#the kiss comment was made specifically with weasel in mind
stiffyck · 2 years
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damn-stark · 4 years
To new friends
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Chapter 6 of Different Light
A/N- So I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before, but I am going to have some events from the books in this series, just to add more angst and more fun. So if you read parts that don’t show up in the movie, it’s becaue it’s either what I wrote, or something that happened in the books 👍🏽 hope you guys like the chapter and don’t be afraid to leave your thoughts!
Warning- Angst, SLOWBURN.
Pairing- Harry Potter x Malfoy!reader, Fred Weasley x Malfoy!reader
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
As the blissful daze of the Yule ball night passed, the last few free days passed swiftly, taking the memory of Fred’s kiss on your lips with it. Leaving nothing behind but the mental memory of such a delightful moment.
Albeit it was also a moment that wasn’t talked about any day after, classes started again and days would get busier for both Fred and you. Of course you didn’t want to force him into talking about it, you wanted the topic to come out, just effortlessly. Fred treated you kinder; that’s something you noticed, he was way more touchy than before. Usually before when you would sit next to each other, there was no contact whatsoever—sure your arms, or thighs brushed against each other’s, but that was it.
Now when Fred sat next to you in the great hall, or really anywhere else, he would place his hand on top of yours, or hook his pinky fingers with yours; sometimes he would place his arm on top the seat you were sitting on, but that was about it. Fred didn’t try and repeat what happened that night, or try and gloat about it. He simply just didn’t talk about it.
Which led you to think; what did he intend with that kiss?
You want to ask him, but then again you fear the answer he could give.
It’s not like you could ask George. One, because he was Fred’s twin brother and two, you didn’t want to put George in that position. It’d be better if he wasn’t in the middle, things would just flow much easier that way.
You still wanted help, but from who? Narcissa? You could specifically leave Fred’s name out and just ask for advice, but as you further thought about it, asking your mother wasn’t the best option; yet.
That left you with the lingering question of, who then?
At the sound of the small, sweet voice calling to you, you’re thrown from your train of thought and left to look over your shoulder and notice, Hermione Granger, striding towards you. At first you don’t know what to do, you’re actually utterly confused on what to do and why she has called you. But realization hits you as she finally falls by your side and offers you a small sweet smile—you had helped her that night of the Yule ball. She said words you’d never forget.
Regardless you didn’t really think you helping her that night was enough for her to reach out to you now. Maybe just simple “hellos” when you passed by the halls, but you didn’t think she’d actually call your name and hurry to reach you. That gesture was still so unfamiliar and new to you.
You smile and greet her however, regardless of how your thoughts churn. “Hello.”
“I saw you pass just now and thought it’d be nice to walk with you to Arithmancy.” Hermione explained kindly. “Is that alright with you?”
Of course!
You smile shyly and nod. “Yeah that's alright.” You feel your cheeks burn and a need to just walk in silence, but you also were desperate to make friends who weren’t just Fred and George—“I never got the chance to ask, did you enjoy the Yule ball? Before everything went down I mean.”
Hermione smiles wider and nods. “Yes it was absolutely great. I had a lot of fun. What about you? Fred mentioned he was going with you, how was that?”
“Oh well,” you smile shyly at the memory of that night. “It was amazing, Fred was a good partner.”
A new thought then invades your mind—you could ask her for help. Even ask her if she heard anything Fred mentioned of that night. After all they were part of the same house. She’s got to know a thing or two, right?
“Fred said you were a great partner too,” Hermione mentions as if she has read your mind. “He said he enjoyed that night with you.”
At the sound of her comment, you feel your cheeks burn increasingly hotter. You’re left stunned for a moment, left giddy and speechless, left trying to collect your thoughts and like you could explode from the inside—you had heard him say he enjoyed that night, but hearing that he had said that to other people just made it seem even more special. The knowledge of what he said made you smile wider. It made you want to know more.“Did he say anything else?” You turn your head to look at her and you see her shake her head.
“No, I’m sorry. He and his friends moved away before I could hear more.”
You hum softly and assure her. “It’s okay, thank you for telling me what he said though.”
Hermione just smiles as response before she changes the subject, not giving you the chance to ask for her help in your still troubled dilema. “What are you reading?”
You look down to the Daily Prophet in your hand and shrug. With all your running thoughts, you didn’t have time to read what you had in your hand. “I don’t know, I haven’t had time to read what,” you lift the newspaper and scoff, “Rita Skeeter wrote it, probably just rubbish anyway.”
Just as you’re about to shove it in between your books, Hermione stops you before snatching the paper from your hand. “Wait, what does this evil witch have to say now.”
Out of new grown curiosity, you look over her shoulder as she begins to read the paper outloud; “DUMBLEDORE'S GIANT MISTAKE
Albus Dumbledore, eccentric Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has never been afraid to make controversial staff appointments, writes Rita Skeeter, Special Correspondent. In September of this year, he hired Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, the notoriously jinx-happy ex-Auror, to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, a decision that caused many raised eyebrows at the Ministry of Magic, given Moody's well-known habit of attacking anybody who makes a sudden movement in his presence. Mad-Eye Moody, however, looks responsible and kindly when set beside the part-human Dumbledore employs to teach Care of Magical Creatures.
Rubeus Hagrid, who admits to being expelled from Hogwarts in his third year, has enjoyed the position of gamekeeper at the school ever since, a job secured for him by Dumbledore. Last year, however, Hagrid used his mysterious influence over the headmaster to secure the additional post of Care of Magical Creatures teacher, over the heads of many better-qualified candidates.
An alarmingly large and ferocious-looking man, Hagrid has been using his newfound authority to terrify the students in his care with a succession of horrific creatures. While Dumbledore turns a blind eye, Hagrid has maimed several pupils during a series of lessons that many admit to being "very frightening."
'I was attacked by a hippogriff, and my friend Vincent Crabbe got a bad bite off a flobberworm," says Draco Malfoy, a fourth-year student. "We all hate Hagrid, but we're just too scared to say anything—”
Your eyes widen at the sound of your brother's name and anything else read after that just tunes out. The news of Hagrid being a half giant doesn’t even bug you, or register in your mind as someone dangerous (because he wasn’t). All you focused on was what lies your, weasel of a little brother had to say. It makes your furious, feel steam come out of your ears and feel your fists shake. The news on the paper even makes Hermione upset; albeit her reasons differed from yours.
Clearly—“how-how did she find out!” Before you could give your opinion, Hermione quietly seemed to ramble to herself, only raising her voice at specific points. “Maybe she heard him telling Madame Maxine at the ball—but no, they would have seen her, she’s not even...” her voice goes quiet again and you’re left looking at her bewildered and still taken back yourself. As well as intrigued by what she had to say. Surprised by her suddenly asking you a probing question. “Did you see Rita Skeeter that day of the ball?”
You blink out of surprise, but manage to shake your head. “No, I didn’t. But maybe she was hiding in some bushes, like an odd-ball.”
Hermione bites her lip and shrugs before giving an opinion herself. “Maybe she has some type of invisibility cloak?”
You shrug, “maybe. I mean to get such a scoop on people, she’s got to have something up her sleeve.”
Hermione's eyes narrow and she seems to go into deep thinking before she comes up with a suggestion that surprised you even more. “We should try and figure it out. You’re smart, I’m sure if we got together, we’d figure it out.”
You scoff lightheartedly and stop before entering your intended class. “Why the need to get the scoop on her?”
“Because,” Hermione blurted passionately, “it’s not the first time she’s done something like this. Mysteriously getting news on people. She’s wicked and needs to be stopped.”
You smirk at her fiery spirit and can’t help but give in without much need of further convincing. “Alright, I’ll help. It sounds like fun.”
The day of the second game came and you couldn’t be dreading this one more. It was too cold and what was the point of having an audience? The players were going to be underwater and if they somehow have a way for you and the rest of the students to look in the depths of the lake without having to go in along with the players, then what was the point?
You were just going to unnecessarily freeze to basically watch players dive.
“PLACE YOUR BETS!” George and Fred shouted in a booming voice to the passing students.
Yet with all you’re complaining, here you were, still teamed up with the twins trying to take bets from students.
You would’ve joined into their tactics, but you didn’t feel like screaming, so instead you held onto the box for them, watching them as you moved up and the students moved down towards the boats. Stopping only when their sister shoved past them and stopped to remark their rude persuading screams. “Don’t be so mean.”
The twins and you looked back to Ginny and you couldn’t help but agree, but the twins on the other hand turned back around and continued screaming to try and convince others to place bets. Stopping only minutes before the last boat could leave the dock.
“Finally,” you groan as you close the box and shove it in George’s hands. “I thought we’d never finish.”
Fred scoffs, “come on, you’ve got to admit that doing this makes the games more fun.”
“Hardly.” You retort as you shove your hands in your jackets pockets, “freezing to watch water is something I would hardly call fun.”
“You’re in luck then.” George assures you, “the game should be an hour long.”
You groan one last time before you reach the boats, looking to Fred as he pointed for you to get on first. “Ladies first.” He smirks before he follows after you, waiting lastly for George to go on before the person driving the boat began its short trip to the already packed and rowdy stands.
Luckily not having to wait too long for the game to start and beginning to watch with much more anticipation and stress than you intended after you watched Harry clumsily fall into the lake. While Draco, who was two people away from you laughed and pointed at Harry’s clumsy fall, causing you to shoot him a side glare. One he didn’t catch, but you meant with a burning dedication. He only shut up when Harry shot up after his worrying fall into the water, causing an uproar from the students rooting for his win. Albeit seconds after he splashed in, everyone, including yourself were filled with stomach twisting anticipation for anyone’s resurface from the water with their special lost thing.
You were also left with waiting, and endless waiting, growing colder as time ticked.
“Cold?” Fred asked you.
You looked to him and shivered slightly at the feeling of the bitter wind hitting your face. “what do you think?”
A half, smug smile tugged on his lips and he shrugs. “No, I don’t think you are.”
“Then there's your answer.” You cross your arms over your chest and look out to the lake, feeling your shoulders jump slightly moments later when Fred wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to him.
You feel your cheeks burn and your heart skip a beat. It’s hard to think of what to say at the flustered feeling you got at the interaction, but you somehow manage to respond. Albeit stammering and sounding like you were terrified. “Y-yes, much better.”
You didn’t see but Fred grinned at your response. Choosing to stay quiet for the remainder of the game until the first contestant surfaced from the water; Cedric Diggory and Cho—you clapped, but didn’t feel much excitement like others did. Instead you felt as if your stomach twisted tighter knowing that the game was close to over and Harry hadn’t surfaced yet.
Krum and...Hermione surfaced and you clapped excitedly for her, but you were still left with the increasing worrying, glancing repeatedly at the time and waiting as others did. Hearing whispers and the excitement for the game dwindled the more time passed and Harry showed no sign.
The worry now surrounding the crowd was replaced by short relief when Ron and a little girl surfaced, but that was short lived since Harry’s presence was lacking. It made you part from Fred’s side and grip onto the railing to look down into the water to watch and wait—and yes he was just a boy you hardly knew, hardly talked to and just thought of as cute and nice, a bit clumsy and dorky, but...you couldn’t help but worry and—
Before you could get deeper into your thoughts, Harry Potter shot up from the water and finally relieved the worry and stress that had grown increasingly higher those past few minutes. Making you push yourself off the railing to finally clap and cheer, turning to celebrate the win with the twins for a brief moment before you’re interrupted by Dumbledore's booming voice. “Attention! The winner is Mr. Diggory!”
The crowd for Cedric erupted with claps and cheering for him and his win. All them were forced to quiet down though as Dumbledore continued. “Who showed the need to command of the bubble head charm. However seeing as Mr.Potter would have finished first, should it not been for his determination to rescue not only Mr. Weasley, but the others as well, we’ve agreed to award him second place! For outstanding moral fiber!”
Again the crowd erupted into a roaring cheering, causing the twins to five each other and you in a form to celebrate. Ignoring as Draco, bitterly stormed off after the announcement of his rival's achievement. While the three didn’t waste a second for the twins and you to push through the crowd to walk down to where Harry, and the other contestants and the people they saved were.
The twins rushed first, greeting Harry with loud congratulating cheers and a tight hug that they backed from after feeling Harry all wet; letting them turn to their brother and in their own foolish way, worry over his well-being. Letting you be face to face with Harry and instantly feel a hotter heat crawl onto your face before and while you found the words to talk to him.
“That was amazing Harry! You did great!” You grinned, stepping into wrap your arms around him, but stopping as you took in his soaked figure.
“Yeah,” Harry nodded, “I wouldn’t, I’m soaked.” A timid and wobbly smile tugged on his lips and he continued. “Thank you though, y/n.”
You offer him another warm smile and last lingering stare before you rip your eyes away and turn your attention to Herimone next to him.
“Right on, all that moral fiber, eh?” George teased Harry as he walked onto the deck.
“That’s great.” Fred chuckled.
You smirk and tag along with the teasing. “All that moral fiber.”
“Blimey, even if you go wrong it turns out right.” Ron voiced with a slight smile.
“Well done, moral fiber.” Fred teased before lightly pushing Harry and then walking off with his brothers, Hermione and you, leaving Harry behind.
You wanted to look back, but before you could Fred’s hand on your arm interrupted your attempts before you could accomplish them. “So, y/n, I was thinking,” he began to say in a soft voice that was rare for him to speak in and off putting for you to hear. “How about we go to Hogsmeade together?”
You blink and begin to fall behind from the group, parting your lips to speak, but coming out with nothing but a breath of air. Proceeding to instead gently rub your arm nervously and letting your eyes flicker from the ground to Fred before managing to speak just as nervously. “Like George, you and I?”
Fred chuckles and shakes his head. “No you goof, just you and I.”
Your cheeks burn again and you giggle and whisper, “oh,” before smiling warmly and nodding. “Sure I like the sound of that, when?”
Fred shrugged, trying to hide his cocky smile. “I’ll let you know, alright?”
You nod, “okay.” Before you both catch up to the group you had been with, picking up your pace smoothly, so you could catch up with a grinning Hermione that already knew by the smile on Fred and your faces what had gone on.
In that moment letting a thought begin to unroll in the back of your mind. Not one having to do with Fred, nor George or Harry. But about Hermione. Odd thing especially after getting asked out by Fred, but it was a thought that just grew; even if Hermione and you had just started talking and a friendship was beginning to develop. It still felt refreshing, assuring and exciting that you had someone else as a friend. Someone who could relate to you in other ways Fred, or George couldn’t. You felt happy that you were beginning to be her friend, that she viewed you like hers and not like the other girls would in Durmstrang. She viewed you like a friend now. She viewed you differently.
A boy like no other, perhaps - yet a boy suffering all the usual pangs of adolescence, writes Rita Skeeter. Deprived of love since the tragic demise of his parents, fourteen-year-old Harry Potter thought he had found solace in his steady girlfriend at Hogwarts, Muggle-born Hermione Granger. Little did he know that he would suffer through a trouble bigger than any he has faced, choosing who to love and who to leave behind broken hearted.
In the recent events of the Triwizard tournament, Harry has been spotted in the arms of new transfer student to Hogwarts, Y/N Malfoy. At first it had seemed that it was nothing but platonic, but their affectionate embrace and caring and lovable words told us otherwise. Yet as loving as they are, Harry is still caught in the middle between Herimone Granger, who is not innocent as she portrays to be.
Miss Granger, a plain but ambitious girl, seems to have a taste for famous wizards that Harry alone cannot satisfy. Since the arrival at Hogwarts of Viktor Krum, Bulgarian Seeker and hero of the last World Quidditch Cup, Miss Granger has been toying with both boys' affections. Krum, who is openly smitten with the devious Miss Granger, has already invited her to visit him in Bulgaria over the summer holidays, and insists that he has "never felt this way about any other girl."
However, it might not be Miss Granger's doubtful natural charms that have captured these unfortunate boys' interest.
"She's really ugly," says Pansy Parkinson, a pretty and vivacious fourth-year student, "but she'd be well up to making a Love Potion, she's quite brainy. I think that's how she's doing it."
Love Potions are, of course, banned at Hogwarts, and no doubt Albus Dumbledore will want to investigate these claims. In the meantime, Harry Potters well-wishers must hope that he opens his eyes and sets his heart upon his Slytherin lover.
No. No. No. This can’t be happening. No. Your father...your mother….your father. He’s going to kill you before disowning you. No. This isn’t what you wanted. Even if it was false information when it came to your part of the paper, it was still going to get to your parents before you had the chance to explain. You’ve done good to hide the truth of your friendships from them when Draco snitches, but this...this can ruin everything and take you back to Durmstrang.
“If that’s the best Rita can do, she’s losing her touch,” Herimone says, beginning to giggle and causing you to snap your head from the paper to look at her with a perplexed, widened gaze. “What a pile of old rubbish.” She proceeds to take the paper from your hands and throws the paper into an empty chair. The action leaving you shocked and speechless—wasn’t she worried to?
On how Rita Skeeter found out about the obvious private conversation that went on between her and Krum? Why wasn’t she worried like you?
“Why-why are you so calm?” You manage to ask with your perplexed and widened gaze.
Hermione looks over to a group of Slytherins to see if they’d be upset by the article. Hermione gave them a sarcastic smile and a wave, and turned back to pretend to focus on the parchment in front of the both of you to finally talk without giving your question an answer. “There’s something funny though, how could Rita Skeeter have known?” Her face went red and she pressed her quil to her chin. “How did she know Viktor asked me to visit him in the summer?”
You shrug and push your worry aside for now, “maybe someone’s her spy?”
Herimone shakes her head, “no, couldn’t be, he pulled me away from the judges after we got our blankets and we were in a spot surrounded by his friends. They’d never do anything to Viktor.” Her face grew increasingly more red and her eyebrows furrowed deeper as she mindlessly pressed her quil on the parchment now. “But how could Rita have heard. She wasn’t there...or was she? Maybe she’s got an invisibility cloak?”
“Perhaps,” you muse along with her, “but there were too many people on that platform, someone would have bumped into her and found her out.” You tap your fingers on the tabletop as you begin to brainstorm a possibility, muttering to Hermione as you did so. “What exactly happened after Krum and you got out of the water?”
Herimone began to explain every exact detail of the events after Krum got her out of the water. Every single detail from climbing onto the platform, to mentioning that Krum flicked a beetle off her wet hair and lastly the moment you had finally come along.
“Hmm,” you rest your elbow on the table and rest your head on your hand as you continue to think and throw out ideas that came to your mind. “Well there wasn’t much room for her to hide at all. She couldn’t be under the water, and it’s doubtful she used polyjuice.”
“You’re right.” Hermione agrees.
At a incoming thought you begin to snicker, “maybe she temporarily transformed into your towel.”
Suddenly Hermione shoots up and her eyes gleam with what seems to be excitement. She steps towards you and manages to pull you off your chair to hold your hands in hers and basically shout out. “I’ve got it!”
“Hermione Granger and Miss Malfoy, please be quiet unless you both want detention!” The professor scolds you, making Herimone quietly apologize before she pulls you back to your seat and continues quietly. Disregarding the warning you both had just gotten.
“She couldn’t have turned into a towel, or risked using polyjuice, but she could have transformed into something else. Something smaller and easy to blend in and be disregarded by any person.”
You blink in astonishment by her quick thinking and fast investigating skills. You don’t say anything, just listen completely mesmerized.
“Rita Skeeter was the beetle in my hair,” Herimone whispers in a loud excited whisper, “of course I thought nothing of it before because it was just a bug, but now it all makes sense; how she can catch all the scoop and hide without without being seen. She’s an animagus.”
You smirk and squeeze in your own thoughts. “Probably an unregistered one too, or else Dumblrdore would have taken extra precautions to keep her off the castle grounds.”
“Yes!” Hermione exclaims with a joyful and yet mischievous grin, “she kept her secret well until now. I’m going to make sure that she doesn’t have another chance to spread any more cruel, dishonest stories.”
“What do you mean?” You gasp with a deeply puzzled and slightly fearful face.
“I’m going to make sure she doesn’t write any more stories from here until the tournament ends. I’m going to catch Rita.” She explains in a loud whisper once again with a dangerous mischievous look still painted in her eyes. “Do you want to catch her with me?”
“I,” you pause to think before you have the chance to abruptly answer. Beginning to go over the fact in your head, that Rita didn’t also make a lie about Hermione, but one about you. One that could cost you heavily. And the days before Herimone asked about helping her, you were down to pair up with Hermione because you didn’t want to lose a friend. Now you were doing it because, well you didn’t want to lose a friend and two, you had motivation of your own.
A smirk creeps onto your face and you meet Herimone’s gaze to share that same dangerous mischievous gaze. “I’m going to catch Rita with you.”
Even if you knew you were still going to get hell from your parents….especially your father.
Tagged- @peter-laufeyson , @swiftlymoniquesblog , @spideyyypeter , @gsvshsjsbs, @accio-prozac , @cherriesanwine , @kokomaesadie , @april-14-blog , @prettypinkpeachh , @pest-ill-ence , @ilovespideyyy
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wrenhyperfixates · 4 years
Of All the Places
Chapter 13
Pairing: Loki x reader Series Summary: Washing up in a small town in Oklahoma was definitely not part of Loki’s plan when he came to conquer Midgard. There is one good thing about it, though: No one recognizes him as the one who just wreaked havoc in New York. So, Loki plans to recover from the battle and move on with his life. The only problem? He’s not sure he can leave you. Chapter Summary: Still in the custody of SHIELD, Loki hears some troubling news from his brother. He can only hope that there relationship is repaired enough to be allowed to help set things right. Chapter Warnings: pretty dialogue heavy A/N: Not too much happens in this one, but it’s setting up for the grand finale! The last chapter and epilogue will both be posted next week, so keep your eyes peeled. Updates every Friday. Enjoy :)
Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedgiant @lunarmoon8​ @twhiddlestonsstuff​ @marvelousdaydreams​ @parkastoria​ @lokistan​ @thelokiimaginechroniclesficrecs​ @sourpatchspinster @gaitwae
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine 
“And why in the Nine not?” Loki demanded of his brother, desperate to know why he wouldn’t be set free. “You said you believed me. Even after all this, was it still not true?”
“Of course it is true, but father will not allow it,” Thor explained, unable to mask the hurt in his voice. “He still demands you be brought back to Asgard.”
Loki frowned at that. If Odin had plans for him, he doubted he could weasel out of them. He wondered if you would ever find out what happened to him if he died. Probably not. Put up against the possibility of being made to live out his many years without ever hearing from you again, death seemed like the merciful option. He couldn’t handle any more torture and being kept from you would be the worst he’d gone through yet. Though the thought of you with anyone else, especially Denzel, made Loki’s stomach roil, he would rather that than you be lonely. Hopefully, you could be happy without him, even if he could not without you.
“Loki, I will speak with him. It will be alright, brother,” Thor assured him.
“So when do we leave?” Loki asked, trying to make himself numb to the pain he was feeling. He dared not hope that his brother could set everything right.
“As soon as you are cleared to leave Midgard.”
“May I make a request?”
“With all due respect, Reindeer Games,” Stark added, though the question was most obviously not addressed to him, “I don’t think you’re in the position for that.”
“I will hear you out, Loki,” Thor said, making no comment on Tony’s remark. “I cannot promise anything more than that.”
“I understand,” Loki anxiously agreed. “The family I was staying with, I do not need to see them again, but may I have some news on them before we go? Just to know they are alright?”
“I have already given you my word that no harm will come to them.”
“I am aware, but-”
Loki was cut off by the door swinging open. The young agent made a beeline for Fury, who was standing there observing the scene with his one good eye, making no remarks of his own. The God of Mischief arched an eyebrow as the agent whispered something in the director’s ear before the two walked outside.
“I’m still wondering why you care so much about a random family from Oklahoma,” Tony said. “What were you even doing there in the first place?”
“I must confess, it was not originally my choice. When I used the Tesseract to escape, I told it to take me somewhere safe,” Loki recounted. “I have not the slightest clue as to why it chose there.”
“Well, that explains how you got there, but why’d you stay?”
“I was,” Loki responded, clearing his throat, “persuaded.”
“In what way?” Thor puzzled.
“They did not know who I truly was, so they welcomed me with open arms,” Loki sighed. “I suppose I... I bonded with a few of them.”
“Yeah, they did all give glowing reviews of you,” Tony said.
“Wait. So you have heard from them? How are they? You must tell me. How is... everyone?”
Loki would not yet risk showing he had any particularly special connection with you, lest it put you in any more danger than you were already in. Thor and Tony exchanged a look, though, that said they could tell he wanted to know about a specific member. He hoped you hadn’t had to tell the agents too many details about your relationship. Somehow, it seemed like a mortifying prospect for them to know such a personal thing. Especially his brother. He was not yet ready for another heart to heart.
“They are all fine,” Thor hesitantly said. “Brother, I don’t suppose you bonded with one of them more than the others. Say, as something more than a friend. You can tell me, you know.”
Yup, Loki was right. Absolutely mortifying. Back on Asgard, he and his brother never really talked about relationships. Their own was already too far gone by the time they reached an age where they thought much about it. The trickster god still remembered his first kiss. It was with one of the palace stable boys. He’d even started riding more just to have an excuse to go and see him. Of course, Odin found out and deemed it improper. Loki never did find out exactly what had happened to him, but he remembered wanting to go and talk to Thor about it. Needless to say, he didn’t. But maybe, just maybe, this was an opportunity to make up for that. So, against his better judgement, Loki told Thor of his special connection with you, though not to the full extent out of the desire to still guard his emotions. Unfortunately, that meant Stark heard, too.
“Not a word out of you,” Loki menaced as Tony opened his mouth. Thankfully, he backed off, putting his hands up in surrender. “Thor, please tell me that they are alright. If they were hurt because of me... Well, just tell me how they are.”
“They are a little shaken up, I will admit, but they are ok. Safe. As I have already said, you have my word that they will remain that way.”
Loki choked out his thanks before Fury burst back into the room. That man was so unreadable that Loki couldn’t make out a single damn expression on his face. How he wished he could have that talent to be so guarded again, but once the floodgates were opened the first time, he never could quite get them closed again. Regardless, the raven haired man knew something was up—something bad. It was the same feeling he’d gotten the day prior, and look where he ended up. But he couldn’t be apprehended by SHIELD again, so now it was back to the question of what. But deep down, he knew. He whispered your voice so low that only Thor heard, and the thunder god shot his brother a concerned glance. Before he could say anything, though, Fury spoke.
“I need your asses out here now,” he said, addressing the two Avengers. “It’s urgent.”
“Wait, brother,” Loki called before he could exit. “I feel in my gut that there is something very bad happening to my beloved. You will tell me if that is the case, correct?”
“I do not know if that is wise.” Thor looked like he was thinking very hard, brows furrowed in concentration. The desperate, pleading look written plainly on Loki’s face must have convinced him because he finally relented. “But yes, I will. As soon as I can.”
Loki gave a quick nod of gratitude before Thor left again. Now that he was left alone in the room, there was very little stopping him from descending into a full on panic. If you were in any sort of trouble, it was undoubtedly his fault. He never should have done that to you. Then again, if he hadn’t stayed around you for so long, he would still be being crushed by the weight of loneliness. His heart would still be fractured. Perhaps it would have been better than having you violently ripped away from him, though. He feared this cycle of guilt and hypotheticals would never end.
He wasn’t sure if it was minutes, hours, or only mere seconds that passed before Thor was coming back in, but he was relieved to see him. After all, his thoughts were a very scary thing to be trapped with. Even scarier was the deeply worried expression upon Thor’s face.
“Brother?” Loki asked, though he was more nervous for the answer than he ever imagined possible.
“The Chitauri. They are back.”
“In New York? But you closed the portal, did you not?” A sickeningly horrifying idea occurred to Loki, and he swallowed thickly. “Is it Thanos? Has he returned? If he is here to make good on is threats to me, then I beg you, brother, just turn me over. It will be easiest, safest, for everyone.”
“If you think for one moment that I will allow that, you are further out of your mind than I suspected,” Thor raged. Loki was shocked into silence. Never before had Thor yelled at him like that. Sure, he’d shouted at him, but it was always because he was angry at him, or because he was pinning the blame for something on Loki. Not because he cared about him. Thor calmed himself down a bit before he continued explaining the situation. “The portal is still closed. We just did not actually round up all the ones that had already come through, apparently. And, they are not in New York, either.”
“Then where?”
Thor looked nervously around the room. “It hardly matters, brother. You will not be able to come.”
“Thor, where?” Loki growled.
“Oklahoma City.”
Loki sucked in a sharp breath and went pale as a ghost. There was only one logical explanation as to why they would be there of all places. Him. They must have tracked him somehow and were there to get revenge. But he wasn’t there anymore, thanks to SHIELD. And if they truly were tracking him, they wouldn’t stop at the city. They would keep going until they reached your farm. Until they reached you.
“Let me go. I can stop this.”
“Were you not listening to what I just said? You cannot come.”
“Brother, please,” Loki whispered, “I beg of you, just let me take care of this. What if it was your mortal who was in danger? You would stop at nothing to save her, I know. That is how I feel, except it is not only the one I care so dearly about. Yes, there is my beloved, and I would die a thousand deaths for them, but it is their whole family, too. I would give my life to keep them out of danger.”
“Thor,” Captain Rogers said, appearing in the door. “We have to hurry.”
“I am sorry, brother,” Thor told Loki before turning away. There was some look in his eye that Loki did not get a good enough look at to place, but he was certain he was trying to tell him something with it. Regardless, he turned and left. “I am coming, Captain.”
Helplessly tugging at the chains holding him to the table, Loki began to hyperventilate. He started cursing himself. If only he were a stronger sorcerer, then maybe these chains couldn’t restrain his magic. If only he hadn’t become so bitter and hopeless, then maybe he never would have let go on the Bifröst. If only his will wasn’t so weak, then maybe Thanos never would have gotten him to attack Midgard in the first place.
He gave up the futile struggle as the blinding anxiety slowly faded. Letting his head drop into his hands, Loki allowed himself a few quiet sobs before trying to clear his head. He needed a plan. For so long, he was ten steps ahead of everyone, but now? Now he was about a hundred miles behind, locked in a room, unable to protect you. But, no. He wouldn’t give up. He was going to get out. He only needed to think. Surely there were still some cards to play, right?
“Psst, brother.”
He looked up to see Thor sneaking back into the room. Maybe this was a hallucination. It was quite possible that he’d finally cracked under the never-ending pressure. Because, really, when had the God of Thunder ever done anything like this before? Though, the fact that he was unlocking the cuffs did seem to be in favor of the idea that this was a jail break.
“What are you doing?” Loki hissed, rubbing his now freed wrists, still not entirely trusting this wasn’t a trap.
“Is it not obvious? I’m freeing you.”
“Well, how daring of you, brother. I admit, I did not think you had it in you.”
“Yes, well, I can see how much you truly love your little Midgardian.”
“Nonsense. It is like I said, I am concerned for all of them. They did, after all, take care of me.”
“Oh, yes. I am sure that is it.”
Loki just rolled his eyes and made his way over to the exit. Almost every instinct in him was screaming to just teleport away from the scene, get to you as fast he could. The thing stopping him was that for once in a very long time, Thor wasn’t dismissing him. In fact, he was trusting him. He couldn’t just turn his back and betray that now, not if he had any hope of getting their brotherly bond back.
Banner was standing right outside the door as Loki opened it, making him jump a little. Before he could whip out a weapon, though, Thor was reassuring Loki that he was just standing guard during the break out. It was quite the strategic move, Loki thought, to have the one Avenger who could really do damage to him be right outside the door. Perhaps he wasn’t giving his brother enough credit. Or perhaps there were just others involved in this scheme.
Sure enough, after dodging a number of agents, the rest of Thor’s friends were waiting in the Quinjet. The tension in the air was palpable as they stood there in silence, sizing each other up. It was obvious Thor wanted to say something to get them all amicably chatting, but knew whatever he was going to say would probably just make things worse. Though the very idea made him gag, Loki knew what he must do if he wanted to reach you in time.
“I apologize,” he said, trying to make it sound completely sincere. “I know that I have hurt some of you—all of you—in some way. I cannot erase the past, but I am trying to do the right thing now. I was not in my right mind the first time we met. Let me prove that now.”
The Avengers all made eye contact with each other, communicating without words. It was agony waiting for their approval, both because he was anxious just to get to you, and it was sickening to have to be judged by them in such a way. Knowing that it was his only opportunity of helping you without complications, however, he waited with bated breath for their reply.
“Ok,” Romanoff finally spoke up. “We forgive you. For now, anyway. Right now, we have to get to Oklahoma.”
“Yes. Please, let us be on our way now,” Loki urged.
And that’s how the God of Mischief ended up flying around with the Avengers. At least he wasn’t chained up like the last time. It was, though, perhaps the most tense situation he’d ever been in. But it didn’t matter, not now. No, now he was on his way, and there was only one thing in his mind, repeating over and over like that one song lyric you can’t get of your head.
He was going to save you.
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straykats · 4 years
to love // fallen angel au.
pairing: bang chan x reader
wordcount: 2.7k
warnings: alcohol ?? i think that’s all
a/n: requested! if at any point you wonder “wtf does kat mean by this?” then dw i wondered too. I know what i want to get across but as always, execution is not my forte
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“How lucky you are, to be able to love freely.”
You’re aware that someone stood by you - a respectable, conversational distance from you, but you didn’t know this person. He could have had a very husky and enticing voice, you thought, had he not sounded so mocking. You continue to stare venomously at who you had considered a close friend, dancing in the arms of your ex.
Using the half empty glass in your hand, you gesture at the two of them. “If that’s what it means to love freely, then I want no part in it.”
The man scoffs and leans his elbow onto the table at which you stood. “We all want  part in it, and even more so when we can not have it.”
What a strange man, you think. You go to take another gulp of the alcohol - which was really not doing its job - and frown when the glass is plucked from your hands. The man examines the contents, letting out an amused chuckle. 
“Really, you think this will drown out your love?”
“What ‘love’? I think I made it clear I want no part in this whole ‘love’ business.” 
You glare at the man and attempt to take your glass back, but he moves it out of the way, as if to examine it under different lighting.
He was a very fine man, you had to admit, dressed in peculiar clothes for a nightclub. He wore a dark suit jacket over a white shirt. He dressed somewhat professionally for someone his age at a club.
He had very pale skin, contrasting with his brown hair in a way that had you thinking about dark corners of quiet libraries. Even under the bad lighting of the nightclub, you could see that he had very plump, very pink lips, and his eyes were bright, almost as if they glowed… You had to force yourself to look away. 
“I think it is quite clear that you have had part in this ‘love’ business. Not only is it evident in the way your eyes follow your friends’ every move, you reek of heartbreak. And you swivel this beverage like you’re to drown out all your sanity in due time.” 
“Well, damn.” The man’s eyes flicker momentarily with amusement, but you don’t notice. “Unfortunate that you won’t let me do it. And for the record, they’re not my friends. Not anymore.”
“May I ask your name?” You don’t reply, eyes still trained on your ex. “I’m Chan. I would like to get to know you better, if you’d let me.”
You give him half a laugh at that. “You’d like to “get to know me?” I’d thought that someone as good looking as you would have been smoother or more subtle.”
“I do find that being upfront is the most efficient method of doing most things.”
Resisting the urge to roll your eyes - out of amusement, for you didn’t think this man could bore you so easily - you turn and offer your hand. “I’m y/n.”
He takes it, but instead of shaking it, he brings your knuckles up and brushes his lips against your knuckles. “A pleasure, y/n.” Letting your hand go, he looks you in the eye - and again, you’re drawn in by them, the strange glow they seemed to have. “Would I be overstepping my boundaries to ask if you would like to… get out of here? And maybe you can tell me about the two who were once your friends.”
It was easy to take Chan up on his offer. The nightclub was only fun when you were there with someone. You had come with the intention of distracting yourself, but instead had come face-to-face with the very cause of the need for distraction. 
Chan had a way with his words, and old fashioned as it may have seemed, he was able to weasel out the full story.
“So he didn’t cheat on me, he just… left me. For my friend.”
“Well, dear, it would seem that love has not been fair for either of us.”
You look at Chan, urging him to go on - his words had sounded dark and bitter - but he continues to walk down the street. A disappointed pout appears on your lips as you catch up to him. What was the fun in you telling him about yourself but him not telling you anything about him?
“So, what do you do for a living? Wait, let me guess!” You catch him eyeing you with laughter in his eyes. “You’re the son of a rich CEO, currently in training to take over the company in a few months?”
Chan entertains the idea for a second, before shaking his head. “No, unfortunately I’m in no such position.”
“You’re a barista at a corner cafe? And there’s hanging plants outside the cafe window.”
“Very specific, but no to that too.”
“Well, then you have to be an idol or something- No way, don’t tell me you’re a trainee-”
He spins to face you, and offers you a polite, charming smile. “The night is not so young, y/n. Should you really be wandering around with a man you just met?”
“Well, that was the initial plan before you stole my drink,” you murmur glumly. “Besides, if you were gonna take advantage of me, wouldn’t you have let me keep drinking? No use depriving a heartbroken, innocent and vulnerable maiden like myself of alcohol, dear sir.” You drape a hand over your forehead, twirling yourself around a nearby lamp post. You open your eyes to see Chan suppressing a smile. “Oh, but kind sir, if you insist, I shall make myself scarce! ...Why do you talk like that, anyways?”
“Like what?”
“Like an overpolite butler.”
“An overpolite-” Chan seems like he’s about to protest, but he quickly composes his features with a shake of his head. “You should be getting home, y/n.” 
“Oh, so the butler does insist that the maiden go home.”
With a lop-sided smile, Chan offers his arm and you feel the pull again, the strange attraction he draws from you. “He also insists on walking the young maiden home, if she will allow him to do so.”
You do.
Chan doesn’t talk much as he walks with your arm in his. He lets you lead the conversation, occasionally letting out a hum or a comment to let you know that he was still listening. 
Walking with him felt like walking between old buildings with cobblestone paths winding between them. You enjoyed his company immensely, but there was something… old about him. And not just the way he talked. 
Under the steady light of the moon, you saw that your earlier observation had been right - his eyes did glow softly around the irises, as if behind them was a light source, silhouetting his dark eyes. They seemed to have an unexplainable depth to them, the type of depth and knowledge that you associated with growing age. Chan had that, despite how young he looked. He held a certain sense of immortality in his eyes, looking as if he had seen the darkest sides of humankind. 
Your walk with Chan soon comes to an end as you stand before your apartment complex. It rises up behind you as you turn to face Chan, a sad smile on your face.
“I don’t suppose I could invite you inside? For… Coffee, or something?” 
It was a pitiful attempt to spend more time with him, and he must have noticed it. Afterall, who would invite someone for coffee at midnight?
“I’m afraid not, y/n, dear.” Chan looks hesitant as to what to do next. “Although I do suppose I could come by tomorrow, if you are free?”
You’re aware that your mouth had opened in shock. So it was a mutual feeling, wanting to spend more time together. “I am, yes, that would be- That would be really nice!”
“Then I shall see you tomorrow, y/n.” You’re left speechless as he once again lifts your knuckles to his lips, bowing his head and letting the kiss linger for a second longer. “It has been a pleasure.”
He straightens, gives you a polite smile, and turns to go.
Watching him walk away, you’re left feeling warm and excited inside. Tomorrow was so close yet so far.
Your stomach flips as Chan freezes and then turns, making his way back to you. You’re worried that he’s had a change of mind.
“Can I.. Would it be improper to-” He cuts off with a frown, then slowly opens his mouth. “Would it be alright if i kissed you, now?”
It catches you off guard, but you can’t help and think that… oh, this was the plan for the night anyways, was it not? A means to distract yourself?
So you nod, and you’re aware of a feather-light sigh before Chan bundles you into his arms and you confirm the softness of his lips. It’s nothing more than him pressing his lips against yours, but it sends a spark through your body, like someone had lit the wick of a candle and your body was being engulfed in warm flames. 
When he pulls back, you find yourself moving forward and looking for more. It takes you a moment to realise he hadn’t moved back in, despite your attempts. 
You open your eyes and almost lose your breath - he was gazing at you, the moon behind him, full and bright. He was silhouetted against the moonlight. His eyes seemed aflame - but no, you had determined they had their own glow… it made him look ethereal.
Like an avenging angel.
“Perhaps… we should go in?” 
The trip to your apartment had the possibility of turning into a messy elevator make-out session, had it not been for the middle-school kid who stood in the corner, eyeing Chan with some awe. When Chan gave him a smile, the kid ran out of the elevator. You were sure he’d gotten off a floor too early.
You’re calmer when you’re back in your apartment. Chiding yourself for not cleaning up before leaving, you quietly lead Chan to the couch. Chan has your fingers clasped in his hands - loosely, but it was enough that he still felt connected to you. 
He falls next to you on the couch, moving in at the same time to kiss you again. It was light and teasing, yet he seemed restrained, hesitant and conscious of your reactions. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” you whisper, but you’re not sure if it’s for him or for yourself. “We don’t need to do anything more than this, if you don’t want.”
Chan places a hand under your chin, tilting your lips up to meet his in a brief kiss.
“Y/n, do you trust me?”
Your brows furrow, and you’re unable to answer. You’d like to say yes, but the reality was that you’d only known him a few hours. However, his eyes pull you in, and you remember the sincerity and care in the roaming of his hands, of his lips. Your body warms over, and you tell yourself it’s the remnants of the alcohol in your veins. You nod. 
Chan places two hands in front of him, palm-side up. When you place your hands in his, he guides them around his waist, and rests them on his lower back. 
His face was close to yours, his breath warm on your cheek. 
“Up, y/n.”
You’re scared to take your eyes off of him as shaking fingers move up his back, and you almost freeze when you feel them - two lines, each between the shoulder blade and spine. As your fingers trace up along the scars, a surge of sadness washes over you, and you see in your mind’s eye a flash of light, and you can feel it, the anger and the confusion and the pain. 
“I told you, didn’t I? We all want to love freely, even more so when we can not have it.”
“What… happened?”
Chan looks shattered for a moment, but he straightens his back and sits tall, keeping a steady gaze on you. “I was once an angel, I suppose - yes, the angels in your old literature, angels that stood by God - although I suppose I was never in such a high position.” He pauses bitterly. “We angelic beings… we’re forbidden from feeling love. Any type of love. It misguides us, they say. Makes us biased.”
An angel, he had said. Something clicked in your mind, and you were surprised at how calm you were reacting to this news. It made sense, afterall. Explained the scars, the eyes. The over-polite butler personality.
“Love doesn’t misguide you.” Raising a hand to cup his face, you brush a thumb under his eye. “It makes you-” Human. “Alive,” you say instead. 
Chan has a solemn look on his face when he turns his head and kisses the inside of your palm. Then, he moves forward and kisses you - the corner of your mouth, your cheek, your eyes, your lips. It was no longer teasing and fun, but instead, bittersweet, as if he was aware of the consequences of love.
And he was, you suppose, aware of the consequences. 
For him, it had been the fall from heaven. But for you… Well, he hadn’t been wrong when he’d said everyone wants a part in love. 
Your hands loops around his neck and you pull him on top of you, falling back onto the couch. You wanted to prove that… well, that even if he was a fallen angel, even if he saw love as something that could cause so much harm, that it was also something worth fighting for. Worth living for. 
Sunrise was only a few hours away, but you had never felt quite this awake before. The calm that washed over you now was something you had rarely felt before. Your back was to Chan’s chest, a blanket resting over the both of you. 
Chan had a hand in your hair, fingers combing through it. It was soothing, tempting you to close your eyes and rest.
You would have, had it not been for the questions in your head.
“Did it hurt?” Your voice was barely more than a whisper.
“Did what hurt?”
It seemed wrong to smile, but you couldn’t help it. “When you fell from heaven.”
Chan’s hands freeze in your hair, and you worry that you’ve overstepped your boundaries.
“... It’s hard to recall. Perhaps it did, for the scars are too ugly for it to not have.” His hands resume their stroking, before he places a kiss on your head and pulls you in. “But I do not think it hurt in the way that humans experience physical pain. I remember a column of fire coming down on me, but I can only remember thinking that the fire was colder than I had expected.” Chan sighs. “Perhaps you should rest now, y/n.” “... Just one more question?”
“Well, alright. I suppose one more won’t hurt.”
“If angels are forbidden to love… why are they still able to do so?”
It’s silent for a few seconds.
“I suppose it’s because we’re able to love that it’s forbidden. I’m not sure what you think of it, but fate is a real thing, and everyone is fated to be with another.”
“Even angels?”
“... It’s rather cruel, isn’t it? To forbid something meant to be?”
You can’t do much else other than curl into Chan’s chest. It was cruel. 
Chan’s arm pulls you in tight, and you feel his chest chest push against your back as he inhales. The exhale tickles the top of your head.
“Hey, Chan?”
He lets out a hum, and you let yourself soak in his warmth a few seconds second longer.
“You’re not going to disappear on me, are you?”
“I’m a fallen angel, love,” Chan says with a soft smile. “Not a ghost.”
“Of course not… you’re not even that scary.”
Light laughter tickles the top of your head as Chan pulls you closer. 
“Maybe all those years alone were worth it, even if just for this one moment.” His hand trails down the side of your face, and as if it pulled a curtain down with it, you feel your eyelids grow heavy. “Now sleep, love, and wake when the sun does.”
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Canon Era - Single Fic Arcs
Author: McShame
Post S5 (AU): canon to the end of S4 & part of the way through S5. 
Gwen and Arthur have been married for several years, Merlin’s magic has been revealed and Arthur has now reached a kind of cold peace with it.  Then a delegation arrives from a kingdom based on magic, and suddenly Destiny is starkly and ruthlessly thrust to the fore.  The question is should - can - it be avoided? 
Word Count: 124,383
Completed: Yes
Definitely might want to pay attention to the tags on this one; one scene can be interpreted both as dubious consent (but more like a I want this, but I can’t do this type of situation), as well as mentions of infidelity and attempted suicide by magic because Merlin just doesn’t want to deal with the fallout and aftermath of his and Arthur’s actions and the consequences it has on their relationships with Gwen and Gwaine.  But if you can handle the rough spots, this fic is truly spectacular.  
Whispering Your Name
Author: CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
A different take on the dorocha.  Instead of them being faceless screams that attack you, they are actually figures of the dead.  Merlin doesn’t quite realize how much death affected him until him and the knights go to close the veil.  
Word Count: 22,517
Completed: Yes
One of my absolute favorite fics of all time.  It also has a bit of Uther redemption in it and Lancelot lives! It also has one of my favorite interactions in a fanfiction: 
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Arthur growled, throwing up his hands.  “That thing murdered my people and you allowed it to live--” 
“You murdered my people and I allowed you to live,” Merlin said sharply.  Gwaine felt his eyes widen.  Bold words.  Part of him wanted to ‘ooh’ at it but knew it would lead to a very bad outcome.  
Dower the Stars
Author: RurouniHime
During a time of great prosperity in Albion, the Druids offer Emrys a precious gift.  Arthur is not amused. 
Word Count: 40,654
Completed: Yes
A super fun but also very romantic fic.  Druids far and wide come in and kiss Merlin, hoping that their magic will react a certain way with Merlin’s and he’ll bond with one of them.  Merlin however decides to throw a wrench in his plan when he chooses to bond with Arthur instead after almost losing him.  
Author: Masked_Mayhem
Merlin knew he was pushing his limits, that he was millimetres away from overstepping the invisible line that Arthur had wordlessly set and the warlock had been careful not to cross, but he was never one to listen to the rules that were set for him.  Especially not when he was afraid. 
Agravaine had managed to weasel his way into his king’s mind and ingrain doubts in the people he loved, the people that loved him...doubts that only took place and bloomed as the traitor lied and deceived and planted things against them. He had gotten rid of Gwen easily enough, and had almost gotten rid of Gaius. Merlin was afraid. Were a few words and items all it would take for Arthur to turn against him too?
Word Count: 51,915
Completed: Yes
Merlin steps over a line and Arthur punishes him for it.  Later, when Merlin was right, Arthur regrets his decision and saves him.  Romance blooms between the two, but a wrench gets thrown in along the way with the reveal of Merlin’s magic and deeds in Arthur’s name.  There is a lot of angst, but I like to feel as if it’s a happy ending for the two.  
Springes to Catch Woodcocks
Author: myashke
When Arthur pushes Merlin away to protect him, what lengths will Merlin go to remain in his life
Word Count: 83,292
Completed: No
Unfortunately the only negative that this fic has going for it is that it doesn’t seem as if it’ll ever be finished.  There are 7 chapters and they were last updated in December of 2011.  Still worth the read.  
Two Souls
Author: Naelyn
A few days after Camlann, Merlin and Morgana find themselves imprisoned in the same place, and forced to spend their days together.  Basically, this is just a pretext for non-stop Merlin and Morgana interaction once the Emrys reveal has been made. 
“I’ve gone soft over the day, you know.  A few months ago, I would have killed you where you stood.” 
“A few months ago, you did try to kill me where I stood,” Merlin reminded her, and she could hear the smirk in his tone.  
Word Count: 11,417
Completed: Yes
One of the only fics on this list that won’t be specifically a Merthur fic; but it still isn’t Mergana either.  The idea is that after the revelation at Camlann, one can assume that Arthur lived and that Morgana wasn’t killed; that Merlin had been banished or sent away for the lies he told and somehow was subsequently captured.  
What starts out as a hostile interactions between Merlin and Morgana leads to understanding and apologies that lead on a path to healing.  The end is left open ended, it’s implied that they are sent to their deaths in another kingdom without hope of being rescued, but you can use your imagination to decide if you wanted them to have a happier ending.  
The Patter of Tiny Feet on Cold Stone Floors
Author: TheAvalonian
When Guinevere finds that she is unable to bear Arthur a child, Merlin offers her the perfect solution: an ancient spell which can create new life out of love, if that love is pure and powerful enough.  But after the ritual, it becomes increasingly obvious that while Gwen has indeed become pregnant, the child she carries might not have been created from the love between Arthur and his wife - but rather from the love between Arthur and his Court Sorcerer.  
Word Count: 79,131
Completed: Yes
Merlin and Arthur have a baby!  But it’s not an mpreg fic.  Guinevere discovers that Arthur and Merlin are more tied together than she and Arthur are - and while that is difficult for her to come to terms with, she concedes that Arthur has the chance that she never had with Lancelot and doesn’t want to stand in the way.  Queue of course evil plotting on behalf of Morgana and a kidnapping of the queen and princess - who happens to have shown gifts of her own - and it’s a rollercoaster of a tale that leaves you wanting more.  
Author: clotpolesonly
When Merlin falls into bed with Arthur, he doesn’t expect to wake up alone.  He doesn’t expect Arthur to give him the cold shoulder either, but there is something else he expects even less which forces him out of the kingdom for over a year. 
He returns to find a traitor in the court, an army on the way, and a love he’d thought all but lost waiting for him with open arms.  
Word Count: 33,753
Completed: Yes
I don’t usually enjoy mpreg fics because they don’t make sense to me from a biological stand point and usually get explained away as “because reasons”.  This fic is an exception, it does a good job of explaining why it is that Merlin might wound up in his situation and it deals with difficult question about how to handle the knowledge and who to share it with.  
Flowers in the Wind
Author: the_seaworthy_muffin
A thousand and five-hundred years ago, Arthur Pendragon is sent to the god Emrys as Camelot’s yearly tribute.  He comes to befriend the god, and as the prince continues to spend time on the god’s island, something more seems to blossom between them.  But then the Lady Morgana goes missing, and Arthur betrays Emrys to his father in a moment of misguided trust.  Emrys’ island burns, the heart-broken god refusing to fight for his life.  In dying, he puts a terrible curse upon the prince: to live forever, and never forget. 
A millennium and a half has passed.  Arthur is being slowly torn apart from the inside-out, memories of the past an ever-growing weight in his chest.  When he finally finds Emrys again, he is elated - he’s ready to beg, weep, anything, if only he can find blissful forgetfulness.  But while the god’s power has not faded, his memories have, and he lives his life as young artist Merlin Emrys, believing himself to be a simple man with interesting gifts.  And Arthur’s hopes are dashed.  But there is one last way: Arthur can try, and make Merlin remember again. 
Word Count: 67,366
Completed: No - but it is being continuously updated
This is a truly spectacular work of fiction and I almost didn’t give it a chance.  I am so glad that I did.  Honestly, this is now one of my favorite authors on AO3.  
Peace, Plum, Pear
Author: sweetestdrain
How in his tenth year of rule King Arthur chose a man to take the role of Court’s Magician, and how Arthur made his decision.
Word Count: 13,700
Completed: Yes
Merlin fled the kingdom after Uther found out about his magic, and now it’s been ten years since the old king’s death and Arthur’s ascension to the throne, and yet Merlin is still nowhere to be found.  
Arthur gives in and holds trials for the new Court Sorcerer and in walks in an old man named Myrddin Wyllt.  But, there’s more than meets the eye to this strange and mysterious magician.  
Author: Suaine
In the aftermath of Merlin’s battle against Nimueh, the rain seems a minor complication, perhaps even a cleansing influence.  When the rain doesn’t stop, Camelot is pushed to the brink once more.  This time, Arthur may be in over his head.  
Contains: a lot of wet boys in emotional scenes, Arthur knowing more than he lets on, Merlin being an idiot, both of them being a bit stupidly heroic, telepathic chess, rain (lots of), war, making out against a tree, coincidental druids, co-opted history, co-opted myths, magic, coming of age (metaphorically), and more magically annoying yet surprisingly un-floody water than you can shake a stick at.  
Word Count: 50,565
Completed: Yes
Beautifully written fic, truly a great addition to the fandom. 
Idiosyncratic Romance
Author: F0rcryinoutloud
“And what about your destiny?” Gaius asked softly.  “Merlin, you know Arthur needs you - whether he realizes it or not.  You won’t have to hide from him forever.”  
Word Count: 13,942
Completed: Yes
Beauty in the Ashes of our Lives
Author: Fulgance
After Merlin is executed for Uther’s murder, Arthur’s world falls apart. 
Word Count: 21,599
Completed: Yes
Arthur makes a huge mistake when he executes Merlin following the reveal of his magic.  
Author: waldorph
Arthur is constantly at war. 
Word Count: 6,571
Completed: Yes
This is a wonderful magic reveal fic where Merlin goes out and discovers more about magic while still taking care of Arthur and protecting him; Arthur is constantly at war because Uther has decided he wants to take over and unite Albion.  
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imhereformr · 3 years
30 for Bloom/Sky? If you want to ^^
30 : Painting the house that ends in a paint fight and giggles.
Bloom had no idea how he’d done it, but frankly she didn’t care. She was just happy to be out of the palace and away from Samara and Erendor. She was pretty sure Samara did like her, but she was hiding it because her husband still saw Bloom as the girl that had weaseled her way into Sky’s mind and convinced him to call off an engagement that had been years in the making. Then she’d made it worse with her progressive thinking and making Sky question some of the laws and policies Eraklyon had. It didn’t matter to the king that Bloom was the keeper of the most powerful magic in the dimension or that she had a kingdom of her own, she would always be the pesky middle class Earth girl to him. When they’d moved into their own wing in the palace after years of having dated, Erendor barely acknowledged her and it drove Bloom completely mad. She had mentioned it to Sky, expecting him to request that his father be cordial with her – that was all she’d wanted. Instead, Sky had somehow managed to convince his parents that it made sense for the crown prince of Eraklyon and his future queen to live on their own for a bit; experience the realm like the people did. That led them here: their very own apartment in the downtown region of Eraklyon’s capital city.
It wasn’t a big apartment; one bedroom, one bathroom and an open kitchen/living room with a small balcony on the fourth floor of an apartment building. Stella had called it cramped; Bloom called it cozy. And, best of all, theirs. No kings, no guards, no maids, no rules. They could wear sweatpants to dinner, get up at noon, fuck on the kitchen counter, throw popcorn at each other when they watched tv and order pizza for every single meal if they damn well pleased.
“Alright, I think that’s everything we need” Sky said, kicking the door closed behind him. He put down the two gallons of paint he’d carried in from the car. Bloom looked over the equipment: paint, tape, brushes, rollers, rags and stir sticks. They’d primed the walls the day before, so the drop cloths already covered the wood floors.
“Remind me why we’re doing this ourselves instead of hiring painters?” Sky crouched down to open one of the gallons of paint. It was a light green colour with a slight blue tint – papyrus, it had been called – that would be perfect for their living room space.
“It’s more fun this way. Besides, it’s such a small apartment; it can’t possibly take us that long to paint.”
A few hours later, they’d finished the first coat in the kitchen/living room and bathroom and were on the bedroom. Sky started on the far wall while she worked on the one by the window. They sang along badly to one of the many playlists on Bloom’s phone (courtesy of Musa), but otherwise worked in relative peace.
Bloom let her mind wander the possibilities of their future together, as she often did. This time, she pictured late nights cuddled on the couch, Sunday morning breakfasts in bed – even if it was just cereal, cooking together, having friends over for dinner. A grumble from her stomach advised her that she was hungry, so she turned to suggest to Sky that they order some food. A white spot on the very bottom of the wall caught her eye, distracting her from her hunger. “You missed a spot on the bottom” she laughed.
“Shit, really?” Sky maneuvered from his spot atop the ladder, trying to see the missed spot. Bloom assured him she had it and shuffled over with her paint brush in hand. She covered the spot and sat down properly, crossing her legs, at the foot of the ladder. Above her, Sky shuffled and swore. “Move!”
Bloom looked up in time to see the paint can that Sky had on the top rung of the ladder coming at her. She narrowly managed to avoid it, pushing herself out of the way just in time. The can hit the floor, splashing paint everywhere including Bloom herself. Her pants, shirt, arm and hair were speckled with paint.
Sky came down the ladder, trying to hold in a fit of giggles. “I’m sorry” he chortled, covering his mouth with his hand.
“You think this is funny?” Bloom stood up, motioning to the paint splattered along the left side of her body.
“No.” Sky’s face grew deadly serious, but Bloom could tell he was trying very hard to hold back the laughter. As future king, he’d been trained to present as serious in case it was ever necessary, but Bloom knew him well enough to know his tells.
“You do” she accused, bending over to dip her brush in the paint. “Well let’s see how funny you find this.”
Paint splashed across Sky’s chest and arms, staining him baby blue. Bloom giggled proudly at the shocked look that crossed his face. The shock was quickly replaced by a smirk. He picked up the brush he’d placed atop the ladder and dipped it in the paint. Bloom squeaked and ran across the room to where her gallon of paint waited by the wall.
Paint was tossed wildly: on the couple, the ladder, the drop cloths, the window and the freshly painted walls. At some point, Bloom had found herself tossed over Sky’s shoulder, kicking and laughing, for reasons she could remember. At the end, they found themselves lying on the floor covered in paint and laughing.
“I think we’re gonna need to get more paint” Sky commented once the giggles had subsided. He propped himself up and picked up the empty gallon at his feet, turning it over to demonstrate that it was empty. “You were right, though.”
“Aren’t I always?” Bloom laughed, sitting up beside him to rest her chin on his shoulder and smile at him. Sky rolled his eyes, a wide grin spread across his face. “What was I right about specifically, though?”
“This was much more fun than hiring painters.”
“Ah, yes. I told you it would be.” Bloom laughed again, placing a kiss on Sky’s cheek before shifting her head to rest her temple on his shoulder. Sky placed his arm around her, gently caressing her arm. His head rested on hers and he let out a contented sigh. They stayed like that for a few minutes, enjoying the peace of their home, before Sky spoke Bloom’s second favourite sentence (the first was I love you). “Come on, let’s order some food.”
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Sweet Nothing (MHA Staff AU Fanfiction)
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Chapter 19 
Warnings: None, swf. 
Pairing: Shouta Aizawa x OC (Mai Montoya, Pro Hero Zion) 
If you want to read of the events before this chapter here is the Master List 😊
If I wasn't in the compromising position I was in right now, I swear my reaction to Vlad telling me that the hero course final's practical exam was being changed this year, I would be stomping over to Nezu to give him a piece of my mind.
We were currently sitting on my couch with his bulldog perched up on my lap, snoring his little life away, and Vlad placing my feet in his lap while we were watching a movie. Vlad thought it was best to tell me the news after spending some time with his dog since he knew it would have me in a good mood. How dare he use my love for dogs against me?
"I can't believe this. Why didn't anyone tell the counselors? Wasn't Hounddog in the meeting?" I chastised while lightly caressing the dog's ear.
"You mean, you and Lily? The only two hero course counselors? Because you would both be against it, and Nezu didn't want to deal with the two of you." He said as he lightly massaged my feet.
"Well, he wouldn't have to deal with us if he treated our students like students and not soldiers," I grumbled. The bulldog started to rustle in his sleep, waking up slightly to cuddle further into me. "I think your dog likes me more than you."
"He's just a spoiled baby and likes when he gets attention. Have fun with her while you can buddy, I have her for the rest of the night." I couldn't help but laugh at how he acted with his dog. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before the week off the exam. But I can't say I disagree with Nezu and Aizawa about upping the exams' difficulty. With the recent villain attack and how more and more villains are popping up. Or with how All Might is right now. I can see that we do need to train them more efficiently to be better prepared for the changing world."
"But they're only first-year students. It's a little excessive to me to be putting so much on them so early. I understand the need. I do. I just feel like the pace needs to slow down a bit."
"Midnight said that in the meeting. I'm surprised that you haven't asked what they wanted to do for the practical yet. I figured that would've been the first thing that came to mind." Vlad looked away from the TV to meet my gaze.
"What did they wanted to do?" I let my face fall in disgruntlement.
"They want the teachers to fight the students." He flatly said.
"THEY WHAT?" Vlad aggressively shushed me and pointed to the dog, who was scared awake. I quickly patted the little guy and cooed him, "Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie, I didn't mean to scare you. Relax and go back to sleep."
Vlad looked at me for a moment. His eyes were a little unreadable. He then shrugged and spoke a matter-of-factly, "I told you that we didn't tell you and Lily for a reason."
"What am I supposed to do now? Just sit and watch while grown adults fight students?" He nodded in response, "Vlad." No response, "Vlad?" Nothing. "Sekijiro?"
He finally went back to giving me his attention, "Yeah?"
"You really agreed to this?" I pleaded.
"You called me by my first name?" He squinted in confusion, then relaxed, "Yes, I did. They made valid arguments."
I simply hummed and nodded, dropping the subject, not like I can do anything about it. Then I looked at him while he had his attention on the screen in front of us. "Did I cross a line? Was it not okay to call you by Sekjiro?"
"Hmm? No, it's not that. Just didn't expect it, that's all. You rarely call me by it, only Vlad or my family name." He rubbed the back of his neck, he was trying not to show that he was uncomfortable, but the whole room felt different from a minute ago.
"I'm sorry. I should've probably asked first. I just assumed that since-- never mind. If it made you uncomfortable, I'd just call you by Vlad or by your last name until you want me to call you something else." I didn't mean to look so wounded, but I couldn't help the way my voice got quiet and the way I held my chin low. I didn't mean to make things so awkward. Since high school, we've known each other, and now we were sort of dating, so it was a simple mistake—no big deal.
"No, I get it, you assumed that we were close enough... which we are... I.. uh." Vlad struggled to find the words he wanted to say. He moved from his spot on the couch to stand and walk over to me and kissed my forehead, "We are close. I just didn't expect it." He said that, and he looked at me lovingly when he did. But it didn't feel like it was the truth.
I still leaned forward to give him a small peck, "Okay, let's just finish the movie and call it a night." We exchanged smiles and continued the night with the awkwardness hanging above our heads. Luckily I had the dog to distract me.
Midnight was walking into the teacher lounge to find Lily and I waiting for her at her desk. She went from her normal sultry demeanor to a slow and bewildered one, "Yes?"
Lily spoke up first, "So the practical exam was changed, and you were against it but didn't warn us?"
"Who snitched?" Midnight scrunched her face in anguish like a shameless kid that got caught doing something they knew they weren't supposed to do. She slumped and leaned on one foot folding her arms. Her signature whip in hand. "I didn't say anything because I didn't want to look like a whiny, childish colleague to the teachers. Despite my seniority, I still have to pick my battles when I want to be voicing out issues during meetings."
"If it's because you are one of the few women on the teacher's staff, I could definitely whip the men into shape to take you seriously," I reassured her.
"I would've expected for you to have a lot more say than anyone." Lily mirrored Midnight's pose, "But I guess it's different when no one else is backing you up."
"To be fair, I think you guys will be amused with the way we teachers were paired off with the students, especially your students, Mai." Midnight brushed off the topic of the inequity between the men and women staff and moved on to explain how the exam changed.
"Let me guess. You are up against Mineta." I tried to stay serious, but the image of the little weasel being chased around by Midnight was too hilarious not to burst out laughing.
"Don't worry, you two. We'll be tough on them but not too tough. We're going to leave some leeway for them to pass." She put her hands on both of our shoulders in reassurance.
"You better, or you all will have hell to pay." We both glared at her, to which she responded with a giggle.
"Shouldn't you be getting to the examination room with Recovery Girl?" She raised an eyebrow and smirked down at me while I puffed my cheeks and started getting out of her chair.
"Yeah... I really hate that I wasn't allowed to give my students a pep talk before their exams, but Aizawa had them so nervous for this exam that they were more busy studying that I didn't feel comfortable taking their time away from it. Especially when some of them were in dire need of studying. On the bright side, they all mentioned to me that they formed study groups. So I guess it's good that they are relying on each other."
I grabbed my bag and waved them goodbye while walking out of the office to meet with Recovery Girl. The little old lady was waiting in the nurse's office on her little chair. Her feet dangled as she lightly kicked them as I walked in. She then motioned for me to help her down, and we walked off to the examination room.
"You look really comfortable today." She said, noting my outfit. I had some white sneakers on with a mid-length a-line white skirt with a collared shirt underneath my green UCLA sweatshirt. I decided to keep my hair in a fishtail braid with a few hairs framing my face. My glasses sat on top of my head.
"I figured since it was exam day, I wasn't going to need to do a lot of work today." I shrugged and put my glasses on.
"I haven't seen your necklace until now. It's charming." My necklace? My hand went up to reach the silver chain with the small lopsided heart. I've had it for years, rarely do I ever take it off. Sometimes I forget I am even wearing it. Ironically, it was a gift from Aizawa back when we were kids. Despite being detached from him for so long, I still kind of had a piece of him with me.
"Thank you. I wear it all the time, actually."
"You should tell me where you got it. Maybe I'll buy one."
"I wish I could tell you, but I'm afraid I was never told." I smiled wholeheartedly at the little old lady.
We made it to the room, and I opened the door for her, and as she walked in ahead of me, she decided to comment, "Oh, I'm sure Aizawa remembers, I'll ask him." Sometimes I hate her for knowing everything. But hey, that's part of her being the heart of UA.
Soon after we got situated, a few of my students came in to watch their peers during their examination. Specifically, it was Midoriya and Uraraka that walked in along with Aoyama and Bakugo. I'm guessing they were paired off with each other and were going to be tested later. I sat next to Recovery Girl and leaned back in my seat, swiveling side to side as we watched the screen waiting for the exams to begin.
"You seem as anxious as the students, Ms. Montoya." Recovery Girl mentioned as the first match between Sato and Kirishima and Cementoss was about to begin.
"Well, I don't think it was right to change the practical on them, so I am a little nervous. I want them all to pass." I chewed on my bottom lip as I switched to tapping my foot instead.
"If we don't pass, Mr. Aizawa said we don't get to go to the training camp." Uraraka mentioned as she noticed that we were talking about the exam and the students, "I don't know if he was really serious, but it definitely got us wanting to make sure we passed more."
I grimaced, "I really hate how Aizawa adds more pressure on you guys, and he knows it, so it pisses me more off."
"Yes, I don't know why that man is so hard on his students. But I am sure that it is just a ruse." Recovery Girl did her best to reassure the student. "Now, let's watch your classmates."
One by one, each round of fights passed by, poor Kirishima and Sato were the first to fail the practical, which made all of us watching upset. The matches with Tsu and Tokoyami and Iida and Ojiro were nerve-wracking to watch but ended with all four of them winning and meeting back here to watch the rest of the class.
The current match that was about to start was between Todoroki and Momo and Aizawa. I had high hopes for the team, but both Aizawa and I noticed the shift in Momo's confidence after the Sports Festival. So it was hard to see if she was going to trust herself when making decisions in the practical exam. With Todoroki, my main concern was his inability to work with others and strategizing, but hopefully, the two actually work together and beat Aizawa. Lord knows that man isn't going to go easy on them. He lives for these moments where he can strike fear into his students. Not like I am expecting him to purposely fail them though, he's not THAT sadistic. I looked over at the students in the examination room and noticed the worried look on Ochako's face. She was getting more nervous as it got closer to her exam. I couldn't blame her. I haven't seen her and Aoyama really discuss a plan for how they will fight Thirteen. Midoriya was mumbling strategies to himself, oblivious to his friend's silent mental turmoil. "Ochako, sweetheart, why don't you come over here and watch the round with me?"
She slightly jumped, surprised at my sudden suggestion, but then shuffled her way over to me with a nervous smile.
"You okay? You seem like the nerves are eating away at you?" I swiveled to face her and placed my elbows on my knees and my chin on my hands as I looked up at her.
"Honestly? I am not okay, but I don't know how I am going to make a plan when my partner doesn't try to communicate with me and just focuses on how their suit looks." She looked glumly at her partner, who was still focusing on his reflection rather than the screen.
I looked at Aoyama, too, with my eyebrows scrunching together, trying to find the words to help her. "To give you some advice, you just have to smack some sense to them, but verbally, I'm not saying to smack Aoyama literally, but tell him upfront that he needed to take this exam seriously just like it was a real-life situation. Only then can you guys can collaborate. And don't worry about not having a plan at this current moment. It's always good to get used to thinking on the spot because you will rarely have time to plan before dealing with villains on the field."
She nodded with a slight pout, which reminded me how Midoriya would listen to me. I was about to continue speaking when Recovery Girl's voice spoke up, "It looks like Yaoyorozu and Todoroki aren't collaborating well, Todoroki got tied up, and she's running off."
Once she spoke up, we decided to keep the focus on the screen, Ochako quietly saying, "I'll take your advice, maybe I'll be able to make up some last-minute plan with Aoyama as we walk to our exam. Thank you, but I think I'll go back with Deku if you don't mind." I waved her off with a warm, reassuring smile as she walked back to her spot next to Midoriya.
As we watched the match, Recovery Girl and I kept making quiet remarks about the students and Aizawa. "I think Aizawa is going easy on them. I think he noticed that their plan shouldn't work if their timing is off." I noted.
"It looks like they figured out that Aizawa needs longer breaks between moments he uses his quirk after his injuries." Recovery Girl pointed, and I nodded in agreement. Eventually, the two students managed to capture Aizawa and won the match, and the students with us were filled with joy and relief, watching them win. I couldn't help but giggle a little. I feel like they were happier to see Aizawa get his ass beaten than just seeing their peers pass. "My, my, I guess that man is a big softie after all." Recovery Girl gleamed out loud and then smirked at me, lowering her voice again, "Not like I am surprised, I remember how he was in high school."
I decided to tease the grump and texted him a congratulations message, not really expecting a response.
You sure like to give your students handouts for someone who likes not to give handouts to his students. Thank you for not failing Momo and Todoroki. They really needed the win. Counselor Montoya approves! 👍🏻💕
Grumpy Caterpillar 🐛🐱
Shut up. I wasn't going easy on them.
Yes, you were. It's okay to admit you care about them. I won't tell anyone and ruin your reputation. Scouts honor! 😇🤞🏻
Grumpy Caterpillar 🐛🐱
Grumpy Caterpillar 🐛🐱
I'm putting you on Do Not Disturb for the rest of the exam.
Awe, but I love talking to u. I can feel the annoyance through my screen 😚😚
Grumpy Caterpillar 🐛🐱
Those better have been typos because Vlad probably doesn't appreciate you sending other guys kissy emojis.
😚 This is for friends.
😘 This is for bfs/gfs
Don't flatter yourself, Sho.
Grumpy Caterpillar 🐛🐱 is typing...
"Who are you texting that is making you smiling and giggling so much?" Recovery Girl asked as she tried to look over my phone. Is it an old person thing to try and see people's phones? Torino did that, too, at the hospital.
"I'm just teasing Mr. Aizawa, and he's taking the bait," I said, not looking up from my phone reading his messages.
Grumpy Caterpillar 🐛🐱
I'm not the one doing the flattering.
Wdym? 🤔
Read at 12:45 pm
I pouted at my phone and stuffed it into my skirt pocket. "He left me on read, how rude."
"Maybe he got tired of the teasing. You can be annoying at times. Now let's continue with the exams." The blunt old lady bumped my head with her cane lightly, or at least what she thought it was lightly.
"Ow, that cane should be registered as a weapon." I rubbed my head.
"Don't take advantage of the attention that man gives you. You're smarter than that to string someone along." She huffed protectively.
"I am not doing anything, just being friendly, that's all."
"You should try being less friendly unless you actually want to pursue anything with him. But considering your relationship with Vlad, I don't think that's happening."
"I'm teasing, not flirting. Plus, it's not like Aizawa to catch feelings."
"You can't catch feelings when you always had them, sweetheart." I looked at her with furrowed eyebrows, not really understanding where she was coming from. "For such a smart young lady, you seem to be oblivious when it comes to love. Unless you're just denying the inevitable."
"And what is the inevitable, Ms. I Know Everything?"
"That you and Shota never got over your feelings for one another. So the feelings are rising to the surface once more, but that isn't any of my business." Recovery Girl mentioned not taking her eyes off of the screen. "And you can't deny it, Gran Torino and I like to talk, you know? He told me about you two at the hospital. And don't think I didn't see you guys in my office looking like you wanted to smash your faces together. You're not kids anymore, be mature about this, Mai, please."
Be mature... Yeah, right... If it goes both ways, then he should be doing something about it, too, not just me. It can't all be me. "Let's just watch the rest of the exams and drop this subject. Not like anything could happen. I'm leaving at the end of the year."
"And you're with Vlad." Recovery Girl felt the need to remind me.
"Eh, I'm starting to think it might not be as serious as I thought," I say, remembering how awkward Vlad got when I misunderstood how close we were. I still enjoyed being around him, and I enjoyed the attention, but after that, it made me second guess myself a lot when it came to him. Like, if I couldn't even call him by his first name, how could he and I be close enough to sleep together? It didn't sit right with me. I think he felt it, too, because we weren't really intimate after the name debacle. Recovery Girl then turned to me to see the serious look on my face while I watched Ochako and Aoyama go through their exam, and then she put her hand on my head as a way to comfort me. Nothing was going on between Aizawa and me, just displaced feelings. We'll eventually get to be just friends without the feelings of what if's and what could be's getting in the way.
@multifandoms916​ @inumorph​ @thatgirlwithcamera​ @mel-sanch​
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wolfpawn · 5 years
Once Bitten, Twice Shy Chapter 6
Previous Chapter 
Chapter Summary -  Paige deals with her manager regarding the situation and Benedict rings Tom for an explanation.
Tag, @wolfsmom1 @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog@nonsensicalobsessions @damalseer   @standing-onthe-edge
anyone else who wishes to be added to the tags, just ask :)
“Oscar, I am so sorry. My phone was dead, I had not planned on the brunch.”
Paige started with her manager/publicist. She knew she would have several people to call, going by her messages at least. Oscar would be on damage control, that was paramount, Marks ‘eh, what did I just read?’ could wait.
“Paige, if I’m honest, I am not entirely sure what you are apologising for.” He stated jovially. “I mean, it is brunch with a man that is quite frankly, the male equivalent of you if what Luke is telling me is true, that is hardly something to apologise for.”Oscar dismissed. “Though, that is some manner in which to announce it.”
“There is nothing to announce. Tom asked me to assist him with preparing for his next part, because of Derek, so we had dinner and discussed it and that’s it.”
“So how does dinner become brunch with his mother and sister then? You were spotted going into the restaurant as one group.” Oscar asked.
“I…” there was very little Paige could reply to that without admitting her him she just slept with Tom the night before. “We’re not a couple.”
“Look, Paige, you know I don’t involve myself in your personal life so long as you don’t drag it around in public like dirty laundry, but you are not going to be able to play this down. I know that weasel Derek did a number on things with you so I know you don’t want people talking again but you chose the wrong guy if you want privacy, Hiddleston is big news, he has the fangirls and looking around online, I don’t think you are aware, but for the most part, you are very much being liked. I mean, there are the few that seem heartbroken, I won’t lie to you but for the most part, you are being adored. You are trending on social media. I wouldn’t be surprised if you saw an increase in the sales of your books solely because of this.”
Paige rolled her eyes. Of course, as her publicist and her manager, Oscar would see that side of things. To Paige, she could not see how they would happen, but she rarely bothered to challenge him on that. “Look, don’t get ahead of yourself.”
“Well, Luke and I were talking, he worked for me for a while at the beginning of his career, Luke, great guy. Good solid head on his shoulders. When I realised it was him managing Hiddleston, I knew it would be alright. Anyway, we were talking and he said that from their side, this is the best manner to deal with it, casual, being yourselves, simply relaxed.
“Honestly, Oscar, you are getting ahead of yourselves, there is nothing to this. Look, Tom and I both know Ben and Sophie Cumberbatch, we were at their house this week, got talking and he asked if I could help him with his play, nothing more.” The scoff from the older man told her he did not believe a word, so she sighed in defeat. She knew he wasn’t going to listen but it was not particularly important. Tom would continue with his life, she would continue with hers, and at best, they could possibly bump into each other in London some time or most likely, if either of them had the courage to go to Ben and Sophies’s anytime in the future, something she knew she was not feeling particularly confident about herself. While hoping to get Oscar to stop going on about Tom, she realised her phone was telling her of another call trying to get through. Looking at the screen all of a sudden, Oscar’s rambling seemed far more appealing. “Oscar, I’m afraid my Mum is trying to get through to me over and over, I better see if everything is okay.”
“Oh yes, very good. I will call you about the book deal tomorrow.”
“Book deal?” Paige scanned her mind for a moment, trying to recall what interview Oscar could be referring to.
“Yes, the meeting with the publishing company, on Thursday you know about this.”
Paige winced. She did know about it, she had simply forgotten and with only a mere two days to it, she most certainly could do without it. “Yes, sorry. Yes, I just need to talk to Mum now, Oscar, so I will speak to you then. Bye.” She hung up and immediately called her mother back. “Mum?”
Paige pursed her lips together at her mother’s tone. “Mum, when you ring me three times in the space of about a minute, I think there’s an emergency, not that you want a chat, you had me terrified. I literally all but threw Oscar off the phone.” She scolded, putting on her kettle, knowing she would not have her phone away from her ear for at least twenty minutes. “So, what is it you rang to tell me?”
“Nothing at all, Darling.” Her mother’s voice told her there was something.
“Mum, I know you thirty-three years, whatever it is, just say it.”
“Well, after everything with that absolute scoundrel, I knew you would not rush off to meet someone else, but to hear you are seeing Tom Hiddleston, not from you but from the radio...honestly, Paige.” Her mother seemed genuinely bothered.
Paige sighed. “Mum, I am not seeing Tom, I just was helping him for his new play.”
“And to go for a meal with his mother and sister but not me. I feel very hurt, Paige.”
“Mum…Look, I did not plan to meet his mother and sister today, they just turned up to his house unannounced and his mum badgered us into getting something to eat and it all snowballed from there, you know I don’t keep things from you, or Dad.” Paige explained.
There was a moment of silence, as though her mother was processing what her daughter had revealed to her before she spoke again, her tone far chirpier. “So, what is his mother like, does he speak to her with respect? You know, I always said Derek treated Helen with no respect.”
Paige feared she would roll her eyes back into her skull if today continued as it had done, thus far. “He is an utter gentleman, Mum; to his mother and his sisters, and indeed every woman.” She did not reference Derek or his mother Helen, though it was true, her mother always commented on his lack of respect for his mother. “She is amazing, by the way, Diana. She reminds me a lot of you.”
“Wonderful. So, when are you bringing him to dinner?”
“Mum, please listen, it’s not like that. I was just helping him with his show and the next thing you know, it is blown completely out of proportion.”
“Your father thinks him a little thin, but he is very handsome.”
Paige scoffed. Her father was always blunt, she loved that about him. He was born to a working-class family and even with affording his children good educations and such, he never lost his roots as he worked his way up. “I doubt Dad called him ‘handsome’.”
“I did nothing of the sort.” Her father growled in the background. “It’s your mother thinks him handsome.”
“Put Dad on Mum,” Paige asked, knowing her father would speak through her mother if she did not talk to him directly.
“Paigey, you got back on the horse finally, I see.”
“Dad, not you too.”
“You are too beautiful and good to be single, Paige, you need someone.”
“Dad, life is not about needing someone. I am perfectly happy.”
“No, you’re not. Other people can be alone but not you, you want to have someone otherwise you would never have said yes to Derek.”
Paige said nothing. She had wanted to get married, she did want someone, before. Now she was too scared to try again, once was painful enough. “People change, Dad.”
“Not too much, Sweetheart.”
“Look, I met him at Sophie’s, he’s doing a play where he is being cheated on, he knew what Derek did, he asked me to give him some personal experience to work into his performance, he made me dinner and we discussed it and then today, his mother and sister turned up at his and before we know it, they are dragging us to lunch.”
“Well, I don’t need a rundown of everything, but sounds like you two are getting on well. Has Mark met him yet?”
“No, no one has met him because there is nothing for anyone to be meeting, why is no one believing me on this?” Paige thought of her parents, her father would at least have some chance of listening to her.
“You just admitted to going out with him for brunch, and that he is cooking dinner for you. At least he knows how to cook, that’s one up. We just want you to be happy, Paige. You will have to bring him to dinner on Sunday. We need to see if he really is good enough for you. I heard you say he treats women right, that’s a big step up from that sack of pus.”
“Now, I mean it. I want to meet him.”
“Dad, put Mum back on.” All of a sudden, her mother did not seem too bad.
“See you soon, Paigey.”
“Bye Dad. Love you.” A moment later, the line was switched to her mother again.
It took twenty-five minutes for her mother to finally come off the phone, but that was only because a friend had called around to talk to her...specifically regarding Paige’s new famous boyfriend. Paige hung up feeling frustrated regarding her parents’ ignoring her on the matter.
She sent Mark a quick message, telling him she would talk to him later, she was just recovering from a call to their mother first.
Tom sighed as he threw his car keys in the bowl he kept them in beside the door after returning home. He did not know what to think of the madness that had become his past twenty-four hours.
He never intended to do anything with Paige, just dinner in return for picking her brain to better his role as Robert, to give him some credence. When he heard her confess to Sophie she was sexually frustrated, he thought nothing of it. He had suffered it himself, in fact, he was suffering it last night, hence his eagerness to seek a willing partner. She had spoken so eloquently and passionately. Her intelligence, like her demeanour, was incredibly alluring and he had fallen for her somewhat, he could not help it. When she kissed him back, when she had been so willing, he lost any modicum of control he thought he had. When his sister and mother had come, he asked Paige to play along and she did, better than many women he knew that acted for a living. She took everything his mother threw at her, and goodness knows she threw most everything, and she did not falter. Paige was an incredible woman.
He also thought of how she paid for brunch. She did not like men doing things for her, she could do it for herself. That was incredibly sexy. A woman that controlled a situation. The cheating pig that threw her aside was an idiot of the highest order in Tom’s eyes.
When he heard his phone begin to ring, he was not in much of a mood for whoever it was, seeing Ben’s name, the fact that he had apparently rung two other times and a message from him stating to answer the phone, Tom did so. “Ben.”
“What the Hell have I just heard on the radio?”
Tom, having not had the radio on, did not know what Ben was referencing. “I don’t know? Is this some sort of weird guessing game?”
“Don’t get smart,” Ben warned. “I had the radio on to listen about actual news only to get the entertainment news special that Tom Hiddleston brought his new girlfriend, Paige Winters out to lunch with his mother and sister, that is the news I am referencing. Why, in the name of all you believe in, are you and Paige, of all bloody people, going to lunch with your family?”
“I was speaking with Paige with regards Betrayal. She very kindly was giving me insight so I could portray Robert better and Mum and Sarah showed up and got the wrong end of things.”
“You’re leaving out some of the story,” Ben declared. “I think you forget that I actually know you.”
Tom said nothing for a moment. “So, we may have…” For a simple exhaling of breath, Tom could hear the disapproval in it. “We are both adults, Ben. Nothing bad happened. She’s an incredible woman and she just helped me out with this.”
“Of all the people to break down Paige’s wall, why am I not surprised it’s you? Honestly, I told Sophie before you’d get on well.”
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emailme · 5 years
Fields of Vesuvia
Hi! This is a writing piece for the wonderful @nebula-nights, involving his apprentice Artery Woodworm and Julian Devorak. I really did love writing this!
The flower I chose is “Abatina”, meaning “fickleness”. I hope you enjoy reading!
Thank you to @fieldsofvesuvia for hosting this event :-)
Full piece under the cut.
❀ Abatina: Fickleness ❀
A rumbling sound of a groan permeates through the room. Artery realizes, a bit belatedly, that the noise came from him. 
He runs a hand through his hair and looks at the ceiling above him as he pulls a blanket to his side, absentminded. Artery’s been waking up much too early these past few days, probably due to the voyage he’d taken across the seas. Everyday, around dawn, someone had to be awake to adjust sails and make rounds around the ship. He’s still getting his “land legs” back from the cruel, cruel ocean who stole them.
Artery looks to his right and sees the love of his life. Typically, on days such as this, he would stay under the covers, and sleep till the sun had made its journey halfway through the sky. That was when he was alone, though. At this moment, he’s filled with the urge to fix up some breakfast for him and his husband. It’s an odd feeling for sure, but still, he rises from bed. He tosses his now discarded blanket over his husband’s sleeping form. 
He stretches and cracks his back. He senses pressure on his right shoulder, and glances to see a small, black bat perched on him. “Hey, Orion.” He scratches his familar’s ear, as Orion lets out tiny squeaks in contentment.
His mind now at ease, Artery heads out to the kitchen. Ideally, he’ll scramble eggs and toast some bread with butter. Realistically, he’ll only manage the bread part. As he rummages in the cabinet for ingredients, he feels an arm snake around his waist, and lips kiss his head.
“Morning, Julian,” he murmurs, pulling a tub of churned butter towards himself. “Sleep well?”
“Of course I did, love. I had you at my side.” Julian gives him a lopsided grin.
“No matter how many times you say that, it’s still just as sappy. I hope you know that,” Artery says. “I’m making breakfast. Do you want some?”
Julian frowns. “Oh, no, no, no, that won’t do. Put that butter knife away, dear Arty, we’re going out to eat.”
Artery turns his head to stare at him. “You do understand the concept of morning, yeah? I’ll bet any places we go to will be closed.”
“Oh, it’s not that early. And I’ve been having a hankering for, ah, pumpkin bread from the baker you introduced me to.”
He shrugs in response. “Sure, we can head for the marketplace. Right now, though?”
Julian kisses the top of his head. “I’ll get changed,” he says, not really answering Artery’s question. Instead, he retreats to his quaint privacy screen near the dresser. A little bit unnecessary, if you ask Artery. Regardless, he begins putting ingredients back into their respective cabinets.
He grabs his scarf that’s resting on a nearby chair from the kitchen. He lets Orion down from his shoulder with gentle fingers onto the kitchen table. Orion squeaks in protest. After wrapping the cloth around his neck, Orion flies up and secures himself in the folds of Artery’s scarf. In the snug spot, the bat promptly falls asleep, and Artery knows he’s ready for a day out.
“Two loaves, Selasi?”
The stout man behind his stall looks towards the sound of his name. He grins brightly upon seeing Artery and Julian. “Hello! It’s been awhile, Arty. You boys didn’t get into any trouble out on the high seas, did you?”
“Not beyond a reasonable amount, good sir,” Julian says.
Selasi lets out a deep belly laugh, eyes crinkling. “Yes, yes, of course. Two loaves of bread, you said?”
“That’s right.”
Selasi gets to work on their order in the bakery. Out of the corner of his eye, Artery notices Julian tapping his fingers on the counter of the bakery stall in rapid fashion. Even so, he doesn’t comment on the nervous behavior he’s come to recognize from being with Julian over time.
This continues until Selasi delivers their order. Julian wastes no time in stuffing the bread loaves into a pouch as Artery pays Selasi for his work. He notices Julian straightening his back and looking ahead at another market stall, which seems to be selling coats. Before Artery can ask him if he wants to check out the wares, the sight of his husband has already migrated to his peripheral vision.
Selasi hums. “Still a slippery one, eh?”
“I suppose so. I don’t mind, though.”
“Well, stop wasting your time here, and make sure he doesn’t get himself into any trouble.”  He laughs, and turns away from Artery to serve another customer. Artery takes his advice and catches up with Julian, who seems to be haggling with a coat vendor for a particularly expensive piece of cloth.
“Julian.” Artery taps his shoulder from behind, causing him to jump in surprise.
“Yes, love?”
“I… Never mind. What are you up to?”
Julian quickly updates Artery on the situation at hand: He had just bought a linen coat, but the coat feels much more cheap than it was worth. Now, he’s fighting for his money back. Artery smiles in amusement at this new information.
“Well, it all sounds very important, Julian, but I think we should clear out.” He nods his head towards some customers who are looking increasingly agitated, murmuring to each other and narrowing their eyes at the offenders. Unfortunately, it seems that Artery is now considered to be Julian’s accomplice. He tugs on Julian’s arm until he understands Artery’s urgency.
“Alright, alright.” Julian smiles at him with a raised, wicked eyebrow. “Why don’t we take a little visit to a friend of mine? Down in the Red Market?”
“Yes, I’ll go wherever these people aren’t.” He fiddles with his pouch-necklace. Artery isn’t one for having strangers dislike him, especially when he’s done nothing to offend them.
Before he can blink, Julian’s leading him towards the Coliseum, hand on Artery’s lower back. “So, do you have a specific place in mind?” He asks, seeming to have forgotten about the argument he was just engrossed in with that vendor. “We can browse wares, we can stop by the bar… Oh, do you know my friend, Yula? She’s a wonderful lady, makes the best- simply, the best- coffee I’ve ever had. I should introduce you two…”
Julian rambles like that for a while, with Artery jumping in every now and then, until they reach their destination. “Ah- we’re here,” Julian says, interrupting his own anecdote (something about a weasel stealing medical tools?) and looks at Artery, grinning sheepishly. “You don’t happen to remember where the entrance is, do you?”
Artery hums in response. “No, but give me a second. Let me focus…” He closes his eyes, takes steady breaths, and attunes himself to his surroundings. His mind clear, he lets his feet take control of his walking path instead. When he feels it appropriate to open his eyes, he’s in the middle of the Coliseum, like the last time they were there. He crouches down to feel for the hidden hatch, until a significant bump hits his hand. He opens what he believes to be the hatch, and there’s the ladder.
“Ah!” Julian grins in delight. “Wonderful job, darling. I wasn’t worried for a second. Shall we go?”
“Yula! Dearest, could you get me and this lovely vision-” Julian gestures towards Artery, “-some black coffee?”
“Of course! On the house.”
“No, no, I insist-”
“What’s your name?” The market vendor ignores Julian’s response. The woman is short, with defined laugh lines across her cheek, and looking at Artery.
“Ah, uh, my name’s Artery. Most folks call me Arty, though.”
“Well, it’s a delight to meet you, Arty.” She hums, picking up her mortar and pestle to grind coffee beans.
He shifts on his bar stool and clears his throat, not entirely sure of how to handle such direct friendliness. It reminds him a bit of when he first met Julian- he likes it, but wasn’t expecting it. Especially not in a Red Market coffee stall. Artery feels a hand on his, and looks to see Julian looking at him with furrowed eyebrows, rubbing his thumb over his palm. “Are you doing alright, Arty?”
Artery tilts his head. “Of course. Why? Is something wrong?”
Julian bites his lower lip, and opens his mouth to answer, but is interrupted by the clanks of two mugs on the counter.
“Hot and fresh! Black, just the way you like it, Ilya. And Arty, I wasn’t sure about you, so I added cream if that’s alright?”
Artery nods in confirmation, and feels the comforting presence of Julian’s hand leave his own. He glances to his right, only to see Julian standing up. 
“Ilya, got somewhere to be?” Yula asks with a playful lilt to her hoarse voice.
“No, no, I just don’t want to stick in one place for too long today,” Julian responds. “Arty, dear, are you coming?”
Artery stares at Julian’s fidgeting hands. Something’s wrong, but he can’t understand what. Quite frankly, it’s beginning to bother him. Despite that, he nods, and stands up from his stool. “Thank you for the coffee, Yula!”
“Yes, yes. Come back anytime. Take care of yourselves, boys.”
Julian mock salutes, turns around, and walks with his chest out to an unknown destination.
As Artery keeps up with Julian, following him through twists and turns in the underground marketplace, his mind gets away from him. Why is Julian acting like this? Yes, he has a tendency for fickleness, not wanting to stay in one place before getting nervous, but he hasn’t seen him like this while they were married. Is it something that’s happened? Did he not tell Artery something important? Is he trying to-
Artery’s thoughts are halted by a sharp pain in his right ankle. He stops walking and hisses as a reflex, crouching down to look at it. It seems like he cut it on a nearby stall selling various appliance, which had sharp cutlery sticking out of a basket on the ground. Which is pretty hazardous, at least to Artery.
Before he knows it, Artery is being hauled up and carried, bridal-style, by his husband. “Hey- it’s not that big of a-” He stops his sentence upon noticing Julian’s deep frown and knitted eyebrows. Julian sets him down in a corner of an alley, and pulls his injured ankle into his lap to examine it. As he mutters to himself, running his gloved fingers over the deep cut, Artery sits up  further. “Hey. Hey. Look at me, Julian.”
Julian seems to be pulled out of his own thoughts, staring at Artery in surprise. “Uh, yes?”
“What’s going on with you?”
He frowns in response. “We should focus on your injury. It’s not serious, but it’s a deep cut. I’m going to have to disinfect this as soon as we get home. Ugh,” he stops to run a hand through his hair, “I should’ve been paying more attention. I shouldn’t have let this happen-”
Artery moves Julian’s hand away from his ankle. “Stop that. Whatever it is that you’re saying… I don’t want to hear it. My ankle can wait. What’s happening with you today?”
Julian puts his moved hand to his face instead. “Ah… It’s going to sound incredibly stupid. But, uhm. You know, recently, I’ve been worried about. Well, about you.” He looks at Artery through his fingers.
“What about me?”
“I just…” He sighs and takes his hand away from his face to crack his fingers. “I don’t want you to be bored. When we got married… I wanted every day to be an adventure for you. I didn’t want… I didn’t want our, uh, little flame to fade away, if that makes any sense. I didn’t want our relationship to get worn out. So I guess I tried a little too hard to be exciting today, but…” He gestures vaguely towards Artery’s injured ankle. “Well, see where that got us.”
It takes Artery a second or two to fully register exactly what Julian is confessing to him. At least Julian’s strange behavior is starting to make much more sense. He bites his lip, trying to properly word what he wants to convey to Julian.
“Look, I, I love married life. Regardless of whether every day is an ‘adventure’,” he accentuates with air quotations. “You don’t need to worry about whether it’s boring. It’s perfect, no matter what we’re doing. I…” He takes a deep breath. “I was a little nervous marrying you. I love you so much, but I think I was worried- was worried about if I’d be enough for you? It seems silly. Anyway-” he shakes his head, “-My point is that I love you. A lot. That’s what I mean to say. Please don’t feel like you’re not enough, or that you need something more to keep me satisfied.”
Artery managed to avoid eye contact with Julian the entire time he spoke, and still maintains that record even after he’s finished unspooling his emotions. It was starting to get silent, so he tries to break the awkwardness. “So, that’s my little spiel.”
He feels a hand on his cheek, and looks to see Julian pecking him on the forehead. He kisses him again, on the top of his head this time. He continues this with various parts of his head until Artery lets out an undignified giggle. “I-” he says between kisses- “love you-” a kiss on his tattooed hand- “with all my heart-” another one- “and soul.” Julian finally kisses him properly, on the lips. Artery hums and smiles into the kiss, and pulls away.
“Oh! I almost forgot. Hey, give me a second.” Artery pulls his ankle back from Julian’s lap, and puts his hand over it, summoning enough energy and strength to patch up the cut magically. It takes a minute or so, but it works, luckily. He looks up to see Julian staring at him in awe.
“I love you.”
Artery laughs, and kisses Julian’s cheek. “Let’s get back home, huh?”
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blankdblank · 5 years
Hobbit Soulmate Pt 14
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Smut in this one. and the drama builds.
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 - Pt 13 -
Tags –
All –
@himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology, @alishlieb, @jogregor, @armitageadoration, @fizzyxcustard, @here2have-fun, @lilith15000, @marvels-ghost, @catthefearless, @imjusthereforthereads, @c-s-stars
X all Rich. A -��@abiwim, @deepestfirefun, @thestorybookmistress
Hobbit – Soulmate - @evyiione​, @deepestfirefun, @rhaenaatargaryen
Silence. Sheer unbearable silence. For near a month now you had not gotten a single reply from Richard. Something you greatly needed as work had picked up again and even with Lee there trying to be best friends again you had to tolerate Jordan and his friends lingering around all night you couldn’t get a single moments rest until you got back to the den of family abandonment. The solace you once got from your band of French transfer student had just shifted into an endless bout of suggestions that you should give Lee another chance when he was so clearly into you.
That thought seemed to be all too easy, just luring Lee back into another bout of dating when you knew he could be so easily led astray again. But then again that had been your same painful pattern. The few dates you had in Texas, Lee, and now Richard. The saying is ‘Always a Bridesmaid, never the Bride.’ Well, for you it had been more like being the second Wife who’s husband is on the way to his third.
The end of February was nearing and you were eager to just get this month over with. By the painfully specific voicemail you had received while at work, a long stretch of shows in London and one night out afterwards too many and Tiffany had weaseled herself through the crowds to get him so shit faced drunk to get him into bed. With the distance and the fact you had told him you could consider it a break while you were apart, knowing he’d had casual relationships before, assuming that if you gave the green light this time it wouldn’t hurt.
Worst decision ever, but, you knew she would try again. You could see the signs miles away, first with Jordan and now with Tiffany, blaring tornado warnings from the first mention or sight of them as you got to meet the pair now known excruciatingly as exes. For all the promises and wishes for the future it seemed you were now moving to London alone and could now add the Green Pearl to the list of places you no longer go to in hopes of avoiding the brothers you truly loved and hoped to have in your life forever.
That garbled jumble of words recorded on your phone you couldn’t help but keep listening to just to hear Richard’s voice once again, had spelled it out clearly, “I don’t deserve you.” … “Don’t worry. You won’t hear from me again.” Then the dreadful click that ruined your life, stirring up a seemingly endless bout of tears and long lonely nights curled around your pillows dreading always being ‘too good’ for all the guys you had dated. Just once you wanted to be enough, you wouldn’t mind being settled for, as long as it meant you didn’t feel this pain anymore.
A ring from your phone tore you from your miserable bout of staring sleeplessly out at the stars from your counter with the empty bowl from your mac ‘n’ dogs meal between school and work. Hastily you sniffled and wiped your cheeks on your shoulders grabbing your phone you opened and hit talk feeling another sting at the UK calling code, “Hello?”
Chris’ voice sounded through the line in a pained and slightly panicked tone, “Jaqi, please don’t hang up.”
Shifting on the counter you set your bowl into the sudsy sink to soak, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong, per se, Richard’s been an idiot and he’s terrible and I know you’re probably pissed at him…”
“I told him he could see other people while we were apart. He likes casual flings, so-,”
“You are not casual! Now, I know what he said, he’s given me so many play by plays, just, a few more days, week tops, I’ll get him to email you if I have to tape him down.”
“If he doesn’t want to talk to me-.”
“He does! Trust me! He does! Won’t stop kicking himself and moping about to torture himself and you, hell, I can’t imagine how bad he’s hurt you by not just talking to you. Please just give me a bit of time, we keep pressing it and he’ll crack.” With a sigh you felt another tear roll down your cheek as a crash was heard making him groan and say, “Bloody Charles, all damn thumbs. Anyways, I love you Sis, please just bear in there a bit longer. He loves you too, he’s just too busy being an idiot right now to act on it. Just a bit more time, Please.” When he hung up you were back in tears again curled up against your bent legs sobbing until your alarm sounded and you went to wash your face, pull on your jacket and head off to work.
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Work seemed endless but at least it was the weekend and you could once again slip away for just a little while. Today you managed to find yourself in Central Park Zoo. Somehow it always seemed to calm you down, so far from your apartment and everything you assumed you had escaped only to hear the soul crushing sound of Jordan’s voice. A stolen glance back confirmed him hand his friends were here and headed straight for you, even without Lee around he seemed to haunt your every step. Though a british accent split through your swirling void of pain. “Gorgeous!”
On your right you couldn’t help but smile up at the brown eyed, curly haired brunette standing with his hands in his pockets smirking down at you, “Fancy seeing you here.”
He chuckled pulling the torn card out of his pocket you had given him your number on, “Just debating when to call you. In town for a couple days.”
He nodded, “Few friends and I got these tickets for a Broadway show, made a weekend holiday of it. You’re here alone?”
You nodded, “Just got off work. Needed to unwind.” In the distance you could hear your name being mentioned with a few inquiries as to who you were talking to.
“Care to join us then?”
As his hopeful grin spread you giggled then answered, “Sounds like fun.” Stepping back he guided you towards his group as you mentally screamed at yourself for using this apparently sweet guy as a life raft to escape the group pitifully stalking you as you greeted the gaggle of brits, mainly comprised of couples, further explaining why he might have flagged you down again.
“Guys, this is Jaqi.”
Smiles spread on their faces as they led you to the next exhibit sharing how he’d told them about you making him burst back in saying, “And you all said I made her up. Purple eyes, impossible!” He scoffed back at them.
Sheepish chuckles came from them making you giggle and bump your arm against his, “It’s alright. I get it a lot.”
He chuckled and stole a chance at the passing of a group of strollers to rest his arm around your back and close the distance stirring up a ripple of comments from the group. You stole a glance at before turning back to the lion pit at the brits were laughing at when the lion got pounced on by his cubs and let out a fake roar of pain. After that moment you stopped glancing back at the other group, focusing on the brit who had eased his fingers between yours and asked you along to the film they were going to see.
On your path into the theater you listened as the couples called their areas making you smirk curiously as Orlando folded his free hand around yours saying, “We get the best spot then.” Grinning at his friends he led you towards the steps up to the back corner in the two seats behind the rails over the entering hall, where he managed to raise the arm rest between you and sneak his arm around your back as you sat down. In the light of the previews you caught Jordan’s group entering and searching the room for the best spot for both spying on you and Orlando. Though the notion of being watched for this whole 2 hour film did nothing to calm your irritation at just what film the group had chosen, after seeing the musical on Broadway they had chosen, Les Misérables.
Overall you had a few favored songs, and with the right cast no doubt it could be bearable for you but there was just something that seemed dull about it and the notion of having to sit through a dramatized non musical version of it, let’s just say you hoped it would rain, hard. Hard enough for the power to go out and they would have to evacuate the building, you would rather face the flooding subway back home that sit through this film. But to escape Jordan and keep the adorable smile on the face of the chocolate eyed bombshell on your left you would endure it, hoping that the splitting up of couples meant your assumptions would be true. Swollen lips and the awkwardness of making out with an attractive stranger be damned, you would not let Jordan spoil your spur of the moment date.
A few handfuls of popcorn later and you spotted the first of the couples initiating their make out session. Cautiously you took a swig of your soda and subtly smoothed your tongue over your teeth searching for any bits of popcorn that could damage another’s tongue, and in good time too cuz in another not so subtle scoot towards you your hair was brushed behind your ear. In a tilt of your head you caught the darting glance from your lips back up to your eyes and then the movie was over for you.
Damn you missed kissing, not that you’d had a lot of practice past Lee and Richard, but your fortunate fall into this muddled mess with this pouty lipped stranger wasn’t all bad and you swore you wouldn’t hate yourself for this later, a lie you knew you just had to tell yourself. What you had guessed to be filled with sneaking hands and lewd whispers in your ear stayed heated but overall respectful.
With only a move to rest your legs over his, possibly to help hide the growing arousal under his jeans from the people down the row from you. Almost the full film his lips stayed fixed on yours between lulling glides of his fingertips around your neck and chin while his other hand remained fixed on your back helping to keep you upright against his side. A stolen brush of your fingers under his jaw drew a muffled hum against your lips, and the drop of your hand to your lap again signaled a teasing nip at your lips from him. As his legs shifted it caused your hand to slide onto his lap right over the pulsing muscle forcing him to plant his lips on yours again trying to hold back his reaction to it.
He barely stayed a few more minutes, until a set of gunfire began and the stolen brush of fingers along his crotch made him pull back through a poorly garbled moan against your lips. Hastily he leaned over you snatching your half full drink then blurted out, “Refill.” Pecking you on the lips in his practical jump up and trot down the stairs.
Leaning back in your seat you shook your head and curled your fingers over your lips propping your feet up trying not to giggle at either his avoiding what he expected to be a hand job or to handle his coming in his pants. In a glance to your left you grabbed the abandoned popcorn for another handful. Hoping to distract yourself as you stared up at the battle playing on screen. Ignoring the stolen glances of Jordan and his friends until Orlando and his wide grin trotted back up the steps and eased into his seat with your new drink, with a pink cup instead of your former green one and a box of your favorite candy. “So, they apparently don’t refill the green cups, but the guy recognized me from earlier by you so he just swapped the cups and added more, and said you didn’t get your usual candy. You come here often?”
You nodded tilting your head to peer up at him as he opened the box for you and poured some into your palm before pouring a few straight into his mouth making you smirk, “Least once a week.”
He chewed his candy watching as you ate yours a couple at a time then asked after he swallowed, “You’re friends with him?”
You tilted your head spotting a hint of jealousy in his eyes and shook your head, “No, we live in the same building. I save him the best washer on Fridays and he slides me some extra snacks on his discount.” Making him smirk then tilt the box giving you more after pouring more into his mouth.
A glance at the screen stirred a surprisingly irritated grumble from him before he swallowed and leaned in to whisper, “I don’t know why but I just never got into this musical. I’m usually a sucker for them, this one-,” he shook his head and you giggled under your breath making him look at you again with a confused smirk.
“At least I’m not the only one.” Nipping at his lip he scooted closer to you easing his arm around your back another grumble left him as he sunk a bit lower on his seat and furrowed his brows at the screen making you giggle again drawing his attention to you.
Your sudden kiss took him by surprise, but to escape the film his lips melted against yours again returning to your same amorous escape almost instantly making him hard again stirring a giggle from you at his irritated grumble against your lips. But keeping the escaping going you were shifted again flush against his side easing your hand against his neck until the sound of the first credit song began urging him to steal one last peck on your lips before helping you to your feet and guiding you down the steps. Quietly you listened to his friends around you hearing of their plans to head back to their hotel for an early night for their flight home the next day.
Outside their hotel on the way to the subway you waved goodbye to the group as Orlando gave you a regret filled puppy dog stare, “It is a pity I didn’t have the nerve to call you yesterday.”
You shook your head, “It works out how it does. I hope you have a safe flight back.”
He grinned again looking you over as if trying to memorize you in case of never seeing you again, “I do hope we run into one another when you’re back in England.”
With a weak giggle you rose up stealing one last kiss then walked around him making him turn to watch you in your backwards steps before your turn, “Perhaps. If not, you have my number. Have a cuppa for me when you land, it’s so dreadful out here on the selections.”
He chuckled and nodded as you turned away again giggling, “I will.” Stealing one last glimpse of you and your bounding curls swaying around you before you rounded the corner and he went inside. In the sting of another cold breeze you found the entrance and trotted down the steps sniffling at the inevitable sting of the lovely evening you were certain would remain just that. Yes he had your number, but you knew he would never call.
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At least it was Saturday, you grumbled on your longer shift at work through the day, unwilling to think up what the lonely night would stir up with you alone in your apartment. The entire shift you were certain Jordan had shared the news of your date keeping your friend at an awkward distance until you were free of Jordan in the break room for lunch where Lee sat in the seat beside you opening his lunch bag as you opened yours.
“I thought you hated Les Misérables.”
Without looking up you unfolded the wrap around your sandwich, “I didn’t pick the film.” He nodded and you added flatly, “His name is Orlando.”
Lee’s eyes narrowed and he asked, “Where’d you meet?”
“Back in London on winter break.”
“He flew out here to see you?”
You shook your head, “Nope. Him and his friends got tickets for Broadway, they flew home today.”
“So, you just meet up and make out for two hours?”
“We didn’t plan it. I was at the zoo, happened to be there. Besides,” you let out a sigh, “I miss just making out.”
“Then make out with me.” You turned your head to face him with a brow raised, “Fuck Jordan.”
“No thank you.”
He nudged your arm, “I was an idiot. I’ve missed you terribly and have been trying to, find a way to ask you out again.”
With a sigh you heard Jordan calling for Lee outside the hall leading into the back room, “Why do I sense a case of déjà vu coming on?”
He shook his head, “It’s not going to be like last time.”
Nodding your head you wet your lips then ensured you were alone in the room then said, “You know what, since I’m graduating anyways, it’s casual, no labels. We can make out, possibly hook up,” his lips parted and you cut him off to add, “Just know, the minute you touch him again it’s over. I am not kicking that beehive again.”
“Why would you want that? Casual I mean.”
It’s simpler in putting off the inevitable second break up, besides, this way I have someone to make out with and you can finally get that blow job you desperately need.”
“I-, what?” His cheeks heated up in a blush.
“You, for the uncertainty of whoever you’re attracted to, you gotta get past this fear of yours to nudge it further. Jordan is an ass, why you were so scared to go farther with me I don’t know, but if you had to choose between the two of us for crossing that line, to be completely narcissistic I am a catch and you made a serious plummet down.”
His smile grew and he nodded, “Ya. Especially with his latest ego trips with the other dancers.”
“Ya, especially Chloe, dropping her like that on purpose. He could have hurt her.”
Lee nodded, “I don’t know, he just, he’s the first guy to be all interested in me.”
You nodded, and caught his sheepish glance, “You really don’t think I don’t get that. The whole, ‘He’s the first one to look my way,’ thing. I lived in that zone back in Texas. You are far from the first into being flattered into dating some asshole. You are among the idiots who keep leading him on worsening your own life.”
He nodded raising his sandwich, “True.” Taking a bite and chewed, tucked the food in his cheek to ask, “What am I supposed to do about him then? He won’t leave me alone.”
“Ignore him. No matter what. Don’t take his calls, messages, notes, carrier pigeons, no matter what he does. Tell your parents he’s not allowed in the house and you’re not friends anymore. It’s gonna suck and he’s gonna get worse but you gotta put that foot of yours down or he’s gonna keep thinking you’re his and he can keep pushing until you cave. Cuz he’s assuming you will. Unless you want to be at his beck and call for the next two or three years.”
He sighed, “I have to tell my parents?”
You nodded, “You’re the one that watered the mogwai, lover boy.”
Peering at you while you ate he took a bite of his own after saying, “Fine, casual, we can do casual.” Slowly regretting those words as he began to chew his own now tasteless sandwich realizing just how badly he’d hurt you finally, all to the point of not getting another chance to fully be your boyfriend, possibly ever.
For all his regret at losing the full title Lee settled giddily back into the same solace of a sane relationship with the teen he knew now he had not so subtly fallen for. Each day through school clinging to you as usual completely avoiding the now fuming Jordan growing more boisterous by the day at the fury coursing in him at Lee’s ignoring him.
Though where Lee’s resolve was wearing thin by the end of the first week Jordan’s third purposeful dropping of another dance partner had triggered a chain reaction he could not stop. For all his boisterous bragging of his so called talent and top notch grooming to be the best, he was deemed a hazard to the other students, called into the office, expelled and banned from the premises. A breath of relief coursed through the whole school without him there to distract from everyone’s reasoning for being there.
Each day, between your calls on progress from Chris you tried your best not to feel so terribly awful at attempting to dull the pain with yet another make out session with Lee. But in the sea of muddled pain once again you were tangled up in a mess of arms and in the easing of your fingers down his navel he forced himself not to flinch this time and failed in holding back his throaty moan against your lips when you first gripped him for a loose stroke.
Barely an inch from his lips you asked, “Did you want a blow job?”
“I-, you don’t, have to.”
Your eyes narrowed playfully as he bit his lip moaning lowly again at your next stroke, “I’m gonna take that as a yes.” A soft gasp left him when his head fell back at your urging to keep yourself from laughing at his exasperated expression.
Under you he tried not to squirm only to mumble, “Oh no” a few minutes in before his sudden climax he promptly covered his face with one of your pillows after. With an amused grin you covered his groin again with his boxers, then zipped and buttoned his pants before shifting to pull the pillow off his face. Your soft giggle and peck on his cheek made him open his eyes again, “I highly doubt that is the last ever erection you’re going to have in your lifetime Lee.”
A grin eased onto his face and he inched up kissing your cheek back, “I don’t know what to say, thank you?”
You giggled again, “You don’t have to thank me. You do have to help me carry the take out though. Come on, we should eat.” He nodded and climbed to his feet looking you over as you tied your converse on again then stood beside him.
Leaning in he cupped your cheek stealing a fiery kiss, “I’m buying.”
With a playful smirk you said, “If I didn’t know better I’d think you were trying to butter me up for another.”
He narrowed his eyes in return and stole another fiery kiss making you giggle at taking a step back to steady yourself in your lean backwards at his hunch forward, “Come on. And I’m getting you extra egg rolls.”
His hand fixed in yours and you said, “Ooh. How you spoil me.” Making him chuckle and guide you to the door glancing around on his way.
“Did you think about furniture shopping yet?”
In the last shriveling piece of your hope at one day moving in with Richard finally wilted and you nodded, “We can look.”
He grinned, “Good. We can browse around tomorrow.”
Over the next week you spent each day roaming through shops for ideas on new and second hand furniture catching glimpses of the sulking Jordan shadowing your path making Lee only drape around you more. An early Saturday morning brought a new couch and an odd looking cube coffee table you just couldn’t leave in the second hand shop when you first noticed it stirring up an awkward waddling through the subway for the trip you and Lee made carrying the absurd piece of furniture back to your place.
By ten Lee was back at your door with a wide grin, leaning in to kiss you when he laid his eyes on you then pulled back saying, “Ok, let’s see it.”
A giggle left you at his seeming growing amusement in each new piece you added to the apartment, something you didn’t realize he was taking as another piece of proof you were inching back to possibly staying, possibly forgiving him finally to trust him enough to be just his. In his path to get a drink of water you read the latest message from Chris, more of the same, another excuse that Richard was out filming something, but they were still hounding him on getting back in touch with you. Another full day of work with lounging after soon melted into another make out session ending with his sheepish bringing out the bottle of lube you had bought and box of gloves he insisted on you using when the subject had first come up.
If he was going to be honest he was terrified but you were the only one he would ever want his firsts to be with. Again he couldn’t help but chuckle at your grin at his growing harder at your adding the glove, “If this makes you hard I’d be interested to see what happens at your check ups.”
He shook his head nipping at his lip then sat up pulling you into a kiss straddling his lap, “As long as you’re wearing the white coat we can play Doctor any time.” Steadily his moans grew more frequent until his head fell back completely at your finger pressing into him making his eyes roll back when your lips sank around him again at the same time. Timidly his hips would rock allowing you deeper making him moan louder until his final shuddering moan at his climax.
Again and again he would allow you to do more accepting this new wave of experiences he was sharing with you all until he groaned behind the hand covering his mouth as you left him on the curb when you walked into the sex shop. For a few passing moments he stood there in shock, then at the next wave of people passing he quickly darted inside then froze at the flannel clad woman behind the counter with bright purple hair. He forced a quick smile then glanced around and hurried after you on your way to the section of strap ons. Lowly he mumbled, “Can’t we do this somewhere, more-,”
With a grin you kissed his cheek, “Why are you so scared? Trust me, they have the shop because people buy them. If it makes you better I’ll buy a toy for myself and tell them I have a girlfriend.” He drew in a breath and you giggled turning your head at the drag Cher walking out, still in full costume from their clubbing the night before.
“First strap on?”
You smiled and nodded, “Trying to think of the right size to start out with.” You said turning to face the toys while Lee turned bright red trying not to look anywhere but the toys to keep from letting out his nervous laugh that would only make matters worse for him.
On the other side of Cher a drag Dolly Parton leaned on her arm asking her, “First timer?” Cher nodded and Dolly moved closer pointing out one of the boxes, “This was the first one my ex tried with me. Not bad for a one sided affair.”
Cher nodded, “If you’re wanting a dual pleaser they have these,” she walked around Lee to grab one of the boxes in a bright yellow she showed you pointing out all the features, “The bartender at our club just goes nonstop about this one her partner got her. Just go slow on the harness vibrator, it can get a bit intense right off the bat.”
You nodded and by the time ten minutes had rolled around five more plus the man in a bright pink shirt with the store’s logo had joined the conversation and all but smiled when Lee cleared his throat softly on the side and lowly asked Dolly a question about one of their suggestions. An action that seemed to break him a bit out of his shell and signal him inching more into the conversation brightening the grins on the other ladies’ faces until they had to go but made sure to pass you a flyer to their club. “You should come out and see the show some time. No worries on the age, as long as you’re 18 you can get in, you’ll just have to drink virgins all night.”
With a grin you took your choices up to the counter and giggled at the woman sending you a wink after saying, “Have fun.” Slipping a complimentary bottle of lube in the bag as Lee scanned his eyes over anything but her in his turn to follow you to the door.
“Oh I will.”  You said at the door freeing you and Lee out of that unknown bubble of a world he had yet to fully accept for himself to be a part of openly to the whole world.
Pt 15
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Listen guys, I know a lot of you read the title and thought, "I've done that so many times and it never works!" but hear me out.Maybe you just weren't actually being a friend.I have a really good female friend. We talk about all kinds of things, she shares her problems with me, I give her advice, I'm there when she really needs me, I try to help her out with things going on in her life. Yeah, sounds familiar, right?But...I also talk to her about all the girls I sleep with, what she thinks I should do when I go on a date with a specific girl to seal the deal, all the nitty gritty stuff about my sexual preferences and hers, we send porn links to each other, I give her advice on masturbation (guess its not as easy for girls to get off as guys), I constantly ask her to set me up with hot friends of hers, heck she's even gone on a date with me and another girl so she took care of 90% of the talking while I just focused on being funny and flirty.You see the difference? This might've sounded surprising to some of you or you might think I have some crazy Jedi skills but if I told you that's what my relationship with a guy friend looks like you'd just think it sounded pretty normal. That is why I say you weren't actually being a friend to that girl that friend zoned you. You're trying to act like a friend but you're doing it badly. Shit, me and my guy friends go on each other's Tinder and try set up dates for each other. So why can't you do that when that friend of yours is female?Its all and good for me to tell you to treat a girl you're interested in like a real friend if she friendzones you but the real key is understanding how by doing this you actually end up getting her attracted to you.If you've read enough threads on this subreddit or if you have a fair amount of experience you'd know that women care more about personality than looks so we won't get into that. But there are three main reasons why this works:She knows you're a man! - Seriously, a lot of the reason most guys who try to BFF their way out of the friendzone doesn't work is because they never talk about liking girls because they're scared that'll ruin their chances. News flash! She talks about dudes all the time with you and that's just making you jealous and wanting her even more because you want to prove you're better. Girls are competitive too man and if you let her know that you have a dick and you like sticking it inside girls and pleasuring them with it eventually she'll wonder why the hell you don't want to do that with her.She'll want to join the bandwagon - If a bunch of people think something is cool then other people are likely to think that too. If she sees that a bunch of girls are into you then she's likely to be into you as well.She has to work for your attention - this is probably the biggest thing that'll get her to like you. Think about everything you value in your life, they all have something in common. You put in a lot of time and effort into them. Whether its your job, your family, or a possession you hold dear. Most guys in the friendzone are no effort for the girl at all because they're usually just a text away and they show up 5 minutes after she sends that text. But if you're seeing a bunch of other girls then you won't exactly be stumbling over yourself every time she needs you and she knows that she has to do a little extra something so that the idea of hanging out with her will be more appealing.The actual how-to:Its pretty simple really. Just actually do it. Don't pretend you're seeing other girls or pretend to like other girls when all you can think of is her. No, actually turn her into a friend. Its almost like you're friendzoning her and she is the one who has to try to break out. There are a few key points you need to keep in mind though.Never hesitate to talk about your attraction to women - you don't have to go crazy like me and talk about the shape of different girls' vaginas with her but you have to express your appreciation for the opposite sex as candidly as you would with your closest guy friend and always talk about other girls with her.Don't be afraid to hear back from her - this is probably the hardest part for most guys but if you talk openly about what you like in a woman and the other girls in your life then be ready for her to reciprocate. You can't talk shit about the guys she tells you about, you also can't tell her how lucky these guys are. You just have to talk about how fun the experience is for her. I shit you not, I once had a conversation with another female friend about a guy she slept with and I just kept saying stuff like, "I bet you really liked it when he did that to you." and the more she talked about it, the more it was like she was having an orgasm in front of me. If I can sit through that then there's no reason you can't. When you do this without a hint of jealousy she'll start to think that maybe theres no reason for you to be jealous because you're just as good if not better than those guys.Get her to help you - At this point in my life I'm the one that does the friendzoning. The 2 girls I mentioned are actually just friends of mine. Granted, I may or may not have made out with the first girl and the other one did kind of have an orgasm in front of me lol. But I very deliberately make female friends. One, because they're cool and I like having girls as just friends but also because girls are way better at getting you girls than guys will ever be. So for those of you reading this thinking, "Yeah, like its gonna be easy to see other girls. If I could do that, I wouldn't be in the friendzone in the first place!" just ask the girl to help you. Ask her to work with you on your style, talk to her about what girls like, and most of all get her to introduce you to her hot friends. If you can be totally cool and actually be a friend chances are she'll invite you to hang out with her and her hot female friends. If you're asking her to help you out in the dating department she'll also likely endorse you to her friends. Again the reason this doesn't usually happen when you're trying to weasel your way out of the friendzone is because you never talk about girls. No wonder when guys in the friendzone try to kiss her out of the blue she goes, "Woah! I thought you were gay."Over time you will notice yourself naturally getting better with girls since you hang out with them so often and you have a wing woman helping you out so you will end up seeing other girls with or without her help. That's really when she'll start to turn around.She may be special but she isn't special - That means you might have special feelings for her but you can't show her that. At least not until she becomes your girlfriend. While she's your friend she has to have the same priority as any other friend you have and you can't keep blowing off other things to hang out with her. If you do that, even if she's seen you transform into a Casanova right in front of her eyes she won't have any incentive to put in effort to get your attention and you already know what that means.Teach her how to be your girlfriend - Ok so this is a bit sneaky but it can be confusing to figure out when you should be available to her and when not to be. You gonna flip a coin? Are you gonna count the times you've cancelled on her and after a certain number you agree to see her? Here's a tip to know exactly when to be available to her and this will make the transition from friend to girlfriend a lot smoother - only give her attention when she's doing girlfriend-ish things.So when she does something sweet, when she buys you stuff, when she gets a little flirty, when she asks you out on a date, when she tells you she misses you and really wants to see you, when she hints at something sexual, etc. those are the times to be there for her.Of course you gotta watch her. If she does something flirty at first but then as soon as you give her your attention she switches into bitching about stuff then you gotta switch too and say, "No way. I can only stay for 5 minutes but tell me about it." and actually leave in 5 minutes. She will learn that she can't do a bait and switch because if she does anything other than actually acting like a girlfriend you'll suddenly have something else to do and she loses your attention again.Keep in mind this should be at the later half of your friendship with the girl after you've turned her into a bro and a wing woman. With you two hanging out so much and her seeing so many girls flirt with you, you might not even need to do this step. Especially if you two hang out in each others' houses something is just bound to happen. via /r/dating_advice
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