let loose after months of hitting the books. Knowing that they are each satisfying the other, the girls enjoy a leisurely exploration of one another's pussies as they stroke, suck, and lick until tremors of delight vibrate through each of them.
Maya leans forward, her darker skin stark against Alex's fairer complexion as they create a lesbian 69. A sample lick lets Maya know that Alex is nice and wet, making it easy for her tongue to slip and slide all over Alex's meaty snatch.The girls have each enjoyed an orgasm, but what is life without overindulgence? Alex pulls away from the counter and arranges herself on the floor, pulling Maya down on top of her. After she's done kissing her own essence off her girlfriend's lips, Maya urges Alex to rise to her feet and lean forward over the counter. Hooking one leg up onto the bathroom counter, Maya moans her way through Alex's sensual exploration while caressing her own sensitive breasts.As Maya enjoys the aftershocks of her climax, she slides down from the counter and presses her lips to Alex's. Moving slowly to savor every moment of her seduction, Alex flicks her tongue out and applies her mouth and hands to her lover's pleasure. She relieves Maya of her thong next, immediately pressing her nose to Maya's mound and breathing in the musk of her desire. The blonde eventually tires of caressing her own tits and twat, and gets out of the tub to join her girlfriend for some lesbian play time.Peeling off Maya's bra and shedding her own towel, Alex guides her Latina love to the counter and drops to her knees. Dressed in just a bra and thong, Maya is quite a sight that Alex can't get enough of. Lucas has just splooged all over Maya's stomach when Dava walks in on them naked and flips out.Īlex Blake enjoys a bubble bath while she watches her girlfriend Maya Bijou admire herself in the mirror. Lucas reverses their positions, banging Maya as her titties bounce with every stroke until he can't wait another moment. Since Lucas is already on his back, Maya hops on to ride that fuck stick. The adopted siblings enjoy doggy style for a bit, but then Maya takes a short break to enjoy sucking Lucas off. She freaks out when he does, but then decides Lucas's cock feels really good and she wants to see where this goes. Maya thinks she has the upper hand, but Lucas takes her up on her invitation to shove his dick inside. She pops her boobs out to jiggle them in Lucas's face, then flashes her ass and twat to him. Maya tells him to get out, but then changes her tune as she decides instead to fuck with Lucas. Now he has the ability to act on his fantasies.Lucas waits until Maya is in the middle of changing before he walks in on her. He's had a crush on Maya for ages and thinks she's super hot. Lucas thinks it's a prank, but his mom, Dava Foxx, winds up confirming it even though she's distracted by the phone. When Maya discovers that Lucas is adopted, she can't wait to tell him. Maya Bijou has a real love/hate relationship with her brother Lucas Frost. In the end, Maya got to live out one of her kinkiest fantasies and chad got to bust a nut on a girl who had no idea what was going on. When chad finishes with her mouth, he is sure to duct tape it closed so she cant scream when he violently drills her pussy with his meaty dick. He then crams his cock in her mouth, then they both really start to enjoy this. He ties her up, blindfolds her, and pumps dark ambient music into her ears. When Chad gets home, Maya right away says she wants to do it and Chad is so down. Her pussy is dripping just thinking about it. Its basically where you deliberately withhold senses to invoke fear and heighten sensation. She looks more into BDSM, and finds out about something called sensory deprivation. She stumbles across a website called and sees some hot kinky shit that she would definitely want to try. Her boy Chad isnt around to fuck her and shes hella horny, so she needs to find some other shit to do.
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dallasurr · 3 years
She-Ra’s bisexual rep is damn good and this is why
EXHIBIT A: BOW -- his relationship with Glimmer, his short try with Perfuma, and his crushing on Sea Hawk, literally from the moment they met. I guess you can count his interaction with Kyle, too, but I personally found that to be more platonic even if I think their dynamic is interesting. 
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“Your name is Sea Hawk!? That’s the coolest name I’ve ever heard!” (Cue Mermista letting out her longest uuuuggggghhhhh ever on her throne in Salineas)
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I totally get it, Bow. This man’s stupid shiny mustache, titty window and massive ego also makes me lose all of my brain cells. 
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“Sea Hawk is impressed with my knots!”
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He went to Princess Prom with Perfuma!
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They were so domestic in the portal that I’m not convinced that Glimbow weren’t dating in their “perfect” reality. 
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Did you just jump into space for me?
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More news on these two at 7.
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I guess we can count this, too, but I think Bow was just using his masculine charm and sick biceps to distract Kyle from what’s going on behind him. Poor guy. 
This got super duper long because the rep is so vast, so I’m going to put the rest under a cut. I’m only going to use the canon bi characters, so this includes Mermista, Sea Hawk, Glimmer, Bow, Micah, Angella, Entrapta and an honorable mention of Perfuma who explored dating a guy but is canonically a lesbian. Apparently there’s no confirmation for this other than ND liking someone’s tweet saying perfuma is a trans lesbian. So her sexuality is up to audience interpretation. 
Image and text heavy below!
EXHIBIT B: QUEEN GLIMMAH -- her relationship with Bow and her chemistry with Catra. (If there is more I’m sorry, Glimmer is one of my favorite characters but she has so much going on that I can’t remember any other moments with romantic tension towards other characters.) One could argue she had moments with Adora, as well, but I saw them as more platonic. 
But dear God, this poor girl cannot win. People who don’t ship Glimbow seem to insist she’s a lesbian, or that Glimbow is a het ship. They definitely get the brunt of this bullshit and I’m sick of seeing it. 
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First of all, she’s a walking pastel bi-pride flag.
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when ur crush is paying attention to someone other than you
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Like this girl nearly had a meltdown over her crush going to Princess Prom with someone else, she clearly loves him.
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Get you a girl who will personally kick the shit out of your kidnappers. 
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Glimmer’s fantasy version of Catra. There is no heterosexual explanation for this. 
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SOMFT (Swift Wind must ship Glimmadora)
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EXHIBIT C: SEA HAWK, his relationship with Mermista and his seven evil exes that they fought together. Canonically I think Bow’s crush on Sea Hawk is one-sided, but if Mermista wasn’t in the picture (or, you know, if they wanted to explore a poly relationship) I think they could have had something. 
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Bow has been fawning over him all day and he still only has eyes for Mermista.
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The bi-rate urge to belt out songs about your blushing beloved in public
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I actually love that his fantasy version of Mermista is just her, but slightly more anime. This man wouldn’t change a damn thing about his beloved, but he might be a big fucking weeb. 
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She’s too hot, he’s not getting anything done today
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There is no heterosexual explanation for this. 
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ND has confirmed this is Sea Hawk’s ex in a tweet (all of the s4 wrong answers became s5 canon), but....
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I think they’re all his exes. 
Honorable mentions:
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An attempt at flirting with a lesbian.
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DT calling him Hot Stuff, bc yeah, the many ideas this gave me. But come on, read the room, DT. This poor man is traumatized, his fish wife is mind controlled and trying to kill him for real this time. 
DT is another enigma, like Perfuma. I can see them flirting with both masc and fem characters, so they might be bi or pan, but it’s really up to audience interpretation. 
EXHIBIT D: MERMISTA, her relationship with Sea Hawk, her massive crush on Adora, her flirting with Perfuma, and her inability to function around hot people.
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Adora transforms into a hot, buff warrior princess right in front of her eyes. “That’s.... different...”
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Mermista masks a lot of her emotions, just like I do, so I imagine this is going through her head in this scene: “Oh great, these two incredibly hot women are are in my space right now, time to die i guess”
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“You see what I have to deal with?” That blush tho. “He’s just my ride” my ass, you aren’t fooling anyone, dearest. You have a fleet of ships, probably a whole ass navy at your disposal. Failing that, you’re a literal mermaid who could have swam there if needed. 
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Look at how they’re standing -- she grabbed his arm first. 
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Some not-so-subtle flirting with Perfuma. I love to imagine they dated when they were like, younger teens. 
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More mermadora content for your viewing pleasure
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Get you a girl who will help you fight your seven evil exes. 
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As much as Mermista tries to hide her feelings, everyone knew this was the only way to break the mind control. Only someone she loved could get her to feel so strongly that it would override it (even if that feeling is annoyance, and if you’ve never intentionally and playfully annoyed your partner, you’re stronger than I am).
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JUST! LOOK! AT! THEM! GOD THEY MAKE ME SO SOFT Anyways I’ve written like 250k words of fanfic about these two being in love if you need more 
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To be fair, I don’t really see any references in the show to her being attracted to anyone other than Hordak and tech, but according to the SPOP Wiki, ND confirmed she is bisexual, and this first bulletpoint also touches on her attraction in the show as well:
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The wikipedia isn’t 100% reliable but it’s a good place to start, I did go out of my way to pull confirmation tweets and stuff where I could find them. But being fanmade, the wiki isn’t always a great source of information. 
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Another walking pastel bi-pride flag. 
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To be fair, again: these two are only confirmed bisexual under the blanket statement that all of ND’s characters are queer. They still count, though, in my heart. We stan a short bi king and his tall bi wife. (I only teared up a little bit getting this screenshot)
Honorable mention: Perfuma, who, for all intents and purposes, I thought was bisexual until I read her wiki. Because this is how she’s presented in canon. 
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God, I ship these two so hard though. I love when the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one ;~;
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Scorfuma is pretty fucking cute too, though. I just think that it’s neat to also include someone experimenting with their preferences, too, if that was the intention behind her relationships in the show. 
Perfuma is widely regarded by the fandom to be sapphic, but just because she ended up with a woman doesn’t mean she couldn’t be bisexual. I think it could go wither way -- she could have been experimenting with her preferences and then determined she only wants to date women, or she could just be a bisexual person in a same-sex relationship. 
If you stuck around this long, thanks! I don’t want to pretend to be an expert on any of this, just a real bisexual person who sees herself in these characters and hates to see that all erased by fans of the show who insist they’re straight or heterosexual couples just because they’re opposite sex. Or, again, that because Perfuma ended up in a wlw relationship she is exclusively sapphic. Bisexual people are still bisexual no matter what the gender of the person they’re partnered up with is. 
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mtf-breeder · 3 years
I want a secret detrans ftm to fuck with my head sooo bad.
At first he'd befriend me and get me depending on him... Maybe some things suddenly "go wrong out of nowhere" and he's conveniently there to solve the problem or be a shoulder to cry on.
Then one day, when I'm weak and my willpower is low he tells me he wants me to be his partner. He says "partner" not girlfriend... But a lot of queer people do that.
I complain meekly that I'm a lesbian and he laughs "I'm basically he/him lesbian" "what's the difference really except for identity bullshit?"
I'm shocked at first, I've never heard him talk like this... But what he says makes a weird kind of sense.
"What's wrong? Don't you like me?" before I can regain my footing he abruptly gets to his feet, flings off his shorts and straddles his bare cunt across my face.
"don't you like pussy?"
The smell is overwhelming. So amazing, so feminine and inviting. A soft musk filling up my head and cock with a unified desire. Embarrassingly, I'm as hard as my feminized girlcock can get.
I eat his pussy all night with him cooing in my ear, my mind too gone to consciously process what he is telling me.
We start dating after that. He starts calling himself my girlfriend, as a joke at first but then more and more casually. It makes me feel more comfortable in a way, but there's something nagging in the back of my mind.
At this point he's become insanely jealous and controlling of my time, my friends and family slowly falling away until it's just me and him.
He also starts "swapping clothes" with me "as a kink", but he gives me men's clothes I've never seen before. She says it looks so "butch" on me, but... something feels like a joke I'm not in on.
When we go out it's the first time I've been in public presenting masculine in years. I feel even more self-conscious looking at my girlfrien-- I mean boyfriend. He looks so good, so pretty...
I notice some guys pointing at him and making blowjob gestures to each other. They see me and stop... are they going to beat me up? But no, they just go back to ignoring us.
"What assholes!" I exclaim to him.
What'd they do that was wrong? It was just boys being boys."
"they're not respecting your gender"
"why would they? I look like a girl and you look like a boy."
Again, I'm shocked until I catch my reflection in a window and realize it's true. I look like a boy... a faggy boy, but a boy.
"They probably stopped cause they thought you're my boyfriend." He looks seductively at one of the men, catching his eye. I feel a creeping nausea, "but I guess I don't have a boyfriend." He smiles at saying these words, mocking me.
I can only swallow weakly.
His tone suddenly goes cheery and singsong, "hey cutie, I have some more shopping to do. Why don't you be a good girl and go wait for me at home?"
With that he abruptly walks over to talk to the group of men, twirling his hair at them and giggling. They gesture at me and he laughs, shaking his head.
He comes back late the next night, smelling like sex and crashing off coke.
I'm so worried about him... Or am I worried? Am I...
After this I get very defensive of him. In public I no longer correct people who misgender me in case they think I'm a fag and want to steal my girlfriend. I start fighting men who look at him sideways.
He loves this. Tells me I'm so butch. Rewards me with head for winning fights.
Meanwhile I start to realize my body is masculinizing. My facial hair is growing in. He tells me it's so radical for queer women to grow a beard.
I look in the mirror, I see a man. He tells me it's wrong to perpetuate gender stereotypes.
One day we're fucking pretty wildly and the condom breaks.
"Keep going."
"but the condom"
"just pull out when you're about to cum, pleeeease" 🥺
Without waiting for me he drives my cock back into his pussy. It's achingly hard. I have to keep going... I can't pull myself away.
As I pound out his pussy a deep urge washes over me. I feel possessed. I need to get deeper, as deep as possible.
I desperately rut him until I can feel the pressure welling up in my balls. "I'm going to cum!"
He hooks his legs around me and holds me in. "Feel that, Daddy?" I shudder trying to hold back, "that's the feeling a Daddy feels right before he makes his girlfriend into his baby momma."
His voice drops to a low rasp gently caressing my ear, "It feels so right because you're a man. That's why I swapped your estrogen with testosterone. You look like a man, act like a man, fuck like a man. Its only natural for you to want to breed my fertile little pussy. Just let it happen."
With that I give in, spraying my hot load into his uterus. He pats my head, "good boy".
As I lay spasming in him, my mind utterly broken, he whispers one last thing:
"don't call me 'he' anymore. I'm not a man and it's your job to remind me of that."
I nod weakly and pass out.
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38 Supercorp
"Fuck fuck fuckity fuck," Lena angrily chanted under her breath, hands clenched tight around the steering wheel as she slowed down. The officer behind her had thankfully silenced their sirens at the first sign that Lena was pulling up.
She forced herself to take deep breaths and calm her anger from explosive to just simmering below the surface. She really doesn't need this shit today.
The motorcycle pulled up next to her, if Lena played her cards right she could get out of this without giving up her license. She chanced a glance at her mirror, good thing she decided to wear a low-cut blouse. She's not above using her...assets if it meant getting out of this quicker.
The officer kicks down their stand and swings off. Lena collects herself, checks if her lipstick remains immaculate, she's played this game with enough business men before what's the difference with a police officer?
The difference, it turns out, is that the police officer happens to be a woman.
A gorgeous, blonde woman that made Lena choke on her own saliva, when she took off her helmet only to reveal deliciously perfect bone structure and luscious blonde hair flowed down her shoulders. It was like Lena was watching those pretentious shampoo commercials in real time, the only thing missing was a slow-mo effect.
Said gorgeous, attractive, beautiful--Lena needs more synonyms--knocks lightly on her window and Lena has to rub her three functioning brain cells in order to lower her window.
Oh, fuck her eyes are so blue.
Will I get more than just a fine if I invite her to my place?
Wait- Why drive back when we can do it here in the car? She looks like the car sex type, doesn't she?
"Excuse me, ma'am? Do I have your attention?"
Lena remembers a conversation needs a response from both parties if it wants to exist.
She snaps herself out of it--with the utmost effort, mind you--and clears her throat.
"Hi, officer."
Hi, officer? Hi, officer. What are you? A drunk bachelorette?!?
Lena fights the urge to bang her head on her steering wheel and tries to pay attention to the words coming out of the blonde's lips and not on how she's got the perfect Cupid's bow and what would it taste like pressed to hers?
She catches, "-license,", "-your fine." and at least three more Ma'am's.
Danvers, K.Z. She takes an important mental note.
"Ma'am your license please???"
"Oh. Oh yes. Yes. Right."
God, if she says please and ma'am one more time I'm going to commit a much bigger crime.
Lena fumbles for her purse, almost ripping open the zipper in her haste.
"Here, officer." She thrusts the card out of the window, wishing the blonde's hands would graze hers in the process.
"You can get your license back at the main office on Monday, ma'am. Considering it's the weekend today," she says absentmindedly, scribbling Lena a ticket.
"May I know the reason for your over-speeding ma'am?"
Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck uhm uhm-
"Oh, uhm, I didn't want to be late for my daughter's birthday."
"Oh. A birthday huh?" The blonde breaks into a grin so bright it lights up Lena's entire useless empty lesbian soul.
The blonde much to Lena's gay panic, pokes her head in and looks at the assortment of gifts in her backseat.
"Looks like a lucky girl. You must be a great mom."
Okay, so what if she didn't know what Ruby wanted for her birthday and got her everything that Lena thinks a thirteen year-old wants? And so what if she used her goddaughter as an excuse, sue her, at least she got treated to this officer's smile right?
"Thank you. She's 13 today. Didn't know what she wanted so I uh- got everything..." she gestures weakly to the gifts.
"Well, I'm sure you're going to make her happy today."
Yeah, I'm also sure you can make me very, very happy, officer.
"Mm-hm. Yes, that's the goal."
"Well, I won't keep you any longer."
Oh no please you can keep me as long as you like.
"Just don't speed again next time, alright ma'am? Tell your girl I wish her a happy birthday."
Lena stays there seated like an idiot as her eyes remains glued to the officer's err, backside while she walks away and mounts her bike again.
God, what I wouldn't give for me to mount her instead.
She gives Lena a small salute goodbye that was not supposed to be as hot as it is, before fitting her helmet and making the bike roar to life.
Lena remains stationary for a few moments, replaying the whole exchange in her head again and again. Before getting shocked into the present by her phone's shrill ringing.
Sam's face lights up the screen.
Shit, Sam's gonna kill me.
Sam doesn't kill her, at least not directly.
She does make her heart stop though.
"Lena!" Sam greets. "Finally! Ruby's waiting for you. Here let me take these. I have somebody I want to introduce to you."
Sam grabs the gifts from her arms and doesn't even bat an eye at the number of it all. She's learned not to fight Lena when it comes to spoiling Ruby. The house is decked in streamers and confetti. Outside, you can hear the high-pitched giggling of teenage girls.
Sam drags her out into the garden where the real party is.
"Sorry, I'm late. I got held up by-"
Lena's entire being freezes. Her sentence remains broken.
"Ma'am? I mean Ms. Luthor? I mean Le-wait your Ruby's other mom?"
"Kara! This is Le- other mom? Wait what? Do you two know each other?"
"Ruby's got another mom?"
Everything happens so fast, suddenly officer--named Kara, apparently--is standing there in Sam's garden, Kara is saying something. And then Sam is also saying something and then a red-head that Lena has no idea who the hell is, is also talking and before Lena could even process a single thing, she gets tackled by a thirteen year-old.
"Happy Birthday, Ruby," She manages to squeeze out as Ruby knocks the breath out of her. In the distance she can hear Sam go, "Ruby! Careful!"
"Your gifts are in the living room," she whispers in her ear and then Ruby is off dashing, with nothing but a yell of "Thanks Aunt Lena!!" into the wind.
And now, Lena is faced with the reality of being introduced to the officer she's been drooling over.
"Okay, so let me clear this up. You got pulled up, by Kara here," Sam shakes Kara, who she's got under her shoulder. "For overspeeding because, and I quote, 'You were late for your daughter's birthday'??? Did I get that right??"
"Uh yes, that pretty much sums it up," Kara mumbles, staring straight at Lena.
Sam's got a knowing look on her face that Lena wants so badly to slap out of her.
"Interesting." Sam smirks at her. "Daughter huh?"
"Oh my god, stop it. I only said it so she'd let me go faster," Lena bursts out. "Technically, I am Ruby's other mom. I'm the honorary cool mom."
She really wishes her face isn't as red as she feels it is.
"No, you're the godmother and I'm the cool mom," Sam says smoothly. "But, before we get off topic, this is Alex and this is her sister, Kara."
Lena has heard all about Alex, dashing FBI agent and Sam's recent object of affection. What she hasn't heard about is, Alex's younger, more gorgeous and Lena hopes not straight sister.
"Hi, good to meet you, Lena." Alex gives her a firm grip which she returns with a smile.
"Hi," Kara says shyly, turning to her, she's wearing glasses and it's such a far cry from the person Lena's met on the road. This version is softer, somewhat warmer.
The blatant difference doesn't really deter Lena's want to climb her like a tree, though.
"Hi," Lena parrots back, holding out a hand. Kara takes it so gently and Lena feels like she's going to pass out when the warmth of Kara's hand envelops her.
She's blushing from her head to toe and she doesn't really care if Sam--or Kara for that matter--sees notices.
"How come I got here faster than you did?"
Well, that's because I had to spend at least 15 minutes on the side of the road trying to calm my breathing, trying to flush out the fantasies in my head and wow you're really gorgeous, has anybody told you that?
Lena settles with, "Ah, well, motorcycles are faster than cars I guess."
Kara gives her that smile again and Lena feels her face breaking into one too.
"Well, doesn't matter. I'm just real glad you're here now, Lena."
"Me too, Kara, me too."
prompt list here
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booppooo · 3 years
I would like to request prompt 2, the reader's pronouns are gonna be she/her, and the whole plot of this oneshot is gonna be where Manny and Mel are on the supply run and Abby is left with reader in the car. They want to relieve themselves so reader eats Abby out in the car. Abby squirts a lot, please and thank you🥰
Gotta Make This Quick
AN: Ask and you shall receive....eventually.
Warnings: unestablished relationship, semi-public sex, lesbian sex, oral, squirting
Word Count: 1743
Third POV:
It was just another simple supply run, nothing special to it. Only this time Y/n had been assigned to tag along in lieu of Abby's favorite girl - Alice. An extra set of hands were always nice in this world considering every horrible possibility could happen at any moment. So the solider didn't mind seeing Y/n hop in that back seat with her, if anything she was looking forward to this supply run, however the other two passengers couldn't say the same.
Mel always tried to brush off the fact that she hated how much she made Abby smile - purely because she hated to see Abby so happy in the first place. "I don't have an opinion on her, she's just a good fighter," she'd shrug and turn her nose up. Manny (surprisingly) was on Mel's team in terms of Y/n as well. Though it brought him great joy to see Abby laugh and carry on, Y/n was Abby's greatest distraction and therefore there were a lot more mistakes made than there needed to be. They were a better duo when they were safe inside the stadium, but more of a disaster in terms of a combat. Needless to say, the job always got done and that's all that mattered at the end of the day.
The terrain was rocky and bumpy as always as Manny sped down what was left of the roads. He slowed to a stop at an old warehouse that had yet to be picked through since the Seraphites always patrolled it so heavily, but after finding out their schedule the WLF was able to find a time to squeeze in and sweep the place. And since that time window was so small, Mel urged the two giggling friends to stay behind and keep watch.
"What the hell Mel?" Abby protested while tugging on the door handle.
Mel stepped over to Y/n's window, "Stay here, we'll only be a few minutes."
"Yeah but you didn't have to lock - fuck." Abby scoffed and turned to her friend, "What if there's an emergency and they get ambushed?!"
Y/n slumped in her seat and rolled her head toward Abby, "Obviously they're betting on no one showing up. Just relax."
Abby rolled her eyes, "You're fucking kidding me right?"
"Couldn't be more serious babe."
And at that Abby's pretty freckled cheeks burned a soft crimson. Her mind fell fuzzy while her palms began to sweat against her rifle. She broke the tense eye contact and darted her gaze around the vehicle.
"They're... they're not doing this very smart." she continued, but Y/n had tuned it out and was completed infatuated with the way she had made Abby crumble.
Daringly she took a step further by inching closer and nonchalantly resting an palm over Abby's gorgeously massive thigh. It wasn't hard to miss the way the blonde's breath got caught in her throat - adorable. She lazily drew circles on the rough fabric and gazed up to Abby.
"You're so tense, what's got your panties in a bunch all the sudden?" Y/n teased and didn't bother to suppress the shit eating grin on her face.
Abby swallowed the spit pooling in her mouth. Though she was a blushing, sweating mess, she was absolutely loving every moment of this. Should she entertain it?
Abby softly shook her head and forced herself to stare out the window. This was surely just Y/n being her flirtatious, silly self.
Then her hand came up and squeezed softly on Abby's exposed bicep. It was like she was holding a flame against the hard muscle and lit Abby's entire body on fire. Her thighs pressed together and Y/n's nails dug into her pants. This was overwhelming in all the right ways, but Abby still wasn't sure her intentions.
Her warm breath fanned across the soldier's neck, "I know a thing or two about how to de-stress."
This woman who was known for being the strongest and sturdiest solider quickly felt her heart and mind melting at her friend's words. Just like a flip was switched and she completely folded over. Y/n was nearly foaming at the mouth; it was now or never.
With that she guided Abby's beautiful features to face her and they shared the most lustful kiss. Of course with the ticking time bomb Abby had been she soaked up every bit of touch Y/n offered her and found herself grabbing and feeling along her body. She had built her up and broke her down to the point where she was nearly feral. Abby loved the way she hated all the teasing.
Of course the strongest tried to settle her place over Y/n, but she wouldn't go down so quickly, after all it was Y/n's idea. She pulled away from the intense making out to smirk at her freckled companion and shove her shoulders down against the old leather seats. Again Abby's breathing failed her and left her abruptly while her heart hammered against her chest (not to mention the heat and slick accumulating in her pants).
But before the fun could continue Abby was struck with reality, "We're really gonna fuck here? What if someone sees?"
What a ridiculously question, Y/n thought.
"All the better."
Before Abby's rational could put up a resistance Y/n was earnestly working to remove Abby's cargo pants. Time was of the essence and both of them were well aware of that, but the desire swirling inside the car was just too overpowering to be ignored or interrupted.
The fighter laughed mockingly seeing the wet spot that had shamelessly formed on Abby's panties, "You're so fucking perfect." As expected the praise went straight to the blonde's core before even reaching her brain.
Y/n was ravenous and hasty in her approach. She nipped and licked and kissed all along those thighs she had dreamed to be between for an embarrassingly long time - it really was a dream come true. Then the underwear were ripped down her legs, thighs pressed open and against her strong torso, and Y/n's tongue went to work.
"Ah!" Abby cried out and smacked a hand over her mouth. All Y/n could do was laugh.
The goal: do whatever it took to make her cum as quickly as possible. Mel and Manny could be sprinting out those doors any second and there wouldn't be time to redress.
"Mmm fuck.." Y/n groaned and continued her ministrations.
Abby found herself trying not to shoot up to cloud nine, reaching and grabbing at whatever she could to give her a sense of reality. It was like she had the wind knocked out of her and each time Y/n's swirled her tongue deliciously over her clit a spell was casted on her. It was hopeless, Abby was hopeless, there was no way she was lasting very long.
And she didn't last very long, because in an instant that hot coil in Abby's abdomen snapped, her eyes rolled back into her head and she was crying into her hand. Y/n was elated when her lips, chin, neck, and chest were gushed on and drenched, in turn fueling her to work more fervently until Abby couldn't take it.
Those famous thighs began to tremble and Abby breathlessly begged Y/n to stop and tried squirmed away. How she wanted to continue to feast on her until she was an absolute mess of a person, but their circumstances were not in their favor and Abby was incredibly embarrassed at the fact she had squirted for her first time. Needless to say it was one of the most intense orgasms she had experienced to date but she never knew that would be the result.
Of course Y/n being the lady she was, cleaned up the mess she had made on Abby with her tongue, not missing a spot. The taste was unforgettable and her next mission was to get this wonder of a woman in her bunk. But for now they needed to get her dressed and Y/n's shirt changed.
Almost as if on cue, Y/n finished tugging a new shirt over her torso as Mel and Manny came darting from the warehouse, tossing the supplies in the trunk and throwing themselves into their seats.
"Everything okay?" Y/n wondered as Manny began to tear out of the scene.
"One of 'em saw us so we're leaving before we get ambushed. How were things out here?" Mel turned in her seat.
Abby instantly became flustered and her gaze retired to the window.
"Couldn't have been better." Y/n smirked.
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