#the legend of zelda: lost and found
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sapphicseasapphire · 14 days ago
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So uh… how are we feeling after @tashacee’s latest chapter of Lost and Found? I’m certainly experiencing emotions.
This is how I picture Baba Rabbit (I may or may not have taken some inspiration from Vi’s bunny in Arcane). And this is my first time actually drawing Real Actual Linked Universe Legend. I just. Love him.
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lace4forest · 7 months ago
Local Streamer Does Math
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So on stream today, we decided to figure out how long Link was lost at sea for during the events of Link's Awakening.
It went horribly.
Long story short we decided to try and figure it out via looking up how old Link was in Link's Awakening, but it wasn't there. So we looked in the Oracle games. Wasn't there. Link to the Past? Nope. We went through the Hyrule Hystoria, then went to the Encyclopedia, Lastly we went to the internet. (We also learned the Encyclopedia just straight up has wrong information??????? Some info contradicts the games and things that are established, and it rearranges some of the games orders.)
We settled on learning how old each of the others were and trying to find an age range.
SO- In Ocarina of Time, Link is 9 then gets sealed away for 7 years, making him 16. In Zelda 2 Adventure of Link, Link is also 16 and in the original Zelda game, he was 10. In Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess we know Link is an "Older Teen" age, putting him 16-17+. In Wind Waker its stated that Link is the same age as the Hero of Time was when he defeated Ganon, he only defeated Ganon in 1 timeline, and he was 16 at the time, meaning Wind Waker Link's "Coming of Age" was 16, Making him ALSO 16. In Spirit Tracks Link is the age to become an Engineer, another coming of age, and how he is almost identical to Wind Waker Link, we can say he's also 16. Now in Breath of the Wild, it's stated that Zelda has to be 17 to enter the Shrine of Wisdom. So Link has to be 17 at LEAST.
This shows that the age in the Zelda games to become an "Adult" would have to be either 16-17.
We also debunked a few things, like if Wind Waker Link was 12, then that would make Ocarina of Time Link's Adult age 12, (Because they were the SAME AGE as when he Killed Again, he only Killed Ganon 1 time, and that was in the Adult Timeline) This would also make Ocarina of Time's Child Link 5. So. No.
Anyways, In A Link to the Past, Link is said to be a Child. Same in Oracle of Ages. As in, Link HAS to be younger than 16. So he could be anything between 9 to 15. We don't know how long some of these games take place between one another, so we don't really know. Link also lived with his Uncle but we don't know much of what happened after that, because his next three games weren't in Hyrule.
So there would be 8 games with Adult Links and 8 games with Child Links. (Some may have doubles)
Adult - Skyward Sword, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Zelda 2, Wind Waker and Phantom hourglass, Spirit Tracks, Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. (This is 8 separate Links)
Child - Minish Cap, Four Swords(?), Majora's Mask, Four Swords Adventures(?), A Link to the Past, Oracle of Seasons/Ages and Link's Awakening, Zelda 1 - (This is 8 separate Links)
ANYWAYS- We went down this rabbit hole because someone brought up in the Echoes of Wisdom Demo Zelda doesn't know who Link is. But we all thought this was the same Zelda as A Link to the Past- But the funny thing about that Zelda is that she's CANONICALLY Forgotten Link BEFORE- SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHO IS HE IS ORACLE OF AGES, BUT IT'S CONFIRMED SHE IS THE SAME ONE AS A LINK TO THE PAST-
So Echoes of Wisdom Zelda, forgetting who the Hero of Legend Link is, Tracks and is still correct because of the fact that SHE'S DONE THIS BEFORE-
Maybe she forgets names easily or something, or Link was out on that boat for a really long time, idk.
Also this all happened in a stream on my Twitch, so if you want to watch me lose my mind- Here's a link to that
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they-call-me-veral · 2 years ago
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karakulialiny · 1 year ago
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These non-artists thought and decided: why not use AI to create Zelda fanarts? In the end, it all looks like a fever dream in which The Legend of Zelda is mixed with other fantasy or even a world like ours.
At some point, I decided to do the same as the artists I saw on Instagram - redraw the AI ​​drawings in my own style. If a neural network dares to steal our creations, why shouldn't we steal its creations? Yes, my version doesn't look perfect, but at least I made it myself and I even had the opportunity to once again draw my OCs as background characters (and Link's hand also looks normal).
By the way, I would be very kind if someone could explain to me how to use such pattern poisoners as NightShade and Glase. Then, I can protect my drawings from these neurosmarts.
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maple-the-awesome · 2 months ago
Another Link Crushes On You || Part 1/3
Part 2 || Part 3
Pairings: Hyrule, Time, Sky x GN Reader
Overview: You've known Link for years - Well, a version of Link. Neither of you have seen yourselves as being anything more than friends, although it seems not all Link's think the same, in fact when you're introduced to the Chain, one of the boys happens to fall pretty hard for you. I spun a wheel to let fate decide upon random pairs this time. Needless to say, I had a lot of fun with some of them😁
Zelda Masterlist 💙Fandom Masterlist
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"Well, look what the cat dragged in. 'was beginning to think you might be dead in a ditch somewhere," You scoff, making your presence known as you lean against the door frame coolly while eyeing your long lost roommate and, more importantly, the company he’s brought home, "Hylia's sake, one of you is enough as it is. Now nine?"
Legend breathes your name in a sigh, not so much as glancing away from the chest he currently digs through, "I can always count on you for a warm welcome."
Despite the sarcasm and rolled eyes, you don't seem to actually hold any true disdain towards one another. Quite the opposite, an observant bystander would notice how the Vet's shoulders relax upon hearing your voice, and how there’s a slight curve to your lips following his snark reply. You’re someone who brings him comfort; someone the Chain can trust.
Pushing yourself from the doorframe, you give them a friendly smile and wave, “I take it you must be the other heroes Link’s told me about in his letters - Less I’m to believe he found yet another ragtag group of misfits to drag around with him…It’s nice to finally meet other people who can bear to put up with his nonsense. I’m his roommate, by the way. Sorry I wasn’t around last time you stopped by.”
"Oh, so he has two roommates then -?”
“- His actual roommate," You correct with an annoyed huff. Of course, it's only half hearted, "Ravio doesn't count since he doesn't pay rent."
"He should. He's around enough," Legend's voice is echoed by the chest.
There’s more conversation to be had as the two of you bicker, although much of it becomes muted ambience for Hyrule who takes to wandering the room in awe of his predecessor’s impressive collection. Boomerangs and gauntlets, hammers and feathers, even an entire little chest overflowing with enchanted clothing…Sure, it’s probably not practical to most, but an adventurer can dream, can’t he? Amongst all of this stuff, Hyrule can’t decide what seems more interesting. The magic rods? A library of maps? How about the unique magical instruments lining the walls?
“...You're the one who practically showed up on my doorstep just begging for a place to stay."
"Really? Because I remember finding and nursing you back to health out of the kindness of my heart after you got your ass kicked by a moblin.”
"I had everything under control -”
- Just then, while half distracted by the argument behind him, Hyrule accidentally bumps into a shelf which causes its contents to shake violently. His shoulders tense in preparation for the awful sound of shattering no doubt followed by Legend’s scolding, but before one of the potions can hit the floor, a hand skillfully dives to catch it.
“Careful there. You could really get hurt with some of the stuff in here,” You smirk, setting the potion back onto the shelf before turning around with your hands placed upon your hips, “I keep telling Bunny this place could be more spacious if he’d just sort through some of this junk, but he’s too emotionally attached to it all to ever take my advice.”
“It’s good to be prepared, I guess,” Hyrule stammers, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment - At least, that must be why he feels so nervous all of a sudden. What other reason would there be? 
“There’s already been a few times when the Vet’s items have saved our tails.”
You hum, cocking your head to the side as you look the brunette over. In all likelihood, it’s probably only a split second that your eyes glance his way, yet it’s enough to make him feel see-through. Are you judging him? Do you see how knotted his hair is or how desperately his face needs to be washed? 
Golly, you’re attractive yourself - which should be a perfectly normal thing to think because yes, conventionally speaking, you could be found very attractive and for good reason. How did Legend and you meet again? Did he say it was strictly platonic or are you already spoken for? Is that even something Hyrule should be thinking right now? Why would he be thinking such a thing when all you’ve done is look straight into his soul - …And you’re gone.
Regardless of whether you noticed Hyrule’s internal panic, you end up straying from his side to start sorting through a nearby chest yourself. If he hadn’t been stunned stupid, he would’ve heard the words you speak to the group while tossing aside items, “Here’s an idea: maybe some of you guys can take a few items off Link’s hands - Split them up amongst the group to get it out of our hair -”
“- Absolutely not!” Legend’s voice comes from somewhere over the heaps of junk, not that it does anything to stop you.
Finally finding whatever it was that you were looking for, you stand up and make your way back over to Hyrule. Before he can react beyond a jolt, you take his hand and place something in it before putting your own on top. Your touch is soft in contrast to his own rough skin. Oh, and that wink you give him - It’s enough to make his face explode in red. It could be deadly for his heart to race any faster!
“...Don’t let him catch you with it,” You whisper, and that smirk you give makes him certain you know what you’re doing.
“I - um - Oh, sure…I -”
You chuckle at the flustered boy, regrettably removing your hands from his before once again leaving his side. He thinks you say something about refreshments, maybe lunch, but honestly, he’s as good as gone to this world. It takes a bit of shaking from Four and shouting from Wind to properly snap him out of it, at least enough so to finally look down at his hand. 
There’s a small blue telescope in his grasp, and it’s with that that he finally decides: you are probably, by far, the most interesting thing to be found here in Legend’s collection.
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This is nice - peaceful, even, which tends to be a rare gift these days. Granted, the sun is a little too bright, and it wouldn’t be much of a surprise if someone walks away from this island with a nasty sunburn (most likely Twilight and Wild), but at least there’s somewhat of a gentle breeze to balance out the heat, and a quiet moment protected from any childish shenanigans is never something to turn down.
Most of the boys have been whisked off by Wind who had deemed it a crime that some of them have never seen the sea before. Those who managed to escape his attention have hopefully been keeping out of trouble on their own, basking in much needed time to themselves elsewhere on the island (after all, it does get tiresome traveling in such a large group for so long).
It matters not which deity has decided to smile down upon him today and grace him with this break. What matters is Time’s relaxed - as relaxed as a man with his background and mindset can ever be - while standing here in the sun, soaking in its glow and your perfectly tranquil company.
Ah yes, he hasn’t been left entirely alone. You’re here, too, but unlike his traveling companions, you’re closer to his age and thus seem to match his level of maturity and easygoing nature - a godsent in these trifling times, really. 
Currently, you sit upon the porch humming a pleasant little tune while combing Aryll’s hair. She sits between your legs, happily swinging her feet as you work small handfuls at a time, your movements as gentle and careful as the breeze - And that adoring look in your eyes…It could be enough to melt any heart.
Time finds himself being put at ease by the domestic sight, wordlessly admiring how effortlessly you balance caring for the young child while conversing with a stranger like himself, speaking to him softly as if a personal friend of yours:
“Link’ll probably want to stay with his grandma tonight, but the rest of you might do better staying with me. I’m sure she’ll offer, though I’d worry about the stress hosting so many traveler’s would put on her,” You explain, skillfully dividing Aryll’s hair into two blue ribbons, “I have space in my own hut, so there’d be no trouble.”
“It’s nice weather,” Time mentions, gazing up at the clear sky above, “None of us would mind sleeping under the stars -”
“- No trouble at all,” You emphasize with a breath, pretending not to hear his own point. He merely smiles, having no will to argue. They haven’t been here long, and yet this is the second argument he’s unlikely to win against you. The first was your insistence that they stay the night at all with promises to host them well. 
Once finished with her hair, Aryll thanks you in a hurry before scurrying off to find her big brother. You chuckle at her enthusiasm, but soon after, there’s a shift in your mood. Suddenly, you grow a bit sad and anxious. Time can’t help noticing the concern that briefly overtakes your expression, twisting your lips into a frown as you raise a nail to nibble on. Now that you’re truly alone, he can no longer mock ignorance to how exhausted you look, and it takes no genius to understand why that may be.
“...Rupee for your thoughts?” Really? That’s the best he can come up with in all his years of wisdom? It’s such a lame way to break the silence and an even lamer way to start a serious conversation with someone you’ve only just met.
Fortunately, you don’t seem to hold any judgment against him. Instead you sigh and look at him from over your shoulder with a sorrowful smile, “Is my stress that obvious?”
“I’ve been around long enough to know a mask when I see one,” Pushing him off the beam he’s been casually leaning against, Time invites himself to finally sit beside you on the steps. 
You don’t say anything all too quickly in response, rather you turn back to the sea with a deep inhale.
“...I worry about him,” You eventually confess through a whisper,“Every time he comes back from one of his adventures, he’s…different. Not enough so for anyone else to notice, but I do. He’s getting older - more mature, for better or for worse - and the things he’s had to witness - the battles and responsibilities that no child should ever have to bear - I can’t help seeing how it’s all starting to wear him down, slowly but surely.
“...And I know - I know this is his destiny and that he’s already saved the world once. I know he can handle himself, but he’s - he’s still just a boy! He shouldn’t have to bear the burden of the world upon his shoulders! He should be running around this island, digging for treasure in the sand and catching pigs. Instead he’s finding treasure in dangerous dungeons and fighting pigs!”
Time frowns. What can he say to comfort you? That it’s all going to get better? That maybe, one day, Wind will return home and stay for good? Even though you’re a stranger he has no obligation to, he can’t bring himself to provide an empty promise like that, because out of all the heroes here, he knows best that it would be a lie. This road they’re on - This road the Goddesses have sent each of them down - There is no end to it…Not one that he’s found, anyway…
Fortunately or unfortunately, Time doesn’t get the chance to collect his thoughts nor offer any words of encouragement (if he could’ve even decided on some). You sigh before he has a second to respond, suddenly looking back at him with an optimistic smile only half fitting of the current mood, “...You’ll keep an eye on him, won’t you? Make sure he doesn’t get too ahead of himself, at least during the time that you’re all traveling together?”
"You have my word."
At a minimum, he’s able to give you that promise. The road ahead is rugged and treacherous with fearsome monsters around every corner…but Time can promise that he’ll give his all to protect those in his party. No harm shall fall upon any of the boys so long as he’s able to take a blade within his own hand. He’ll see to it that Wind returns to your arms at the end of this journey, safe and sound with plenty more stories to tell.
Your sigh releases some of the tension kept within your mind and bones, “...I wish none of you had to go through any of this…”
“At times I wish the same…” His agreement is flat and not exactly what you had hoped to hear, even if it is expected, but at least his next words seem to touch your heart more tenderly, “...But it’s not ourselves who we fight for. It’s people like you; people who deserve to live to see times of peace. The world’s safety will always be payment enough.”
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As a captain in the Hylian Royal Army, Warrior’s experience doesn’t quite follow the same origin as most of his counterparts. His training had been professional and grueling, the weight upon his shoulders more direct than a mere whisper in the wind guiding him. He didn't have the luxury of stumbling upon his destiny or sneaking in to find Ganondorf when the time was right - No, he was publicly named then pushed by circumstances to meet Ganondorf on a battlefield, of all places.
It’s a life few in the Chain can exactly relate to, although some similar undertones aren’t missed upon Wild and Sky. While Wild isn’t one to draw any attention to it, perhaps not remembering enough about himself to know why any of this may or may not feel familiar, Sky’s a bit more acclimated to this systematized environment than his brothers, even if it is still rather different than home.
The army of this world clearly functions on a far larger scale than any of the knights back on Skyloft, and the air carries more tension than what could ever be found in a classroom, even on testing days. Nevertheless, Sky appreciates how much pride Warrior takes in showing off his world, not letting the stern expressions of anyone they pass dampen his excitement, after all, despite some previous experience fighting alongside inhabitants of other timelines, it’s rare that he’s given the chance to be the host himself, not a simple guest.
"There's someone I'd like you guys to meet!" The Captain announces at the same moment his eyes and smile lighten considerably. Clearly, he’s spotted a new target, one he makes a quick b-line for with the others close on his trail.
A call of your name is all it takes to capture your attention, although contrast to Warrior’s spark, you seem far less amused with your reunion.
“And where have you been?” You hiss, your narrowed eyes disapproving as they basically dare your friend - colleague, maybe? - to try excusing his sudden absence and casual reappearance. Now that’s an expression that really sends Sky back to his days at the Academy! Why, he’s only seen it about a hundred times on his instructors over the years!
"Working," Warrior must be accustomed to being on the receiving end of such a harsh glare, because he completely fails to even acknowledge it, instead swiftly changing subjects as he gestures to the heroes behind him with much fanfare, “I came here to introduce you to -”
"- Sailor!” It’s funny how quickly your expression switches, igniting like a fueled fire. Within seconds, you’re rushing right past Warrior to embrace the youngest hero of their group, “Now there’s a face I’ve missed! Long time no see. Oh, look at you! Have you gotten taller?”
Luckily, Wind seems just as happy to see you, giggling and practically hanging onto you as you rub your knuckles into his hair. With your arm still tossed over his shoulder, you raise an eyebrow towards the rest of the Chain who now feel suddenly out of place, not certain if they should also know you.
Warrior comes up to your side to explain, “Funny story, but everyone you see before you is a reincarnation of the hero’s spirit.”
“Ah! Heroes from different times?” You gasp, pressing a finger to your chin as you look them all over with serious consideration yet hardly any surprise. Maybe you’re just as used to this sort of thing as Warrior is, “...Now that you say that, some of them do seem a bit familiar…”
“You must be the Hero of Twilight Midna spoke of!” You conclude with a point towards their Rancher who jolts. Whether because of the sudden attention or the mention of a sore name, he won’t get the chance to say, “I’m guessing so anyway, based on her descriptions, although I must say, she made you sound more…-”
“- Brutish? Rugged?” Warrior’s smirk is smug yet sadly untouchable amongst the careful watch of the surrounding military.
“I was looking for a nicer word, but that is what she said, isn’t it?” You sigh with a defeated shrug before turning to the oldest of the group. You gasp once again, this time with more heart, “And you! You kinda look like -! But it couldn’t be…Is that you Sprout?
“Talk about someone getting taller! The last time I saw you, you were only yea high!” Time’s thankful that you don’t give him the same treatment as Wind, instead minding your distance while awing at the height difference between you both now, although your smile soon turns sorrowful the longer you look him over, “...Your adventures haven’t been kind to you, have they?”
“In case you haven’t already guessed, this is the historian friend I’ve mentioned before - The one who probably knows more about us than we’re to know about ourselves at this point,” Warrior finally explains to his confused friends, coming up to place his hands upon your shoulder, “Give us a favor and try not to overheat now.”
“Oh don’t be so jealous,” You shoot him an unamused glare and swat him away, however he’s saved from any more scolding when you at long last look to Sky. Based upon what little the Captain has mentioned about you up until this moment, you’re a simple Hylian with no powers beyond your strength with a sword and impressive knowledge of Hyrule’s history…So why is it that your eyes have suddenly managed to freeze him like stone?
"As for you, I recognize that shield from Skyloft's era which means...You must be the Hero of Sky!" Your expression once again lights up like a beacon as you swiftly take his hand and give it a firm shake, not seeming at all fazed by his stunned stance, "You're the Master Fi spoke of, I take it? It's an honor to meet you."
"I, uh - It's an honor to meet you, too," At least he gathers enough of his wits to stumble out some words.
"I must say, Skyloft was one of my favorite places we visited during the war. Such a peaceful island - Well, after getting past the life-or-death battles that brought us there in the first place," You say, nudging Warrior as the two of you snicker. Oddly enough, Sky feels a bit disappointed to lose your focus and even more so to see the bond Warrior and you clearly share. Why, though? Why feel so omitted from someone he’s just met?
Fortunately, the negative feelings don't sink too deep until your attention becomes solely trained on him, "There's so little that has survived in our history books about your time - a real shame, too. As the first hero, I'm sure you have some unique experience under your belt."
"I-I guess you could say that…" Sky mumbles awkwardly, shooting a hand up to rub the back of his neck. Then, suddenly feeling a bit bold, he decides to test his luck with an offer, "I could, um, tell you about them if you want?"
Your eyes widen while Warrior rolls his, "You shouldn't have suggested that -"
"- Really?! Well, I'd love to hear it!" Before he can react, you have Sky’s hands sandwiched between yours, your touch impressively soft despite your years of training and fighting or maybe he’s just imagining them that way, "Could you start with the Imprisoned? We fought it a couple of times during the war and man, was it a pain. Fi mentioned you thought it yourself several times. Tell me, how did you -"
"Aaand we lost them…" Warrior groans, face smacked against his hand as you practically drag Sky off without so much as a goodbye to the others, "We're not going to get a word in ourselves for a while now. Let’s just go see if we can’t get an audience with the Queen and come back for them later.”
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icomeandg0 · 7 months ago
"More than One"
Linked universe x Y/n (Female)
Warnings: Mentions of blood, Confusing.
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"She's my Y/n!"
Being dumped in another place wasn't on the chains to do list.
This definitely got a rise out of the boys, nonstop grumbling coming from Legend and Wind while the others were wearing their poker face to disguise their frustration on this unfortunate situation they had found themselves in.
"Does anyone at least know this landscape?” Sky asked with a slight hopeful tone in his tired voice only to be answered with shrugs of the shoulders and grumbles.
They ventured through the dense forest, nothing but trees...trees and-Oh! More trees.
“Well this sucks, I swear that shadow is toying with us now. We weren’t even in the other place for a week!” Legend was the first to speak about his frustrations earning a few nods of agreement from a few others but Time shuts it down.
“Even so, there must be a reason why we were sent here so early. So instead of complaining we will figure it out and rest.”
None of the boys would even object to Times commands, they would only lash out internally. “Well, we’re low on food and we’re in a forest..Perfect time to stock up, don't you think?" Wild suggested, Time was against stopping now but seeing as it was getting late and that the boys would be satisfied and no longer needed to complain he had no choice to.
"Fine, we'll stop here for tonight. We leave first thing in the morning"
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Wild adjusted his bow as Twilight stands behind him, "I'll come with, don't know where you'll end up." Wild only rolls his eyes playfully, "I bet you'd sniff me out if I got lost."
The two were walking deeper into the woods but not deep enough where they didn't know where they were. Soon in a clearing Wild found some deer, Wild signals for Twilight to stay put and to keep quiet as Wild crouches towards the herd.
he aligned the arrow in the middle of the bow, pulling the string back he focuses on the deer...
Wild's Sheikah slate began to beep out loud, startling the herd and making them all flee so in a hurry Wild shots but misses, Wild huffs and grabbed his slate from his hip and looks at it.
The slate was already on the map and it had a glowing spot, 'Detecting another Sheikah slate user'
Wild was confused, no way someone in this era had a Sheikah slate, must be someone from his era...Wouldn't be Zelda, she was getting her Sheikah slate upgraded, Could it be...?
Wild's eyes widened and he was about to run towards where that glowing spot was but Twilights hand rested on his shoulder, Wild hugged the slate to his chest so Twilight wouldn't see. "Didn't catch anything huh?" Oh that's right...
"Nah, stepped on a stick and made them run away" Wild lied through his teeth, Twilight didn't seem to catch on, "That's fine, we'll try to find something else. C'mon" Wild gulps and nods, He really wanted to go searching but he couldn't do it now, Later.
"Finally! Took you long enough to come back! I'm starving" Wind hops up to his feet when he sees the deer draped around Twilight's shoulders, "Sorry, I'll get on with cooking" Wild smiles and pulls out his pot.
Once everyone was satisfied with their dinner they helped to clean up but when Four went to grab the pot he noticed leftovers from dinner, "Hey Wild, what should I do with this?" he asked, raising his brow curiosity. "Oh just leave it, I'll keep it." "Leftover's huh? You don't normally leave leftovers." Twilight points out. "Yeah...Got a bit carried away with cooking, no harm in more food, right?" Twilight nods.
"So who's on watch tonight?" Legend grumbled at the thought of it being him- "I'll do it" Wild offers, no one seems to object since neither of them wanted to do it.
"I'll be on second" Twilight nods.
✯ ━━━━━━ ✿ ✫ ✿ ━━━━━━ ✯
It didn't take too long for everyone to knock out, Wild waits a little bit before grabbing his slate to see the glowing spot again. Wild needs to go and find them, but he knows he'd be in trouble when he's back nor will he forgive himself if he leaves and something attacks while he's gone.
But he needs to reach them...Needs to reach his-
He leaves the camp with light footsteps to not wake anyone...but unknowingly someone was awake that whole time.
Once Wild knows he's at a safe distance he begins to pick up his speed and run quickly towards the glowing spot on his map, he’s so close-
But once he approaches he sees a dragon, resting on its side, it’s taking deep huffs as if it’s resting.
Wild looks terrified, he looks at his slate and then back at the dragon…His glowing spot is where the dragon is.
No way, was he late? Did the dragon…Did the dragon kill Y/n? Was he late again?
While he was deep in thought he didn’t realise the dragons piercing E/C orbs staring at him, not until it let out a low growl.
Wild was in a hurry and forgot to grab weapons, something he now regrets. Though the dragon had arrows and various other weapons on its back which explained why it was on its side…It wasn’t attacking since it was probably tired but Wild wouldn’t take any chances so he kept his guard up.
Wild takes another look at the slate and throws the slate in frustration, He failed again, to protect someone he had loved.
The dragon wasn’t phased, however, the dragon was thinking about how dramatic that was until…The dragon noticed the eye on the slate and it looked familiar.
The Dragon growls once more to gain Wilds attention, once Wild looked the beast lifted up its wing revealing…
Y/n, His Y/n. You were safe…sorta.
Blood covered the side of your torso, it was dried up but you probably lost so much you were unconscious now. Your slate was loosely in your hand, Wild wasted no time running towards you, grabbing you and checking your pulse and breathing.
Once he saw that you were still alive he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. “Gotta bring you back…” Wilds ears twitched when he heard the bushes rustle…
“Damnit, not here.” Wild muttered but once he saw it was wolfie he huffed.
“Of course, you sniffed me out didn’t you?” Wild sighs when Wolfie walked over to him, sniffing the girl in Wilds arms.
“Look, I’ll explain later. I gotta take her back to the others, hopefully Hyrule can heal her…” Wild says as he gets up and runs off…
Wolfie turns to the dragon who was resting once again, letting out a weak huff…Wolfie walked over and gives the Dragon a little nudge with his snout earning a soft grumble from the dragon.
Once Wild made it back to camp he rushes into Hyrules tent to wake him up, “Hyrule! Hyrule! Ugh, Link!” Wild shakes Hyrule making him shoot open his eyes in a hurry, he looks up at him and rubs his eyes.
“W-what? Monster?” Hyrule reaches for his sword but Wild shakes his head, “No…but can you heal her? Please.” Wild pleaded as he lowered you down gently on the ground, Hyrules eyes widened but he looks determined.
“Explain after”
“Roger that.”
To be continued…
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My first ever post, hopefully it was…decent?
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little-fae-hero · 16 days ago
Linked Universe, The hero of the Wild.
My headcanons/aus
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Art by Atro Avis
Colored version.
Long talk/Ideas under the cut, warning for losing body parts and memories, and lots of hurt. (Note: I may add stuff over time, but nothing will be deleted from the list)
Time. Twilight. Wind. Legend. Hyrule. Four. Sky. War.
Wild (Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom) (Age of Calamity?). Other Nicknames: The Champion, Arsonist, Cub, the Cook, Chaos, The Lost boy.
Hero Titles: The Champion, the Hero of Hyrule, the Killer of the Calamity, the Failed Hero.
God who has claim over his soul: Demise. (his connection violence and fighting).
Part of First’s soul: Loyalty and Freedom/Curiosity 
Note: Technically he died before his first quest, however his soul is still the same. His body didn’t come back right.
Link belonged to a small family, his father was a knight and his mother was a traveling merchant, oftentimes visiting Zora’s domain for business. Link found himself playing with the Zora princess Mipha and her little brother Sidon. However this changes when Link, only at 11, wanders into the woods and returns with the Master Sword and a new ability he can’t seem to describe. He’s immediately taken into the castle and begins training to be a knight; the boy refuses to speak after that.
The kingdom is warned of the return of the Calamity, and they begin to prepare for it by unearth guardians and divine beasts. This turned out to be the wrong thing to do as the Calamity took over the guardians and divine beasts and killed the other Champions and nearly killed Link. Link could have killed Ganon if he didn’t have control of the guardians. Zelda places Link in the Shrine of Resurrection in an effort to save his life while she went back to hold the Calamity alone. 
Link comes back with absolutely no memory, he doesn’t even know his name (if not for the mysterious voice), and he has a weird metal arm now. However after waking up he meets a friendly wolf who helps him and he ends up naming Wolfie. He frees the Divine beasts, freeing the champions spirits, defeating the Calamity and saving Hyrule and Zelda.
After that…it is unknown, all that Link knows is that his memories have been taken once again, he’s losing years…as if he gave them up. All he knows is that he has a weird stone around his neck, that had helped the burning in his chest to lesson. And a girl, with blond hair, who happily said ‘Link’ before he was stolen alway once again.
Link cannot remember anything, he has faint hints like he’s done something but when he meets the chain, he is completely lost. Most of his story is told by people they meet on the road.
Death. First: The blast from the guardian would have killed him if the soul of the hero spirit refused to die before its quest was over. 
Final: Wild’s soul has worked overtime to keep himself safe. He likely only makes it to late 20s before the soul burns out his body. Either he’ll go peaceful in his sleep or on the roads in his travels.
Interesting stuff/Headcanons:
Wild did not remember anything when he woke up in the shrine (he only knew his name because Zelda told him), everything was mainly muscle memory (hence why he’s so willing to eat bugs and monster parts)
However he did wake up crying, he has no idea why.
He lost an eye and an arm during his first death, they were replaced with sheik tec, one infused to his very soul so they cannot be taken over by the Malice.
The lost limbs are on his right side, the side he uses to hold a sword, draw a bow, it was intentional on the calamities part, to keep the enemy alive but no way to fight back.
He will randomly cry, or suddenly feel a wave of strong emotions, he doesn’t know why.
Almost every weapon feels comfortable in Link’s hands, and if not a weapon he can make it into a weapon.
He has a natural curiosity he just can’t seem to shake, something in his bones screams at him to be in nature and explore.
His blood is now off, it seemingly looks and glows that sheikah blue.
Because of his arm now cooler or hotter temperatures affect him more than when he was alive 100 years ago, he has to dress for the weather or else his health takes a big hit.
Once meeting a group or person, it takes him a long time to admit his opinions or the things he likes/wants to do.
Food is such a big comfort to Wild, he doesn’t know why, but it always brings a smile to his face, even the food that must hold memories as they make tears escape.
The Sheika slate abilities are also linked to Wild’s metal hand, however he doesn’t like to use them since they make his arm feel weird.
He has some other weird abilities, like a manipulation with time and combining weapons, but he doesn’t understand them like the ruins. Which just seems to come naturally, though he is learning (through trial and error).
All the yelling before his death fried Wild’s vocal cords so it takes him a while to actually talk again. (He prefers to sign)
Wild has a tendency to lie to people. Mainly he hates seeing people upset when he doesn’t remember them.
He actually met Demise before, it’s why the triforce of power still burns within him.
There’s a freedom that came with his lost memories, he only admits to Wolfie that sometimes he wishes he didn’t remember, even the faintest hint just bring heartache.
Of course he gets the abilities from saving the champion's spirits. However these are helping to cause his body to burn out.
They have to cool down otherwise it feels like hot lava settling in his chest.
After joining the group, he keeps trying new stuff from blacksmithing to woodcarving. Trying to find a possible old hobby or something to bring him comfort.
Wild takes to photographing a lot of stuff, mainly because he knows memories escape him at times and he wants to remember the other Links.
Wild knew he should have been angry when Wolfie turned out to be Twi. However, having someone to talk to and care about him was worth it.
Wild has this weird stone necklace, he doesn’t know how he got it, all he knows is it helps his bullet time without making his heart hurt.
Wild is used to Twilight almost babying him at times, doesn’t mean he won’t get into trouble.
Wild doesn’t have much of an impulse control (that’s Twi’s job).
The champion's souls have realized something bad is happening to Wild’s soul. And they're trying to help.
Early in his adventure Wild has bad PTSD from the guardians. It’s only later he’s able to face them.
Wild is able to talk to spirits and other stuff that most people can’t see (dragons, the statues, etc). Wild of course doesn’t say anything, mainly cause he doesn’t think people will believe him.
He somewhat resents the Master sword because pulling it took away his naive childhood.
He was about 16 when he died the first time. His body is now physically 17ish.
Wild's first adventure freeing the Divine beast took about 7 months, so he’s likely 18 now. (Tears of the Kingdom only happens like a month after BOTW)
Wild can speak a very old language that was spoken to him while he slept, only Sky and Time has heard it before.
Wild is very much trying to figure out who he is and what he wants to do with his life (he is unaware of the time limit).
Wild has no idea why blue is the color associated with the hero here, the only hero to wear blue is Wind and he states that those are his everyday clothes (better for the weather then his green).
He swore he’s seen a being with Time’s face markings before, and he’s seen another with the overwhelming energy that War has when he battles. And he’s seen the same gold on Legend faintly on Zelda.
Soo as you can guess, I'm actually completing rewriting Tears of the Kingdom lore for this au. I feel like there's a lot more to play around with.
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minas-linkverse · 5 months ago
about the dynamics thingy, ( sorry if this is late ) botw Zelda and link maybe? Or twi and legend? Have an nice dayyy
Ohohoo you've chosen to ask about the duo with some of the most stuff to talk about. >:]
Zelda and (botw) Link's relationship in this au is undeniably positive, but also very complicated. The best way for me to explain it is to explain the big events in their shared past that shaped that relationship!
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Zelda, faced with a heavy destiny she did not want and feared she'd never be able to fulfill... Was understandably in an emotionally turbulent state. When she first met Link --a boy who seemed to lack opinions of his own and seemed to fulfill his role perfectly-- she hated him. However she felt immensely guilty of that, and after an outburst apologized and tried to explain herself to Link. After all, Link was very much in the same boat as her, maybe... Maybe he could actually get it.
He unfortunately had to disappoint her...
The war
Despite their inability to form an emotionally connection through words, they did end up becoming close due to the horrors they witnessed together. They couldn't talk about how they felt but they kept each other safe.
When Zelda lost Link and awakened to her destiny, it wasn't as much due to the pain of losing a friend, but losing the last person she had. The last hope the kingdom had.
100 years later
When Zelda called out to Link in the Shrine of Resurrection, she was speaking out to a legendary hero who was destined to slay Calamity ganon.
The person who heard her however, was a memory-less boy who realized he has epic sword skills and can do back-flips. Hearing of his destiny, he decided to immediately go the very opposite direction and instead have fun. They had the wrong guy! This "Link" guy may have owned this body before but he now didn't know or care about these strangers.
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Yet during his journey across Hyrule... He fell in love with it. The first few memories he tried to ignore, but as they kept coming he came to realize two things:
The Link the world had known 100 years ago was not happy. He was simply the ideal soldier, someone with no opinions of his own.
The Princess had deserved better than who he'd been. Now that Link had grown to love the world and tried to reject a destiny forced upon him, the feelings she shared with him suddenly made sense-- And thinking back to his lack of response broke his heart.
He wasn't going to run away from what needed to be done anymore. Link seeked out his destiny and slayed Calamity Ganon. For the world he loved, and... For the Princess who he wanted nothing more than to apologize to.
Post Game
Before being yoinked into the comic, Zelda and Link have been reconnecting while getting started with rebuilding Hyrule-- Not as a kingdom, but a home. It was certainly awkward at first. In Zelda's eyes this boy wore the face of someone she knew, but acted entirely different... And on top of that, this stranger knew her like they'd known one another for ages.
Despite the horrors in their memories that will never fade, and the endless guilt as the only few who made it out... They found a new kind of happiness neither had felt before.
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To me their relationship in the comic is probably the best described as queerplatonic. It's not even a question of if they'll be together for the rest of their lives, its a promise they've already made without a single word.
Being taken on a whole new adventure without her has been jarring to Link, but! Zelda has good people around her. The two are not dependent on one another. Hopefully the time travel nonsense will get him back home for a quick hi sometime soon, but at least he'll have a lot of interesting things to tell her...
They're a team! To the very end!
Disclaimer: If the comic contradicts whats written here in the future, the comic's canon is the one you should prioritize!
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crowroboros · 5 months ago
A Really Cool Detail About Might Crystals in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom
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The first time I encountered a Might Crystal was maybe ~an hour into the game. I think I found it in a chest or something in Suthorn Forest and the first thing that I thought was "Huh...that looks kind of like bismuth." But, as I was so early on in the story that I didn't know much about what the Might Crystals were, I didn't think much more of it.
Well here I am with 46 additional hours worth of playtime in Echoes of Wisdom, and I'm here to say that there is a very cool reason that Might Crystals resemble bismuth crystals!
Before we get into bismuth, I need to talk about what is going on in Echoes of Wisdom. This WILL contain mid-to-late game spoilers, so do be warned.
Long before Creation there was nothing more than a void—a vast empty oblivion. Occasionally, bits of matter would spark to life in this nothingness. Nothing substantial, just small clumps of reality managing to form only for a moment. Only a moment, for anything that managed to flicker to life was devoured by the one who dwelt within this void:
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Null is the main antagonist of Echoes of Wisdom. It is an ancient, incomprehensible lifeform that thrives in the absoluteness of zero. Nothingness personified.
Seeing the way these sparks of existence were so quickly extinguished, the three Golden Goddesses—Din, the Goddess of Power; Nayru, the Goddess of Wisdom; and Farore, the Goddess of Courage—descended from the heavens and forced Creation. Together, the three built the world itself and everything that makes up reality with Null imprisoned and contained at its center.
The Golden Goddess then departed back to the heavens, leaving behind the Triforce, the Secret Stones (though they aren't relevant for this, just thought I'd throw them in since we know they were created around this time), and the Tris. The Triforce and the Tris served as the glue keeping reality together; the Tris specifically being created to maintain the structure of the world, as even though Null was imprisoned that didn't stop it from consuming and returning the world to nothingness.
From the point of Creation onward, Null and the Tris were locked in a delicate balancing act of destruction and recreation. Null ate away at the world, creating rifts that tore through reality. And in turn, the Tris constantly patched up these rifts, quickly restoring what was lost.
This return to nothingness is a major part of the themes of Echoes of Wisdom, and why Might Crystals likely were inspired by bismuth.
Might Crystals—as well as the energy they produce—are some of the only things capable of withstanding Null and the void. When everything else is lost, these crystals remain. But what does this have to do with Bismuth?
Well visually both Might Crystals and Bismuth share the iconic stairstep spiral growth structure, but the main reason I believe bismuth to be the inspiration for the Might Crystals is the Bismuth-209 isotope.
Bismuth was previously thought to be the heaviest stable element, with only one stable isotope (Bismuth-209). I say previously because in 2003, a research team at the IAS (Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, a research institute in France) came to the realization that the Bismuth-209 isotope is actually undergoing alpha decay at an incredibly slow rate. How slow? Well it was determined that Bismuth-209 has a half life of approximately...
2.01x10^19 years. Or about 20,100,000,000,000,000,000 years (20 quintillion if you don't know/don't want to count out the zeroes).
For reference, that is billions of years longer than the current estimated age of the universe.
It is because of this inconceivably long half-life that it is said that bismuth will be among the last elements to disintegrate. And it is that bit of information that I believe inspired Might Crystals. If you need to come up with a crystal that can withstand nothingness itself and outlive matter in a void that consumes endlessly, what better choice to base it off of than the element that decays so slow that we used to think that it was stable?
I just thought that it was a cool detail. This is a bit different from my other Zelda posts—as this isn't me talking about the lore and story, but rather me talking about a possible irl inspiration for something in the series—but I thought this was really cool and I wanted to share my thoughts.
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librarygarten · 4 months ago
Hello, i loved all your LU scenarios, specially the ones where the chain reacts to their games, they were so well written.
I was wondering if you could do some scenarios where the reader talks about some Zelda trivia with the chain, like the development of some games (Majoras mask was made in just one year and the director of Zelda don't like it, there were supposed to be more dungeons in Wind Waker) or the reception of their releases (Four swords adventures sold less than a million copies, WW was poorly recieved unlike TP for it's art style, this changed as time passed, etc.), perhaps some easter eggs or cameos (Talon and Ingo looks like Mario and Luigi, Link appears in other games as a cameo).
Okay, but why is this lowkey me 😭. My autistic ass would NOT shut up about their games, even if I was telling them stuff they didn't want to hear about.
It was a peaceful day. The chain had found an inn to stay at for the night. Nobody was injured. Supplies and spirits were high. Until Wind decided to ask you a question.
“So, if our adventures are games, does that mean you know everything that happened during them? Like everyone we met, everything we did, EVERYTHING?” Wind asked. Some of the other Links brustled, clearly uncomfortable with the question and what you might say. You smile nervously. 
“Basically? But you don’t talk in the games, so I don’t know anything you said.”
“But who made the games? How do they know about our adventures?” Wind asked.
“Oooh boy.” You scratched the back of your head, “There’s a company called Nintendo, they made most of the Legend of Zelda games. I think Four’s games were made by a different company, though. That’s why some of the details are a bit screwy.”
“What’s that supposed to mean!?” Four snapped his head up to look at you, forgetting the weapon he had been working on.
“Oh, uh…” you stammered, “Well, the other company made your games, but they didn’t use the same stories as Nintendo did, so the lore gets a bit weird. Like, your Ganon is probably a completely unrelated guy from the Ganon that Time, Wind, Hyrule, Legend, and Twilight all had to deal with. The way he randomly turns into a pig in your game after getting that trident or whatever doesn’t match up at all with how Ganondorf turns into a pig after being sealed away by Time’s Zelda in an alternate timeline where Time dies during the final battle.”
“Wait, there’s a timeline where Time DIED?” Twilight is behind you now, and you’re not sure when he got there. You turn to look at him, his face full of panic.
“Yeah, Ocarina of Time kind of broke the timeline into three different paths. The game was so popular it became, like, the most important part of the timeline. It actually sold so well that the people who made the game made a sequel to it, Majora’s Mask, in under a year, which is kind of insane. For context, Ocarina of Time took over twice that long to make.” Time raised an eyebrow at your explanation, but decided he didn’t want to know more.
“Wait, if there are multiple timelines, how can you know which of our adventures are ours and which were just really similar? The many timelines means there’s infinite possibilities.” Sky asked, reminding everyone that he was the only Link to ever attend school (and remember it), and apparently he studied multiverse theory???? Moving on.
“Well, there are some differences between languages, I guess? Like, in the English version of Link’s Awakening, there’s a quest to get a mermaid’s lost necklace, but that was just a change the translators made. In the original Japanese, the quest is to get the mermaid’s bikini top.” You chatter on, missing the blush that creeps up Legend’s neck and ears. “And some of the items in Wind Waker are mixed around between the English and Japanese versions. Like maps, heart containers, and rupees are in each other's spots.”
“Can we go back to the part where there’s multiple Ganons, apparently?” Wild gripped the edge of the table, his knuckles white. You hadn’t notice him sit down. Actually, the whole chain seemed to be listening now. Wuh-oh.
“Oh, well, not at one time. Unless the dragon cutscenes from Tears of the Kingdom happen after Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild is after all the other games. Then, Calamity Ganon was just kind of… chilling under Hyrule Castle while Four and Time dealt with their respective Ganons. But fans still argue about where your games fit on the timeline.” You shrug, trying to downplay how absolutely terrifying dealing with two Ganons at once would be.
“Wait, why do fans argue? Isn’t there an official timeline?” Hyrule asked. You groan.
“Yes, but it was published before Breath of the Wild was released, so we need to figure out where it is on the timeline based on the stuff in game, which is hard, because there's so many easter eggs.”
“Easter… eggs?” Warriors tilts his head.
“Items or decorations that reference other games. Like, in A Link Between Worlds, Legend’s house has Majora’s Mask hanging on the wall for no discernable reason. And in Breath of the Wild, there’s areas named after places in Link’s Awakening, like Koholit Rock and Goponga Island, which makes no sense because those places were dreamt up by a wind fish. Not to mention the fact the ruins of Lon Lon Ranch can be found, but there’s no way that structure would have been in as good of condition as it is for how old it is. And Lurelin village is an almost exact copy of Outset Island, but again, the timing is just too far apart.”
“But you never answered my other question.” Wind tapped your shoulder, stopping what would have been an hour-long rant on where Wild’s games fit on the official timeline. “How did ‘Nintendo’ or whoever else know about our adventures with that much detail?”
“UHHHHHH………. OH WOULD YOU LOOK AT THE TIME.” You quickly stand up from the table and launch yourself out the nearest window, escaping the conversation. (You were on the first floor. You’re fine).
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justpoliteconversations · 11 months ago
About the apple merchant story (it lives rent free in my mind always): Please let me hug Link please. One hug. Just one. Please he makes me so sad dhshsjsj
For the little shadowling that came to say hello.
Embrace [BOTW!Link x Isekai!Reader] (Apple Merchant Extra)
What if Link had teleported home immediately after defeating Vah Ruta? (An alternative route for after Part 6.)
(Far too tired to edit tonight. I'll do it later.)
Part: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Alternate Extras: Embrace
TW: Choosing not to display warnings. Read at your own discretion.
Disclaimer: Don't own The Legend of Zelda franchise.
Blue had come to you in the dead of night (just as you were finally getting ready to sleep after a long day's travel), dressed in full sheikah armor and eyes as dispassionate as they've ever been. And maybe you'd have believed that too, had Red not confided in you all those weeks ago. And if not for the words that left her in a low, monotones whisper.
"Courageous One's beloved. I request your presence." She'd intoned, but you could hear the command in her voice even as she remained in a subservient position kneeled at your bedside. "Master Link is in need of your comfort. Lest he falter in his duties as Hyrule's Hero."
You wanted to question her as to this sudden and unexpected change of heart regarding the sheikah's intentions, but you restrained yourself. Taking that prickling curiosity at the forefront of your mind and pushing it away in favor of the unease that permeated within your heart instead.
"The zora." You mumbled quietly, letting your gaze fixate on the blankets laid warmly on your legs. Displeasure trying to crawl up your throat and take home in your thoughts. But you shook away those spiteful whispers before they could poison your heart.
You disapproved of the hatred the elder zora held towards Link (and by extension, hyrulians). It was cruel of them to lay blame for Ganon's crimes upon his victims without regard to how the story had unfolded. To use them as scapegoats when the true focus of their ire was out of reach and far beyond their power to defeat.
It was an addicting kind of self-soothing that had been left to fester throughout their long lives, fueled by their guilt and fear. Guilt for their powerlessness, and fear not just for the world's future, but for that of their beloved royal family.
As told by the grape vine that weaves thickly through the Stable System, King Dorephan had lost his beloved mate too soon (the cause was kept quiet, but rumor has it it had been to birthing complications). Shortly after the birth of their son, Prince Sidon, in fact (thier second child and their only spare).
And after her passing the King choose to never take another (a controversial decision), instead spending the rest of his breeding years grieving his dearly departed and raising their heirs instead of producing more spares to ensure the royal bloodline in those turbulent times.
(Yet, the King received only whispered sympathy from his people, and the young Prince adored all the more for his status as final heir to a beloved, departed Queen.
It's always been easiest to demonize an unfamiliar face, after all. Easier to spit upon another race than to fault the heart of a grief stricken man and an innocent child.)
With the death of their Princess, Mipha, the zoras had lost not just a beloved healer and gracious future ruler. They lost half of their royal bloodline, their future. They who's ears reach the Goddesses' songs, or some such saying (in other words, gigantism, an inheritable trait found only in the zora's royal family line. by magic or genetic mutation, you didn't know).
And so, the zora of the time had taken their fear and guilt and unspoken grievances and shaped it into a hatred that only future generations seem to have been able to delude from their racial conscience. Sidon, the Prince himself, being a shining example of this. And honestly, may well have been the spark for this (positive) change in the zora's newest generation as well.
There was a reason you never bothered trying to enter Zora's Domain. And it wasn't even the lizalfors. Though maybe in a few decades, you might give it a try.
Blue nodded at your quiet utterance, eyes cold and sharp under the veil of feigned disinterest. And you wondered, silently, what she was feeling right now. If she was truly so angered on Link's behalf, or if she was frustrated at her superiors for making this level of secrecy necessary (it had not escaped your notice that everyone in the stable was far too quiet for simple sleep. even the desk attendant was slumped over, quiet. chest barely moving. drugged).
Maybe even both. Even as removed from the sheikah's plotting as you were, you still understood that the girls were making independent moves outside of their given assignments. Perhaps even going against orders (their direct superior's orders, not yours. surprisingly. or perhaps not so surprising given Red's apparent fondness for your rupees, the opportunistic jerk).
None of that mattered right now though. Not even the yiga and the very real threat they still posed to your life.
All that mattered was Link, and that he was distraught enough to force the twins' hands to such an extent. That the situation was bad enough to ask permission to temporarily disregard the established agreement (bound by contract and enough rupees to tempt a saint).
"Take me to him." You said quietly, hands clutching the bedspread. Fingers twisted into silky cloth tight enough to hurt. Letting the soft, plush weight of it sooth your agitated nerves. Grounding yourself from the whirlwind of emotions that wanted to overwhelm you even as you kept your tone smooth and even. "Please."
She nodded, moving closer with eeriely silent strides and plucking you from the bed with frightening ease (you hadn't even realized what was happening until you were in her armor clad arms). The suddenness of the action nearly pulled a gasp from your lips. But it caught in your throat at the sudden speed as which she was all but flying through the moonlit fields.
She was such a a small woman. Seemingly delicate as a butterfly's flutter and soft as blossom petals. Yet you could feel the way her muscles pushed at your weight with unyielding strength.
In that moment, she felt as tall and imposing as a mountain. As solid as stone and as powerful as a hurricane ripping along the coastline.
In that moment, you were reminded that this woman (these women, beautiful and graceful and spirited both) were warriors. Born and raised. Trained until their hands bled and their bones twisted into the steel of a tempered blade.
And you had never felt more protected than in Blue's arms.
(Spit in the eye of the elders, Red had said. You were certain this woman would sooner stab them in the face.)
You just hoped that strength would be enough to protect Link until he was strong enough to protect himself. And enough to protect her as well. From whatever it was that had stolen the light from her eyes.
You weren't sure whether to be impressed by Blue's speed, or irritated that she managed to undo a day's worth of travel in just a couple hours (how in the world were you going to explain this to Skims and Adino? Red most certainly won't be any help. you can already tell). But one thing was for sure, you were never going to piss this woman off. That was for damned sure.
That wasn't what had your attention at the moment though. That was the sight of Link tied by the wrists to his bed, blindfolded.
And why was Red here, sitting at the table as though this was a perfectly normal thing to walk into (how had she even gotten here before you and Blue? why hadn't she been the one to take you back to Hateno if she was going to be here anyway)?
Link was awake and alert, pinched brows and down turned mouth looking just as befuddled (and maybe even a bit scared) as yourself at the current happenings. His delicate ears tracking your footsteps (Blue's were quiet, even on hardwood floors. what a scary realization) as you moved up the stairs and closer to his bed (your blanket dragging slightly across the floor, too heavy and thick to comfortably carry in your arms).
He was handsome for sure, all long blonde hair, elegantly sharp features and lithe muscle. But not quite as flawless as he had been portrayed as in the games (which was to be expected, but was still jarring. even after having come to terms with the reality of this world's imperfections).
The scars were by far the most prominent detail about him, even accounting for his noble features and toned physic. Hard, knotted patches of discolored skin sprawled across the left side of his face, shoulders and chest. Pink and raw looking, for all it was plain to see these horrendous burn marks had long since healed.
His skin too, was another thing that set him apart from his game presentation. Where as the game had shown Link to possess a pretty peach complexion with rosy cheeks, the man before you was off-puttingly pale (almost grey in the cheeks). So much so it was concerning. With the beginnings of a tan just beginning to take form on his forehead and the bridge of his nose.
Sick. You realized link was sick. No. That wasn't quite right. It wasn't sickness that seemed to be clinging to him like a veil.
Had Link ever fully recovered from his time trapped in the shrine?
Your memories of the game were foggy and unclear after so much time spent in this world. But there was one thing you did remember clearly when you pulled at the strings of your memories.
It was Zelda's voice, urging Link up from his slumber (tired and pleading, after 100 years of fighting a battle of wills). And Link, hitting the ground running. Without thought for his own wellbeing. Without consideration for his still recovering body. Just bullheaded determination and an unbreakable spirit driving him forward.
Your stomach clenched at the realization. Something that hadn't truly hit you with its entirety until you had finally cast your gaze upon the very man who had lived through it all (was still living through it).
Not a game character. Not the concept of heroism given humanoid form. But a man, small and confused and fighting to right the wrongs of a hundred years ago. Having to accept that everything he once had was gone now. And that he must now fight a battle he doesn't even remember having a stake in.
You cast a questioning (concerned) look over at Blue. But she ignored you, instead saying softly (and far less tensely than when you were at the stables) to Link. "Courageous one. Your beloved is here to offer you comfort."
Link tilted his head. Uncomprehending.
Blue cast a glance towards Red, who nodded quietly. Not even looking up from whatever she was doing at the table.
At the gesture, Blue continued. "They may not speak to you." She cast a cool glance your way, the hard glint of her eyes telling you more than a thousand words ever could. "And you are forbidden from touching them. This is to ensure you will not be tempted to- memorize their voice or distinctive features."
A moment of silence. Then confusion. And then (finally) the dawning light of comprehension seemed to line every inch of his diminutive form.
The change in him was immediate. Link's entire body tensed, the bonds at his wrists creaking under the pressure he was exerting on them in his stiffened state (as did the headboard. and you had a feeling only Blue's presence was keeping him from breaking free with brute force). His chest nearly shaking with the intensity of whatever emotions held him in their sway.
His face had twisted into a complicated expression. Lips taunt, scars pulled tight at the skin of his face (what was visible through the blindfold) and fair brows pulled into an almost grimace.
One breath. Two. And then, he spoke. "AM." He breathed, quiet and shaking. Raspy, dry and unpleasant (and beloved. so much so your heart ached with the feeling). "AM. I-" And just like that, his voice broke. Fractured. Shattered.
His hands tensed into fists, his teeth grit against the pull of his lips. His shoulders shook.
And you just. Moved.
Dropping the blankets, nearly tripping over the bulk of them in your haste, you fell hands first onto the bed. Barely taking the time to regain your balance before slotting yourself into Link's side (warm and solid and so very alive) and pressing yourself into his space.
You ignored his tensed form. His shudder as your night chilled clothes pressed against his own skin warmed ones. And spooned into his side as best you could with his arms bound above his head. Your upper body laid against his own, arms wrapped around his chest and head tucked under his chin. Trying to cover as much of him as possible (trying to hide him from the world and everything it demanded of him. trying to absorb all that pained his heart into your own body).
You squeezed him with all your might (pitiful though it may have been to someone physically blessed as the goddess' chosen champion), words sitting at the tip of your tongue, begging to be spoken. Unsaid and burning at the base of your throat. Held back only by the strength of your resolve, and the silent promise to do better.
To fight with everything in your power to do right by this man.
A man who had been demanded to give everything for the greater good. Even if it meant making a deal with the devil itself. Even if it meant losing himself. All. Over. Again.
You would make sure this man succeeded.
You would make sure he thrived.
His chest heaved under you, breaths coming in short, ragged gasps (quiet though, as though afraid to rise above a faint whisper). His throat bobbing under your cheek in thick, painful sounding swallows. His entire body was shaking, and you could feel the warmth of something wet soaking into the crown of your hair.
You squeezed harder, pushing every once of your care and devotion into the action. Gritting your teeth against the torrent of warmth that flooded behind your eyes, burning, demanding to be released. Demanding that you do more than just cling to him in a bid at comfort.
The tension in his body released all at once, and a ragged sob forced its way out of his throat. Long and raw and achingly vulnerable. Like nothing you've ever heard before.
And you sobbed right along with him, bitting back all the words you wished to tell him more than anything. Cursing the circumstances that had led to this moment.
And so thankful too. Thankful that you could be here in his time of need. Even if all you could do was hold him as he cried. As he broke apart beneath you.
And so, you sobbed all the harder. For the Link that had had to cry alone once upon a time.
Back to the shadows.
Tagging: @littlepanda7 @2000babies @danyzta
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actuallysaiyan · 9 months ago
The First Time(Aka How Nanami Kento Lost His Virginity)Chapter Five: Drink Water To Cry Better
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Chapter Five: Drink Water To Cry Better
warnings: mentions of alcohol, partying, slight suggestive themes, angst, bullying pairings: Emo!Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader summary: you and Kento get invited to a frat house party and he decides to take you out even though he much rather stay in. you two have been getting closer, despite your own denial about your feelings for him. during a drunken make-out session, Kento soon learns what he believes is the truth about your relationship. things are left unsaid and things are colder than ice.
taglist: @beneathstarryskies @seireiteihellbutterfly @kenpachisbrat.
@marikuchanxo @harlekin6 @gennaray @markleeisdabestdrug
@entirelysein-e @brokennerdalert. @sugurusprettygirl
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As the weeks go by, you and Kento find yourselves teetering on the edge of being in a relationship and still remaining casual. You really are falling so deeply in love with him, but you’re in denial. You try your best to remind yourself that this is just a college fling, but you wonder if maybe you could really be in a committed relationship with someone like him.
At night, you think of him. Even while in your bed alone, you cling to your pillow and wish he was here with you. In the last little bit, he’s been staying the night even though he’s not really supposed to be. You’ve dusted off your old Nintendo 64 for the two of you to play Ocarina of Time well into the wee hours of morning. If you’re not playing Legend of Zelda, you two are falling asleep to AVGN playing on your clunky laptop.
Kento has found a place in your heart, and you fear you won’t be able to let him go. You don’t want to consider him exclusive, but you are also not eager to share him with anyone else.
As the second semester comes to a close, you and Kento find yourselves invited to a party at a —---. He’s finding excuses not to go, but the minute you say you might want to go for just a bit, he sees the appeal in it.
“I think it could be fun,” you mention as you two have lunch together at your favorite cafe. “It’s a good way to unwind after exams.”
Kento nods and sips his coffee. “Yeah, I guess I never really saw it that way,”
“Will you come with me? I wouldn’t wanna go without you.”
This makes his heart flutter. Kento, on his end, has found himself completely head over heels for you. He’s gone through his denial phase a while back. He had tried his best to hide his feelings for you, but the more you two hung out, the more he found himself just hanging on to your every word. The more he would take an extra second to admire you.
And with every moment that passed between you two, he longed for the day that he could fully call you all his. He wanted to hold you in his arms, post-coitus and in that beautiful afterglow and to finally whisper those three words to you. For now though, it was just a singular fantasy. The one he imagines whenever he’s aroused and you’re not around to take care of him.
“Earth to Kento,” you wave your hand in his face.
“Yeah, sorry sorry…” he shrugs and tries to hide his blushing cheeks. “I’ll come with you if it means that much to you.”
You chuckle softly, reaching over the table to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear. Just that little touch sends shivers down his spine. He can’t quite look you in the eyes right now, and you love the way his cheeks and tops of his ears are tinged just a little pink.
“It’s tomorrow night around 9,” you mention. “I’d like for us to go together.”
The words play in his mind, even after he’s promised to come by your dorm to pick you up around 8:30. He wonders what you’ll wear. Kento’s mind is very active that night, while he lays in his bed. He holds his pillow close.
The thought of you wearing a cute dress with fishnet tights makes his heart flutter in his chest. You were that type of girl too. He sees what you wear when you’re not trying to dress business casual for class. It turns him on to see you in such alternative attire.
The next morning, you two meet up for breakfast before a short morning class. You notice how he’s in a much better mood than usual, and you wonder if maybe the promise of cutting loose for a bit is making him happy.
The night comes quickly and you’re in your dorm texting a few friends and listening to music as you get ready. You settled on a gray and black plaid skirt along with knee high red and black socks. Your shirt was a cut up Green Day shirt you had bought the last time you went to a concert. You finished up your makeup in the mirror plastered in polaroids and old pictures taken from music magazines.
There’s a knock on your door and you rush over to answer it. Your breath hitches in your throat when you see Kento standing there, a single red rose in his hands. He’s blushing as he thrusts it in your direction.
“For you.”
Your eyes widen and you smile sweetly. You gladly take it, bringing the rose up to your nose. It smells floral and lightly sweet. Then you take in the look of the man who stole your heart. Dressed in his signature black skinny jeans and ripped up Vans slip-ons, he looks so good. And you notice the new checker print hoodie he’s wearing with his thumbs poking out the holes in the sleeves.
“You look really good,” you comment. You invite him inside and he sits on your couch.
He stumbles with his words. He tells you that you look pretty, but he means you look beautiful. He wants to take you into his arms, kiss you softly and tell you not to go out tonight. You two could stay in and finally take your relationship to the next step.
“Thanks Ken! Do you want to head out now?” you ask him after touching up your makeup.
He nods. “Y-yeah. Let’s go.”
You take his hand and grab your purse before you two leave your dorm. The walk to the frat house wasn’t far, so you two had a little time alone to enjoy each other’s company. The night is so beautiful. The sun had just finished setting and the sky was getting darker. The stars would be shining soon. You felt like this was one of those nights you’d never forget.
The minute the two of you step into the frat house, you know that this party is going to be wild. Beer bottles litter the ground amongst a group of drunken college kids. You look around as you and Kento enter the house, moving around waves of bodies that are either getting drunk or dancing. You spot a group of girls in the kitchen and you notice a few of your friends within that group.
“Hey!” You wave at them. Your fingers still interlocked with Kento’s.
The girls giggle before your friends spot you and they wave you over. Kento feels nervous about this. He knows what others think of him. They all think of him as a loser, a loner and someone who doesn’t fit in. What makes him fall so deeply for you is that you see him for who he truly is.
“Hey girl, glad you made it!” One of the girls comments, her eyes darting towards Kento. “You too! Nice to see you out of class.”
Kento shrugs. “Is there a reason for us to meet like this?”
You bite your lip in an attempt to stifle your laugh. “Awh, be nice, you.”
Kento smirks when he notices how some of your friends are trying to hide their laughter too. Maybe he could truly be a part of your fold. He holds your hand a little tighter.
You two make it to the counter where a large stash of booze is displayed. Kento grabs the bottle of whiskey, pouring some into a red solo cup. He hands you one, and the two of you sip on your drinks. It’s nasty and strong, but you two long to get a little fucked up tonight.
Throughout the night, you two drink your fair share of booze. Kento keeps a tight hold on you, preventing you from stumbling over or ramming into anyone accidentally. 
And finally, the moment comes when the two of you find a room that’s unoccupied. Your mind is a hazy mix of alcohol and lust for the man who’s been glued to your side this entire night. You kiss him first; it’s sloppy and hungry. Kento follows your lead, cupping your face.
The two of you make it to the bed, and you pull him on top of you. You giggle as he groans, then he kisses you again. His tongue feels a little tied, but he wants to tell you just how much fun he’s having.
“Such a good time when I’m with you,” he slurs between kisses. “I wanna…fuck I wanna show you just how much you mean to me.”
The minute you squeeze his hardened cock through his jeans, it seems to sober him up a little. He then realizes maybe he needs to cool off before he does anything else. Kento pulls away despite your protests.
“Just gonna get us water, ‘kay? Stay here, beautiful.”
When he steps out of the room, he’s wondering if he should even be leaving you in the room like that. You’re clearly drunk and anyone could enter. He decides to make it super quick. He goes into the kitchen, quickly swiping two bottles of water before making his way to the room again.
But before he can go inside, he hears girls giggling. Kento looks over his shoulder at the group of girls that you two had been talking to earlier.
“So,” the leader starts. “You’re the virgin, huh?”
The word sounds so nasty on her tongue. Kento knows you don’t care that he’s a virgin. You’ve been so patient and sweet with him this entire time. You’ve shown him the right way to explore each other. But the way she’s saying it now, it makes him feel ashamed of being a virgin at his age.
“You really think she likes you, huh? Come on, you’re just a pity fuck.”
The words cut him deeply. “Shut up, you don’t know her.”
The girl smirks, “And you think you do? Come on, get over yourself! She’s only using you as a pity fuck…or well not even cause you’re still a virgin.”
His blood boils and his heart is in his stomach now. He thinks back on all the things you two have been through together. Would you really do that to him? He thought that you two were really becoming close and things would progress really soon.
“See ya later, you fuckin’ virgin.”
With his stomach in knots and tears of frustration in his eyes, he enters the room. There you lay, on the bed. You look so fucking beautiful and he wants nothing more than to make you his. But now, he knows that maybe he’s been nothing but a joke to you this entire time. He gives you the bottle of water.
“I won’t be bothering you again.” He states. He hates that he’s doing this, but it was to protect himself. He watches as you slowly come to terms with the words coming out of his mouth.
Your heart flutters in a panic. You sit up, but you’re so dizzy. Kento wants to help you, but he’s hurting. He doesn’t want to let this continue if all you were doing was stringing him along. 
“Just forget we ever met, okay? You and I are done. There wasn’t anything between us anyway. Just continue your perfect fucking life without me.”
You stare at him in disbelief. You swore that tonight would be the night that you two would finally go all the way. And if not, you were ready to tell him how much you loved him. You feel tears stinging your eyes.
“Kento…wait…” You cry out. He shakes his head and turns away from you.
But before you can continue, he storms out. It’s only a few minutes later that your friends come in, sitting with you and consoling you as best as they can.
Kento walks home alone, his heart pounding and his mind racing with thoughts of regrets. He just messed up the greatest thing to ever happen to him.
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ganondoodle · 8 months ago
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(wip) totk rewritten botw2 edition
rough ideas for the reworked healing system- bottles+potions are back and must be used in real time, cooked meals are not storable but better than potions, different types of portable pots?
wasnt sure if the portable pot should have different effects or just have designs you can change, but decided to add a few different types for roughly different types of players without too many options that could overwhelm but still add some variety to any gameplay AND a more meaningful reward for bigger quests!
-my goal with this is avoid the pausing to spam apples into links mouth to heal problem, to readd some difficulty with more limited healing in general (bottles must be found or gained as a reward, usage in battle like in skyward sword via wheel menu and then used in real time) and adding more variety via the design of the pots, a neat new item since they are portable (set up a campfire, then option is added to add the pot for cooking), and make cooking a lil more interesting besides it spamming your inventory even more with healing stuff AND add some meaning to bottles and potions again bc imo they were one of the most useless things you could get when playing botw/totk- which is why cooked meals are not storable but with better effects, think of it like a bit more customizable and zeldafied elden ring mechanic with the usual heals and the one time physic buff
so if you got into a bossfight and lost it, you could set up a cooking spot before the arena to give yourself a temporary buff via a meal and restock your potions for in battle healing and/or effects depending on how many bottles you have, if you have trouble dealing damage for example you can use the firey pot to add some extra attack dmg (and yes it stacks if you do attack effect in the firey pot it adds extra attack damage, maybe even with a hidden bonus)
(got similar planned for the parasail .. like dif types with dif effects like faster gliding speed but more stamina usage- one used like koga does in aoc that lets you glide fully soundlessly ...)
(legend of zelda)
(also no NPC will give you a shitty cooked thing as a 'reward' anymore, if anything its a bottle that you can use like in the old games ..)
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enchantmentzine · 6 days ago
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For millennia, in a history that has been lost to the mists of time and the vagaries of war, the Golden Princess, blessed with the Goddess's power, and her chosen Hero armed with the sacred sword that can smite evil, have been enveloped by magical forces. These noble souls, bound together through an endless curse and tied through unshakeable fate, have borne witness to the deep sorcery that has wound its way around the wizened trunks of the Lost Woods and has whistled through the ancient stone of Hyrule Castle. Transcending time, their divine bond is as old as Hyrule itself, and through their long relationship with the land they have fought for, they have discovered one another in boundless forms and countless worlds.
Welcome to Enchanted!
In this zine, we will be exploring the magical ties that link our favourite blond elves, Princess Zelda and the Hero, Link. Throughout the series, they have found themselves transformed into wolves and dragons, interacted with fairies and light spirits, flown on loftwings and flying whales, and even become ghosts and other species. Magic has always played an integral part in the Legend of Zelda and this zine gives artists and writers the opportunity to explore that theme.
Any type of magic goes! Supernatural creatures, traditional witches and wizards, anything you can imagine.
The only rule is that it must be canon or AU. No original legends or LU, sorry!
The zine will be free and digital only.
The schedule can be found here.
You can register your interest until the 30th March here.
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thejolteonmastertj · 1 month ago
Legend & Fi Are Best Friends Y’all
One of my favorite HCs/Plot-bunnies is Legend even has heard the Master Sword’s voice before, during his first adventure as a kid. Grew real attached & even had full conversations with her…
… but as he grew older he began to assume it was all his imagination.
Nobody in his era knew the sword was supposed to even have a voice, the knowledge had been lost to time. Even if he pieces together the fate of his predecessor based on the state he found the blade in—He’d have had no proof that the pungent air of melancholy & mourning surrounding the blade was literal…
… Until he meets the Chain.
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He doesn’t even make a big deal about it—It’s all very subtle. Soft adoring gazes & a few particularly telling blink-&-you-miss-it details.
Young Legend may or may not have ever even told anyone, (specially not Zelda, he didn’t want her to think he was a kid!) but he might’ve felt expected to grow up fast & caught on to that talking to inanimate objects is very childlike. I get the feeling he would’ve kept it to himself for the most part.
It’d be pretty easy to pass-off even. It’d barely even need to be a secret. Guys using personable feminine pronouns for boats, planes, cars, even, yes, swords has been very much a thing through history. Any slip-ups on the Vet’s part would simply be interpreted in this manner, he could even keep outright talking to her once in a while…
… but there’s still a difference between a grown man personifying one of his prized tools & a child bonding with an imaginary friend. It just wouldn’t be the same.
The bittersweet wonder, relief & vindication Legend must’ve felt when he learned one of his longest-allies wasn’t a mere figment of his imagination after all.
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Lookat how ready & willing—thrilled even Legend is to not just speak to Sky’s Master Sword, he’s also the only one aside from Sky shown so far to like, actually talk to her as if she’s a person. The other Links—even Wild refer to the blade as an object.
That’s a dude that’s definitely heckin spoken to his dang sword before. He does it so easily, there’s zero awkwardness,
idk, it’s just… these are the vibes I get.
From his facial expressions alone frankly. 🤭
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duckapus · 7 months ago
God, imagine being Zelda in Echoes of Wisdom
-You get captured by your kingdom's worst enemy, thought to be merely a legend by those who know of him at all
-You're stuck in some ruined temple with him, trapped in a magical crystal, for who knows how long waiting for who knows what
-Eventually a boy in green clothes and a blue cloak you've never met before shows up and fights the Demon King and wins, like a scene from the fairy tales Impa told you when you were a little girl
-and then something goes horribly wrong, and the boy is sinking, and he looks up at you without a hint of fear on his face and uses his final act to free you
-and just like that you're alone, in the dark, with nothing to do but leave the temple as fast as you can before the rift swallows you too
-you pick up his cloak as you run
-once you're out and your father's men have found you, it sinks in; that boy, that hero, gave everything to save your kingdom
-to save you
-and you don't even know his name
-you get back to the castle and reunite with your father, only for another rift to appear and take him from you too
-and then some thing wearing his face manages to trick everyone into thinking you're the one behind this new crisis and you're trapped again
-(in the darkest corner of your mind you can't help but wonder if you really do share some of the blame somehow. you're the only one who survived the very first rift, after all)
-a strange creature appears before you, offering to help in exchange for your aid, and of course you're wary because you've never seen anything like Tri before and her power seems far too similar to whatever made the imposters that have taken over your kingdom to not be connected somehow, but given the circumstances you really have no choice but to trust her for now
-you sneak your way through the bowels of your own home, past your own soldiers, and at the very end your luck seems to run out... only for Impa, loyal to the end, to jump in and rescue you
-she gives you a disguise and a map and tells you to go to a village to the south where you'll be safe, and she stays behind to cover your tracks
-as you emerge into the sunlight, even with Tri beside you and Impa on your side, you feel terribly, painfully alone
-you make your way to the village, and even though they have every reason to be suspicious of a strange hooded girl and her even stranger companion, especially with their home and families ravaged by the rifts, you're met with kindness and open arms
-Many of them tell you of a boy named Link, who's kind and helpful and so painfully shy that he barely says a word, and how some time ago he ran off on a journey with nothing but an old sword on his back and a strange feeling that someone needed his help
-As you hear their stories, it slowly dawns on you that the boy they're talking about is your hero, and the guilt settles heavy in your gut
-Well. At least you know his name now
-You continue on towards the very temple where this all started, pushed forward both by Tri's urging and your own determination to get to the bottom of all this, and eventually you find yourself in a nightmarish realm of stolen land and lost souls
-You reach the temple and brave its many tricks and traps, until halfway through you're met with the cruelest of jokes; Link, your lost Hero, looking at you with cold, hate-filled eyes the color of blood
-You have no choice but to fight him, and as you do it soon becomes clear that this is yet another imposter
-Eventually you defeat it, and its sword, Link's Sword, is left behind
-As you pick it up, you feel Something shift, as if your spirit has touched that of another, and you look down at yourself and find that you're glowing blue and wearing an unfamiliar-yet-familiar tunic
-your hero is with you, now, or at least a piece of him, and it finally feels like maybe you really can solve this crisis
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