#the last episode and this had moments that weren't hitting at all for me
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kennyomegasweave · 8 months ago
Taem softly but firmly turned down all of Yak's flirting attempts and, quite literally, skipped over to Ohm when he picked her up at the gym. But in the span of two episodes it turns out she actually did have feelings for Yak and Ohm is a nasty creep?
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thanosscross · 2 months ago
hiii are you willing to write thanos x reader during lights out protecting the reader? Would love to see how he would protect someone he cares about!! Thank you for taking the time to read this ^_^ btw I love your fics so much
Of course!! I love it! and thank you so much!! I love all of your guy's support!!
I've got you - Choi Su-Bong/Thanos x reader
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Summary: During mingle and lights out, you realize how far Thanos is willing to go to protect you.
warnings: Thanos being unhinged murder asf
a/n: It's a lil on the short side, but you best bet once we get those last three episodes the Thanos stories will be much much longer
Playing a death game to try and pay off some of your fathers was not on your bingo card for this year, nor was being the obsession of a murderous purple haired psychopath, and yet here you were. Standing on a spinning platform, Thanos's grip on your wrist was way too tight for your liking, but he claimed it needed to be that tight.
"Two Players" The speaker box displayed happily, You were almost knocked off of your feet by Thanos jerking you to the left sprinting towards the room, right as you got into the doorway you were knocked onto your ass, spinning around by the sheer force of the hit. Before you could process anything your jacket was jerked back and you were being slid back into the room along with the guy who knocked into you. "Wha?.." Before you could ask, you flinched hearing the smack of the mans face smacking against the wall repeatedly before the snap of his neck, you looked over in shock seeing the man's dead body, and Thanos standing over him huffing loudly, splatters of blood on his face. "T-Thanos" You whimpered terrified you were next.
Sitting in the room holding your dinner, you watched as Nam-Gyu and Thanos move their mattresses around to be closer, you protested to them moving yours, but Thanos just lifted your mattress moving it close to his. You just sat annoyed until the lights went out, quickly being replaced by strobe lights, you watched as others moved around in the dark attacking others, as you stumbled back to try and hide, you back into a body that quickly held you in place, feeling rough long fingernails dig into your sides, you immediately knew it wasn't Thanos, struggling desperately, you heard a disgusting squelch noise, and the grip on your arms fell, turning around in shock trying to back you back into another person, this time their grip a lot gentle on your arms holding you place, as the body fell you saw Thanos standing behind the man holding a fork. Your leader grabbed you quickly holding you his chest as he walked you to their base they had set up hidden the best you could in a wide open area.
You hands shook, flinching anytime you heard a noise getting closer, why weren't the guards coming to help? Why were they just letting this happen, as you watched someone slowly creep closer you covered your mouth, trying your best to alert one of the guys standing in front of you of the person. You watched as the younger male, the one who Thanos had called a 'crypto-bitch' charged him head on, he grunted as they both went down, struggling against each other, Your breathing picked up as you watched Thanos struggle for a moment before planting his hands around his neck, you sat frozen, realizing getting away from this man was going to be impossible in the future. You watched as Thanos stood up smirking "Stupid bitch" He spat before turning to look at you "Beauty flower" He stated as he rushed over, cupping your cheeks with his hands, the same hands who just choked the life out of a man, he hugged you tightly before taking your hands in his "You're okay, I took care of it" He whispered pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, you just shook like a leaf against his hug "Are you cold? Nam-Su! Give me your jacket!" He shouted reaching behind him to his friend "It's Nam-Gyu" You corrected him, making the man behind your leader smile sheepishly, earning you a jealous glare from Thanos. As he was handed the extra jacket he tossed it down putting his jacket on you first, and then Nam-Gyu's jacket, you tried to relax in the warmth as Thanos held you close to him, repeatedly telling you he'd never let one of thanos's girls get hurt.
Whenever the lights came back on, you were quick to lay on the floor, trying to stay calm as a guard had their gun trained on you, before you could process anything there was gunfire, thinking you were about to die you let out a sob, not realizing until player 456 started shouting that it was players fighting back. Going to stand up and volunteer Thanos was quick to yank you to the floor "Are you stupid, senorita?" He asked, you frowned a bit, you weren't sensitive, but through the games you'd like to say that you turned to value whatever Thanos thought of you, sadly. "N-No, I just wanted to help" You mumbled "No! You'll stay here and follow the rules to avoid being killed!" He demanded not losing his grip on you. You sat on the stairs for the rest of the night, Thanos's arms tightly wrapped around you as you watched Dae-ho rush in to get ammo packs before hiding, it was only a few minutes after that whenever the guards rushed in, shouting to get on the floor again, Thanos helped you lay flat the best you could before doing the same, you frowned looking over to meet his eyes "I've got you" He whispered grabbing your hand squeezing it tightly.
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yelenasdiary · 10 months ago
WandaNat yelling at each other over their last mission and reader having a ptsd episode (sudden loud noises, combat or abusive ex?)? Maybe reader goes black out for a few hours and wakes up in the forest outside the compound and WandaNat are trying to find her? Super angst to fluff? If thats okay 🤧
Notice Me
Pairing: WandaNat x Fem! Reader
Summary: When your girlfriends get into a heated argument, it triggers an episode for you, leaving the women to find you alone in the woods by the compound. 
Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of PTSD, Mentions of an Abusive Ex, Hints of Domestic Violence, | 1.3K
Translations: Detka (baby),
AC: Thank you for sending this, I hope I did okay! Please don’t read this if you’re uncomfortable with the mentioned topics. Enjoy! x
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The back-and-forth yelling coming from the hall only seemed to get louder as your girlfriends, Wanda, and Natasha, had just returned from a mission. You were reading a book, completely relaxed, and enjoying the quietness to read when you heard the familiar voices. Wanda opened the door to the shared bedroom, Natasha following close behind her. You looked up from your book and smiled softly at the women, but they didn't seem to have even noticed you laying on the bed in one of Nat's sweaters. 
"What should I have done huh?" Wanda snapped, throwing her coat over the office chair by the desk. 
"Oh, I don't know, maybe wait for your team?!" Natasha argued, "Wands, you have powers that others don't have but that doesn't mean you get to put yourself in a life-or-death situation!" The red head added. Wanda rolled her eyes, "do you really want to talk about life-or-death situations? Because you seem to throw yourself into the line of fire at the first chance you get!" Wanda rose her voice. 
"I'm trained to do so!" Natasha argued back, tossing her bag to the floor. The loud thud of her bag hitting the floor made you jump; she didn't care for her weapons that were inside. 
"Guys" you tried to interrupt before things escalated but it was too late. Wanda's eyes flashed with red chaos before she used her magic to slam the door closed, another loud thud that only drew you closer to an episode. "Guys, please!" You begged over their yelling voices but still, it was like you weren't even there.
The arguing continued until eventually, you couldn't take it anymore. Their tones got stronger, the slamming of things down got louder until everything went black as you left the room. 
"Wands, have you seen Y/n?" Nat asked when Wanda came out of the bathroom in her comfortable clothing and her hair wrapped in a towel. Wanda shook her head, "I haven't seen her, not even when we got back but then again th-"
"Please don't start now" Natasha sighed, "Nobody has seen Y/n since lunch when she said she was going to come here and wait for us" she added, her tone of voice full of worry. Wanda looked to the bed and saw your opened book on the bed and your empty plate from lunch on the bedside table. She used her magic to take her back to the argument she had hours before with Natasha, "oh god" she spoke under her breath. 
"What?" Natasha asked, "what is it?" 
"We're selfish idiots, that's what! Get your coat, we have to find her" she replied.
Natasha grabbed her coat and met Wanda downstairs. Wanda could see the amount of worry and concern on Natasha's face, she took a moment to give her partner some comfort. "Nat, we'll find her and it'll be okay" she assures the widow but all this is a little too close to home for Nat. 
"I can't lose her" Natasha broke.
"I know darling, we'll find her" Wanda wiped the rolling tear that Natasha had let go.
Wanda asked some of the others to join the search to find you, you didn't take your phone and Natasha noticed you left without your shoes on. Wanda tried her best to use her magic to find you, but something was blocking your mind from allowing her to do so. 
Everybody broke up into small groups of two. Tony and Bruce started by car, driving around the surrounding neighborhood and closest stores. Steve and Thor searched the compound and surrounding areas while Natasha and Wanda searched the woods close by. It was only getting darker by the minute; the cold air began to get cold which only made every bodies worry and concern for your well-being even stronger. 
"Wands! Over here" Natasha called out when she noticed footprints in the softened dirt. Wanda rushed to Nat's side, "this way, come on" Nat added. The two called out your name over and over as they walked deeper and deeper into the darkness of the woods. 
"Nat, maybe we call Steve and get him to fly the jet over" Wanda suggested but Natasha shook her head, "the loudness will only make things worse" she reminded Wanda. 
As the two tried their best to keep track of your footprints in the dirty, they heard the loud crunches of leaves up ahead. Natasha signaled to Wanda to pause their movements in-case it was a wild animal but instead, it was you. Stumbling out of the trees only for Natasha to catch you in her arms as you fell. 
"Y/n! are you okay?" Natasha asked, brushing your hair from your face. Wanda rushed quickly to your side as Nat handed you to her before taking off her coat and instantly covering you in it to warm you up. "E-everything….it….y-ou" you stuttered, "shh, it's okay darling. You're safe now" Wanda pulled you closer to her, placing a kiss on the top of your head as your sobs became clear. 
Wanda used her powers to levitate you back to the compound, not wanting to keep you out in the cold any longer. When Natasha got to your shared room, the two of them forgot about their argument and ran you a warm bath, they bathed you and helped you into your favorite pjs because making sure you were comfortable in bed. 
"Detka, what happened?" Natasha asked in a soft tone. You looked over at her, your eyes filled with tears and mind filled with worry that you might have angered your girlfriends. "It's okay love, you talk to us" Wanda chipped in. 
You took a moment to gather your feelings before you spoke, "You guys didn't even notice I was in here, you both came in yelling and slamming doors and when I tried to get between it, you both just didn't seem to notice me. I hid under the covers to try and drown out the yelling but some of the things you both said to one another just triggered me…" you explained with a pause, "everything just went back after Wanda said 'you know better' in that tone you had" you added, looking over at Wanda. 
Natasha took you into her arms, "I'm so sorry detka, we promise never to let this happen again" she spoke, her hand rubbing up and down on your back. Wanda couldn't shake the terror in your eyes when she held you in the woods, she was quickly reminded of the fear you once had with your ex whom the women saved you from, she never, ever wanted to make you feel like that again. 
"How about I fix us some hot coco and we watch whatever movie you like?" Wanda suggested, wanting to light the mood and help you forget about this afternoon. You looked up at Wanda and nodded, "can I please have double whipped cream?" You asked. Both of your girlfriends chuckled at your request, "is that even a question?" Wanda smiled before leaning over and pecking a soft kiss on your cheek, "anything you want darling" she whispered. 
When Wanda came back with the three mugs of hot coco, the three of you curled up in bed and watched your favorite movie of all time. You were in the middle, Natasha to your left and Wanda to your right, both of them resting their heads on your shoulder. It wasn't long until you started to feel okay once again and the fear from their argument faded away as you drifted off to sleep before the end credits rolled on the screen. Wanda tucked you in and placed a kiss on your forehead before Natasha did the same. 
"Date night tomorrow? I think we could with some time away from work" Wanda whispered, "I couldn't agree more!" Natasha smiled before the two shared a kiss.
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fangirl-writes · 21 days ago
JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
Warning(s): Kissing, weed smoking, no swearing in this one surprisingly.
Request: Hi! I notice you haven't posted in while, so it's chill if you don't get to this request. I just really like your fics. I was wondering if you could write a JJ Maybank x Reader from the perspective of the Charleston episode in season 2? I was thinking J and reader are in a relationship already, and most of it's just them talking and bantering with Pope and Kie, and maybe cuddling/giggling/kissing on/in the truck? I think it'd be cute! Love your stuff!
Notes: This was fun. Usually these fics have more of the actual plot going on that I have to weave in and out of, but this one I was able to keep it to the one scene or so scene that was requested.
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There were a lot of worse situations to be in.
Sitting in the back of Pope's dad's truck on the ferry on your way to Charleston and passing a blunt back and forth with JJ was pretty good, all things considered.
Pope and Kie were perched on the tailgate while you and JJ's backs were against the window.
"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" JJ said.
"You talking to me or the weed?" you joked.
"Oh, you're beautiful, too, baby," JJ joked back, blowing his smoke in your face.
You laughed, shoving him and stealing the blunt from between his fingers.
"Asshole," you said, affectionately.
"Can you two focus?" Pope said, frowning. "We're trying to clear John B.'s name here. And right now this letter's our best bet."
"Right. Stay on task," JJ said as you discreetly passed the blunt to Kiara. "That's why I love ya, Pope."
Kie took a hit before standing up and handing it to him. "Which Pope you gonna be today?"
Pope considered it for a moment, eyes darting between the blunt and Kiara's face. "I'm good."
He shifted back a little, folding his hands.
"I'm gonna try to stay focused."
"Good Pope," Kiara said, disappointedly taking another hit before passing you back the joint.
"Boring Pope," you joked.
"I'll take that," JJ said, reaching for the joint that you quickly pulled out of his reach.
Pope threw his legs over the side of the truck and hopped out of the bed, leaning against the side as you dangled it above JJ's head.
"Sit, boy! Speak!" you said.
"Arf!" JJ responded, biting at the joint like a dog vying for a treat.
You laughed, allowing him to grab it and scratching behind his ear playfully. "Good boy!"
"You two are disgusting," Kiara said, laying down on her back in the bed of the truck with her feet propped up on the side.
"You're just jealous," JJ said, inhaling deeply and opening his mouth to let the smoke fly out.
"Right, that's it," Kiara said, sarcastically, taking the joint and another hit.
JJ leaned over and began whispering in your ear, biting at your ear lobe a little, making you giggle.
"C'mon, baby, give me a kiss," JJ said, puckering his lips at you.
You and JJ were never shy about being affectionate, sometimes to the point of grossing the other pogues out if you got a little too lost in it.
But you were proud of your relationship with JJ and weren't afraid to show everyone who he belonged to.
Especially when tourons or kooks would leer at him at parties.
It was nice to walk up to JJ and kiss him square on the mouth and watch those other girls' jaws drop when JJ practically turned into a puddle at your feet.
You pecked his lips.
"Just because you've been such a good boy," you said, giggling.
Kiara was practically asleep and Pope had taken off on a walk somewhere, so you allowed JJ to kiss you a little harder for a moment.
"If you two are gonna suck face, could you at least have the decency to do it inside the truck?" Kiara asked, eyes still closed.
You snorted, pulling away from JJ with a laugh.
JJ smirked. "If we did that, you might not want to get back in it later."
You laughed harder and Kiara made a disgusted face before kicking JJ with her foot.
The bliss wouldn't last.
As always, the pogues encountered a bump in their road.
More specifically, Pope's dad's truck's radiator blew and they had to one: get it towed, two: get it fixed, and three: find someplace to crash for the night.
Which ended up being an empty patch of grass where they could park the truck and sleep in the bed.
Thankfully, Pope's dad kept the thing practically stuffed with blankets and towels you could lay out for a…reasonably comfortable sleep.
It wasn't a memory foam mattress or anything, but it wasn't so bad.
You cuddled up to JJ, laying your head on his chest and he put an arm around you.
"Looks like it's slumming it for you and me again, huh?" JJ mumbled, sliding his cap over his eyes.
You hummed. "Well, anything's better than that time you convinced me to sleep in the tree by John B.'s house. I had bark marks for a week."
"Yeah, that was my bad," JJ admitted, smiling a little.
"Doesn't beat the hammock, though," you said.
JJ hummed.
The hammocks that hung around the trees of the chateau were your and JJ's favorite cuddle spot, where you snuck out to whenever you could.
No funny business could go on in them though, unless you wanted to end up face down in the dirt…which may or may not have happened a time or two.
…What? Sometimes the two of you just can't keep your hands to yourselves.
You yawned.
"Good night everyone," Pope said, lying down.
You and JJ shared a look as Kiara leaned over and kissed Pope on the cheek.
"Good night," she said.
You snuggled a little closer to JJ and he tucked you carefully in his arms before closing his eyes and letting sleep take him.
"Wonder where John B. and Sarah are right now," he said, before finally drifting off.
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remember-the-fanfics · 1 year ago
Hai, so um I really like the Gen-Z overlord Reader, bc well they are basically me, if you are able/want to can you make some possible angst headcanons? Like how they miss home or their friends
Just Before the pilot episode
I'm trying so hard to have a timeline, everything is connected! I just have it in no order.
This is shorter than usual.
• You would have so many things to be sad about
• Like how you could never live your life before you died
• Missing all your friends because they'll (hopefully) get to grow old
• Your family grieving over your life being taken to soon.
• Older sibling never got to see you truly become an adult without your parents
• Younger sibling missing you, who just got them in a way where they could annoy you but you would still protect them afterwards.
• Parents/Guardian losing their child way to soon.
• You usually avoid those thoughts, having to do be someone strong daily for the people you protect.
• You already had time to mourn the future you never got and everyone you miss when you weren't an Overlord.
• So pushing your grief all the way down inside to never see the light of day.
"Haha, nope."
• Until you seeing or smell something like home and it hits you, hard.
• Then you're back being a child, who just wants their parents to comfort them from a nightmare.
• You're with Angel Dust, Vaggie, and Charlie. Doing an exercise that Charlie ropped you into.
• When something of the moment of true trust reminds you of home.
• The last place it was completely given so freely.
• Angel Dust nugges you saying it was your turn again.
• Before realizing you had tears that started stream down your face.
• He tried to cheer you up with a joke
"Didn't think the exercise was that bad."
• Didn't work for the most part.
• You were laughing, while crying. Creepied him out and got the others attention.
• You just wanted to go home, back to the people you care about.
• But you could never go back, you were dead.
• Why does it feel so unfair that you died before you actually got to live.
• Getting up while everyone was asking you if you were alright
"Ha ha, no."
• Heading to your room because you didn't want to drag everyone else's mood down with you.
• Only to be stop by Angel Dust, who knows how you feel about missing your family but not understanding that your grief about missing your life.
"I didn't get to live my life, Angel! I died less than two months after I turned 18, I still lived with my parents! My family and friends had to bury me, I have to wait while everyone I know get to live."
• Angel Dust did not know you were that young.
• This is the first time most of them saw you be more than just chaotic.
• Heading to your room to be alone finally
• After you got your emotions back inside because you are still needed by many people.
• Avoided Charlie for awhile because she wanted you to talk about your feelings
• Then Vaggie when Charlie got sad about it.
• You stayed away from the hotel for a week, wanting stayat your territory for the extermination any way.
• Texts Charlie and Vaggie, that you would be back afterwards.
• Charlie texting you about an interview she has the day after.
• Vaggie texts you to stay safe until then.
• Missing your family from life and realizing that you made your own type of family-friendship in hell.
• Not having time to process it when you see an explosion from a far and you know who would be there and rushing there to make sure they'll be okay.
And that leads you into the whole being there when Carmilla killed an exorcist.
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aniseya · 8 months ago
“He has to be a witness to what she finds out about herself. It was very important that she had her own agency and that she made this decision independently of him. But I agree, him witnessing it draws them together so much more. So, it went: buffoon, terrifying villain, seductive possible teacher, and then romantic lead. [Laughs] So, I had to find somebody who could play all four characters — buffoon, murderer, a gentle teacher, and then as a romantic lead. You can imagine as I'm writing this, I'm just like, “Who the fuck are we gonna get for this part? Who is going to be able to do this?”
“But I think the way that you see The Stranger and Osha almost immediately Yin and Yang-ing, there's also an argument to be made there.”
“Actually, in earlier drafts, The Stranger had a line from that movie, which is, "I have crossed oceans of time to find you." A lot of Gothic romances were referenced - Jane Eyre, Rochester and sort of the Byronic hero for those two.”
“I was sort of struggling with what the last moment was. I was kind of struggling with it. It was very important that they feel like equals. It was very important that they felt, honestly, like a power couple. I didn't think he should kiss her because, while he's earned her respect, she's earned his, he's earned her allegiance, and she's earned his, I don't know if he has earned that level of intimacy with her. There have been displays of intimacy, but it felt like they weren't there yet. And so I said, “What's a kiss but not a kiss?” [Laughs] I was like, “I’m sorry, I can't think of something.” And the actors came up with holding the lightsaber together, and as soon as that happened, Hanelle [Culpepper], the director of that episode, set up this gorgeous shot. I realized, I was like, “Oh my god, this is the end of Fight Club, and I'm obsessed!” The last line of that movie is, “You met me at a very strange time in my life.” [Laughs] It just didn't feel like we were quite there.”
“Oh, yeah! Again, they’re Sith. It's a different vibe. To me, it's gonna hit different because of their allegiance and who they are. So, yes, it is framed as romantic, but I do think, again, it's not gonna turn out great. I think if he's training her, “One to hold the power, one to crave it.” So they're starting off as equals, but what's gonna happen? Like in Romeo and Juliet, it's amazing because right at the beginning they're like, “Okay, these two die. Let's start the play.” As you're watching this incredible love story unfold, and it's one of the most beautifully iconic plays ever written, in the back of your mind, you're like, “This is not going to turn out well.”
“I want to clarify: They are not necessarily doomed or destined to fail as a team. But the Sith rule of two denotes a power imbalance. Which clearly, due to the final shot, is not their relationship. Also, Plagueis complicates their journey as Sith, because we know his apprentice is eventually Palpatine. They will not defeat him.”
— leslye headland about oshamir for collider
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yesihaveaobsession · 7 months ago
Let Me Help You
Alastor x female!huntress reader
Summary: The reader (you) are one of those who defeated the apocalypse back on Earth, Charlie asks you to go down to help with the Extermination, but in the end, you end up helping Alastor patch up after he's weak.
A/N- this was a small request of the huntress! reader being a part of Extermination Day, but I thought y'all would want wounded Al and one on one with him (I would), ALSO sorry this took like a million year to put out I was moving :).
Requested by @redamancyardor (hope you like!)
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You were a huntress who had stopped the Apocalypse back on Earth. Your well-known presence led to Princess Charlie asking you to come down to the Pride Ring to help with Extermination Day. Knowing she was stressed about it, you decided to help, and that's where you are now.
Before you knew it, it was over. Although Adam was gone, the hotel was in shambles, and the structure was crushed. Charlie's precious hotel was demolished. You were covered in dirt and blood, wiping the sweat off your forehead, and looking around to see Charlie's heart was crushed. That's when you realized that Alastor was missing.
The huntress skills you possessed helped you maneuver through the rubble of the once-standing hotel. Taking a second to catch your breath, you weren't in the best of shape at that very moment. You caught sight of the familiar silhouette of Alastor's radio tower, with splotches of a blood trail leading to the trapdoor of the only thing still standing. Pushing it open, you saw Alastor alive.
His usually immaculate suit was torn, blood trickled from a wound, and he looked disheveled. Despite all of that, a smile haunted his face, even if it wanted to leave. He was leaning on the control panel, and you saw his shoulders rise and fall, his claws gripping and clawing through the panel. The ends of his hair were as sharp as knives. His usual manic glee was gone. The Alastor you knew was gone.
"Alastor?" you whispered, mainly to yourself but loud enough for him to hear. He turned around to face you. You were already in the tower completely, and the trap door was closed beneath you, but you dared to take a step back as the Radio Demon took a step towards you. His red eyes glowed in the dim red lighting of Pride Ring's sky.
"What a delightful surprise," he mused with his radio filter off. He tried taking another step, but he clutched his chest where a big gash was and bent over, closing his eyes and furrowing his eyebrows. You wasted no time to drop your angel blade that you had possessed; the huntress instincts kicked in. He was really weak.
"You're hurt," you said, stepping closer to examine his injuries, mainly the large gash that was hard to miss, even from a mile away.
"Nonsense," he replied, waving a hand dismissively. "It's just a scratch."
You furrowed your eyebrows and gave him a once-over, concerned for his well-being. You then gave him a stern look. "Let me patch you up."
"I assure you I am able to—" You cut him off.
"Let me help you," you spoke.
Before he could argue more, you draped his long arm over your shoulder and gently had Alastor lean against the wall of his tower. He was breathing heavily. His grin remained, but you could see the pain in his eyes. "Easy now, don't rush it," you said calmly. Kneeling to his level and pulling out a mini first aid kit you had in your pocket, you knew it wasn't going to be much help, but it might do until Alastor was less weak.
He tried to insist he was fine once again, but you silenced him with a glare. You got up and looked around his radio tower, obviously searching for something specific. "What is it, my dear?" he asked breathlessly as the cold air hit his wound.
"You got any hard liquor?" you asked, out of the ordinary. It surprised him, but he loosely pointed to a mini cabinet on one end of the room. You nodded and retrieved a rich whiskey, feeling a bit bad about how you were going to use it, but you had no other choice. You made your way back over to him, knelt down again, and uncapped the whiskey. Slowly pushing his torn suit jacket off as gently as possible to avoid hurting him, he still winced, and you whispered an apology.
Looking him straight in the eyes, you said, "This is going to sting for a few seconds, brace yourself." He let out a small nod and shifted. You gently poured some of the hard liquor onto the gash to clean out the bacteria in the open wound. You had learned this the hard way after a rough werewolf hunt, but it worked. Alastor hissed through his teeth, and his breathing grew heavier as the whiskey did its thing.
You decided to stitch him up because he wasn't healed yet. He watched with a mixture of amusement and admiration. "You know, you're quite the enigma," he remarked as you worked. "A fierce huntress with a healer's touch."
You looked up at him, his eyes meeting yours directly. His eyes were hooded, and he still had a strained smile. You smiled at him, "Yeah, well, I learned this the hard way," you said, then with a small smile, you shrugged teasingly. "Someone has to keep you in one piece." You looked back down at your task, preparing to bandage him, but he pushed your hand away. His hand glowed with his green voodoo color, and he was able to heal himself. You watched in amazement. You noticed that you were healed too. Lifting up your shirt to see you had not a scratch or bruise on you, you then lowered it back down and looked into his eyes again.
"And for that, I am eternally grateful," he smiled. As you stepped back, you felt a sense of satisfaction. Despite the chaos of Extermination Day, you had managed to protect your friends and keep Alastor safe. The fight was far from over, but you knew that with allies like him, you could face whatever Hell threw your way.
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campbenji · 9 months ago
*JWCT SPOILERS* very messy first thoughts
OH BOY here we go
-ben and darius's dynamic was epic. the hug. the roadtrip scenes. "is your friend okay?" "no 😊". ben getting darius out of his isolation cabin and darius grounding him in ep2. the parallels with s3ep7. "you kiss your mother with that mouth?" i'm gonna be thinking about that scene for days. their ship is still a swim to me but please they better keep whatever the fuck they have going on in s2 because it's fucking wonderful
-i love that they took the chance to give more light to duos we didn't see much in jwcc. teamups we didn't often see like ben and sammy, THE B-DUO, and darius and sammy got very special moments here
-the amount of pictures/videos from the six years in between??? the brooklynn flashbacks??? we were so well fed
-BRAND!!!!!! i got so happy when i heard him the first episode, he's clearly been checking on his brother and i'm glad he's ok
-bowman family FEAST. brand and darius talking over the phone. the pictures on the cabin. kenji saying he calls mrs. bowman once a week and all the nice things he said about her. the whole mess between kenji and darius. "we're brothers, right?" i died dead. i love this family your honor
-sammy. she's got so much going on and we desperately need to talk about it. i'm so worried about her, she's desperately trying to avoid confronting what happened with brooklynn, with yaz and her own trauma, and then they casually dropped on us that her family isn't speaking to her and never elaborated on that?? sammy, who's love and care for her family was her biggest motivation in jwcc?? i need to know what happened because it must've been big
-mateo!! i liked him a lot, he definitely doesn't want to get into any of this mess but still dabbles around a bit to help the kids, which i respect. also i hope we get to meet his daughter hiraya, she sounds really cool
-MS MICROBANGS (or the handler, or whatever name we're calling her). what is her deal. who is she working for. she's so uncanny, literally almost robotic i need to know more about her
-brookenji over i cheered. don't take this personally i've never been a fan of this ship and a part of me knew they weren't going to last long
-the animation increased in quality so much. the scene after ben, yaz and sammy get out of the sinking van is so well done it's so pretty to look at. and the t-rex with the explosion behind her? it reminds me so much of toro in the tunnels in s1ep8, and i haven't tested this out but i feel like if you put them one next to the other the improvement would be so noticeable.
-also related to the point above: that thing when a character's eyes start filling up with tears but they don't cry just yet? 10/10. chef's fucking kiss
-sure jwct has the same tv-y7 rating as jwcc, but from minute 1 it's obvious it's not the same audience they're talking to. it's not a big change in tone, like for example adventure time/distant lands/fionna and cake, but it's there, you can tell they know it's not little kids watching anymore
-BUMPY IS HAVING A BABY BUMPY IS A MOM NOW they had me shit scared for her and then they pulled a freaking egg my heart was literally pounding. anyways i hope they get both bumpy and the egg somewhere safe and that they name the new anky "speckles" (i've gotten so attached to that name in the last 24 hours it's insane)
-YASAMMY THE QUEENS THAT YOU ARE. their relationship was stellar this season, i was scared when i saw that they were apart but their issues felt organic to their relationship and i just love how they were written in the show, they are still so in love with each other and i can't wait to see where they go next season. they're everything to me
-yeah they were apart for half the season but. benji crumbs. the egg cradle scene. kenji helping ben after he got hit with the stun gun. basically all they did was act like they knew each other but idc. we are so back.
-the brooklynn reveal was... meh?? it could've been more rewarding if they waited until s2 to reveal she's still alive, but at least i hope they take their time before reuniting her with the rest of the camp fam. also i can't believe ppl even guessed what arm she was going to lose y'all have prophetic powers or smth
-bringing daniel back to kill him the same episode was an insane move btw. i would've normally complained but it's all worth it for causing the panic attack scene in ep7. kenji's reaction felt so genuine, i'm forever in awe at how well this show writes grief and trauma
-i'm so conflicted about darius's confession. i like dinostar, but i feel like it wasn't needed for darius to be in love with brooklynn to explain the voicemails and the way he was dealing with her death. she was one of his closest friends, his grief made sense even with them being platonic. on the other hand, i love how he admitted it to kenji and the fact they didn't turn it into a huge fight between them; also, "i didn't know i could even feel that way" aroace/acespec darius truthers never lose
-maybe it's just that i need to rewatch, but i'm lost as to where they're going next season?? i know they're getting on a boat but where does that go?? what are they trying to do?? there's so much happening my head is spinning
-ben... he kind of felt like the comic relief for most of the show, the first episodes showed him as being really paranoid again and struggling with being alone, but halfway through the season they just sort of forgot about it?? idk something was off
-bring back kenji's old latin spanish va idk who this guy is but that is not kenji i can't do this. i'll survive the loss of ryan potter but i won't survive this
anyways yeah i think those are most of my uncooked thoughts, overall i really liked the season, i can't believe we got to see the kids again this is still so unreal to me
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gavillain · 4 months ago
So a LOT happened in this two parter, so I'm just gonna hit the major points in order...
So despite my thinking that two of the Salem Seven survived because of the number of sword fall sounds last episode, they are apparently all dead. Which, y'know what, I don't mind. They weren't really meant to be actual characters, mostly just Nazgul-esque opponents to add some extra stakes, and having Lilia successful destroy them all with her sacrifice is the most earned ending for them.
When we get to the final trial, it's more or less the three remaining witches stuck in a room having to resolve their purposes on the Road. For Jen, we had her unbinding herself and the reveal that Agatha was the one who bound her. Admittedly, I kinda feel like that reveal was underdone, and it mostly just seemed like a quick asspull to resolve Jen's storyline at the eleventh hour. However, I really felt for Jen and the catharsis of unbinding herself, so I can't complain too terribly much.
Secondly, we resolve Billy's ambitions to restore Tommy, and this one, I was generally more favorable about than Jen's. Billy basically helped put Tommy into the body of another boy who died prematurely, one who was being drowned in an apparently very toxic environment. In the comics, Tommy was in and out of juvie all his life, and the Young Avengers find him in a supermax prison because of his powers. So, I'm assuming Thomas Shepherd, the boy whose body Billy hijacks, is in juvie or some correctional facility, and that's where we're gonna pick up with him in Vision Quest. Also, Agatha's line about "sometimes boys just die" was a fucking ARROW TO THE HEART, especially with the backstory in the following episode.
Then for Agatha, she completes the road's test by growing a sapling that she finds in her locket holding Nicholas's hair and emerges from the road back in Westview, where Rio is waiting for her. And DAMN was the final battle against Rio one of the coolest in Marvel. With Billy going FULL Wiccan mode and Agatha siphoning off his power but not enough to kill him. It was your standard Marvel final battle, but I really enjoyed the spectacle of it and how insurmountable of a foe Rio felt like. Agatha almost betraying Billy so that she can live but then changing her mind and sacrificing her life for his was such a powerful moment of full circle for her. After everything she's done to other witches and to Billy's own mother, for her to finally embrace death (and LITERALLY embrace the kiss of Death) was super powerful and showed how the road genuinely did change her. Personally, I usually hate redemption arcs, but this one, I actually really liked and supported because it wasn't about Agatha giving up her sense of self to be someone else, it was about making a choice out of love in the moment. I thought it was a beautiful way to resolve the story, and I was wondering what the heck else they were going to do with the last episode.
And then we got the reveal that I saw a few people guessing that Billy created the Witches' Road and that Agatha had never been on it, and I think that was a really well deserved reveal that hit for me exactly as it was intended. I loved that Billy created it because he has "the same tell" as Wanda with WandaVision. He made this grand fantasy adventureland, and that's SO cool! He, too, apparently is capable of spontaneous creation like Wanda, and I'm curious how they're going to tie this in with the MCU lore about the Scarlet Witch. In the comics, Billy is the Demiurge, and I'm interested in finding out if Marvel is going to bring in that concept or if they're going to do something new with the prophecy of Scarlet Witch. Maybe a secret hidden verse to the prophecy? We saw Billy's statue in Mount Wundagore in Multiverse of Madness, so maybe old Chthon knew a lil' somethin' else. I also liked the reveal that the Witches Road was a con that Agatha used to lure unsuspecting witches into giving her their powers. That was clever, as was the way that it tied in with her backstory.
SPEAKING OF, that backstory with Nicholas Scratch was the most heartbreaking thing, and I loved every minute of it. Her bond with Nicholas and the way that she showed genuine humanity to him was a side to Agatha we only saw the periphery of in her relationship with Billy, so seeing it fully realized was SO powerful and so well done. Rio giving her a good seven(ish?) extra years with Nicholas also speaks volumes because in Rio's mind, she was doing Agatha a HUGE favor that violated the cosmic order and to some extent, she DID because it showed Agatha a purpose beyond just power. However, it also probably hurt her worse than just taking Nicholas upon birth. She gave Agatha years to love and get attached to her son, and that, I'm sure, made the wound of losing him that much deeper (and Kathryn Hahn's acting with those screams of anguish upon finding Nicky dead were SOUL CRUSHING - she KILLED it). So, yeah, interesting that it was such a double edged sword. I also thought the twist that Nicholas and Agatha wrote the Ballade together as their little song and it eventually spread because of him singing it to other witches was REALLY clever and REALLY powerful.
And, finally, Agatha is back as a ghost, and she's sticking around Billy as his spirit guide/mentor, which I really like. I'm sure some people are going to take umbrage at Marvel cheating death again, but this is a show that racked up bodies of major characters left and right, and Agatha being dead and a spirit I'm sure is going to have big changes for her and her power and characterization going forward. Plus from Evanora Harkness, it's an established part of the lore. So, for me, it works, and I like it. I also like the touch of her looking more like her comics counterpart with gray hair in ghost form, and I'm honestly REALLY excited to see Billy and Agatha as a dynamic duo continue on in future Marvel properties.
Overall, I LOVED Agatha All Along. It was an incredible journey, and it was the most I've enjoyed a Marvel property in awhile. I feel optimistic about the future of this particular corner of the MCU, and I'm so glad I got to go with everyone down the Witches Road :)
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theawkwardanglophile · 9 months ago
Ranking The Rookie's season finales
I tried to be fairly objective, but yeah, that didn't really happen. Oh well, here we go!
6) SEASON 2 (The Hunt): When this first aired, it felt like huge stakes and was so stressful, but now, it just doesn't hit as well. I hate Armstrong was a dirty cop. Nolan was just acting dumb in this ep (shocker, I know). 😂 I didn't like Tim's sudden change of heart to make things work long-distance with Rachel, although we all know how that worked out. So yeah, it goes in last place.
5) SEASON 1 (Free Fall): They definitely weren't going as big with the finales yet, although this is a great Chenford episode, and there was a little cliffhanger with whether Tim would be ok. I wasn't as invested with the show yet when this aired. Tim was still my least fave character at the time, and I almost didn't come back for S2. I'm so glad I did, though!
4) SEASON 6 (Escape Plan): I might feel differently over time ranking it here, but for now, this is where it lands. It was...good, I guess. The truck scene was *chef's kiss*. But SO MANY VILLAINS. I couldn't keep up because every two minutes there was a new name or new character. I still don't know how it ties back to the beginning of S6. 🤷‍♀️ And while I never expected Chenford to get back together here, I'm still sad they're broken up in the first place. The elevator scene was sort of hopeful, but I think we deserved a little bit more.
3) SEASON 4 (Day in the Hole): If it wasn't for the insanely boring Nolan desert plot that went on FOREVER, this one would be higher. Because the Dim & Juicy doppelganger plot was the most delightfully unhinged story they've created, and it was so much fun. And our very first Chenford kiss! That kiss saved my summer that year. I had butterflies for weeks, and was just so giddy.
2) SEASON 3 (Threshold): This is how you do a season finale. I love this ep so much. Lots of high stakes. I loved the flirting scene. And even though I've never been crazy about Lucy being UC, she does an incredible job throughout the ep. I love Tim being Man of Honor and trying to save Angela's wedding. And of course, SAVE ME A DANCE. GEEZ, that scene is everything. 🫠 Then Angela being kidnapped at the end as the cliffhanger. I literally threw a pillow at the tv when this ep ended because those last few minutes were just SO MUCH.
1) SEASON 5 (Under Siege): This one has the highest stakes out of any of the finales, and a huge cliffhanger. So many scary moments for the squad, especially not knowing if Aaron would be ok. Tim and Lucy's hug was beautiful, as all of theirs are, and their fight scene was incredible. "I'm happy it's you at my six." ❤️ This finale just feels the most cohesive, and it works really well.
I'd love to know your rankings, too!
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annakie · 8 months ago
Okay so I just finished season 2 of Prodigy.
I woke up early this morning and got a few episodes in.
I WFH so I worked all morning getting shit done, and then watched at lunch, and then my normal Monday afternoon work is work that can easily be done while multitasking watching things, so I actually got a ton of work done while watching straight through the afternoon and finished the last 5 or so episodes after work/dinner.
I posted a few posts today with some thoughts but hey let's make it more coherent.
Heavy spoilers!
I loved this season so, so much from start to finish. It somehow never felt like there was a lull. Every episode either did something interesting or pushed the story forward in an important way.
So many shows do that "one story in a long season" thing and the show really suffers for it in the middle, especially. But I, personally, never felt that, even when they were taking diversions like getting Zero a body, that and the Tribble episodes might have been the "slowest" and still, I really enjoyed those.
Digging deep into the tropes and finding something new.
And the arc actually came together so well and nothing felt forced. It was a complex arc, too. So many moving parts, and it would have been easy to lose some threads and let things drop, but it actually felt like every element was important and it all tied together nicely.
They did a great job giving recaps where needed to reinforce what was going on in the storyline and why they were doing what they were doing, which was appreciated. I never felt lost. No arc felt like it dragged on too long.
Everyone got their moments to shine. Some of the characters had more of an arc in the season, like Zero, and some had less, like Jankum, but no one felt left behind from the main cast. I think it would have been easy, especially with adding in a new major character to the group, Ma'jel, but they really made her fit in. I especially love that they used Wesley to help cement her part in the group.
And yeah, the cast was huge. Seven main "kids" now. Janeway, Chakotay, Wesley, and the Doctor all felt like main cast throughout the season, plus Ascencia, Dreadnok, Ilthuran, Tysess and Noum... the cast is huge but everyone had a place. With 20 episodes they had some time to breathe, and I loved that.
The kids each had a lesson to learn, something to contribute. Gwyn was at the center of it all even more than last year, but she's such a fantastic character that holds the story up so well.
Of course there's a contrivance in things like... them not getting thrown in the brig in the first couple of episodes, and the fact that the ending was something allowed at all when they literally just said because of the Synth attack on Mars ships were in short supply but I mean, all easy to overlook in the name of the Story needs to happen. None of it really bothered me.
But as much as I love the kids, what they did with the legacy adult characters this season meant the most to me.
The Doctor fit right into this show, and was such a great inclusion. Still the same egotistical but loveable hologram. It was so good to have him back. And that scene with him and Holo-Janeway was adorable. I was glad to see that their rights weren't affected in the Synth attack -- at least not yet!?
I don't know if ANYONE would expect Wesley Crusher. That hit me in the face like a ton of bricks, seeing Wes again, and it was amazing. He's now been in Picard, Lower Decks and now Prodigy and every time I'm just delighted to see him.
But this was definitely his best re-appearance so far. A Wesley Crusher at his full Traveler powers. He was so smart, and funny, and a little manic with his big brain running at a thousand miles an hour. It really felt like this was what Wesley always had the potential to be, a real logical progression in the best way from the Wes we saw at the end of TNG. Space, Time and Thought all coming together and he had awesome magical powers to go along with it.
I was hoping after his initial two episodes that he'd be back! They dropped some decent hints about it, and they mentioned him almost every episode while he was gone, so having him in the final handful of episodes was amazing. And it seems like he might have a place in the future of the show, if we get that future! (and GOD I hope so.)
But my absolute favorite part was the MOST unexpected. I was hoping we'd get to see a bit of him calling Beverly. But then the hug, he went and saw her and Wil's voice breaking when he said Hi to her and gave her the hug broke me, and I cried.
Then, holy shit, they closed the loop on that burning question so many of us had at the end of Picard S3, if Wesley ever met Jack. Wes met his brother, and spent time with Beverly, and that meant so much to me.
It's crazy that the ending of this season tied up loose ends from other shows, and integrated those shows into the universe with fewer seams. It was amazing.
And as great as all of everything else was... I just want to be more coherent about Janeway and Chakotay.
Not going to lie -- the fact that there wasn't a kiss, or an obvious love confession did sting a little, but what we got was so, so good, and it was enough.
I do get it -- this is a kid's show and as much as we love them and how important they were to the season, this show is about the kids and not J/C as much as some of us are watching for J/C reasons. I'm not mad about it.
We got fed. More than Voyager.
You'd have to be blind to not admit that there was love there, on both sides. They never gave up on each other, they both looked forward to that reunion, they were terrified of losing each other again but did their duty. There was a little tiny bit of hand holding and quite a bit of touching. It's enough, it's canon enough for those of us who have been shipping it since Season 1 of Voyager.
And like I said in that previous post, they did so much more for Chakotay than Voyager did. This post summed it up better than I could. This season took two of the most maligned and neglected characters from their initial iterations -- Wesley and Chakotay -- and not only did them justice but made them the best versions of themselves. I felt like I was seeing the Chakotay from the Beyer novels on screen, the character he always should have been.
His relationship with Dal was an unexpected delight and I very much hope that in season 3 that mentorship continues.
I need more of that Chakotay. I need more of Janeway and Chakotay together. I just need so much more of this show.
I love every Trek. Yes, even that one that isn't that popular, or that other one that people forget exists. But this was without a doubt one of my favorite seasons of any Trek ever.
I'm so mad at Paramount's treatment of this show.
I'm so glad that Netflix stepped in and let us get this one.
I need at least one more season, y'all.
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louiisaa · 5 months ago
also tw for all of the sensitive topics this season covered
okay i watched all of heartstopper yesterday and i have thoughts
my first thought is that it was absolutely heartbreaking and nearly made me full on sob on too many occasions
the way they handled charlie's ed and nicks support of that was really good. it was done in a way that was respectful but didn't sugarcoat it. like it was realistic and not just disrespectful to people who have gone through that
one thing i did find was that the pacing was a bit weird. i think everything moved too fast. it might just be because i binged it all in one go but i found that they needed more episodes to fit everything in. there were so many storylines that got pushed to the side that i think deserved more attention. imogen definitely deserved way more screen time and more attention to her discovery story. i know they had the conversations with sahar in the tent and at new years but i found the conversation between her and nick in the hotel room wasn't very impactful. darcy definitely needed explaining better. i felt it was kind of like if you weren't paying attention full attention you wouldn't know that they hadn't gone back to they're mum, or even that they were non binary. the storyline of her abusive household was setup so much in season 2 and not really payed much attention to in season 3.
i think tori's character was perfect this season. you as the audience can tell she's definitely not okay but the people in her life don't pick up on it, which is exactly what her life is like for most of solitare. and the fact that you can tell charlie is her BEST friend but she isn't charlie's best friend. charlie's found his people for life but apart from michael towards the end, she has no one apart from charlie.
i'm not gonna lie i was disappointed by the fight. i wanted to properly see it because as charlie said that argument made them closer but to us it's like that new connection just magically happened because we didn't really see the fight. and because they're relationship so far has been positive it needed a more realistic lens and that fight being bigger really would've done that i think.
ive literally got so many thoughts it's gonna take me years to type them all out so ill do another post at some point. i'm gonna rewatch the whole thing slower and see if i still think it progresses too fast.
overall i genuinly LOVED this season so much and found it so heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. episode four and five were my favourites i think. i'm also the same age as charlie and most of my best friends are a year above me so it hit very close to home in that aspect. my school doesn't even have a sixth form so they all left me to SUFFER on my own it's not okay. anyway that is not what this post is about i loved heartstopper guys
i really love how him and charlie's friendship has developed and his coming out moment was really beautiful. i've literally never seen aro/ace representation in anything so it was really nice to see. it felt like last season he was barely part of the group and him finally talking about how he felt so left out was really powerful
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snorkling-in-sodasea · 2 months ago
The Gay Guys and the Little Girls Hypocrisy
Yeah, I might as well make this its own little post than adding to the last one. Like many others said, though, it just seemed hypocritical that Blitz doesn't want to carry out a hit just because it affects him personally. It's not even in a fun way or understandable one, like 'it's Hell so of course there's douchebags with selective morals, especially when something personally affects them'
Seriously, there's a whole fucking list of times I was thinking during that scene:
The most common example is the very first episode, when Blitz was happy about the idea of ruining a family. Everyone has brought up how the double standards is that 'if's it straight - or at least a man and a woman - then cheating is horrible. If it's gay - particularly gay guys - then cheating is fine'. Well, would that still be true if Martha and Ralphie painfully resembled Blitz's desires and Stockholm syndrome-formed love towards Stolas? Because I'm thinking that's the bigger factor here
no one gave a fuck about all those spring breakers who got slaughtered just for a parking spot
no one especially gave a fuck about all those people in the opera house. And it's arguably worse because they weren't even targets that episode like the spring breakers. Yet I.M.P. didn't even think those unnecessary corpses were worthy of being noted, including Moxxie (sure, he may have gotten past it in Murder Family but a side glance and a moment of being conflicted would have been nice. If not exactly that, then some sort of fucking notice on Moxxie's part at least)
I guess there's the lumberjacks at the start of Ozzie's. For all we know, they could have had precious, little daughters like the gay dads in Sinsmas, or even loving wives/husbands that they could've wanted to have kids with
I'm actually not sure to include Jimmy from Unhappy Campers but I guess I will just in case. Because on one hand, he did intentionally kill someone, even if it was to help Barbie. On the other, though, he's only 18 or 19 years old. Just like the lumberjacks, for all we know, he could have had a loving mom and/or dad who'll be devastated over his death. It'll feel like too soon for them and it's the one thing that any good parent doesn't want, to outlive their kid. There is the fact that Barbie needed Jimmy to make a living, though, and Blitz never called it off. He decided that his business was more important than Barbie's livelihood
I actually forgot about this one when I was making this list but there was that freaking massacre at the beginning of Full Moon. Seriously, a pile of guts spilled from the bodies, entrails hung up decoratively, and all that. The worst part was that there was a person right in the middle of that, maybe even a kid if I remember right. It's probably worse for that person if they weren't a target and that's why they're still alive. Blitz never gave a fuck about this person's mental health when he and his team just did all that gory shit. Blitz never gave a fuck about the horn of plenty's worth of mental scars when that happened
Let's not forget the shorts! Emberlynn, a freaking college girl who has a hit on her over a fucking shipping war. Blitz may have thought of it as excessive but he still decided that the money was more important than the fact the target is a young college girl
The one with the chupacabra. The guy who died, he clearly had a wife who was in waterfall tears over his corpse, even holding him close
Then there's the kid in the freaking pilot. The mother was definitely devastated over having lost her son, just imagine how much worse she'll be when she recognizes the corpse in her arms as her son.
And going back to 5, Blitz looks even worse to me thanks to the scene with him sparing the gay dads in Sinsmas. Because he felt more emotion at a couple of strangers who strongly resemble his personal issues and desires with having a happy, little family with Stolas, Octavia, and Loona than he did about whether or not his own twin sister had a job to support herself with. Blitz has some fucking gall to talk about missing his sister who he was super close to when he, like I said, ultimately chose to let a hit get carried out even if it meant screwing over his sister's livelihood (Also, what fucking bull it is, Blitz saying that he and Barbie were as close as he claims when there has been at least three fucking flashbacks between Blitz and Fizzarolli when there hasn't even been one between Blitz and Barbie. If anything, if it wasn't for the love letter in Oops, I would sooner believe that Fizz is Blitz's true sibling)
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localguy2 · 1 year ago
I finished DR part 2, and holy hell it was fantastic! Spectacular First season!
So now I'm gonna talk about Episode 17 - The Administration: (spoilers)
The Administration is genuinely a work of art in my opinion, this feels like a mix of old ninjago and new ninjago, it manages to overcomplicate so much-
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Yet simplify and clear up everything just as fast-
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It's such a brilliant mix of both, and this only managed to make the humor in this episode infinitely more enjoyable and funny, I have not had this much fun with a Ninjago episode in such a long time, it's beautiful.
it only makes Zane's comment about The Administration's gross incompetence hit even harder, these guys have overcomplicated their own system so much, it's slowing them down tremendously.
And don't even get me started on Zane himself, he has so many BADASS MOMENTS IN THIS EPISODE, HE'S SO COOL!
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(my soon to be new pfp, don't care he's killing it in this scene)
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He's pulling a Death Note reference for crying out loud.
And all around, everyone was extremely loveable on this episode, the Administration is extremely stupid but their pure dedication is hilarious and admirable as well.
Lloyd takes a bit of a back seat for some of this episode until like the last third, in favour of Arin and Zane taking over.
And Arin once more proves he's nothing short of an absolute little sweetheart, the kid literally apologises for not sharpening the pens.
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(That whole scene with Zane asking why he had pens on him was so funny when I was watching the first time oml).
And I briefly want to touch on the Jay appearance:
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If it weren't for Doc and Kevin saying he lost his memories, NO ONE would've known that he has memory loss just from the clip alone, and this scene has an amazing implication:
Regardless of whether he has memories or not, Jay would still act the exact same.
Jay fans, you guys ate good today, and good as in your favourite character having like ~35 seconds of total screentime (out of like, 26,400 seconds).
There's also the Dragon Core, Zane going crazy with his car, Arin asking the agents about his parents, Kai's scene with Wyldfyre and him mentioning how his sister merging with the Sea affacted him in such a deep way (fuck yes IT GOT ACKNOWLEDGE FINALLY), etc
And it's all so fantastic and well rounded, I legit can't get enough of this episode and I'm fairly certain it's my current number #1 favourite episode in all of Ninjago, so congrats The Administration! For being one hell of a banger.
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nellie-elizabeth · 5 months ago
The Legend of Vox Machina: The Frigid Wastes (3x05)
I might have a bit of a hot take about this one! Buckle up.
This is a small thing, but shouldn't the episode be called "The Frigid Doom"? I loved that the Umbrasyl fight episode was called "The Hope Devourer." It feels like it's breaking the precedent. And I wonder if we'll have "The Cinder King" and "The Diseased Deceiver" as episode names coming up later? It doesn't matter, but I just wondered!
So, my hot take. I really loved this episode, I think it holds up in quality with the season and the show in general, I think it's wonderful as per usual. BUT, I think this section, where we're having more and more significant changes from the original canon, is bringing up some question marks for me here and there. I was a little startled in the last third of this episode to realize that yes, we were killing Vorugal in this installment. I had sort of thought that maybe he'd harass them and get away, and we'd have the real death in episode six or something. The reason I thought this is that Vorugal being in a position to kill felt kind of too... random and lucky? I really missed the planning aspect. The goristro v. dragon showdown in the campaign was one of the most clever moments of forethought that Vox Machina ever had. Here, it was just sort of a happy accident, and that was a little bit of a letdown.
I also think giving the emotional arc of one of the dragon kills to Kima is kind of strange, just because there are seven main characters on this show and making room for them all is already a bit of a challenge. I liked the Kima and Allura stuff here, but that bit where she goes off to solo-engage Vorugal didn't hit the right emotional beat for me because I didn't understand the emotional or the strategic payoff for why she had to run out there alone, and then call in the reinforcements. It's a small detail, but that big epic moment of her charging down and using Mythcarver to stab the dragon in a weak spot, it was definitely cool but I was also like "why"? She should have had the ranged attackers covering her as she approached instead of rushing off without any strategic setup in mind.
I really don't mind that this is different from the show, but given that I know the big events that are coming down the line, I also wanted to mention that not having Raishan around for the Draconia arc makes her presence and ally-ship with Vox Machina feel a little more muted? Maybe we'll get a check-in with the good ol' Diseased Deceiver in episode six. I also recall feeling like Vorugal's ultimate fate was much more... tied to the future of Draconia in a concrete way, in the stream? Like, in the past couple of episodes, we haven't really seen any of the Dragonborn around except for the one traitor lady who got eaten. It made the fight feel like it was happening in this isolated icy wilderness. Umbrasyl's fight happened in a cave, sure, but the outcome of that was deeply and convincingly tied to the fate of the entire city of Westrunn, and the Herd of Storms specifically, in a way I liked. They tried to give Kima and Allura more of a character tie to this place through Dohla, but that's a pretty weak link.
Last complaint, and this is a smaller one but it bears repeating: not only did Vox Machina part ways rather unceremoniously in episode three, but they reunited rather unceremoniously too, in the midst of the Vorugal and Yenk chaos. It seems wild to me that the twins at the very least weren't checking in with each other or having a significant glance of relief that the other one was okay.
My hot take basically boils down to: there were things here that were not how I was expecting them to be and I kind of miss some elements of what originally happened... but that's not the same as thinking that the episode has any serious flaws. This was still a pretty kick-ass episode of a kick-ass show, and the combat stuff here was... whew. All-time. I don't know how they keep one-upping themselves with the animation, but they really, really do.
Let's start by talking about the Kima and Allura of it all. We open with a flashback that shows them with their original adventuring party. We learn that they were something of an enemies to lovers arc, always bickering and disagreeing with each other's plans. Then, we see them take on combat together, each saving each other's lives, and Kima taking risks but ultimately being a bad-ass and saving the day. We get to watch the moment Allura starts to appreciate Kima for the amazing person she is, and that felt very special! Just, overall, the care and concern these two have for each other, all the beautiful romance, it felt really rewarding and special to see. The voice actors are killing it. I loved the part where Kima explains that she doesn't have a death wish, but her running towards danger is a way to keep Allura safe! I also feel like seeing what an established relationship looks like in the context of an adventuring party is a fun way to further explore the themes we've started touching on with Vax/Keyleth and Vex/Percy.
I'm trying to think if there's anything else to even talk about before I just spend the rest of this review praising the combat sequences... oh, some good comedy beats with Pike losing her hair: "I don't want to die bald!" and "Cram it, de Rollo, I'm having a day." I also want to specifically call out Percy's line of dialogue "fuck it, let's get weird," which is a 100% Taliesin Jaffe special; I love when the show can capture the blend of the characters and their creators in fun little ways.
But let's get into it: the big highlight of this episode was the stellar combat. I feel like I could just spend the next several paragraphs listing moments that were cool, but I shall try and restrain myself a bit.
Fighting the demon on the Hell-side of things while the other group fights Vorugal on the Draconia side, waiting for that portal to open, was a really cool setup for the tension in the early part of the episode. I wish it had been a plan to bring through Yenk for that kaiju fight instead of just a happy accident, but that's ultimately probably a nitpick. I loved Vax going in close while the others call him crazy, then Grog and Scanlan having to go in to get him out of the scrape. Keyleth is on portal-opening duty so doesn't get many hits in here, but Pike gets to do what Pike does best, being a shield, and now she's got her fancy new Vestige! I loved that we got to see it in action here for the first time, hopefully as a tease for things to come.
Over on the other side of the portal, the Vorugal fight is more about growing tension. Kima is missing, Allura is losing her mind, Percy and Vex are trying to keep cool heads. They get to be bad-ass with Vex's broom, with Percy taking his moment and using Bad News for a devastating shot that saves Kima at the last second. We then also get the pairs splitting off differently, with Percy and Allura running from Vorugal, while Vex goes to save Kima from falling down a cliff. There's a great moment when Allura is trying to apologize for not being more cautious, and Percy tells her to forget it, then says "let's go find our ladies." I loved that. The Percy/Vex relationship stuff here is so funny and perfect because Vex is the one all flustered about things and Percy's just like... whatever, you said we aren't together, so we aren't together! I know it's an act, but it's a fun inversion that he's playing it cooler than Vex, at least for now.
And then... the portal is open, the gang from Hell is spilling through, and a demon is hot on their heels! The visual of this is intense - the fire, the ice, the collision in the middle, a showdown of EPIC proportions. I loved every minute of it, and I loved how Grog and Scanlan were actually geeking out about the fight and placing bets on who would win. It really earns the epic-ness of Vorugal's eventual defeat when you see him take down such a formidable foe. And I think this fight with Vorugal did better what I wish they'd done with Umbrasyl in one way: the damage done before Vox Machina gets in there and starts the final push, really does make Vorugal weaker and thus more possible to defeat! We see the direct impact of Yenk grievously wounding him, then we see Kima exploit a weakness, and then everyone else is able to run in and finish him off.
The Keyleth and Vex combo killing is so cool! If we're keeping track, we've got Grog getting final hit on Brimscythe, Scanlan getting the Umbrasyl kill, and now I guess we can call it a three-person combo with Keyleth enhancing Vex's shot, Vorugal on the verge of death, and then Kima putting his lights out. So that just leaves Thordak and Raishan... really curious what changes happen to their deaths as well.
This is one of those combat sequences where it's just like... kaiju fight, so cool! Vox Machina and Kima and Allura getting in the mix, so cool! Just go watch it, what are words going to do to convince you?
This episode ends with something very exciting for fans of the stream... Scanlan introducing us all to his Magnificent Mansion! I'm hoping that means episode six has some actual downtime where everyone can breathe and have a chat, before we turn our attention to other things. I can sense Glintshore coming for me, and I'm not sure I'm ready!
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respectthepetty · 1 year ago
I know you've been getting a bunch of asks about your favourite qls, but I'm specifically curious about what your favourite *chaotic* qls are.
Off the top of my head, some chaotic qls I enjoyed were Chains of Heart (THE GLOVE DISCOURSE, THE SUBTITLES, etc) and Big Dragon (asshole4asshole? no. clown4clown), while also enjoying the way that the shows were shot.
@kayatoasted, I'm re-reading this ask to make sure I don't answer it with my favorite *trashy* qls, like Hit Bite Love and Together With Me.
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You want *chaotic* and they had to be beautifully shot, so although I love the chaos known as Love Mechanics and Dangerous Romance, both had beautiful shots but weren't consistently beautifully shot.
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And I had to have enjoyed not only how it was shot but the show itself, so shows like Vice Versa and Only Friends are out.
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No, you want my favorite beautifully shot *chaotic* qls that stayed chaotic which significantly reduces the list, but I can give it to you!
My Favorite Beautifully Shot Chaotic BLs
given in no particular order, and much like this subject, this list is chaos
Dee Hup House - Yes, the entire house
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I'm not coming for Director Tee or Cinematography Jim. Their shows are beautiful and more adult. I have loved every single one of them. But the endings . . . ? The endings wobble in Step by Step, Something in My Room, Hidden Agenda, and I Feel You Linger in the Air. Yes, I'm including the last one because Tee & Co seem to pick long ass novels that should be multiple seasons, yet a lot of nothing gets shoved into each over-an-hour-long episode, which causes chaos. Even Lovely Writer, which I love the ending, had a moment with the dad's reveal that didn't have time to get fleshed out. Look at Step by Step. We had an entire baby happen in three episodes when the side couple fizzled. I will watch every show from this company and gush about it, but I know it's going to be beautiful chaos.
Big Dragon - Duh!
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I'm not going to defend this show. Y'all already know I love this show. It was beautiful. It was chaotic. It was the moment. Period.
Chains of Heart - It's a given
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You mentioned it in your ask with reasons why: It was beauty. It was grace. Then, it kicked us in the face. The plot itself was hard to grasp, but the subs only made it worse! Who was who? Why were there so many Men in Black? How did they all fit into the plot? Why would Din volunteer for an entire face transplant only to reappear, never tell Ken it was actually him, then disappear again?! And yet the cinematography was selling this wonderful vision to me each and every episode. I hated it there, and I need more of it immediately. WHERE IS MY SPECIAL EPISODE?!
Not Me - Think about it
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We all need to be very honest with ourselves, and really reflect on the premise of this show. Todd put Black in the hospital, proceeds to call his twin, White, to act as him. White says yes even though he has absolutely no idea about Black's life, but he gets a big ass tattoo and his ass kicked multiple times by Sean (because he can't fight). While that is happening, we have Yok chasing around a rouge artist who is actually a cop named Dan who killed [spoilers] dad and Gram is apparently straight the entire time. Then, Papang is in it. Oh, and let's not forget being held hostage in a black van that protestors beat on until the kidnappers, just, let, them, go. Sure, Jan. And I didn't even mention Sean's leap across buildings! It was a good show. It's in my tops. I love it. The rainbow flag scene is embedded in my heart with the other beautifully shot protest scenes. But it was chaos! Let's hold space for that truth.
609 Bedtime Story - Messed up TWICE!
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I enjoyed this show until I didn't, and that was when we got TWO endings, yet neither made sense. The colors in the show were immaculate. The plot though? Chaos. One character was traveling back in time and the other was traveling forward, but they weren't even in the same dimension. Then, the sister could not take a fucking hint and ruined the central love story by being a dramatic heterosexual. The point of the time travel was useless because one of the characters still died, but it didn't matter since that character was still alive in the other dimension and . . . MAKE IT MAKE SENSE, MARY!
Cupid's Last Wish - It was the mom for me!
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EarthMix have gotten Director Aof twice, so maybe this is why this series, which isn't Aof, feels like chaos. It has such amazingly gorgeous outdoor shots, that I wonder if Thailand's Ministry of Tourism sponsored some part of this show. The series is a great advertisement for Thailand's beautiful landscape and cuisine, but then we have that plot. Body-swapping isn't the issue, at least not for me. The issue is the timeline. For a man who wanted to get out of his sister's body as quickly as possible, Win was doing the most to hold up the process. Oh, AND THE DAMN MOTHER! She was the true villain of the show, which got glossed over in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment. I'll never get over that reveal even though the show wanted me to by the next scene. She really did that shit and kept it a whole ass secret until the very last damn moment. *looks into the distance at a baby cow* AHHHHHHH!
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner - In short
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I'm going to quit picking on Thailand for two seconds to pick on Korea instead. Like all the others on this list, I like this show, and I've actually rewatched it a few times because I think it's pretty and it's so short. But there lies the problem - It's too short. The math was not mathing and the plot was not plotting. It skipped over information that was pivotal to the story. I still have no idea what that idol business was really about. From what the kind folks of Tumblr gathered, the idol was apparently supposed to get the guy in their past lives, but the other guy stole him and that's why he was crazy. How hard would that have been to explain to the audience? I did it in less than a sentence, but apparently the show spent its budget on lighting and not screenwriting or editing.
#1 - Mood Indigo - A masterpiece!
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I wrote that these weren't ranked, yet here is number one in "My Favorite Beautifully Shot Chaotic BLs" list. The other shows on this list are child's play in comparison to the second installment that serves as the prequel in The Pornographer/The Novelist series. Regardless if it's a BL or not, leave it to Japan to offer me this deliciously beautiful chaos. Unlike all the other shows, the plot of this show is not what makes it chaotic, but . . . it is. It's not chaotic in the sense that it's disorganized or doesn't make sense. It makes perfect sense, and that's why it is chaos. It's supposed to be.
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One character is depressed and has no fucks to give, so if something stirs an emotion in him, he does it without question (including giving the other character a bj in front of the older man who demanded it for another novel). Then, we have the other character who should be the more logical of the two, but somehow he is worse. I. Love. It. Everything that happens in this series makes everything we saw in the first season click into place including why these two toxic assholes are 1) toxic, 2) assholes, and 3) STILL FRIENDS!
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God, they're awful.
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I love them.
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