#the last hg au was so fun to write i wanna write more
theangrypomeranian · 1 year
not me wanting to write a Hunger Games AU for a ship I don't even ship because I think the premise I came up with is Neat TM
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explosionshark · 4 years
What’s your favorite fandom that you haven’t written for yet?
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So. Vida for sure. It's probably my favorite TV show from the last ten years and I've never written for it - then again I like it so much that I'm pretty satisfied with the show's canon and I'm not super motivated to write fic! Maybe The Devil Wears Prada?? But the fic community there was so good and strong that like I don't even think there's much I could contribute at this point! Happy to just go back and re-read when I want.
Another one I thought of later was Babylon 5, which I might fuck around with someday when I rewatch it - but the fandom for that would be absolutely dead lmao.
Cheating slightly, there's a couple fandoms I've written something for without posting any of the (unfinished) stuff I wrote! I've got an old last of us au (riley/ellie) that I know I'll never finish and a super fun warehouse 13 vampire au (hg/myka) that I'm also not gonna finish.
There's so much I wanna write! Hopefully I can get back into it more this year.
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tamd3sss · 4 years
From: this post
imqod said: i love love how in depth you go here.. id love to hear your thoughts more 🥺 im so intrigued at your comparison of vincent and delchar!!! would love to hear abt it! your analysis makes me wanna replay delirium! i always saw delchar as.. not being able to feel anything for anyone really except for anri who she loves and cares about the most and obviously likes her friends
imqod said: always saw her as.. emotionally numb/empty to everyone she cannot trust, very happy-go-lucky about it though. very carefree about it but is still wary to me.. idk hehe
I have almost no clue to write on tumblr so this may be formatted off (oops!) and also thank you for the reply. Yes! Replay Delirium please!! Just like the other games in Hello Charlotte, and even if Ane made it as a side game AU thing at first it still is... wow. I love the little details in it and it’s easy for the surreal-ness of the meat world to make everything fly over your head.  In regards to how you see delchar: :D! I didn’t cover it well on my last post but yeah she’s very numb to everyone she cannot trust as like a safety mechanism, and her heart resides in the people she considers friends.  She especially loves people like Anri since Anri is honest and open with her! DelChar would appreciate those people the most since she does live in a rather dangerous place. 
Also for the deal with Vincent:
Vincent and DelChar are pretty similar I’d say in where they’re both in bad household situations that contradicts upon itself (”The House is a fun place! Outside of the House is dangerous” -> The House has poisonous gas inside). We don’t know much on Vincent (and we are not supposed to either as it will break the illusion of how we all feel about/see him) Their starting point feels around the same, but for the case of Vincent, he didn’t have a Delirium!Anri with him (someone who is honest and shared equal parts with him) and so he doesn’t learn to get attached to others too (I am aware there’s more to him but I want to focus more on him and delchar’s crossing/diverging points) So then Vincent reaches the point he gets in HG in high school with Charles and I’d say DelChar would hateee him since she stays in her pretty black and white worldview (good (friend) people vs bad (threat) people!) and so she’s not able to really empathize to how he is now. She’d get mad/frustrated to why won’t he open up and be like “Hmmm! I did it, so why can’t you?” (Also mad at how he seems to have bad coping mechanisms) So it’s like looking at a past self but they’re stuck (since DelChar is only seeing one side of him) and then getting AAUURRRRGHHH internally at that but physically walking away and saying “He’s a hopeless case” anyways. if DelChar is able to understand Vincent Fennell and Vincent opens up to her a bit I think they’ll get along (fistfighter and wordsmith woohoo)  I’ll probably expand on this again another time
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