#the last time i used slashes to stop tags it tagged everyone anyway
pixelwisp · 2 years
Hello!! I was wondering if you had any genshin or haikyuu blog recommendations? I really love your writing, and I have been having a hard time finding new blogs to read lately...
Please make sure to take care of yourself <3
ahh thank you so much that's so sweet ;-; of course I can recommend some blogs! im still new to the genshin writing community and its been a few months since ive been active in the hq scene, but here are some of my current faves! (all blogs recommended below write sfw (though some may have suggestive content, they tag accordingly)~ if you'd like nsfw recommendations i am happy to provide those as well<3) - @/xzho-writes - genshin @/cynotical - genshin @/whoistartaglia - genshin @/xnchxntmxnt - hq & genshin @/cynicalmusings - genshin @/hiraya-rawr - genshin @/augustinewrites - hq & genshin @/toraashi - hq & genshin @/silkjade - genshin @/calyxcore - genshin a lot of the hq blogs i used to read are inactive now </3 sorry i couldn't find more for you ):
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wintergojo · 3 years
just this once (dad!gojo x mom!reader)
Synopsis: You go to the supermarket for the first time with your husband and your son.
Tags: domestic fluff, slice of life, married couple, dilf gojo, gojo jr is still a qt, his father's still whipped for his family, there's lots of kisses for the bby
Word count: 3.3k
Note: This is my longest fic yet omg, and i can't believe it's only been a month since i made this account!! i also want to thank everyone who has read my last fic and every other fic i have. i <3 u all. i'll do my best to deliver more gojo fics ehe ♡〜٩( ˃́▿˂̀ )۶〜♡
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11:47 am, you’re in the kitchen.
seishiro is bouncing around the living room while swaying his new favorite toy—a sponge weapon modeled after a cursed tool gifted by maki. satoru's playing with him, holding a tiny (on his hands anyway) sponge butcher's knife in his hand modeled after nanami’s weapon—this time a gift from itadori—as he playfully swipes at his son.
the toddler then leaps, repeatedly slashing his weapon to his father’s thighs as he shouts dibwine dogs! and hallo purpoi! your husband gasps, dramatically placing the back of his right hand against his forehead, “oh dear me! i have been slain by the strongest shaman!” he exclaims before bending down and clutching onto his knee while exaggeratedly making dying sounds.
he slowly falls onto the floor, completely lying down as the baby sits on his torso still hitting him with the toy. the older man continues playing dead for more minutes, even as seishiro stopped slashing and started shaking satoru's face.
“dada?” the dumpling starts, voice shaky and lips trembling. he pulls his father's hair, still calling the man as fat tears start cascading down his rosy cheeks. "dada, i'm sowwy," seishiro says, letting out silent hiccups as he hugs the sorcerer's neck while crying before kissing his mouth.
"dadaaa, wakey wakey!!"
satoru, not having the heart to hear his dumpling's cries any further, opens his eyes and grins at the toddler. he then lifts seishiro off his body and stands, earning him a sniffle and a dada!! before raising the baby up in the air. the boy shrieks, gripping the sponge toy as he uses the tool to repeatedly smack your husband in the face in lieu of a protest.
the taller man theatrically continues making noises of getting stabbed, making your son giggle in delight and resume shouting hallo purpoi!
seishiro calms down after a while, now sitting on the older man's lap and fiddling with the miniature panda stuffed toy principal (grandpa) yaga made him when he was born. his father wipes a dried tear on his cheek, kissing the toddler's eyelids in the process.
the boy then hops off his lap and looks up at his father, securing the doll with one arm and tugging satoru's hand in the other, "dada, let's go!"
your husband smiles, leaning in to ruffle the baby's snow-white hair. "it's still early, dumpling. we'll go after we eat lunch."
seishiro pouts, looking down at his doll, "but seishi wants to go now."
satoru boops his little nose, picking up his son and sitting him back on his lap. "is my dumpling that excited to go out, hm?" he asks, grinning at the toddler.
seishiro nods, flailing as he gets excited. "seishi will buy food!"
the sorcerer laughs, finding it absolutely adorable that his little dumpling is getting excited by the thought of grocery shopping. you made it clear to your baby last night before tucking him into bed that grocery shopping means buying food and only food, baby. no toys.
he remembers how seishiro's mouth formed into a little 'o' as he obediently listens to his mother, nodding as he responds with okay, mama! before giving both his parents a peck on the lips and an i wove you, mama. i wove you, dada. nighty night.
today would be the first time seishiro will go to the supermarket, as you normally just order foodstuffs online, too busy looking after the little boy to go out. your husband couldn't be trusted with groceries either—something you learned when you were still a couple and you asked him to buy some stuff for restocking, only for him to come back with bags full of processed food, snacks, and some vegetables he managed to get right.
you failed to notice your house was running out of foodstuff, probably because there's still tons of snacks in the pantry and the fridge, so you suggested last evening during dinner to take seishiro out of the house for some shopping. your husband easily agreed, since he had the day off in a while, seishiro just looked at his parents innocently.
12:03 pm, the three of you are eating lunch.
your choice of meal for noon is curry and rice, considering the lack of ingredients, though your husband and son seem to enjoy the food as they normally do. seishiro is sitting on his high chair on your left, slowly scooping food out of his kiddy plate and putting the spoon on his mouth before chewing in delight.
you grab a napkin from your side, turning to your son. "is it good, baby?" you ask while smiling, wiping the sauce smeared on your son's cheeks.
he looks up at you, raising his hand not holding the spoon as he animatedly gives you a thumbs up. "good, mama!" he responds, reaching up to you with both arms.
you coo, leaning down and allowing him to give you a hug and a sloppy peck on your cheek. your husband's chest tightens upon watching your moment, looking at his son as he giggles after kissing his mother. "can dada have a hug too, dumpling?" he asks, eating his own meal seated at the head of the table on seishiro's left.
your son looks at him briefly before turning back to his food. "no, dada did not cook."
you stifle a laugh, making satoru's lips turn into a pout. "but dada played with seishi while mama's cooking," he whines, looking expectedly at his son. seishiro stops eating, white eyebrows scrunching together and mouth slightly puckering—a face your baby makes whenever he's contemplating something.
he lets out a happy sound after a few seconds, raising his arms up at his father and beaming, "dada, huggies!" he exclaims. satoru grins, swiftly lifting the baby out of his chair and putting him on his lap. the toddler squeals, laughing gleefully as his father attacks his face in kisses while grabbing the child's plate.
"'toru! don't play with seishi while we're eating," you reprimand, pulling the boy's plate back into the front of his seat. your husband stops the assault of his lips on the toddler's face, positioning the baby properly on his lap before looking at you with pleading eyes, "come on, baby, just this once," he responds, lips once again forming into a pout you barely stopped yourself from pressing your own lips against.
your eyes flicked to your baby, immensely regretting the action as you see the boy giving you his adorable puppy eyes you have once never resisted. he completed the combo by clasping his little hands, gazing at you with hopeful eyes and asking the question you’ve never been able to say no to, “mama, pwease?”
you sigh, smiling fondly at your father and son making the same facial expression at you. frosty hair, baby blue eyes, pink pouty glossy lips (thank goodness your baby got your eye shape and nose).
you’ll let them go just this time.
2:38 pm, the three of you are at the supermarket.
you're going through the snack aisle, the very aisle you wanted to avoid as much as possible because of the two sweet maniacs you have the pleasure of calling your husband and your son. you were about to win against satoru earlier, in your tug of war shopping cart edition in the middle of the mart with you insisting to skip the snacks because the pantry’s still full of sweets, satoru! and go straight for the condiments. opposite to your husband's whining that babyy, it never hurts to have more before tugging the cart in his direction.
seishiro was sitting on the shopping cart’s baby seat the whole time, giggling and clapping his hands as he enjoys the back and forth of the pushcart caused by his parents. when your menace realized he was about to lose, he leaned in and whispered to your baby before the two of them faced you and shot you another sad puppy look. having no choice, you—once again—surrendered to their charm but not before telling them to keep their selection moderate. (you also told yourself to start practicing not falling into their adorable display, you have to remain the rational one).
satoru’s pushing the cart on the right side while you’re inspecting some new products on the left. since your back’s facing them, the two white-haired males seized the moment to swipe every snack they could. your baby’s in charge of getting those in the middle section—where his short chubby arms can reach, while your husband gets everything else.
the two silently snicker during their mischief, satoru lightly pressing his index finger onto his own glossy lips. the dumpling copied his father's action, muttering a mischievous shhh while beaming at the man. your husband laughs before kissing seishiro on his forehead, gulping as he sees you slowly facing their direction while holding a food you found interesting.
one of your eyebrows shot up upon seeing how full the cart became, expression turning into a stern one. “whose grabby hands picked all of these?” you asked, gesturing to the packs of cavity-inducing food taking up space in the cart.
seishiro grins at you, before pointing at his father and squealing dada! while said dada gives you a guilty sheepish smile.
3:04 pm, you’re shopping for bath products.
your baby is now walking, exploring the aisle and running around while touching everything he finds interesting. some shoppers in the area endearingly watch him, smiling and cooing whenever the toddler makes eye contact with them. he returns the gesture with a mischievous grin, occasionally bowing or waving whenever he wants to.
seishiro grabs some soaps and inspects them, though this time he doesn’t put them on the cart, he just places them back on the shelf. you inwardly smile, proud at how your baby learned fast after listening to you gently explain why he did earlier was a no-no (right after scolding his father, who right now is in pursuit of a sweet he accidentally returned earlier along with the copious snacks).
you felt a tug on your ankle-length skirt, looking down to see your baby holding something. “mama, this?” he says, handing you a johnson baby liquid soap. you smile and squat down upon seeing the familiar product, kissing the toddler’s forehead.
“good job, baby! did you recognize you use this?”
seishiro shyly smiles before nodding. “dada and mama use it to wash seishi!”
you ruffle his hair, slowly standing back up as you speak, “can you get mama two more, baby?”
he let out a squeal of okay! and was about to run back to where he got the soap but stopped as you both heard a loud voice dramatically saying my dumpling! my wifey! coming from the end of the aisle. you turn your head in the sound’s direction and see your husband crouching down with arms wide open, one hand holding a strawberry-flavored kinoko no yama.
your heart melts as you watch the dumpling clumsily run towards his father before turning away and properly placing the soap into the cart. you hear a loud thud! less than a second later, making your head whip hurriedly only to see satoru with one knee on the floor. the other slightly raised where your baby sits, lips quivering and tears spilling from his cerulean eyes.
you make your way to them, kneeling down as you rub the toddler’s red forehead in an attempt to soothe him. seishiro’s crying, though not loudly, he never cries out loud—just sobs with the occasional sniffles. you inspect his face, searching for any scrapes. he must have tripped while running and fell face-first on the floor when you took your eyes off him.
he's thankfully wearing overalls so his knees are safe and all you found was the visible red spot in the middle of his temple (which would probably turn into a bump). your husband is holding your baby’s hands, rubbing his palms that are red from falling.
“shh baby, mama and dada will blow on it, okay?” you croon while wiping tears on his soft cheeks. the toddler nods, whimpering and sniffling lightly.
you and satoru took turns blowing on his forehead, the older man sporadically doing it on parts that tickle the dumpling. it works, it makes your little boy giggle and flail whenever his father blows at his neck or rubs his larger head at the baby’s sides.
you look for an ice pack after your toddler calmed down before proceeding to check everything the three of you have bought out—groceries worth of two full shopping carts. your husband’s carrying the dumpling with one arm, the other holding the cold pack to seishiro’s forehead. you open one cola-flavored lollipop you asked the cashier to scan first before giving the candy to your baby.
5:29 pm, the three of you are at a park.
you're sitting on a picnic mat with your husband and baby under a bonsai tree after the almost two-hour shopping courtesy of your baby’s curiosity and will to explore every aisle. the three of you went to eat parfait after leaving the supermarket, satoru wanting to celebrate his dumpling’s successful first grocery shopping.
the three of you were on your way home when your husband suddenly suggested going to 7-eleven to buy convenience store food and going on a picnic. you were still thinking about it, trying to remember if the mat and the basket were in the car when your baby in the backseat suddenly cheered and squeaked his agreement.
which led you to your current situation, your baby sitting in front of you and satoru, munching on blueberries on his palms. you’re wiping his cheeks and hands from time to time whenever the juices would almost drip, kissing his little nose as you do.
“baby~” you hear your husband call, holding a strawberry in his fingers. you and seishiro looked at him, the latter responding with “dada?”
satoru chuckles. right, he occasionally calls his little boy ‘baby’ aside from ‘dumpling’. never wanting to disregard seishiro, he presses the strawberry in front of the baby’s lips with the intent of feeding his son but the toddler grabbed the fruit and started chomping. you laughed, mockingly shaking your head at your husband as you cleaned more extract on your baby.
you turned to look at the older man and see him holding another strawberry to you. you gradually lean in, intending to eat the red fruit from his fingers when sticky chubby little hands abruptly grabbed your face before forcing a blueberry to your lips.
“mama, eat!”
you laugh as you close your eyes and scrunch your nose, wiping your chin to not let the sour fruit stain your shirt. you opened your eyes when you heard your husband dramatically gasp, looking at his adorable spawn in disbelief. the dumpling just gives him a cheeky grin, wobbly standing up and running away from the mat while flailing around.
satoru watches his son with a soft smile, giving seishiro a head start before slowly standing up. your husband looks at you and grins, leaning down to peck your lips before leisurely running and chasing your baby.
seishiro went pretty far in just those few seconds (seems like your son has strong and agile legs, probably inherited from both of his parents) so you can't hear his delightful squeals while getting chased by his father. but you can see his wide grin along with his milk teeth as the older man catches and tickles him all over his little body, peppering his face in kisses.
you continue watching your boys play and explore with each other, all the while cleaning the mess your baby made. you see your dumpling pointing at random things while satoru crouches down and explains—or so you assume—to satiate your baby's curiosity. he points at the pond, rocks, trees, and dogs before looking at their owner for permission and gently patting the animals with his small hands.
they walk back to you after a little more running, though this time your husband carries the toddler while seishiro rubs his eyes.
"did you have fun, baby?" you ask as satoru sets the dumpling down. you open your arms, inviting your baby in so he can rest. he goes into them, sitting on your lap and resting the back of his head against your chest. you brush his arctic hair away from his forehead. it's windy and shady so your baby didn't sweat despite moving and running around.
seishiro nods, gazing at you as he answers, "seishi played with dada!"
he then looks at his father getting settled beside you, raising his little arms. "dada, milk?"
satoru responds by rummaging through the basket before speaking, "what flavor does my dumpling want?"
the toddler once again contemplates, eyebrows pulling together and lips forming into a slight pout. unable to contain your affection upon seeing the familiar expression, you lean in and press a long and loud kiss to his left cheek. raking your hand through his locks when you pulled.
seishiro lets out a triumphant sound before frantically moving his hands and shouting stwobeyi!
6:41 pm, you're driving home.
your baby is on the backseat, sleeping peacefully on his safety sit. he got knocked out in his father's arms after eating his dinner, tired from his daytime activities. you and your husband decided to stay a little longer in the park, wanting to immerse in quiet some alone time together (though not exactly since your son was asleep on his father's lap).
the older man is now holding your right hand on his left, his other lightly gripping the steering wheel. you're enjoying the comfortable silence, very unlike the blissful noise earlier on your way to the park. seishiro was singing along to his own playlist your husband made inside the car—namely theme songs of doraemon, my neighbor totoro, toy story, and every other show he watches. his parents occasionally sung along with the toddler or praised him for being a good singer.
you craned your neck to look at your baby sleeping serenely at the back, his long white lashes resting on top of his plump little cheeks. he also has the panda stuffed toy on his lap—his personal travel and sleeping buddy ever since he was an infant.
you then turned to your husband, hearing him silently hum the same songs seishiro was singing earlier. you rub the back of his hand you were holding, raising it up before pressing a chaste kiss which earned you a warm smile and the same gesture.
you leaned back to your seat, sighing contentedly. this is nice, you think. wishing for time to momentarily stop and let the three of you be like this for as long as the universe permit. you wish for your baby boy to never grow up so he can never be exposed to the world that took so many precious people from you, especially from your husband.
your sentimentality was broken when you hear satoru call your name. "what's for dinner tomorrow?" he suddenly asks.
you chuckle, squeezing his hand. "why are you already thinking about that? we have like, 23 more hours."
he cheerfully hums, thumb starting to absentmindedly rub on your knuckles. "just need to know if i have to go buy a cake or something when i come home."
your head tilts, gears turning to see if there's anything special tomorrow (but then again, satoru often brings cakes home even if there's no occasion). you make a knowing sound, remembering what the next day would be.
"why don't you come home early to find out, babe? maybe you'll have a costume waiting for you," you teasingly say, winking even though his eyes are on the road.
your innuendo didn't go unnoticed by your husband, briefly turning at you and smirking. "i'll hold onto that, babe. better get ready for me in bed."
you laugh, mind wandering to what sort of events will unfold tomorrow.
tomorrow. halloween. october 31st of 2018.
you're getting excited.
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Ps. Belated happy 2nd anniversary to my hubby in the box 😚 (srsly tho pls get out i miss u)
Thank you so much for reading!! <3 Interactions are highly appreciated :DD
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stellalunatmblr · 2 years
The Flower Path | Chapter 6
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Genre/Tags: isekai (kinda?), bangtan x fem!reader, not poly, oc!bestfriend, surprise romantic pairings; rom-com (romance as a subplot), slow burn (the slowest of burns holy moly i cannot stress this enough), fluff, angst  (will update tags along the way)
Status: Ongoing
Summary: What would you feel if you find yourself transported to the world of a cheesy web novel? Ecstatic, of course (well, among other things), except you’re stuck being the main character’s best friend slash sidekick. Fair enough, you don’t think you’re main character material anyway. Determined to get through your life that has changed all of a sudden, you try to keep yourself in the shadows of your “best friend.” Let’s just try to get through the last year of high school in peace. You thought it was gonna be easy – like a walk in a flower path– but the thing about walking that road is that there are bound to be thorns along the way.
Inspired by the web novel and manhwa: Inso’s Law
Word Count: 6.5k
Chapter Note: yikes sorry for the long wait T-T
"Stop staring at that." Yoongi tried to conceal the paper you were holding with his hand, but you snatched it away from him. You give him a playful sneer before straightening up in your seat and bringing the paper back to your face. 
"But it's so beautiful," You exclaimed in a theatrical manner, even letting out a slight gasp for more impact. Needless to say, the person next to you was not amused.
"I agree. It's lovely," a deep voice whispers from near you, and you turn to see Taehyung peering into your paper. He pulls something from his back and shows you his as well. He shuts his eyes and nods slowly as you lift your palms into your lips to conceal your astonished gasp.
"I know, I know," he says, patting your head to "comfort" you. Minyoung smiles at the antics and pulls a chair around to face where you were currently sitting.
"You people are so dramatic," she says as she rolls her eyes and pries your hands away from your face.
“Hey! Let us have this. It's not often that we receive flawless grades on everything," Taehyung remarks whiningly with a pout, and you gag, receiving a gentle smack on the shoulder from him.
“How did everyone else do?” Yoongi asks as he looks around for your other friends. 
“I think we all did exceptional on this one. Study group has been working out really well; I'm amazed it really worked for us,” Taehyung says and you nod in agreement.
Hoseok returns to the classroom after momentarily excusing himself to take a phone call. “Everything okay?” Yoongi asked cautiously and Hobi just gave him a slight nod.
“Yep, everything’s fine. My mom just told me she’d have to work overtime so I should just get myself dinner.” He answers as he eyes you sitting on his chair. You were about to stand up to offer him his seat back, but he simply shook his head at you, so you sat down again.
Yoongi tried to read into his friend's face as he spoke to you guys. After years of friendship, you'd think he'd know everything about Hoseok, yet he still has trouble reading him sometimes. He's simply really adept at always wearing his smiling mask. He sits up straight and clears his throat.
“I’ll join you for dinner. I’m sick of seeing my brother’s face all the time at home anyway.” He offers and Hobi sends him a grateful smile. “You know what? We should ask if everyone’s free, then we should all have dinner together.” He adds, and he sees his friend’s eye light up. A smile pulls from his face at the reaction.
Yoongi is well aware that Hoseok dislikes being alone. He spent so much of his childhood alone that he now wants company wherever he goes. After all, it's the reason he and Yoongi became friends. As children, they would always meet at their parents' work functions, and Hobi would always accompany the bashful boy who seemed to want to be anywhere but a fancy affair full of grownups. Yoongi tried to brush him off every time, but his grumpy disposition had no effect on the boy, who clung to him like gum. He's thankful Hoseok didn't give up on him; he wouldn't know what to do without him.
“I think that’s a great idea! We all have something to celebrate anyway.” Minyoung says before rushing over along with Taehyung to relay the information to your other friends.
"Yeah, and don't be bothered about dinner.  I'll ask my dad to make some for us, and we'll pick it up from the restaurant," you say as you rise from your seat. You pull out your phone and indicate that you're about to make a phone call, and they all nod.
Hoseok takes his seat and glances at Yoongi, who has his gaze drawn away from him. He grins again, remembering how thankful he is for his friend. He immediately engulfs his best friend in a hug and even makes smooching noises, while Yoongi, as usual, tries to stop him with a twisted up face.
As he moves away from Yoongi, he softly pats his back and offers him a knowing look of appreciation. He knows his friend well enough to realize that expressing himself verbally is difficult for him, so he expresses himself in other ways. Yoongi nods and ruffles his hair, their unspoken conversation filling the air around them with warmth. They've always had each other's back in everything, and this moment just served to reinforce that.
The thought of a little get-together appeared to excite everyone, and it so happened that everyone could come. The group was divided into teams; some were sent to fetch the food, some to get the dessert, and others to go straight to the Jung residence to prepare for the guests.
You decided to take Minyoung and Jungkook with you with an ulterior motive in mind. Jungkook's dismissal of the entire budget negotiating situation has troubled you every time you see him. How can someone who was so determined to make something happen give up so easily? It also doesn't help when you notice him looking dejected when he thinks no one is watching.
You were on your way to the restaurant on the bus when you decided to (not-so-subtly) bring up the subject of the conversation. You cleared your throat while Minyoung was raving about a volleyball game she saw on TV the day before. 
“Speaking of, the sports committee meeting is next week.” You bring up and Minyoung gives you a questioning look. You return it with a knowing one, trying to get her to work with you.
“Right. You must be really busy preparing paperwork for that, don't you?" She responds with a glance that says, Right now? Really? You widen your eyes at her and nod in the direction of Jungkook. Her jaw drops open in realization but she nods in understanding.
"Yeah, but we've planned ahead of time enough to decrease the load because it's so close. I think we can take on some other projects as well..." You tried to ease into the subject.
“Really? I think you've got enough work to do with the next practice games," Jungkook adds nonchalantly, staring out the window like an anime protagonist. Heh.
You fumble over your words. "Ah- That's-" You were at a loss for words since he was right! Because the rest of the practice games will be hosted by Kkotgil, there is a lot of documentation and inventory that has to be completed. And it would reflect poorly on the school if you didn't plan this well. "It's not that bad, really," you chuckle awkwardly, turning to look at Minyoung, who is trying not to laugh at you. You scowl at her and determine that beating around the bush isn't going to work.
You sigh and turn to face Jungkook. "I want to talk to you about the budget negotiation you mentioned," you told him flatly, amazed at how confident you sounded considering you'd never truly spoken to him like this before.
He throws his head back in irritation before turning to face you. "I thought I told you to forget about it," he replies sternly, but it doesn't faze you in the least.
You sighed exasperatedly as you peered at him. "I know, but you seemed so adamant about it, so I don't understand why you gave up so fast," you retorted gently. Fighting fire with fire, as far as you can gather, will not work on this guy.
He opted to avert your eyes, so you just kept going. "Listen, you're under no obligation to tell me anything you don't want to. Maybe just tell me enough to make the Coach think I know everything. I doubt he'll quiz me about it anyway." You shrugged, trying to make it sound like it's not a big deal, but you know by now that it is for him.
He fiddled with his hands on his lap, and the quiet hushed conversation you were having appeared to prompt Minyoung to intervene. She offers Jungkook a reassuring smile, and his stiff shoulders loosen.
"I'm not sure how much to tell you without..." He trailed off and returned his gaze to the window.
"It's about your relationship with the team, isn't it?" You can see his eyes widen at your comment. "I figured so. You know, you're not very subtle." You add, and he let out a wry laugh at that.
"Says you," he responds sarcastically. You caught the insinuation in his tone but you don't want to go into it right now because this conversation is about him. You decide to brush that last bit off and sit up straight.
“Hey, I’m just letting you know that option is on the table.” You opt to continue instead of looking at him. "And remember, even after the meeting is over, you can still talk to me about it. I'm more to you than just a manager. I'm also your friend," you say as you look around, catching Minyoung's gaze and returning her smile.
"I'll be there when you're ready to tell me. We'll all be there for you." You return your glance to him, but he has a distant expression in his eyes that tells you he's thinking about something.
You gave a final shrug before pressing the button to notify the driver that you'd like to exit at the next stop. Minyoung wraps her arm around yours as you exit the bus. "You were so cool," she adds with a laugh, and you just grin and shake your head.
It didn’t feel cool for you to say; it was hypocritical advice. Who were you to tell him that he can tell you guys anything, when not so long ago you completely shut them all out without an explanation? You laugh at yourself. You were beginning to doubt yourself. Perhaps you should just leave him alone and let him deal with his shit. You don't have to pry into other people's lives when you're determined to build your walls as high as possible, allowing others to view only a fraction of you.
But, a little voice within your head argues, you know better now. You know better now that it doesn't hurt to depend on them now and again, especially when they are willing to be there for you. With that in mind, you loosen up, and tighten Minyoung’s arms that were tangled with yours. 
"Hey," Jungkook's voice yelled out from behind you as you approached the restaurant's door, forcing you and your friend to spin around to face him. "I'll think about it," he adds timidly, rubbing the back of his neck.
You smiled at him.
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°
When the entire group is together, it is always chaotic. With all of the food laid out on the table, you know your dad went all out for the occasion. At this point, you'd think he'd be feeding the entire neighborhood. He’s just that thrilled at the prospect of you having friends. Your friends, on the other hand, were grateful and as a sign of gratitude, they promised to finish everything.
As soon as the group was complete, you all tucked into the food. True to their word, they did manage to finish almost everything that was laid out. Well, considering you were a bunch of growing teenagers, it shouldn’t be surprising that you all had an increased appetite. It was after you all ate dinner and were resting your stomachs to make room for dessert were you able to properly look around Hoseok’s home that he shared with his mom. During the conversation at the table, he mentioned that he was an only child.
You sat on the sofa and left the others sitting on the floor around the coffee table where you all ate. There was an abundance of personal clutter around the living room, which gave the house a more homey appearance. There were trophies, medals, but what caught your attention were the number of pictures of Hobi and his mother that were either hung on the wall or placed neatly on the shelves. They smiled in all the photos, and while it was obvious in his single shots that he was being made to strike a particular pose, he still had a wide grin on his face.
“These are really cute. You seemed like such a bright and cheerful child,” You suddenly commented without looking at the group, but their chatter died down at your remark. You look at them to question the silence and you see them looking at Hobi who had his lips on a grim line, and the rest who seemed like they were observing the situation. You didn't even get to ask about his mom, which you wanted to do just to make conversation and in an attempt to get to know him more. Hoseok briefly caught himself slipping before breaking into his trademark grin. You see Jin lean back on his seat and cross his arms with a sigh from your peripheral vision.
“Do you guys wanna play games? I don’t have a gaming console because we usually game at Yoongi’s, but I do have some board games and cards.” He offers and the atmosphere at the table suddenly brightens again. You scrunch your eyebrows, finding all of their reactions odd. You don’t know if you were reading into this too much but you wondered why him having that expression silenced the whole table. It was normal for you to be grumpy and frown at every little thing, so you understand why Hobi reacted like that, as it might have been rude for him when you said something about his childhood pictures. You facepalmed yourself when no one was looking. It looks like you've gotten better at making these guys uncomfortable with unsolicited comments ever since you started to feel at ease around them. Well done, you.
The group decided to play a card game while enjoying dessert, and it soon became tense and competitive. It was a wonderful change to hear laughing and playful banter fill the Jung family's living room. During one particularly heated and power-up-heavy round, Jimin noticed his friend shifting in his seat.
“You okay?” He asks in a hushed voice despite the risk of being barely audible because of the commotion on the table.
Jungkook gave him a quick glance before smiling briefly. “Yeah, just thinking about something.” He was considering what you had said to him. He noticed that you appeared hesitant to provide him that advice, and he thinks he understands why. Nevertheless, he appreciated your attempt and the fact that it was done in good faith. Once again, he's grateful that you and Minyoung didn't avoid him because he's been an insufferable prick for no apparent reason..
“You’re thinking? That’s new.” Jimin joked around and earned a playful nudge in return. There was silence between the two as they quietly took their own turns in the game and let the others carry all the playful conversations. “You wanna talk about it? ” He asks tentatively while pretending to watch the others play; he even notices Jin sneaking a glance at Namjoon's cards before returning to his own, but Yoongi had also snuck a glance at his cards while he was distracted. Jimin shook his head in disbelief at his friends.
“Actually..” Jungkook trailed off. “Yeah. Yeah, I think I finally want to talk about it.” He says.
Jimin hums in response. “Okay. Should we break off from the group or-” Jungkook cut him off frantically before he finished, rubbing at his nape.
“N-no. I was thinking.. I was thinking of finally telling everyone about what happened.” He said. Jimin had his mouth agape at his friend’s revelation. Among this group of friends, only him and Taehyung knew about Jungkook’s situation with his teammates. They found it difficult when Jungkook obstinately refused their assurances that what had happened was not his fault. Perhaps some new perspectives on the matter could be helpful. Perhaps if it came from recently made friends, he would believe them.
It would be too much for Jungkook, he thinks, to tell you and Minyoung the story and then maybe have to tell it to the others again. He figures it would be best to take care of everything at once, much like ripping off a band aid.
“Are you sure?” Jimin tries to give him an out in the event that he doesn’t really want to do this, but he just nods.
“Okay. You can ask Tae or myself to take over if you find it too difficult to recount the story. " Jimin gives his friend a reassuring shoulder pat, prompting a hesitant nod.
Looking around the table, Jungkook considers how he will abruptly bring up a serious topic in the midst of laughter. He was on the verge of fleeing out of fear that he could destroy the mood and his friends' opinion of him. He was aware that doing this might disrupt the dynamics of the group. When he has finished telling them everything and they decide they don't like him and want to cut all ties with him, he will let them do just that. At least the friendship wasn't old enough to have caused a wound that deep yet. He knew Jimin and Tae would be by him no matter what, which is also comforting.
He tries to test whether anyone would notice by clearing his throat once, but in the past few minutes, the group has only grown rowdier due to Jin's alleged cheating. Taehyung, who was more attentive of his friends, saw him and then made an effort to make everyone quiet.
"Jungkook, did you have anything to say?" he inquired loudly enough to get the group's attention, and all of a sudden, heads turned to look at him. He senses the attention making his blood run cold and his hand tremble, but he braces himself. However, he was cut off before he could speak.
"I promise I wasn't looking! Are your playing cards nearly finished?" Jin stretches out and flips Jungkook's cards that were on the table.
“Ayy, these aren’t even good cards, you have been bound to lose with these.”
After that, chaos reigned yet again.
“See, you just cheated again! ”
"No, I didn't. I simply provided him with advice."
“Boo! You’re disqualified! ”
In response to the chaos, Jungkook finds himself actually giggling. Though he hasn't known these people for very long, he feels as though he can trust them in some way. But he also thinks that losing them would hurt, so he felt a tiny tightness in his chest.
“I did want to say something. And it has nothing to do with the cards.” He begins, and the group quiets down again, but he does not feel the heaviness in the air this time. He glances around the table and finds them looking at him expectantly, as if they are genuinely interested in hearing him out. He regained his composure and braced himself once more.
“It’s about what happened last year..”
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°
“You’re late again!” The captain scolds the boy and throws the ball at his head, letting it bounce off and back to his hands.
“Sorry, sorry! I had to run some errands before leaving.” He says and Jungkook, from afar, sighs at the sight of his sunbae being scolded again. 
“You’re lucky you’re a star player, or else I’d give you more shit for this.” The captain says with a shake of his head.
“Wah, look at you being scolded in front of your juniors! How embarrassing!” His batchmate teases, sending everyone into light laughter.
His seniors had usually argued endlessly during training, but everyone knew it was just friendly banter, so it was entertaining to see. Additionally, it improved group dynamics and helped the younger teammates feel comfortable.
Once his Doyun sunbae was done running laps around the court as punishment for being late, he approached Jungkook with a smack on the back.
“Sorry for being late when I promised to run some plays with you.” The older one says with an easy smile. Jungkook rolls his eyes.
“Whatever, hyung. What’s so important that you’re always late to weekend training?” He asked in an irritated tone and shifted his body away from the older guy. He is often irritated by his hyung's repeated promises to assist him in improving his plays but frequently arrives to practice too late. His senior was constantly eager to leave training as soon as it ended, so after-practice hours were off the table as well. He exhales. How was he going to get the attention of his seniors now that he was running for captain of the following year? He hasn't had many chances to demonstrate to them how much he has developed since his first year.
“Yah! Don't treat your sunbae that way! I have a life outside of volleyball, you know?” He said in a defensive tone and one of his batchmates overheard Doyun say this.
“Psh! Even I am aware that is untrue. Volleyball is your life," the guy exclaimed, drawing amusement from others.
“I’ll ask for some personal training time from the captain right now. I gotta make it up to little Jungkook here somehow.” Doyun wraps his arm around the younger’s shoulders and ruffles his hair with the other. Jungkook pries himself off from his hyung before huffing in annoyance.
“I want to practice some quick attacks today.” Jungkook said flatly and went on his merry way, asking Jimin to toss some balls for him.
Doyun was left chuckling at the younger boy’s demands. “He’s quite straightforward, isn't he? Think he’d make for a good captain? ” He remarks, to which the others hum in agreement.
The training was effective at least, and this time Doyun kept his word and gave Jungkook today a lot of assistance. Since they were paired up during practice when Jungkook was still trying out for the volleyball team, he was his closest hyung from the team. He was forced to acknowledge how much of the credit for his rapid progress goes to his hyung.
Doyun wasn't always so disloyal to his commitments. During the freshman year of the three, he actually trained frequently with Jungkook and occasionally even Jimin and Taehyung. He’d tell the younger boys about his dream to play professionally and get recruited into his dream team, and also to give them advice on how to play better. Jungkook doesn’t want to admit it, but he’s taken quite a liking to his hyung’s presence, despite showing otherwise. He is thankful for having someone to rely on who has more experience than him in the field. He’s like the brother he never had.
However, this year, he had been more evasive, appeared to be constantly on guard, and had been in a hurry to leave every single training session. Jungkook was curious as to what was causing the older guy to act this way, especially when they were nearing the last games of the winter sports season, where there were gonna be professional recruiters, and it was the senior members’ last games of their high school life as well. 
Doyun abruptly excused himself one day to the captain as they were still wrapping up the training and he hurriedly left the gym, oblivious to his batchmates' remarks that he should at least wait until everyone was prepared to leave. When Jungkook noticed it, a strong surge of curiosity about why his hyung is acting in this manner swept over him. He quickly puts on his jacket and makes his way to the gym's exit, earning some questioning yells from Jimin and Taehyung to which he acknowledges with a raise of hand. He then follows the diminutive figure that he believes to be his hyung because he has already traveled a considerable distance.
He was chasing the older man while taking quick, frigid breaths of cold air that pierced his lungs. He had to exercise caution because there were certain areas of the walkway that were slippery; as a result, he nearly fell several times. He succeeds in catching up, though he makes sure to keep a safe distance from Doyun so as not to be seen stalking him. He knows the older man would tell him off when he finds out.
They were nearing a neighboring park after traveling a fair distance into a small neighborhood, and he started to question if this was even a good idea; maybe his hyung was right, he was just busy with other stuff about his personal life. But when Jungkook notices Doyun raising the hood of his jacket, he senses something was off. He continued on following him without trying to give it any attention. Not long after, a group of men his hyung's age emerged from a nearby tree. He immediately noticed his Doyun hyung, who instantly stopped in his tracks, and consequently, he stopped as well. He hides behind a nearby tree as he sees Doyun get stopped in the middle of attempting to walk past the group of guys.
He hears them speaking to his sunbae, and at first the talk is quiet and civil, but as it heats up, the group steadily encircles Doyun in an effort to intimidate him. It appeared to work, which surprised Jungkook. Doyun was typically a laid-back person who laughed a lot and smiled a lot, but everyone who knew him knew that he wasn't the kind to let people walk all over him. Now that he’s seeing him in this light, the looming feeling of dread creeps up in his gut yet again. Doyun wouldn’t be the type to get caught up in gang affairs, would he? He thinks to himself and his hands balled up into tight fists. It would explain his behavior these past few months, though.
When he notices someone pushing Doyun back and making him stumble, he instinctively steps forward. Jungkook realized that this was going to escalate into a fight, and his heartbeat quickened. Before he could decide what to do, he finds himself in a direct confrontation with a member of the group.
“What the hell are you doing to him?” He hears his own voice shout but doesn’t realize that he actually spoke and how he got here.
“Y-yah! What are you doing here!” Doyun grabs the front of his jacket and pulls him.
“Well would you look at that. Is this another one of your brothers? How about we ask him for the money then?” The one who seemed to be the leader of the group eyes Jungkook up and down.
“Leave him alone, he’s not my brother.” Doyun stood in a defensive stance in front of Jungkook which told the guys otherwise.
“Is that right?” The guy brings back his eyes to Jungkook intimidatingly, “But maybe we can still get something out of him. Make him pay for your brother’s debt like a good little friend, hmm?”
Doyun grabbed the leader's collar while two men each grabbed one of Jungkook's arms to hold him down. “I told you to leave him alone, he has nothing to do with this!” He uttered hastily.
The guy punched Doyun in the face, making Jungkook gasp. “Hyung!” He sees blood spill out from the older guy’s mouth and he feels his blood run cold.
“If you gave us our money back, then we wouldn’t be having this problem. You’re really gonna let your brother cower behind your back? How about you bring him to us so he can pay the consequences of his actions.” The guy shoves his pointer finger on Doyun’s forehead, pushing it repeatedly to accent his point. Jungkook sees Doyun clench his jaw so hard he thought it was gonna break.
There were a few seconds of calm when Doyun abruptly threw a punch after slowly rising upright. The subsequent events happened quickly. As the men gather around Doyun, Jungkook finds himself being pushed aside and his body hitting the dirt. In the haste of the situation, he finds himself grabbing a stray piece of long wood and striking several of the men painfully to get them off Doyun, who threw more punches and kicks once he got an opening. They managed to take down enough of them to be able to flee, and Jungkook doesn't recall how it happened, but he finds himself being dragged by his hyung to escape the fight.
“What the fuck were you thinking?” Doyun said between catching his breath, still running away. He looks back and sees them being followed and he curses lightly before increasing their pace.
They thought they were in the clear when they stopped on the side of the road. They were both huffing and puffing with their hands resting on their knees, catching their breath. Jungkook looked back and cursed to himself when he saw one of the guys spot them and call out to their companions.
“They saw us hyung, let’s go!” He didn’t bother grabbing his hyung and ran to get a head start. As he was running away he heard someone yell out to him, and a bright light coming from his left. He felt someone pushing him from the back and he painfully landed on the concrete, but nothing hurt more than the sight he saw of Doyun’s body being hit by the car.
Everything moved slowly, and he could hear his ears ringing. He watches the gang members panic and flee the scene, hears cries to get an ambulance, witnesses blue and red lights flashing against the now-darkened surroundings, and hears someone ask him if he was okay.
The rest of it is lost to memory, but when he awoke from his haze, he was sitting in a hospital waiting room covered in bandages, and it wasn't until he was by himself that he finally broke down.
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°
They listened to Jungkook as he told the story with his head down and avoided making eye contact with the others. The room, which had earlier been alive with voices, was now completely silent.
“He ended up with broken bones all over his body. Inevitably, he couldn’t play the rest of the championship games that season; It’d take months for him to fully recover, and months of physical therapy if they could determine he could ever play again.” He says with a husky tone, his energy being drained with every second he spends talking about this.
“He was our star player, and he held the team together more than we realized. So when we went into the games without him, adding the fact that morale was low and tensions were high inside the team because of the incident, we messed up so much during the games and we… lost everything.
“Seniors who were competing for spots on professional and collegiate teams saw all of their chances to get recruited all go down the drain. All thanks to me. All because I made the decision to be nosy on that specific day.” He began to sob uncontrollably, his shoulders shaking, covering his face with both hands as his voice broke. The group was quick to gravitate towards him and reach their hand out to comfort him, not saying anything as they all know words would not be enough right now.
"The worst part was that nobody was held accountable—not even me, who was clearly responsible for everything. My other batchmates disagree, and even though they didn't bother to learn the whole story, they have since grown to dislike me. It affected how I handled the team as a captain, and I eventually started hating myself for that, too." He struggled to continue through his tears, his words stopped short by breath intake.
He’d asked for a suspension from the coach himself once he told him everything that happened, and he’s been benched for a few games because of it. It helped ease his guilt but it wasn’t enough. Nearly not enough for the damage he had caused.
He sobbed harder, clutching his chest as his breath came in heaves, "I guess they just punished me by making me captain, and letting the others walk all over me because of what I did."
Jimin gives him a soothing back rub and waits for him to catch his breath before speaking.
"That's just untrue. They didn't point the finger at anyone specifically since there was no one to blame," He says. "It was an accident. And because they recognized your abilities, they chose you to be captain."
"Even before that incident, there were discussions about electing you," Taehyung continued. It was what they’ve always told him about this, but he always seemed to never believe them. 
“The seniors all managed to get into good teams despite everything because there have been more games that showcased their talents. They admitted to us they were regretful sometimes, but it was the best they could get out of the situation.” Jimin adds.
There were a few more seconds of silence and ruminating about all that has been said before someone spoke again.
“Maybe it really was your fault.” They heard your small voice cut through the silence, and they all looked at you with wide eyes in shock. Even Jungkook felt his tears retract back to his ducts in astonishment.
“W-what?” He manages to blurt out.
You avert your eyes awkwardly. “I-I mean, knowing Jimin and Taehyung, the opposite is probably what they had always told you..” You told him in a progressively smaller voice.
“And the reason why you never believed them before is because maybe that’s not what you wanted to hear.” You add, this time not looking at anyone.
Namjoon chuckles, which surprised everyone. “I actually agree.” He says, now making him the subject of wide eyed stares. “I could elaborate, but that’s only if you want us to continue.” He asks Jungkook. He sniffs a little and wipes his cheek in a childlike manner that made everyone smile before he nodded.
“Based on what you told us, it’s highly likely that you were at fault.” Namjoon continued and Jungkook felt tears prick his eyes.
“Uhm, guys-” Taehyung tries to look around for help, thinking that this was going in a very different direction.
“But!” Namjoon cuts him off. “But, it was a variety of factors that contributed to the outcome if you think about it.” He props his thumb and pointer finger in a thinking pose.
“Right. If you blame yourself for it, then a lot of things were at fault too, aside from you. It was the car, maybe even the weather that made the streets slippery. It could even be Doyun sunbae for not reaching out to anyone about his situation, but I reckon that’s on the bottom of the list.” Minyoung says as she nods, trying to really drive the point.
“But you know, if we’re really blaming anyone here, it’d be the gang members’ fault. They intimidated and threatened you first, and you guys just tried to defend yourselves and run away.” Hoseok adds.
“Hmmm. Maybe it’d be good for you to acknowledge that you were at fault so you can heal, but just keep in mind that it’s not just you. It was a series of bad circumstances that led to that event.” Yoongi says as he fiddles with a pack of brownies in front of him.
Unbeknownst to himself, Jungkook has now ceased sobbing entirely. As he found himself paying close attention to what his colleagues were saying, a deep part of him began to relax.
“Have you spoken to any of them? The sunbaes, I mean.” Minyoung asks as she gets back to munching on sweets, trying to ease everyone into going back to being casual so as to not add to the gloomy atmosphere.
“He did with everyone except Doyun, that’s how we knew they didn’t blame anyone.” Jimin spoke for him.
“Why not? Doyun sunbae seems nice from what I’ve seen.” Minyoung replies.
“That’s exactly the reason. I never attempted since he would be too kind to hold me responsible for anything. I'm also too embarrassed to show my face after what I've done to him and the team.” Jungkook says dejectedly, his eyes drooping slightly now that all the crying had caught up to him.
“Hmmm. How do you know that’s how he’ll react? You said you never tried talking to him.” Yoongi says calmly.
“Right! You didn’t even give him a chance to blame you, either!” Hoseok says in a too cheerful voice, earning a nudge from you.
“I mean, if he blames you, that’s his decision to make, no? But you didn’t even give him that option by avoiding him.” He clarifies.
“I hate to agree, but he’s right. Maybe the best thing to do is to talk with him.” You said in a light tone.
Jungkook ruminates on everything that was said. He had more space in his head and heart to consider everything now that everything was out in the open. They were all right about this. He should go and apologize to Doyun, and what comes out of his apology is out of his hands. He’ll accept whatever happens and try finally move past this, focus on dealing with the now. 
Everyone had resumed their easy talk when he turned to gaze around the table. They do not hate him. They still don't hate him despite what he told them. Even if they had believed he was at fault, they left no trace of their judgment or intention to cut him off. He experienced tremendous relief. While you're having a chat with Minyoung, he catches your eye, which makes you double back and look at him questioningly. You offer him a small nod, and he does the same.
“Look, I still receive Doyun hyung’s emails. We can contact him to meet; he goes to college in a nearby town.” Taehyung says casually while showing his phone, with a mouthful of chocolate-covered strawberries in his mouth, earning a fond smile from Jungkook.
“Last I heard, physical therapy was going well, and that maybe they’d finally let him play in the upcoming inter-collegiate season.” Jimin adds, snatching a strawberry from Taehyung (to his annoyance) and showing it in his mouth.
“Will you guys accompany me when I decide to meet up with him?” Jungkook asks and Jimin clicks his tongue as if that were a ridiculous question.
“Of course, dumbass. We’re always here for you.” He says before leaning forward to stop the tug of war that broke out between Jin and Hobi over a piece of jelly.
Amidst all the chaos, Jungkook smiles. 
We'll all be there for you. He hears your voice say. Suddenly, he doesn't remember what he was so afraid of.
You were right.
taglist: @reallysparklychaos @lovebun-19 @shownusshoulders @missseoulite @potaetopic @bbsantc @moderndaychihiro @bear-hugs-and-kisses
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boffeeceans · 2 years
Dreams of Dying Fill Your Head
Summary: “Steve?” Max’s voice sounds panicked and shaky on the other side of the line, breathing heavy. It makes his heart sting.
“Max, what happened? Are you okay?”
She takes a deep shuddering breath before she speaks, “I’m fine.” Another breath that sounds more like a gasp this time. “It- It’s Eddie.”
Eddie seems to be doing fine after the Upside Down, but is he? Is he really? I don't think so.
Tags/Warnings: Trauma, PTSD, Anxiety/Panic Attack, (Emotional) Hurt/Comfort, Eddie Lives, POV Steve Harrington, Not intended to be pre-slash steddie but can be read as such if you so wish.
Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Max Mayfield (Mostly Eddie and Steve)
Word count: 5k
Notes: I looked up the difference between panic and anxiety attacks, it made me confused and gave me a headache. I'm pretty sure that where I'm from we use one word for both and it's panic attack so that's what I used in here. Anyway, I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you enjoy!
Read on Ao3
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Surprisingly, Eddie seems to be doing fine after almost getting mauled to death by a hoard of demobats. His name got cleared (which doesn’t mean that everyone thinks he’s innocent), he went back to school, graduated and got to flip Principal Higgings the bird. He’s still his usual loud and dramatic self, he still listens to his music way too loud at ungodly hours of the night to Max’s dismay, and he still hosts weekly DnD nights — technically Steve hosts since it’s at his house, but Eddie set it up.
He rarely leaves the trailer by himself, though, never going further than to the trash can and back. But that doesn’t mean he’s alone. Every morning Max comes over for tea or coffee, sometimes she’ll join him on the old couch outside of his trailer when he’s smoking, drinking or playing his guitar. They don’t always talk, more often than not they just sit in silence, enjoying each other’s company, basking in the knowledge that they’re not alone, that they’re not the only one that went through hell and back.
Whenever Eddie needs to be somewhere, be it the arcade, the store, anywhere really, Steve will drive him. Most of the time Steve has to offer and Eddie will reluctantly accept, but not before declining a bunch. This one time when Steve dropped him off at his trailer Eddie expressed that he feels guilty about how the other is always driving him — especially for the DnD meetings, for which Steve has to go from his house to the trailer and back twice. It took Steve a lot of reassuring and telling him that he really doesn’t mind for Eddie to stop refusing his rides and reluctantly accept right off the bat.
Nancy helped him study for his exams. Jonathan and Argyle — who is visiting for the summer — occasionally come over to get high. Robin will show up with a shitload of movies she wants to watch and pester Steve into picking Eddie up on his break so that they could spend some time together, he’ll complain but he’s more than happy to do it. The kids call all the time and visit for whatever reason they can think of, big or small.
Eddie isn’t alone and he seems to be doing fine.
However, the bags under his eyes are a stark contrast against his paler than usual skin, he covers almost every inch of his body with clothing ever since he got discharged from the hospital, even though it’s summer, and sometimes he’ll completely zone out and stare off into the distance. For the last few days Eddie hasn’t left his trailer at all, saying he has a cold. He still answers the phone and opens the door, and sure he looks and sounds a little worse for wear. He still smiles and laughs, and Steve can’t be one hundred percent sure on account of him not really knowing Eddie before, but it looks genuine.
But still, something doesn’t sit right with Steve. He doesn’t want to push him though, doesn’t want to force him to open up and talk to him.
Steve presses his palms into his eyes and slides further down the couch. Eddie’s smart, he’ll reach out if he needs to. Besides, Steve’s not his fucking mother.
Steve glances at the clock, 10:57. It’s going to be a long night, he can feel it, one filled with lying awake in the deafening silence of the empty house. With a sigh Steve pulls himself off the couch and paces around, there’s got to be something he can do.
11:09; Cleaning? No, the house is clean.
11:16; Reading? Fuck no.
11:27; Drinking? Yeah, Steve could use a drink.
Walking to the kitchen — less walking and more sliding across the floor — he takes a beer out of the fridge. He barely gets his nails under the tab when the phone rings. It’s tempting to just ignore it, but it could be one of the kids, waking up from a nightmare, or just needing someone to talk to, or maybe just to check in. To ask if he’s doing okay… Steve scoffs to himself, they call him mom for a reason. Mothers offer emotional support to their kids, they don’t ask for it.
Placing the can on the counter, Steve makes his way over to the phone and holds it to his ear.
“Harring-” He doesn’t get to finish.
“Steve?” Max’s voice sounds panicked and shaky on the other side of the line, breathing heavy. It makes his heart sting.
“Max, what happened? Are you okay?”
She takes a deep shuddering breath before she speaks, “I’m fine.” Another breath that sounds more like a gasp this time. “It- It’s Eddie.”
A pit opens up in Steve’s stomach. He knew something was wrong, he should’ve followed his gut and done something, anything. If he did Max wouldn’t have had to hear the sound of glass breaking and Eddie’s screaming and yelling. She wouldn’t have had to see him lying on the floor.
“I don’t think he’s moving.” The pit grows bigger and bigger with every word. “Steve, I… I’m scared.”
“I’ll be right there,” Steve says, “I just need you to try to stay calm, all right?” He’s telling her as much as he’s telling himself.
After an “okay” from Max he hangs up and dashes out the door, almost forgetting his shoes and keys.
The entire way Steve has to reassure himself that Eddie is probably fine. Maybe he just fell, it makes sense since he’s not as steady on his feet anymore after the Upside Down. He probably refused to use his cane and then his leg gave out, he cursed to himself and now he’s just laying on the floor contemplating all his life's decisions, which is a normal thing to do, Steve should know.
Eddie is fine.
When he pulls up to the Munson trailer the first thing he sees is Max sitting on the steps. She gets up as soon as she notices him and waits for him to park and get out of his car. There’s a panicked expression on her face; her eyes are blown wide, brows knit together, and she’s worrying her bottom lip.
Steve exits his car while the vehicle is still partly moving and speed walks to max on the porch. Before he even has a chance to ask if anything has changed she shakes her head. He places a hand on her shoulder and squeezes, trying to comfort her even if it’s just a little and glances over to the window. The curtain is mostly closed but there’s a small gap that he can see through. And sure enough there’s Eddie, on the floor in the hall, seemingly unmoving.
But he’s breathing.
Steve tells Max as much and he can feel some tension leave her shoulder under his hand. He moves past Max and to the door, trying the handle.
“I told you it’s locked,” Max says, her voice just a bit more steady than it was over the phone. “We could break a window.”
Steve glances over his shoulder, seeing Max already looking for something solid. “No need,” he says and takes a key out of his pocket. Thank whatever higher power there is or isn’t for Wayne Munson.
As he pushes the key through the keyhole, Steve realizes how much he’s shaking, how scared he is. Realizes that he’s grown to care for Eddie a whole fucking lot, just as much as he cares for Robin, and he really needs him to be okay.
He takes a deep breath before twisting the key and walking inside, Max following close behind him. Now, without a wall separating them, Steve can hear just how hard Eddie’s breathing — breathing isn’t the right word, he’s hyperventilating — and Steve is honestly surprised that they couldn’t hear him outside.
Eddie has his back turned to Steve and Max, he’s curled in on himself, shaking as sobs wreck through his body, nothing but a towel hanging on for dear life around his hips.
Steve slowly takes a few steps towards him. “Eddie? It’s Steve,”  he says to let his presence known. Eddie doesn’t respond. “Eddie?” Steve tries again. Nothing. Taking a few more steps he keeps trying to get Eddie’s attention, every attempt is fruitless and it’s really stressing Steve out. One quick look at Max shows that she, too, is getting more and more anxious by the second.
As careful as he can, Steve steps over Eddie and crouches down. For the first time Steve gets a look at the damage that the Demobats have left behind and it’s not pretty. He didn’t exactly get a good look in the Upside Down and thought that their scars would be more similar with  the exception of the ones on Eddie’s face.
But it’s so much worse than he thought it was. They’re everywhere; on his legs, arms, all the way from his waist to his chest, and from his neck to his face — though he can’t see much of Eddie’s face at the moment because of that mop that he calls hair covering most of it.
Steve feels stupid for thinking that it wasn’t that bad, especially because of those weeks Eddie spent in the hospital recovering and for the fact that he can’t walk more than ten minutes without a cane.
But he can feel stupid later. Right now Steve has to help Eddie through what he’s assuming is a panic attack, and a bad one at that.
Eddie’s clawing at his throat and chest, gasping for air and so very much not fucking fine .
“Hey, Eddie?” Steve reaches out and moves some of Eddie’s damp hair from his face. Even at the contact Eddie doesn’t acknowledge Steve’s presence, he just stares into nothingness, eyes somehow even wider than usual, frantic. “Eddie, I need you to look at me.” Sill noting which is really fucking unfortunate because Steve’s heart is pounding in his chest and the corners of his eyes are starting to sting and before long he might be gasping for air right along with Eddie and he needs to pull it the fuck together, because if he doesn’t where will that leave Max?
Max who moved out of sight, probably not being able to watch because they’ve only seen Eddie close to this vulnerable once and he nearly died then.
Steve takes a short moment to breathe and think. He needs Eddie to look at him, and that’s not going to happen with him lying on the floor like that. He places his hand on Eddie’s shoulder. “Eddie, I don’t know if you can even hear me right now, but I… I’m gonna move you, okay?” He’s not expecting an answer and doesn’t get one. With one hand under Eddie’s armpit and the other under his elbow Steve pulls him into a sitting position.
And that gets a reaction out of him. Eddie’s tear filled eyes shoot up to Steve’s and one of his hands grabs him by the collar of his shirt. “Hey, it’s me, it’s Steve,” Steve says and God does this situation feel familiar, it almost makes him laugh. Almost.
Eddie’s eyes wander, acknowledging Steve’s presence but not really looking at him. Miraculously his breathing becomes more erratic and tears spill like an avalanche as more sobs crawl and fight their way out of his throat. “Can’t- I-” Eddie chokes out, he moves his hand from Steve's collar and back to his throat. It’s covered in blood and still bleeding and Seve feels even more stupid for not noticing before.
“I know, I know,” Steve says and brings his hands to cup Eddie’s face, fingers brushing over the scar on his cheek. Eddie jerks his head away from the touch, desperately trying to get more distance between them. Steve doesn’t relent though, he tightens his grip and forces Eddie to face him.
There’s this terrified look in his eyes as he glances to the side like… like he’s hearing something, but as far as Steve knows the only sound is Eddie’s own breathing. And God if that doesn’t scare Steve. it can’t be him . He’s dead. Steve saw him die.
“Eddie.” Steve leans into his line of sight. “Eddie, I need you to look at me, all right?”
Eddie’s eyes dart between Steve and the distance before landing on the floor between them. He squeezes his eyes shut and curls his fingers around his neck, nails digging into skin.
“Please, Eddie,” Steve says, his voice much less steady than he wishes it to be. “You’re safe, okay? You’re safe.”
Eddie doesn’t show any signs of calming down but he does look at Steve, actually looks at him not through him.
“I just- I need you to breathe for me, can you do that?” Steve says. Eddie scrunches his face but nods either way. Grabbing Eddie’s hand, Steve moves it from his throat to his chest. “Focus on your chest, the rising and falling,” Steve says, “and take a deep breath in.”
Steve demonstrates, taking in a deep breath through his nose and Eddie mimics him. Or tries to. Halfway through Eddie chokes, slumping forward, hacking up cough after cough and all Steve can think is shit. Shit, shit, shit . He runs his hand over Eddie’s back, whispering what he hopes are soothing words.
Eddie's spine is way too prominent under his palm. Steve shakes off the thought, he can give Eddie a lecture about reaching out later — give himself one, too, for being so Goddamn blind, — and thinks of anything that could possibly calm Eddie down.
There is one thing. It could be counterproductive, could make Eddie feel trapped, caged in, but that’s a risk Steve’s willing to take because he’s running out of options.
When Eddie’s coughing slows down Steve moves from a hunching to a sitting position and slides across the floor, maneuvering himself behind Eddie. He presses his chest flush against Eddie’s back and crosses his arms in front of the other man, placing his hands on his shoulders. He squeezes, hard, and Eddie gasps. He brings his hand up to Steve’s forearms and sure his nails are digging into Steve’s skin, and sure it hurts, but Steve really doesn’t give a shit because Eddie’s getting air.
He’s still breathing heavily, he’s still shaking and crying, but through his sobs he manages to say, “I don’t wanna die.”
And fuck that breaks Steve’s heart. “You’re not gonna die, Eds,” he says, his own words coming out slurred and he sighs a sigh that turns into a strangled sob. And another one. And another one, the dam that the little beavers worked so hard on, now broken by an angry and scared river flows down his cheeks, onto Eddie’s shoulder, into his hair. He’s shaking and he hiccups but he doesn’t stop talking. “You’re safe,” he says, “I’m here, you’re okay.”
Eddie manages to catch his breath and they sit there, two slobbering messes holding on to each other. After a little while Max approaches them, she places something on the floor and a third slobbering mess gets added to the mix.
Under any other circumstances Steve would find this really fucking weird; if a year ago somone would’ve have told that he’d be in this situation — ending up in a pile of tears with Eddie Munson and Max Mayfield — he would’ve called them delusional. But right now Steve’s just glad that Max called him and that he could be there for Eddie.
Eddie taps Steve on his arm and when Steve lets him go he shuffles over to the other side of the hall, leaning his head against the wall. He wipes at his face and sniffs a few times, Steve does the same, so does Max.
“How are you feeling?” Steve asks.
Eddie chuckles dryly. “Other than completely and utterly humiliated? Peachy.”
Max grabs a glass of water from the floor — which must be what she placed down in the first place — and moves over to Eddie. “You scared the shit out of me,” she says and playfully punches him in the shoulder before handing him the water.
Ruffling her hair he says, “I’m sorry, Red.” He takes the water from her, downs the drink in a few quick gulps, and hands the empty glass back to her. “Thanks.”
A silence falls over them like a crushing weight. They should talk about it and Steve knows that Eddie knows that Steve thinks that they should talk about it. But his eyes drift from Steve to Max and to Steve. Not right now is what they’re saying, Steve nods — and if you blinked you would’ve missed it — but they are going to talk about it, as soon as Steve can get Eddie alone.
Eddie clears his throat before he speaks again, “I uh, should probably get dressed.” And yeah, he should. The towel around his waist might be one hell of a determined one but it’s still just a towel. He moves to get up, falls back on his ass, winces, and mumbles a curse under his breath. Steve is at his side in a matter of seconds and helps Eddie off the floor. It doesn’t go unnoticed to Steve how easy it is, how light Eddie is compared to when he had to carry him out of the Upside Down.
Steve shoves the thought to the back of his head with all the other concerts he has for Eddie and helps him to his bedroom. Eddie sits on the edge of his bed while Steve retrieves some clothes for him from his dresser; underwear, a pair of sweats, and a long sleeved and short sleeved shirt. Steve hopes Eddie will choose the short sleeved one since it’s way too warm for anything with long sleeves, but he knows Eddie probably won’t.
He holds the clothes out for Eddie and in a last minute decision he adds, “For your modesty, dude.”
He takes the items from Steve’s hand and the sides of Eddie’s mouth quirk up, just for a second, but the amusement doesn’t leave his eyes. Steve leaves it at that and exits Eddie’s bedroom, closing the door behind him.
In front of him is Max, looking into the bathroom. It’s not a pretty sight. The mirror above the sink is shattered, broken shards in the sink, and it’s all covered in blood. Steve sighs and walks in, he opens the sink cabinet and takes out a first-aid kit. Handing it to Max, he says, “Can you take care of his hand when he comes out?”
She nods with a little “Sure” and makes her way to the living room. Steve takes in the sight again and it almost looks like something you’d see at an art show. He can see the anger, fear and grief in the shards. Anger at what happened. Fear of it happening again. Grief for the person Eddie once was, the person he’ll never be again.
Steve walks to the kitchen and comes back with the trash can. Maybe not as careful as he should be, picks the shards up and throws them in the can. Halfway through he hears Eddie’s bedroom door open and click of his cane hitting the floor as he walks. Eddie hesitates for a second as he passes Steve, throws him an apologetic look, and keeps going.
Not right now Steve tells himself and continues with the cleanup , listening to the conversation in the living room.
“Sit,” Max says.
“Right away, ma’am.”
He can hear Eddie plop down on the couch and Max open the kit, he can hear some shuffling, Eddie wincing and an “Ow!”
“God, you’re more of a baby than Lucas.”
“Hey, I’m not a baby.”
“Then stop whining like one.”
“Keep treating me like that and I won’t play Kate Bush for you ever again.”
Max scoffs, “It’s not like you’ll be playing much of anything for awhile, you sprained your wrist.”
After a beat of silence comes a defeated “Fuck” from Eddie.
Steve finishes up and by the time he returns Eddie’s hand and wrist are bandaged, he’s standing by the open door, his hair almost covering his neck and face like a scarf, wearing both shirts Steve picked out for him, and smoking a joint. Eddie looks over to him and holds out the joint, And why the hell not, Steve thinks, he could certainly use it. After putting the trash can back in its place Steve joins him.
Eddie passes the joint to Steve and says, “You know you don’t have to stay, right?”
“Like hell I’m leaving,” Steve says at the same time Max says, “We’re staying.”
Eddie throws his hands up. “All right, Jesus.”
They pass the joint back and forth until it’s burned out. A silence falls over them again, not as heavy as the one in the hall but still very present. That is until Eddie’s stomach growls. Steve looks at him, Eddie looks away, He looks at Max and asks, “Pizza?”
“Yes, Please.”
So, Steve orders pizza, Eddie gets two beers and a Coke out of the fridge and rummages through VHS tapes.
“The Breakfast Club or Footloose?”
Max chooses The Breakfast Club, Steve chooses Footloose, Eddie puts on Footloose surprising them both — the fact that he even has that movie was surprising enough. They settle in on the couch, Eddie in the middle with his feet kicked up onto the coffee table, they eat, they watch the movie, Steve and Max make a silent agreement to pretend not to notice when Eddie mouths along with the songs and even some of the dialogue. And before long they all fall asleep.
Steve’s the first one to wake up, his head resting on Eddie’s shoulder, and even though his back and neck ache, Steve hasn’t slept this well in a while. Not one nightmare, no waking up in the middle of the night just because his body told him to, and god did he miss that.
Max is curled up on her side, her head resting on Eddie’s lap, his hand on her head, his other arm’s laid out on the backrest behind Steve. Eddie looks peaceful, smiling in his sleep and Steve can’t help the tug at the corner of his mouth at the sight.
Trying not to wake them up, Steve gets off the couch and heads for the kitchen to make coffee. And not because he needs it to wake up, no, because he wants it.
When the coffee’s almost done brewing Max wakes up and in turn tiring Eddie.
“How’d you two sleep?” Steve asks.
“Good,” Max says with a smile and takes a seat at one of the stools at the kitchen counter.
Eddie follows behind her, stretching, and takes the seat next to her. “I can’t feel my ass,” he says, “But that was the best sleep I’ve had… Ever.” There’s a flash of a smile before it falls again.
Steve pours them the coffee while Max and Eddie have a back and forth argument about his numb butt — Eddie blamed it on Max because her head is too heavy and cut off circulation, Max countered with what else she could cut off and Steve zoned out after that.
It’s nice, Steve thinks, they way they all look well rested, the banter, and if he could stay in this moment forever, pretending that last night never happened, he would.
But he can’t.
After a while Max jumps up. “Shit,” she says, “I’m gonna be late”
“Where could you possibly have to be this early?” Eddie asks. Not that it’s that early, it’s past 10 AM.
“Lucas said he has a “surprise” for me.”
Max goes for the door and Eddie quirks a brow. “Be careful.”
“I don’t need your protection talk again, Eddie,” Max says over her shoulder.
“It’s important!” he yells after her as she slams the door behind her.
“Protection talk, huh?” Steve says and takes a sip of his coffee, “Very dad of you.”
Eddie scoffs, “Yeah, All right, mom ,” he says and Steve rolls his eyes. “Lucas is a 15 year old boy, don’t you remember being 15?”
He does, he remembers all too well and Eddie has a point.
“Besides, Dustin told me about the 100 out of 10 on the disgusting scale thing Erica found under Lucas’ bed.” They both make a face, knowing exactly what that thing is. “So yeah, protection talk…”
Steve doesn’t want to think about how the kids are teens now, about how teens have things and do things and is he going to have to have talks with them and- and he needs to change the subject. Eddie might not like it and it’ll ruin the light hearted mood, but Max is gone and it’s time.
“How are you feeling?” he asks.
Eddie doesn’t look at him at first, instead opting on staring into his empty mug, biting his lip. But he does look, eventually, a smile on his face. “Don’t worry you pretty little head about me, Stevie. I’ll be fine.”
And, fuck, because no, his smile is so fake and his lies are so clear . “Maybe, eventually, but right now you’re not and it’s becoming clearer and clearer that you haven’t been for a while, Eddie.” His words come out harsher than intended and Eddie tears his eyes away from him.
“You got enough people to worry about.” Eddie gets off the stool and goes back to the living room, grabbing a pack of cigarettes off the coffee table. “I don’t need to be one of them, Steve,” he says and sits back down on the couch, lighting one from the pack.
“I think you should go.” he says and lights his cigarette, biting back a hush at the uncomfortable angle of his wrist.
“Ed-” Steve moves away from the counter, taking a seat on the table, opposite of Eddie.
“I’m actually still pretty-”
“ Eddie! ” Steve snaps.
“What!” Eddie snaps back. “Huh? What do you want me to say?” he says, eyes flashing up to Steve. Fear, anger, grief. “Do you want me to tell you about how I’m too scared to sleep because everytime I do I can feel those goddamn bats holding me down, choking me, ripping away my flesh?” Tears start flowing down his face. “Do you want to hear that even when I’m awake I can still hear them so clearly and it feels like I’m turning into my mother; paranoid, hearing and believing things that aren’t real?” He’s shaking. “And how I don’t want to end up in Pennhurst just like her, pumped full of drugs, wasting away and eventually die of an aneurysm, all alone.”
Steve places a hand on Eddie's knee. He jerks away from him, rapidly tapping his foot on the floor and takes a long drag of his cigarette.
“Maybe you wanna hear about my visit to my dad in prison, that I told him I almost died, and you know what he said? He said, “They didn’t try hard enough” and what scared me the most is what I thought… “He’s right, they didn’t.” ”
It’s… a lot to take in and Steve bets that there’s a lot more Eddie hasn’t been telling him, any of them. And he almost regrets making Eddie open up, because the weight of the knowledge is crushing him, he doesn’t though. What he does regret is not trying to get Eddie to talk sooner. Steve moves to sit next to him and places a hand on his shoulder, expecting Eddie to shrug it off. He doesn’t.
“Jesus, Eddie,” is all he manages to say.
Eddie shakes his head with a humorless chuckle. “Don’t pity me, Steve.”
“I’m not.” He is, but admitting that will likely just make things worse. “You know you can talk to me, right? I’m always only one phone call away.”
“Christ,” Eddie says, he rests his elbows on his knees, hangs his head low and covers his face with his hands. For a second Steve thinks he’s laughing, but it sounds too wet. Steve rubs circles on his back, hoping it’ll bring some comfort.
“You’ve been through something traumatic, Eddie, You’ll break if you just bottle it all up.”
“You’re one to talk,” Eddie says, voice breaking. “When was the last time you had a nightmare? couldn't breathe? had to turn on every damn light in your house because you've become so damn afraid of the dark?” He turns his head to look at Steve. “When was the last time you reached out to someone because you weren’t okay?”
Eddie’s too observant for Steve’s good. He sees right through him, knows that Steve’s always letting the others talk to him about their troubles and giving them advice that he himself should follow but doesn’t.
“If I reach out,” Eddie says, “promise me you will, too."
Steve nods. He has been carrying weights on his shoulders for so long, the last three years only adding more and he’s breaking. “I promise.”
“Good.” Eddie stumps out his cigarette in the ashtray. “Remember that thunderstorm last week?”
They talk for hours. About the things that scare them, the things that make getting through the day just a little bit easier, but also day to day life. After Wayne comes home and they explain to him why the bathroom mirror is broken they move outside and talk some more. They talk well into the night until Steve has to go home because of an early shift the next morning.
Before Steve can walk off the porch and to his car Eddie grabs him by the arm and pulls him into a hug. His arms wrap tight around Steve, one over his shoulder and the other under his arm. Though Steve is surprised by the sudden gesture he does return it.
“Thank you, I uh…” Eddie mumbles, he pulls back but doesn’t let go. “I needed that.”
Steve smiles, “Yeah, me too,” he says.
And only now does Steve know what it looks like when Eddie is genuinely smiling. In time Eddie will be fine and so will Steve.
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Blood Bound: Red Strings of Fate (Ch 12)
Warnings: Action, Coarse Language, Fighting, Descriptions of Blood
Previous Chapter: Kyoto-Tokyo Goodwill Event
Next Chapter: Home Sweet Home
Tags: Soulmates AU, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fem!Reader
Taglist: @lessie-oxj @rizzo-nero @whoreuc @fkngkumiko @isl3t @gojoussunglasses @onepotatostand-blog @s-t-f-u-b-i-t-c-h @sunaswife @lordguameow @track5enthusiast
Notes: If you want to be tagged for every update, please mention it in the comments below ty <3
2.8k words for this chapter.
Chapter 12: Goldenrod
You went to check on Noritoshi getting cleaned up in the infirmary. He perked up upon seeing you.
"Ieiri San!" You smiled at the woman who was dressing his wounds.
"Y/n, it's been a while. How are you?" She called out.
"Doing okay here. You let your hair grow out!" You hurried to her side for a quick hug.
She laughed. "The last time we saw each other, I still had short hair?? That must have been years back. You as well, from a little girl that came up to my waist, you're nearly my height now!"
You nodded wistfully at her before turning to Noritoshi, looking over his wounds. "I'm alright, y/n." He said quietly. You gave him a shaky smile, quietly hiding the fact that you were worried when he got knocked around by some of the seniors.
Ieiri smiled at the both of you. "No need to worry, he is fine y/n."
"Ayiieeee, lovebirds get a room!" Satoru popped up from behind you. You flinched hard and on pure instinct, lashed out with your whip. It sprung out, but Satoru easily stopped it with two fingers up. "Women in love are so scary."
"Toru nii, can you not?!" You wanted to skin this man alive. Ieiri just sighed out, cleaning up her tools. "I've done what I can Kamo kun. Try to get more rest for tomorrow." He nodded, "Thank you Ieiri san."
"Wahhh, you got kicked around huh Noritoshi? You look all worn out. Ain't my students amazing?!" Satoru taunted.
CRACK. Satoru teleported a few meters away. The space where he was a few seconds ago was filled with ice and frost.
Your face was hard as stone as you said, "Noritoshi did amazing. He did his best to coordinate with his team members as he fought against 2 of his seniors. Okkotsu kun was just different as a Special Class. But of course you know all about that, Toru."
"Why so defensive Neko Chan? I didn't say your man didn't do well right?" He drawled.
You opened your mouth, eyes furrowed, ready to retort when Noritoshi pulled you to him, gently hushing you as he softly patted your back. "He's riling you up. It's okay, I've learned a lot from today. It's our loss."
You leaned into Noritoshi, "You're too nice to that dumbass."
"Hey! Anyways, I wanted to speak with the both of you. If you're done here let's go." Satoru motioned towards the door with his head.
Both of you turned to him, before looking at each other and nodding.
Satoru led you both to his room. "So, how long has your soulmate bond been active?" He asked as he closed the door.
Noritoshi was surprised, "How did you know about this?"
You nudged him. "He's my family friend, he eventually found out." You lied for the sake of protecting the details of Satoru's six eyes ability.
Satoru removed his blindfold, revealing his crystalline like eyes. "Yup, don't worry your secret is safe with me. I'm surprised but not too surprised that it's the two of you." He sighed out.
You crossed your arms and sat on his bed. "What do you mean?" Noritoshi remained standing.
"Both of you are just so different. And I've known you both since before. I guess it just never crossed my mind that you'd be together.
A soulmate bond is incredibly rare and fragile as you know. And I guess it only fits since both of you are more complementary to each other rather than have similar personalities like twin flames.
I have the soulmate records of some from the Gojo clan if that would help. But Noritoshi, sorry I have to ask you not to share it with your family." He said.
Ahh. The Great 3 clans still hold their secrets. You turned to Noritoshi, worriedly looking for his reaction.
He had this internal war of obedience to his clan elders vs seeing you so close to Satoru and seeing another side of the Gojo and Tsuchimikado clans like this.
"Toshi, if you can't, it's okay, we don't need to read it." You said carefully. "I know how hard it is to keep secrets from family."
Noritoshi mulled it over. Satoru was actually sizing him up. Seeing his family friend get entangled with a great 3 clan's future head… he would be lying if he wasn't worried for you.
“I’m assuming that there might be some details or secrets of the Gojo clan involved in the diary entries, which is why you’re being wary of me. But you have offered to let me read it, which already shows a bit of trust. As a future clan head, I know the significance of keeping good relationships with the other clans and elders. And so, I promise not to tell anyone else of the details in the diary.” Nori said solemnly.
Satoru perked up at that and smiled, “There shouldn’t be a problem then. Here, you both can have a look. Return it to me tomorrow afternoon. I hope it can help with your situation. It must be scary not knowing anyone else to turn to for help with the bond.”
You felt touched by that, “Thank you Satoru.”
That night, you slept over once more in Noritoshi’s room, reading the excerpts.
"A soulbond can be rejected?!" You both stared at the notebook in horror.
"That must be so painful… imagine shutting down your fated pair." You murmured, turning to Noritoshi.
He patted you and nodded. "Hey look at this." He pointed to another passage.
“Wow, they can really telepathically communicate with complete sentences, that’s insane.” You said in awe.
Noritoshi cozied up to your side, playfully nudging his head against yours. “You want that for us too someday angel?”
You turned and bumped your nose against his before kissing him. “Of course, I want to experience everything with you Noritoshi.”
Noritoshi’s heart skipped a beat or two at that. His pulse was irregular for once. What on earth was that feeling? He confusedly looked down at his chest and patted it. He checked his vitals with his technique, but everything was in order.
You worried over him, “Are you not feeling okay? You got hit in the chest earlier right? We can call it a night and rest, you need sleep for tomorrow’s individual battles.”
“Okay then. Let’s quickly skim the diary.” You both caught a few important details, like how strong trust and honesty can strengthen a soulbond.
After spending time with each other and having significant encounters (“What on earth does that mean?” Nori asked. “Maybe like notable events with each other” you supplied.) helps a couple to move forward from one stage of the bond to another.
Something caught Noritoshi's eye. Reverse cursed techniques and some other advanced techniques that usually can only be done on oneself can be applied to the other soulmate.
That made him wonder… if he could manipulate your blood. But he put that thought aside for next time, unwilling for you to be a subject of experiment.
After that you both went to bed. "I'm gonna have such a hard time sleeping alone after spending so much time in bed with you." You whined out.
He chuckled, "Then just stay over as often as you want to. I like sharing the bed with you. It's not like it's cramped for the both of us." He pressed his lips to your forehead as you kissed him on the neck.
His heart squeezed tightly once more. What was wrong with him?! He was used to having it speed up whenever he was around you and attributed it to regular attraction. But this was different. His chest was tight, almost painful, and it was getting harder to breathe.
"Okay then. No take backs." You smiled, before closing your eyes. Noritoshi watched the moonlight illuminate your features for a bit before falling asleep.
The next day, the lots were out. They announced that it would be a duel between 2 students on top of thick, tall, vertical standing logs set in a small lake. First one to push the other off the logs and into the water or out of bounds wins. Momo senpai has a huge advantage with no handicap at this.
To your slight horror, Okkotsu Yuuta was matched against Noritoshi. You visibly paled, but he went up and squeezed your hand before he left for the event. “I’ll be okay.” He promised.
“Oh you will be okay. I’ll make sure of it.” You said determinedly, already planning to step in just in case Rika goes wild on Noritoshi. Your thoughts were cut as Nori poked your forehead.
“I can hear your thoughts. Have a little more faith in me.” He gave a small smile. You nodded dumbly.
You watched the matches. None of them were particularly eye-opening. Until it was time for Okkotsu to fight Noritoshi. You clasped your hands together in prayer, eyes and senses wide open.
“Ready, Start!” Satoru called out.
Noritoshi immediately fired arrows, which honed on Okkotsu even though he tried to dodge. Good technique. Okkotsu had some trouble keeping up with the arrows and Noritoshi quickly moved in to punch him hard.
But Okkotsu was quick on his feet, leaping back diagonally onto another log before slashing at Noritoshi with his Katana. It went on a bit like this. With both men trading blows back and forth. They had decent balance on top of the logs.
Until Noritoshi made a major move, “Blood Manipulation: Slicing Exorcism!” He cut down a huge number of logs in Okkotsu’s area.
Okkotsu barely held on, jumping to another log that was borderline about to collapse. The water was now dangerously filled with the sharp edges of cut wood.
Your eyes brightened, ‘Please win Toshi.’
Noritoshi moved in for the kill, “Red Flowing Scale”, the X mark appeared on his eye as he readied to knock Okkotsu off. Until the dark mass that had been hanging around Okkotsu screamed, making everyone wince. “Yuuutaaa! You’ll get hurt if you fall down now!”
Satoru had explained that Orimoto Rika was the Special Grade curse with overwhelming power. Rika made a half-manifestation, easily smacking Noritoshi away. But she hit him too hard on the head, sending him flying way past the little lake set up.
Everyone gasped and yelled in horror. You saw red.
He was going to hit the ground hard. You stood up, slowing down his body in midair as you blasted your way over to him. You caught him in time.
"Angel?" He looked up to see you, and his heart tightened again. Ah... this might be love.
"Shhh, it's alright Toshi. You've done really well. Don’t speak," You worriedly activated your Reverse Cursed Technique as you floated down to the ground, hugging Noritoshi tighter.
“Thank you for catching me.” He patted your arm weakly. Blood was streaming down his temples. Not a good sign. “Ieiri san!” You cried out, but she was already making her way towards the both of you.
“Winner! Okkotsu Yuuta!”
Your blood boiled, but you knew it was still Okkotsu’s win. ‘He didn’t have to be that harsh on Noritoshi.’ “Age doesn’t matter to Jujutsu sorcerers darling.” Noritoshi coughed out as though he could read your mind. “I said not to talk!” You worriedly scolded him.
Ieiri quickly activated her reverse cursed technique alongside yours. Hers was incredibly refined, easily sealing up Noritoshi’s popped blood vessels. “Infirmary.” She said, putting a brace around his neck just in case of any spinal injuries.
“I’m so sorry, Rika went overboard!” Okkotsu yelled out. He looked really worried and sincere. You shifted uncomfortably; the apology isn’t for you so you backed away. Noritoshi waved him off, “It’s okay. Thank you for the fight, Okkotsu kun.”
A few more apologies and words of thanks were exchanged before Noritoshi was sent to rest in the infirmary. Satoru caught you by the collar, “Stay until the end of the event. Shoko will take care of Noritoshi.”
You glumly nodded. To be honest, Okkotsu was really friendly, easily chatting with all of you. And you all were delighted, laughing hard when Rika beat the living shit out of Todo as he tried to harass Okkotsu for his ideal type. The Tokyo kids weren’t too bad.
“Take care y/n!” Satoru hugged you tight as the Tokyo school students and staff readied to go home. “Thanks again for everything Satoru.” You already returned his diary to him in Noritoshi’s place. He was still resting up in the infirmary.
“Hey…. Have you ever considered transferring to Tokyo Jujutsu Tech?”
“No, why would I? Noritoshi and my family are here.” You were taken aback.
Satoru looked thoughtful, “I could teach you a lot, and honestly I’d love to have you as my student. You’re really strong y/n. Think about it. Later!” and walked off with the rest of them, leaving you at a loss for words.
It’s been a while since you’ve been dating Noritoshi, and everything seemed a bit brighter. Like the sun seemed to be really strong, the flowers smelled so nice, the air currents seemed to bend a little more easily under the command of your technique.
'Is this the effect of our bond?' You wondered to yourself, but then quickly shook away the thoughts to focus on your task.
A few days have passed since the Goodwill event. You would be lying if you said you weren’t inspired by watching Okkotsu and Rika fight. Rika was just a force to be reckoned with.
Learning how to move well in mid-air was a challenge, but it wasn't impossible thanks to your inherited technique. Since you grew up mainly focusing on items around you and the four elements, you were still having some difficulty with some mobility techniques.
But there was something you’ve been itching to do. Aside from working on your cursed technique: reversal, domain expansion, extension techniques, etc., there was another special technique that ran in the family.
You remembered your father’s words: “Lightning is generated in the presence of both hot and cold air. You can manipulate molecules to generate both. But doing it simultaneously is the challenge. The ice shards in the cold air collide with the warm water particles in mid air, causing static electricity to form."
"That way, you separate positive and negative charges in a space. That is how you generate your electricity. Take particular care, because for this to happen, you need to master both your extension technique: Niflheim and technique reversal: Inferno.”
For personal reasons, you didn’t like using Inferno. Because the last time you successfully used it was when you were 6 years old and it caused a disaster. A memory which you’ve buried so far under everything else that you continuously try to forget about it.
But for the sake of the secret art, you will.
“Merging techniques… does any other jujutsushi do this…” You wondered.
You set up several targets of bamboo shoots and wood. “Niflheim.” You froze a target then took a deep breath before trying your reversed technique.
“Cursed Technique Reversal: Inferno.” You put out two hands and linked your thumb and ring finger in each hand together. One hand facing the other from above and below. Then a red light appeared as you encircled and swapped the positions of your hands.
This hand movement activates Inferno as the target immediately explodes from the rapid heat expanding the cooled target. Steam and smoke billowed out. You let out a slow breath. So you can still do it even after all these years.
“Special Art: Goldenrod.” You manipulated Inferno in one palm and Niflheim in the other. Your left hand had your ring and thumb still linked together. While your right hand uses the 4 pointer hand position designed for Niflheim.
At first it just made small explosions of steam. Your hands got really sore from the back and forth temperature control.
This is where it gets tricky. Goldenrod has to be activated within your hands. So you also guard your hands against the drastic temperatures with your cursed energy, as you do when you control fire.
It hasn't worked out so far. Maybe you simply had to condense the molecules. You condensed them further and started seeing small sparks of lightning.
Your eyes widened in joy. You tried activating it once more with more cursed energy, only for a huge bolt of lightning to shoot out from your hands and destroy a large amount of targets. There was a loud crack of thunder.
You didn’t expect the energy to be this high as you were pushed back from the force. The air was knocked out from your lungs as you hit the ground hard.
“I think I need help. Maybe Satoru nii can...” you wondered to yourself. ‘Is it worth bothering him over something like this…’ With a shock, you realized you were actually considering his words to transfer to Tokyo Jujutsu High. “No way.” You laughed it off with uncertainty.
Blood Bound: Table of Contents
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shoot-the-oneshot · 3 years
Lee Bodecker x reader
Warnings: language and slight violence
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He hated her, he hated her the second she walked into his station all chummy chummy with the mayor, who he’s been trying to get down here for a face to face for ages. Having the current mayor on his side would definitely help him when election comes back around. Lee plasters on a fake smile when the pair get to his office door, pulling his duty belt up a bit higher from where it’s fallen.
“Mayor, to what do I owe the pleasure?” He stood, shaking the older mans hand ignoring the woman all together, she was wearing one of their uniforms so he figured if she’s a new deputy she would learn who runs this show and if she didn’t well, he could show her himself one night on patrol. While he wasn’t looking forward to having a girl around a female officer on the department would look great to the voters, he silently thought.
“Bodecker, I think it’s high time we have a talk,” the mayor stated making himself way to comfortable in his office. The brief thought that he knew of his extra curricular activities ran through the sheriff’s head. But Lee knew how the real world worked if anything the mayor should be shaking his hand in appreciation for keeping this shit hole safe, the whole town should in his opinion.
“Now Lee, I know this won’t be easy to hear so I’m just gonna’ come out with it. Miss Y/L/N, is taking over your position as sheriff.”
If Lee wasn’t so appalled at the new information he would’ve seen the shock on the womens face as well. But he was to locked in on the mayor to notice. But for once he took his sister’s advice and took a deep breath, surly it wasn’t what he thought and instead the man was presenting him with the news that Lee himself was taking over as mayor and of course he couldn’t be in the role of sheriff if he were to take over. That had to be it, Lees work had finally paid off. All those late nights in the company of meaningless women would end, he’d have to find a sweet girl to fit the image of a mayors wife. That might be hard to do in this small town but he’d figure it out. He was pulled from his inner planning as the mayor rose from his seat.
“I’m sure you can find a new desk out there and clear this office out for the new sheriff in town!” The old man stated proudly patting the girl on the back, who herself had just met eyes with Lee. Now she has locked eyes with many criminal in her time but she had never seen anger quite like his in this moment. Her back involuntarily straightening had the loud bark he let out.
“Now Lee,” the mayor started, expecting an outburst, Quickly getting cut off.
“No! Do you know what I have done for this fuckin’ town? This is an elected position, one I’ve won two times over and you’re gonna’ hand it over to some bitch!”
Lee snarled his hands coming down hard on the desk filling the small office with a sharp clap.
“As mayor I can over rule an election when the elected falls short. And you have been for a while Lee, crime rates have gone up and closed cases going down. Does that sound like a good sheriff to you?”
The only sound in the room being Lee’s huffs like an angry bull when you entered its pin. Which Y/n had felt like that’s exactly what she had unknowingly done.
“The conversation is over, leave us be deputy.”
If Lees jaw could clench any harder it’d surly break. Glaring at the girl as he roughly pushed past her, the whole station hearing the argument between the two and was watching as Lee treaded to a nearby desk barking at the watchers as he went.
“Show’s over get back to your jobs!”
“Yes sherif-deputy”
The assistants sputtering only angered Lee more. Finally the mayor left and you came out of his-your office.
“I understand what a shock the must’ve been to you all, believe it or not it was to me too.” Her eyes shot over to Lee hoping he wasn’t to angry still, he was. “Anyway I know you all have a way of doing things and I’m not here to change anything so let keep up the good police work.”
The months following were rough for the ex sheriff, he never had gotten used to being sent out to deal with house parties that got to loud and the case of Mrs.Jenkins, missing poodle. That was a deputys job not his, no matter what his new title was. And you hadn’t made his time any easier.
Miss Y/n Y/l/n, at first she had tried to make friends with him and the rest of the deputies, him being the only one resisting. After finally giving up she began what he believed was a game of ‘how angry can I make Lee today’ sendin’ him out on those joke cases, all while eating his candy he had in his old office.
And to make matters worse the entire town was practically smitten with her, her sweet looks but hard hand on the crime in the area had won their hearts the crime rate dropping ninety percent in the first three months of her arrival. He had went to the library and dug up some newspaper about her, a hotshot detective from Cincinnati who was hailed a hero there after taking down a mob family, after that arrest the department saw how valuable female officers could be and she was no longer the only one within that department and hearing her success many departments followed in suit. And then she suddenly quit after making such a big name for herself So what was she doing here in this tiny town?
Knockemstiff, West Virginia. The large welcome sign reads as you drove past the trees flying by as blurs of green, the nature will take some getting used to as you didn’t have much in the city. It reminds you of the tiny potted plant you mother got you for your office when you made detective. It was a long, hard road to get there which makes leaving that much worse. You were at the highest of your career being the only women was rough the men didn’t respect you officers and criminals alike, you had to work ten times harder to make your mark and as ironic as it was when you hit that big break that’s when it all went down hill.
And here you are starting all over again and you figured it would be harder to earn the smalls towns respect. But it would all be worth it when you caught the guy you’ve been looking for. Your old boss had made a few calls when he learned your plans to chase leads on the road and one of the calls had been to the mayor of the town when he asked you to meet him at the sheriffs office you were shocked to hear you’d be taking over. You weren’t however when Lee continued to hate you for months to come, everyone said that’s just how he is but you know it was the sting of losing his position. It didn’t take you long to find out he had been dirty it was almost embarrassing how transparent it was.
But you knew if you were going to make any headway in this town when the time came you’d need someone who knew the ins and outs like Lee did, so you kept trying to get on his good side even noticing he liked sweets and breaking out the fancy ones you had from the city, you got the message quick when he threw them away staring right at you. You had one last trick up your sleeve, back in Cincinnati you partner always said cops and criminals aren’t that different it’s just the way they think. so that’s what you’ll do.
Grabbing your hat you walked out of your office boots clacking as you walked past his desk the gold name plate shining as the sunlight breaks through the windows.
“Come on Bodecker, you’re driving” you toss the keys to the cruiser over your shoulder, you know he’s following because you can feel his glare on the back of your head. You spoke as Lee slammed his door shut the car shifting under his weight a bit.
“Low level pot growers slash dealers on the outskirts of town this is their third warning.” Lee grunts is response and started driving the ride was uncomfortable to say the least.
“I know you read up on me I’m sure you have something to say about it?” Taking the glance he shot you out of the corner of his eye as a yes you continue.
“And I’m sure it’s along the lines of why I’m here?” Cue side glance again, “well when I started looking into the Galindos they didn’t take to kindly to that, they send some guys to my parents house when their threats didn’t stop me, it was completely by chance I was at their house when they came it was a big gun fight. Killed one but the others got away and they are the only members of the mafia still out there, I got the tags off the car they used and tracked it to here.”
You’d been parked outside the farm house for the last part of your story so you stepped out the car and rounded to the drivers side leaning down to meet Lees eyes through the open window.
“I want you to know I never wanted to take your position, I also know you were dirty when you were sheriff. So let’s make a deal.”
You can see him take in the information you’ve thrown at him during the short car ride, and he subtly nods “what’s the deal?”
“I know you’re not my biggest fan, but we can help each other. So deal is if you follow me we start over and you help me find the last Galindos no matter how dirty it gets.” You paused letting it sink in. “And if you don’t want to, leave me here and drive back to the station and we will never speak again, but I also won’t hold back on arresting your old buddies and we’ll see how fast they throw you under the bus.”
His eyes which you just now noticed were blue narrow at your words. Looks like country boy knows he would go down faster than milk with cookies if they got arrested. Tipping your hat you spin on your heel and head towards the run down farm house, your lips pull up hearing the car door shut behind you as his footfalls rushing to catch up.
“Didn’t think an officer of your caliber would resort to blackmail.” He grunts, as much as he hates that you’re right he also respected you a tiny bit now, lord know what he covered up for Sandy, so he understands the familial bond that you’re doing this for.
“That wasn’t blackmail, blackmail would be leaking those pictures of you on duty with a girl in your patrol car as you unload into a Pepsi cup.”
Now that made Lee pause in his steps, how the hell did she know that, he hasn’t had a girl around since she popped in. “Yeah I’ve been in town a while.” The pair make it to the paint chipped door, the deputy still slightly stunned but jumping back into action as you kicked the door down without so much as a knock first, Well that’s not protocol. The few men in the the house jump up at the sudden intrusion but are quickly pushed back down with a swift kick to the chest from you.
You know who you’re looking for you’ll leave the rest to Lee, grabbing the boy still sat at the table by his hair and yanking him face first on the floor as he yelped, knee pressing down on his back pulling his head back by your grip on his ponytail. “I’m not here for you.” Your snarled leaning down to his ear, throwing down a baggie with the families grower logo that you found outside your family home. “Next time you see the Galindos you tell them there’s a new sheriff in town.” Barley aware of the deputy entering the room you slammed the mans face down, blood already pouring out of his nose and onto the floor, that’s gonna’ stain.
Not casting Lee a glance as you strolled past him and back to the car, him on your heels, he definitely wasn’t expecting that from you. But he’d be a liar if it didn’t turn him on a bit you know what they say, the line between hate and lust is thin. At least that’s how it goes in his head.
He takes the long way back to the station wanting extra time to think how to ask his question. “You really have pictures of me?”
You looked over when you heard his gruff voice. Oh now he want to have a conversation. “I knew I’d need help with my investigation, you willing or not.”
“And how did you know I was dirty and wouldn’t have arrested you for that show back there?”
Did he think you were stupid, there were thousands of signs you just admitted to following him did he think you didn’t see his dealings. “You’re not the first crooked cop I’ve met, you let your ego get ahead of you, you were sloppy the signs were everywhere, plus.” You couldn’t help the smirk from on. “I never gave you the dealers address.”
Lee couldn’t stop the chuckle from escaping his mouth, she was smart he’d give her that. “You know I think this is the beginning of a great partnership deputy, perhaps even friends.” You tease him smiling as he huffs and rolls his eyes.
“Don’t call me that!”
“No problem.....deputy.”
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luimagines · 3 years
Subject 10-Mulan Link
You have now gained the accesses file page of the chain links case number #19835 Corrupted heroes for Subject #10
Current state: Safe
legal name: Link,last name unknown
Nicknamed: Mulan 
Biological age: unknown
Chronical age: unknown
Hieght: Unknown
Weight: unknown
Visiting accesse time for subject Zero: Must be planned ahead of schedule time in order to have private meetings and clerance from head chief researcher Queen zelda and level 5 personal clerance
Physical description: Subject 10 is a short haired Hylian woman who wears a green tunic and knight gear armor.They have a well built muscular body and a ferret that rests around thier neck as well as scars and cuts around thier body.The most noticeable scare they have are three little cuts under thier chin and a long vertical cut across thier right cheek.
Information: Subject 10 first arrived at the castle carrying subject zero and subject 11 bloodied and badly injured with a broken arm and serveral fractured bones as well as stab/slash wounds.They came in as duplicates of four identical versions of subject 10 dressed variouse colors such as brown,cyan,yellow and green.Only one of the 4 sets had arrived at the castle with subject Zero and Subject 11 while the others fought off to keep back the “chain” while back up knights and town gaurds were deployed to apreheand them.Subject 10 is not placed under any containment but is required to come to the SCRPP research site to have check ups and testing as well as recorded interviews with research personales.Subject 10 refuses to have to go anywhere without her ferret campaion so all interviews and meetings are held with subject 10′s ferret either on the site with them or curled around subject 10′s neck.Subject 10 is in current possesion of the master sword and four sword as well as veriouse other items from the group(but not all for research purposes and other classified resons).They are to be informed of any drastic procedures that are to be done to any of the known subjects and participats of case file #19835.Subject 10 is one of the only subjects out of all the links who dose not show a red essence seeping out or show any signs of agression or possesive behvaiors for subject Zero. Research is still going underway to find out a way as to why it is and if blood or dna samples can be exracted from subject 10 in order to find a cure.
[interview recoding of subject 10 #1]
Dr.Jean: Now beining case file number #1983 dash 1 subject 10 interview of the anomalie the Curropted Heros. Time started at 10:89. Interview researcher personale Dr.Jean, tag number 893 of site 13 room A14.
Dr.Jean: Ok,lets start.Rember at anytime you start to feel uncomfortable we can stop the interview,alright?
Link: ok..
Dr.Jean: ok,lets start off with something simple.Subject 10 can you please state your name?
Link: Mulan.
Dr.Jean: I am sorry,let me clarify I meant your real name.
Link: oh,right..its uh,its Link.
Dr.Jean: Good,can you state your last name as well?
Link: I dont have one.
Dr.Jean: Are you sure? No documnets? Family? Anyway to file for one?
Link: Yes,I am sure.I dont have one.Thats it.
Dr.Jean: Right,right, *ahem* can you tell us how long you’ve know the links?
Link: We had all know each other for about a year and a half, and today would have been our second year together if…you know,had things still been normal with everyone.
Dr.Jean: how did you meet these people to begin with?
Link: I was out exploring the outskits of the forests behind my house one day and saw a bright light,so i got curiouse and followed it.I found a portal and went through it.I was transported to the guredo desert and wondered a around for a bit before I found the chain.it turns out the portal took me to a diffrent time period and there was some time,dimentional stuff going on and we were all gathered to fix it or something.
Dr.Jean: How did you meet subject Zero?
Link: Subject Zero? oh,do you mean [redacted]?
Dr.Jean: Link,please reframe from saying subject Zero’s real name during this interview.
Link: Fine.
Dr.Jean:thank you,pleas contiue.
Link: We first met them a few months after lucky came when [ audio connection has been temperarly lost]
Dr.Jean: Intresting and how did you feel about Subject zero?
Link: I didn’t think much of them, I thought that they were ok.they were kind of nice and everyone liked them,so I did too.But there was something just…off about them.
Dr.Jean:Off like what? Did you distrust them?
Link: no,no,no not distrsut or anything like that…just that something was not right…there was  just something…..something WRONG with them,I dont know how to describe it, they were just not normal in a very bad way.But I ignored it and didn’t think much on it. I think they were just…diffrent.
Dr.Jean: Why did you help them escape?
Link: Because it was the right thing to do.I wanted to get them out of a situation where they were held captive and also keep the others from killing each other on who got to keep them.Its not that complicated. besides it my fault for not stopping this sooner.
Dr.Jean: How?
Link: What?
Dr.Jean: How do you think it was your fault?
LInk:[sighs] its…it was all right there I didn’t want to see it,I knew everyone was starting to act a little wierd but I didn’t want to take it that seriously,I didn’t want to think badly about my fami-friends..my friends…Until one day when they had gone completly overboard and uh…..I had found some of them beating down on a man after they were flirting with..with subject Zero…and to say that they looked like they were thugs when they were doing it would be too much of a understatement…They looked like they were having a good time doing it too.I swear when I saw them that day at the allyway they were not the heros I knew and travled with and as faw as i was concerned they were strangers-no,not even that,they were monsters…And the look on thier faces when I yelled out to them and they turned to me…it was like they were going to kill me right there and then……[Inhales heavily before exhailing shakingly] they weren’t normal….thier eyes….I don’t think I can really ever forget those empty vacant looks..it was like someone els was there…Since then things had started to get worse.
[suject 10 begins to pet her ferret at this time seeming to find comfort in it from thier stress]
Dr.Jean: Who were the ones that were there at the time of the incident?
Link: it was…I think Twilight,Four,Sky and Wild were all there.
Dr.Jean: Even Sky?
LInk: Yeah, him too.I rembered the second I started yelling and taring a new in asshole for them he just came up from behind the group and started to try to “calm me down” and explain how the shit I just saw wasn’t what it seemed like and yadda yadda yadda,typical gaslighting you know? But I wasn’t going to fall for some shit like that so I got the man out of there and to a medic, payed for all his expenses and reported them to Time and Warriors. Honestly I was so pissed off and in shock about it all that I had finally started notice and realize more and more things that were wrong about the group that I use to just keep ignoring.I still didn’t try to do anything serious about it though until the end of our journey.
Dr.Jean:What did you mean by noticeing things?
Link: …….just things….and looking back at it now should have been obviouse red flags but I never pressed for them.I think the first time I did it was with Wsrriors but he kept brushing me off saying things like “everyone is just protective of [redacted]” or “that you are looking way too into this” and when he did listen to me he would tell me that he’d keep a closer eye on the group.I suppose you can take a guess that, he did not, in fact, keep up the promis that he made.
Dr.Jean: did at any point in your adventures feel,were attempted to or successfully attacked or harmed by any members of this group during you adventures before the escape?
Link:No-well I mean yes but…[  exasperated sigh]…yeah….yeah there were a few…ok maybe a lot…But I guess the one that really stuck with me was when,uh,when Time held me up against a wall and tryed to cut my throat during a heated argument about…..them.
[Subject 10 reaches over to rub on a faint cut across thier neck]
[the ferret circles closer to her neck nuzzling it head into hers in an attempt to comfort Link]
Link: Aww,its ok little guy,I am fine right now.Don’t worry fluffy.
Dr.Jean: i am sorry if its too much but what was the argument about?
[subject 10 stays silent for a few minutes before speaking again]
Link: It was about if we should kill subject zero.
Dr.Jean: Then do you think we should kill subject zero?
[subject 10 stops petting fluffy and stares at the doctore without giving an answer for several more minutes]
Link:[a shallow exhale leaves thier mouth] …….I……..I….
[the sounds of sirens and alarms going off]
Annocemnet :There is a containment breach in the D -12 containment building floor,please all personels and staff go to the evacuation exits and safety rooms while special elit force knights handle the situation.Subject 4 case 19835- 1,2,3 and 4 cololrs have all escaped.If you see him or any of the colors they are to be neutralized and brought back to thier containment cells.All other staff do not ingage unless -
Dr.Jean: oh Hylia,looks like we’ll have to cut this short and we have to hurry and-wait where are you going! The safety room is this way! Link!
Link: [distant and muffled]I know,I just need to go out and kick a few stobbern little butts back in thier cells first-!
Dr.Jean: Link the elit knights can handle it you don’t have to-Link!! Link! Sir Link! Lin-!!
[audio ends here]
I am doing wind next
This is long, so I'll react as I read.
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plaidbooks · 3 years
For my bingo — can I have the royal square with Knight!Mike x Knight!reader x Prince!Sonny
Please and thank you 🥰🥰
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Once Upon A Time
A/N: You would request this! For those out of the loop, Karen and I talked about this a months or so ago via discord, and then she requested it so I'd write it. And I actually really liked it! I hope you do, too ❤
This covers the Royal square in @adarafaelbarba moodboard bingo!
Tags: talks of abduction, blood, broken bones, black eyes and bruises
Words: 2450
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart @beccabarba @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @permanentlydizzy @ben-c-group-therapy @infiniteoddball @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @lv7867 @storiesofsvu @cycat4077 @alwaysachorusgirl @glimmerglittergirl @joanofarkansass @caracalwithchips @berniesilvas​ @reading--mermaid @qvid-pro-qvo @averyhotchner @imalostredheadinablondeworld @averyhotchner @mrsrafaelbarba @detective-giggles @crowleysqueenofhell @dreamlover31
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Once upon a time, there was a young prince. From when he was a child, he was taught to treat everyone fairly, to have love and compassion for all. Because of this, the kingdom loved the prince, and he loved them all, too. But other kingdoms were not as loving.
When the prince turned fifteen, a group of mercenaries from the kingdom in the West attempted to assassinate the prince. A knight in training, no older than the prince was, saved his royal life. Ever since then, the two had been inseparable, and once old enough, the prince asked the knight to marry him.
Though the king was happy that his son was happily in love, he was not thrilled that his only son would not be able to give him heirs to take on the crown. For you see, the knight was a man, and neither could bear a child.
One day, the knight was called upon to escort the king to a neutral palace, to negotiate peace with the kingdom to the West. Worried for his princely husband, the knight went to an old friend and fellow knight. They had grown up together and had been close. He asked the other knight to please watch over his husband, to make sure he was safe. The knight accepted; being a knight of the kingdom meant protecting the crown with your life, regardless of it being a favor to an old friend.
The new knight spent many days and nights with the prince, protecting him from any that might do him harm. No such attacks occurred, but another problem arose; the prince and the knight fell in love. The prince still loved his husband, though, and he wasn’t sure what to do, while the knight was at a loss; she had only ever been in love once before, with the knight who she had trained with all her childhood…the same knight who was married to the prince.
The husband knight returned a few days later, and he could sense the tension between the two. They all agreed to sit and talk, and this is when they decided to follow their hearts. All three loved each other very much, and soon enough, the husbands married the knight, too. This had never been done in the kingdom before, but the king was all too happy to acquiesce; mostly because his son was happy, but also, he could now have heirs.
You were out, patrolling the grounds in the early morning fog. A part of you wished to still be in bed, cuddling your husbands, but the call to arms was more important than your relaxation. Plus, you had a bad feeling about today.
Mike was called to duty the same time you were, leaving the prince to lay in bed alone. Your heart hurt, knowing how much Sonny loved to wrap around someone in bed, rather than sleep by himself. But all of this was to protect the crown, protect him. So, he would have to endure it.
Emissaries from the West were to arrive today, with further negotiations of peace, and tensions were high. Which was why the guard had every knight armed and ready, just in case.
Thankfully, the representatives only numbered six; two negotiators and four guards. You were able to relax your guard slightly, unworried. An attack now would mean an act of war, something you didn’t expect the West to commit to; your kingdom’s army far outnumbered the West’s. To start a war would be suicide. Though, you knew Prince Sonny worried about both you and Mike every day, afraid you’d die in battle.
You were just rounding the corner of the royal garden when the alarm was raised. Fear shot through you, and you ran as fast as you could in your armor, heading for the prince’s chambers. You, Mike, and twenty others were assigned to the prince, while the rest of the guard would head for the king and queen.
You flew up the staircase, then rushed to the hallway that led to Sonny’s room. But the sight in front of you made you pause. The two knights posted outside his chambers were slumped on the ground, blood pooling around them. Mike showed up behind you then, his face full of concern. With him by your side, you both headed for the slightly ajar door, heart in your throat.
Mike pushed into the room while you stooped to check the guards. Both were dead. Steeling yourself for the worst, you followed Mike inside. He was standing by the bed, his back to you, head down.
The room seemed untouched, except for the bed. Feathers from pillows and the covers were scattered, and the bedding was tossed to the floor. Holding your breath, you joined Mike, looking to the bed. A piece of parchment was left on the mattress, and there was a splash of blood on a pillow, but otherwise, there was no sign of the prince.
With shaking hands, you took the parchment, then read it aloud. “The only peace that can exist between us is for King Carisi to kneel to the West. If he does not kneel within a fortnight, then the prince will be slain.”
“They took him,” Mike muttered, voice a deadly quiet.
You blinked away your tears, laying a hand on his shoulder. “We must inform the king.”
He took one last, longing look at the bed, the blood staining the pillow, before he nodded and turned to leave the room.
You and Mike were both stunned when the king decided to send only the two of you to retrieve the prince. If you were caught, then the West may kill Sonny as revenge. But what was certain was that you and Mike would be killed on sight.
There wasn’t much time to think about the king’s decision, though, and neither of you would decline a chance to save your husband, anyways. Soon enough, you and Mike made your way to the Western kingdom, dressed in their clothes to better blend in. It was a long, two-day ride on your horses, stopping only in the dead of night to toss and turn on your bedrolls before continuing. You had left your armor at home; it was a dead giveaway for who you were. The only things you carried on your person in terms of weapons was daggers, hidden up sleeves. It left a bad taste in your mouth.
Knights were honorable; war was ugly, and the knights were the ones on the front lines, fighting for their kingdom. They were not the ones sneaking into places with blades hidden. But the West had played a dirty hand by distracting the king with such a small group of emissaries claiming peace, only to kidnap the prince. It was time to play dirty back.
You and Mike took turns scouting out the royal prison. The rumors were that a prince from the East was imprisoned there. But rumors also claimed everything from “the prince came of his own accord” to “the prince was killed the day he arrived”. Afraid for your husband’s fate, you and Mike didn’t take long to come up with a plan.
Dressed as guards—complete with a sword on your hips—Mike led you into the belly of the prison. Judging by the state of the other inmates, all of which were beaten, starving, and shivering, you were afraid of what they had done to Sonny. But he had only been captured for three days—he couldn’t be that bad, could he?
There were guards posted in front of his cell when you found him. You and Mike quickly killed them; with the element of surprise, it was easy to take them out almost silently. Hoping that you had some time before more guards appeared, you unlocked the cell.
The commotion had caught Sonny’s attention, and he rolled over to see what was happening. When he recognized his spouses fighting for him, he propped himself up on an elbow. And once you had opened the door, a smile pulled across his face, albeit painfully.
“My knights,” he mumbled, trying to push himself to sitting.
You were there first, and you stooped to help him. “Sonny, my love, you need medical attention—”
“What happened to you?” Mike asked, that deathly quiet back in his voice. He squatted next to you, reaching out to cup Sonny’s face, turning him towards the light from the lantern behind you.
One of Sonny’s eyes was swollen shut, and bruises covered his face. Dried blood was under his nose, and his lip was split. It appeared as if his arm was broken, and he kept it tucked awkwardly to his side. There were slashes through the cloth that dared call itself a tunic, blood from cuts visible through it, some still actively bleeding. The most worrying thing, however, was how thin the prince had become in a few short days, dark circles under his eyes that could be bruises or lack of sleep.
“I’m fine,” he murmured, trying to give Mike a reassuring smile. Sonny hated violence, and he knew that Mike had a temper about him when it came to protecting Sonny.
But Mike’s face didn’t soften. “Who did this to you?” he asked, voice a whisper.
Sonny answered just as quietly, reaching up with his good hand to cover Mike’s. “Don’t. We must not tarry.”
“He’s right, Mike. We need to go, before we’re found out and executed,” you said, standing.
Mike clenched his jaw before straightening. He scooped Sonny’s frail body into his arms, and Sonny tried—and failed—to not grimace in pain. “When was the last time you’ve eaten?”
“Later; we must go now,” Sonny replied. You agreed, and you went first out of the cell, leading the men up and out of the prison.
The rescue of the prince was noticed just before you made it to the kingdom walls atop your horses. You told Mike to take Sonny and run while you drew your sword. There was still time before the guards at the exits tripled, and you knew you could take them…and if not, at least your husbands would be safe.
Both men were unhappy with your decision, but Mike was more interested in saving Sonny, so he followed your orders, the prince commanding he not leave you behind, his cries ignored. There were only three guards at the exit, and you went first, clashing with them all and giving Mike time to ride by. You vaguely heard Sonny’s screams as they went, calling Mike a coward for not helping you. But all that faded from your mind as you sparred with the guards.
You heard when the alarm went off, and you knew it was time to go. You cut one man down, injuring another, before you pulled yourself back onto your horse to gallop away. While mounting your horse, however, the lone guard still standing slashed out, cutting your back from shoulder to hip. You cried out, slumping onto your horse as it galloped, barely clinging to the reigns. The cut at the shoulder was deeper than the rest, since he hit you as you had moved forward, but you were still worried about what this meant for your life. You couldn’t move your left arm—the shoulder that was struck deep—but you hung on to your horse with your right.
Your horse didn’t slow until you were at a small overpass; the place you and Mike planned to meet and assess the rest of the trip home; your kingdom was a two-day trip away. Mike came out from under the overpass when you rode up, and his face filled with concern. He helped you off your horse, asking what had happened. You fell to your knees once you were on the ground, pain rocketing through your body.
“Shit, this is bad. Come on; get inside so I can bandage you up,” Mike said, helping you to stand. You shuffled on weak legs underneath the overpass.
Sonny sat up as he saw the state you were in. He was shirtless, most of his wounds either bandaged or cleaned, a half-eaten roll in his hand, his other arm still tucked to his side. “Are you okay, doll?” he asked as Mike laid you face down on his bedroll. They both eyed your back wearily.
“F—fine. A good night’s rest will heal me right up—”
“It’s bad, love,” Mike muttered. He quickly pulled out the meager amount of bandages he had left before he started to clean the wound.
Sonny’s face filled with worry. “Can you use bandages from me?” he asked, already knowing the answer. But still, he had to try.
“No, that would only lead to infection. We just have to hurry home,” Mike replied.
You winced as he washed you, even with his gentle touch. “We should leave tonight, then.”
“No; both you and Sonny need rest—”
“If we rest here, we may not get up again. Mike, sweetheart, we must get the prince home, before a war starts. And if my injury is as bad as you say it is, then all the more reason to head out now,” you reasoned.
Mike looked ready to argue, but Sonny said, “she’s right, Mike. I’m okay to ride. Why, after eating, I feel as strong as you.” He smiled softly, but Mike didn’t return it.
“Can you ride?” he asked you.
You nodded. “Of course.” You knew why he asked; Sonny, who had only ridden mild-mannered horses through the city during parades, could not ride alone. Mike would have to make sure he didn’t fall.
He gave you a skeptical look, and you tried to convey your conviction through your eyes. You still couldn’t move your left hand or arm, but you could ride one-handed. Finally, he sighed, “fine. Let me finish bandaging what I can, and then we move.”
After packing and forcing another roll of bread onto Sonny, Mike helped you mount your horse. Then, he lifted Sonny up onto his own horse, before settling in behind him.
“It’s a two-day ride back to the kingdom, but if we hurry and only stop to let the horses feed and drink, then we can make it in just over a day. But if either of you need to rest, you better speak up, understand? I will not let either of you die on this flight,” Mike warned.
Both you and Sonny agreed, and then you were off, heading for home with nothing but the moon to guide your way, hoping beyond hope that you weren’t being followed.
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maybe-your-left · 4 years
THOUGHT ABOUT IT, needs to happen.
Professor Ren x Professor Reader ONESHOT
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“Good morning Professor (Y/N),” your students called out, filing into their seats. Today you had them set up in a half circle. All of them on some big pillows, with their canvases at their feet. It was all about getting to feel the inspiration flow through you this morning.
You smiled from the floor, brushing back your hair to tie into a loose bun. Some paint from your hand smeared on your cheek but that’s okay, it’s art! Art can be anything and anywhere!
“Good morning everyone! There’s coffee and fresh tea in the back! I had my husband go grab some from your favorite shop so we could all relax this morning!”
One of your students yawned, “Thank you professors husband.”
“Oh it was no trouble,” you mused, “It was he and I’s coffee date this morning, we were already there and I thought of all of you.”
Once everyone was settled you told them the plan for the day. Working to connect with the early morning spirits, their souls, how they were feeling today and using the colors to express that. No brushes, no pencils, just the hand to create.
“Oh,” a student piped up, “Professor how was your weekend? Wasn’t it your anniversary?”
You smiled, letting out a sigh as you thought about your wonderful husband. He was so loving, caring, gentle, understanding.... and tall.
“It was fantastic,” you squealed, “We spent the weekend cleaning out the outdoor patio, I used to horde all my art supplies in there. And Ben set it up to be a nice seating area, so many colors and plants and flowers.”
“What did you do for your anniversary?”
You dropped the canvas, thinking intently on what you actually did for your celebration, you knew your students loved to hear about your life. As the textbook oversharing professor, they were thrilled to hear about how eccentric your partner was, calling you ‘true love’ in the purest sense.
“Well, we had a wedding for our cat, you all remember Finn.”
Everyone nodded, “He met some other cat down the street, a stray, and we named him Poe. They had a lovely wedding, both of us cried. Ben loves his cat so much, it was tough for him to realize he had grown up...”
You dabbed at the corner of your eye, wiping away a stray tear from the memories. Ben had Finn before he met you, such a sweet kitty. He loved his cat, which was strange for a man who was so distant at first, but you understood the bond. And now he was all grown up, with a husband!
“What did you guys do though,” they asked once more, “Since it was your 10th anniversary.”
“Oh,” you rolled your eyes, “Ben does things for me all the time, he doesn’t have to ham it up for one day. We spent the morning doing our couples yoga, al-fresco as nature intended, had some nice quiche that I made the evening before.”
“After that, you all remember the bathroom Ben redid for me, the one with the claw foot tub and the living eucalyptus plants lining the windows, we took a wonderful bath together. I don’t want to go into any intimate details, but yoga really makes that man,” you shivered, “Limber.”
Your class laughed, “Professor, you’ve told us stuff about your husband that’s way worse.”
“Anyway, after our morning rounds, we went for a walk outside. Our dog Chewie needed some exercise and we both felt like walking the hills behind the house. It was very beautiful. I think I have pictures...”
You moved to get up, wiping the excess paint from your hand on your apron. Scrambling behind your desk for your bag, practically dumping out the contents to find your phone. You frowned when you couldn’t find it, instead finding your husbands phone, “I’m sorry class, I guess I don’t have it today...”
“Oh well, moving on. After that we had a nice dinner downtown, some dancing. My Ben can be quite the romantic when it comes to that, hes an excellent dancer aside from his ginormous feet. And once we got home,” you winked, “Let’s just say we didn’t rest for too long.”
Everyone laughed, congratulating you on your anniversary. How wonderful your life was, how much they love hearing about you and Ben. They so desperately wanted to meet him... but that wouldn’t happen.
Unfortunately, Ben was another professor at the university. In a completely different department, under the English Literature studies branch. Teaching the effects and influences mid century writers have on society today, he was a mean and strict man. Didn’t enjoy loud noises, food, drinks, or phones in his class. He also didn’t go by Ben for his professional name, he went by Kylo Ren. No one knew he was your husband, the same one who helped you rescue a baby bird, or the one who crushes you at chess, or the one who sings while showering, and sleeps with a teddy bear when you’re away.
It would be devastating to his reputation if he knew how much you shared of your personal lives.
However... he did marry you.
Fully knowing how loud mouthed you were, so sharing and compassionate with your students. Even calling them by their first names when he likes to seperate them from himself by using their last names. He doesn’t share anything with them, they barely know that he’s married. All they know is that Professor Ren is mean, and probably eats babies for breakfast.
You moved back to your seat, waving your hand for everyone to focus back on their paintings. Things were getting a little out of control and you did want them to finish these before class was over.
After about ten minutes of quiet murmuring, the door to your room flew open.
“Lovely,” your husband burst in, “I think we swapped phones this morning, yours kept playing that ridiculous shark song whenever someone messaged you.”
“Professor Ren?”
He stopped at your desk, scanning your classroom for the face that had recognized him. You repeated the action, zeroing in on one of your students.
“Good morning Miss Johnson,” Ben cleared his throat, his face dropping into a stone frown. “I was unaware you were in art courses.”
“Um,” she cleared her throat, looking as uncomfortable as you felt, “I’m double majoring.”
Ben swiftly swapped phones from behind your desk, moving towards you. Cringing at all the paint on the floors and how messy everyone was. He squatted down next to you, his shiny black oxfords creasing slightly. Dressed from head to toe in a black suit, looking the complete opposite from you. His harsh, pale face frowning at all your students. The scar that slashed across his cheek red from his embarrassment, he finally looked at you. “I’ll see you for lunch my love.”
He kissed your lips, quickly standing as if to reverse the action. Over his shoulder he yelled at your mutual student, “Not a peep Miss Johnson, not a peep!”
After he slammed the door shut everyone’s gaze fell to you. Eyes wide and mouths popped open in awe, how was that supposed to be the same man you had told them about?
“Professor?” Rey piped up.
“Yes,” you cleared your throat, “Yes sweetie?”
“Professor Ren, the one who made that girl cry in front of the entire class, is your Ben?”
“Oh,” she swallowed, “Professor?”
“I think I’m switching majors.”
HAHAHHAA yes. Gotta love a hard ass in the streets and a big lover in the sheets.
i ❤️ kylo ren
TAGGING: @finn-ray-nal-beads​ @onlykyloscenes​ @candycanes19​ @desiraypark​ @historyandfandoms50​ @caelum-phyriina-vermillon​ @ghoulian13​ @mrs-kylo-ren​ @millenialcatlady​ @emeraldsiren20​ @dancingmicrobes​ @relationshipwithmybed​ @wayward-rose​ @safarigirlsp​ @contesa-lui-alucard​ @daydreamsofren​ @caillea​ @insufferablelust​ @ohdamnadamm​ @mariesackler​ @jalexunderthestars​ @shesakillerkween​ @glassythoughts @zimmermansbrat @not-the-teen-witch
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bruhstories · 3 years
Summary: You were a rookie Jashinist with a dark secret, he was a demented shinobi with a desire to slaughter anything and everything for his god. Pairing: Hidan x Fem!Reader (canon verse) Warnings & Content: dark content - minors dni, language, blood kink, kidnapping, murder, oral sex (male receiving), vaginal fingering, unprotected sex, knives, human sacrifice, cult-like behaviour, religious fanatism, Reader and Hidan are... insane, slight gore. Word Count: 2.8 k
A/N: Read those tags carefully. Hidan's not exactly a warm and fuzzy character.
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"Please, let me go... I won't tell anyone." You peeled your lips open, dry from all the crying and lack of hydration, hairs stuck to your sweaty forehead.
"Let you go? But... you came here willingly." He sneered, flashing you his teeth.
He was right. You joined the Jashinists thinking they were a liberal religion, preaching freedom and anarchy, but you did not expect sadism and human sacrifices. And you didn't expect to fall in love with Hidan — the most vile man you've ever encountered. Not that he knew that, anyway. He couldn't possibly fathom the idea that a sweet thing like you could love a man like him. But you weren't a saint.
"T-then why are you doing this to m-me?" You breathed, the ropes around your wrists cutting the blood circulation in your hands.
Hidan clicked his tongue and placed his scythe on the floor. "Because I can." He picked up a knife — no, a kunai. "And because you wanted to run away."
Ah, there it was. You decided to leave this cult when Hidan prompted you to kill some poor ninja he'd kidnapped a few days ago. You refused, expecting to be left alone, and now you were the sacrifice.
"I t-told you, I- I only kill those who deserve it."
"Everyone deserves it, Y/N. Especially traitors." Hidan traced the blade over your exposed abdomen, goosebumps dotting your skin and you were ashamed to admit that it made you feel... something.
"So, you're just g-going to kill m-me?"
"Don't be sad. You'll make a fine fucking sacrifice for Jashin."
"Please, Hidan, give m-me another c-chance." Tears pooled at your eyes. Death was not on your list, not now, and especially not at his hands.
"You know we don't give second chances." The blade was now between your tits, the tip slowly poking into your skin. Crimson droplets seeped from the fresh wound. It stung like a bitch, and it made you whimper, but the heat in your cunt signalled your arousal.
"You d-don't, but Jashin does." You whispered, and Hidan was completely taken aback.
"Excuse you?"
"Every t-time you failed to kill someone, hengave you another c-chance." You spat at him. "What m-makes you think he won't g-give me one?"
Confused wouldn't even begin to describe what he felt. Hidan blinked slowly, trying to comprehend the question before he dropped the kunai and left without a word.
You didn't know exactly how much time passed since he left. By this point you couldn't feel your fingers and the room began to spin, head dizzy from exhaustion. The door swung open and you shot your head up, startled by the sudden intrusion. Hidan walked in with a terrifying look on his face and bent down to grab the blade. He slashed the first rope and your hand fell limp by your hip.
"You're lucky he's a benevolent god." He slashed the second rope and your knees hit the cold, hard floor. Fear, happiness and anxiety coiled in your stomach, surprised that you have, indeed, been given a second chance.
"You talked to him?" You shook your wrists to get the blood flowing, eyes finding his.
"Yes, and surprisingly he likes you. Says you have potential." His voice went up an octave when uttering the last word in what seemed to be sarcasm.
Still on the floor, you arched a brow. "Do you doubt his judgement?" You suspected it was a mistake to ask that question, because in a split second Hidan yanked your hair and pulled your head back to look at him upside-down.
"I'll die before I doubt the good lord. Who I doubt is you." He pierced your soul with his sangria eyes, chills running down your spine, stopping in-between your thighs. You hated the effect he had over you, you hated that he was so oblivious to your hints, only focused on Jashin. Always Jashin.
Granted, Jashin did offer Hidan immortality, which was something you could only dream of. You were a pathetic civilian with a knack for medical jutsu, but never properly trained. He was a full-fledged shinobi who could snap your neck like a twig if he wanted to. And he wanted to.
But, the word of Jashin was law for Hidan. As much as he wanted to sacrifice you to his beloved god, he had to refrain himself, fearing punishment for his sins. And as much as he hated to admit it, you shared and valued the same goals of Jashinism — to a certain extent. You were down to slaughter people, but only those who deserved it, and apparently to Jashin that was enough. But not to Hidan. Never to Hidan.
"Jashin says I have potential, it's not up to you to talk back." You mustered up some courage after your wounds healed. That medical jutsu thing you practised for self-healing really came in handy when Hidan had violent outbursts and Kakuzu wasn't there to put him in his place. Shame you didn't know how to use it to heal others.
"Listen here, you little bitch, just because you've been pardoned now doesn't mean I'll hesitate to stab your tits when you disobey the lord." He let go of your hair and you leaned forward, palms on the floor to stop you from falling. "Besides, you're gonna have to prove yourself. Again."
You knew exactly what he meant. You had to kill. And Hidan wasn't one to let you off the hook — you'd have to kill someone innocent, and the idea of performing such a sacrifice made your stomach churn, it made you want to throw up, because you knew you'd enjoy it. Murdering someone deserving felt like a chore, like something natural. But the thought of killing someone undeserving made your heart flutter, your cunt burn and your head hazy with a high so addictive, no drug in the world could compare to it.
"Don't make me kill someone, please."
"Oh, spare me of your holier-than-thou bullshit. You either kill or be killed, Y/N. Now let's get to fucking work." Hidan bruised your arm in the process of 'helping' you up, unaware of the pleasant surprise that lurked within you. Because if he knew the real you, he'd probably question his own sanity — and that's something he'd never done. The real you was obscene, twisted and demented, long before you discovered Jashinism, but you tried to bury that part of you deep down. You seemingly succeeded, focusing your bloodlust on anarchy and overthrowing the Tsuchikage with a group of punk teenagers from your village, Iwagakure.
Until you met Hidan.
"I really don't want to do this." You pleaded with the silver-haired man, hands trembling and eyes watery.
"Kill him, Y/N." Hidan rolled his eyes, the blades of his scythe pressing into your back as you pressed your kunai into the victim's neck. "Kill him or I kill you."
"Alright, alright, I'll do it. But give me some space."
"Tch, pretentious bitch." He stepped aside, watching you carefully.
"More space." You demanded and he took another step back with an impatient look on his face.
"There's only one exit to this cave. If you think, for a fucking second, that you walk out of here alive you're wrong. Unless you kill him." Hidan licked his lips. "Jashin demands a sacrifice. Now."
You looked down at the symbol drawn with the victim's blood, then back at the man in front of you. His eyes were wide open and filled with tears, arms chained to then wall of the cave. He frantically shook his head, saliva dripping from his gag as he prayed for salvation.
"I'm so sorry." You spoke — not sorry for the victim, but for yourself and what you'd become after this day. Slender fingers lifted his chin upwards and with one swift movement, you slit open the skin, blood gushing out, spraying your face, neck and cleavage. "Fuck..." You moaned, the hot crimson liquid dripping down your chin.
"See, it wasn't so bad." Hidan elbowed you but you didn't move, instead, you gripped the blade handle tightly and drove it into the victim's abdomen, more blood spluttering on you when you removed it. "Oh, you want more?" The rogue shinobi quirked a brow, content with your choice. Adrenaline and arousal rushed through your veins and you dropped the kunai, the clanging echoing in the cave.
"Hidan..." You trailed off, tentatively unzipping your black cloak. "I want you to fuck me."
The silver-haired man watched you smear the blood over your exposed tits, his cock twitching in his pants. Finally, he realised just how beautiful you truly were, the pure ecstasy on your face igniting a flame in his core.
"Here?" He asked, somewhat surprised by your request.
"Yes, please." You turned around to face him, and the look on his face told you just how impressed he was.
"Now aren't you just so full of surprises? And here I thought you were just some goodie two-shoes who refused to harm people." Hidan removed his Akatsuki cloak, letting it fall to the ground, allowing you to see just how hard he was. You bit on your lower lip, the metallic taste was pure bliss in your mouth. "You filthy, disgusting whore." He sneered, his lips crushing yours in a shameful, euphoric kiss. The moment his tongue touched the blood in your mouth, his skin began to darken, his body linking with the victim's, meaning he hasn't died yet.
"Isn't he going to feel everything?" You pulled back from the kiss, but your voice wasn't in any way concerned about the man chained to the wall.
"Oh, he's going to feel it, alright." Hidan laughed, his hand pushing your head as you lowered yourself down your knees. Fingers tugged at the waistband of his pants and you pulled down both of the layers, his cock slapping your face. "Suck."
You obediently parted your lips, taking the velvety tip into your mouth, tongue swirling around it before you moved to his shaft. Hidan threw his head back, his fingers tangling in your hair as you bobbed your head back and forth, your moans music to his ears. The gurgling sounds coming from the victim told you that he, indeed, felt everything Hidan felt and your twisted mind enjoyed it so fucking much. You picked up the pace, earning grunts and growls from the rogue shinobi before he held your head in place, stuffing your mouth and throat with his thick cock until you dug your fingers in his thigh, desperately trying to breathe.
"Jashin was right to give you a second chance." Hidan released you and you gasped for air. "You're his gift for me."
The blood on your body dried out, but you were just as beautiful. You leaned on your back, spreading your legs for him. It was a smart decision not to wear anything underneath your cloak. The silver-haired man kneeled between your thighs, his hands bruising your skin with rough touches before he found your dripping cunt.
"Shit, Y/N, you're soaking wet." He shoved two fingers between your folds, curling them upwards. You squirmed and moaned, desperate for something bigger.
"S-skip the foreplay and fuck m-me!" You begged but Hidan wasn't one to listen. He thrusted his fingers in and out of you, enjoying the way you thrashed and moaned his name, enjoying the way you arched your back with every movement.
"You're so beautiful." He confessed and you were caught off guard. It was the first time he ever said something nice to you, let alone compliment you. "You really are a sight for sore fucking eyes." Hidan removed his fingers but before you could say anything, he shoved them in your mouth. "Don't you taste like a needy slut?"
You nodded with lidded eyes, cheeks hollowed as you sucked the slick off of fingers. Hidan hovered over you, his cock grazing over your slit and aching clit, then kissed you with so much force and passion you almost couldn't breathe.
"Fuck, you taste good." He grabbed his shaft and pushed the tip painstakingly slowly between your folds. Oh, he was so much bigger than you expected, but you quickly got accustomed to his girth, mouth agape and eyes rolled back in pleasure.
"Shit- Hidan!" You bucked your hips, legs wrapping around his waist as he wrapped his calloused fingertips around your neck.
"Jashin damn it, you are so tight. You're not a fucking virgin, are you?"
You shook your head, fingernails digging into his back and the victim gurgled again. Hidan released the grip from your neck, instead holding you by the hips and frenziedly pulling you onto his cock. It was sinful, degrading and demented, and his brutal, animalistic thrusts only turned you on more. The sound of skin against skin, growls and moans echoed in the cave, and soon enough Hidan's bone-like markings faded. You didn't care, he was still buried into your cunt, but the thrill of having your pussy obliterated next to a dying man dissipated, replaced by the pure lust Hidan radiated.
"Fuck, I'm-"
"No, you're not. Not until I fucking allow it." The silver-haired man pulled out and you cried, literal tears pooling at your eyes as you were on the brink of an orgasm. "You've been a bad, bad, girl, denying Jashin, denying slaughter, denying me." He gave your cunt a firm slap which vibrated through your entire body, ending with a whimper.
"Y-you have n-no idea how m-much I want you, Hidan." You squeezed your thighs together for a crumb or friction, but he forcefully pushed your knees to the sides.
"Then you should listen. See what a good job you've done today?" He tilted his head to the chained corpse.
"You d-don't understand... I've g-got an insatiable bloodlust." You admitted, but you knew he'd only be more intrigued.
"That's exactly why you've been drawn to Jashinism." Hidan flipped you over, and you were down on all fours. He pushed his cock back in you with one deep thrust, earning another moan out of you. "Embrace it, Y/N. You and I can do great things together, for him."
"But it's wrong." You whispered and you could feel his arm slithering around your neck, pulling you closer to him.
"And who told you that? Society? Your parents? Nah, I'll be your daddy from now on." His fat cock brushed against your cervix, your silken walls clenching around it as he fucked you harder. "You wanna come, don't you?"
"Oh, yes!"
"Yes, what?" Hidan tightened the grip, your back against his chest.
"Yes, daddy! Please, I want it, I want it!" You whimpered.
"And are you going to give Jashin everything he wants?"
It was decided — Hidan stripped you of any speck of humanity or rationality you had left in you. You loved him, after all, and he loved Jashin.
"Yes, I will! Jashin can have anything he wants as long as I have you."
"Good girl." He kissed your head before releasing your neck, hands gripping your hips to hold you in place. "Nowyou can come."
Your cunt was aching for release, and you mustered enough strength to rub your clit in messy, circular motions. Soon enough, you felt it coming — the rush of adrenaline as Hidan fucked into you, fingers pinching your sore nipples. You came on his cock with a soft moan and with one final, violent thrust he fills you up, cum dripping from your sloppy cunt as he pulls out. You rolled on your back, propping yourself on your elbows and Hidan froze, the sight of your used and abused pussy hypnotising him.
"Like what you see?" You grinned, fingers tentatively grazing over your slit, dipping between your folds before you brought them to your mouth to taste his seed.
"Shit, I think I'm in love." His sangria eyes bore into yours and your heart fluttered. You knew he was an asshole, and he probably only said it in the heat of the moment, but you were satisfied with what you got.
"What about him?"
"Meh, Kakuzu will take care of the mess. I wanna take a fucking bath." Hidan picked his red and black cloak up from the floor before getting up. "And I'm starving."
You pursed your lips and lowered your gaze. So much for being in love with you.
"You coming to the hot springs?"
"As much as I adore seeing you covered in blood, that shit's dry and crusty." He threw you your cloak.
"You wanna take a bath... with me?"
"Yes? The fuck are you acting so surprised? I just said I'm in love with you but you're surprised I wanna take a bath with you?"
"You know what, stop talking." You rolled your eyes and got up.
"I think the fuck not."
"Fuck's sake, Hidan, let's go."
"Fuckin' crazy bitch."
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I can’t be alone right now (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
“I can’t be alone right now”
Bucky barnes x reader
Word count 2102
Warnings: depression, self harm, panic attack
Summary: Bucky knows that the reader used to self harm, and tells them that they can come to him if they feel the urge. Usually they’re able to handle it on their own, but one day it’s too much to handle alone. 
You and Bucky were perfect for each other. You loved him for everything he was and had been through. You helped him whenever he had nightmares no matter how early in the morning it was. You had helped him get a lot of his memory back. And he supported you through everything too. He knew you battled depression and used to self harm. He understood that you’d have flare ups and relapses from time to time and made sure to never be angry with you about it. He made sure you knew you could ask him for help, no matter what time of day it was.
The two of you really did love each other. Everything had been going so well, which was why you didn’t quite understand why you would still want to hurt yourself every few days. You didn’t always talk to him about it for a few reasons. You could usually get through it on your own, and you didn’t want him to get too worried.
But something was different today, and you could feel it from the moment you opened your eyes.
You rolled over in bed to see that Bucky had already left for the day. Reaching for your phone, you saw a text that had come in from Bucky a few hours earlier.
Hey doll. Early morning training with Steve and then a team meeting not soon after. I’ll see you later today. Don’t do anything stupid until I get back. :)
You smiled to yourself. He had just learned about emojis a few months prior (thanks to you) and had recently started to use them. You layed back down with a huff. Something to you just felt...off. This kind of thing happened all the time, but today’s was hitting you differently. You could feel this anxiety building up inside of you, and from experience, you didn’t like where this kind of feeling could lead you.
You tried to control your breathing, not letting it get too out of control. You closed your eyes and clenched your fingers around the mattress on either side of you. You could do this - it hadn’t happened in a while, but you could get it together. 
After 10 or so breaths you felt it was safe enough to relax and open your eyes again. You wiped your face and groaned. This could be a very long day.
You didn’t really know how to explain your depression or anxiety. They don’t have a schedule, literally everything could be going right and you would still cry yourself to sleep or have 2 panic attacks in the same day. You didn’t feel like you had a right to be down or upset, which is why you avoided talking about it as much as you could.
And the most frustrating thing is that they travel in a pair. If you feel anxious, you’d sure as hell be expecting your depression to tag along. It was annoying really. But nothing you had found yet had been super helpful. Well, except hurting yourself, but that wasn’t an option anymore.
Or was it?
No. You shook your head, trying to get rid of the toxic thought that just crossed your mind. It had been months, there was no way you could hurt yourself now. And why would you? There’s no reason to be depressed or anxious, therefore no reason to hurt yourself. You sighed. You had dealt with these thoughts before, you could deal with them again. 
You pushed yourself out of bed and headed to your bathroom to take a shower. Despite wanting to stay in bed all day, you knew it wouldn’t help you, and that you should get up and go on with your day.
You turned the showerhead on and undressed, waiting for the water to get warm. You stood and caught a glance of your reflection in the mirror. You quickly turned away, but it was no use. The thoughts were already rolling it.
God your a mess
What is the matter with you? You should be the one in the gym not Bucky.
Why is he even with you?
“Stop,” you said out loud, to yourself. You shook your head and stepped in the shower. It was still cold but it helped put a temporary pause to your mind’s spree of worthlessness. You swear, if you could get a restraining order on your own brain, you’d do it in a heartbeat.
You washed your hair and then reached for your razor to shave. Once it was in your hand though, your mind had other ideas.
Just do it
You’ll feel so much better
You deserve it anyway
You dropped the razor on the ground and turned off the shower, trying to move as quickly as possible to get as far as possible from the instrument. You couldn’t do that, not again, no matter how badly you wanted to. You quickly toweled off and went back into the room to get dressed. After which, you sat on the edge of the bed and put your head in your hands, trying to block out all the thoughts in your mind but it was no use. They came anyway.
You’re such a disaster
Bucky’s just being nice, he doesn’t actually love you
You’re a mistake
A waste of space
Why are you even like this? Your life is perfect
You should just do everyone a favor and kill yourself
No one loves you, and no one ever will
Who could ever love you?
When the tears started, you didn’t know. Your breath was hitching again, but it was too far gone by now. You curled up upon yourself, hugging your knees into your chest. You thought about how you could make yourself feel better with a few slashes, but you refused to let yourself
But it was right in the drawer next to you…
When Bucky had found out, he had taken all of your blades. Well, all of the ones you told him about. You kept one as a ‘in case of emergencies’ precaution. And you wanted to so badly, but you knew you couldn’t let yourself. 
It was so hard, knowing that something could help you so quickly and so easily, but knowing it’s the last thing you should be doing. There was nothing more frustrating than having the only thing you knew how to do to help yourself was actually hurting yourself.
You opened the drawer and looked at the knife. It looked so appealing right now. It’d be so easy…
You slammed the door shut and tried to muffle a scream with a pillow. Feeling a full on panic attack coming, you knew you couldn’t do this alone for much longer. You were scared to be on your own right now.
You unlocked your phone and went to Bucky’s contact.
‘Please tell me you’re not in the middle of something right now.’
Bucky, still in the meeting, looked at the message curiously. He replied,
‘In the meeting, but what’s up?’
You hesitated looking at the response. What if it was something actually important? What if they really needed him. But a few more seconds of thinking and you knew you couldn’t take much more before you gave in. You texted back
‘I really can’t be alone right now.’
Immediately Bucky straightened up in his chair before pushing it back. The team fell silent and looked at him. “Sorry, I have to go. Urgent.” Steve looked at him with concern. “Tell you later.” he said before he could get up.
Bucky could run fast, but he never ran so fast in his life. A million thoughts ran through his head of what you could have meant, none of them good. When he opened the door, he saw you breathing heavily, tears down your face, and a knife in your hand.
He stepped forward cautiously. “Doll, why do you have -”
Your eyes snatched up and you threw the knife away from you but still in the bed “Take this, please take it away, I can’t... “
“Okay, okay,” he stepped forward and took the knife, placing it on the dresser across the room. When he came over to you and sat down next to you, you started crying harder and breathing heavier.
He quickly wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest. You clung to his T-shirt, which was quickly becoming wet with your tears. “Shh, doll. I wanna know what’s going on, but I need you to breathe with me first, okay? Try to match me.” 
He breathed in deeply, and you could feel his chest expanding and contracting. You focused on the sound of his heart beating as you tried to match it. After a few minutes, your breath had returned to normal, but you were still unable to stop the tears or the racing thoughts in your mind. “Can I ask what’s wrong?”
You took a deep breath and shrugged. “I am.” “What do you-” “I’m the problem. Literally nothing happened. I just...I couldn’t stop thinking and then I couldn’t breath and then I wanted to…” you stopped, unable to finish your sentence. 
He rubbed his metal arm up and down your back. “Did you - you know…”
You shook your head. “No.”
He cleared his throat. “Are you sure?” he asked.
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m sure.”
He nodded, trusting that you hadn’t. “You know, sometimes things like that just happen. They sneak up on you and take you when you least expect it.” He pulled back, so he could look you in the eye. “It’s not your fault, it has absolutely nothing to do with you or what you do. Sometimes it doesn’t even have to do with the things around you. Sometimes things like this just are, and that’s okay.”
You nodded, looking away, now embarrassed by the whole scene you had just caused. “I’m sorry Buck. i shouldn’t have interrupted the meeting.”
“Hey,” he said, guiding your chin so that you would look at him again. “Don’t you ever apologize for this kind of thing. I told you whenever, wherever, remember?”
“Yeah, it’s just…” you sighed, not wanting to tell him how often this kind of thing occurred.
“Just what, y/n?”
“Just that usually I can handle this kind of thing on my own,” you said, a little more firmly than you intended. He dropped his hand and looked like you had just hit him. “What do you mean? How often does this thing kind of happen?”
“Forget what I said -”
“How often?” he said more sternly
“It’s not a big deal -”
“Yes it is. Now tell me.”
“Buck -”
You sighed again and crossed your arms. “I dunno, a few times a week I guess?” you said, unable to look him in the eye.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” he asked softly, despite being furious with himself for not noticing.
“Because like I said, I never have a good reason. Everything’s perfect, you’re absolutely perfect, everything in my life is absolutely perfect except for the thoughts that run through my mind. And that’s the one thing in my life that I can’t control. Anything else goes wrong, I can fix it. But myself?” you shook your head and met his gaze again. “I can’t fix that.”
He wrapped his arms around you again. “The thing is, doll, you don’t have to. I’m here to help you the same way you help me every day. Let me return the favor. Please, I want to help.”
You nodded into him. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you.” he said. He cleared his throat again. “Are there any others I should know about?” 
You furrowed your brows and looked up at him. “What?” you asked.
“Blades,” he said.
Realization slapped you across the face. “Oh, yeah, sorry, uh...no. No there aren’t.”
“You swear?” he asked.”
You nodded. “I swear.”
“Okay, good. I’ll take care of that one in a few minutes. Right now I just want to be with you.”
You laughed a little. “Well, I’m happy to oblige. You did leave me with an empty bed this morning, after all.”
He smirked at you. “Well, maybe we should fix that, huh?”
“Sounds good to me. Movies?” 
“I’m down for that.” he said.
Halfway through your first movie, cuddled up on each other, you leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. “I love you, Buck.”
He pulled you in for a kiss. “I love you too.”
455 notes · View notes
theglowyscorpio · 3 years
all set | eren x reader
a/n: this is a story in the making, currently available at AO3 and Wattpad. If you like it, please don't hesitate to give me some kudos, leave a comment or maybe follow me on my social media! <3 Any feedback is highly appreciated since I'm just getting started!
pairing: eren yeager x female reader
tags: mature content, alternate universe (modern setting), college/university, recreational drug use, implied sexual content, M/F, F/F, the author is not religious lmao
word count: 4.3k
current chapters: 2/?
playlist: this one was made with a particular playlist in mind. they are really great songs that help to convey this chapter, so I hope you have a time to check them out! :)
a. slomosa - kevin b. upsahl - drugs c. rosenfeld - like u d. kaiba - overdose e. lil kapow - tinman f. bodega - how did this happen!?
all set
I lost count of how many parties I went to this week. There was one at Shina, another at... Sasha's. Wait, was it? Or Ymir's? Honestly, both their houses look fairly similar and we always see the same faces over and over again, regardless of where we are getting wasted. Definitely two at my house. The timeline is blurry at this point. If my liver could talk, it would spit out "Screw you, Eren." and I wouldn't be able to disagree.
Classes will start next week so everyone is acting like we're going to stop doing all this for the rest of the semester. That never happens.
I barely enter Reiner's house and the music is already piercing my head. My ears will soon tell me to go screw myself too. The bass was loud. But it was good.
— Hey, finally — Reiner says, giving a hard slap in my back. I can't even get mad at him because he probably didn't mean for it to hurt. Fucking strong bastard.
— Sorry. Lost track of time.
— You know where the things are — he leaves me behind and disappears through the noisy music.
It's hot inside. August has been particularly cruel this year. I'm using a black t-shirt, which is luckily pretty thin, and my black Adidas pants that are somewhat breathable. My hair is in a bun. I will probably be sweating soon, though. Reiner's AC won't do miracles with this amount of people since it is specially packed today. I guess I might see some new faces tonight, huh.
This fact already makes things more interesting.
I walk through the room and then arrive in the kitchen. Connie and Sasha are there.
— Eren!! — I barely open my mouth to talk and Sasha is already giving me whatever weird drink they made. Their drinks sometimes are... unusual, for the lack of a better word. Most of the time they are simply pure shit. They call it scout's fuel, always the same name regardless of what's inside. Maybe that's why my liver hates me so much.
— Thanks — I'm already used to the goddamn gasoline taste — I guess you both want to get us wasted tonight.
— It's our personal mission, so enjoy the fuel — Connie says laughing, raising his plastic cup. I love this duo – who doesn't? – and I can't help but laugh with them, even though it tastes so bad — Everyone is already here, come on — I follow them and find all the familiar faces I've seen all week: Bertholdt, Historia, Ymir, Mikasa, Annie, Armin, Jean, everyone.
The girls look hot, even though I'm used to them. Either way, I avoid hooking up with my friends since the last time didn't work so well. It's better to avoid Mikasa today.
We all sit together while drinking. I light a joint I had already prepared at home and say — Am I crazy or is Reiner's party bigger than usual? —, releasing the smoke a few seconds after. This one is the best grass we could get around our area, I've saved it primarily for today and now I see that might have been a great decision on my part. I'm glancing through the room and looking for some girls, might share this shit with one - or a few - of them later.
— Thank god, I was tired of seeing your ugly faces every fucking time — Jean says. The girls look at him and he rushes to add — I mean, the boys, of course. It's always nice looking at all of you, ladies.
It's not enough to avoid Annie's kick anyway — We can say the same of you, horse face.
Reiner arrives at the perfect time and explains — Since the new semester starts Monday, news about today traveled fast and we got a lot more company than usual.
— Do you know all of them, Reiner? — Historia asks — I've talked to a bunch of them tonight and there are people from all over the campus and from all years as well — Historia always looks pretty, her blonde hair shining even in the low light of the party. Guys make a line to talk to her at all parties so there's no surprise that she's already familiarized with the whole scenario. I wonder what Ymir thinks of it. Probably followed her during this little field trip.
— Hell, no — he grabs the joint of my hand and sucks deeply — I know some of them and some are Bertholdt's friends but there are some random people.
— I bet Reiner knows a lot of the girls — I take my joint back from his fingers — I assume they aren't Bertholdt's friends, though — and grin.
— Hey, I don't see you with any new company either, dude — Bertholdt tries to grab my weed as well, but I avoid his advances. He instead grabs my cup and drinks all of it, leaving me empty. He makes a funny face at the taste. Suit yourself, man, I think to myself, laughing on the inside.
— Yeah, but I'll work on it in a sec — I tease him knowing that he can't handle much of Sasha and Connie's fuel. He always knocks out before everyone. I hope he realizes he needs to stay awake to try anything with Annie. Someday. He simply never gets there.
Hange arrives almost falling over Ymir and spilling her drink on the floor in the process — I think we should all make a toast and make this last party a wild ride!!! — her yelling stabbing us louder than the music.
— Bitch, you are this fucking drunk already? — Ymir says to her, holding Hange's weight on her back — What the hell did the gasoline duo do to you?
— Okay okay, enough with the questions, let me fill your cups because this is the night! — Sasha says, just pouring all that mystery liquid that soon will go straight to our heads — Also, Reiner, where's the food?
We raise our plastic cups and Connie yells — To the new semester! — and we drink, feeling the immediate burn on our throats. It's hard being a scout.
— I need to get laid today — Jean says as he lays his back on the couch — Gonna arrive for the classes pretty motivated next week — he then rests his left arm at the back pillow, behind Mikasa's head.
— You should start roaming, then — her cold delivery puts Jean's subtle attempt at flirting six feet under the ground, as usual. It was pretty damn quick, but I could notice Mikasa glancing at me and then looking the other way. Yeah, I think I need to start roaming soon, too.
— That sounds great, then let's do that!!! — Hange grabs Jean by the arm and they disappear amongst the crowd.
— When all this fun ends, I'll be the one who will probably have to take him home after he gets slapped by some girls — Armin and Jean live with me so we normally go back together. Armin is the responsible one between us, which is not exactly hard considering how Jean and I are — Gonna at least drink some beer before that happens.
— I'll go with you, this drink sucks — Annie says, finishing the drink anyway and following him. We always drink the last drop of it, we never learn.
The girls went dancing, the music was exceptionally good today. A lot of bands I already liked plus some I have never heard before. I need to remember to ask Reiner for this playlist later. Connie was already surrounded by a different group, everyone likes to talk to him. He is popular. The rest dispersed as well and I could hear Hange's screams far away. This is going to be a night for her, indeed.
I start walking around, meeting a lot of people from my classes and others from the campus in general. I talk to all of them and drink a lot in the process, which feeds my need for nicotine every time. I grab my pack of cigarettes and while smoking, I see Levi.
— I must be dreaming — I say, letting the smoke leave my lips with a smile. It reaches him and looks at me with a deadly expression. He is smoking as well, but he only admits one specific brand of cigarettes and hates all the others. Levi usually doesn't show up at these "brat" parties, as he likes to say, since he's a few years older than us. I normally see him at Shina's, which is a popular club slash bar near our university. He's the owner so we all met him there, after going so many times. Shina has the best parties and the best drinks of all the clubs near us. And it couldn't be any other way, since Levi is a perfectionist. There's also a small stage there, where indie bands perform from time to time. My band does some gigs there sometimes.
— Hey — he replies, as cold as ever. He's Mikasa's cousin, so they have the same expressions and hard-to-approach vibe — Already high, I see.
— Always. In fact, today I hope to be higher than usual. What miracle brings you here?
— Some people from the staff decided to come here today so there are fewer brats to piss me off — he drinks what's probably a high priced whiskey and continues — and there's a new girl at the club so we have been showing her the area for a few weeks now.
— There's a lot of new girls here today — although I know Levi doesn't give a crap.
— So? — yeah, he doesn't.
Levi is a pretty successful business owner and even I have to admit that he's hot – is not only common knowledge but a mutual agreement between everyone –, so girls are always trying to get him, but he doesn't screw most of them. He doesn't fuck brats, period. He says he doesn't have the patience. That makes the girls even more desperate. He has the highest standards of every guy I know. When he was still in university – the same we all go –, he screwed not only the hottest girls but also the professors - which went after him and not the other way around. At least that's what I've heard. I think Levi never had to actively look for any girl, to be honest.
I can only laugh at his reply. That's just so him.
— If you want more stuff than what's already in your system, Floch is over there.
— I want, actually. I was going to look for him — I see Floch's red hair among some folks. Floch is usually as busy as Connie but with less than half of the charisma.
He finishes his cigarette, blowing its last white smoke into the air, and we both hear a loud HELL YEAH!! coming from all the other way across the room — Tsk, is that Hange?
— Pfft, it was before, I think it's Sasha now — he doesn't laugh at my reply. He never does. I think hell would freeze while heaven catches on fire.
I think about the music again. It's so good today, what the hell — Hey Levi, don't you think this playlist is too high quality for a Reiner party? I don't get it, his music taste is always pure trash.
— That's from our new girl — he drinks the last drops of his whiskey and starts to leave — You might find her around here — he then suddenly stops and looks at me — Don't get your hopes up, though.
I am not able to ask what he meant by that because he leaves too quickly. Time to look for Floch.
— Hey, Flo-
— Here.
— You didn't even let me finish.
— I know what you want. You are not in the mood for cocaine so you want MD instead, blah-blah-blah-blah. Is that kind of night — he pauses for mere seconds — Am I wrong, Eren?
— Nope, right as usual — Floch is the main person you go to when you need drugs. I mean, good drugs. He looks like your standard rich boy – which he is, by the way – that can do no wrong, but you can get the best stuff from him. I've always found this funny. The weed I have today was his work. He knows my taste well.
Reiner's frat house is huge, so there's plenty of room to walk. I'm approached by a bunch of girls on the way but for some reason, none of them piques my interest. I am pretty set on going after something new today and I have no problem getting laid. It happened every single day this week and it truly happens anytime I want. Which, okay, boosts my ego a little bit. Maybe a lot. I might even have hurt some girls in the process. I was never slapped though, unlike Jean. So that's a win in my book.
I see a few of my friends again, mainly Historia and Reiner, and they are talking to a girl I've never seen before.
She has long black hair and short messy bangs, the kind that goes a little above the eyebrows. I didn't know black hair was my thing until now. Her face has the perfect features, at least for me. She's wearing a sleeveless white top that is so tight that hugs her figure perfectly and makes her breasts look amazing. That type of top that shows the girl's side boob, and I'm a total sucker for those. It is also short so you can see a bit of her waist. And I don't even have to see her ass because I already know it is probably too damn good. Her light blue ripped jeans are cool as well and she has black sneakers. I like her style. She has a bunch of tattoos - a lot on her right arm, one on her left hand, and probably some that I couldn't see because they were behind her clothes. I intended to, though.
Fuck, she's hot.
Historia looks mesmerized talking to her, which is a very privileged view from where I stand because, as I've already said before, she is also beautiful. But she isn't exactly hot. This girl is. Way too much. Oh, and Reiner is there too. Whatever.
I can see a lot of guys want to approach her but none of them do. I went for it. Wasn't this night supposed to be wild?
— Hey, Eren! Guess what, Y/N is the new DJ at Shina! I was telling her how we go there all the time.
— Hi, Eren, nice to meet you — she says, with that kind of smile that people who know they are hot make. I do that too.
— Hey, Y/N — I say. And as I told you seconds before, I'm good with that type of smile as well so that's what she gets — Levi told me he came with the staff and a new girl, so I suppose that's you.
— Yeah, I'll start there next week.
— I talked to him about the party's playlist because I knew it couldn't be Reiner's.
— Yeah, it's Y/N's. She prepared it for the party when I invited the guys from Shina yesterday. We were in the same high school. — Reiner says that looking at me with a face that shows "See that, dickhead? I've known her for some years now".
— It's pretty good! I can't wait for the next party at Shina's to see your set! — Historia was always an angel.
REINER, WHERE'S THE REST OF THE ICE, MAN??, someone screamed far away.
— Shit. Catch up with you later, Y/N.
Too bad, huh, Reiner? He gives me a look that I can't quite figure out what it is, but I know for sure it wasn't a look of support. In the fucking slightest.
— I think Ymir is calling me as well, sorry!! — It was painfully obvious that Ymir wanted to make out with Historia for some time now. They never did. I think only Historia hasn't realized yet that Ymir is thirsty for her for god knows how long.
After Historia left, there was only me and her — So, by any chance, do you go to the same university as us? You look our age but Levi said you are new here — I tried asking this without looking at her body, but looking at her face was even worse. Her eyes were piercing me in the best way possible.
— I'm not exactly new, I'm from the same uni as you guys, but I took a gap year — she takes a sip of her drink — You probably never met me but I'm in the same year as you all are now.
Since Reiner knew her from high school, he also knew she was at the same university all along and never told any of the guys. Smart fucker.
— So that makes you a year older than me — I smirk at her.
— I guess it does — she smirks back as she lights up a cigarette and blows the smoke at me.
Ok, looking good so far.
I'm pretty high at this point, the MD and the music are making me horny, so I don't even bother to pretend that I'm not looking at her body. I'm looking at everything.
— You took something, didn't you?
— Do you want some? I can show you later where to get the best stuff. Anything you are in the mood for.
— I'm all set — she shows me her tongue and I see the acid. The view makes my own tongue feel lonely, maybe I should use it to steal that from her mouth. I hope she's horny as well.
We talk a lot about music since it's something that we both enjoy. She's passionate about it, I can tell. She asks about my band with true interest. Doesn't sound like small talk. She touches her hair and it makes me want to stuff my face in it. She has the smile that makes you want more. Her voice has the same effect.
The loud music allows us to talk near each other's ears. I hope she moans as loud as her playlist. The girls usually love my hair for some reason, either if it's in a messy bun as it is right now or if it's loose. They all love my green eyes too. She can see all that with somewhat detail since we are so close, even though it is a little dark here. If I take you to a room you can see me better, I almost blurb it out. I can see her too and that kills me.
She looks receptive to me but normally at this point I would be already hooking up with the girl. This time it isn't happening. I never have to work so much. I think I understand why the other guys didn't approach her before. She's a little intimidating to talk to, and that comes naturally to her – it doesn't seem to be on purpose. I flirt with her the way I normally do but she is hard to get, she hits every ball I throw. I remember what Levi said before. Oh, right.
But I'm vibing way too much at this point, I think if I touch any part of her I'll get hard immediately.
— This gap year you've mentioned... Did you go anywhere specific?
— I know it will sound cliché, but I went to Europe.
— Where in Europe?
— Everywhere — she says — I went down — the corner of her lips forming a smile  — And up. Everywhere. — and I can swear she sounds flirtatious as hell. I want to bite her lip.
— That sounds... Awesome. — I think she wants to bite me too, or at least I hope she does — Was there any particular reason to leave? If that's not too much to ask.
— Hm, I was kinda... — she stops to think for a few seconds as she holds her hair up and makes a ponytail, looking at the ground, the cigarette glued to her now closed lips. Her neck became exposed, it looks soft as hell and I can't wait to bruise it. She releases the smoke, that flows into the room, and looks deep into my eyes, as deep as I want to be inside her right now — ...stressed.
I reach my limit at this point.
— I can help you with the stress if you want.
— Really? — she's looking at me with the same teasing look and I'm doing the same, so we both know that's not a question I have to answer. Her tongue quickly passes through her top lip, her mouth forming a little wet smile — I don't think I need any help though.
I threw the ball and she hit a home run. My team was out.
I was not expecting that.
We hear some of the guys from Shina calling for her — Oh, they are calling me — Y/N looks at me again and says — See you around, Eren — giving me the same fucking grin I wanted to bite before.
She walks away and I see that her ass is, as I suspected from the very beginning, too damn good.
Shit. Shit, shit, shit.
After this, some time has passed. I look at the clock. Yeah, maybe a lot. I couldn't tell before because I'm drunk and drugged. I see most of my friends, all fucking wasted. Armin is holding up pretty well, Bertholdt's is knocked down for God knows how long, Mikasa probably smoked way too much weed (who am I to judge?) and looks dead on the couch. I don't see Ymir, Historia nor Reiner - there are too many people in this house to keep count. Sasha's eating something in the kitchen, I can't see what it is, but certainly, she got hungrier than normal after smoking some pot Connie gave her. Connie always holds his drinks well, he's still talking to a lot of people. I pass in front of one of the bathrooms and Hange is there, getting everything out of her system. Oh, and Ymir. There she is, holding Hange's hair, looking as pissed as ever. Levi probably went home hours ago. Jean is making out with some chick, he's going to score tonight. To be fair, he always does, but never with Mikasa.
I saw a lot of pretty girls today and I went for none of them. They tried and I shut them down, even the ones I normally fuck. There's someone I want to taste tonight and she's nowhere to be found. The guys from Shina are missing too, so I know I won't see her today anymore. Damn.
I'm not pissed at her but I'm pissed at the situation.
— Armin, I think I'm going to take off, are you coming?
— Yeah, I'm already pretty tired — he gets up — Jean's probably going to stay here.
— Yep. Probably. — Am I pissed that Jean's getting laid? Even though I could have as well? With someone else, at least? My mood feels off.
— I'm going with you too, I've lost count of how many assholes I had to shut down today. I think I even punched a few — I don't have to look to know that's Annie speaking — You were right, Eren, is it especially crowded today. In the shittiest way possible.
— Then let's go.
— Wait, I need to get my bag first, I left it in Reiner's room.
— I can get that for you, wait up.
— It's a black one. Small.
I sign a thumbs up for her and climb the stairs. I am hundred percent sure I'm going to see someone fucking there but that's the usual. I'm pretty sure I've already seen some people screwing in the corner of the living room minutes before. No one cares.
I open the door and see Y/N in her underwear, putting her white top back on. She does indeed have other tattoos.
— Hey there! — she says smiling, as she also puts her jeans back up, making little jumps so they pass through her ass. Her hair is not in a ponytail anymore.
I say hi in a confusing way.
— I came here to get my friend's bag — I look around for milliseconds like I don't know where the hell I am until I see Reiner lying - clearly naked - under his sheets. Can't be anyone else, with that bleached hair and huge biceps.
What? Ahn?
Hey... Wait a second.
Historia? Clearly naked as well? What. The. Hell. I guess she's not exactly the angel I thought she was?
They are sort of awake, sort of sleeping, kinda like on a different planet. You know, the type of thing that happens after a really strong fuck? That sort. They look exhausted. They look destroyed. And not in a bad way. AT ALL.
— Oh, I saw a bag before. Here you go — she gives me Annie's bag. She's all dressed now. She notices my confusion, I'm too high to act any other way — I've told you I don't need any help — her eyes piercing mine for the hundredth time tonight. Her smile hurts now. Ouch.
She grabs her sneakers and walks towards me and the door:
— I'm all set.
She leaves the room as I hold Annie's bag.
Yeah. I was not expecting that.
Thanks for reading (if there's even anyone here lmao). Chapter 2 will be uploaded later but it can be read now at AO3 or Wattpad.
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cafecourage · 3 years
Subject 10-Mulan Link
You have now gained the accesses file page of the chain links case number #19835 Corrupted heroes for Subject #10
Current state: Safe
legal name: Link,last name unknown
Nicknamed: Mulan 
Biological age: unknown
Chronical age: unknown
Hieght: Unknown
Weight: unknown
Visiting accesse time for subject Zero: Must be planned ahead of schedule time in order to have private meetings and clerance from head chief researcher Queen zelda and level 5 personal clerance
Physical description: Subject 10 is a short haired Hylian woman who wears a green tunic and knight gear armor.They have a well built muscular body and a ferret that rests around thier neck as well as scars and cuts around thier body.The most noticeable scare they have are three little cuts under thier chin and a long vertical cut across thier right cheek.
Information: Subject 10 first arrived at the castle carrying subject zero and subject 11 bloodied and badly injured with a broken arm and serveral fractured bones as well as stab/slash wounds.They came in as duplicates of four identical versions of subject 10 dressed variouse colors such as brown,cyan,yellow and green.Only one of the 4 sets had arrived at the castle with subject Zero and Subject 11 while the others fought off to keep back the “chain” while back up knights and town gaurds were deployed to apreheand them.Subject 10 is not placed under any containment but is required to come to the SCRPP research site to have check ups and testing as well as recorded interviews with research personales.Subject 10 refuses to have to go anywhere without her ferret campaion so all interviews and meetings are held with subject 10′s ferret either on the site with them or curled around subject 10′s neck.Subject 10 is in current possesion of the master sword and four sword as well as veriouse other items from the group(but not all for research purposes and other classified resons).They are to be informed of any drastic procedures that are to be done to any of the known subjects and participats of case file #19835.Subject 10 is one of the only subjects out of all the links who dose not show a red essence seeping out or show any signs of agression or possesive behvaiors for subject Zero. Research is still going underway to find out a way as to why it is and if blood or dna samples can be exracted from subject 10 in order to find a cure.
[interview recoding of subject 10 #1]
Dr.Jean: Now beining case file number #1983 dash 1 subject 10 interview of the anomalie the Curropted Heros. Time started at 10:89. Interview researcher personale Dr.Jean, tag number 893 of site 13 room A14.
Dr.Jean: Ok,lets start.Rember at anytime you start to feel uncomfortable we can stop the interview,alright?
Link: ok..
Dr.Jean: ok,lets start off with something simple.Subject 10 can you please state your name?
Link: Mulan.
Dr.Jean: I am sorry,let me clarify I meant your real name.
Link: oh,right..its uh,its Link.
Dr.Jean: Good,can you state your last name as well?
Link: I dont have one.
Dr.Jean: Are you sure? No documnets? Family? Anyway to file for one?
Link: Yes,I am sure.I dont have one.Thats it.
Dr.Jean: Right,right, *ahem* can you tell us how long you’ve know the links?
Link: We had all know each other for about a year and a half, and today would have been our second year together if...you know,had things still been normal with everyone.
Dr.Jean: how did you meet these people to begin with?
Link: I was out exploring the outskits of the forests behind my house one day and saw a bright light,so i got curiouse and followed it.I found a portal and went through it.I was transported to the guredo desert and wondered a around for a bit before I found the chain.it turns out the portal took me to a diffrent time period and there was some time,dimentional stuff going on and we were all gathered to fix it or something.
Dr.Jean: How did you meet subject Zero?
Link: Subject Zero? oh,do you mean [redacted]?
Dr.Jean: Link,please reframe from saying subject Zero’s real name during this interview.
Link: Fine.
Dr.Jean:thank you,pleas contiue.
Link: We first met them a few months after lucky came when [ audio connection has been temperarly lost]
Dr.Jean: Intresting and how did you feel about Subject zero?
Link: I didn’t think much of them, I thought that they were ok.they were kind of nice and everyone liked them,so I did too.But there was something just...off about them.
Dr.Jean:Off like what? Did you distrust them?
Link: no,no,no not distrsut or anything like that...just that something was not right...there was  just something.....something WRONG with them,I dont know how to describe it, they were just not normal in a very bad way.But I ignored it and didn’t think much on it. I think they were just...diffrent.
Dr.Jean: Why did you help them escape?
Link: Because it was the right thing to do.I wanted to get them out of a situation where they were held captive and also keep the others from killing each other on who got to keep them.Its not that complicated. besides it my fault for not stopping this sooner.
Dr.Jean: How?
Link: What?
Dr.Jean: How did you think it was your fault?
LInk:[sighs] its...it was all right there I didn’t want to see it,I knew everyone was starting to act a little wierd but I didn’t want to take it that seriously,I didn’t want to think badly about my fami-friends..my friends...Until one day when they had gone completly overboard and uh.....I had found some of them beating down on a man after they were flirting with..with subject Zero...and to say that they looked like they were thugs when they were doing it would be too much of a understatement...They looked like they were having a good time doing it too.I swear when I saw them that day at the allyway they were not the heros I knew and travled with and as faw as i was concerned they were strangers-no,not even that,they were monsters...And the look on thier faces when I yelled out to them and they turned to me...it was like they were going to kill me right there and then......[Inhales heavily before exhailing shakingly] they weren’t normal....thier eyes....I don’t think I can really ever forget those empty vacant looks..it was like someone els was there...Since then things had started to get worse.
[suject 10 begins to pet her ferret at this time seeming to find comfort in it from thier stress]
Dr.Jean: Who were the ones that were there at the time of the incident?
Link: it was...I think Twilight,Four,Sky and Wild were all there.
Dr.Jean: Even Sky?
LInk: Yeah, him too.I rembered the second I started yelling and taring a new in asshole for them he just came up from behind the group and started to try to “calm me down” and explain how the shit I just saw wasn’t what it seemed like and yadda yadda yadda,typical gaslighting you know? But I wasn’t going to fall for some shit like that so I got the man out of there and to a medic, payed for all his expenses and reported them to Time and Warriors. Honestly I was so pissed off and in shock about it all that I had finally started notice and realize more and more things that were wrong about the group that I use to just keep ignoring.I still didn’t try to do anything serious about it though until the end of our journey.
Dr.Jean:What did you mean by noticeing things?
Link: .......just things....and looking back at it now should have been obviouse red flags but I never pressed for them.I think the first time I did it was with Wsrriors but he kept brushing me off saying things like "everyone is just protective of [redacted]" or "that you are looking way too into this" and when he did listen to me he would tell me that he'd keep a closer eye on the group.I suppose you can take a guess that, he did not, in fact, keep up the promis that he made.
Dr.Jean: did at any point in your adventures feel,were attempted to or succefuly attacked or harmed by any members of this group during you advnetures before the escape?
Link:No-well I mean yes but...[  exasperated sigh]...yeah....yeah there were a few...ok maybe a lot...But I guess the one that really stuck with me was when,uh,when Time held me up against a wall and tryed to cut my throat during a heated argument about.....them.
[Subject 10 reaches over to rub on a faint cut across thier neck]
[the ferret circles closer to her neck nuzzling it head into hers in an attempt to comfort Link]
Link: Aww,its ok little guy,I am fine right now.Don't worry fluffy.
Dr.Jean: i am sorry if its too much but what was the argument about?
[subject 10 stays silent for a few minutes before speaking again]
Link: It was about if we should kill subject zero.
Dr.Jean: Then do you think we should kill subject zero?
[subject 10 stops petting fluffy and stares at the doctore without giving an answer for several more minutes]
Link:[a shallow exhale leaves thier mouth] .......I........I....
[the sounds of sirens and alarms going off]
Annocemnet :There is a containment breach in the D -12 containment building floor,please all personels and staff go to the evacuation exits and safety rooms while special elit force knights handle the situation.Subject 4 case 19835- 1,2,3 and 4 cololrs have all escaped.If you see him or any of the colors they are to be neutralized and brought back to thier containment cells.All other staff do not ingage unless -
Dr.Jean: oh Hylia,looks like we’ll have to cut this short and we have to hurry and-wait where are you going! The safety room is this way! Link!
Link: [distant and muffled]I know,I just need to go out and kick a few stobbern little butts back in thier cells first-!
Dr.Jean: Link the elit knights can handle it you don’t have to-Link!! Link! Sir Link! Lin-!!
[audio ends here]
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emu-lumberjack · 4 years
Don’t Answer the Phone Tired pt. 2
It’s the next day and Damian has gotten even less sleep, thankfully he’s not too tired after a some surprise news shocks him awake.
Hey guys here’s the sequel everyone was super excited for. I really hope y'all like it, I definitely wrote it tired, but it should be coherent. 
Read part 1 here
Read part 3 here
Read part 4 here
Read part 5 here
He really needed coffee, especially after dealing with his brothers after they found out about Marinette. The youngest Wayne was up till four yelling at them to lay off, among more colorful terms, everyone time they called. He would’ve just ignored them but he knew that ignoring them would just wind up with him getting a surprise visit sooner than later. The fresh Parisian air felt good against his face as he stood on his balcony.
“Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair!” Marinette's voice called from the street.
“Only if the prince is willing to protect me from my aggravating brothers!” He cracked a smile as he shouted back.
“Alas I cannot do that, but would my damsel take this as a reward?” She held up a purple travel mug and a bag filled with a croissant.
“I think I could take that deal. I’ll be down in a few minutes.” He ran inside to grab his bag and throw on some day clothes before meeting Marinette.
“Have I mentioned you’re the best girlfriend? Because you’re the best girlfriend.” Damian said walking up to Marinette.
“You could stand to mention it more.” The bluenette replied handing him his promised coffee and croissant. He gulped down the coffee barely taking a breath until Marinette laughed and said, “Slow down there, you won't have any time to savor any of it.”
“If you want to stay up late dealing with my brothers, please be my guest but if not,” He gestured with his cup, “I’m gonna drink as fast as I want to.” Marinette nodded to that.
“Was it that bad last night after you left?”
“By bad do you mean each one of was trying to call me every five minutes out of ‘concern’ for my health or to check to make sure I hadn’t kidnapped you.” Marinette laughed again. “Anyway if I didn’t talk to them at all they probably would’ve hopped on the first flight they could to see what’s going on.” They stopped at the light, when Damian turned to look at Marinette he noticed she was avoiding his gaze. “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about my brothers. Would you Angel?”
“Well, I might have gotten a text from Aurore to keep you away from school because three older guys had come and were asking around for you. One of them was half asleep and she couldn’t figure out how he was functional.”
Damian paled, after a moment he said “And why then are we going to school, I personally want to get as far away from them as possible.”
“She sent me a follow up saying to get there as fast as possible. Lila told her lie in front of the wrong person and, well I’ll show you the video.” Marinette handed her phone to Damian who hit play on the video that was up.
The forms of Grayson, Todd and Drake half asleep leaning on Jason. A voice came from off screen saying,
“Girl I can’t believe Tim’s not taking you to the Wayne Gala.” Alya, Damian thought. She was beginning to walk into frame with someone else. He knew who she was before she spoke.
“I know right. It’s just why would he invite someone else!” There in all her demonic glory stood Lila Rossi, not yet realising who she was walking next to.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but are you talking about Tim Drake? Adopted son of Bruce Wayne?” Grayson asked innocently. Damian knew that voice, it was the same one he used when he was going to demolish someone. “Well yeah. He’s her boyfriend, who are you anyway? Why do you care?” Alya was immediately there to be Lila’s guard dog.
“Well my name is Richard Grayson-Wayne. Tim’s brother and Bruce's son. I care because unless he’s as good at keeping secrets as Damian is, which he’s not, then he isn’t dating this girl.” Alya paled, the camera zoomed in on Lila’s face. She looked like she was about to be sick
“Huh? I heard my name.” Drake, who was in a rare moment of lucidness, looked at Dick.
“Are you pulling a Damian and secretly dating a girl in France?” Todd still Drake’s support was glaring at Lila.
“What?! Are you kidding me? No!” Drake looked like he was just hit with a cement slab.
“What are you talking about obviously you’re dating Lila! Stop Lying! I bet you're not even the real Tim Drake.” Alya was shouting now drawing crowds from around the courtyard. Drake looked at Grayson confused.
“She does realize that we can sue her if she’s really telling these types of lies right? Like she can’t be doing that.” Tim stood in front of Dick and turned his back to the paled liar and fuming reporter
“Oh leave Lila alone!” Alya came towards Drake and shoved him into Grayson.
“That does it.” Todd who had moved off to the side started walking towards the brunette rolling up his sleeves. Grayson and Todd recovered quickly, and moved to hold Todd back.
“We should get there before Todd kills them.” He said calmly before handing the phone back to Marinette. “Otherwise we won’t be able to take her down ourselves.”
“My thoughts exactly.”
In no time the duo were walking up the steps of Françoise Dupont where the sounds of shouts could be heard. The scene they entered was somehow more chaotic then the one Aurore had sent in the video. Todd was hanging upside down, the rope leading up around the handrails on the second floor then back down to a corner of the courtyard. Drake was on the bench snoring softly with his head almost touching the floor. Dick was on the phone, presumably with some lawyers. The entire bottom courtyard of the school was littered with papers and balloons were strewn about. Lila was nowhere to be seen.
“It looks like they’ve taken care of the situation, and they haven’t spotted us yet so I’m just gonna…” Damian began.
“There he is! Demonspawn, finally I thought you’d never get here.” Jason interrupted. He had spun around and caught sight of Damian and Marinette walking in. Dick turned around at the sound of Jason’s voice before saying “Yeah Duke I’ll have to call you back, but we need to sort this Lila stuff out.” He put his phone away before walking over to a corner of the building where he took out his knife and slashed a piece of rope. Jason came crashing down.
“A little warning next time Dick.” Jason said brushing off some dust that had settled on his tan leather jacket. Each one of them were dressed in their civilian clothing. Dick had on a pair of blue jeans with a grey t-shirt paired with some black sneakers. Jason was wearing his usual jeans, t-shirt, and leather jacket combo. Drake was in some weird form of pajama and day clothes mixing a graphic T-shirt and red flannel with grey sweatpants and slippers.
“Now I know that we have to be dreaming. Demonspawn is actually wearing a sweatshirt. I don’t even think Alfred could get him to do that.” Damian had run out once he heard Marinette’s voice that morning so he had just thrown on a pair of pants, a shirt and a sweatshirt barely thinking about it. He had become relaxed in Paris.
“What the hell are you guys doing here.” Damian’s face was quickly beginning to match a tomato in color and he was backing out of the entryway.
“Well obviously we had to come and see you, and meet your girlfriend.” Dick who had walked over to Marinette grabbed her hand and shook it. “My name’s Dick, the grumbling menace over there is Jason. The one currently passed out is Tim, nice to meet you, uh”
“Marinette.” She supplied. “I also have to thank you for taking care of a certain person, I’ve been trying to figure out how to get rid of her for a year.”
“Oh it was no problem at all, especially after she claimed she was dating Tim.” Damian quickly interrupted the two with a few well placed coughs. “I don’t mean to cut this short Grayson but we have to be getting to class.”
“Oh don’t worry. Bruce already called you out for the day, and Marinette I’m sure you can miss one day of school.” Jason said walking up behind Marinette.
“As much as I’d love to, I have two tests today. I’ll be happy to meet up with you afterwards though.” Damian’s eyes widened as the words sunk in and he realized what that meant for him.
“Please don’t leave me alone with them.” He looked at Marinette pleadingly.
“You’re gonna have to tell us how you got him to say please, it took Alfred a month to do that.” Jason remarked.
“Maybe another time, now I’ve gotta get to class.” She gave one look at Damian and there was laughter in her eyes.
“I hate you.” He said.
“No you don’t.” She called back, disappearing around the corner.
“So how bout we wake up Timmy and go get breakfast. I for one am famished.” Jason came up and put a hand on Damians shoulder.
“Ya know that doesn’t sound so bad Jason. Then Damian can tell us all about Paris, and the people he’s met.” Dick stood in front of Damians glare gleefully looking at Jason.
“I will kill you both and Father will never be able to find your bodies.”
“Yeah but then Marinette will be disappointed. For some reason she gives off the ‘thou shall not kill’ vibe.” Grayson said. “Now how are we gonna wake Tim up.”
“Oh I’ll  take care of it.” Damian said grabbing his Ice filled water bottle.
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The rescue commences. But it’s going to be harder than Tommy thought because the bots aren’t so keen on being rescued.
the tagged people i like! @petrichormeraki @helleborusangel
Xannes spoke Jrum’s name as a question and immediately all eyes were on him. Xannes tried to keep from cursing in front of the kid, but it was a little hard when he saw even more red. Did he just change his face to match the room, or did he just do that whenever. “Xannes? What are you doing here?”
“You know this guy?” The demon asked in a wary tone.
“Yes he does. As for the question, NPG found out about the situation with your disappearance and I offered to come looking for you.”
Jrum’s face instantly lit up and in a moment he was running over to hug the helsmit. Xannes almost accepted it too, since the kid probably had been terrified in an unfamiliar place. But just at the last second, he saw the red plants that coated Jrum’s body and he took a step again. “Sorry. Still not a hugger.”
Jrum pouted and crossed his arms, but didn’t actually seem too upset. “Well, you came at the best possible time! Is NPG going to show up too?”
“Unfortunately not. I don’t think he can get in and I haven’t figured out what’s causing it yet.”
“Aww… It would have been nice…”
“So, what’s going on here?”
“This is the Red Banquet.” The demon spoke, looking much less threatening now that he knew Xannes was a friend. “We’ve been planning this little party for a while and I’m sure other guests will be arriving shortly. You’re just a bit early.”
“Is that why the entrance was covered up?” Xannes asked, glancing behind himself for a moment, both to look at the entrance as well as from the feeling of being watched.
“Yes, I hope you didn’t hurt them too much.”
“Hurt… who?” Xannes asked nervously and suddenly he realized just exactly how off this all felt.
“The Egg of course! It’s the source of all the plants around us!”
Xannes glanced at Jrum. “Alright, why’s he got the things growing in him? I’d think that wouldn’t be good for his body.”
“I’m just fine! Better even! I can do things all on my own and don’t need any of Grum’s stupid help.”
That made Xannes realise that the other of the two bots was indeed missing. “Wait, where is he?”
“I don’t really know. I haven’t seen him in a while. He could be dead for all I care.”
The helsmit looked back at the people gathered around the table. This really did seem all too familiar. And that wasn’t a good thing. He remembered having NPG finally getting the turquoise infection out of his system so he could deal with the rest of the similarly infected helsmets of turquoise and magenta spores. “I’m guessing HEP is less of a problem here?”
Most of the people at the table looked confused, but of course Jrum wasn’t, and surprisingly, neither was the demon. “No! We crushed them into the ground, and if any of them wants to live, they’ll come here!”
Xannes choked in surprise. Okay, it looked like those plants were really getting to him. “Well, looks like there’s still a few kicking around.”
“Really? Who? Is it Grum?!”
“Nope. Sorry kid.” Xannes added enchantments to his sword as he pulled it out. “Guess I’m just following in my brother’s footsteps, huh.”
And then chaos broke out.
Tommy had no idea how different the SMP would be when he got back. He expected more of the same, people around making destructive chaos and probably new posters and creeper holes. But the red shit all over the place was different. Plus it didn’t look like anyone was really around.
Before moving anywhere, he pulled out the comm Grian had given him and sent him a message.
<NPC_GRIAN> Alright, made it in.
<NPC_GRIAN> Wait was this NPG’s
He waited, but a message didn’t come in right away, so Tommy put the comm away to start looking. He didn’t know what exactly the plants were, but enough crazy things had happened in this world, so he mainly just ignored them, not caring if he did touch them. One thing that did get his attention was a poster that the plants were bordering. It was inviting people, Tommy assumed anyone, to the Red Banquet. Whatever that was. At the very least that likely explained the lack of people.
Tommy continued walking, poking his head into just about every building to hopefully find someone, but there was still nothing. He was hoping for at least someone to be around to tell him what was going on, but it didn’t look like that was the case. “How the fuck does everyone go to the same fucking thing? And where the fuck is it?”
No answer came for Tommy, so he ended up going into his old home, though it looked like someone had been living there. Connor, if the signs were telling the truth. “Well, let’s see if any of my shit is still here.”
Tommy honestly couldn’t remember what stuff would have been there, but there were still some items that he thought would be good to have on him, just in case. As he was rummaging around, the door behind him opened, and Tommy turned around to see who it was. Tommy’s fight or flight response immediately activated when he was staring at the admin, who was surprisingly just staring back at him.
“How the fuck did you get here before me?!”
“Bitch I’ve been gone for months, you had plenty of time to visit this place. That’s only going to be your fault.” Tommy retorted, forcing himself to have some confidence.
“It is possible a teleport was used if he was aware of your destination.” Another voice spoke and Tommy lit up for a second.
“Holy fuck, Grum! That was easier than I expected. Where’s Jrum?” Then he stopped when he finally saw Grum and the state he was in. In his anger, he pulled out his borrowed sword and pointed it at Dream. “What the fuck did you do?” 
Before Dream or Grum could say anything, Grum suddenly turned around and drew a weapon, deflecting an attack from behind. “You done running yet?”
“How are you-”
“You! You goddamn bitch!”
“You’re supposed to be in prison!”
“What is going on?!”
Grum slashed at Theseus’ legs before answering. “The one currently attacking us is an alternate form of bzzt from a separate universe. The one we discovered is the one you are likely more familiar with.”
“Yeah green bitch! What are you going to do with two of us?”
Dream looked like he was about to attack, but then he was grabbed by Grum. “Commencing emergency escape.” And then the two of them disappeared.
“Fuck, now they’re gone.”
Theseus stepped into Tommy’s old house, holding his axe at the ready. “How did you get out?”
“Hey, you really want to kill me? Wouldn’t that end badly for you?” Tommy took a step back.
“Answer the fucking question!”
“Your Phil let me out when he realized you weren’t in the hels dimension anymore.”
Theseus spoke another curse under his breath. “Well, you better not get in the fucking way.”
Tommy crossed his arms. “Hey, I’m just after Grum and Jrum, and seeing as how he’s…” Tommy trailed off for a moment, remembering Grum and how he reminded Tommy of himself when he was in exile. “He’s got Grum, so as long as that’s the case, I’m after him too.”
“It’s a lost cause. That thing is better used for scrap metal. Though hopefully after I’ve gotten Dream back to hels.”
“Wait, why do you want that?” Tommy asked. Why would anyone actually want Dream around and not just kill him. “Didn’t you kill your version of him? Why get a replacement?”
“Because I wasn’t finished dealing with the first one.” Theseus answered, then put his axe away. “Let me do what I’m here to do, and maybe I’ll help with your little problem. Got it?” And before Tommy could answer, his hels version was gone.
Tommy wanted to follow, but first pulled out his comm to send an update and hope Grian had responded. He smiled when he saw that he had, but then confused when he saw there were other messages. He read them off, then sent some messages back.
<Grian> That’s good to hear. And yeah it’s his. He never used it so I ended up keeping it on me and never got it back to him.
[Eyes] X-1, Y-1, Z-1
[Eyes] X-2, Y-2, Z-2
[Eyes] X-3, Y-3, Z-3
<NPC_GRIAN> I got good, bad and unsure news
<NPC_GRIAN> Good, I found one of them
<NPC_GRIAN> Bad, something’s seriously wrong with him cause Dream did something
<NPC_GRIAN> weird, just got message from something/someone called Eyes giving me three sets of coordinates
<NPC_GRIAN> any way to use this thing to look at my coords?
Tommy stood there, waiting for a response. When one wasn’t coming in, he started fiddling with the comm to try and figure it out himself. Just as Grian got back to him, Tommy figured it out.
<Grian> Seriously wrong how?
<NPC_GRIAN> Looks damaged and isn’t showing much emotion. Also working with Dream? But the bitch tried convincing me he was my friend so could be the same sort of thing
<NPC_GRIAN> also figured out coords
Tommy switched back to the coordinate reader and started shifting around, trying to figure out which direction was which. It seemed like the first and second set of coordinates were about the same distance from where he currently was. Because of that, he started to head towards the first one listed. While he was walking, another message came in from Grian.
<Grian> That was fast. Anyway, what do the other messages look like?
<NPC_GRIAN> I started working on it when you didn’t get back to me immediately.
<NPC_GRIAN> looks like: [Eyes] coordinates
<NPC_GRIAN> doesn’t look like a player’s text, but also not sure what could message me, so that’s why I’m not sure.
Tommy groaned when a message didn’t come back within the next few seconds. What was Grian doing that was causing such a delay. Maybe it was just the way these comms worked? Once Grian got back to him, he could bring it up.
<Grian> Yeah, that looks like something else. And what do you mean not immediately?
<NPC_GRIAN> I’m guessing it’s something with these comms. It’s taking you ages to send a message back.
He had nearly reached the coordinates when Grian got back to him.
<Grian> Meanwhile I’m getting your messages all at once like they were pre-typed. That’s not a good sign.
<NPC_GRIAN> Well shit
Tommy stuffed the comm in his pocket and started running. He was close enough to tell that the coords were for the house that Tommy had never seen before, but recognized just the same due to it looking more like something out of Hermitcraft. He slammed the door open and started calling. “Jrum! Hey Jrum are you in here?!” There was no answer and Tommy checked the communicator again. He was just about at the right coordinates, but the Y value was a little off. That probably meant that the location needed to be exact, and Tommy looked down at the comm to make sure he lined up exactly. Because of that, he didn’t realize he was about to walk into something until he crashed into the charger and fell to the ground.
“Oh that’s a big charger. Why’s it so huge?” He looked between the coordinates again. “Oh. I’m guessing something’s in there.” Tommy broke into the charger’s casing and poked his head inside. For the most part, it was just a jumble of redstone, but in one corner was a torch lighting up a barrel. The teen pulled himself inside just enough to open the barrel and pull the contents out, that being a single unsigned book.
Tommy looked around before going over to a table and sitting down to read the book. He sent another quick update to Grian before opening it up and reading. It seemed to be a lot of notes written down, filling the pages. None of them were complete sentences, and the ink stains made Tommy imagine a number of them were written in a rush.
Zoning out = DSMP console program. QHHBP program active? What's KGADOOHM and HJTHJ? Connected to K⊣OOᒲR? There’s a vault. It’s for favorite things. Items and animals. I couldn’t write right. I think I zoned out there and fell. Posters of 2 music discs. Coords: X-3, Y-3, Z-3.
Tommy looked at his comm and noticed the third set of coordinates matched the ones written down in the book. Obviously he would need to go there. But Tommy continued reading, messaging Grian what was written down.
Woke up in pain. Programs were running too much. Don’t know why. Managed to unplug and drain battery. 873.5% of what. It was connected to ⎓⚍リ↸||?
Jrum officially moved out. He likes the red plants. I don’t. They’re not natural. Admin keeps visiting. Asking questions. Not sure how to feel. ⎓⚍リ↸|| visits too. Those are nicer.
Tommy flipped through more pages. More questions and confusion. Some did end up as full writing while others were just more quickly written words to convey an idea. With the mention of Jrum, this was obviously something Grum wrote, but there was almost too much here. Then Tommy stopped and read another entry.
Jrum officially got adopted. I don’t understand how I feel. It hurts but I’m also happy. He’ll stay away, but it just reminds me how hurt he is. How scared I feel. I miss my dads. Why didn’t they find us?
Jrum got adopted? Grum wondering why Grian and Mumbo hadn’t come for them and missing them? That wasn’t good. And based on the messaging problem, Tommy had an idea why.
<NPC_GRIAN> Another page implies they’ve been here a really long time. Explains why the server’s so different and how Dream was able to get Grum to that point.
<NPC_GRIAN> also you’re probably going to have to fight for custody or something because someone adopted Jrum.
Since Tommy knew he wasn’t going to get an answer back soon, he went back to reading. The messages seemed to be shorter and shorter, the handwriting becoming more messy. Tommy assumed that was because of them being over time and Dream breaking the bot down more and more. Then he got to a list which he immediately typed up and sent to Grian.
<NPC_GRIAN> Found a list of names or something. Obviously seems important.
<NPC_GRIAN> List: Grum, Dream, Gorgeous, Poultry Man, Eyes, Console
<NPC_GRIAN> I don’t know if it’s a code or just names or what. But since I got messages from ‘Eyes’...
Tommy closed the book and put it in his inventory. There was still more to read, but he already got information from it and was losing time. For now he needed to go to the second coordinates.
Xannes just stood, not even reacting when the first person attacked him. Their axe blade was aimed right for his chest, no armor there to stop it, but the weapon bounced off, causing no damage. Someone else attacking had the same reaction. “Sorry, but doesn’t look like your weapons are really working right now. Too bad since I’m sure mine will work fine.” And he swung his sword, hitting the next person who attempted to fight him. They were set on fire due to the fire aspect as well and being knocked away, slamming into the wall from a high level knockback.
From there, Xannes continued to attack, even getting a little cocky about the fact he couldn’t get hit in his current player-mode. Because of that, he was easily caught off guard when the demon grabbed him, forgetting he was only invulnerable to damage. While it didn’t hurt when he would have otherwise been crushed to death, now he couldn’t move at all.
His best shot was to try and get the demon with his sword. Demons were normally connected to the nether and his aetherite sword being an opposite of netherite tended to have a worse effect on them. But before he could get far with that plan, the weapon was taken away, and since he wasn’t in hels, his hacking capabilities couldn’t get him a new one. Potentially he could summon it back to himself, but that would be a little more complicated to use and could cost extra seconds he wouldn’t have.
“Why did you come if you’re just here to hurt me?” Jrum asked, clinging to the cat hybrid.
“I was trying to find you and your brother to take you home.” Xannes grunted, struggling as much as he could to get out. “I didn’t realize you’d be mind controlled or whatever this is.”
“I-I’m not being- and why would you want to take me home?”
“Uh, because your family is worried about you and helping out is the ‘good thing’ to do and all that bullshit.”
Jrum crossed his arms. “I don’t want to go. They just left me here, and… and now I have a new family!”
Xannes was about to speak up, but then he was squeezed a bit harder for a moment, pushing the air out of his lungs for a moment. “And we’re not letting anything happen to him, so if you’re planning on hurting him, you can think again!”
Xannes was wheezing slightly, trying to breathe. Suffocation like this was weird. Technically it couldn’t kill him or cause actual damage, but it still managed to cause a type of ghost pain. It was getting to the point where he was worried about managing to pass out, when there were voices. They sounded distant and unfamiliar, but getting closer. For a moment, Xannes thought he was imagining it, but the fact that the people around him were reacting to it too made him realize it was real.
People started appearing from the entrance, all of them wearing what Xannes was pretty sure looked like hazmat suits of some kind, but he couldn’t be absolutely sure from this distance and his current situation. What he could be sure of was the yell that came, and the chorus of the same response from Jrum’s new ‘family’.
Tommy was almost to the second set of coordinates when he saw something different. It was a person. Well, not just a person, but a number of people. “Hey! Heeeey!” He yelled out to get their attention and most everyone looked over, showing a mix of emotions from surprise, to fear, to acceptance.
“Is that Tommy?”
“No, Tommy’s dead. Dream said so.”
“Well he lied bitch!” Tommy said, finally reaching the group. “What the fuck is going on around here?”
“I think you need to give answers first.”
Tommy groaned a little. “Okay fine, I ran off, started living somewhere else. Tubbo thought I was dead and pulled me back. I didn’t want to come back and brought Tubbo with me, and then Phil and Techno followed. I’m back ‘cause some kids ended up here on accident and I’m after them.”
“Are you talking about Grum and Jrum?” Tommy was pretty sure that was Puffy.
“Yeah! Any clue where Jrum is, cause I’ve seen Grum.” Tommy watched as a few people glanced at each other. “Oh fuck, what’s wrong?”
“First, you need to put a hazmat suit on.” Someone stepped forward, and Tommy was surprised to see it was Sam, looking a little odd without his creeper mask on, unable to wear it with the rest of the suit. 
“Can I ask why?”
“See all the red plants? Bad found something underground and started worshipping it. It’s started corrupting people, and one of them is your friend.”
“Shit.” Tommy said, grabbing the offered suit and putting it on. “You said Bad and Jrum, who else is down there.”
“Ant, Punz, Purpled, Ponk, Fundy, also someone named Hannah, you wouldn’t know her. She joined while you were presumed dead. We’re still unsure about Sapnap since he’s been trying to stay out of it, but Bad was really trying to pull him in.”
Tommy nodded, then realized that if Bad was the person in charge and tried pulling Sapnap in, then he also likely tried with- “And what about Skeppy?”
“He… he was involved.”
“I’m noticing the use of that in the past word shit. That mean he got out or…?”
“Last week Bad ended up getting him killed.”
Tommy’s eyes widened. If this thing could get Bad to kill Skeppy, it was really dangerous. “Alright, then let’s get in there.”
“Wait, you need a few things.” Sam started handing him items as other people in the group started moving. “These splash bottles are filled with holy water from church prime. They seem to help against these plants. Flint and steel to burn anything you're able to break. It needs to be fully burned or it can heal itself. Also don’t actively try to break anything except the source which looks like a giant egg. Trying to break anything is like it has a thorns enchantment. You get hurt back if you try to break it. Same thing happens with the main source, but it hurts you more, so you’ll need the extra health.”
Tommy took all the offered items, then followed the group down. He kept his sword at the ready, even testing it with one of the vines on the walls. Ow, yeah, that did hurt. So it didn’t look like the different material would help anything. Tommy was mostly willing to help, but he also knew that trying to get Jrum out of there would probably be a better priority since that’s what he was there for anyway and getting rid of any member of this evil group or whatever it was would help.
The moment he got down into the main cavern, he called out Jrum’s name. “Jrum!” He then watched as the people who had already been down there turned to look at him, surprised to see him alive.
“Hey! Theseus copy! Say yes!” Someone spoke up, and Tommy vaguely remembered the voice, but couldn’t place it. He had no idea what it would do, so he ended up saying yes anyway. Immediately, he regretted it as the sword in his hand disappeared. But that was followed by a yell from Bad, and Tommy saw him let go a person who was now holding the pink sword. “Thanks.”
Tommy caught the sword as it was thrown back to him, the other person he now recognized as Xannes slamming himself into Ponk and taking another aetherite sword from him. “Now what are you doing here?”
“Got Grian to send me in as back up. I see you found Jrum.”
“Yeah, the little shit has the weird vines growing on him and apparently has decided that these idiots are his family now. Bit of a downgrade if you ask me.”
Tommy slashed at someone who tried to attack Xannes from behind. “Yeah, found a book that I’m pretty sure is Grum’s. Apparently they’ve been here a long while and Jrum ended up getting adopted.”
“Hasn’t it been just a few days?”
“Yeah, so obviously there’s a big issue. Any chance you can teleport us out of here if I grab Jrum?”
“It would be easy if I had some coordinates.” Xannes knocked someone to the ground and then stole their axe before throwing it at someone else to hit them with it.
“Yeah, I’ve got some. X-3, Y-3, Z-3. That work for you?”
“Sure they’re safe?”
Tommy shook his head. “Not at all, but they were sent to me by someone, and the previous two ended up helping.”
“Alright, but if you get us trapped, I’m getting myself out and leaving you behind.”
“Yeah whatever, I already broke out of one prison. I’m sure there’s nothing as tough as that one.”
“Oh please tell me you didn’t.”
“Alright, I won’t.”
“Goddammit. Just grab Jrum and bring him here..” the helsmit groaned, attacking another corrupted SMP member and giving Tommy an opening.
Tommy ran towards the bot. He didn’t have as good of a sword as Xannes, so getting through everyone was a bit tougher, but he finally made it, grabbing the bot’s arm. Jrum immediately turned to look at him. For a moment, Tommy thought it would be easy, until the kid pulled out an axe and something Tommy recognized flashed on screen. “Oh shit shit shit! Jrum Jrum Jrum Jrum no!” He barely dodged the swing of an axe by jumping back. Sure, Jrum was a kid, but he was a robot kid. That sometimes took combat lessons from False. And he could remember them perfectly. And that meant the kid could potentially be as dangerous as, dare he say it, Techno.
He tried to keep dodging, moving back so Jrum would have to follow, but hits were landing, and the hazmat suit wasn’t the best armor to wear. He hazarded a glance behind him to check how close they were to Xannes, but he got an axe to his gut and fell to the floor, the hazmat suit now torn. “Xannes! A little help!”
The admin rushed over, hitting Jrum back with a fist to avoid using knockback but also keep him from killing Tommy. Then he hit a button on his helmet and the three of them were teleported away. The sudden change of scenery made Jrum stop attacking at the very least, now focused on figuring out where they were.
“Where did you take us?! Where are we?! Take me back!”
“No fucking clue.” Tommy answered, looking around before his eyes widened. “Wait, are those…?” He jumped up, seeing the posters of his discs and the two of them each on their own pedestal on a platform of gold blocks on either side of a nether portal. “My discs!”
He started running towards them, but was shot from the side. The power from the punch bow pushed Tommy with enough force, he fell back down. He winced and held the wound before looking to see who had shot him. “Dream…”
“How did you find this place?”
“That would be my doing.” Xannes raised his hand for a moment to get the admin’s attention before noticing the second robot. “And I see you have Grum with you.”
“Grum?!” Jrum looked over, asking the question angrily. “What, you couldn’t be dead?!”
Grum took a slight step to the side to be seen better. “And I see you are with these two. I believed you to have finally given up, but yet you still cling to meaningless hope.”
“No! I have a new family! I don’t care about these two.”
“And yet here you are, with both of them and coming after me. I thought I made it quite clear that I have no want to be around something as useless as you.”
“I’M NOT USELESS!” Jrum shouted before running at Grum, fast enough that Dream reacted by simply moving out of the way, pulling out a shield in an attempt to block. Jrum attempted to attack with his axe, but the blade just clashed against another axe in Grum’s hand. Jrum attempted to attack again, but it was also blocked by a mirrored move. The two robots just started to fight each other, neither managing to hit the other as they perfectly matched each other’s moves.
Dream attempted to stop the fight with an attack of his own, but he ran into an invisible wall. Feeling around, he was surrounded by the same problem. “Barrier blocks. Sorry, but not something you can escape from. You’ve got bedrock right below you and I know you decided using a console was the best option for whatever reason, so you don’t have any escape.”
“Alright, now let’s break the bots up.” Tommy said, walking towards them, switching his broken hazmat suit for armor. 
“Where’d you get all that gear?”
“Sto- uhhh borrowed it from NPG. It was the only thing I had access to and didn’t want to have absolutely nothing. Didn’t get a chance to replace it cause I got here too quickly.” Tommy explained before getting between the bots. “Alright you two, break it- ow! Stop hitting me! You’re gonna kill me!”
Xannes sighed and pulled Tommy out from the battle. “That was probably the worst idea.”
“It was at least something. So unless you want to suggest something, it’s the best we got.”
“Here’s an idea. You give Dream to me.”
Tommy and Xannes turned to see Theseus coming out of the nether portal. “After that, well, don’t get in my way anymore and maybe I’ll let you live.”
22 notes · View notes
needtherapy · 4 years
Huaisang’s Hit List
or, how I learned to stop worrying and love my cursed dick
Technically Huaisang never slept with Wen Chao, just...spent a few minutes extricating himself from what turned out to be that awful murder-tortoise cave adventure. And anyway, it doesn’t matter because Wen Chao wasn’t on The List. The List was the problem. Is the problem.
Remember that Top Cultivator’s list? You know the one, the one where the Twin Jades were the two most eligible cultivators and Wei Wuxian was ranked higher than Jiang Cheng?
Yeah, that was Huaisang’s fault. But no one regrets it more than he does.
Except maybe all the dead people.
Read more Kristina Writes Tiny Stories
Notes: Sort of explicit, and there’s definitely some terribly silly cursed sex acts. If you want to read it on AO3 instead, you can do that too! Many thanks to @coslyons​ and AO3′s mongrelmind and effienell who probably will regret being tagged. Read their fantastic work instead of this absolute travesty.
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In hindsight, Huaisang should have realized way before the Wei Wuxian Incident that he was cursed. But to be fair, people die all the time.
He should know. He has personally killed eight people with his cursed dick.
“So,” Jiang Cheng says, hands tucked under his head, staring up at the sky, “You’re telling me that everyone you have sex with dies. And therefore, you must be killing them?”
“More or less, yes.”
“Isn’t that a little…” Jiang Cheng pauses and kicks the water his feet are dangling in, apparently trying for once in his life to be tactful, which makes Huaisang even more miserable. If Jiang Cheng is being tactful, it must be the end of the world. “Conceited?”
Huaisang pulls another leaf off the branch he is mutilating. He really doesn’t think he’s ever been conceited. Conceited would imply a lack of justification, and he is quite sure he’s right about this.
“A-Cheng, I have evidence. Hard evidence.”
Jiang Cheng chokes a little, and Huaisang glares at him. “Could you not? This is serious. I am never going to have sex again.”
Jiang Cheng chokes again, this time gasping with pained laughter, and Huaisang throws the branch at him. “Fuck you a-Cheng.”
“Thank all the gods you never have!” Jiang Cheng is howling now, curled in a ball and wheezing, and Huaisang has never been so insulted in his life.
Huaisang gathers what remains of his dignity and stands. He doesn’t care how beautiful Lotus Pier is in summer, or how many different shades of pink the flowers blanketing the lakes are, or how wickedly indulgent the sun feels through only two layers of robes, he is going to walk back down this dock and leave.
“Oh sit down, you big baby.” Jiang Cheng grabs the hem of Huaisang’s green robe. “I know you’re just dying to tell me about your ‘hard evidence’ and as much as I would rather rather erase all knowledge of your sex life from…”
Jiang Cheng's utter inability to disguise any thought he has is a gift, Huaisang thinks. Not only does it mean that in almost twenty years, Huaisang has never lost a game of weiqi, it also means he knows the moment it occurs to Jiang Cheng exactly what he means. Or rather...who.
“You. Did not. Fuck. My brother.”
Huaisang glares at a pair of ducks flying noisily overhead—those bastards were probably using their wings to escape awkward conversations—and silently bemoans his sudden and inexplicable flirtation with honesty. Why precisely had he wanted to share the details of his humiliating curse with Jiang Cheng? He frowns down at Sandu Shengshou’s tight, angry slash of a mouth, crackling dark eyes, cheekbones that could slice open his fingers if he ran them over the ridges…
Oh yes. That was why.
“Well, not first,” Huaisang says, deciding that if he’s in for a piglet, he’s in for a hog. “What happened first was Wen Xu.”
Jiang Cheng rolls into the lake. Huaisang is speechless. As rude escapes from his presence go, it is unprecedented. Wen Xu only snuck out of the window.
⟹ ⟸
Huaisang wasn’t biting his lip because he was nervous. That would be preposterous. He wasn’t a virgin after all. But he had also never picked anyone up in a tavern...well, certainly not a tavern in Hejian...okay, definitely not anyone at a tavern in Hejian as spectacularly handsome as the man whose name he couldn’t recall and really didn’t care about currently stripping in front of…
He lost his train of thought when—what was his name...Yang...Tian...something about the sun—threw his undershirt on the ground and looked expectantly at Huaisang, flexing the outrageous muscles on his chest just enough to make Huaisang’s blood boil. Yes, oh yes, he was definitely going to bite Sun Man right over the top of his left nipple immediately. And then he was going to make Sun Man beg for mercy. He stepped forward, his mouth stretching wide in a practiced seductive smile, and everything went wrong.
Sun Man stepped forward too, eyes closing, an arrogant tilt to his mouth. Huaisang tried to avoid the kiss—who kissed a stranger in an inn?—but he avoided to the left, and Sun Man lurched to the left. Like a slow motion fall off a cliff, they crashed into each other, arms and legs flailing everywhere. Sun Man’s head smacked into Huaisang’s chin, and worse, Huaisang’s knee collided with the soft—well, not that soft, some distant, smug corner of his brain noted—flesh between the man’s legs. He grunted in pain, grabbed Huaisang, and they fell on the floor in a fairly uncomfortable heap.
Fuck. Well, there goes that, Huaisang thought. Another thrilling night listening to da-ge rant about the damn Wen dogs loomed in his future.
“No, no, I’m fine,” Sun Man said immediately, sprawled on top of Huaisang, and Huaisang realized he meant it, judging by the considerably less soft space between his legs that was currently pressed against Huaisang’s hip.
He cheered immediately. Sun Man liked being hurt. It wasn’t a great start, but he could work with that.
Yes, he thought, as he slapped Sun Man hard on his spectacular ass and Sun Man let out a hearty moan, he could work with this.
Later, history books would describe da-ge as glorious in battle, cutting through the Wen army to the Wen heir, knocking the arrogant smile off his face and the man off his horse, laughing when he begged for mercy and dismembering his body as a lesson to the others, all to the triumphant cheers of the combined army.
What the history books did not mention was da-ge dramatically throwing the head on the ground at Huaisang’s feet in the music room.
“I will take his head to Xichen,” da-ge announced proudly, and Huaisang winced. How could anyone be so bad at romantic gifts?
He looked down despite himself—it had been almost a week since da-ge had thrown a Wen body part on the floor—and gasped.
Huaisang tried to look away from Sun Man in time but in the grand tradition of brothers everywhere, da-ge was unfailingly observant at the worst possible times.
“Huaisang, what did you do?”
Nothing, Huaisang thought, snapping his fan open and trying to blink the hysterical laughter away. Just spanked the daylights out of Wen Xu the night before he died. Just made him cry and climax and collapse in snoring exhaustion before Huaisang had a chance to finish any kind of reciprocal satisfaction, the bastard. And then just watched him climb out of the window before dawn. He sighs. What a wasted night.
“Nothing, da-ge. It’s just...he’s leaking on the floor.”
Da-ge grunted and rolled the head out of the room with his foot.
“I was expecting it to last longer, honestly,” da-ge said, and Huaisang thought, me too. “He seemed spent before we even started.”
Huaisang covered his giggle with a sympathetic cough. “How disappointing for you, da-ge.”
“The thing is,” da-ge continued, eyes sharpening in a very worrisome way. “I noticed a distinctive shade of lip color on his neck, right before I separated it from his body. Almost...like...the mauve you’re wearing right now.”
“This is raisin,” Huaisang snapped before he could help himself and then cringed. He was in so much trouble.
But instead, da-ge sank into a chair laughing. “You could have just drugged him, Huaisang. You didn’t have to fuck him. Next time, tell me before you decide to single handedly give our enemy the serpent’s kiss?”
Huaisang decided to take credit for the tactical fucking, but did not want to be assigned any future war jobs, hand, blow, or otherwise.
“I am not having sex with any more Wens,” he said virtuously, sitting in a chair across from his brother. He did not appreciate the roar of laughter.
⟹ ⟸
“Oh gods, how many more Wens did you have sex with?” Jiang Cheng demands, wringing out his dripping hair next to the hearth fire in the kitchen. “The whole army? Wen Ruohan? Truly, you are the unsung hero of the Sunshot campaign. We should have made you chief cultivator.”
“First of all, I would be a phenomenal chief cultivator, thank you.” Huaisang throws a towel at Jiang Cheng, whacking him on the side of the head, but Jiang Cheng just grins charmingly, the wretch. “Second of all, none of course.”
Technically he never slept with Wen Chao, just...spent a few minutes extricating himself from what turned out to be that awful murder-tortoise cave adventure. And anyway, it doesn’t matter because Wen Chao wasn’t on The List. The List was the problem. Is the problem.
Jiang Cheng twists his hair into a knot on the top of his head and starts stripping off his wet clothes.
“Okay, so then you slept with my brother?”
Huaisang slumps in a chair and stares at the carved ceiling, not looking, not looking, not looking. Pretty, he thinks, focusing very diligently on the wood. It looks like a giant lotus flower.
“No, only the number sixes at first,” Huaisang mumbles, wondering if the splotchy paint marks on the carving are actually tiny lotus flowers. If so, he really has to admire how committed the Yunmeng Jiang are to the aesthetic.
Suddenly Jiang Cheng’s face is next to his face, his hands on the arm of the chair, and he looks angry again. Wet and angry. Like a scandalously unrobed cat that just crawled out of a well—Huaisang fumbles the metaphor, too distracted by Jiang Cheng’s chest.
“Are you talking about that plague of a ‘most eligible cultivators’ list? If I ever find out who ruined my life with that list, I am going to tie them to something very hard and beat them within an inch of their life,” he growls, and Huaisang is afraid he might be a little turned on by that. He tries something. A sort of experiment.
“I made the list.”
Jiang Cheng turns white, the blood draining instantly from his face. His eyes widen, his nostrils flare, and Huaisang decides that yes, indeed, he is terrified and aroused. He really does learn something new about himself every day.
“You asshole,” Jiang Cheng hisses. “Why?”
“I don’t remember,” he lies. “Maybe I was bored. Maybe it was a list of people I wanted to be friends with.” It was certainly not a list of people he and Meng Yao had wanted to see naked. Not at all.
Jiang Cheng doesn’t move. If anything, his nose gets a little closer to Huaisang’s nose. Tantalizingly within biting distance.
“It was a sex list, wasn’t it,” he accuses, entirely unfairly in Huaisang’s opinion. But then he frowns. “Your brother was on that list. That’s...a bit much, even for you.”
Huaisang sticks out his tongue, almost licking Jiang Cheng. Wisely, Jiang Cheng jumps back, protecting his precious nose with his hand.
“Okay, that was Zewu-Jun’s fault! He found out that da-ge wasn’t on the list and he looked so sad. You know how he is! ‘But Mingjue-xiong is so handsome and kind. Why wouldn’t he be considered the most eligible cultivator? You know I have no interest in such worldly things, but oh, woe, life has been too cruel to my dear, dear friend Mingjue-xiong.’” Huaisang knows he does a killer Lan-zongzhu impression, and Jiang Cheng’s mouth twitches at the corners.
“Fine. You didn’t fuck your brother. Good for you. Go ahead, tell me who you did kill. Since I apparently can’t stop you.”
“I didn’t know I was doing it, a-Cheng. I wouldn’t kill people on purpose.”
Jiang Cheng doesn’t hesitate to reassure him.
“Of course you would.”
Huaisang is friends with Jiang Cheng for this exact reason: because he is the kind of friend who would steal chickens and bury bodies with you and not judge or ask questions.
Jiang Cheng freezes, closes his eyes, and asks a very judgmental question. “Don’t tell me you were responsible for Jin Zixuan too?”
Huaisang winces. “Not...only.”
⟹ ⟸
“So you’re second cousins,” Huaisang asked, drinking another cup of the finest wine he can afford, and staring at Jin Zixuan’s increasingly handsome face, already a work of art.
Naturally, it was the other one who answered, because nothing was easy today except for Huaisang.
“No, his mother’s sister’s husband’s sister is my mother. They were married in the same ancestral hall as my mother’s brother’s wife’s brother, though, and....”
Huaisang didn’t give two fucks about Jin Zixun droning on about his relations, but he liked the flush on Jin Zixuan’s cheeks when he caught Huaisang staring at him. He’d had two bottles of wine, and he seemed to be one of those drunks who got quieter and quieter until he fell over. Huaisang wanted to catch him.
He had found Jin Zixuan in Yudao Tang, looking at the map of the Sunshot Campaign without da-ge, and although he was fairly sure it was innocent, he was also fairly sure da-ge would absolutely qi deviate if anyone touched his little metal horses and toy soldiers. He was just going to shoo him away, but Jin Zixuan, the third most eligible cultivator, had given him A Curious Look, and Huaisang had shifted tactics with a military precision he thinks would even have impressed his da-ge.
“You’ve been working so hard, Jin-gongzi,” Huaisang said, testing out Jin Zixuan’s bicep with a soft and gentle squeeze that lingered long enough to promise something hard and rough. “Let’s go share a bottle or two to loosen up for the night.”
He hadn’t even realized the other one was there.
“You’re too generous Nie Huaisang! We accept your offer,” crowed the unwanted Jin, whose name Huaisang was unwillingly informed was Zixun.
So now Huaisang was sitting in an inn in Hejian trying to get Jin Zixun pass-out drunk faster than Jin Zixuan. It wasn’t working. The man had a hollow leg. Possibly two hollow legs. Definitely a hollow brain. But then he felt a hand on his knee, and Jin Zixuan was looking at him from under eyelashes as long and thick as butterfly wings.
“Would you like to leave?” he asked quietly, and Huaisang could not have been more relieved than if he had been plucked from the coils of a liangren she.
“Yes please,” he whispered under Jin Zixun’s droning. “You go first. I’ll follow.”
Jin Zixuan stood gracefully, only swayed a little, and was up the stairs before Jin Zixun had completely explained the intimate details of his mother’s sister’s son’s wedding tea service. Huaisang endured the description of osmanthus cakes for two whole minutes before he laughed loudly, interrupting Boring Cousin.
“Stop! I need to relieve myself and I can’t bear to miss one single detail! Wait right here and I’ll be back.”
Jin Zixun looked disappointed to be robbed of an audience even for a heartbeat, but he stayed, and Huaisang fled.
He found Jin Zixuan waiting in the doorway of his room, and he didn’t waste another second. Pushing Jin Zixuan onto the bed, Huaisang practically launched himself at the man, kissing him viciously, thrilled when Jin Zixuan groaned and locked his hand around the back of Huaisang’s head. He looked rumpled and flushed, and he tasted like heat and honey. Absolutely delicious. Huaisang didn’t understand why Wei Wuxian didn’t like Jin Zixuan. Probably because he’d never bitten the skin at the base of his throat or heard how sweetly he moaned when Huaisang got his pants down and started to stroke him, sliding his hand expertly along the smooth curve.
“There you go sweetheart,” Huaisang encouraged, when Jin Zixuan reached between Huaisang’s legs and finally wrapped those long, thin, elegant fingers around his shaft. He was exactly what Huaisang had hoped: beautiful, strong, and eager, if a little unskilled.
And then Huaisang heard the worst sound he had ever heard in his life.
“Fuck, this is hot,” Jin Zizun slurred from the door. “I want to join.”
⟹ ⟸
“And then he did, a-Cheng,” Huaisang whines, taking a bite out of the dumpling Jiang Cheng hands him. “It was the worst.”
Jiang Cheng looks unsympathetic. “Oh, I’m sorry, are you done detailing how you fucked my brother-in-law and his abhorrent cousin to death? I tuned out somewhere around the extremely comprehensive description of my sister’s father’s daughter’s husband’s dick, which I could have lived my whole life without hearing.”
“You asked,” Huaisang points out.
“‘Yes’ or ‘no’ would have been sufficient,” Jiang Cheng retorts.
Huaisang hadn’t considered that.
“Oh. Um, yes. I was responsible for Jin Zixuan. And Jin Zixun, although I didn’t mean to be. And...um...Ouyang Xi and Yao Shui. They were both number sixes. Ouyang Xi was the only girl I ever put on the list. Remember her? She was amazing.”
Jiang Cheng sits back, thinking. “Wasn’t she taller than Hanguang-Jun?” When Huaisang nods, Jiang Cheng whistles appreciatively. “Oh yeah, I remember her. She was something. I can’t even be mad about that one.”
He seems to realize how that sounded and shakes his head. “You’re ridiculous. You aren’t killing people. They died in the war. They died because they were assholes. They died because people die. That’s not proof.”
Huaisang does not want to tell him about Wei Wuxian, but Wei Wuxian is proof.
“It was twice with Wei Wuxian. And he died twice. Once his heart. Once his life. That’s when I realized, and that’s when I stopped having sex.”
Jiang Cheng’s mouth drops open a little and he stares at Huaisang, obviously dumbfounded, probably horrified. Finally, Huaisang thinks, Jiang Cheng doesn’t have anything sarcastic to say.
“I am so mad at you right now,” he finally replies, and Huaisang shrinks. “Once you realized, why the fuck didn’t you sleep with Hanguang-Jun? You could have made my life so much easier. Gods, Huaisang, you are never thinking about me.”
Huaisang’s mind spins futilely, a dog chasing its tail, but he finally processes Jiang Cheng’s sparkling eyes, the slightly raised left eyebrow, and the extremely provoking way he is biting his lip as “teasing.” Huaisang expects his eyes to stop there, but the traitors keep going, looking at Jiang Cheng’s muscular chest, disappointingly garbed in dry clothes, his long legs stretched out in front of him…no! Focus on being truthful! His mind—okay possibly not his mind—objects to both truthfulness and not ogling Jiang Cheng but he perseveres.
“You...you aren’t angry? About Wei Wuxian?”
Jiang Cheng shrugs. “He’s alive now. What can I change about the past? And I’m not sure I want to hear any,” he pokes Huaisang in the chest, “ANY details about whatever you two did.”
Huaisang thinks about Wei Wuxian at sixteen, full of sunshine and curiosity, kneeling in front of him in the woods behind Cloud Recesses, and he thinks of Wei Wuxian during Sunshot, his jagged edges so beautiful and sharp, begging Huaisang to tighten the rope a little more, hurt him a little more, distract him a little more.
“Nope, nope, see, that face is exactly what I don’t want to hear,” Jiang Cheng interrupts. “Not a word, Huaisang. Not a word.”
He leans forward and pours more wine into Huaisang’s cup. “Look, just stop making the list and you’ll be fine. You can go back to doing whatever, whoever, you want.”
“I did! I haven’t been in charge of the list for years! For a while, no one was updating it, and then I handed it over to Jingyi, oh, about a year before Wei Wuxian came back, but...it still works.”
Jiang Cheng’s eyes roll back so hard, so long, Huaisang hopes they get stuck. “I assume you know because you tested it personally. I compliment the rigorous dedication to checking your theory, Huaisang.”
Huaisang sniffs. That poor Zhao girl (an exceptional number seven—Huaisang couldn’t argue with Jingyi’s taste, at least) had died horribly, he thinks, falling from her sword after a tragic mid-air goose collision.
“Well, I had to check, because…” If he is ever going to face a consequence, Huaisang thinks, today is the day. “For once, I wanted to use it.”
And then he waits for the dao to fall.
⟹ ⟸
Huaisang had planned of course, planned for years. Found evidence. Found witnesses. Found proof. But nothing was as good as a sure thing. So he would do this distasteful thing to ensure that no matter what happened, no matter how it happened, his plan would succeed.
Winning was so close he could taste it, like salty tears, like bitter fruit. It was a taste he remembered well.
“San-ge,” he sobbed, drinking his wine and immediately burning off the alcohol, “I just don’t know what to do. I’m going to die alone.”
Jin Guangyao, who Huaisang never thought of san-ge in his mind anymore, looked a little annoyed, but Huaisang poured him another cup of Emperor’s Smile, and his brother’s murderer relaxed.
“A-Sang,” he said in a patronizing tone, as though he was so much older and more mature than Huaisang. “We can visit another matchmaker and try again.”
“Noooooo,” Huaisang wailed. “I just can’t. It won’t help. You must have advice. What can I do to make a woman love me?”
There it was. The flinch. Huaisang loved the flinch. The flinch was winning. He gleefully drove the sword in deeper.
“Oh no, I’m a fool,” he moaned, with a dramatic sniffle, drying his tears and touching the back of Jin Guangyao’s hand, the lightest feather, only the tip of his finger grazing one knuckle. “I’m being selfish. This is such terrible timing, with everything that’s happened. I’m just so lonely. I miss…”
Huaisang sighed and turned away morosely, watching Jin Guangyao out of the corner of his eye. He really wasn’t as good at hiding his reactions as he thought he was. For instance, he bit the inside of his lip the way he always did when he was thinking of the past. And his eyes shifted to the right the way they always did when he was about to lie, so Huaisang beat him to the punch, pouring more wine. Four bottles down.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sure you never think about...well...you know.” He let his eyelashes flutter. Jin Guangyao looked a little alarmed, so Huaisang ratcheted the flutter back to a flicker. “But it was the best time of my life,” Huaisang said with a wistful jab, adding a twist of longing, and the thrust hit home.
“Huaisang,” Jin Guangyao said, sounding a little like he was drunk and a lot like he was weakening. “That was a long time ago.”
Huaisang was aware. He was aware that Meng Yao was never on The List, so sleeping with him never counted. He was aware that it was, perhaps, a bit callous to put a man whose wife died two days ago on a list of most eligible bachelors but he is Jin-zongzhu and chief cultivator. It would honestly be a crime not to include him.
“Maybe...maybe tonight I could help you and you could help me? Think of it as therapeutic catharsis, a-Yao.” Huaisang suggested, this time touching Jin Guangyao’s knee, and, when he got no objection, sliding his hand up further.
This is no worse than Su She, he reminded himself. Actually, a lot less worse, he decided, remembering the flash of raw meat that was Su She’s chest with a repressed shudder. He definitely can’t think about that, or he won’t even be able to coax The Cursed One into working order.
“Sang-er,” Jin Guangyao whispered, and Huaisang knew he’d won.
In more ways than one.
⟹ ⟸
Huaisang can’t tell what the look on Jiang Cheng’s face means.
“Ha!” Jiang Cheng shouts, and then tips sideways onto the couch laughing.
No, laughing is a polite word for polite people. Jiang Cheng is braying, quite a bit like Wei Wuxian’s donkey. It is frankly, very unbecoming behavior for a sect leader.
“You sound like Lil’ Apple,” Huaisang says crossly, and Jiang Cheng laughs harder, falling on the ground at Huaisang’s feet.
“You named your dick ‘The Cursed One’? No wonder it hates you. I’d hate you too. Here’s a suggestion. Try naming it something nice!”
“Oh, like ‘Princess?’”
Jiang Cheng shuts up.
But not for long. Never for long. The only person who shuts up less than Huaisang is Jiang Cheng. Huaisang considers himself a model of restraint compared to Jiang Cheng.
“What if you just kiss someone? Does that kill them?”
Huaisang eyes Jiang Cheng suspiciously, but he is sitting up, not laughing, and looks genuinely curious.
“My lips aren’t cursed.”
Jiang Cheng nods slowly. “That makes sense.”
“It does?”
“Not really, but I’m trying to be supportive of your bout with insanity. What happens if you have sex with people who aren’t on the list?”
“Nothing. But I never know who is on the list anymore. Jingyi and Sizhui are very protective of it. I don’t think they trust me not to tell anyone they write it.”
Jiang Cheng gives him a disbelieving look. “I can’t imagine why.”
Huaisang can’t either. It is a very unfilial lack of faith in his well-proven ability to keep secrets.
“Well, I guess if it’s the only way you’ll ever have sex again, I’m willing to sacrifice myself,” Jiang Cheng announces, holding out his arms and wiggling his hips suggestively. “Come and get it, Huaisang. I’m sorry, but this is your best, no, your only option.”
Huaisang kicks Jiang Cheng’s foot viciously. “You are so mean, a-Cheng, and it doesn’t help, because you’re still on the list, okay? Stupid Jingyi and his stupid crush. You’re number three now.”
Jiang Cheng grins so broadly, Huaisang hates him. Hates him a lot. Stupid, vain, irritating Jiang Cheng. He can’t remember why they’re friends. He can’t remember why he likes him.
“That’s so sweet! I knew I liked that kid for a reason. I should invite him over for tea sometime.”
Huaisang pops to his feet. “You go right ahead. I’m leaving.”
As fast as a striking snake, Jiang Cheng sits up and grabs Huaisang around the waist, pulling him down, startling a squeak out of Huaisang as he lands on Jiang Cheng’s lap.
“You idiot,” Jiang Cheng tells Huaisang fondly, tucking his hair behind his ear. “Have you ever tried having sex with anyone on the list who isn’t a fragile flower? Or who thought you were worth risking a little death for? Maybe you aren’t cursed. Maybe you just have terrible taste.”
He kisses Huaisang, so gently and tenderly, eyes closed, nose rubbing Huaisang’s cheek, and it is nothing like Huaisang expected, but it does feel a little like something breaks. Maybe it’s the curse. Maybe it’s the brittle ice around his heart that formed when da-ge died. Whatever it is, he can’t be bothered to think about it. He kisses Jiang Cheng back with everything he’s wanted to say since the day they met.
Jiang Cheng wrenches away and glares at Huaisang. “Number three? Three? I can understand two, because ugh, Xichen, but who else could possibly be more eligible than me?”
“Cheng-gege, I’m probably just remembering wrong. You know how I am with details. I’m sure you’re second,” Huaisang soothes, wanting to return to the kissing part without having to tell Jiang Cheng that er-ge had put his foot down a long time ago about being on the list. It is actually his nephew who is number two and Ouyang Zizhen who is number one. He doesn’t think Jiang Cheng will see the humor in it.
“That’s true, you do have an atrocious memory,” Jiang Cheng grumbles. “For instance, you seem to have forgotten that you spent the entire afternoon detailing your exploits with half the cultivation world.”
Huaisang’s thought process is somewhat compromised, and he can’t make himself connect Jiang Cheng’s words with the feel of his hands, those wide, strong hands cupping Huaisang’s ass.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbles, tipping his head back and letting Jiang Cheng nibble a path down his neck. “They were all terrible. I do not recommend any of them, especially not the dead ones.”
Jiang Cheng laughs, a rumbling sound that makes Huaisang’s fingers fumble at the lotus clasp on his belt.
“I didn’t hate it, but we’re going to start a new list, Sang-er, called ‘Huaisang’s Best Sex,’ and I am going to be the ony person on it,” Jiang Cheng informs Huaisang, biting his earlobe.
“It’s not…” Huaisang kisses Jiang Cheng’s exquisite collarbone, having cleverly freed him from his robes, “...a list if…” Huaisang wraps his arms around Jiang Cheng’s neck and rocks against him, “...there’s only one person on it.”
With a growl that might be hiding a laugh, Jiang Cheng flips Huaisang onto his back and grinds against him. “Stop arguing, Sang-er. I am busy writing my name on your new list, and I expect it to take the rest of the night.”
Now that he thinks about it, Huaisang decides, lifting his hips so Jiang Cheng can pull off his pants, it’s really a brilliant idea. The best idea Jiang Cheng has ever had. Jiang Cheng’s mouth engulfs Huaisang’s very much forgiven dick, and with a gasp and a moan, he vows to henceforth let Jiang Cheng have all the ideas.
⟹ ⟸
Huaisang stretches like a cat in the morning, as pleased with himself as the sun is to rise, and stares down at Jiang Cheng’s unfairly beautiful face. Last night, Jiang Cheng had seemed very determined to break the curse, or break Huaisang’s back, and Huaisang isn’t surprised that he’s still asleep. With one finger, Huaisang traces the line of Jiang Cheng’s jaw and leans down to kiss his cool, smooth lips.
Cool lips.
Huaisang flails out of the bed, scrambling backward, falling, shaking his head as though not looking directly at Jiang Cheng will change what he felt.
He knew he should have listened to his gut and not his traitorous, evil dick.
“No no no no no no,” he chants softly, like it will make Jiang Cheng any less dead if he says it enough times.
And then a ton of rocks falls on his head. He is in the Jiang zongzhu’s bedroom with a dead Jiang-zongzhu. The self-preservation instinct that has kept him alive this long kicks him in the ass. He hurries to Jiang Cheng’s side of the bed and rolls him over, tucking the blanket around him like a mushu pancake. First, roll up the body, he mutters to himself. Then, dump him in the lake. Then, run away. This would be easier if he had someone to help. Like Jiang Cheng.
He stops and frowns. Is that…
The rolled up blanket shakes and Huaisang leaps back, clearing the entirety of the lotus-shaped rug—gods, they are devoted to that theme—and landing on a chair as far away from the undead Jiang Cheng as possible.
The wildly panicking rabbit in his head only slows its escape as he recognizes the sound from the bed.
Fucking laughter.
Fucking Jiang Cheng rolls himself out of the blanket. Not dead.
Not yet, at least. Huaisang is formulating some very definite ideas on how to change Jiang Cheng’s living status right now.
“Your face! You should see your face. I swear, I will cultivate immortality just so I can remember this moment for a thousand years. I never thought there would be a reason to use my qi to slow my heart rate like that but I was so wrong. You were going to dump me in the lake!”
“What is wrong with you!” Huaisang shouts. “I thought I’d killed you!” He stalks over to Jiang Cheng, intending to make his assumption reality, but Jiang Cheng wraps his legs tightly around Huaisang’s waist and kisses him soundly.
“I don’t die easily, Nie Huaisang. Not for you, not for anyone. Besides, I’ve waited too long for you to figure out you’re in love with me. Now, come back to bed, and I’ll let you try to kill me again, as many times as you want. If you’re very good, maybe Princess will return the favor and try to kill you too.”
Dammit, Huaisang should have known he’d like the name. He’s going to be stuck calling Jiang Cheng’s dick Princess forever.
He grins and shoves Jiang Cheng backward, straddling his waist, and the aforementioned Princess twitches enthusiastically. Forever is a nice amount of time, Huaisang decides, and Princess is a small price to pay for forever.
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