#the law of gravity is a blessing we take for granted
accumulastation · 2 years
I am thinking today about the meaning of suffering, and the diverse trials humans experience.
What is the point
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moashdeservedbetter · 2 months
Analysis of Mormon Doctrine in the Cosmere, part 2
*apologies the editing is pretty rough, may come back and edit for readability later* Alright so one of my favorite pieces of Mormon doctrine (even post exit) is this concept from D&C 29:
"31 For by the power of my Spirit created I them; yea, all things both spiritual and temporal—
32 First spiritual, secondly temporal, which is the beginning of my work; and again, first temporal, and secondly spiritual, which is the last of my work."
"Verily I say unto you that all things unto me are spiritual, and not at any time have I given unto you a law which was temporal."
My favorite application of these verses was always the idea that, in general, if there is a physical law, there is a corresponding spiritual law. In essence, the universe and it's physical laws are a metaphor, a less completed corollary to the spiritual world that overlays it. (Disclaimer: *very often* this idea is just used for the purpose of making people feel like they absolutely have to pay tithing or else they are damaging their relationship with God--because even thought it's "material," the "blessings are both spiritual and temporal" and likewise the consequences are when avoided. I am not a tithing fan, and much prefer the philosophical/science implications).  Some more concrete examples in Mormon doctrine and culture could include: 
1) Taking care of yourself: Next to tithing, the most common use of this is the WoW. I'm also not a fan of the high demand nature of the Word of Wisdom, but I still like the idea that in-season food and a mostly vegetarian diet is good for your body--and that our souls, likewise, are 1) healthiest when we can nourish them with good things that match the seasons of our life/our environment and 2) are considerate of the beings around us
2) Likewise, just like you have to eat everyday, you need to pray or read scriptures everyday (for secular beings like myself, we often use this same concept but referring to meditating or reading time etc)
3) On a more literal level, if something exists in the temporal realm (or physical realm, you might say...) it exists in the spiritual realm (this is express Mormon doctrine). Pets? Yes they go to heaven, which is basically a much bigger spiritual universe. Same with wild animals. Mountains? Streams? Trees? YES. Heaven is not a place in fluffy clouds but a finer version of the world we experience on earth (and in fact, in Mormon theology, heaven is literally on earth as least if you are a human being from earth). 4) In Mormon lore, you have to procreate (in some fashion) to create life in heaven, just like you do on earth--you can't just wave your hands and create a bunch of new people.   I remember also hearing about this in the context of laws like gravity and momentum and the biology of our bodies, though they weren't showing up in my initial search on the LDS website (most results talked about tithing, but at least in my circle, the science side was talked about a decent amount. We call that stuff "deep doctrine," meaning it doesn't pass the current approved curriculum, but dives into the historical and theoretical weeds). I can't say how many times I've thought of this while reading the Cosmere--including Vin realizing that allomantic metals were basically a mirror of "preservation and ruin," in the sense that for every force, there was a potential opposite force. I also think the opposite-forces theme ties into Lehi's principle of "opposition in all things," but I want to save that for another day.
In general, Brandon Sanderson's magic is always very grounded, and always has a spiritual component. His Mistborn magic system is, in my opinion, one of the best ever created, in large part because it's so science-adjacent.
It makes sense that different metals could grant unique abilities, just as they have distinct properties in metallurgy. It makes sense that alloys of a metal create a distinctly different-but-related option. As Wax says, an alloy is not just a mixture but a new third metal with it's own properties. The idea that someone could simply burn them, the way we burn calories--if granted the ability--is pure, straightforward genius.
These same metals are also pure spiritual matter in the Cosmere, at least in a sense, as we see in how luminescent they are in the cognitive realm, akin to souls. Maybe up to this point, this could all be argued as a coincidence or a vague influence.   To this, I bring you Navani and Raboniel, who talk about this specifically and explicitly. Raboniel contends that Voidlight and Stormlight will not operate under the properties of normal light waves and rhythms, since they are of God and therefore above natural law. Navani counters this and says, in essence, "I disagree. Laws are laws; they hold true whether one is talking about God or the dirt beneath us, and I can run the experiments to prove it" (OK maybe she doesn't reference the dirt beneath her haha. But same idea).  Navani really said "temporal laws and spiritual laws are one and the same." And of course, the rhythms themselves are a wonderful mix of scientific laws about sound waves and the idea of mixing and reforming two distinct energies--not just meeting in the middle, but creating a third, new and more complete thing. 
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roxie-the-princess · 2 years
You should do Witch of Blood complete stranger I’ve never met in my life
wow hello there person ive never met even though we follow each other thats crazy
anyway witch of blood
Witches are served by their aspect, in both meanings of the word. While witches at first glance may seem to be well-off or blessed by their aspect in some way, the truth is more complicated. Witches are characters that are put into some position of power or authority or responsibility, or given things to help them, typically related in some way to their aspect, but they tend to wish they weren't.
Feferi, Witch of Life, was seemingly well-off, being the heiress to the throne of Alternia, but she hated the way the planet was run- she was heiress to a throne she didn't want to inherit.
Jade, Witch of Space, was raised by a first guardian that protected her and wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. Unfortunately, that came at the cost of being alone her entire childhood. Later on, after becoming godtier, she was blessed with the powers of a first guardian- but she wasn't really a huge fan of the new dog instincts, and she certainly wasn't a fan of being taken out of the action because she was too strong to get involved.
The path of the Witch is a double-edged sword- you're granted many advantages because of your aspect, but too much of a good thing can be bad for you.
A Witch's powers come from taking back control. When life gives a Witch lemons, they don't make lemonade- they rearrange the atoms of the lemon to make cookies. A witch breaks the rules of their aspect to do something no other class can.
Lots of Life players can raise the dead, but it took Feferi, the Witch of Life, to literally create an afterlife in the dreambubbles.
Jade, Witch of Space, literally breaks the laws of physics by resizing objects without changing their density or mass, which allowed her to transport all the Lands of the beta session to the alpha session.
Blood is the aspect of bonds. While blood is often tied to the familial, the bonds of blood are those forged by friends. It is also, of course, the aspect of literal blood- along with pain and suffering.
At the same time, it is the opposite side of the coin to breath- the aspect of freedom. Blood can be an aspect that makes its heroes feel like they have no choice.
A Witch of Blood, served by their friends and loved ones- They might feel like they're held captive in their own home or among their friends, even when they have the witch's best interests at heart.
A Witch of Blood, served by pain- Others empathy may cause them pain, when all the witch wants is for them to be happy.
A Witch is not all bad to be, though. Once they take back control, they will do amazing things.
When breaking the rules of blood, several potential powers come to mind. I'll separate them into a few categories.
Breaking the rules of pain- being able to endure anything without feeling pain even if your body can't handle it, being indestructible but still feeling pain, feeling good instead of bad when someone hurts you, getting stronger instead of weaker when injured, erasing the downside of some attack that would normally have recoil, etc.
Breaking the rules of bonds- counteracting forces of gravity and attraction, magnetizing things that aren't magnetic, etc. (gay marrying somewhere in a place where its illegal???)
Breaking the rules of blood- A troll could easily manage to use powers of another caste, changing their own genetics, etc.
There's probably loads of other cool ideas, witches are pretty insane when it comes to ideas for powers. These are just a few I thought sounded cool.
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kn0ckkn0ckneo · 1 year
in my Life, i've experienced loss in all its forms, & i don't say that to mope around about it or to say, "poor me, my Life has been so hard;" on the contrary. i'm very grateful for the lessons i've learned & the growth i have done from it all.
in my experience with loss, i've learned that sometimes it is because certain people, things or circumstances no longer resonate with you, or never did, but in other occasions it is because we take them for granted. this one i've seen many times not only from my own experience, but by observing others as well.
Life will gift you with quality people, financial prosperity opportunities, wish fulfillment of any kind you can think of & when we're not ready for these things we will either feel undeserving & self-sabotage, or take it for granted.
we have to keep something in mind always, Life is like the Wheel of Fortune from the tarot; one minute you're up & the other you are being pulled down by gravity at all it's force. that's physics & that is Life. When these beautiful things get taken away from us because we didn't handle them appropriately, we are put in time-out; what i like to call 'spiritual prison.' we create a blockage for blessing to flow into our lives until we learn the lesson. if we created damage to others during the time we did not appreciate the gift, there will be karma to pay & being remorseful can help, but you still have to pay. this is a spiritual law.
the key is to shift your mentality, release limiting beliefs & apply the lessons you've learned to your Life. the doors will start opening for you. suddenly money starts flowing easily for you, your body begins to heal, anxiety seems to be non-existent little by little & you find yourself doing the things that you love & enjoy Life. it sounds easy to allow yourself to receive, but it has been one of the toughest things i have had to learn to do.
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servantofthefates · 3 years
How to Fight Your Fear of Ghosts, Entities and Everything Occult
If you do not consider yourself a witch, then this message is not for you. I have witnessed countless non-witches be outrageously brave, and still get possessed, haunted or attacked by supernatural beings.
But if you believe you are a witch, then all you have to do is truly learn what that word means.
A witch is a mortal touched by magic.
Unlike most other humans in your midst, you can do incredible things. See beyond what the human eye can see… Hear unspoken words, feel unexpressed emotions, taste what isn’t there, sense what hasn’t happened yet… Bend the laws of nature and defy those of gravity.
One way or another, being a witch makes you special.
For this reason, you are a citizen of many realms. This physical one we live in is just one of them. The worlds of entities, immortals, ghosts, the undead, unborn souls… you belong to all of them.
Things that go bump in the night are just your fellow citizens inviting you to visit. These beings can help you hone your powers. If you are kind to them, they will grant you favors. Cinderella herself will be jealous of your own godmothers.
But being a witch is a two-way street. The powers that be granted you blessings so that you can share them with those in need.
Sometimes, the ghost who you think wants to kill you, only wants to tell you who killed them. So that there can be some closure for their grieving parents.
Which is why as a witch, it is best not to ignore any call. Heeding it can either grant you treasure, or allow you to give some to another.
So whenever you pass by a dark hallway and you find yourself feeling afraid… pause. Take a deep breath, and out loud, declare yourself:
“My name is [Diana], and I am a witch. I straddle this world and the ones beneath and above it. I am not afraid of the occult. In fact, I belong to it.”
This will remind your subconscious that there is no reason to quiver, because you are at one with the dark mysteries of the Universe.
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twistedtranslations · 4 years
Animage 2020-09 - Translation of Twisted Wonderland’s corner
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So the latest Animage featured 6 pages (3 spreads) of information on Riddle and Ortho (+ the other members of their dorm) and their respective dorms in general because their birthday was in August.
Huge thanks to @time-phoenix​ for proofreading!
I won’t share the magazine scans here, but rest assured you can buy these on amazon and find them on tumblr as well. They do not feature new illustrations.
Translation under the cut
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Happy Birthday Riddle and Ortho!
Riddle and Ortho's birthdays are in August! To celebrate their birthday, we have a special feature on their affiliated dorms. Let's take a secret peek at the student life in the Heartslabyul and Ignihyde dorm!
Riddle Rosehearts/VA: Hanae Natsuki
He is the dorm leader of Heartslabyul. He fervently protects the laws of the Queen of Hearts and harshly punishes those who break them, making him feared by the students. 
The Heartslabyul dorm is inspired by the worldview of "Alice in Wonderland." They are guided by the rules of the Queen of Hearts, the dorm leader decides to hold an "Unbirthday party" on the days when it's no one's birthday according to his mood, so at a first glimpse, they seem to be a dorm with a showy and peaceful atmosphere. However, it's an imperative rule to strictly follow the strange laws made by the Queen of Hearts. Riddle, whose birthday was on 24/08, is a powerful person who became the dorm leader in his first week of entering the college. Compared to the past dorm leaders, he is particularly respectful of the laws of the Queen of Hearts, and thoroughly enforces the rules on the students, cracking down harshly on the lawbreakers.
There are few students who know all 810 laws exactly, and even for those students who break the laws unintentionally, Riddle is unforgiving. Ever since Riddle became the dorm leader, there have been no students dropping out or staying back a year in the dorm, all thanks to his strictness. Even though the vice dorm leader Trey Clover and Cater follow up, the results-focused Riddle undoubtedly guides the dorm students. However, it can’t be disputed that there's a considerable number of people who are displeased. It would be fine if that displeasure never erupted but…. If you are interested in Heartslabyul's future, please check out chapter 1 of the main story, The Crimson Tyrant!
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A blessing that will envelop the heart!
Riddle's unique magic
Riddle's unique magic, Off with your head, puts a collar on the victim so they can't use magic. Someone who cannot use magic at a magic school like NRC, cannot go to classes normally…
His growth period is still going on!?
He's the smallest of the 2nd years introduced thus far, with a length of 160 cm. He is bothered by his height, and gets angry when Floyd makes fun of it. During the limited June event "Ghost Marriage, Destiny's proposal", he was one of the first people to "rush" for Eliza, but his height excluded him.
Dissecting Riddle
Eye: Because he's so serious, he's unfamiliar with trends, and it’s quite obvious he doesn't understand street topics. The person himself insists on saying that "It isn’t an inconvenience to be unaware of such things," though…
Heart: At Riddle's strict personality lies a peaceful base, however there are many things that can press his buttons. One can often see his face grow red in anger.
Hand: Riddle can also cook if there's a recipe, even though it isn't his speciality. However, he's aware that his sense of proportion when it comes to measuring ingredients is lacking.
Brain: Because of his diligence, he gets amazing grades and is ranked 1st in his year. On tests he gets full marks in every subject. He can also accurately remember the 810 laws of the Queen of Hearts.
Mouth: Riddle actually has a sweet tooth and loves the strawberry tarts of his childhood friend, the vice dorm leader Trey.  He especially favors the latest pie slice (TN: A slice of an unspecified cake). Adversely, he dislikes foods with a strong taste and that are bad for your health, which explains his dislike of junk food. It seems he prefers mild flavours.
Leg and waist: Because he has few muscles, he's below average when it comes to physical measurements, but his reflexes aren't bad. One can see him skilfully manoeuvring a horse with high techniques in the equestrian club.
Absolutely adhere to the rules!
This is a dorm based on the strict attitude of the Queen of Hearts. Students have to live their lives accordingly, adhering to strict laws such as "Do not eat the tarts without being given permission by the Queen" and "Stand up from your seat within 15 minutes after eating lunch".
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4 patriots of the redness of Heartslabyul!
Ace Trappola/VA: Yamashita Seiichirou
He's a 1st year student like the main character. He knows how to swim with the tides and has a bright personality, but he can also be a bit malicious. He's rivals with Deuce, a fellow 1st year from Heartslabyul.
 He's afraid of nothing!?
Ace says exactly what he thinks without fear. He always makes his statements without any hint of cowardice. He doesn't hold back against the dorm leader Riddle, and says the things he wants to say without reading the atmosphere, and makes slightly malicious remarks.
Deuce Spade/VA: Kobayashi Chiaki
He's a 1st year student like the main character. He enrolled in NRC to become a splendid magician. He's serious but he's bad at swimming with the tide.
He gets full marks on seriousness
Deuce cannot remember all the laws of the Queen of Hearts, but fundamentally he's an honest and exemplary student.It seems Riddle approves of his serious personality if only "He was a little bit more thoughtful"…
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Trey Clover/VA: Suzuki Ryouta
He is a 3rd year and the vice dorm leader of Heartslabyul. He has a gentle personality and has a guardian-like presence for all the dorm’s students. He also backs up the overbearing Riddle.
(TN: lit. Riddle, who is too strict on his surroundings)
He's good at backing up but…
As Riddle's childhood friend, he frequently backs up the overbearing Riddle. He plays the role of lubricating oil towards Heartslabyul and he's indispensable. However, he almost never rebukes Riddle.
Cater Diamond/VA: Kobayashi Tatsuyuki
He is a 3rd year of Heartslabyul. He's a communicator who can read the mood. He's well informed of things like popularity rankings, food and crazes. However, sometimes he shows his heartless side…
A cheery moodmaker
Cater is the moodmaker of Heartslabyul who is good at communicating. He has built a good friendship with the feared Riddle. Together with Trey he deals with Riddle and his environment and backs him up.
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The high-tech younger brother's birthday!
The Ignihyde dorm is inspired by the worldview of the world of Hercules. There are many students who are good at magical energy engineering and digital related things, so both the lounge rooms and the corridors have many monitors installed. The main story picturing Ignihyde hasn't been distributed yet, and there have not been many appearances of the general Ignihyde students until chapter 4, so even now, many parts of the dorm remain shrouded in mystery. In the midst of that, there's one person with a lot of mysteries to him, the dorm leader Idia's "younger brother", Ortho. He's always lightly floating, because he's a robot. Furthermore, Idia made his body himself, with the latest and newest features, and is packed with maniacal functions that Idia even forgot he equipped him with. The nature of Ortho’s existence hasn’t been revealed, but his relationship with Idia is genuine. While they might be awkward, the feelings they have for each other aren't lies. The next 14th of August, Idia will surely celebrate Ortho's birthday from his heart!
Ortho Shroud/VA: Aoi Shouta
Idia's "younger brother". He's always seen with Idia, and he cares a lot about his brother. In contrast to Idia, he's lively and  honest, and brimming with curiosity.
Dissecting Ortho
Flame: He can shoot a beam with strong fire power from his chest by charging magical energy. He's not good at regulating his strength, and sometimes overdoes it, and sometimes has to be stopped by the principal.
Body: His feet have anti gravity apparatus installed, so he's always floating. His sports body grants him the wish of "Wanting to walk on the earth" and has springs installed in his feet so he can run.
Brain: Recollecting his brother, all his thoughts and actions center around Idia. He can even hack into a GPS to search for him!
Eye: He's equipped with the cutting edge of medical tools, and can also read the vital signs of his subject. He can also do things like see through lies by sensing the variation in their pulse.
Mouth: He differs from Idia who is bad with social dispositions in a way that he can talk to anyone without care. He's one of the few people Idia can talk to face to face.
Is he too coddling?
Ortho loves his older brother Idia, who is a shut in and attends the dorm leader meetings by tablet, while Ortho carries out preparations for assemblies and ceremonies in his stead. If he keeps getting coddled by Ortho like that, he might never get cured from his bashfulness!?
Unusual means
During the Ghost Marriage event, he was about to annihilate the school building in order to save his older brother from the ghost bride who fell in love with Idia at first sight. He was by no means careless and it's terrifying how he chose that method by thinking calmly about it, but that's all because his brother is dear to him.
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Idia Shroud/VA: Uchiyama Kouki
The dorm leader of Ignihyde. He's shy and gloomy, and is a shut in that doesn't like being in contact with people. However, it seems that's not the case online.
Both the dorm leader and the students are reserved and quiet
It is a dorm based on the diligent spirit of the ruler of the underworld. There are many docile students, who don't appear often before others. According to Cater they're the total opposite of the cheery people from Heartslabyul.
Older brother and "younger brother"
One would think that Idia and Ortho are siblings based on their blue flamed hair and golden eyes. However, Ortho's whole body is a robot, and it hasn't been revealed yet if they're real siblings or if he was originally a human to begin with.
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infjtarot · 3 years
10 of Pentacles ~ Deck of the Bastard Tarot
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  One of the most symbolic and deeply-layered Minor cards, the Ten shows us the very image of the Gate opening to hidden experience in ordinary things. Like the Ten of Cups, it deals with domestic life, but where the men and women in Cups celebrate the gift, the family here does not notice the magic all around them. On the surface, the card represents the established home, the good life, a secure and comfortable position in the world. The people concerned, however, appear to take comfort for granted; they find the security boring or stifling. In contrast to the Ten of Cups (the two cards will often appear together in readings), the family here does not seem to communicate with each other. The man and woman face opposite ways, though the woman glances anxiously over her shoulder at the man. The child hangs on nervously to its mother but looks away. And none of them notices the old man outside the arch. 
Though the card expresses mundaneness, magic signs cover it. The ten pentacles form the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, something which appears nowhere else in the deck. Notice also the magic wand resting against the arch; no other Minor card contains one. The arch itself bears a relief of balanced scales Gust above the old man's head). Now, scales stand for Justice, and further, for subtle forces which keep the everyday world from breaking into chaos. By 'subtle forces' I do not mean only so-called 'occult' laws, such as polarity, or the law of correspondences (as above, so below). The term applies also to nature's generally more accepted workings, such as gravity, or electromagnetism. Because we learn about these in school we should not consider such phenomena as any the less marvellous. The fact is, we all take the universe for granted simply because it works so well. Even more than the other images, the old man evokes magic. He resembles the image, from every culture, of the god or angel who comes disguised as a beggar or traveller to visit some family, tests their virtues of hospitality and generosity, and then leave them a magical gift. In the case of Abraham and Sarah, the angels gave them a son, Isaac. In many such stories only the dogs recognize the visitor Gust as in other tales the dogs alone run from the Devil when he comes in disguise). Because they have not buried their instincts in blase human rationalism, the dogs can sense the wonderful when it comes to call. Now, most of these tales emphasize the moral 'Be nice to every­one. You never know whom you might turn away. But we can give the story a more subtle interpretation. By acting a certain way, people create in themselves the ability to recognize and receive the blessings in the world around them. All these hidden signs and wonders point up the basic theme of Pentacles: the everyday world contains magic greater than any of us can usually see. The magic is all around us, in nature, in the very fact that life exists and that this vast universe does not fly apart. Inside the arch we see a bright ordinary day; outside darker tones prevail, even in the old man's coat of many colours, with its signs of astrology and ritual magic. The family stand under the arch posed as in a play. For all its firm reality, the everyday world, the comfortable lives we take for granted, and even the troubles and miseries that often occupy our minds, are only a play, in which we all follow the parts set out for us by our upbringing and by society (the recognition that we are a product of our conditioning is the first step to freeing ourselves from it). The true reality remains ancient, dark, and mysterious. Though we look through the arch the perspective of the card places us out­side it, with the mysterious visitor. By merging with this card we can find ourselves beyond the Gate, looking in at the little dramas of our own daily lives. By going further with it we can experience that wild vibrant universe existing in the very centre of the ordinary. When the hero Odysseus arrived home from his wanderings in the wild, monster-ridden world outside civilized Greece, he came disguised as a beggar. Only his dog recognized him Though he wore rags, they were glorious rags (much like the visitor's patch­work coat) for the goddess Athena had given them to him. Odysseus returned to the domestic world from the wild; he destroyed the evil in his house and re-established the moral order. Yet first, he had to experience what lay beyond. The Ten of Penta­cles takes us there as well. From 78 Degrees of Wisdom. Rachel Pollock  
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Deity Drop 1: Apsu
Though today’s subject is also lawful good, he is much less involved than Erastil. I present the draconic deity Apsu!
 It always seems that in fantasy settings, at least the ones with their roots in D&D, there are always two major dragon gods, one good, one evil, and Pathfinder is no different. However, while the classic duo in many D&D settings are brother and sister, in Pathfinder, the duo is father and son, and today we are looking at the father.
According to draconic belief, Apsu is in fact one of the deities responsible for the creation of the multiverse, and while that is likely an exaggeration on the part of dragons, it no doubt has a grain of truth to it. In any case, Apsu originally did not go by a name, and was originally described as one of two great waters (which ties into the description of his real Mesopotamian namesake), the other being Tiamat (whom is implied to be, or at least a version of the very same Tiamat running around D&D’s various settings, but who is only mentioned in Pathfinder briefly because of legal reasons), whom was his mate and wife.
The pair had many children together, but one in particular, Dahak, was a violent and destructive being whose rampages are the very thing that turned the plane of Hell into a burning place of suffering long before the first devils or even asura arrived on the plane. He was not content to end his rampage at an entire plane of existence, however, and slew many of his siblings, whose broken remains fell to the material plane and were reborn as the first metallic dragons.
Enraged, Apsu named himself and took form, joining with the metallic dragons against his wayward son, defeating him. However, before the final blow was struck, Dahak pleaded for aid from his mother, who answered, offering the dragons injured in the fight healing if they would turn on Apsu. Those that accepted became the first chromatic dragons.
Dahak escaped in the ensuing fight, but Apsu ordered his followers not to pursue, turning to ask his mate, who took the name Tiamat, why he had aided his son.
Tiamat only answered that she blamed Apsu for the death of their children, and cast them out from their home to wander.
Since that time, Apsu and Dahak have only met once, when they teamed up to help other gods defeat the monstrous Rovagug. After the battle, Dahak swore he would kill his father, and left. Ever since then, Apsu has been a distant leader of dragonkind, quietly preparing for the day when he and his son will have their final showdown on the surface of Golarion.
Apsu himself, who dwells in a roving demiplane home called the Immortal Ambulatory, teaches that one should seek glory and peace, and that leaders should be just and fair, which makes sense as he is the patron deity of all good dragons, metallic and otherwise. However, while many good dragons worship him, very few among them actually take training in divine magic under his guidance, perhaps out of draconic independence. However, he does have a small following of humanoids on Golarion, most notably the group known as the Platinum Band, who do train as proper priests of Apsu.
Unsurprisingly, Apsu has a much wider following on the planet Triaxus, where the native Rhyphorians and their dragonkin allies among the Dragon Legions of the Allied Territories.
Though Apsu’s parenting skills are called into question by the existence of Dahak, he is nonetheless a god of justice and good, serving as an inspiration to those who wish to uphold his ideals. He commands his followers to help those in need, as well as guide them to become stronger, and punish the wicked that betray your mercy.
This aligns him with a lot of paladins, as a lawful good god he is at least respected by many civilizations, but he is most commonly worshipped by those who travel and do his work across the world. However, it is notable that Apsu apparently refuses to have a hand in the creation of oracles, even as part of a pantheon, as it is against his beliefs to force power upon a mortal, especially not that which also curses them. Oracles that come to worship him later do exist, apparently, as those that do gain access to unique spells. Additionally, as he is associated with the preparation for war, he is often given prayers by architects and craftsmen who build fortifications and other tools of protection for coming war.
 Apsu is served and worshipped by most good dragons, metallic and otherwise, as well as even some wyverns and drakes that have risen above bestial concerns. He does command some angels as a celestial god, but he counts no one specific outsider type as his own. He does have a herald in the form of the celestial silver dragon Oreganus, as well as Blameless Flame, a coatl surrounded by the flame of a gold dragon’s breath and Syrax the Platinum, a clockwork dragon with the mind of a once-living brass dragon.
Apsu rules over the domains of Artifice, Good, Law, Scalykind, and Travel, as well as the subdomains of Archon (by way of good or law), Construct, Dragon, Exploration, Toil, and Trade. The inclusion of Artifice is tied to the oft-forgotten aspect of Apsu as the builder of fortifications.
His second edition domains are creation, protection, travel, and wyrmkin, as well as granting spells associated with bolstering natural attacks, creating temporary items, and shapeshifting into draconic form.
Those who are devout enough to follow his deific obedience perform a daily ritual of walking in one direction for half an hour, then walking back. When traveling away from their starting point, they consider the tactical and strategic advantages of the terrain, while on the way back, they consider it’s wonder and beauty and contemplate on the Wayfinder’s role in its creation. Such devotees are granted heightened awareness, particularly when it comes to attackers.
Evangelist devotees tap into Apsu’s aspect as a crafter and preparer, gaining spells to carry large loads with a disk of force, bless weapons with the divine power of law, and create wards against the environment; as well as enchant weapons to fight on their own, and the power to pour life into an object you have crafted, animating it.
For those that follow the path of the exalted, they imbue his aspect as a traveller, blurring their movement, defying gravity, and moving with incredible speed. What’s more, they are blessed with the ability to monitor the places they have been, placing short-lived sensors whenever they teleport away, letting them see what goes on afterwards, be it pursuers, or potential spies or sneaks. Additionally, they can set up safe locations and teleport back to them with allies at later dates.
Draconic fury is the gift granted to those who become sentinels in his name, blasting foes with sprays of light, bolts of fire, and imbuing themselves with draconic wards against the elements. What’s more, they can surround themselves in a ward against foes that is most effective against evil dragons. Additionally, they can imbue their weapon with the normally reserved fury of Apsu in battle, making for supernaturally accurate attacks that are almost guaranteed to deliver deadly wounds to evil dragons.
As far as I know, neither Apsu nor Dahak have been mentioned in Starfinder yet, so it is unknown what their status is. Both deities were prophesized to end their struggle once and for all on Golarion someday, but in the far future of Starfinder the planet Golarion is missing. So, either their battle has already happened before or during The Gap, or that prophecy was derailed in the same way as most other prophecies in the Age of Lost Omens and beyond. If Apsu does exist, either with or without Dahak, he is no doubt most popularly worshipped among the Skyfire Legion and among more goodly parts of the Drakelands on Triaxus, much as they have always done. Still, any world where metallic or otherwise goodly dragons exist may see some of his influence, and I imagine that he might even have a small following in the Knights of Golarion.
That does it for today, but it’s good to demonstrate how even gods outside of the Inner Sea grouping can be just as influential in their own way.
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wildwoodmage · 3 years
@boundforfreedomsonsal SonSal Week Year 3 Day 3
Second day in a row I'm cheating by repurposing fic I already had mostly written, but actually it's sonsal mod's fault for making prompts that suited my pre-existing drafts! This one is a continuation of Starlight Symphony, an AU featuring Sally as the Goddess of Order and Sonic as... well, why don't you read it for yourself? ;3 High fantasy with a touch of philosophy. Does it count as major character death if the scene takes place in the afterlife? Anyway...
Despite what humans and lesser gods might believe, Sally, Queen of the Gods, was not omniscient. Her knowledge was vast, unmatched by any who had not personally woven shapeless matter into planets and stars. She heard the song of every newborn soul, and remembered all who had come before. Human history was a tome she returned to time and time again, spending centuries pondering the stories of the strange creatures she and her husband had created. The future, however, remained behind a veil. Scourge had a unique talent for bucking her predictions, bending fate to his ever-shifting whims. Every once in a while, a human was born with a similar talent. These humans drew power from their defiance, their ability to stare fate in the eye and not blink. Sally soon realized that humans with this ability often became heroes, healers, leaders, or destroyers. They changed fate and the fate of all who followed in their wake. When Sally peered into a human’s future and realized that it was shrouded in chaos, she knew that they were one to pay close attention to.
When the triplets were born, fate ceased to be predictable. Infinite possibilities clouded Sally’s vision, and as much as the mystery vexed her, she found that she could not tear her eyes away. A lesser mind, studying them, would find them unremarkable; three children without wealth or protection, likely to die in obscurity. But they survived, and as they reached adulthood, Sally began to see the signs of three uniquely powerful souls, shining with defiance and infinite potential. Sonic, the eldest, was courageous and kind. He was a shield between his family and the myriad of dangers that threatened them. Sonia was a firebrand, with ambition that would never be satisfied with a life of poverty and fear. Manic was clever, and although his wit was often used for petty tricks, he could not fully conceal a profound love of justice. All three were dishonest, as humans often were; they pretended not to care about a world that did not care for them, but Sally could see that they ached for any innocent who suffered, and they yearned for a kinder future.
For two decades, a blink in the lifespan of a god, Sally watched them from afar. And when one reached the Isle of Souls, she approached him. Sonic lay on his back, cushioned by ivory sand, while rhythmic waves lapped at his feet. He stared up at a blue-gray sky, eyes tracing subtle shifts in the clouds. In all the years Sally had watched him, she had never seen him lie so still. On Earth, he had been eternally restless, his body overflowing with more energy than a single human could possibly contain. Here, however, he enjoyed a moment of perfect peace, untroubled by want or memory or anything that was not the rolling waves. He deserved it. Sally felt a twinge of pity that it may not last.
The Queen didn’t speak as she approached, not wishing to disturb him until he was ready. Her preferred form when speaking to humans was a lady, small and unassuming at a glance, with sensibly cropped hair and clothes of sturdy, deep blue linen. Unlike her husband, she cared little for striking awe and fear into the hearts of men. She found it was far more satisfying to reveal her true nature piece by piece, beguiling her followers not with power, but mystery. Her blessing was reserved for those who sought the truth beneath the surface. When she sat beside Sonic, legs folded demurely beneath her, only the vivid color of her eyes and clothes indicated that she was anything more than another ghost.
With uncharacteristic slowness, Sonic turned blank white eyes on her. He smiled, friendly but not familiar. “Howdy, stranger,” he said. “I didn’t know there was anyone here but me.”
“It’s best to give new arrivals space to adjust,” Sally said. “I hope I didn’t interrupt.”
“Nah, it’s alright. I was just enjoyin’ the atmosphere.” Sonic looked back up at the sky. His face was smooth and slack, untouched by worry. Although he had worn a carefree mask on Earth, there had always been fury and tension seeping through the cracks. Now, he couldn’t even remember what had troubled him so. Sally was almost jealous. Almost.
“I love to come here,” she said. “There’s not a place in the universe that’s more peaceful.”
“I believe it,” Sonic said. “But I haven’t seen much beyond earth and the night sky. How much of the universe have you seen?”
“All of it and more,” Sally said. Sonic snorted as if she had cracked a joke, although her tone was entirely sincere.
“All of it, huh? And here I thought I was well traveled. What’s your name, stranger?”
Sally introduced herself, and was momentarily taken aback when Sonic extended a hand for her to shake. His smile was effortless, and Sally had seen shades of it in the years before. To Sonic, everyone was a friend until they proved otherwise, even someone like her. She gave his hand a polite shake.
“I’m Sonic,” he said.
“I know.”
“Of course you do.” Sonic’s tone was mirthful, unafraid. Perhaps it was the soothing balm of his surroundings that kept him from worrying, but Sally suspected that she would not intimidate him even if they were still on Earth. Even if any sensible human would be afraid of her. “You know everything, right? Can you tell me where we are?”
“This is the Isle of Souls, a waypoint between Earth and infinity. Ghosts rest here until they are ready to move on.”
Sonic was quiet for a moment, his smile softening into something more subdued. “I’m dead.”
It wasn’t a question, so Sally didn’t answer. “What do you remember?”
“Not much,” Sonic said. “Faces. Family. I’m missing a lot of details, and the actual dying part is a big ol’ blank.”
“That’s normal. Those who die tragically rarely remember right away. The memories will return as you make peace with your fate.”
“And my family?”
“Grieving, but safe. I cannot predict their futures, but I suspect that they will not join you here anytime soon.”
“Good.” A pang of sadness crossed Sonic’s expression, the first since his arrival on the Island. “Sort of. I guess it’s normal to miss them. I want them to be safe, but I think they’d like it here.”
“Most souls wait here until their loved ones arrive. You are welcome to do so. However…” Sally chose her next words carefully. It was exhilarating, speaking with someone whose actions she could not predict, but the uncertainty was unfamiliar and vexing. “I would like to make you an offer.”
At that, Sonic propped himself up, turning away from the blue-gray waves to look Sally in the eye. “Do you always sound this spooky, or do you crank it up a notch for the recently-dead?”
“Words have consequences, especially when they are misunderstood. Especially words from a goddess to a human. I want to be sure you understand the gravity of your decision.”
Sonic breathed out a sigh, casting a longing glance back at the endless ocean. But he sat up, facing Sally, as tension crept back into his posture. “Alright, Your Majesty. I’m listening.”
“You have two paths forward,” Sally said. “You may remain on the Isle of Souls like multitudes before you, and those that will come after. Ghosts are welcome to stay as long as they like. When you are ready for eternal rest, you will sail across the ocean. The horizon is beyond the reach of even the gods, and on the other side you will be truly at peace. No matter what path you choose now, that horizon is your final destination.
“You died sooner than I expected. You are not the first human to do so, and you will not be the last. But I believe that you still have a story left to write. If you accept my offer, I will grant you a portion of my power, and you will be my agent in the realm of the gods. The reaper who brought you to the Isle is one such agent, though you would have different responsibilities. You would be not unlike an angel from human stories, a messenger and a warrior, defying those who would disrupt the balance between the gods.”
Sally couldn’t predict the future, but she knew with complete certainty what Sonic’s first question would be. “Would I be able to go back to Earth?”
“No,” she said. “If I were to bend the laws of life and death, even for my own champion, my own power—and every universal law I uphold—would erode. Any time you cross into the mortal plane, your power and ability to communicate with the living will be severely restricted. You are dead, and you will remain dead. Should you accept, your service will be temporary, and when it ends you will return to the Isle of Souls.”
A wiser man would ask for time to think. Sonic merely looked at the starless sky, then the horizon. The energy that flowed through him in life and death alike had him fidgeting, sweeping his fingers through the soft sand. Sally couldn’t predict him, couldn’t see into his racing thoughts, but she had crafted his beating heart and recognized her husband’s gift, the restless defiant that flowed through his veins.
She was not surprised by his answer. She couldn’t wait to be surprised by what was to come.
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fifteenskies15 · 4 years
(Stay Alive, Muichirou...)
Summary: If the seven deities grant your wish to live, one must go as the payment, Death is absolute law of the world and none can evade them even if they try
Note: Ah, so, I'm back with Muichiro fic, this one will be angst, but... I'M NOT REALLY SURE IT IS, I don't know how to write angst that much >///< @brinthie I'm really sorry that this doesn't meet your expectations and doesn't like what you expected!! I'm so sorry! (This one's dedicated for you, Brin!)
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Muichirou’s mint green eyes snapped open, Himejima and (Name) were looking at him, the female with worried (E/C) eyes, fresh tears threaten to spill out her beautiful eyes as she engulf him in an tight embrace “Muichirou!! Thank goodness…you’re okay…!” he smiled and realized he was being bundled in Himejima’s haori , weakly Muichirou wrap his arms around her “It was naught but pure luck that I’m here with you once again, (Name)” on the corner of his eyes, he could see Himejima smiled in utter relief, tears in his eyes “It’s a relief that you survived, Tokito” he smiled gratefully at the man.
Alas, that happiness did not last long, Shinazugawa Sanemi’s anguish scream echoed through the fortress as he desperately try to make his brother stay alive, begging the Gods and Buddha to not take his brother away, you and Muichirou feel helpless, you both and Himejima watched as he disintegrated into nothingness “Everyone…Big bro…” a faint smile spread across the youth’s face “…Don’t you dare…die…everyone…” his eye slowly flutter close “Tha…nk…you…Ne…Mi”
And with that, he’s gone…
Sanemi’s scream unconsciously break your heart, Muichirou pulled you closer as tears drip down from his eyes as you could not stand the heartbroken Sanemi clutching on his brother’s kimono “Genya…” you both could feel strong hands on your shoulders and to see HImejima, even there’s tears in his eyes, he still have steely resolve look on his face, that expression alone could tell you and Muichirou that both of you didn’t have much time to grief.
“Cease your sadness, your tears only became a shame if you did not do anything in Genya’s vicinity” he said as he looked at Shinazugawa torn profile “Raise your head, Shinazugawa…” his voice laced with sheer determination “This isn’t over until Muzan is defeated…”
At that moment, you know Himejima was right, Muzan is still out there, you’re sure, the demon lady—Lady Tamayo—could not hold him any longer.
However, you couldn’t help but feel the feel of fear and worry crawled on your back, the thought of facing Muzan sent a wave of anxiety through your body…
But that did not last long as a warm hand grab yours, Muichirou looked at you with reassurance in his eyes “You don’t have to be afraid…” he gave your hand a light squeeze “We’re in this together, I assure you, We all won’t die, not until we got Muzan’s head on a pike…” the light in his eyes, the determination in his voice, and the way he looks at you made you sure that no matter what, you can do this.
Smiling, you firmly gripped his hand nod “You’re right, Mui…” he then pressed his forehead against yours as another gesture of reassurance, you both stayed like that before you turn to Himejima and Shinazugawa, “Let’s go…”
The four of you began to make haste as the messenger crow reported Muzan’s regeneration, so your hunch was right about Lady Tamayo could not hold much longer… But in the end, she did all she could and all you can do is not wasting the opportunity she gave to everyone.
“Penny for your thoughts, (Name)?” you looked at Muichirou, his brows are knitted and looking at you with worry, you just stayed silent for a bit and sighed “I’m just thinking about the demon lady…she did everything to help us kill Muzan and now she’s…” you’re all choked up, to think she’s once a lady with a happy life but in the end she become a demon and die this way…
“We’ll win, no matter what, we will emerge victorious”
Even though those words made you smile, it didn’t make the tight knot in your stomach loose, you feel like anything could happen sooner or later.
“Then, if I die, I died a hero, at least I know that my death won’t go to waste, at least I didn’t regret dying for Oyakata-sama, everyone…and you” you said smiling warmly at Muichirou “I know I’m afraid to die, I always trying so desperately to stay alive so that I could stay with you…” Unconsciously, you burst into tears “But now…I’m not afraid…From this moment, I knew that my life wouldn’t last long, but at least I died knowing that I manage to keep you alive, Muichirou” Muichirou looked at you in mixture of confusion and worry “(Name)…what are you saying…?”
Before you could get a chance to say something, the whole fortress was shaking.
“What the fu…Is it an earthquake?!” you look around and to see the fortress around you “The fortress is bending…this cannot be good, everyone! We must make a haste!” you said as you pick up the pace with the three pillars followed you behind, your ears could catch a faint biwa sounds.
Twang, twang, twang
“Ugh!” the force is crushing you and the pillars, your muscle were tense, you couldn’t move your legs, the gravity of the fortress seems to weight you down “(Last name)! Don’t give up now! We have to push forward!!” Himejima called out as you gather your strength back, “Take my hand, (Name)!” Hastily, you grabbed Muichirou’s hand as he pulled you with all his might
The fortress once again shaking violently, it’s almost hard to move or even breathe
“The castle is rising?!”
The castle’s shakes once again, making you losing your balance “Muichirou!”, reflexively he reached for your arm, but his strength doesn’t seem to help, “Shinazugawa-san! Himejima-san! Help us!!” the two pillars then rushed to help both of you “Hang in there, (Last name)!!” Shinzaugawa called out as he hold Muichirou’s body “You can do this, (Last name)! Hang in there!” you tried to summon strength for your upper body and legs, but your effort were futile.
And for a moment, you saw the flash of your life before you…
“Everyone, go on without me…”
“Shaddup!! Like hell we’ll leave you here, you idiot!!” Shinazugawa then force himself to pull Muichirou, but fail regardless, you looked up and to see Muichirou’s tears fell on your face “I beg you, (Name), please don’t say that! I promised to protect you and stay with you! Please! Don’t do this to me!” your heart was break into million pieces as you saw him cry, but the demons and this place doesn’t make it easy either…
“Listen to me, Muichirou! The deities of luck has grant you a chance to live, I beg you to not waste it on me, your luck can’t last forever, Muichirou”
“Not if I can help it!!”
“No, you can’t…and with my last remaining breath in me…”
“Hold still, (Last name)!”
You shook your head at the stone and wind pillar, Muichirou looked at you with tear streaked eyes as he tried his hardest to pull you up “Don’t do this to me…” you smiled apologetically at him
“Stay alive for me…Muichirou…”
And before you know it…
The fortress collapsed causing you to lose your grip from Muichirou as he, Shinazugawa and Himejima were thrown out.
Blinking, Muichirou grunted in pain, the first thing he sees was the night sky, accompanied by the crescent moon, he look around to see the fortress has become a rubble, Himejima and Shinazugawa and some corpses of his comrades.
But he didn’t saw you…
He hastily gets up and went to the fortress rubble, desperately digging out to find you “(Name)…(Name)!!” his voice wavers as he calling out your name even if you won’t respond, his eyes were blurry from tears, all the memories he shares with you flooding back once more “Where are you? Where are you? WHERE ARE YOU, (NAME)?!?” he screamed in anguish as he kept digging out with his remaining arm , not caring that his nails start to bleed “DON’T DO THIS TO ME, I BEG YOU!!” he hiccupped and sobbed as he keep digging
He screamed until he slowly stopped “Bring her back…please…bring her back…Don’t…leave me”
At this rate, he knows he was hopeless… he knew your body were already crushed under the rubble, he collapsed and stare into the space.
Heartbroken and hurt, he cried a silent cry as he remember he can make up the promise he made for you, he promised that he will take you home together with him, hand in hand…
Looks like it’s only a hollow promise now…
With regretful tears in his eyes, he knows that he lost all his hope and will to live once again…
Losing you means he lost everything, he took his sword and look at his broken reflection, the once bright eyes has lost its light and spark…
“There will be no other than you, my love”
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kinemonsamuraiwano · 3 years
Ranking The Top 15 Strongest One Piece Characters
Ranking The Top 15 Strongest One Piece Characters 323 hours. That’s approximately how long it would take for someone to completely catch up to the ONE PIECE anime. When a show goes on for this long, it’s for a ton of different reasons. Innovative storytelling, creative world-building, and an engaging protagonist all play a role. However, one thing that makes ONE PIECE truly special is its cast of characters. Over the course of 20 years, creator Eiichiro Oda assembled a cast with over 1,000 characters in it. These characters cover a number of areas, but our focus now is their powers and abilities.
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In the ONE PIECE universe, characters can eat something called a “devil fruit.” When this happens, they are granted a special ability. For example, when protagonist Monkey D. Luffy ate the gum-gum fruit, it gave him the properties of rubber. Luffy could stretch his limbs at will and was even immune to lightning damage and the sensation of pain. With so many characters possessing interesting abilities like this, it’s fun ruminating over who the strongest ONE PIECE character is.
Before we get into the list order, I want to talk about my ranking system. When creating this list, I envisioned the ONE PIECE universe as a giant battleground. The person ranked #1 here is, in my opinion, the last person who would be left standing on this battleground. The person ranked #2 would only lose to the person ranked #1, and so on and so forth. Also, we’re only including anime characters. Sorry manga readers, but you might not see your favorite character here or ranked to your liking.
So, without further ado, let’s get into the character rankings.
> Kefla is Coming to DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2!
  15. Caesar A lot of you might be surprised Caesar made this list at all. At this point in the ONE PIECE anime, Caesar is essentially a meme character. Luffy’s crew, and fellow pirate Capone “Gang” Bege, always belittle Caesar and call him a loser. Part of this is because his devil fruit power has been restrained for a while now, and he is at the mercy of other stronger characters. However, it wasn’t too long ago in the story that Caesar was the main antagonist of the Punk Hazard arc. People have forgotten exactly how dangerous this guy is, so let’s take a look back at his accolades.
Caesar ate the gas-gas logia fruit, making his body gas. A seemingly useless ability unless matched with genius intellect, and luckily, Caesar has that. He’s acute enough to recognize air is oxygen, a type of gas. As a result, he can physically manipulate the air around people. If Caesar wills it, he could cut off an opponents air-flow and kill them within minutes. It doesn’t matter how strong you are; that technique is impossible to block. Caesar’s also shown ingenuity with the simple castanet instrument. He fills this instrument with explosive powder, clamps them together, and uses his devil fruit powers to fan the flames throughout the air.
Caesar hatching another plan. | Image: Crunchyroll Caesar has many more abilities. However, he doesn’t do much fighting due to his cowardly nature. He goes to extreme measures to avoid fighting, but his devil fruit abilities alone earn him a spot on this list.
14. Trafalgar Law Coming in at #14 is one of ONE PIECE’s most popular characters, Trafalgar D. Water Law. It’s a superfluous name for sure, but the “surgeon of death” isn’t a person you want to make an enemy of. Like Luffy, Law is a member of the worst generation. He earned this title by committing countless heinous acts against the government and quickly accruing a bounty of 500,000,000 bellies (5,000,000 USD.)
Law is a ruthless individual equipped with the op-op fruit, nicknamed “the ultimate devil fruit.” With this fruit, Law can create a giant spatial sphere called the “room.” And within this room, Law can control anything he wants. It gives him an undeniable edge over anyone he can fit in this sphere.
Law traps a Navy soldier in his “room.” | Image: Crunchyroll However, Law’s biggest downfall is dealing with foes outside of his rooms. He’s adept with a blade, but not enough to stand up to skilled swordsmen like Mihawk or Zoro. His gamma knife ability, which destroys a person’s internal organs, is certainly powerful. But, it requires a lot of energy and is difficult to hit unless the person is trapped in his room.
Law has potential. There’s no doubt about it. But I ranked him low due to his a few weaknesses in his game.
13. Doflamingo Donquixote Doflamingo, more commonly referred to as Doffy, is one of the seven warlord’s of the sea. This elite group of pirates is so powerful the World Government in ONE PIECE actively turns a blind eye to their misdeeds. The power of these warlords range quite a bit, but make no mistake about it, Doffy is a force to be reckoned with.
He’s a towering specimen, standing over 10 feet tall with an overall imposing physique. He’s able to use the “color of armaments” Haki, a difficult technique that only skilled fighters can use. Doffy is also blessed with the Conqueror’s Haki ability, which only one in a million people can use. This ability can be used to defeat thousands of enemies at once without moving a single finger.
These abilities make Doffy a dangerous fighter, but he also has the string-string devil fruit to further augment his strength. It might sound like an underwhelming power, but these are no ordinary strings. They’re strong enough to support his tremendous size and weight, allowing him to use a make-shift flying technique. He can also use them as stitches to heal his internal/external injuries, and create copies of himself to fight. Last but not least, Doffy awakened his devil fruit power, allowing him to perform more advanced moves. For example, he can turn buildings into string simply by touching them.
Doffy manipulating others like puppets. | Image: Crunchyroll Doflamingo is extremely powerful and can hold his own against any character in the ONE PIECE universe. However, I believe he’d end up losing most hypothetical fights against everyone listed ahead of him.
12. Sabo Sabo is second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army. This organization directly challenges the corrupt officials of the World Government. It’s home to some of the most dangerous fighters in the world, and Sabo made them look like total chumps as a kid. He fought his way to the top of the organization, and as a teenager, is already strong enough to fight Navy admirals. His battle with Fujitora was brief, but people shouldn’t overlook the fact that Sabo stood on even ground with him.
Arguably the most impressive part about their battle was that Sabo didn’t even have full control of his devil fruit yet. The flare-flare fruit is highly lauded for its destructive abilities and is the perfect fit for an anarchist. He recently acquired it earlier in the Dressrosa arc and was merely feeling out his abilities. He’s already shown the ability to use armament Haki as well, which will catapult his strength further.
As the story continues, Sabo will only continue to hone his abilities. He’ll be absolutely lethal when he finally fulfills his potential.
Sabo the Inheritor. | Image: Crunchyroll 
11. Kuzan Kuzan is one of the original three Navy admirals, although he eventually forfeits this position. He arrived rather early in the series while pursuing Luffy’s crewmate Robin. However, Kuzan had to go through Luffy first if he wanted any piece of Robin. Even though Luffy has taken down strong foes at this point, Kuzan made him look like an amateur. It’s not just Luffy though. Kuzan has taken down giants and even halted emperors with his combat prowess.
Since he’s above the rank of a vice-admiral, Kuzan can use armament Haki. He’s also gifted with the ice-ice logia devil fruit. He uses this fruit to control, create, and become ice. So to Kuzan, it doesn’t necessarily matter how big you are. He can freeze you. It doesn’t matter how far away you are. He can freeze the environment around you, or manifest his ice into projectiles to track you down.
Kuzan is every bit deserving of his admiral rank. He is strong enough to fight for ten days against Admiral Sakazuki, whose magma-magma fruit directly counters his. ONE PIECE fans up to date with the series will enjoy seeing how his uncertain future plays out.
Kuzan showing off his devil fruit powers. | Image: Crunchyroll 
10. Issho Issho joined the ONE PIECE cast of characters in the Dressrosa story arc. He replaced Kuzan’s position as a Navy admiral after he leaves his position. As a Navy admiral, Issho is one of the strongest fighters in the ONE PIECE universe. He mostly relies on two overall abilities when fighting.
The first is his devil fruit, which has yet to be named. It does, however, give Issho the ability to manipulate gravity. This lends Issho an advantage heading into any single fight. He can raise gravity levels so high that people can’t even stand up. Conversely, he can make objects have no density and manipulate them as he pleases. We saw his powers on a grand scale when he manipulated the density of a meteor and sent it hurdling towards Dressrosa.
The second is his Haki. Issho himself is blind but uses “color of the vision” Haki to accurately predict enemy attacks.
Overall, Issho is an absolute powerhouse. However, he is still blind. It’s an unfortunate, self-inflicted handicap that will hinder his efficacy on stronger opponents.
Issho preparing for combat. | Image: Crunchyroll
 9. Shanks Shanks’s combat abilities are a bit of a mystery. However, we know enough about him to give him a high ranking on this list. For starters, he’s one of the Four Emperors, making him one of the strongest pirate captains in the world. His power and reputation are highly feared, and we see this a couple of times throughout the series. For example, Admiral Sakazuki fought through many powerful people, even warlords, to get to Luffy in the Marineford arc. However, he didn’t even attempt to challenge Shanks when he arrived on the battleground. Even fellow emperor Big Mom noted she would have to form an alliance with Elbaf’s army of giants, which is famed as the strongest in the world, to have a chance at killing Shanks.
So, we know at one point that Shanks was an immensely powerful pirate. We don’t know, however, if he’s still a fighter of that caliber. Shanks lost an arm protecting Luffy when he was a child. He’s undoubtedly a weaker fighter, and even his friendly rival Mihawk questions if he’s still in any condition to fight.
When it comes down to it, Shanks’s pedigree alone earned him a spot on his list. However, the uncertainty of his current fighting condition places him in a mid-tier position.
Red-haired Shanks. | Image: Crunchyroll > MY LESBIAN EXPERIENCE WITH LONELINESS Doesn’t Shy Away from Suffering
8. Mihawk If you’ve noticed a trend on this list, it’s that almost everyone has eaten a devil fruit. Mihawk, however, has no such ability. What he lacks in this department, he more than makes up for in sheer power. Mihawk, aptly nicknamed “hawk-eyes,” is the world’s strongest swordsman. His swordplay is so great he can take down master swordsmen with a mere dagger and minimal effort.
He’s also advanced his abilities so far he can overcome any swordsman’s natural enemy: distance. Through sheer power, and possibly armament Haki, Mihawk can fire beam-like projections from his blade. These projectiles are so powerful they’re capable of cutting massive steel ships and even glaciers in half. With this kind of power, it’s no wonder only Shanks of the Four Emperors could match his swordplay.
“Hawk Eyes” Mihawk. | Image: Crunchyroll 
7. Borsalino Like Issho, Borsalino is one of the three Navy admirals. He’s a bit of an oddball, and honestly one of my least favorite characters. But, I have to give credit where it’s due, and there’s no denying how truly powerful Borsalino is.
He ate the glint-glint logia fruit, and gained the ability to create, control, and transform into light at will. Borsalino is capable of shooting laser beams from his hands, fingers, or feet (which are capable of causing massive explosions). He can also travel great distances almost instantly, and attack enemies in their blind spots. When you combine this with his armament Haki, Borsalino can take down powerful foes in a matter of seconds.
There aren’t many weaknesses in Borsalino’s game. You’ll be hardpressed to find people in the ONE PIECE universe capable of combating his agility and devil fruit abilities.
Borsalino leveling cities with tiny finger blasts. | Image: Crunchyroll 
6. Charlotte Linlin (Big Mom) Big Mom, the only female member of the Four Emperors, was first introduced in the Fishman Island arc. Luffy, in his typical brash nature, expressed his desire to kick her butt. We didn’t know much about her then but her insane power was revealed during the Whole Cake Island arc.
Big Mom, as her name might suggest, is an absolute behemoth of a person. She stands at 29 feet tall, and her body is so sturdy that she’s only been cut once in her whole life. Her power is off the charts as well. As a 5-year old child, she single-handedly defeated many of Elbaf’s strongest warriors.
Although she’s 68 years old now, people still fear her name. Showing your fear, however, is the last thing you want to do in front of Big Mom. Showing fear activates the condition of her soul-soul fruit, which allows her to freely interact with another person’s soul. She can remove years from a person’s lifespan, or kill them in one fell-swoop if she wants.
Big Mom’s only weakness is to those who aren’t afraid of her. It’s a big one though, as Navy admirals and new world pirates won’t be afraid of her. Her overwhelming strength, size, Haki, and use of Prometheus and Zeus are still enough to take down ONE PIECE’s mightiest foes.
Big Mom’s immense size measured against Germa 66. | Image: Crunchyroll
5. Whitebeard No list would be complete without Whitebeard. For a very long time, people considered Whitebeard the clear-cut favorite to be the new pirate king. The only reason as to why he never became the pirate king is because he found it rather low on his priority list. Nonetheless, he was unequivocally the strongest man in the world. Part of this was from the tremor-tremor fruit, but Whitebeard’s strength is deeper from that.
Like Luffy, Whitebeard gathered his strength from being hell-bent on protecting his friends. He took an excruciating amount of pain during the Marineford arc to defend these convictions. This includes 267 wounds (mostly from Navy admirals), 152 gun wounds, 46 cannon shots, a point-blank stabbing, and a fight against the entire Blackbeard pirate crew. It took all of this to bring down a 72-year old man.
Whitebeard standing tall. | Image: Crunchyroll 
4. Sakazuki Sakazuki is the current fleet admiral and replaced Sengoku after he stepped down. As such, he is the strongest military power in the world and is a one-man army of sorts. His magma-magma logia devil fruit is one of the strongest on record. It allows Sakazuki to control, create, and transform into magma at will and is even strong enough to burn fire.
The power that burns fire. | Image: Crunchyroll Above all else, Sakazuki is cunning, manipulative, and dangerous. So much so that Blackbeard of the Four Emperors fled on sight after hearing Sakazuki was aboard a Navy ship. Part of that is Blackbeard’s tendency to panic in the face of elite enemies, but it’s also great planning on his part. He recognized any encounter with Sakazuki would likely be drawn-out, and if he’s not careful, could result in his death. Sakazuki’s extremist ideologies also make him a formidable foe. He’ll fight to the end to protect his belief in absolute justice, and purging the world of “unclean pirate blood.”
Right now, Sakazuki is painted as the central antagonist of the series. The inevitable showdown between him and Luffy is likely years away but it’s something fans can’t wait to see.
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3. Monkey D. Luffy It’s about time we got to our beloved protagonist! Luffy has kicked up a storm everywhere he’s sailed to. At first, he didn’t have much more to his game than out-punching opponents. However, Luffy seriously stepped up in the Water 7 story arc. He honed the abilities of the gum-gum fruit and developed techniques likeGear 2nd and Gear 3rd. In the Dressrosa and Whole Cake Island arcs, he took things up a notch by developing and mastering his Gear 4 technique. Luffy also has the same Haki powers Doflamingo has, which theoretically qualifies him to fight the world’s strongest opponents.
Luffy activates his Gear 2nd technique. | Image: Crunchyroll And if that wasn’t enough, Luffy has limitless energy, and the gall to fight anyone regardless of their badass reputations. He won’t take anyone slandering his friends and has several lethal fighting techniques. However, arguably Luffy’s biggest strength, as noted by Mihawk, is his ability to draw people to him. Luffy has a penchant for turning doubters, haters, and immensely strong people into his close allies. His actions speak louder than words, and part of this is what makes him one of anime’s most fascinating protagonists to watch.
2. Magellan “Magellan is #2? Are you out of your mind?” This name might surprise a few at first, but let’s remember who we’re talking about here. First off, Magellan is endowed with the poison-poison fruit. This turns him into a toxic human, which is perfect for his career choice. Magellan is the chief warden at Impel Down, a prison home to the world’s most dangerous criminals.
Throughout this list, we’ve seen some amazing abilities. Magellan needs to be able to counter all of these should they ever be imprisoned at Impel Down. It just so happens that Magellan’s absurdly strong venom serves as the perfect neutralizer to any foe.
“Ruler of Hell” Magellan. | Image: Crunchyroll To Magellan, it doesn’t matter how strong you are. If you punch him, his poison will kill you within minutes. It doesn’t matter if you’re faster than him. He can manifest his poison into different shapes, like a hydra, to catch you as you run away. Magellan only needs a few drops of poison to kill you, making him incredibly dangerous. The only way someone could possibly beat Magellan is if they could nullify his devil fruit powers. This train of thought is the perfect segue into our number 1 slot.
1. Marshall D. Teach (Blackbeard) Maybe not a shocker, but come on. Let’s be honest here, Blackbeard is an absolute freak of nature, even by ONE PIECE standards. He’s a gargantuan human being (11 feet tall) and has a massive body. The latter allows him to store not one, but two devil fruit powers. This much potential power kills any other person foolish enough to try eating multiple devil fruits. Blackbeard, on the other hand, can balance his two devil fruit powers with no ill-effects.
Furthering his case for this #1 spot are his actual devil fruit powers. The first fruit he ate, the dark-dark fruit, is lauded as the strongest devil fruit ever recorded. It turns Blackbeard into a man of darkness, as he can literally manifest himself into dark matter. Furthermore, his devil fruit can temporarily nullify the abilities of other devil fruit users. To this extent, it doesn’t matter what awesome powers you might have, Blackbeard drowns everything in his darkness.
If, by some miracle, you can survive this ability, then you deal with Marshall’s second devil fruit, the tremor-tremor fruit. This gives him the ability to cause quakes. Blackbeard can cause earthquakes by slamming the ground, or by even punching the air and reverberating nearby objects. With all of these ludicrous abilities, it’s no wonder Blackbeard is the favorite to become the new pirate king. So move over Whitebeard. There’s a new favorite to become king of the pirates.
Blackbeard stating the obvious. | Image: Crunchyroll Only the Strong Survive in ONE PIECE As mentioned earlier, this list isn’t categorical. ONE PIECE has a near infinite cast of characters. As a result, one person might value a certain character higher than someone else. They might feel that Whitebeard is the strongest pirate, and there’s certainly a case for that. Germa 66, Marco, Vice-Admiral Garp, and Silvers Rayleigh all make legitimate cases to be on this list too. But, at the end of the day, it’s all fun and speculation. Even so, I’d love to hear your opinions about who the strongest ONE PIECE character really is.
Comment below with your personal rankings, and let me hear your opinions!
Featured Image Courtesy of Crunchyroll.com
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laufire · 5 years
You don't have to do this at all but I'm intrigued by your "favourites" tags and I was wondering if you'd break them down?
No problem! I think I remembered them all (but since I keep adding new ones, then forgetting again about them, who knows lol).
favourites: a straight line
Okay, so this is kind of a hard one because it’s mostly a… ~vibe thing. It’s from a quote by Person of Interest –specifically, The Machine telling Shaw that Root loved her because “if we were shapes, you were an arrow, a straight line”, and I just… loved it. So it goes to character that had that sort of… clear-sighted, straightforward something, that cut through the bullshit.
favourites: birds of a feather
From the saying “birds of a feather flock together”. It’s basically used for my ships where the members reflect and parallel each other (especially when it’s a case where fandom convention classifies them as “opposites”).
favourites: cute married couples
Self-explanatory, I think, tho by virtue of the fandoms I frequent lately I haven’t used it much xD
favourites: fucked up families
Also self-explanatory. And much more used!
favourites: god save us from the queen
Named after the trope. Look, fandom. I know why it’s Problematique. But I just love Evol, Power Hungry Queens! (in modern ‘verses it can apply to women with political power in general –i.e., I would totally use this tag for Mellie Grant okay). And I’m not gonna deny a big part of it is the #aesthetics xDD
favourites: head witch in charge
Powerful witches/other magic-type users in general. Comes from the acronym Head Bitch in Charge.
favourites: i am the law
It comes from Buffy’s speech in s7. It goes from that type of characters that take all that “I am the ONLY one”/”if I don’t try to save the world who will” responsability (sometimes, in a frankly egocentric/self-important way lol, but I like that *shrugs*).
favourites: i can fix that
This one comes from Sam The Onion Man in Holes, though it’s morphed into something quite different in my tag system lol. It’s… somewhat tied to the previous one? In that I apply it to characters that have some sort of… control issues/that need to action/intervention in their enviroment. I guess the difference is that I associate this tag with characters that are in a precarious position? Idk.
favourites: i see you
Cato says this to Noah in Underground; I use it for somewhat-antagonistic dynamics where one character sees through the reputation/façade of the other one, basically (sometimes it’s with a ~shippier spirit than others lol).
favourites: immortal exes
Self-explanatory, and one of my fave shippy tropes in existence.
favourites: like father like daughter
For my favourite father/daughter dynamics.
favourites: living large
I love it when my faves like the finer things in live. There’s nothing wrong with liking nice things lol.
favourites: love at first bite
It’s the title of a film I have yet to watch (a comedy where Dracula has to move out of Transylvania). But the quote fits perfectly with my adored blood-sharing/vampire ships, so –tho this is one of the few I often forget to use lol.
favourites: love is the drug
Title taken from a song. For those ships that can’t stay away from each other, despite how ill-advised it might be.
favourites: machiavelli’s alumni
Tag for political savvy people/situations.
favourites: mamma who bore me
Song from the musical Spring Awakening. It’s become short of a catch-them-all for mother characters, but the song/main intent was about controlling/overprotective ones lol.
favourites: mirror mirror on the wall
This is one of my newest ones and I’ve barely used it/edited old posts with it yet. It’s for my very narrow type of fave femslash dynamics lol: aka older/younger women (though there’s ships without the age difference that I’ll likely use it with) ships with lots of parallels motifs that have probably tried to kill each other at least once.
favourites: monster women
Because I love them, and the stories about them.
favourites: my foe beheld it shine
From William Blake’s A Poison Tree, a super dramatic poem about enemies lol. Perfect for enemy ships.
ETA - favourites: persephone’s revenge
One of them is Hades; one of them is Persephone and they’re at Hades’ mercy. I want Persephone to get even xD
favourites: pinocchio stories
Named after the trope; tag for all my artificial intelligence/robots feelings (no, I do not care to explore why the hell I almost always relate to robot characters, leave me alone xDD).
favourites: rags to riches
I will always root for social climbers and gold diggers on principle and this is the tag for that :P
favourites: romantic tragedies
For when what I love about a ship is their angst lol.
ETA - favourites: samson and delilah
One of the members is setting out to destroying and manipulating the other
favourites: smash the system
Inspired by that Hulk “SMASH THE PATRIARCHY” twitter. For characters/stories that seek to tear down the status quo.
favourites: soul siblings
For my fave siblings relationships.
ETA - favourites: sun and shadow
Great for light vs. dark dichotomies, especially in characters. Think Lizzie and (dark!)Josie, Buffy and Faith, Chuck and Amara.
favourites: that fucker
For my Problematic Faves, cold MOFOs, villains and the like.
favourites: the hashtag blessed crowd
My faves are being self-obsessed.
favourites: the masquerade
Another brand new one. It’s inspired by the trope “The Masquerade Will Kill Your Dating Life”, and it’s for my ships with Identity Porn Shenanigans.
favourites: the powah of lurve
For ships that overpower everything hehe.
favourites: the walking dead
Because I love resurrection/comes back wrong/ghosts stories.
ETA - favourites: the wordsmith
Tag I inaugurated for those characters that can get out of anything and create everything out of nothing with only their words.
favourites: the world is my canvas
For characters that mark the rules of a ‘verse and control narratives, and the world around them (aka: one of the main power fantasy tags xD).
favourites: three’s company
For OT3s (potentially OT+ in general).
favourites: to die like this; with a last kiss
From Siouxsie and the Banshees’ Face to Face (aka, the Batman Returns BatCat song). I wanted a tag that err… expressed how sometimes I’m into how the members of my ships try (and even succeed!) to kill each other?… it’s majorly fucked-up, foh sure, but I do believe shit like that ~enhances the shipping experience even when it troubles us shippers (and often, because it troubles us shippers, sooo).
favourites: to fall another moment into your gravity
From Sara Bareilles’s Gravity. I love it when my OTPs have broken up and are bitter af about it, yet can’t help but feel drawn to each other, and it’s the perfect song/quote for it.
favourites: vultures in lurve
I knew I had to have heard that expression before because I think vultures are Good™ lmao, and it’s apparently the title of some book. Either way, I kind of like how it sounds, and it’s my tag for when assholes are OTT in love with each other and enjoy being assholes together (pausing for moments where they’re super tender ofc), a la Unholy Matrimony trope.
favourites: you raise sons
Another brand new, barely used one. It comes from the quote “You don’t raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they’ll turn out to be heroes, even if it’s just in your own eyes.”. For father-son type relationships.
favourites: you’ve got the love
From the Florence + the Machine song. For those amazing, fulfilling ships where the characters bring the most and the best from each other *-*.
And though this is technically not one of those tags, I have to add #you WISH your faves could ever, which is basically my “this unpopular OTP is magnificent and fandom is jealous about it because their faves suck in comparison” tag xDD (btw, it’s curious how almost invariably, those ships include a WoC presented as The One…).
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recordsonthethrone · 5 years
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Summoned: “Fu Fu... It is never enough to step around and off the Thrones. Oh? You thought you summoned me? No, it is I who chose you. Don’t worry, I will take good care of you as long as you show me an exciting time. Class? Oh my, it seems I am a Foreigner this time. I wonder how that came to be when I am my own source of power...” Level Up: “Careful now; it’s hard enough not to swallow everything up as is” 1st Ascension: “Fine. That coat was getting stuffy. I wonder if using a Taikyoku value of five will suffice your desire to make me stronger?”  2nd Ascension: “Once again, you push my patience. What a fool for a servant I have... But very well, you may touch if you wish, no need to be gentle” 3rd Ascension: “What? Did you expect me to get naked for you? Get back to work” 4th Ascension: “So this is your limit to paying attention to me? I know your limits better than you do, a few rare individuals in this version of the Throne’s Universe would likely give me more, but that is only for sheer statistics that matter just as little as they are small. You raised someone who could destroy this world and its logic with a snap so boldly; perhaps you deserve a reward. A shame it won’t be coming from me”
Battle Start 1: “Does it even matter if I acknowledge a small dot in existence?” Battle Start 2: “If you have no strategy, obey. I have dealt with worse than fools who stand against me” Skill 1: “Be blessed by the Throne, Duality is a fragile thing” Skill 2 (1): “None can touch everything unless they are everything themselves” Skill 2 (2): “The God Head rejects all attempts to reach the Throne” Skill 2 (3): “Can you still show me your all?” Skill 3: “Too fun to die” Attack Selected 1: “Is there even an enemy?” Attack Selected 2: “Very Well” Attack Selected 3: “Duality has chosen” Noble Phantasm Selected (1): “And There I Stood, Splinting Ying and Yang” Noble Phantasm Selected (2): “Have they sinned that much?” Attack 1: “Vanish” Attack 2: “Take the mercy of death” Attack 3: “Why do you struggle?” Extra Attack: “A glimpse of the Throne” Noble Phantasm: “I am the Truth of Existence. I declare Duality. You are the Evil in my way and eyes. I am everything, everything is me. And I reject you. Atziluth-Tai: Unrecorded Law of Duality” Regular Damage: “I will allow it” Damage from Noble Phantasm: “So that is your feat?” Defeated 1: “Woe is me, for here I fall. Puahahahahahhahah!” Defeated 2: “Well done. I will take my leave, even if I can keep going. Fairness is Good at times, no?” Battle Finish 1: “A nice exercise” Battle Finish 2: “Rest your throats first, you talk and yell a lot. What?”
Bond Level 1: “I am the progenitor of the Throne, the Truth of the Universe, but my records are already unfitting with this universe. I truly am a Foreigner, am I not?” Bond Level 2: “Classes? Caster, Saber, Ruler. I try to stay separate in how I fight with them so I do my best to not mix weapons. Hmm? Ruler? Yes. How can the supreme Good not be a Saint?” Bond Level 3: “You lasted longer than most of the ones I give chances to. They are usually far too demanding or try to give me human sacrifices... It was a phase, a phase! Why does no one let that go... Even worse are the ones who think themselves a Master when they can’t even master their own fingers, let alone someone else” Bond Level 4: “You’re still here? I would apologize, but I am not sorry. When you watch everything with eyes that would make even the Grand Caster green with Jealousy, you lose track of the situation of every aspect” Bond Level 5: “Geez, you really don’t know when or how to quit, do you? I don’t think anyone’s done this much bonding with me since Naraka... Say, how do you like chairs? I prefer to keep such things limited to Caster, but perhaps I can do something for you”
Dialogue 1: “Your sense of decoration is terrible. You don’t need heroes to save the world, you need a decorator to save your room!” Dialogue 2 (Before London): “Petty. Saving the world? Petty. Your aims are so small and unimportant it really is laughable. I declare it Evil; now go find something better to do with your time, I hear you haven’t even invented proper space travel” Dialogue 3 (After London): “You met Solomon, personally at that. You talked. Your desire to save the world is Evil so stop that” Dialogue 4 (After Finishing Arc 1): “Evil and Too Late. Sympathize with Goetia? Don’t get me wrong, he had the correct intentions but his methods were too small scale. No, what is evil was your goal. I saw Romani, I saw the information beyond this world and time. You saved the world and lost someone important to you, you nearly lost two people important to you. You need someone to blame? I am right here. Kick, punch, scream and be a useless speck against the Multiverse but face facts and pin it on someone else” Dialogue 5 (After the Start of Arc 2): “Good or Evil you ask? You know how I feel about saving the world, bother someone else with questions like that” Dialogue 6 (After Bond 3): “Why do I talk so much? Wouldn’t you like to know, pretty boy/girl?” Dialogue 7: “It is lonely at the top, is it not?” Dialogue 8: “Cherish that Mashu Girl. Every commander needs someone close to them to care for and be cared for” Dialogue 9 (After Bond 10): “Masochist? I’m not a Masochist! I’m just fair! What? Let Muzan stab me through? Yes, I did, but what does that have to do with anything?”
If You Have Ozymandias: “I found someone talking about Gods who can speak more than me. This is Evil. Punish that Pharaoh if you want to avoid a battle of speeches” If You Have Lancer Arturia (After Camelot): “The Lion King is here? Is she still trying to freeze everyone to save them? It reminds me of someone I used to will have know. Eh? It’s not her? A shame. And yes, it is correct, talking about events on a level I am is difficult in your temporal sense” If You Have Nobunaga (Any Version): “Demon King of the Sixth Heaven? The Hajun Brat found a new retainer?! Get behind me, fool, the last time that brat did something all of existence was threatened” If You Have Gilgamesh: “Originals of Noble Phantasms? Originals. Originals!? BOI!” If You Have Altera: “I heard someone call things and people Bad Civilization? For some reason I feel like there is an odd overlap for some reason...” If You Have Kama: “That girl... Fu fu fu... To think a Walking Universe is here” If You Have Muzan: “The Remorseless. The one who dethroned me... Oh how I missed his sword... A shame Chaldea would be unable to survive the two of us clashing” If You Have Satanel: “I tried giving the Angel Maker a salt Popsicle once. Never have I been so frightened of someone licking away at ice cream with a straight face” If You Have Mercurius: “Ah yes... That Dedicated Snake... The one who remodeled the very basis of my Throne. As impressive as he is, how much death do you think would have been avoided if he simply started swallowing his own tail?” If You Have Reinhard: “The Golden Beast himself! I hear people jump into fire when he talks, but he’s not that bad and he even managed to achieve a feat unknown to humanity still by making his hair defy gravity. A shame for him that he cannot embrace himself, to my knowledge, but he simply needs someone to do it for him, no?” If You Have Fuji Ren: “Ah yes, the Frozen Lover. I can enjoy him for moments at a time and his dedication is admirable to extents few can match; but he is fundamentally someone I cannot spend long with either, he is an enemy of progress and I am the leader of Progress” If You Have Marie: “The Beached Golden Beauty... I can see why the Snake loved her so” If You Have Hajun: “And here I thought you were trying to save the world. Perhaps he came because all else is already gone here. Keep more than two eyes on him, if you’re lucky he will keep none of his three on you”
Something You Like: “I could name a lot of things, but the things I have grown up with are no longer of this universe” Something You Dislike: “I am the Truth and I am Duality. The question itself is Evil; the things I dislike are Evil and the ones I especially like are Good” About the Holy Grail: “I see people never stop dying for trivialities. If you have a wish, say it to me and I will grant it so long as it’s actually worth my time and impressive enough. I have the power, but do you have the dreams to want something an entity beyond Creation would find interesting?” During an Event: “Someone is making a mess of things... Do you want to go check it out?” Birthday: “You survived a year and want a party for it? Fine, but only because we are at war; your war, but even so. What do you desire? I’ll make an exception to my Wish rule just this day”
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dailyaudiobible · 5 years
07/17/2019 DAB Transcript
1 Chronicles 24:1-26:11, Romans 4:1-12, Psalms 13:1-6, Proverbs 19:15-16
Today's the 17th day of July. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it's wonderful, as it is every day, a joy that we can come together like this isn’t it? That we can come together and step away from things for a few minutes and be together in God's word. That is a joy. So, it's a joy to be here with you as we take the next step through our week and next step forward in the Scriptures. We’re reading from the New Living Translation this week and we’re nearing the end of our journey through first Chronicles. Today we’ll read chapter 24 verse 1 through 26 verse 11.
Okay. So, in the book of Romans, the letter that Paul wrote to the Romans, we’re seeing Paul do some deconstruction about certain aspects of his Jewish faith. And, I mean, it may not seem that way now but the stuff that he's saying in the book of Romans at the time is very controversial stuff, but he wasn't trying to like dismantle or just like do away with his reverence for Judaism. He wasn't actually trying to get anybody's reverence for Judaism obliterated or anything like that. He was trying to reframe the story and bring Jesus into the store and show how this has always been there. And this is why Paul was in the hotseat all the time. This stuff that we’re reading, this is like a very like outlawed kind of book for the Hebrew people at the time. And what Paul is trying to reframe at its essence was about whether a person could earn their way into God's favor by their own obedience to the Mosaic law, which is an idea that was deeply embedded into the Hebrew culture, or whether there was another way. So, Paul was kinda saying out loud what they had been wrestling with for a long time because nobody could obey the law perfectly. And, so, what to do? And this is pretty big reframe indeed what Paul is saying because the Jews believed that their adherence to the law wasn't just about an exclusive Hebrew religion, but also this was the path that would save them. So, Paul's message is pretty disruptive if that's what…if that's what you believe. And what we’re seeing Paul start to do is make a distinction between Abraham and Moses. The law came through Moses, but Abraham came way before Moses and he was the one who received the promise in the first place. So, Paul’s saying, “you’re kind of worshiping and revering Moses and the Mosaic law and that's fine and dandy but things happened before that that we cannot forget because they are foundational.” So, Paul made reference to two people in today's reading, that all Hebrew people would understand - Abraham and David. And he said this, “Abraham was, humanly speaking, the founder of our Jewish nation. What did he discover about being made right with God? If his good deeds had made him acceptable to God, he would've had something to boast about, but that wasn't God's way for the Scriptures tell us Abraham believed God, and God counted him as righteous because of his faith.” So, Paul’s saying like, “you’re like going nuts on this Mosaic law thing right down to circumcision. All these things are important, but let's remember that our father Abraham was not circumcised when he put his faith in God.” So, for every man that was a Hebrew like circumcision is and irreplaceable outward sign of obedience to the law. And, so, Paul’s saying like, “when Abraham met God, he wasn't obeying the law because there was no law to obey and he wasn't circumcised because there was no law to tell him he should be. So, we’re trying to obey these rules and regulations and we’re overlooking the thing, like the centerpiece, the one thing that's required in the story, faith. It was faith that Abraham had that started the story, not some attempt to obey some kind of rule as behaviors are modified. And the reason this is revolutionary is because it was revealing that righteousness before God is not something that can be achieved by like adhering to the moral code or some kind of ethic or some kind of rule. Paul’s claiming that righteous…righteousness before God is a gift from God and it can only be received by faith. In other words, it's a gift that’s given by God and the only way to receive it is to believe that you have it, right? Like it’s not something that you're going to end up deserving. Paul said it like this, “when people work their wages aren't a gift. They earned those wages. But people are counted as righteous, not because of their work, but because of their faith in God who forgives sin.” And then he referenced Psalm 132. So, he's referencing David showing that forgiveness is something to be experienced as a gift. It’s something to be experienced with joy. And, so, then Paul asks whether God might be merciful to people who were not Hebrew and were not practicing the Jewish faith. And he asks, “is this blessing only for the Jews, or is it for uncircumcised Gentiles.” And he says, “we’ve been saying that Abraham was counted as righteous by God because of his faith but how did that happen? Was he counted as righteous only after he was circumcised or was it before he was circumcised? Clearly”…I’m quoting Paul here…”God accepted Abraham before he was circumcised.” So, we’ve got a lot of conversation about circumcision, which is probably not the topic that you choose over lunch every day. But here we are, and it's actually a really really important piece of the Hebrew faith. And Paul’s saying, “I mean circumcision yes or no has nothing to do with whether or not you can be made righteous before God. That is a faith matter.” Now where we sit now these things, we don't hardly even pay attention to. We just take them for granted, the idea or the awareness of an inclusive gospel that is open to everyone who believes in salvation through faith. These are like embedded into our faith, into the Christian faith, just as embedded as obedience to the Mosaic law was for the Jewish people of Paul's time, which is why this is so controversial and disruptive. And that's where we leave off today and if we’ll take some time to just kind of meditate, just appreciate what Paul is doing here as he tries to navigate between Jew and Gentile, basically walking the middle way here and revealing Jesus in all of it we then begin to understand how the faith came to be and was handed down to us.
Father, we invite Your Holy Spirit into all that we’re reading in the book of Romans, because we base so much of our faith from the things that are said here. So, come Holy Spirit, reveal these things to us and allow them to sink deeper into our understanding and lead us into all truth. This is what we seek, and this is what You have promised. So, we open ourselves to You. Come Jesus we pray. In Your mighty and holy name, we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website it is home base, it’s, of course, where you find out what's going on around here.
And it's…it's the family…Family Reunion that's coming up in…in the last day…the last day of August, August 31st through September 2nd. So, Labor Day weekend we will be hosting a Family Reunion for the Daily Audio Bible community here in the rolling hills of Tennessee out on the lake. It's…it's one of the most beautiful places around here for us to do an event like this. And, so, we’re looking forward to that. Looking forward to it, especially because it's…it's sort of the end of some of the intense activity that we have maintained…I see that word…for over a decade. I mean, we’re completing year 14. This year is year 14, seven days a week and it has literally taken us all around the globe and there are certain things that we’ve have done that take months to prepare for that the Lord is just instructing us to take a break from so that we can have more space to maintain and to dream. He's leading us into some new territory. So, we won't be doing the More Gathering for women in 2020. We usually do that in April. And we won’t be doing the Family Reunion over Labor Day weekend in 2020. So, this is, at least for us, not…it's not bittersweet…it's actually very, very exciting but it's also…you know…with the gravity of like…this is the last time we’re gonna have a big group of the community together for a little while. And, so, we want to savor that and that was one of the words that we were given over the More Gathering, “savor”, as we went into that this year, just enjoying every minute. It’s funny how your attitude changes…I mean there’s all kinds of challenges to doing large events. And, so, there's all kinds of stuff that comes with it and it's easy to get frantic about the details and not even enjoy the fact that it's happening. And, so, we really were able to press in and enjoy everything about the More Gathering and that is the attitude we’re taking into the Family Reunion, to savor it, to enjoy it, to allow it to fill us up, to do everything that we can to fill each other up as we just enjoy being together in community. So, hopefully you can come. Hope you can. Looking forward to seeing your beautiful, handsome faces coming from wherever you're coming from, and getting to know you more than just voice alone. So, all the details are at dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section. You can get to the Initiatives section on the app by pushing the little Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner. And yeah, that'll give you all the details. Hope to see you soon.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link and that link lives on the homepage and I thank you profoundly for those of you who have clicked that link. We most assuredly wouldn’t be here if we didn't do this together. So, the link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment there are a number of numbers that you can use depending on where you are in the world. If you are in the UK, 44-20-3608-8078 is the number to dial. If you are in Australia or that part of the world 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to dial. And if you are in the Americas or this part of the world, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that is it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
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drpaulmacdonaldrnma · 4 years
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Have Success in Life Now: Learn The Wisdom of Solomon
Dr Paul MacDonald RN MA Dipl
Before you engage in an activity, do you consider the consequences? Or do you just plunge in right ahead—“leaping before you look”?
All actions carry consequences, good or bad. You may have heard this spoken of as “cause and effect.”
Do you know that this is a law, just as sure as gravity? “The curse causeless shall not come” (Prov.erbs 26:2). In other words, there is a cause for every effect.
For example, if you don’t study, you will fail your exams, or score poorly. If you don’t get enough sleep, you will be tired the next day. If you don’t eat properly, you will eventually become sick. If you don’t practice, you won’t make the sports team. For every effect, there is an underlying cause.
There are many situations in which this ever-present law comes into play. Based on the decisions you make, it can either work for your benefit or to your detriment. This unseen law can build you up—or bring you down.
Obviously, we all want to lead happy, successful lives. We all want to avoid making mistakes that could lead to ruin. Here’s how you can use the law of “cause and effect” to your benefit.
The Hard Way or the Better Way
There are two ways from which we can learn to avoid trouble. The first is by actual experience. Frequently, this involves unknowingly doing the wrong thing, and then through painful experiences learning it is not the right thing to do. You may have heard your parents call it “learning the hard way,” or “learning through the school of hard knocks.”
Perhaps as a child you burned your hand after being warned not to touch the stove. Or you were scratched by a cat, or bitten by a dog, for pulling their tail. At some point, you probably had to “learn the hard way.”
There is a better way to learn: from the experiences of others, especially adults. You should regularly seek advice and learn from your parents, aunts, uncles, teachers and other respected and responsible adults. Many mistakes can be avoided if you listen to those with wisdom and experience.
Of course, you can also learn by reading about the lives of others. Valuable lessons are contained in books written about famous people.
There is another place where you can get advice. The Bible contains many stories written for our learning (Romans 15:4). There is also an abundance of sound advice given by individuals. One such person is a king who lived over 2,500 years ago.
A Wise King
King Solomon was famous for his wisdom. In fact, he was the wisest human being who has ever lived (I Kings 3:12). He was so wise that many kings and other prominent people from around the world came to hear his wisdom. One such person was the Queen of Sheba. Skeptical about his famous reputation for wisdom, she came to test him with difficult questions. But after hearing his answers and seeing his wise administration, and the beauty and orderliness of his palace, she believed!
But even though he was wise, Solomon made mistakes. For instance, he disobeyed God and married women of other religions, even though he knew it was wrong. These women turned his heart away from God, and from God’s blessings (I Kings 11:1-4).
Learn From Lessons in Life
Solomon learned many lessons in his life, and as a result became very wise. He was also granted wisdom by God (I Kings 4:29). This wisdom—which can greatly benefit you—is primarily recorded in the books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. While his advice is valuable for people of all ages, much of it is specifically directed to young people. Let’s take a look.
Obey Your Parents
Today it isn’t “cool” to listen to parents. Parents are considered “old fashioned,” and out of touch with reality. Some teens even disrespectfully refer to their father as “the old man,” and to their mother as “a nag.” Many today believe their parents don’t understand them or the issues teens face. As a result, disobeying parents is common throughout society.
Are you tempted to disobey your parents? To disrespect them? Heed Solomon’s advice: “My son, hear the instruction of your father, and forsake not the law of your mother” (Prov.erbs 1:8).
Your parents have much more wisdom and experience than you. They can guide you in the right direction and help you avoid harmful mistakes.
Spend time with your parents. Seek their advice. You might be surprised by how much they know. Notice what Solomon said: “The thing that has been is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:8-9).
There's Nothing New Under the Sun
There is nothing new. Your parents have experienced or been confronted with many of the same things as you. They have also seen similar problems in society: drugs, gangs, alcohol abuse, bullies, violence, depression, trendy styles, stress, consequences of premarital sex, problem relationships, broken friendships, etc.
Keep Good Company
Are you tempted to hang out with the “in-crowd”? The crowd that has a reputation for getting into trouble, violence, bullying, constantly swearing, not studying, listening to offensive music, constantly tinkering with their cellphones, dressing in provocative designer clothes, constantly partying, or getting drunk.
Avoid Bad Company
If you want to lead a successful life, then avoid bad company like the plague—or else it will corrupt you. It will influence you into bad habits, into doing things that are contrary to God’s Way (I Cor.inthians 15:33). Associating with bad company will eventually lead to destructive habits, and possibly a bad reputation. Just as dead flies can spoil expensive ointment, one mistake can ruin your reputation (Ecc.lesiastes 10:1).
Avoid Quarrels
Do you become angry easily? Are you quick to get involved in quarrels? Do you take pride in your temper? Are you tempted to “lose it” when provoked by others, when you don’t get what you want, or when someone tells you something you don’t want to hear?
Quarrelling is not a sign of strength, but weakness. Being temperamental is a sign of a lack of character. “He that has no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down and without walls” (Proverbs. 25:28). When you fly into a temper, you become defenseless. You start reacting without thinking. This allows others to manipulate you, and therefore control you. They know what “sets you off.” As the saying goes, they can now “push your buttons.” Lashing out can result in a heap of problems with others—and even with men’s laws.
Keep Cool in All Situations
By contrast, maintaining a calm head helps you to think through whatever situation you are facing. It helps you to consider potential solutions and choose the best one. “He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that rules his spirit than he that takes a city” (Proverbs 16:32). Staying calm keeps you from doing things you will later regret.
Don't Instigate Strife
Another way to avoid quarrels is to not stir up strife with your tongue. Whenever you are provoked by others, remember the following rule: “A soft answer turns away wrath; but grievous words stir up anger” (Proverbs 15:1). Raising your voice, shouting or uttering biting, sarcastic comments only serves to provoke or intensify arguments or disagreements.
Stay Away From Violence
Today, violence is promoted in television shows, music videos, magazines, video games and on the Internet.
Violence is often thought of as something good. It is seen as a sign of strength. It is popular for teenagers to see themselves as “bad.” By this, they mean they will respond violently with overwhelming force if anyone “messes with them” or “disrespects” them.
Don't Be Incited to Join With Wicked Individuals
What if your peers ask you to perform violent deeds with them? How should you react? “My son, if sinners entice you, consent you not. If they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily [secretly] for the innocent without cause…My son, walk not you in the way with them; refrain your foot from their path” (Proverbs 1:10-11, 15).
Involvement in violent acts will eventually get you into trouble. It may even cost your life.
You should also be careful of becoming friends with angry people. Their attitudes will eventually infect you, and you will become just like them (Prov.erbs 22:24-25).
Work Ethics
In school, are you working diligently at your studies? Do you do your homework in a timely manner? Or do your parents have to continually push you?
What about when your parents ask you to perform chores around the house? Do you work hard to do the best job possible? Or do you just do things as quickly as you can in a slip-shod fashion so you can get back to what you really want to do? Do your parents consider you to be a hard worker?
The Value of Hard Work
If you want to succeed in life, you must learn the value of hard work. “The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute” (Prov.erbs 12:24). And whatever you do, give it your all (Ecclesiastes. 9:10). Don’t perform a task half-heartedly.
Lazy people eventually have little, or even nothing. This is their “reward” for their lack of effort (Prov.erbs 13:4). Don’t let this happen to you; don’t allow yourself to be a “slacker.”
Solomon was a great observer of nature; he learned many lessons there. Next time you see a colony of ants, notice how hard they work and learn from their example (Proverbs 6:6-11).
Don’t wait for your parents or others to ask you to perform certain tasks. Take the initiative, be proactive—and work hard to accomplish the job. Others will notice your attitude, and you will eventually be recognized. “See you a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean [unknown] men” (Prov.erbs 22:29).
There is much wisdom from King Solomon in the Bible, wisdom that will greatly benefit you. Do you want to become successful? Then take time to study the books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, and apply the principles therein. If you do, you will be well on your way to success and keep yourself from much heartache and suffering.
Fear God and Keep His Commandments
The greatest piece of advice given by Solomon is found in the final chapter of Ecclesiastes: “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. "Fear God, and keep His commandments", for this is the whole duty of man” (Ecclesiastes. 12:13).
This is the key to success. Do what God says, and see the benefits in your life.
Dr Paul MacDonald RN MA Dipl ©
Israel Institute of Biblical Studies
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salosion · 4 years
“Hands of cards”
Hands of cards rooms that glow passions dips in sudden flow reminisce reminiscing the things that know you, you know you don’t know you know Hands of cards rooms of glow rooms of gold rooms of spiritual holy h🕳lǝƨ
col🎨rs L⚡️GHT spews the souls to dance with
R🌹ses Gardens know how to do it; how it do, posses
Y👁U. Y👁U don’t even know how it do
Y👁U👃 don’t even know how I do, I don’t even know how you
👅 do & I & wǝ don’t even know we
💦 don’t even know the hands of cards with tricks that glow magic st🌟rƨ ƨ ƨ ƨ ƨ with rooms that borrow the pieces of Gods Most Precious Righteous Souls Hearts Chandeliers
Covered In Transparent See Through Pure Golden Aura That Glow Diamonds Dripping from The Candy Taste Of Snow Gems In Treasure Chests Inside Your Soul Beneath Between Above the soul Dig DE🌊ƎP and Rǝ🪐ch for then Y👁U’LL know that G👑D He Teach why He Love It Reach What We Can’t Comprehend but Seeking Is Part Of The Gift 🎁 Surpr¡sǝ Open 🚪 Y👁UR Eyes 👀
Couldn’t Have Been Any Other Wise Way Better Ever If It Were We Won’t that’s what we get to consciously grow like the gardens that met
Y👑U from vines that they flow with grooves winds sing blow bow to G👑D ALONEE PRAISE HIS LOVE THANK HIS GREATNESS inside of the glow that know colors never EVER been seen or could have think or thought before for can’t even see them collide in kaleidoscopes or dreams but blend and arouse obscene in rain through snow melting Hughes as you know aren’t aware little slow but so fast that you grow just in time to transcend trend dice throw them double ♾ 8 ♾ Incase I get hungry I double ♾ 8 ♾ when I rolled my dice with my plate and smashed that shit with the wave of gravity’s law ain’t nothing at all but a grounding that keeps this phenomena in tact to then attack intact wake up and now you’re back remembering where you came from halls that lack nothing you’ve ever never known for light so bright profound it glows deep into the soul no human can face it directly so till you merge with the tricks and take up your dips and pull out the sticks to shoot the chop whips with chopsticks 🥢 cause I got the Lo-Mein Mixed with the cookie dip it in milk chocolate deliciously spelt spilled into pools that drool the rules into forms that weave and woove with the woo as she grooves transcend past the comprehensions limit forms for no one comes but from the GREATEST SOURCE.
Knowledge wisdom Love it flows grows shows you it’s beauty in multicolored flower garden rows from the tree of the leaves itself is where the knowledge flows and comes from in this world.
From The Leaves of 🌳 THE TREE of DEATH ☠️ Turned The Leaves of THE TREE of LIFE 🍷 🎁 ✨ 👶 ♥️ 📖 🍼 🌍🌳 When they were both the same already at the same time it just took the pain to realize the paradox’s divine rhyme but if they didn’t sin where would we be in an unconscious unfree will thing without the chance to dance and sing or Maybey did but couldn’t swing genuine Love Thing What God Is.
Why Cause We wouldn’t have had the option to do the good or the bad hence forth not really being able to do any genuine good since awareness of the power we posses contains the power we transgress and create our own worlds they are the best for G👑D Is a Miracle of Tests.
Tests of Who Are Most Like Him.
When The Sin Took a Bite 🍎 For The Win 🍏 That
🐍 Snake 🐍 Wasn’t Nice But Slithering Silver Seductive For a Purpose of G👑D’S KINGGG Everything Is There For The Reason To Become & Manifest The Treasure That Is The Season OF ONLY HOLY EUPHORIC L⚡️GHTT I JUST MIGHT Question the misunderstood don’t take 🍏 for granted 🍎 the words 👄
💋💄they give you as food 🌮
that grow inside the books they use to control remember the passed think with your heart intact of Love React & ACT ✊👊✊ with
Y👑UR heart and navigate with your mind 🧠 was in the hand of the magic cards that turned to stars and dust of the cosmos raw essential ethereal sensationally celestial Or of the man Adam first home now came close to God was just of made from inner outer space legit stars Atoms were made of Holy Vibrational memoirs so holy enough it remembers our own consciousness soul and self and that gift is beyond the miracle of beauty that blessed your 💵 wealth 💰 collect connect create correct planetary astronomical confetti dust rust and trusts the holy light of ƎNERG⅄ for the kept celestial 💡 OR 💡 that glow then light transcended passed in bended sin we did not come to Will comprehended Co.
#New #Company #Announcement
Comprehended Co. Ⓒ
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