#the last  jedi
movie-gifs · 3 days
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Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) dir. Rian Johnson
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lizlives · 1 day
The amount of times I've seen people confidently and erroneously state the theme of a movie is tied to a memorable villain/antagonist quote haunts me. Like no, "Let the past die," , "When everyone's super, no one will be," and "you're not supposed to be spiderman," are not the themes of their movies. Like, I've seen people for and against last jedi positioning that quote as a thesis statement, and both of them are wrong. Incredibles is literally all about how Bob begins to see outside of himself, Syndrome is wrong. But probably most egregious is thinking that Miguel is correct thematically when he says Miles isn't Spider-Man. There's one video by a creator I forget the name of (I wouldn't really wanna name them anyway) who made a bunch of amazing points about the movie's themes, but then trips over their own shoelaces at the finish line and claims that Miguel was right about Miles. Why would that be the theme? That's incredibly depressing and also just wrong and feels like fanboy projection? Idk, I think there's something about cool quotes by antagonists that makes everyone wanna believe them for some reason.
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shutupcrime · 2 months
Some of you are too afraid to admit this but we all know Star Wars works best when it goes full soap opera
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kingoffantasy516 · 1 month
Ok you know what, let's spread some positivity. Reblog this if you actually like Star Wars
And I am refering to all of star wars and not just select parts of it. Even if you have issues with parts of it, you still enjoy it.
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memingursa · 4 months
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Honestly the realest shit he’s posted
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noramsblog · 6 months
Listen to the puppet luke
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sci-fi-gifs · 8 months
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Oscar Isaac as Poe Dameron in Star Wars: The Last Jedi
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aestheticforzoe · 1 month
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tljisthegoat · 2 months
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We were robbed so badly of a happy ending for Reylo & Star Wars as a franchise that I'm feeling the loss to this day.
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imaginative-reblogs · 12 days
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Made this a while ago. Figured I’d spread the love of Star Wars Little Guys.
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nowritingonthewall · 4 months
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artist-issues · 11 months
I just NEED everyone to agree with me that Rey's parents are nobody. We should all agree about that. We should collectively, as an audience, say, "clearly the best idea was to have Kylo Ren be a dynastic heir to the major legends of the Force who wants to throw off his family's shadow, while his rival is nobody from nowhere who wants to belong--so we're going to stick with that."
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And then, what should have happened is, Rey can finish her story by being able to say, "My parents might have abandoned me, but that doesn't mean I'm worthless." And eventually Kylo Ren can say, "My family might have been powerful, but I don't have to be," and all those other things that they can bounce off of each other as great foils.
It can keep being a good story about accepting past failures and choosing to grow beyond them.
Let's just all collectively ignore Rey Skypatine because of how silly that was. I mean. If they can just ignore the setups in the previous movie, we can ignore their choices in the conclusion. Right?? Right? Tell me I'm right
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shutupcrime · 2 months
Love the darth plagueis reveal because it’s 100% giving the energy of your roommate has a date over and you’re peeking out of your room to see if it’s safe to use the kitchen yet
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joelsbloodyhands · 1 month
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That’s not Kylo. That’s Ben Solo.
Like Rey, we didn’t really need you to tell us he was conflicted.
What’s evil about the way he’s sliding like a kid in slipper socks along a shiny floor?
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daisyridleyedits · 2 months
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I did want to take your hand...
Reylo x Oshamir | The Last Jedi x The Acolyte
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w1ldspace · 10 months
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iii. the king, finn
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