#the last spring together
kuwajima · 2 days
Hi! Hope this ask isn't weird but in the vein of talking about Zenitsu's backstory, what are your thoughts on Zenitsu's 7 evil ex girlfriends? As in, how do you tend to sort of place them on Zenitsu's pre-demon slaying timeline? And overall how do you imagine them, if think of them at all. Love your ideas about Zenitsu's backstory and kinda wanna know what you think of this aspect of his unexplored past!
I've noticed that the fandom rarely, if ever, do much with the knowledge of their existence beyond a passing mention when talking about Zenitsu's insecurities, whether in a fanfic or a meta post, which is interesting since, well, getting scammed 7 times by "romantic" partners seems like something really interesting to dwell into when writing about Zenitsu. I've read some really good fics featuring the inevitably horrible situation Zenitsu had as an orphan in the late Meiji Period, yours especially, but the exes shine by their absence across the whole spectrum of Zenitsu fanfic. I have my own thoughts about this but this is an ask, can't ramble too much lol.
Also, happy birthday! A little late but alas, hope you had a great day in your day and thank you for your fanfics in here! OMWF is just a gem and your other fanfic are just as good ❤️
I love this question!! I have put a lot of thought into them, because it does seem like an excessive number of times to be scammed and not learn your lesson, but it's very indicative of how much Zenitsu deludes himself while chasing what he believes is an ideal life. And now that you mention it, it is very rare to have them included in fanfic or meta outside of a casual reference to them.
I think the reason might be because the timeline is admittedly weird, so we have to believe that he speed ran seven girlfriends in his early teens, or the worse option is that some of them happened before he was a teenager.
And I think it has to be the latter, because I personally believe he was with Jigoro for a few years. I know it's canon that a slayer can usually learn their forms in about a year but there are a few things that indicate Zenitsu was with Jigoro for longer than that. He was hit by lightning and I refuse to believe the only side effect was the hair thing. Plus, Zenitsu is confirmed to be pretty lazy and although he is obviously a very skilled swordsman during the events of canon, Jigoro didn't know about the whole sleep-fighting thing so he should have only sent Zenitsu to Final Selection if he was sure he mostly wasn't going to die. And it's Zenitsu...there's no way he got up to speed in a year.
We are told in canon that Zenitsu dated all types of girls, and they all treated him badly, took his money, and more. The way it's worded (and this could be a translation thing) is that multiple women took his money. Now me personally, if I was a loan shark I would simply not loan money to an orphan child multiple times. There's also no way he was earning large sums of money (see the above point of him being lazy) so there had to be some time between losing his money and getting a new girlfriend. Especially if they were trying to get money out of him, there is no reason to go after a kid with absolutely no assets unless he already had a reputation of being easily manipulated.
I don't think he stayed in one town for very long either, so it's possible he ran away from other owed debts. But even then, we can assume there are probably a few months between girlfriends at least. And I don't think all of them took his money. For example, we know he dated a shopkeeper's daughter and she could have very well just made him work without pay at her father's shop as an act of "love."
Overall, I think it's a situation where Zenitsu would do their bidding for the "honor" of being allowed to say they are his girlfriend. That was the only thing he was getting out of the arrangement, since they didn't even let him hold their hands. I think it's probably incredibly obvious to anyone Zenitsu tells about his ex-girlfriends that he was never actually in a relationship with any of them. But Zenitsu still believes they were his girlfriends, despite being mistreated and sometimes betrayed by them. I think it's telling that only after he meets Jigoro does he understand that Jigoro is the only person in his life who cared about him (until he met Tanjiro, of course!) In the absence of childhood affection, those girlfriends probably did feel like true love at the time.
But you asked about the timeline. My guess is this probably happened over seven times over several years and the older he became, the most he was able to be manipulated (more access to money, a bigger reputation for being easily tricked, etc.) WHICH BRINGS US BACK TO MY EARLIER POINT: these girls were "dating" a tween.
We do see some faceless women when we learn that Zenitsu is full aware that women dislike him and deceive him (yet he keeps going back, because he convinces himself this time is different) and they certainly look like either teenagers or young adults. I assume these are examples of the girls he dated (there are 6 in the flashback and he has 7 exs, so I'm not 100% sure that's who they are) And obviously there was absolutely nothing intimate or romantic going on, but it does add a layer of malice to the whole thing. If he had been dating girls who were his own age, I'm not sure they would have been so malicious with their treatment of him. Their inclusion in his backstory is to show us that he is easily manipulated and repeatedly does not learn his lesson, because Zenitsu tricks himself into ignoring red flags.
And I'm not victim blaming. I think it's clear that he was intentionally victimized by these girls, but it is added to give us insight into Zenitsu's personality.
This is a very long-winded way to say, I believe they were all women older than Zenitsu, who either sought him out as an easy target or quickly realized he could be manipulated simply by being promised the title of Boyfriend. And they all occurred before he turned about 13, maybe 14.
But I would also love to hear your thoughts on the situation as well! I have grand schemes of writing a fic where he and Nezuko run into one of his exes post-canon and she initially thinks he's being tricked by another beautiful woman, but then she realizes that not only do they actually seem to like each other, but Zenitsu isn't the same person he was before.
And thank you for the birthday wishes!!
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Just curious what the average level of personal investment in these sorts of things is. Like, how much do people usually get into silly stuff like this their friends ask of them? etc. etc. Which I know, only surveying a small sample on a very specific website means I'm not getting an exact average idea lol, but.. curious nonetheless .. Maybe reblog for bigger sample size but also this is not very serious at all/not worth a call to action gbhjbhjb
#which I know this could be context dependent like.. maybe you'd normally dress up but on a week that#you feel sick you wouldn't or etc. etc. - but I mean.. GENERALLY. in the most general average scenario#where you have the average amount of health and free time that you always do. etc. just based on your personality#and level of investment in these things - what on AVERAGE are you most inclined to do#also of course assume they communicate with you ahead of time and are not like planning a part last minute#like 'throw together costume in 5 hours and show up tonight randomly' or etc. I would hope that if we're going with the#AVERAGE of things - most people's friends have better communication skills than springing entire parties#on people last minute lol#assume you have like.. a few days-a week or so to prepare. however ealrly people usually start talking about#birthdays. In my experience it's usually one or two weeks ahead of time. Like 'oh next weekend' or 'oh two weeks from now' etc.#ANYWAY.. feeling a little Sick again of course but still trying to get some photos or something posted#AGAIN i promise I am not going to exlcusively post polls and ntohing else forever hgkjgnekj#I just really really love the ability to post polls and have always my whole life been obsessed with surveying people#I used to think I wanted to do that as a career somehow like.. be one of the people that does psychological interviews#or produce interview asessments for a company or etc. etc. I am always the one friend in the group thats giving out custom made#surveys or asking for other simialr stuff (did you ever take an mbti quiz? how about enneagra#m?? oh yeah I know they're not really scientifically valid or antyhing but like... DID you take them?? huh?? did you??please?? ghjj)#I simply cannot resist.. posting a little poll every once in a while.. as a treat#whilst I still fall behind on like actual content and costumes and stuff gbjhbjh#New poll adventure should be not as much of a wait as the last one was though since I already have the writing#for it really. I just have to do the ms paint sketch. hopefully no unexpected other health issues will get in the way#*** *** ***#< (anytime I do these three star patterns it is an ocd compulsion not me bleeping out words or something just ignore it lol)#(it means something secret in my evil brain just pretend you do not see it. significant only to me)#BUT YEAH.. ... poll... what type of costume party atendee are you?#:0c
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anonymwlw · 7 months
I love the conversation between Shagrat and Gorbag for a lot of reasons, but one that I noticed this year is the direct and undeniable proof of Aragorn's plan working - something about Gollum and the Hobbits going through Morgul vale was noticed, but it took two days for Sauron to do something about it. There is an explicit mention of them having difficulties getting the "higher-ups" to pay attention to this. Why? Because his eye is on the war in the west.
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thebirdandhersong · 1 month
lads it is mostly my fault (was sick, didn't tell healthcare until it was Dire, was sentenced to bed rest for the rest of my time at camp) that I literally can't say goodbye to these 100+ people I've come to love properly before I leave. I'm not permitted to participate in any singing, dancing, communal joy, any event that's remotely fun (that's nearly word for word what they said) here at camp. and I'm leaving EARLY, am still miserably sick, and have a four hour commute back home on top of that, because there's no one available to drive. literally cried my eyes out over everything just now and am This Close to crying my eyes out againnnnn
#not to list my woes again but today was Pretty Bad#the horrors: learned that one of the girls I'm working with is the cousin of the boy whom I was so torn up over last year (lol)#received a message from the second boy I was torn up over in the spring saying: do you want to live together? (LOL)#and was hit with the two-by-four of reality today about my own Delusions and such repeatedly over the head. over and over and over LOLLLL !#HOWEVER. the joys: tea. Bible reading time. lots of prayer. laughed a lot with my coworkers.#confided in a friend whom i know can hold secrets close. listened to another friend's voice message on loop. the rain made it not too hot.#i know joy cometh in the metaphorical morning but i wanted joy to come in the form of dancing and singing and worshipping together#and being able to tell each and every person goodbye properly and with the gravity and love they each deserve#i simply!!!!! cannae take this!!!!!! and yet I WILL :'))))))))) bear it with grace#(THAT'S dramatic)#sighhhh anyhow i'm currently mentally digging a little grave for the third disappointment in love i've experienced#since breaking up with my ex boyfriend. the ground is hard my hands are tired and the earth won't budge but i WILL dig that grave#and leave that little ill-formed ill-judged ill-managed love in it#dang i'm tired in all senses of the word!#and YET. there is still a part of me that is light and buoyant and determined to make the most of things#it is so hard to be miserable when the anneish part of you never dies.........sigh#healing girl era summer '24
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marloree · 4 months
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  𝙰 𝚠𝚊𝚕𝚔 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚛
Pairing: Best Friend! Yeonjun × Reader
Genre: fluff
A/N: it is the last day of the spring this year, so I had to post something to mark it <3
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It was the last day of May, the beautiful month that has gone to a waste this year due to your numerous exams.
You were stressed and exhausted, looking forward to the summer break with every fiber of your body.
Spring and summer..these always have been your favourite seasons. The blooming, the undeniable beauty of nature - everything made you wish such a thing as exams didn't exist, at least during spring.
You looked out of your window only to see the mesmerising view: all the trees finally green, birds chirping in the quietness of the spring evening. Sighing because you couldn't afford spending this beautiful evening outside and had to study, you borrowed your nose into yet another textbook.
Well, at least you could study by the open window and still take in the scenery. This made you a tad bit happier.
You didn't know how much time has passed when, suddenly, you heard a pebble being thrown into the direction of your window. It didn't reach the aimed material goal - the window, but reached the main goal - your ears.
"Is that kids playing or what?" you thought, looking out of the window.
To your surprise, there were no kids. The only person standing there was your best friend, Yeonjun.
"Ah, come on, you have studied long enough! You should take a break. Come out, let's go for a walk!" He shouted so you could hear him clearly.
The offer was too tempting, to say the least.
Yet, you wanted to get a good grade on your exam. Did that really matter to you in the moment, though?
"I've been studying for the entire week, I absolutely deserve that rest," you thought. They always say to not overstudy the night before the exams, so what can be better than taking a break?
"Coming!!" You shouted back before quickly disappearing out of sight to get ready.
Not even 10 minutes passed as you were already standing outside beside Yeonjun.
"Woah, didn't know you wanted to go out that bad," the guy chuckled.
"No comment, Jun. I really want to enjoy this last day of spring, though". You looked around, taking in the sweet aromas of the blooming greenery.
"Who doesn't? Let's make it at least a bit memorable by hanging out. It's been a while since we last did."
"Yeah, it's been a long while..," you confirmed unenthusiastically, " I feel like I've been living under a rock for the past month," you sighed.
"You have lived under a rock, no denying."
"This last exam ends and I'm coming out of the shell, I swear."
"Have you seen yourself? You look like a ghost, you seriously should rest more."
"I will, I will," another sigh from you, "but it's summer tomorrow already, can you believe it?"
"I hope you'll get the most out of this summer and enjoy it to the fullest, unlike how you wasted May, Y/N."
"I hope so, too."
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lskamil27 · 8 months
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January / December Progress Wrap-up on [ Patreon] !!
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incorrectsprolden · 2 years
tori: when people get too chummy with me, i like to call them by the wrong name to let them know i don’t really care about them
nick: that’s a genius move
tori: thank you
nick: you’re welcome…. alice
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re-velogs · 1 month
so fucking busy the rest of the year. being alive is awesome :]
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transgender-karras · 9 months
maybe I’m just sleepy but like.. fuckin hell man. Dyer really was the sun to Damien’s moon. those priests wanted to kiss and never allowed themselves to indulge in it
edit: I had a section here abt the differences in how Damien died at the end of the film vs the end of the book but then someone let me know the way I described it was inaccurate✌🏻
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claire-starsword · 2 months
Authentic Story of the Shining Force - Saint Fencer Max - Chapter 4
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Translation notes:
This is the last boob joke. We're free at last.
Here's the retranslation of every scene with the Spring of Recollection in the game. Overall, her speech here is fairly close to what she says in Waral in-game, with a few details from her final appearance sprinkled in, like her care for Cain. It does misses a few nuances though, like the Legacy being more than just Dark Dragon.
I don't think I've ever seen art of the Spring, but notably, she gets a portrait in the GBA version, and it looks a lot like the manga design, with the slightly wavy hair and especially the blank eyes.
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Obviously, the manga rushes through the plot since it's short, thus a lot of places are skipped. I didn't even feel like pointing them out before. However I will point out Waral not being here this time, because Waral happens to not be in the beta map either, and it has very contradicting lore between the ASCII guide and the World Book, meaning it might have not been well developed. Besides, Chapter 5 is very weirdly structured. You get two ship battles that are basically the same, you get to Waral by accident, you advance the plot by going to Ring Reef for no reason and everyone telling you it's off-limits while letting you waltz in anyway, and hardly anything happens in the shrine besides you hearing about the Manual, which is not even a big deal because you get to Rudo by accident later (two ship accidents!! why repeat this plot point!!) and would go to Dragonia anyway to help Bleu. Basically, I obviously can't prove it, but it wouldn't surprise me if the ocean shrine was initially thought off as only a plot scene, and the battles/town added much later for gameplay reasons.
Perhaps worth mentioning, the GBA version also makes a point to mention that Max got lost in the shrine alone, and everyone was worried about him, which does remind me a lot of the ship scene here.
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uh oh. i hit image limit for the first time and i don't wanna remove either of these pics. more notes on a reblog later.
#shining series#shining force#saint fencer max#saint fencer max translation#sfm max#sf cain#so. gamers. fans. friends and followers. are we good? are we normal? are we normal about the last pages? i'm not#unfortunately my typesetting does not do it justice but at least i put up a fight#those unending creaking noises mess me up so good#it's just. so good. all of this#why did the gba version wasted time with boring villain epilogues#when it could be giving me the Good Stuff (angst of a long haired anime man)#also is his hair dyed? the eyebrows kinda imply that. i'm not sure i like that but i'm not sure i dislike that either#his hair is so good tho#anyway i could talk about him forever and i will but i gotta talk about the spring too#i really like the sword of light being here. it works aesthetically at least. the mishaela plot is very dumb#i had a whole thing about the sword of light typed but i took it out for later cause it doesn't have much to do with the manga#will probably come though! the three max cain plots are the same basically but there have some difference in the details#that has mashed together in my brain#so i wanna pick that apart at some point#anyway back to the mango. i dearly miss the nuance about the legacy even though it took me a while to notice it in the game#between this and the pseudo-magic introduction the manga does suck a bit at portraying the ancients#but i like how despite the weird pacing of the manga this part kinda flows better#with the spring's revelations all here in the middle#instead of popping in manarina like 'yeah boy you're hero of fate wait three chapter until we elaborate on that though'#naturally the game has good battle content to keep you happy through it#but the manarina scene feels kinda useless to me#anyway i probably had more to say about this while translating but i'm very sleepy#i will never shut up about this chapter though. mark my words
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crowcoven · 2 years
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Jaime. The name was a knife, twisting in her belly.
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youngpettyqueen · 1 month
once again thinking about the post-canon dynamics on DS9
#star trek: ds9#the strange depression and loneliness-induced friendship that springs up unexpectedly between Julian and Quark#which leads to Julian Quark and Kira becoming a more tight knit trio#Julian and Kira's bond really deepening and them spending a lot more time together#I think it'd be strange for Ezri#she's been there with them all these years but it wasn't HER#sometimes when shes with them she feels like theyre seeing a ghost#I dont think she lasts very long on DS9 and I dont think her and Julian's relationship lasts#she stays for a couple years#but once her and Julian agree to end things she leaves within a couple months#Julian Kira and Quark all bonding more with Kassidy#the three of them taking on different nurturing roles with Jake and helping him out#Kassidy finding herself in this single mother role with Jake but having the village of her friends on DS9 to help#and theyre all behind her and helping her when she gives birth#older brother Jake...#I think Julian leaves sometime after Ezri does#he holds on for a while- mainly for Jake and Kassidy and the baby- before he gets a certain letter from Cardassia#and he stalls for a bit but then he goes to visit Cardassia#and when he comes back after a week its just to gather what he needs to go back for a much more permanent position#assisting with the relief efforts wherever he can#maybe Kassidy and Jake and the baby move to Bajor#to that land Sisko bought#when he comes back- whenever that is- home is ready for him and waiting with open arms#Kira and Quark end up being really tight#still up to their old banter and butting heads but theres a new respect there on both sides#both of them will die before they admit it#but they've stayed awake all night at the bar#sharing a bottle between two glasses and talking about who they miss#Kira's the only one who's ever seen how Quark's eyes light up when he hears Rom or Nog is coming to visit#Ezri comes to visit sometimes
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honeyedlashton · 9 months
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Thank you to Li (@himbopercy) for tagging me in this!! You know I love to talk about myself!! 🩷🤍💛💜
I’ve divided them into 3 categories:
Column 1: ✨Gay People’s Carplay 🪩
Pink Friday 2 by Nicki Minaj
Endless Summer Vacation by Miley Cyrus
STARFUCKER by Slayyyter
Column 2: 🪦 I will do it, I’m not like you hoes ⚰️
Unreal Unearth by Hozier
The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We by Mitski
Preacher’s Daughter by Ethel Cain
Column 3: 🕷️ Bela Lugosi’s Wake 🕯️
Pornography by The Cure
Floodland by The Sisters of Mercy
Bloodflowers by The Cure
(Sorry these aren’t all 2023 albums I’m going for more of a vibe my year had instead of album year accuracy)
I’m gonna tag: @oceanofmydoubt @sofsversion @yellowjellobean @vasattope @iwannabeashtonslave and @retromalum and anyone else who really wants to.
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squishybuggie · 2 years
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🌷 🐰 Spring & Easter Printables 🐥 ☘️
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✿ Easter Bunny Coloring Pages
✿ Religious Easter Coloring Pages
✿ Easter Chick Coloring Pages
✿ Happy Easter Coloring Pages
✿ Easter Basket Coloring Pages
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✿ Spring Coloring Pages
✿ Spring Bingo
✿ Spring Birds Color-by-number
✿ Bunnies Color-by-number
✿ Spring Word Search
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Roughly once every four years I ponder the alternate timeline where I didn't get scared and quit college rugby after a single practice
#everyone was cool i was just intimidated coming from softball and karate into a full-contact team sport#after one practice i was like 'this is not for me' and didn't go back#and i do feel this way during most olympics. but especially after watching a bunch of women's rugby yesterday and today lol#maybe this'll be the year i finally get buff. im realizing that i really need to get regular exercise so im looking for stuff to do#I've enjoyed softball a lot this year and last but it's only in the spring/summer (our season just ended)#i wasn't really able to play last fall bc my work schedule gets crazy in sep/oct and i work some weekends#gyms are so fucking expensive and i really prefer having a structured activity to just free workout time#i've tried a couple of apps (just started using a new one that seems promising) but i can never stick to them as well as a team or class#i gotta figure out what sports run in the winter and where the chiller recreational teams are#i do feel like i lucked out with my softball league. it's not so casual that it's a boozefest but not so competitive that it becomes unfun#some of my softball teammates have talked about doing basketball together and like.#im a good sport im willing to try most things despite being fat and slow but i am Extremely not built for basketball lmao#idk idk. i just turned 30 last week and have started having trouble sleeping in the last few months#regular moderate exercise will not solve all my problems but it will probably help#j rambles
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goldennika · 4 months
this MOA i met at their dome show last year is attending six(!!) stops for their japan leg again this year and on top of that, she already attended all the Seoul shows!!! 🥹
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