#the last bit is from another rp lol
randomsufff · 16 days
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HEHAHBFKI More South Park doodles I think I’m going insane.
Actually this is kind of the product of me being liking South Park way back in high school but was too embarrassed to draw them when I was bored in class and now it’s all kinda flooding back 💀
Read below if you want to know more about my New Kid and my thoughts behind some of the doodles cause this turned out longer then I though 💀
Anyways- introducing my New Kid. No name cause I literally have no idea. Whatever the cannon name is ig- though I’d think it’d be funny if she was referred to New Kid by literally everyone like in game. I like the idea that a lot of people have with their New Kids that they liked the makeover section with the girls during the Stick of Truth a little too much. I also like it cause… uh… I didn’t play Stick of Truth. (The combat system is not my cup of tea) So it’s not until the start of TFBW does she know shes really a girl.
To give context to the top right drawing- I couldn’t remember the dialogue Wendy says in the alleyway if you say you’re a trans girl- but I do know what she says if your a cis girl (I always knew you were a girl) cause I did a second play through as a cis girl. And I don’t know if there’s supposed to be a huge time jump between the end of Stick of Truth and TFBW but I think it would be funny if it was just the next day- so combine these two fact to get “Wendy always clocked New Kid as a girl but NK just found out yesterday 💀”
Anyways- she’s such a cutie, I love her and her cool superhero outfit I gave her. Outside of the game- I’d like to think of her basically exactly how she acts in game. Mostly non-verbal, with the occasional zingy one liner, and just kinda goes along with the crazy shit the happens in South Park un phased. Like if she was in a episode- the plot would happen and she would be on screen, but wouldn’t say anything, and anytime another character would address her, they’d respond however as if she spoke lmao. Aroace, just like me, so she’s just friends with everyone (except Cartman) and vibes with everyone.
The mini Style comic I though of cause 1) I wondered if Kyle had the same elf ears as the other elfs did in game (again, never played and it’s been a while since I saw gameplay so whoops if it’s confirmed or whatever) and 2) I thought it would be funny if Stan was caught lacking and tried to /rp his way out of it (I wanted to add an extra bit where Kyle would be like “Oh, are our characters gay for each other??? (ARE YOU /SRS OR /J STAN)” and Stan would have to just “yes, and” his way out.)
The last three images were kinda of a stream of consciousness put on paper and made neat lol. I really like showing that all the costumes the kids wear are homemade and stuff- either stuff taken from their parents or visibly taped together etc- cause I think it’s charming. Anyways- I though Kyle’s little robe could be like one of his parents bath robe- and it would be a little too long for him to run without eating shit so he’d have to hike it up like a skirt/dress. Which lead to me thinking that Cartman would say some shit about that and how Kyle, who has a literal Golf Club, would smack his ass up. Which then lead to me thinking about how since Kyle’s the Elf King and Stan’s basically his right hand how he might lift it up wedding dress style if needed (/RP GUYS, RIGHT?RIGHT???) and how Cartman would react, which lead to that one JoJo meme cause thats literally how they’d retaliate.
Always- I’ll probably have at least one more post about South Park I swear. There was a period of time before I stopped watching (I gotta pick it up again) where I would doodle a bit of whatever was happening in the episode, each episode. Crazy I know, but not only did it improve my drawing skills but it helped me remember what actually happened in episodes cause I have shit memory and definitely don’t remember some of the episodes I watched. So I might redraw some of those- see if anyone can tell what episode they’re from.
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shuinami · 1 year
Part 1: What Exactly is Hobie’s Accent and Who Has It?
Part 2: When, Where, Why (Black Londoner Culture since Windrush) | Part 3: How (Writing Tips)
As a black Londoner, a large reason Hobie is so special to me is because I really saw and heard myself in him, while also not seeing a stereotype or typical, lacking in nuance portrayal of a black Londoner.
A lot of people have given great advice about how to write the dialogue of a British person; however, though the U.K. is a small place, different areas, like anywhere, have very different cultures and accents. Even somewhere as geographically small as London has a few different native accents, as many of you have picked up on, Cockney is one but there is also Received Pronunciation (RP), Estuary English and the one Hobie uses for most of his intro: Multicultural London English (MLE). 
I’m an MLE user myself, as are most black Londoners, including Daniel Kaluuya (who voices Hobie and was asked to make the dialogue sound authentic). Aside from tilting my head in slight confusion at some of the slang floating around the fandom, one of the last times I rewatched the movie, I noticed Hobie actually only uses one relatively ubiquitous Cockney phrase… and apparently, it was used inauthentically? On the other hand, he uses quite a few MLE phrases and constructions but it seems few people represent that in their fan content. 
It made me want to give my two cents and some advice on how to write the dialogue of an MLE user since I haven’t seen anyone do something like this yet.
In addition, I wanted to give a little bit of context about life as a black Londoner, since Windrush brought the first mass migration of black people to England in 1948 until now, since it’s another thing that I haven’t seen anyone talk about how it differs from the typical depictions of British life. And also how that intersected with punk culture and what it says about Hobie. Everyone is entitled to their personal interpretations but, of course, as someone who Hobie’s a bit closer to home for than most, I felt a lot of people are missing a key part of who he is without understanding the youth culture of black Londoners.
To answer these questions, I think it would be good to put names to the four main London accents so you can understand exactly what Hobie’s purposefully mixed accent is made up of and the one thing it is not.
I also want to say before we get into it that some people have unique accents/accents that may not seem to match their status or ethnicity, etc. so it’s not that nobody speaks using other accents but if we hear it, it would be noticeable.
Starting off, we have Received Pronunciation which is that posh, fancy and stuffy accent you probably first associated a British accent with. This is the accent of the rich, associated with types who go to private schools like Eton, with the royals’ accents and political figures. Nothing to do with Hobie.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, there’s Cockney. Cockney is an interesting one; it’s a term referring to people that are from East London, and according to Google “traditionally one born within the hearing of the Bow Bells” which means in earshot of the bells of St Mary-le-Bow Church. 
The term is also used to cover the accent and slang; the Cockney accent is not necessarily exclusive to Cockney people but rather is one that, nowadays, floats around the working class. The culture, on the other hand, such as familiarity with rhyming slang and stuff like eating jellied eels is not so ubiquitous amongst the working class not from the area. An example of a Cockney with this accent would be Danny Dyer, who plays Mick Carter in EastEnders and some of the other characters also have a proper Cockney accent. Here’s an iconic clip from EastEnders that showcases the Cockney accent lol
However, there is a more general accent, which refers to the varying mixtures of RP and cockney that most Londoners have: Estuary English. The estuary in the term refers to the Thames Estuary in the South East of England, near but outside of London. The accent is not locked there, however, and extends to London, especially as people have tended to move further out from London with time due to housing prices and thus accents of outer and inner parts of London mix. It’s not associated with class the way the other two previous accents are.
There are no clear boundaries between Estuary English and Cockney, mainly due to upward mobility and movement around London. I’m not a linguist so it’s hard to describe but I would personally say that proper Cockney has some ways of pronouncing things that even Estuary English speakers on the Cockney end of the spectrum don’t typically do. 
Some examples I would consider Estuary English or more typical accents would be those of people like Amelia Dimoldenberg (chicken shop girl 😂) and Tom Holland; on the more Cockney end of this accent, you’d have people like Adele (who I’m pretty sure has Cockney family members).
Then there’s Multicultural London English, influenced mainly by the dialects of the ethnic immigrants that have come to the U.K., most notably Jamaican Patois but also, more recently, borrowing a lot from West African Pidgin languages, as well as some words and phrases here and there from other immigrant communities. Most black people speak MLE and many other ethnic Londoners do too, as due to the effects of colonization and structural racism, many are relegated to the working classes and live in community together. Examples of this accent would be John Boyega, Jasmine Jobson, Letitia Wright and, of course, Daniel Kaluuya.
Now that we’ve got the accents down, which does Hobie have?
While the term Cockney is thrown around a lot, there is a strong implication that Hobie was born and raised in Camden, especially given the casting of Daniel Kaluuya, who was born and raised in that area himself. 
Here’s a map of London, I split us up based on how I understand people typically refer to it, which is a mix of geography, government designation and postcodes. The rainbow in the middle is considered Central London, it’s a very commercial and touristy area, where all our classic landmarks are and it’s very expensive to live there. 
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Part of the borough of Camden is in central London and, currently, it starts to get more residential near Camden Market, which is 3 miles away from St Mary-le-Bow-Church, aka. The Bow Bells. A true Cockney is said to be within 3 miles or earshot of the bells (for geographical reasons, the sound carries more East). I’m not sure about the balance of residential to commercial areas in the 70s, although apparently, the area near Camden Lock was industrial. London has changed and expanded over time so someone from an east-most part of Camden at a point probably would have been easily counted as Cockney but I have no clue about the timeline. It’s uncertain whether or not Hobie would fit the criteria but if he was born today, Hobie definitely wouldn’t be considered or consider himself a Cockney. 
So again, while there’s no clear distinction of what makes a Cockney accent, Hobie is probably not a Cockney (unless you hc as such).
Does that mean he uses Estuary English? I would say no. I think his accent is predominantly Cockney and he uses some of the slang, as most Londoners do, but being black and not from East London, he mostly uses MLE slang and sentence constructions.
I believe this was the creative intention, given the casting of Daniel Kaluuya, most known for his roles in movies tackling black issues, and the freedom he was given to make the dialogue authentic, meaning Hobie’s blackness is a core part of his character design for Spider-Verse. You can also hear Daniel exaggerating the accent for Hobie at points; as he’s said himself, it’s not just his regular accent, which might not be too obvious to those not so used to London accents. It's a more Cockney accent, particularly in the intro, that he’s putting on instead of speaking normally, despite not necessarily using much Cockney lingo. Bear in mind, that Daniel naturally has a stronger Cockney twang to his natural speaking voice than a lot of MLE speakers.
Returning to the point that the one Cockney phrase, “scooby doo” was used inauthentically; it’s worth noting that you’ll be hard-pressed to find an up-to-date and thorough reference or guide on how to write the use of Cockney slang authentically because Cockney is a somewhat dated culture. For example, jellied eels? Not a common thing anymore, Some people, probably older East Londoners, still do eat them but extremely few places sell them and most of us will have never even seen them in our lives. As mentioned above, upward mobility along with people moving around means that the accent, slang and general culture have been watered down over time. On top of that, a lot of East London has been gentrified, such as the Isle of Dogs (in Tower Hamlets), which has had Canary Wharf transformed - a mall, a business centre and a major transport link and Stratford (in Newham), which has similarly had a giant mall and major transport links added to it.
Some Cockney rhyming slang stuck and is known to all Londoners, such as “telling porkies/porky pies” and “copper”. “I ain’t got a scooby (doo)” is a more common one, although not even that is known to all. Typically, Cockneys only say the first half of the rhyming slang phrase (even if it no longer rhymes). I couldn’t tell you which Cockney rhyming slang phrases have been absorbed into more general London vocab other than those, because again, it’s not used as most lists you could probably find online have it written out in full but know that a lot of phrases have been absorbed. 
Cockney slang is an oral tradition of the working class and so until more recently, when literacy rates went up, probably wouldn’t have been written, on top of people tending to write in standard English instead of using slang when writing. Unless you’re talking to a boomer/gen-x/older millennial from East London, it’s not so likely that you could read off a list of cockney phrases to a Londoner and they would be familiar with them. Because Daniel Kaluuya and I’m guessing the other people involved in writing Hobie’s dialogue aren’t Cockneys, well, that’s how we ended up with what we got.
So, whilst a dated dialect probably would be perfect for Hobie, it’s hard to get right or for it to read as natural to a Londoner because it’s difficult to pinpoint people that still talk like that on a regular basis, even in East London and it’s ESPECIALLY not black people/MLE users that talk like that these days. Cockney Rhyming slang was code language, after all so it figures that it’s a bit elusive.
Funnily enough, Hobie’s use of MLE is probably a slight anachronism, a little ahead of his time. Because the mass migration of Caribbeans began in 1948, by the 70s, most young black people would be the first big wave of second gens or immigrants themselves; ‘Black British’ culture would’ve still been quite young and not had enough time to carve itself as its own thing. The MLE we (including Hobie in the movie) use today started to really be what it is today in the 90s. Point being, you’re not going to find documentation of black Londoners from the 70s or early 80s who talk like Hobie.
Basically… Hobie’s accent is not authentic to the time period so if you wanted to write a historically authentic accent/slang… then you probably wouldn’t really write one… buuut it’s less fun and less Hobie! So let’s learn about black British youth culture and racism in London since the 70s, then we can understand the context in which the language is used before we learn the lingo + how to use it 😎
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ratsoh-writes · 3 months
Welcome to ratsohs weekly newsletter!
Since this is new I’ll explain what it is!
Every week or so I’ll make a little post detailing any new drama with characters, who’s taken and who’s making friends. It’s mostly for me to keep track of rps better but I’m sure y’all will like it too
Since this only applies to the Rp verse, not my prompts it won’t go in any masterlists. I’ll be using the tag “ratsoh events” for these posts. Now let’s get to this!
Characters in relationships:
Pretty much all the mafias except tempest
Special exceptions
Red/oak: are soulbonded together but if someone’s brave enough to try and seduce both of them it could happen
Current kids in play:
Leo: lush and kei
Rosie Fran Bruno: rust and Ann
Theo Berlin: butch darlin snipe
Winnie: sugar
The quadruplets: kovu
Lacey: Marcelo and the harem lol
Swing: pop E
Akira: katana sparks
Ollie: Nicky honey salt
Current issues/drama
Cash has come down with a mysterious illness. He’s been lethargic lately, loosing weight and easily distracted!
Cricket and Lena had another fight and Lens is spiraling. He’s going to try and push away all his friends
Salsa, father of rhythm and pop has been slowing down quite a bit these last few weeks. The monster is quite elderly and the brothers are worrying that he could be facing some health problems these coming years
Ollivander is the recent target of the monster traffickers in ebott! Some one has put a bounty on his head, will he find out before he’s snatched away? Will anyone save him?
Peaches wants to invite fisher and sea to stay with him. Fisher is debating on if he should break up with the two, unwilling to leave the ocean.
Artemis is stuck between her brother and kovu. She wants to stay with her new flame but worries about leaving Helios alone
Red wants kids, oak wants to wait a decade first, every one else wants red and oak to have kids lol. Who will win this battle?
Some positive changes
Jasper dropped out of his last program and will be taking an apprenticeship at one of seashores train stations learning how to build and maintain the rest stops there instead. He’ll move back to seashore in the fall
Pitch will be receiving an apprenticeship from goldenvalleys librarian and will move out of peaches and ranchers farm to work there.
Sans and wine are no longer in the enemies category and are now friends
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anonoob · 1 year
here are some underrated (in my opinion) media's I recommend!
Lackadaisy (Animated PILOT - Webcomic.) Lackadaisy has its own Animated PILOT on YouTube, and a Webcomic you can find on the official lackadaisy website! The series is about a webcomic set in Prohibition-era St. Louis, Missouri. It chronicles the events of a cast of anthropomorphic cats as they struggle to keep the titular speakeasy afloat.
Murder Drones (Animated series) Murder Drones has recently gained popularity, but is still a small project. You find it on youtube. On a post-apocalyptic exoplanet, worker drones struggle to survive by hiding from rogue robots called Murder Drones
Epithet Erased (Animated series - book) you can find the first 7 episode Animated on YouTube! Season 2, however, Is a book. based on the tabletop roleplay series Anime Campaign! With unique powers called epithets, and characters attempting to steal an amulet rumored to have the ability to take a person's epithet.
Lego Monkie Kid (Cartoon) The tale begins when an ordinary boy, Monkie Kid, finds Monkey King's legendary staff, and he becomes the chosen one. You can watch on PRIME VIDEO!
Recreyo (YouTube channel!) Oddly enough, I'm recommending a YouTube channel.. a Comedy podcast with a group of friends with trust issues are thrown into different chaotic scenarios where they have to survive by learning to trust each other.. or not.
I'm running out of ideas or media's so.. uh yeah guys you should watch those silly fnaf rps like Oddities or The Famous Films!!! There's more, but I don't know them all lol
Also the sun and moon show is pretty cool yeah
EDIT ; The amazing digital circus is a new media too! Though, the fandom has grown largely. It's a animated pilot on YouTube, under the GlitchProductions channel. (creators of murder drones)
EDIT ; Spooky Month! Halloween is one of everyone's favorites, and so is October! I'm sure you've all heard of this show, made by Sr. pelo. Every year, near Halloween, a new episode for this series released! Last year, it grew huge in popularity.
There obviously tons of smaller projects out there, and I totally recommend them! Make sure to support small creators!
Fizz back w/ another banger
Y'all have obviously heard of hazbin hotel and helluva boss (I think helluva boss currently is better, especially in it storyline.)
Ramshackle ! An animated pilot on YouTube and it's 1st episode!, with many other small contents (webtoon, merch, art)
(Not really a media, but a nice nostalgic moment for old time flamingo fans) rewatch Roblox myth videos! They're actually nice to go back and remember, Especially if you were around when the vids came out.
An anime for once! Madoka Magica is great, actually. It's a dark spin on the magical girl ordeal, and it's probably the only anime I really like.
Object shows. There's a LOT of these. Most popular; Inanimate insanity, BFDI. Best recommendations; ONE (hfjcheesy), love of the s*n
Robloc area ; Regretevator, Evade, etc are lowkey fun games with good fandoms (sometimes)
EDDSWORLD OH My God please watch eddsworld it's made by this dude named Edd Gould and it's awesome
Indigo Park. Play it. It's so fucking cool/gen
Kinitopet, nice ai spin game!
Class of 2009 is epic and funny (also has triggering topics tho)
Musicals! It's nice to find new and different musicals!
Horror! +Favs ; Mandela catalogue, the walten files (there's more but it's been a bit)
Dead end, cold front, etc! The creator has amazing games :3
I had more but. Forgot oops
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jams-sims · 9 months
Okay, can someone who is a Forever main tell me whats happening? Is he leaving the qsmp, did he join another smp? Because I keep seeing like very sadge posting about Forever- I just assumed homie was taking a long ass break/started another smp. (Jaiden and Roier both joined other smp.)
As an rp girlie, I can understand the need for a break. An also the inherent need to kill your character cause shit got way to much. Forever character ended being way more important and intense than I think anyone could for see. But also it didn't feel like a goodbye, like too many people have said they are going to try and find him. (I.e Philza and Missa). If this is the end for the character forever, I would be said but I wouldn't oppose to seeing him coming back as another character.
I mean it's break time so no one gonna be looking for him until after the new years. (or they all talk off stream and they all silently drop the whole look for forever bit.) if he is dead dead (qsmp forever) I'm expecting a cold announcement from the feds.
That being said I do have feeling about Forever. I think out of all the streamer, if I knew Portuguese, Forever would be my comfort streamer. His attitude and behaviour are all very sweet and charming. I understand why his fan base has a case of the Parasocial. He just seems super positive, cares about his fans to a fault. I think he has successfully converted me over to as a fan forever (lol).
I think the collection of Brazilians we're a real knock out group with some strong personality. That I'm thankful to have been able to experience and contuine to do so as a lurker.
Even if it's not a goodbye to the qsmps, I still think it's important to highlight how intensely amazing every streamer and the ones with lasting effects have (on the individual person, because your favorite streamer from the collection of new faces can be waaay different from mine).
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fanfic-inator795 · 1 year
WoY: A Decade Later (A personal retrospection)
Wander Over Yonder… for a time, it was - in my opinion - the best cartoon ever. It was my number one, and I wasn't sure that anything else could top it. While I don't necessarily feel the same way these days, it's still a cartoon that very much lives in my heart and I don't think I'll ever truly leave it behind.
From a personal perspective, it was probably the biggest and most active Fandom I had been in at that time. It wasn't my first fandom/hyperfixation - prior to WoY, there had been Cartoon Network's Chowder and Regular Show, as well as Disney's Phineas and Ferb. But Chowder was short-lived and RS and PnF were both shows I had lost interest in due to them beginning to dip in quality.
WoY, however, was new, fresh, exciting and growing rapidly. It inspired me to write probably at least a hundred fanfics. It was a blast live-reacting to new episodes with everyone and seeing all the art that would come afterwards. It brought me into the RP scene and, if not for that, I might have never met my best friend of 10 years (and counting! Love you, Tessa).
Looking back on it 10 years after the fact, I can't fully say that WoY is still my favorite cartoon (shows like Kid Cosmic, The Ghost and Molly McGee, Big City Greens and Craig of the Creek have all outshined it in one way or another), nor can I claim that it is/was a perfect show. But man… It sure was a hell of a ride.
(Keep reading for all my admittedly VERY LONG personal thoughts or opinions regarding this one of a kind show)
Humble Beginnings
Pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but I actually didn't care for WoY at first. It was the summer right before college, and I remember watching the sneak peek - The Picnic - early one morning after not being able to go back to sleep. I remember not really laughing much or even seeing the appeal… and yet the episode stuck in my mind, to the point that I ended up watching it again during a free moment I had from Freshman Orientation Week. I had a similar reaction to the show's proper pilot, The Greatest - not loving it, but not hating it either.
The fact that people/friends from my RS and PnF days were also posting about it helped keep the show in my mind (shoutout to Taylor, Erin and Darkwing). But it wasn't until two specific episodes - The Fugitives and The Good Deed - that I managed to finally start to connect with the characters myself. 
I started to see the appeal in this little furry orange spoon who just wanted to do good and make others happy, even when it was a struggle. I really liked the show's core theme of not just optimism and positivity, but also just being kind. I also started to really enjoy the show's sci-fi and space aesthetic and grew to adore its animation and gorgeous backgrounds, as well as laugh at its wacky sense of humor (I still laugh at The Fugitives/Good Deed quite a bit, even though I probably have their entire scripts memorized at this point).
So, it was official. I was hooked. Whenever there were new eps, I'd either try to watch them on the basement TV in my college dorm or wait for a livestream or FreeCartoonsOnline upload. If we're being honest, the first half of season 1, while being much more low-key than the wackiness that the show would end up eventually shifting to, was probably when it was at its most consistent. Other eps later on would reach higher highs, but getting stuff like The Bad Guy, the Prisoner, the Troll, the Pet, the Box and The Little Guy back-to-back just made my love for the show grow more and more.
The Little Guy specifically is one that is just incredibly well-crafted in its dialogue, story-telling and pacing, being both enjoyable and heartfelt. (Also the last time I watched it the ending made me bawl so, there's that, lol). Shortly afterwards, The Hero was another ep that I distinctly remember sticking in my head for whatever reason (Dracor and Demurra are still adorable, ngl). Then we had another favorite of mine, The Nice Guy.
I know I may be in the minority on this one - I remember my parents being annoyed and frustrated when they watched it with me, haha - but I absolutely love this episode. I find the jokes funny enough - the cashier is one of my favorite minor characters tbh - and the space gas station appeals to my aesthetic. But what really sells this episode for me is how it handles and portrays its moral of "being nice isn't always easy, but it's still right and still worth doing". Its ending never fails to get an "awwww" out of me, and honestly I could probably go on for an hour about all the little details and things I like/appreciate. I've also grown to really like its sister episode, the Time Bomb.
But no show is perfect, and right around here is where the show, in my opinion, started having some misses. It was mostly just "meh" affairs like The Night, The Toddler and The Big Job (weird, since I usually like heist eps… though I haven't rewatched this one in a while so *shrugs*). Other eps like The Tourist and ESPECIALLY The Helper (which I consider to be the show's worst outing, the vibes are just SO WEIRD on this one) I just didn't care for at all. 
Nothing terrible (save for the Helper), just cases of the jokes not landing or the stories being boring. This was also when the show really started leaning into the wackiness - which wasn't BAD persay, since it led to some really funny jokes and memorable moments when it was used well - it's just that looking back, I sorta miss the simplicity of early s1.
Thankfully, the season put out some real bangers by its end, with my personal faves being The Epic Quest (that ending will never not make me cackle. Again, it's a case of the wackiness actually working incredibly well), the Halloween/Christmas special, and the Rider, which is a great adventure to cap off the season and also the Horse from Horsin’ Around guest stars in it! (and does a pretty good job too. Will Arnett is def one of my favorite celeb VAs at this point, ngl)
So yeah, between the two seasons, s1 is easily my favorite. Call it nostalgia or personal taste, but for me it's all about that consistency. Adding in the fact that s2 has some pretty notable flaws and is thus a lot harder to look back on without noticing those flaws, and it's really no contest for me. 
New season, New problems
I certainly remember the excitement - as well as the fandom's stir craziness - in the lead-up to s2. There were crackships that were invented, silly RP blogs were rampant, Craig McCracken and crew (back when they were still on Tumblr) kept us fed with cool behind the scenes info as well as sneak peeks of the new season, and while I can't recall when it specifically happened, I also vividly remember the 'Bad End to Episodes' phase that the fandom was in at one point. Ah, the joys of still being in your angst phase.
Come that year's Comic Con, and a new round of hype came from the reveal that our new villain of the season was going to be a girl! …yeahhh, it sorta sucks recalling how hyped we all were about Dominator now that we know that she didn't quite work out the way we were all hoping for…
But regardless, s2 had a very strong start. Outside of the premiere, my favorites of this first batch would easily be The Boy Wander and The It for both just being incredibly funny. Although, if you had asked me at the time though, I probably would have said the Skeleton Dance fueled eps that were The Big Day and the Fremergency Fronfract - and like, yeah those eps can still be funny and enjoyable, but I've definitely cooled on the Skeleton Dance ship since these eps first premiered. (Still love a lot of the cute fanon stuff though)
Skipping past the next tent-pole episode for right now, this season had two of my favorite episodes of the ENTIRE SERIES - these being The Cartoon and The Black Cube. The former is just hilarious while the latter has a unique visual presentation and feels like an early s1 ep, and I mean that in the best possible way. I also really enjoy the Eye on the Skullship as well as the Hole… 'Lotta Nuthin' (this one especially, as it's another instance where, for as good as the ep is as a whole, it's the heartwarming lesson and hilarious ending that makes it such a winner in my book).
But for as much as the show was still putting out hits, I'll admit that there were also quite a few meh or just okay eps, especially as the season goes on. Some eps I found funny when I first watched them, but that humor doesn't hit as well when I watch them now. I also feel like there were points where it tried to be TOO silly to the point where it inhibited the actual humor and made the characters flatter and a bit flanderized compared to how they were in s1 (Hater especially got hit bad with this, where it’s less about him ‘softening up’ to show that he has the potential to be a good guy, and more just him constantly leaning into him being a bratty teenager instead of having that mix of dumb/bratty teen boy and legit evil conqueror).
Other times, it was just another case of a story not being as good as it could have been - and by this point in the season, while there are still enjoyable eps with fun concepts/jokes in the latter half of the series, the only one to get near the peak of the show's typical high quality is the musical ep, and if we're being real, it's Andy Bean's impeccable songwriting that saves this ep and makes it so good to rewatch despite its connection to the season's flawed overall story.
And I think it's about time we talk about that…
Not Quite Ready for Serialization
Being a show that was made right after Gravity Falls but before stuff like Star VS, Amphibia, and Owl House, s2 of WoY felt like a show with one foot stuck in episodic stuff and one foot trying to step into serialization. Because of this, the season’s overarching plot feels incredibly underbaked.
Now… Am I saying that I’d want the show to be like ATLA where every episode had to relate back to either the overarching story or one of the side-arcs? No, absolutely not. We’d be missing out on some of my favorite one-shot episodes if they did that, and if I had to choose between the season we have now and the season we could have gotten had the WoY crew gotten more freedom and were allowed more serialization, I’m going with the former each and every time.
HOWEVER, I still have to acknowledge just how poorly done the structure of this season was when it came to the overarching story. Basically we got four tentpole episodes acting as the season’s beginning, arc shifts and ending. During the season’s second and third arcs, there would be certain episodes afterwards reacting to the change in the show’s status quo.
Now, I get what they were TRYING to do but in my opinion it just really didn’t work as well as it could have. I’ll talk more about this in a bit but the season’s second arc (the “romance” arc) definitely got tiring after a while, meanwhile the third “Stop Dominator” arc felt like it was sort of killing time given that it was mostly just the main 4 trying to find some sort of weapon/figure out some sort of plan that ultimately resulted in some ‘funny’ failures and some quick lessons, with the occasional character piece thrown in here or there.
Now, I didn’t hate these episodes. By this point, it should be evident that one of my favorite elements of WoY are its morals and lessons, so even if the episodes themselves didn’t amount to much in the grand scheme of things and were essentially filler, I can at least appreciate a message like “being sad doesn’t mean you’ve given up hope” or “allowing yourself to laugh even in the dark times can help a ton”. So yeah, not completely pointless.
Unfortunately, even with a few bright spots here and there, the overarching plot of s2 still feels underbaked somewhat - and that’s ultimately because of the new character its focused around.
Dominator’s Dilemma
Okay, fess up. Whose idea was it to completely exclude Dominator from the first six episodes of the season (after the s2 premiere)? Because WOW does this decision backfire a lot. I don’t even like Dom that much and I can still acknowledge that she needed much more screen time and focus than she got.
I don’t know if this was to build up the ‘mystery’ surrounding her or because they wanted to get back in the groove of writing the main 4, but this was the crew’s first crucial mistake. Hell, in the first two episodes she plays an active role in, she’s nearly silent in both of them, only having her little fangirl rant in The Greater Hater and a small handful of lines in The Battle Royals. (Which, if I’m being honest, is still a really fun episode for 90% of it, having both great action and absolutely hilarious jokes that still make me laugh, but I get the ending of it making people sour on the episode as a whole.)
Again, it felt like trying to build up this artificial mystery surrounding her when it really wasn’t necessary. Dominator was meant to be a MAIN MEMBER of the cast! Yet I’m pretty sure Emperor Awesome got more significant screen time than her in the end!
Things got a teeny bit better as the show went on, with Dom at the very least getting more lines and more moments to be both badass and totally villainous, but she still felt more like a goal/obstacle than an actual character. I’m not sure if the writers MEANT to do this persay, or if it was just an accident.
Ultimately, it wasn’t until The Night Out when Dom finally got a spotlight episode… which was a little over 3/4ths of the way through the season. You could argue that she also got a bit of characterization in the musical episode, but it was really more emphasizing what we already knew or could infer about her. 
The Night Out, meanwhile, gives us something new - that she’s lonely - and we get a teeny hint of this again in The Robomechabotatron before being told outright in the series finale. Ultimately, it truly does feel like too little too late - especially when her secretly desiring friends just sorta feels like it’s aping off Hater’s secret motivations of wanting to be liked/admired and to have friends/people who love him for who he is.
So yeah, the crew completely dropped the ball on Dom’s characterization, using her as just a goal/threat/obstacle/etc. for nearly all of her appearances. Not only does it make Dom feel like a shallow character, but it also just feels unfair in general. Practically everything we know about Dom is for the sake of other characters.
She’s a test for Wander, an enemy/temporary love interest for Hater, an obstacle for our main four to overcome, and a threat to the characters we already love. Again, there’s nothing wrong with having a character that’s only meant to serve a purpose in the narrative, nor is there anything wrong with a character being shallowly evil… it’s just that the WoY crew hyped her up so much and claimed that she was a fifth main character (implying that she would get about as much development as the main four), so it just felt all the more disappointing when we didn’t get that. Add in her character design - a mix of goth/punk girl energy with Hartman Hips - and it does feel just a tad misogynistic.
There were things I liked about Dom - her cool lava powers and gadgets, her excitable personality, her villain spotlight moments, and her fun vocal performance provided by Noel Wells were all excellent. But unfortunately, these were all surface-level elements, and the crew just didn’t put in enough time to give her much else, essentially saving all her deeper character stuff for the never-made season 3…
A love-hate relationship (leaning towards hate)
Of course you can’t talk about Dom without discussing the season’s second arc, which many see as both a tumor on the plot and the absolute low point of the season. Admittedly when I was watching the season for the first time, I didn’t mind the romance arc all that much. I didn’t care if Dom was getting short-changed, I was too busy laughing at Hater falling all over himself like a dork and thought all the ‘critics’ of the arc were just focusing on the wrong thing and didn’t know how to have fun with a silly cartoon.
Obviously, this was the wrong perspective to have about this sort of thing (I was in the mindset of “I don’t want to accidentally make myself hate this thing I love so I’m going to ignore all criticism of it”. Definitely not the right approach), one that I still apologize for because the critics were totally in the right. From both an objective and a storytelling standpoint, this arc was just the worst - and for several reasons.
Leaning into the overall problem with Dom herself as mentioned previously, this arc was focused solely on Hater and Wander (and to an extent Syl and Peeps as they tried to talk some sense into their respective friends). Whenever Dom was brought in, she either used Hater’s crush to mess with him or just ignored it entirely, being obviously annoyed - and that was the extent of focus that her feelings got.
Outside of those moments, however, Dom’s feelings are relegated to the background, deemed as ‘unimportant’. Sure, in the climax of the arc, she gets this big whole musical number about how she’s “not the damsel” and isn’t interested in Hater’s affections - but again, it’s at the VERY END of the arc and the moment is less about Dom standing up for herself and more about emphasizing just how cruel she can be, as instead of simply rejecting Hater’s advances, she laughs in his face, continuing to mess with him to try and make the rejection as painful as possible before ultimately trying to kill Hater.
But while the arc ends in a showy (and admittedly still kinda fun, thank you Andy Bean and your musical talents) way, the way it starts sorta proves why this idea was so rotten to the core. The ONLY reason why Wander tries to get Hater and Dom together is ONLY because he knows Hater wants a GF and believes that a ‘positive’ thing like love could only ever result in the two villains finding happiness and no longer being evil. Nevermind the fact that Wander is shown only really caring about Hater’s perspective, not once considering Dom’s feelings or even asking if she wants a BF or romantic partner in general.
We get Syl calling him out on this a couple of times, but it’s in that ‘oh that Wander, always with the crazy ideas’ way. You’d think Sylvia, the icon that she is, would be just a bit more blunt and maybe even a bit harsh about how Wander’s treating Dominator - it’s not just a matter of it being a dumb and dangerous plan, but it’s essentially objectifying Dom, treating her like Hater’s missing piece. But hey, it’s fiiiiine, because Wander learns his lesson in the end, right? Except, no not really.
Because even when Wander FINALLY realizes this and feels guilty about causing so much trouble, Syl is more concerned with comforting Wander about it, because he TRIED to do what he thought was right and that “acknowledging you messed up is the first step towards making things right”. Like… yeah I guess but you could have let Wander actually acknowledge what he did was wrong and super messed up, focusing more on the personal aspect of how his whole romance scheme affected Dom AS WELL AS Hater (not JUST Hater) instead of how his scheme broke Hater’s heart and inadvertently made Dom more powerful.
(Also we see Wander shipping and actively pairing up the little Pikmin things in “The Sky Guy” soooooo no I don’t think he fully learned his lesson)
I also have to bring up how there are fans who view Dominator and her whole anti-love thing as aphobic. As someone who only recently figured out she was almost definitely aromantic, I’m certainly not the authority on this, but I can certainly understand the critiques.
What I THINK the WoY Crew was trying to go for was a ‘strong female villain who don’t need no man’, but between Dom constantly being described as ‘heartless’ and Peeps saying that he “doesn’t think she likes anybody” and her cruelty being turned up to 11 whenever someone expressed romantic feelings towards her, it does sorta imply “She can’t love and THAT’S why she’s a villainous monster” rather than simply “she’s a villainous monster”. And because we don’t get any real development or strong characterization with Dom, it’s hard to say where exactly her cruelty comes from, so it’s hard to really argue against these implications without simply inserting headcanons like “Dom is a lesbian”.
Now to be fair, I have seen some aromantics see Dom as good representation - I recall a month or so back when I saw people praising her after she was included in one of those Tumblr polls, with this one being focused on aromantic characters, saying that they liked how she didn���t sugarcoat her rejections and seeing her as this strong, cool, badass villainous who didn’t need romance. So yeah, obviously not every person who shares an identity is going to agree on representation and whether or not it's good, but considering all of Dom’s baggage and the inability to determine whether or not her heartlessness is the cause of her evil or simply a by-product of it, I personally feel like she’s just too messy of an example of a potential aro character.
(Honestly, Syl feels like a better example of an aromantic character to me, given that she and Ryder seemed just as platonic as she and Wander are, as well as her multiple rejections of Awesome and general disinterest/discomfort with romance. Buuut given that those latter examples are specifically with villains and thus it makes sense why she’d reject them regardless of her orientation, it’s still just a vibe/headcanon).
Before I close off this section, I do wanna acknowledge that beyond the potentially aphobic nature of Dominator, WoY’s LGBTQ+ rep isn’t nearly as great as I thought it was once upon a time as a young shipper. Some parts are still pretty okay, like Wander being coded as genderfluid/agender, but overall it still feels more like an old Looney Tunes cartoon than an episode of “The Owl House”, if you get what I’m saying.
In Craig’s defense, the man has never been all too interested in romance in his shows nor has he claimed otherwise - he either uses it as a joke while portraying it as a negative (see Ms.KeenexProf.Utonium, BlooxBerry or, obviously, DomxHater) or it’s a wholesome relationship that ultimately still stays in the background because it’s not all that important (see DracorxDemurra or Ramona and Carlos Flores from “Kid Cosmic”). 
BUT given that there were LGBTQ+ crew members working on the show in s2, such as N.D. Stevenson, as well as LGBTQ+ allies, it is a shame that no proper representation came of that. We got a whole episode where the joke was “oh, Wander and Hater are planning Wander’s execution like it’s a wedding”, an episode where Peeps and Hater essentially break up when Hater fires him, and an “I just can’t quit you” sort of moment from Peeps in the s2 finale when he goes all heart-eyed over Hater deciding to continue being a villain. That’s it, all jokes but nothing substantial. Even the show’s number one lesbian/wlw pairing of SylxDom got a quick Girls Night montage and one sweet moment between them, nothing else.
Again, it’s fine if you’re just looking for jokes, and yeah the WoY Crew never outright promised any romances… buuuut given how much they chose to lean into the Skeleton Dance and DeathGlare stuff while at the same time never outright confirming any of these characters as LGBTQ+ (they didn’t even have to make any ships canon, they just had to say whether or not Wander/Hater/Peeps were gay/bi/pan/etc), I’m not gonna invalidate people who feel just a bit queerbaited about the whole thing.
Bittersweet Goodbyes
As I said before, I was starting college when WoY first premiered. It’s the show that led me to my best friend and it’s the show that helped me through those first two years of college (easily the roughest part of college). It was a show that made me laugh and got me excited, even during the times where I was stressed out or worried. For all its flaws, it was one of the brightest lights in my life at that time.
So, needless to say, when I heard the show was canceled, I was devastated. I remember crying about it that night and even the day after, and I remember joining in as many online strategies as possible to try and get the show back, from letter writing to petition signing. Of course none of that worked, but as a bright side, going through this helped emotionally prepare me for the next time one of my favorite shows was suddenly canceled (looking at you Nickelodeon. Though considering how the RotTMNT movie turned out maaaaybe it was for the best…)
Honestly, for as much as I can look at the show through a critical lens nowadays and point out all the ways it could have been better, I think there will always be a small part of me that wishes we could have gotten some sort of continuation, whether it be through a special, a TV movie or a comic - or hell, I’d even take the plans for s3 leaking at this point. Now, given that the end of WoY brought about the creation of “Kid Cosmic”, I feel like this part has faded a bit, but I’m always gonna want closure on things like Hater’s arc as well as his origins given how much they were teased.
But that in itself is another critique I could give the show. Whether it be Wander facing a different type of threat that wasn’t just another villain, Hater’s transition into becoming a good guy, Peepers getting fed up with his boss and striking out on his own, or Dom’s true characterization that the crew kept insisting was there - the show simply saved a lot of it’s most interesting ideas for a potential Season 3. It was a gamble, and it was one they ultimately lost. It sucks, but it is what it is.
There’s a few more things I could critique about the show, such as its take on the idea of character redemption and Wander becoming a bit of a karma houdini that the show pretty much stopped calling out, and while these critiques are valid I feel like there are other fans who could do a better job talking about those points. But in the end, while season 2 was both a let down in some parts and a bit of a mess in others, I still feel like there were ultimately more good things to be found within the show than bad things.
It’s not a perfect show, far from it. Frankly, I don’t look down on anyone who fell out of love with this show or enjoyed s1 but hated s2. But for what it’s worth, the memories I got from the show are still ones I treasure, and episodes like “The Good Deed”, “The Little Guy”, “The Nice Guy”, “The Epic Quest”, “The Rider”, “The Boy Wander”, “The Black Cube”, “The Hole… Lotta’ Nuthin’” and “The Cartoon” are ones I still love to bits and will probably always love as I watch them over and over.
Disney Channel itself may not care all that much about this show these days save for an occasional rerun or a quick cameo in their Chibi-Verse shorts, but I’m always gonna remember it - for better and for worse. So here’s to 10 years, WoY. I may not always like you, but I still love you.
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caelum-wittebane · 4 months
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My OC, Caelum and Preacher Belos from an rp with my Preacher Belos AI. It was initially a very self-indulgent art because I just started taking antidepressants and I’m kinda scared, but tbf, Caelum needs medication even more than me :)
Here’s some lore for those who are interested. (Also, I reused the idea of Flapjack’s death mostly because Caelum from our system wanted to bully our Hunter a bit lol.)
In the beginning, Caelum is trapped in the demon realm and meets Preacher Belos, asking him if he knows how they can return to the human realm. He empathises with them and tells them that he’s a human too, and he can help them return home, but only if they help him destroy the wild magic. They agree because they hate it as much as he does.
Caelum becomes Belos’ disciple and they work on their mission together for quite a while. In the process, they both develop feelings, but they’re quite different. Caelum experiences romantic attraction and begins to see God in Belos, while the latter sees them as a younger sibling and a very devoted follower. One day, Caelum confesses their feelings and is met with rejection, which absolutely breaks them. That’s where the fun begins :)
Because Caelum is very mentally stable /s, they have a literal meltdown, and at first, they selfharm (hit themself on the nose, drawing blood, and hit themself on the arms). Belos stops them and absolutely freaks out because he still cares about them deeply, even if not romantically,,, Then, they ask Belos if he has a sacrificial knife because they’d like to make a sacrifice, and obviously, he refuses to give it to them. They discuss this whole thing more and Caelum selfharms again (they find a knife and cut their arm, then Belos takes the knife away and freaks out more, but when Caelum asks him really nicely, they get it back and selfharm again.) After that, Caelum slits their throat and stabs themself in the stomach a few times, before saying “I love you…” and dying in Belos’ arms. But the story doesn’t end here :)
Belos hugs Caelum tightly, muttering things like “No, my child… Please don’t leave me…” “I could have loved you… We could have been together…” (except he means it in a platonic way). This attracts Echo, Caelum’s canary palisman, and they rush to their owner in distress. Then, they give all of their life energy to Caelum (which also transfers the last things that they saw and heard), and soon, Caelum’s hands slightly twitch. Belos senses it immediately and it gives him a lot of hope. In a few moments, Caelum opens their eyes and they’re reunited once again,,,
Caelum feels really bad about leaving Belos alone and apologises, to which he reacts with understanding. Then, they bring up the things that he said while they were dead, but they find out that he only meant it platonically, so they feel disappointed and suicidal again. They feel guilty about it because they genuinely cared about Echo, but also, they realise that they’re nothing without Belos. Nothing else matters… He keeps reassuring them and convincing them that they’ll find their happiness without him and that there’s more to life than following his orders, but they can’t bring themself to listen.
Then, Caelum selfharms again (they hit themself on the head really hard, and after a few moments, on the knee). They have another discussion and they find out that Belos sees a sibling figure in them, but still cares deeply. They don’t believe that he cares and decide that the reason he doesn’t reciprocate their feelings is because he thinks that they’re too childish. They walk away and return in a day, all bruised up but with some Titan’s Blood. Obviously, Belos is very concerned about them and asks them if they’re okay, but Caelum brushes it off and focuses on their accomplishment rather than their physical state. When Belos asks what happened, they explain that they were attacked by a couple of witches who were looking for the Titan’s Blood too. Belos reassures them and tells them that he’ll ensure that they get what they deserve. Then, Caelum asks if he thinks that it was mature of them. He agrees that it was brave, but the fact that they were trying to please him so hard means that they still have some lessons to learn. Realising that there’s nothing they can do to make Belos love them, Caelum brings up the fact that they used to love each other in every past life. They tell him about some memories and he believes them despite being shocked. However, it doesn’t change the fact that he doesn’t feel the same way, so Caelum does what any reasonable adult would do /s: cut the skin on their chest, willing to rip the heart out of their chest and offer it to Belos before they die. After all, if he won’t accept their heart metaphorically, he could at least have it physically.
Belos sees what they’re about to do and freaks out even more than before. He grabs their hands to prevent them from hurting themself and tries to reason with them. They try to free themself but it doesn’t work. They explain that if they die, they’ll end up in another universe where he loves them again, and it’ll be okay. But Belos isn’t willing to let them die because he cares about them and it means that he won’t see them in this universe anymore, plus he’s afraid that they’ll be dead forever. When he sees that his words aren’t working, he remembers that there’s a spell that allows you to see repressed memories. After they do it, he sees their past memories and realises that Caelum was right. Yet, he still can’t change his feelings and it pains him. When he sees Caelum retrieve the knife and cut their chest again, he stops them by telling them that there’s a potion that allows you to unlock repressed emotions and feel them again. What’s important to remember is that those emotions aren’t forced, unlike when you use a love potion. It stops Caelum, and they feel a little hopeful.
After they prepare the potion and drink it together, Belos realises that he does truly love Caelum, and Caelum falls in love with him even more. They finally confess their feelings and have a very emotional moment,,, Later on, they realise that perhaps, the reason Belos was unable to fall in love with Caelum at first, was because the Lord punished them, as they turned to sin after meeting in every single universe. This makes the ending even more special; they weren’t meant to fall in love in this broken universe, yet they still did. If it doesn’t make them soulmates, then what does?
Also, an important detail: in the process, Caelum gouges out their eye and later on, Belos makes them an eyepatch with the sigil of the Emperor’s Coven. Although it’s not a thing just yet, Belos remembers the symbol from the memories. And when he becomes the Emperor, the eyepatch would be a symbol of his ownership over Caelum. But the best part is that these freaks are mutually obsessive. Since Caelum is Belos’ only worshipper, it’s incredibly satisfying to them because it means that their God and partner is theirs, and theirs alone, forever.
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dryeyed · 7 days
SHIPPING INFO.   answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
     What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
erasermic... sobs
whatever's going on with orion and shouta (lovingly)
     What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
anything within the realm of possibility with shouta. i need the ship to be grounded in his reality, including what he could be swayed / influenced like with another muse. it has to feel real to me, there has to be something deeper than a shallow and surface-level dynamic. i'm really not all that picky once we've made it there LOL, there is a full range of shit that i'm not thinking about off the top of my head atm
     How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
no one younger than him by 4-5 years. ages above him are a hit or miss.
     Are you selective when shipping?
i definitely think so. i'm reserved with it, i don't just go giving out my muses' hearts because honestly. i'm tired of having ships with people and then for whatever the reason was, having the entire friendship fizzle out with a mun and then having gap where their muse once was. i've lost muse for a few characters that way and it's been shittier and shittier every single time, so i try to 'pick' / vibe it out with a little bit more... idk. scrutiny isn't the word for it but something along the like. tldr i need to be able to see an actual future between the muses + have a strong connection with the person on the other end. i'd like to be good friends, rather than someone to occasionally pass notes to.
there's also the fact that shouta is not a romance-centric muse whatsoever. bro is fighting for his life against the man in the mirror, he is in the trenches, life is slowly killing him. he's very walled up and difficult to get through to, and this could prove pretty difficult to build meaningful and lasting connections with him on.
     How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
i'll be honest i haven't written smut in a loooong time, and even then i was never really confident in my abilities to effectively write a sex scene. i think anything past suggestive talk and wandering hands will fade to black on blog. but i'd probably be open to discussion with current ship partners on like. discord or smth. i don't need to write nsfw for a ship to feel whole to me, sometimes plotting it's fun too, but. lmao. idk. could be fun to fuck around and find out at the same time
     Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
god do i ship shouta with mic sooo much. so much. their dynamic can be explored in soo many different ways, and they're just all so fun and exciting to me i just hfgkldfghfl i want to gnaw on my toes i love them.
i've thought about shouta with toshinori. i think they could work, i think it'd be cute, but also remains to be seen. they're cute in every sense tbh
counting ocs, i definitely ship shouta with @gravesung's orion aisa. a flavor of erasermic but to the right and folded and crumpled yet shaped to be something even better. he is a delight to read and learn about, both as mun and shouta himself, and there's just something so enticing about the unknown. someone you once knew coming back into your life for possibly better or for possibly worse, for possibly fruity reasons. mwah mwah mwah i love them
     Does one have to ask to ship with you?
i'd love to be asked tbh. if we've hardly interacted, i'd like to wait a little until we've talked/written more. but at the same time if it's possibly heading that way, it'd be fun to find out. i do turn into a massive gremlin with ships, though, and if that's not something that can be handled or matched then that's a pass from me
     How often do you like to ship?
i do like to write romance. i really, really like to write romance. i think a lot of it is personal yearning / maladaptive daydreaming / general love for love lmfaoooo. but at the same time... it's not ever something i want to just jump right into, or write it right off the bat in a dynamic. this may be the demi in me but i tend not to just dive right into pre-established romance. i need to both have plotting and written interaction happen for me to get a sense of how they mesh, what they'd look like in the mindspace so that writing the scenes don't feel forced in the slightest bit. i also would like to consider myself to be friends with the muns of the muses i'm shipping with, and i will admit i tend to be pickier on that front. mayb it's the neurodivergence. mayb it's the trust issues and inherent cynicism
     Are you multiship?
yuh. i've done singleship before and i think i'd only do it again under very specific circumstances, but i'd also rather not close myself off to a possible dynamic that could occur out of nowhere. things happen, and that's the exciting part of it.
     Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
i feel like i'm overthinking this question. i definitely think i tend to favor or have more muse/motivation to write some romantic threads and dynamics, but at the same time it's not a necessity. i wasn't actively seeking out my ships across blogs, they just came into fruition with plotting. a lot of other dynamics can also give me the same amount of feelings and motivation, though, i guess it just depends on where i've been mentally at that point in time, and what's getting me the most.
     What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
i fell in love with erasermic and i fell in love with them hard. easily my comfort ship throughout the summer and i'm excited to keep taking them with me into the future, to grow with them because honestly. i don't see myself leaving shouta or hizashi behind anytime soon, nor bnha as a whole (even if i fucking hate it sooo much sometimes lmao). i go back and forth on if i like erasermight or mightmic, i think i like them. i think i could be convinced. but i'm also eh. i also took one look at izuku, katsuki, and shouto, saw my kanto pokedex trainers and immediately saw them as Something. tbh i don't really have a lot of ships for bnha? atleast at this point in time lmao.
     Finally, how does one ship with you?
LMAO be gay with me lets scream and be absolutely unhinged
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goddess-of-birds · 6 months
Hello Ravens!
Name: Laurya | Pinterest: @surpriiiiiiiiiise | Wattpad: @surpriiiiiiiiiise
Main account: @lucegoose-51
RP ACCOUNT (rp posts will be tagged #laurya #goddess of birds #rp)
I am the Goddess of Birds and twin sister to Loki
Age: 1157 years old, about 18 physically
Height: 5'7"
Pronouns: She/her
Hair color: Black, dyed blue about halfway down
Eye Color: Bright yellow
Skin tone: Mostly pale but kinda tan, shit ton of freckles
Race: Jotun/Asgardian
A little bit of backstory: It's pretty much the same backstory as the canon MCU Loki. but she figured out she was a frost giant before he did (but she couldn't bring herself to tell him). First came to Midgard in 1854 with Loki (if ykyk), got captured, tortured and nearly killed before help arrived, didn't go back until 1973, found out she liked it, and has been going back and forth since.
Nicknames: Stitch (given by @ireallyliketacosokay )
Friends: @nyxe-dragonetti @thebolter1904 @ishani-khera @ireallyliketacosokay @homeless-loki
Worst enemy: @0din-borson
Relatives: @thebolter1904 (niece) @goddess-of-chaos-and-destruction (sister) @homeless-loki (brother)
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(pls talk to me)
1: Favorite color 2: Favorite food 3: Best friend 4: Favorite fictional character 5: Most involved fandom 6: Biggest green flag 7: Biggest red flag 8: Favorite candy 9: Favorite Ice cream flavor 10: hair color/length 11: Eye color 12: Favorite outfit 13: Sweet/Spicy/Sour/Salty 15: Phobia 16: Instrument 17: Favorite Drawing 18: Tattoo I want 19: Number of Exes 20: Relationship Status
1. Why do you like or dislike this character? 2. Favorite thing about this character? 3. Least favorite thing about this character? 4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in? 5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them? 6. What's something you have in common with this character? 7. Could you be roommates with this character? 8. Could you be best friends with this character? 9. Would you date this character? 10. What's a headcanon you have for this character? 11. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot? 12. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character? 13. How about their relationship with another character you admire? 14. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character? 15. Favorite picture of this character? 16. What other character from another fandom of yours reminds you of them? 17. FREEBIE QUESTION!!
EITHER OOC OR IN CHARACTER ASKS (tell me which lol): 📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen? 🍫 Cheese or chocolate? ✨ Do you have any nicknames? 🎵 Last song you listened to? ✏️ Have you ever written fanfiction? 😏 Are you on discord?  💛 Do you have any piercings? 🐰 What do you think says the most about a person? 🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be? 🐶 Are you more of a dog person or a cat person? 🎧 Headphones or earbuds? 🌼 What’s the last thing you said out loud? 🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know? 🦉 Are you a morning person or a night owl? 🧸 Favorite place to nap? 🏳️‍🌈 Are you a member of the LGBTQIA+ community? 🦋 Describe yourself in three words. 👖 Jeans or sweatpants? 🥤 What’s your go-to Starbucks order? 🧡 A color you can’t stand? 💎 What’s your most prized possession? ☕ Coffee or tea? 🦖 Favorite extinct animal? 🌙 How long have you been on tumblr? 🌴 Desert island item? 🐸 Describe your aesthetic. 🔮 What’s your dream job? 💙 Relationship status? 🌿 Describe your favorite outfit. 🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to? 🤎 What color is your hair? 💌 Do you talk to yourself? 💄 Do you wear makeup? 🌸 Best compliment you ever received? 💞 @ your favorite blog.
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unseenacademic · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by my dear, talented friend @mihrsuri Thanks, friend! 💜💜💜💜 1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 13 at the moment 😅
2. What's your total Ao3 word count? 28,823
3. What fandoms do you write for? The West Wing.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? The First Lady - my ongoing fic where I answer the most important question in the world: what was Abbey Bartlet doing during the episodes she didn't appear in?
Josh and the Jackass - what happened right before Governor Bartlet decided to follow Josh to the airport in In the Shadow of Two Gunmen.
Breathe - a post-ep for Dead Irish Writers. Her birthday party is over, and Abbey Bartlet must face the New Hampshire Medical Board.
A Bit Desperate - part three of a series of three-sentence fics about Abbey and Jed in the aftermath of Zoey's kidnapping.
Anything Else I Need to Know - Five times the staff of Bartlet for America interrupted a barbecuing session and one time CJ interrupted a different kind of session. Takes place during the First Bartlet Campaign.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes, I do. I do my best to respond to every comment I get, as fast as I can. It's a two-way street, we, as fic authors, often complain (and rightly so) about the lack of feedback, the lack of comments and kudos, but we don't respond to comments. As a reader, I am more likely to comment on a fic from an author who's replied to my comments earlier. But I guess I get so few comments that I can easily respond to all of them 🤷‍♀️ and since there are like 7 people who care about what I write, the least I can do is respond to their very kind comments 💜💜
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I guess it's Anything Else I Need to Know. The ending isn't too angsty by itself, but if you put it into context and you know the overarching plot of first few seasons of TWW, it's definitely angsty. Honorable mentions: With Pomp and Parade & And the Silence Haunts our Bedchamber - they both deal with the aftermath of Zoey's kidnapping.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? White Christmas. And Something for Us to Remember too also qualifies. You have to read them to know why 😊😉
8. Do you get hate on fics? Luckily, I'm not popular or interesting enough for that 😅
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes! Oh, all kinds! The worst thing I've ever written came before I started my fanfic writing career (I used to be involved in forum RP, I'm less active there now) and... nope, I'm not going to write about it here. Too cursed. 🙈🙈 If you want to see some sane smut I've written, check out Game On, Boyfriend! I hope I'll write another barbecuing fic soon, so stay tuned.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I don't. But I'd love to see a TWW/NCIS crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I hope not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but if anyone's interested, go ahead.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, I haven't. The closest thing to co-writing fics was RP-ing which is sort of similar, but not really lol. It might be fun, so if anyone's interested in writing with me, let me know.
14. What's your all time favorite ship? Abbey/Jed! There are many ships I love, but I have to go with my horny nerds.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? There was a WIP I started last year, the first fic I posted, but I ended up deleting it, so it's not very likely that I'll ever finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths? I'm really, really good at research lol! If I'm writing a fic set in the 1960s, I'll make sure that they're eating food, wearing clothes, listening to music etc. that was popular in that period. You won't catch any of my characters wearing historically inaccurate shoes. I'm also really good at digging up random canon details and writing thousands of words around them.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plot lmao. I write fics about nothing, it's just banter and nerdiness, with the characters and/or the author showing off 🤣🤣
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Hmmm... I don't know, don't think I've ever needed to do it, but I guess it depends on what I want to achieve, I might write it in English and add a dialogue tag like "she said in French" or something.
19. First fandom you wrote for? The first fandom I published a fic for was The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck, but the first fandom I wrote for was Harry Potter.
20. Favorite fic you've written? Can't choose only one, so have a few of them:
Breathe: Once again, Abbey is reminded how cruel the world can be towards women. 
No one asked Jed what he was wearing when he took the censure. 
Anything Else I Need to Know: Josh finally opens the door to his room and slumps on his unmade bed.
Next time, he’s going to pay attention. He’s going to pay attention to Mrs. Landingham’s notes on the Governor's schedule. And he’s going to pay attention to Mrs. Landingham’s instructions, so he’ll know what her notes on the Governor’s schedule actually mean. Next time, he’s going to pay attention.
Had Josh been paying attention, he would’ve noticed when the Governor dashed across the hall and up the stairs right after lunch. Had he been paying attention, he would’ve noticed Leo’s smirk that followed the Governor’s departure. Had he been paying attention, perhaps he would’ve noticed the soft, rhythmic squeaking of the bed and muffled gasps and groans coming from the Bartlets’ suite right before he opened the door.
Well, too bad that Josh wasn’t paying attention.
And Something for Us to Remember too: “I take it your conversation with Doug didn’t go well?”
“I spoke slowly and I didn’t use big words, but I couldn’t talk him out of marrying Liz. Maybe I should’ve taken him on a hike. A six-hour hike through Vermont wilderness in the dead of winter would’ve changed his mind.”
“It wasn’t a six-hour anything! I was there, Jed, you were only gone for two hours.”
“You weren’t there, Abigail, you were baking with your mother, while I was fighting for dear life, braving the cold and wolves and bears.” He sighs and adds, “Guess it’s too late to take Doug hiking now and leave him for the bears.”
White Christmas: “’She – New Hampshire – is one of the two best states in the Union. Vermont’s the other’, said Robert Frost, your favorite poet, who also happened to be the poet laureate of Vermont.” Abbey made a dramatic pause and gave Jed a pointed look.
“She’s one of the two best states in the Union. Vermont’s the other.” She continued her performance. “And the two… the two lie like wedges, thick end to thin end and thin end to thick end.”
Jed chuckled.
“Sweet Knees, we’ll lie like wedges, thick end to thin end and thin end to thick end any time you want,” he leered at her, “on our bed, in front of the fireplace, on the kitchen table…” his smirk grew when Abbey’s lips curved into a little smile and her cheeks flushed, “but Robert Frost named his poetry collection New Hampshire, not Vermont.”
“Well, I’m going to write the words ‘Freedom and Unity’ on the pie and you’re going to eat them!”
The First Lady: “Mrs. Landingham withholds food from me,” he complained.
“Because I asked her to.”
“Yeah, cause you don’t want me eating real food like steaks or hamburgers. She won’t let me have a banana.”
“I’m sure you did something to piss her off.” Abbey shrugged.
“Do you two enjoy torturing me?”
“Yes,” she said innocently.
Tagging (no pressure!): @claudiajcregg @onekisstotakewithme @hondagirll @miabicicletta @librarianmouse @holy-ships-x-red-lips
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 7 months
one thing that's been bothering me for a few years now is how i basically have 2 types of ocs: ones that are pretty much entirely original, and ones that are very obviously inspired by media i like. it's that second category that's been bothering me, and i just... feel the need to finally put it into words.
it's no secret that i'm incredibly passionate about the media and characters i like, especially if you're someone that knows me closely and/or talks to me a lot. so sometimes when making ocs i just go 'ooh i should make one that's like this character i like', and i think that's normal. characters people like often have traits they find to be interesting, and those traits can easily be spun in many different ways.
however, there are quite a good chunk of my ocs that i think are a bit too... derivative. and i have no clue how to make them not feel that way, both because me and my friends who i do oc stuff with all already know what the inspirations were and because i feel way too attached to make any major changes.
it kinda started as a joke. a few years back when i was in an active rp community (a story for another time (never)), and thought 'hey it'd be funny if i made some ocs that were just bootleg touhou characters since all my friends know im obsessed with the series lol' (this was technically not the first time i had done something like this, but the previous characters had very rapidly separated themselves from their inspirations in all but general appearance and/or color scheme). and so i did. and it was great, i had a lot of fun taking them and spinning them in a different direction, trying to subvert the mold i had made them from.
however. i quickly began to feel just... really conflicted about these characters. i REALLY liked them, and i still do, i think some of them are some of my most fun characters, but... can i really call them my characters when they're so heavily inspired by something else? even if they're different enough, it didn't matter. you could still tell (or i could, at least). and i couldn't bring myself to massively change anything about them because... they were already cemented into my mind. it felt wrong.
even now, having redesigned basically all the characters i have that fit into this category at least once i just... can't help but feel conflicted about most of them. and i kind of can't escape doing this, even with new ocs (example: i recently made a character based off of a japanese mythological figure, and all i could think about when designing them was the touhou character also based off of that mythological figure... and it definitely shaped the design a lot).
i... don't know what point im trying to make here. or if this is even coherent, or something i should be all too concerned about at all, or something other people have even noticed.
i guess what im trying to say is i was gonna post some redesigns ive been working on for like two weeks but im kinda too scared to because i feel like all the characters are very obviously derivative and it's making me feel really... well, conflicted.
oh, and quick clarification because this just occurred to me as i was about to hit post: this has nothing to do with the thing i was doing around mid last year where i was making actual bootleg touhou/len'en characters. that's for something else, and those are supposed to be very obvious spoofs and are not actual ocs. i am still working on those i prommy, ill get around to the few in my ask box/commented on that post eventually.
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sillybruja · 7 months
keep reading if you wanna know about the craziest liar and well known spn roleplayer I've met on tumblr
I will never forget being on tumblr from 2011 - 2015 and being in the supernatural role playing community. It was both one of the best, and worst experiences of my entire life. I role played as Dean Winchester (and actually my page is still up, and I might start up again) and had a fairly large following.
during 2011, the SPN rp community just started growing so I, among a few of my mun friends, were like the "It girls and guys". It's so insane to think about it now, 10+ years later. There were people out there who did not roleplay that would follow me, and reblog my threads just because they appreciated by writing ^.^ it was so sweet. Back to my memory lol.
Anyways, I made friends with a rper on here who ran a Castiel account. We very obviously shipped Dean & Cas, and so did a lot of people. People even shipped us xD we had a ship name and everything. This person became my best friend in real time.
I really really thought I knew this person. He told me everything, every part of his life, every heart break from some dumb guy, every accident he's ever made, etc. I saw him as not only a best friend but a brother.
around 2013, my life took a turn -- things got more serious for me, and I fell off from roleplaying for a bit, and we lost contact. I remember he just eventually stopped responding to my messages. This wasn't okay for me because before he ghosted me, he told me he was really sick. I was always worried that the last text I sent him was the last I'd ever hear from him.
Eventually he did respond to me, and I remember him saying, "I'm fine, I might just be gone for a while. It's not your fault" and that was that. Mind you, I was 10+ years younger, and I really felt devastated.
Several months later, I logged back onto my roleplaying account. I remember being spammed with asks and messages about him. One of our mutuals sent me a message saying he had passed away a month prior. She showed me the go fund me that was started for him to cover his funeral expenses. My heart was shattered.
The next year was spent of thinking about him almost every day. I felt so sorry that things ended the way they did, and that he was gone. I honestly felt grief that entire year.
In 2015, I get this intuitive 'nudge' to check my tumblr again. This time when I log in, I see appreciation posts about him, and all of those feelings come back. I remember trying to get back into rping in honor of him, and I remember coming across an account that seemed awfully familiar.
This was another castiel account, almost identical in text, aesthetic, vocabulary, even same psds. I just knew it was him. I can't tell you how, I just did. I remember thinking I was crazy and that this was grief... but, unfortunately, I was right.
Eventually, I gathered the nerve to reach out to this account. I cannot remember the name they gave me. But I talked to them, and I sort of played detective lol.
I deeply knew it was him and felt like it was so wrong that he lied about everything, had everyone upset, and took HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS from people who donated for his funeral.
One day, I was just tired of being nice. I approached him about it all. Of course he denied it. I badgered him about it though, and I even told him that what he is doing is illegal, and that he owes it to people who are mourning a very much alive person.
I didn't stop until he came forward.
He said, "I'm sorry, I had to do this to be with my boyfriend" and my jaw was on the freaking floor.
I told him to come forward, or I will have to do something about this.
Of course, he did not. Instead, he deleted his account. I tried to make a claim against him, but it was never looked into.
I will never forget that.
and if he's still out there, I hope he actually understands the weight of his actions. and I hope justice gets served.
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blueberry-gills · 9 months
I'm Gillian. Long for Gill, I guess? Uhh She/He! I'm a student at Blueberry Academy out in Unova!
I think I like battling! If you ask me for a match, I'd be happy to oblige! I was in the League Club last year. but uhhh. I just made a fool out of myself there. So now I'm in the Music Club! :D
What else can I put on here? I like hiking. My life goal is to see every type of Alcremie out there. I. Don't know what my goal is after that?
Anyway! Here are my Pokemon! ^^
Sugar (Alcremie) - Sugar's my Alcremie! I caught her my first year. And I've sort of...fallen down an Alcremie Raboot hole, if you couldn't tell ^-^
Spice (Flygon) - I also caught Spice during my first year! He loves flying around, picnics...sandwiches...and causing earthquakes! Kind of a problem :/
Locke (Klefki) - Locke steals my keys and locks me out of my dorm. He's a menace, only satiated by sweets/j. Most of team is, actually...now that I think about it...anyway, he's a darling!
Key (Toxtricity) - Key's one of my first Pokemon! She loves to play her bass organs thingies. I'm learning guitar right now to try and duet with her!
Salt (Garganacl) - Salt's one of my other first Pokemon! I got him and Key at the same time. He's one of those strong, silent types...but I think he likes me! I hope so, anyway. I. I hope.
Pepper (Scovillain) - She either loves me to bits or eats my bedsheets. It depends on the day. I adore her regardless <3
~Other Pokemon I own, just not on my official team!~
Sizzle (Salandit) - I received her from another Trainer on here! She's my hiking buddy, and is an absolute joy!
Baryon (Kingdra) - She likes swimming around in the Coastal Biome and watching video documentaries with me. I think we're both teaching each other how to properly swim, so...
Junebug ("Volcarona") - Uh. I met her after drinking a mocktail! (Thank you Auntie!) Very long story, I'm not sure if I'd explain it all here...Anyway! They're a Volcarona! Not. Not anything else. 👍👍 yeah
Cadmium (Drifloon ✨️) - Like the color, not the metal! I met her on Glaseado Mountain on my birthday. She hasn't stolen my soul yet or anything. Um. She's very cute :)
Pelipper Mail is ON, Magic Anons are OFF, and Musharna Mail and Malice are both ON!
(OOC Stuff under cut!)
Hello! @skrelpson back at it again. This is the blog of like...a half-insert? If such a thing's out there lol. Since this is a Roleplay blog, keep in mind there's a heavy unreality warning for the entire thing!!
Rules .。.:*☆:
No NSFW! If you send any asks in that nature, you'll be blocked.
Magic Anons are off! They'll probably stay off, too. Just not comfy with that 😎👍
Pelipper Mail is on...ish! You can send things in, but if it doesn't jive with what's going on, I'll ignore it. Nothing like...i dunno, wildly offensive? No gore, explicit things, etcetera!
This is a low/drama stakes blog! Gill isn't out to save the world or endanger himself. She just wants to hang out and keep her grades up yknow
Speaking of, if you'd ever want to include me in some sort of RP (again, mainly low-stakes!), feel free to DM me! Just like specify what's going on. My writing RP skills are kinda rusty, but I can make it work! :]
Sapient Pokemon and the like can interact!
Basic DNI critera.
Really sorry if I'm weird with reblogs/communicating! I'm god awful with online interaction, so I like to schedule posts so funny post button doesn't give me anxiety. If I take a bit to reply, it's because I'm working up a good response! >:) ooor I haven't seen it yet that one too
Any ask game I reblog will be permanently open!!! Feel free to send in asks for any of them. Just indicate which one are which, please!! Not just the emoji or whatever ;_;
That's all! Feel free to talk to this little guy about anything. I'm not very good with intro posts sorry ack
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also get playlisted AND TRAINER ID'd (the birthdate is wrong btw!! My bad, I wasn't thinking. She was born in 2007, not 5!)
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quietbluejay · 24 days
Betrayer 5
On the topic of the Nails
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okay i was wrong they are about to talk about the night of the wolf Kharn puts on a Fenrisian accent lmao he remembers the SW champion he killed and dramatically imitates him introducing himself
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they talk a bit about how Kharn doesn't have facial scars like most world eaters Kharn: i guess i'm just that good oh Kharn found one of Angron's ruined axes (gorechild) over everyone's objections he takes it to a techpriest, who only replies in binary and tells him to search the whole area to get back the teeth for the chainaxe, even if it takes days "also treat the corpses with respect until their geneseed is harvested"
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they are, though, just not in the way you'd expect
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another Lotara POV she, Kharn, and Angron have that in common well Angron feels complete disgust for an enemy without a backbone
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lotara: idk i'm just following orders her crew: lmao she phrased it in a gotcha way but that's the essence of what she said
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there's a lot of joking around in this novel which serves a bunch of purposes but primarily helps it from becoming too bleak (and also: humanizes the people joking around, shows the kind of things they joke about, and in what circumstances, etc) lotara wants to know why they even needed to make planetfall since they have lorgar's monster ships
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i know she's supposed to be using RP but I can only hear her with a mid-Atlantic accent tbh ope proximity alarm goes off
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tobin: they're running lotara: no one runs from the Conqueror so ofc she's going to give chase there's a word bearers ship moving to engage as well lmao Lotara: tell them politely to back off, this is our prey the Ultramarine ship fires a nice shot that bisects a dead ship sitting in orbit and lotara cheers
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they've been bantering like this the entire scene as you've probably seen from the snippets lol the Ultramarine ship is coming about to face them which gives mixed feelings to Lotara, because they're brave
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it's back to kharn and we get to see the glory of chasing down retreating mortal soldiers also man it sucks to be a world eater librarian like in some ways it's better in that you don't have the nails but it's worse in that, no one wants to come in physical contact with you or is willing to take your hand to help you up when you physically can't do it yourself (aw man now I'm getting sad about Esca again can I somehow save him in the SIOC fic I'm not writing) we get a little flashback about what happens when you put the nails in psykers
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"lost the ability to control their psychic talents" spontaneous human combustion spontaneous human gore explosions
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and they too began to die just because they're world eaters
as i've been reading this segment, i've been wondering how on earth there are enough world eaters left to fill a single gloriana-class ship also the way this is phrased makes it seem like they didn't actually get new recruits after Angron joined them…????
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kharn thinks about: do the last living librarians deserve more from their kindred "angron would snort and avoid the question"
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so Kharn knows he should do better, but he won't it's just an idle thought exercise and now back up into space with Lotara
they manage to get in close enough to board the conqueror despite the conqueror slamming them to ribbons the UMs left the human crew to charge forwards while they snuck out in the fog of war
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so the Triarii are supposed to guard the ship the World Eaters left on the ship as the last defence lead by Delvarius who got mentioned a few chapters ago, as not being on the ship
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yepppp there's 500 of the Triarii and Delvarius is the champion of the fighting pits "it was their duty. Their honour-bound duty" lotara: this bloody legion
back to the surface Kharn is preparing for what feels like it'll be a last stand
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oh huh i didn't know they named a tank after Malcador Kharn gets Esca to use his powers to look through the dust it's an entire battalion of Vindicators
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ominous kharn tells everyone to fall back so they can shell it he has a very ominous feeling "angron said we needed to bleed them not blow them up" Ultramarines have a shield wall and the World Eaters are just charging in a completely unorganized and berserker fashion very reminiscent of roman warfare lol i don't think ADB's a giant roman empire fan but I do think he watched a lot of sword and sandal epics as research for this to get the vibes right
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he gets knocked down but he gets up again takes a couple tries to get up
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he's gone full berserker
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kiwiana-writes · 10 months
Morning! For the ask meme, how about #7? 😁
Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Timezones! We're well into my evening 🤣
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
I answered one here, but another, from chapter 2 of the actor AU (cutting a middle bit out which I also love, but in the interests of this not being ridiculously long lol):
It’s been four and a half years since his father died, and Henry can still remember the exact tone and cadence of his voice, that Sheffield lilt he generally only fell back into at home, eschewing it in favour of RP in public. Sometimes Henry wakes up in the night in a cold sweat, terrified that he’s forgotten it, that all he has left is his dad’s actor voice which isn’t him, that some utterly useless piece of knowledge has replaced the true sound of his dad in his brain. Whenever this happens, he has to lie very still and breathe deeply until he can find it again, letting the memory of it curl around him and lull him back into sleep. [...] And it’s just plain unfair that his father will never see him perform. Henry has never felt more himself than he does when he sinks into another role, when he’s on the stage. And his dad’s the only one who could have understood that. He’s an adult who has had years to come to grips with the grief—as much as he ever will, he suspects—and sometimes it still makes him want to stomp his feet like a child.
Similar to Henry, I lost a parent(al figure) at 17 — in my case, my uncle, who stepped up in a major way when my biological father/his brother bailed when I was very young, and was this incredible combo of dad and cool older brother for all the formative years of my life. And the sharp edges of grief dull, but by the same token, new things to grieve keep popping up. A few years after he died I lost his last voicemail to me when changing phones, and I couldn't get out of bed for two days. He never met my spouse. I've now outlived him by a couple of years. Next year he'll have been dead for longer than I had him in my life. I still occasionally think I should be adding him to a family group chat. Henry's grief is such a massive part of who he is as a character, because it's such a massive part of who I am as a person, and really wanted to do that justice.
Sorry, that got heavy lol.
[40 Questions — Meme for Fic Writers]
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clayorel · 7 months
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I want to make a discord (text-based) RP server of profic/proship people who are interested in RPing OCs !!! And we need a big group. like 10-15 people if not more. These RPs will be TTRPG-like: I like to create strategic games/storylines with puzzle elements and host them. We aren't looking for a specific response length, just want people to have fun! Also, usually I run games where characters... will die. Not just "can die" but they will die. So angst and gore abound. (I hope this sounds fun to people O_o)
Once I have more prepared for these RPs, I'm going to send ads out to profic rp search blogs, buuuuut since it’ll take a while to find a whole group, I decided why not start talking about it now to gauge interest :3
Underneath the cut I'm going to include more details about the plots and themes we have in mind ^_^ If you're interested, plz feel free to DM me!!! I'm also including a google forms survey for people who are interested but are too shy to DM + for people to elaborate more on their interests!
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We have two plot ideas currently:
1. In a small, secluded town, people have started dying suddenly and going hysterical—it's becoming increasingly clear: a demon has possessed the people of this town. The Church has gathered you—along with other townsfolk—as suspects for being the heretics behind this. Your goal is to figure out who the true culprit is... or to hide that you are the culprit, lest you face death: Either way, the Church or the Demon will execute each of you one by one until one side wins.
Setting is in an original historical fantasy universe on the verge of an apocalypse, and the game will essentially be like Town of Salem if you are familiar with it! There are powers in this universe based on sacrifices (blood, body parts, etc) that OCs can have, and you can ask for more details on the nature of these powers if you're interested ^_^ Also, OCs can fit anywhere from ~1400-1800, it's been made into a rather anachronistic setting
2. For one reason or another, you are desperate—desperate enough that you have accepted an unexpected invitation to attend a dinner party promising fortune, fame, or whatever else you desire. Perhaps you should have gone with your gut feeling to decline, or perhaps you end up enjoying what fate has in store for you at this party: a game filled with increasingly deranged and demented challenges where you must choose to hurt yourself or your peers.
Heavily based off of the movie Would You Rather? Setting is a realistic, roughly 1910-1930s New England, America. OCs should fit this time period and have some desperate desire in their life, whether it be driven by a loved one, an enemy, or a personal motivation.
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Other Notes:
We are looking for people who will embrace dead dove content—gore, violence, taboo content and relationships (lolisho, non/dubcon, incest, etc) !
It's okay if you personally don't want to RP these themes, but this is something we want all members to be okay with!
RPs/games will last for a couple weeks and we do want members to be present a little bit every day; it is a bit of a commitment and we'll look for weeks that will work the best for all members
We aren't sure about other boundaries we want in this server, it really depends on who the members will be. The survey (linked below) is for people who are interested in this to let us know what they're interested in and what they’re okay with!
You can reply to this saying you're interested or just DM me to say you're interested! You can also leave a way for me to contact you on the survey.
And here's the link to the survey lol
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