#the last part of this reply wasnt aimed at you ofc i meant the anon
jilatos · 11 years
vaporsoul replied to your post: another message to the ‘~...
it isn’t me but i hope they stop because i saw that earlier and they sounded weird. i’m so sorry if it’s getting worse, don’t let it get the best of you dude.
like its ok if someone has a crush on me i just want them to be up front about it. honestly i kinda hate like anon crushes like genuine crushes (its totally ok for someone to say compliments on anon i know how embarrassing it is to just say that kinda stuff!!) but like if youre genuinely digging this person dont skirt the issue just say it up front dont wimp out
but now this person has taken it a little too far with that sorta thing like hey im flattered you think im cute duder but like dont...dont say that. only my friends can say that and its because i know theyre joking but like ..no..
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