#the kovenant band
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fangin-n-bangin · 1 month ago
i decided to do this for not just christian but the whole brood so here's some songs from bands i think brood edge would listen to! i don't use spotify so the song list will be under the cut :3
blind leadin' the blind ~ acid drinkers
days of blood ~ b-thong
this present darkness ~ chimaira
desd man's eyes ~ dry kill logic
homicide ~ exhorder
one foot in the grave ~ exodus
soulwound ~ fear factory
he feels bad ~ helmet
killing machine ~ judas priest
freak on a leash ~ korn
mirror's paradise ~ the kovenant
a warning ~ lamb of god
i'm your god now ~ machine head
architecture of aggression ~ megadeth
bleeding me ~ metallica
vex & siolence ~ ministry
threat by example ~ monster voodoo machine
message in blood ~ pantera
dead and gone ~ a perfect murder
act of god ~ pro-pain
tier ~ rammstein
dracula ~ rob zombie
the hunt ~ sepultura
cosmic monsters inc. ~ white zombie
brotherhood ~ whitechapel
i decided to go for a more groove/industrial metal route for edge because i mean. it's kinda canonically his music taste lol. he also has major rob zombie vibes to me in general so it fits in my opinion :3
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columnistfromtheabyss · 3 months ago
Review: Mesarthim – Anthropic Bias/Departure (Avantgarde)
My review of Mesarthim's Anthropic Bias/Departure, written for Heavy Music HQ:
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Mesarthim, a band that has swiftly risen to prominence in the atmospheric black metal scene in less than a decade, have always been driven by profound concepts such as cosmos and existence. Their remarkable evolution, culminating in their latest album Anthropic Bias / Departure, a compilation of two singles released over the past year, marks the band’s arrival at a point of coherent songwriting and production.
If the new album brings Pain or the latest The Kovenant albums to mind, you’re on the right track. You might even catch echoes of Norwegian symphonic black metal. Mesarthim’s transition from an Appalachian black metal-inspired act to an electronic/trance-fused, progressive-tinged symphonic black metal band is a testament to their versatility. While retaining its original core, this transformation is a journey worth exploring. The two long songs on the 37 minute album provide the band with extensive space to develop their dynamism and test their ability to maintain a cohesive musical texture. While Anthropic Bias / Departure may not represent a new direction, it certainly showcases the band’s maturation and the creation of a work that could attract new fans.
Rating: 3.5/5
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metalshockfinland · 7 months ago
DEN SAAKALDTE Sign Multi-Album Deal with Dusktone
Dusktone is proud to reveal another new addition to the roster, Norwegian black metal masters DEN SAAKALDTE! The collaboration will be for more titles under the Dusktone imprint. The band has always been the creature of the guitarist SYKELIG and through time the ranks have hosted fine musicians such as Hellhammer (Mayhem, Arcturus, The Kovenant), Niklas Kvarforth (Shining), Anders Kobro (In The…
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theart2rock · 10 months ago
70000 Tons of Metal gibt die ersten Bands bekannt
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Es gibt die üblichen Heavy-Metal-Festivals – und es gibt 70000 TONS OF METAL. Stell dir Folgendes vor: Du bist gerade von einer malerischen Insel zurückgekehrt, nachdem du dich stundenlang auf dem unberührten weißen Sand eines karibischen Strandes entspannt und die Sonne aufgesogen hast. Du spürst den warmen Wind in deinem Gesicht und sitzt nun in einem von sechs Whirlpools auf einem riesigen luxuriösen Kreuzfahrtschiff, direkt neben einer großen Bühne, und headbangst zu deiner Lieblingsband. Du hast freien Blick auf die Pool Deck Stage – die allergrößte Open-Air-Bühnenkonstruktion auf hoher See. Es ist ein Kaleidoskop vielfältiger Klänge und ein Treffpunkt für Metal Fans aus allen Teilen der Welt. Klingt das perfekt? Nun, das ist es auch. Mach dich bereit für 70000TONS OF METAL 2025! Die dreizehnte Ausgabe von 70000TONS OF METAL findet vom 30. Januar bis zum 3. Februar statt und führt von Miami, Florida – der Kreuzfahrthauptstadt der Welt – nach Ocho Rios, Jamaika und zurück an Bord der Independence of the Seas. Bei diesem einzigartigen Festival werden wieder 60 Heavy-Metal-Bands aus verschiedenen Subgenres die vier Bühnen an Bord erobern, während 3000 Metalheads aus aller Welt dabei sein werden. Jede Band wird im Laufe des Festivals zweimal spielen, was zu einer beachtlichen Gesamtzahl von 120 Konzerten führt! 70000TONS OF METAL hat 12 der 60 Bands für das Line-Up 2025 bekannt gegeben: BENIGHTED (2 spezielle Sets mit dem „Carnivore Sublime" Album und einem „Best Of" Set) CANDLEMASS (zur Feier von „40 Jahre Doom") DELAIN EMPEROR (2 spezielle Sets: „In the Nightside Eclipse" und „Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk") FLOTSAM & JETSAM (2 spezielle Sets: „Doomsday for the Deceiver" und „No Place for Disgrace") IN EXTREMO (2 spezielle „Best Of"-Sets als Teil ihres 30-jährigen Jubiläums) KALMAH (2 spezielle Sets mit den Alben „They Will Return" und „Swampsong") MAJESTICA SAMAEL (2 spezielle Sets mit den Alben „Ceremony of Opposites" und „Passage") SEPTICFLESH STRATOVARIUS (2 spezielle Sets mit dem „Visions"-Album und einem „Best Of"-Set) TANKARD THE KOVENANT (2 spezielle Sets mit dem „Nexus Polaris"-Album und einem „Best Of"-Set) Ocho Rios, das karibische Traumziel unserer Reise, liegt an der Nordküste Jamaikas und ist bekannt für seine malerischen weißen Sandstrände und atemberaubenden Landschaften – darunter die berühmten und spektakulären Dunn's River Falls, die sich westlich des Stadtzentrums befinden. Nach zwei Tagen voller Heavy-Metal-Erlebnisse an Bord ist es an der Zeit, den Tag an Land mit Bambusfloß-, Offroader- und 30-Meter-Yacht-Ausflügen zu genießen, sich mit Reifen den White River hinuntertreiben zu lassen, während man sich in der warmen Sonne entspannt oder sich auf eine adrenalingeladene Downhill-Radtour durch malerische Kalksteintäler zu begeben. Und das ist noch nicht alles: Als 70000 TONS OF METAL Sailor hast du auch die Möglichkeit, das Grab von Bob Marley zu besuchen sowie dich von einem seiner Familienmitglieder durch das Haus seiner Kindheit führen zu lassen – es liegt ganz an dir! Als Krönung des Ganzen gibt es von Bandmitgliedern begleitete Landausflüge, bei denen du einzigartige Erlebnisse mit deinen Lieblingsstars teilen kannst, bevor du an Bord zurückkehrst, um ein kostenloses elegantes Dinner, Bars, die niemals schließen, 24-Stunden-Zimmerservice sowie die vielen anderen Annehmlichkeiten des Schiffes zu genießen. Im ständigen Bestreben, das Erlebnis des Heavy-Metal-Festivals für die Gäste und die Umwelt zu verbessern, bietet sich den Reisenden erneut die Möglichkeit, bei der Buchung einer Privaten Kabine oder eines Einzeltickets für 70000TONS OF METAL 2025 einen CO2-Ausgleich zu erwerben. Die durch das Carbon Offset Program gesammelten Mittel gehen an das Greentrippers Improved Cookstoves in Ghana Project. Bleib auf dem Laufenden für Updates und Ankündigungen, einschließlich Verkaufsdaten, indem du 70000tons.com und die @70000tons Social-Media-Kanäle besuchst. Über 70000 TONS OF METAL 70000TONS OF METAL ist The Original, The World's Biggest Heavy Metal Cruise. Dieses außergewöhnliche und einzigartige schwimmende Festival, welches seit der ersten Fahrt im Jahr 2011 zehn Mal in Folge ausverkauft war, findet nun an Bord eines der größten Luxus-Passagierschiffe der Welt statt. Mit 60 internationalen Heavy-Metal-Bands, die auf vier Bühnen auftreten, beherbergt 70000 TONS OF METAL die weltgrößte Open-Air-Bühnenkonstruktion auf hoher See. Die Reisenden können das Heavy-Metal-Festivalerlebnis ihres Lebens mit allen Vorteilen genießen, die eine Kreuzfahrt zu bieten hat: kostenloses feines Dinieren, Bars, die nie schließen, 24-Stunden-Zimmerservice sowie viele weitere Annehmlichkeiten auf dem Schiff. Alle 60 Bands an Bord spielen zweimal – insgesamt gibt es vier Konzertlocations an Bord: Ein Konzertsaal, das Royal Theater, erstreckt sich über fünf Etagen. Die Star Lounge bietet ein persönlicheres und lokales Club-Ambiente. Im Studio B, der dritten Indoor-Bühne an Bord, kommt Arena-ähnliche Stimmung auf. Die Pool Deck Stage ist schließlich zweifelsohne die bemerkenswerteste: Die größte Open-Air-Bühnenkonstruktion der Welt, die auf hoher See unterwegs ist. Diese riesige Bühne wird von Bars, Pools und sogar Whirlpools gesäumt, die in die Bühne selbst integriert sind und es den Reisenden ermöglichen, ihre Lieblings-Metal-Bands zu sehen, während sie in einem Whirlpool entspannen. Diese viertägige Kombination aus Heavy-Metal-Musikfestival und Karibik-Urlaub bietet 3.000 Metalheads die unglaubliche Möglichkeit, das Event Seite an Seite mit allen Bands an Bord zu erleben. Da es keine VIP-Bereiche gibt, ist es im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes so, als hätte jeder einen Backstage-Pass. Mitreisende haben nicht nur uneingeschränkten Zugang zu mehr als 120 Live-Auftritten (alle Bands spielen zweimal), sondern jedes Ticket beinhaltet auch Meet & Greets mit jeder Band, intime Masterclasses mit ausgewählten Artists und exklusive Live- und Hörpremieren mit unveröffentlichtem Material. Darüber hinaus haben die Teilnehmenden vollen Zugang zum „Jamming in International Waters All Star Jam" – einer einzigartigen Jam-Session, bei der eine Reihe von Musikvirtuosen gemeinsam auf der Bühne klassische Metal-Songs spielt. Die Mitreisenden haben außerdem die besondere Gelegenheit, mit ihren Lieblingsmusikern auf einer „Artist Escorted Shore Excursion" ein karibisches Traumziel zu erkunden – ein weiteres exklusives Angebot von 70000 TONS OF METAL. Weitere Informationen über 70000 TONS OF METAL 2025, einschließlich FAQs, Angaben zum Schiff und Kontaktinformationen, gibt es auf 70000tons.com Quelle: cmm GmbH Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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bloggingboutburgers · 1 year ago
@autisticcrisistm I'm so sorry bean, I realize I'm one week late but I do remember I promised I'd give more recos and the week just turned out to be somewhat... Something TwT
Either way, for what it's worth, here's the list of all the French-speaking singers I care to put on my iPod (ye, I'm old) under the cut, hopefully you can find some stuff you like there! (And again, apologies, I legit do have super-old tastes)
Alain Souchon
Axelle Red
Boby Lapointe (don't judge me his songs have tons of puns and I love puns)
Charles Aznavour
Claude Nougaro
David Koven
Jean-Louis Murat
Joe Dassin
Joni Île
Laurent Voulzy
Louis Chedid
Madeleine Peyroux
William Sheller
Also I recommend "Bonjour, bon après-midi, bonsoir" by limtunes (goes straight to my heart every time) and uh, for what it's worth, I sing and write lyrics for a Touhou project doujin band called Raven's Jig and we have a few songs in French, in case you wanna check that out too.
Hopefully you can find some nice things in here either way TwT
This is completely random but do you have any good song recs that are sung in French?
Too many to count honestly, seeing as it's my language and I've grown up with it! TwT So I wouldn't know where to start... Any particular vibes you're looking for?
(Fair warning also, I tend to listen to pretty old stuff, like at-least-25-years-old stuff TwT)
In case that helps I already gave a little bit of recos in a past post here, though these were a bit specific!
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trentsleatherboots · 4 years ago
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🖤 The Kovenant - Animatronic 🖤
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la-pulpe-club · 4 years ago
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Limerence - Le Groupe
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tatselksism · 4 years ago
Wolfgang Munch
Wolfgang Munch had been acting up in school (even more so than usual), and Windenburg High School was at its wits’ end as to how to handle him. All the usual punishments like detentions and suspensions just don’t seem to work.
 The school principal, Ms Keating, decided to change things up abit and (forcibly) enroll Wolfgang in an extracurricular activity for a semester to help him overcome his inner angst, develop his character, and really FIND himself (or else face expulsion).
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  Unfortunately, the teachers at Windenburg High School were terrified of having to deal with a Wolfgang, who is forced to join the extracurricular activity against his will, and refused to accept him in the clubs that they were running. Wolfgang was pretty pleased that his reputation had preceded him, and he didn’t even have to go round to threaten any of the teachers into doing this.
 What Wolfgang DIDN’T count on was the appearance of Mr Hamilton, the new music teacher who is going to run the school band. Mr Hamilton has recently come out of retirement to help provide for the new baby in his family and has no idea what Wolfgang is like. None of Wolfgang’s Mean or Mischievous actions towards Mr Hamilton affected the latter either. All Mr Hamilton knows is that he is always happy to share his love for music and will do his best to inspire the same in Wolfgang!
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The empty chair beside Mr Hamilton was occupied by Mila, who had to leave the room to take a call from her workplace.
  So Wolfgang ended up having to join the school band for the rest for the semester. Not only did this mean that Wolfgang would be stuck in school for longer than ever before, this also meant that he would be missing out on a whole bunch of meetings with the Renegades! Plus, he would probably also have to miss some of the chess matches with his uncle, Jacques Villareal. Wolfgang was NOT happy about this at all.
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“You have GOT to be kidding me.”
  After turning up at a couple of the school band’s practice sessions, Wolfgang had to (secretly) admit that it wasn’t THAT bad after all. Once he got the hang of it, Wolfgang actually kinda enjoyed just losing himself in the music and letting it wash over him like the waves of the Windenburgian Sea (yes, Wolfgang really likes swimming in the sea near his home, since it allows him to get away from everyone and everything; ya got a problem with that?).
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  Plus, even though he had to put up with lots of band geeks in the school band, Wolfgang got to know at least one person in the band who wasn’t THAT annoying. Cassandra Goth is from Willow Creek and is spending a year in Windenburg on an exchange program. Cassandra and Wolfgang were assigned as buddies in the school band to help each other out, since Cassandra didn’t know much about Windenburg and Wolfgang didn’t know much about music.
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  Initially, Wolfgang wasn’t particularly interested in talking to her. Cassandra kinda just looked like one of the many other band geeks around. Also, Wolfgang didn’t think much of anyone related to the snobby Goth family (Cassandra’s Great-Aunt Frida lives in a freaking castle near Wolfgang’s home and never passes up an opportunity to call him a degenerate who brings shame on the Munch family etc.).
 But Cassandra turned out to be surprisingly cool to hang out with. Cassandra liked hearing about the shenanigans which the Renegades got up to and Wolfgang enjoyed learning more about the almost gothic-sque way in which she and her family back in Willow Creek lived. Plus, they could spend hours together, just chilling and talking about their odd, gloomy thoughts without having to deal with anyone getting weirded out by them. It was a good thing that Mila and Gunther were too busy with their respective careers to bother much about Wolfgang or else questions may have been raised about him staying out late or not even returning home so often.  
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  Eventually, the Renegades began to wonder where on earth Wolfgang had disappeared to. Sure, he was forced to attend the school band’s practice sessions. But these sessions couldn’t be going on ALL the time, could they? So Wolfgang started bringing Cassandra to the Renegades’ meetings. Luckily, Cassandra fit in so well with the Renegades that it is as though she had always been a part of them.
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  When the semester ended, Wolfgang’s behaviour was found to be satisfactory, and he was no longer forced to continue being in the school band. Wolfgang left the school band right away with a sigh of relief. Mr Hamilton’s all-too-cheery insistence that Wolfgang has a gift for music and should continue working on his musical skills (perhaps even consider a career in music?) was cramping his style. It reminded Wolfgang all too much of Mila’s particular brand of obnoxious positivity. He has had enough of that at home; he didn’t want to face it in school too.
 Still, Wolfgang and his now-girlfriend, Cassandra, set up a band, “Kryptside Koven”, to continue honing their musical skills together. Wolfgang’s best friend, Morgan Fyres, also joined Kryptside Koven as the band’s singer. Morgan wasn’t exactly into music, but she WAS into partying and having a good time with her friends. Plus, they REALLY couldn’t turn down Morgan’s offer of using her dad’s state-of-the-art home music studio for band rehearsals. Cassandra’s mother was sponsoring the band, but it wasn’t as though she wrote them a blank cheque…
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  Kryptside Koven’s popularity grew steadily with each of the band’s upload to SimTube, Simstagram and Simify. They have even started getting gigs to perform at some local events (albeit the events were held by friends or family) and hangout spots (albeit at crappy timeslots)!
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Getting all starched up to perform at the Fyres’ 30th wedding anniversary dinner was the least embarrassing of Kryptside Koven’s gigs. There was this ghastly clown-themed children’s birthday party which all the members of Kryptside Koven absolutely refused to speak of.
  But at the same time, Kryptside Koven already received some rejections even without getting to the audition stage for not having a guitarist in the band. Kryptside Koven knew that to really make it big, they would have to expand their repertoire and get a guitarist fast.
 Unfortunately, even after holding multiple auditions, Kryptside Koven still haven’t found their guitarist. Some of the candidates couldn’t work with their practice schedule, some of the candidates couldn’t fit in with the vibe of the band and of course, some of the candidates just downright sucked. What is Kryptside Koven going to do about this problem now?
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Yes, Wolfgang and Morgan are wearing matching BFF chokers, ‘cause that’s how they roll.
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ruthlessrain · 2 years ago
I'm not good at linking things, so I'll just list em ^^'
1.) Show me the sun, show me the moon by We are the empty (I love this whole band. They never miss but this one is really good c:)
2.) Frequency by Starset (the chorus is my fav <3)
3.) Lifewaster by CORPSE ( I love his music sm)
4.) Give you up by Koven (it gives a very much healing and comfort vibe 💙)
5.) This is what heartbreak feels like by JVKE (I feel like this one is wayyy overshadowed by Golden hour. Don't get me wrong, Golden hour is really good, but heartbreak is an absolute banger and no one is talking about it)
I don't wanna anyone to feel pressured by tagging so if you see this on your dash and wanna contribute, go right ahead! C:
5 songs
🎶✨When you get this, you have to put 5 songs you actually listen to, publish, then send this ask/tag 10 of your favorite followers  🎶✨ Thank you for the tag Carson, @padmedala. I’ve been liking Tears For Fears lately too. I’ll also look at my On Repeat Spotify playlist because that’s a smart idea. 1. Temporary Fix by One Direction
2. Judas by Lady Gaga (not me screaming to Bad Romance on the radio today)
3. I Don’t Love You by MCR
4. Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift
5. Here Comes the Sun by The Beatles
No pressure tags: @pimplepogue @mychemical-ronance, @kaleidoskuls, @downbytheriversside, @swordsandskeletons, @robinsnance, @mayfieldss @theannoyeddragon82, @she-wont-miss, @themaxbyers
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hyborianbabe · 5 years ago
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 by Andreas Marschall for Nexus Polaris, the second album from Norwegian black metal band Covenant (now The Kovenant), 1998
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brokehorrorfan · 5 years ago
Blu-ray Review: Watch Me When I Kill
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Watch Me When I Kill is a relatively obscure Italian giallo film from 1977, but it delivers on all the staples that make the subgenre so enjoyable: a well-plotted mystery, violent death scenes, stylish camerawork, and a progressive rock score. It also boasts a verbose yet tantalizing title in all territories; it's also known as The Cat with the Jade Eyes (Italy), The Cat’s Victims (UK), Terror in the Lagoon (France), and The Vote of Death (Germany).
The murder-mystery is set into motion when nightclub dancer Mara (Paola Tedesco, Battle of the Amazons) witnesses a killer fleeing a crime scene. Believing that she's intended to be his next victim, Mara moves in with her boyfriend, Lukas (Corrado Pani, Rocco and His Brothers), for safety. Bodies continue to turn up as they race to determine the ruthless murderer's identity.
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Watch Me When I Kill is comparable to - and some might even argue derivative of - Dario Argento's giallo work circa Deep Red. The film's stalking scenes, of which there are several, are masterful. Director Antonio Bido (Bloodstained Shadow) sets voyeuristic point-of-view shots by cinematographer Mario Vulpiani (Castle Freak) to propulsive prog rock instrumentation.
The Argento imitation extends to the score, which could be mistaken for his frequent collaborators Goblin; particularly their landmark work on Suspiria, Deep Red, and Dawn of the Dead. The music is, in fact, credited to Trans Europa Express, a one-off group of session musicians. The band features Mauro Lusini, who went on to provide vocals on Goblin's 1982 album, Volo. It's truly a shame they didn't record more music together.
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Where the film falters is in the procedural aspects, in which writer Vittorio Schiraldi positions an abundance of undeveloped characters as red herrings. But the killer's ultimate motive is an interesting - and perhaps even sympathetic - one. The death sequences aren't particularly gory or inventive, but they're mean-spirited, which match the motive. Eschewing the giallo standard of black leather, the switchblade-wielding killer dons white surgical gloves.
Watch Me When I Kill arrives on Blu-ray courtesy of Synapse Films with a gorgeous 4K restoration from the original negative. It features DTS-HD MA English and 2.0 mono Italian (with English subtitles) soundtracks, plus an isolated music-only track. A bonus CD featuring Trans-Europa Express' full score is also included; it stands out as one of the more cohesive and effective giallo soundtracks under Goblin's influential shadow. The release features a reversible cover, with the Italian artwork on the other side.
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Extras are led by an audio commentary with Nathaniel Thompson. The fast-talking film historian is thorough with information not only about the film and its players but also giallo cinema at large, providing valuable context. Dr. Mikel Koven, senior lecturer in film studies at the University of Worcester, provides an 11-minute "defense" of the film, which is a rather thoughtful appreciation. The original English title sequence, the U.S. trailer, a TV spot, and radio spots are also included.
Last but not least are three recent shorts written and directed by Bido: 2015's Danza Macabra, 2017's Mendelssohn Im Judischen Museum Berlin, and 2018's Marche Funebre D’une Marionette. Not only is the filmmaker still active, but he has retained his panache. Each piece has no dialogue, instead utilizing classical piano compositions to accompany a visual story. Based on the strength and resurgence of Watch Me When I Kill, coupled with these shorts that dabble in the genre (particularly Danza Macabra), it would be great to see Bido tackle another horror feature soon.
Watch Me When I Kill is available now on Blu-ray and DVD via Synapse Films.
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youngbloodbuzz · 5 years ago
Tell me about your characters! Answer 10 of your favorite of those questions!
sagklsdjfsndf bro thank you! i love talking about my kids
23.  If your character could go back in time and change one thing about their life, what would it be?
venia: she would have run away from her normal life as the royal princess earlier after spending her entire life living in fear as a born fire sorcerer in a kingdom where using magic is punishable by death. instead now she’s on the run from being found out and having to fight her way out the palace. 
andromeda: she would run deeper into the underdark instead of risking the life of the man who died saving her and breaking the heart of his wife, who andy highly admires and respects
theodora: i don’t think she would. she isn’t a believer in fate or destiny but she knows that everything she’s done, she’d do all over again. though i think maybe she’d try to talk to her brother more about what they had been through to get where they are now, as migrants and refugees. 
33. What person does your character admire most?
venia: she had once admired her father as a child, but then she’d witnessed his reign of terror as she got older. then it was her mother, who she emulated to survive the court and life in general, but then her mother turned out to have known about ven’s magic the entire time and never said anything. and then her eldest cousin, the only person she ever willingly told about her magic as a young kid and encouraged it, comes rushing to save her at a moments notice and they escape the kingdom together, and... at this point ven’s trying not to keep her hopes up anymore. 
andromeda: without a doubt hands down it’s professor essaris, a wizard and headmaster/teacher of her own school and the wife of the man, maximus, who died helping to save andy in the underdark. andy wants more than anything to live up to the expectations of max dying for her to octavia but octavia has her own complex issues with andy since she’s the reason her husband is dead even as she’s been trying to help her through her amnesia. it’s....a Lot. 
theodora: it was once her older brother, jaxon. the one person who stood side by side with her in agreement of how to save the group and helped her do the dirty work. but it’s been months and months later now and one day she wakes to find him gone, leaving her a single letter telling her he can’t face what he’s done anymore and he’s off to find his own fortune somewhere far away. she burns the letter. 
36.  What would be your character’s theme song/favorite band/favorite genre of music?
venia: oh i have playlsits for all of them. she has a few but if i had to choose, ven’s theme song would be it’s a fire by portishead, but also instrumentally it’d be the winds of winter by ramin djawadi. maybe i was inspired by dany. what of it. 
andromeda: televangelist and conversation piece by julien baker; i cannot choose one, my poor girl is so depressed lmao. and dead before the dawn by ramin djawadi which genuinely helped me form the idea of how she saw the sunrise for the first time as an amnesiac when climbing out of the underdark after being trapped there for two years. 
theodora: angel by massive attack and caleb’s seduction by mark koven. her life is lowkey a horror movie. 
41. Does your character care about how they’re perceived by others? How do they change themselves to fit in with other people?
venia: as a born royal first in line to the throne, she sure does. it’s almost an inherent trait from her mother, where she learned to control her emotions, her expressions, how to speak in court. it’s second nature at this point. 
andromeda: being a six foot tall tiefling with grey-purplish skin, she makes an immediate impression but that’s not what worries her. she tries to come off as worldly and normal and not like a person who has amnesia and intelligence of 8 but it’s kind of hard when she assumes/lies in front of other people about knowing something when it’s actually wrong or not true. 
theodora: for the most part, she couldn’t a shit tbh. mostly she wears a mask of whatever she knows will appease others to get her way. 
51. Is your character the most swayed by ethos, pathos, or logos?
venia: i think at first it’d be ethos because of the way she was raised to respect arguments of such, but over time away from that kind of environment, it’d be in-between pathos and logos but mostly pathos. 
andromeda: pathos undoubtedly. she wears her heart on her sleeve, she’s ruled by it. probably to the detriment of her own health and safety. 
theodora: logos. it’s literally how she rationalized her way into saving herself and the group she was traveling with during a disastrous migration across uncharted territory in the winter (think donner party levels of disaster...)
54. How does your character feel about keeping secrets from the rest of the party?
venia: all day every day she keeps secrets. her entire life and existence is a secret. venia isn’t her real name. zen is in fact her cousin, not her brother. she’s terrified and paranoid, but on the surface she’s reserved sweet charm and smiles.  
andromeda: for someone who’s generally an open book, andy keeps many things to herself, but it’s all always to protect herself and her heart from the shame of the truth. her amnesia and low intelligence and her experiences at the essaris grammar school did a number on her self-esteem and self-worth.
theodora: she has no issues with it at all. she’ll do it for the sake of herself and the group if she believes if it’s for the right reasons. 
59. Does your character value their own best interest more than the party’s?
venia: at a certain point, yes. she grew up a privileged princess, and even though she has a good empathetic and diplomatic heart, she still has a lot to learn. and she’s just been thrust in a world that doesn’t care about her with zero warning or preparation so she’s going in cold turkey.
andromeda: oh andy....my dear sweet depressed andy. if it came down to staying safe or risking her life for someone, or even worse, a child, she would gladly lay down her life. no hesitations, no questions asked.
theodora: she’s alive for a reason and it’s because she made the hard choice, the only logical choice. she likes to think she did it to save the group, and her small family in particular who were a part of this venture, but really, she’d do anything for her own best interest. including cannibalism. no she doesn’t regret it.
73. If your character knew that they were going to die in a month, how would they spend the rest of their life?
venia: well. if she’s going to die, she’s going to die fighting in a blaze of righteous fury. she’ll find the fastest way home and find some way, any way, to convince her father to stop his tyranny. even if that means starting a revolution and dying a martyr. 
andromeda: god. it would be such a quiet resignation and acceptance. like she knows she’s cheated death. knows it in her very bones, knows she should have died and not maximus. she would go back to those that took care of her in her first few months back into the world and say her goodbyes, but in a way where an unsuspecting person wouldn’t realize it was happening. she’d spend as much time as possible with them, and exploring the city, spending time in the temple of pelor where she felt most at peace. she’d think about trying one last time to find her real family but would consider it a lost cause. and then on the second last day, she would pack her bag with her journal and her favourite books of history and poetry, and quietly walk into the wilderness never to be seen again.
theodora: like hell she’s dying. she’s an undying warlock, she’d sell her soul double time to her patron to prevent it from happening. if that won’t work, she’d look for some other entity. it’s not happening. she will literally do anything to prevent it. 
81. What does your character’s name represent to them? (Or: why as a player did you choose your character’s name?)
venia: ven’s name i specifically chose for an incredibly niche plot reason. venia means “forgiveness. consent, permission, approval,” and the etymology derives from the name venus, which as a goddess represents “prosperity,” and as a planet is also called the morning star and is one of the brightest objects in the sky. venus also represents lucifer, the light-bringer, a being who fell far from heaven. there is also a long held belief, a prophecy, in venia’s home kingdom for centuries that “the morning star will rise to bring the kingdom to ashes and bring forth a new world aflame.” a prophecy that’s driven the line of king’s mad with paranoia. and guess who was born as a phoenix sorcerer. 
andromeda: honestly? i just really liked the name lmao she’s a haunted one who was born under a dark star, i figured a good astrology name would be fitting. 
theodora: i also thought this was just a really good name but i mean, her full name is theodora cane which means gift of god and warlike respectively and when you put it together....i mean..... not too bad.  
85. What would be your character’s major in college?
venia: political science and law. 
andromeda: english and library sciences.
theodora: theo’s my newest so it’s tough to nail her down but i think she’d try for a medical degree but then drop out to become a private investigator 
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soundsofdarkness666 · 6 years ago
Covenant - Through The Eyes Of The Raven 
(Symphonic Black Metal, Hamar, Hedmark, Norway) 
- I can also add that this band changed their name to The Kovenant later on, because of some case with another electronic band also named Covenant. 
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ariaqueiroz · 7 years ago
Tagged by my bae @lunaria-sucrette. Thank you <3
Rules: Answer 20 questions so your followers can get to know you better and tag 20 people who you’d like to know better.
Name: Adriana
Nickname: Drica, Dri, Nana (the kids where I work call me Nana lol)
Zoadic sign: Capricorn
Height: 1.65 cm
Languages spoken: portuguese and english
Nationality: Brazilian
Favourite fruit: apple, banana, orange, watermellon
Favourite scent: coffee, hot melted chocolate, clean house
Favourite Colour: dark red and black
Favourite animal: cats, foxies, hedgehog
Favourite fictional character: Weiss (RWBY), Tsukki (Haikyuu), Sebastian (Black Buttler), Todoroki (BNHA), Kai (Lunar Chronicles), Mulan, Eugene (Tangled), Gumball
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Hot chocolate 100%
Number of blankets you sleep with: since is winter here i'm currently sleeping with 3 blankets
When was your blog created: 07/2013
Favourite subject: movies, series, comics, games, mythology, history, art, music.
Currently watching: Preacher, My Hero Academia, Attack on Titan, Cells at Work.
Favourite band: KOVEN
Instruments played: None.
Favourite books: The Selection (saga) by Kiera Kass, Divergent (saga) by Veronica Roth, Cinder by Marissa Meyer, You by Caroline Kepnes, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
I’m gonna tag @kornyo @troloyunu 
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danzameccanica · 9 years ago
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Il losco figuro che si cela dietro lo pseudonimo di Nagash è stato, forse, uno dei personaggi più chiacchierati della metà degli anni '90. Questa sottospecie di “folletto” è riuscita a farsi notare soprattutto per aver prestato i propri servigi ai Dimmu Borgir suonando il basso in Enthrone Darkness Triumphant e, allo stesso tempo, mantenendosi attivo con diversi progettini interessanti. Ci sono tanti "ma" e tanti "però" da rispolverare al giorno d'oggi, con più di 15 anni di ritardo... gli album black metal della seconda metà degli anni '90, infatti, non goderono immediatamente del successo dovuto. Dopo i macabri fatti imputabili all'Inner Circle -come si sa- le label misero sotto contratto la maggior parte delle formazioni dedite al nero verbo solo perché di nazionalità norvegese, creando un enorme oceano filtrato, piano piano, solo con il passare degli anni. Fortuna ha voluto che la maggior parte di questi act “minori” fossero decisamente interessanti, seppur non immediatamente valorizzati e dunque riscoperti molti anni dopo: causa di ciò fu da imputare proprio al sovraffollamento di progetti attivi, verso cui l’ascoltatore dovette rapportarsi in base a priorità diverse (alimentate magari da certe pubblicità, recensioni ed altisonanza dei nomi in gioco) e non sempre legate alla mera qualità dell’ascoltabile.
Dischi e progetti dello stesso Nagash nel giro di 2-3 anni ne sono stati la prova: due album formidabili con i Dimmu Borgir (il nostro ha partecipato a metà della stesura dei testi di Spiritual Black Dimensions), altri due platter stupefacenti con i Covenant (poi The Kovenant), un full con i techno-blackster Carpe Tenebrum, ma soprattutto il progetto più mefistofelico e stregonesco del nostro tuttofare, i Troll. Fondata quando Stian Andrè Arnesen aveva 14 anni, questa losca one-man-band è riuscita a crearsi con il tempo un alone di mistero e rispettabilità, soprattutto perché i grado di riflettere tutte le adolescenziali cosmogonie del nostro ometto. Il risultato è strabiliante, per quanto datato, e terribilmente circoscritto: black metal sinfonico (come da moda in quel periodo), chitarre zanzarose, voce gracchiante e tastiere che si propongono quale colonna portante del songwriting.
Drep de Kristne esce sotto l' “undergroundissima” Damnation Records (che promosse anche il primo EP degli Ancient e il primo LP in vinile dei Limbonic Art), in un sontuoso digipack (oggi rarissimo) che, anche grazie a quelle linee grezze ma amabili, racchiude tutto lo spirito della composizione: un'atmosfera a metà strada fra paganesimo, stregoneria, nazionalismo e anticristianesimo, tematiche accettate -ed anzi esaltate- da tutti i blackster dell’epoca come oro colato. Con il passare del tempo questo aspetto è stato via via ridimensionato fino al giorno d'oggi, in cui si guarda allo stesso prodotto con occhi diversi: è comunque vivo il sentimento nostalgico e rispettoso verso un’arte che, pur mutando nel corso del tempo, continua a mantenere connotati, abbastanza inediti e inimitabili.
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Come non continuare ad amare gli intro vagamente folk di “Kristenhat”, con i rullanti che riecheggiano e i synth che creano gli arpeggi principali su queste fredde e taglienti chitarre?
Come non continuare ad amare gli echi alla For All Tid, questo modo di suonare all'unisono synth con le chitarre (”I Saler av Stev”), il tutto accompagnato da quella vocetta fastidiosa che però, all'epoca, era tanto sintomo di malignità? Come non continuare ad amare le piccole e vaghe sperimentazioni che ai tempi fecero sorridere ma che in seguito spianarono il terreno per altri panorami? “Trollberg” è l'esempio in questione: una filastrocca teatral-carnevalesca, accompagnata da cori, in cui il pianoforte suona quasi come una ballata da osteria; da queste note si sono certamente formati i vari Finntroll e Korpiklaani. Stessa sorte per “Troll Riket”, una specie di pendant parallelo che si svilupperà più avanti, arricchita da decorazioni di maggiore stampo black, pur conservando quell'atmosfera bizzarra e boschiva. Il resto dell'album scorre che è una meraviglia, nelle sue minime, limitate ma apprezzabili variazioni costantemente a metà strada fra i primissimi Dimmu Borgir e gli Emperor. Si spiana così la strada per In Times before the Light, album che farà drizzare le orecchie verso i Covenant e che sposterà tutta l'attenzione dal main-project di Nagash al side-project accanto ad Astennu e Hellhammer (soprattutto con il successivo e strabiliante Nexus Polaris). “Med Volk Skal Takes Kristenliv” cita, con l'ausilio dei flauti e delle chitarre acustiche, le esperienze di Bergtatt, mentre l'altra strumentale “Gud's Fall” dipinge scenari cavallereschi e feudali completando questo dipinto barocco, ma allo stesso tempo grezzo.
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Il destino dei Troll sarà quantomeno nefasto. Dopo due gemme (ricordiamo anche l'incredibile EP Trollstorm Over Nidingjuv), Nagash sarà preso dalla febbre dell'elettronica (o pseudo-tale) tentando di coniugare un black metal alquanto a-melodico e prevalentemente ritmico/zanzaroso a una sottospecie di industrial da quattro soldi. Ma forse tutto questo è successo perché le altre diramazioni della sua carriera sono andate per il meglio: gli anni coi Dimmu e i responsi di Nexus Polaris confermano in parte le mie parole.
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dopingconsomme · 4 years ago
[2021年03月28日の記事一覧 http://dailyfeed.jp/feed/23378/2021-03-28] https://dopingcomplex.blogspot.com/2021/03/20210328-httpdailyfeedjpfeed233782021.html
(全 55 件)
1. 槇原敬之 - 僕が一番欲しかったもの
2. 大江千里 - Orange Desert
3. 陰陽座 - 甲賀忍法帖
4. ゴールデンボンバー - 僕クエスト
6. KANA-BOON - Fighter
7. ヴォルフガング・アマデウス・モーツァルト - Requiem, K. 626: Lacrimosa
8. Flash Gorgo - Epic Sax Guy - Flash Gorgo Remix
9. 工藤静香 - 銀の龍の背に乗って (カバー)
10. RichaadEB - Big Blue
11. ハセガワダイスケ - 裏切り者のレクイエム
12. Hayley Westenra - Amazing Grace
13. 広瀬香美 - promise
14. 山本リンダ - どうにもとまらない
15. Gold Band - Glory Glory Man United (Inno Manchester United)
16. Bish - 社会のルール
17. Mr.Children - シーソーゲーム~勇敢な恋の歌~
18. エミネム - Lose Yourself - From "8 Mile" Soundtrack
19. Flashygoodness - Luna Ascension
20. RichaadEB - Astronomia (Coffin Dance)
21. 布袋寅泰 - BE MY BABY - Live at 武道館
22. 野口五郎 - 真夏の夜の夢
23. 伊藤賢治 - 決戦!サルーイン
24. 松任谷由実 - 真夏の夜の夢
25. Kizuna Ai - Hello, Morning
26. HiRoAkI - 行け!タイガーマスク(2010.Ever)
27. Toby Fox - MeGaLoVania
28. Nona Reeves - ENJOYEE! (YOUR LIFETIME) 2017
29. insaneintherainmusic - Thomas the Tank Engine Theme
30. 雀が原中学卓球部 - 灼熱スイッチ
31. ハッカドール - Touch Tap Baby
32. Dolphin Smiling - I'm from Another Dimension (From "Star vs the Forces of Evil")
33. NIYARI計画 - ハリーポッター ハリーの不思議な世界 ORIGINAL COVER
34. レミオロメン - 粉雪
35. SkyZlimit - Epic Sax Guy (Mayday Edition)
36. Nomra - Your Body
37. Unknown Brain - Last Thing
38. if found - Dead of Night
39. Unknown Brain - Jungle of Love
40. Barren Gates - Enslaved
41. Besomorph - Redemption
42. Unknown Brain - Superhero
43. Giraffe Squad - Wait For Me
44. Lost Sky - Fearless Pt. II
45. Whales - Love Is Gone
46. Max Brhon - Cyberpunk
47. Warriyo - Mortals
48. Unknown Brain - Let You Go
49. Koven - About Me
50. Andreas Stone - Black Sunrise
51. Lost Sky - Lost
52. Todd Helder - Never Stop
53. Lost Sky - Dreams pt. II
54. Diamond Eyes - 23
55. Diviners - Stockholm Lights
from dopingconsommecomplex http://dailyfeed.jp/feed/23378/2021-03-28 http://www.rssmix.com/ from complex fc2 dcons, https://dopingcomplex.blogspot.com/2021/03/20210328-httpdailyfeedjpfeed233782021.html
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