#the last time i went to the doctor to treat my ears
stinkrascal · 2 years
damn i think my ear infection is coming back. rip my ears
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catholicjinx · 1 year
doctor time today 😑
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bellawoso · 9 months
Ona Batlle x fem!reader
-> Ona being a flustered mess around her ‘cute doctor’
Definition of love at first sight for my darling onita!!
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Ona Batlle hated medics. It wasn’t that she hated them as people, she actually really admired people who dedicated most of their youth studying to help others. What Ona Batlle hated was being treated by medics. During both training and matches Ona would go to extreme measures just to hide an injury so that she wasn’t sent away to ‘waste’ valuable time that she could have been playing football as she says.
However, due to the amount of time she has been caught attempting to hide her pain, Ona’s hate for being seen by medics is infamously known by every player in the Barcelona Femeni team.
So therefore when Ona went down due to a mistimed slide tackle which resulted in someone’s studs harshly connecting with her ribs, Alexia’s ‘hawk eyes’ as Ona calls them, immediately noticed the wince that Ona tried to suppress with every step she took in attempt to ‘walk it off’.
“Off now Ona.”
At hearing this Ona’s eyes widened in shock as she realised she had been caught, everyone including Ona knew that it was useless trying to argue with Alexia, who was the most stubborn player on the team. In attempt to show the captain her annoyance, Ona let out an exaggerated sigh, which was ignored by Alexia, who instead shooed the defender off the pitch.
Ona made a point to walk as slowly as possible off the pitch and shoot a harsh glare at the player who injured her. Ona was annoyed. She had been deeply looking forward to the match against Real Madrid, and was excited to assist Barcelona in keeping their winning streak against them, only to be sent off just 27minutes into the game which she suspected she would have been playing full time for.
When she got to the sidelines the physios told the young spaniard to head to medical room 5 for a scan to check for broken ribs making the brunette internally groan at the possibility of having to miss any more time playing football due to some broken bones.
When Ona eventually arrived at medical room 5, she had a mental battle while staring at a spot on the floor whether she should stay and get checked by a professional or go back to the locker rooms and get a long relaxing shower while it was quiet. However, her train of thoughts was interrupted by the door suddenly clicking open and a soft voice grasping her attention.
“Hello, can I help you?”
Ona was about to reject your offer and return back to the locker rooms, but as she looked up to match a face to the voice, her future words of dismissal died on her tongue.
“Oh- uh, t-the physios. My ribs.”
Ona internally cursed herself at her unusual nervousness and flustered state. She wouldn’t admit it but she also cursed you for making her feel like there were a million butterflies in her stomach, and she prayed that you mistook the blush on her cheeks for a visual of the past half hour she had spent running around the pitch.
“Of course, if you’d like to come in? What’s your name?”
Ona however had stupidly decided to try act casual by taking a large gulp out of her water bottle, but had hurriedly swallowed it in order to not leave your question waiting, which resulted in the brunette entering a coughing and choking fit. You quickly sprung to action and rubbed soothing circles onto the spaniards back until the coughing subsided, and Ona felt the tips of her ears burn as she looked at the ground.
The silence didn’t last for long though, as it was almost instantly interrupted by laughter that filled the air. Ona hated it. Ona was used to making girls laugh after a sarcastic quip she made in a bar, when she flirted her ways into someone’s bed, however Ona was definitely not used to a girl laughing at her, after she had almost basically died due to how much of a blushing mess you reduced her to.
However, as much as Ona hated your laugh, she could not resist the tugging of the corner of her lips at the soft giggles that you emitted. Ona was down bad instantly.
“Hola, soy y/n.” You said with a cheeky grin adorned on your face which made Ona swoon.
The brunette couldn’t help but chuckle at the heavy northern accent coating your words.
“Your pronunciation is terrible.” The defender replied with a smirk of her own.
“As is yours.” You said, but the truth is, Ona’s pronunciation was practically flawless, but she didn’t need to know that.
“No it isn’t, my pronunciation is perfect.” Ona said.
“Arrogance looks good on you.” You replied as you looked into her eyes. As cliché as it sounds, Ona’s eyes were beautiful, a gorgeous deep brown with specks of gold and green littered near her pupils. Little did you know Ona was also admiring your eyes aswell.
After sitting her down on the examination bed and taking some quick x-rays of her ribs, you ruled out the possibility of them being broken, and instead decided to feel the area to see the extent of the bruising.
At the sight of her abs up this close your breath hitched, and you prayed that Ona didn’t hear, on any other day Ona would have noticed and would make an effort to tease you for it, but today Ona was fully focused into trying to not let you see the effect you had on her this close.
At first, Ona relished the addictive feeling of your cold finger tips trailing around the area, but as the gentle touches faded into harsh prodding at the people and blue tinged skin, Ona’s wince became apparent for you.
As soon as you noticed Ona’s discomfort, you were quick to mutter a soft apology, and while Ona thought about her embarrassing first encounter with you, she realised something that she felt like kicking herself for. Ona had forgot to tell you her name.
Of course you knew who Ona Batlle was, your studies the entire team after you scored the job as their personal doctor, but you hoped that asking Ona her name would help you two get to know each other on a personal level.
“Ona.”was all the spaniard uttered quietly.
“What was that?”
“My name. My name is Ona.”
As you looked down at her, you couldn’t help but notice the dozens of freckles littered on her nose, and couldn’t help but smile softly at the defender.
You placed an ice pack onto the bruised area, strapping it to her skin with a bandage, then tugged her shirt back down and Ona took this as her que to sit up and wait for your diagnosis.
“Well Ona I’m happy to say that you have no broken ribs but you do have severe bruising in your ribs so I would recommend sitting out the next match to prevent further injuries, okay?”
Normally Ona would have freaked out at the idea of not being able to play the next match, and would have probably argued with the doctor until they told her she could play. However, with you Ona wanted nothing more than to listen to and respect your judgement. Ona knew she had fallen for you.
As you followed her to the door, the spaniard turned around to see you a last time before she left.
“Bye y/n”
“See you around Ona” You said with a grin.
As Ona walked into the locker room she was shocked to be met with her teammates emerging from the showers and going to get dressed. How much time had she spent with you?
As her teammates noticed her arrival, Ona was immediately faced with questions about her change of opinions on medics, its safe to say that no one actually thought Ona would actually go to the medical room.
Patri immediately came over to her and bombarded her with questions.
“Why did you go to the medics?”
“Are your ribs broken?”
“Why are you happy after returning?”
Fortunately Ingrid came to Ona’s rescue and led the brunette over to where Alexia and Mapi were sat. The two best friends stopped their conversation as soon as Ona neared them, also confused at why Ona actually went to the medic.
“I can’t believe she actually went” Mapi said under her breath.
Unluckily for her, Ona heard.
“I went because they told me to” the defender said with a scowl upon her face. To which Alexia raised a brow in disbelief.
The questioning was soon interupted at the sound of the locker room door bursting open, making the multiple conversations stop.
But upon seeing who entered, Ona wished the ground would open and swallow her whole to save her from the relentless teasing she is bound to receive from the team after this.
There you were, stood at the doorway looking around the room until your eyes made contact with Ona’s and you offered her the same reassuring smile that Ona fell in love with.
You rushed up to the spaniard, only to hold out your hand.
Dammit. Her water bottle.
“Here you forgot this, but try not to choke this time” you said with your signature cheeky grin, before saying “adios” and turning to leave.
“B-bye y/n” Ona said, her flustered state returning at the realisation that her whole team had found out what convinced her to go to the medic, you turned around to shoot her a smile until the sound of the door clicked behind you.
“Because we told you to, huh?” Alexia said with a teasing smirk.
“Shut up, she was cute”
A/N : There will be a part two to this, and hopefully I will have it written by the end of this week! Feel free to send in requests for your favourite footballers! 🤍
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Hi! congrats for 700 followers!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 i love your fics and one shots <3
following the game… can i suggest Navy (ofc) Rabbit and if possible starfish too 🥺🥺🥺
Thank you 🫶🏼
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HI SORRY THIS TOOK A BILLION YEARS BUT GUESS WHAT IT'S DONE NOW :) thank you for your patience sweet friend
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x Female Reader
Trope/Prompt: Friends to Lovers x Body Worship
Summary: Law finds out you've never had an orgasm. A doctor treats a patients ailments. You get the idea. MINORS DNI
WC: 3100 hehe
TWs: inexperienced reader, alcohol consuption, fingering, oral sex f receiving, power dynamic kinda, smooth talking Law, body worship and praise, pet names, ugh it's porn.
Climax (+18)
Sure, the Heart Pirates weren’t the scariest or the biggest or the baddest pirate crew out there… but they were still pirates at the end of the day. The Heart Pirates could drink. Although Law himself didn’t indulge in as many rowdy evenings as the other members of his crew, he still enjoyed socializing with them. They were his crew, after all. 
This particular evening, Law found himself bored of his work and decided to venture out from his office and into the common areas of the ship. Law shuffled tiredly towards the sound of glasses clinking and slurred voices talking over each other. He almost decides to turn back to his bedroom and try to get some shut eye. His back ached, the twinge in his muscles pleading with him to go to sleep, but he hears something else. Your lilted giggle floats through the metal halls of the submarine and straight into his ears. He wanted to at least see you before he went to bed… something sweet to think about as he fell asleep… 
“Yeah, okay well you’re stupid, so.” You sip from your freshly cracked beer and roll your eyes at Shachi. 
“Wow! What a good insult, y/n! You’re so fucking creative!” Shachi jeers at you with a big fake smile on his face. “I set you up, and you lost! You have to finish your drink, I don’t care that you just opened a new one!” 
“Unless you want me to barf on your cards, probably not.” You chuckle. 
“And I have seen her throw up. It is NOT cute.” Ikkaku pipes up. Ikkaku leans in and whispers purposefully loudly to Penguin. “Shes a scream-puker.”
“Okay so, I am not a scream-puker!” You defend yourself. 
“Yeah, you are.”
Your head whips around towards the galley door. Law stands there leaning against the frame, looking exhausted, but that wasn’t out of the ordinary for him. 
“Last time you had the flu I thought we were under attack and sounded the Tang’s defensive alarm.” Law says as he smirks at you. 
You pout and turn back to the table. 
“Okay that one time… and I was really sick, you know!” You huff. 
“Room for one more?” Law grabs a beer out of the fridge and sits down at the dining table without waiting for a response. 
“Of course, Captain!” Ikkaku chimes in. “We were just telling Shachi he has to finally tell that girl from the last island to stop calling him.” 
“She’s sooooo hot though! And she’s totally into me!” Shachi pleads his case. 
“We will never see her again!” You interject. 
“So? She doesn’t know that! And besides, the phone sex is better than nothing-” 
“You’re having phone sex? Here? On my ship?” Law immediately butts in and cocks his head in confusion. 
“… is that? Is that not cool? Did we have a rule about that or something?” Shachi questions. 
“No.. it’s just vile, Shachi.” Law shakes his head. 
“Hah! He thinks you’re fuckin’ gross!” Ikkaku points and laughs directly at Shachi who was making quite the face. You couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Oh whatever, I’ve been getting the best sleep of my life thanks to this! I’m like, almost twice as productive as I normally am!” He tries to build his case back up. 
“Why?” You ask, curious what those things had to do with each other. 
“What do you mean? Everyone knows how great the sleep is after you finish, am I wrong?” 
“You are correct there.” Penguin adds, sipping his beer. Ikkaku hums in agreement.
“Hah, okay. Wouldn’t know.” You add softly, secretly hoping no one would hear you. 
“What?” Ikkaku turns to you and asks. 
“Nothing it’s just that I… wouldn’t…? Know..?” Really pleading with your eyes for her to read between the lines and you wouldn’t have to say it out loud yourself. 
“Wait okay… you’ve never… had an orgasm?” Ikkaku’s eyes widen. 
“Correct.” You take a deep breath. “At least I don’t think I have.” You feign a laugh. 
“Oh you’d KNOW.” Shachi affirms from across the table, also staring at you with a bewildered expression. “Woah… that’s crazy. Are you a virgin or something?” He continues. 
“No!” You defend yourself. “The guys I’ve been with just suck, apparently. Can we stop talking about this?” You knit your eyebrows together and rub your eyes. 
“No way this is fascinating. How old are you? Twenty five? And you’ve never had an orgasm? Like never once? Even by yourself?” Ikkaku probes further. 
“Oooookay guys I never miss a good time to shut the fuck up, so I am going to head to bed!” You stand up from the table and straighten out your boiler suit. You were met with pleas and apologies from your crew mates, while your captain remained stoic during the entire exchange. You felt his eyes burning a hole through you as you left the galley. 
You swiftly make your way through the metal corridors of the ship towards your stateroom. You weren’t upset at your crew mates, it really was fascinating how you had made it this long in your life without feeling the peak of physical pleasure. It wasn’t for lack of trying, you had tried several times to pleasure yourself… and taken a small handful of lovers, none of whom could make you cum. 
You slip off your boiler suit and let it fall to the floor in an off-white heap. You pick out some grey pajamas, a thin camisole and matching shorts, throw it on and sit on your bed to brush out your hair. You untie your hair from the thick bun on your head and let it cascade down your bare shoulders. 
You had almost finished brushing our your locks when you notice the room has somehow changed… as if in the blink of an eye everything was sheathed in a faint blue glow. A familiar blue… 
“Wait no!” You could barely yelp out before you ass meets a different surface in an instant. “Ah!” You gasp and open your eyes to see that you’re no longer in your own bed, but in Law’s. You blink rapidly for a few moments to try and regain your surroundings. You catch your breath. 
You look up and see Law standing at the edge of his bed, looking at you with his shirt unbuttoned. Did he already have it unbuttoned when you were drinking… or did he take it off since then…? 
“Gods, Law.” You sigh and shake your head. “You can’t keep doing that to people. You could have just called my snail or something.” 
“Heard Shachi’s been keeping the line busy tonight.” Law looks down at your barely covered form on his bed. You push your legs up to your chest and wrap your arms around them. He smirks. “So… is it true?” Law walks slowly around to the side of the bed, eyes never leaving yours. He was like an animal stalking its prey. 
“T-the orgasm thing?! T-thats what you brought me here to talk about?!” You could feel your cheeks flush bright red. You sink your head further behind your legs. “I-it’s really not a big deal…” You turn your eyes down to avoid his gaze. 
“You know, the human orgasm is really just a tool.” Law continues eyeing your body and ignoring what you had just said. “The reason it feels so good goes back to our earliest days of evolution. All living organisms, even plants, exist with one similar purpose in common. Do you know what that is, y/n?”
You pick your head up a bit from behind your knees. 
“T-to… n-not get eaten by a larger thing?” You sputter out.
“Reproduction.” Law answers his own question. “Every creature is designed with a primal need to create more of itself…” He paces towards his nightstand and back before taking his massive sword off his back and setting it against the bedpost. “The male orgasm is necessary for human reproduction, obviously. But the female orgasm…” He trails off and you look up and lock eyes. “Is it a bit more complicated…” 
“Some professionals say the spasming of the female reproductive organs during orgasm allows for easier penetration through the cervix for the ejaculate to pass through… and some say the female orgasm doesn’t even exist at all…” 
“Are you seriously doctor-ing me about this?!?” You finally find your voice a bit stronger in your throat. “I’ve lived this long without it and-“
“I however, y/n, don’t care what the purpose of it is. And I do know it exists. And I plan on giving you at least one this evening.” Law says as he sheds his button down off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Tattoos on full display, his chiseled abdominal muscles right at your eye level paired with the topic of conversation made you press your legs together even harder. 
“C-captain that is highly unnecessary and unprof-“ You try to protest shakily. 
“Nonsense.” Law steps so his thighs are against the edge of the bed. His right hand comes up to drag two fingers up your calf and rest his palm on your knee. He rubbed soft circles onto your knee with his thumb. “Now if you’re done being so stubborn, we can get started.” 
You leaned back on your elbows and blinked up at the man standing before you, your captain. You couldn’t believe this was really happening, but you were too stunned to question it. You trusted him with your life and more, why not let him try and help you?
“Alright.” You say softly, more to yourself than to Law. 
“Good. Now take your clothes off.” 
You cock your head back in surprise and your eyes widen. 
“Getting straight to it I guess…” You chuckle nervously. 
“We can go slower, if you’d like?” Law takes his hand off your leg, a genuine look of care in his grey eyes. 
“No no! I-it’s fine! I just didn’t, you know… like… well I wasn’t really planning for anyone to see me naked tonight is all!” You say awkwardly. 
“The only thing I care about tonight is pleasuring you. Will you let me?”
You don’t say anything in response, but you lift your thin grey camisole over your head and throw it to the floor. You didn’t look up to see Law’s response, you just shimmied your shorts down your legs and resumed your position laying on Law’s bed. 
Fully bare in front of your captain, you could feel your cheeks become hotter than they’ve ever been. 
“So what should-“ You begin.
“Fucking gorgeous.” Law interrupts. 
“S-sorry?” You question. 
“You are so fucking hot. So pretty.” Law was no longer staring into your eyes, but raking his gaze all over your naked body. “Spread your legs for me, yah?” Law asks, a bit more pleading than his normal demanding tone. It was like something shifted in him once you had taken your clothes off. He returns his hand to your knee, bringing his other hand as well this time to gently push your legs open to expose your sex to him. You hear him suck in a breath. 
Suddenly, Law pounces on you. You’re knocked back on the bed further and your head hits the mattress. Law chuckles playfully above you as he supports himself on his hands, black shaggy hair falling towards your face. 
“Hi.” He grins down at you. 
“H-hi..” You manage to smile back. Law leans down further and begins placing wet kisses along your neck, craning your head to the side almost involuntarily.  “O-oh okay.. t-that’s fine… AH!” You feel a cold hand pinch your left nipple.  
“So sensitive… this is going to be easy..” You feel Law’s mouth curve into a smile as he litters more kisses on you, this time across your collarbone. He moves his head lower and captures your right nipple in his soft lips and sucks gently. You let out a long sigh and throw your head back against the mattress further. Quiet gasps left your mouth as he worked your chest in his hands and tongue. 
Without fully realizing that Law’s hand had left your breast, you feel it cup your mound firmly without warning. You try to close your legs instinctively at the sudden contact. 
“Ah ah, no y/n. You’ve been hiding this pretty thing from me for too long.” Law says as he pulls back from your chest. He pressed his fingers against the top of your slit and started rubbing it in circles. “I promise it’ll feel so good.”  
Law leans up and places a gentle kiss on your parted mouth, you were too dazed to kiss him back just yet. He pulls away and settles himself on the floor on his knees in front of where you were laying. Strong arms hook under your knees and drag you swiftly so that your legs were hanging off the bed and your sex was mere inches from his hungry gaze and spit-slicked lips. 
“Even more fucking beautiful than I’d imagined…” Law says as he spreads your pussy with his thumb and forefinger, exposing your throbbing clit and dripping hole to him. “So eager and ready for me…” 
“Wait you imagi- SHIT!” You cry out as you feel Law’s hot tongue lap at your clit. It was so good, so thoughtful, so precise… he knew exactly what he was doing. “Oh my god-“ You had never received better head and he was only just getting started… maybe he was going to fulfill his promise. He alternative between suckling at your sensitive pearl and taking wide swaths over your whole sex with his entire mouth, as if he was trying to drink up every last drop your pussy was offering him. 
“So sweet…” You could barely understand what Law was muttering about, he was so drunk off your essence that all you could really hear was pained moans and groans of “mmhmmpph” as he enjoyed your taste. Your back was arching off the bed and you grabbed at Law’s hair, pulling him impossibly closer to you as you wanted to make sure he kept going. 
You moaned loudly as he slipped two fingers into your eager hole. He distracted you with harsh sucks to your clit as he crooked his fingers upwards inside of you. 
“Wait fuck!” You cry out, feeling a foreign sensation as Law pulled on that spot inside your walls. 
“Yeah there it is baby… there it is right there… let it happen…” Law cooed into your wetness as he continued to hammer into your sweet spot with his two fingers. He resumed his ministrations on your clit. 
“Law! I can’t!” You gasp as that warmth and pressure in your lower half grew stronger and tighter. 
“You can… get out of that pretty little head of yours, babe. Stop thinking and just let it go…” 
You try to center yourself and clear your mind, eliminating all thoughts except for the feeling of Law’s hands and mouth on you. It wasn’t hard to do, his presence took over your every sense entirely… the heady smell of his cedar cologne, the absolute determined and lust-filled look in his eyes that were peeking up at you from between your legs, and the overwhelming feeling of his mouth lapping up your juices with fervor. 
“I-I think… ah! Fuck!” Your shoulders lurch forward on their own, your walls starting to tighten sporadically around Law’s thick fingers. 
“You’re so close, pretty girl… just a little more… squeeze those tits for me, yah?” Law asks before returning his mouth to your throbbing nub. 
You do as you’re told and you wrap your manicured hands around your own breasts. You pull desperately at your nipples and cry out from the intense pleasure. 
“Law!” You moan your captain’s name as tears prick the corners of your eyes from the sensation. 
“Cum.” Law growls.
With a strangled scream, everything in your body released and your breath caught in your throat. Euphoric waves pulsed from your sex outwards and you felt the tears fall freely from your lash line as your legs shook. Your scream turned into a moan, and then fell into a whine as you suddenly felt too sensitive to have Law’s touch on you and you squirmed away. 
You caught your breath after what could have been 30 seconds or 5 minutes and take a look between your legs. Law stared up at you, face and bangs soaked in some sort of liquid… your liquid… and a stupid grin plastered across his face. 
“Holy fuck, I’m sorry I-“ You stutter out through heaving breaths. 
“Don’t.” Law stops you. “Don’t apologize. That was so fucking hot. Didn’t peg you for a squirter. Nice.” He rubs his hands on your thighs as he stands up. Your face flushes impossibly redder. “How do you feel?” Law asks. 
“I…” You flop your head back onto Law’s bed. “I feel like I got hit by a sea train but also incredibly light? My legs feel like pudding.” You sit back up on your elbows. “Law… captain… That was amazing…” You smile up at him. 
“Good.” Law looks down at the mess you’ve made between your legs and on his comforter. He looks down at his chest and sees even more remnants of your release. 
“How about we get cleaned up before bed and I can show you a few more things, yah? You’re staying with me tonight.” Law offers you a hand and you stand up on shaky legs to follow him to the bathroom. 
“Hmmm maybe this time it can be your turn?” You glance down at Law’s obvious bulge straining against his spotted jeans. “I owe you one, right?” You smirk. 
— —
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pietropatrol · 2 months
The Love You Want (Part 2/2)
Read Part 1
Pietro Maximoff was a great teammate and a great "friends with benefits." That was, until you fell for him but he started to push you away. Now he was just a teammate with benefits. A charity gala put on by Tony causes tension between you and the speedster. Why is he so upset anyway?
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Pairing: Pietro x Reader
Warnings: sexual content, pining idiots, language, angst, past trauma, jealousy
Words: 3,359
The prestigious doctors Tony had wanted you to schmooze were an easy conversation for two reasons. 
One being you were a medical professional yourself. You were just a nurse practitioner in terms of your degree, but they were curious about how you used it in the field as an Avenger. Two, you were a walking medical miracle. 
The serum had made you not only able to let your body heal itself, but heal others. Though the latter was to a certain extent and you had learned that the hard way. 
The rule now was to stabilize with your powers if necessary, then treat medically until out of combat. Your powers could be depleted if you used them extensively on others, to the point your body is unable to heal yourself. 
Bucky slid up to your side with another drink after a few minutes. He inclined his head to you and you nodded in return. 
You would be okay… eventually. Would your heartache last for a few months? Yes. Pietro had been a fixation in your life for the last 2 years. You had never even entertained the thought of trying to be with someone else, officially or casually.
Why would you? You trusted no one outside of your team. At the rate it took to trust someone, it would be a decade before you’d be able to even try. You’d probably have to up your therapy sessions now too. 
When the band started up after their break, Bucky excused the pair of you and pulled you over to the dance floor. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked quietly. 
You shrugged, trying to ignore the sting returning to your eyes. “I basically told him I loved him, and then I broke it off.” 
“Did he say anything?” 
“No, he didn’t seem to know what to say.” Your voice was tight. “And when he did, I kept spewing my feelings at him. Like if I didn’t get it all out it was going to eat me alive.” 
“And how do you feel now?” Bucky glanced over your shoulder, face neutral at whoever he made eye contact with. 
“Is it pathetic of me to feel empty? How could I become so dependent on him? After everything that’s happened to me?” 
Bucky’s gaze softened on you. “Y/N, you’re not pathetic. You love Pietro, and he isn’t your ex. It’s okay that you are attached to him.” 
You hummed in response, not knowing what else to say. 
“I am going to give you my observation, okay? Pietro loves you too.”
You started to disagree. 
Bucky shook his head. “He has been stalking you since the moment you came back out here. His eyes have not left you. I’ve been watching him circle this atrium, ignore his date, and try to approach you multiple times.” 
“I told you, he’s possessive.”
“Why would he be if he didn’t love you? Sure, some other men out there may be possessive without love, but I’ve seen how protective he is of you too. On missions, he’s not ever far from you. And, I bet if I start putting the moves on you again he’s going to stop being a scared-cat and finally come over here.” 
“I’m just that good in bed is all, he doesn’t want to lose that,” you joked, though the words sounded hollow to your ears. 
Bucky rolled his eyes and pulled you in closer as he dipped his heads towards you. 
You didn’t even have time to pull your head back as you were swept into the arms of Pietro and on the other side of the dance floor. 
Bucky gave you a look that was clearly an ‘I told you so’ and went back to the bar.
“I don’t share, Y/N. I’ve told you this,” Pietro growled and it made your knees weak. Why was him being a possessive asshole hot to you? 
“And I thought I told you it was best for us to end whatever this is?” You gave him a pointed look. 
“So you jump right on the next available teammate?” 
“Sure, that’s what that was,” you spat. “Bucky is my new fuck buddy.” 
Pietro paused from leading you around the dance floor and narrowed his eyes in on you, searching for something. 
You stuck your chin out at him and didn’t speak a word. He could be the one to determine if that was true or not. If that was what he thought of you, so be it. 
“I’m selfish,” he admitted quietly. “I’ve been selfish with you and I’m sorry.” 
“For what?” 
“Saying for everything would be an easy out, but you deserve more than that.” His hand delicately curled into your waist. Your instincts screamed to move closer to him, to create more contact.
“You can start with bringing my own personal nemesis to this event, and starving me beforehand. I can’t scarf down the hors d’oeuvres without worrying I am going to end up on the ‘don’t’ section of their ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ column,” you replied, throwing a glare at Sierra who was already glaring at you. 
“You may end up in that section anyway for stealing her date.” He grinned teasingly down at you and your heart raced. It felt friendly in a way it hadn’t been for a long time. 
“Her date actually stole me from mine, why do they always blame women for men’s actions?” You scowled.
“Are you really here with Barnes officially?” 
“I would ask you the same thing about Lineheart, but I saw you physically recoil from her.” You rose your eyebrows at him. 
He had the decency to appear a little bit guilty. “I’m sorry for bringing her to get a rise out of you. I now realize what a bad idea that was.” 
“Wow, an apology and confession.” 
“Are you really here with Barnes?” Pietro insisted on knowing. 
“Well considering you made it so I would not remember this event was coming up—”
“I’m only half-sorry for that. The second half that is, when I didn’t remind you. The initial distraction I am quite proud of.” He cocked his head at you, watching the heat spread up your neck and cheeks. 
You shook your head to clear your thoughts. “No, I’m not here with Bucky. He found me while I was avoiding you and offered to help make you jealous.”
The flash of relief was apparent in Pietro’s eyes. “Because it looked very convincing.”
“Well, that is part of our jobs some days. Acting convincing. You and I have done it many times before.” 
The pair of you had done a few undercover missions that required you to be a couple. It was usually the most fun you had doing a job. 
“Yeah, but I like to think it’s because we have something real going on too.” Pietro’s thumb started stroking your side, making it difficult to not melt into him.
“I’m sure it helped for you, as apparently you are terrible at acting. But it was all a show to make you jealous. Which is immature, I know. But fight fire with fire. It got the point across didn’t it?” 
“Were you jealous?” Pietro asked, spinning you around again. 
“Truthfully, no.” You frowned and he frowned back at you. “I was more hurt than anything, and then I knew you were trying to make me jealous so I was pissed off.”
“I’m an idiot.” 
“Why would you even want me to be jealous, Pietro? It’s not like I’ve been the one pushing you away,” you said sharply. 
Pietro sighed and pulled you off the dance floor. “Can we go talk somewhere more quiet? I’ve fucked up this all up, and I don’t want to cross our wires wrong anymore.” 
“Yeah, I know a place.” 
“How did you know about this?” Pietro glanced around the rooftop garden, empty and off limits for this event. 
“I attended a S.H.I.E.L.D. event here a lifetime ago.” You took a swig from the bottle of champagne you stole from the kitchen on the way. 
Last time you had been up here, your parents and ex were in attendance and everything was seemingly perfect. Your ex was still a secret hydra agent the whole time after all.
“I hope it was a happy time.” 
“If I forget all that happened after, sure,” you said with a small laugh and handed the bottle to Pietro, who graciously accepted. “Not that I would want too, completely,” you added quietly.
“Y/N,” he started, turning to face you. You still looked out over the city, unsure and scared of what was going to be said. “I wish I could take back this last year.” 
You sucked in a sharp breath as an ache started to spread across through your chest. 
“After I am almost died for the second time in my life, I got scared for many reasons. And I didn’t handle it well. Do you know why I got hurt?” 
You shook your head, not trusting your voice at that moment. 
“I hesitated between you and Wanda. It took me a day or two to figure that out. I was going for Wanda but then I saw a gun on you and I changed course.” 
“I would have been fine,” you assured him. “I was fine.” 
“Which scared me even more. I know you will be fine 99% of the time. But in that moment all I could think about was protecting you. That what if that time it was the 1% of the time you wouldn’t be fine?” 
“Unlikely, but I get that.” You turned to him and met his intense gaze. “There is a 75% chance you’ll be fine, but that 25% feels so much bigger.” 
Pietro nodded and continued, “In that moment, you became more of a priority than Wanda, and that scared me. It still scares me. She has been my priority since we were children, but you overroad that. It felt like I betrayed her.” 
“Is that why she’s been mad at me since then?” You frowned. It had been hard to lose the close relationship with Wanda while Pietro was also pushing you away. 
“No. She’s mad at your for not breaking it off with me after I started pushing you away. She thinks you deserved better.” 
“The both of you are terrible at communication,” you mused, and turned back to look over the city. 
“Which brings me to also why I’ve been ass.” Pietro took a deep breath. 
“An astronomical ass,” you agreed. 
“Astronomical, yes. What scares me the most is loving you and losing you.” Your gaze snapped back to him, dumbfounded. “I thought that if I just pushed you away enough, I would never have to risk feeling that. I tried to quit you cold turkey, but I’m selfish and can’t go a week without your touch. I’m so selfish that I don’t want—”
“To see you with any other man. I don’t want another man to even—” 
“Pietro, wait—” 
“touch or flirt with you. But I realize now, I was going to lose you even more if I pushed you away.  I love you and I hurt you, and I’m so—” 
You covered his mouth with your hand, stunning him into silence. “You love me?” 
His quirked an eyebrow at you and pulled your hand away from his mouth. “Yes, I love you. What little I had of you was the only thing keeping me sane. But it was also driving me insane. It was torture to leave you abruptly every time when all I wanted to do was burrow further into you and never leave.” 
A shudder ran up your spine and Pietro smirked. You were simultaneously relieved, joyful, and annoyed at the same time at that look. 
“You’re a fucking idiot, you know that?” You smacked his shoulder. “When has pretending not to love someone ever worked? We’ve watched movies together where the hero hurts the love interest to protect them, and it doesn’t work.” 
“Well, those love interests weren’t also superheroes,” Pietro defended himself. 
“Do superheroes not also have feelings?” 
Pietro rolled his eyes. “Like you said, I’m an idiot.” 
“A fucking idiot,” you corrected. 
“You make me one, honestly,” he chuckled and reached out to caress your cheek.  “But it was more than a selfish decision too. Just so you know.” His thumbs brushed your cheek bones, leaving trails of tingling skin. “I got hurt and then you got hurt trying to help me. I thought pulling away would stop whatever we had going on and you would be safe if you were less inclined to save my ass.” 
“It was my decision to make!” you said, letting your annoyance penetrate every syllable. 
“Yes, but we didn’t know at the time that your powers can be drained. You may have been less likely to jump straight into a line of fire if I got hurt again.” 
“You’ve watched too many hero movies now that I think about it. So much so that you think like the hero. Doubting how stubborn the love interest is.” You narrowed your eyes at his amused expression. “Not realizing that as strongly as the hero feels for the love interest, the love interest feels just as much. That she would crawl through broken glass to save the hero.” 
“And I ask that you promise me not to, dragoste.” His hand slide onto the back of your neck and he pulled you flush to him. His heat welcome in the cool summer air. “It hurts me more to see you hurt because of me.” 
“Well, you’re going to have to learn to live without that promise.” You brushed your lips against his. “Would you make the same promise to me?” 
A rumble of disagreement vibrated in his chest and he held you tighter. “I can’t make that promise.” 
“Well, it appears we are at an impasse.” 
“Can we just agree not to get hurt as much as possible?” Pietro nuzzled into your neck, his hands skating down your spine. 
“I think I can try,” you snorted, tilting your head back to give him full access to you neck. 
“If you let me, I will love you with my whole being. I’ve been biting—” he nipped as the crook of your neck and you yelped. “—at the bit to do so for so long.” 
“I think the phrase is ‘champing at the bit’,” you breathlessly teased. “But I think I can be inclined to let you love me. Would you mind showing me?” 
Pietro pulled away momentarily, resulting in an annoyed grunt from you. 
“Were you going to let Barnes kiss you?” His eyes were dark and molten on yours. 
“If I said yes, you would get even more possessive and it’s kind of hot. But no, I was going to pull away when you intervened to keep me to yourself. Because I love you, Pietro.” 
“I can’t believe he was going to kiss you.” Pietro came back to your neck and his hands fiddled with the silk of your dress just above your ass. “And while you are painfully beautiful in your dress, I would much rather see you out of it.” 
Tensions were high at last night’s Stark Industries gala. Y/N Y/L/N, a.k.a. Vitality, was seen to be getting extremely cozy with not only Bucky Barnes, a.k.a. Winter Soldier, but also Pietro Maximoff, a.k.a. Quicksilver. Our source says Y/L/N was all over Barnes at the beginning of the night until Maximoff almost came to blows with his teammate over her. How many more teammates has Y/L/N—
Your phone was ripped from your hands and tossed onto the nightstand. You looked up to see Pietro, only wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and holding the morning’s provisions he had just gone in search of.
“Do not read that garbage,” he chided, “She’s going to be up your ass for a bit but she’ll get bored.” 
“She is not going to let this go anytime soon, Piet. You poked the proverbial bear by basically ghosting her.  And she saw us leave together!” 
“Everyone saw us leave together, because I wanted them to,” Pietro admitted and slid the plate over to you. It was an assortment of fruits and a couple of bagels. 
“Well you succeeded. I will avoid the internet for the foreseeable future. Your fangirls are going to have a field day with me,” you sighed and stifled a yawn. 
Pietro’s eyes tracked your movements and trailed to your bare backside. “I could get used to this.” 
“Used to what?” you played dumb, wanting to hear the answer. 
“You naked in our bed every morning.” 
You paused from grabbing a strawberry. “Our bed?” 
“You’re moving into my room,” he stated, sliding up over your back and ghosting his lips over your shoulder before he bit down at the base of your neck. 
You did you best not to gurgle in response. That spot always sent every nerve into a frenzy. 
“I will not spend another night or morning away from you, if I can help it,” he murmured and gripped your hip bones in his warm, skillful hands.
“Your moving this fast, huh Maximoff?” you tried to keep a level tone, but your voice still came out breathy as he pinned you further to mattress under his weight. 
“This,” he emphasized by pressing himself into your backside, letting you feel just what he meant, “has been going on for two years, dragoste. So not fast at all. Besides, some things don’t need to be fast. I can be quite good at taking things slow, as you know.” 
His teeth nibbled at you again. “I know all to well, you are torturously slow sometimes,” you panted. 
“You love the result though, no?” His lips began to trail down your back. 
You bit back a moan as he hiked your hips up, ass in the air. His fingers dancing dangerously over you clit. You tried to push again him, but he quickly held you in place.
“So eager, dragoste? It’s only been an hour.” 
You growled in frustration. “Wipe that smirk off your face, Pietro.” 
“You can’t even see my face,” he argued. 
“Oh, eat me.”
“Gladly,” he grinned, “after you answer my question.” 
“Of course,” you whined, aching from the teasing. 
“Good girl.”
His mouth was on you before you could even moan from being called a good girl. 
“Alright, who won?” Tony looked around to the team that had made it to the kitchen that morning. 
“Won what?” Nat asked.
“The bet.” 
“What bet?” 
“For how long it would take Pietro and Y/N to acknowledge their feelings and go public. I had 1 year since we placed the bet, we’re at 10 months since the bet.” Tony looked to Wanda, Steve, and Bruce. 
“You guys knew?” Nat gaped at them. 
“You didn’t?” Steve was shocked. “Nat, even I could see it.” 
“No, Steve knows only because he was unfortunate to walk in on them in the sparing room onetime. They did not notice,” Tony rolled eyes. 
“And you Bruce?” Nat asked, she couldn’t believe she’d not seen it.
“I was unfortunate to walk in on them in the med bay once after a missions, they did not notice.” Bruce grimaced. “I just needed a bandaid.” 
“All I needed to see was their constant fuck me eyes to know. It sometimes can come off as playful or antagonistic looks, but they may be one and the same for them.” Tony shrugged. 
“Well, I lost. I thought it would only take a month for them to work their shit out,” Wanda groaned. 
“I had six months, so that puts me four months off,” Steve sighed. 
“I had three months, I had more faith in them than I should have,” Bruce conceded.
“Well that makes me the winner. They are both stubborn idiots. What’s our next wager? When to expect a mini-avenger now that they are bound to be stupid-in-love idiots?” Tony teased. 
“Not funny, Stark,” Nat grunted.
REQUESTED TAGS: @fxllen0stxrs, @littlemarvelstan8, fandomenbylover
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inuyassa · 2 years
How the Monster Trio would React to You Sacrificing Yourself for Them in Battle
Ft. Luffy, Zoro, Sanji
Fem!Reader (she/her)
Warnings: Implied Injury, Violence, Slight Gore
Hurt/No Comfort
Angst/No Comfort
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Luffy dropped to his knees, his latest use of Second Gear left his skin burning and his heart racing.  His opponent showed no signs of slowing down, and for the first time in the long duel, Luffy couldn’t see himself lasting much longer.  The villain charged, sword at the ready, the blade aimed for the young captain's chest, the x-shaped scar acting as his target.  Luffy closed his eyes and felt hot tears burning in his eyes…the sickening sound of the blade piercing flesh echoed in his ears, but he felt nothing.  
He opened his eyes, the horror of the situation finally setting in.  Y/n stood in front of him, her arms outstretched, protecting her captain.  The blade was plunged deep into her chest and protruding out her back.  She glared at the man before her, her brow furrowed.  “Stay away from…him.”  
Luffy felt his breath catch in his throat, his whole body shook in fear.  “No…” he breathed.  The sword was crudely pulled from y/n’s chest, causing her to fall backwards.  Luffy lunged forward to catch her, her face contorted in pain, blood running from the corner of her mouth.  “Y/n, hey, y/n!”  
She opened her eyes, looking up at him, tears in her eyes.  “Hey captain,” she choked. “Sorry, I guess I was a little hasty in my decision making.”  She began to cough, hot blood staining Luffy’s vest.  Rage filled his chest, he gently laid her down and stood up, his eyes dark and hollow.  With a second wind, he used all his power to take out the man before him, the one that hurt his crewmate…
Y/n watched with cloudy vision as the Straw Hat Captain decimated the warrior.  He walked slowly back to her and lifted her limp body into his arms, holding her close.  She felt warm against his skin, she smiled, maybe only in her mind, but she smiled.  “Promise me,” she breathed.  “Promise me that you’ll keep going…you have…to become king…”
Y/n lifted her hand to caress his face.  “No,” he said.  “You have to come with me y/n, you have to be there when we find the One Piece…”
At this point, the rest of the crew was there, each of them holding their breath.  Chopper rushed to the scene, trying to assess the situation.  “She's fading fast,” he said.  “We don’t have a lot of time Luffy, we have to treat her.”
“It’s okay Chopper,” y/n said, turning her head weakly towards the doctor.  “I know I don’t have much time left.  If you don’t mind…I’d like to spend it…with Luffy.”
Chopper nodded, tears of his own now began to pour.  He ran to Zoro who knelt down to comfort his tiny friend, the rest of the crew watching in heartbreaking horror as their crewmate spent her last moments in the arms of young Luffy…his guttural wails filling the still, evening air.
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“Dammit,” Zoro gripped his side, hot blood covering his hand.  He couldn’t keep this up much longer.  He drew his third sword, gripping it tightly in his mouth.  “Let’s go,” he growled.  Charging the onslaught of marines. Zoro used his deadly three-sword style to take out a small cluster, but another one was fast to take over.  “Shit,” this whole thing was getting out of hand.  That’s when y/n came running up behind him.  
“Mosshead!” She yelled, her staff at the ready.  “You looked like you could use some help.”
Zoro smirked.  “I have it covered,” he was trying not to make it too obvious that he was relieved to see her.  She nodded and went to work.  The marines seemed more determined than ever, and this fight was draining the two of them.  Zoro found himself pinned to the ground under the foot of a powerful commander.  “Do you have any last words swordsman,” the marine sneered as he aimed his pistol at Zoro’s face.  
“Do you?” Y/n’s voice came from behind him, burying her knife into the mans back.  The marine yelled out in pain before turning around.  Y/n knocked his pistol from his hand and he retaliated by reaching for her neck and lifting her off the ground.  She kicked her feet and clawed at his arm.  He pulled a knife from his belt and plunged it into her gut.  She let out a pained gag before going limp in his grip.  
Zoro’s blood ran cold, he watched in horror as y/n’s body hit the ground.  He felt his whole body shaking as he reached for his sword.  Placing it in his mouth, he summoned the power of his Demon Sword Style.  He decapitated the man, ad took a few more limbs for good measure. The bloody corpse hit the ground and Zoro kicked it away.  At that moment, the seriousness of his own injuries hit him and he fell to his hands and knees.  With blurry vision, he crawled to where y/n’s body lay.  He painfully rolled her over before scooping her up into his arms.  “Hey,” he croaked.  “Hey, hey look at me.  Y/n, look at me.” He held her face in his hand and gently shook her body.  “You can’t do this to me…you can’t leave me like this!  Come on, I already suck with directions, you know that… please don’t go where I can’t follow…”
Y/n laid lifeless in his arms.  Her skin was cold and covered in warm blood.  
He pressed a shaking kiss to her forward, tears falling on her face.  “Come back…please come back…”
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“Sanji behind you!” Y/n screamed as she ran towards the distracted cook.  He was busy fighting off one attacker that he didn’t see the gunman taking aim behind him.  She charged towards him, jumping in the path of the speeding bullet.  It hit her chest with a sickening thud and she fell to the ground, rolling a few more feet before coming to a stop against a large rock.  Sanji felt time stand still as he turned and saw the love of his life get thrown to the ground.  “Y/N!!!!” He screamed, racing towards her.  Zoro heard him yell and looked over.  “Shit,” he breathed.  He made his way towards them.  “I’ll cover you,” Zoro yelled.  “Get to her!” 
Sanji nodded and ran down the short embankment where y/n lay, writhing in pain and gasping for air.  Sanji knelt down, his hands hovering over her in a panic, not sure what to do.  When she started coughing up blood, he sat her up, holding her against him.  She gripped at his suit jacket, trying to ground herself.  “Sanji…” she wheezed.  “Are you okay?”
Sanji forced a laugh, even in her state she was still worried about him.  “I’m fine, my love, but you shouldn’t talk.  You need to save your strength till we can get you back to the Sunny.”
Y/n shook her head.  “Sanji, I’m not making it back to the Sunny…not alive anyway..." Another coughing fit overtook her, warm blood pouring from her mouth. She gagged on the metallic taste.
Sanji grabbed her hand.  “Don’t say that y/n, you just need to catch you breath and then we’ll get you home okay?  Just stay with me, okay, stay with me.”
Y/n caressed his face with her hand, she could feel her consciousness fading fast.  “I love you Sanji…and I’m sorry…”
Moments later, the crew watched as Sanji walked back to the Sunny carrying the limp body of their friend in his arms, his jacket draped over her face…
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the-guilty-writer · 1 year
Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Request from @steveharringtonsgirl04: Hey! I have a request you can totally say not to it but it just keeps coming back in my head lol  soo dad hotch x teen reader where she just wants her dad to hold her :( like all the hotch hugs so he takes her to the BAU and nobody knows he has a daughter btw I absolutely adore your writing it’s literally my favorite!
Aaron Hotchner x daughter!reader
Summary: Hard days are always made better by Hotchner hugs.
A/N: I fully admit that I am lacking in creativity at the moment and I don’t love the “secret family” trope, so this is just short and fluffy Hotch being the best dad
CW: reader gets her period, mentions of vomiting, suggestion that reader’s mother is Haley but could always be adopted or from another relationship
“Everyone has his day and some last longer than others.”
Well, you were having your day. And it was bad. Before the lunch bell rang for the day you’d already gotten a terrible night sleep, had Jack spill juice on your favorite top, been late for class, gotten locked out of your locker, tripped over your own feet causing you to face plant in front of the upperclassmen, and gotten your period.
It was safe to say that you were having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
You riffled through your backpack, looking for the bottle of Advil to ease the cramps, but when you found it, it was empty. You cursed under your breath.
Terrible. Horrible. No Good. Very Very Bad Day.
With the knowledge that you’d be unable to get through the rest of the day without being in pain, you swallowed your pride and went to the nurse’s office.
“I’m going to have to call a parent or guardian to bring you something,” the older lady told you. “It’s against school policy for me to give students medication without a doctor's note. Is there someone I can call?”
Usually the answer would have been Jessica, but for once she was the guardian who was out of town.
“Yeah, um, my dad,” you said.
The nurse gave you a sympathetic look and left. She came back a few minutes later. “He’s on his way,” she informed you.
Feeling exhausted and uncomfortable, all you could do was nod.
When Hotch walked into the nurse’s office an hour later, he thought you might be on the verge of vomiting. While you tried to look as stoic as him, the paleness of your face gave away how you were actually feeling, and the guilt that he couldn’t get there sooner made his heart sink.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he greeted you, sitting next to you on the cot. He pulled a bottle of Advil from his pocket and handed it to you.
“Thanks.” Your hands were slow but your voice was grateful. “Sorry you had to drive all the way here.”
“No need to apologize.” He kissed your forehead before you downed the pills. You leaned into him slightly and he wrapped his arms around you. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner.”
“‘S not your fault,” your voice was muffled by his suit. You leaned into him and he held you gladly. Just like your mom, you’d always liked hugs, even more so when you hurt.
“Do you want to come to work with me?” he asked. “You can come lay on the couch in my office for the rest of the day.”
You didn’t even question it. “Yes, please."
He signed you out at the front desk. You got a few funny looks, probably doubts that your cramps were really bad enough that you needed the rest of the day off school, but nobody was going to question the glock on your dad's hip or the ID on his shirt.
He helped you into the car, always showing you how any future partner you have should treat you. By the time he climbed into the drivers side, you were already slumped against the door, fast asleep. A gentle smile crept over Hotch’s face as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, careful not to wake you, and then began driving to the office at Quantico.
“Do you need anything?” Your dad asked before he sat down at his desk.
You were curled up on the couch in his office, a warm cup of tea on the small table in front of you and a fuzzy blanket. Halfway through the drive, your dad had stopped to get your favorite food. You had your laptop out so you could relax and watch your favorite movies. Really, you had everything.
“A hug?” you requested. That was the one thing he’d never say no to. He sat beside you on the couch and pulled you into a hug- the safest feeling in the world. As he let go, he kissed your forehead and then pulled the blanket tighter around your shoulders.
You put the headphones on and turned on the movie. Your dad began his paperwork.
It was no longer a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
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sleepykye · 1 year
My owner ~
Muichiro was a cat abandoned and was harsh towards everyone. Until you took him to a doctor and treated for him and cared for him. He turned out to be able to transform into a human.
Link for part 2 : part 2
– 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 –
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It was raining when you were on your way back to your home. The road got wetter and wetter as the streets started to flood. People were groaning as water filled their shoes. Some of them were unlucky and didn't even have umbrellas. You didn't mind though, your shoes were wet and filled with water but you enjoyed the weather. Rainy weathers were always cooling and always calmed you down.
It was then when you walked past a box, you heard a weak meow. You turned back and to your horror, you saw a injured cat. It was bleeding and was meowing weakly. You quickly picked it up as you dashed through the streets. You were looking for a vet until you finally found one.
You were drenched from top to bottom, but the vet still allowed you in to see the treated kitten. The kitten was furious as it scratched you when you tried to touch it. The veteran also had multiple scratches seen on his hands. It was bleeding, the kitten was hissing as it had a gotten up in a defensive stance.
You had no choice but to leave it at the vetinary in the meantime. Tomorrow, you were coming home from work when you suddenly thought about visiting the cat. You decided to stop by a store and bought some canned food from the store. When you went into the room with the cat you found in the street, you saw him there laying down quietly on top of a drawer.
When it saw you, it hissed at you. When you opened the can of food, it stared at you as you put it in front of him. He sniffed the food and licked it before eating it. It was then when you realised that the cat had a collar and name attached to it. You didn't touch the cat to avoid being scratched, but you could read the name from here.
It was " Muichiro ". You called him by that name softly as he turned to you. When you put your hand near his, he surprisingly sniffed you before giving you a small lick. He nuzzled his head on your hand before continuing to eat the canned food.
You could take him home after that. The vet gave you the green light and recommended some cat supplies you can buy for him. You basically spoiled Muichiro all the time. You always bought him toys and beds.
But he preferred to sleep on your chest instead when you are always sleeping. But because you liked to turn and toss in your sleep, you decided to let him sleep on your bed and always put him beside your bed when you are about to sleep.
One night, while you are sleeping, he decided to turn into his human form. His cat ears and tail were still there though. He held you tight as you slept. He slowly dozed off as you were snuggled in his warmth.
The next morning when you woke up, you saw your cat beside you, sleeping peacefully. You were actually confused for awhile as you felt like as if last night you had been hugged by someone. It send shivers down your spine at the thought of someone random cuddling you when you were sleeping. But you decided to ignore that feeling and went to prepare muichiro's food.
You got dressed up and put some milk into his bowl and some cat food beside the bowl. You saw muichiro awake and decided to give him a small smile while petting him.
– 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 –
This just be part 1 my dear readers. I was just not motivated enough to continue the story 😔.
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Little Flutters
First Babies of Private Garden Fic
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AN: The time has finally arrived!! Jack and First Lady are about to be parents!!
Synopsis: Jack misses a very important doctor's appointment for the babies
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Requested by: @hoodharlow and @nattinatalia 💖
First Babies of Private Garden Masterlist
Slight NSFW 18+
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Jack heard you yell for him from upstairs startling him as he was making tea for you and fell asleep at the island in the kitchen.
Neither of you had been getting much sleep 
For one you were carrying three children and it was hard for you to get comfortable at night 
And two, your husband was worried about you and wasn’t sleeping either 
If Jack couldn’t get any sleep now, he couldn’t imagine how it was going to be when the triplets actually got here.
He made sure your tea was just how you liked it before making his way back upstairs to you. Once he caught sight of you, his heart dropped.
You were barely four months in and had a terrible time sleeping and Jack could probably count on one hand how much rest you had gotten in the past week.
“Here, babe. Hopefully this helps.” Jack said as he handed you some chamomile and lavender tea and kissed your forehead in hopes of you getting some sleep.
“Thank you.” You said taking the cup and smiling weakly at him.
“You need anything else?” Jack asked and you shook your head no.
“Babe, it’s 3 in the morning, go to sleep.” You told him as you started to drink your tea and scrolled through your phone. 
“How can I sleep if my wife is uncomfortable? I want to make sure you’re okay and you get rest.”
“I’ll be fine. I know you have a lot to do and I’m going to need you to rest as much as possible. Please don’t argue with me.”
“I’m not trying to argue with you baby. Just worried about you and I might have a solution.” Jack said while laying down next to you.
“And what’s your solution?” You curiously asked because at this point you were willing to try anything.
“Do you want to take a bath with me?”
“I always want to take a bath with you. What kind of question is that?” You asked while looking up at him and all he did was smirk. 
“Finish your tea and I’ll get the water ready.”
You were now sitting with your back against Jack’s chest after he had to help you into the tub. You slightly turned your head so that you were able to hear his heart beating hoping it would help to put you to sleep. But not before
Jack placed soft kisses on your neck before his right hand began to move further south. 
You immediately spread your legs and his hand found its way to your clit slowly rubbing tiny circles as his left hand went to massage your left breast as he continued kissing your neck and Jack noticed that you slowly started to relax in his embrace.
You let out a small moan as Jack continued his movements and slipped two of his fingers inside of you.
“Baby, go faster.” You said as your heartbeat as well as your breathing started to quicken. 
“Patience, my love. I want to take my time.” Jack answered you while kissing the shell of your ear.
“I’m pregnant, not made of glass.” You quickly retorted back and Jack rolled his eyes.
He was glad that you couldn’t see him because he already knew that you were going to give him shit for it.
“Last time I checked, you were extremely pregnant with three children since I’m the one who put them in there. You my love are in delicate condition and I’m not treating you any differently than I normally would.”
“I beg to differ. You hardly let me do anything anymore.”
“Mamas, I’ll stop. And the only thing you need to be doing is staying safe for you and our children.”
“I have a vibrator.”
“It’s not better than having me between your legs, I’ll tell you that.”
“No, but it can get the job done.”
“Baby, just let me do this so I can hopefully put you to sleep. I already know you’re picking fights because you’re tired. Just like a damn toddler.”
“Take it back, Jackman.”
“Only way I’ll take it back is if you be quiet and let me work.” Jack said as he switched to your right breast to give equal attention to both.
After your bath, Jack had gotten the two of you settled into bed,  but not before him asking to be close to you and you immediately said yes.
“I’m definitely too tired to do anything, but I still want to feel you. But I want you to be able to sleep. Any time we do this, you usually lay on top of me, but you obviously can’t do that now.”
“Hmm, I can actually lay comfortably on my left side so wait a minute and let me adjust.”
“You need me to help you?”
“I think I got it, can you just put the pillow underneath my lower back? It’s starting to hurt.”
“Of course, baby.” Jack said as he did his best to make you as comfortable as possible.
“Okay, I think I’m good now.”
“You sure?”
“Mmm hmm.”
“Lift for me a little bit.”
You did as you were told and soon felt Jack slip inside of you while also wrapping his arms around you. 
"Get some sleep, baby girl. Love you." You heard Jack whisper in your ear and that was the last thing that you remembered before falling asleep. 
You woke up hearing your alarm going off and immediately went to silence it.
Jack had told you that he was going to the studio to work on some things, but would be back in time to take you to your doctor's appointment this afternoon.
You had a notification that he had sent you a text and you immediately opened it.
Smush- Good morning wifey and babies. I can't wait to see you later. In the meantime, your breakfast is downstairs on the second shelf in the fridge. Remember to take your vitamins and drink water. Do not order anything else off of Amazon either or I'll tell Urb to take your phone away. I love you 💕
You- Good morning hubby and thank you for making my breakfast. I promise to drink water and take my vitamins. I do not have control over what happens when I go on Amazon. I love you too ❤️ 
Smush- Baby if I see one more damn Amazon package 🤨
You- 👀
Smush- You bought a six compartment air fryer when we already have TWO OTHER ONES.
Enough ma'am 😐
You- you can never have too many air fryers
Smush- in this case you can smh give one to Jessica
You- what if I need it later?
Smush- Baby go eat and stop buying shit smh
You- 🙄
It was around 1 in the afternoon and Jack still wasn't back yet although you expected him thirty minutes ago.
You were dressed and ready to go even though it took you longer without having Jack to help you. You were thinking that he might be stuck in traffic so you sent a quick text to ask him where he was. 
You- Babe, are you on your way?
Sent at 1:02 pm
You- Jackkkkk me and your children are hungry. Can we get McDonald's after my appointment?
Sent at 1:15 pm
You- Seriously, where are you? You should have been back already 
Sent at 1:23 pm
You- Jack, you're making me nervous. You've never missed an appointment and you aren't answering me.
Sent at 1:27 pm
Deciding not to wait for Jack any longer, you grabbed your keys off the holder near the door and waddled your way to your g wagon in order to hopefully still make your appointment in time. Blanca, Jessica, Victoria, and Curse were coming by later and you still had a lot to do around the house before they showed up. Jessica offered to come by early and help you cook after you got back from your appointment. 
At your appointment, it was discovered that although healthy, the babies were actually growing at a faster rate then your doctor originally thought and she decided to schedule you for a cesarean section when you were approximately 33 weeks. She didn’t want to push it further than that since that was typically when triplets would be born. You attempted one last time to call Jack on facetime so he could at least hear what the doctor had to say, but he still didn't answer.
Her telling you that made your nerves get the best of you and your husband was still nowhere to be found despite sending him text messages and calling multiple times. 
That's when you sent a text to Urban. He was supposed to be seeing Curse earlier in the day and the both of them would be by later with Curse promising you another care package that she made.
She made one every month for you. You told her how far along you were and she would include little cards that would tell you what was developing in that current month with the triplets. You still remember when she told you that they would be able to hear you when you got close to 27 weeks, but their hearing starts to develop at 18 which you were close to and they would be able to start to recognize not only your voice, but Jack’s too. She also always made sure to include bath bombs, candles, baby clothes (three matching outfits every single time), your favorite snacks and a pregnancy book that she was hoping Jack didn’t already buy. 
You- Urby? 
Urby- Yes mamas? Everything okay? I’m about to get Curse in a little bit and then we’ll be there. 
You- Where is my husband? Usually you aren’t too far from him
Urby- Sitting next to me in the studio 
You- Oh
Urby- Why? What's wrong? Is it the babies?
You- He didn't take me to my appointment like he said he would. I reminded him earlier this week and he said he would be back from the studio in time. My appointment was at 2, it’s almost 4 and he hasn’t answered any of my texts or calls. I panicked because I thought something had happened to him because he’s been so sleep deprived because of me. He always answers me and I thought the absolute worst. I can't see his location.
Just then Urban's eyes went wide as he looked over at his other best friend and made a face who was barely keeping his eyes open. Urban had noticed this earlier, and mentioned it but Jack insisted that he wanted to go to the studio for at least a few hours. 
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jack asked and Urban just shook his head and looked at him in disbelief. He could only imagine you panicking about Jack and being all by yourself. 
"Did you forget to do something today?"
"No, I don't think so."
"Something for your wife?"
"I made her breakfast and laid out her vitamins for her. Sent her a good morning text like I always do if I leave the house while she’s still sleeping. Why?"
"Jack, when's her next doctor's appointment? Remind me again."
"Thursday at 2."
“Oh, okay.” Urban said as he nodded his head.
“Okay, what? I feel like you want to say something else.”
"Today's Thursday and it is now 4."
"Oh shit." Jack exclaimed before looking for his phone which he had discovered that he put on silent by accident.
He saw all of the text messages from you and his heart dropped. He had never missed an appointment and didn't want to start now.
He immediately dialed your number hoping that you would answer him.
But you didn't 
Even after he called you four times in a row.
"Fuck, she's going to kill me. I just knew today was Wednesday. Neither of us have been sleeping and I guess I got my days wrong. Shit, let me just go check on her."
“I would get her blueberry muffins with cream cheese and her favorite flowers as a peace offering. She told me she knew you were sleep deprived and thought something had happened to you. So between that, hormones, and the babies in her you better have a hell of an apology.”
When Jack reached your house, he opened the door to hear your laughter coming from the kitchen and that's where he headed. Urban left at the same time in order to meet up with Curse. 
He walked in to see you hovering over the stove cooking along with Jessica with what looked like mac and cheese, baked chicken, string beans, and your mom's lemon pound cake which he knew Victoria loved.
He didn't even want to get on you for being on your feet because he knew you were mad.
He would address that after.
"Hey Jess.”
“Hey!” She replied as she continued to season the chicken.
“Umm, babe?" Jack quietly said and you turned to look at him.
"Yes, Jackman?"
All Jack did was mutter 'Fuck' to himself because you used the tone of voice for when you were mad at him.
"I got my days mixed up. You know that I would never miss an appointment for our babies."
"It's okay." You said while shrugging and turning off the macaroni noodles because they were done boiling. 
"No it's not. You needed me and I wasn't there."
"There's nothing we can do about it now so move on. Just happy that you’re okay and not in a ditch somewhere."
"No, I still need to apologize to you and baby you should not be on your feet for long periods of time. We talked about this."
"You were nowhere to be found and I was bored."
“I tried to tell her, Jack but you know how she is. Same shit she did in high school. I see some things never change. Hard headed as hell.”
“What? Did I lie?!” 
"That's not an excuse, mamas. You still could have waited for me so I could help you too."
“Can we just drop it?” You said as you sat down at the island after having to climb into the chair since they were so tall.
Jack just sighed before handing you the flowers and blueberry muffins which you eagerly took. You opened the muffins and took a huge bite out of it. Jack wasn’t even going to get on you eating it before having dinner. 
“Damn, this is as close as I get to an orgasm without you being in me.”
“Y/N, WHAT THE HELL?!” Jessica exclaimed while you just sat there and laughed.
“What?!? They’re good!”
“You would compare food to sex.” She said while rolling her eyes and cutting up the cheese for the macaroni.”
You simply turned back to Jack and offered him a piece of your muffin while holding it up to his mouth and he gladly took it.
“Urban told you to do that and that you better had a hell of an apology, right?”
“I swear your ass be low key spying on me.” Jack muttered and all you did was laugh.
“Not at all. I just know my husband and best friend really well. But babe, you were tired and I get it because you’ve been worried about me. I promise that I’m not mad. I would have rather you been safe in the studio with Urban who also told me you were falling asleep there than in a ditch somewhere. I’m not mad, a little sad, yes, but not mad.” You said while cupping his cheeks and kissing the tip of his nose. 
“You promise? Because I feel like shit. Don’t tell me that just because. But the fact that I caused you added stress? I can’t even imagine what was going through your head. I had accidentally put my phone on silent and didn't realize it.”
“I probably should have called Urban too, but I didn’t think to do so. I was just not trying to think that something had happened to you. My mind was just all over the place.”
“You know me better than that, I would never do something that would put me in harm’s way of possibly leaving the four of you.”
“I know.” You quietly said but not before your eyes suddenly went wide.
“What’s wrong?!” Jack asked and you immediately put your hand on your stomach.
“Oh shit.”
“Y/N, what is it?!” Jess exclaimed while setting her knife down and coming closer to you.
You grabbed Jack’s hand as well as Jessica’s and put it right where yours had been moments before.
“Is that……???” Jack started to say and looked up at you with wide eyes.
“They’re kicking. I can’t believe I just felt them move.” You said as your eyes started to water. 
“What does it feel like?” Jack curiously asked and all you did was smile.
“You know how I always tell you that you still give me butterflies all the time?”
Jack nodded his head, but his hand never left your stomach.
“That’s what it feels like, little flutters. I mean I know they’re in there, but now it feels a little more real.”
“Jack, I have a question.” Jessica said as she was facing the both of you.
“What position did you put her in to get not one, not two, but THREE Harlow babies? So that Travis doesn’t do that to me. Issa no for me dawg. More power to you, Y/N, BUT NO!” 
“Come on now, Jess. We all know his nickname is Missionary Jack for a reason.”
“Welp, that’s it. No more missionary for me.” 
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trashbag-baby666 · 3 months
My Husbands Name- Clegan
Casper FD au
Summary: I wanted to write a little Drabble based off this post! Gale and Rosie are at an annual work convention and Gale's missing his John.
WC: 915
C/W: None!
mota masterlist! | ao3 link
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The autumn leaves crunched under his shoes, the early morning breeze nipping at his ears as he pulled the collar of his jacket up. Well…it was actually John’s jacket, the dark chocolate, brown leather one.
He and Rosie had spent the last two days at the annual Doctors of Wyoming conference in Cheyenne. A crisp four days of sitting in a stuffy banquet hall staring at a projector and slides of how to better treat patients.
Gale didn’t know if he really believed it was more beneficial rather than just a way to spend hospital funding on pointless tickets to a conference for their doctors.
Really, he just wanted to go home to John and the girls. Last night he didn’t want to hang up on John but he knew Rosie needed his white noise to sleep. So, instead he laid there in the dark hotel room staring at photos on his phone of his family. The sound of Rosie’s artificial waves and the occasional whale noise filled his silence. Normally, Rosie’s white noise would bother some, but Gale was used to it from years of sharing a dorm.
“Can’t wait to go home,” Gale grumbled, letting the sliding doors of the hotel open for them.
“Me too, this morning Benny texted me saying Freddie stress ate all of his food and was sick all night.” Rosie’s hand went up running a stressed hand down his face.
The two flashed their lanyards to the door guy by the conference center to be let into today’s torturous babbling and team exercises.
“I know, I’m about to tell Maxine to give my ticket to a younger, more eager doctor for next year.” The pair sat at their table readying to meet new people as the conference liked to mix the seating arrangements up daily.
Across the circular plastic fold-out table draped in a dark blue tablecloth, sat a younger set of three doctors. Two women and a man, he sat between the two women and looked the slightest bit uncomfortable. The two gossiping over him like he was just some centerpiece of the conversation.
“Good morning,” Gale cleared his throat, setting his cup of coffee on the table. He knew these kids probably looked at him and Rosie as elderly, Gale peeking over the frames of his glasses at them.
“Morning,” the two girls said at the same time before talking amongst each other again.
“Hi,” the man squeaked out, looking tense as ever. Gale noticed the way he seemed to sit stick straight and as still as a rock.
“I’m Doctor Gale Cleven,” Gale reached his hand across the table for the man to shake. His eyes flicked between Gale’s hand and then up to his ocean blue eyes.
“Uhm, uh, Doctor in training, John Mayfield.” He shook Gale’s hand. Gale observed his stiff handshake and the other's sweaty palms of nervousness.
“My husband’s named John!” Gale's eyes lit up, practically sparkled and turned into hearts if you asked Rosie. Gale's hand instinctively went to his ring finger and began turning the gold band.
"Trust me Doctor Mayfield, you do not want to get this guy started on his other half." Rosie clicked his tongue and shook his head.
Gale dropped his head, his cheeks heating up pink in pure bashfulness.
"Oh, how long have you been married?" The naive young doctor asked.
"Ten years, together for fifteen." Gale smiled, mostly to himself, honestly. He took in a deep breath, pulling the scent of John off the jacket, the familiar piney cologne leaving a residue smell along with the familiar burnt smell John had. Not like a bad kind of burning, more like a campfire kind of burning.
“Wow, that’s impressive,” Mayfield said, his eyes wide with a mix of admiration and curiosity. “You must have a lot of stories.”
“Oh, we do,” Gale said, his voice warm with affection. “John is a firefighter captain, so we have quite the mix of hospital and fire station tales. Keeps life interesting.”
Rosie chuckled, shaking his head. “Interesting is one way to put it. Between the two of them, there’s never a dull moment.”
The young doctor seemed to relax a little, his shoulders loosening as he leaned in, clearly intrigued. “How do you manage it all? The work, the family, everything?”
Gale thought for a moment, his fingers still absentmindedly turning his wedding band. “It’s not always easy. We’ve both had our fair share of challenges, but we’ve learned to support each other through everything. Communication, trust, and a lot of love. That’s the secret.”
Rosie nodded in agreement leaning in a bit further, “And a good, healthy sex life.” he winked causing a small eruption of laughter from the three, but knowing when to take a break, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Like now, chatting before listening to the same presentation as yesterday but by a different doctor.” 
As the conference began, Gale’s mind drifted back to his family, the thought of returning home to John and the girls giving him a sense of peace. He glanced at the young doctor beside him, hoping that he too would find the kind of love and support that made even the toughest days bearable.
And as the speakers droned on, Gale’s thoughts were 200 miles away, nestled in the warmth of home, wrapped in the scent of pine and vanilla, and the arms of the man who made every struggle worth it.
taglist: @storysimp @austeenbootler @executethyself35 @coastiewife465 @slowsweetlove reply to be added to the tallest :3
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firstdivisiongirl · 1 year
Hi i was wondering if you could do a law x timid fem reader that has a devil fruit that can rewind and stop time but when she uses it to much she gets burns on her hands thats last about a day but hurts a lot when not treated, i was thinking of a scenario were she gets the burns but doesn’t go to law because she sees that he’s treating other crew members and she doesn’t want to bother him but he notices and confronts her while she tries to hide it from him but he finds out and is upset that she didn’t come to him sooner, then shes tells him why and comforts her about it (could you also make it to where they are together already)
I know it a lot so please tell me if its too much thx 💕
Hi. Of course I can do it! I love Law so much. I mean come on, I’m Trafalgar D Nami after all lol! But anyways, I’m happy I got a Law request, it was super enjoyable to write. I hope you like it! Enjoy my friend!
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Always Have Time for You
Everyone wishes they could turn back and fix things.  Time was a valuable thing.  You more than anyone knew that.  But with changing time came with repercussions.  You also knew that more than anyone.  When you were young, you ate a devil fruit, the jikan jikan no mi (the time time fruit).  It allows the user to rewind time and also stop it.  The only bad things: you couldn’t swim and you got burns on your hands after using it.  And did they hurt a lot.  But the good thing, you had a doctor for a lover, Trafalgar Law.  He took care of you, while you took care of him.  You hated it though.  You hated that he had to take care of you.  But you didn’t have many people other than the crew to talk to because of your shyness.
While docked, a small fight broke out between the Heart Pirates and another group of Pirates, nothing deadly, but there were a good number of cuts, broken bones, and bruises on both sides.  So when Law came back from picking up some medical supplies, he started taking care of everyone’s injuries back on the Polar Tang.  You had frozen time at one point so Shachi wouldn’t get stabbed by one of the enemies.  Law was taking care of him first obviously.  You looked down at your hands.  They were covered in burns, too painful to even touch.   You didn’t want to bother him when everyone else was in worse shape, so when he came over and asked you if you were okay, you hid your hands in your long sleeves and told him you were okay.
A few days later, you arrived on a new island.  You decided to try to muster up the courage and talk to the doctor on the island because the pain was so unbearable.  “I’m going to go look at some new earrings, mine are getting a little worn out,” you told everyone, “I’ll see you guys later for dinner.”  They all nodded.  But Law didn’t buy it.  You usually never left without someone to do most of the talking.  He decided to follow you.  You walked through the small town, passing jewelry booths, bars, etc.  You finally saw the sign Dr. Sanders’. You went to walk in but got nervous.  You didn’t feel comfortable.  With Law and the crew, you knew they cared about you and looked out for you.  But you didn’t know how this man would react.  You turned around.  When you did, you crashed into a muscular chest.  “Care to explain Y/N?” a familiar voice said.  You looked up into his steel eyes.  It was Law.  You looked down at your shoes. “Nothing,” you answered.
“No, it’s not.  You can tell me.  We’ve been together for years.  Come on, let's get back to sub.”
He grabbed your hand, but you quickly pulled away.  Just him touching your hands made a sharp pain shoot through your hand.  He looked down at you, seeing the pain in your e/c eyes.  The two of you then walked back to the Polar Tang in silence.
When you two arrived, you sat in the medical room.  He rolled up your sleeves that had been hiding your hands for days.  “I thought so,” he mumbled to himself.  You kept staring at the floor, refusing to look at him.  Eventually, tears started to flow from your eyes.  He stooped down to your level looking at you with nothing but concern.  “Hey, hey,” he said, “I’m not mad.  I’m just concerned.”  He started wiping your tears away with his tattooed thumbs.  He pushed a few strands of hair behind your right ear.  “Why didn’t you tell me about this?  Why did you wait so long?”
You finally looked into his eyes, “because everyone else needed help and I didn’t want to be a bother.”
“You’re my girlfriend, you’re not a bother and I’m not mad.  It’s okay.  I’ll treat it whenever you need it because I love you. I always have time for you.”  He hugged you as you cried into his crest.
“I love you too,” you cried into his chest.
You wished you could freeze time without the burns, so you could stay in this moment together for as long as possible.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate, or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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Day 3 - Isolation
I love this! I love exploring Mariano's time in prison!!
Ping list: @whumperofworlds, @ailesswhumptober
TWs: illness, fever, isolation, ableism, touch starvation
Prison life had started to settle down ever since they'd brought Mariano to his new cell. It was small, with white walls and a white floor, all stone and concrete. The slab that his thin mattress sat on wasn't quite large enough, but he didn't move in his sleep anyway. The toilet was his own, with no cellmate to share with. The door was thick, reinforced steel, with two windows that the guards could open to talk to him or slide his meals in through.
Mariano was alone.
It was fine.
Now and then, he was allowed to call his parents. He would be led to the phone area, into the booth, and they'd talk. At first it was normal, and they were glad to hear he'd been put somewhere that he felt safer.
It didn't last.
His voice started to go hoarse. He wasn't talking to anyone, and didn't feel like talking aloud to himself, so it just got rusty and rough. He got quieter. His mother got worried.
"Are you sick, Mariano?" She would ask, worry filling her voice. "You don't sound well. Is it cold? The weather here is getting colder. Are you able to keep warm at night?"
"I can keep warm." He would lie. "I don't think I'm sick, though. I don't have a fever, I just don't talk very much."
She never sounded terribly convinced. Once, a week after one of their calls, he was hauled off to the infirmary to be looked over. The doctor hadn't been gentle as he examined Mariano, poking and prodding. He'd shined his light into Mariano's mouth, examined his ears, listened to his lungs. The steady hand on Mariano's shoulder as the stethoscope pressed to his back made his face flush.
Clean bill of health, the man said after double checking his temperature.
Mariano's skin hadn't stopped buzzing by the time he went to sleep that night.
"Are they treating you well, Mariano?" His father asked. "The trial wasn't good to you, but I know my son. Are the staff fair?"
"I think so." Mariano didn't have to lie about that. "They're very kind."
The guards were kind. They were much kinder now that Mariano was away from general population. They spoke to him on the way to and from his time in the yard. They were even punctual with his meals. Sometimes new guards were too rough, or they were rude or mean, but they were just scared. He would've been scared of him, too, in their shoes.
A guard mentioned Mariano's parents that next week, on their way to the yard. It was someone new. "You're lucky, y'know." The man said. "My parents would've disowned me if I'd killed thousands. I wouldn't be getting calls from them two years later."
"I know." Mariano said. "I expected them to hate me." He had. Their reassurances had felt false, leading up to the trial. "I don't know why they don't."
"Your mom's a good baker." The man said after some quiet. "Sent us a thank you card and some cookies." He started patting Mariano down. It always sent a thrill through his chest. The world swayed and he hoped the way his face burned wasn't obvious.
Mariano couldn't help laughing, the noise sounding foreign to him now. "She is. I'll let her know you all liked them, she'll probably send some around Christmas time."
"It is Christmas, Ortiz." The man said, scoffing. "Christ. Do need another visit to medical to fix your head?"
Mariano didn't want to take anything the doctor would give him--the guards had talked about keeping him sedated before he was placed in isolation. But the doctor's hands had felt nice on his shoulder last time. He hadn't stopped thinking about them for days. "No sir." Mariano said, ignoring how his chest twisted at the thought. "I just misremembered."
"Good. Get out there, you know the routine."
Mariano didn't get his call that week. The next day he'd woken up shivering and unable to stay awake. He hadn't even been able to get up to get to a wall when they tried to take him to the yard. They'd come in and he'd just had his hands up in the air, shaking palms towards the ceiling.
"Ortiz, what the fuck?" Rodriguez asked, and Mariano vaguely felt relieved. He knew Rodriguez, and Rodriguez knew him. "Get up."
"I...didn't want to scare you." Mariano said, chest heavy and breathing shallow. His voice was all but gone. "I'm dizzy."
Rodriguez paused before reaching for his face. Mariano flinched, only barely relaxing as Rodriguez's palm pressed to his forehead. "God, yeah, I'd be dizzy too with a fever like that. C'mon, let's get you looked at. I'll send for a wheelchair so that you don't have to be hauled around like luggage."
Mariano didn't remember much after he tried to stand to get into the chair. He knew Rodriguez had been cursing, and that there were hands on his waist and shoulders. The next thing he knew, the lights were dimmed for the first time since he'd arrived and he had an IV in. Pneumonia, someone mentioned when they checked on him. The beds were softer in the medical wing, though, and even in warded restraints it was easier to sleep with the extra blanket he was given.
Mariano's parents weren't happy to hear that update two weeks later.
He didn't have many notable updates after that, though. Not until they started getting him ready for early release. He'd never heard them sound so happy before.
"That's amazing!" His father exclaimed. "I thought something like this might happen."
"I'm afraid," Mariano admitted. "I don't want to make things hard on you both or cause any trouble. I know how most people saw me."
His mother jumped in, then. "That doesn't matter to us, Mariano. You're our baby boy, and you always will be. What other people think is their business."
"Plus," His father said. "We can look into options for you if you're not comfortable coming home. Isn't there that rehabilitation program? The one that has a deal with the Mountains?"
Mariano had to think. "There...there is. Yes." He paused. "Do you think they'd really accept me?"
"I think so." His mother said. "And you can come visit when you've had time to get acclimated again. Does that sound easier than coming home?"
"It...it does." Mariano admitted. "I think I like that."
"If you need any help from us, please tell us." His father said. "And we'll meet you there when you're released. We can make a day of it before we get you to the airport."
"Okay." Mariano felt himself smile for the first time in...a while. "That sounds good."
Maybe, he thought, an early release wouldn't be the end of the world.
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howtodrawyourdragon · 2 months
Going on a Trip
Summary: Set in a Modern AU. Ever since that pregnancy test came back positive, Astrid's been a little overprotective.
Warnings: Pregnancy
Rating: General
Dead Dove: No
Words: 1 002
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Hiccup, Astrid
Pairing: Hiccstrid
Author's Notes: So fun fact: in Dutch/Flemish we have the saying "zoals een kip zonder kop!" Which basically means doing something without thinking and often in a nonsensical way.
Posting something a little lighter after the Dead Dove fic I just posted. 😇
I got the inspiration for this fic because I went to a zoo last Monday and there are always without fail families with very small children (literally ages 0 to 10, I saw two mothers with literal 1 to 3 month olds in slings) or a pregnant partner. And since I was taking requests for this Pregcup series, I had to write it, of course.
Also wondering just how many people are going to click on this fic thinking it's a Pregstrid fic despite the tags and the series I'm putting this in.
“And you’re sure you have everything you need?”
“Yep, 100%!”
“But you’re sure? You got a bottle of water? Bottle of coke to keep your sugar levels up? Made your sandwiches?”
“Well, no, you made them because you’re scared I’ll go hungry for an hour. But anyway, yes and yes and you stuffed my bag full with literally every sugary thing we have in the house. If our doctor knew, she would get a heart attack.”
“You got your pain killers for your leg? Your migraine meds? Are you sure we shouldn’t take an extra bottle of-”
“Astrid, please!”
Hiccup grabs her hands and puts a stop to her pacing. They’re in the kitchen and she’s holding onto the strap of his shoulder bag, running around with it like a headless chicken. They’re leaving for a trip today, a trip to the zoo because living amongst dragons doesn’t mean they don’t still appreciate or are even fascinated by the other countless of creatures they share their amazing planet with. The entire group is going, the dragons get a day off for once.
Much to Toothless’ dismay.
He would much rather come along, but zoos are going through the trouble of keeping dragons out. So if they were to bring one in, they wouldn’t exactly be welcome.
“We made a list yesterday, we got everything ready before bed and you woke up extra early to make sure I wouldn’t be going hungry today. We’re ready to leave,” he assures her and Astrid relieves herself with a sigh. Because he’s right, they’re ready.
She looks down at their joined hands and smiles, his thumbs stroking the back of her fingers. This is before her gaze falls further down and finds the reason why she’s so concerned. Her husband is about five months pregnant.
They knew from the start that they wanted to have kids and after some time spend talking about it in which they both agreed Hiccup would carry their first, they went ahead and found success rather quickly. But ever since that pregnancy test came back positive, she’s been a little bit overprotective. And Hiccup thought it was annoying at first, he has already spend his entire childhood with an overprotective father. But in his fifth month, he both understands it and even appreciates it.
Because while his morning sickness was at its worst, she, Toothless and Sharpshot made sure he didn’t need to leave the bed for anything other than to go to the bathroom. She muttered sweet nothings in his ear when his moodswings appeared. There is this one commercial about these doggy treats that are meant to be good for their dental hygiene and every single time he watches it, he cries without fail. Something about them having good dental hygiene just gets to him. This coming from a dragon and cat person.
The other side of this is that Snotlout is no longer allowed to eat at their place, Hiccup can no longer stand his eating habits. Then there were his cravings, which she gets up for in the middle of the night just to take care of. Astrid has been so understanding and supportive, he figured that the least he could do was return the favor.
“You’re right,” Astrid admits. “We’re ready.”
And if it turns out the five sandwiches she made for him aren’t enough, they can always buy an extra snack at the zoo.
They took a bus there and now they’re taking that same bus home. It’s from a private company with comfortable cushions, air conditioning and a bathroom. But that first one is the most important to Hiccup in particular, who sits next to Astrid and is just knocked out cold after the tiring day they’ve had. His seat leans back just enough for him without bothering Heather, who sits behind them along with her brother and reads a book.
As he sleeps, Astrid looks through the many pictures on her phone. Between her device and those of all her friends, they probably have hundreds of pictures. Of animals and monuments, some as a joke, of them as a group, split up in duos, selfies… or in her case; her pregnant partner.
Him looking at animals, reading a plaque, watching a family with small children, resting on a bench, taking a picture of something or someone else, in the souvenirship, she even has one of him eating. This man could do nothing without giving her some reason to take out her phone’s camera. Astrid is certain he has a picture of her taking one of him.
Because he’s tall and skinny, his bump isn’t all that big yet, which is a slight disappointment that Astrid will not share. Although it is probably better for his back, which already suffers from being a lower leg amputee. At the same time, he started showing a little earlier than normal, which she thought was a blessing. She loves his belly and she loves seeing it in pictures. He’s growing their first child!
Glancing at it now, she can’t help but smile and places a hand on it, her thumb stroking through the t-shirt he wears. He did end up eating all five of those sandwiches.
All of them are sunburned. Because while Astrid was so worried about Hiccup going hungry, she completely forgot about the dangers of the sun. They all did. From the corner of her eyes, she spots Ruffnut’s fight not to scratch the itchy redness of her skin, Snotlout looks as bright red as a tomato and the shape of Dagur’s sunglasses have been burned right into his face. Both of the redheads in their group are more sunburned than then rest.
When they finally get home in another hour or two, she is going to lotion hers up from head to toe. And they will probably both enjoy it.
But for the time being, Astrid puts on her music and closes her eyes, her hand still on her husband’s belly.
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alienguts · 8 months
White Lies (Ash Williams x f!Reader)
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Summary: Y/N broke her arm fighting Deadites with Ash and they need to come up with a convincing excuse for the doctor.
Warnings: injuries, hurt/comfort, brief mentions of violence and gore
Request?: No, but I feel like it's been an eternity since I wrote an Ash fic
A/N: I'm still trying to find the time to work on an Ash smut fic, so here's something to hold over the thirteen of you who are here for Ash fics
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“Have you come up with a story yet?” Ash whispered in Y/N’s ear as his eyes darted around the hospital waiting room.
“I’m just gonna tell them I tripped on a tree root, will you calm down?” she hissed, trying to keep as inconspicuous as she could with a broken arm and muddy clothes. And a boyfriend whose clothes were almost completely covered in blood.
“I am calm,” Ash said, clearly not calm at all. “You’re not calm enough.”
“Ash, my arm has snapped in half, it is taking so much for me to be calm right now because all I want to do is cry.”
Ash opened his mouth to speak, only to snap it back closed again.
He wasn’t always fond of Y/N joining him whenever he needed to get rid of some Deadites, but it was hard for him to say no when she was so insistent on helping him.
The creatures had been hot on their tails the entire night, relentlessly pursuing them through the woods. Ash had given Y/N the boomstick while he fended them off with the chainsaw, but she still needed some practise with it.
She’d managed to get several headshots in, showering the ground with blood and guts as each monster went down in a gory explosion. Ash’s clothes hadn’t fared much better considering he was face to face with the monsters, leading to him being covered head to toe in blood. His shirt had changed from blue to red and muddy brown and clung to his skin as he kicked at the creatures and slashed them in half with the chainsaw.
Things were going well until they ventured into a part of the woods where the undergrowth was thicker, hiding the tree roots. Y/N kept moving backwards as carefully as she could, taking shots whenever she could and trying to keep her balance. Ash followed close behind, using the chainsaw to clear away any shrubbery in his way after the final Deadite had been slain.
“Y/N, keep going ahead,” he called to her. “I got the last of ‘em!”
Y/N turned to face towards the end of the woods, only for her foot to snag on a root and send her crashing to the ground. 
First she heard a sickening snap underneath her. Then came the pain.
Y/N had experienced many injuries in the times she and Ash had been fighting Deadites together, but this may have been the first broken limb she’d suffered. She’d always expected to be hurt by a Deadite, not her own stupid feet. An inhuman cry forced itself out of her lungs when the pain registered, making Ash hurry over to her.
“What happened?” he asked, panicked. “Did one of them get you?”
“I think my arm’s broken,” Y/N said through gritted teeth. 
“C’mon, we need to get you home,” he said as he stooped down to pick her up. The chainsaw was no longer running but he was still careful to keep it away from her.
“No, I need a hospital,” Y/N countered.
She’d become well acquainted with how much Ash did not like medical things at all, especially since he didn’t have insurance and was likely to be thrown into a mental facility if he was honest with a doctor. She felt him falter as soon as the word ‘hospital’ left her mouth.
“Baby, you don’t need a hospital,” he said haltingly. “I could treat this at home for you.”
She used her good arm to grab onto his shirt and pull his attention back to her.
“Ash,” she said firmly. “I can feel the bone almost sticking out of my arm. I need to see a doctor.”
And so, Ash took Y/N to the emergency room and endured every single odd look given to him by nurses and other patients. He must have explained five times that no he was fine, it was his girlfriend who needed to see a doctor. His bloody clothes and her muddy clothes didn’t exactly help when they were both sitting in the ER.
“Does it still hurt?” he asked softly as he stroked his thumb across her free hand.
“Yeah, but I’m kind of used to the pain now,” Y/N said, exhausted from everything that happened that night.
“I’m sorry I dragged you into this, sweetheart,” he said and turned in his seat to face her. “It’s my fault that this happened.”
Y/N sighed and twined her fingers with Ash’s.
“It’s not your fault,” she said. “I insisted on coming with you and I was the one who tripped on a stupid root.”
“Yeah, but I can’t help but feel responsible.”
“Ash, we’re both adults so we’re both responsible. And besides, it’s just a broken arm. It could have been a lot worse.”
“I know but I feel like-”
He didn’t get to finish his thought when the doctor called Y/N through to the examination room.
After an unnecessary x-ray to confirm that her arm was indeed broken, Y/N was given a thick cast and a very necessary bag of painkillers before being sent on her way. She’d given exactly the excuse she’d planned on - I tripped on a tree root - but Ash didn’t have an answer for why he was soaked in blood.
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me,” he’d said when the doctor asked what happened, cutting off the conversation immediately.
By the time they got back to the car, the sun was already starting to rise, painting the sky in soft hues of pink and orange. Ash was still wide awake, but just one glance at Y/N told him how exhausted she was. Her clothes were dishevelled, her hair sticking up everywhere, her eyes red and puffy, and she shuffled her feet with every step.
“How’re you feeling, honey?” Ash asked as he unlocked the car.
“Sore. Tired. Grumpy,” Y/N said, her words slurring together. “I just wanna go to bed.”
“You and me both.” 
Ash opened the passenger door for her and helped her into the seat before fastening her seat belt and closing the door again. By the time he’d gotten behind the wheel and turned the key in the ignition she was already falling asleep. He’d planned on helping her clean up once they’d got home, but it looked like he would just have to shower alone while she slept. He smiled to himself and reached over the seat to gently stroke her face.
“You and me put up with some shit, huh, kid?” he said softly, not expecting her to answer before driving them home.
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Enver Gortash Musings 7
Warnings: a somewhat sad conversation between Enver and his wife less than a year into their arranged marriage.
When you first married Enver Gortash, you were only shown the same side of him the public saw. The man who dined with high society, treating guests to his private chef and full table. The man who used his utensils delicately and properly, like a born and raised gentleman. The man who had impeccable table manners and restraint.
It wasn't until well over half a year into your marriage, when you had become pregnant, that Enver was around you a little more. You found the baby to be quite restless at night, and the sound of Enver's workshop seemed to calm your still growing child.
"This is soothing to them?" Enver asked, hammering somewhat gently at a bit of copper.
You sat on a chaise lounge that you had the servants bring into his workshop. Your hand rested on your ever swelling belly, "All I know is that all day your child has been kicking, fussing, rolling, acting like they're in a gods damned war, and the second I walk in here and am surrounded by the sounds of your anvil, they go still."
Enver stopped, putting his hammer down and smirking at you. "I've never heard you curse before, my darling wife."
The exhaustion of the day catching up with you, you close your eyes, taking a slightly trembling breath. "I've never been so tired in my life."
When you open your eyes again, Enver has come to sit with you on the chaise. His hands encircle your baby bump, rubbing and soothing the tight skin. "Tell me."
"I can't sleep." You admit tearfully. "They keep me awake with their moving. It honestly feels like they're trying to run sometimes! Just so much movement I feel I may tear open at times."
Enver nodded, stroking your belly and smiling sympathetically. "And?"
"And my shoes don't fit." You cry, wiping your face. "none of my shoes fit! Not even the ones I had made last month. All I can wear are slippers and those still hurt my feet! My mother wore heels and a corset for every pregnancy, I don't understand what I'm doing wrong!"
He reaches his hand up, petting your hair while smiling sweetly. "All babies are not the same, this I'm sure you already know, my darling. Even still, I can have the doctor check your progress in the morning? If you truly feel there's something wrong."
You hesitated, "Nothing wrong with a check up I suppose..."
Enver puts his hands on your waist, massaging gently. "There we go, that's my girl."
You couldn't help the smile that he pulled from you. Your husband was a distant man in most regards, never really letting you into his more complex affairs nor opening up about his past. As far as noble husbands went, Enver was definitely one of the better to have. He wasn't gambling away your fortune, or squandering your dowry. He saw you almost every day, and was interested in your life. And if he was having affairs, which you doubted his schedule allowed for, word never reached your ears. So if he was having affairs, he was being discreet about it. Which is more than most noblemen did. Your friends could recall their husband's mistresses by name.
For all of his faults, he wasn't shy about telling you that he found you beautiful. Sometimes the lines felt a bit practiced, like he had rehearsed them... Or used them on someone else. But simple little bits of praise that he effortlessly slipped into conversation felt genuine.
You moved on the chaise, sitting up and holding his hands. "I... Enver, are you happy?"
Enver stared down at you, a puzzled look on his face that quickly gave away to a smirk. "Is this one of those feminine verbal traps?"
"No." You said quickly. "I'm just asking, and I'd like total honesty, please."
Enver's smirk vanishes. "What brought this on?"
"Enver, please?"
He sighs, moving his hands to rub your back. "I'm quite happy with you and what you bring to my life. There. Does that satisfy you?"
"Partially." You said softly.
He huffed, "Oh? Not quite done?"
You chuckled, "I believe you're content with me. I do. I'm asking whether or not you're happy with everything. With your whole life right now."
Enver stares down at you. "You are aware that if I am not happy, there's nothing you can do to fix that? Correct?"
You frown, the fact making you quite upset.
Enver sighs. "And you don't like that. Why bother yourself with it? Do I not give you enough to keep you content?"
You put a hand on his chest, "No, no, you do! I'm very content, I'm boundlessly happy- except the crying earlier, just ignore that bit!"
You see him pinch his lips together to keep from laughing, but you ignore it. "It's just... If I was unhappy, and I came to you to tell you that I was unhappy, you'd fix whatever was upsetting me."
"I would." He agrees.
"But if you were unhappy... I don't think you'd ever tell me?" You guessed.
Enver's gaze softens. "You want me to tell you? Do you want me to debrief you whenever the council drones on and on for hours about property taxes? Or argue about import and export tariffs? Or perhaps you'd like me to go over the blueprints of my latest design and get your input on the schematics?"
You shrank back from him a bit. "Don't mock me."
Enver takes a deep breath, before situating himself on the chaise and gently guiding you into his lap. "My darling wife, your role in this marriage is very specific. We discussed this before our wedding in dept. Other than you providing me with an heir, that I am extremely grateful for, your duties are relegated to keeping up my relations with the nobles at court through their wives. You're to head charity events that I haven't the time for. You informed me that you'll be the primary caretaker of our children, to which I have acquiesced quite quickly. No wet nurses, as you demanded. Minimal nursing staff, as you demanded. Despite my reservations that this will exhaust you." He said. His voice was firm, yet patient. A voice one might use on a child but without any condescension. A nearly loving tone that was meant to prevent her feelings from being hurt.
"... I just..." You felt more tears spring to your eyes, the words for your feelings having vanished. "I adore you."
Enver leaned down, pressing his lips to your own in a firm and reassuring kiss. "I am fond of you. Perhaps in time, that fondness will grow stronger. I cannot say. Regardless, you will always be my wife and the mother of my child. Respect as such will always be given to you."
You leaned your head on his chest, listening to the strong pulse of his heart beneath his ribs. "Alright... Is... Is it alright if I want to love you, though?"
Enver rubs your back, reassuringly. "I'd be flattered, my darling."
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shmowder · 3 months
Imagine Rubins reaction to being chosen by the reader over the other healers/love interests. Like this poor man thinks so little of himself, so to be someone's first pick? He needs all the love in the world
Ilyyyy i love this idea!! was supposed to have a Haruspex and Andrey parts but... yeah. I decided to post it like this rather than leave it to rot in my drafts
Rubin with a reader who chose him over everyone
[fluff, hurt/comfort, romance, slight crack, petty conflict, jealousy]
[Stanislav Rubin x reader | One-sides Bachelor/Reader] [Gender-neutral Reader]
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Choosing him over the Bachelor
Rubin never saw himself as anyone's first choice.
Not even their second or third either.
He usually imagined himself as the last resort anyone would ever go to.
Both as a doctor and as a person.
The Bachelor's arrival into town more than confirmed this–not that Rubin had any doubt to begin with–people would prefer to consult Dankovsky for medical aid despite him being a literal stranger to the town and its ways.
So why did it sting when Rubin watched as the same families who once entrusted him to treat their children, not spare him a single glance anymore ever since what they described as a "real" doctor arrived into town.
It's okay, he'd tell himself, it's what he's used to. People would seek Isidor before and never offer Rubin any gratitude despite him doing the majority of the work.
He should just be grateful that the Bachelor allowed him to act as his aid. He knows his own medical knowledge is lacking and outdated.
But heavens above, he wasn't dealt a better hand in life.
He is doing the best he can with the choices he was offered.
You were one of the few lights remaining in his life.
The way you'd wait for him outside the theatre-turned-hospital to finish his shift each day and walk him home despite the dangers.
The way you'd scold him for neglecting his health again, insisting he must rest and eat something or else.
It felt strange for him to be shown love.
To have someone care so much that they actually seem upset when he skips meals or only goes to bed when at the verge of collapsing.
Someone who is happy to see him each day, someone who doesn't constantly remind him of his flaws or what he lacks.
But life is too cruel, and his hope was short-lived.
One day, he was finishing his work and clocking out. Walking outside to the grey filled skies, soft droplets making small ripples in the wet streets as they fell down.
Rubin's gaze immediately went to the usual spot where you'd wait for him each time.
Only to not see you there.
Well, not alone; someone else is keeping you company.
The bachelor's coat hanged heavy on your shoulders as Daniil held the umbrella above both of your heads.
Ever the gentleman, he must have offered his coat to you when he saw you outside alone in the rain.
The umbrella was not big enough to cover a large distance, making the two of you stand intimately close.
Bodies almost pressing against one another.
Despair sinking like poison into the pits of Rubin's stomach, refusing to resurface as his limbs felt ten times heavier to move, weighting down his body.
The end of the day exhaustion wasn't helping either, courtesy of always stubbornly taking the longest possible shift in the hospital.
Rubin watched as Daniil's lips moved. He was saying something to you... whispering it like a snake against your ear. Coiling his scaley tail against Rubin's heart and squeezing it painfully tight.
The hand not holding the umbrella went up to hover above your waist, silently asking permission to place it there...
To hold you.
Rubin's legs moved so fast as he made his way across the street to you. The sound of his footsteps splashing against the wet concrete finally made the two of you take notice of his presence.
Maybe the look of desperation on his face gave him away, or maybe it was you mistaking the raindrops going down his face for something else, the growing wetness in his eyes didn't help either.
But the mere sight of him hurrying towards you made you immediately take the bachelor's coat off and hand it back to Daniil.
Leaving the dry safety of the umbrella below and meeting Rubin halfway through the street.
Hugging him amidst the pouring rain, your arms holding him reassuringly tight.
Burying your face into his chest.
His heart skips a beat as he feels your lips curl into a smile against the thin fabric separating you from his bare skin.
Telling him how you were waiting for him, how much you missed him, and wanted to go back to his own place already.
After the moment of confusion on Daniil's face passed, he seemed to understand the implications here as he cleared his throat in embarrassment and walked up to the two of you.
To Rubin's surprise, the Bachelor seemed to take it in stride as he explained how it was him who insisted on you taking his coat to stay warm.
Daniil ended the conversation with a short apology and offered his umbrella for the two of you to borrow as a way to make amends.
Moments ago, this seemed like the end of Rubin's world. The adrenaline from the emotional rush burned hot in his blood.
Yet it... was resolved so easily. You didn't even hesitate before walking to him, Daniil showed him grace and respect rather than disdain.
This kindness, he was not used to.
As if you'd slip away from his fingers one day, as if life will snatch you away the second he turns his back like everything else he has ever loved.
It was a hard pill to swallow, the fact you willingly chose him.
Chose to be with him, not as a last resort nor our of obligation or pity.
Not once or twice, but time and time again you'd choose him.
And each time it would stun him, as if all of the past loyalty and devotion you've shown was a mere fluke, a mistake on your part.
That this time it's the end, this time you'll definitely walk away. This time you'll reciprocate Andrey flirting or accept Eva's invite to spend the night.
This time... definitely this time you will shatter his heart.
Because that's what life taught him.
One day you must wake up and realise his true worth. See him as the lowly creature he stares at in the mirror.
The broken pathetic man he must be in your eyes.
And yet, you'd frown each time he spoke about himself in that town. Act offended on his behalf as if it was you he was insulting.
Ask him directly if he thinks you're that stupid? Why else would he assume you'd ever wake up when you weren't under any spell to begin with.
The truth is, you've always loved him since the start.
Since the moment you met him even.
What started as a puppy crush quickly flourished into deep admiration as you learned more and more about him
In your eyes, Stakh was strong. The kind of strength truly worth of respect.
You've never met anyone as strong as him, and you'll gladly remind him of that each and every single day.
That there is nothing to endure, you'll be with him through thick and thin.
That he isn't missing something, he isn't lesser than anyone in here.
He's whole as he is, worthy of love and kindness.
And day by day, your words echo in his mind.
So much that for a brief second, he can stand staring at the mirror without a pile rising in the back of his throat.
Remembering the praises you'd sing about his lovely brown eyes, akin to pools of honey under the sunlight.
The frown that seemed permanently etched into his features reminded you of the graceful sadness of a willow tree.
The reflection of a crescent moon on a lake's still surface without a single ripple in sight.
Maybe one day, the shackles of the past will have mercy and loosen themselves from around his mind.
But until then, you'll gladly love him enough for both of you. Until then you'll stay by his side, choose him over and over again until he understands you're here to stay.
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